#Lena Machado
topguncortez · 2 years
6. “Tell me where you are and I’ll come get you.” With Hangman 🤍
pairing: Opposites Attract World:) prompts list! warnings: underaged drinking, mentions of spiking drinks, mentions death, mentions of gun violence, parental worries.
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Jake chuckled softly at some scene in a movie. The only glow in the dark living room was from the television. Y/N was curled up on the other end of the couch, having passed out nearly an hour ago at the start of the third movie in their movie night marathon. He was surprised that she made it through the second one, having watched her fight the sleep monster off over and over. Jake gently ran his hand over her ankle, and fixed the blanket covering her.
It was rare that all five Seresin kids were out of the house at the same time, but it had happened. Alex was spending the weekend with his girlfriend's family in Big Bear, Ella was having a sleepover with Elena Fitch and Jennah Machado, Eli went with Rooster to go help Mav at his hangar, and the twins were with Y/N's parents at some naval expo. The house was silent, and the parents were cashing in on it.
"Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug," Jake laughed as he quoted a line from Tommy Boy. He had a handful of popcorn half way to his mouth when his phone rang. He groaned and quickly grabbed it, furrowing his eyebrows at the caller ID, "Ella? I thought we were too cool-"
"Dad?" Her voice cracked and Jake sat up straight, jostling his wife's body a bit. Y/N groaned as she fluttered her eyes open.
"What's going on? Are you okay?"
"I-I don't know," Ella cried. Jake trained his ears to try and figure out where she was, it sounded loud behind her, "I can't find Lena or Jennah. I-I went to the bathroom and they are gone."
"Tell me where you are and I’ll come get you," Jake said, getting up from the couch. Y/N looked at her husband confused as he walked over to the door and slipped his shoes on.
"No, you'll be so mad," Ella shook her head.
"I am more concerned about your safety right now," Y/N stood up from the couch, feeling a cold sweat go down her spine, "Just tell me where you are."
"I'm at Sips, the bar on 87th and Jackson."
"I'll be there as soon as possible. Stay by a bouncer or someone, okay," Jake said, "Stay where you are."
"Thank you dad," Ella said and hung up. Jake let out a shaky breath and looked at his wife. Y/N didn't say anything as she placed her hand on his shoulder and gently took the keys from his shaking hands.
The car ride to the location was silent as Jake kept his green eyes on the passing streets. He hated this feeling. He wasn't sure if Ella was okay, if something had happened to her, if she had been slipped something. Part of him was angry that she went out to a bar underaged, but part of him was proud that she felt comfortable calling him to come get her.
"There," Jake said, pointing to the bright neon pink bar sign. Y/N nodded and pulled into a parking spot near the front door, "I'll-"
"I will get her," Y/N said, "I know she's your little girl but Jake. . . it might look suspicious if she's been-," Jake let out a shaky breath. He knew exactly what his wife was talking about and it felt like a brick of cement settled in his stomach, "I'll be right back."
Ella had done exactly what he father said and stood near the bouncers. They could tell that the young girl was a bit distraught and offered her a bottle of water and one even gave her his jacket. Her green eyes were scanning the front door when she saw her mother walk in.
"My mom is here," Ella told one of the bouncers, and he nodded taking his jacket back. She was a bit shaky when she stood up but Y/N quickly pulled her in for a hug, "I'm alright, mom."
"Let's get you home," Y/N nodded towards the bouncers and led her daughter out of the bar. Jake had been watching the front door like a hawk and let out a sigh in relief as he watched his daughter and wife walk out, "Do you feel sick? How much have you drank?"
"I'm okay," Ella answered, "It was a couple shots. I feel okay." Y/N nodded again, and opened the backseat door for her. Jake didn't say anything as Ella climbed into the car. Neither one of them were quite sure what to say to the other.
"There's water in the cupholder and a plastic bag if you need it," Y/N said, and Ella nodded, grabbing the bottle of water. The drive back was silent until Jake spoke up.
"Where are Elena and Jennah?"
"The bouncer called them an uber," Ella answered, "I'm guessing they are home. Did you tell-"
"I called them," Jake nodded, "Ella, what the-"
"Jake," Y/N warned and shook her head, "Conversation for later, let's just get home."
Ella was grateful for her mother as silent tears ran down her face. When they got home, Y/N helped Ella walk inside the house, keeping her hand on the small over her back. Ella sat down on the staircase and Y/N kneeled down to take her shoes off. Jake walked straight for the kitchen, not saying a word.
"He's so pissed," Ella shook her head.
Y/N sighed, "I can't blame him for being mad Ella. What were you thinking? Going out to a bar at fifteen! How did you even-"
"They didn't ID us, we went with some navy guys. Jennah said her last name was Machado." Y/N shook her head, "I'm sorry, mom."
"You broke our trust, Ella, and that's going to be hard to get back," Y/N stood up from the ground, "Go on up to bed. You two can talk tomorrow." Y/N kissed her daughter's forehead before going into the kitchen to talk to her husband. Jake was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of water in his hand. Y/N walked over to him, and he sat back making room for her to sit on his lap.
"What's on your mind, daddy?" Y/N asked him, and ran her fingers through his blonde hair.
"What if something bad happened? Like she got drugged or assaulted or worse," Jake said, his voice was thick with unshed tears, "Every time there is a story about some child that gets hurt, my heart stops and I feel sick. It just reminds me that no matter what I do, I can't protect them forever. I mean, they could get killed sitting in English class."
"I know," Y/N said, and wiped a stray tear from Jake's cheek, "All we can do is teach them what to do in those situations and love them. Love them no matter what."
Jake nodded and looked up at his wife, "Thank you for giving me them." Y/N smiled and kissed her husband softly.
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brandonshimoda · 10 months
*I read it before
**I read it more than once this year
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, Common Grace
Adania Shibli, Minor Detail, translated from the Arabic by Elisabeth Jaquette
Ahmad Almallah, Bitter English
Alison Lubar, It Skips a Generation
Atef Abu Saif, The Drone Eats With Me: A Gaza Diary
Brynn Saito, Under a Future Sky
Camonghne Felix, Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation
*Carolina Ebeid, You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior
Chanté L. Reid, Thot
*Christina Sharpe, Ordinary Notes
Christine Shan Shan Hou & Vi Khi Nao, Evolution of the Bullet
Christopher Okigbo, Labyrinths (with Paths of Thunder)
Cristina Rivera Garza, Liliana’s Invincible Summer
Dionne Brand, Chronicles of the Hostile Sun
*Dionne Brand, No Language is Neutral
Dionne Brand, Primitive Offensive
Édouard Louis, Who Killed My Father, translated from the French by Lorin Stein
**Emily Lee Luan, 回 / Return
Erin Marie Lynch, Removal Acts
Fady Joudah, Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance
Farid Tali, Prosopopoeia, translated from the French by Aditi Machado
Gabriel Palacios, A Ten Peso Burial For Which Truth Is Sign (coming out 2024)
Ghayath Almadhoun, Adrenalin, translated from the Arabic by Catherine Cobham
Hauntie, To Whitey & The Cracker Jack
Hervé Guibert, To the friend who did not save my life, translated from the French by Linda Coverdale
Hiromi Ito, Tree Spirits Grass Spirits, translated from the Japanese by Jon L. Pitt
*James Baldwin, No Name in the Street
*James Baldwin, Nobody Knows My Name
*James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work
James Fujinami Moore, Indecent Hours
Jami Nakamura Lin, The Night Parade
Jawdat Fakhreddine, Lighthouse for the Drowning, translated from the Arabic by Huda Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Jed Munson, Commentary on the Birds
Jennifer Hayashida, A Machine Wrote This Song
Jenny Odell, Inhabiting The Negative Space
Jenny Xie, The Rupture Tense
*Joy Kogawa, A Choice of Dreams
Joy Kogawa, A Garden of Anchors: Selected Poems
**Joy Kogawa, From the Lost and Found Department: New and Selected Poems
Joy Kogawa, Gently to Nagasaki
*Joy Kogawa, Jericho Road
*Joy Kogawa, Obasan
Joy Kogawa, The Rain Ascends
Joy Kogawa, The Splintered Moon
*Joy Kogawa, Woman in the Woods
Juan Felipe Herrera, Akrílica, eds. Farid Matuk, Carmen Giménez, Anthony Cody
Kamo-no-Chomei, Hojoki: Visions of a Torn World, translated from the Japanese by Yasuhiko Moriguchi and David Jenkins
Keorapetse Kgositsile, Collected Poems, 1969-2018
*Kiku Hughes, Displacement
Kōno Taeko, Toddler-Hunting, translated from the Japanese by Lucy North
Leila Khaled, My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary, as told to George Hajjar
Lena Khalaf Tuffaha, Kaan and Her Sisters
**Lindsey Webb, Plat (coming out in 2024)
Lisa Hsiao Chen, Activities of Daily Living
Liyana Badr, A Balcony over the Fakihani, translated from the Arabic by Peter Clark with Christopher Tingley
Lucille Clifton, An Ordinary Woman
*Lucille Clifton, Blessing the Boats
Lucille Clifton, Good News About the Earth
Lucille Clifton, Good Times
Lucille Clifton, Two-Headed Woman
Mahmoud Darwish, The Butterfly’s Burden, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, If I Were Another, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine as Metaphor, translated from the Arabic by Amira El-Zein and Carolyn Forché
Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, You Can Be The Last Leaf, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Maya Marshall, All the Blood Involved in Love
Michael Prior, Model Disciple
*Mitsuye Yamada, Camp Notes and Other Poems
Mitsuye Yamada, Full Circle: New and Selected Poems
Mohammed El-Kurd, RIFQA
**Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear
Mourid Barghouti, I Saw Ramallah, translated from the Arabic by Ahdaf Soueif
Mourid Barghouti, I Was Born There, I Was Born Here, translated from the Arabic by Humphrey Davies
Mourid Barghouti, Midnight, translated from the Arabic by Radwa Ashour
Na Mira, The Book of Na
Najwan Darwish, Nothing More to Lose, translated from the Arabic by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
Natsume Sōseki, Kokoro, translated from the Japanese by Edwin McClellan
Nona Fernández, Voyager: Constellations of Memory, translated from the Spanish by Natasha Wimmer
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human, translated from the Japanese by Donald Keene
Osamu Dazai, The Flowers of Buffoonery, translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett
The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry, edited and translated from the Arabic by A.M. Elmessiri
R.F. Kuang, Yellowface
Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kappa, translated from Japanese by Lisa Hofmann-Kuroda and Allison Markin Powell
Salim Barakat, Come, Take a Gentle Stab: Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Huda J. Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Samih Al-Qasim, All Faces But Mine, translated from the Arabic by Abdulwahid Lu’lu’a
Samih al-Qasim, Sadder Than Water: New & Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Nazih Kassis
*Saretta Morgan, Alt-Nature (coming out in 2024)
Satsuki Ina, The Poet and the Silk Girl (coming out in 2024)
Sawako Ariyoshi, The Twilight Years, translated from the Japanese by Mildred Tahara
Shailja Patel, Migritude
Sham-e-Ali Nayeem, City of Pearls
Sharon Yamato, Moving Walls
Shivanee Ramlochan, Everyone Knows I Am a Haunting
**shō yamagushiku, shima (coming out in 2014)
Shuri Kido, Names and Rivers, translated from the Japanese by Tomoyuki Endo and Forrest Gander
*Solmaz Sharif, Customs
Stella Corso, Green Knife
*Taha Muhammad Ali, Never Mind: Twenty Poems and a Story, translated from the Arabic by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi, Gabriel Levin
Terry Watada, The Game of 100 Ghosts (Hyaku Monogatari Kwaidan-kai)
Victoria Chang, Obit
*Wong May, Superstitions
Chi Rainer Bornfree and Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan, The Portal (not yet published)
Elaine Castillo, How to Read Now
Eqbal Ahmad, The Selected Writings
Essays, ed. Dorothea Lasky
Fadwa Tuqan, A Mountainous Journey: A Poet's Autobiography, translated from the Arabic by Olive Kenny
James Welch, Winter in the Blood
Lan P. Duong, Nothing Follows
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Touching the Art
Preti Taneja, Aftermath
Wanda Coleman, Wicked Enchantment
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nostradamus0 · 10 months
10 Characters / 10 Fandoms / 10 Tags
Thanks for the tag @casualkoalatea!
this was VERY difficult and i'm not fully satisfied with my list, but in no particular order:
Lena Luthor - Supergirl
Rose Tyler - Doctor Who
Sophie Devereaux - Leverage
Chidi Anagonye - The Good Place
Regina Mills - Once Upon a Time
Nora Darhk - Legends of Tomorrow
Roy Harper - Arrow
Kate Whistler - NCIS Hawai’i
Celia Machado/Cristal Carrington - Dynasty
Beth Johansson - The Martian
No-pressure tags: @benwvatt @pan-de-queer @mulderscully @bloodsilver @appropriatelystupid @bronzeagepizzeria and anyone else who wants to! :)
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beefcake-penguin · 1 year
Ask game!
Number 2, 6, 11. 🤗
2. 3 movies you have rewatched many times:
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Probably my all-time favorite movie 🤠
The Fellowship of the Ring - I'm obsessed with the Lord of the Rings trilogy and rewatch them at least once a year
Blade Runner - My comfort movie. I bought a synth and taught myself to play it purely because of how much I love the soundtrack 😬
6. 3 characters that inspire you:
Lena Luthor - I love how determined she is and the "I never stood behind a man"-quote is an all-time classic (season 5 never happened 😑. I do not see it. There is no season 5 in Ba Sing Se)
Supergirl / Kara Zor-El - Even before the show, she was always my favorite comic character. To have such a tragic backstory and still be so hopeful and kind... I wuv her 🥺
Gideon Nav - How I'm trying to be: an endearing, dumb (but secretly smart), wise-cracking, sincere, devoted, loving, beefcake. "Disgusting little cuckoo", my beloved ✊🏼🥺
11. 3 books that you would recommend everyone to read:
And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid
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helpersofindie · 2 years
Hello helpers! May I please get some help with a female fc that sort of screams leader of a nation? I have an alternate history story going on and this lady just became the head honcho. Someone in her late 40s to early 50s at the most. Thanks kindly in advance
jessica chastain (45)
reese witherspoon (46)
rashida jones (46)
isla fisher (47)
eva longoria (47)
angelina jolie (47)
charlize theron (47)
hannah waddingham (48)
christine adams (48)
sarah paulson (48)
amy adams (48)
elizabeth banks (49)
lena headey (49)
li bingbing (49)
marisol nichols (49)
kathryn hahn (49)
sofia vergara (50)
laverne cox (50) – laverne is a trans woman!
gabrielle union (50)
maya rudolph (50)
justina machado (50)
tracee ellis ross (50)
poorna jagannathan (50)
sarah rafferty (50)
sandra oh (51)
octavia spencer (52)
taraji p henson (52)
sasha alexander (52)
gina torres (53)
i hope these help you out!
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hollowcreekfm · 5 days
mw 50+ fcs? i’d love to see more older faces around this amazing looking rp <3
thank you for the kind compliment, love! we'd be sooo happy to see more older faces within the group! as for our mw, i'd love to see; salma hayek, gillian anderson, octavia spencer, neve campbell, charles esten, paul rudd, justina machado, lucy liu, dermot mulroney, gabrielle union, amy adams, nathalie boltt, shemar moore, taye diggs, marisa tomei, mariska hargitay, jennifer aniston, nia peeples, sandra bullock, michelle yeoh, halle berry, patrick dempsey, billy burke, gina torres, connie britton, aishwarya rai bachchan, monica bellucci, skeet ulrich, madchen amick, marisol nichols, vera farmiga, matthew mcconaughey, kathryn hahn, timothy olyphant, nicole kidman, sandra oh, rachel weisz, lena headey, sofia vegara, eva mendes, jon hamm, kenneth choi, pedro pascal, kate walsh, famke janssen, miranda otto, angela bassett, eva longloria, regina hall, viola davis, taraji p henson, laura dern, helena bonham carter, mark consuelos and jennifer connelly!
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devilsgatewayhq · 3 months
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Character Name
Character Age
Character FC
Utp, but some suggestions would be: Billy Burke, Billy Porter, Cary Elwes, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Aisha Tyler, Alana De La Garza, Angie Harmon, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Conrad Ricamora, Cress Williams, Daniella Alonso, DB Woodside, Diego Luna, Edward Norton, Esai Morales, Famke Jensen, Gina Torres, Hugh Jackman, Jeffrey Wright, Ken Watanabe, Edi Gathegi, Eva Longoria, Ewan McGregor, Freema Agyeman, Gabrielle Union, Henry Simmons, Ian Anthony Dale, Jamie Clayton, Jay Harrington, Jessica Chastain, John Cho, Joshua Jackson, Justina Machado, Karen David, Karen Olivo, Kate Beckinsale, Keri Russell, Ko Chang-seok, Lou Diamond Phillips, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Michael Beach, Michael Sheen, Michelle Yeoh, Naveen Andrews, Paul Rudd, Lauren Ridloff, Lee Pace, Lena Headey, Linda Cardellini, Maggie Q, Mahershala Ali, Marisol Nichols, Mark Consuelos, Matt Bomer, Melissa Ponzio, Michael Ealy, Michelle Monaghan, Nathaniel Arcand, Nicholas Gonzalez, Nick Zano, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Noomie Rapace, Oded Fehr, Omar Sy, Pej Vahdat, Sela Ward, Seth Gillam, Shah Rukh Khan, Temuera Morrison, Timothy Omundson, Toby Stephens, Tony Shalhoub, Zahn McClarnon, Rachel Weisz, Randall Park, Raúl Esparza, Regina King, Rick Gonzalez, Samuel Page, Sandra Oh, Sandrine Holt, Santiago Cabrera, Sara Ramirez, Shalim Ortiz, Sterling K Brown, Tamara Taylor, Thandiwe Newton, Tom Ellis, Tom Welling, Zachary Quinto
Gang Affiliation
Relationship to Character
Deputy Mayor to Town
Summary of Character
This character is the second in command to the mayor. Acting on their behalf if they are unavailable or unable to be present at certain engagements. If something were to happen to the mayor than this person would take over as acting mayor until the next election.
Desired Plot
Whether this character is corrupt or wanting to do everything in their power to rid the town of the gangs and crime is completely UTP. We want you to make this character your own, and are available for plot points if needed!
If you are interested in taking up this connection, please send us a message and we'll connect you to the writer!
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kovermebadd · 6 years
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Lena Machado ‎– Hawaii's "Song Bird" (1959)
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mamaepossoler · 2 years
Voltando ao passado
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Hoje fui à exposição Monet À Beira d’Água, aqui no Rio. Para quem não sabe o que é, se trata de uma projeção em que as telas de Monet ganham vida, acompanhadas de som, em um grande salão onde tem dois laguinhos e uma ponte japonesa. Fiquei com vontade de reencontrar Linéia, uma amiga de infância.
Nas palavras de minha amiga: “Eu já olhei tantas vezes o livro de seu Silvestre que às vezes até fico achando que conheço todo mundo - Monet, Alice, os oitos filhos. Quase dá para achar que já estive na casa cor-de-rosa grandona. De qualquer jeito, posso fazer de conta que já fui lá.��� Hoje, eu fiz de conta que passeei com Linéia. Ela ia me guiando pela França, pela história do Monet e seus quadros e pela minha infância. Foi uma viagem muito gostosa.
O livro é uma graça, muito sensível. Conta a história de uma menininha e seu vizinho aposentado que vão passear na França, mais especificamente por Paris e Giverny, o povoado onde morou Monet e onde ele pintou obras-primas em seu jardim. Linéia é curiosa e interessada, como eu já fui. Já tive um quadro com cartões postais de quadros de Monet e com um desenho de Linéia enfeitando o meu quarto.  (Até descobri que nesse postal da Linéia tem um “quadro na parede” que é Esmeralda e Djali, personagens do meu livro preferido; seria uma semente?)
O meu exemplar foi presente de uma amiga que assinou com “Feliz Páscoa 97!” e, no livro, se fala que a história se passa em 1990. Já comprei o livro, ainda atual, para a minha sobrinha. E assim vai rodando o grande ciclo da vida. (Só faltou o avental igual ao da personagem que sempre foi o meu sonho.)
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The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennet
Stefan Salvatore
The Originals
Hayley Marshall
Cami O'Connell
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Davina Claire
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Hope Mikealson | Icons #1, Icons #2, Icons #3, Icons #4, Icons #5
Lizzie Saltzman | Icons #1, Icons #2, Icons #3, Icons #4, Icons #5
Josie Saltzman | Icons #1, Icons #2, Icons #3, Icons #4, Icons #5
Milton 'MG' Greasly [Coming Soon]
Cleo Sowande [Coming Soon]
Ethan Machado [Coming Soon]
Ben [Coming Soon]
Jedidiah "Jed" Tien [Coming Soon]
Landon Kirby [Coming Soon]
Penelope Park [Coming Soon]
Extra: Characters as Other Characters:
Josie Saltzman as Elena Gilbert, Hope Mikaelson as Elena Gilbert, Lizzie Saltzman as Caroline Forbes [Coming Soon]
Jed Tien as Stefan Salvatore and Kaleb as Damon Salvatore [Coming Soon]
Crystal Reed
Dove Cameron
Lili Reinhart [Coming Soon]
Yelena Belova
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Kate Bishop
Peggy Carter
Teen Wolf
Scott McCall [Coming Soon]
Stiles Stilinski [Coming Soon]
Allison Argent [Coming Soon]
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Kira Yukimura
Liam Dunbar [Coming Soon]
The 100
Clarke Griffin [Coming Soon]
Bellamy Blake [Coming Soon]
Lexa Kom Trikru [Coming Soon]
Octavia Blake [Coming Soon]
John Murphy [Coming Soon]
Raven Reyes [Coming Soon]
DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Sara Lance [Coming Soon]
Ava Sharp [Coming Soon]
Zari Tomaz (#1) [Coming Soon]
Zari Tarazi (#2) [Coming Soon]
Astra Logue [Coming Soon]
Spooner [Coming Soon]
Nate Heywood [Coming Soon]
Nora Darhk [Coming Soon]
Amaya Jiwe [Coming Soon]
Charlie [Coming Soon]
Behrad Tarazi [Coming Soon]
Arrowverse Mis.
Kara Danvers [Coming Soon]
Lena Luthor [Coming Soon]
Caitlin Snow [Coming Soon]
Frost [Coming Soon]
Mia Smoak [Coming Soon]
Felicity Smoak [Coming Soon]
Oliver Queen [Coming Soon]
Thea Queen [Coming Soon]
Barry Allen [Coming Soon]
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wayhaughtao3feed · 2 years
Pride Month 2022 🌈🏳️🌈
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PadmHhW
by abcsupercorp
Words: 323, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Pride One Shots 2022
Fandoms: Multi-Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Relationships: Hope Mikaelson/Josie Saltzman, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Sister Beatrice/Ava Silva, Raelle Collar/Scylla Ramshorn, Milton "MG" Greasley/Ethan Machado, Landon Kirby/Ethan Machado, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson, Fatin Jadmani/Leah Rilke, Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood, Simon Lewis/Jace Wayland, Ben/Jedediah "Jed" Tien, Kaleb Hawkins/Jed, Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught
Additional Tags: Pride Month 2022, pride month, One Shot Collection
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/PadmHhW
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doubleattitude · 4 years
24/7 Dance Convention, Reno, NV: RESULTS
High Scores by Age:
Sidekick Solo
1st: Lauralee King-’Bigger Is Better’
2nd: Valentina Segrest-’All Is Found’
3rd: Nyla McCarthy-’Wind It Up’
4th: Nicole Soto-’Shake and Shimmy’
5th: Brecca Garcia-’Day-O’
5th: Kenlee Townsend-’Kill The Lights’
6th: Ayla Zink-’Stop’
7th: Wren Lavery-’Sweet, Sweet’
8th: Paisley Greendandl-’Worldwide Party’
9th: Marley Cliffe-’Dessert’
9th: Greta Jones-’Shake Rattle and Roll’
10th: Malia Tuaileva-’Stupid Cupid’
Mini Solo
1st: Roxie Onellion-’Drifting Down’
2nd: Isabella Kouznetsova-’Almost There’
2nd: Tiara Sherman-’And The Things Remain’
3rd: Harper Ducale-’Change Is Everything’
3rd: Winter Eberts-’Dreamlike’
3rd: Naiya Abalos-’Forces’
3rd: Cali Cassidy-’Weird People’
4th: Paizley Cogswell-’A Moment Apart’
4th: Fiona Wu-’Juliet’s Dream’
4th: Joah Moore-’Mad World’
4th: Regan Gerena-’My Boyfriend’s Back’
4th: Presley Nava-’Pure Imagination’
4th: Delilah Hewitt-’Shop Around’
5th: Peyton Nowacki-’Angels To Fly’
5th: Kylie Lawrence-’Breathe In’
5th: Tatum Brady-’Fall Creek’
5th: Everleigh Soutas-’Heartbeat’
5th: Olivia Armstrong-’Hit Me With A Hot Note’
5th: Kate Baker-’I’ll Stand By You’
5th: Aria Du-’Reddir’
5th: Elizabeth Hsu-Kwan-’Ruin’
6th: Diana Jouznetsova-’It’s In His Kiss’
6th: Hadlee Heriford-’Unbroken’
7th: Tabitha Nan-’Torn’
7th: June Newmarker-’What A Feeling’
8th: Zoey German-’On My Own’
8th: Elliana Anbardan-’Runway Walk’
8th: Joy Lin-’This Is Me’
9th: Rory Frye-’Amen’
9th: Aurora Brady-’Hit The Road Jack’
9th: Reagan Nordling-’Lemon of Pink’
10th: Khloe Kwon-’Black Pink!’
10th: Aubrey Tolentino-’Footwurkin’
10th: Holland Fraley-’Torn’
Junior Solo
1st: Gracyn French-’CoverGirl’
2nd: Laci Stoico-’Mibiso’
3rd: Makaia Roux-’Everything I Wanted’
4th: Mya Tuaileva-’Can’t Unhear’
4th: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh-’Unearthed’
5th: Hayden Olson-’Breathe’
5th: Lincoln Blakely-’What I Came to Do’
5th: Kendyl Fay-’You’ll Find A Way’
5th: Madison Ortega-’Island Song
6th: Campbell Clark-’I’ll Be Seeing You’
6th: Kylee Ngo-’Ex machina’
6th: Ciana Ciulla-’Sophrosyne’
6th: Madison Ronquillo-’White Ferrari’
6th: Rylee Young-’Lullaby’
7th: Bella Fernandez-’She Was Running’
7th: Kendall Jundt-’Awakening’
7th: Leighton Werner-’The Rose’
8th: Gigi Hipwell-’Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word’
8th: Abbi Francis-’Feel It Still’
8th: Sienna Brown-’Ballroom Blitz’
8th: Natalie Kulba-’Ascending’
8th: Stella Eberts-’Valley’
8th: Campbell Bas-’Silhouette’
9th: Anabel Alexander-’Plans We Made’
9th: Lena Chiem-’Grand Piano’
9th: Anya Inger-’Quiet Thoughts’
10th: Sunnie Pelant-’No Place Like Home’
Teen Solo
1st: Dyllan Blackburn-’Haunted’
2nd: Kaitlyn Tom-’Charity Bound’
2nd: Luke Barrett-’Eden’
2nd: Carley Thinfen-’Self Destruction’
2nd: Elle O’Donnell-’Slowly’
2nd: Imogene Elias-’Timer’
3rd: Zoe Ridge-’A Thousand Eyes’
3rd: Katy McIlwaine-’Heavy’
3rd: Cydney Heard-’I’m Going In’
3rd: Ava DeCristofaro-’Letting In’
3rd: Isabella Warfield-’Nicest Thing’
3rd: Jenna Koblin-’Ultralight Beam’
4th: Kaitlyn Ortega-’All Human Beings’
4th: Sami Sonder-’Fever’
4th: Brooklyn Sandlin-’Hollow’
4th: Siena Riga-’Naked’
4th: Mason Walker-’Touch’
5th: Ali McKeown-’All I Ask’
5th: Lilly McCollum-’Control’
5th: Raina Wu-’Looking In’
5th: Kamryn Webb-’Take Me Out’
6th: Mikaella Lopez-’Mind In Flight’
6th: Dayanara Vega-’Skin’
6th: Amanda J. Lai-’The Journey, Not The Destination’
6th: Zuzu Duchon-’Twelfth of Never’
6th: Riley Cooke-’Yellow’
6th: Aiden Boquiren-’You Will Be Found’
7th: Olivia Magni-’Moonlight Sonata’
7th: Sebastian Hsu-Kwan-’My Identity’
7th: Julissa Ortiz-’Never Knock’
7th: Felix Fulton-’Rome’
8th: Tiffany Robinson-’Human Touch’
8th: Milana Zamora-’Hypnosis’
8th: Ellyana Lor-’Rise of the Phoenix’
8th: Zoey Garcia-’Slappers’
8th: Claire Kaplan-’Suspended’
8th: Avery Reyes-’The Garden’
9th: Bella Machado-’Everybody Got Their Something’
9th: Aaliyah Wiley-’If I Ain’t Got You’
10th: Tyler Chiyuto-’Glitch’
10th: Deanna Zarkova-’Love Song’
10th: Gabbie Carrozza-’Unbroken’
Senior Solo
1st: Zach Burk-’2/21/21′
1st: Selena Hamilton-’Keep an Eye Out’
2nd: Kendall Pangburn-’Secret’
2nd: Anna Miller-’50 Ways’
2nd: Perris Amento-’Addicted to Love’
3rd: Charlotte Foldes-’Shock To Us All’
3rd: Priscilla Tom-’The Blues’
3rd: Milan Furtado-’Peace of Mind’
4th: Gianna Van Den Bosch-’Feel’
4th: Shane Higa-’Superpower’
4th: Camille Fehr-’Till Now’
5th: Kadynce Ross-’Findings’
5th: Kaylee Feierfeil-’Lasting Lover’
5th: Amanda Taylor-’What Is Happening To Me’
5th: Kacie De La Rose-’What’s Poppin’
6th: Lauren Wallingford-’Entanglement’
6th: Izzy Burton-’For All We Know’
6th: Kolton Cross-’Get Your Head In The Game?’
6th: Reese Taylor-’Pink’
6th: Madeline Underwood-’Power of Love’
7th: Mia Hurtz-’Don’t Worry About Me’
7th: John Mays-’Kash’
7th: Amara Tedford-’Stand By Me’
7th: Bianca Capanna-’Unchained Melody’
8th: Grace Glass-’All My Friends’
8th: Stella von Borck-’Hater’
9th: Christina Laude-’Black Ships’
9th: Hanna Clark-’Close To You’
9th: Galilee Nelson-’Everything I Wanted’
9th: Kaitlyn Hong-’I Try’
9th: Cassie Brown-’Ransom’
9th: Delaney Davis-’Shades of Cool’
10th: Noelani Kreider-’Fade’
10th: Alivia Elliot-’My Mistake’
10th: Makenna Bilodeaux-’Oops’
10th: Mallory Davis-’Put It On Me’
Mini Duo/Trio
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’American Boy’
2nd: Project 21-’I Am The Cute One’
3rd: Pave School of The Arts-’Blow’
3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Everybody Dance Now’
Junior Duo/Trio
1st: Dance Unlimited Boise-’Me and My Shadow’
2nd: Yoko’s Dance and Performing Arts Academy-’Bring You Home’
3rd: Creative Edge Dance Studio-’Chapstick’
Teen Duo/Trio
1st: DNA Dance Collective-’Tapout’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Amen’
3rd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Dive In The Water’
Senior Duo/Trio
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Layers’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Woman’
3rd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Take Over’
Sidekick Group
1st: Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’
2nd: Echo School of Dance-’Tonight Belongs To You’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Group
1st: Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Swine’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’We Go To Work’
3rd: Echo School of Dance-’We Comin’
Junior Group
1st: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’
2nd: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’
3rd: Project 21-’Wegue’
Teen Group
1st: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
2nd: Project 21-’Bring On The Men’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Senior Group
1st: Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’SR HH”
3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Silence’
Sidekick Line
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’We Got The Beat’
Mini Line
1st: Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’
2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’The List’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Candy Man’
Junior Line
1st: Project 21-’Proud Mary’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Lost On You’
Teen Line
1st: Project 21-’Post That’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Can U Feel The Beat’
2nd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Nine One Six’
2nd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’
3rd: California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
Senior Line
1st: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’
2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Fergalicious’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Project 21-’Desoleil’
2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
High Scores by Performance Division:
Sidekick Jazz
1st: Echo School of Dance-’Tonight Belongs To You’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’We Got The Beat’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Yankee Doodle Dandee’
Sidekick Hip-Hop
1st: Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
Sidekick Tap
Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Mini Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’ 2nd: Pave School of The Arts-’Swine’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Candy Man’
Mini Hip-Hop
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’We Go To Work’ 3rd: Echo School of Dance-’We Comin’
Mini Tap
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Mr. Postman’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’What You Want’ 3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Pennies from Heaven’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Pave School of The Arts-’The List’ 2nd: Echo School of Dance-’Warrior’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Wind Beneath My Wings’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Somewhere We Know’ 3rd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Somewhere Only We Know’
Mini Musical Theatre
Project 21-’Fan Tan Fannie’
Junior Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Proud Mary’ 2nd: Project 21-’Stuff Like That There’ 3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’You Got The Look’
Junior Ballet
Denisa’s School of Dance-’Warrior’
Junior Hip-Hop
1st: Echo School of Dance-’Swagg Out’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Diamond Block’
Junior Tap
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’ 2nd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Don’t Want To Dance Alone’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Dear Future Husband’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’No Fear But Anticipation’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’How Will I Know’ 3rd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’All I Know’
Junior Specialty
1st: Project 21-’Wegue’ 2nd: Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Night Fight’
Teen Jazz
1st: Project 21-’Bring On The Men’ 1st: Project 21-’Post That’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Diva’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Show Me’
Teen Ballet
Elite Studio of Dance-’Counterpoise’
Teen Hip-Hop
1st: HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’ 2nd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Can U Feel The Beat’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Nine One Six’ 3rd: California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
Teen Tap
1st: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Sir Duke’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Just Fine’ 3rd: HYPE Dance Studio-’Beggin’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’ 1st: Project 21-’Desoleil’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’ 3rd: Project 21-’The Dictator’s Dream’ 3rd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
Teen Lyrical
California Dance Company-’Amen’
Teen Musical Theatre
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Shaking The Blues Away’
Teen Ballroom
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Baila’
Senior Jazz
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lip Gloss’
Senior Hip-Hop
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’SR HH” 2nd: Core Connection Dance Company-’Bay Area’
Senior Tap
1st: Elite Studio of Dance-’Fergalicious’ 2nd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Bad Guy’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Project 21-’We Can, We Will’ 2nd: Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’ 3rd: Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
Senior Jazz
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lip Gloss’
11 O’Clock:
Echo School of Dance-’It’s My Party’
HYPE Dance Studio-’ABC’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Hard Knock Life’
Project 21-’Dive In The Pool’
Pave School of The Arts-’The List’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Drip or Down’
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’All I Know’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Get Up Off That Thang’
Project 21-’Proud Mary’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Lost On You’
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Never Be Mine’
Echo School of Dance-’Da Girl Gang’
California Dance Company-’Back Alley’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
Dance Attack!-Los Gatos-’Next To You’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Did Something Bad’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Silence’
Echo School of Dance-’I Lost A Friend’
Core Connection Dance Company-’Heartless’
Project 21-’We Can, We Will’
Studio Showcase:
Sweaty Shelly Natomas Dance and Fitness-’Untouchable’
Project 21-’Girls, Girls, Girls’
HYPE Dance Studio-’Pressure’
Elite Studio of Dance-’Stand Up’
Echo School of Dance-’I Lost A Friend’
Core Connection Dance Company-’Heartless’
30 notes · View notes
bpdjennamaroney · 5 years
Quarantine work I would like to see:
Carmen Maria Machado
Ari Aster
Succession (might know better than to do an episode)
Rian Johnson (maybe)
Riverdale (I don’t watch it but seems like they’d have a good time)
VC Andrews (the real one, if she were still alive)
Quarantine work I would not like to see:
Law and Order: SVU
Dave Malloy
Jason Robert Brown
Lin Manuel Miranda
Always Sunny in Philadelphia (the gang hoards supplies to sell at a mark up and gets sick, I get it)
Will and Grace
Lena Dunham (I hate her and could imagine all too well her whiny “self reflection” about living and being with herself)
Amy Sherman Palladino
Ryan Murphy
VC Andrews (the doucheburger ghostwriter)
People who know better than to produce any Quarantine Content:
John Mulaney (but if he did it would be good)
Phoebe Waller-Bridge (has better things to do)
Stephen King (he knows everyone’s expecting him to + he’s done similar shit)
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zemaribeiro · 4 years
Olha, moço, eu vim parabenizar Josias Sobrinho
Olha, moço, eu vim parabenizar Josias Sobrinho
O compositor Josias Sobrinho em show em Teresina/PI, circa 1978. Foto: Assaí/ Acervo pessoal/ Josias Sobrinho
  Certa feita brinquei com Josias Sobrinho: seu estúdio deveria se chamar Tramaúba, não Opus. Tramaúba, o nome do povoado que ele nasceu, à época Penalva, hoje Cajari. De Cajari pra capital, de pra lá da Ponta d’Areia para o mundo. Falo de um de nossos maiores compositores, gravado por…
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lexa-kom-skaikru · 5 years
Tagged by @lena-lipbite-luthor
my shows (in no particular order) :
Killing Eve
Gentleman Jack
One Day at a Time
Jane the Virgin
1. who is your favorite character in 2?
— Villanelle
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
— in general I would say Mon-El but he is no longer on the show 🙌
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
— I don't have a favorite episode because all the episodes are amazing.
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
— Jesus... I would say season 3? In general it's season 3 but season 4 introduced Petramos and it was really strong for Petra and Jane. So... Yeah...
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
— the Ann(e)s, no questions asked.
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
— Villaneve... Duh
7. what is your favorite episode in 1?
— I have a few... I would say that Medusawill always be a favorite. 2x12 was pretty good. 3x05 was pretty great too. Basically all Lena centric episodes.
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
— I don't have episodes in specific for this one. Just scenes or story lines. The season 4 Petramos storyline was amazing and the whole development of Jetra since season 1. OHHHH and the tooth fairy episode was amazing!!!
9. what is your favorite season of 2?
— Season 1
10. how long have you watched 1?
— Right from the Pilot. I was part of the Fandom even before the show aired.
11. how did you become interested in 3?
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
— Well... This is just unfair. The whole cast is made of icons. But I gotta go with all the women. Justina Machado, Isabella Gomez and Rita Moreno.
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
— I'm more active in the Supergirl fandom but consciously I know that Killing Eve is x1000 better.
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
—Supergirl... It has more episodes than Gentleman Jack.
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
— I would be Lydia because everyone deserves that kind of confidence and Rita Moreno is a legend. But then again... Penelope is so strong and I aspire to be like her. BUT ALSO Elena is my love and she gay so like...
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
— I would like to see that 😂😂😂😂
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
— oh... This is my area. Lena x Alex. Lena X Sam. Alex X Lucy. Eliza X J'onn. Sam X Kara. Winn X James. Nia X Me.
18. overall, which story has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
— too soon to tell with Gentleman Jack. JTV has a lot of problems, but if you ignore the love triangle, it was a very solid show. But Gentleman Jack is shorter and is based on a real story, so the writing has porpuse and they aren't figuring stuff along the way. So Idk.
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
— One Day at a Time hands down
Tagging: if you see this. You're tagged. (mention me so I can check out all you guys answers)
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desoslayo · 3 years
Antología: El Puente es la Palabra (2019)
Enlace para descargar la antología
Nota de Cáritas Venezuela
Nota de prensa de Esfera Cultural
Nota de prensa del diario El Nacional
Nota y breve selección de textos, por la revista Letralia
Esta iniciativa es parte de las actividades que se llevan a cabo por la Jornada Mundial del Migrante 2019 abanderada por todas las sedes de Cáritas en el mundo con el lema #CompartiendoElViaje #ShareJourney. Compuesta en su mayor parte por poemas inéditos gentilmente cedidos por los autores.
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La compilación de los textos y la edición de este libro digital corrió por cuenta de las poetas Kira Kariakin (Lantana Poesía) y Eleonora Requena
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De izquierda a derecha: Kira Kariakin y Elvy Monzant
(...) salta a la vista la calidad estética de todos los poemas (...) uno tras otro, los nexos revelan oficio y madurez creadora: ratifican que Venezuela es un país de grandes poetas y que, a pesar de que no propicia, como paisaje existencial y cotidiano, estados profundos de conciencia en los que se haga posible la experiencia poética, paradójicamente ostenta una de las tradiciones líricas más importantes de la lengua.
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En la foto: Ricardo Ramírez Requena
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Texto de Manuel Gerardi, perteneciente al poemario Zamuria (2018). Aparece en la página 63 de esta antología.
Agradecemos a los poetas venezolanos:
Raquel Abend van Dalen, Roislen Abreu, Santiago Acosta, María Auxiliadora Álvarez, Julieta Arella, Belkys Arredondo Olivo, Luis Eduardo Barraza, Alberto Barrera Tyszka, Luis Ángel Barreto, Betina Barrios Ayala, Luis Enrique Belmonte, Victoria Benarroch, Adriana Bertorelli, Graciela Bonnet, Edmundo Bracho, Cynthia Bustillos, Chris Cabrera, Beatriz Calcaño, Leo Felipe Campos, Mariela Casal, Carlos Colmenares Gil, Laura Cracco, Andrea Crespo Madrid, Odette da Silva, Oriette D’Angelo, Ana Lucía de Bastos, Dinapiera Di Donato, Gabriela Durán Arnaudes, Daniel Esparza, Cristina Falcón, Karlina Fernández, Carmen Leonor Ferro, Dayana Fraile, Flora Francola, Enza García Arreaza, Manuel Gerardi, Leonardo González Alcalá, Sonia González, Cristina Gutiérrez Leal, Geraldine Gutiérrez-Wienken, Nidia Hernández, Ruth Hernández Boscán, Alfredo Herrera, Verónica Jaffé, Sandy Juhasz, Carlos Katan, Juan Luis Landaeta, María Gabriela Lovera, Nérvinson Machado, Jason Maldonado, Iola Mares, Acuarela Martínez, Kelly Martínez-Grandal, Rubén Martínez Santana, Jorge Andrés Medina, Néstor Mendoza, Corina Michelena, Diana Moncada, Ricardo Montiel, Jesús Montoya, Kira Elena Morales, Virginia Moreno Goitia, Clared Navarro Cejas, Linsabel Noguera, Claudia Noguera Penso, María Celina Núñez, Daniel Oliveros, Leonardo Padrón, Luis Pérez Oramas, Beverly Pérez Rego, Luis Javier Pisonero, Leopoldo Plaz Alemán, José Pulido, Georgina Ramírez, Dulce María Ramos, Erika Reginato, Eleonora Requena, Alida Ribbi, Camila Ríos Armas, Virginia Riquelme, Jhon Rivera Strédel, Sofía Rodríguez Meza, Jairo Rojas Rojas, Alexis Romero, Diego Salinas, Fedosy Santaella, Gina Saraceni, Isa Saturno, César Segovia, Betsimar Sepúlveda, Claudia Sierich, Leonora Simonovis, Blanca Strepponi, Alejandro Suárez, Mariana Libertad Suárez, Keila Vall, Gustavo Valle, Lena Yau, Zacarías Zafra, Gregory Zambrano y Ely Rosa Zamora.
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