#Lennox Writes Fic
witchofthesouls · 2 months
Bayverse squandered their "Earth is Unicron" subplot and so many characters.
It would have been so perfect to delve into the really freaky and disturbing lore that humans created across the world...
And found out it was real.
Not just King Arthur and Merlin, but the faint remains of Atlantis, the echoes of mad laughter from a revelry in ancient forests, the fox messengers of Inari traveling everywhere, strange and terrible shapes twisting beneath the ocean waves or off the coast of the Diego Garcia base, ghost towns filled with decrepit homes and buildings with the odd sense between hope and despair as they wait, national statues or ancient sculptures that are actually once living people and beings but transformed into marble and rock and sleeping until they feel the brush of the Matrix or the Allspark, wide and empty stretches of road with no one else and GPS glitches along with time (minutes that go on forever, every so slowly, painfully) as they pass the same canyon formation or homemade sign over and over and over-
I live and love the Other aus too much to give them up, so-
Give me a Mikaela Banes who has become a Dragon herself with the blessings by a Primordial (the Great Shadow, Carnage Incarnate, Unmaker's Mirror) that devoured worlds and remade them as she's the one that offered herself as tribute upon their altar.
Give me a Sam Witwicky who has seen the universe in all of its terrible and wicked glory, beastly and divine in the transcendent music that the Allspark weaves in its own song in the grand orchestra -he has seen, he has heard, and he cannot help but remember snippets beneath the breeze that rustles the trees and the soft patter of rain upon his bedroom window and haunts all his dreams and every waking moment because, despite his vocal adamance, he can never return to normalcy.
Give me Judy Taylor that tries to outrun the monsters in her family's shadows and the ghosts that howl for vengeance and protection in her childhood home by eloping with a Ron Witwicky with a similar madness in his own bloodline.
Give me a William Lennox whose luck is too uncanny, too fortuitous, especially in hindsight, as he feels the very signs his own grandmother would foretell as she hangs trinkets in the branches and leaves sweets on the porch.
("Long ago, Man made peace with Magic.")
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
illicit affairs | bob floyd x oc | mob boss au
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SUMMARY: Robert Floyd runs one of San Diego's most notorious crime syndicates, but his new secretary, Abby Lennox, may just be his downfall.
WARNINGS: mob boss au, bob being horny on main, possessiveness (if you squint). strictly 18+/minors dni
A/N: I haven't been able to get Mob Boss Bob out of my head all day, so here we are with an introduction, a moodboard, and a small blurb. This AU will not be a full-length fic, but a collection of drabbles and blurbs. Don't hesitate to send me questions or headcanons!
EDIT: Join the taglist (google form–no personal info required)
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He looks up and finds his secretary standing in the doorway to his office with a tablet in her hands.
“Come in,” he says, waving her inside with one hand while closing the lid of his laptop on the other. “Close the door, please.”
He’s asked none of his past secretaries to close the door before, and Jake’s warning him about getting close rings in his ears yet again. He’d dismissed him then, but as Bob’s eyes rake across Abby’s body while she closes the door and walks to his desk, he’s starting to think he should heed Jake’s warning.
“What can I do for you?”
Her brows draw together before she seems to catch herself and places her expression back in neutral. The corner of his mouth twitches as she sits in one of the black leather chairs on her side of the desk.
“Mitchell called and asked for a meeting. I tried to set one up with Trace, but he refused. He wants to meet with you personally.”
Bob leans back in his chair, folding his hands across his stomach. “He does, does he?”
Abby nods. “Yes, sir.”
Bob adjusts in his seat, trying to ignore what Abby calling him sir does to him. His trousers feel tight as he meets her dark and intense eyes across the desk.
“Did he tell you what we would discuss at this meeting?”
Abby looks down at her tablet for a second before returning her eyes to him. “No, sir,” she tells him. “How would you like me to proceed?”
Bob weighs the possibilities in his mind. Mitchell is impulsive on the best of days. Reckless on the worst. Bob had been searching for a way out of his dealings with the much older man since he came into his position, and whatever Mitchell had gotten himself into now was surely the excuse he needed.
He leans forward again, resting his forearms on the large oak desk. “Set it up for this afternoon,” he says. “Call Trace and let her know to meet me there.”
“I’ll get right on it,” she says and stands, wobbling slightly. Bob shoots out of his seat, reaching across the desk for her arm to steady her. The feeling of her soft skin under his calloused palm sends a shiver down his spine.
He pulls back and watches Abby walk back to the door. As her hand lands on the knob, Bob opens his mouth before his head can catch up to what he’s saying.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?”
Bob watches as she squares her shoulders and turns back around slowly. There’s a dark hair stuck in her lip gloss that he can’t take his eyes off.
“Sitting on my couch with wine and takeout, probably.”
Bob walks around his desk, stopping right in front of Abby. He towers over her, and from this angle he can see just a hint of cleavage. “I’d like you to go to the fundraiser with me.”
He meant to go alone, but the idea of mingling with senators and other state officials on his own makes him want to scream.
“You do?”
She’s looking anywhere but at him when he raises a hand, places it on her cheek, and lets his thumb drag the hair away from her mouth. “I do,” he says and leans in closer.
Abby’s breath audibly hitches when his lips brush against her ear. “Wear blue,” he whispers, “so they all know you’re with me.”
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Likes are nice, but reblogs and comments are golden
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iamanartichoke · 7 months
I've been in a Sims 4 spiral for a few days (which happens every few years) and I spent like 12 hours designing Thor and Loki's dorm room from Set the Fractured Bone. The entire time I was doing it, though, this little voice in the back of my head was telling me how I'm wasting my time, this is stupid, people don't care about this, why am I not being productive, etc.
Then today I got a comment on the story from a reader, asking if I planned to finish the story. And it was like a fun little mood booster and a reminder that if I still have a story to tell (which I do), and aspects about it to share, then it's not a waste of time. And, I don't know, I just found it weirdly validating, so the moral of the story is, leave comments on stories even if they haven't been updated in years. (Nice comments, not entitled ones.) Chances are your comments make a difference to the author.
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thescandalousladyk · 10 months
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The lack of Colonel Lennox fanfiction surprises me. I'd love to see him try and redeem himself, or an AU. I guess he's too much of a rake for most people (understandably).
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lesbiradshaw · 10 months
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why did i just now notice he’s wearing harvard university shorts. goodbye.
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Are there any fanfictions you reccomend? I only know AO3, I'm curious if there are any other archives or forums
hello, kind anon! sorry this took me so long to respond to!
i generally use ao3 as well, so i'm sorry i can't recommend works from another good forum. for the secret garden specifically, i assume fanfiction.net would have some gems! wattpad can be dubious, though, especially for more niche fandoms, and i tend to stay away from it.
as for specific fanfictions (i'm sorry, these will all be on ao3!), i love the echoing green, find some new way, and the promise of spring! i find them all to be quite true to the novel and very good with characterization. the promise of spring and the echoing green both have little elements of romance, but they aren’t intrinsically linked to the plot. another recommendation without romance is the rain falling on the sunshine, although it does deal with some heavy topics.
i also write fanfiction under the name fightingwiththewind! my hyacinth series deals with the trio growing up, and your braids like a pattern is a cute little gen story about mary learning how to be more independent. 
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so what if I said
I might write a sequel to the Good luck babe Narcissa x Lily Fic I wrote
But with the other couple
Lucius X Bellatrix
Would you say I'm insane
Or would y'all want that?
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merciless-macdonwald · 2 months
ok i. wrote like 800 words for the Traitor Lennox thing hdbcjjdfgh. got possessed or something. anyway here it is (cawdor pov). putting it under a cut because it got longer than I intended. enjoy !
Cawdor wondered if being suspicious of the very weather itself was one of the so-called tells of treason. Not a single cloud was in sight, and the bright blue sky above, like the very eye of heaven, stared down at him as he rode toward the old chapel he had been summoned to.
He supposed that “summoned” wasn't the right word. A king could summon him. A fellow nobleman could summon him. No, he had merely been persuaded to attend the meeting, where the weeds King Duncan had sworn to put the torch to grew tall and mingled. He was, arguably, the tallest of them, and so risked the scythe that much more.
His hands clenched around the reins. Many of the rebels were sympathetic enough, having come from families in Scotland who had suffered as a consequence of Duncan's legislature. They understood that Cawdor was no longer one of Duncan’s yes-men, parroting the king’s ideas back at him in the hopes of earning some coin or a palace or two. But Macdonwald, he feared, he would never understand. He had long since resigned himself to that fate. Cawdor himself was distant and reticent, carefully tip-toeing around the hangman’s ropes. Macdonwald, on the other hand, had a fire in him that was unquenchable, and he regarded the noose about as highly as an ox would a flimsy, shabby fence.
He would undoubtedly be present at the meeting, as one of the rebellion’s foremost leaders. But the encoded missive had promised one more in attendance, closer to Cawdor in rank and far more of the silent type. Inwardly, he wondered whether that meant the meeting would be over quicker; Macdonwald enjoyed arguing strategy and recruitment, but Cawdor was content to follow the plans laid out by the Norwegian commanders he engaged with.
Perhaps it would be someone from Denmark, he thought, or from England to the south. He didn't know many of the other nobles, having kept to himself whenever they visited for one of the king’s feasts. (There were other happenings, of course, but he saw the way their faces lit up most before a table full of food and drink.) He hoped, almost foolishly, that it might be someone he could befriend, and he almost cursed himself for it. A traitor could never truly call anyone a friend, let alone another traitor, he told himself.
The clack of horseshoes on cobblestone drew him from his thoughts, and he dismounted his horse and slipped into the chapel, crossing himself at the entrance. He prayed that the angels would turn their eyes away, for just a few minutes, and pressed on.
He knocked exactly as he was directed to: twice, then paused, then once, paused again, then thrice. A lock clicked on the other side, and a Norwegian warlord let him in.
“It’s unlike you to be late,” Macdonwald teased. Cawdor ignored him, his attention drawn to the cloaked figure standing between two Norwegian noblemen, their hood drawn so low that he couldn't make out their face.
“Did you get lost?” Macdonwald prodded again, snickering.
“If I rode as you did, I should sorely want of a second horse, just to survive the trip back,” Cawdor retorted. The cloaked person stiffened, imperceptibly.
“And if I had as much of the king’s money as you did, I'd simply buy another.” The head of the Norwegian delegate cleared his throat.
“Gentlemen…” Cawdor bit his tongue. The tone reminded him of Duncan, and that was one thing he resented. He enjoyed his status and everything that came with it, but to do so meant always being beneath the yoke of a more powerful man.
“Apologies,” Macdonwald muttered, adopting the more formal register of those outnumbering him. “Who’s our… guest?” The stranger’s thin hands rose to pull back their hood, revealing well-combed locks of hair and a stare pointed directly at the single other thane in the room.
“Lennox?” Cawdor managed.
“Cawdor.” Had it not been for the acknowledgement, Cawdor would have wondered whether this was some other man who, by magic or by some other means, had come to wear Lennox’s face. This was not the man who, in meetings, enthusiastically supported the king’s every motion, nor was it the young, naïve man who clung to his superiors’ every word.
“I…” Cawdor swallowed. “...was not expecting you.” He wondered what kind of game Lennox was playing. Was it the same one he was? Or could he expect the executioner to knock upon his door the moment Lennox sped back to Forres and sold his information for more of the king’s gratitude?
“You look on me as though I were a ghost,” Lennox said. “Or perhaps you have your suspicions. And I understand. But know that I have no intent to betray you or any man in this room to Duncan. And if my word is not enough…” He nodded slightly toward the crucifix hanging above the altar. “May I receive from His hands what I am due.”
Cawdor could only wonder whether or not he had unknowingly signed off on the same conditions.
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chapter1991 · 5 months
Heart Attack
In the esteemed halls of Cambridge college, Lennox, a devoted writer with a magnetic personality, lives her truth, independent of her connection to her twin brother, a teammate of Jesse Abbott.
Jesse, scarred by a past relationship, leads a guarded existence until fate intertwines their paths. Unaware of Lennox's familial ties, Jesse is drawn to her. Lennox and Jesse embark on an unexpected journey of connection and discovery, challenging their perceptions and risking their hearts in pursuit of love.
(Completed fic -> 28 chapters)
Book 1 of the Cambridge Series
Title from Demi Lovato's song - Heart Attack.
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Lovers & Friends (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Keigo Takami x Touya "Dabi" Todoroki x Black!Fem!Reader (Friends to Lovers)
Synopsis: In which you are given one NYE that you will never forget when Keigo invites your friends over for a game of strip Uno and you become acutely aware of how attractive Dabi is. 
Warnings: Smutty smut; 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY); Flirting; Stripping; Threesome; Verbal Consent; Mutual Oral; Double Deepthroat; Double Cunnilingus (Hawks & Dabi both eat your pussy); Big Dicks; Spitting; Hair-Pulling; Degradation & Praise; Spitroast; Unprotected PIV Sex; Creampie; Throatpie; Dabi Calls You "Baby Doll"; L-Bombs; Aftercare; Loud, Sneaky Sex
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Someone gave me this idea in a comment. Originally, I was just gonna write a smutty holiday chapter for Hawks for NYE, but Hawks AND Dabi?? I couldn't resist. Enjoy & happy holidays! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BIRD BABY DADDY! -Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Bonus Chapter.
Read on AO3 here!
Songs Mentioned in this Chapter:
Umbrella - Rihanna
Can I - Kehlani
Moodswings - Pop Smoke
Touch It (Do It Well Pt. 4) - DVSN
OTW - Jhene Aiko ft. Mila J
Sit On It - Jazmine Sullivan ft. Ari Lennox
Bonus Chapter: New Year, New Experiences.
Dabi has always been nice-looking, but seeing him now has made you realize how attractive he really is. 
When the fuck did he get this fine? You can't help but wonder this as you nurse your second glass of Moscato of the night, then feel extremely guilty for it. You look down at your drink, wondering if the alcohol is having more of a deeper affect on you than you anticipated. Usually, at this point, you’re giving major “fuck me” eyes to your boyfriend. Which you are…but to your childhood friend as well. 
They both stand in the kitchen you and Keigo share now, whipping up snack plates and cocktails for your NYE celebration. Keigo had suggested you celebrate at your shared crib tonight and invite Rumi and Dabi over too. You had asked what he wanted to do for New Years this year about a week ago after the chaos and festivities of Christmas faded. 
“I really don't wanna go out,” he said, your feet in his lap and his hands expertly rubbing them, massaging out the kinks. He laughed at your bewildered expression. “Shocking, I know, but after Christmas, I’m just not feelin’ like bein’ out in the streets and around too many people…or spendin’ money.” And he did go all out for Christmas, gifting you at least $1k in gifts and presenting all of his employees and interns at his agency with gift cards (and two weeks off for Christmas and New Years). 
“But since you asked, I just wanna stay in and invite the gang over for a private celebration…have food, drink, games…is that okay with you?” Before you could even reply, he immediately talked over you, softening the blow that he was sure he made. “We can still go out if you want. I wouldn’t wanna keep you cooped up in here if you–“ 
You stop him by pressing a finger to his plump lips. “Keigo,” you interrupt him. “That sounds like a great idea. I’ll call Rumi and Dabi right now to see if they wanna join us.” His wide, golden eyes stared at you for a moment in shock before softening, relieved that you weren’t upset. So you hit up Rumi who was a definite yes and Dabi to see if he had enough free time to come out for the night. 
“Only if I can make my famous drinks,” he said in his raspy, chainsmoker voice. “The cinnamon fireballs. I’ll send you the recipe so you can grab the shit for it.” You groaned over the phone, already envisioning the chaos in store for you. Dabi swears he can mix drinks like a bartending pro. “Okay, but just don’t blow up my kitchen,” you warned. 
My kitchen. You are still getting used to calling all of the things in Keigo’s penthouse yours, but sometimes, it just comes out naturally: my kitchen; my living room; my bed. Shortly after the Billboard Event, you moved into Keigo’s home, albeit secretly. You had to pay the moving men double to move your shit out of Rumi’s place at night in order to avoid paparazzi, but in a week, you were settled. Though Rumi misses you, she also doesn’t mind the privacy, especially when she's able to bring someone home and have as much loud sex as she wants. 
Though almost a month has passed since you moved in with Keigo, you’re still adjusting to this new way of life, especially since you’re not just a roomie to Keigo. You’re his girlfriend. His partner. Every time you wake up next to him and see the sun shine against his hair and long eyelashes, you are reminded of this. It’s like the fact remerges in your brain every single morning despite nothing changing. And you hope it never does. 
“The snacks are almost done!” Keigo happily calls into the living room where you and Rumi sit. “You’re never gonna wanna leave when you get a taste of these babies.” Rumi rolls her eyes at you, twirling a lock of her hair. “I’ll be the judge of that,” she scoffs. Her silvery, long hair is tied up in a high ponytail while she adorns a Christmas sweater and booty shorts that make her muscular, firm ass look extra delicious and envious. 
Opposite to her cozy, lived-in look, you’re wearing Keigo’s oversized cashmere sweater that looks like a dress on you and hip-hugging skinny jeans. You also slathered on some lip gloss and nail polish to look presentable tonight, at least wanting to feel pretty with company around. “The fireballs are almost done too,” Dabi announces. “Rumi, you still like extra tequila in yours?” Rumi gives him a look which makes him laugh. “Y/N, you want one too?” he curiously asks. 
You take a look at the kitchen counter through the threshold of the kitchen, finding a huge bottle of tequila open and cinnamon dusting the countertop. “I’m good with Moscato, thanks,” you say. “I’m not tryin’ to burn my tonsils out.” Dabi shrugs a shoulder, snorting. “Suit yourself, but my stuff is good. I’d even make it lighter for you.” 
Keigo cackles as he moves behind his friend, kicking him in the ankle as he does. “Bitch, you don’t know how to make any drink light!”
Dabi rolls his eyes and turns back around to finish the drinks, his arms and back muscles flexing under his black tee that seems to stick to his upper body something sinful. You thought this when he first arrived at your front door thirty minutes ago after getting dropped off by his assigned guard for the night. “Welcome!” you cheerfully greeted him, only for your voice to die in your throat once you got a look at him. 
Looking at him now, you become highly aware of how attractive he’s gotten since he’s been in prison. His lean, scrawny body as a kid and teen have gone away, now replaced with muscle like hard grant though he still has that leanness to him that makes him appear skinny under his clothes. But anyone who saw how tight his shirt is would realize that they’ve been duped. He has obviously been working out to build such muscle and tone his body, no doubt using his time to focus on his health. 
And he looks good. Especially with his snow-white hair, which he has opted to keep instead of his black hair, that makes his crystal blue eyes pop. Every time he looks at you, you feel like he is stealing the very breath out of you…and it’s fucking weird.
Where did this attraction come from? Though you’ve always known your friend is cute, you’ve never been attracted to Dabi. Even the one time you played Spin the Bottle back in middle school and you were dared to kiss by Keigo and Rumi, nothing came from that. It was a stupid, little kid thing that happened after school behind the building, in the setting spring sun. After, you decided you worked better as friends which he agreed with and since then, you’ve been nothing but friends. Yet there you were, staring him down as he stood at the door, waiting for you to let him in. 
He raised his pierced eyebrow at you and your speechlessness. “Well?” he asks. “You gonna let me in or what?” Realizing you were standing at the door like a moron, you quickly let him in, your face hot. He gave you a weird look as he shimmied into the room, immediately bombarded by the Bunny Hero. “Dabi, you’re here!” Rumi squeals, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders. “Damn, what have you been eatin’, man? You’re bigger than me now!” 
Dabi chuckled, squeezing her tight before yanking on her ears, making her shriek. You watched, still confused as to what just happened. “Dabi’s here?” Keigo called from the kitchen. “Tell him to come in here and help me get these veggies ready!” Dabi clucked his tongue, giving you a sly side eye. “Only five seconds in and he’s already fucking up,” he chuckles. “You picked a good one, doll.” 
And you did. You know you did. Keigo is the best boyfriend and sexiest man in the world…and yet here you are, staring down his best friend. Your best friend. Even now as you sip your wine, you can’t understand it. Are you just horny?
Since the holiday season, you’ve been more stressed and extremely horny lately, leading you and Keigo to try new things in the bedroom. It’s been an interesting and exciting adventure for you both. Handcuffs and rope; sensory and roleplaying; all kinds of kinky shit that has led to conversations about more things to try…and things that you’ll keep private for now. Things that you are interested in that you won’t dare tell Keigo right now. With how possessive he is, he just wouldn’t go along with it and you wouldn’t make him. So you’ve kept it to yourself, instead fantasizing and wondering all of those “what ifs”. 
You’re so deep in your troubling thoughts that you barely see Keigo saunter into the room in his cute apron with a tray of appetizers: homemade fried cauliflower bites, cheesesteak egg rolls, and a gorgeous veggie plate of orange carrots, green celery, and bright red tomatoes with all kinds of dipping sauces in the middle. “Wow, this looks amazing, babe,” you coo. “You really went all out for us tonight.” Keigo smiles proudly as he lowers the food down on the coffee table. “Oh, that’s not even the best part, baby bird,” he chuckles. 
Dabi then emerges from the kitchen carrying a tray of mugs filled with his fireballs and cinnamon sticks. He lowers the tray down and gives Keigo a smirk as the winged pro pulls out a bag of weed and a game of Uno. You and Rumi immediately abrupt into laughter, knowing exactly what is in store for tonight. “It’s almost 2024!” Keigo chuckles, popping a carrot into his mouth. "Might as well celebrate to the fullest.” 
“Strip Uno,” Rumi cackles, nudging you. “Y/N, your man is one horny motherfucker. Are you treating him right or does he have something to tell us?” You roll your eyes as you flush in Keigo's sweater. “Shut up,” you giggle. “And you know damn well that I treat Keigo very well.” You and he share a secretive smile, one that immediately propels you into memories of endless nights and days of good ass sex. 
Rumi makes a disgusted face, hopping away from you to the other end of the couch. “Ugh, don’t even remind me. I’m so tired of seeing you two suck faces when we’re out.” While Dabi snorts into his drink, Keigo pulls on one of Rumi’s ears. “Ooooh, someone’s jealous,” he sing-songs. “I always knew you wanted this sexy ass, cotton tail.” You swear, you’ve never seen Rumi look so uncomfortable in her life and it makes you nearly choke on your Moscato laughing. 
You help Keigo and Dabi move the coffee table to the middle of the floor with your snacks, drinks, and game in tow while Rumi hooks her 2000s hits playlist up to the TV. Soon, the sound of Rihanna’s “Umbrella” fills the living room space. After everything it set up, you sit down on the floor across from Rumi while Dabi takes your left and Keigo takes your right. “Okay, so before we start, I wanna propose a toast,” Keigo happily states, raising his mug. You three groan exhaustively and he pulls the cutest pout. “C’mooon, this is one of the only times in weeks we’ve all been together since the Billboard Event!” 
Though indifferent to the idea, Rumi raises her mug while you raise your glass of Moscato. Dabi notices, his expression albeit blank. “You sure you don’t want none of this?” he asks, nodding at his drink. Then a sly smirk quirks onto his lips. “Or is it ‘cause you can’t handle it?” he teases, ever the asshole. Usually, his teasing doesn’t bother you, but tonight, it does. Along with the way his voice dips into a deeper, raspier tone when he says it. 
You give him a look to hide your reaction, daring him to try you. “Dabi, you know I can’t handle it. You make drinks like you’re trying to poison people.” He shrugs a shoulder though he is still smirking. “Fair point, but a sip won’t hurt.”
He passes a mug to you but doesn’t hand it to you. His blue eyes flick from the drink to you, patiently waiting for you to take a sip. It’s as if he’s silently asking you, “Do you trust me?” Or maybe the Moscato is just speaking to you at this point. “Toast!” Keigo shouts, interrupting your thoughts. “To a new year of new experiences and new journeys with old friends.” 
He smiles at each you fondly, his golden eyes twinkling with utter joy. Deciding quickly, you take Dabi’s drink and hold it up with the others. “Cheers!” you all shout before downing Dabi’s drink. It’s only a sip, but it’s enough to taste the strong tequila and sweet cinnamon mixed in it. Though your throat burns as it goes down, the sweetness is addicting. Dabi looks proud as you lower the mug down. “See?” he murmurs. “Nothing you couldn’t handle.” You resist the urge to think of something else besides the drink. 
“Uno time!” Rumi bellows, taking the cards to shuffle while Dabi begins rolling a blunt to pass between you four. Keigo takes a seat next to you, his eyes already set dead on you. “Come sit close to me, baby bird,” he coos, wrapping an arm around your lower back. “You look so fuckin’ cute tonight. I can’t keep my eyes off of you, even for the game.”
You do as he requests, snuggling in close despite being in your friends’ company, loving how he smells so much like cinnamon and the brown sugar soap you got him for Christmas. You also bought him Burberry cologne which he has sprayed on his skin, making him absolutely irresistible to you. Add in the black cashmere sweater and sweats that hide one of your favorite parts of him, and you’re ready to use him as a seat. 
“Well, you’d better,” Dabi grumbles, glaring at both of you. “Nobody’s tryin’ to see you two eye fuck for the next few hours.” Keigo presses a finger to your cheek, turning your head to face him. “Ignore him. He’s just jealous that I’ve got such a gorgeous woman to cuddle up with at night and all he’s got is a pillow.”
You put a hand on his arm and squeeze, shaking your head in warning. Too far. But Dabi isn’t bothered by the jab, simply sprinkling marijuana into a piece of paper. “You’d be surprised how many visitors I get who wanna replace that pillow,” he retorts. “I get a lot of fan mail too…mostly nudes.” 
You give a big, ugly cackle at this. “Oh, I believe it,” Rumi snickers. “Plenty of people are attracted to villains, bad boys, and emotionally damaged men with tattoos and piercings.” She gives Dabi a shit-eating grin while he pegs a carrot at her, making you and Keigo crack up.
You go to pick out a cauliflower from the veggie plate, but accidentally brush your fingers against Dabi’s reaching for the same thing. “Oh, sorry!” you squeak, quickly snatching your hand back. Your friend barely bats an eyelash. “Take it,” he says carelessly. “No big deal. I’m still rollin’ up anyway.” 
You do so, slowly reaching for a cauliflower and dipping into the ranch dressing. Your movements are robotic, mechanical, as you chew and swallow, feeling Dabi’s eyes on you. You can tell he wants to ask, but he doesn’t and you find yourself drinking some more of his drink to push away your nagging thoughts. Fortunately, Rumi interrupts the awkward moment. “Game time!” she shouts. “I’ll deal and then we can start. Everybody know and remember the rules of strip Uno?” You each nod having played this game dozens of times (mostly tipsy or high). It usually ends in either someone halfway naked. 
After downing the rest of your Moscato, you feel looser, you go first and put a red card down. The turns go right (Keigo, Rumi, Dabi) before settling on you again when the color is changed to yellow. You take a card and read it, groaning at the instructions. “Oooh, first loser down!” Rumi giggles, taking Dabi’s finished blunt from him. “Read it to us, babe.” Keigo tries to look over your shoulder, but you shoo him away. “Take six cards or strip off your shirt,” you read. “Well, I don’t wanna take six cards, so…” You feel yourself stripping off Keigo's sweater to reveal your lacy red bra underneath. 
You feel warm under Keigo and Dabi’s gazes, one of which you can feel burning into you though you don’t look. “Oooh, sexy,” Rumi chuckles, puffing on her blunt. “Now it’s your turn, Keigo.” She passes the blunt back to Dabi who takes a hit, smoke billowing from his lips and nostrils in clouds. His eyes are blue slits that regard yours as you glance at him from the corner of your eye. Keigo takes his turn, putting down yellow, before Rumi takes hers. “Take eight cards or tell the person beside you to take off their shirt,” she reads. She gives Dabi a sheepish smile. “Sorry, Dabi, but…” 
Keigo cackles hysterically while Dabi rolls his eyes, passing his blunt to you. You don’t know why but you take a hit, already feeling the affects of the alcohol mingle with the weed. You feel lighter and more comfortable. “You guys are fuckin’ whores,” he growls but he can't hide his smile as he stands up to strip for you and your friends. You turn away from him just as he goes to untuck his shirt, instead turning all of your attention to your boo. “Aww, I was hoping you’d pick a card,” you playfully whine, snugging into Keigo's arm. 
You not-so-innocently push your breasts against his forearm, catching his attention. “You tryna get me to strip?” he chuckles, raising a brow at you. “Maybe later and then it’ll be all for you. Just be glad we’re not alone ‘cause this pretty bra would be off by now.” He glides a finger down the strap of your bra to one of the cups, staring intensely at the lace. “If you two are gonna do that, get a fuckin’ room,” Dabi interrupts. 
You turn back to him and wish you didn’t: he stands before you in all of his semi-nakedness, jeans sagging low, bare skin and lean, inked muscle on display. “Daaaamn, you did get cut, Dabi!” Rumi hollers. “Just look at this fuckin’ guy!” 
And you are. Your eyes roam over his toned abs and pectorals where you catch two nipple rings hanging from his pink nipples. His arms and right side are covered in tattoos along with his collarbone which holds his little brother’s (Shoto) name. You know that all of his siblings’ and mother’s name are tattooed on him; just not his father. Realizing how long you’ve been staring, you look away, instead staring down at the table. “Shit, I can beat that,” Keigo scoffs. “Just you wait.” 
After twenty minutes of playing and the first round being completed, Keigo successfully stripped off his shirt and shoes before hurrying to the bathroom because of the alcohol. Meanwhile, Dabi is washing dishes and Rumi is scrolling through her phone and smoking on the last of the blunt, waiting for Keigo to come back so you can continue. You, luckily, only stripped off your top for the first round and quickly throw it back on before taking your glasses to the kitchen.
“I’m gonna go put these in the sink,” you announce and Rumi only hums in response. When you walk into the kitchen, you are met with Dabi’s muscular back and a large, snake-like dragon snaking from his lower back and curling up the back of his right forearm. It moves and flexes whenever his arms move, making his back muscles bulge. 
Finding your voice, you greet him. “Hey, just came in to wash these.” He turns to look at you over his shoulder before nodding at the soapy, hot water in the sink. “Put ‘em over here; I’ve got it.” You do so, lowering the glasses on the counter for him to wash. You press your back against the counter’s edge, watching him. Silence swells around you, but this one isn’t comfortable; it’s awkward and heated, filled with tension. “It’s really good to see you, y’know,” you chirp, trying to ease the tension. “I was so upset you couldn’t make it for Christmas.” 
Dabi puts a tray on the drying rack, focused yet still answering you. “Yeah, my CO was on my ass about that fight I had, but I wasn’t gonna miss this chance to smoke a good blunt and hang with you losers. Everyone seems to be so scared about my new body, includin’ you.” His blue eyes side-eye you, making your stomach flip. “I’m not!” you squeak. “It’s just a shock seeing you look so…” Sexy. “Big,” you decide. “But whatever trainer you got in prison, give them my number.” 
He chuckles at this, the deep rumble making something swirl inside your gut. He then goes back to doing what he was doing, but only for a few seconds, until he speaks again. “What?” he finally asks. You blink at him. “What?” you dumbly parrot. He turns to you fully, a ghost of a smirk playing on his lips. “I can feel you starin’ mad hard at me, Y/N. You’re not discreet in the slightest.” Again, you feel hot in your sweater with shame. At this rate, you may as well strip and throw yourself at him with how much you’re staring at him. 
“Is that a new tattoo?” you tentatively ask, pointing at the dragon. “I don’t remember seeing that before.” Dabi hums out a yes as he dunks a mug into the soapy water. “Had it done a month ago durin’ one of my free days when I didn’t visit you or Hawks. It hurt like a bitch, but it looks decent, don’t it?” You slowly nod, admiring the way the dark green scales on the dragon compliment his skin. It reminds you so much of the dragon from the ‘Spirited Away’ movie, just darker. “It’s…beautiful,” you softly say, more to yourself than to him. And before you can stop yourself, you’re reaching out to drag your fingers down Dabi’s spine, making his body clench. “S-Sorry!” you stutter, snatching your hand away. “I should’ve asked to–“ 
“It’s fine,” he interrupts, but still looks perplexed. He looks as if he hasn’t been touched in years and isn’t sure how to handle it. But he shocks you when he turns his back to face you, giving you full advantage of his tattoo. “Touch it,” he encourages. “Y/N, it’s just me.” Right. This is just Touya Todoroki. Your friend since childhood. The same guy that was afraid of public pools, eats charred marshmallows, and loves his steak well-done. The friend you’ve been dying to get back since he joined LOV and have missed since he went to prison. And yet, looking at him now and feeling his warm skin under your fingertips when you touch him, you don’t see him as any of that. You see him much differently. 
You run your hand over his back, feeling his muscles flex and his warm skin. He stands there, not speaking or moving, letting you touch him. It’s so intimate. So sensual. When you pull away, he finally turns to face you, his expression blank and eyes intense. His hand then moves to lightly touch your wrist, sending currents of electricity through you. “Yoooo!” Keigo’s call suddenly drifts in the kitchen, making you flinch and jump away from Dabi’s touch. He pokes his head into the kitchen, grinning. “I’m back!” he announces. “We ready for another round or what?” 
Dabi smirks at his friend as if nothing happened. And nothing did…right? “Sure,” he replies. “Just let me pour us some shots first.” Keigo hums delightedly, practically floating into the kitchen. “Lemme help you. Baby, pass me that bag of lemons and limes in the fridge, please?” You do so, your hands trembling somewhat as you open the fridge and hand the bags of fruit to your boyfriend. “Thank you, darlin’,” he coos, winking at you. “Now go and sit down! Let your men take care of you.” 
Your men. You can’t help but stay stuck on that as you quickly walk out of the kitchen, not once looking at Dabi. Rumi is still in the same position you left her in, laying on the floor on her phone. You nervously pick at a loose thread on your skinny jeans, keeping your voice low to avoid the guys hearing. “Rumi?” you softly question.
She looks up from her phone, blinking. “Hm?” she questionably hums. You sit down next to her, folding your knees under you. “Does Dabi seem…different…to you tonight?” you carefully ask, your words slow and deliberate, like you’re carefully picking each word like they are fruit. 
Rumi stares at you, confused. “Uh…other than his new set of muscles and the tattoo, no.” She squints at you suspiciously, making you hot like a spotlight is on you now. “Why? Do you think they’re something different about him?”
You gnaw on your bottom lip, unsure of how to answer. But this is Rumi! Your girl and confidant. She’d never judge you for anything. “He just seems more…attractive, I guess,” you shyly murmur.
She barely bats an eye. In fact, she smiles. “I figured there was a reason you were staring at him so hard tonight,” she chuckles, earning you a shocked look. “What, you thought I didn’t notice?” At the sight of your panic, she rubs your back. “Relax, girly. Keigo didn’t notice anything. That bird is in his fucking world tonight.” 
Oh, yes, Keigo. Your boyfriend. Your very happy, amazing, wonderful boyfriend who is oh-so overjoyed that you’re all together here tonight. “God, I’m so stupid!” you groan, putting your head in your hands. “What am I doing? Here I am with one of the sexiest men in Japan and an amazing boyfriend, and yet, I’m eye-fucking our childhood friend!” 
“Well, to be fair, you did say you wanted to try to do other things with Keigo in the bedroom,” Rumi says as she puffs on her blunt. “You remember tellin’ me about that threesome kink of yours? If you don’t, I’d understand. You were downing those cocktails like they were water.” You groan embarrassingly because yes, you do remember that night: it was a month ago before Thanksgiving when the moon was full, the night was young, and you were full of drinks during girls’ night. There, you spilled to Rumi, Nemuri, and Yu about your secret threesome kink and wanting so badly to ask Keigo to participate in one. 
You can't help the way you get so wet at the thought of having two men please you or being one of the people to please them. You’ve had this fantasy for a while, dreaming of Keigo and another sexy, mystery man occupying your bed, hands and mouths all over you, two cocks inside you. But you’ve never brought it to Keigo’s attention. “Unfortunately, yes,” you sigh, “but that doesn’t mean I should be eyeing my own best friend!” You feel like crying, mostly because of the alcohol. “I feel like a slut,” you whimper. “And not in a good way.” 
Noticing your internal fight, Rumi quickly steps in to ease your shitty feelings. “Personally, I don’t see what the big deal is. You just stared at the guy! You didn’t try to suck his dick or anything.” You flinch at her words, not wanting to picture that. “But if it’s really got your panties in a twist, just pull Keigo to the side and talk about it. Knowing his freak ass, he’ll probably be okay with it. He’d probably even suggest a threesome himself.” She gives you a sly smirk to which you roll your eyes at. “No way,” you scoff in disbelief. 
“Mark my words,” she giggles. “Personally, I approve of this sluttiness in you, girl. I think you should fuck both of them to really end this year with a bang.” You could've strangled her right then. “You’re not helping!” you growl, swatting her hand away as she cackles. “Not helping with what?” Keigo asks, making you squeak in surprise. You turn, seeing him and Dabi standing behind you carrying a tray of tequila shots. “U-Uh, with my cards!” you quickly reply. “She won’t show me how to shuffle ‘em.” 
You turn to Rumi with a glare, making her crack up even more. 
After almost two hours of playing, stripping, drinking, smoking, and shooting the shit, things start to finally wind down an hour before midnight. Rumi is fast asleep on the couch, snuggled into her pillow and softly snoring, while Dabi has ventured outside to have a smoke. He sits in the cold December air in only his jeans and socks. You don’t ask him if he’s cold, knowing he’ll refuse his shirt or a blanket. You take it upon yourself to clean up before tomorrow morning, washing dishes and wiping down the counters. You plan on making a big New Year’s Day breakfast for your friends––blueberry pancakes, eggs, and plenty of mimosas. 
You’re just about to rinse the soap off of your hands in the sink when you suddenly feel two arms slink around your waist and a very hard chest press into your back. Keigo's scent of cinnamon and Burberry cologne enchants your nostrils. “There you are, baby bird,” he murmurs. “Where’d you run off to?” You smile, pressing back into him. “Just to clean up so we don’t have to worry about it in the morning.” You turn around in his arms, noticing his hooded gaze and lopsided smirk. “Somebody’s drunk,” you giggle. 
He hums in agreement and presses his hips into you where you feel a very noticeable hard-on. “And very, very hard for you,” he softly growls in your ear. “I know you can feel me pressin’ up against you right now.” And you can; it’s impossible not to. Immediately, your body temperature rises and you feel a tingle between your legs. His hands move under his sweater draped over your body and glide up and down your sides, his fingertips gliding against your skin. He whistles as he does so, somehow making that tingling sensation even more intense. “You have the sexiest body, baby, I swear,” he sighs. “I’m so fuckin’ lucky. You make me so horny every time I see you, but without the clothes? That’s even better!” 
His compliment makes you bashfully giggle, always loving to receive such love and admiration from your man. “Thank you, baby,” you shyly reply. “The feeling is mutual.” You stroke your hands up his naked chest as he kisses you, playfully and passionately. He begins to walk forward, pushing you against the counter and trapping you between it and him. You’re now at his total mercy, his mouth and hands all over you, the taste of wine and cinnamon on his tongue as he swirls it with yours. Soft moans mingle in the air between you, only heard by your and his ears alone…though soon, if you keep this up, someone may become privy to what’s happening in the kitchen just a few steps from them in the living room. 
Reading your mind, Keigo pulls away and runs a thumb over your bottom lip. “Let’s go upstairs,” he says, a suggestive smirk playing on his lips. “I don’t wanna waste this moment. Don’t worry; Rumi is dead on our couch and Dabi is on the balcony. They won’t hear a thing.”
You believe the part about Rumi after being her roomie for so long, but Dabi? What if he does hear you? You wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable enough to leave. But with the way Keigo is giving you such a heated stare, you can’t resist. So you go with him, listening to your pussy instead of your head. You let him steal you away and lead you upstairs to your shared bedroom by your hand, softly giggling to each other as you walk past Rumi sound asleep. 
As soon as you’re inside the room, alone at last, Keigo shuts the door behind him and uses his wings to wrap around you. He drags you into his body and arms, crushing his lips to yours in another passionate kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck and his wrap around your waist, both of you locked together in an embrace as you kiss, and kiss, and kiss. The more you do, the wetter you get until your body is begging for more. Keigo’s lips leave yours to busy on your neck.
“I can’t get over how sexy you are,” he murmurs. “I would’ve rathered you strip for me instead of our friends.” He pauses for a moment, pulling away to stare at you, befuddled. Then a secretive smile pulls at his lips. 
“Actually, you can do that for me now,” he chuckles and pulls himself away from you. You resist the urge to follow him, instead staring at him across the room, burning up for him.
“Y’see, baby, I feel like since the holidays, we’ve barely had much time to be together, just you and I,” he lustfully explains. “But now, here we are alone, and I wanna take advantage of it. So I’m gonna sit here”–he pauses to sit on the bench at the foot of your king-sized bed, smirking–“and you’re gonna strip for me.” He takes his phone and plays a song for you––“Can I” by Kehlani––and leans back, legs spread. 
He doesn’t explain anything more to you. Neither one of you talk. The only sounds are of the TV softly playing from downstairs and the music playing on his phone. You feel nervous, the alcohol’s magic beginning to ware off. But something in the way Keigo stares you down has you moving, giving him exactly what he wants. You let the music take control of your body, letting your hips sway and your fingers play with the edges of Keigo's sweater. You slowly, tantalizingly, slip it up your body to reveal your bra and discard it. Then off comes your jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping your fly before sloooowly dragging it down your legs to reveal your naked thighs and lace panties. 
You can practically hear Keigo salivating at the sight of you as you twirl for him, bending over and moving your ass in his face. You flip your hair and look over your shoulder, becoming the woman he is seeking tonight: a vixen. A slut. Because that’s all you want to be tonight for him too. Turning around, you walk over to him, relishing his gaze upon you, and grasp his shoulders before hooking one leg over his lap. You take a seat and begin to grind yourself into his lap, causing your knee to brush against his crotch. He groans softly as your knee caresses his hardened cock, his hands gripping your hips. “Fuck, baby,” he groans. “That feels so good.” 
You feel the same, biting your lip at the pleasurable sensations of his thigh rubbing against your pantyliner. “I think it’d feel even better with these off,” you giggle, tugging at his shirt. You stare down at him through your lashes, a sexy smile pulling at your lips. “Don’t you wanna join me?” You’ve never seen Keigo move so fast before, even while fighting villains. Instantly, his shirt is off and you help him out of his pants until is just in his briefs. He then hooks his hands under your ass and hikes you up, your arms and legs wrapping around him instinctively. 
Then you’re soaring through the air and bouncing onto the mattress, the air leaving your lungs. “Get your pretty ass up there,” he grunts, grinning at the sound of your laughter.
He swoops down onto you, pressing a kiss to your lips as his chain necklaces press against your bosom, cold metal against heated skin. He pulls away to press kisses down your legs and thighs, prying them open to get a good look at what lies in between. He hums appreciatively at your scent and the sight of red against your brown skin and juicy thighs.
“Mmm, someone’s excited,” he chuckles. He glides one finger over your panty line, soaked through. You moan at the slight contact, your toes curling. “Whatchu want me to do?” he teasingly asks, smirking down at you. 
He begins to rub a thumb over your clit, causing your panties to become wetter and more uncomfortable.
“Kei,” you whimper. “Please.” Keigo’s eyes grow darker, his wings fluffier. “That’s not what I asked,” he teasingly yet firmly states. “C’mon, mama, give me your words. Tell me what you want Daddy to do.” He then ducks down to press an open-mouthed kiss to your clit, nearly making you jump straight out of your skin.
“Taste me,” you whisper. “Put this pussy in your mouth. Please, Keigo, I’m begging y–!” Before you can finish, your boyfriend is already pulling down your panties, pressing his tongue against your clit and sucking gently on the little bundle of nerves. 
Keigo is a certified master at eating pussy. He puts his whole mouth on it, in it, swirling his tongue and flicking it just right against your clit. He holds you open, spreading your thighs apart as he laps at your cunt and even your asshole (because he’s also an ass man). He eats up all of your holes, eagerly licking, sucking, and lapping at them until you’re moaning, whimpering, gasping for air. You see stars behind your eyelids and your body twists against the comforter neatly spread across the bed. Your hands grasp his golden strands of hair as you feel your first orgasm quickly dawning, rising to reach its peak.
You can’t keep quiet––your sounds of utter pleasure release out of you, bouncing off of the walls. “F-Fuck, Keigo!” you sob, not even realizing how loud you are. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, that’s so good! I’m gonna cum, baby! I’m gonna cum! I’m…I’m–“ 
Knock, knock. A gasp erupts from you as your heartbeat accelerates at the sound of the bedroom door. “Yeah?” Keigo asks, not even sounding scared or impatient. The door opens and there appears Dabi. He doesn’t even blink at the fact that you’re semi-naked. “If you two were tryin’ to be secretive, you’re not doin’ a good job at all,” he blandly says. “Y'all are loud as fuck. I could hear you all the way downstairs.” 
You try to squirm away, but Keigo holds you still, his hands still pinning your thighs open. “Oh, forreal?” he laughs as if this whole thing is funny. “Sorry, man. It’s just been a while for us.” He gazes down at you before looking back at Dabi, smirking. “Well, since you’re here, you wanna join in or just watch?” You stare at your boyfriend like he just lost his last few braincells. “Keigo, what the fuck are you talking about?” you hiss. “Are you crazy?! Why would you even ask him that?!” 
“I actually wouldn’t mind either,” Dabi announces, shocking and confusing you even further. His head cocks to the side, looking at your spread open pussy from another angle. “Seein’ her spread out like this is a definite treat…though I’d be lyin’ if I said I didn’t want a taste either.” His eyes, blue and intense, tick up to meet yours, nearly stopping your heart. “And you’d like that too, wouldn’t you, doll?” 
You’re in such shock that if it isn’t for the eye contact, you wouldn’t realize he is talking to you. This is just too weird. You feel like you’re dreaming, like none of this is real. The two begin to chuckle lightly at your reaction, as if this is some inside joke to them…is it? “Baby, it’s okay,” Keigo chuckles, gently stroking your stomach. “Relax. Dabi is here for a reason.” You stare at your boyfriend, eyes wide and absolutely speechless. 
“I’ve been noticing tonight how much you’ve been eyeing him, and that’s okay,” Keigo further explains. “He happens to have been doing the same thing, haven’t you, D?” 
Your eyes widen even more as Dabi steps into the room, shutting the door behind him, wearing an expression close to lust. “He knows all about us wanting to spice things up more in the bedroom, even suggesting ways to excite you.” A smirk grows on Keigo’s face, one that makes you scared. “I also let him in on your little secret.”
He and Dabi share a look and you instantly know what he means. ‘Oh, no,’ you think, horrified. ‘He knows. How could he know?’ 
Keigo is happy to explain it to you. “You happened to have left your browser open on your phone one morning when you took a shower.” A twinkle appears in his golden irises. “Imagine my shock when I saw a video of a girl clearly getting fucked silly by two dudes.” Heat immediately envelopes you and you hide your face in your hands. “Baby, don’t be embarrassed!” he laughs. “I think it’s hot, but I can see why you didn't tell me. I can be very possessive, can’t I?” 
You simply look up at him, not responding, but you don’t have to. You both know he is. He’ll glare down any man who even looks your way when you’re out and about on the street. Which is why it’s so shocking to you that he would agree to share you with a whole other man. “Well, I took some time to think it over and I realized that the idea of watchin’ you suckin’ another man’s cock made me cum a lot harder than I ever have before one night.”
He smirks at you, loving the way you sharply inhale at the thought. “So I ran it by Dabi and chose him as he is the only person I trust enough to touch you and take care of my girl the way I can.” He sits back on his hands, staring down at you with utter care and affection. “But the ball is in your court, baby bird. You don’t have to say yes if this is too weird or too uncomfortable for you. Even if you say yes, you can always say no.” 
Then it’s Dabi’s turn to be caring and affectionate. “I won’t touch you until you ask me, doll,” he firmly says. “Like the bird brain said, this is your decision to make. And before you ask, I don't think this will fuck up our friendship in the slightest. I’ve always had a thing for you, especially after that kiss we had with that stupid bottle game.” You blink at him, suddenly dizzy.
“But you’re too pure to deal with my crazy ass,” he chuckles. “So I figured Hawks would be a better fit for you, and he is.” His blue eyes sparkle with something––love? Lust?––that nearly steals your breath away. “But I can still fuck you and show you how much I value you.” His hand moves to gently settle on your thigh, never moving farther than that. “Is that okay?” he asks in a voice so unlike his own. It is very soft and careful as if you are a spooked animal he is trying to calm. 
Is that okay? They could simply take you right here, right now, but they don’t. Neither one of them even touches you, letting you give them the green light. You can hardly contain yourself, feeling so aroused and oh-so loved that you could burst. So you sit up and toss your arms around Dabi, immediately pressing your lips to his in a passionate kiss. A surprised moan leaves his lips, shocked at your boldness, before he melts into the kiss and lets his hands settle on your waist.
When you pull away, both of you are panting heavily and overcome with need. “Fuck me,” you whisper. You turn to Keigo, seeing that he is just as needy as you are. “Both of you. Right now.” 
Your boys don’t need to be told twice. Dabi immediately goes back to kissing you stupid while Keigo presses kisses and forms love bites on your neck, stealing silent gasps and whimpers away from your mouth and into Dabi’s as he does. Dabi’s and your tongues swirl together, cold against hot, especially when you feel the nub of something cold and steely attached to his tongue.
You pull away, perplexed, and he gives a sexy, throaty chuckle before spitting his tongue out at you. There, you see a black studded piercing embedded into the pink muscle. You nearly cum right there. “Please,” you whimper as Dabi begins to kiss down your neck and breasts. “Fuck me.” You roll your hips into Dabi’s, earning a throaty groan in response. 
“So eager, right?” Keigo chuckles, grinning at Dabi. “Not yet, love dove. First, Dabi needs to have a chance to play with you. Get that bra off of her, D.” He flicks his chin at his friend, impatient. Dabi doesn’t need any other pushing. He unhooks your bra from the front, letting the cups fall free to reveal your gorgeous breasts and hardened nipples. The two men groan at the sight of them––the prettiest, ripest fruit they’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing and tasting. Each attach their lips to your nipples, hungrily lapping and licking at the hardened peaks of your nipples. 
Keigo watches your face, transfixed by the way your pretty features contort in pleasure at the feeling of two mouths on your sensitive nipples. “So fuckin’ pretty,” he murmurs. His compliment makes you wetter than before and soon, you can’t control yourself. Your hands grasp their scalps, running through their hair, and your toes curl as the pleasure travels downward to your pussy. “Kei,” you whimper. “T-Touya.” The white-haired stud softly growls at his birth name being uttered from your lips, leading him to grip your ass as he continues to suck at your nipple. 
Impatient, you go to grasp their cocks in their pants, but Keigo moves your hands away. “Uh-uh, mama,” he chuckles, giving you a lopsided smirk. “We’ve first gotta play with this gorgeous pussy. You okay with sharing her kitty, D?” 
Dabi looks like he was waiting for Keigo to mention something about your cunt. He pulls away from your nipple, a string of saliva connecting to his bottom lip. “Long as I get to make her cum, I’m down.” His eyes cut away from staring deep into yours to glare at Keigo. “Just don't get in my fuckin’ way and we won’t have a problem.” Keigo only laughs and pats the space on the mattress beside you. “On your knees, baby. Face down, ass up.”
Helpless to resist their hungered stares, you do as your man orders and position yourself on your knees with your ass hiked up in the air, right in your friend’s face. You barely have time to feel embarrassed before a hand connects to your asscheek. Smack! You whine at the sharp sting. “Sorry,” Keigo sniggers. “My hand slipped.” 
Dabi groans at your reaction, visibly turned on by you. You. “I knew she liked it rough,” he comments, his voice strained. “Mind if I try?” Keigo must obviously give him the go because you feel his hand, rougher from his burn scars, slap your ass too. Smack! You gasp, taken aback by the bite of pain…and the pleasure that comes with it. 
“Shiiit, that was nothing,” Keigo tuts. “Put some force in it, Dabs.” Smack! Keigo does it this time, putting more force into his hit just to spite Dabi. You clench your teeth at the sting, feeling like your ass is on fire. “Like that?” Dabi blandly asks, scoffing. “You barely made it jiggle.”
Smack! Smack! Smack! The two smack your ass like they’re landlords and your ass is a tenant who owes them rent money. They relish the sweet gasps and whines that leave your mouth with each assault on your asscheeks, damn near leaving handprints in their wake. They love how much you love this, the little masochist you are. 
Finally, when you’re a panting mess on the bed, Keigo stops the punishment. “That’s enough for now. Her poor pussy can't take much more.” His finger lightly brushes against your oozing, gushing pussy who always betrays you as a slut. “Let’s see whose tongue makes you cum the hardest,” Dabi softly growls. “But I’ll warn you, baby doll: this tongue piercing always seems to make pussies cum before they’re ready.” He chuckle is a promise to you that has your heart pounding and clit jumping in excitement. 
And boy, is it a promise. Once your panties are off, his tongue touches your clit and slides inside your pussy. And it’s over for you. His tongue piercing is a perfect mix of cold that adds to the intensity of his hot tongue and mouth sucking and lapping at your pussy. He does it like he’s been doing this all his life, similar to Keigo but quicker, less gentle. At this point, a new song has begun to play from Keigo’s phone––“Moodswings” by Pop Smoke––and Dabi’s broad tongue strokes match the tempo, making you see stars. “God, Dabi!” you moan, gripping the comforter below you. “That feels so good!” 
Though it’s hot to Keigo too, he isn't too keen on his friend hogging his pussy. “Bitch,” he growls, “I’m here too. At least lemme suck on this pretty asshole. And yes, she likes that too.” Dabi pauses, staring at you then at the winged hero in shock. “Fuck, Kei, you’ve got a real freak on your hands,” he exhales in disbelief, earning a laugh from both of them at your expense. 
Then Keigo’s hands are spreading your asscheeks apart and his tongue is lapping at your puckered asshole. You’re whining and sobbing into the mattress, fingers clenching the comforter so tight that your knuckles turn pale. Then they switch, Dabi eating your ass while Keigo gulps down your pussy, giving you softer yet eager tongue flicks against your clit.
“You like this, baby?” he asks, his words muffled by his tongue in your little hole. “You like gettin’ both of your holes fucked? Mmm, I know you do. That body is tellin’ us everything we need to know.” And it is: you can’t stop tossing your ass back and grinding your hips into their mouths, desperate for more. When your orgasm begins to rise, it is intense and builds in your core, threatening to spill over.
“Oh, sh-sh-shit!” you squeal, pushing your ass and pussy into their faces. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum! You’re both gonna make me cum!” 
“Do it then,” Dabi demands, now licking on your pussy. “Cum down my fuckin’ throat.” Keigo whines in protest, pulling away from your ass to busy himself stroking your clit with two fingers. “No, baby,” he mumbles. “Cum for me. Cum for your man…please?”
Both of them watch you as you cum all over yourself and them, filling their mouths with your taste. Your orgasm is intense; earth-shattering. It makes your body shake and quiver and stars explode behind your eyelids. A loud whine that you barely recognize as your voice escapes you as you let go of every bit of sanity and control you have left. 
When you’re finally done, the duo laps greedily at your juices, earning soft sighs and whimpers of protest in response to them overstimulating you. “Fuckin’ move, Dabi,” Keigo growls, growing impatient. “You’re hoggin’ all of her up! Don’t forget, you burnt bitch: that’s my pussy you’re eating.” You look back at them now, breathing heavily. Dabi pulls away from your cunt to chuckle at his friend, his lips shining with your juices. “Tell that to her. She seems like she likes this piercing an awful lot.” He spits his tongue out at Keigo, teasingly wiggling it at him. 
And then you get an awfully devious, nasty idea in your head at the sight of that sinful piercing: “Is this pierced too?” you innocently ask. The song switches now––“Touch It” by DVSN––and it immediately changes the atmosphere in the room to something way nastier and intimate than before.
Dabi and Keigo stare at you in silent awe, both clearly aroused by your change in demeanor. Dabi smirks, taking your hand and placing it on his crotch. “You tryna find out, baby doll?” he gravely asks, tracing a finger over your cheek. You shiver in delight at his touch. 
“Is your man okay with that?” he asks, questionably looking at Keigo. You look too, asking with your eyes. “Only if you’re okay with sharing,” he chuckles, “but something tells me you’re just as eager to see her take two dicks as I am.”
Seeing the look in his eyes and how ruffled his wings have gotten, you can tell he is worked up, so you hurry to coax him closer to you. Soon, they are both sitting on their knees above you while you sit low on your knees on the mattress, your feet curled underneath your butt. “You two are wearin’ way too much,” you sternly say. “I want both of you naked. Now.” 
They smirk at your bold request but hurry to fill it, fingers working at their flies and peeling off their tops. You help them each, damn near gasping at how much sexiness is in front of you once they’re down to their boxers.
Though they are both lean with hard muscle, toned arms, and bite-worthy thighs, they have their differences too: Keigo has smooth, tanned skin that is accentuated by the gold chain hanging from his neck and a few tattoos here and there inked across his skin.
Meanwhile, Dabi has pale skin that is inked with tatts and scarred and bumpy with burns and staples. He has nipple piercings that wink at you and a happy trail of white hairs that lead down to his toned V-line. “Not the prettiest sight, I know,” he lightly laughs, but you can tell he’s ashamed of the way he looks away from you. 
You make it your mission to make him feel otherwise. Standing higher up on your knees, you press your lips to his and stroke your hands over his stomach. “You’re so sexy,” you purr. You turn to Keigo, pressing a hand to his chest to feel his heart beat against your fingertips. “Both of you are,” you sigh dreamily. “I’m such a lucky bitch.” They silently laugh, their eyes aglow with lust as you begin to work their boxers down with both hands. 
Then you’re faced with two big dicks in your face. Your eyes widen at the sight of Dabi, noticing how he curves upward and is slightly longer than Keigo. The cock head is an angry red, while Keigo’s is pinker, pre-cum dripping from the tip for you. You have no idea how you’re going to handle both of them at the same time, but you surprise even yourself when you spit into your hands and begin to stroke them both, getting a feel of both of them in your hands. Their soft moans coax you to continue, your body relishing the way they sound. “Such a big girl takin’ two big dicks at the same time,” Keigo hums, watching you stroke him and his best friend. 
Dabi watches too, his bottom lip caught between his teeth at the way you gently run your thumb across his head. “Careful now, baby bird,” Keigo chuckles. “He’s sensitive there.” The white-haired man glares at his friend though not as hostile because of how good your soft, little hand feels stroking his dick. “Fuck you,” he growls. 
“Just lookin’ out for you, bro,” Keigo chuckles. He takes a lockful of your hair and pulls your face back, making you look at him. As you softly gasp at the sensation of your hair being tugged back, Keigo’s cock twitches in your hand. “Now show our friend how good you are at suckin’ dick,” he demands with a smile.
You don’t hesitate to do so, quickly opening your mouth and swallowing Dabi’s dick. You suck, gargle, and gag on it. You lick from base to tip, stroke his balls with one hand while stroking his dick with your throat. Dabi is gobsmacked by how good you are, his hand gripping your hair and his pretty eyes rolling to the back of his head. He can’t get enough of how tight and wet your throat is, mumbling about it through heavy pants. 
“Go on, bro,” Keigo encourages him. “Fuck her up. Her throat is there for a reason.” And so he does, thrusting into your tempting throat while you force yourself to take him, no matter how much your jaw aches and tears sting your eyes. You love seeing him feel good. You feel the same for Keigo when you switch to him next, taking him deep as he fucks your throat with slow, deliberate strokes that would no doubt draw long moans out of you if he were inside of you. 
You repeat this, alternating between stroking one and sucking the other, coating their cocks in your spit that collects in your mouth and drips down your chin. You stare into their eyes, adoring how they stare upon you so intensely, so lustfully. They each give you words of dirty praise though different. Keigo is sweet, stroking your hair back as you take his cock. “Good girl,” he praises. “Such a good girl for me.” 
Meanwhile, Dabi’s praise is full of degradation as his hand yanks on your hair and his balls hit your chin. 
“Good fuckin’ slut,” he groans. “How are you so good at this shit?” He pulls out of your mouth suddenly, letting you breathe. “Open your mouth,” he demands. You do so, sticking your tongue out. He tilts your chin up before spitting a wallop of saliva into your mouth, much to your pussy’s delight. “Now spit it back on that dick,” he orders which you do, spitting it back onto his cock before slurping it up and letting it lube him up so it’s easier to take him into your throat again. 
Keigo yanks you back to him and sticks his cock back in your mouth, laughing at your surprised mewl. By this time, the song has changed and “OTW” by Jhene Aiko and Mila J is filling the bedroom. Keigo thrusts into your mouth according to the tempo, grinning at how you struggle with his long strokes. “Don’t stop now, cutie,” he chuckles. “You asked for this and now you’re gettin’ it. Don’t disappoint us.” The two evilly laugh at your expense, loving how hard you’re finding it to take a breath. 
And you are. The more dick you take, the more you’re finding it difficult to breathe or recover. Your mouth is coated in spit and your throat feels raw from it constantly being fucked…but it also feels damn good. You love that you’re the one making them feel good. No one else. This only becomes realer for you when Keigo feels himself getting close and slides out of your mouth. “Fuck, I’m ‘bout to cum!” he grunts, but slows his hand down so he doesn’t pump cum in your face. “No, not yet. I need to be inside you for that.” 
Excitement zings through you. Finally! What you’ve been waiting for! “I’m cool with just fuckin’ her throat till I bust,” Dabi pants, lazily stroking his cock. “That is your girl, after all. And this feels way too good to give up.” He is not just referring to your heavenly mouth and throat, but to your soft hands that leave the mattress every so often to stroke up and down his chest and stomach. He takes one of them and presses it to his lips, a change to his rough demeanor while he was fucking your face. 
 “Thanks, bro,” Keigo says with a grin “I’m dying to see how she’ll take all that cum down your throat.” Dabi smirks, looking down at you looking absolutely wrecked (so far). “You think you’ve had two big dicks, baby doll?” he asks, grinning evilly at you. “You haven’t seen shit yet.” You’re almost afraid to find out, but you know you’re too late to turn back now when Keigo positions you. He hikes your ass up and gives your ass a smack before his cock is sheathing inside of you without warning. 
You gasp, your mouth open wide at the searing pleasure you feel. Dabi takes advantage of this, sliding his cock back inside of your mouth and freely fucking your throat while Keigo begins to follow suit, following the same tempo his friend does: rough and hard.
Keigo grips your tits as they swing and your ass as it jiggles against him with every thrust. “How’s this, hm?” he teasingly asks. “How’s this for takin’ two cocks, huh?” You mumble nonsense against Dabi’s cock, earning a panty laugh from your mutual friend. “Can’t even speak ‘cause both of your holes are filled to the brim,” he laughs. “I’d feel bad if your throat didn’t feel so fuckin’ good, shit…” 
He fucks your mouth a little faster, making his heavy balls slap against your chin and the bed creak with the force of two men fucking you at the same time. Your jaw begins to intensely ache with how much Dabi is filling your throat and you try to ease back to allow yourself some comfort, but Keigo takes that as you losing focus.
“C’mon, mama, don’t leave me out,” he pouts, giving your ass another sharp smack. “Throw that ass back for me. Fuck me back. Show me how much you love this.” And, like a little doll being controlled, you do so, tossing your ass back into him to shove his cock deeper inside of you. “There we go,” he moans. “That’s perfect. You’re perfect…our perfect girl.” 
You swear you nearly squirt when he says this. Being between them, getting your brains fucked out by them, you feel as if you are their perfect girl only. You are there to please them, and they you. You want this moment to last forever, but as their thrusts in unison begin to quicken and their moans intensify, you can tell that your end is about to be reached. Keigo presses a kiss to your back, buried to the hilt inside your pussy. “We love you so much, y’know that?” he pants. “We fuckin’ adore you, Y/N.” 
“So much!” Dabi grunts, pulling out to tap his dick against your lips and chin. “You’re the best little slut for us.” You whimper at their words, your pussy quivering and clenching around the big cock inside of you. “Think we can make her cum at midnight sharp, D?” Keigo chuckles, realizing that you’re close. “I wanna ring in the new year the right way.” Dabi only mischievously grins, wordlessly agreeing to the naughty act of celebration. 
The song switches to something smooth and relaxing yet adds to the intensity of your end––“Sit On It” by Jazmine Sullivan and Ari Lennox––and it doesn't take long for the duo to begin to feel their orgasms coming. “God fuckin’ dammit, I’m ‘bout to cum,” Dabi groans, feral and losing control. “Take me deep, baby doll. Deep down that slutty throat.” 
Keigo tugs on your hair as he grips your hip with the other hand, railing you into the mattress. “M’close too,” he warns. “I can tell you’re gonna cum too, baby bird. Are we gonna make that little pussy cum?” His hand loops between your thighs to rub at your clit, each circle to makes with his fingers pushing you closer to the edge of no return. Dabi’s dick slips out of your mouth, letting you take a breath and utter your arrival. “K-Kei!” you sob. “T-Touya, please! I’m gonna cum!” 
As the music plays, something breaks through to mingle with it: all around you––on the TV downstairs, outside your balcony, through the walls next door––people begin to countdown from ten till midnight. Till the new year. You were getting fucked so good that you nearly forgot it’s NYE. 
“There’s the countdown,” Keigo moans, quickening his pace and nailing your G-spot again and again. “C’mon and cum with us, baby. We’ve got you. It’s okay.” 
Grunts, groans, and the sound of skin slapping against skin fill the bedroom as you get closer to your climax. “Cum, baby!” Keigo demands, gripping onto you tight as he pummels into your pussy. “Cum while I fill you up.” 
“Cum all over that dick, baby doll,” Dabi growls into your ear as he shoves his cock deeper down your throat, prepared to fill it up. “Do it. Make us proud, Y/N.” 
Happy New Year!
Cheers, applause, and the sound of makeshift fireworks and poppers fill the tense air, making you feel as if all of this is happening because you’re cumming for your boys as much as they want you to. Because you're doing as they told you to.
As soon as the countdown reaches one, you gush around Keigo’s cock just as he fills you up, digging his fingers into the flesh of your ass as he does. Dabi joins you both, cumming down your throat, his deep, guttural grunts mixing with Keigo’s louder, high-pitched moans. You scream around Dabi’s cock as your orgasm takes your body and propels it through the skies. You’re soaring, flying above the clouds. You feel like you could touch the stars with how good you feel. 
But just as quickly as it comes, it fades, deliciously so. You ride the wave for a couple of minutes with Keigo and Dabi whose thrusts slow and grow sloppier the more they try to chase that high. “Fuck me,” Keigo sighs as he gently pulls out of your tight hole, groaning at how his cum drips out of you and down your thighs. You reach back to stroke the buttery-soft feathers of his wings, helping him ride out that wave of bliss, pleased with the soft whimpers he gives you.
Dabi slides out of your mouth, leaving cum and spit staining your lips and chin. He wipes it away with his thumbs, letting you suck on them when they linger close to your mouth. Keigo moves to pause his music, the air now filled with your soft panting and the muffled sounds from the TV and your neighbors. 
When your orgasm finally fades, you settle onto your elbows, finally able to rest. You feel achy and sore yet immensely satisfied. You can hardly believe it. You just had your first threesome with your boyfriend and childhood friend. “Wow,” you sigh. It’s all you can say. Keigo grins down at you, sitting back on his hands, glinting in sweat and his semi-hard cock splayed out in front of you. “Right?” he chuckles. “That’s the only word to describe it. You alright, Dabi?” 
You look over to the ex-villain who is lying on his back next to you, looking content. “Never better,” he softly sighs. “I haven’t came that hard in ages.” Keigo sniggers, winking at him. “Told you she’s good,” he chuckles and the fact that he’s talked about your skills makes you flush. “Never did I think I’d fuck my boyfriend and my friend at the same time,” you giggle, mostly at the absurdness of it. Talk about ending the night with a bang. 
“And now you’re about to cuddle with ‘em,” Keigo adds. Dabi side eyes him to which Keigo returns it. “What? Do emotionally damaged, bad boys not like cuddles?” He snuggles in next to you on your right, helping you turn around so you’re facing his chest and handsome face.
You look back at Dabi, hoping your backside and puppy dog eyes will reel him in. “Please, Dabi?” you innocently beg, staring up at him through your lashes. 
Fortunately, your ass and eyes win him over. “Such a baby,” he sighs with an eye roll, but snuggles up behind you anyway, his hand laying lazily on your thigh. “You need to stop spoilin’ her so damn much, bird brain,” he criticizes Keigo who laughs, having no intention of stopping.
For a while, the three of you lay in complete silence, no words needed. Dabi strokes up and down your side, starting from your hip to your calve and back up again. Keigo presses kisses to your cheek and forehead, his fingers drawing shapes on your back. You press a hand to his beating heart and play with his necklace, breathing in both him and Dabi’s mingling scents. “This was so, so nice,” you hum, content and satisfied. “Thank you both so much for this. I love you both so much.”
Keigo presses another chaste kiss to your cheek, his touch as soft as a butterfly’s wings. “And we love you too,” he murmurs into your hair. Dabi doesn’t say it, but he doesn’t have to. The kiss he leaves on your shoulder blade is all the confirmation you need that the feeling is mutual. 
Knock, knock, knock! You startle, jumping out of your skin as you and the boys look toward the bedroom door. Keigo shields you with his wings immediately, your entire body covered with red feathers. 
“And I love y’all too,” Rumi calls through the door, "but you freaky motherfuckers woke me up! And I missed the countdown! At least wake me up with your fucking before midnight!” 
You, Keigo, and Dabi silently look at each other before erupting into laughter. “Sorry, cotton tail,” Keigo laughs despite Rumi cussing outside the bedroom door. “Oh, and before we forget…” 
He and Dabi slowly move in and each press a kiss to your cheeks. “Happy New Year,” they say in unison. 
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 year
illicit affairs | bob floyd x oc | mob boss au
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walk the line
SUMMARY: After staying late at the office, Bob insists on walking Abby to her car.
WARNINGS: mob boss au, sexual tension, sexual thoughts. strictly 18+/minors dni.
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SPECIAL THANKS: Thanks to @joaquinwhorres for the prompt, and for the endless support and encouragement for MBB and my other writing. I adore you. Thank you to @wkndwlff and @sylviebell for listening to me rant about this for hours on end.
A/N: This was supposed to just be a quick and easy 500 word drabble. That obviously didn't happen. Enjoy!
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Bob leans back in his chair and rubs his palms against his eyes, trying to make them hurt less from staring at his laptop all night.
The Bates family has been creating problems for him for weeks. They’ve somehow blocked every permit he’s been trying to get with the city so he can finally start construction on the Belmont Street project.
Letting his hands fall away, he opens his eyes and notices the light at Abby’s desk is on.
With a furrowed brow, he pushes himself up and walks across the expanse of his office until he’s standing in the doorway.
Abby’s sitting at her desk, typing away on her keyboard, doing who knows what. He checks his watch and sees that it’s far past midnight.
“I thought you’d gone home hours ago,” he says, letting his arm fall back at his side.
She startles, making the whole table shake and her hand flies to her chest where her heartbeat is likely running wild.
“You scared me,” she tells him after collecting herself enough to look at him.
“Sorry. I thought you’d gone home,” he repeats.
She shakes her head, making a stray dark hair fall from her ponytail and rest against her cheek. “Unless you dismiss me, I don’t leave until you do, sir.”
Even after being here all day, she still looks as flawless as she did when she walked through the door that morning.
He thinks back to last week inside her apartment after the fundraiser when he’d nearly given into temptation. She’d looked perfect then, too. Cheeks flushed from the alcohol and dancing with him. Only him.
He thinks of the aide who’d dared to lay hands on his girl in full view of all the guests. Bob had only applied enough force to the kid’s hand that it would hurt for a while. Certainly not enough to break it. Abby was none the wiser, but he’d seen the kid with an ice pack on his fingers later on.
“Well, I’m heading home for the night,” he begins, looking back at Abby, who’s watching him. “So should you. I’ll walk you to your car.”
“Okay,” she agrees.
Bob goes back to his office to close up for the day and grab his suit jacket off the back of his chair. When he returns, Abby’s slipping a coat over her shoulders.
She faces him with a bright smile. “Yes,” she says, and leans forward, clicking off the lamp on her desk. “All set.” She rounds the desk and heads for the elevator down the hall.
On the surface it looks like a normal corporate office with a receptionist, open floor plan with conference rooms closed off by large glass panels, a kitchenette with the essentials like a microwave and a fancy espresso machine Javy insisted they get even though he only comes by the office once a week.
Bob smiles to himself, trailing behind Abby, whose ponytail swings like a pendulum against her back, and he can’t help that his eyes wander down to her hips. Those heels drive him wild and they make her ass look fantastic.
He’s walking a fine line, and he knows it.
The elevator doors slide open right as he catches up to Abby, who moves remarkably fast in heels that high and thin.
“You coming?”
He meets her eyes, realizing he’s stopped outside the elevator. He shakes his head and joins Abby inside.
As the doors close, every one of Bob’s senses become engulfed by Abby. He feels the heat radiate off her on his skin, can practically taste the mint of her lip gloss on his tongue, hears her steady breath, and watches the rise and fall of her chest in the corner of his eye.
What gets him is the scent of her. It’s different. Darker, muskier. Sexier. Rose and a hint of vanilla, but still her.
“New perfume?” He asks, turning to face her. In the harsh overhead lighting of the elevator, he can see her cheeks warm up, and he fights the way his hand twitches, desperate to reach out and touch her skin.
He knows it’s velvety soft.
“Yeah,” she admits, not meeting his eyes. “It was time for a change.”
A hum is his only reply, making her finally meet his gaze. She looks like she wants to say more, divulge a secret she’s not supposed to, and he longs to pry it from her pretty mouth.
He takes a small step forward, testing the water to see how she reacts. She doesn’t flinch, but her eyes flicker down to the floor for a second before coming back to his.
Her cheeks burn hotter than before when she asks. “Do you like it?”
Leaning down, his lips graze her exposed neck when he inhales the scent of her. Her breath hitches, body shuddering at the touch.
He cranes his neck upward and finds Abby’s eyes trained on him, darker than usual.
Maintaining eye contact, he presses his lips to the skin of her neck. “I do,” he says and straightens his back.
Abby’s jaw is slack, and her eyes follow him as he takes another step closer. Their breathing fills the small space, but all Bob sees and feels is her.
The woman who has haunted his dreams since the moment she first stepped into his office.
His fingers twitch again, but right as he’s about to reach for her, the elevator stops moving and the doors whoosh open.
Abby jumps away from him as if burned by an invisible flame.
“Ladies first,” he says, gesturing to the open doors.
She smiles politely, wrapping her thin coat tightly around her body, and folds her arms across her torso to keep it in place. She offers him a nod as she passes and mumbles a quiet thank you.
Bob follows her out, cursing whatever powers are against him for putting Abby in his path. He’s holding onto professionalism by a thread that’s rapidly unraveling.
He’d regret it if he could, but the magnetic pull Abby has on him is something he can’t describe. There’s an inevitability in his attraction to her.
The sound of her heels echoes through the concrete parking garage. He’s watching her ponytail swing against her shoulder blades, follows it with his eyes, trying his best not to let them travel down to the swell of her ass. Again.
He realizes a beat too late that he hasn’t actually walked her to her car as much as he’s followed behind her. Now they’re at her car, a sensible black Range Rover in pristine condition, and she rifling through her purse for the keys.
He stands behind her left shoulder, catching another whiff of her intoxicating perfume. “Need help?”
“No, I got it,” she declares, proudly pulling the key out of her purse. Her smile is contagious enough that Bob feels the corners of his mouth turn upward.
She unlocks the door with a click and steps forward, but Bob reaches around her, grasping the handle before she can.
He steps forward, forcing Abby to turn around so her back is against the side of her car, facing him. Her breathing is shallow, uneven, and her eyes flitter around before landing on him.
He hums as the hand that was on the door slides up behind her until his palm finds the back of her head. 
“What are you doing?” She asks, voice breathless and trembling. Anticipation hangs in the air between them, and the chilly night air does nothing to ease the tension.
A soft breeze carries her scent to his nostrils as he grasps the tie that holds her dark hair in place and pulls it. As it comes loose, Abby’s hair falls in a cascade down her back.
Her gaze holds his now, transfixed. “Why did you do that?”
Bob tosses the hair tie to the side. He slides his fingertips up her arms, reaching behind her and gently bringing her hair over her shoulders so it falls around her face instead, framing those round cheeks.
“Because I like it down,” he tells her, voice so quiet he can barely hear it himself. Abby’s chest rises and falls, and he feels it against his chest. The sensation makes his cock stir, heat spreading in his abdomen.
He sees a silent war in her eyes, and whatever she’s fighting against wins as she places a hand on his chest. She grasps his tie, but doesn’t pull at it, just holds it in her hand.
They don’t say a word. Just look at each other, daring the other to make the first move, to change whatever’s going on between them.
Bob knows what he wants. Her. He wants to kiss her neck, leave marks there and claim her as his. He wants to run his tongue along her folds as she moans and begs for him to keep going. He wants to plant himself deep inside her, make her chant his name, paint her insides with his cum, and watch her struggle to speak afterward.
The allure of having her is almost enough to make him cross that line he’s long hesitated to approach. His desire for Abby makes him vulnerable, and that’s what eventually makes him step away from her in that dimly lit parking garage.
Her hand falls from his chest. He holds the door open for her, but she remains in front of him on the ground. She draws her brows together, creating a cute indent between them, which he aches to smooth out.
“Goodnight, sir,” she finally says, hoisting herself into the driver’s seat.
He offers her a tight-lipped smile. “Goodnight, Abigail.” He closes the door and takes another step back, breathing a sigh of relief as tension leaves his body. 
The engine comes to life, and Abby offers him a small wave as she pulls out of her parking space. He doesn’t return it, but finds himself alone in the garage with the ghost of Abby’s hand still on his chest.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials his driver.
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likes are nice, but reblogs and comments are motivating
TAGLIST: @yanna-banana, @canarysposts, @bradshawsbitch, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @sylviebell, @wkndwlff, @rooster-84, @roosters-girl, @bradshawsbaby, @cdauni, @withahappyrefrain, @some-lovely-day, @linkpk88, @thedroneranger, @cherrycola27, @lunamooncole, @purplevortexx, @hangmandruigandmav, @lorilane33, @ravenhood2792, @desert-fern, @wittywhispers, @mikpieboo, @petersunderoos96, @soulmates8, @teacupsandtopgun, @daisiesandinvasives, @f1maverick, @deliriousfangirl61
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iamanartichoke · 1 year
Happy New Year, beautiful people.
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pianopadawan · 18 days
5 Even More Obscure Navy Imperials
This is a very niche post within an already niche part of the fandom but here are some obscure Imperials who are rarely featured even in the Imperial corner of content creators. The nice thing about these guys is that you can use a canon character but also have a huge amount of freedom.
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So, without further ado, here are five even more obscure navy imps to feature in your already obscure imp fics.
(Please note that I am treating "canon" as anything from SW official material, including legends, since there's very little Disney canon for a lot of the imperials.)
1. Captain Xamuel Lennox
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Canon Appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Role in the Films: Captain Lennox commanded the Imperial Star Destroyer the Tyrant (gotta love those over-the-top evil ISD names...) at the Battle of Hoth which is the first ship to get disabled by the ion cannon. Lennox's only line in the film is "Good. Our first catch of the day." after being notified of the Rebel evacuation transports passing within range.
Other Canon Info: Lennox fought with Piett during the Battle of Turkana in 1 BBY and did not listen to Piett's advice, causing an Imperial retreat. Piett was very critical of Lennox after the battle and recommended he be removed from command of the Pakuuni Sector.
Lennox survives the Battle of Hoth despite his failure but is later killed during the Battle of Endor.
Content Potential: Lennox has the potential to be another Imperial officer who Piett has a bitter history with. Interestingly, in most of the cases Piett is critical of Lennox, Piett then has a similar failure later on in the same mission. So, I'd imagine there's a lot of resentment between the two with Lennox thinking Piett is a hypocrite and Piett potentially blaming Lennox's actions as a contributing factor to his lack of success. I often read and write about Ozzel as an officer who's an antagonistic presence in Piett-centric fanfiction, but Lennox could be another player working against Piett on that side. If not a full-blown antagonist, he probably dislikes Piett enough and vice versa for the two to have some casual co-worker hostility.
2. Lieutenant Venka
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Canon Appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Role in Films: Worked in the tech pit on the bridge of the Executor during the Pursuit of the Millennium Falcon. His only speaking role is when he's agreeing with Piett when the Admiral is ranting about Bounty Hunters. He is also the one to deliver the news to Piett from Captain Needa's Star Destroyer, the Avenger, that they have sighted the Falcon (an announcement which, of course, ultimately leads to Needa's death).
Other Canon Info: Venka is literally a nepo baby in canon. He's Coruscanti and comes from a very privileged background. He is annoyed with Piett for not immediately promoting him after Piett himself is promoted by Vader. He was responsible for organizing the boarding party during the Empire's last attempt to catch the Falcon with the tractor beam at Bespin. While none of this was successful, Piett still promotes Venka to Captain after the chase because he's just relieved to have avoided being choked to death. (That last part is literally the explanation the wiki gives for this promotion. So, I guess Piett was just in a good mood about not dying and giving out promotions, at least according to canon.)
Content Potential: I almost hesitate putting Venka in this post because he's actually been featured a couple of times in imperial fanfiction and there is already fanon content for him. I've really enjoyed what I've seen of him so far and I feel like there's a lot of opportunity to explore his interactions with other imps, particularly in the context of a privileged Coruscanti background. For instance, is his family rich enough that they're friends with the Jerjerrods and how does this make Venka feel about Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod? Similarly, do they know Admiral Motti's family who we also know are very wealthy? There's also potential to explore the wealth gap with Piett who we know came from an underprivileged background on an Outer Rim planet. We know from canon that Venka was resentful of Piett's promotion and questioned Piett's worthiness of the rank of Admiral. Whether this is due to regional prejudice or just Venka being petty is up to the content creator to decide.
3. Commander Gherant
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Canon Appearance: Return of the Jedi
Role in Films: He's seen with Piett on the Command Bridge of the Executor. He seems to be acting as Piett's second-in-command (not sure how that adds up in terms of the ranks, but SW has never been super consistent about that). Most notably, he's the one who screams "Too late!" right before the A-Wing crashes into the Executor's bridge killing him and Piett.
Other Canon Info: Really none except that the wiki says he's ambitious but also anxious... so in, short, very relatable. I feel they describe every single imperial as ambitious, so take that as what you will.
Content Potential: From what I've seen and written, Gherant is mainly featured in angst fics surrounding the Battle of Endor or Piett Lives AUs. He definitely has a logical role there but it'd be neat to see him appear pre-Endor in Imperial fics. And Commander Gherant is one of those who is really open to interpretation because we have so little info about him in either Disney canon or legends.
4. Commander Nemet
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Canon Appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Role in Films: Nemet works in Captain Lorth Needa's crew during the Pursuit of the Falcon on board the Avenger. He's in charge of operating the scopes and therefore the first to report to Needa that they've lost the ship when Han hides in the blind spot.
Other Canon Info: Not much beyond what we see in the films. Another very ambitious but also very scared imperial, per the wiki.
Content Potential: On the angst side, I think it would be interesting to see Nemet's reaction to Needa's death especially since he's arguably the one who would feel guilty about it, albeit due to an honest mistake. On a brighter side, Nemet is also really free real estate since we've got so little on him so you can basically feature him however you want.
5. Lieutenant Virar Needa
Canon Appearance: Not in the Films, featured in a book from the legends, X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble.
Role in Canon: Virar Needa is the cousin of Captain Lorth Needa. After Vader kills Lorth, he subsequently has the rest of the Needa family executed to intimidate the other Imperials. Virar is the only one who survives this purge but he's demoted to serve on an orbiting satellite around Coruscant, a job that is viewed by many in the Imperial military as demeaning.
Personality wise, we know that Virar was still very enthusiastic about his job and loyal to the Imperial cause. We also know that he apparently misses social cues and takes joking comments seriously.
Content Potential: I personally find Virar's story sympathetic. He's trying to keep his spirits up after a massive personal tragedy while also facing the end of the war and the destruction of the military alliance he's sworn his life to. Similarly to Lorth Needa, I think there's a lot of potential to create a sympathetic Imperial character and build on the contrast of someone being a decent person on a personal level but working for a sinister organization. Besides that, Virar is a good character to feature if you want a tie in to one of the more mainstream Imperials without having cameo overload with too many mainstream imps in the same place at the same time.
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cybertroniannugget · 8 months
Pangea and mt Vesuvius
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Not what I originally intended to post here, as I'm writing some spice at the moment but THIS is what my mind was occupied with all freaking day... The whole desaster takes place somewhere in the first movie or between 1 and two. Some details are changed up Which I did on purpose. I know all the movies from start to finish because the hyperfixations are hyperfixating real hard right now.
This is just a random story of how I get idk let's say teleported into the bayverse movies and how I'd probably handle that.
While I sprinkled in a bit more confidence than I actually got, I think it's an accurate representation of what kind of person I am: always cracking jokes, overthinking EVERYTHING, random useless knowledge that turns out to be somewhat useful.
About this fic: sfw, implied romance with OP, trans ftm character, no reader just Alex, confused Autobots they still need to learn so much about earth and everything, I also don't know okay?
This is just me struggling while simping hard for Optimus.
But we still ain't know what fucked up big M's navigation system when he crashed. Infact, why are all of our navigation systems useless here?! ", Jazz adressed, arms crossed over his chassis. "We all be getting lost all the time.
"I think I know why"
Oh please, why did I speak up just now...
All optics and eyes were fixed on me as I said that, making me immediately regret opening my mouth in the first place but here we are now.
"What? Maybe your systems think you're on Pangea.", I said, taking in the same position as Jazz by crossing my arms over my chest.
Optimus leaned closer, one servo on the railing, blue optics studying me thoroughly as to look for any signs of lie in my attitude.
"Pangea? May you elaborate?"
Hearing this deep voice so full of interest made me feel things honestly.
"The supercontinent. Wait, Imma show you."
I take out my phone, careful not to reveal the background, because I couldn't find the time to change it yet.
"Here, this is earth today. You see everything, Europe, Asia, South and North America, Autralia, Greenland and all the islands in the oceans."
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"And this is Pangea, it broke apart into the continents as we know them today about 200 million years ago. This is probably what Megatron had in mind. See? When you look at a map of earth today you might think, if you turn south America around and snug it up to north America, they fit like a puzzle. It's because they were together as part of the supercontinent. Or push it up to Africa, same thing. Just squish it all together"
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"That human is incredibly well educated.", Ratchet chimed in.
"That human has a name and thank you."
"But why did that happen? It makes no sense.", Ironhide complained, lifting one servo as to show his frustration in what I just said.
"If I may...", I look at Lennox, awaiting some kind of approval to continue. He nods and so I proceed with my explanation.
"Well, I don't know how to explain it scientifically, but I'll try to make it understandable."
Optimus nods, listening carefully. How do these highly educated space robots not know about that? But who am I to judge, they aren't from here so I can't expect them to know everything about earth.
"I think it probably started because of something called mantle convection. That means the heat from earth's interior rises up to the hardened crust. That caused it to break open, creating a volcanic rift zone. The cracks went further, the tectonic plates drifted apart. The rifts filled with water over time and while the plates drifted farther away, the oceans were formed. Or something like that I don't know but today we've got 6 continents."
Always undermining everything I say, great job on trying to act confident...
"And Greenland, I don't discriminate.", I added as some people eyed me.
"But I don't know if Pangea is what your systems used as the base to calculate. There were other tectonic combinations even before that, but it's a wild guess I'd say. I am certain it was one of them."
As I was explaining, Optimus' gaze changed to a warmer tone and I could feel my pulse rise to my ears. He was just so beautiful, and seeing him for the first time in person made my heart flutter uncontrollably. I wish I could tell him how I feel,
But this is real. No scenarios, no daydreaming or fanfiction. It was as real as it could get. Damn it, I wanted to shift here, not get teleported or whatever caused me to end up here with all of them. I hope we can atleast become friends. No need to get my hopes up though.
The baritone voice of the Prime pulled me out of my thoughts about him.
"What kind of heat were you talking about?"
"Oh that. Well, starting at earth's core, it's liquid magma. It's really hot, like 5.200 Celsius hot. 9.000 something Fahrenheit for the Americans here..."
This was met with laughter and I continued with my lesson or whatever you might wanna call it I don't care, I'm struggling here okay?
"The further you go up, the 'cooler' it gets.", I say, underlining the word cooler with my hands in a joking matter.
"They probably got fancy scientific names but don't ask me which. Anyways shit's really hot. And it's what shoots up from volcanoes.", I finish as I look into a round of confused optics and a few tilted helms.
"Volcanoes? When tectonic plates crush against each other, or built up pressure is released, no?"
They all look at eachother, chuckling coming from my fellow humans around me.
"Okay here, that's mt vesuvius, big ass volcano."
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"Sometimes these mfs shoot lava from this hole up there, pretty fascinating and scary at the same time.. It looks like this.", I add as they look at the pictures, not knowing whether to be amazed or afraid.
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"The glowing stuff you see here is the lava. When it's still underneath the crust it's called magma."
"Are there many on earth?"
"Yup, don't get too close."
Optimus' optics widen at that statement of mine
"Don't worry bossbot, not on this island. The closest from here is next to Madagascar, Africa. Unless you decide to swim a few rounds up there there's no need to get worried."
The Prime relaxes, shoulders dropping while optics still focused on me.
Why is he looking at me like that? I mean I ain't complaining but if he continues like that Imma internally combust.
"You explain everything so well Alexander."
"Please, call me Alex. Alexander seems so long."
The Prime nods understandingly. "Very well then, Alex."
Oh god make it stop. I love you so much Optimus please...!
"His heart rate just shot up exponentially.", Ratchet mentioned and it was right then and there that I wanted to vanish, dissappear, sink into the ground, never to be seen again.
"Haha yeah, chronic Tachycardia, no need to worry."
That was a lie. Yes, my pulse is through the roof right now, but I've got no heart disease.
As I was met with confusion from every bot except Ratchet I explained before any questions could be asked.
"It's a general term to describe an elevated heartrate. You know, the thing in a human's chest that pumps blood through our body."
"Oh come on. Okay, well then I can explain that to you guys later. And answer any questions you have as it seems no one else here cares about your education on earth and it's inhabitants.", I say grumpily, looking at Lennox, who raised his hands in defeat.
"I can see us becoming friends Alex.", Jazz laughed.
"Looking forward to it!", I said, pointing fingerguns at the silver bot, which is met with more laughter.
"Okay, class is over, what are we gonna do now?", Ironhide asks into the round of bots and humans.
I just shrug, looking at Optimus, who was still looking at me. But when I looked at him, he quickly looked away to Ironhide.
"Alex seems to know so much, why not ask her?."
That statement of a bystanding soldier was met with a glare from Optimus.
"Alex is a he, you better make sure to remember that!"
They went to protest, but Optimus wouldn't let them. "Unless you wish to get what humans call fired."
Oh shit he's really mad...
"I will make sure of that if you continue your unreasonable behavior."
As he said that I could swear I saw the soldier shrink right then and there infront of my own two eyes.
He looks at everyone. "This counts for everyone here. You will respect Alex."
Oh god, he's standing up for me I can't please marry me Optimus, like right now!
"Okay, lessons aside.", Epps put a hand on my shoulder, smiling. "You were great by the way. I think we can use that for good."
He looked between everyone, a stern expression replacing the warm smile, hand leaving my shoulder. "As much as of a crucial hint this is, we can't know for sure what's exactly causing the malfunction. Better dig people."
True honestly, but HOW is anyone supposed to figure it out without cutting someone open? Megs maybe...?!
"Something's on your mind again, I can see that.", Bumblebee said with snippets over the radio.
"What, me?! It's nothing."
"Nothing?!", Jazz protested. "You just gave us the best clue we could ask for. I'm no Optimus Prime but I can say that I wanna hear ya out my man."
He looks up at Optimus, who was looking at me again after listening to his lieutenant.
"I must say, that you have given us great insight on your mental capabilities Alex."
He leans closer and it took everything of the mental capabilities he just mentioned to not kiss him right here right now.
"Well uh, it's just some kind of impulsive thought. You know, the ones you can't really control...",I said nervously, one hand behind my neck, avoiding everyone's gaze.
But he didn't budge, only blinking once while awaiting an answer.
"Okay, you're not budging I see. Fine."
Taking a deep breath and regretting every life choice I had made up until that point, I went on. "Look, I don't know anything about Cybertronian culture and how things are handled. Especially this right here. Us humans, we always wanna know what exactly caused certain events. For example death here. So we came up with analyzing the body of the dead by cutting them open and stuff, it's called autopsy. Maybe, just maybe we could find something. I know Megatron ain't dead but he's in some sort of... Stasis? Someone could check his navigation system and maybe find the cause for the disruption."
I lower my shoulders, trying to be as small as I possibly could infront of Optimus, who's gaze I couldn't quite interpret.
"On Cybertron, there is quite a similar practise."
"So you're saying it's worth a shot, Prime?", Ironhide asks, unsure of what to think of the situation. "But he's not dead, as Alexander pointed out correctly.", Ratchet added.
Optimus turned around to face his Autobots.
"This may be our only chance. We must take it. For the sake of both worlds. This war has been going on for so long, we cannot let this hold us down. And now it seems there is a way to find out why this is happening. We will fix it, together."
Now it was on Lennox to speak up again.
"So we gon' dissect Megatron? I'm all in honestly. That fucker did enough damage."
My eyes widen at that. "They're not gonna kill him!" Unsure of the righteousness of what I just said I looked at Optimus, who nodded.
"See? They're just gonna take out the navigation system and leave."
"Ooh, big M is gonna be SO mad when he finds out."
"He won't.", Optimus retorted with an absolute certainty in his voice.
"Alright then, it's settled. Prepare people and gather as much information as possible for this mission and await any orders from Big O!"
And with that final order of Lennox the soldiers scattered around, leaving immediately.
Okay great, I'm gonna go be useless again wohoo.
I look toward the sound of the voice I already grew to cherish. "I know, I know. I ain't accompanying you. I'd die if I did, already know that."
The Prime nods.
"I am glad you understand."
I love you so much I wish I could tell you...
As he remained standing there I grew nervous, fidgeting with the strings of my hoodie.
"Is there something you need?"
"Wha- me? No! Just... go be a hero.
You know you're good at it."
I clear my throat, pretty sure Optimus could hear my pulse. "But remember to take a break sometimes. I always see you up and about."
Did I overstep? I knew it. Chance blown. Goodbye earth. No romance.
"I highly appreciate your concern Alex."
He's always saying my name help. Is he just being polite or what does this mean?!
"There is this human saying. What was it again? I grab it with my heart...?"
Please he's so cute I can't~
"I'll take it to heart was it probably. It means to honor someone's wishes as you see them important."
He tilts his helm in question. "The person or the wish?"
That is when I think all the 5 liters of blood inside my body went up to my face.
Keep calm, stay cool Alex. Don't embarrass yourself.
"It's up to the person saying that."
Whatever higher power there is, please help me!
"You deem my wellbeing as important and so do I"
Phew, that was close...
"Can it be both?"
"Eh, sure. There's always room for interpretation."
I guess...?
What has my life come to? They probably think I'm a know it all person. I gotta keep my damn mouth shut from now on.
"Very well then Alex, I look forward to working with you."
I only nod, trying not to get lost in those beautiful blue optics.
"I'm sure it's gonna be great Optimus!"
Unless I unsubscribe from life because a Deception squishes me...
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This is just me being unhinged in all aspects sooooooo
Call me Lennox or Nox
I'm a fucking minor so don't be weird
I'm pansexual and a genderfluid demigirl
I use any/all pronouns
my boyfriend <33 @justaboymadeofhoneyandglass
(so if you're homophobic, transphobic, or any shit along those lines dni)
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I like many things:
Twilight (ik it's bad but still)
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
And more but I don't remember
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I have adhd and autism (I'm self diagnosed)
★ Matching w: @sleepinginmygrave ★
★Tis I a barty and James kin★
I am not sane or funny by any sense of the word/hj sooooo anything i say is just out into the world, and if u don't like it?
Guess what
so simple ik
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MARAUDERS wlw ship names polls:
Dorlene— here
PandaLily— not started
LilyLene- not started yet
MaryLily- not started yet
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MY FICS(all on ao3):
Bellatrix Black x Rita Skeeter (Quillkiller) — Love confessions, fluff, oneshot
James Potter x Regulus Black(Starchaser)— Ballet au, love confessions, completed
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase(Percabeth)— Major character death(but not really), canon divergence, Dark Percy, incomplete with 2 chapters(very very bad at updating this one)
Jason Grace x Leo Valdez (ValGrace)— major character death, angst, unrequited requited love, loosely based off of the battle with Gaia, unhappy ending, oneshot
Narcissa Black x Lily Evans(NightFlower)— arranged marriage, Forbidden love, denial, angst, bittersweet ending, inspired by Good Luck Babe! By Chappell Roan, oneshot
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(the dividers are by @cyberangel-graphics )
So basically that's it
I'll add to this later
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runningfrom2am · 4 months
i just loved chapter 17 so much!
first of all, it was so well written. the panic attack; not quite realising what you’re doing, where you are or not being able to focus on anything other than your body’s physical reactions, jumping to conclusions based on hyper specific things but also not being able to form a thought- you did really well.
second, this fic is making me love lucy gray even more if that’s possible, she is the best friend and I will die on that hill. also sejanus; darling, dearest, dead sejanus how i hope nothing bad happens to you!
third, her family is everything but especially lennox! that boy is willing to do anything and everything for his sister and i’m here for it. they balance each other out.
p.s. i hate to agree with cole but seems like she does have a type.
p.p.s. no!! not the curls!!! come back!!
omg bestie thank you. that one took me the longest to write so far so i am so glad that it was well received.
also special thank you for validating how i depicted her mental state bc i was worried ab that. like personally i am a regular panic attack haver bc trauma and anxiety and blah blah blah so i tried my very best to be accurate to that, but at the same time mental health episodes are so so different for literally everyone so my only hope was that it could be a respectful and honest reflection of that for everyone and not just to me. bc that would be pointless.
omg yeah i love them so much and i’m SCARED (even though im writing it LOL) bc i’m still ironing out details of what their endings will look like. we shall see.
i am a first born daughter so including what that relationship dynamic is like and can be is so important and so fun to me and i love writing and his character so so much. he’s the sweetest (but he would never admit that)
also yeah she does lmaooo, but also he was like “you won’t get anything from her” so does she have a type really? super vague ab who he is and what their relationship was like (answers will come hopefully soon!)
and omg the curls… i take it you’re team curls?? hahaha
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