#Lenormand From Down Under
qldqueerboy · 1 year
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A significant person in your life has instigated change that has made you uncomfortable in your interpersonal relationships with family, friends or work associates today. Hopefully clarity on the change will make a lot of sense once the reason is documented with clear boundaries and guidelines. In the meantime accept the change as a progressive step in your communications with these people in your life until everything this person has severed unravels in the right time.
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vitaminseetarot · 6 months
Lenormand PAC: Messages From the Eclipsed Sun 🔆🌑😎
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Sup y'all. Welcome to my lil end-of-March reading! Thank you for voting in the polls for April's next PAC topic for the 1 year special, which will be coming up next. Also thank you very, very much once again for participating in my 2nd tarot game! I'm still answering feedback and I'm glad so many of you enjoyed it as I did. I'm looking forward to the next game in summer (possibly a Midsummer game? 🧚‍♀️🐈🎶☀)
I was shuffling my Alchemy Elements deck and noticed that three random cards I pulled out were from the Sun suit (the four suits in this oracle are Moon, Sun, Star, and Earth). I had no topic in mind, so I allowed different mystery messages to come through. These light messages will be relevant to you as you pass through the new moon solar eclipse and all through the next lunar month.
Pick which one of the three sun cards resonates with you:
Flower 💐 Animal 🐎 River 🌊
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Pile 1. Flower 💐
Gratitude, Bird of Paradise, Knowledge; Mountain, Astral Travel, Tower, Promise, Garden
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The world outside is calling you, pile 1. You can't smell the roses blooming if you keep containing yourself under the roof. The beautiful days want you to explore and wander like a child discovering nature for the first time. Perhaps there are flowers you've never seen up close, maybe it's been a while since nature gave you new things to learn and marvel. Botanical gardens are filled with surprises, as are concrete cracks in the city.
Your hands seem too easily tied up in the working world, fulfilling task after task as if every day was meant to be the same. I see a person staring outside their cubicle, wondering when they'll find the time to make it to the park. Wondering when they'll be able to go to that fair, or practice surf lessons. Wondering, hoping, dreaming of the day when the walls can come down, and there will be no separation between daily life and the life filled with endless creative possibilities, waiting to be picked and weaved into crowns.
The path is neither just up ahead, nor light years away; it's right in front of you now. Accept the moment you find yourself in, even if it's impossible, because the surprises you are looking for are already surrounding you. It may feel like you have to climb far to see any hope of change, but you're asked to find stillness and beauty hidden within the climb. Even if you're not wandering through a field of wildflowers yet, there may be chance blossoms within your reach. Be thankful for the present peace you find. Ivy wraps around ivory walls; nature will find a way to you.
Wherever you intend to go, you may need to leave behind the opinions of others that don't help or encourage you. Let them have their perspectives, for they have their own paths to walk. You have yours waiting just outside the door. The light outside may overwhelm you, but it beckons you to appreciate what it has in store for you. So much more awaits you. But what you have today is just as beautiful.
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Pile 2. Animal 🐎
Balance, Lenten Rose, Insight; Letter, Mirage, Heart, Bouquet, Moon
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I hope the sun brings you brighter days, pile 2. There are friends (including animal friends!) who want to bask under the warm luminous skies with you. This time encourage us to stretch our arms out, walk with an extra skip, and enjoy what tomorrow has in store. However, there is anxiety keeping you held in, preventing you from racing ahead. You are being called to expand, move your body, and find ways to embrace joyful freedom more.
Before email and mail trucks were a thing, we had pony mail, which could take weeks to arrive to your mailbox. The information you're receiving doesn't match up to the reality you're soon living in. By the time you're reading the newspaper you have, another one will be on its way, contradicting the one in your hands. Reading over and over can help us feel ready to take on the world, but does it? Or is it keeping you in a loop of confirming news that confirms the news that conforms to the news you're expecting?
Newsflash: the most important place, the space that occurs before it's recorded in the papers, is the place your attention should focus on. If you can meet up with your friends in person, try hanging out with them outside of chatting online. Allow yourself to experience life alongside someone, to feel the wind in your hair as they drive; if you have a pet, spend an afternoon with them on a long walk. A friendly person who can help you desires connection.
Life is a mix of bright and sunny days, mixed with cloudy and rainy days. There are days to be serious and days to be goofy. There are times to stay at home online and times to go out with others. There are moments to feel sadness and worry, and moments of humor and happiness. Take it easy on yourself, pile 2, and whatever topic has you fixated on it, allow yourself the chance to step outside, walk away, and feel the light of the sun and moon on your face.
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Pile 3. River 🌊
Desire, Cyclamen, Reminiscence; Tree, Protection, Animus, Star, Crossroads
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It's okay to not know everything about your path ahead, pile 3. You may be figuring things out as you go along, without any set marker. You're being reminded that whatever path you take, things will turn out okay. Many twists and turns can make a long river, but you will be prepared. It's safe to keep moving in the flow with the currents. When the rolling waves seem slow and steady, it's best to ride along with it, for you have more time than you think to row through.
At times you may desire to keep your boat docked, unable to leave the shore and its many amenities. You may look back on what you used to love (or perhaps found addicting) and wish it were easier to wave it away. Don't be afraid to take souvenirs with you, to remind you of the good times you had. It'll make the transition smoother for when it's time to depart to your next destination. Big changes often require carrying things lightly.
Your north star is shining its beacon out to you. To find it, you must make it; to make it, you must find it. You must set your course by getting clear on where you most want to go. No one else can make this choice for you, for it's your unique trip. The map is with you, provided to you by years of experience and growth. There may be many different distractions, and it's okay to stop to them first just to explore instead of making it to the end goal right away. It's all part of your grand adventure, and the many secrets and surprises make it all the more exciting..
When there's a wish, there's a way. You have the drive within you to set sail towards your greatest yearning in life. Even if it doesn't seem it, you are able to channel the bravery and passion from within. When the skies are dark and you cannot navigate with the stars, you can look to the light beaming out from your soul to find your own way.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
Pick A Card: Past Life Edition
Hello!! I came back with another pick a card reading involving, this time, past life themes. This reading will be a general one in which I’ll describe the general life, lessons (learned and unlearned) and obstacles they had to face so take what resonates and, please, enjoy.
Now, take a few breaths to calm down, close your eyes if you need it, and then choose the option that captures your attention.
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Pile 1.
(Native American, 8 of Diamonds or The Key in Lenormand, Carrot, Virgo, September, Knight of Pentacles in reverse, 4 of Cups, 4 of Pentacles, 10 of Swords, 2 of Cups).
Welcome pile 1 to your reading!! In your past life, you were a native American man who were born under in the month of September or under Virgo season. Now, being a native American doesn’t mean that you had to be necessarily from the United States territory, you could have even lived in Tierra del Fuego or in the Caribbean, but it still can be a possibility. I see with these cards that you lived surrounded by mountains or valleys, far away from the sea in general, and lived from what the earth naturally offered.
Now, I see different scenarios here so take what resonates. The first one is that your secure life at the tribe was boring for you, it seemed as if there was nothing exciting or new inside the world of the tribe. You wanted to see new things, to seek some action, to explore things beyond what your current life offered, to gain success. It is very clear that you had a lot of confidence in that lifetime but, one day, you took the chance by either escaping or going to war, passing away at a young age due to either an accident you had while going away or by the war. You left behind a lover or some connections who truly loved you. Either way, for some, in that lifetime you learned how to take a chance despite the possible dangers out there that could hurt you or even kill you. For others, you learned how many of those naïve ambitions for greatness and seeking things outside can destroy us in the end or block us from seeing what we already have. This is the lesson you didn’t achieve in that past life. Despite having a loving family or a loving partner who loved you deeply, you didn’t think about them when you left. You thought only on what you didn’t have or what you still had to achieve that there was no acknowledge of how much they meant for you until you lost them because of your death.
The other scenario I see is basically the same as the last one but with the difference that, instead of being born in a tribe, you were an explorer who travelled to America in died trying to achieve success there. The 1500s or 1600s are strong numbers for this pile.
Another scenario I see is that, just like the first option, you were a native American that was a slave and lived to served a richer family in which you worked in the farm. I don’t know why I thought of Brazil and those plantations of sugar or tabaco but, if you feel a strong connection to that place, this could be the reason. You were unhappy with the conditions you lived in and tried, eventually, to escape from the place that kept you captive, no matter if you left behind friends or family, but you were discovered and killed while trying to do so. The lessons for this group are the same. You learned to follow your call, your ambition, and to break those chains but, in the process, you didn’t think fully on the people left that depended on you to survive, especially if you were a married man with a family.
This is all I have for you pile 1, I hope it resonated.
Pile 2
(Celtic, Queen of Spades or The Bouquet in Lenormand, Hand, July, Sun, Knight of Swords, 4 of Swords, The Hermit, Queen of Cups, 5 of Swords)
Welcome to your reading pile 2!! Let’s dive into your past life reading.
Ok, this pile speaks to me as a highly feminine and spiritual one that may have had many past lives on earth, other dimensions, or it’s just an old soul in general. Why? Because the past life that came to me comes from very ancient times. It comes from the Celtic times so, if you feel connected to ancient cultures such as this one, then this is a confirmation that your soul lived through those times and in those cultures.
In that past life, you were a woman born in July or under the sign of Cancer who lived a peaceful life surrounded by nature and your loved ones. You were an emphatic person, a caring person, always with the energy and compassion to offer a helping hand to those who needed you. A healer, shaman, medium, these are one of the few words that are coming strongly for this pile. Maybe you learned, or your family in that life helped you, to use natural herbs or flowers to heal other people, to connect with ancestor so you could share messages from them to your close ones.
Anyway, from very early on, you displayed an astonishing interest in nature and the things that lived under the same sun as you. You were interested in getting to know de hidden side of things, to discover the potential use of the things that surrounded you, and to connect with energies beyond the physical real, that’s why, with time, you were considered one of the wisest members of your family. People kept coming to you for advice and, since you had a very big heart, you never said no to anyone. Maye in this lifetime people still come to you for advice even if you are young or others consider you inexperienced. Well, perhaps your actual body doesn’t seem to have enough experience but your soul have, so the wisdom you showed came from many lifetimes of experience.
Connecting with spirits, plants, and animals could have been some abilities you developed in that past life along with the knowledge of how to use some plants as a medicine so, if one of those resonates with you, then take it as a confirmation.
In that past life, you learned how to connect with your feminine side, with the intuitive, creative, and loving side of creation. Of mother Earth. Wow!! Seriously, this pile is a very powerful one with the level of evolution that it can be seen. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if you incarnated in this time on Earth to increase her vibration and help those souls who are struggling so they can evolve as well. Now, the only unresolved lessons I can see here is that some of you feel conflicted each time you are not able to provide help for someone, due to circumstances or lack of knowledge, and you must learn that it is OK to say NO. If you can’t help somebody due to whatever reason, then don’t feel bad about it. We are humans. It is impossible to help all the people in the world. Besides, there is some lessons that people need to learn on his own.
That is all I have for you, pile 2. I hope it resonated and see you soon in another pick a card.
Pile 3
(Arts, Queen of Diamonds or Crossroads in Lenormand, Rolling Pin, November, January, 2 of Wands, The High Priestess, Page of Wands, The Hanged Man, 3 of Wands)
Welcome, pile 3, to your reading!!
In a past life, you were someone who was really interested in the arts, being that either painting, dancing or singing. Either that or you had a talent of some sort that you wanted to explore or share in relation to the arts. Sex here doesn’t look clear in this spread as it happened with the other piles, but that doesn’t matter in this case. The most important thing here is the rest of the story.
Anyway, you could have been a very pragmatic, realistic or private person with the January and November cards (those are months in which Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius lies on) but also a very unique and fiery personality who wanted to pursue his/her interest. You wanted to build something from your passion, to be happy and successful by doing what you liked, but it seems like you had to face many crossroads in your life to make a jump like that. And part of that crossroads may had come from the inner fears that you carried inside. This is especially true if you were a Capricorn because these individuals, when they are not developed properly, tend to be extremely realistic, pessimistic, can have a perfectionist tendency, so, at the end of the day, they tend to sabotage themselves more rather than help.
Now, having a realistic approach and planning your steps is a good quality to have too, especially if those areas have little source of income in comparison to other careers, and I won’t ignore the fact that life sometimes presents some obstacles of different categories that will turn our attention somewhere, but waiting too long for the perfect opportunity or scenario will soon turn into an excuse that hides the real motive of these delays: fears. Fears of not being good enough. Fears of failing. These fears kept you away of pursuing your dream so, during the rest of your life, you lived trying to imagine what your life would be like if only you had followed your passion. What could have been like. Amazing or a nightmare. A success or a failure. Every option came by your eyes each time the imagination of the what if’s returned.
In that life, you learned how to look things through different perspectives. You learned to be cautious, to make plans and don’t rush into things, to keep a suspicious approach before deciding anything and to think things through when an offered appeared in your life. That’s ok. But if you let those guarded feelings prevent you to take steps on any direction then it will backfire and increase those fears so, the general lessons of pile 3 requires, while making plans to make your ambitions a reality, to take steps forward. You must work along with the Universe in order to make your manifestations a reality. For example, if you want to become an author, first you must write a story. Then, send it to an editorial or sharing some samples with others so the book can be read by others. Writing a story and then doing nothing as if you are expecting to be published next day will not work. I’m sorry if this sounded kind of harsh but it is just an example to make clear where I’m going when I talk about taking steps.
That’s all I have for you pile 3. I hope it resonated and see you soon in another pick a card pile.
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criophorus · 9 months
Will Do Readings For Food
Emergency readings are open!
Starting as low as $7!
I hate to complain when I know so many of us are tight on cash, and I always try to stay grateful for what I've got! But I got laid off yesterday morning and have about $15 to my name. Rent is due, I've had to had repairs done on my car 3 times in 3 weeks, and so far I haven't been able to book an interview anywhere. My partner and I were barely scraping by as it were, so we could really use a little help if you're lookin for a reading!
For those of you it may be important to, I'm nonbinary and have a mood disorder, dissociative disorder, ADHD, and chronic pain!!
Primarily opening Lenormand readings (similar to tarot, read in pairs, for anyone wondering!), but will happily do tarot or oracle readings, scry, make sigils, read natal charts, or any other services I've provided here in the past, just ask! I'm more than happy to talk about bundle deals for buying multiple readings or multiple of the above, I'm open to spreads not listed below– in sum, if you don't see what you're looking for, just ask!!
Payment over P*ypal preferred, over v*nmo if, for any reason, you can't use P*ypal.
Readings Prices and Proof of Destitution Below the Cut!
3-Card Spread - $7 - Includes the spread read as a whole ("sentence-style"), interpretation of both sets of horizontal pairs and the mirrored pair as well as the overall summary of my interpretation at the end. That's 4 separate aspects from which I will interpret the answer your question, plus a cohesive interpretation of what they mean altogether, and a huge thank you for paying for gas to get my partner to work in the morning!
5-Card Spread - $12 - Read as a whole, all 4 horizontal pairs, both mirrored pairs, and summary. That's 7 whole aspects of interpretation before your summary, and you've helped me eat for the day!
9-Card Spread, simplified - $15 - Interpretation of center card (core/theme), each horizontal row as a whole (conscious, concrete, and sub/unconscious details), each vertical row as a whole (past, present, and future details), and summary. 7 aspects of interpretation + summary!
9-Card Spread, full breakdown - $35 - Interpretation of the center card, corners/diagonals (context - influence and possibility), each horizontal row as a whole and broken down into pairs and mirrors for more details, and each vertical row as a whole and broken down into pairs and mirrors. That's a whopping 27 aspects of interpretation I'll detail to you before putting it all together and giving you my final, detailed answer! Expect THREE PAGES OF DETAILS on this one! Recommended for when you want a reading on broad areas of your life (ex. "I want on my bf's and I's relationship" or "It's been a long week, I'd like a reading to get some overall insight right now," or a question you want to really deep dive, like "What should I expect at the party tonight," or, "I'm making x decision and need insight on what to do.") Only taking 3 full-breakdown 9-card spread requests at a time so I can get to everyone in a timely fashion! Slots available: (3/3)
To order a reading, DM me or email me at [email protected]
No medical/legal questions.
Must be 18+ or have parent's permission, honor system
Readings under $35 - payment when reading is done, before I send full document
Readings $35 and up - half up front, half when reading is done
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Thank you for reading, and I appreciate every reblog! <3 Love y'all!
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aedisveneris · 2 years
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SELF-LOVE READINGS   pick a card affirmations + advice on self love
messages to uplift and empower you topped off with advice on what next step to take toward self-love. tarot, lenormand, and oracle cards used. 
whenever you’re ready your message is under the cut…
DISCLAIMER This work is done for the love of Tarot and is intended only for those open to it. It is in no way intended to be professional advice. Please consume this, and all general online readings, responsibly.
DECKS Oracle of the Roses Borderless Coleman-Smith Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani Fyodor Pavlov Tarot Disney’s Alice in Wonderland Tarot Botanical Inspirations Oracle Hilda’s Lenormand
Thanks for being here! 
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You have a gift. A superpower that lets your spirit persevere through any obstacle. You wield undying light. It’s time for you to wield it responsibly and intentionally. Very real circumstances might have forced you to keep that light to yourself. Allow yourself to share it now. Allow yourself to be shared. 
The next best step for you to take on your self-love journey is to get out of the way of your own happiness. Learn what it means to preserve your concern for the real stressors in your life and not the fantastical ones. Joy is present and available to you: give it the chance to bloom. 
For all the details head over to the full reading on YouTube
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Rain, shine, in pain, or fine you can always be counted on to show up. The way you can separate your responsibilities from other facets of your life is a gift. Whether you’re aware of it or not, your talent for compartmentalization generates actual benefits for you. 
Your advice is to hone this talent by evolving it. Allow a new day to dawn by stepping into new ways of doing things. To be perfectly clear: you ARE NOT being advised to let go of your talent to prioritize your responsibilities, but to begin the work of understanding when it’s necessary and when it’s time to put it down. Self-love for you isn’t just rest and relaxation, it’s FUN. Learn to prioritize that too. 
Get all the details at the full reading on YouTube
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All the work you’ve been doing to lay your past to rest is SEEN and RECOGNIZED. The fruit of your labor: the go-ahead to start making moves toward what you want. 
What Self-Love needs from you is self-mastery. Don’t go crazy now that you’re being told to make moves. The moves MUST be intentional, in alignment with all the work you’ve been doing. Otherwise all your hard work will be undone. If it applies: choose yourself, do NOT go back to them. 
Find the full reading over on YouTube
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Beyond the cards: Iris's Readings
Hello friends! I am Lady Iris, I have been a reader for almost 10 years when it comes to scrying and casting things! I've been reading cartomancy for 5-6 years now! I have methods ranging from bibliomancy, candle scrying, auric readings, and more! Currently, I have hit a bit of a rough spot financially because of increasing health problems, family issues, and more. I currently work 3 jobs but I may have to take on a fourth SO I would rather it be something I love!!
With that said: I specialize in spiritual readings which can include Spirit and Deity Dossier, and shadow readings. I also am really good at real-world readings like spelling ideas, real-world guidance, relationship and love forecasts, and forecast readings! I also am willing to do the down-and-dirty readings however It's by consultation, I reserve the right to deny any reading I don't feel I would make a good match in, however, I can refer you to someone who will!
For paid readings, I am always open and ready to fit you into my books! I have Paypal, Zelle, and can accept gift cards as well if needed! Pricing is done via consultation because all spreads are handmade by me, but it avg about ~$2 USD a card and you get a paragraph per card as it relates to the question which averages between 6-8 sentences!
Divination Methods I offer
Playing Cards
Bibliomancy - Divination by Books
Ouija/Spirit Board
Physiognomy - Body/Face readings
Iridology - Iris Readings
Scrying (smoke, fire, water, and crystal)
Dream Interpretations
Automatic Writing/Channeling
Auric Readings
Astral Scans
Energy Center Readings
Tasseography - Tea Leaf readings
Botanomancy - Divination by Plants
Wax Readings
Internal Omen Casting
Cleromancy - Casting Lots/Crystal Casting
Abacomancy - Casting dust or soot
Shufflemancy - Divination through music
Xylomancy - Divination by wood
Astragalomancy - Divination by Dice
Ornithomancy - Divination by Birds
And many many more!
For more information:
Time zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST/EDT) Divination specialties: Cartomancy of all types (Tarot, oracle, Lemerand, etc), Scrying and trance work, Numerology, Astral Scans, Nature based readings (Ornithomancy, Abacomancy, etc), Internal Omen Casting, Runes, list goes on so feel free to ask for a specific divination! I have most likely used it within 6 months Types of readings you prefer: Simple or complex, spiritual or non spiritual, its all good to me! Just see me for a consultation! Types of readings you won't do: Closed practices (I will send a list if needed of guidelines I follow), most of my guidelines will have to come from a consultation and I reserve the right to deny service under any grounds! So come ask me first, and we can make a plan, even if I wouldn't be a good fit as a reader! Experience level: I don't exactly like putting a label on it because some methods I've done for 15 years, some for only 1, In any case I do account this into the pricings of all my divination methods to insure you are getting a good deal! When are you open for readings?: For paid readings I will always be open, sometimes I will have flash sales, or open up my free offers when trying something new! Feel free to reach out whenever and I can see what I can do! :D Contacts: If you want to shoot me a Message on tumblr I can set up more ways to contact me! I have a discord handle that we can move too, or I can set up spaces to communicate! For my privacy I wont share any of my other social media's unless asked!
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todayiwrotenothing · 7 months
My main hope is that it will enable me to function as a human and an employee simultaneously, because at the moment I can only manage one at a time. Please, my executives, they want to function.
A secondary hope is that I'll be able to focus enough to write again, and to that end I've started planning a novel. It's based on the seed of an idea I had for a fic a couple of years ago that refused to germinate, and moving it from a pre-existing canon to an original context has helped encourage tentative roots and shoots. Weird horror, kinda house of leaves meets this is spinal tap with a dollop of quantum mechanics and philosophy of mathematics. And if the drugs don't work, well, maybe tripling my coffee intake will be enough to get it written before hypertension makes my heart explode.
Also, I have realised that my choice paralysis problems in writing (what happens next in the story? How do I narrow down infinite possibilities?) can be eased with divination tools like tarot, lenormand, and runes. What happens next? Pick a fucking card and that's what happens next.
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maiji · 11 months
Hi Maiji! My Lenormand question: what could I do to spark some creative energy when I feel like I'm running on fumes with all my projects?
Numbers: 8, 32
Thank you for this question, I really feel this in my creative and multitasking soul! Also, I know you're familiar with this deck and its symbols already ❤️ so you may have some thoughts once you see the cards pulled, and again some of these ideas are likely not totally fresh or new. But hopefully there are some ideas that may shine today under a new light, and be helpful in some way!
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#8 was The Mice, and #32 drew the Key!
The Mice can represent things, often little things, that eat away at us, steal our resources (energy?), wear us down. Meanwhile, The Key can be a sign of something that needs our attention.
For anyone reading this, this is an example of a case (that can come up quite a bit, to be honest) where the cards drawn don't seem - at first glance - to provide a path to answers as much as they seem to be simply describing the situation or problem you already know. Which can initially be like "Wow! Amazing! Such immediate relevance!" but then the next feeling can be, "OK, that's great that it's obviously reflecting my issue/concern back at me, but what can I do about it?"
In instances like this, I personally find it helpful to remember: the reason it may seem so stunningly relevant in describing the issue at hand is because of ourselves. It's so clear to us because it's what been weighing on our mind, possibly blocking us from seeing solutions. So the next part is where it gets trickier - and funnily enough in the context of this question, calls on us to stretch our creative muscles to dig deeper. To hunt for potential insights, to try to look at things from different angles. Which, as an activity in and of itself, can sometimes be helpful just to get you going in terms of considering something else, and then to start noticing those things and those opportunities as you go throughout your day.
The Key can also represent a key. A solution, or a missing piece to unlock a puzzle. I wonder if we can look again at the symbols and associations of The Mice to find some ideas, or at least something to help us shift our perspective.
The Mice can also represent things that need to be repaired/fixed - something to be taken care of. Maybe the Key is pointing out that if these things can be addressed, that could be a solution - hopefully something more long term than a band-aid. Some other thoughts:
Mice are small but numerous, and sometimes it feels like our problems are that way too, that they keep growing and proliferating and building up.
But is that purely the domain of negative things? Could positive things not do that too?
Is creativity only something that can be done in massive sustained bouts? Is creative energy only something that exists in giant fireworks? Or can our creative sparks and moments and work also be like little mice? A little nibble here, a little nibble there. Letting all the little things build up and gnaw at what may seem like an immense pile over time, and recognizing that there's power in that too.
Maybe they'll hit a tipping point and snowball, but if not could this be workable too?
Perhaps we can look at how we are tackling our projects - not just from the tasks we are doing, but the emotional investment we are pouring into them. Can we ease the power, passion, focus? Not that this means diluting it, but spreading it out and being gentle with ourselves (as the very cute small furry creatures we can imagine ourselves to be), so that we don't burn out?
In my overview document, I note that the meaning of the Mice cards in Lenormand is rooted in a particular perspective. In Chinese culture, rats and mice are seen much more positively. There's a reason the first sign of the Chinese/Eastern zodiac is a rat/mouse! It's a clever creature that can size up the situation and untie tricky knots. Actually, as you may know, the way the rat/mouse got into first position was through a bit of offloading of work. Depending on the version of the story, the approach varies, but usually it tricks or piggybacks off of the efforts of another animal. Not saying that I'm condoning cheating or tricking other people, but I wonder if there are things you could do to "trick" yourself into being able to feel like you're making more progress, to make "work work" feel more creative or support/feed creative labour and be more fun, or assessing the work so that something you're doing could be used for/to further multiple projects.
And the ability of mice to hoard things is also seen as a positive - creating an abundance of wealth, maybe storing up an abundance of ideas that you can return to later. Or just recognizing maybe we need to save for that rainy day when it comes to our creative energy as well. If you need to rest, recognize that too.
Earlier I mentioned the Key can represent a missing piece. If we took that idea literally, and extended it to an actual puzzle - a game - is some kind of diversion in order? Our brains do a lot even when we're not actively thinking about a project. From personal experience, I've definitely had a lot of times where I just took a "vacation" - stopped working on something, let the juices percolate in my subconsciousness and the seeds sprout without me constantly working the soil... and then one day it manifests, and I'm at it again with refreshed insight, inspiration and enthusiasm.
One last thought - rereading my overview document, I notice I commented that "ancient Chinese keys are pretty utilitarian and mundane looking". It does remind me of my own feelings about how creative work can feel like a slog when you're doing it, and sometimes that is the reality that I cannot escape from. But I also reminds me I can be practical about that - after all, the key is in my own hands. If everything I turn to is becoming 100% a slog, that's probably a sign that this is not sustainable. At the very least, a good nap is probably in order, and perhaps a bigger break or a reset of some sort.
I hope there was something to spark an idea. Sending you a lot of good wishes for creative energy!
Thanks for requesting a limited time free reading to celebrate the new edition of the Fortune Lenormand oracle/art deck!
Want to dive deeper?
Fortune Lenormand oracle/art deck - there's a free downloadable overview of card meanings!
humangray.com/lenormand - more info and resources/links!
(Note: these readings are being done with my old card deck from the original printing. There's not much difference with the new edition available in the link above - the biggest one is that the new edition has a custom box ooh ahh!)
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momoffdrugs · 11 months
11/08/2023. 3:24AM
man. i feel weird.
i feel like lately i have had a spiritual awakening.
a lot of realizations of myself. what i am, what i need, what i have to be.
it feels like i have so much i need to accomplish immediately, but i feel so lost?
spiritually, i know im not alone. but physically, financially i feel alone. like i must bare these responsibilities alone, on my shoulders.
and i’m scared.
i ran into an old friend from school, along with a great woman in the latino community, and it caught me completely off guard. but now i’m left wondering if maybe i was meant to see them? i was invited to go to an event on friday and i think im going to go.
i had a french tarot reading done a few weeks ago, a lenormand reading, and it brought up a lot of interesting prompts for me.
one, i needed to move for my daughter. this house is not an environment for me to raise her properly.
two, i needed to get out more
three, i needed to stop working small jobs. go for something bigger. there is someone waiting for me, that has other people with the same capabilities as me, working for them. is this for me? is this the opportunity the reader was talking about? but what would i do?
if i worked for a latino community, how would i translate? i’m white, i look white. even though im mostly mexican, and i don’t even fluently speak spanish completely. i have a white baby. i feel like a fraud. but my family, tradition, and heritage mean everything to me. like really, i just remembered, for hispanic heritage month in middle school, i took it upon myself to do something to celebrate. i put up decorations, and read announcements for it every morning of the month.
but what have i done lately for my community?
i feel despondent as a mexican american woman.
i feel like i don’t belong. but why not?
why must i always put myself down, feel like im never good enough. i am enough. i am a part of this community. i was raised by migrants. immigrants. i’m a second generation american. i’ve been to mexico multiple times to our family home. i have family i know in mexico.
so that leaves the question, what do i have to offer the latino community?
i could speak on addiction within the community. many mexican people struggle with generational addiction. lots with either alcohol, cocaine, whatever. i struggled with heroin. and i have two years of clean time under my belt.
but at the same time, i don’t regularly attend meetings, don’t have a sponsor. i drink and smoke weed on occasion. i serve alcohol for a living. so really… who am i to speak on it. but maybe sobriety is different for everyone?
everything in moderation, including moderation.
but is what i’m doing realistic?
especially for myself, how can i justify my sobriety, health? if im still using a mind altering substance. it honestly makes me feel ashamed sometimes.
but that’s not what it is for me sometimes, i am free from the shackles of a terrible relationship, a terrible partner, free from meth, free from heroin, free from hard drugs. no molly, coke, none of that. anything that could go up my nose is prohibited.
that’s what my problem was. substance abuse. and i realize that any substance could easily lead to abuse. so i only drink for occasions. including smoking too. only with friends
over the summer i smoked weed for the first time in years, and it caused paranoia psychosis. i tried smoking again last month which worsened it. so no smoking for me except for very special occasions where i know im safe and with good friends.
idk i just feel like im never good enough for my standards. my moms standards. my papis standards. my families standards.
am i going to be ok?
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tarot-and-stuff · 2 years
hi! happy new year to you. may i please receive a general 2023 reading (like how should i prepare for events this year, what should i expect, etc)? i hope you have a pleasant and fun year. sending good vibes and positive energy your way. thank you! 🫶 - k
Hi!  Happy New Year to you as well!  Sending good vibes to you too and hope that your year is great!
Since a year is a long time span, I drew 12 cards for this, since 12 months in a year.  Each card doesn’t necessarily represent what will happen each month though.  This area is focused mostly on what to expect for 2023.  
The first card to come out was the 2 of Pentacles.  This is associated with balancing your responsibilities and priorities.  This may involve trying to figure out how to balance all of those things into your schedule.
The second card to come out was the 8 of Wands.  This card is a fast-paced period where there is a lot going on for you.  This makes sense with that 2 of Pentacles and may be a major factor for why you are trying to balance everything that’s going on.
The third card to come out was the 7 of Wands.  This is associated with perseverance.  This can also suggest a bit of a competitive or tense environment.
The fourth card to come out was the 6 of Wands.  This is a card associated with being on your way to success.  It’s also a reminder to be proud of your accomplishments and believe in yourself.
The fifth card to come out was the Knight Of Swords.  This has to do with taking action on ideas.  
The sixth card to come out was the 6 of Swords.  This card is associated to moving towards calmer times.  Basically, I feel like this shows that the busy time from that 8 of Wands does end up settling down later into the year.
The seventh card to come out was the 8 of Cups.  This card is associated with disappointment.  Basically, something wasn’t as fulfilling or didn’t quite work out like you had hoped.  
The eighth card to come out was The Magician.  This card is associated with confidence and using your skills to achieve your goals.  Basically, confidently going after what you set your mind to and knowing that you have the skills you need.
The ninth card to come out was the Ace of Pentacles.  This card is associated with a great opportunity likely coming in for you.  This may be something that benefits you financially, since it is a pentacle card.
The tenth card to come out was the 2 of Cups.  This card is associated with strong connections.  This may suggest a new friendship or relationship showing up this year for you.
The eleventh card to come out was The Chariot.  This card is associated with progress.  It can also suggest travel, so possibly a vacation or move may occur this year.  It may also simply be suggestive of you making progress and growing as a person too as a result of this year.
The twelfth card to come out was the 4 of Pentacles.  This card is associated with focusing on stability.  This may be financial stability, which may include possibly budgeting or focusing on saving money.  This can also be stability in the environment around you.
Under the deck was The Devil.  This is connected to releasing and addressing bad habits.  Basically, I feel like this suggests that 2023 will be a year of growth for you as you realize what behaviors aren’t serving you.
I’m still working on learning these, so I figured I’d throw this in here too.  This is also focused on what to expect this year.
The Bouquet and the Coffin came out.  This doesn’t seem to be a great combination to come out, since together they can mean an unpleasant surprise.  
The Snake was under the deck.  With those other cards, this could suggest that the gift could be kind of passive aggressive rather than one that’s intended to make you happy.  Perhaps the unpleasant surprise is learning that someone you considered a friend isn’t really that great of a friend for you or something like that.
This is focused on advice for how to proceed through 2023.
The first card to come out was Self-Care: Time To Cleanse.  Basically, take care of yourself and don’t neglect your own well-being, especially during those busy times.  I feel like this also goes along with The Devil and dealing with negative habits.
The second card to come out was Independence: On Your Own.  Basically, I feel like you focus on yourself this year and being independent.  
The third card to come out was Wild Cat: You Never Know What’s Lurking.  I feel like this suggests that there may be something that catches you off-guard.  Basically, there may be some situation(s) that may have more underneath the surface than it may seem at first.
Under the deck was Friendship: Care Is There.  Basically, just a reminder that there are people you can rely on that care for you.  Even when focusing on independence, that doesn’t mean you can’t rely on friends for support at times.
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
Remaking this since the first post was so glitchy :/
@hueynomure asked
A tall, wide-shouldered lady with Mediterranean features strides in the tent, an eerie violet gown encased in jagged bone billowing with her movements. Her knee-length black hair, bound by a large white ribbon, swishes like a cat's tail. "Well met! Call me Silver, my dears." She beams at the readers, meeting their gaze over a pair of honey-tinted glasses crowded by shadows. She sits with Victorian propriety. "I'm in the final stage of my hunt. A costly, costly hunt for a terrible monster. I wonder if I should keep a leashed shard of my quarry as a trophy or... pick up a thing or two for myself. Do you accept dream honey as payment?" She puts a small jar of the substance on the table. "I've always wanted to fly," she muses, with no explanation.
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(Thank you for including a picture! So exciting! :D)
“Oh I like you.”
Tybee grins at their guest and produces a tea pot and sugar biscuits topped with little candied flowers. He pours three cups and pushes one forward.
“Payment is absolutely not necessary but I do wonder how dream honey goes with tea?”
He spoons some into his cup, takes a sip, and turns his hand with a flourish. A flash of metallic blue shines between his elegant fingers, and a new deck appears. Gil licks his lips.
“You want to try with that?”
“Why not? I won’t improve with it unless I try.” Tybee shrugs and begins shuffling gleefully. Gil sighs but pulls a blue cloth out from under the table and spreads it out. Tybee immediately begins laying cards.
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“The Lenormand has come to me recently, and reads until the tarot. It’s a deck of connections and stories, and so I thought it might be appropriate for your case. Such a long story with your hunt… how will it end?”
Tybee smiles as he lays down the center card. “Ah, the Scythe, how appropriate. This hunter is your stand in for the read. Now we examine the connections.”
He lays out a grid, the blue edges of the cards flashing in the winking starlight of the tent.
“The Birds and Tree suggest you the Owl have flushed your quarry from its roost, its familiar territory, its home. Reading the Birds’ row vertically, we see the clever Book giving way to the precarious Tower. Your quarry is primed to fall.”
“The Moon, featuring in the top row, suggests we pay closest attention to cards with similar iconography. Now here, below,” he gestures to the bottom row, “ we have the Anchor, and the Ring. The Ring, silhouetted against a moon.”
He taps the full moon, then the darker moon above it behind the tree, and the one behind the tower. And finally, the ring behind the book, and the illusory ring behind the moon.
“I think… the Anchor would weigh you down. Drag you down into the darkness of your quarry. I know the ring feels a little literal, but I would definitely look for something of that nature.”
“What about the Caterpillar?” Gil asks. Tybee grins.
“If you find something you could nurture, perhaps? Change into something all your own… watch it grown into beautiful maturity?” The smile he gives Silver is absolutely predatory. “I say take what you can get away with, my dear. My, this tea is absolutely delicious.”
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qldqueerboy · 2 years
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You may have been forced to take an unexpected detour in your plans today but being at the right place at the right time has reaped you a financial reward you didn’t see coming. It certainly won’t place you on easy street but it is enough to warm your heart that a little good luck has come your way.
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hawthorne-house · 2 years
Hello! May I participate in Hawthorne House's After Hours, please? My statement is a small fairytale poem I offer: "To the impromptu woodland party, I decide to bring: apple pies, berry jam cookies, and mulberry tea (honey added courtesy of the hardworking bees); I arrive at my usual place, the clearing next to the small stream, the grass swaying gently from the day's light breeze, where the birds find fun in following me; I set my basket under the shade of a tall tree, where a deer pauses to sniff and a fox nudges it curiously, they and a few squirrels are drawn by the smell of the sweets; and despite their cheeks that are stuffed and full of treats, they find no difficulty in chattering as they eat; I settle down into my seat; making sure to greet them and all the other animals that gather to join the festivities. -Signed, Snow White (probably)." Thank you for your time and energy!
"Sounds like my kind of party, be sure to wear something green." Aaloqui's immediate thoughts. I don't know why the green yet but perhaps we'll find out. It could be a lucky color though, I'm getting something about an event or dinner coming up. Maybe you look good in green? I also found it interesting that you chose a fox specifically in your story and wanted to make note of it. The fox is certainly a significant creature at Hawthorne House. So I'd say you found the right place.
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(Absolutely didn’t realize your pick was attached but it’s here nooow.) Ace of Pentacles (center), The Fool (left), The Two of Pentacles (right). Three other cards came flying out with those which included the Emperor, Temperance, and amazingly for the third time this morning, the Ten of Wands. Everyone seems to be feeling the burden of responsibility today. Or perhaps you are all taking these readings seriously as there is something you are hoping to hear the spirits say. "You offer earthly things and so earthly things you shall receive." Green for green, you could be coming into some money here, or an opportunity is being presented to you, but you will have a choice to make. Or rather, there's something you are balance or that you need to balance. Something between responsibility and daring. Being bold, but not impulsive in a reckless way. There is a sense of mischievousness here. "The birds are collecting many keys." Both the Emperor and Temperance give heavy indications of going your own path, that you have no reason or need to follow the crowd. It's fine to do things your own way. At the bottom of the deck you have the Four of Swords and the Five of Pentacles. It is alright to go things your own way but important to maintain balance between your physical or material world or your responsibility to the physical world, while at the same time nourishing your soul and moving towards or searching for your own answers. The way I'm pulling out these cards I'm going through and reading the tarot first and then pulling the clarifying Lenormand, so writing as I go here. So the cards I pulled for you were The Bear, The Tree, and The Grave. I have to say that the Fox came out again, this time at the bottom of the Lenormand deck. The fox might be quite a significant creature for you or it could be an indication of work or your skills in this case with the rest of the cards. The Bear is all about your physical wealth, your career and possessions, stability and nutrition. Very much in the physical plane. While the Tree is almost a bridge between the physical and spiritual. There are two sides of yourself here and one or both of those sides are about to undergo a transformation with this grave card. While you could be mourning a loss indicated in this card I'm getting more that there is something ending or changing. At first I got a very resounding "Time to change jobs." Or maybe that you are thinking of a career change or pursuing a career that might not look like it will provide the immediate stability you need. There will be a transitioning processes that might be difficult and in that I feel grounding in your spirituality or whatever beliefs you ascribe to would be very useful, as well as taking care of the mind and body. I'm getting a very strong indication of a shift of environment for you. And while I'm picking up that this is very much in your day to day space it doesn't feel quite like moving house. "Many opportunities will present themselves to you. But you have many keys and so you can choose which doors you'll be opening." That's all I'm getting for now. I hope this reading was helpful, affirming, or at the very least interesting. It certainly seems like money matters and/or an improvement or upswing in your financial situation are in the forefront here though. Be mindful of your finances in the coming weeks. It might be good to save up a bit of a nest egg in case you really do end up taking a new job opportunity and need to move or a cushion as you wait for the new checks to come in. Thanks a bunch for your participation! Yours, Aria
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suilinbride · 3 years
I'm glad to hear that you are resilient and here to stay my friend, you are truly inspiring. Also I noticed you are doing free readings for Lokispeople and the deadline has been extended, may I join in as well? I don't have a specific question but I feel like there is a message that I trust will come through. I've never had a Lenormand reading done for me before, so that sounds interesting. But if your intuition tells you to pick another method, feel free to go with that Birthdate is 12/18/89.
How's it going Sithi? I hope you're doing great my friend, and I'll go ahead and apologize for how long it took me to do this reading for you. The past eight or nine months (I've lost count, obviously) has been downright insane for me, and I'm only just now getting back to doing the readings I owe people from last year's Autumn Equinox.
I actually meant to ask you if you still want me to do this reading, still find out if or what Loki's message for you is with Lenormand, but Tumblr apparently kept devouring the asks I sent you to make sure that this reading was still the one you wanted, but Loki all but gathered me up this evening and told me to just finally do it already, and that he would supply the rest. So, with that being said, I hope this helps you in some way! And, I am willing to do a follow up reading to try and obtain more details or read for any follow up question you may have.
Alright, let's see what we got here for you Sithi!
Sun, Man, Rider, Bear, Whip
The middle card, card three, the core of the reading, is Rider. This is interesting, and gives me a fairly good idea on the kind of message Loki is wanting to get across to you with this reading.
But I'll go ahead and read the individual cards first before I dive right into the meat and potatoes of this reading.
Sun: Happiness, victory, success, joy.
Man: Man, Male, Masculine energy or effort or presence.
Rider: Arrival, delivery,approaching, etc.
Bear: Strength, power, energy, force, effort.
Whip: struggle, pain, hardship.
Like I said, Rider is the middle card, card three, the core of the reading, and the overall theme of what's going on, or in this case at least, what Loki is trying to get across to you. There's either something on it's way my friend, either approaching you very soon, or maybe it's already there to some extent? Maybe it's sitting under your nose, without you noticing, and simply waiting for you to engage with it.
To get the summary of this reading, I'll go ahead and read cards two and three, and cards three and four.
Man and Rider: A man is arriving, a male presence or energy will be delivered soon enough.
Rider and Bear: Strength is arriving, power has been delivered, some intense energy is coming your way.
I don't know the nitty gritty details of your relationship with Loki, especially regarding the past few months, but I would say that this reading is saying very much something to the effect that Loki is coming back in your life very soon, if he's been gone for a while now, or, if you work mostly with a particular aspect of Loki, that a different and more rugged and intense form of his presence will be showing up shortly.
If the second one turns out to be the most likely case, my money would most likely be on Loki as The Worldbreaker or Loki as Breaker of Chains, or something to that effect. The small taste of Loki's energy that I'm picking up on while doing this reading for you very much reminds me as Loki when he's absolutely mad or is about to start breaking things complete and fucking things up on a general yet epic level.
This is the heart of the reading and the essence of what is going on , and furthermore, what Loki is trying to tell you.
Next, I'll mirror the cards surrounding the center card Rider to see what issues will be showing up due to the situation unfolding at hand.
Sun and Whip: Struggling with success, hardship to find happiness.
Man and Bear: Strong or powerful male presence.
Because of the sheer force of Loki coming back into the picture, either fullsale, or a particular aspect of his energy, this may get a little crazy for a bit. You might end up struggling to succeed with things while the onslaught rages on for a bit, but you'll work through it and find your way out onto the other side, regardless of what may come from the wildfire that is Loki. The disruption, the storm if you will, isn't so much intentional or part of Loki's will, but is a by product of how strongly he's going to reappear or ramp up things here in a bit.
Alright, I'll see what further details I can gather for you from this reading by reading the cards as pairs.
Sun and Man: Loki is successful in returning to you, or, showing up in either a new, or a rare form of himself.
Man and Rider: An approaching Loki is coming your way, either returning or showing up in a way or form that is not as usual as the ones he normally wears?
Rider and Bear: Loki's arrival shall be extremely intense, as he's not playing around. Going to break the door down if he has to.
Bear and Whip: The intensity is very forceful, and will not be pleasant to go through or deal with for the time being.
Last, yet certainly not least, I'll read all the cards in rows to gain even more detail, or more likely the case, zoom on things a bit further.
Sun and Man: Loki is victorious.
Sun and Rider: Loki's arrival or return is successful.
Sun and Bear: Loki's success is intense as hell. Watch that first step, or even the second one for that matter, as it's a fucking doozy!
Sun and Whip: The success, however, isn't all that pleasant, either for you or Loki for that matter.
Man and Rider: An arriving Loki.
Man and Bear: Loki has some fire under his ass, giving his presence a stronger kick than usual.
Man and Whip: Both of you will feel the struggle of his walking into your life in this way. The fire burns both of us in it's own way.
Rider and Bear: Loki is packing more of a kick than usual.
Rider and Whip: Loki struggles to come to you, and part of that is felt in the storm of his presence. Both of you will struggle to burn as least as possible from the wildfire he brings with him.
Bear and Whip: Loki struggles with intensity he brings with him this time.
Whip and Sun: Both of you will be successful to get through it and come out the other end of things when it dies down.
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the-wardens-torch · 3 years
((About 1-2 years after the copper bell mines incident, based on a Lenormand card reading done for Fal by @adeat. The reading made a lot of sense to me, and really inspired me, but I stalled on the ending due to my usual process of waffling and wavering about locking down plot details. I think I might be ready to commit though after working on this a bit more.. over the course of 3 years *hangs head in shame*.))
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you actually nervous about a job, Fal.” Sunnthota’s tone was at once surprised and concerned.  “You’ve never been the type to be intimidated by people of intellect or status.”
Falerin’s shoulders slumped involuntarily as he took a seat on the polished white lacquer of the piano bench, looking at the instrument without really seeing it.
“Well, you didn’t tell me that they were all…” he raised his hand and moved it in small circles as he mentally pushed aside all the insulting names he had for pretentious academics. “Adepts of the arcane arts... I figured that it was just the usual idle rich socialite gig until I saw this place…”
Fal warily eyed his surroundings; the framed diagrams in place of wall dressings and curtains, the bookshelves in places of statuary, the artifacts under glass in place of floral arrangements.
Sunnthota shook her head abashedly. “The Mealvaan’s Gate brass needed a good piano player for an event and you were the first one who came to mind.  And I suppose I sort of assumed everyone knew that this place was a library.  I thought your accepting meant you might be ready to get serious about your arcanima studies, or that you were at least willing to spend some time around mage-folk. ”
“No, I’m not. These aren’t my people and they never will be.”  Falerin tugged at the immaculately white cravat around his neck as if to illustrate his point.
“I don’t like playing the dowdy schoolmarm any more than you like playing the reluctant student, you know.  Its silly.” Sunnthota crossed her arms defiantly, adjusting them so as not to crease her spring green taffeta sleeves.  “But perhaps you can think of it this way…I thought you’d appreciate getting away from the adventurer life and doing an old-fashioned music gig.  Every time I see you you‘re complaining about all the killing and dungeons and… near-death experiences.” There was a touch of melancholy in her last few words, no doubt referencing their unpleasant shared history as adventurers.
“Eh, you’re right…“ Fal sighed. and uncovered the keys of the piano. Not a single one was chipped, and they lay in such perfect alignment that he could barely feel the gaps between them. It was exquisite. He hadn’t had even played a piano in so long, let alone been paid to play one… And the pay wasn’t bad for simply being part of the ambiance.  “But what about Ruby…?” he said. “You yourself said you‘d be fascinated to see what her aetherial makeup is. She already gets stares whenever she‘s out, just among ordinary folks.”
Sunnthota then caught him with her scolding schoolmarm gaze. “Okay, now you’re just being ridiculous… really, most of them are so far up their own arses they won’t even notice you’re here, let alone her. Besides, arcanima is a very mercurial thing that can manifest in many forms - they’ll probably just think you’ve got a glamour spell cast on an -egi or a faerie.”
Falerin sighed, adjusting the satin cuff of his sleeve to further conceal the tiny, glowing entity hiding in it.  He realized now that Sunn was absolutely right about their schoolmarm and student dynamic, and he didn’t like it.  They’d been friends a long time and the least he could do was trust her. Besides, he’d grown quite good at hiding Ruby over the years.
“Eh, you’re probably right. I just feel like if I call attention to myself, it’d be like gathering a bunch of classical composers, trying to impress them with armpit fart noise versions of their most moving concertos, and telling them you were my music teacher.”
Sunnthota smirked. “Well, I would still call that an exaggeration, but at least you’re starting to sound more like yourself. And besides, the guild doesn’t even know I‘ve been teaching you arcanima…”  Sunnthota uncrossed her arms and raised her hand to her lips before mumbling the words …“without their permission.“  She furrowed her brow slightly before meeting his eyes again.
“I know you, Fal, and that means I know that you‘re clever enough to make it work. Remember that Monetarist party?  You sang gibberish, told them it was an old Belah’Dian dialect, and they still applauded you when you were done.”
Fal raised the back of his hand to his mouth to conceal the smile and faint nose-laugh prompted by the memory… He did consider that one of his prouder moments, and she knew it.
She smiled again and placed a hand on his shoulder, and when she spoke, her voice was gentle and sincere. “Just the same, I’m sorry to have put you in this situation. I honestly didn’t think it would make you so uncomfortable.”
“Its fine, Sunn. I‘m just being a little shit, like you said.“ Falerin ran his fingers gently over the piano keys again. He could tell by their weight and warmth that they were solid ivory, and by the lack of wear that the instrument was rarely, if ever, played. “I’m sure they wouldn’t waste their time on me, and I‘m certainly not going to volunteer anything.  You‘re just about the last person I want to cause trouble for.” He reached back over his shoulder and placed his hand on hers, realizing a bit too late that his palms were slightly sweaty.
“Just try to relax and enjoy yourself and I’m sure it won‘t even be an issue.  I should get to the foyer and start greeting people, but I’ll try to swipe a drink for you later. ” she gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before letting go.
“Much obliged, Sunn… Any requests once this thing gets started? Or when I remember how to play a piano?”  Fal asked over his shoulder.
Sunnthota hesitated for only a second. “Well, I know it’s a bit sentimental for an intellectual gathering, but how about Rose of May?” Sunnthota replied. “I haven’t heard it in ages.”
“Sure thing.” Fal smiled. “And don’t worry about what I said earlier.  I’d be a right bastard if I ever let you down over something as dumb as a party gig.”
“Thank you Fal.  I really do appreciate this!“ she said, clenching her fists with girlish excitement.  “I was trying to make you feel better with that head and arse comment, but there really are some people here I‘m just dying to talk to.” She took a short moment to clear her throat and compose herself before she ran off, her shoes drumming rhythmically on the white stone floor. Clearly she was hiding her excitement about this event for his sake… Clearly she was also quite capable of moving at great speeds while in heels.
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aeosedo · 4 years
A guide to Tech Witchcraft
Hello lovelies this has been something in which has been requested or talked about among my students on discord, so i wanted to make a guide covering all the information and decided to share it to the public of fellow witches , this is a brief introduction on tech witchcraft an the direction it is going now! 
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Technology and Witchcraft: A Guide to Techno Witchcraft
With the day of age we now live, we go to a point where we are experiencing so much progression in the ways things are done, in our day to day life. Witchcraft is no expectation to this rule as witchcraft is constantly formatting and changing everyday through new age magic, While there is still much work to be done, There are some wonderful formulas in which you can use to boost your work through the power of electricity. 
On top of the concepts of technology witches I will also be going over apps in which I enjoy and use, in which can help you with your witchy needs How does it work? Well, To start off I think we need to go back and look at what exactly magic is in the first place. Typically magic explains the manipulation and manifestation of energy through oneself and one's mind. It can be used to content with the conscious and subconscious mind. 
It is idealistically all witchcraft leads to a goal typically under these things , however are also not limited to: 1) self improvement
2) to connect to the divine 
3) to keep or follow a pre existing or new traditions/ lifestyle 
4) Healing 
5) Banishing 
Now keeping this in mind , the tools of magic we use work because they are stored with intent and energy.  All items are charged with energy from one self or divine energy as well. Any items we chose to work with will have energy and intent. Money does not really matter in the situation as long as you can get creative. 
However this in mind there are correspondences with the elements In western culture the elements include: Air, Fire, Earth, Water and Spirit 
In Eastern Culture the elements include : Wood, Iron, Fire, Earth and Water
Correspondence plays about 40 percent of the magic in the situation as long as something matches with an element or deity , and you can put energy and intent in it, it could potentially work. 
We can see the light used in smartphones, computer screens, and so on and so forward the element of fire. In the early days of Greece when we looked at the elements:  Light, Fire, Soul and Temperature were all considered things of fire, if something was warm ( such as the human body) it would be associated with fire. 
For example: 
Typically this is how one of the concepts of medicine started with human temperature, if a person was too hot , they needed water and earth to balance it out ( water and food) so using it in this retrospect works with the light being warm and as well as bright like a torch or flashlight.  Often when a phone uses a lot of energy or a computer when gaming it also gets warm due to all the energy in which is needed. 
Now in terms of Eastern Retrospect, the Metal element represents human advancements and Technology, the original concept was the “ Age of Iron” which was a time of building, machines etc. The Metal element shows the progression in humanity and the ability to create and go. In the Chinese Zodiac this is often empathized with the concept of the Metal Element being referred to as the “ Gold” element.  Gold was typically something used in royal buildings and statues as well as Jade. In terms of eastern retrospect 
Gods of the Technological World 
Now, you may be thinking what kind of god would be willing to work with you through a screen? How is it possible to talk to a deity through screens?
There are gods in which are gods of human communication. Typically they are gods who are associated very closely with the throat chakra. The throat chakra represents the ability to communicate and as you know there are a million and one ways to communicate , one way humanity communications with clothes is through technology. If you're one of the first people reading this you may be reading this through a computer screen!  
It is also worth mentioning even if you do not practice reiki, plenty of elements in western lore and gods focus on the energy of communication and 
It is amazing to think about how men and woman have made it possible for this to happen.
Who are the gods of communication? 
(Mercury is a god in which I work with who represents Communication. The first time he talked to me was through a you tube video pop up in fact! , is was quite a experience )
This is Mercury's Greek counterpart. Hermes is the god of: Communication, Medicine Transportation, Advancements and Commerce. 
Papa Legba 
He is a Caribbean God in Haitian Vodou  which represents Communication Speech, and understanding 
A Nabataean god of Wisdom, Communication and Writing 
The  Hindu goddess  of knowledge speech and creativity 
 Benzaiten (Benten)
The Japanese god who is the Counterpart of Saraswati, She represents the way the universe flows, water, advancements in society such as : Music  , words, speech,knowledge etc 
A Babylonian god of wisdom and writing
 A Sumerian goddess of communication writing, progression and learning 
This is just to name a few of the major ones from different cultures.  There are many many more  They are all typically connected in some way with the throat chakra and throat energy systems that focus on communication  and advancements that humans make on earth
With that being said technology has become a part of our day to day lives, one of our main forms of communication and such. Many gods adapt and change as we do, they are the ones who help steer the wheel in the way we go with technology and also more than enough use the energy in which cellphones and computers  naturally generate to work with and manipulate if they need be. 
The more and more we spend with items , our energy naturally ends up on the item, due to this we can fill items, apps etc with intent to help you manifest your energy and help you become the best you , now we can get into the question im sure you may have “how? “ 
First I will be going over some methods in which a closeted witch can use in replacement of items in which they may not be allowed to have at home due to the nervousness of being caught 
Pic Collage
Animals Crossing Towns and Houses 
Playlist via Spottily, sound cloud or you tube 
Draw Sigils Using IBS Paint / Procreate 
ORAS Pokemon Secret Bases 
A good way to manifest energy with pic collage and picture based altars are making them your wallpaper ! , and just spending time there meditating with your device and setting intention. 
The Pros and Cons 
With being able to draw , and spend personal time and energy allowed for more customization than store bought items, you are putting together the item from scratch which is beneficial. I find video games and such are easier to get your energy over and even  gives you more room for items : ex: getting actual gold bars in real life is thousands of dollars, for one offering to Pluto, however in animal crossing this becomes a reality. 
It can be harder to get your energy on the items  if you are new to energy manifestation as well as conducting energy, you are also not able to touch your items, or use them in more direct spells: ex: pouring candle wax on items is impossible , being able to carve sigils in your items is also impossible as well as of right now.  However despite this there is in a way more customization, and not everyone uses their altar as a workspace, rather just a place of worship. 
While not all gods are gods of communication, gods can still talk through technology however it could be difficult for them if there are not the right correspondences made in order to make communication. 
Now there is an app coming soon called build an altar, and it could be a nice doorway for more customization  but for now we do not have that option!  the future looks bright however ! 
Even if you have a main altar at home, having a digital altar can be helpful on the go, if you're traveling and with friends or family! 
Grimoires / Book of Shadows 
There are few cons when looking at making a digital grimoire, if anything it can be a saving grace if your handwriting is awful or you prefer to do digital art.  You can easily transport your digital grimoire  on any device and you can also prevent page loss and also it is easier to edit. Some Apps for Grimoires Include : 
Google Docs
Word Press 
Notes App
Lunar Diary
Tumblr ( you can make private / public books to share) 
Twitter ( you can also make private blogs as well 
You can also put them on a USB when you're done to carry it around and share  , and even divide information like it  pro-tip: Draw Small Sigils with Sharpies for protection / binding spells 
One thing to consider on this method is  this method: some people feel as if using ink is better for sealing and writing spells as well, and it is more personal with adding energy/ easier to put in energy to your grimoire as well as making binding spells to protect your grimoire, however it all comes down to personal taste nor is it impossible to make a binding spell for your grimoire either. 
Witch Apps 
Even if technology is not your thing here are some helpful apps in which can help you with your journey 
This is an app in which you can use for learning tarot, it does an extraordinary  job with correspondence meetings and has small quizzes and is set up like a small academy in which to help you 
Golden Thread Tarot
Golden thread Tarot Deck is a Tarot App in which you can do your daily tarot and do tarot readings and also has spreads and such you can use too. Golden Thread Tarot also sells their own decks which are pricey however extremely beautiful and worth the money if you want a physical deck
Seventh Sphere 
A app by Tina Gong focusing on Lenormand Tarot Divination 
Since Lenormand is a newer form of tarot, and harder form of tarot, it has some meanings in which you could read the cards/ base your interpretations about. 
While this app does not have all the information in a natal chart  it is good to get a general look on your chart when looking at all of your planetary placings and have your chart on the go. There is also horoscopes and you can add and compare charts with your friends 
My Moon Phases 
This is a app used to track moon phases based on your location and shows percentages very good for using it if you want to know what types of moon magic you can use and how to celebrate and manifest accordingly 
Wicca Calendar 
This is a app in which has all the wiccan holidays together in a wheel along with dates and  count out timer to keep the hype of the next holiday coming up 
This is an App that helps you identify gemstones and rocks along with their properties and in information about them  
This is a app to help you identify plants just by taking a picture of them, and then it takes you directly to their Wikipedia page 
Head Space 
An app for guided meditations and allows you to keep track of your practices with logs and goals. It helps you manifest your energy with professionals hypnotherapists and helps teach lessons on how to meditate and mindfulness. While there is a paid membership it is most certainly worth it for those who love meditation 
This is another guided meditation app in which i enjoy, it is cheaper and has more free features , it has nice calming music as well and is made to help rewind and relax 
Down Dog 
A free app for yoga with all different types of yoga in which can help heal and restore 
Spell Work 
The biggest issue with being unable to do these is the manifestation of energy, it can take a longer period of time than in real life, until you figure out how to manifest through energy work through technology  some things can not be touched the same way, but i truly believe the soul has no bounds. Gods have made this possible by adapting over millions of years 
Virdi Keep a online garden and water and care for your plants 
Candle Apps 
Some candle apps let you make color correspondences as well 
IBS Paint 
Draw sigils, runes and alchemy symbols and keep them in folders or use them for your grimoire 
Mighty Timer / Timer Time your teas to let them cool down/ Steep! 
Breathing exercises for meditation
Here you can also find more on you tube as well! , One of my favorite hypnotherapist is Micheal Sealy 
Another hypnotherapist i have tend to love recently is Liza and her work can be found here
Hypnosis and meditation are steps in the right direction for shadow work and becoming your higher self  using guided meditations rather free or paid for can show a lot of progress and can be used to heal!
Pins Help manifest your goals by putting them collectively together in a vision board you can also use these for altars and such, making them your wallpaper or printing them out can help you manifest your greenery.  consider meditating in front of your vision boards while working with intent for good results  
There are so many more ways you can personalize your craft and be a tech witch, This is a wonderful place to start though and i hope you were able to take away from it 
Thank you for checking out my guide and I hope it can teach you something ! :D
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