#Leviathan II
psygull-arts · 2 years
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got some greyscale markers for christmas, so here's some more Stars Without Number guys - Shivers again, and the crew's resident medic/mechanic/emotionally mature person Rosie! Shivers is begrudgingly friends with her finally. or at least he's trying to be
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¡El nuevo álbum de Therion “Leviathan II” ya está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales!
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Ordena y escucha el nuevo álbum Leviathan II aquí: https://therion.bfan.link/leviathan-ii.ema
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rockattitudegr · 2 years
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snake-and-goat · 7 days
throwback to the oceangate sub edit I made back when it first crashed lol
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vera-deville · 4 months
I told you I would send in a request, so here it is! This is an Obey Me one, if that's alright!
First off, have you ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? If not, please do! One, it's essential for this ask and it's also just a great movie! No pressure though!
Now, onto the real ask! So, if possible, I'd like to request a florist!MC. But a florist who's kind of like Seymour.
(Here's where the whole Little Shop of Horrors thing really comes in)
They come to the Devildom with Audrey II. It's got its roots wrapped around the MC's waist, and it's vines wrapped around their arms while snug. Of course, it's heavily off-putting because.. well. There's a humongous and terrifying plant just.. attached to this human.
But the brothers don't mind it, until months into the MC's stay as an exchange student when Audrey II starts talking. Then, they're all freaked out. They're even more freaked out when the MC is not only fine with it, but is willingly talking to it like it's normal!
(Bonus if they see the MC prick their finger and then just.. let Audrey II clean It off.)
(Yes, this came to me in a dream in the middle of a 20-minute-nap.)
So, what would the brothers think of this?
Feed Me Seymour!
05/17/2024 - 05/30/2024
Pairing: No pairing (you can think of the interactions as either platonic or romantic) Word Count: 3,351 Warnings: Reader pricks their finger, but they'll be alright; mentions of chapter 16 Gender: Gender Neutral (as it was not specified in the request) Tags: @g0dwat3r (if any of you would like to be added to my Obey Me taglist, please let me know)! Notes: Okay, I really love your brain Touya, because this is already a fantastic idea, but you know what I started thinking about? Morticia Addams. I don't know if you've seen the old Addams Family series, but Morticia has a carnivorous plant called Cleopatra, and I really wanted to include her in the story. I didn't, but I'm definitely thinking about writing it.
In which Y/N has a rather interesting plant friend(?)
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
Please return this letter with your sign to confirm your participation.
We are looking forward to welcoming you as part of our new exchange program.
Yours sincerely,
Huh? Royal Academy of Diavolo? Exchange Program? What was happening?
You tried to open your eyes, but there was nothing to see. Just pitch-blackness. It would have been more terrifying, but the soothing presence wrapped around your waist and arms helped. Quite a bit, at that. Clutching the stem of rice flowers close to your chest (although careful enough to not break the stem), you kept trying to see through the darkness for something, anything.
Soon enough, there was a voice. "We welcome you, human, to the demon student council."
The voice was stern, but pleasant, drawing your attention away from the darkness and to a room that was materializing in front of your eyes. It looked like a really goth courtroom, and you truly would have spent more time admiring the place if it wasn't for the ridiculously tall man who arose from the chief judge seat.
The man in question was handsome. Very much so. With burgundy hair, and a well-fitted suit, and skin so coppery sweet, it was no wonder that you couldn't help but stare.
And if you weren't so caught up in the man's appearance and the fact that you had no idea what on Earth was happening, perhaps you would have noticed that you weren't the only one staring.
You had to physically will yourself to pay attention not only to the man when he started speaking but the others in the room as well.
"Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N."
Astonishment enraptured your being for the simple reasons that this complete stranger somehow knew your name, and that every single person in the room was blessed with extremely good looks. The astonishment, unfortunately, did not go unnoticed.
"...Oh pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we?" Asked the man with red hair. "Well that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all." Arrived? Arrived where exactly? "As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom."
Okay yeah, this was some sort of really weird dream induced by your lack of sleep this past week. That's why there were really handsome dudes and that's why one was telling you weird stuff. Since it's a dream, there was no problem with going along with it, right?
"The Devildom?" You ask, feeling yourself relax a little more, now knowing that this is a dream.
"Yes, exactly, the Devildom. I see that you catch on quickly. Excellent." He replied.
Well, that didn't really answer anything.
You were about to ask for a better reply than that when he said, "I suppose I should start by introducing myself." Curious, you give him his moment. "My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of of all demons, and all here know me." Cool. The dude's a demon king. Still not the weirdest thing you've ever dreamt. "And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom." Oh, he wasn't king yet. Then how's he a ruler already? You know what, it's probably best not to think too hard about it.
The so called ruler of the so called Devildom proceeded to explain about a school called R.A.D. and about a bunch of other stuff. The other demons (plus one that came in really late) introduced themselves as different demons of different avatars, and the more they spoke, the more you couldn't shake off a particular feeling.
It all felt too...real. You'd dreamt all sorts of things before, but a part of you somehow always knew that it was just a dream. But you didn't feel that this time. It felt far too real. The anxiety slowly crept back into your bones, a chilling effect settling over your being as your throat seemed to have something invisible lodged in it.
You tried telling them that you weren't meant to be here. That you were meant to be back home. You still had to finish your bouquet for Mrs. Harris, and you had a new shipment of peonies arriving in an hour. You hadn't finished watering all your plants. You hadn't cleaned up the shop. You still had so much left to do! You couldn't just be whisked away to some other world (that you still weren't entirely sure was a dream or not).
But alas.
You were told that there was no way they could send you back.
And if that wasn't bad enough, you had to go to school. You had assignments. You had tests. Oh and you were in what was basically hell.
Ain't that swell?
Throughout this whole ordeal, the plant around your waist remained dutifully wrapped around your figure, even nuzzling against your neck when she felt your discomfort.
Without much of a choice, you steeled yourself for the days in this foreign world that awaited you.
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The latest human addition to R.A.D. was a little...odd. None of the brothers nor the demon prince in the room wished to point out the very large plant that had wrapped itself around the human like some manner of serpent, especially since the human was completely unbothered by it.
Most of the brothers found it odd, of course. Solomon never walked around with a giant plant stuck to him, but then again, Solomon wasn't necessarily normal himself. A few of the brothers didn't find it in themselves to keep their thoughts quiet. Mammon in particular straight up screeched when he saw the plant, and maintained his distance (both emotionally and physically) and still the human did not seem to mind the plant.
Asmo found the plant ugly.
That was really the only way he could describe it.
It was ugly.
Satan had read stories of plants like this. In one book he read, the plant ended up eating a whole bunch of people. He only hoped that this was not a case like that story.
Beelzebub didn't really have an opinion on the plant. He could eat it, but it didn't really look too appetizing.
Diavolo himself was worried at first, because he was sure that humans didn't simply walk around with giant plants attached to them. When he told Barbatos about this odd situation, the ever loyal butler offered to look into the matter discreetly.
He found nothing.
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It had been many months since you had been whisked away to the Devildom (which you are now infinitely more familiar with). It was strange at first, and it took some getting used to, but you did it. Now, whenever you woke up to face the day ahead of you, you didn't do so in fear or anxiety or anything else.
You had grown accustomed to this new world.
In fact, you'd go so far as to say that you'd grown fond of the place.
Audrey II seemed to agree with this. Every morning, Audrey demanded a large meat dish to satisfy her hunger. The brothers assumed that you were a very hungry individual (Beel felt a deep hunger coming from you at all times), and didn't think much more of it. Every now and then, Audrey would crave a Backstabbing Sandwich (apparently it was particularly delicious), and you, having no other choice, entertained her food whims. What's the worst that could happen?
It was after the whole incident with Belphegor that you brought Audrey with you more often wherever you went. Though you and the brothers had slowly gotten past the incident, the trauma it left behind did not magically go away. Audrey II being the sweet thing she is, had no qualms to being carried around the Devildom (despite the lingering stares and questions that were thrown your way).
Today was a day that Audrey II would be coming with you. You were heading off to the flower shop you owned on Dogma Street. You originally were looking to open the shop at Silent Street, but Dogma Street caught your eye. The street itself was the biggest electronic district in the Devildom, and when you first proposed the idea to the brothers (and Diavolo and Barbatos) to open a flower shop there, they were quick to advice you not to. Why would you open a flower shop at a street primarily known for its electronics?
Still, you managed to push through, and you ended up becoming the quaint owner of a little shop next to an eatery on the street.
And wouldn't you know, it actually did pretty well.
Of course, since you were a student, you couldn't be at your shop full-time, and that's where two lesser demons come in - Terror and Dolor - a pair of siblings who often fought, but shared an interest in flora. They would take care of the shop in shifts, and seeing as you gave them the housing area right above the shop to stay in, you could make sure that they would be at your precious flower shop at (mostly) all times.
Today was planned to be their day off, which was fine by you, seeing as you hadn't been to the shop in a week and you desperately wanted to see your babies (plants) again.
You opened the door, causing a sweet bell to ring, signifying your arrival to your empoyees.
"You're back!"
Smiling, you greet your employees, Audrey still wrapped around you.
Terror and Dolor fawned over Audrey (they're really the only ones in the Devildom who do that apart from you) while you went inside to get your apron. Working at the flower shop had quite a few benefits. You could make your own money, go to work at your own time, and most importantly, you could be surrounded by the things that you love the most - flora (and Audrey).
Your flower shop was quaint (despite its large capacity). Many customers have complimented it, saying that it felt homely (which is exactly what you were going for, so mission accomplished successfully you supposed). Even Asmo loved the place, and oftentimes would post selfies from just about everywhere in your shop.
"Dolor, how's that order with the Bloody Acokanthera Oblongifolias going?" You asked the demon pruning Audrey II.
"Just finished it this morning! We shipped it along with the invoice for the flowers. The customer notified us that they would be making the payment by the end of today." Dolor replied.
Shooting a smile of satisfaction at him, you shooed the brothers out your shop, wishing for them to have a lovely day to do...well, whatever it was they did outside the shop. Right before they left, Terror told you that a certain demon butler had visited the shop earlier and left a letter for you, and how she placed it in your office.
With that in mind, you walked back into your shop, petting Audrey II as she sat on a table before walking into your office and grabbing the aforementioned letter.
Even without the knowledge from the siblings that Barbatos had delivered this letter to you, you would have been able to tell that it was he who wrote the letter. By this time in your adventures in the Devildom, you had come to recognize the handwriting of those you know. And while a few had impeccable writing (in cursive too), no one's writing was as elegant as Barbatos - not even Lucifer.
The letter read:
"Dearest Y/N, I am pleased to inform you that Lord Diavolo requires a fresh shipment of Dark Roses for an upcoming event at the castle. I sincerely apologize for the short notice, but please note that the master and I truly would have given you more time to prepare the notice had we been able to do so. We shall need enough roses to fill out the Crimson Room. I estimate that the number be around 50. We will need the roses delivered by tomorrow. Thank you, Barbatos"
You smiled, already having a good idea as to why the roses were needed. Some of the higher officials (not including the brothers you lived with) had been a little too finicky with their positions and though not a threat to the heir of the Devildom, they were starting to get on his nerves.
No matter.
Despite how sweet Diavolo seemed (and actually is), even the Crown Prince of the Devildom had his limits. Oh well. Those officials would get what was coming to them.
Your job was to simply provide the best roses for such an event.
With a newfound vigor, you made your way next door (you had originally bought two plots in the street and simply joined them together to create one shop. This area was where you kept some of your best grown flora (the rest were in an undisclosed location only you and a few others knew about). Typically, you the plants you grew in this area were popular - loads of customers would buy them. The rest of your plants were grown in the aforementioned undisclosed location. Despite this, there was one type of flower you grew in your shop which was by no means popular, but rather extremely rare.
Dark roses.
You fondly recall you and Barbatos planting a fresh batch of dark roses at the Demon Lord's Castle, and how he had given you some seeds to grow for yourself. What started off as a few roses quickly became much more, and now you were the exclusive propagator of dark roses in the Devildom. It was a monopoly you gladly encouraged (something Mammon also did).
The first step was to cut the roses. The roses had to be cut in a specific manner - a 45-degree angle and they had to be put in water immediately. This same method was used with roses back in the human realm (and gardeners would use the stems to grow new roses out of), but there was one key difference between the roses from back home and the dark roses in the Devildom. One of them could actually survive a little while without having to be immediately placed in water.
The other could not.
And that's part of the reason why dark roses were so rare in the Devildom. They were ridiculously hard to grow in the first place, but cutting them was an even bigger pain.
Luckily, you had loads of experience with these finicky things, so you had this in the bag.
After some time, you'd harvested almost 60 roses (some extras, just in case), and it was time to remove the thorns from their stems. Removing the thorns from the roses could be done using one of two different tools you had available in your shop. The first one were rose thorn cutters (made specifically for that purpose) that didn't look too different from a pair of nail cutters. The logic was that you'd slide the tool up to the top of the stem, press down on the handles gently, and then drag it down the stem, thus cutting off the thorns.
Though very efficient, the second tool was your favorite - a simply knife. Roses were woody in nature, so all you had to do was simply slice all around the stem of the flower. Admittedly, this took a lot more time than the thorn cutters, but in a way, it was stress relieving. You were sure that you'd end up using the thorn cutters, but you'd enjoy using the knife for as long as you could.
And so you got to work - de-thorning all 60 something roses by hand.
You'd gotten through more than half of the roses when you heard the bell of your shop jingle. Turning around, you saw none other than the brothers you shared a house with. But in doing so, you'd accidentally run the blade of the tool you were using right across your finger.
Hissing, you pulled your gaze from the brothers and back to your finger. You could see the cut, but it took a moment for the blood to come out. It was painful, and you weren't too good with cuts (a little ironic, considering your profession), but before you could whisk your finger away to wash off the blood, Audrey II yelled, "Feed me! I'm starving" before she chomped down on your finger.
Of course, she didn't actually bite off your finger, but she sucked the blood out, and it made your finger more sore than it was already.
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, of course. You'd gotten hurt loads of times when working (and even when you weren't working), and if there was blood (which there usually was), Audrey would just lick it off for your. Same old.
The brothers had seen you talk to Audrey II plenty of times before, hell (literally), you'd talk to just about every plant you came across, but never had they seen Audrey II talk to you.
If that wasn't shock enough, you just wiped your hands down on your apron before turning back to face the brothers and greet them with a smile as though you hadn't just nicked yourself and had your plant(?) lick your finger for you.
Of course, the greeting faltered on your tongue as soon as you saw the faces of the brothers.
Asmodeus spoke up first.
"Sweetie, your plant just talked!"
"Yeah?" You asked rhetorically. "What about it?" You watched as the brothers tried (and failed) to come up with words to say, although you didn't really understand why they were struggling so. Even Levi was stunned. In an attempt to make a joke (and to stifle the stifling atmosphere), you said, "It's not like you guys didn't know that Audrey could talk."
One look at their faces, and you knew that you were wrong.
"Wait, you guys actually didn't know that Audrey could talk!?" You asked, stunned at this new revelation.
At last, Lucifer gathered himself. "Ahem. We were not made...aware of the fact that your plant was sentient." He sure looked uncomfortable trying to explain his mind without offending you or Audrey.
"What do you think all that meat was being delivered for every morning Lucifer?" You asked sardonically.
"Wait, I thought that yer the one eatin all that meat!" Mammon exclaimed. Bewildered, you shot him a look conveying as such.
"How the hell would I eat 2 whole pounds of meat every single day genius?" You retorted.
"We just thought you were hungry." Beel offered.
"I'm a human. I'd literally die if I ate that much meat every. single. day." You enunciated the last words.
"I'm rather fascinated by Audrey II. How did you come to meet? Was she always this size? Did she always have a deep carnivorous craving?" Satan asked consecutively. Before you had a chance to answer any of them though, he continued, "Actually, now that I think about it, it makes sense! I've been an utter idiot! All the signs were there, and I've read about these kind of plants in A Complete Guide to Carnivorous Plants and How to Care for Them!"
You didn't even bother reminding him that you were the one who recommended the book to him.
Belphegor seemed to be the most chill (although you could still see some semblance of surprise on his sleepy visage).
Figuring that this was probably going to take a while, and you had a whole bunch of Dark Roses to prepare, you invited everyone to grab a chair and sit while you worked.
It turned out to be a good choice, because you ended up finishing a few hours after you'd originally thought you'd finish, and by the end of the day, Audrey had made (official) friends with each of the brothers. In fact, you would say that Audrey and Asmo got along particularly well.
And yes, the roses turned out spectacularly, and the House of Lords were reminded once again of who was truly in charge.
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Author's Note: I took some liberty with the Reader's personality in this fic. Seymour's a very timid guy, and (spoiler alert), that's what ultimately lead to his demise (in my opinion). Being thrust into a world full of demons, I think you're gonna need a little more tenacity that Seymour, so I made the Reader timid, but not Seymour-level timid (if that makes sense). The second thing I took a decent amount of liberty with is making Audrey II not entirely evil. She is after all a villain in the original story, but I made Audrey a little bit like Cleopatra. (Sorry if that's not what you wanted)! Masterlist
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thisisnotthenerd · 11 months
ok, i know i put a poll up and that relationship tracking won the poll for what came next on the stats series.
but consider this: relationship tracking takes so goddamn long. i had already started it by the time that i put the poll up, and as of now i'm still not done. granted the list is comprehensive: romantic, platonic, familial, and adversarial relationships, separated by pc-npc and pc-pc. for every season.
anyway, i started tracking character ages in the meantime while i build up the motivation to finish the relationship tracking.
without further ado:
d20 character ages
some of these are listed in the wiki. some of these are based on vibes and more vague indications from the seasons in question. all of them have some element of my commentary. if there isn't an age given i will explain why. it's in the seating chart because that compacts the format into an understandable block and not an infinitely long list.
to be clear, some of these are confirmed with actual numbers, but some aren't, and i'm listing them as unknown and offering my opinion in place of a confirmed number.
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fantasy high freshman year: i am convinced that the ages the cast give are vibes based. as someone who did not fit the normal age range of high school, i can tell you that in the US, freshmen are typically 14-15, sophomores 15-16, juniors 16-17, and seniors 17-18. that's not to say that someone can't fall out of those ranges. i did. anyway:
fig faeth: ~15. this is a rough estimate--she'd be born just after fall cutoff for her year to start at 15.
gorgug thistlespring: 14-15. he was confirmed 14 at the start of the season, and presumably turns 15 at some point during the year.
adaine abernant: 14-15. this is based on the fact that she turns 16 before the events of sophomore year
fabian seacaster: 16. a bit older than your average freshman, but i knew people who were 16 freshman year, so it's not that weird.
kristen applebees: 15-16. again a bit older than your average freshman, but younger than fabian.
riz gukgak: 14. this was confirmed in episode 13 iirc. riz is the youngest of the party
escape from the bloodkeep: this party has some major age differences that are very unclear. no real confirmed ages.
maggie: unknown. she and zaul'nazh had been in a relationship for ~100 years, so she's probably got a good couple of centuries under her belt
leiland: unknown. similar deal to maggie--he spent centuries serving zaul'nazh. how many? who knows
efink murderdeath: unknown. she's a tolkienesque high elf. if we go full lotr comparison to arwen, she's over 2000 by the time she marries percival.
sokhbarr: unknown. again, we don't really get confirmation of an age for him--he's just kind of an ageless bog-lord.
lilith: old as time. she ate the stars. definitely the oldest of the party.
markus st. vincent: unknown. human, so he has a human lifespan. i'd pin him in his 30s. given that his closest comparison is probably faramir, who's 35 at the start of the war of the ring, i think 30s tracks.
the unsleeping city: here we have a mix of confirmed ages and some straight up vibes.
ricky matsui: late 20s early 30s. more specifically around 26-31. this is vibes-based. i based this on his career progression.
sofia lee: early-mid 30s. another vibes-based one. again based on career progression. she feels a little older than ricky and pete, but not by much. married to dale for 5 years, so if they got married when she was in her late 20s, this tracks.
kingston brown: 55. thank god a confirmed number.
misty moore: ~400. at least that's how long she's been on earth. this actually comes from tucii. i'd put her misty form in late 70s early 80s, and her rowan form in her mid 20s.
kugrash: ~60, based on his 30 years as a rat druid.
pete conlan: younger than 31. this is based on a reference ally makes in tucii to big business (1988), so i aged him back three years. i would guess mid-late 20s during tuc; he mentions not having seen his dad in 6 years. assuming pete fully transitioned during college/around college age, it would make sense for him to be around 25-28 during the first unsleeping city.
tiny heist: some of these characters just straight up don't age, so they don't really count when evaluating age.
rick diggins: unknown. he's a clicko man. he cannot age except in spirit.
boomer coleoptera: unknown. vaguely middle-aged, though that might just be clint mcelroy's general dad energy
agnes: elderly. no confirmed number, though she's old enough to have a grandma schtick, a reputation, and a terminal illness prognosis of 2 months
ti-83: a teen. and that's all we know. probably younger than bean.
bean: late teens early 20s. a vague range, but at least it's something.
car-go jones: another ageless toy. at least a decade in human years, if we estimate that max got him at a similar age that he gives him to dylan.
a crown of candy: finally some goddamn numbers.
liam wilhelmina: 17-18. he starts at 17 and turns 18 in ep 15 iirc.
theobald gumbar: ~50. this tracks for him assisting lazuli and being amethar's friend during the war
jet rocks: 18. and she never lived past 18.
saccharina frostwhip: 23-24. this tracks for her being born around the ravening war, before the rocks sisters were killed.
ruby rocks: 18. and she keeps living.
amethar rocks: 48. reasonable. he'd have been in his mid 20s during the ravening war.
lapin cadbury: old man. yes that is the actual entry. i'd say he's probably 10-15 years older than amethar to really be considered old.
cumulous rocks: late 30s early 40s. tracks for being created by lazuli while theo was starting his knighthood under her.
fantasy high sophomore year: i'm halfway convinced that the intrepid heroes just don't know how old high schoolers are. granted, they may be going for general teen, i.e. 13+1d6, so the more batshit stuff they do comes across as a little more normal. it's like having actors in their 20s play teens. except they're actually dnd characters. and they're in their 30s.
fig faeth: 16-17. another rough estimate for fig.
gorgug thistlespring: 17. a little funky, since he was 14 at the start of fhfy. the principle of 13+1d6 comes across here
adaine abernant: 16. her age range for the year is 15-16, which is normal for a high school sophomore.
fabian seacaster: 18. definitely stretching it a bit. the listed current age is 18-19, which i'm assuming is using boy's night as reference.
kristen applebees: 16-17, which tracks with her progression from freshman year
riz gukgak: 16. confirmed in ep 14 iirc. since he was 14 in feb of freshman year, and assuming spring break is ~april, he has a spring birthday.
pirates of leviathan: there's a pretty clear split of age groups in this season--the first to introduce adults in spyre.
sunny biscotto: 18. her first adventure as an independent person, even though it was technically her running away from home.
barbarella sarsaparilla gainglynn: 22. it tracks; she grew up isolated on leviathan and isn't super far into her career, though she has a pretty strong base
cheese stormcrank: 16. the youngest of the party, even though he's his family breadwinner. the left table is the young people in this party.
myrtle: 30. aabria calls her a 'dirty thirty'. so that may not be exact.
jack brakkow: late 50s equivalent. granted he's a ratkin, and middle age starts at 25 for them, with old landing at 40. so he may actually be younger, probably closer to myrtle's age if not a little older.
marcid the typhoon: unknown. he's never given a specific age. given that he's known myrtle for a long time, and at some point was nearly drowned in a shipwreck, i'm going to put him in his 30s as well.
the unsleeping city chapter ii: again, a mix of confirmed ages and vibes.
ricky matsui: early 30s. 29-34. this is just three years aged up from the first unsleeping city.
sofia lee: mid 30s. another age-up from
kingston brown: 58. thank god a confirmed number.
iga lisowski: 45. it feels like she kind of plays up the old lady schtick for her job, bc 45 isn't that old.
rowan berry: ~400. at least that's how long she's been on earth. rowan form in her mid 20s.
cody walsh: 26. this is a 26 year old hot topic manager with 12 swords and extreme mediocrity. truly a character designed to cause chaos.
pete conlan: younger than 34. again based on the reference ally makes in tucii to big business (1988). i'd put him at around 28-31. definitely around cody's age, a little older, but not much.
mice & murder: they are animals using variant human stats, so they're using human ages.
gangie green: 55. he definitely acts younger in certain circumstances.
buckster $ boyd: unknown. probably younger than gangie--late 40s perhaps? we know he's a gemini.
daisy d'umpstaire: almost 60. she's past her prime and wondering if she really wants to do this for the rest of her life
ian prescott: unknown. definitely middle aged, probably around buckster's age.
lars vandenchomp: 18, supposedly in dog years. also a cancer. i don't know how, given that they served in the schnauzer war and supposedly have a business degree.
sylvester cross: 55. another person past his prime, and wondering what's he's doing with the rest of his life.
misfits & magic: the first school season to actually have consistent ages, assuming they're entering as sixth years who were in their junior year in the us.
whitney jammer: 16. born around 2005.
k | dream: 17. born around 2004
sam black: 16. another 2005 baby
evan kelmp: 17. born around 2003. this tracks for him not having formal education-- a little old for the grade.
the seven: the first spyre school season to have the ages be consistent. the ladies know teenagerhood well.
the fact they lost a year or so in the palimpsests makes placing their grades a little fuzzier: we know sam, ostentatia, and zelda get taken during the school year. penny goes missing just before the start of the year, and antiope, katja, and danielle get taken beforehand.
antiope jones: 18. she lost a year in the palimpsest, so she's technically a super senior, making her a junior during fhfy.
katja cleaver: 18. another technical super senior, who was a junior during fhfy.
penny luckstone: 18. again, she lost her junior year during fhfy.
danielle barkstock: 16-17. i'd say 17, because that makes her a sophomore during fhfy--she'd have repeated the year to be a junior during the seven.
ostentatia wallace: 16-17. leaning toward 17 again, but younger than danielle. we don't get full confirmation of how old she is/what grade she's in during fhfy, but given the fact that she's established enough to host a party at her house during fhfy, i'd say she's a sophomore, and that's the year she repeats.
sam nightingale: 18. i'd say close to 19, because she's definitely in penelope's age group if not grade, and i'm pretty sure i recall penelope being a senior during fhfy. she may have been young for her grade initially, but came out on the other end after fhfy.
zelda donovan: 16-17. leaning towards 16 for zelda; she's a freshman with the bad kids during fhfy, and is the last maiden to be captured, at some point during the second semester. she could conceivably retake classes over the summer and catch up in order to be a sophomore the same year as the bad kids.
shriek week: this is a college season, so they're college aged. i don't have that much to say--we know exactly how old they are.
terry talbo: 22
megan mirror: 23
tuti iv: 21
seven: 22
a starstruck odyssey: there's a mix here--some vagueness, some numbers. in-universe their ages would be counted differently anyway, since they work off of 6-month cycles and not 12-month years.
gunnie miggles-rashbax: mid 30s. he's got two PhDs and a master's as well as a cyborg body and years of trying to pay off debt.
riva: unknown. it's reasonable to assume that they're on the younger side, given that they are on their galavant. i'd assume around early-mid 20s for their species.
norman takamori: unknown. based on the art and his general timeline, i'd say ~40s. maybe 50s.
skip | valdrinor: unknown. he's a cerebroslug who was presumably raised somewhere, tried to escape, ended up in space and then in a crate of powdered egg substitute.
margaret encino: 24. a savant who began working at 18. truly a girlboss on a quarter life crisis.
sundry sidney: n/a. she's an android--aging doesn't really apply to her. i think it's only been a year or so since the line was shut down, since it's been revamped as the warfare whitneys.
big barry syx: 38. this also carries over to barry nyne. we know barry bohunk created the barry battalion before anarchera 200 (current=220), but they were born as 25 year old beautiful big boys. in short, barry's age is a little questionable.
coffin run: another age split season, since half of the party is immortal.
aleksandr astrovsky: 41. young to be florina's zayde. also 15 sons? especially when he and marina had not been in contact for ~7 years? insane.
squing: old as time. younger than dracula, but only just. just a squishy headed vampire who eats letters.
wetzel: 26. has not even lived a majority of his lifetime and already wants to be a vampire.
may wong: 24. granted that's because she was turned at 24 so as to be eternally young and hot, so she's a bit older than that probably.
a court of fey and flowers: they are archfey that don't die. blooms are centuries apart. assume these age ranges are going to be like the bloodkeep ranges.
andhera: unknown. younger than most of the fae--he's the current heir to the unseelie, but has had many siblings who died previously in pursuit of the throne. most of the others knew them when they were younger; hob unhorsing him on the field of battle is only one example. so definitely like just of age for this prince.
k.p. hob: unknown. definitely older than andhera and likely binx, he's in the prime of his military career. getting closer to middle age, but still a relatively eligible bachelor, given that the goblin court sought to make a marriage alliance with lady sylmenar.
chirp featherfowl: unknown. i'd put her at the archfey equivalent of late 20s early 30s just based on vibes. she's still getting down at the bloom but has a 4 year old at home on the material plane.
squak airavis: unknown. i'd say slightly younger than chirp, but they've been cousins for so long that the difference is irrelevant. late 20s, getting down and breaking hearts at the bloom. considering marriage but shopping around.
delloso de la rue: unknown. rue is a little tricky--they were brought to the court of wonder as a child and presumably aged normally to that point, but they've been an archfey ever since. closer to hob's age than the lords of the wing.
binx choppley: unknown. the crisis of the court of craft happened relatively recently in fey terms and she was an adult by that point, though not truly the leader at the time. i'd say she's older than andhera, younger than the lords of the wing.
neverafter: some weird age splits in this party; kids, adults, inexplicable trickster spirits.
rosamund du prix: 18. technically 118, but that doesn't really matter.
timothy goose: unknown. he's old enough to have greying hair and an adult son--late 40s-early 50s maybe?
pinocchio: 12. this is based on both him and ylfa being 21 during the epilogue, so i'm assuming they're the same/a similar age.
puss in boots/pib: unknown. we meet him when he's on the older side for a cat, but also he's an eternally reincarnating trickster spirit, so that doesn't really matter.
gerard of greenleigh: 32. the other adult in the party, even though he doesn't have everything figured out.
ylfa snorgelsson: 12. this is confirmed in story, and she and pinocchio are the same age.
the ravening war: this season is a little weird because of the time skip and the fact that some ages are unconfirmed.
delissandro katzon: starts at 19, 21 after the first timeskip, 26 after the second. a young man.
raphaniel charlock: unknown. i'd say he starts in his late 60s and ends the season in his mid-70s. old enough to be deteriorating and have specific signs of age, but still spry enough to pull off a cunning action dash.
karna solara: 14 to start, 16 post-timeskip 1, 21 post-timeskip 2. rotting from a young age.
colin provolone: unknown. i'd place him in his late 20s to start, mid 30s by the end, based on his art and the start of cheese pattern baldness.
amangeaux epiceé du peche: unknown. mid 20s to start, early 30s by the end. she and her husband had been trying for heirs for a while--assuming she married young, she's not past her prime, but not having a kid in her position would be a little sus. also the fact that she must have had a relatively healthy uncomplicated pregnancy points to her still being pretty young to start.
dungeons & drag queens: a lot of variance here as well. mostly vibes-based.
troyánn: 242. she's got a combination of elf and immortal mermaid queen--this is reasonable.
princess foehammer: unknown. probably in her 20-30s.
gertrude: unknown. explicitly immortal--the only sign of age is her hair. she's been around for a while.
twyla: unknown. she's another fairy of unknown age.
mentopolis: some of these characters have stated ages. they are also concepts in a brain.
conrad schintz: 10. his growth has been stunted for years.
anastasia tension: 24. an up and coming journalist running form her rich family? say no more.
hunch curio: unknown. he's a concept in a brain. on vibes? 40s.
imelda pulse: unknown. i'd say she's probably around anastasia's age, given that they demonstrably grew up together.
dan fucks: unknown. another concept in a brain. 20-30s on the vibes alone.
the fix: unknown. concept in a brain. old enough to be a father and a contract killer is all i'll say.
burrow's end: this follows stoat aging--some of these are confirmed, some are guesses.
tula: 1-2 years old, leaning towards 2. old enough to have kids of a reasonable age, if the 1 year mark is adulthood (male stoats achieve sexual maturity at 10-11 months)
jaysohn: somewhere between 6 and 8 months old. growing up fast.
viola: 1-2 years old, same litter as tula. i looked up stoat reproduction against recommendation.
thorn vale: 1-2 years old. in the vague adult range with tula and viola.
ava: 4 years old. potentially could live for 15 more winters. unbelievable.
lila: somewhere between 6 and 8 months old. same litter as jaysohn, but is the elder of the two of them.
and that's all for this time! despite being this long, this is still going to be shorter than the relationship tracking. as always the spreadsheet is available for perusal.
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zippocreed501 · 2 years
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Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
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justletmeon12 · 3 months
Couldn't Get Through TUC II, But Loved Dungeons and Drag Queens: Round 7 Time
Obligatory context: I watch them out of order based on what interests me. So far, I've completed (in order): Mentopolis, A Court of Fey and Flowers, A Crown of Candy, the Ravening War, Burrow's End, Misfits and Magic (including both specials), Neverafter, The Unsleeping City Chapter I, Mice & Murder, Escape from the Bloodkeep, and Dungeons and Drag Queens. I'm not equally interested in all that remain, but these are my top choices. Comments/advice are welcome.
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angevinyaoiz · 8 months
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“Leviathan’s Fishhook”
Richard takes a break from suppressing rebels in the south, Philippe has his first rude Brother Experience(TM), and King Louis nurses a grudge against his rival vassal.
Inspired by the account in Matthew Strickland’s Henry the Young King, where he speculates that at some point Louis may have been deceived into giving up Alys to Henry II’s court with the promise that Richard might be given to him. Gillingham takes a much less sympathetic view, saying ‘to lose one daughter was a mistake, but two is carelessness.” Or something to that effect Lol
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planet4546b · 3 months
i love u noctis i love characters who get mad when they’re upset. yay
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victorluvsalice · 8 months
The "Valicer In The Dark Meets Baldur's Gate III" Not-Incorrect Quotes/Shitpost Collection
(Don't worry too much about spoilers -- most of this is early-game stuff, with just a couple of things relating to stuff in Act II)
Alice: [having just met Lae'zel on the Nautiloid and been informed of the situation with the parasites] And who are you, exactly?
Lae'zel: Who am I? Your only chance of survival.
[later, after the imps have been fought, and everyone's met back up and freed Shadowheart:]
Victor: [introducing himself as they get back on the move] I'm Victor.
Alice: I'm Alice. [pointing to Lae'zel] And this is Only.
Lae'zel: ?
Alice: Well, you've given me nothing else to call you.
Shadowheart: [after being informed the trio live in a world without a sun and that's why they're being so weird about the sky being blue] I -- are you Shar's Chosen? Is this some sort of test? Am I not supposed to believe you when you say you like sunlight? I can totally not believe you if that's the case!
Alice: ...I feel like we've missed something.
Smiler: [lying down and sunbathing] Yeah, it's in the sky above us.
Withers: What is the worth of a single mortal's life?
Victor: I -- I would say priceless. You can't put a value on life itself.
Alice: I say it's worth whatever you're willing to pay to defend it. Only the owner of said life can set the value.
Smiler: I'm pretty sure the standard rate of assassins in Duskwall is four Coin minimum -- not sure how that translates to your money.
Victor & Alice: [look at Smiler]
Smiler: What? It's a legitimate answer!
Withers: I shall be here, in thy camp, for whenever thou has need of my services.
Alice: Oh? What kind of services do you offer?
Withers: A mending of the threads between life and death. Should thou or any of thy compatriots perish, I will cleave soul to body once more.
Victor: Cleave soul to -- wait a minute, isn't that how you get vampires?
Astarion: [rearranging his tent, pauses and gives them a really weird look]
Alice: [during one of the meetings with Raphael] You do seem like a very powerful devil.
Raphael: [preening] I consider myself no slouch, yes.
Smiler: [cheerfully] I bet your blood could power an entire city block for a month!
Raphael: [blink blink] ...thank...you?
Strange Ox: Ah, you're addressing me. A humble ox. How...quaint.
Smiler: [tilting their head] What are you?
Strange Ox: As I said, a humble ox. I don't know why you're --
Smiler: No, I mean, what's an ox?
Strange Ox: ...
Smiler: [standing behind a table lined with eight samples of the same Potion Of Glorious Vaulting, with Victor, Alice, and the companions all gathered around the front of it] Thank you all for coming to this blind taste test, where we will be disproving the idiotic notion that you only need one specific ingredient per potion to create something that does what you want it to. In front of you are eight individual Potions of Glorious Vaulting, each made with a different type of Ashes -- I would like you each to drink one, test the effects, then rate it based on how strong the effects were, how long they lasted, and how tasty it was.
Wyll: You care about the taste?
Smiler: Of course! If we're going to be making potions, the least we could do is make them pleasant to consume! We're working toward maximum happiness here! Now everybody pick one and let's get jumping!
Gale: [realizing the trio isn't with them as they move through the mind flayer colony under Moonrise] Hold -- where's Victor, Alice, and Smiler?
Karlach: I think I saw them looking at a cage in the last room.
Lae'zel: Chk -- they should know by now that we cannot pause and look at every little thing that --
Smiler: [rejoining the group carrying a certain intellect devourer, beaming, as Victor and Alice come up behind them] Hey everyone!
Lae'zel: [stares at the brain] ...
Astarion: Why are you carrying an intellect --
Us: Hello Angry Friend!
Aylin: [after everyone's agreed to meet up with her and Isobel again later at the camp] Now -- you will leave us. We must take succour in one another's bodies and words.
Isobel: Aylin. We'll see you later.
Victor: [hiding a smile] Of course.
Alice: [biting back a chuckle] Later.
Smiler: [big beaming grin and a double thumbs up] Enjoy the hot lesbian sex!
Victor: Smiler!
Aylin: I intend to.
Isobel: AYLIN.
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¿Están listos para escuchar otra canción de Leviathan II? “Marijin Min Nar” será lanzada este viernes, pre-guarda la canción ahora para que no te la pierdas.
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horrororman · 9 months
Remembering director George P. Cosmatos (January 4, 1941 - April 19, 2005).🕯
Of Unknown Origin
Rambo: First Blood Part II
#horror #action #scifi #sciencefiction #western #adventure
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He’s busy, don’t wanna bug him maybe auntie glass can tell him..
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thisisnotthenerd · 3 months
detailed level progressions
it's been a while since i did one of these; welcome back to thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats. this time, we're taking a deeper dive into level progressions.
i went into this a bit back in october, but the chart has been updated to reflect fantasy high junior year's level progression, as seen below.
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we're going to focus on the seasons with level changes primarily, but a note on the non progression seasons--they tend to reflect a short timetable: events occurring over the course of a day/week. the non leveled seasons are not run in dnd and don't really have stat changes in that way, though they sometimes reflect changes in attributes, e.g. the wand evolution in misfits & magic or dan fucks getting the wealthy attribute in mentopolis.
before we get into the level progression, let's talk adventure level. this just describes the scale of adventure; tier 1 is levels 1-4, tier 2 is levels 5-10, tier 3 is levels 11-16, and tier 4 is levels 17-20.
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the majority of d20 seasons fall into tier 1 or 2, with more in the latter category. this makes sense--it's easy to create interesting/potentially deadly encounters without risking character death every time. you may notice repetition of the major progression seasons (fantasy high, the unsleeping city, a crown of candy, a starstruck odyssey, neverafter)—this is because of their general progression, with leveling after battle episodes. they cannot be fully classified as one or the other, and are thus counted in both. the scale of combat significantly changes.
with the lower levels, they run the risk of pc death, as we saw in both fantasy high and neverafter, where the parties started at level 1. in starstruck the characters go down in combat often; with the exception of the ship combats and the finale, someone goes down in every starstruck battle; sometimes multiple characters. acoc was intentionally deadly, but once the party got a primary caster they were pretty much set. the point of all of this is to say that at a certain point dnd characters get hard to kill and you have to get creative to get them to feel the stakes.
as of now, dimension 20 does not have any tier 4 adventures. it's easy to understand why; the scale of adventure, once the party gets to that point, becomes difficult to balance and make interesting over time. the high levels can be fun for oneshots and potentially a mini campaign, but without previous emotional investment, they can be difficult to make interesting--if the party is level with gods, how can you effectively challenge them? the nature of the medium is that the storytelling arcs are tied to mechanical growth; the short-form structure of dimension 20 means that they don't have the time to get characters from 1 to 20, except in the case of sequel seasons.
fantasy high senior year might potentially be a tier 4 adventure because we've had time to see the bad kids grow and change and progress through the previous levels; any tier 4 adventure would be a simple escalation of the threats the party already faced.
anyway. let's take a look at some specifics of level progressions.
check them out in spreadsheet form here
major level progressions
the organization will be slightly different here, to account for continual progressions in sequel seasons, so keep that in mind. this will also include individual commentary in some cases. fair warning: if you're looking for a specific character/season it's better to ctrl+F.
the intrepid heroes seasons are major progression of varying degrees. initially this meant the characters went up one level after each combat encounter. as the formats for seasons varied, this changed. for example, there is only one level jump in fantasy high sophomore year, and only two in chapter 2 of the unsleeping city. these season are included as part of their greater series such that we can track the characters' growth.
fantasy high
the bad kids have had some major growth from their first appearance until now--they began with milestone growth, briefly switched to xp leveling (shh!) and then returned to milestone growth with their return to battlemaps.
in freshman year, they all went through linear milestone leveling, taking subclasses at third level. in sophomore year, some of them leaned into multiclassing and chose to switch subclasses for the sake of narrative growth. in junior year, we saw a continuation of the multiclassing and subclass switches.
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fig faeth
freshman year: fig leveled exclusively in bard from levels 1 to 8, taking whispers bard as her subclass at level 3.
sophomore year: fig altered her build partially, to begin the season with 6 levels of whispers bard and 2 levels of hexblade warlock. at the mid-season level up, fig swapped to the bard college of lore and dropped one level of hexblade warlock in order to end the season with 8 levels of lore bard and 1 level of hexblade warlock.
junior year: fig started the season with 8 levels of lore bard and 2 levels of hexblade warlock that she affirmed with an ancestral pact in the first battle. after taking an additional level of bard, she made the decision to take on paladin levels, exchanging one of her hexblade warlock levels to take two levels of paladin at once. for the rest of the season she alternated between leveling in lore bard and devotion paladin, thus ending with 10 levels of lore bard, 3 levels of devotion paladin, and 1 level hexblade warlock.
overall level change:
initial level: bard 1
final level: lore bard 10 | devotion paladin 3 | hexblade warlock 1
gorgug thistlespring
freshman year: gorgug leveled exclusively in barbarian from levels 1 to 8, taking berserker barbarian as his subclass at level 3.
sophomore year: gorgug started the season as a level 8 berserker barbarian. at the mid-season level up, gorgug took his first level of artificer to end the season with 8 levels of berserker barbarian and 1 level of artificer.
junior year: gorgug started the season having redistributed his levels somewhat: 7 levels of berserker barbarian and 3 levels of artificer (subclass unconfirmed but expected to be alchemist). with each subsequent level up, he removed barbarian levels to replace them with higher artificer levels; he went from 7 | 3 -> 6 | 5 -> 6 | 6 -> 6 | 7 -> 5 | 9. furthermore, he swapped from the battlesmith subclass (declared at first level up) to the barbificer subclass (homebrew) to reflect his narrative growth. he ended the season with 5 levels of berserker barbarian and 9 levels of barbificer artificer.
overall level change:
initial level: barbarian 1
final level: berserker barbarian 5 | barbificer artificer 9
adaine abernant
freshman year: adaine leveled exclusively in wizard from levels 1 to 8, taking divination wizard as her subclass at level 3.
sophomore year: adaine started the season as a level 8 divination wizard. at the mid-season level up, she took another level of divination wizard.
junior year: adaine started the season with 10 levels of divination wizard; she continued leveling in it throughout the season to end with 14 levels of divination wizard. she was the only one of the bad kids to not change her subclass or multiclass in any season.
overall level change:
initial level: wizard 1
final level: divination wizard 14
fabian aramais seacaster
freshman year: fabian leveled exclusively in fighter from levels 1 to 8, taking champion fighter as his subclass at level 3.
sophomore year: fabian started the season as a level 8 champion fighter. after his catastrophic fall in leviathan, fabian lost the use of his class/subclass features. at the mid-season level up, he redistributed his build: he took 6 levels of battlemaster fighter and 3 levels of swords bard.
junior year: fabian started the season with 6 levels of battlemaster fighter and 4 levels of swords bard; he exclusively leveled in swords bard for the rest of the season to end with 6 levels of battlemaster fighter and 8 levels of swords bard.
overall level change:
initial level: fighter 1
final level: battlemaster fighter 6 | swords bard 8
kristen applebees
freshman year: kristen leveled exclusively in life cleric from levels 1 to 8.
sophomore year: kristen started the season as a level 8 life cleric. at the mid-season level up, she took another level of life cleric. after her death and council of the gods, she swapped her subclass to twilight cleric to reflect her new deity.
junior year: kristen started the season with 10 levels of twilight cleric; she continued leveling in it throughout the season to end with 14 levels of twlight cleric.
overall level change:
initial level: life cleric 1
final level: twilight cleric 14
riz gukgak
freshman year: riz leveled exclusively in rogue from levels 1 to 8, taking inquisitive rogue as his subclass at level 3.
sophomore year: riz started the season as a level 8 inquisitive rogue. at the mid-season level up, he took another level of inquisitive rogue.
junior year: riz started the season with 10 levels of arcane trickster rogue, having switched his subclass to improve efficiency and reflect his work as an angelic agent; he continued leveling in it throughout the season to end with 14 levels of arcane trickster rogue.
overall level change:
initial level: rogue 1
final level: arcane trickster rogue 14
the unsleeping city
the dream team also experienced major growth, though they swapped from single battle-milestone to a more spread out approach from chapter i to chapter ii. there were notably fewer multiclasses and subclass swaps, though they were still present. given that the setting required engagement with the magical side of new york, all of the party members had some kind of magic and the party overall had a higher than average number of full casters (chapter i: 4, chapter 2: 4)
this is our first sequel season where new characters come in to play; the descriptions will reflect this change.
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ricky matsui
chapter i: ricky leveled exclusively in devotion paladin from level 3 to level 10.
chapter ii: ricky started the season with a subclass change to redemption paladin, then continually leveled in it to finish the season at level 12.
overall level change:
initial level: devotion paladin 3
final level: redemption paladin 12
sofia lee
chapter i: sofia started the season as a level 3 drunken master monk--she leveled in it until mid-way through the season, when she made a pact with la gran gata and picked up two levels of hexblade warlock. she finished the season with 8 levels of drunken master monk and 2 levels of hexblade warlock.
chapter ii: sofia started the season with a subclass change to shadow monk, to symbolize her journey away from alcoholism, and then exclusively leveled in it to end the season with 10 levels of shadow monk and 2 levels of hexblade warlock. she utilized downtime addiction mechanics (progressive rolls on each die in the suite to symbolize her state; the highest roll on each given die would trigger a move to the next, e.g. a 4 on the d4 means she'd move to the d6, so on and so forth).
overall level change:
initial level: drunken master monk 3
final level: shadow monk 10 | hexblade warlock 2
kingston brown
chapter i: kingston leveled exclusively in city cleric from level 3 to level 10.
chapter ii: kingston leveled exclusively in city cleric from level 10 to level 12.
overall level change:
initial level: city cleric 3
final level: city cleric 12
misty moore/rowan berry
chapter i: misty leveled exclusively in lore bard from level 3 to level 10.
chapter ii: rowan presumably leveled up off-screen; we meet her with 12 levels of lore bard in chapter ii.
overall level change:
initial level: lore bard 3
final level: lore bard 12
iga lisowski
chapter i: iga was not present in chapter i; presumably she progressively leveled up throughout her lifetime.
chapter ii: iga started the season with 10 levels of genie warlock; after unlocking the secret of her ancestral chest, she took 2 levels of draconic sorcerer to finish the season.
overall level change:
initial level: genie warlock 10
final level: genie warlock 10 | draconic sorcerer 2
chapter i: kugrash leveled exclusively in shepherd druid from level 3 to level 10.
chapter ii: kugrash was not present as a PC in chapter ii, but as an omnipotent spirit of the city of new york.
overall level change:
initial level: shepherd druid 3
final level: shepherd druid 10
cody walsh
chapter i: cody was not present in chapter i; presumably he leveled up throughout his lifetime.
chapter ii: cody leveled exclusively in oathbreaker paladin from level 10 to level 12.
overall level change:
initial level: oathbreaker paladin 10
final level: oathbreaker paladin 12
pete conlan
chapter i: pete leveled exclusively in wild magic sorcerer from level 3 to level 10. pete utilized a modified build to reflect his role as the vox phantasma and his background as an addict; instead of triggering wild magic surges solely on nat 1s, his magic increased the dc with each spell he used, thus increasing the probability of surges. he also received the 14th level subclass feature controlled chaos (advantage on d100 roll for wild magic) midway through the season.
chapter ii: pete leveled exclusively in wild magic sorcerer from level 10 to level 12. he retained his altered build features and utilized the addiction mechanics that he shared with sofia.
overall level change:
initial level: wild magic sorcerer 3
final level: wild magic sorcerer 12
a crown of candy
the taste buds also saw major growth, though some saw different progressions; the pcs started the season at staggered levels. multiclassing and subclass switches were common in this season perhaps more than any other. maximization of the builds was a focus due to the deadly nature of the season.
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liam wilhelmina
liam started the season with 2 levels of ranger and selected the beastmaster subclass after the ambush on sucrosi road. he continued to level in ranger, but after the death of his companion, he 'became a war guy' and took on the gloomstalker subclass. after the death of his cousin, liam restructured his build to include 5 levels of gloomstalker ranger and 2 levels of rogue. from there, he alternated between adding levels of rogue and levels of ranger. he finished the season with 6 levels of gloomstalker ranger and 4 levels of assassin rogue.
overall level change:
initial level: ranger 2
final level: gloomstalker ranger 6 | assassin rogue 4
theobald gumbar
theo leveled exclusively in eldritch knight fighter from level 3 to level 10.
overall level change:
initial level: eldritch knight fighter 3
final level: eldritch knight fighter 10
jet rocks
jet started the season with 1 level of rogue; she took 3 levels of battlemaster fighter in preparation for the grand tournament. jet continued to increase her fighter levels--she dropped her rogue level to prioritize her fighter levels just before her death, ending with 7 levels of battlemaster fighter.
overall level change:
initial level: rogue 1
final level: battlemaster fighter 7
saccharina frostwhip
saccharina joined the party with 6 levels of storm sorcerer and 2 levels of tempest cleric; she prioritized her sorcerer levels and ended the season with 8 levels of storm sorcerer and 2 levels of tempest cleric. she was the party's only full caster and her build was optimized to reflect that.
overall level change:
initial level: storm sorcerer 6 | tempest cleric 2
final level: storm sorcerer 8 | tempest cleric 2
ruby rocks
ruby started the season with 1 level of rogue; she continued to level it, taking arcane trickster as her subclass in preparation for the grand tournament. she took 1 level of shadow sorcerer after communing with her aunt lazuli and the sugar plum fairy, but continued to level in rogue for the rest of the season, ending with 9 levels of arcane trickster rogue and 1 level of shadow sorcerer
overall level change:
initial level: rogue 1
final level: arcane trickster rogue 9 | shadow sorcerer 1
amethar rocks
amethar started the season with 3 levels of storm herald barbarian; he tok two further levels in it until the ambush at st. arugula's, when he started to level in fighter, selecting battlemaster as his subclass to match his daughter. he ended the season with 5 levels of storm herald barbarian and 5 levels of battlemaster fighter.
overall level change:
initial level: storm herald barbarian 3
final level: storm herald barbarian 5 | battlemaster fighter 5
lapin cadbury
lapin leveled exclusively in celestial warlock from level 3 to level 5. he passed away early in the campaign, thus precluding further level changes.
overall level change:
initial level: celestial warlock 3
final level: celestial warlock 5
cumulous rocks
cumulous leveled exclusively in long death monk from level 6 to level 10. he joined the party midway through the campaign as they returned to candia.
overall level change:
initial level: long death monk 6
final level: long death monk 10
a starstruck odyssey
starstruck runs a little differently than previous seasons of dimension 20 by virtue of using sw5e--a dnd-influenced game system that utilizes aspects of the world of star wars to bring a sci-fi galaxy to life. you can check out sw5e here; i highly recommend it.
the major change is the inclusion of ship deployments as additional customization; this allows the characters to level up their proficiencies on the ship and provides additional abilities for use on space craft. ship deployment levels do not necessarily correlate to character class levels; characters technically start at level 0 and level up as they prove their mastery in ship combat. the gunner channel is technically a little overleveled in their ship deployment levels with respect to their character classes, if we assume the 5 levels of ship deployment are evenly spaced among the 20 character class levels.
this serves to balance the season, because the gunner channel ends the season at level 6 after fighting some enemies that were seriously above their weight class, though they had fewer battles in general. we saw some staggered starts again, though no subclass swaps or multiclassing. they leveled up after combats with battle boards; there were a few encounters that did not qualify (e.g. flee from fantanimalland).
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gunnie miggles-rashbax
character class: gunnie leveled exclusively in engineer from level 1 to level 6, taking 3 levels and the gadgeteer subclass at the party's first level up. this class is comparable to artificer, with the full casting progression and inspiration from bard.
ship deployment: gunnie leveled exclusively in mechanic from level 1 to level 3.
overall level change:
initial level: engineer 1 [mechanic 1]
final level: gadgeteer engineer 6 [mechanic 3]
character class: riva leveled exclusively in suggestion consular from level 3 to level 6. this class combines features of the cleric, wizard, and sorcerer, and utilizes metamagic as an additional feature.
ship deployment: riva leveled exclusively in coordinator from level 1 to level 3.
overall level change:
initial level: suggestion consular 3 [coordinator 1]
final level: suggestion consular 6 [coordinator 3]
norman 'skip' takamori
character class: skip leveled exclusively in operative from level 2 to level 6, taking 2 levels and the lethality subclass at the party's first level up. this class is primarily based on the rogue, but provides different uses of sneak attack and additional maneuvers.
ship deployment: skip leveled exclusively in pilot from level 1 to level 3
overall level change:
initial level: operative 2 [pilot 1]
final level: lethality operative 6 [pilot 3]
margaret encino
character class: margaret leveled exclusively in scholar from level 2 to level 6, taking 2 levels and the politician subclass at the party's first level up. this is a brand new class which incorporates maneuvers from the battlemaster fighter and new features knows as discoveries that serve to support the party in battle and provide expertise out of combat.
ship deployment: margaret leveled exclusively in operator from level 1 to level 3.
overall level change:
initial level: scholar 2 [operator 1]
final level: politician scholar 6 [operator 3]
sundry sidney
character class: sidney leveled exclusively in corsair sentinel from level 3 to level 6. this class uses a 2/3rds progression that supports combat support casting from the bard and an additional level of customization known as ideals
ship deployment: sidney leveled exclusively in gunner from level 1 to level 3
overall level change:
initial level: corsair sentinel 3 [gunner 1]
final level: corsair sentinel 6 [gunner 3]
big barry syx
character class: barry leveled exclusively in ballistic berserker from level 3 to level 6. this class is based on the barbarian, with the addition of instincts that provide unique abilities aside from subclass.
ship deployment: barry leveled exclusively in gunner from level 1 to level 3
overall level change:
initial level: ballistic berserker 3 [gunner 1]
final level: ballistic berserker 6 [gunner 3]
neverafter has the most traditional high fantasy dnd setting--the leveling of the party is relatively normal, with a couple of subclass swaps and multiclasses, but generally standard progression.
we saw a couple of narrative moments that signaled different level shifts: destiny's children had a notable level jump after their first battle because they committed to a darker universe after death. the party had symbolic changes after their encounter with the baba yaga as well, with a second level jump going into the finale.
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rosamund du prix
rosamund started the season as a level 1 ranger. at the first major jump, she continued on the ranger track and took the swarmkeeper subclass. she maintained this progression until the second major jump, when she restructured her build to incorporate 5 levels of swarmkeeper ranger, 2 levels of stars druid, and 1 level of fighter, where she ended the season.
overall level change:
initial level: ranger 1
final level: swarmkeeper ranger 5 | stars druid 2 | fighter 1
mother timothy goose
timothy started the season as a level 1 bard. at the first major jump, he continued on the bard track and took the lore subclass. he maintained this progression through the second major jump, and ended the season with 8 levels of lore bard.
overall level change:
initial level: bard 1
final level: lore bard 8
pinocchio started the season as a level 1 archfey warlock. at the first major jump, he continued on this track. after breaking his ties with the stepmother, he changed his subclass to destiny, a homebrew that allowed him to affect elements of fate relating to his own story. he maintained this progression through the second major jump, and ended the season with 8 levels of destiny warlock.
overall level change:
initial level: archfey warlock 1
final level: destiny warlock 8
puss in boots | pib
pib started the season as a level 1 rogue. at the first major jump, he continued on the rogue track and took the mastermind subclass. he maintained this progression through the second major jump, and ended the season with 8 levels of mastermind rogue.
overall level change:
initial level: rogue 1
final level: mastermind rogue 8
gerard of greenleigh
gerard started the season as a level 1 fighter. at the first major jump, he continued on the fighter track and took the battlemaster subclass. he maintained this progression through the second major jump, and ended the season with 8 levels of battlemaster fighter.
overall level change:
initial level: fighter 1
final level: battlemaster fighter 8
ylfa snorgelsson
ylfa started the season as a level 1 barbarian. at the first major jump, she paused her barbarian progression for 2 levels of moon druid. she then returned to the barbarian progression, taking the bear totem subclass, and ended the season with 6 levels of bear totem barbarian and 2 levels of moon druid.
overall level change:
initial level: barbarian 1
final level: bear totem barbarian 6 | moon druid 2
the ravening war
unlike the other seasons we've discussed so far, the ravening war has a time skip over wartime that constitutes a major level jump--almost doubling the previous builds. much like a crown of candy, this season involved lots of multiclasses and subclass swaps, with min-maxing for political intrigue as opposed to pure combat.
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delissandro katzon
delissandro started the season with 5 levels of champion fighter. at the time skip he swapped his fighter subclass out and took a level of barbarian, to end the season with 8 levels of battlemaster fighter and 1 level of barbarian.
overall level change:
initial level: champion fighter 5
final level: battlemaster fighter 8 | barbarian 1
raphaniel charlock
raphaniel started the season with 4 levels of eloquence bard and 1 level of rogue. at the time skip he took two levels of each and the inquisitive rogue subclass, to end the season with 6 levels of eloquence bard and 3 levels of inquisitive rogue. his build included feats that allowed him the use of metamagic and telepathy, which heightened his use of magic and secretive nature.
overall level change:
initial level: eloquence bard 4 | rogue 1
final level: eloquence bard 6 | inquisitive rogue 3
karna solara
karna started the season with 3 levels of whispers bard and 2 levels of great old one warlock. at the time skip she took 4 levels of phantom rogue, to end the season with 4 levels of phantom rogue, 3 levels of whispers bard, and 2 levels of great old one warlock.
overall level change:
initial level: whispers bard 3 | great old one warlock 2
final level: phantom rogue 4 | whispers bard 3 | great old one warlock 2
colin provolone
colin started the season with 3 levels of battlemaster fighter and 2 levels of rogue. at the time skip he took 3 fighter levels and 1 rogue level, to end the season with 6 levels of battlemaster fighter and 3 levels of swashbuckler rogue.
overall level change:
initial level: battlemaster fighter 3 | rogue 2
final level: battlemaster fighter 6 | swashbuckler rogue 3
lady amangeaux epiceé du peche
amangeaux started the season with 4 levels of arcane trickster rogue, comparatively lower level than the rest of the party. at the time skip, she continued in the progression to end the season with 9 levels of arcane trickster rogue.
overall level change:
initial level: arcane trickster rogue 4
final level: arcane trickster rogue 9
burrow's end
burrow's end is the first true major progression sidequest, despite occurring on a compressed timespan. each level up is a double jump, signifying the party's exposure to the blue and the society of last bast. multiclassing, subclass swaps, and restructured builds were common in this season; all of the characters multiclass at least once.
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tula started the season with 4 levels of redemption paladin. at the first level jump she continued the progression with two additional levels. at the second level jump she continued the progression with two additional levels. at the final level jump she restructured her build to finish the season with 7 levels of redemption paladin and 3 levels of life cleric.
overall level change:
initial level: redemption paladin 4
final level: redemption paladin 7 | life cleric 3
jaysohn started the season with 4 levels of astral self monk. at the first level jump he took 1 additional level as well as 1 level of rogue. at the second level jump he continued the rogue progression with two additional levels, taking the swashbuckler subclass. at the final level jump he took two additional levels of rogue to finish the season with 5 levels of astral self monk and 5 levels of swashbuckler rogue.
overall level change:
initial level: astral self monk 4
final level: astral self monk 5 | swashbuckler rogue 5
viola started the season with 4 levels of devotion paladin. at the first level jump she continued the progression with two additional levels. at the second level jump she continued the progression with two additional levels. at the final level jump she restructured her build to finish the season with 7 levels of devotion paladin and 3 levels of champion fighter.
overall level change:
initial level: devotion paladin 4
final level: devotion paladin 7 | champion fighter 3
thorn vale
thorn started the season with 4 levels of fey wanderer ranger. at the first level jump he continued the progression with two additional levels. at the second level jump he took 1 additional level as well as 1 level of tempest cleric. at the final level jump he restructured his build to finish the season with 5 levels of fey wanderer ranger and 5 levels of tempest cleric.
overall level change:
initial level: fey wanderer ranger 4
final level: fey wanderer ranger 5 | tempest cleric 5
ava started the season with 3 levels of ancestral guardians barbarian and 1 level of fighter. at the first level jump she continued the barbarian progression with two additional levels. at the second level jump she continued the fighter progression with two additional levels, taking the battlemaster subclass. at the final level jump she added two grave cleric levels to finish the season with 5 levels of ancestral guardians barbarian, 3 levels of battlemaster fighter, and 2 levels of grave cleric.
overall level change:
initial level: ancestral guardians barbarian 3 | fighter 1
final level: ancestral guardians barbarian 5 | battlemaster fighter 3 | life cleric 2
lila started the season with 4 levels of inquisitive rogue. at the first level jump she continued the rogue progression with two additional levels, and swapped her subclass to arcane trickster. at the second level jump she took two levels of wizard. at the final level jump she restructured her build to finish the season with 4 levels of arcane trickster rogue and 6 levels of bladesinger wizard.
overall level change:
initial level: inquisitive rogue 4
final level: arcane trickster rogue 4 | bladesinger wizard 6
minor level progressions
these are the seasons with only one level jump--this reflects having narrative growth on a compressed timeline. if we include fhsy for the sake of argument, all of these seasons fall into tier 2--it makes sense that there's only a minor level change because the characters don't need to be significantly scaled up to face more powerful foes. it's also notable that these are 10 episode seasons, and the other 10-eps either have no level change or major level changes--the length has room for variance.
this section kind of restates the obvious, but it's interesting to see the difference in how much each season prioritizes optimization; for example, brennan gets got by a feat (alert) that antiope takes with her level up.
the seven
not too many crazy changes, though we do see a few multiclasses/multiclass extensions. the notable changes really fall into the nitty-gritty, with class features, subclass features, and feats.
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antiope jones
antiope started the season with 6 levels of arcane archer fighter and 3 levels of monster slayer ranger. at the mid-season level up, she took another ranger level and the alert feat.
overall level change:
initial level: arcane archer fighter 6 | monster slayer ranger 3
final level: arcane archer fighter 6 | monster slayer ranger 4
katja cleaver
katja started the season with 9 levels of battlemaster fighter. at the mid-season level up, she took 1 level of barbarian.
overall level change:
initial level: battlemaster fighter 9
final level: battlemaster fighter 9 | barbarian 1
penny luckstone
penny started the season with 9 levels of arcane trickster rogue. at the mid-season level up, she took another rogue level.
overall level change:
initial level: arcane trickster rogue 9
final level: arcane trickster rogue 10
danielle barkstock
danielle started the season with 9 levels of shepherd druid. at the mid-season level up, she took another druid level.
overall level change:
initial level: shepherd druid 9
final level: shepherd druid 10
ostentatia wallace
ostentatia started the season with 9 levels of forge cleric. at the mid-season level up, she took another cleric level.
overall level change:
initial level: forge cleric 9
final level: forge cleric 10
sam nightingale
sam started the season with 6 levels of storm sorcerer and 3 levels of glamour bard. at the mid-season level up, she took another bard level, as well as a magic initiate: warlock to reflect her pact with talura.
overall level change:
initial level: storm sorcerer 6 | glamour bard 3
final level: storm sorcerer 6 | glamour bard 4
zelda donovan
zelda started the season with 8 levels of eagle totem barbarian and 1 level of fighter. at the mid-season level up, she took another fighter level.
overall level change:
initial level: eagle totem barbarian 8 | fighter 1
final level: eagle totem barbarian 8 | fighter 2
a court of fey and flowers
another season without crazy changes--all of the characters continue their standard progression, no subclass changes or multiclasses, though hob continues a multiclass progression.
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andhera started the season with 8 levels of devotion paladin. at the mid-season level up, he took another paladin level.
overall level change:
initial level: devotion paladin 8
final level: devotion paladin 9
k.p. hob
hob started the season with 6 levels of battlemaster fighter, 1 level of rogue, and 1 level of barbarian. at the mid-season level up, he took another rogue level to get cunning action.
overall level change:
initial level: battlemaster fighter 6 | rogue 1 | barbarian 1
final level: battlemaster fighter 6 | rogue 2 | barbarian 1
chirp featherfowl
chirp started the season with 8 levels of bladesinger wizard. at the mid-season level up, she took another wizard level.
overall level change:
initial level: bladesinger wizard 8
final level: bladesinger wizard 9
squak airavis
squak started the season with 8 levels of lore bard. at the mid-season level up, he took another bard level.
overall level change:
initial level: lore bard 8
final level: lore bard 9
delloso de la rue
rue started the season with 8 levels of bard, subclass unknown. at the mid-season level up, they took another bard level.
overall level change:
initial level: bard 8
final level: bard 9
binx choppley
binx started the season with 8 levels of arcane trickster rogue. at the mid-season level up, they took another rogue level.
overall level change:
initial level: arcane trickster rogue 8
final level: arcane trickster rogue 9
nonprogression seasons
i really don't feel like writing all of these out individually, so reference the images for specifics of leveling. i do have some commentary on the tiering of these seasons and what it means for the scale of the adventure.
escape from the bloodkeep
the vile villains are still tied for highest level party at level 14, though they have fewer multiclasses--thus the characters are running around with roughly the same amount in each of their toolkits. they're sturdy enough that battles can be in precarious environments and include multiple objectives, while leaving room for shenanigans. honestly, given the lava shenanigans in bloodkeep, you'd think brennan would have learned for fhjy.
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tiny heist
given the genre, it makes sense that the tiny thieves would be capped at level 4. getting them up into tier 2 would lead to shenanigans that would stretch the bounds of a heist movie. they tend to run low magic, and the few spells in use are explained by the presence of fairies, technology, or monastic tradition. that doesn't stop them from doing things like rolling on a roll of quarters like a circus bear, crushing a man in a transforming car, or blowing up a bomb with a flamethrower.
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pirates of leviathan
at level 5, the buccaneer buddies are securely beyond the abilities of the average person, and that's clear in their roles on leviathan. it means that the threats feel real and present and that the characters inhabit the world as protectors of their home. the entire party has some degree of magic/supernatural aid, which tracks for the people that end up facing a magical threat to leviathan.
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mice & murder
much like the tiny thieves, if the sylvan sleuths got too high level it would stretch the bounds of credulity for the mystery genre. the party is low magic; the vicar's magic is explained by blessings from the lord, though he is actually pretty bad at it. to even out the need for high rolls with the need for low leveling, all of the characters have a feat granting them skill expertise in one of the key skills of the mystery: history, insight, investigation, perception, and athletics for lars. this lets them work with the 15-20-25-nat 20 system for ability checks; all of them could theoretically find clues, but realistically they have different skillsets and would look for different things, which balances the info they find.
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coffin run
the fang gang has a mix of levels that reflects the amount of time each character has spent with dracula--may at level 6, aleksandr and wetzel at level 7, and squing at level 8. it affects their strategy in unusual ways: squing is the tank, wetzel and aleksandr fight on the front/midlines while running support, and may does crowd control. the party is fairly magic by nature, but leans more toward partial than full progressions.
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dungeons and drag queens
the questing queens are in much the same situation as the buccaneer buddies; powerful enough to start venturing out, but still low enough that the threats feel real and present. tier 2 is the bread and butter of 5e--fun abilities for the characters, enough that you have to think about what you're doing, but not too much for new players. this party leans a little bit harder to the martial side of things--with two long-ranged specialists they tend to space their fights out and take people out from afar, while staging princess as a shield and gertrude present for dps.
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and that's all for this time! i hope you enjoyed this installment--it's a long one (6.3k words!). kudos to you for making it this far.
obligatory spreadsheet link: thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats
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yxngmxxchi · 2 years
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