#Liebster Award
druidx · 1 year
Liebster Award
Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten any kind of aware for my writing, so thank you @adelinemwriting :D
These are the questions that were posed:
1. The best advice you'd have to offer for any writer? 
Bum in seat, words on page; fix it later. Honestly, the act of getting any words down is challenging enough, but too many of us fixate on them being perfect from the get-go (myself included!). So the best advice I can give is putting in the hours to get the words on the page to start with, then edit later.
2. Favorite songs, artists, genre, etc to listen to when writing?
My go-to's are soundtracks and movie scores, but I listen to a mix of genres depending on the mood I’m creating in the story at that time. I do like fast music as well; it makes me type faster! 
3. How many WIPs do you have?
About 84 right now (they vary from one-shots to novels - I’m not writing 84 novels!).
4. Are you emotionally attached to your characters?
Oh, gods, yes. Some I love more than others, but they’re all my babies, even the mean ones.
5. Have you ever entered a piece of your writing in a contest? 
Nope. Never had the courage, or I’ve seen the call for works too late to write anything new or fix something that might be close to the prompt.
6. Favorite book(s)? 
Ah... Let’s see
The Shining Princess, a book of Japanese legends I’ve had since I was very small still carries a special place in my heart.
The Sixteen Trees of the Somme by Lars Mytting is such a perfectly wrought tragedy.
The Baby Bestiary, a TTRPG book, because it was the first book I was published in.
A Spy by Nature by Charles Cumming is what got me really interested in Espionage as a genre
7. What is your typical target reader (age, etc)? 
Adult people who like fantasy (I don’t think too hard about it TBH)
8. Favorite trope of all time, no matter how cheesy? 
Coffee Shop AU. I love the idea of two people finding themselves across universes like this, in situations were these two types of people wouldn’t otherwise meet unless their lives crossed in some unique happenstance.
9. Who in your WIP would tuck you in at night and kiss your forehead? 
I’m currently focusing on The Ruby Falls, so that would be Baurus I think.
10. Who is the nerd, the muscle, the hero in your story? 
Again for The Ruby Falls, that would be Martin, Baurus, and Aderyn, respectively.
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The Liebster Blog Award
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senseiteve · 3 months
The Liebster Award : Late Post
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what-the-fang · 5 months
Liebster Award Nomination!
Thank you very much to Book Hooked for nominating me! The Liebster award is a chain award that was created by bloggers and is a tradition to make new friends in the blogging community. Being someone who is still somewhat of a noob in the book/writing blogging realm, I really like the idea of these awards. Both this and the Versatile Blogger Award  I was nominated for have lead me to discover a…
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"(She was) nominated for a Liebster Award and a Unique Blogger Award!" /Scarlett's Reality Tunnel
I was nominated for a Liebster Award and a Unique Blogger Award!
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inkwell-attitude · 4 years
Liebster Award
The ever-wonderful @ettawritesnstudies nominated me for this! Thank you so much, it means so much to me that you would consider me for it! I always love any way to spread some positivity and encouragement through the community :D
Etta explained the award as “similar to a writeblr tag game meant to introduce you to new blogs and get to know the authors behind them!” She was the one who brought it to tumblr, since it originated in blogs/writer’s websites.
Rules: 1. Thank the blogger that nominated you 2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you 3. Nominate 11 bloggers 4. Ask your nominees 11 questions 5. Notify your 11 nominees
Questions: 1. What’s your favourite part about the writing community?
I love the support everyone always gives to everyone else! Everyone I’ve seen has given nothing but support and enthusiasm for both their writing and others writing, and it really makes me happy to see such a wonderful community. 
2. Do you prefer writing dialogue or description, and why?
I prefer description because I love the whimsy I can add to it. Being able to concoct a scene and describe things in ways other than “the sky was blue, the grass was green” is lots of fun. I’m also kind of bad at conversations irl (between my ADD and my minor stutter, I don’t tend to finish a lot of sentences lol) and I think that rolls over into my writing a little bit and makes dialogue a bit harder for me to figure out.
3. Do you have any creative hobbies outside of writing, and how did you get into them?
I am a self-proclaimed proud jack of all trades because I see a craft or activity and MUST try it out. My brain sees a tactile hobby and goes feral. I just really enjoy learning new things :D The recurring hobbies are drawing and very minor animations, but I also have been into embroidery, polymer clay, woodworking (miniatures eeeyyy) and cake decorating? 
4. When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep?
Two nights ago? I usually get 7.5-8.5 hours of sleep because I just can’t function without sleep. Idk if you can call it a good nights sleep because I tend to wake up several times during the night (how many times is too many?) but I don’t usually have trouble falling asleep.
5. Are you reading/watching/listening to anything right now that you’re excited about?
I’m watching Ann with an E with my mom right now and it’s delightful! it’s a very very lovely show and it’s made me want to re-read the book.
I’m also keeping up with the Dream SMP minecraft series, and lemme tell you I have not been this emotionally invested in a story for a LONG time. Sure, I’ve been excited about some things in the last few months, but I don’t think I’ve really been attached to a story and characters like this for a while. (Plus, every single fanart and fan animation I’ve seen has been tremendously well done and more often than not gets me emotional lmao)
6. What’s your favourite YouTube channel?
I don’t know if I have a favourite? Because I hop around between interests so often I tend to change up my subscriptions a lot, too. Currently, I really like Cheyenne Barton, Technoblade, GeminiTay, and Annika’s leaf
7. What writing advice would you give your younger self?
DO WRITING SPRINTS! This is one of my favourite things now and it’s helped break the habit of “write one sentence, edit it, write another sentence, edit it, delete the first and re-write it” habit. Plus, it’s just a really good exercise to stretch your creativity.
8. What’s your opinion on color coding?
top notch! I think sometimes it can be overdone (throwback to jr. high me color coding everything in my notes to the extent that it was detrimental to my studying) but it really helps me out with things. I color-code vocab words and important persons in my class notes now :D
9. Is there a specific theme or aesthetic that underlies all your stories?
If there is, I haven’t seen it. I think it’s funny that Odds & Ends and The Paths That Bind are actually kind of similar (so far) except one is lighthearted feel-good comedy, and one is corruption and angst and trauma :’) Maybe there will be similar themes, but they’re both in the beginning stages so it hasn’t shown up yet.
10. How many WIPs do you have?
I actually only have two WIPs! I have a few other concepts I’d like to explore in the future, but they’re currently sitting as one-sentence explanations in my notes folder and will probably stay that way until I figure out a more solid plan for Odds & Ends and The Paths That Bind. My irl schedule is very hectic and I’m an inherently tired person, so I’m trying to be more intentional with creative projects and realistic on which ones I want to be able to dedicate my time to.
11. What’s your wildest dream as a creator? (For example, do you want to see fanart of your ocs, have a movie made of your book, etc.)
I adore the idea of someone making an animatic or one of those lyric comic things (idk what they’re called) for The Paths That Bind. So much of it is inspired by music and I’d love to see other people’s takes on the history and events of the story and which songs they would associate with it.
Questions for my wonderful nominees!
1. What’s the earliest story you remember writing? How old were you? 2. Are any of your characters “comfort characters” for yourself? 3. What’s your go-to snack? 4. How do you visualize your wips? Movie-format? Animatic? Comic? 5. What’s your favorite part of each season? 6. Would you rather one (or all) of your wips be made into a movie/tv show or a graphic novel series? 7. Is there a particular form of imagery or symbolism that recurs a lot in your stories? 8. What’s a book (or book series) that you absolutely adore and wish everyone would read? 9. Tell us about your favorite video game and why you love it! (If you don’t game, tell us about another hobby you adore!) 10. What’s the last dream you remember having? 11. How has your writing changed from when you first started? (We all get better, but have you noticed any distinct changes? More/less dialogue, different kind of descriptions, different narrative styles?)
Here are 11 wonderful, talented writers I’ve met here, and everyone should absolutely check out their blogs!
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temukonco · 4 years
Liebster Award untuk mengawali 2021
Liebster Award untuk mengawali 2021
Liebster Award untuk mengawali 2021 ini, siapa tahu bisa jadi magnet penarik semua kebaikan dan kemujuran sepanjang tahun ini dan seterusnya. Amin. Continue reading
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beckysbook5 · 4 years
Liebster Award
Thanks to @blair_jadex for nominating me for the #LiebsterAward! I have SO much fun answering her questions.
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Massive thank you to Blair at Feed the Crime for nominating me for this award. Blair creates some great bookish content and I get some great crime recs from her so you should definitely got and give her blog some love!
Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the Award.
Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you
Nominate 11 people
Ask the people who you have nominated…
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Liebster Award <3
Liebster Award
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I was tagged (nominated?) for this one by Brittany at PerfectlyTolerable. Thank yoooou!! 😀
Answer the 11 questions you’ve been asked
Nominate 11 other bloggers
Ask your nominees 11 questions
Let them know you’ve nominated them!
Brittany’s Questions: What other hobbies do you have other than blogging?
I am so boring oh my gosh. Okay, can I say waiting ages and then…
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prachiiiiiiiiii · 3 years
The Liebster Award
A HUGE thank you to penjiri for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. This is my first time to get nominated and I am incredibly honoured to be included in your list of nominees 😩❤️ Everyone, please go and check out her website, https://penjiri.wordpress.com/ Rules :*Acknowledge the blog that gave it to you and display the award*Answer 11 questions that the blogger gives you*Give 11…
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emailalwhite · 6 years
Liebster Award... Again!
Liebster Award… Again!
Did you miss me!? Don’t lie. Well I know at least one of you did. Gigglessaw fit to nominate me for the liebster award! Mostly as a way to bring me back out of hiding, but we’ll go ahead and pretend that it was just simply out of the kindness of her heart. Thank you so much for this! If you have yet to venture over to her blog I strongly suggest that you do so. Like, not “now”, but “right now”.…
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Thank you! - JGC Blog is nominated for The 2018 Liebster Award!
Thank you! – JGC Blog is nominated for The 2018 Liebster Award!
Hi Everyone!
So, after the Liebster Award back in 2016 and the Mystery Blogger Award back in March, JGC.COM aka “Journalist-Geo-Cultures” has been nominated for the 2018 Liebster Award! 
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what-the-fang · 5 months
Liebster Award Nomination!
Thank you very much to Book Hooked for nominating me! The Liebster award is a chain award that was created by bloggers and is a tradition to make new friends in the blogging community. Being someone who is still somewhat of a noob in the book/writing blogging realm, I really like the idea of these awards. Both this and the Versatile Blogger Award  I was nominated for have lead me to discover a…
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amdallgallery · 6 years
A 2018 Liebster Award for Amdall Gallery
A 2018 Liebster Award for Amdall Gallery
As you can see from the title, this site was nominated for a Liebster Award, which is  given to blogs by other bloggers. So, right from the top, thank you to Christine Mallaband-Brown for the nomination! Christine is a talented artist, so that’s really cool to be nominated by someone like her.
The Liebster Award – What is this Thing? 
When I first came across these and tried to figure out what…
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thefreedomchasers · 6 years
Liebster Award
I feel so very honored to be nominated for a blogging award. The Liebster award is one that is given to bloggers by bloggers and helps build a community in our profession. I am so very proud to be receiving my first nomination for this award and recognize its importance in embracing the creativity of this community. Nurturing the many talents that are in this growing community is so important.
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jeyranmain · 4 years
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(via The Liebster Award!)
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