#Light speed reading
captaincanonly · 2 months
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none of these make sense. send help. i’ve gone woke…..
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bleu-oscar · 1 month
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turtle.... yeah... :D
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Anyone have any multi chapter Codywan fics recommendations?
(Idiots in love to angst heavy or anything in between)
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going-to-superhell · 10 months
Haha don’t mind me I’m just thinking about-
The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second so we are technically seeing everything how it was in the past but because of how fast light travels it’s practically unnoticeable but it’s slower the further you look into space with a telescope, we see the moon how it was 1.3 seconds ago, the sun as it was 8.3 minutes ago and the closest star how it was 4 years ago. The closest galaxy is 2.5 million years ago and we can look so far that we can see the universe as it was forming 4 billion years after it began to technically humans CAN time travel, in this essay I will-
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cellgatinbo · 5 months
the urge to get clips of sappy flirty moments vs the aromanticism in me being physically unable to sit through sappy flirty convos
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swampthingking · 10 months
Starting ATYD today! Wish me luck! Seems like a heartwarming story about a group of boys with a happy ending! I know for a fact this will be a fulfilling read and will not be detrimental to my mental health!
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ilovereadingandstuff · 5 months
"Haruka wasn't going to deny that there was someone who could swim faster than him. But he wasn't going to acknowledge it so easily, either. It wasn't that he wanted to win, or that he hated losing; it was just that he couldn't simply accept that there was someone who could feel the water more than he could."
Haruka Nanase's relationship with water is...passional.
like...he's possessive over water. I'm just gonna say that. And, of course, Rin is the cause to that possessiveness and his unusual drive to compete.
Water and Rin represent...something to Haru.
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arttsuka · 6 months
mer lupin disguised in human clothes except he's crawling around wearing shoes on his hands and his tail stuck inside one pants leg
"heheh, they'll never know the difference"
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He's the master of disguise for a reason
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ilovedthestars · 8 months
also okay. admittedly it has been years since I read The Left Hand of Darkness so this is mostly going on Vibes but. has anyone drawn parallels with Ancillary Justice or is that just me??
on a surface level, a large chunk of the book is spent with two people walking around on a frozen snowy planet, sometimes trying to survive alone in an uninhabited area, which was the section of Left Hand of Darkness that I remember most vividly. But also the basis of Left Hand as I recall was that humans had spread across hundreds of planets and diverged culturally (and biologically) and the protagonist was part of an effort to reconnect those separated cultures--albeit in a very different way than the violent "annexations" of the Radch. Breq's interactions with various interplanetary human cultures reminded me of the feeling of that universe.
and also the very obvious point that I missed but @blessphemy pointed out when i mentioned this on discord, which is that the individuals in Le Guin's (biologically) genderless society were presented to us with he/him pronouns, whereas the individuals in Leckie's (culturally) genderless society are presented to us with she/her pronouns.
obviously the pronouns were a very conscious choice that Leckie made, and I'd be very surprised if that wasn't partially in reaction to The Left Hand of Darkness. the rest of it i'm a little less sure of, but Ancillary Justice just felt so reminiscent of what I remember of Left Hand--is this just me??
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breakfastteatime · 6 months
I have lived in my flat since 2020 (Pro tip - do not move during a lockdown), and in that time, I have seen roughly two thousand and twenty* car accidents on the road I live on.
RIP little tree, we hardly knew ye.
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ihave3frigs · 10 months
attempting to read the entirety of red white and royal blue Today to prep for the movies release wish me luck
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likethewizardyk · 8 months
coocoo for cocoa puffs but cocoa puffs is the earthsea quartet
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iris-nonsense · 7 months
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Is that mahoraga's wheel? Does this mean that sukuna defeating the shadow in shibuya count as him taming it?? This would mean that sukuna is the best ten shadows user in history if true
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radlegowaffle · 2 months
season of nesting making me finally draw sky art lets go
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aria0fgold · 2 months
Goes into the site I use to watch anime to check for new episodes for Mashle cuz I kinda forgot I was watching it, sees the word "Tadaima"-- tadaima... OKAERI?!!?!?!?!?!?!!? TADAIMA OKAERI EPISODE 1?!?!!?!?!?! ITS OUT?!!??!?! THE ANIME IS OUT?!!?!?!
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dumpster-connoisseur · 10 months
So, since I watched S2, Good Omens has monopolized all my non-essential brain functions. And so the other day I was thinking about the whole final scene again, and about the Metatron, because there was something that was bugging me but I wasn't quite sure what.
And then I got it.
The fact that Heaven is a cult, and that the Angels are kind of a very abusive family to Aziraphale is pretty obvious by now, but sometimes they are in new ways.
You see, when you're raised in an abusive "catholic" family, and you go to a catholic girls school so the vast majority of people you know are also girls from abusive, christian families, there's a few things you get familiar with, quickly.
Metatron comes (uninvited) to see Aziraphale specifically, and quickly ushers the rest of the angels away. He comes with a peace offering, just to talk.
And I've seen this.
He comes and acts like he's defending Aziraphale without actually doing so (have we done anything wrong? well, that remains to be seen, does it not?). He gives him a little gift that he'll like (except that it's a bit to the left. Aziraphale drinks cocoa and tea for the most part, but coffee is just another hot human beverage so it's fine!), and then he essentially offers him two things: you're different, you're a queer little angel, and we still want you back. In fact, we want you back as non-normative as you are! We need you because you're like that!! (we do not, actually, but once you're back we can talk details). And what's more, you can also bring your… friend along. You can, it's fine, we will also like him. He can be one of us, too, just tell him to tone it down. To dress like us and behave like us and be less him, less loudly a queer little demon (we don't like him, never did and never will, angel or demon, but if you can make him conform we can tolerate him)
Metatron is a parental figure here. His oldest son, head of the company, fucked off and gave them all the middle finger. And right now he can't bring him back but he needs someone to manage the family business and it cannot be any of those other assholes. They're too incompetent and harder to control. So he goes looking for the child that was too fucking weird to be one of them, always shyly refusing to conform until they kicked him out. He looks for him and tells him everything he's always wanted to hear and offers him everything he wanted on a silver plate. Atop the plate it's a landmine covered in red flags, but Azirphale is still a traumatized man recently cut from everything he once knew. Far from the one who's always been pointing the gaps in logic and the failures and the unsaid... well, of course he accepted.
I've seen different instances of this, been thought it myself. For me, for a solid 25 minutes, Heaven wasn't so much corporate hell or a straight up cult, just your average christian middle class family refusing to let anyone out and scrambling to get back the stray kids when they need them.
Honestly, despite everything it's no wonder Aziraphale accepted. Many, for a long time after they get out, still wish their family loved them as mentally ill and queer and imperfect as they are. It's easy for family to trap them back and it's hard to refuse.
Sometimes it just has to be one betrayal too many and one word too much. Sometimes all love has to fully burn out. Sometimes it takes a pain bigger than your family despising you for someone to finally face the reality that they never actually had family or love to being with.
And I guess something along those lines it's what we're gonna see in S3.
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