#Like pre historic dinosaurs?
oifaaa · 1 year
in united states public school we learn about the american revolution and the first three presidents (minus the fact that they had slaves and abused their families bc how dare we portray them as anything but heroes on a pedastal) every year from when we're 8 to when we're 14, we have one year for generalized world history and if you're lucky one year to learn about a very white-centric view of pre-1700's north america and prehistory
Doesn't that get a bit boring? Now I'm thinking about it tho I think I'd say 95% of my history classes would have been modern history basically anything from the industrial revolution onwards like the world wars, the Russian revolution followed by the cold war including modules on the Vietnam war and Korean war, and then obviously American civil rights movement, the Irish famine, Irish war of independence, irish civil war and finally a lot about the troubles - in fact I think the only two times I can remember learning about anything older is in primary we learnt about ancient Egypt and in first year of secondary we learnt about the native Americans
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Spidersonas are the perfect exercise and I recommend everyone try -
Quick-Spidersona Exercises
How I use new Spidersonas as Artistic Practice
[A MEDIUM length post where I share ideas and exercises to create Spidersonas quicker and easier, while practicing your writing/art]
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Spidersonas can be a great tool for any artist!
If you're a writer looking for a way to get better at character creation, research, and world-building - Or an artist looking for a way to get better at character design:
Consider trying out Quick Spidersona exercises as a fun way to do that! I use them all the time, because seriously, who says you can only have ONE Spidersona?
(I think I have at least 15-20 now - counting the eight named kids I gave Miguel & Moche)
I usual end up making at least one a week - and I find they're amazing for learning how to make characters quickly and in a really fun way.
Everything can be canon in the Spider-verse, including a sentient piece of Lego-Plastic and a Pre-historic Spider-saur.
Plus, with the Spider-Society being full formed, and canon events at your choosing, you have a loose template for a background - making it easier to throw them into the story.
I use a couple different exercises on making Fast-Sonas, and I thought I'd share some.
Here's a couple of my favorites! If you find this helpful, let me know!
1 - Hour Sona Challenge
Ever have a half-baked Spidersona Idea or come up with a funny crack Spider?
Give yourself an hour (or two) and go at it.
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[This challenge is good for quick practice, Character Creation & Design]
Design them a suit as quick as you can, coming up with abilities and a rough personality.
You don't need to go into backstory if you don't feel like it, and it's a great way to get started
This is something you can do routinely - I do, I usually do this once or twice a week; And soon you'll have a full cast of sonas that can interact with each other!
It's great practice, and the more you do it, the easier it gets.
When you're doing it on the fly, or know it's just one hour - it can produce characters that are more natural, because you don't have time to second guess. Plus, since it's only an hour, you can get as silly as you want!
Stoner-Spider is an example of a 2-hour Sona Challenge.
This challenge is good for Character Design
Make your own cross over!
For something a bit easier - Take a Non-Spider character and make them a Spider-person.
This could be anyone, from other Marvel characters, to Disney Princesses, Celebrities, and characters from your other fandoms. You can even make some of your old OCs into Spider-people!
For Artists - this can be a real fun challenge - try and blend the characters original outfit and design into a suit suitable for swinging.
For Writers - try to adapt their current background, and shift it around so they have 'canon events'. If the character you like has lost someone, the person they lost could stand in for their Uncle Ben or Aunt May.
Example: If you're looking to adapt Ellie from The Last of Us, losing Joel could be her Uncle Ben canon event.
This works for every character (basically). What if Black Widow ACTUALLY got bit by a black widow? Now Nat Romanoff is on campus. (Every Peter thinks she's an MJ cause the red hair at first).
No matter how ridiculous, you can stretch it. In Spiderverse, everyone is Canon.
If they can write a SpiderCar - you can write ANYTHING.
Some ideas are:
Celebrities, Animals (like SpiderCat or the Dinosaur), Princesses, Greek Gods, Historical Figures, Fandom Characters,
Mundane Spider
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This challenge is good for: Character Building & Design
Not everyone is extraordinary. SOMEONE has to flip those McMiguel burgers goddamn it.
If making a huge story and traumatic canon events send daunting - just... Don't do it. Challenge yourself to make a Spidersona that's literally just a person.
Like a Target employee who got bit by a spider that came out a shipment. And now they have to work at the Society AND target. They wear the Target polo over their suit.
Pick a normal type of person, and challenge yourself to make them super.
Maybe a stay at home mom that got bit by a house spider, or a college student that got bit at the library. Any one could be a Spider-person! So don't worry that they're 'boring'.
Ideas for this:
A person based on your town/city, Random Professions, Teachers, Therapists, People based on hobbies you like to do (ex: Margo is eSports. SpiderCanada is hockey based),
History Spider
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[This is good for Research]
History Buffs WHERE U AT?????
If you love a period of history - GO ALL IN.
Take the SpiderNoir and Hobie route.
If your Spidersona was from Ancient Egypt, what would they wear? If you really like the Medieval Era, would their city want to burn them at the stake?
For Artists - What would they wear? And how would the fashion trends of their time period effect their suits?
For Writers - What would be their real name, if it were time period accurate? How would they act and speak? Consider how they would adjust to things like 2099, and how their time period would effect their fighting style.
Culture Spider
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If you're from a interesting culture or place, make a Sona for that!
[This is another great one for Research, as well as Character Design too]
I've seen it all, from my own IncaSpider, to Korean Spider-people and Romanian Spider-people.
For Artists - It's REALLY fun adapting traditional dress and colors into a Spider-suit, and you may even find yourself falling down a research hole.
For Writers - This can go DEEP. You can pick any time period of your culture and home. Things like their accent, their behaviors and traditions, and their backstory can all be reflections of your culture.
With HUNDREDS of years is material to pull from, using Culture as a back drop for a Spider can help them seem deep and natural. Plus, you can just Google clothing and use that as suit inspo
Ben Reilly - Mary Sue Spider
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Arguably my FAVORITE. Not for the faint of heart.
[This is the best for everything - Literal SELF CARE I MEAN THAT]
Write a character that's super strong and effortless about it. Pavi is. And he's still a great character.
Write a character who ALWAYS looks kick ass and rides a cool motorcycle or plays a rad guitar - Jess and Hobie are literally THAT.
Want your character to be big and super smart with deep trauma that haunts them? - Ben Reilly and Miguel. The three of them can be a trio.
Every time you draw something or write something that makes you cringe, or feels to OP or too much.
Good. Leave it in. Turn it up to 11.
Go all out. Draw your Instagram dream outfit. If you want your Sona in 12 inch heels - have at it!
'Oh but that's impractical and stup-'
They're literally a Super-Human. If Gwen can catch a helicopter like that, I think a Spidersona can manage stripper heels or Final Fantasy Hair.
What's the worst that can happen? You're doing it on purpose.
At the best, you'll make someone REALLY REALLY rad - like Hobie.
At the least, you'll make someone REALLY REALLY funny - like Ben Reilly.
Disco-Spider Diane is an example of this. She was probably supposed to be a completely self-indulgent, unhinged Sona.
So much so that she thinks she's perfect, even though she's a little bit naive, lazy, and in her own world. But because she doesn't care.. it's all good :)
No Logic Whatsoever Spider
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[This one is just funny. Great one for Character Design and getting out of your comfort zone.]
Spider-Ham, Spider-Car, Spider Cat, LegoSpider, Spiderplush and SpiderPopsicle all have a club. The No Logic Whatsoever Club.
Challenge yourself to make a new member.
Break all the laws of logic. If something can be Spiderman, then it is or duty to make it so.
What's your favorite animal? Make that.
Can they put on the suit themselves? No? Who cares they're a Spiderperson-thing now.
Is there a funny art style you like - make a Bendy's style 1930's black and white silent cartoon.
For Artists - This is a great one. It can be as simple as drawing Spider-man merch and making it sentient. Or as bizarre as drawing a Dinosaur in a Spider-man costume.
For Writers - HARD MODE. For pure crack fanatics. Enjoy trying to make logic of this. Or don't. They are what they are.
So here are just some exercises and ideas for those looking to strengthen their writing/art skills with Spidersonas.
They can be really quick to make, and you can always build on them over time, do a '1hr Sona Update' Challenge, run them through canon events and see them change.
Having multiple spidersonas can be fun, make writing easier, and it's great practice that translates everywhere - into world building, character design, research, and a lot of other creative skills.
Literally theres no need for just one! The Spiderverse is open to any Sona, no matter how bizarre, mundane, or self-indulgent!!
If this gave you and ideas or inspiration, let me know. If you try a challenge, I'd love to see too!
And as per usual if you've read this far: Here take this as a token of my gratitude
Go forth, create, and kill cringe with your bare hands. Smash it into a moving train. That usually does the trick.
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oddvanilla · 15 days
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Once again, dear mutuals, I strike.
Fetus= you're not even born YET
tween= 9-12, definitely has Spiderman bedsheets
Teen= congrats,, you guys are a menace
20s=it's either you're too mature to be a teen or you're just done with like everyone
40s= that one friend's mom who's so sweet and gives everyone cookies
Retired= okay granny, you're just sitting on a wooden rocking chair as you sew a blanket for your grandchildren
Ancient= you're pre-historic, prolly has a pet dinosaur
@fruityfroggyfelon @m0thxy @xxradzxx @absolutelyzoned @frnkiebby @dialup-dragon @delta-romance0 @puppyboymikeyway @the-spider-haven @ippyhaj @alchemicalwerewolf @heyoitsangelo @millkky @pissworm39 @brits4gerardway @fclklqre @vamplxver @jetstar2828 @constantpan1c @bananaballs21 @solitaire481 @eelyacbloodlustr @mrsfuentes @lynxy-binxy
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carionto · 9 months
An idle mind invites the unseen guest
This one became a bit of a hub for tying and referencing other stuff I've written in this little verse of mine. Every underscored bit links to a different relevant story for context.
Us Humans have always been... active in our endeavors, whatever we pursue. For as long as we have studied ourselves, the one constant remains true - we want to do something. If we don't have a crisis to solve, we cause one. If there are no more mysteries to solve, we invent new ones. If we are left alone, we make someone.
Well, that last one has a new alternative now.
Ever since we slipped back into the universe, out of our pocket in-between dimensions and saw -- it -- stare at each and every one of us for the briefest moment, we can't forget, no matter how hard we try by distracting ourselves with everything imaginable.
If our minds, touched by this incomprehensible malice, are ever left alone, with nothing to do, nothing to ponder, nothing to fear - it emerges. For some it feels like a memory, others behave as though it were a hallucination, some even can't shake the sense of it being within their mind. Even the youngest who were alive during the slip, even in the womb, exhibit signs it haunts them as well.
We don't know yet if this phenomenon can be inherited or if you had to be alive in even the simplest of forms to be "marked" with this "curse". What we do know is that as long as we continue to engage ourselves in any and every activity, it is kept at bay.
Certain animals seem to also experience this, but currently this is merely a theory. Is this something anything with enough sentience can suffer from? Does it pursue any kind of advanced enough mind, or was our slip a trigger. If others slip in-between, will they too be exposed to it and it's rageful and hungry gaze? While we want to know, we also have sworn to not give it any chances. Unless we have to, nothing and nobody will ever utilize slip technology again.
The trouble with coming to any solid conclusion is our natural inclination towards mental disparity. Studying the Human mind is one of the oldest of fields, doubtful we'll ever fully crack it. Learning that the other sentient races across the Galaxy also have never reached a "conclusion" with their equivalent to psychology suggests it is an endless journey. Good. A fallback option. But not everyone is inclined towards such study or thought. Hence our seemingly chaotic spread.
There are as many ideas as there are people, plus one more for whenever two people interact. - Want to tear open time-space to teleport planets? Sure, here's unlimited funding. - Want to bring back pre-historic dinosaurs on a dubiously habitable planet? Hell yeah! Permission granted. - Want to build a deadly race track in the Oort cloud? You didn't ask and we probably couldn't stop you anyway.
As long as we stay active, pursue every idea, create chaos, cause problems, maybe even find an enemy to war against, it doesn't bother us. We hope we will never have to deal with it. We hope it is just a mirage, a nightmare, anything other than what we instinctively know to be true: It is real. It is angry. It is hungry. It has seen us. It haunts us. And It hates us.
(Its perspective)
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louisupdates · 7 months
The Habit He Can’t Break 4/4
IQ 123 | Gordon Masson | 9.11.2023
If I Could Fly
With the production traveling to Australia, in early 2024, before shifting to Latin America, Andy Lovell at Freight Minds is gearing up to become involved with Tomlinson once again.
“We did the Central and South America dates on the tour last year, and onto Mexico,” says Lovell. “It was very challenging back then as we were still coming back from Covid, and various systems and infrastructure were in pieces. But it all went well in the end, as we kept an eye on things and worked on it every day to make sure we had solutions to everything that was thrown our way.”
Lovell continues, “Things on this tour kick in early next year for us. Historically, Australian services were quite reliable, as we could use any number of airlines. But post-pandemic, the number of long-haul flights still aren’t as frequent as they were. As a result, the production is being reverse engineered with the budget being worked out before we can see what we can afford to take as freight, and then we try to plan accordingly.”
“Similarly, in Central and South America there are still just a fraction of the flights operating, compared to pre-Covid, so that makes it very challenging. If there aren’t the flights to handle the gear, then you have to start looking at chartering aircraft, or alter your schedule, and that can become very expensive, very fast.”
With everyone working on the artist’s behalf to make sure the tour remains on track, being able to call on such experienced production experts is paying off on a daily basis.
Sherwood notes, “There are a few back-to-back shows over long distances that occasionally mean we don’t arrive at the next venue until 11 AM, rather than 6 AM. But we’ve never failed anywhere to open the doors on time, so we know we’re capable of getting things done, even if we have a late start at mid-day.”
Such dilemmas are not lost on agent Rowland. “It’s not so much the routing, it’s more like the timings, because Louis does have two support acts, so the shows start at 7 o’clock, and then when we’re done, we need to load out to get to the next show in good time for loading in the next morning and soundchecks, etc.”
Nevertheless, Sherwood admits that he loves the trickier venues and schedules. “Because I’m a dinosaur, I relish anything that makes things difficult or awkward for us on the production side of things,” he says. “I think everyone on the crew looks forward to challenges in finding the solutions to problems.”
Common People
Having amassed millions of fans through his association with One Direction, Tomlinson very much has a ‘pay it forward’ attitude to music and is building a reputation as a champion for emerging talent, wherever he performs.
“He’s a great advocate for alternative music,” says manager Vines. “Louis realizes he’s in an incredibly privileged position in terms of what he can create in terms of awareness. He loves alternative music and indie music, and he understands how hard it is for that music to be heard. But we have this amazing platform where we can put these bands in front of these audiences as a showcase that allows them to build these authentic new audiences. It’s a huge part of his love of music, wanting to help younger bands.”
Rowland agrees. “He took an act called Andrew Cushin - a very new artist – on the road in America with him as a support, and he’s doing the same for Europe. Louis is a fan and is championing his career.”
Indeed, Tomlinson’s A&R skills have knock-on effects for his agent, too. “He asked me to confirm the Australian band Pacific Avenue as support for his Australian tour last year. The music was great, and they didn’t have an agent, so now I’m representing them,” says Rowland.
Perfect Now
As the European tour speeds towards its conclusion, agent Rowland is enjoying every minute of it.
“It’s incredible – they’ve really stepped things up,” she says, fresh from seeing the show in Athens and Paris. “They’ve got six hanging LED screens on the stage, and the whole production just looks polished and professional.”
And Rowland is especially excited about next year’s Latin America dates, which will deliver her first stadium shows as an agent. 
“The return to Latin America is going to be huge – Louis is playing arenas and stadiums in South America and Mexico 15 shows across 11 countries,” she says. 
Vines is similarly enthused. Harking back to the Covid situation, when the show would go on sale, sell out, be postponed, and then re-scheduled in a bigger venue, Vines says, “For example, in Chile, originally the show was scheduled at a 5,000-cap, half-capacity arena in Santiago. And what we ended up doing with three nights at 10,000-cap in that same venue.”
Vines contends that Tomlinson’s work ethic is outstanding. “He loves his fans, and he loves performing for them, it’s as simple as that,” he says. “He just loves being on the road and seeing how the songs connect live. In fact, the second album was very much written with the tour and live shows in mind – ‘This song could work live,’ ‘This one will open the set,’ ‘This is the one we can do for the encore.’”
Another element to Tomlinson’s psyche has been his decision to visit places off the usual tour circuit.
“Louis has a real desire to perform to fans in markets that are often overlooked,” says Rowland.
Manager Vines explains that while the Covid-delayed first tour allowed them to upgrade venues pretty much everywhere, “On this tour, we are a bit more competent on venue sizes, but we still speculate a little bit in different territories. In Europe, for example, we’ve gone into the Baltics in a number of different places to test the markets there, while in America, we’re looking at A and B markets, but also tertiary market as well – we go to places where people just don’t tour in America, just to see what the reaction is. That was something that very much interested Louis - to play in front of people who don’t normally have gigs in their town. So there’s been a lot of experimentation on the tour in terms of where we go and what room to play.”
That concept is something that Vines has employed before. “I manage a band called Hurts, who were pretty much overlooked by the British radio system, and we have spent 15 years building a business outside of the UK. And that was built on going to play at those places where people didn’t normally go. They built to multiple arena level in Russia, for instance.”
“If you can build fanbases in lots of different places, you have festivals that you can play every summer, as well as touring those places. It allows you to have more consistency over a number of years, by having more opportunities.”
Such a strategy found a convert in Tomlinson. Vines tells IQ, “Louis also is extremely fan-focused in everything that he does. He comes at it from a perspective of ‘I want to take the show to them,’ meaning he’s always more willing to take the risky option to try something out.”
And the result? “It’s a combination,” concludes Vines. “There have been a couple of places where we now understand why tours don’t go there. But there are more places where it’s worked incredibly well. For example, we enjoyed incredibly good sales in Budapest. And overall, it’s allowing us to get a clearer idea, globally, of where the demand is, which will help us when we go into the next tour cycle.”
1/4, 2/4, 3/4
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navstuffs · 10 months
Ghost of You
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GhostGN!Reader
Summary: Leon Kennedy is being haunted and couldn't be happier about it.
Warnings tags: shortfic, horror elements, hurt/some comfort, mention of death, alcoholism and suicide
Author's Notes: hello september!! though i always told myself i would never write for ghosts due to personal reasons, here i am lol just a heads up: my requests have been put to a halt because SPOOKY SEASON! all my attention will be on my halloween event until the end of october (this shortfic is part of it unofficially). and lastly, my inspiration came from wuthering heights, where catherine haunts(?) heathcliff. enjoy!
taglist - @roseglazedlens
"Ghosts. What happens after we die? Do we stay stuck in the place where we died, where we lived, or do we get to pass to another dimension? Reincarnation? Heaven? Hell? All those questions bring another even bigger one: Does God even exist?"
Leon yawns, tired, as the narrator continues discussing what exactly ghosts are. You munch your popcorn with interest, your eyes focused on the TV ahead of you. Leon's arms surround your body, bringing you close to him, your stare focused on the TV. Leon then tries one last time with a dramatically loud yawn that finally catches your attention.
"What is it?"
"Should you be watching this late at night? You know you won't be able to sleep later."
You chuckle, rolling your eyes. Leon is right. Though you loved anything spooky and scary, you always had nightmares later at night. You would have to hold tightly to your boyfriend's body like a teddy bear. Not that Leon complained about that part, just primarily worried about your sleep quality.
"No, I shouldn't. But you know I can't stop."
"Do you watch any of that stuff while I am gone?"
"Not really. You know I need you to face my fears." You chuckle, hitting Leon lightly on the arm.
After the show ends, you turn off the TV and finally cuddle properly with Leon. It is so good to be back with you and feel your warm presence near him. It always gave him peace. Leon could feel himself falling asleep when he heard your voice asking something.
"Do you believe in ghosts, Leon?"
Leon pauses briefly, thinking about the best way to answer. Even if for him, knowing the next location of Big Foot didn't matter, that the Lochness monster could not be a pre-historic dinosaur, or entering supposedly haunted mansions to find ghosts for the 18th century weren't important, they sure mattered to you.
"You know what my feelings are about those, hun," Leon answers, his voice tired, and you nod.
"Yeap. All baloney."
"It might be nonsense to me, but it is not for you. And I take that very, very seriously. You know, I will always be your partner, no matter how spooky it can get. You are having fun, and that is what matters." You smile happily as Leon holds your cheek, rubbing it with his index finger.
"What if it was my ghost, Leon?"
"Your what?"
"My ghost. If, for some reason, I died, and you saw my ghost? Would you believe it then?"
"Honey, I seriously don't think..." Leon can see how serious this is for you, so he sighs before he answers, "Yes. I would believe. I wouldn't be afraid. I would welcome you with open arms."
You seem finally satisfied with his answer and let go of the topic, to Leon's relief. He knows how morbid you can get, but talking about your death is a whole other level.
Because it would feel wrong and unfair.
And no matter the circumstances, Leon would be mostly enraged. He probably wouldn't end up saying nice things to your ghost anyway.
Six months later
The TV's sound in the background talks about a recent sight of a Mothman as Leon is lying on the sofa. His house has all the lights on, and Leon got used to it by now. There are a few bottles on the floor, some old, some new, but much less than six months ago.
Six months ago, he found your body lifeless in the middle of your bedroom. Leon tried CPR as he called emergency, thanking the years of training for not breaking down under pressure, his mind focused on getting any heartbeat. Any sign of life.
But it was too late. A heart attack that causes sudden death is uncommon at your age, explained the emergency doctor. There was nothing they could do or what Leon could have done. You were probably dead for a while until he found you.
Time passed. Leon doesn't have any particular memory, going in and out of long periods of melancholy, thinking what the hell he has done to deserve all that shit.
But he gets better eventually (everyone always said he would anyway), or in other words, Leon learns how to function without you. It isn't easy in the first weeks, and Leon got close to joining you. But he remained strong. He knew that whenever you were, you would hate him if he joined you earlier than he should.
Recently, Leon adapted to a routine if he isn't on missions: wake up, go on a run (your favorite playlist is his choice of music, though not appropriate for a run), get home, shower, and then try to occupy his mind with anything that was about you. And most of the time, that involved your horror shows. Those shows could bring just a little of that warm feeling only you brought to his chest (Leon wouldn't admit it, but he also tried an Ouija board to contact you. It didn't work, and he felt like an idiot).
It doesn't take long for Leon to hear strange noises in the house. The noises of footsteps he knows so well behind him disappear when he looks back. Or when there is a shadow on a wall. He would recognize that silhouette anywhere in the world, but before he can follow, it disappears in the next ray of light. The scratching sounds coming from the glass windows must be your way of saying hello, I am still here. I am never leaving you.
Late at night, when he is trying to sleep, Leon thinks he can feel your presence as soon as he closes his eyes. Your voice whispering his name. As soon as he opens them, you are gone.
He isn't scared. On the contrary, Leon Kennedy wants to see you.
He makes sure you feel at home: he leaves all lights on and the TV on with your shows. He wants, no matter where you are, to feel comfortable. And if he is lucky enough, he might be able to actually see again someday.
Until then, he is happy enough being haunted by you.
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homestuckreplay · 10 days
"apply loking thign" [sic]
(page 242-245)
TT: I've found no evidence that anyone has successfully created the item.
WELL, THEY DID IT. THEY MADE A WHOLE APPLE. They are definitely not equipped to do this, it feels like they backdoored their way into succeeding through luck, risky storm behavior and narrative convenience, and it feels REALLY good. Obviously the threat isn't over yet, but I love to see John get a win, even when it's small.
When the alchemiter made blocks, they were just blocks. When it makes an apple, it shows us the full life cycle of the apple - sprouting the tree it grows from, then the fruit itself, then dropping the fruit and dying. This has fascinating implications for punch card alchemy. That pre-punched card didn't just store data about the apple at a given moment in time, it stores the apple's entire past leading up to the moment it takes this form. This could be connected to the elixir of life, which has historically been one of the things alchemists have tried to discover.
I really want to know if the items on the pre-punched card are random per game session, or if not, what determines them and what possibilities there are. We only know the apple and the eggy loking thign, both of which are living things, so could that be the link? Also, is this a real, actual apple that is/was alive and provides sustenance and nutrients (and was the egg a real egg that could hatch a bird/snake/dinosaur etc?) That's an insane amount of power for a video game to have, and it feels like every time we learn something else about what Sburb can do it only increases its world-altering potential, and its possibilities to go horrifically wrong.
Of course, the tree and the apple are also reminiscent of the tree of knowledge - the religious themes have been here throughout the comic, and I've made the Garden of Eden link with gardenGnostic as well. In Christianity, Eve giving into temptation and eating the fruit is the original sin and leads to exile, while in Gnosticism, eating the fruit is necessary and the only way to save humanity, seeing through the bullshit of people who tried to hold Eve back from achieving her potential.
Assuming that John will eat it - because what else is he gonna do, throw it at the meteor? - I don't know which of these outcomes will turn out to be true, or if they can coexist, or what kind of knowledge John will gain. The original sin, defying a god and seeking power theme fits really well with Rose's character as somebody seeking control and with Sburb as a game giving godlike powers to regular people. The Gnostic interpretation of saving humanity works with stopping a meteor strike, John having the ability to save himself, and possibly links to the conflict of TG being somewhat against Sburb. One big factor in which interpretation is more true is the ethics and intent behind Sburb itself - is the knowledge and power it can give somebody really something that a human should have?
Finally, an unrelated design note - I'm glad that on p.244-245, we see the sprite as a stamp in the corner of the page, not the obnoxious and jittery flashing. I like the idea of it flashing and it makes sense in-game (it wants something from the players and is trying to get their attention), but it's definitely bad to look at and becomes the main focus of any page. On p.245, it almost looks like a wax seal, which is so much better aesthetically.
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varpusvaras · 3 months
"Were you a dinosaur kid" yes of course like everybody else. You know what my favorite pre-historic animal is though? A fish.
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jolly-jello · 9 months
Daily Dino Dose!
🦕 today's dino is the Allosaurus 🦖
(: because it's my favourite and a great way to start this series :)
This magnificent beast was a top notch predator that lived in the late jurassic period,with thunder thighs,dozens of teeth,around 8.3m of pure awesomeness, a light but strong skull and powerful arms -suck it T-rex- it was a fierce hunter just like the his cousins from the bipedal theropod gang and could definitely flip you off if it so desired.
This bad boy ate mainly big herbivores and the occasional form of cannibalism. Scientists still debate on its hunting strategy, ranging from caring parents that function on a pack formation to lone predators that'd defo destroy anything stupid enough to step into its territory... alas a complicated case that only gets more confusing with time.
Allosaurus means "weird lizard" and boy oh boy does it's history lives up to that. First appearing in 1869 during the Bone Wars,being wrongly classified, receiving many names, being forgotten for awhile, getting caught in a scientific feud,more wrong classifications, being forgotten again until finally being exposed in 1908 with the name of Antrodemus -ew- then 50 years later finally settling on the good ol Al we recognize and love.
With 6 named species but only 3 officially recognized ( A. fragilis, A. europaeus and A. jimmadseni). Fragilis and jimmadseni are found in North America with the main difference being the shape of the jaw, while europaeus are found in Portugal and don't show any anatomical singularities that would separate it from fragilis.
This dino has risen in popularity as time goes on and became one of the vastly recognized characters, especially after the release in 2000 of "The Ballad of Big Al" by BBC. It holds special value to me as "Walking With Dinosaurs" was how my father introduced me to the amazing world of palaeontology
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thank you for surviving my awful writing and sorry for any mistakes be it factually or grammatically and please let me know if there are any alterations that'd make this posts better, have a good one my pre-historic friends <3
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hudson-whorenet · 9 months
How do you think evolution exists in the Cars universe. Axelrod in 2 says they are using fossil fuels, so does that mean at one point there were single cell cars???
This is interesting! Fossil fuels like oil and coal are usually formed from plant matter and smaller organisms mostly, but for the sake of this ask I’ll focus on oil formation. We know that organic matter like plant life is commonplace in the cars world, and we also know that there where pre-historic dinosaur cars that later evolved into the cars we have now. These dinosaurs were made mostly of metal and rock so it isn’t crazy to imagine that their joints and other organs were organic matter than could be broken down into these fossil fuels over millions of years.
Seen here:
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We can see they have tongues and that’s enough proof for me that they have other organic parts (also I love how their snouts are shaped like the main body of the car so you can see how they evolved and stuff that’s fun)
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Anyway! Back to the main point of your question, what was the starting point in the evolutionary process? Did cars evolve from single celled organisms? Maybe! It would make sense, and this leads to my personal belief that in the first few eons on earth during the Precambrian era single celled organisms evolved to use things like metal and rock as an exoskeleton of sorts, and once they got further down the evolutionary line it just sort of became part of them.
This is all very loosely based lol because if you think about it for too long it starts to become increasingly difficult to explain lmao. But yeah this is the jist of what I think!
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leviathanverse · 6 months
Chapter 11: Allosauruses
You looked at the massive enclosure in front of you. Mrs. Kanroji and Mr. Iguro were next to you.
She was smiling, but because Mr. Iguro wore bandages over his mouth, you couldn't see whether he was smiling or not.
He even had a small albino Titana Boa around his neck!
It was the next day after you finally fully recovered from the events that had taken place the previous day.
And to just stand in front of a massive enclosure filled with Allosauruses made it even worse.
They were carnivores like the others! You thought that you would get PTSD from all these encounters.
" I have to clean the cage?"
" You have to clean the cage."
" Stop complaining. You haven't met the Titana Boa yet."
" I'm sorry? A WHAT?!"
" Shush!"
" Iguro. Be nice!"
" Sorry..."
So he only listened to Mrs. Kanroji? Hah! You knew why! He had a massive crush on her, and didn't want to make himself look bad!
You shipped them. You shipped them hard! They would make such a cute couple. Or were they together already?
You didn't know. You didn't see them act lovey dovey around you. Nor did you see any body language that indicated that they were together.
Oh well. You were surely going to die in this enclosure now. You were already dying on the inside.
The gates slowly opened, and you felt dread fill your tiny form. Oh sweet baby rays of light you hoped that this would go smoothly.
" Come one! Let's go!"
" Is it even safe?!"
" Should be!"
Was this woman out of her mind?! To just walts in an enclosure that held not one but FIVE Allosauruses?!
How was that a "should be" when it could be dangerous?! Not safe at all! That only blared alarms in your mind.
You just followed Mrs. Kanroji while Mr. Iguro walked behind you. At this point, you felt like you were between two slices of bread.
Like a sandwich.
Hopefully you weren't going to become the sandwich of five Allosauruses. You didn't want to become a nice snack for them.
Speaking of the dinosaurs, there was an Allosaurus in the shade. This felt like a death wish for you.
Weren't they concerned that they would get eaten?! Not to mention get turned into a possible human sandwich?!
These people really needed to tell you their secret. You needed to learn how they were not getting eaten by these pre-historic creatures.
Back to the Allosaurus! It was resting, and had light blue skin on its back. There were white stripes, but not a lot.
" That's Aizetsu. He is less likely to try and kill you."
" And the others?"
" More likely to kill you."
How could this woman say something so horrific so casually?! You were going to need therapy after this.
" You can clean the cage. We'll make sure you don't die."
" Okay..."
Mr. Iguro's words were VERY reassuring. Note the sarcasm. They weren't reassuring. Not in the slightest.
What did these people eat or drink to be this brave in the first place?! Fucking fearless juice and burgers?!
You just sighed and began cleaning the cage. The quicker you got this over with, the quicker you could get out of the enclosure.
Why were you getting a bad feeling? That something bad was going to happen? You grew weary. VERY weary.
You shivered at the gut feeling you were experiencing. While cleaning the cage walls too! You were going to have to ignore it.
For now, at least. You didn't want your nerves to fly around your body and be unsettled. You didn't want to get unsettled.
Hopefully you were wrong about something bad that was going to happen.
You might have been on edge- PARANOID! Yea! You were just paranoid! You hoped so, at least.
Only the three sisters: Karma, Fate and Destiny, that had twisted your path would know.
They were the puppeteers, while you were the puppet. Not the other way around. Never has been.
You prayed to any God to spare your life. To protect you from getting torn to shreds. To not be eaten like a daily food source.
Hopefully everything went well now.
That was a strong word to say at stressful moments like these. If you died, then you were going to officially haunt Kiara for as long as she lived.
You were such a good friend.
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ao3-shenanigans · 5 months
Saw your repost about asks making your day, and I was wondering what your favorite kind of dinosaur was? Me personally I like pretty much anything in the ceratops family. Also I think it’s a crime there’s no triceratops emoji 🦖🦕
Ohh! I don’t remember a lot about dinosaurs but I like the ones that (are theorized to) have feathers like a giant pre-historic chicken!!
I’m also super fond of the triceratops/ceratops Dino’s! They just look like they’ve got good vibes honestly
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I know next to nothing about medically about the race!
Besides the obvious 2 hearts <3 <3 and regeneration! So, I'd love if you could tell me your top 3 favorites!
Oh, so many to choose from! Here are a few of my favourites:
A sharp blow to the left shoulder will cause immediate unconsciousness. - In their peripheral nervous system are several nerve clusters, collectively called the ganglia. There's one between the hearts, one in the brain, and one in the left shoulder, which, when struck, will render them immediately unconscious for a brief time.
Consuming anything with ginger in it will cause them to become drunk very quickly. - Gingerol, the main compound of ginger, sabotages the Gallifreyan's metabolic process, making them less able to adequately process alcohol. This leads to them becoming very drunk very fast and unable to reverse the effects, leaving them with a morning hangover and a lot of questions about how that 21st century traffic cone ended up being eaten by that pre-historic dinosaur.
(For the slightly ick one) Gallifreyan poo is probably cream-coloured. - Stercobilin is the chemical that causes human poo to be brown and comes from the breakdown of haemoglobin in the human body. Gallifreyans don't have bile or haemoglobin in the same form humans do, so stercobilin doesn't exist, causing poo to lack any colour. If your Gallifreyan is pooping anything other than a nice cream, it's likely they may have liver problems.
Hope that helped! 😃
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viciouslyfilthy · 4 months
STARTER FOR @historicallyimmortal 🧭
Anthropology was already a thing that was among some the man's studies, but recently he'd decided to focus more on it...
More specifically, archeology. There were so many relics that could be useful in his experiments, if their whereabouts were still a mystery... why not give it a try on finding them? It's not like he was in a rush, what with the whole deal of being eternally bound to a seasonal spirit and all.
If this man found any kind of pre-historic remains, much less those of a dinosaur, rest assured that he would absolutely attempt to create something with it; not necessarily try to bring it back to life, rather... 'recycling life', so to speak. But unlike the movies, he wouldn't seek monetary gain from it, should it succeed; and he'd put down whatever abomination he created the second it showed any hostility.
Fantasies aside, here he was, in the thickness of the woods, hair tied into a tight ponytail, wearing the typical outfit an archeologic explorer had to for any expedition... with the addition of his trusty crossbow and a generous amout of arrows at his disposal, their sharp tip coated in man-o-war venom. Just a precaution.
With his gaze mainly focused on his compass, he moved forward to the North. Once the woodline cleared a little... he sighed in relief, footsteps coming to a halt as he observed what laid before him, as he had finally found what he was looking for: a village... or so it was, a long time ago. Nature had reclaimed most of it (something his deity, Sün, would've taken great pride in), it gave a sense of nostalgia to the whole place, a nostalgia that didn't belong to the doctor. He went from house to house, one building to another- and he continued like this until nightfall, and even with the darkness, he didn't pause his search.
Though more difficult to see, it was nothing a couple oil lanterns placed around, and a torch to light up the way, couldn't resolve. Except... well, he was expecting to be completely alone. That's why when his torch illuminated a large male figure lying on a bed, half-consumed by nature, dr. Kraus nearly jumped out of his skin. He'd almost dropped the torch- last thing he wanted was to accidentally set the entire village ablaze... but what in the nine circles of Dante's Inferno was this?!
Some kind of giant humanoid statue, right? It had to be... but why leave it inside someone's residence? He carefully approached the still figure. It's body was too detailed to just be a statue- sure, he knew it was possible to sculpt marble statues that had uncanny human resemblance... but this- accompanied by actual coloring on the skin and clothes... either this was some modern statue, or it was a corpse.
But if it was the latter... why hadn't it begun to rot? Why was it just covered in flora? No insects or animals to inspect...?
This wasn't normal.
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innytoes · 1 year
Headcanons for a Rulie or Peterpatterlina (or both??) Time Traveler AU?
-Luke and Reggie are Time Traveling Pirates, basically. Except they don't really steal valuables or stuff, but Music Vibes. Basically the Time Travel Cops leave them alone because they're good at blending in and the worst they do is crash concerts. (Which they pay for. With money. That they may or may not make illegally but it's such small potatoes that it's like whatever.)
-Luke comes from the year 2401. He ran away from home and into the damn timestream. He slummed around the 1990s a lot, then popped back to the 1950s, where he picked up Reggie.
-Reggie who dresses like a greaser but reads paperback sci-fi novels in secret. Who keeps messing up his dates because he actually wants to listen to the speech at the planetarium instead of making out when the lights go down. Who soups up his friend Bobby's car for drag races because he likes Science Stuff and figures out ways to make it go faster.
Reggie who makes the most beautiful soulful music Luke has ever heard.
-Of course when Luke tells Reggie about time travel, he is both excited and worried Luke is some jock's friend trying to prank him.
-So Luke takes him to the few years flying cars were functional but not yet regulated to death. And then, per his request, to see some dinosaurs. And to watch the moon landing on TV. And the Mars Landing. And anywhere else he wants to go. And they make out in a few planetariums along the way, but only after sneaking in after hours and listening to the whole pre-recorded speech first.
-They find Julie in medieval times. There was a big Lute Revival during the plague of 2114 (kind of like our pandemic Sea Shanties), so Luke wanted to hear some of the real thing.
-Julie who wishes she could be a musician, but she's supposed to be a Lady, a Wife, a Mother. Julie who misses her mother so much and wants to run away from everything. Who is resisting meeting all the fancy Dukes and Marquis and whatever her aunt keeps trying to set her up with before she's considered an Old Maid.
-Reggie accidentally nearly gets run over by Carlos during his riding lessons and him and Ray take him back to the castle to fix him up. Luke has to freaking sneak into the castle to find him and accidentally stumbles upon Julie singing and playing instead, and he kind of... gets sidetracked.
Look Reggie will understand. That girl has the voice of an angel.
-Meanwhile Ray is tending to Reggie and worried the poor lad hit his head because what he's saying doesn't make sense. (Reggie wishes he'd read more historical novels before they went here because he keeps fucking up, and it's hard to lie to Ray who is so nice and fatherly and gentle with him that he wants to Cry.)
-In the end, Reggie comes clean and Luke and Julie fall in love and then there's this awkward moment where Julie tries to tell her dad about Luke and Ray tries to tell the kids about Reggie and it ends with Luke and Reggie staying for a few months and falling in love with Julie.
-And Ray realises his daughter has a chance to be truly happy with them. The places Reggie and Luke speak of, the times where women can do what they want, be what they want... it's not hard to let her go. But they have to promise to visit once a year.
-Just Luke and Reggie and Julie traveling through time and exploring music of all time periods and getting weirdly invested in silly music trends (Luke regrets introducing them both to Disco) and having fun.
-Maybe they pick up and Alex (college student from 2222) and Willie (17th century pirate) along the way.
-It was a mistake to introduce Willie to hoverboards. (Or WAS IT?)
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mysticplies · 7 months
Do you think Dinosaur bones (the gem) could be master shapeshifters (or hold their shape shifting for long periods of time). If not could you tell us your ideas
Id like your reasoning on why this gem would master such an ability :O. My only idea for dinosaur bone so far is to make them look pre historic.
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