#Like stop telling artists what to do- we will threaten to draw you doing weird shit and follow through on it
banesberry-anomoly · 2 months
Im cooking 🔥🔥
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Dealer has EIGHT floating ARMS and a total of ten legs specifically to spite this one guy that was bitching about the fact that Dealer 'cAnOnIcAlLy HaS nO aRmS' and was telling someone to erase the arms on their Dealer design when they posted art and was fighting people about it in two of the servers were in 💀
Like stfu bro its called artistic license and creative freedom lmfao
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red-shepherds · 2 years
Quick tips on how to engage with art in a meaningful way--by just some guy
Hi! You may be wondering why I've gathered you all here today. Well, I haven't seen any posts about this making the rounds recently, and it's a pretty big thing for me, so I figured I ought to grab my bootstraps and do some hauling, you know? Preface: this is intended to boost interaction with artists that are going to see what you say; don't bother, if someone is reposting their art or the like. As well, unless someone says critique is welcome, don't go for hard critique; that's mean and rude.
Tips and tricks are as follows.
Take a moment to stop scrolling and actually look at the art. There's lots of #content out there, but art isn't exactly the same as a listicle. Someone put time and effort into it, whether it's a lovingly hand-sculpted 3d image of Bowser's cock, or the Amogi as the twelve disciples. It's worth the effort to just look at it for a while.
If you're going to reblog it, try to notice something you really like. This goes more into the analysis side, and analysis is a skill that I'm not equipped to teach for all mediums. If it's a drawing or painting I can though, so think about the composition, the lighting, how the lines or lack of lines work. Do you really like the detail the artist put into that one thing? The outfit a character is in?
Let the artist know in the tags or in your reblog. Yes, we read tags. I'd advise not being playfully rude, unless you know the person and are certain they're okay with it. Your complements don't have to be coherent. It's at this point that you should take any negative comments you have and discard them; if you really, really want to critique the artist, please ask if they're open to that before you do. It's a weird boundary, but a lot of us are just having fun.
You can always say something feral but positive, *if* you're sure it will be recieved right. I'd generally advise that if you and the artist don't speak the same first language, it's a good idea to err on the side of caution. You can tell me you're going to eat my art! But if someone doesn't know what that means, it can be genuinely threatening; that was a problem on...Pixiv, I think, a bit ago?
If you're going to critique an artist, don't just tear them down. Try to do a compliment sandwich--say one nice thing, one thing that needs improved, and another, separate nice thing. Focus on what the art is trying to do, and how it accomplished that, rather than what you think it should be trying to do.
Have fun with it! I know engaging this way can be an absolute pain in the ass, but here's the thing: every piece of art you see took genuine, concentrated effort. It was time and work. We don't put art out there without hope, most times; we aren't robots producing content in an endless, mindless stream. I referred to it above as content, jokingly, but I'm not a content creator, I'm an artist. They mean different things. Please treat art and artists with respect and decency, and please consider letting us know what you think of our art.
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bealuant · 8 days
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Why did you, fayee004, decide that I was a muslim? Just because I support Palestine? This is silly. You've been pestering me even when I wasn't drawing anything, so why the hell are you acting like you're doing me a favor? Why don't you threaten other artists who paint art that is explicit and much more explicit than mine? Why are you only clinging to me? Why don't you write this to the Aeon artists who draw porn arts? Because you like it and are satisfied with it, since this is your favorite ship, and all your moral principles do not work for this ship. You are such a hypocritical person, the only thing you don't like is Leshley's ship. All your attempts to pretend to be a holy soul with high moral principles will fail because you yourself are spreading such content on your twitter account and using other people's photos, oh yes, this is the behavior of a deeply religious person.
You talk about God so often, do you think that he approves of your actions and your behavior? Since you are a believer, you should know that your behavior is a crime not only at the legislative level. Instead of doing useful things or even just enjoying your ship, you do this. When you wrote to another leshley artist, you promised her that you would leave both me and her, but you only had enough strength for three days, imagine, she also draws such content with eagleone, so what will you do? Will you also go and download all her photos so that you can threaten her and do Photoshop? When you wrote to her and apologized, you were so sweet and innocent, you played the role of the victim well, that we really wanted to feel sorry for you. Your phone has way more nsfw eagleone photos than photos of your own family, isn't that weird? If you hate such content, then why are you uploading these pictures? You just like it all, if you didn’t like it you would simply block everyone and live happily, dreaming of your ship.
Don't pay attention to people who write something, that's what they want to make you angry and make you nervous. Don't play along with them, show them that they are not worth your attention, indifference is the best weapon. Know that someday you will find yourself in the same situation, or someone close to you will be in such a situation, your daughter will be in such a situation and what will you do, I wonder? I, as an angry person, wish with all my heart that this would happen, and then you will remember everything you have done. Aren't you scared because of this? After all, God answers the person who was offended. I believe this will happen because this is life and everyone here will be responsible for their actions. Boomerang is not fiction, I myself have witnessed such stories and now I’m afraid to offend someone even with a word, because I know that I will have to answer for this, and do you really think that for downloading other people’s photos, and for creating fake accounts and mocking people, won't you get anything? Even the Bible says that unless you feel what you made another person feel, you will not be forgiven. If you want to be forgiven, you will have to experience what you have made me and the other people you persecute endure.
I really don’t understand what has to happen to a person for him to behave like this and for the meaning of his life to consist only of stalking people and writing all sorts of nonsense to them. You said you only hate content like this but you get mad even when you see cute things from Lashley, aren't you tired of lying? I don’t know how old you are, but your behavior tells me that you are a child, if you are not a stupid child, prove it, start doing something useful and leave people alone, no matter what you do nothing will change. No one will stop loving this ship because you don't like it, no one will stop drawing content of any nature with this ship just because of you. I have never been against aeons, I recognize this ship, I know that this ship exists and will exist, every ship has the right to exist. I had a good opinion of you all and even wanted to draw something for the eon shippers, but you ruined everything, I don’t take the others seriously because none of them did what you did. I hope that I have not wasted my time and you will understand at least half of what I wanted to say.
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Five Times Someone Mistook Roman And Remus (And One Time They Finally Met)
1. Austin
[Original post] • [2] [3] [4] [5] [+1]
Word Count: 701
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Intruxiety
Warnings: shouting, accusations of cheating (no actual cheating), swearing, shitty (ex)boyfriends, panic attacks
Also just to be clear Roman and Remus are not in any way related in this, they just happen to look a lot alike
This was only their third date, but Remus really liked Virgil.  
They’d originally been sent on a blind date by their mutual friend, Patton (who, Remus later learned, had had to bribe Virgil with cookies so that he’d even go), and had hit it off immediately. Remus was an artist whose work focused heavily on horror; Virgil was a fashion designer whose work could be called “Hot Topic-Chic”.  
But it wasn’t just their mutual participation in counter-culture and fascination with the darker things in life that made Patton certain that they were “soulmates”. No, it was the way that most of Remus’s favorite pieces were about finding hope in the darkness; it was the way Virgil lined his favorite clothes with a cute kitty-cat patterned fabric; it was the way Remus had named his dog Mr. Snuggles; it was the way Virgil’s apartment was filled with cuddly plushies that he made himself.  
And quite frankly it was the way that both of them had horrendous taste in eye makeup.  
But no matter what reason Patton had for setting them up, Remus couldn’t be happier about it.  
For their third date, they’d gone to Patton’s cat-theme café (which didn’t have any real cats in it since Patton was allergic), and then they’d taken their hot chocolates (since both of them were on medications that prevented them from having caffeine) and donuts to the park across the street. It had been threatening to rain all morning, so there weren’t too many other people out and about, but now the clouds were starting to clear.  
Remus wasn’t really sure what had happened — one minute he and Virgil were discussing the darker themes in cartoons, and the next there was a very irate man screaming at them.  
Or more specifically, screaming at Remus.  
“I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!” The man screeched. “YOU'RE CHEATING ON ME!? AFTER EVERYTHING I'VE DONE FOR YOU!? AFTER I ATTENDED THAT SHITTY PLAY LAST MONTH!? Oh, don’t tell me, you actually are sleeping with that actor guy? I knew it! That ‘stage kiss’ had way too much chemistry! So, who’s this? Your third side-hoe? Fourth?” 
“Okay first of all,” Remus seethed; he had no idea who this man was, but clearly Remus resembled someone he knew, and clearly that someone deserved better. “Back the fuck up! Secondly, I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you have problems, dude. Thirdly, Vee is my only hoe, so write that down!” 
“Oh, grow up!” The man sneered. “You think gluing some shitty fake mustache to your face and changing your clothes makes you unrecognizable? Newsflash Ro, it doesn’t, so stop pretending you don’t know me, and let’s have a real conversation like grownups!” 
The man reached out to pull at Remus’s mustache, but Remus slapped his hand away before he could make contact.  
“Maybe you need to grow up and stop yelling at strangers in parks,” Virgil hissed, but the man fully ignored him.  
“You know what? We’re through! Your singing sucks, your acting is hacky, and it is weird that you’re a full-grown man who’s still into Disney! Lose my number, I never want to see you again.” 
The man shoved past Remus — knocking the cocoa out of his hand — and stormed away.  
“The feeling’s mutual!” Remus shouted at the man’s retreating form. “HE’S BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU! What a turd.” 
“Y-yeah,” Virgil stammered, drawing Remus’s attention to the fact that he was shaking.  
“Are you okay?” He asked softly, taking Virgil’s hand gently. “I swear I’ve never seen that man before in my life! I would never–” 
“I believe you,” Virgil cut him off, breath hitching. “I do. I’m just bad at confrontation.” 
“Okay. Do you need to sit down? We can go back to Patton’s. Or there’s a bench over there if you want?” 
“Bench!” Virgil gasped.  
Remus led him over to the bench, and sat patiently while Virgil went through some breathing exercises.  
“So?” Virgil asked once his breathing had evened out. “I’m your only hoe?” 
Remus cracked a grin. “Oh absolutely! Nothing could compare to that ass!” 
Virgil lasted exactly two seconds before he was doubled over laughing and wheezing with Remus close behind.  
“You’re my only hoe, too.” 
I don’t think I’m quite sold on the title, but I had trouble finding a short way to word what this is (technically I don’t need to put “Five And One” but shut up)
This is my first attempt at Dukexiety as a pairing, and I’m not exactly sure I’ve quite hit the vibe, but to be fair, it is a new relationship soooo
(I picked Dukexiety mostly so I could have Virgil go “who are you and what have you done with Remus?” to Roman)
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @knight-shives @misunderstood-shadowling
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ghostdrinkssoup · 2 years
*crashes through window* it’s show and tell tonight so welcome back to my hannibal notes/reactions (s1 ep6) except it’s just the silly goofy ones:
omg this is the one with the will scene everyone thirsts over (you know the one)
will: as an insane person, I don’t wanna go into the psychiatric facility, they might not let me out tbh
jack: dw I won’t leave you here *screams in s2 agony*
^^ will: not today *SCREAMS EVEN LOUDER*
chilton my slimy little rat man <333 I missed him omg
the psychiatrists in this show are obsessed with will and I don’t even blame them I wanna pick his brain apart too
a bitch… a flirt… a rat… I hate him 🫶
yep this is the thirst trap will scene
^^ foreshadowing will’s slut arc, so necessary and vital
gideon was fucked for this… good thing he eats his own leg later 🥹
will: I’ll break some dude’s neck and make artistic sculptures out of rotting corpses and indulge in a little social cannibalism here and there but I draw the line at violence against women
“you never replied” “I never do” HE’S JUST LIKE ME FR
will is such a cunt this episode I love him with my whole damn heart
will rlly said UH I know the chesapeake ripper 🙄 stop impersonating my boyfriend
“will is not my patient 🤨 if he was our relationship would be really weird and inappropriate, god”
“we have conversations” yeah the freakiest conversations known to man, amen
“I see the ripper but I don’t feel the ripper” this line has no right to be as romantic as it is jesus christ
zeller in his gaslighter arc like “jack… jack you’re crazyyyy you don’t even know what you’re hearing”
freddie really is a queen she’s the only one other than hannibal that can rival will’s inherent bitchiness
“here we are, a bunch of psychopaths helping each other out” that’s it that’s the show !
hannibal was like hold up… deadass? this guy is the one who’s impersonating me? funny time is over I am no longer giggling and twirling my hair…
HANNIBAL IS SUCH A FREAK WDYM HE SLEPT IN JACK’S BED JUST FOR THE LOLS I’m so obsessed with him fr why is he like this
the grape thing was so threatening like okay king…
well that phone call was very handy 👀
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miriam’s suit was so slay sorry just had to mention it <33
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satellitesoundwave · 1 year
Hi! Book-binding annon here! Hope you are out there living your best life and that you are getting better!
I just wanted to tell you that dont worry! If I end up making DwtD a physical book I will totally send you pictures! I have an Idea for the cover, I am hoping to sketch soon!
About the “look away” comments… I just don’t want you to think I am weird <- Is on tumblr how normal can he be.
But anyways, Annon allows me to send you love and recognition for your beautiful brain, without me feeling like I am bothering you. But I should prolly take off the annon mask if I want you to see the art. I am 99% sure you wont think I am annoying, we artist trive in seeing people go crazy about our stuff.
But is that I trully love this fanfic sooo much. The way you write Jazz in particular makes me so happy!
I know this is going to be a hot take but I don’t think most of the fandom gets Jazz. I blame TFA. Animated is a great show, and I love TFA Jazz but it sucks that this is the version most of the fandom takes to write their Jazz. Because TFA took his role as a deescalator and made it his main trait. In concequence to that (and classic downplaying of Black coded characters) I find that most people just have him as a reactive character, instead of a highly active one.
because that is the whole point, isn’t it? Jazz being the most deceptive Autobot.
He *pretends* to be laid back and non threatening, when in reality he is lowering peoples guards so that he can strike. To be like that recurries knowledge of character, profiling and so much control. But he is not calculative and meticulous, because he knows numbers don’t count in the field, actions do. He controls his actions, he gets the job done.
And I honestly sometimes just reread that fic to remind myself there’s people out there that get it. That Jazz is a character that makes his own decisions. Morally grey. Highly capable and competent.
Dear Rung in the Core, in chapter 3? When he makes the mistake and he is like “Stop, learn from the mistake. Get back up” Thats is so…. Bdjdjdkdj I want to yell and scream because OMGGGG In real time that was like, what? 3 seconds? It was enough, he was working behind enemy lines *with* an Enemy, and he just got back on track because that’s what he does!!
Also, just the fact that you didn’t butcher AAVE. I much rather people don’t use it than to just act like using “ah” instead of “I” is not disrespectful. Really, thanks for this, it is exhausting.
The entire lore with the Ravir is SO IMPORTANT TO ME!! The fact that you gave Jazz a Ravir Friend!??? Also, I love anthropology and sociology (I am studying sociology) And just… delicious I am putting them in my mouth for safe keeping.
I actually have to get back to take screenshots of the Ravir but they have been really fun to sketch in free time. I was not using reference for those, so If I want to draw the cover anytime soon I will need to check that and make sure I am following descriptions.
I love how enigmatic Soundwave is through the entire thing until we get to the “OH SHIT” Moment of “He is into you”
I haven’t reread it in like… a week, I need to do it again 😔 <- Is hyperfixiating, sorry.
Anyways, also, just I love chapter 3, k? I love reading it and mentally going “JAZZ NO!! JAZZ!! MIJO ESTAS CAYENDO EN LA TRAMPA!! JAZZ NOOOOOOO” My man got caught simping 😭
I can not express enough HOW MUCH I love every single fucking mention of Jazz’s knife through the fic. It all just… ties down so beautiful in the end, Dear Rung I just dbjddbdkdbdjdbdjdb [Grabs the entire fic and consumes it]
Anyways, is just… So good, and this is just another continuity for me.
If you are okey with it I can DM you the drawings. Have a great day, I trully do hope you are doing okey. You have given me something that gave me so much Joy and I just want to let you know through this silly annon messages.
I shall Go 😎
YO you’re drawing a cover?? That’s so cool
No need to worry about me finding you annoying! Like you said, I am way too busy thriving at seeing you enjoy DwtD for that. (totally get the concern tho, god knows I find interacting with people whose work I admire intimidating)
I can’t offer a lot of insight into how TFA influences how people characterise Jazz since I’ve only seen most of season 1 - though tbh while I do take inspiration IDW, really my angle on Jazz comes down more to an accident of taste, I think. Proactiveness and specific direction/goals are things I really like in protagonists, to the point that fics and books that are excellently written can sour a bit for me when they don’t have those, so I do tend to zero in on and emphasise those things. But that’s just my preference. I can’t really begrudge people focusing more on his easygoing side and Jazz being everyone's friend when that's what appeals to them, since those are as much a part of him as the stuff I gravitate towards
Though it could also… hm. Some of the more common shipping options for Jazz are ones where they’re already friends or have established amicability, and I kind of wonder if you’re gesturing at something I’ve run into a fair bit in friends to lovers fics. It’s that thing where a fic seems to be very interested in the interiority of Character A, and you keep waiting for Character B to get the same level of attention, except then it just never happens. It can feel a bit like the writer is more interested in how Character B can act as a vehicle for making Character A feel loved/comforted/etc, than in Character B as an actual character in their own right
Obviously not all (or even most) friends to lovers fic does this. And it’s not, like, an unforgivable crime or anything either, actually! Imo this can be a perfectly valid decision for a story - for instance, while it's not at all in friends to lovers territory, I did something similar in Your Own Hands. There's a lot of stuff in my plot outline about what Prowl’s thinking in each scene, details of the multiple factors being weighed in his decision making. But the reader ends up seeing basically none of it, because for all Tarantulas believes he understands Prowl as no one else does there are ways in which he understands him very poorly, and the narrative is so tightly bound up in Tarantulas' pov that his shortcomings prevent the reader from ever getting a clear read on Prowl. So I am definitely not saying this is automatically a bad thing. But at the same time, I also get how frustrating this can be when the sidelined half of the ship is the reason you clicked on the fic in the first place. Especially when you run into several fics doing this to the character you’re turning up for in a row, that has happened to me and I have felt petty resentment about it
Sorry for the little ramble haha, you just got me thinking about what made me drift away from the friends to lovers approach to ships a bit (this is something I’ve not really run into in enemies to lovers fic, I guess bc the narrative needs to have at least some investment in the interiority of both characters so them being in conflict has a foundation and makes sense. Tho maybe it does happen here too and I've just not seen it)
Please do dm me the drawings!! Thank you for this message :) It's very special that this little fanfic I made brought you so much happiness. My work’s been very understaffed recently and covering the gaps has been super tiring, so I've been reading and rereading this as I slowly pulled together the energy to reply bc it’s so nice and made me feel better ( ´∀`) I wanted to go into more depth in my reply (ahsjdjd I laughed so hard about how Jazz 'got caught simping' he did lmao, and I’m delighted you like the bits with Jazz’s knife bc I did go feral when I realised I could have that as a recurring bit :3c and oooooooh my god I am so stoked that you’re drawing the Ravir) but I’ve been so fatigued these past few weeks that if I don’t reply now then I’ve got no idea when I’d get the ball rolling again orz Besides that I am doing okay though. Things in my life now are better than they've ever been before, which I personally am pretty happy about :D
Thank you again for the kind words <3
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pingutats · 3 years
For the “ways to say i love you” prompts, 43 please!
thank you for the request! from this list, prompt 43: "I picked these for you."
warnings: none! this is just fluff!
word count: 1.8k
.                               .                           .                               .                           .
This is definitely Harry’s domain.
Y/N hugs her shoulders as she stands in her bedroom-turned-dressing-room, staring at the rack of expensive clothes that have been left for her. Through the door, she can hear the noise of the crew bustling around her living room. This house has, of course, been the site of many Harry-hosted parties that had packed in a lot more people than there are present here today — despite that, this smaller group is threatening to become overwhelming for her.
She’s doing this for Harry. A couple of months ago, he was approached by AnOther Magazine to do a big feature with them — a kind of sequel to the one that he did when they were still called Another Man — and he’s been pouring his heart and soul into it since then. It feels like every single day, he’s been off chatting with a writer or meeting with the creative director. He dragged boxes out of storage to rifle through for mementos of his life as a solo artist last week. Y/N knows that some of their friends have been interviewed to talk about Harry. She’s pretty sure Stevie Nicks is one of them.
The centrepiece, though, is a photoshoot more intimate than he’s ever shared before. In the same way that the shoot set in his hometown years ago illustrated where he came from before he rocketed to stardom, this one will reveal who he is underneath all the make-up and glamour of fame.
Harry as he exists in private: in his home, with his girl, sharing this image of himself for the very first time.
Y/N was apprehensive at first — hell, Harry was too — but they’ve discussed it at length. He’s always been a private man, but his ethos is that honesty is integral to his art. He sings in detail about her in his music and puts that into the world with minimal censoring. This magazine feature, at its core, is just another artistic venture. He doesn’t want to hold back. When she understood it like that, it was easy for her to agree.
Her conviction that this is an important thing to do for Harry doesn’t stop the nerves, though. She’s never been a model, or even remotely a figure of interest beyond her connection to Harry. It’s his limelight that she’s stepping into. She can’t help but feel nervous about it.
The first outfit she’s wearing is a boldly patterned dress, custom-made by Gucci at Harry’s request. This isn’t the first time she’s wearing something this expensive (there are no compromises on fashion when you’re with Harry) but it still makes her feel like a fish out of water. She holds the hanger at arms-length for a moment, vaguely anxious that she might have put on weight since the fitting and it won’t fit her anymore, then carefully slips it off. She steps into it gingerly and shrugs it over her shoulders, then reaches behind her to pull the zip up as far as she can reach. She stands in front of the mirror and looks at her reflection, frowning.
Her make-up, which was done earlier, is colourful and dramatic. The point of this home shoot is to show the dichotomy between Harry’s celebrity persona and his private life, illustrated through the elaborate costuming inside their relatively normal home. She doesn’t recognise herself in it.
There’s a knock at the door, startling her out of her thoughts. She whips around, back straightening. “What is it?”
“Can I come in?” It’s Harry’s voice, and just those four short words in his gentle tone are enough to dissolve some of her anxiety.
She takes a deep breath, steadying herself into a calmer headspace. “Yeah,” she answers.
He opens the door discreetly and slips inside, careful not to reveal her to the people in the living room while she’s not properly dressed. She appreciates his caution. Although he’s apparently comfortable enough to walk around near-strangers half-naked—he’s only wearing his boxers right now—she definitely isn’t.
“Everything alright, darling?” he asks. Every step that brings him closer puts her more at ease. She’s always been an anxious person, but he’s like a drug to her. From the very first time they met, he’s been the person she feels most natural with. They just work. Things feel right with him.
She smiles at him. It’s a weak stretch of her lips, but a smile nonetheless. “Yeah. Can you zip me up, please?”
“Of course.”
She turns back around to face the mirror and reaches behind her head to pull her hair out of his way. His fingers are warm against bare skin of her back, finding the zipper and dragging it up, his knuckles brushing against her skin more than is probably necessary. He fixes the way the straps sit over her shoulders with the same attention to detail that she’s seen his stylists give for him a hundred times before. His lip is tucked between his teeth as he does so, glancing from the mirror back to her, his face the image of concentration.
Finally satisfied, he takes a step back and rakes his gaze up and down her figure. “Y’look gorgeous.”
She shrugs, staring at herself. “Thanks, H.”
“I mean it.” He plants a kiss on her cheek, holding her by the waist as they look at each other through their reflections. “Pretty dress for a pretty girl.”
Heat rises in her face and she drops her gaze to the floor. “Now you’re doing too much.”
He shakes his head. “‘M not. Promise I’m not.”
She hums, appraising their reflection with a frown. Even in his underwear, Harry is Harry, and she… She feels like she’s playing dress up in someone else’s wardrobe, dipping her toes into someone else’s life. Harry is at ease in a place like this but she certainly isn’t.
Harry seems to sense this. “Something the matter?” he asks her gently.
“No, just —“ she wrings her hands in front of her, searching for the words. “I don’t feel like me.”
He furrows his brow. “I know what you mean. ’S weird when you do all this—” he flutters his hand around the room, at the rack of clothes and towards the door where they can hear someone giving directions to shift the couch slightly to the left “—just to get a photo done. And I know you’re not used to it.” He squeezes her waist gently. “But you look beautiful. Just like you always do.”
She can’t suppress a small smile at that, bumping her head against Harry’s shoulder with a quietly mouthed, “Thank you.”
He turns his head to kiss her hair, then releases his grip on her waist and moves over to the rack of clothes. “But did y’see…” He bends down to pick up a plastic container marked Look 1 from the shelf at the bottom. He opens it up to reveal various pieces of jewellery inside, and delicately picks out a couple pieces with nimble fingers. “I picked these for you.”
They’re her earrings. More specifically, they’re the earrings that he gave her for their first anniversary. A couple of dangling pearls—he’d bought them during his obsession with the gems. They’re a sweet memento of that time of their lives, of the honeymoon phase that felt like it lasted forever, that never really fizzled out even to this day. They’re her favourites.
She realises her mouth has dropped open. “When did you sneak those in?” she asks.
He shrugs, smirking. “I have my ways. I’m sneaky.” He returns to his previous position standing behind her, nudging her hair behind her ear with his knuckles. “May I?”
She nods, trying not to shiver as his fingers brush against her ears.
“There we go,” he says, stepping back. “Is that a bit better?”
The girl in the mirror looks familiar now. Despite the make-up and the dress, she can see herself. The same face, framed by the same earrings, that has accompanied Harry through all sorts of days and nights. Today is just another one of those things. Something they’re doing, together, and isn’t that all she wants, for them to do everything together?
Being with Harry is a dream she never wants to wake up from. They’ve built a paradise together and now they get to share a tiny part of it with the world—not for the world to share in it, but to see just how beautiful it is.
There’s a little part of Y/N that hopes it makes the rest of the world jealous. They should be, she thinks.
“It’s perfect, H,” she tells him, glancing over her shoulder so she looks at his real face, not just his reflection. “Honestly. Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” He looks proud of himself—his eyes are shining and his dimples are on display as he looks her up and down once more. “It’s all you.”
Y/N mirrors him, her gaze travelling down his body. She bites her lip.
Harry seems to remember suddenly that he’s only in his underwear—his hands fly to cover his thinly-clothed privates and he looks at her, his mouth open in a sly grin. “This is not the time,” he scolds, his shoulders shaking as he suppresses laughter.
Y/N rolls her eyes, grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him to turn around. “Go get dressed, you dork.”
.                               .                           .                               .                           .
The suit that Harry wears is made out of the same material as Y/N’s dress, bright and bold colours. The photographer is accomodating of her nerves as he has them sit on the couch. The window is wide open to allow the natural light to illuminate their faces, and the Y/N can feel the warmth of the sun on her face. The sky is a brilliant blue. It’s a perfect day.
“Okay, look this way,” the photographer tells her, drawing her attention from the window to the camera. “A little closer, Harry.”
Harry shifts over, his thigh pressing against hers. His hand comes to rest on her knee, then lifts suddenly as if he’s remembered something. “Hang on a minute,” he says to the photographer, holding up a finger.
He twists around to face Y/N and carefully sweeps her hair back over her shoulder, tucking it behind her ear to ensure the pearl earring is on clear display. She smiles at him, which he returns in a quick unspoken exchange of gratitude and care.
“Alright,” Harry says, settling back to face the photographer. His hand finds Y/N’s and he squeezes it. “We’re good.”
The camera clicks and the flash goes off. Their hands remain joined on Harry’s lap.
.                               .                           .                               .                           .
hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, a reblog & any kind of message would be really appreciated. i'm open to any requests, from the prompt list linked above or from your own imagination, which you can send here. all my other writing is linked on my masterlist. have a lovely day!
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Hey I have a request!! Can you write a scenario with Bokuto, Tsukishima, and Sugawara where reader has a LOT of moles/beauty marks? I have 5 on my face alone, 3 in a line on my neck and more. It makes me insecure because it looks weird. Anyways, thank you sooo much! I absolutely love your writing!!!
Warnings: potential swearing as usual, insecurities about beauty marks/moles
Characters: Bokuto Kōtarō, Sugawara Kōshi, Tsukishima Kei, all with a Gender Neutral Reader (let me know if you find something gendered so I can fix it!)
A/N: thank you for the request darling! Sorry for the long wait!! Hope this is what you had in mind :) Also, all of them are right: you are beautiful!
Haikyū Masterlist
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You didn’t understand why Bokuto seemed to only ever kiss your face exactly where you didn’t want him to.
You could stand in the mirror and point out things you didn’t like about yourself but your beauty marks were something you were self conscious about. You used to cover them up with light makeup every now and then but lately you hadn’t had the time or patience for it, so you just avoided looking at them.
But Bokuto, even after months of being together, seemed to somehow feel the opposite. He would press a kiss exactly on the moles on your face and when you were in private, he’d kiss the ones falling down your neck. He seemed so infatuated with them and you could never understand why.
One day he caught you trying to apply makeup again, finally sitting down and trying this new method that could cover up anything according to a makeup artist you’d seen on social media. His eyes wide and you could’ve sworn his hair drooped, “What’re you doing???” He screeched, immediately snatching your makeup from you.
“Bokuto!” You whined, huffing as you paused the YouTube video playing in front of you to pout up at him, “Give it back!”
He shook his head like a four year old, stomping his feet slightly, “Why’re you covering them?” He asked you, hands on his hips now.
There was no point avoiding the topic now. You sighed and glanced at yourself in the mirror, half of them covered and the other half just staring you in the face. “They’re ugly,” you whispered quietly, avoiding his eyes.
“Ugly?” Bokuto scoffed and sat down next to you, hugging his knees to his chest and setting your makeup down. “How could they be ugly?”
You had heard this before. All of your friends and family always went, “No Y/N, you’re perfect!” But it was always so fake. You knew they were just saying it to be nice.
But Bokuto just paused, watching you for a moment and handing you back your makeup. You blinked up at him in surprise, noting his small smile. “If it makes you feel better, go ahead. I want my love to always feel their best. But...” he let out a nervous sort of chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. “I really like them,” he admitted sheepishly.
You knew he was being honest just because of the rosiness that was touching his cheeks. He squirmed in his spot, now avoiding your gaze. “Why?” You asked after a moment.
Bokuto straightened his posture for a moment before carefully choosing his words, “Someone once told me they were places your partner kissed you the most in your past lives. And...” he hesitated, cheeks glowing red now. “And I’d like to think I was with you in every one of our past lives so I want to keep kissing you there so you’ll love me in our next life too!” He blurted out quickly, rocking a little in his seated position.
You just stared at him. Sure you had heard of that little theory too, but you hadn’t ever had someone seriously retell it to you. But hearing it from him... you looked at yourself in your mirror again. It didn’t change how you felt about them. You still weren’t a huge fan. But hearing Bokuto genuinely love them... at least it lessened your insecurity about him hating them.
“I think you’re beautiful, Y/N,” Bokuto continued after a second, smiling at you and scooting closer to you. “If you need this makeup to help you see how beautiful you are, then go ahead! But I think you’re the most perfect human being out there!”
Your eyes teared up slightly, just hearing how sure he was. He smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek before immediately looking through your makeup bag, “Can I try?” He asked excitedly, holding up a mascara tube and lipstick.
“You want to try wearing it or putting it on me?” You laughed, your face no longer feeling hot with embarrassment and shame.
“Both!” Bokuto grinned, begging you to teach him what each product was. He always knew just how to cheer you up, no matter what.
He knew you still disliked your marks, but Bokuto would continue to kiss them every chance he got unless you ever asked him to stop. He still wanted to recognize you in his next life, so even if those weren’t the marks you’d have, maybe he could give you some others you’d like more.
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Sugawara’s fingers always traced over the beauty marks on your face, beaming when he pointed out that you two were twins for having moles together. He always had a smile on when he talked about it, always spoke about it so proudly like it was a mark of status or beauty.
But unlike Sugawara, you weren’t all that proud of it and you didn’t just have one. You often just gave him a smile and switched the topic, and though you always loved the feeling of his fingers dancing along your skin, sometimes you’d pull away to do something or distract him with something else if you felt like he was touching your marks too much.
He hadn’t realized it before, but came to the realization that maybe you didn’t like your marks when he caught you editing a picture of the two of you, your fingers magically causing those little spots to just disappear.
“What’re you doing?” Sugawara frowned, hugging you from behind and peering from over your shoulder.
“Just editing that pic of us before I post it!” You told him happily - it was such a nice photo and with a few simple touches, it would be perfect.
Sugawara watched you for a little longer, confirming his suspicions before knocking you on the head with the side of his hand.
“Hey! Suga, what the hell?” You groaned, rubbing the top of your head slightly. “What was that for?”
“Stop erasing my baby!” He shouted at you loudly, making you laugh nervously at just how loud he was being.
“I’m not erasing your baby!” You insisted, shaking your hands in front of you. “Just... my marks.”
Sugawara’s frowned stayed on his face as firm as ever, “They’re a part of you. And I love all of you. I love every single inch of your skin, whether you have a mark or not. I love you because you’re not like a cookie cutter version of a person, you stand out in the most beautiful of ways. I want you to be different, I want you to draw all the attention so I can say that one is mine.”
You smiled a little at his words, hearing the conviction in his voice. But your eyes glanced sadly at the photo, just wishing you didn’t have them.
“Hey,” he spoke softer this time, touching your chin up to look at him, “If you really don’t like them, fine. We all have our insecurities after all. But please don’t tell yourself you’re less beautiful because of them.” His hand slipped your phone from your own, peering at your editing work. “You looked like a completely different person,” he admitted with a sort of sad smile. “Still beautiful. But different. I like the version I have here with me.”
Sugawara’s arms were suddenly wrapped around you in a rib-crushing hug, his voice telling you firmly all the things he loved about you and how much he wanted to scream to the world every single thing that made him crazy about you. Eventually you were practically unable to breathe in his arms as they just got tighter and tighter and the two of you fell on the floor laughing after wrestling for a bit.
The photo is eventually posted unedited like he wanted, and now when you look at it, you feel just a little bit more loved, regardless of your marks.
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Tsukishima knew even before you two were going out that you were self conscious of your marks. He didn’t think there was anything wrong with them, to be honest, they made your face that much more attractive, but you hated them so he always pretended like they weren’t there for your sake.
But he had caught you picking at one of them, as if absentmindedly thinking you could tear it off and everything would be okay.
His eyes narrowed as he realized what you were doing, reaching over to swat at your hands, and glaring at you from across the library table where two of you were supposed to be studying.
“If you start bleeding, I’m not taking care of you,” he scolded you, though you knew for a fact that he had started keeping bandaids in his bags for you cause sometimes you were that clumsy.
“Sorry,” you responded sheepishly, folding your hands in front of you in an attempt to stop picking at them. Your eyes focused on the sheet of paper in front of you, but you weren’t able to actually pay attention to anything on it. It was like an itch you couldn’t get rid of, an obnoxious little bump in your otherwise relatively smooth skin. Why did it have to be there?
Tsukishima watched as your eyes stayed still on your homework, obviously not actually reading anything. He sighed and reached over again, poking at your nose, “If you think I’m going to let you destroy your grades and your perfect body, I’ll hit you harder than I have before,” he threatened. He meant to say it gentler, in a somewhat more supportive and comforting way but his words were still as harsh as ever.
You gave him another shy smile, trying not to show just how uncomfortable you were, “They just get annoying sometimes,” you told him after a moment when he didn’t immediately go back to his work. “I feel like if I could tear them all off... maybe I’d look better.”
Tsukishima’s nose scrunched up slightly in annoyance, tilting his head up so his eyes were glaring down at you, “Do you think I’m going to let anyone talk about my partner like that? Idiot, if I heard those words from anyone else I would have your head by now."
You laughed a little, thinking about how Tsukishima got upset if anyone even said something remotely mean about you (”The only one allowed to bully you is me, Y/N, forget anyone else’s opinions. They’re all beneath you anyways”), “I just feel so... spotted with them. I feel like everyone always looks at them and there’s so many of them I can’t even hide them all.”
Tsukishima listened, he really did. He didn’t wave you off like usual and tell you to forget your insecurities because you were definitely the most perfect person out there so you had nothing to be insecure about. He listened and then just sighed, leaning back in his seat slightly and watching you.
“I think you’re magnificent,” he stated quietly, his eyes dashing away from yours as a blush brushed over his cheeks and nose. “I don’t want you picking at them because you’re just going to hurt yourself and I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He paused for a second and then finally met your eyes. “Yamaguchi used to hate his freckles, but it’s probably the thing that I notice the most about him. They fit him so well in a way that I can’t describe. He wouldn’t be the same without them, he’d just be... someone else. Without your marks, you’d be someone completely different. I’m in love with you and all of you.”
You watched him as Tsukishima actually told you his emotions and spilled his love for you, a smile gracing your lips eventually, “I love you too, Tsukishima,” you mumbled after he finished, playing with your fingers.
“You better. Now come over here and give me a kiss before we start studying again,” Tsukishima smirked a little and you just rolled your eyes. You were going to argue back that he could just lean over the table and kiss you but he refused so you ended up having to go over to him, where he just pulled you on your lap and placed a quick kiss on your lips then on all the marks on your face. “Now go study.”
Haikyuu taglist (let me know if you’d like to join!)
@al0ehas @aurumk @devilkittymusic @thisnoodlewritesao3 @satan-ruler-of-hells @trashy-simp @jeppiet @lucyheartfilias-wife @darkvadeeer @haikyuutothetop @wolfishwriting @livy384 @babyshoyo
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Summary: Sweet pea/reader- Opposite’s attract isn’t a rule it’s more like a guideline
Sweet Pea trails his hand against the hem of your skirt, pushing it up slightly to watch the pleats fall back to the normal length as you pull his hand back to resting on your waist. “So what’s it like having everyone think I’m corrupting you, such a sweet innocent Northsider..” He hums against your neck and you shiver. “Aren’t you though?” You question Sweet Pea nods pressing his lips back to yours as his hand slides up your back pulling you from the wall into his chest. You try your best to not make any noise in surprise but fail; turning your face away in embarrassment.
“I’d argue you’re not sweet and innocent but we both know you are. I mean all Northsider’s compared to Serpent’s and the Southside; but you’re like a mouse compared to a snake.” You’re about to counter back when his tongue and teeth skim your neck cause your breath to hitch.
“Sweets.” You whine and he smiles into what you’re sure is a hickey by now. “Yes?” You huff pouting at him. “Oh sorry do you want to continue this somewhere else?” He pulls back watching as you smooth your skirt down and straighten your shirt. Sweet Pea tilts his head. “What was that?” “What was what?” You look up to him. “That weird flash of- oh my god you have a tattoo.”
“Shhhh, you can’t go shouting that out at school!” “We’re behind the gym babe, no one is going to hear us.” He laughs leading you back towards the parking lot.
“At least give me a hint. Otherwise I’ll start guessing.” Sweet Pea pouts over his shake. “You’ve already guessed five thousand times in the last two days, but fine; one hint okay?” he nods face lighting up. “It’s here; this big.” You shift on the chair pointing to the upper part of your inner thigh, almost your hipbone area and draw an oval. Sweet Pea narrows his eyes. ‘Why there?” “Only place my parent wouldn’t see.” “What is it?” “No you have to guess.” You smile and he smirks.
“I could just look you know.” His fingers hook into your belt loops on your jeans pulling you off your chair as he stand hand shifting to your lower back to motion you towards the door. “You really think I’d let you look there?” Sweet Pea sulks. “I was hoping..” You raise an eyebrow. “In the middle of Pop’s?” You laugh and he scowls. “No.” “They why did you ask just then?”
“I meant in general, Jesus, why are you so literal!” He laughs. “I have to be; showing you the tattoo you never knew I had is serious business.” You join in laughing with him as you make your way back to his trailer. “Who gave it to you anyways?” He questions as you curl next to him on the couch. “Sworn to secrecy.” You wink as he scowls shifting you against his chest as you both stretch out on the couch.
“Toni, seriously tell Y/N I need to see the tattoo. Pleaseee. It’s been driving me crazy.” Sweet Pea whines. “Wait Y/N has a tattoo?” “Sweet Pea!” You smack his arm and he looks sheepishly at you. “Sorry babe I thought she knew..” “I told you no one knew! That means everyone besides you and the tattoo artist!”
“Who you should tell me the name of.” He smiles at you. “What about a tattoo artist?” Fangs interjects and Sweet Pea opens his mouth before closing it. “I wanted to get a tattoo, I was asking for recommendations.” “FP’ll do it, or one of the other Serpents can few of ‘em used to run a tattoo shop. You have to pass the trials first.” “No she’s not gunning to be a Serpent, she just wants a flower or some shit.”
“ A flower was the best you could come up with?” “I panicked okay! What was I supposed to say?” He asks and you shrug. He pulls you over, onto his lap as Toni, Cheryl and Fangs settle around the fire with you, Fangs holds out a pizza box, you pull a couple of slices and pass it to Cheryl. “So Sins and Secrets. I’ll go first.” Cheryl claps her hands and smiles. “Y/N, won’t you tell us something, I’m sure there’s something you need to confess.”
“I have a tattoo?” You state and Cheryl pouts slightly. “That’s not nearly dark enough, what is it? Ooo is it an exes name! Where is it??” “Cheryl, that’s not allowed, you have to wait till the next turn to ask.” Toni reminds her and she nods as you ask Fangs to confess.
It’s Toni who ends up asking you. “So what is it?” Sweet Pea’s practically vibrating next to you. “My favourite animal.” You beam at both him and Toni. She laughs as he groans and smacks his face with his hands. “Is that why you never told me your favourite animal when I asked the other day.” You nod laughing and Cheryl smirks. “You should try out for the Vixen’s. We’d love to have you.” “You just want to see it. I’ve told you, no. To all of you.”
“Told them no about?” Jughead stands with Betty next to him. “Y/N has a tattoo!” “No it’s fine, not like I wanted to keep it a secret or anything!” You glare at Fangs who’s smile vanishes. “Sorry Y/N just thought they could help us reveal it.” He laughs and you roll your eyes. “It’s my turn right?” You smirk and Fangs swallows nervously “Sweet Pea; why do you want to see it so badly?”
“Why wouldn’t I? In all seriousness like I’ve said before, you’re a mouse compared to us. You’re not at all edgy or threatening, you’re the perfect example of an innocent Northsider, down to your toes.” He nods to where your feet are folded up on the couch, your shoes resting next to the arm on the ground.
“Having a tattoo, no matter what it is, changes that.” “Does it change how you feel about me?” Nobody says anything about it not being your turn. “Makes me love you more.” You nod staring at the ground for the rest of the night.
“Y/N; talk to me. You’ve been so quiet since the whole Sins and Secrets. Are you okay?” His hand brushes your arm as you curl next to him in his bed. “You said you loved me.” “I do, does that bother you?” You sigh shaking slightly. “Even if I lied to you?” “Lied to me?” You can hear the panic creeping in his voice and you hush it with a kiss climbing on top of him.
“My tattoo; I’m talking about my tattoo.” You nod to him and he sighs in relief. “Wait; are you telling me it’s not your favourite animal? You little liar.” He glares and you laugh. “No it is my favourite animal, I just lied about something; well it’d be easier to show you.” You shuffle nervously untangling yourself from the covers and nudging up the shorts you’re wearing to bed.
“See.” You slowly pull the shorts up an inch. Sweet Pea huffs nudging them up to fully expose your tattoo. He swallows, looking from the tattoo to your face and back down to it. “I really would have taken you for a colour girl.” You laugh shaking your head. “I think it looks cleaner without the colour.” Sweet Pea nods brushing his fingers over it. He’s concentrating so much that he jumps when your hand brushes the serpent on his neck.
“I love you.” His hand stops tracing, to rest over it, thumb rubbing against your leg. “I love you too.” He replies sighing shaking his head. “You have any idea how pissed Toni and Fangs are going to be about this?” You scoff shaking your head. “They don’t matter.” Sweet Pea arches an eyebrow. “What’s the fifth law again?”
“Sweet’s I’m not freaking betraying them. I’m just not telling them the truth right away!” “And what kind of Serpent does that make you?” “Well you’re dating me, so what does that make you?” You counter and he laughs hand returning to tracing the double-headed snake on your thigh as you lean back to kiss him. “Still think I’m a mouse?”
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
—gen z mc with uesugi-takeda + misc. forces
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ahh, i’m so glad people liked my gen z oda hcs! lol it’s usually pretty slow from my writing blog experiences until now, but i’m rlly happy! i was planning to do u-t and the others but then i decided to stop at oda and continue another day. thx for the asks tho! and yeah, i do take requests but it’s more of a pasttime, since this whole blog is just my stupid ideas written out and shared out there.
also someone said that a gen z mc could be old enough to romance the warlords, like, early twenties. and yes, very fair if u wanna romance ur mans with memes and existentialism go for it!! i just think it adds more to the comedy side of this child they have to babysit, while not fearing death or any consequences from their dumb of Ass decisions. someone who fears no death and armed with no braincells is a fool, but a Child who fears no death and armed with no braincells is also a fool, but more bizzare and has That Vibe y’know
@niphredil-14​ and @arthotsglasses​
tw: s*icidal, violent jokes treated in a light manner
also spoilers to some things of their characters
who is this,, , sassy lost child??
he first saw you prepared to throw hands with ronins who were being Elite Dickheads. ofc, armed with nothing compared to the sworded-adults, he had to interfere.
no matter how cold he treated you, masking his secret !!!-like concern, you seemed so unfazed through it. you still interacted with him like normal,,,,, why?? do you want a death wish?
and each time he threatened you with,, anything, you responded with, “the only one who gets to hurt & kill me, is ME”
...... what?
he’s convinced you’re the biggest fool of a person. and he’d be right but even so, he has a weirdly strong need to protect you as you two got closer. you’re often with sasuke, so it’s harder to avoid you.
even with all the Horrible jokes you make on a daily basis, if your passionate side with everyone having equal rights of being treated as human, for him it shows a side of you that makes you seem precious and pure and kind hearted.
and the overprotective side increases.
which is, ,, a bit problematic sometimes cause you have the tendency to target and piss off anyone in a 10 meter range by just one (1) sassy comment, along with your lack of impulse control and blurting out everything in your mind. it’s made you a lot of short enemies in the sengoku period, and kenshin would always be ready to slice them down behind you.
sasuke has to tame him down with his Masters degree in kenshin-wrangling.
at banquets, kenshin would often have you beside him. if you’re too young for sake do age for drinking exist in sengoku? probably not. it’s more of sasuke advising for him to not give you alcoholic drinks he’ll have you pouring for him or just munching away at pickled plums or food.
(ngl i kinda had a hard time with this since it’s erasing a big part of his overall character,,, flirting)
once he heard the news that oda had taken in somone as young as you during honno-ji,, ,,,he’s in a very “how dare that demon >>:( taking such a pure soul,....”
and when you’re taken to kasugayama as a captive, you’re,,, surprisingly very calm and whelmed. you don’t have much sign of fear or anxiety in your overall demeanor meanwhile you’re busy dissociating and spacing out to feel those
you actually don’t seem to hate your captor. but shingen isn’t sure if your ‘fingerguns’ is a good thing or not cause it depicts you pointing guns @ him,, (dw is good shingen)
while yes being held hostage—no matter how good you’re being treated—isn’t ideal and kinda not very cash money, you consider shingen v chill. man has a kindheart!! “i diagnose you with good vibes.”
if he ever sees your righteous side, as everyone else, he’ll deeply admire you. he himself is someone who believes in such as well. and hearing the circumstances in the modern world regarding those things (blm, etc.) his heart truly does go out for you. he feels sympathy for such a young person like you having to take action
also your dirty humor around him, echigo’s player, kind of makes him question where and how you learnt it
and,, his illness.
through getting straight to the point and not falling for it each time he changes subject/dodges the question, you managed to get to the bottom of his illness. shingen himself thinks it’s not something you have to burden with knowing—you’re so, so young.
but that doesn’t matter to you. the world’s given you such a shit time, you’re mature enough to understand the situation at least.
and as he finishes his explanation, all there was is silence. it felt wrong to say any of your usual quips,, so all you did was slowly came there and hugged him.
that was more than what he’d ask for.
oh hell yeah
you are in your element with him. the chillest guy to talk to, and probably the first one you’re the closest to
your phone was dead after like 2 days of use, and you were miserable while hideyoshi, like a typical parent, told you to go outside and into town. sensing your bad mood, sasuke asked what’s up. you deadpanned, “my phone game ended and now i’m ready to commit not breath.” you oslemnly look out in the bustling streets and clutched your fist like an Anime Protagonist, “those boomer memes were right all along... i am absolutely Miserable and Useless(^TM) without it.”
in response, you could’ve sworn he did the Anime Glasses thing as well, “then we at team Moderately Awesome Sengoku Ninja are happy to announce the launch of a DIY phone charger, made with the electricity from a fruit and the main functionality of a solar panel. and has more durability than samsung’s.”
there were Stars in your eyes now. with a big grin, you thank him, “i’d die for you, sasuke.”
“then perish.” he said with a blank look. (yukimura, in the bg: ???!!!??!??!?)
the next day he consentually breaks in through the ceiling and gives you the weird contraption. you’re now saved, soul-wise.
the memes start coming and they don’t stop coming from the two of you. in any situation. whether it’d be at a teahouse, or at a battlefield that can determine your life and death.
and you can have discussions about current world events, or the past ones, with him and he’d understand completely what you’re talking about. it’s those rare nights when you’ve been thinking and have a deep conversation with him in his room, and as an adult, it makes for interesting results as well.
the others are endlessly confused, but you’re both so unapologetically yourselves.
and he’s super protective if the circumstances are tough. he feels bad for dragging another person in the sengoku with him—much less when they’re so young like you.
if you’re enough of a lil shit, once you’re taken into kasugayama, in the nights where you can’t sleep because brain at what would be 3 am, you’d probably trudge over to his room and wake him up to tell him what kind of mind-blowing shit you realized.
when he saved you from falling to your death, your reaction already set off weird Vibes inside him. what do you mean, “you stopped me from fleeing this fleeting world by the sweet embrace of death” ?!?!?! are you crazy?? yes
he doesn’t waste time getting blunt with you at all either.
once he goes into azuchi as a merchant, he silently observes you talking to sasuke for a bit. what’s with your weird language?? and crude humor???? never in his life has he met someone in your age act like that wtf
even so, he still operates on the basis of ‘‘if sasuke trusts you, i trust you’’, no matter how utterly concerned you make him feel
you have a dirtier mind than him! unsurprisingly. along with everyone else, you often tease the poor soul, a nd you’d gladly tell him what the innuendoes mean ( 69, etc.) and maybe sprinkle in some gay jokes in there
and why do you keep mentioning this “bromance between him and sasuke” ?? what us,,, a bromance????? and why is sasuke in it??
he takes you out to teahouses to eat chestnut dumplings and other desserts with you. you always seem to target the one he doesn’t like the most and have a bit of banter
your relationship is built on banter but what’s different rlly
he treats you much more maturely than other people your age. as in, he doesn’t pull back his punches in words most of the time. you don’t seem to around him also, it looks like.
and, he’s also very protective of you. he regards you as his little sibling, as rat as you may be. and he does care about you—he might just be a bit unwilling to say it
you think he’s very chill, if a bit unique but who were you to judge. and he is, if you ever meet him in echigo or even azuchi
his big liking to art and something of apathy to people is osmething you can respect. there’s something about that kind of Vibe that you find oddly a mood.
and oh boy oh boy you wasted no time pulling up your phone and showing images of what art is in the future. whether it’d be a screenshot of anime, fanart, aesthetic-like ones, palette-themed—the whole shabang. 
and, somehow, you were left ranting to him  about how some artists in the future get it so shitty for theft, reposting, not crediting, the list goes on (please be a decent human being to artist, sincerely the author) and he can’t help but just listen in silence and kind of thinking about how you’re so passionate about the Struggles of artists. and it isn’t something he sees often in the sengoku era—where war rules most things.
and he does find art from the modern times interesting, how they’re so different and vast in styles. and not only that, it’s not like the future only has one major style like then, each hand can draw such different pictures and still have beauty in each. he appreciates and admires that.
and he does tell you his thoughts ^ while you give your own insight. it’s so fascinating to see someone like you having strong opinions on this.
because, well, rn art is a big thing in our lives as we’re stuck inside. a part of entertainment is looking at any media of art—and he finds his view of art and yours quite the same. you two came from a time of turmoil (one moreso than the other) but still think art isn’t exactly irrelevant just because it isn’t a cure to diseases or the Ultimate Weapon.
you had to Surgically Remove him from your phone so you can use it and to stop him from draining your battery looking at the art
and he often drags you out to town and admire pieces when you’re holing yourself in too much. your comments are always unknown to him, “radical”, “that’s one i can vibe with ngl”, and the list goes on.
and you occasionally call him pretty boy as a compliment rlly
when you first saw him at honno-ji, and he won’t forget the one (1) line you gave him, all you said to his warning of ooo spooky demons was, “that’s lit fam gtg tho”
and that alone was enough to stun him for a few seconds
honestly you told the others of your meeting with kennyo before they told you it could be kennyo. just a throaway line of “oh yeah there was this dude with a scar across his face.” / “,,, ,....that’s kennyo. he’s really dangerous actually—” / “oh, poggers”
you’re probably kind of half the reason the oda forces found who dun it.
and it was an eye for an eye, kennyo himself found out that you were their child chatelaine, and very close to the others. as per his villain-schedule, he kidnaps you .
he laments about how “such a pure soul such as yours is not to be stained by the demon’s hands”
oh how Wrong he was.
you were the definition of the opposite of pure. and you seemed unfazed, which surprised kennyo but shrugged it off. he was willing to face you screaming and panicking, along with shouldering the sin of doing the deed. but instead, he was met with a raised eyebrow and, “this is unexpected and probably not welcomed but what am i doing here.”
he was stunned for a moment before explaining what he can. 
“......... fuck.”
he cringed ever so slightly at your curse. but your attention seems to stray so quickly off of the fact that you were bounded and helpless, to the fact that you have the man doing unspeakable things to civilians and you absolutely don’t approve.
throwing your common sense to maybe be civilized, you went off on a rant of how human rights and how to not be an ass to him. all he could do was just listened, shocked to even cut you off.
when he did, he gave the whole ‘unsaved demon’ shtick, and you weren’t taking that kinda shit. he believed he was truly unsaved—you knew that. but that doesn’t make it okay.
eventually, he left you with a cold end of the conversation.
he admires your spirit in a way—but with what he’s experienced,,, it’s a bit of unreachable for him.
if at any point you saw the soft side of his with animals, you just gaped at him for a split second and whispered, “the gap moe is strong with this one.”
also old man died inside when you said that you’d fight god, along with many things.
all in all, to him, you’re insufferable. but weirdly,, fascinating.
you’ve totally ok boomer’d him once cause he rlly looks old
,,. if your speech to kennyo was bad, he’s going to rant hell.
motonari already knew you were interesting even when his men just spied on you. your behavior, so brash and impulsive, is going to be so fun to have, he thinks.
through some planning to stir up more chaos, he kidnaps you and brings you unto his ship. same as kennyo, you showed no clear sign of surprise, and that’s when he decided you were either used to this in any way, or a fool. both answers, he liked.
you’re kind of really confused on why he’s doing what he’d doing. “i get it, i like to stir up chaos myself but it’s harmless,, most of it—but not until the people are in danger, bitch.”
and by that line, motonari leans towards you with a deadly smirk, “now, i can bite, ‘kay kid? you don’t wanna be in the receiving end... do you?”
“do it, coward.”
and before he could let out even a wheeze of laughter, you continued on on a lecture of, again, not being a dick and letting people live their life in peace. and much less all of this damage, for what? chaos?? yeah you wanted to see the world burn but it wasn’t literally.
however, his patience was running thin. he shuts you up forcefully, and leaves.
even so, after a cooldown period, he still talks to you (,,,, well, that’s kind of a generous term) because, right he was, you were so fun in his eyes.
an interesting observation he made,,, was that you picked up on his big dislike of physical contact. and he’d think with how annoying you were at times, that you’d weaponize it. but you didn’t—in fact, you kept your space (not that you were planning to get close) and respected his boundaries.
he thinks you a bit of peculiar for that decision, some wary, and perhaps naive.
one of the days—the more dangerous ones—he was planning to take you to the oda as bait or something. and you weren’t taking it like that. two days before arrival, a storm racked up. you stood upon the edge of the ship with the rest of the crew watching you like you were a madman.
“the oda won’t want me if i’m dead, would they now?”
motonari stands in his composure, guffawing, “all i need is to make sure they believe you’re alive, kid.”
a smile that showed absolutely no fear and 1000 percent spite spread in your face, “not unless i decimate my own body until all the trail left is my blood. the only one who gets to do that shit to me, is me.”
finally, a look of wavering shows in his face.
you were saved last minute,, and the rest is history.
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 years
watching ONE write women
One of the joys of following a writer for a while is that you get to follow how their ideas develop.   One of the things that ONE brought up in an interview (annoyingly I’ve lost the link) was that he didn’t think that he wrote women particularly well. 
I was thinking about that.  When ONE says that, what comes across to me is that he has no problem writing a female character as an individual rather than a role.  All the girls and women he’s written so far have their own voices, own their problems, and have something to do within the story that would be noticeable if they weren’t there.  Quite frankly, that alone is over and above what various tests of representation (such as the Bechdel test) ask for.  
What he’s not so good at is appreciating what being female brings to a character’s experiences and outlook.  But he’s not just left it at that.  More on what he’s been doing in a bit (and under the cut).
“...the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges...” -- Anatole France
With his sharp eye and talent for exploring the implications of whatever he posits, ONE has brought up some issues are not inherently gendered, but usually are. 
A: Childcare
Metal Bat appears to be the main, if not sole, carer for Zenko.  How it affects him is fascinating.  He’s one of the longest-serving heroes in the Hero Association, being there before Class S was formed, literally within the first six months of its establishment.  He’s been extremely loyal and is highly trusted by the HA -- they put Narinki’s life into his hands without fear.  His battle strength is literally praised to the heavens.
Metal Bat makes Zenko a priority, structuring his availability around her school schedule and being present in her life. He gets very angry if these times are threatened without overwhelmingly good cause.  His reward is to be perceived by the Hero Association as less committed and so they under-recognise him in terms of ranking, and since rank and pay are linked, under-pay him as well.  It’s a story all too many women can relate to.  But that’s not all.
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Because ONE writes so simply yet conscientiously, something else comes up and has a peek: intersectionality. It’s the concept that we often have multiple social disadvantages that interact and compound our problems.  The first is sexism.  Regardless of whatever childcare policy the HA has, the sexist assumption that only women care (for the record: this is bullshit) makes it unlikely for them to ask Metal Bat.  Second, social capital. The fact that he’s Zenko’s sole carer means that he has low social capital, that informal network of people around you who can help out -- or tell you where to find help and what things to say in order to get that help. [Aside: this is why programmes to help people, unless they reach out aggressively, tend to disproportionately attract those who need it least.]  Metal Bat doesn’t have the knowledge.  The third is the challenge brought by his being a 17-year old boy.  He’s quick to perceive challenge as threat, and threat as something to be met by anger.  Witness him threatening to smash the HA headquarters if it turns out that he’s missed Zenko’s piano recital for nothing -- completely not useful to anything. [Another aside: the importance of learning to disambiguate emotions and do useful things with them even if it means being vulnerable as a part of growing up as a man is the whole point of Mob Psycho 100.]
What do the Neo Heroes do?  They ask Metal Bat if he wants help with childcare AND HE JUMPS SHIP PRONTO.  If that’s not an indictment of the Hero Association, I don’t know what is.
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B: Emotional Labour
Saitama has been delegating more and more of the day-to-day work to Genos.  What started as an act of service to express his gratitude, respect and love for Saitama is increasingly turning into a second job for Genos.  It’s not just the cooking and cleaning and the shopping and the bailing Saitama out if he’s forgotten his wallet again, it’s also the worrying about Saitama, sometimes at inappropriate times.  Has he drunk enough water?  Has he clean clothes in good repair? What sales is he looking forward to? Have they been marked on the calendar?  It’s honestly not doing Genos any good, and it’s one of those things all too many frustrated wives and girlfriends can relate to.  This doing the practical and emotional work for another is not intrinsically gendered, but funny how often it breaks that way.
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It’s not doing Saitama any good either.  He’s using this freed up time to fritter his life ever more aggressively away, playing games with King and finding pointless competitions to enter, all while complaining about feeling less and less connected to anything (if you don’t address the problem, it doesn’t get better, duh!).  Worse, he’s started to take that gift of service for granted, witness him airily telling King how he’ll just have Genos go clear up the mess of monsters he’s left outside the flat.  I was heartened to see what happened when Saitama went a little too far and asked Genos to go cook and instead of jumping up, Genos gave him the the evil eye and let the awkwardness hang there.  That was good -- there’s hope for this guy yet.
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Speaking of Genos, he also over-functions for something else Saitama struggles with: advocating for himself.  He tends to have Genos be the ugly one so he doesn’t have to be.   You can see just how bad he is at self-advocacy when Forte and friends could invite themselves into Saitama’s house at will despite his protests -- and it stopped the instant Genos showed up.
In a sense, it’s not surprising that Genos can do that. When you’re differently-abled (and for once, this is not a euphemism) as he is, being able to clearly ask for what you want and need is life-and-death necessary. If Genos was shy about it, he’s long since had to discard that.  But!  Let me point to a nuance the story touches on.  How pushy you can be without being punished for it depends a lot on who you are, intersecting strongly with race, gender, social status, etc (remember my mentioning intersectionality before). What’s called assertive in a man is called bitchy or sharp-elbowed in a woman.  Even taking gender and race out of the equation, there’s still a noticeable difference in the way the world treats Saitama and Genos.  You don’t need to be Sigmund Freud to understand the way the short, ugly Dr. Kuseno sweats making sure that Genos positively radiates youth, beauty, wealth and power. That’s part of his right to ask and be taken seriously.  You can see how drastically different it is for Saitama, even from his middle school days.  Genos notices, and makes sure to leverage his social power for Saitama. 
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What I love about these examples are that by not automatically heaving a woman into these characters’ roles, ONE’s brought a less frequently seen angle that illustrates the problems they deal with are not ‘womens’ issues per se but are rather inequities that disproportionately affect women -- which is at the heart of what feminists keep saying.  When you read Makai no Ossan, you can appreciate that ONE could have gone with female characters and done a great job, but his choosing not to has brought a very welcome dimension to the story.
Women proper
“I’m not like other girls”
Still, bit by bit, ONE has been working more women into his stories.  After his interview, the next thing he worked on was the single-volume sequel to Mob Psycho 100,  Reigen.  He took his challenge head-on by making the POV character Tome and putting her in an all-girls’ high school.
Throughout the story, we see Tome thinking of herself as special, better than her fellow classmates, whom she sees as vapid and shallow.  The denouement comes with Tome being humbled as she gets to know her classmates better and realises that  they pursue interests just as varied and weird as hers -- only they’re also practicing being socially adept on top of that.
It’s a gentle story, but it’s still a great side-swipe at self-internalised misogyny, the idea that it’s shameful to be like a ‘girl’ and it’s something to distance oneself from.   Fortunately, Tome can laugh at herself and grow up.
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“Ha ha ha”
For a long time, the only (named) women we had in OPM were Tatsumaki and her younger sister Fubuki.   We’ve gotten more women both good and bad: in particular, it’s been very gratifying to find that one of the most dangerous, story-shaping villains in the story is Psykos.
In the webcomic, ONE’s pushed even further.  A recent Tweet featured him talking about how hard he finds it to draw women. And he’s added several.   No same-face for him!    I’ll talk about the new heroines he’s added, but first, let me draw your attentions to something most artists don’t realize they do: massively skew the gender distribution of crowds, even when it is incredibly illogical to do so.   With ONE, even drawing the crowds at the fair who gaggle at Amai Mask, he’s got a far more even balance of women and they’re not all young and pretty -- which is much more true-to-life.  He’s in the business of drawing people.
ONE has featured microaggressions before, particularly in the way Fubuki can have perfectly sound things to say and be totally ignored,  but he brings it properly to the fore with Suiko.  No one calls her incompetent, but the little put downs she gets when she puts herself forward for the hero test in lieu of her brother, oh they’re well-observed The look on her face just makes it.  I love the way she shut the recruiters up subsequently. 
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  Let’s conclude this tour with a look at Webigaza’s lonely figure.  We have another mono-manically focused cyborg in the story.  Genos has been called a lot of things -- determined, obsessive even, but crazy? Never. Notice who it’s been reserved for instead.  It’s no slip of the tongue.
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Wrapping Up
I’m of the impression that ONE really wants to try to capture as much of the human experience as he can in his stories, however whimsical or fantastical the stories themselves are.  I’m disarmed by his humility in accepting that he’ll never have the lived experience of half the world’s population but he sure as hell can put some effort into learning how to to writing well-realised, believable, female characters.  
I watch ONE’s continued development as a writer with interest.    
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mutedsilence · 3 years
I decided to create a post with links to all my work. They include summaries and the tag list. It’s under the split. I’ll update as I write more. 
Or, here’s a link to my dashboard MutedSilence 
The Towel  Johnlock Domestic Fluff Domestic Pride Gay Sherlock Holmes Bisexual John Watson Towels Flags Words: 2,002 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: John and Sherlock have been living together for just about a year in this. Sherlock is given a towel from Mycroft for his birthday.
Ianto Sings Janto Dancing and Singing Singing Fluff Domestic Fluff Tooth-Rotting Fluff Words: 844 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Ianto is alone in the hub. He decides to start singing, he doesn't know he's not alone. 
Soldier and his Detective Series Johnlock Mystrade New Meeting Fluff AU Kissing papa lestrade Worry Sherlock is a Brat Established Mystrade Protectiveness Protective Sibling Rivalry Texting Mycroft is really protective but a bit of a dick too Feelings almost break up First Dates John Watson in Afghanistan Homophobic Language Phone Calls email BAMF John Background Case Mycroft Being a Good Brother Sherlock Holmes Has Feelings Jealousy Words:45,738 Works:3 Complete:Yes
Summary: Sherlock is on a case. Just as he's about to be taken down by the suspect, a stranger takes down the suspect and Sherlock begins to fall for the blond stranger. (This is a story set in with a different meeting, John is on leave from the army and Sherlock has started his career with the met.)
Trying to Forget Ianto Janto The 456 Aftermath Grief/Mourning Drinking Jack Needs a Hug Hurt Jack  Words: 438 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: So, in the doctor who episode - End of Time part 2 - the Doctor tips off Jack to Alonso. It takes place in a bar and I decided to carry it on.
Mission to Flirt Johnlock Pining John Fluff Angst with a Happy Ending Slow Burn Flirting Jealous Sherlock Oblivious John Mutual Pining First Kiss Hospitals Background Case Greg Lestrade & John Watson Friendship Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson John Watson Loves Sherlock Holmes Bisexual John Watson Gay Sherlock Holmes Proud Greg Lestrade Words: 9,064 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Turns out John has been staring at Sherlock like a love sick teen. Greg decides that John just needs to flirt. So, he does. Sort of. He certainly tried to at least.
Fine. I admit, I love him. Johnlock Pining Texting Mycroft's Meddling Pining Sherlock Holmes AU Fluff References to Oscar Wilde Language of Flowers Background Case Distracted Sherlock Holmes Mycroft Being a Good Brother No Reichenbach Secret Admirer Sherlock Holmes Loves John Watson Oblivious John Words: 9,237 Chapters: 14/14
Summary: Mycroft has had enough of Sherlock's pining and decides to make him do something about it. Starting with Sherlock figuring out his feelings for John. ((Set before the Reichenbach fall))
Christmas at Holmes Manor Johnlock Mystrade Christmas Party Developing Johnlock AU Different First Meeting Mentions of drugs Depressed John Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism John has been discharged Developing Relationship First Kiss Developing Mystrade Mycroft is good with Children Words: 4,838 Chapters: 6/6 Collections: 1
Summary: Mummy is known for her Christmas parties at Holmes Manor. Sherlock hates the parties and tries to avoid them. This year he can't get out of it. He hates every second. But will he hate it after meeting an army captain?
Hannibal Montannibal Alternate Universe - Hannah Montana Fusion Pure and utter crack beggar's clay chicken inspired by a shitpost Will is a fanboy Hannibal in a dress and wig?? just go with it Ambiguous/Open Ending Words: 613 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Hannah Montana/Hannibal fusion. No one knows that Hannibal is Montannibal, that is until he invites Will Graham for dinner.
The Soul Patch IronStrange Soulmate AU Tumblr Prompt Heart Attacks First Kiss CPR Post-Doctor Strange (2016) Stephen saves Tony it's a little cheesy Words: 1,411 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Soulmate AU: Everyone is born with a black section of skin where their soulmate touches them skin-on-skin for the first time. When this happens, the mark changes to said soulmate’s eye color. Tony Stark and Stephen Strange both hate it because they’ve had to live with the stigma of having black lips all their lives. Tony goes into cardiac arrest at a gala, and Stephen ends up giving him CPR.The prompt I based this off. Set after the events of Doctor Strange (2016)
Who is Victor Trevor? Johnlock Teenlock Unilock Jealous John POV Sherlock Holmes victor is made up practice date First Dates Sherlock Holmes and John Watson Being Idiots Words: 3,256 Chapters: 1/1
Sherlock is in love with his best friend, John Watson. When confronted, Sherlock makes up Victor Trevor - a person that Sherlock wants to ask on a date. John offers to help by taking Sherlock on a practice date. The one thing Sherlock wants more than anything.
I Feel Like I Don’t Even Know Him! Johnlock Fake/Pretend Relationship Developing Relationship and Friendships Implied/Referenced Suicide AU Different First Meeting couples counselling It's For a Case Parental Greg Lestrade Protective Mycroft Holmes Slow Burn idiots to lovers Implied/Referenced Drug Use Miscommunication Eventual Happy Ending Did I Mention They Were Idiots? It's Sad Seriously It's Sad You Have Been Warned  Words: 26,108 Chapters: 25/25
Summary: John is leaving therapy. Sherlock needs to get into the office of a couples counselor. A frantic Sherlock bumps into John as he's making his way out. John - with nothing better to do - agrees to pretend to be a stranger's boyfriend for the afternoon. Beats going home.
Let Me Share Your Pain IronStrange Hurt Stephen Strange Hurt Tony Stark Protective Stephen Strange Friends to Lovers Arguing First Kiss Hurt/Comfort Words: 3957 Chapter 1/1
Tony begins to feel stronger and better than ever. He doesn’t question it, not when his movements are quicker and his mind is sharper. His anxieties and pain appear to have diminished altogether. And the next time he’s facing a villain he finds there’s barely a scratch on him. Funnily enough Doctor Strange looks ten times worse himself after battles lately, even in ones he hardly has a hand in. Tony slowly discovers that Stephen cast a spell to absorb all of Tony’s injuries as his own.
I'll Tell You Until You Believe Me IronStrange Jealous Tony Stark Pining Pining Tony Stark Oblivious Stephen Strange First Kiss Love Confessions Insecurity Insecure Stephen Strange author projecting their insecurities onto the character check Words: 2231 Chapter 1/1
Stephen is quite popular, what with his status as sorcerer supreme, good looks and compassion. Stephen is oblivious to it all, chalking it up as just weird alien customs. One day, an interdimensional being aids Stephen and Tony in battle, flirting with Stephen the whole time. Tony feels protective of Stephen but lets it go for now (pre-relationship, Tony’s kinda jealous yes). Only this keeps happening and it builds up, Tony can’t take anymore and confronts Stephen about why he never shoots down nor reciprocates the advances of the inter-dimensional beings. Light angst where Stephen accidentally reveals that his obliviousness stems from his insecurities. He thinks Tony is pulling his leg. 
Eastern Seaboard Ironstrange Established Relationship Bottom Tony Stark Established Tony/Stephen Is this crack?? Humour Tony's nicknames for the team Words: 717 Chapter 1/1
The only time Tony sees a hint of Stephen’s full power, without his moral limitations, is when they make love and Stephen’s magic accidentally causes an earthquake that knocks out the power of the whole eastern seaboard. Tony decides it's an achievement worthy of a nickname.
Super Fucking Long Sherlock Fic, Stop Being a Bitch and Finish It. Johnlock Slow Burn really really slow Angst Smut Fluff Eventual Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Unrequited Love mutual unrequited love Mutual Pining Violence Murder Case Fic Homophobia Homophobic Language POV Sherlock Holmes Idiots in Love they're really stupid and can't see past their noses but we love them Masturbation Oblivious Hate Crimes Hate Speech Hurt/Comfort Copping Off Coming Out Greg Lestrade & John Watson Friendship Sherlock Whump Words: 31,275 Chapter 48/? 
Sherlock is bored out of his mind - luckily Lestrade has a string of murders. Even luckier - Sherlock and John have to go undercover in a gay bar, and John's in tight clothes. But what if going back into that scene reminds Sherlock of his uni days? And what if he reverts back to shameless pleasure behind clubs? What if John never returns his affections? A series of life-threatening problems could both bring them together, and drive them apart.
Our Journal Mystrade Developing Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade Lestrade Can Draw switching POV Slow Burn Fluff mystrade Mystrade is art Mycroft is a Softie Even if just in his head Words: 3,798 Chapter 6/?
When the sketch artist is off, Greg is asked to step in. Like any artist - he thinks he's no good and hates his work. Mycroft just so happens to be around to lend some paper. After becoming enraptured in Greg's drawing, Mycroft's once-dormant feelings begin to fester again.
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maggyoutthere · 3 years
Storytime with Maggy!
WARNING: Tws in the tags
Just getting this off my chest because this has been boiling up inside my head for a while. This will be a long one so don't bother to read it if u don't want to; this is legit just so I can get it off my chest.
Ok so
Some people that follow me here on tumblr know me from the BATIM Amino. I used to be very active there, even being one of the biggest content creators (I'm not saying that lightly I was literally on the Top 15 when it came to that weird reputation points system) . I recently left Amino as a whole because of something that happened there.
So the story goes like this: I was 13 when I started posting on Amino. Bendy and the Ink Machine Chapter 2 had just come out and I was drawing fanart of it. After a while I started talking more with other artists there, making ocs, just having fun. It went well for a few months until I met this person. For the sake of anonymity, I'll call them HWI (it was an acronym to their persona's name or something).
So I'd been checking out this HWI person for a while now. I really liked their art style and this specific character they had. They had this classy killer 1800s style and I'm an absolute sucker tor those. One day, I got the courage to message them with a small piece of fanart. They replied and liked it, and then the conversation went on.
We commented on each other's art, rp sometimes, we became really close. They later on introduced me to their other friends and we made a small group chat on Amino. We rpd a LOT to pass the time and just play with our characters. I remember staying up late just to talk to them about how my day went. I wasn't very social at the time and I had the bad habit of grabbing onto the first friend I could make like my life depended on it.
So 2018 came around. I was diagnosed with autism, at the time still called Asperger's Syndrome. All I knew was that I finally had a face to put on the problem of "being weird"; it wasn't a problem at all. It was different sure but I wasn't broken or less that anyone else. I didn't told anyone online about my diagnoses because well I was coming to terms with it myself first. This will come in hand later so stick with me.
With time I started realizing I had a favorite character of them that I just liked way way more than the others; that same oc I spoke about earlier. I had no fucking idea why I liked them so much it just??? it happened, and I believe HWI realized that.
We had these two ocs. One of them was mine and the other was their oc, and we kinda shipped them so we just made them a couple for the heck of it. I had lots of fun doing rps and fanart of those two but I never understood why. After a while, HWI started acting a bit weird. They did a total 180 on said character, randomly making them rude and unlikable. Now I know that it was just an rp and I shouldn't have taken it seriously, but it was bumming me out a little: the only place I had to vent out stuff and to take a break was now making me feel bad.
I was stupid by making those small moments the pillar of my self confidence. I was in a rough spot at the time and latched onto that group chat like it was the only good thing I had in life. I now know I shouldn't have done that.
I didn't had the guts to step up and tell HWI to at least don't be so rude so I kinda just took it. A few months went by and I finally had the courage to stand up against them. I had realized at the time that I was having a hyperfixation on said character and I told HWI to just not be that rude. They said they didn't meant it and told me they would stop. Except they didn't.
Then followed 3 years of having HWI dangle that character over my head like some treat for a dog. They'd threaten to stop using said character or to delete their stuff if I didn't behave in the way they wanted. If I had an opinion about something and they didn't liked it, they threatened me with that stuff. I now look back at it and realise "That was just some stupid random character why was I so scared and in panic?" But I was young, didn't had good role models and didn't knew better.
I moved to an arts school when I started 10th grade. There I met a lot of people who were like me; everyone had their very distinctive quirks and troubles they were coming to terms with, people were discovering themselves. Everyone was so different from each other, but everyone respected everyone and the whole school lived in harmony. I felt like I finally fitted in, I started making lots of friends and my life changed for the better.
In 11th grade, I finally told my friends about what had been happening for 3 years now. They knew about my previous problems at home and about my autism so they told me that they thought I'd been groomed by HWI. I didn't believed them at the time; HWI had been so nice to me and helped me through a lot in my life. Then I finally took a step back, and it hit me.
I never liked HWI. They were indeed very rude and manipulative, but they had something I loved so much that I'd become submissive to the point of believing that was normal, that it was the way to treat friends. They were 20 when I was 13. I thought it was ok at the time, until they started asking for fanart and favors in exchange for rp time, and pushing sexual rps onto me a lot. They would tell me that they were the only one who could understand me, that the rest of the world was just filled with evil corrupt people and I fucking believed in everything they said. They would bring down the mood of the whole chat with their negativity to the point other people started complaining about it. I remember having a breakdown mid-lunch break when it finally hit me. I'd been groomed.
But, thank goodness, this has a good ending. As I realized that I had to get out of this situation, I quickly came up with a plan. I had tried multiple times to go without said hyperfixation but I would always end up having panic attacks and just not feel well. So the plan was to try and get said character to my side and run off as quickly as I could. I knew they didn't liked the character at all and were just using it to control me so I knew I could do some kind of art trade with them and get the character. After a while of asking if I could have the character since they weren't using it anymore, they said they would give him to me in exchange of some fanart, demanding it to be very very good or either they would refuse to give the oc. I rushed to ibispaint, drew something I was dead sure they would like and sent it. And then it was done.
I stayed in the chat for some extra weeks as if trying to prove myself wrong; that HWI was a good person and this was all a big misunderstanding. But it wasn't. They continued being toxic and manipulative, but they didn't had anything to use against me now. I left the chat and a few months later the Amino as a whole.
So to anyone who finds themselves in a situation similar to this one, here's a piece if advice: get out of that shit as fast as you can. I know there are people who have it WAY worse than me, but I don't wish for anyone to go through something even remotely similar to what happened to me.
If you find yourself in a toxic relationship, get out of there as fast as you can. No matter how many lies they tell you, that no one else would love you or understand you, that only they can handle what you are; it's all bullshit. There are somany people out there who would protect you and fight for you with their life. Heck you find yourself with a toxic friend but are scared to leave them because they're your only friend? Hit me up! I'll gladly be your friend!
People deserve so much more than feeling like they're emotionally dependant on someone else. Self-love and self-worth were two of the best things that I learned to have since I left that toxic relationship, and everyone deserves to feel good and to be proud of themselves FOR themselves.
Wow this was... long XD so yeah. HWI is also on tumblr but don't go searching for them. I told them off and that's it. As the meme goes, the evil has been defeated XD I will be posting stuff with those two ocs since I'm kinda removing them from the BATIM fandom and making them kinda just their own thing. I still love them to pieces and want to draw them so so much!
So wow you've made it all the way down here? Have a snack you must be so tired 🍩🍪🍰🧁🥧🍫🍬🍭🧃
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Survey #405
“today i went to therapy, told him the embarrassing issues that i’m having with my life  /  he told me that i need to change; life is not a video game, so stop playing & open up your eyes”
What was your favourite sweet as a child? Things like Baby Bottle Pops, Ring Pops, Airheads, etc. Do you like to wear socks to bed? NOOOOOOO. I don't wear socks unless I have to. What’s your favourite berry? Strawberries. If you have a job, how long is your shift? I don't. Do you like sunflowers? Well yeah. Are you counting down for anything? No. Are you watching TV? What’s on? No. Do you have make-up on? No. I haven't worn makeup since last October. Are you any good with kids? People have told me I am, but I beg to differ. What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? We're both cisgender women, we physically couldn't. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? It'd be nice honestly, but I kinda doubt I will be. What is your favorite card game? Magic: The Gathering. What is the weirdest thing you’ve done in public? Ha, probably the times I've gotten down on the ground beside the road to photograph roadkill... More than once has someone stopped and asked if I was okay, haha. Favorite sleeping position? Twisted half on my side and stomach with my legs just sorta splayed out. What is your dad’s name? Ken. Have you ever been on a diet? Multiple times. Do you own any jersey shirts? No. Are you proud to be of the nationality you are? There are two moods I have on this: I'm either neutral or embarrassed. Can you remember what you last clapped for? Omg the woman who facilitates my TMS treatment was telling Mom and me about this one time a tiny snake got in the lobby and I did a lil squeal and clapped a bit because I was just excited to hear about a little snake, haha. What is the geekiest part of your music collection? *shrug* Maybe game soundtrack music. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? Well, not really the fridge, but w/e. I'll usually get a granola bar or something of the sort. What is the little physical habit that gives away you're insecure moment? Kneading/wringing my hands together is a dead giveaway. Do you have too many love interests? No. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? If you want honesty... probably no amount would lmao. I rely way too heavily on the Internet for so many things. Do you talk a lot? It depends on my mood and who I'm around. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? What a fucking awful question. They don't annoy me. It can be awkward driving past them, but they're in no way annoying. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? I definitely try to be. What is your ideal marriage location? Either a gothic-looking mansion or something of the sort or a wooded area in the fall. Do you tell your friends about your sex life? I don't have one to talk about. Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted? Yeah? No shame. What kind of watch(es) do you wear? I don't wear watches. What do you cook the best? My family likes my scrambled cheesy eggs... basic as that is, haha. When my sisters would go to Taco Bell all the time and save the hot sauces for later use, I would use some packets in the eggs I cooked. Honestly amazing. What's one car you will never buy? "Anything that is two door, or low to the ground." <<<< This right here. On the other end of the spectrum, I also won't ever buy a car that's high up. I need a good medium so I can actually get in with ease. What's one thing you're a sore loser at? Hm, I dunno. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? "Wow, she's awkward." What's one thing you like to do alone? Draw. When's the last time you cried? Not long ago at all because I was just so exasperated over my weight gain. Do you think you're cute? God no. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? I don't change in front of anyone if I can avoid it. Did you like kissing the last person you kissed or the one before that more? The last person. I gotta say I was not a fan of kissing Girt because for whatever reason his lips were ALWAYS wetter than lips naturally should be and I just didn't dig it, man. That and every kiss with him was awkward. Whose bed other than yours did you last lay on? My mom's. What turns you off immediately? Acting sexist, to name one. Which city do you particularly enjoy visiting and for what reasons? I don't like going into cities. Do you often take pictures with the camera on your phone? No. I don't like the camera on my phone. In the past year, have you lost weight or gained weight? How much? Gained. You don't need to know. What year was the last car you rode in/drove? I have zero clue. What’s your worst/funniest experience with one of your neighbors? "Worst" and "funniest" are very different... but I can tell you the worst easily. At my childhood home, our next-door neighbors had a pair of Rottweilers in their back yard within a chain-link fence, and we had a LOT of outdoor cats at the time. (I will emphasize every time I bring it up to NOT keep cats outside.) Somehow the dogs got loose and went on a rampage trying to kill our cats; one young one was killed, while our fearless mother cat, Chance, literally fought them off to defend her new kittens. More were maybe killed, I honestly can't remember. My mom was hysterical and threatened to call animal control if it ever happened again. I was absolutely, utterly heartbroken. The last time you burned your tongue or mouth, what were you eating? Ummm I want to say it was some sort of pasta that I didn't let cool long enough. Honestly, are you shallow? Far from it, honestly. Can/could your parents tell when you were lying? Not always. Besides clothes, shoes, and accessories, what’s your favorite thing to shop for? I love window-shopping at Morph Market, haha. AAAAAAAAAALL those ball python morphs, man... *drools* Does/did your parents ever go through your computer or cell phone? When I was younger, Mom was very intent on figuring out why I was always so secretive about what I did on the computer (mostly RP-related things) that ohhhh yeah, she'd do some digging. The night she finally snapped, demanding I tell her my passwords to everything, and she ultimately found out about me being a forum RPer, was literally almost traumatic to me, I think. I know, that sounds INCREDIBLY overdramatic, but I'm not fucking joking. I was in my room SOBBING on my best friend's shoulder, who was spending the night. I was just so embarrassed, and I *still* am when I share that fact with people I know, even though I have no reason to be. Like I don't do any weird or kinky RP shit, it's just genuine, artistic writing with actual, well thought-out plots, but I still feel like people would think it dumb, childish, and just weird. What song reminds you the most of a particular day in your life? Why is that? "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. I've talked about it a few times before and really don't feel like doing it again. Do you have any close friends that were adopted? I don't think so. Who, in your opinion, is the best thriller writer? I don't know. Does your mom eat meat? Yeah. Was your dad ever on a sports team? Lots in high school, I believe. Do you prefer thick or thin crusted pizza? Thick, by a long shot. What do you have in your fruit salads? Not a fan of fruit salads. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? I've only needed a wheelchair once in my life, and that was just to get inside and maneuver around the doctor's office when I tore a ligament in my foot. So no. What are your favorite word? Serendipity, tranquility, lucid, etc.; pretty, peaceful words like those. Is there a lot of drama in your life? Nope. I don't do enough or have enough people in my life for there to be. What are you listening to? An extended version of "Nightsong" from WoW. Do you hear any animals right now? No. I'm sure I'd hear birds if I didn't have my earplugs in, though. Have you ever played fetch with a dog? Yes. Have you ever pet a stingray? No. Who is the last baby you held? Emerson, my youngest niece. Do you have any scars from an animal? Yeah; I've got looooots from my cat playing too rough. Have you ever seen an Igloo? I don't believe so. Do you like Korn? They're high on my list of faves. Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Absolutely tornadoes. Do you like mushrooms? Ugh, NO. Have you ever been on Omegle? No. So do you have a favorite M&M? Just the regular ones. Have you ever snuck out? No. Do you currently feel like you have pretty stable career goals/a pretty stable life plan? Have you ever felt this way? I don't know, man. I know what I WANT to do, I just don't know if I'm ever going to get there. Or if what I want will be financially supportive enough, now that I'm really losing interest in photographing people. I might just have to if I want to be financially stable with photography, which would be okay, but bleh. I'd much rather just work with nature. If you could buy an android that was was convincingly human and could be tailored to be your perfect partner, would you want one? No. I don't want to build my own partner, nor do I want my romantic partner to be an android. I want life to just introduce me to a person who is uniquely themselves, who have built themselves from their own life experiences, and not just have a perfect spouse tailored to everything I like. If you do not identify as being “straight,” can you remember back to your childhood some things you did that were, in hindsight, possible indicators of your future sexuality? Yes, especially in middle school. I thought women were prettier than probably a straight kid would, and looking back, I definitely found the natural curves of the female figure to be attractive. When you consume media (movies, books, etc.) with a romantic element, what sort of romance scenarios interest you most? Hm. I know I prefer serious ones over silly; like I'm a sucker for Nicholas Sparks' style, if that says anything. If you are female, do you feel connected to other women as a class? What sort of things make you feel a strong sense of sisterhood or female empowerment? This is too big of a question for me to feel like delving into right now, haha. But I can say it more so depends on the individual than the gender when it comes to feeling connection over anything.
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
If you have time, can you go into detail on the nerve AU?
Yes! I love this one
(Let me know if ya’ll wanna see a Sprace version) (also if you just wanna see all the boys playing Nerve)
Nerve AU
Tumblr media
Katherine Plumber (@Plumbs278) — Vee
Jack Kelly (@jackthecowboy) — Ian
David Jacobs — Tommy
Spot Conlon (@brooklynsown) — Ty
Rafaela (@Rafe_baby) — Sydney
Coffee Bean — Liv
Darcy — Wes
Sarah Jacobs — Hacker Kween
JP — Hot Shot
Katherine Pulitzer is a photographer and reporter for her school newspaper. At the beginning of this story, she finds she’s been accepted into an amazing art school in California which she knows she’ll have to decline because her father (yes, we’re exercising our right to play Pulitzer as a good, loving parent) relies on Katherine emotionally and constantly tells her how excited he is that she’ll be going to a local university and will still be able to live at home. She’s afraid to leave him, especially after her older sister, Lucy, died only two years prior.
The morning everything begins, Katherine is on a video call with one of her two closest friends in the world, Rafaela. Rafaela believes herself to be a daredevil. She and Katherine have been friends since kindergarten. When Katherine answers the phone, she’s stalking her year long crush, Hot Shot. Rafe calls her out on it immediately.
This is when Rafe, yes we’re gonna call her Rafe because we can, introduces Katherine to a game called Nerve. Apparently this game has been around for a few years and Rafe has decided that this year, she was going to participate as a player.
In this game, there are two categories. Watchers and players. Watchers have to pay to watch players for 24 hours while players get paid to do dares ranging from mediocre little tricks to dangerous, life threatening stunts. Katherine warns Rafe that this game looks sketchy and weird, but Rafe still tries to convince Katherine to sign up to watch her play. Katherine almost does, but realizes that she’ll be late for school if she doesn’t start getting ready to go.
Her father is a nurse at a local hospital and often works late into the night but that never stops him from getting up to make Katherine breakfast in the morning. Katherine adores her father. But she knows that she still wants to leave the nest and get out of New York, at least for a little while.
She mentions to him that Rafaela hasn’t gotten accepted into any colleges yet and doesn’t care, to which Pulitzer responds she doesn’t have to care. Rafe has a trust fund but Katherine has ambition. Katherine then tries to tell her father that she wants to move away only to back out the second her father counters her.
At school, Katherine and her other best friend, David, are taking pictures of the football players for the school paper and David is teasing Katherine because her camera seems to be constantly focused on Hot Shot.
Once the players are all on the field, Katherine starts to focus more on the cheerleaders, mostly on Rafe who is the most energetic and eccentric of them all. Rafe rushes out into the crowd to give Coffee Bean and Darcy her phone, two other kids in their friend groups.
David and Katherine don’t truly know what’s going on, but Katherine gets her camera ready anyways, only to capture Rafe mooning an entire crowd of people for five seconds to complete her first dare in nerve, getting her tons of watchers immediately and sending her on her way to the top ten.
After getting suspended, Rafe takes her friends out to celebrate at Jacobi’s, a diner and a common hang out. This is where she explains she will continue playing Nerve, which Kath immediately argues with. Rafe then tells Katherine this is just something she likes to do and she wants to become insta famous, knowingly telling Kath it’s okay that she’s just a watcher.
Though Katherine tries to argue with David with her all the way, Rafaela proves her point by trying and failing to get Katherine to talk to Hot Shot, instead, going to talk to him herself, trying to get him to ask Kath out and finding Hot Shot isn’t interested.
Embarrassed, Katherine flees, running home. David stops Rafaela from going after her.
At home, Katherine finds the Nerve menu still on her computer. In a lapse of judgment, she signs up. As a player.
That’s when things begin to spiral out of control.
Immediately, Katherine is dared to get to a certain restaurant in a specific amount of time. Since she can’t drive, she calls David, who is already waiting outside her house as he’d intended on hanging out with her that night anyway. She quickly explains that she’s now playing nerve and she has to get to a specific place in less than ten minutes.
Even though David is arguing with her, he still takes her there, hoping she’ll bail before she even begins.
(Also, can i just take a minute to say that I love how teenagers are shown as horrible drivers in this movie because that’s entirely accurate).
When they arrive, it’s revealed on Katherine’s phone that her first dare is to kiss a stranger for five seconds.
Nervous, Katherine stalls. David says he’ll give her the hundred dollars her watchers promised her if she doesn’t do the dare, but she persists anyway, eventually settling on a guy reading her favorite book “To The Lighthouse”. She gives David her phone to record her and goes in, trying to make small talk about the book.
She finds the guy to be a bit flirty and incredibly hot but she’s still nervous as the guy asks her if anybody will make it to the lighthouse at the end of the book. She explains that the lighthouse is the thing each character wants most and then forces herself to kiss him, melting into it when the stranger kisses her back.
Sparks fly in their heads and David counts to five, calling out that it was over but the kiss lasts longer than that before Katherine remembers what she’s doing and breaks it, rushing over to David’s booth and hiding with him.
When she looks back, the guy is gone. She finds him again just after her phone goes off, alerting her that a hundred dollars had been wired to her account.
When she looks up, the stranger she made out with is standing on tables and singing the song playing. She quickly finds that the guy is actually singing to her and David points out someone recording the whole thing, noting that it must be a dare.
The guy is a great singer.
Introducing himself as Jack, the boy apologizes, not wanting to have embarrassed Katherine. She apologizes too and Jack says the watchers sent someone to give him that book and told him to wait in that booth. He explains the watchers must’ve planned for this to happen.
David immediately doesn’t like Jack and Jack picks up on that, going to leave before his phone buzzes at the same time as Katherine’s.
They dare Katherine to go to the city with Jack.
David warns her against it and Jack, who calls David Davey, asks if Kath always lets Davey tell her what to do.
Katherine gives in and goes to the city with Jack, finding that he drives a motorcycle.
Once there, Katherine goes to leave while Jack gets started on another dare, only to accept another dare and follow Jack into a pristine, high end store where she is forced to find a specific dress to try on. Once she finds it she changes on camera, barely making it before times up.
When she receives no further instruction, she leaves the dressing room, finding Jack in a very expensive looking suit. Quickly they begin to get more dares to try on clothes, leaving their dressing rooms.
David signs up to watch, finding it's a lot of money to be a watcher but he does it anyway, deciding to follow Katherine to the city as he’s worried for her safety and doesn’t trust Jack.
He sees that someone with the username @brooklynsown has stolen Kath and Jack’s clothes.
Katherine and Jack go back to change after their little adventure getting to know each other and having a good time to find that their clothes are gone. The watchers dare them to leave the store and Jack just says they have to, going to make a run for it but Katherine stops him saying that the dare technically only says they have to leave the store, not shoplift.
So Jack and Katherine run through the store in their underwear, Jack doing his best to stand in front of Katherine the whole time as they sneak around before finally just making a full on run for it.
When they get back to Jack’s bike they find that one of their watchers bought them the clothes they’d tried on.
Meanwhile, Rafaela is with Darcy and Coffee Bean working on her own dares that are more on the mediocre side but she still had tons of watchers voting her into the top ten. Coffee Bean is the one who tells Rafe that Katherine is playing the game and has a lot of followers. Race calls David to ask what’s going on and David tells her he doesn’t know, continuing on the hunt to find Katherine.
He gets another call from Joe who asks if someone might be hacking them as someone keeps depositing money into Katherine’s account. Davey assures him it’s not a hack as that usually means someone is taking money out of the accounts.
Back with Katherine and Jack, Katherine has got another dare, telling her to get a tattoo of Jack’s choosing. She accepts though she tells Jack her father would kill her.
Although Jack jokes about putting random, cliche things on the back of her shoulder he eventually draws something out and gives it to the artist telling her it’ll be a surprise and that she just has to trust him. Eventually she gives in. And when the pain from the needle gets to her, Jack turns on a song that she previously mentioned she liked and sings along to it with her to give her a little distraction. That’s when Katherine tells Jack about Lucy. She explains that Lucy was always the fun one and that she was about to be older than her older sister and that it wasn’t fair that she was still here and Lucy wasn’t before the tattoo artist announces he’s done and Katherine finds a small lighthouse on her back.
Jack tells her that he hopes she finds what she wants most.
David, who is still panicked about not finding Katherine, calls up his older sister Sarah, also known as HQ (Hacker Queen) and asks for a key to the dark web because he wants to find out more about Jack.
Back with Jack and Kath, Jack gets another dare. A dare to get his motorcycle up to 60 mph blindfolded. Katherine tells him he’s on his own but he begs her to help him out just as someone pulls up in a truck and hands Jack a bumper sticker, telling him that he’d see him in the finals. A guy with the username @brooklynsown.
Katherine asks him who that guy was and Jack lies, saying he doesn’t know. Must be just another player.
And he still begs Kath for help.
So she agrees.
This happens just as David is finding out a little bit more about Jack. That Jack has played Nerve before in Santa Fe. The bike he rides is stolen off of a dare. People are shocked he’s even playing again at all after what happened last year.
Jack puts the bumper sticker over his helmet and Katherine climbs on the bike behind him.
As they start their communication isn’t great but Jack tells her to lean and he’d follow her. This gets them part of the way until Katherine starts to lie to Jack about the lights being green because she knows that if Jack stops they won’t make it in under a minute.
Their watchers are waiting for them to pass by, trying to get good photo ops and rooting for them. All of Katherine’s friends are watching, terrified.
Eventually, after several close calls, Jack and Katherine make it, almost crashing into a building but just able to pull to a stop.
Katherine is so excited that she kisses Jack who kisses her back as their watchers film the whole thing.
They then go to get pizza as Jack claims he’s starving and she must be too.
Rafaela is horrified that Katherine is beating her and escapes into a back room at the party she’s at with her other friends, telling her watchers to give her better dares because she deserves to win. That’s when someone else sneaks into the room, introducing himself as Spot or @brooklynsown. He offers to team up with Rafe like Jack teamed up with Kath to win but she declines as Hot Shot intervenes, believing Spot to be dangerous.
Meanwhile, Joe is calling David again, asking what’s going on and David dodges all of his questions.
Jack and Katherine stumble across a carousel where they bond even more as Katherine asks Jack why he’s playing Nerve. He tells her that he’s trying to help out his family that some things happened that he wishes didn’t. And Katherine tells Jack more about her friends after Rafe calls her to try and make up with her and she hangs up, not realizing that her phone was still filming her as well as the watchers around them.
Jack tells Katherine that she’s no one sidekick as Kath seems to believe and that she’s truly amazing in his eyes. And then he suggests they go to the party Rafe is at to show off Kath’s new tattoo.
After a bit of convincing, Katherine agrees.
At that party, Rafaela is finally given a new dare, telling her to walk from one window to the next across a ladder. She attempts, even though she’s magnificently terrified of heights and eventually bails after dropping her phone from ten stories up.
When Jack and Katherine arrive after making out in the elevator, Katherine finds David is there and tries to talk to him before Coffee Bean tells her about what happened to Rafe. Katherine finds Rafe making out with Hot Shot in the back room and gets irritated.
This leads to an even bigger fight between them that Jack has to record as it is revealed by David it was a dare on him to get Katherine to that party to fight with Rafaela.
Katherine gets angry and is dared to finish Rafe’s dare which she does immediately and after that she confronts Jack to find out if it was all true. Jack tries to explain to her that he doesn’t have a choice but she doesn’t want to hear it, instead stating she was going to the cops.
Jack panics, trying to talk her out of it but she won’t listen to him.
After finding a cop on the street, Jack runs and Katherine’s father calls, telling her that all of the money from their accounts have been drained. Katherine is cut off when Spot jumps in front of her and apologizes, telling her that he has to win before knocking her out.
She wakes up in a storage container with the words “snitches get stitches” all over the thing. The computer in front of her tells her that she is now a prisoner of Nerve and that they control her family and her life. The only way out is to win the game. So Katherine breaks out of the container only to be met with a frantic Jack, asking if she’s alright. She tries to run from him but he stops her and she finally listens to him.
Jack explains that there’s a third category of the game. Prisoner. And that he’s one too. He explains that he played in Santa Fe the year before and he and Spot have played together as they were best friends. He tells her about their other friend, Kenny, who played with them and died falling from a construction crane that the watchers dared him to hang on. Jack says he tried to grab him but he wasn’t fast enough.
He then goes on to say that the watchers basically own him and his family because he and Spot had tried to go to the cops after Kenny died. They drained all of his family's bank accounts, they messed with his mother’s job, they raped his brother and leaked photos of him on the internet. They stole their identities. It was the watchers way of showing Jack that he belonged to them now. They were mad at him and Spot for snitching.
He admits that the watchers moved his family out to New York because they wanted to make him do more dangerous stunts the next time he played.
Katherine is horrified by this but Jack says he got by, that he and Spot, while against each other, had promised each other that they’d look out for the others family once one of them won.
But now, Jack makes it his mission to get Katherine to win. She says she can't, but he insists that he’s gonna make his watchers give him a dare to knock Spot out of the finals so that it’ll be them and he’d let her win.
Jack takes Katherine to a parking garage where she’s able to call Davey and Rafaela who rush to get to her immediately, guilty about that fallout that had occurred before. As they’re driving in, they see Jack driving out on his bike. They know something’s up.
Katherine asks for their help. So Rafaela makes a call before David takes Rafe to the cloud to meet his sister.
The Hacker Queen.
Jack is dared to climb up to the top of a building and hang from a construction crane with one hand for five seconds. He manages to do it, thinking about how no one would be able to get Race and Medda out of the mess he’d gotten them in if he died. He pulls himself back up to safety (because the dude’s ripped, honestly) and then goes to the meeting place set out for him.
Davey and Sarah begin to hack into the servers of the game, trying to shut it down only to be interrupted by a panicked Joe who can’t find his daughter. David invites him to meet him at the cloud so he can explain and Joe agrees.
Katherine is told to get on a ferry where she is given a “ticket” into the finals box. It’s a gun.
She’s let into the box where Jack is waiting for her. He goes to rush to her but the watchers stop them both by giving them other directions instead, saying that the first to shoot the other wins.
Joe gets to the cloud just in time to watch and Sarah is losing control of the servers.
Jack tells Katherine to shoot him in the shoulder. That he’d be fine. Katherine tries to argue but time is running out. Jack tells her to just do it and she tries but stops herself at the last second, shooting the ground instead.
Jack tries to talk to her again but someone else starts shooting into the air.
It’s Spot.
He says that he’ll do it.
Jack rushes to protect Kath as Spot makes his way down to the middle of the box. The watchers are excited by this but Katherine screams at them telling them that they are responsible for what happens next and Spot just asks them if they want him to shoot her.
Pulitzer is horrified and Rafaela tries to calm him down as the votes come in.
The watchers vote yes.
Jack tries to jump in front of her but Katherine falls and he screams for her just as Joe does as well as all of her friends watching.
That’s when Sarah and David launch the program they set up, sending every watcher a massage that says “you are an accessory to murder” as their anonymous name turns into their real name.
People immediately start to shut down their accounts until Spot is the only one still recording.
When he steps closer to Katherine and Jack, who’s holding onto her for dear life, begging her to wake up, Jack grabs Katherine’s gun and goes to shoot but Katherine shoots up and stops him, telling him that she’s okay.
Joe let’s out a relieved scream as Jack starts crying.
Spot reveals that Rafe called him and Katherine made the whole plan up. He was shooting blanks and she had fake blood. He tells Jack that Kath’s a badass and he better keep her.
Jack takes Katherine back to the carousel to tell her more about himself, now that was free before taking her back to her father and friends. He tells her that his name is really Francis Sullivan and if one good thing came out of this it was his changed name. Then he proceeds to ask her out on a proper date.
He takes her back to her father and Joe thanks him for protecting her before threatening him like any good father would.
And then Jack goes home to Mama Medda and Race who immediately hug him and cry with him because they’re free again.
Katherine does go to college in California and Jack and her maintain a long distance relationship. Jack goes to see her anytime he can and she eventually meets his family who adores her immediately. Rafaela and her stay good friends and Jack eventually gets closer with Davey. Jack also reconnects with Spot and rekindles their friendship.
And they all live happily ever after.
I love this AU.
Thanks for asking! Let me know if you want to see more of this one!
And for more Mood Boards and AUs, click here!
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Your Love is Deadly, It’s Like Fire
Author: Lopithecus Pairing: Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai | Might Guy Rating: Teen+ Word Count: 8634 Alternate: AO3 Summary: Gai gets wounded badly when out on an important mission. Instead of continuing with the mission, Kakashi decides everyone needs to head back to Konoha to get Gai treated. Kakashi worries, Gai tries to lighten the mood, Tsunade just wishes people would listen to her. Warnings: 
Canon-Typical Violence
Getting Together
Protective Hatake Kakashi
Author's Note: I seriously needed more Gai whump in the KakaGai fandom. There isn’t nearly enough of it (though the ones I have read have been fantastic!) This is partly inspired by zuotian’s fic, Somewhere Between Retribution and Recovery. If you’ve read that, then you’ll know what part I’m talking about (hint: it's the tent scene.)
I will admit, I haven’t finished Naruto Shippuden and I haven’t seen a single episode of Boruto (except for some of the KakaGai moments during their honeymoon vacation.) I’ve just recently started a rewatch and I’m still on just Naruto. So I might get some info wrong but I’m just going to claim artistic liberty. ;)
I really wanted this to be in Gai’s pov but then, as I was daydreaming about it, I realized that it wouldn’t work in his pov. So, Kakashi’s it is. Also, Kakashi and Gai are not in a relationship at the beginning of this. Their getting together is more subtle. By that, I mean they never actually state that they are starting a romantic relationship. It’s never made into a big deal basically.
I’m sorry for any ooc-ness in advance. It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve written these two.
Please enjoy!
It’s not like Kakashi didn’t think it could happen. He is very much aware of his and his team’s mortality. He knows it will happen eventually. He just doesn’t want it to happen. The thought scares him. Not that he will ever admit that out loud, of course.
This was supposed to be an easy B-rank mission that very quickly and dramatically turned into an A-rank mission. It was him, Gai, Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru. A weird combination but they were all that were available. Sai is on a different mission and so is Choji and Ino. Gai tagged along because Kakashi requested him. It had sounded like from their briefing that they would need a taijutsu specialist. Now, Kakashi is regretting that decision.
“Damn it,” Kakashi rips off a bandage and presses into the wound at Gai’s side, watching as blood oozes out. Gai groans but he looks okay and coherent so far, despite all the blood loss. “I need to find Sakura. It won’t stop bleeding.”
Gai’s hands are shaking when he reaches for the already blood-soaked bandage. “I’ll hold it,” he breathes out.
Kakashi shakes his head, raindrops splashing into his eyes. “I can’t leave you alone. We’re still in enemy territory.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
“Tt.” Kakashi bites his bottom lip. He looks around, trying to find something to conceal Gai’s prone body but finds nothing. With an agitated sigh, he turns his attention back to Gai. “I’ll be right back.” He rushes off, not waiting for an answer.
This mission.
This mission was supposed to be easy.
Their mission was to find a low-rank rogue ninja who was proficient in taijutsu and apprehend him, bringing him back to Konoha. They didn’t know nor did they take into consideration that he would have formed his own small militia made up of various strong ninja, with one of them having a kekkei genkai, according to one of the other men.
Once they had reached their destination and had realized what was happening, Kakashi put out the orders, telling Gai to focus on the one they came for since he would be best matched with him. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was when their target split off from the rest, Gai in pursuit. He had then gotten severely injured when their target met up with another person, the one with the kekkei genkai it seemed, from the militia.
Gai had gotten stabbed.
He had gotten stabbed because Kakashi got careless and didn’t stop him from following. Kakashi should have known better than to let Gai follow, especially out of sight. He knew there were accomplices, so why… why did he let Gai go?
Because Gai is strong, that’s why. Because Gai can handle himself.  Because Gai wouldn’t let something like this happen to himself.
Not unless he had been taken by surprise.
Gai never really has been that good with sensing others around him.
Kakashi bites into his bottom lip harder, drawing blood. He shouldn’t have allowed this to happen but the self-blame will have to wait until after Sakura heals him. Right now, he needs to focus. Quickly, Kakashi extends his senses, looking for Sakura’s chakra. He finds her on the ground, healing a wound on Naruto’s ankle.
He drops down beside her. “Sakura.”
“Kakashi-Sensei!” She stands. Perfect timing.
“Follow me.”
She stops him. “Shikamaru needs us.”
“Don’t worry, Sakura-Chan.” Naruto places a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll go help him.”
Sakura nods. “Be careful.” She turns back to him. “Alright.”
Kakashi nods and then leads her back to where Gai is, hyper-aware of the fact that the rain is slowing their progress. The limbs on the trees are slippery and though it’s no problem for him who is a seasoned Jonin, for someone like Sakura it would be much more difficult for her to change her chakra accordingly to stick to the branches. She’s always been a fast learner, though, and soon they are making faster progress until Kakashi spots Gai lying on the ground.
There’s a pool of watery blood surrounding his body and Kakashi’s heart immediately jumps into his throat to make its new home there. He drops down hastily, mud and water splashing up onto his shins. “Gai!”
He approaches quickly, noticing how limp Gai’s hold is on the bandage. It’s weird to see how pale Gai’s tanned face is but there’s a grimace there so Kakashi knows he’s at least alive. He kneels down at Gai’s feet, watching as Sakura wastes no time in her healing.
She peels away Gai’s limp hand and the bandage to look at the wound. Her face draws taut in worry and Kakashi’s stomach clenches. As Sakura’s hands glow green over the wound, Kakashi watches Gai’s face. It looks pained, something Kakashi isn’t used to seeing on the man. It worries him.
It scares him.
“Kakashi-Sensei,” Sakura’s calm and controlled voice snaps him out of his thoughts. She’s not looking at him, all concentration on the wound. “Naruto and Shikamaru are going to need help. We’ve already got Gai-Sensei out of commission. We can’t have you out either.”
He looks at her. Stares really. Does she know he can’t just leave Gai that easily?
Kakashi’s hands are shaking.
He swallows.
He knows she’s right.
His hands won’t stop shaking.
He gives Gai a glance, feels the bile threaten to rise up, and then stands, balling his hands up into fists. He hopes she doesn’t notice their quivering.
“Right,” he says. “I’ll leave him to you.” And then he’s off.
He helps Naruto and Shikamaru take down the last two of the accomplices but they’ve lost the target and the one with the kekkei genkai. He doesn’t sense them anywhere either. He could call up his ninken to hopefully find a trace of their scent but Kakashi wants to regroup first. He tells the two boys to follow him and they meet back up with Sakura.
“Sensei,” Sakura says in greeting, her face grim.
“Gai?” he asks right away, peering around her body. He doesn’t look any better but at least the blood has stopped.
“I’ve healed the wound but…” She trails off, not meeting his eyes. “He lost a lot of blood and there’s something else. I think he might have been poisoned. I’m going to need to analyze his blood but I can’t do that here.” She shrugs. “I’ve given him an antidote just in case but I have a feeling this might be a poison we’ve never seen before.”
Kakashi’s eyebrows furrow. “The kekkei genkai.”
“What?” All three of them say at once.
“There was a rumor when Gai and I were teenagers that there was a ninja that could make special poison inside his body. All he had to do was scratch you and you would be infected.”
“Gai-Sensei wasn’t just scratched,” Sakura exhales loudly. “He was stabbed.”
“Yes, but if the user had coated his blade in his blood…” he trails off, letting the others fill in the blanks.
“What should we do, Kakashi-Sensei?” Naruto asks.
Shikamaru speaks before Kakashi can. “One of us can go back to Konoha with Gai-Sensei while the rest of us go after our target.”
He knows Shikamaru is right but… Kakashi watches Gai, shaking in pain. “How much longer do you think he has?”
Sakura’s lips draw into a straight line as she peers behind herself. “It’s hard to say. A couple days, maybe two… maybe three.”
It’s going to take them at least a day to get back to the village. He looks at Gai again, feeling his stomach churn with unease. Tsunade is going to be mad at him. “No. We all will go back now. Report to the Hokage and see what she wants us to do.”
“Sensei,” Sakura starts, looking back towards him. “He needs to rest a little. Get out of this rain.”
Kakashi nods in agreement. “Let’s move away from here, set up camp and rest for a few hours. Then we’ll move out.”
They do as instructed, Naruto helping Kakashi carry Gai, one arm slung over their shoulders on each side. They move away from that spot and travel several meters before landing. They set Gai down by a tree, propping him up. His shaking has stopped and his skin color is turning back to normal which makes Kakashi’s nerves ease a little.
Kakashi helps Shikamaru set up the two tents. They’re lucky they even have them. Shikamaru had said that it might rain during their mission and so had packed them with his stuff. It’s not very often they carry them, even if it is going to rain, opting to instead take cover in a cave or alcove. Shikamaru’s excuse was that it’s too troublesome to find a place like that. When Kakashi asked him if it wasn’t “troublesome” to put up tents, Shikamaru just sighed and mumbled to himself tiredly. Now, he puts them up without complaint.
Sakura volunteers to bring Gai into one of the tents. He’s awake now, barely, and is able to lean on Sakura as she guides him into the structure. She claims she wants to check him over again. Kakashi’s nerves spike once more but relax when she steps out of it, not looking too concerned.
She goes up to him. “I’ve told him to sleep. He’s going to need as much energy and strength he can gather for the journey home.” There’s a crease where her eyebrows knit together. “He lost a lot of blood and is in definite pain even though he’s pretending not to be. I tried to get him to take a blood replenishing pill and something for the pain but he refused.”
Kakashi glances towards the tent. Of course, Gai refused. “Give them to me. I’ll get him to take them.”
Sakura scowls. “I’m technically not supposed to force these things onto anyone.”
“Then it’s a good thing you wouldn’t be.” Kakashi holds out his hand and with a reluctant sigh, Sakura drops the pills in it. “Get some rest, Sakura. Have Naruto take the first watch. We’ll leave in a few hours” She nods and walks away, peering back at Kakashi and the tent before reaching Naruto and Shikamaru to tell them the plan.
Taking a deep breath, Kakashi enters the tent. He finds Gai lying on the ground, covered in a blanket. Despite poison pumping through his veins, he looks considerably okay. He’s no longer pale and his shaking has stopped. Kakashi wonders how much pain he’s actually in. Gai has always been fantastic at hiding that sort of thing.
Gai is staring at him as Kakashi crawls over. “I hear you’re being stubborn.”
“You know I don’t rely on that stuff,” Gai says, sounding tired. That’s the first giveaway that something is wrong, Kakashi assumes.
“Well,” Kakashi drawls. “I can either add these to your food unknowingly and you will have to be suspicious of which one it’s in for the rest of the night or,” he smirks under his mask, “you can just take them.”
Gai stares at him, probably trying to figure out just how serious Kakashi is, and then finally sighs, sitting up some and holding a hand out. “Fine,” he mumbles.
Kakashi smiles in triumph and hands the pills over. “They’re just to replenish your blood loss and help with pain anyway. It’s not a big deal.”
“Kakashi,” Gai says in warning but it doesn’t carry any weight to it.
Kakashi ignores him. “What happened?”
Gai finishes chewing the pills and lies back down on his back with a hard thump. “I was following the target when another shinobi came out of hiding. She took me by surprise. It was weird, Kakashi. I couldn’t sense her at all.”
“Well, it’s never been your strongest suit.”
“No,” Gai says seriously. “This was different. I should have been able to dodge her but…” Gai’s face scrunches contemplatively. “Did you get them?”
Kakashi shakes his head, shifting to get more comfortable. “No. We’re going back to the village to find out what the Hokage wants us to do.”
“That’s not like you.”
“You’ve been poisoned, Gai, Sakura needs-”
“No, Sakura can bring me back herself.” He tries to sit up and it worries Kakashi with how much effort it looks like it takes. “Then you, Naruto, and Shikamaru can get the target.”
Kakashi shakes his head again. “I’m not abandoning you.”
“You’re not, you’re-”
“Gai, we’re all going back. I’m the leader, remember?” This shuts Gai up who stares at him again. “You need to sleep,” Kakashi finally says after a long pause of silence. “We’ll be leaving again in a few hours.”
Gai lies back down, pulling the blanket up to his chin. They stare at each other until Kakashi is sighing and shucking off his flak jacket. It’s soaked and heavy anyway, and he rolls his shoulders once it’s on the ground. Next, he takes off his Hitai-ate, throwing it beside his flak jacket. Gai is still staring at him and Kakashi can feel his whole body heating up.
He stands up as best he can inside the tent, pokes his head out to where Naruto is sitting, keeping watch. “Naruto.” He waits until he’s got Naruto’s attention. “I’m going to keep watch over Gai. He needs to sleep. No one is allowed in here for the time being.”
“Got it, Kakashi-Sensei!” Naruto solutes him and then turns back around to continue his vigil.
Kakashi slips back into the tent and zips the entrance up. He goes and sits back down next to Gai who is still watching him. Hesitating, Kakashi slips his mask off, ringing it out from the water and then setting it beside his flak jacket as well to dry. He can still hear the rain pouring outside when he lies down on his side, facing Gai.
“Stop staring and go to sleep,” he tells Gai.
A smile breaks out on Gai’s face before he, too, salutes him and closes his eyes. Kakashi shakes his head at his friend and watches him. He doesn’t know how much time passes, but at some point he falls asleep, despite wanting to keep an eye on Gai to make sure he was going to be okay. Apparently he had been more tired than he had thought. 
Kakashi startles awake by the sound of chirping birds. When he opens his eyes, the first thing he sees is Gai staring at him. He yawns and stretches. It doesn’t sound like it’s raining anymore. “How long have you been awake?”
There’s a faint sheen of sweat coating Gai’s skin. The second clue that something isn’t right. “Not long.” A small smile appears on Gai’s face, warm and soft. “Kakashi?”
“Thank you.”
Kakashi looks at him, confused. “For what?”
“For trusting me.” Gai reaches over and traces a finger down Kakashi’s cheek.
Kakashi looks away, his whole face heating up. “It’s not the first time, Gai.”
“Not like this,” Gai says. “This is different.” Kakashi meets Gai’s eyes, swallowing thickly. “You’re beautiful, Kakashi.”
Kakashi sits up, batting Gai’s hand away gently. “Haven’t I told you not to say that to me?”
“But it’s true.”
“This really isn’t the time.” Kakashi reaches over and pulls his mask back on. It’s still damp but nothing Kakashi can’t deal with. Next comes his Hitai-ate and then his flak jacket. “I’m going to go see if the others are ready.”
Kakashi can feel Gai’s wide smile as he leaves the tent. He shouldn’t allow Gai’s teasing to get to him so much but even so, his cheeks feel hot as he exits. He’s greeted by the sight of Shikamaru’s back when he finally gets back outside. The sun is bright and there’s a slight breeze. Should make the travel back home easier, even with an injured Gai. Kakashi walks up to Shikamaru, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Get Naruto and Sakura. We’re heading out now.” Shikamaru nods at him and heads towards the other tent while Kakashi goes back to the one with Gai. He kneels down beside Gai, hooking one of Gai’s arms around his shoulders. “You ready?”
“Hmm,” Gai hums and Kakashi heaves him up. They stumble a little awkwardly out of the tent but Gai can move mostly on his own for now, at least.
They have to wait for the others to pack up the tent but it doesn’t take them long. Soon, they are making their way down the main path back to Konoha. Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru walk ahead of Gai and Kakashi but the pace is still slow going. Gai leans heavily onto Kakashi and Kakashi supports him with an arm around his waist, gripping his hip tightly in order to keep Gai’s balance. It’s worrisome to see Gai in such a state.
Just a few hours into their journey and Gai is panting heavily, shaking with every step, and sweating profusely. He’s got a hand on his left side where he had gotten stabbed. Their pace has slowed significantly.
“Gai,” Kakashi starts, worried. He can feel his own heart beating in his chest rapidly with no sign of slowing down. “How much are you hurting right now?”
“I’m fine, Kakashi,” he answers stubbornly, gritting his teeth.
“Don’t lie to me, Gai,” Kakashi reprimands, tightening his grip. “How much?”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
Kakashi stops walking, shifting so he can look at Gai but still keep him balanced. “Let me see.” Gai tsks but lifts the hem of his jumpsuit anyway. His entire side is black and blue, no doubt from the poison. Kakashi’s eye widens, heart now jumping into his throat to pound incessantly there instead. “Sakura!”
The group ahead of them stop and turn around to face them. Sakura is by their side in an instant, looking at Gai. Her lips are pursed and she touches the area lightly. Gai just barely hides a flinch. “How much does this hurt, Gai-Sensei?” She gives him a pointed look. “And I need the truth for an accurate reading.”
Gai rolls his eyes. “It’s really not that bad.”
“You have too much of a high pain tolerance,” Kakashi mumbles.
“Can you keep going?” Sakura asks, ignoring Kakashi’s comment and Gai nods, giving her a wide smile and thumbs up with the hand that isn’t wrapped around Kakashi’s shoulders.
“Of course I can!” he announces.
It irritates Kakashi when Gai pushes himself so much like this but when Sakura gives him a questioning look, all he can do is nod his head in defeat. Sakura straightens from where she was leaning over to look at Gai’s side, allowing Gai to lower his shirt. “Okay, but if you need to stop, tell us.”
“Nonsense,” Gai says, forcing a smile.
They continue on their way, Gai continuing to pant heavily. By their next hour, they’re practically going at a snail’s pace. Gai’s head hangs low, almost his entire body weight leaning on Kakashi. Kakashi adjusts his hold and Gai stiffens with a pain filled groan, causing Kakashi to stop his movements. Gai sways in his arms.
“Kakashi…” Gai says quietly, suddenly leaning his forehead onto Kakashi’s shoulder. He can feel the heat radiating off of Gai and the sweat through his jumpsuit. No doubt he has formed a fever.
“It’s alright, Gai, I’ve got you.” Once more he calls to the others. “Let’s take a break,” he says when they come back over to him. They all nod in agreement and Kakashi leads Gai over to a tree to lean against, with Sakura following. They’ll be out of the sun this way as well. “Here.” He helps Gai sit down on the ground and then sits beside him. Gai immediately leans into him, head flopping back onto his shoulder.
Sakura takes off one of her gloves and holds it up against Gai’s forehead. “He’s burning up,” she says to Kakashi, tone low.
“I thought as much.”
She digs around in her pouch, procuring a small pill. She hands it to Kakashi. “This will help with the fever… hopefully. Since it’s from the poison…” She doesn’t finish her sentence and Kakashi doesn’t need her too. “We at least need to try and get it down. Fevers can be dangerous.”
Kakashi nods, looking at Gai. “I’ll take care of him,” he says and means it. He won’t let anything happen to Gai. Not on his watch. Sakura watches him carefully and must find what she is looking for because she smiles at him and then gets up to join the others.
Kakashi nudges Gai. “Gai, I need you to take this.”
Gai lifts his head, peering at the pill with unfocussed eyes. “What is it?”
“You have a fever. This will help.” He places it in Gai’s weak, unsteady hand. He hates seeing how it shakes. “Don’t try arguing with me.”
“Wasn’t,” Gai mumbles and pops the pill in his mouth, chewing slowly. He then rests his head back on Kakashi’s shoulder. They’re silent for a few seconds before Gai starts talking quietly. “Hey, Kakashi?”
“You should try and get some sleep. We can’t stay here long.”
“Do you remember when I told you I could open all eight gates?” Gai continues, ignoring Kakashi’s suggestion.
Kakashi sighs heavily. Gai always ignored his suggestions. “Of course, I do.”
“You were really mad at me,” Gai complains. “Do you remember that?”
Kakashi nods. “Yeah. I didn’t want you to use them.”
“Because you thought I would use all eight and die,” Gai points out the obvious, not that Kakashi will admit to it. Gai chuckles. “You’re not as hard to read as you like to believe you are, my friend.”
“Maybe to you.” He sighs, shifting to get more comfortable. Gai is looking more and more tired. “We’ve known each other for a long time.”
“Hmm,” Gai hums in agreement, closing his eyes. “You’re not going to lose me, Rival.”
“Don’t say things you can’t promise,” Kakashi says, frowning.
“You won’t,” Gai says again, conviction lacing his tone.
Kakashi shakes his head in disbelief. “How can you say that?”
Gai takes a deep, shuddering breath, glancing up at Kakashi. “Our rivalry is eternal.”
“It is,” Gai says pointedly. “It’s eternal so you’ll never lose me and I’ll never lose you. Because I said it, it’s true.”
Kakashi peeks down at him, amused by Gai’s reasoning. “I hate you.”
Gai’s mouth pulls into a large grin, all teeth and sparkle despite the sickly look to him. It makes Kakashi want to kiss him. Instead, he leans his head down and touches his forehead to Gai’s, closing his eyes against the sting in his eye. He just hopes Gai is right. That they will never lose each other.
Kakashi pulls away. “Get some sleep, Gai.”
“Right,” Gai sighs out, closing his eyes again. It doesn’t take long for the man to fall asleep.
Kakashi watches him. He seems peaceful in sleep, which Kakashi is thankful for. He reaches up, cards his fingers once, twice in Gai’s hair. It’s soft. He doesn’t know what he would do if he lost him. If Gai, the one who has always been there for him, by his side, died. The thought instantly makes Kakashi feel sick.
Gai is his everything.
They rest there for about two hours, Kakashi never leaving Gai’s side and Sakura coming to check on Gai’s temperature every half hour. The pill hasn’t lowered it at all but, according to Sakura, it hasn’t risen either. Kakashi is glad but he knows now that Gai has a fever, the trek home is going to be even more difficult.
Kakashi is just starting to doze off himself when Sakura comes back over. She places her hand on Gai’s forehead, who hasn’t woken since he fell asleep. “Still no change but we should probably start thinking about moving again. The sooner we get back to the village, the better.”
Kakashi nods in agreement and waits for Sakura to walk away before he attempts to wake Gai up. “Gai.” He shakes Gai’s shoulder a little. Gai groans, face scrunching in pain. “Gai, it’s time to move.”
“Okay,” Gai sighs, sounding even more tired despite his rest. They stand, with Kakashi mostly having to actually pick Gai up to get him off the ground. He’s still sweating badly and he’s out of breath along with being unsteady on his feet. Gai takes a deep breath, lifts his head, and smiles. “Ready.”
Kakashi briefly thumps his forehead against Gai’s temple before starting to walk, going even slower than they were going before. It doesn’t seem to strain Gai all that much, at least not at first, but Kakashi knows him. He knows how much effort Gai is putting in to make it seem like he is okay, that he can do this. With every exhale, Gai’s whole body shakes. Kakashi pulls him closer to him.
Gai watches Sakura, Naruto, and Shikamaru who are ahead of them.
Kakashi watches Gai.
“Kakashi,” Gai pants.
“I’m sorry.”
Kakashi’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “For what?”
“I should be able to go faster,” Gai says, his own eyebrows furrowing in frustration.
Kakashi peers in front of them at the backs of the rest of the group. “You don’t need to apologize for that, Gai.”
“I can do better,” Gai complains. “I should be able to do better.”
“Your worth isn’t based on what you can and can’t do, Gai.”
“Isn’t it?” Gai looks at him, blinks slowly. “Wasn’t it?”
“When we were kids?” Kakashi asks, clarifying. Gai opens his mouth to answer but trips over his own feet before he can. Kakashi reaches out with the hand that isn’t already wrapped around Gai to catch him. “Careful.” Kakashi looks at him. “If you’re that desperate to go faster, I could always carry you.”
Gai laughs. “I wouldn’t let you embarrass yourself in front of your students like that.”
“You did when you carried me back from Suna,” Kakashi points out, continuing to walk. They’ve fallen farther behind now but he doesn’t mind. It just means the kids won’t be able to hear them talking.
“That was me embarrassing myself,” Gai comments. “I embrace it.”
Kakashi studies him, watching Gai’s expression as it turns sad. It’s not a look he often sees on Gai’s face and when he does, he knows it’s bad. “You’re not an embarrassment to me, Gai.”
Gai huffs. “Don’t lie.”
“You’re not.” Kakashi smiles at him, making sure Gai sees it. “I love you.”
Gai stares at him, not surprised but not knowingly either. He turns away, face turning red though Kakashi isn’t sure if it’s from being flustered or if it’s from the fever. “You’re an idiot.”
“Isn’t that my line?” Kakashi asks playfully.
Gai sighs again. “You and I, Kakashi, we had to prove ourselves when we were kids. In different ways but it was still always there. Trying to gain people’s approval. You were the genius who had to live up to the name. I was the loser who had to show I wasn’t.” Gai looks at him once more. “Our worth is based on what we can do.”
“You’re wrong,” Kakashi says plainly. “Everyone is worth something. Everyone means something, no matter what they can do.” He smiles at Gai again. “You taught me that.”
Gai watches him and Kakashi keeps smiling until Gai smiles back. “Thank you, Kakashi.”
“I told you, I’ve got you.” Kakashi lets his eye turn soft in order to convey the feelings towards Gai that he is feeling. “I always will.” Kakashi stops and helps maneuver Gai to behind him. “Now, let me carry you.”
Gai wraps his arms around Kakashi’s neck and Kakashi hoists him up onto his back, holding Gai under his thighs. “I’m not as light as I used to be.”
Kakashi adjusts his hold until it feels alright. “This is fine.” Gai presses his forehead into the back of Kakashi’s neck before shifting and letting his chin rest on Kakashi’s shoulder. Kakashi continues to follow the others once they are situated. “The last time I carried you like this, was when you opened the seventh gate for the first time.”
“You were really mad at me then, too.”
“Because you could have died.”
Gai laughs. “I knew it.”
Kakashi shakes his head. “Gai.” Gai hums to let Kakashi know he’s listening. “You’ve always been there for me. You’ve always been by my side and had my back. So, no matter your skill level or what you can and cannot do, I don’t care. You mean a lot to me, Gai.”
Gai is quiet for a long time, which is unusual and Kakashi almost wonders if he had fallen asleep, but then Gai finally says, “You mean a lot to me too, Kakashi.” He buries his face into the crook of Kakashi’s neck. Kakashi swears he feels a kiss being pressed there. “More than anything.”
A ghost of a smile threatens to appear on Kakashi’s face but he resists the urge, instead opting to say, “Get some sleep, Gai. I’ll carry you the rest of the way home.”
“Just like before,” Gai says softly, nodding off.
Kakashi’s face grows soft. “Just like before.”
It’s not hard to carry Gai back and their pace improves with doing so. They stop only a couple of times to allow Sakura to check his temperature which hasn’t changed and by the time they get back to Konoha, it’s already night. Kakashi brings Gai straight to the hospital, Sakura with them, and she gets right to work on finding out what type of poison was used and making an antidote. As much as Kakashi doesn’t want to leave Gai’s side, he knows he has no choice. He leaves Sakura to it, heading for the Hokage office where Naruto and Shikamaru should be waiting.
The two shinobi are already in Tsunade’s office when he arrives. She lets him enter, telling him that they were waiting for him. He apologizes but stands his ground firmly. The Hokage doesn’t look happy with him, as Kakashi had expected to happen.
“What happened?” Tsunade asks, looking to all three of them but giving Kakashi a pointed look. She wants him to explain and him alone.
He does as he’s told, not giving any hint to regretting his decision for all of them to come back to Konoha. Tsunade still doesn’t look happy and she asks him why he thought it would be a good idea to just let the enemy escape. When he opens his mouth to defend himself, Shikamaru beats him to it, obviously having been thinking of this for a while.
“The consensus is that  the kekkei genkai user can produce poison inside his body. If more of us got infected, then it would stem bad for the mission either way,” Shikamaru explains, looking bored. “All of us coming back means we can go after the target again once an antidote is made. That way, if one of us gets infected with the poison, then we can just take the antidote right there and then.” He shrugs. “It’s less troublesome.”
Tsunade is biting her bottom lip, looking at Shikamaru contemplatively. Finally, she tsks, sits back, and crosses her arms. “Very well. We’ll wait for an antidote to be made by Sakura.” She pauses, looking the team over. “I’m going to send different shinobi. You three, get some rest.”
“Eh!” Naruto immediately complains. “But baachan, we should be the ones to go back!”
Tsunade scowls and Shikamaru sighs. “Naruto, I’m not in the mood to have this argument with you. It’s better if you stay here and rest. It won’t do if I send you out there with only half your energy.”
“But I’m already rested!” Naruto yells, holding a fist up in a way to show he’s ready and pumped to keep going. “I have a lot of energy left!”
“Then go take it out on some training!” Tsunade yells back, standing up and placing her hands down firmly on her desk. “Now get out of my office.”
Naruto, shoving his hands into his pockets, turns and leaves as he grumbles under his breath. Shikamaru follows with a tired sigh, muttering, “How troublesome.”
Kakashi stays put and waits for the office door to be shut behind the two. He hears Tsunade sit back down. “What is it Kakashi?”
Kakashi turns back to the Hokage. “In the event of possibly angering you again, I have a request.” Tsunade’s eyebrow lifts in question. “I would like to be part of the team that goes after the kekkei genkai user.”
It’s Tsunade’s turn to sigh heavily, leaning forward to place her elbow on her desk and rest her chin in the palm of her hand. “You too, huh?” She tsks. “This is about Gai?” Kakashi stays quiet. If he admits to such a thing, she won’t let him. “Kakashi, you of all people should know that revenge isn’t the answer.”
“It’s not about revenge,” he says, partially true. “This was my mission that I failed.”
“So you want to make up for it,” Tsunade states. “And it absolutely has nothing to do with Gai.”
“Right,” he says and they both know it’s a lie but Tsunade just sighs once more, looking at him with piercing eyes.
“Fine.” She sits up. “Once Sakura has an antidote made and we find the location of the two targets, I’ll gather up a team with you as the leader. For now, go get some rest.”
“Thank you, Hokage-sama.” Kakashi bows and then turns to leave.
“I mean it, Kakashi,” Tsunade says, stopping him. He glances over his shoulder at her. “Rest. I need you at top form for this mission. Don’t go to the hospital and work yourself up waiting for results on Gai.”
She knows him too well and not well enough. He waves goodbye to her with a smile and leaves, heading straight to the hospital despite Tsunade’s warning. He asks the nurse at the desk if he can see Gai and she tells him he’s not allowed any visitors at the moment. So, he goes and sits down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. He sits there for hours as he waits for any news about his best friend. He’s so nervous and worried about the results that he can’t even focus on the Icha Icha book that he is carrying in his pouch.
He doesn’t know how many hours have passed but eventually Sakura appears in front of him with her hands on her hips. “I have a message from Hokage-sama.”
Kakashi guesses Tsunade knows him better than he had initially thought. “Oh?”
“She told you to go rest.”
“I am resting.”
“Not here.”
Kakashi shrugs, standing up and stretching his arms over his head. “How’s Gai?”
“I’ve come up with an antidote that will hopefully work.” She looks tired. “Only time will tell but I’m pretty confident in it. Anyway, Tsunade-sama wants you in her office. Apparently they’ve found the two men that got away on our mission.”
Kakashi nods. “So no time to see Gai, then, eh?”
Sakura shakes her head, face scrunching in disapproval. She gets more and more like Tsunade every day. “Even if there was, I wouldn’t let you. He needs to rest, Kakashi-sensei,” she reprimands. “Let the antidote do its work. Stop worrying.”
“I guess that’s it then.” He salutes her, feigning disinterest even though he knows Sakura sees right through it. “Bye bye.” He leaves in a puff of smoke, Sakura’s huff not going unheard.
When he enters the Hokage’s office for the second time, Tsunade glares at him. “I told you to rest.”
“I did.”
She tsks, knowing full well that he isn’t telling the truth but ignores it anyway. She turns her attention to the rest of the people in the room as Kakashi takes his place next to them. Neji, Ino, and Shino stand there, waiting for instructions. “This the team?” Kakashi asks.
Tsunade nods. “Ino is going with you for her medical ninjutsu. Since you said Gai couldn’t sense the kekkei genkai user, I thought Neji’s Byakugan would come in handy plus he is another jonin. Shino is going in case you need him to drain any chakras from either of the two.” Kakashi nods in approval. It is a good selection. “Here,” Tsunade places a small needle on her desk. “This is the antidote to the poison that the kekkei genkai user creates. Sakura unfortunately only had enough time to make two, one for Gai and one for this mission.” Kakashi picks up the needle and places it in his pouch. “We don’t have much time so you need to move out right away.”
Tsunade gives them the location of their targets. “We’ll get them this time, Hokage-sama,” Kakashi promises.
Tsunade’s mouth purses. “Don’t be reckless, Kakashi.”
Kakashi smiles at her. “I never am.” He then leaves with the rest of the group.
It would seem the enemy is headed towards the village, possibly to get revenge or wage a war on them for what Kakashi’s group had done to them earlier. Due to this, it doesn’t take them long to find the enemy, especially when using Neji’s Byakugan. They land out of sight and view the area that the two are resting at currently.
“Shino, Ino, you go for the original target. Neji, I want you to back me up with the kekkei genkai user,” Kakashi orders.
“Which is that?” Ino asks.
Kakashi gestures with his chin. “The man is your target.”
“Got it,” she says.
“So then that leaves-” Neji starts but Kakashi doesn’t wait for him to finish.
“Let’s go!”
They jump out of their hiding place, attacking immediately so not to give the enemy time to prepare. Despite this, the kekkei genkai user jumps up and produces a kunai to block Kakashi’s. They grapple with the kunai for a few seconds before jumping apart, the clang of the two knives loud.
Kakashi glances over to Ino and Shino who are in the midst of their own fight. When he confidently sees the two are holding their own, Kakashi turns back to his target, revealing his Sharingan. The woman in front of him laughs.
“Oh? Pitting me up against two eye users?” She crosses her arms. “How unfair.” She glances over to her companion. “Are you sure those two will be okay on their own? Kenji-san is pretty powerful.” As if to punctuate her point, Ino screams and is flung back quite a ways.
Kakashi doesn’t even flinch. “They’ll be fine,” he says, hoping he’s right.
The woman smiles at him. “If you’re sure.” She then does a couple hand signs and disappears.
Kakashi tries to find where she is using the Sharingan but can’t sense her anywhere. This must be what Gai was talking about. “Neji.”
“Byakugan!” Neji is quiet for a few seconds, the only sound being heard is the fight that is happening between Ino, Shino, and Kenji. Finally, he announces, “She’s over there!” He points into the woods. Kakashi still doesn’t see her but trusts Neji’s eyes.
He’s about to follow when he hears Shino grunt in pain and Ino screams again. He stops and looks over at them. They are both on the ground, wounded but nothing life threatening. Still, they look like they may need some help after all. “Neji, you stay here and assist them.”
Neji seems alarmed by this. “But-”
“I’ll be fine. Help them.” And then he’s off in the direction Neji had pointed in. It doesn’t take him long to get to a small clearing. He’s not sure why this woman wanted to be separated from her companion unless she didn’t want to risk having to fight all of them at once.
He looks around the clearing, suspicious as to why she hasn’t attacked him yet. He can’t sense her at all and-
Kakashi grunts as he just barely dodges an attack from the ground, a kunai slicing through his side. If he hadn't moved in time, he’d have been in the same predicament that Gai had found himself. He backflips out of the way, holding a hand to his side once he’s on the ground.
The woman laughs in front of him. “I can conceal myself perfectly. For you to dodge that attack… you’re good. A lot better than that loser in the green.”
Kakashi grits his teeth, resisting the urge to say anything back to her in irritation. He eyes the kunai. There’s blood that is dripping from her wrist down onto the kunai, covering it. The color of her blood is off, darker and more purple. So, that’s how she gets the poison onto the knife, as Kakashi had suspected. Which means, he’s already been poisoned himself.
She’s laughing again. “Do you know who I am?”
Kakashi meets her eyes. “I don’t really care.”
“Well, aren’t you rude.” She scowls. “I am Tadame and I possess the kekkei genkai that allows me to change my blood into poison.”
Kakashi sighs, feigning boredom. “Why do you people always feel the need to explain yourselves?”
Tadame huffs, annoyed. “Fine, let’s get this over with then. Shall we?” She disappears once more, the only sound around Kakashi being the wind.
He lifts his hand from his wound. It’s bleeding profusely with no sign of it clotting anytime soon. Kakashi thinks back to how much blood Gai had lost. The poison must prevent the blood from clotting, keeping it thinned out to speed up the process of the person bleeding out and for the poison to travel through the body easier. It’s an interesting way of doing things, considering bloodletting is a common practice of extracting poison from the body. Either way, Kakashi doesn’t have time to dwell on it. By the way Gai, someone who has a high tolerance for many things, reacted to the poison, Kakashi’s only got a few minutes before the poison starts to take effect. He doesn’t want to use the antidote quite yet, just in case he gets cut again.
“You know,” Tadame’s voice carries to him in the wind. “It’s not just my blood that will poison you. I can just scratch you and get the job done. Though less effective, I must confess.”
She appears in front of him suddenly, swiping her kunai down to cut Kakashi in the face. He brings his own kunai up just in time, blocking her blow. He understands now why Gai couldn’t dodge her. He can barely keep up while using the Sharingan. Without that, he’d be hopeless. She goes to swipe him in the face once again, but this time with her long nails. He jumps back before she can, his back hitting a tree. At the same time, he throws three kunai, each with an explosive tag on them.
They blow up on impact and Kakashi waits for the smoke and dirt to dissipate in order to see if he got her. He has a feeling it won’t be so easy. His side is on fire and he’s now panting, starting to feel the effects of the poison and blood loss. There is no body when everything settles.
Tadame giggles and Kakashi searches for her. “You really are hopeless. I’ve heard good things about the Copy Ninja. Is this all you can do?” She strikes at him from behind, causing him to duck. The blood soaked kunai cuts some strands of his hair. Gai isn’t going to like that. “I’m disappointed!”
She keeps striking at him, causing Kakashi to continuously dodge. His vision goes blurry for a second, making Kakashi stagger and Tadame gets a hit on him, slicing through his arm. Kakashi groans in pain, reaching up to the wound. His blood immediately covers his hand. He needs to find a way to end this quickly or else he’s not going to last.
Tadame laughs, twirling the kunai. “Pathetic.” She charges and Kakashi jumps away, throwing more kunai with explosive tags. As they fly through the air towards her, he does the signs for his Chidori. He staggers as he lands on his feet but keeps his footing, immediately going into a charge of his own as the tags explode around them.
“Chidori!” he yells as he approaches. Tadame is already in the process of escaping the explosion and, Kakashi having anticipated that, lunges at her, catching her off guard. His chidori clips her in the right shoulder as she tries to dodge, splattering her blood over Kakashi’s arm and rendering her arm useless. Doing so, however, gets Kakashi close enough for her to grab a hold of his arm with her good hand and dig her fingernails into him, holding him in place.
“You bastard!” she screams, leaning in to bite him. Kakashi kicks at her stomach, making her go flying and dragging her fingernails across his arm as he is ripped free of her grasp.
Tadame staggers to her feet, blood pouring out of her shoulder. Kakashi pants where he stands, stomach lurching with nausea and eyesight going blurry again. He was close. If he can just get close to her again then maybe…
“I’m going to kill you!” she howls menacingly and charges.
Kakashi leaps into the air, feels the world spin around him, and reaches into his pouch. He doesn’t have much time left. At this rate he’ll… he digs out the antidote just as Tadame changes course and jumps after him, an angry scream leaving her mouth as she aims her kunai. He doesn’t have the strength or the reaction time to dodge her attack this time. He has to rely on this.
He plunges the needle into his thigh just as her kunai stabs into him. She grins as they fall to the ground but Kakashi wraps an arm around her and pulls her closer to him. It digs the kunai into him more, causing him to flinch, but he needs to keep her still long enough to do his last move. They land and she tries to pull away but Kakashi can already feel the antidote working, restoring some of his strength. He holds her there, refusing to let go.
“What?” she asks in surprise, still struggling to pull away. “How are you-”
Kakashi’s eyebrows furrow in anger, his nose scrunching, and mouth turning into a scowl under his mask. “You hurt the one person I am the closest to.” Kakashi lifts up the hand that isn’t holding her in place, lightning crackling all around his palm. “The person I care about more than anything else.”
“What?” Tadame’s eyes widen, realizing what is about to happen.
“And you’re going to die for that.” He drives his hand forward.
“No!” Tadame screams, eyes staring at him in pure fury.
Kakashi ignores her and thrusts his hand through her chest. Her blood splashes up onto his face but he pays it no mind as he watches her take her last breath and the light goes out in her eyes. When he knows for certain she is dead, he drops her body and pulls out the kunai from his side, groaning in pain. He looks down at his wounds. The antidote must be doing its job. His cuts and scratches are starting to clot now.
Pressing a hand to his side, over the stab wound, he sits down and waits for Neji, Ino, and Shino to join him, hoping that they won’t need his assistance. He wouldn’t be any good to them in this state. He looks up at the sky. The sun is starting to set.
He wants to go see Gai.
The sound of rustling in the bushes catches his attention and he’s on high alert again until Ino comes rushing out and to his side. “Kakashi-sensei!” She kneels down beside him and starts to heal his stab wound.
Shino and Neji look around the small clearing. “It’s done then?” Neji asks.
Kakashi nods. “Kenji?”
“Dead,” Shino answers and holds up a bag that Kakashi presumes has his head in it.
Kakashi looks towards Tadame’s body. “Let’s take her too. We’ll want to study her body.”
Neji and Shino nod in understanding. It takes a few more minutes before Ino stands, having finished healing his wounds. “Are you alright, Kakashi-sensei?”
“Hmm,” he hums, standing up. He stumbles a little, getting a bit dizzy, but Ino steadies him with a hand on his arm. “I took the antidote. I’ll be perfectly fine soon.” He looks back to the sky. It’s almost dark. “Let’s get home.”
Kakashi wraps Tadame up and then lifts her body onto his back. They walk home, all four of them feeling exhausted. When they do get back, they head straight to the Hokage’s office, Kakashi dropping Tadame’s body on the floor next to her desk and Neji dropping Kenji’s head onto her desk.
She scowls at Kakashi’s appearance. “You’re getting blood on my floor.”
Kakashi shrugs nonchalantly. “Eh, it was a bit tougher than expected.” He turns more serious. “Some of this is Tadame’s, the kekkei genkai user, blood. I thought some could be collected and analyzed. I’m not sure if the blood in her body turns to normal after she dies.”
Tsunade stands and approaches Kakashi, looking contemplative. “So the kekkei genkai user was a female?” Kakashi nods in confirmation.
“Only Gai saw her so it makes sense only he knew,” Kakashi comments.
Tsunade hums, staring at the purple blood on Kakashi’s mask. She waves her hand and an ANBU member appears. “Take a sample of this blood and send it to a lab to be tested and analyzed. Take the body and Kenji’s head with you.”
“Understood!” The ANBU member does as told, disappearing shortly after with Tadame’s body and Kenji’s head.
The four of them then go into a debriefing, Tsunade looking displeased at learning that Kakashi fought the kekkei genkai user by himself, but pleased with the results nonetheless. She sighs when they are done. “Alright, the four of you get some rest. You’ll have a couple days off.” Ino, Shino, and Neji all nod and turn to leave the room. Kakashi turns to follow but is called back by Tsunade. “Kakashi.”
“Before you go to the hospital, go home and at least clean yourself up.” Her eyes soften and she leans her chin in her palm, not unlike earlier in the day. “I’m sure Gai would appreciate you not having blood all over you when you see him.”
Kakashi’s heart starts beating fast in his chest and he can feel his ears heating up. He supposes he underestimated Tsunade if he thought he could hide his feelings from her. “Understood.” He leaves the office then, heading back to his apartment to take a quick shower.
Once done, he heads straight to the hospital. Visiting hours are over already but it’s not too hard to figure out what room Gai is in. He jumps up to the window and opens it silently, slipping into the room.
Gai is asleep, resting on his back with his limbs flared out. Kakashi smiles warmly down at him, reaching out to brush some hair out of Gai’s face. It causes Gai to stir, his breath hitching and he slowly opens his eyes. “K… Kakashi?”
Kakashi sits down on the edge of the bed, pressing into Gai’s side. “Hey, Gai.”
Gai smiles up at him. “I didn’t die.”
Kakashi runs a hand through Gai’s hair and down the side of his face. “No, you didn’t.”
Gai’s grin is growing larger, blinding in the dark. “We’ll be eternal rivals yet!”
Kakashi nods, leaning closer. “Yes, we will.”
“Plenty of competitions to still do.”
“Kakashi, I lov-”
Kakashi pulls down his mask and kisses him.
A/N: This ended up being super long… oops…
I wasn’t actually planning on it turning out that they would have to go back and defeat those two enemies but the story kind of drove its own plot forward, taking control of my writing.
I hope I made it clear enough in the story that Gai using she/her pronouns while everyone else used he/his pronouns for the kekkei genkai user was on purpose. It’s another thing I wasn’t actually going to explicitly say in the story, but I didn’t want people to think it was a writing mistake so I added in an explanation anyway.
I hope you all enjoyed this story! Thank you all for reading!!
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