#Like why Lum cut her hair
ikemengoessbrrrrr · 6 months
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The slight re-design of class representative from class 2-4
Honestly idk if I can call it re-design, but anyway
Remember this au? Or just long haired Ataru? Forget about me back then say its not an au (even the name always has au in it) I decided to make this story as au
So instead of everything is same but Ataru is stressed... Now everything is same but everyone is stressed
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katiekatdragon27 · 4 months
I was listening to "All Eyes on Me" and "Respectless" during a car ride and had an epiphany.
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Progress shots and lore below cut:
Design choices and character motivations are very much based on my own hcs (such as Wizard being woman, Wizard being Ales's twin and having his hair as a result, the whole Rabiteen/Hopiteensy lore situation, Bad Rayman and Goth being homies, etc.) I love self-indulgence, what can I say?
Here is a synposis since ik most of you looooooooove my essays below my posts:
This AU takes place between Origins and Legends. Instead of Goth being the 4th player, it's Wizard (like in the concept art). She and Ales are the magician twins that Polokus talks about when pulling on his beard in Origins.
During Origins, Wizard and Ales are working together to harvest lum magic. However, the two of them are not that good at it. So, Ales has the brilliant idea to have Wizard hang out with Rayman and help convince him to help with lum collection. The game proceeds as normal, until they get to Moody Clouds.
While the build is falling apart, the Raygang, minus Wizard, fall to the groud bc of a magic spell Ales casted while they were all busting it down. They fall asleep in the random-ass tree they're found sleeping on in Legends and that's why they're all out of the plot. Wizard, fueled on anger and betrayal of her brother's evil plans, chases his ass onto the ship and stops it from hitting the giant lum ball. Ales thinks his sister is protecting him, but then gets socked in the gut and thrown in a cage. Wizard then hijacks the ship and returns to the port in Moody Clouds, leaving Ales in a dark basement under his office. She returns to the lum ball and considers letting all the lums go but goes back on that decision and decides to keep them.
By enhancing some of Ales's mechanics (all of it is fueled with lums) with her natural strong magic, she goes on a massive power high, capturing all the remaining yellow lums on her own. She then turns her attention to the blue lums.
The ones that are inside of people.
At first, she goes for objectively bad people. The baddies who beat up all the teensies in Teensies in Trouble and so on, but then goes for the bigger fish. The fish like Jano. And she wins. Kills his ass so fast. It's terrifying.
She then starts trying to get the Fairy Council in on her tech and lum magic usage. No one (especially Betilla) vibe with this, cuz they're too busy looking for Rayman or a replacement. She then shows of her Jano kill and everyone is utterly flabbergasted. All the teensies are onboard tho, so that's a win. They start doing public executions of bad nightmares and dreams. Then... it turns into executing people who dislike executions or people who just dislike Wizard in general.
(This is the point where she starts dressing like this. The orange is a ref to her old concept art and the purple with yellow is pieces of Jano's hat she turned into cloths. Also, the stick's not wood. It's actually very strong steel that is incredibly sharp.)
Fun times.
The fairies really don't vibe with any of this, especially Voodoo Mama and Betilla, but for different reasons. For VM, it's because her populations are in dwindling numbers at this point. For Betilla, it's because the lack of lums is stunting/destroying the growth of the Glade and is lowkey incapacitating Polokus. The two of them then come together to figure out a way to stop this girl. They decide to recruit two individuals, a young looking Rayman clone that Betilla remembers a certain dark magic user creating, and a little nightmare teensy who is a massive nerd when it comes to lums. Those being bad Rayman (Shadi) and Goth Teensy.
We love recruiting kids to kill grown ass baddies cuz the authority figures are all shit at figuring their own problems out.
Together, the two of them, plus some other figures like First King and Rabbiteen, go to fight this overpowered scary woman who could easily smite them if she wanted. Good luck soldiers🫡🫡
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I have more, but I'm still working on the story not bc I'm lazy noooo neeeeeverrrr.
Anyways, have a lovely day :))
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clouseplayssims · 2 years
Oregon Trail TS3 Sim Narrowdown
Cut for length.
The Altos
"An utterly ruthless businessman, Nick Alto, along with his wife, has plotted the misfortune of almost everyone they've met."
"As charming as she is unscrupulous, it is highly unfortunate for all of the town that Vita Alto is a politician with any sort of power."
"Holly somehow managed to develop the polar opposite moral code of her parents and is constantly striving to turn them to good."
The Clavells
"Bessie lives modestly with her husband and grown son. She mostly stays home and takes care of her men. She is somewhat of a wallflower and others sometimes take advantage of her."
"Buster has had a full life, but now he just wants some peace and quiet. The only problem is that his grown son is still living at home and always seeming to create a racket."
"Xander still lives at home with his parents. He's a grown man who likes to party and have a good time; he's in no hurry to face life out on his own. And why move out if he's not even planning to get married?"
The Hansons
"Larry will do anything to make his family happy. Can he keep up with Shauna's elitist needs?"
(No other descriptions provided.)
The Harts
"Bebe Hart has a hard time as the only responsible person in the entire Hart lineage. It's no secret in the neighborhood that both of her parents are slightly insane, so Bebe feels that the neighbors' eyes have been scrutinizing her for ages, just waiting to see if she'll crack too."
"Dorie doesn't seem to have goals. Her clothes don't match and she seems to prefer odd hairstyles. She's friendly and enjoys company, but isn't always on the same page as everybody else; some suspect she may have some mental issues."
"Although Gus acts childishly and somewhat oddly, he is charismatic and very family-oriented."
The Idahos
"Running the town's newspaper has been Irwin's passion, but he's looking forward to retiring soon. He wished Marie was more interested in books if for no other reason than to improve her grades."
"Georgia enjoys her friendship with her husband but thinks he doesn't spend enough time at home with Marie and herself."
"Marie would rather run around outside and play in the mud than be cooped up all day with a book! Books are great and all, but they just are not what Marie looks forward to in life."
The Keatons
"Top-notch police woman, Justine has to control her hot-hotheadedness at work. Will becoming a mother help her to have more patience?"
"An all-around great guy, Marty's one drawback is that he is somewhat neurotic. He doesn't think it interferes with his life too much, though, so how would having a baby in the house be any different?"
"If the pregnancy is left alone, the baby tends to be born a boy, with the virtuoso and loves the outdoors traits. The baby will be born with dark skin, like the parents. However, the hair can be either brown or black, depending on who it is inherited from."
The Lums
"Lawrence Lum is a bright, friendly teen with outgoing parents. Will he take after his computer whiz father or social climbing mother?"
(No other descriptions provided.)
The Monroes
"Herger hopes to follow in his dad's footsteps and start a career in law enforcement after graduation. But he keeps that from his mother so she won't worry about it. For now, he's just happy to have fun playing with his brother."
"Marcella Monroe is still grieving the loss of her husband. At least she is blessed with two well behaved boys who are always ready to help her around the house."
"Randy shares his mother's love a good book. He's happy his best friend and brother Herger is their to help him take care of their mom."
The Wainwrights
"Blair Wainwright, youngest member of the household, was an only child and somewhat of a loner, so she's a fish out of water living with five strangers. Is she a fool to think that her brains alone can see her through difficult times?"
"Boyd spends his work day sitting at a messy desk, typing away at a computer. He spends his days off at home sitting in a messy living room, typing away at a computer."
"The only thing that keeps Susan working such long hours is that she likes having expendable Simoleons to spend on all her toys!"
The Williams
"Aimee Williams is a marvel in the kitchen, but her husband Marley is a bit of a dreamer. Will he be able to support the two of them and little Malika, or will Aimee have to use her skills to earn some dough?"
(No other descriptions provided.)
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danaty-consolation · 6 years
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Sometimes I don’t know what I draw.
Something Angsty, but I am not sure what happened at all
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fireladybuckley · 2 years
We’re going to be watching the Eurovision final tomorrow but I haven’t seen any of the entries at all, so @firemedicdiaz and I are watching through all the countries that didn’t make it.  Figured I’d post some reactions for the hell of it.  In alphabetical order, I guess.
Semi-Final Round 1
Albania Sekret - Ronela Hajati Well... that was interesting, anyway.  Not my kinda song.  Those pants are fire though.
Austria Halo - Lum!x feat. Pia Maria Honestly this is a banger!  I quite like it, very catchy.  I’m guessing they didn’t make it because her voice was a bit off but I genuinely like it.  Will be adding this to my playlists probably.
Bulgaria Intention - Intelligent Music Project Dammit why are there already two good songs that didn’t make it?  This is a very safe rock song but I dig it.  Definitely better than any ballad imo.
Croatia Guilty Pleasure - Mia Dimšić Song’s decent.  I was cracking up at the beginning because that guy in beige was just standing there looking kinda pensieve.  
Denmark The Show - REDDI Ah.  A ballad.  As far as ballads go, it’s not terrible.  I like the lyrics.  But colour me meh’d. OH WAIT - It’s picking up.  Okay I like this a lot more.  Always love a fakeout lmao.
Okay I take it all back I like this a lot.  WHY WAS THIS CUT?!
Latvia Eat Your Salad -  Citi Zēni Oh wow.  I knew about this song going in but I had no idea the performance was going to be like that.  The colours!  The energy!  Fucking ESC committee or whoever the fuck you are COWARDS.  This shit is primo Eurovision and absolutely should’ve been in the final.   Amazing.
Slovenia Disko - LPS Non english so I can’t comment on the lyrics but I like the energy and it’s super boppy.  Another one that maybe should’ve made it through?!  What the hell is going to be in the final?  If it’s a bunch of ballads I’mma be pissed.
Semi Final Round 2
Cyprus Ela -  Andromache Oh Venus, interesting.  I appreciate the aesthetic but I don’t care for the song.  Don’t really care that this one didn’t make it.
Georgia Lock Me In - Circus Mircus WHY.  This clown thing is so creepy AF.  I initially liked the song (it gets very annoying after a while) and that flower beard is amazing but I cannot get behind those giant clown images.  But just... why.
Ireland That’s Rich - Brooke Decent lyrics I suppose.  Not bad, but kinda forgettable imo.  
Israel I.M. - Michael Ben David Getting serious Adam Lambert vibes here hah.  Big energy, flashing lights, catchy, gay AF... I’m honestly surprised this one didn’t get through.
Malta I Am What I Am - Emma Muscat Good lyrics.  Not a bad song.  Feels a bit generic musicwise, but definitely not terrible.
Montenegro Breathe - Vladana Very nice aesthetic between the outfit and the lights.  Song is fine I guess, just boring.
North Macedonia Circles - Andrea I’m not really sure what to make of this song.  Getting kinda confusing vibes between her look and the song itself.   It’s okay.   Loving her hair though.
San Marino Stripper - Achille Lauro Um... I... I don’t even know what to say about this one.  I feel like they’re trying to do what Maneskin did with such success last year and failing miserably.  Super overkill with the bull and the flames imo.
Love that purple guitar though.
Can’t wait for the finals tomorrow!!  I am excited :D
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flameo-hotman · 3 years
Zuko Adoption Menu #31
@zukoscalzones selected adoption #31, Ty Lee’s family adopts Zuko. This one was way too much fun for me to write and I high key want to turn it into a full length fic.
The news that the crown prince had vanished the same night as Lady Ursa broke not long after Ty Lee had talked her mom and dad into adopting a boy off the streets.
She had known exactly who the boy who became her brother was.
But maybe it was for the better that the new Fire Lord didn’t know who Ty Ken actually was. Besides Zuko seemed happier as Ty Ken than he had been as Zuko. Though it would be two years before he would tell her why he hadn’t gone wherever the Lady Ursa had gone.
It happened when she was braiding a pastel grey ribbon into his hair.
“I found her when she was talking with the Mother of Faces… She chose to forget about me. That’s why I came back to the Caldara.”
It was sudden and blunt, but Ty Lee kept braiding, asking, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” Was Ty Ken’s answer.
Ty Lee didn’t need to ask who her brother was talking about. Azula didn’t like talking about Lady Ursa either, but like most people, Azula had assumed that Ursa had likely died. She didn’t know what to think about this information.
Once she had finished with Ty Ken’s hair, the two of them got up to head on over to the vanity that they shared with their sisters and started on their makeup.
“You always do your makeup all gloomy like Mai’s,” Ty Lee teased her brother, but he just shrugged and answered, “It goes better with my outfit…”
But he seemed to pause for a moment and look at himself in the mirror for a few moments, and suddenly grabbed the pot of red eye shadow.
She smiled at her brother and helped him blend out the red smokey eye he had decided on, before handing over the eyeliner so he could do his winged eyeliner. It was a good look and really made his eyes look nice.
“Don’t say it.”
“I won’t.”
Just then Ty Lao came rushing in and plopped down in the seat next to Ty Ken grumbling, “Ty Woo said my mascara was smudged. Is any of the waterproof stuff left?”
“Yeah,” Ty Ken answered, before handing over the mascara he had just used on his own lashes to their sister.
She looked relieved, as she excepted it and started to fix it, asking, “So, are the two of you ready for the show we are putting on for the Princess?”
“Totally, I showed Azula the acrobatic routine I am planning was and she liked it,” Ty Lee answered, as she made a note that they would need to get more mascara. “I think she is going to love your dance routine you have planned.”
“Thank you! Ty Woo saw it and she-” Ty Lao started, before Ty Woo popped her head in and finished, “It looked like something that a noseless shirshu would come up with.”
“I think it is nice,” Ty Ken snapped back, accepting the mascara back once Ty Lao was done with it, and went back to work on his lashes.
Ty Woo groaned, “Make your lashes any longer and you’ll cut them off with your swords, Ty Ken.”
“At least my special skill is good enough to perform, Ty Woo.”
Their sister only answered by rolling her eyes and retorting, “At least I’m not adopted, Sword Boy.”
“Love you to, Jerk,” Ty Ken answered, as he tossed the mascara off to the side.
And with that Ty Woo gave him a soft smile before she vanished from the room.
Ty Ken looked at himself in the mirror for a moment like he was unsure of something.
And well Ty Lee understood because Ty Ken hadn’t been to the palace since he was still Zuko. His nervous aura was completely understandable. He was eleven when he left that life behind him, and some soldiers were still assigned to investigating his disappearance. There was a lot that could go wrong.
And they hadn’t even told their parents who Ty Ken actually was.
But Ty Ken didn’t look much like Zuko had, so it wasn’t like anyone but Mai and Azula would recognize him. And that was only because those two actually knew the truth about Ty Ken.
It didn’t take very long for them to finish getting ready for Azula’s birthday, and then they were headed to the palace with the rest of their family.
“You’ll be fine,” Ty Lum assured him, as she entered the makeup room and kissed the top of his head. “You are amazing with swords and please tell me there is some mascara left over for me.”
“The backups are in the locked case that I definitely don’t know how to pick the lock of, Ty Lum,” He answered producing another mascara out of said case, before handing it to her and giving her a smile.
“I don’t know why you use so much mascara. If I had eyebrows like yours I would try to draw more attention to them,” She giggled as she accepted the mascara and sat down next to Ty Lee.
Ty Lao turned to her and asked, “So did you figure out how to turn origami into something you can do as a performance?”
“Really really big paper.”
“Thank you.”
Ty Lat peaked her head in and announced, “We need to get going so Ty Ken time to put the mascara down.”
“I just finished my lashes, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
His sisters giggled, as he slipped one of the spare mascara’s into his pocket, but he ignored them, as he got up and left to go grab his dao swords.
He seemed happier living with them than he had been living in the palace.
Ty Lee watched her brother leave, a soft smile on her face.
“It is kind of sad that Ty Lat can’t do her swim program for the Royal Family,” Ty Lao sighed as she put the mascaras back into the lockbox and locked it.
Ty Lee nodded and followed her sisters out of the room.
 Ty Le and her brother ended up in the carriage with Ty Lin and Ty Liu, who were going over their sheet music for the event. They didn’t bother to try and talk to them, since the last few times they had when those two were pouring over their music they snapped at them and hid Ty Ken’s mascara.
And well he may have burned down part of their private forset because of that.
Normally though they got along with Ty Ken and he would play the tsungi horn with them.
Once they got there they made their way to backstage of the stage that had been set up for their performances.
Ty Liu checked over her harp, while Ty Lin got her flute out of its case, and the rest of them got set up for their numbers.
Ty Woo and Ty Lat introduced themselves to their audience, before welcoming Ty Lum onto the stage so she could open the show with her massive origami crown of fire, while Ty Liu and Ty Lin started the first song of the night.
Ty Lao was up next with her dancing, and Ty Lee followed replacing her as the music changed tempo to match with her kart wheels and summersaults.
Azula seemed pleased by the show even if the Fire Lord seemed to not be paying any attention, instead choosing to say something to General Iroh. Whatever he’d said seemed to upset the man, as Iroh grimaced and made the point of not looking at his brother.
The music took a sudden dramatic turn, and Ty Lee shot herself up into the rafters, as a plum of fire unfolded beneath her like a blooming lotus blossom, and there stood Ty Ken with his swords.
She watched him twist and slice, ribbons of fire bursting from his swords.
Watching him with his swords was like watching Ty Lao dance. The music swelling with his movements, as he burned his way across the stage like he was a shadow sending up a prayer to Agni.
He finished his routine using his swords to send a burning dragon shooting up into the sky.
And then all was quiet.
Azula began clapping with as much enthusiasm as a princess was allowed to, and the others watching began to follow suit until Ozai stood and roared, “SILENCE!!!!”
Zuko flinched.
“You dare to dishonor me like this, you insolent whelp?!”
Zuko’s eyes went wide. Ozai had recognized him.
The Fire Lord stormed over to the stage, and Zuko scrambled back, as the man leaped onto the stage.
Zuko tripped and fell backward.
Everyone was frozen, as Zuko began to plead with the Fire Lord,  “It’s not what it looks like, Father! I didn’t mean you any-”
But Zuko’s pleas were cut off by screams and burning flesh.
All hell broke loose, as Ty Lee and her sisters reacted.
Ty Lee dropped down from the rafters and jabbed the Fire Lord with her chi blocking, as Ty Liu and Ty Lat rushed to throw Ozai from the stage.
Mai, while not one of Ty Ken’s sisters, joined the fight with her throwing knives.
General Iroh stood and for a moment Ty Lee feared he would attack them, but instead he attacked an approaching guard, as Azula rushed onto the stage and helped her get Ty Ken to his feet.
Neither of them willing to look at what remained of his face, as they ran with the other Ty Sisters, Mai, and General Iroh, fleeing the palace.
“Happy Birthday Princess, we’re all traitors,” Ty Woo groaned, as they burst through the palace gates and onto the streets of the city.
Azula responded with her trademark smirk, “Well, at least it wasn’t boring.”
At least General Iroh had a ship in the dock that they could use to flee to the Earth Kingdom.
Ty Lee didn’t chi block the Fire Lord of all people just to let her brother die after all.
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years
What’s the Question? {ChiLi}
Sequel to Hiccups {ChiLi}
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A/N: oooh I haven’t done a sequel fic before, thank you for the request! I have so much fun writing for these two, and the idea of Zhongli enjoying tickling just makes my heart soar omfg. Hope you enjoy the fic! (thanks to my friendo for the title idea!)
Summary: Childe has been off in Snezhnaya on official business, leaving Zhongli to think of the first time he got the hiccups.
Word Count: 1.6k (under the cut)
Zhongli sat at his desk, bored as his mind wandered. He thought back to the other day when he had gotten the hiccups for the first time. A faint blush crept up his face as he remembered how Childe had taken care of them, and he looked outside the window.
Beautiful yellow and orange leaves fluttered down from the trees just outside, Zhongli smiling softly. The bright colors reminded him of Childe’s personality. Everything was reminding him of Childe recently, most likely because he had been back in Snezhnaya for almost a month now. He wasn’t able to tell Zhongli when he’d be back because of it being official Fatui business, but Zhongli understood.
He sighed to himself as he sipped his tea, thinking of how he and Childe would spend their time together when he got back. His mind flashed again back to when Childe had tickled his hiccups away, and Zhongli quickly huffed, angry at his own mind for making him remember that ridiculous situation over and over again.
Why could he not stop thinking about it? Zhongli pondered for a few moments, and all he could come up with were more questions. He would need to ask Childe about it when he arrived back from Snezhnaya.
Only a few moments later, Zhongli heard a knock at the door to his office. He groaned.
“Hu Tao, I already told you I’m on my break-”
“Not Hu Tao!” A familiar voice called from behind the door. Zhongli immediately perked up, standing as the door opened, Childe peeking his head in with a big grin on his face.
“I’m offended you would compare me to her,” Childe said playfully as he walked up to Zhongli, opening his arms as Zhongli quickly embraced him, huffing out a laugh at Childe’s quip.
“You’re much more enjoyable than she is,” Zhongli said quickly, pulling away from the hug for a moment, cupping Childe’s chin as he pulled him in for a kiss, making Childe smile.
Childe’s hands traveled down Zhongli’s torso, grabbing his hips as he pulled him in closer, Zhongli’s breath hitching at the touch. Childe quickly retracted his hands, instead wrapping his arms around Zhongli’s waist.
“Sorry,” He whispered, leaning in for another kiss before Zhongli pulled away, a hesitant look on his face.
Childe cocked his head, looking like a confused puppy as he frowned.
“Are you not happy to see me?”
“N-No I am, it's just… I have to ask you something.”
“Sure! What’s the question?”
Zhongli let go of Childe and took his hands in his own, blushing slightly as his throat felt dry, tripping over his own words. Childe put a hand on Zhongli’s cheek as he continued to flounder, Zhongli quickly turning his attention towards Childe.
“You can ask me anything. Don’t be nervous,” He said sweetly, making Zhongli’s face suddenly feel hot.
“I’m curious about tickling. I want to know more about it so… Can you… tickle me?” Zhongli said quietly and slowly, so quietly that Childe had to strain his ears to hear him.
Childe blinked a few times, a little dumbfounded by Zhongli’s request. Zhongli’s ears burned as he waited for Childe’s reply, finally figuring he felt uncomfortable by the request, Zhongli started to speak, only to be quickly interrupted by Childe.
“Okay, let’s do it!”
Zhongli raised his eyebrows. “You’ll really do it?”
“Sure, anything for you! And if I get to hear your cute laugh again, I’m totally down,” Childe teased, tweaking Zhongli’s hip as he snickered, quickly covering his mouth.
“Nuh uh uh, no hiding that laugh when I tickle you though,” Childe said, pulling Zhongli’s hand away from his mouth.
Zhongli nodded, and Childe guided him over to the desk, where Zhongli leaned against it, wrapping his arms around Childe’s shoulders, completely exposing himself. Childe grinned.
“You’re sure you want this? I won’t go easy on you like last time,”
Zhongli paused for a moment. Last time was easy? He shivered slightly, a bit nervous, but nodded anyway, biting his lip. 
Childe smirked, placing his hands on Zhongli’s sides as he kissed him quickly, pressing their foreheads together.
He slowly started squeezing Zhongli’s sides. Zhongli inhaled sharply and leaned his head into Childe’s shoulder for support as he shook quietly, a few snickers managing to escape his lips.
“No holding back~” Childe teased, squeezing his sides harder as Zhongli’s snickers grew in volume.
“Ch-Chihihilde,” Zhongli chuckled, starting to retract his arms slightly, making Childe smile.
“Yes, Zhongli?”
Giggling was Zhongli’s only response, Childe’s hands now travelling up to Zhongli’s ribs, dancing along them as he played them easily, making Zhongli’s arms jerk to defend himself, Zhongli now laughing as he buried his face in Childe’s shoulder.
Childe chuckled, digging into Zhongli’s upper ribs as he gasped, his laughter escalating slightly. 
Childe smiled. Zhongli’s laugh was really something to admire. It was deep and smooth, melodious and sweet and it made Childe’s heart flutter. If Zhongli would let him tickle him more often he might end up getting addicted to it.
He scribbled his fingers up higher, under Zhongli’s arm as he yelped, jerking up and clamping his arms down as Childe grinned.
“Good spot?”
“Let’s test that then~”
Childe leaned in and kissed up and down Zhongli’s neck, nipping at it playfully as Zhongli yelped again, tilting his head to try and ward off the sensations from Childe’s tickles, though it was impossible.
Childe took a breath in and quickly blew against Zhongli’s neck, still fiercely tickling his underarms as Zhongli shrieked, throwing his head back as loud laughter started to echo through the room.
Childe beamed. “Now that’s a good laugh! Let me hear some more.”
“Pfftahahahahaha! Ch-Childe! Not thehehehehehehere!” Zhongli laughed loudly, shaking his head around as Childe continued to pamper his sensitive neck with raspberries, while still digging his fingers around in Zhongli’s underarms.
“Not here? Okay then, what about here?”
Childe tweaked Zhongli’s hips, making him squeak uncharacteristically. Childe grinned, going in for the kill as he dug his fingers into Zhongli’s hip bone, wiggling them around as Zhongli fully collapsed against Childe, grabbing onto Childe’s wrists as a way of supporting himself as he laughed loudly.
Childe kept up his raspberry attack as well, ocassionally mixing in ticklish nibbles and kisses from Zhongli’s clavicle all the way up to his jawline. Zhongli scrunched up his shoulders as a natural response, but he was noticing something as Childe continued his vicious tickle attack.
He wasn’t minding the tickling, in fact, as exhausting as it was, he found he was beginning to enjoy it. Perhaps it was only because Childe was the one doing it, or perhaps it was something else. Either way, Zhongli honestly didn’t want Childe to stop.
Childe kept one hand squeezing Zhongli’s hip, but his other hand began to explore some other spots. He kneaded Zhongli’s thigh, making him gasp as his laughter boomed, surprising both him and Childe. Childe smirked, halting his raspberries momentarily to tease Zhongli.
“Did I find a good spot?” He asked, squeezing his upper thigh now, making Zhongli involuntarily jerk as he threw his head back, laughing loudly. Childe finally got a good look at Zhongli’s face and blushed slightly.
It was a light pink, just dusting his cheeks and his hair was slightly disheveled. His eyes were squeezed shut and he was smiling so widely that his dimples were showing. Childe felt himself lose his breath temporarily.
His hands froze, and Zhongli’s laughter slowed, opening his eyes to look at Childe, still smiling as he slowly caught his breath.
“Wh-Why’d you stohohop?” Zhongli asked, making Childe blush more. Childe cupped Zhongli’s face, kissing him deeply, catching Zhongli off guard, though he eventually melted into it as well.
Zhongli placed his hands on Childe’s cheeks, tilting his head slightly as Childe rested his hands on Zhongli’s hips, squeezing them slightly. Zhongli chuckled into the kiss, Childe drinking up his laughter as he continued his gentle tickling, slowly escalating as Zhongli started laughing again, though Childe refused to let go of the kiss.
Eventually Zhongli jerked away, mostly on accident, because Childe went for his thighs again, one hand squeezing his upper thigh as the other scribbled along his inner thigh. Childe was blushing more than Zhongli at this point now, realizing he might enjoy tickling as well.
“Okahahahahay! Okahahahahay, stohohohop!” Zhongli said, finally having had enough of the tickling, feeling sufficiently exhausted. Childe did as Zhongli asked and stopped, though his hands remained on Zhongli’s thighs.
Zhongli panted, and Childe blushed, watching Zhongli’s red face as he shook with residual giggles. Zhongli looked at Childe as well and smiled. Childe averted his gaze, blushing more.
“D-Did you enjoy that?” He asked nervously. Zhongli nodded.
“I actually did… I’m surprised, I thought I wouldn’t… Thank you for indulging me, Childe.”
Childe nodded, and Zhongli noticed how hard he was blushing and chuckled.
“You wouldn’t have happened to enjoy it as well, would you?”
Childe jumped slightly and Zhongli laughed quickly, cupping Childe’s cheek and forcing him to look at him. He raised and eyebrow and Childe huffed.
“M-Maybe I did…”
“Next time I tickle you, okay?”
Childe looked fearfully at Zhongli, shaking his head as he giggled nervously in anticipation, despite Zhongli only having mentioned it.
“No way, I’d die,” Childe said firmly and Zhongli frowned.
“I wouldn’t tickle you that long, Childe…”
Childe sighed, averting his gaze again as he swallowed a lump in his now dry throat.
“Fine…But only once!”
Zhongli chuckled, kissing Childe once more as he nodded.
“Only once…”
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kyoshi-lesbians · 4 years
(or, the beginning of What If Ty Lee's Great Grandmother Was An Air Nomad - verse)
When Ty Lee was a little girl, her Nanna used to tell her and her sisters the stories that her mother had told her. She whispered to them tales about people who could fly and built cities in the clouds. They could dance beautifully and they didn't believe in hurting people or animals and they liked to have fun. 
Whenever the sisters helped Nanna pick weeds in the garden, or cut the onion basil for dinner, Nanna would bend her head close and weave stories about these flying people with strange names −  they were friends and elders and mentors. “These stories are just for us,” she reminded them, each and every time. “You must promise me that you won’t repeat them. Not to your father, not to your friends, not to anyone except each other.” 
And Ty Lee would puff up her chest with pride and say, “I promise,” as her six sisters chorused the same. You couldn’t break a promise because it wasn’t honorable or kind, and Ty Lee didn’t want to be dishonorable or unkind. 
“Good girls. Now, where were we? Ah yes. Young master Tenzin had just gotten his tattoos −” 
It felt good to have stories just for them. Even though the stories were shared with her sisters just like everything else, Ty Lee felt a bit more like herself when she remembered them. 
Father wasnt around much to tell the stories to anyway; and all the sisters agreed here wouldn't like them. Ty Lee’s mother knew all the stories, but she didn't look happy whenever she found Nanna telling them. Her sisters even said she tried to stop Nanna.
“Are you sure?” Ty Lee asked.
“We heard them arguing last night in the garden,” said Ty Lat.  
“Mom said it’s not safe to do in this house,” said Ty Lum.
“No,” said Ty Lin, “Mom said we’re too young.” 
“She must think Nanna is telling us naughty stories,” said Ty Woo. 
“Ugh, I wish she was,” Ty Lao complained. 
"I'd be more interesting," Ty Lui agreed.
But Ty Lee liked the stories and Nanna kept telling them. As they got older, she started teaching them other things too. Nanna taught them intricate dances and strange songs; she taught them herbal medicine and how chi flows in the body. Ty Lee liked the dances best of all. When the sisters collectively decided to pick one hobby each, Ty Lee claimed acrobatics. The movements reminded her of Nanna’s flowing dances, and somersaulting through the air felt like flying −  felt like maybe she could live in the clouds too.
But best of all, Ty Lee liked when Nanna told the tales about the two girls who lived in the cloud city. They were best of friends and had crazy adventures as they grew up together. It sounded nice to have friends like that -- friends that would stick with you no matter what.  
"What did they do as grown ups?" Ty Lee asked once. Nanna never mentioned their grown-up lives; maybe she forgot to, and needed Ty Lee to remind her. "Did Nyima keep making experiments that blew things up? Did Dorje become a mentor to the flying kids? Did they ever get their tattoos?"
Nanna got real quiet. For a long time she didnt say anything. So long, that Ty Lee wondered if she'd heard her at all. "Nanna I asked if-"
“I heard you Lele,” she said softly. “Dorje had a family. Nyima learned many things while traveling.... They never got their tattoos."
Ty Lee frowned. "Why not?"
Nanna reached over and brushed the hair out of Ty Lee’s eyes. She cupped Ty Lee’s chin with her hand. "The course of life isn’t a clear path Lele.” She said this very sadly and seriously, so Ty Lee tried to put her Serious Face on to show she was listening. “Sometimes the universe has plans for us that we never expect.”
Dorje and Nyima didn’t expect their destinies, Ty Lee guessed.
"I am sure, however, that they earned their tattoos, even if they did not get to have them. Their teachers would have been proud."
Ty Lee didnt understand why the teachers weren't around to give them the tattoos. Where did they go? 
Oh well - from the look in Nanna’s eyes, she was pretty sure that she would tell her the full story one day. Ty Lee could wait.
She just hopped that the two girls got a happy ending.
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jamescolton · 3 years
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It's here! Void Knight, the third and final book in the Null Saga, is now available in both paperback and Kindle editions! Here’s an excerpt from one of the opening chapters:
The eldyr generator hummed to life, and Rysa was bathed in welcome light. The glow was cold, unnatural, nothing like the sun she so sorely missed, but anything was better than the oppressive darkness.
The luminators revealed a ruined street choked with debris. Cobblestones were shattered or missing entirely. Buildings had crumbled and slid into the crater. Rysa identified bits of Dolls. “Let’s get started,” she said. “If you find any remains, the nearest burning pile is in the north square.”
Around her, rebels and soldiers began moving the rubble. Rysa reminded herself that there was no difference between the two groups anymore. The loyalist soldiers had been quick to defect once the Yndspawn were taken care of. Now they were all just Yvyrhausters. All working to clean up the mess that was Nauthrind.
The workers gathered the debris in a pile. Dolls helped with the heavier chunks of blasted masonry. Rysa shifted a piece of stone, and her breath caught. A small sleeve poked out from the rubble at her feet. Rysa took a moment to steel herself before clearing away the rest of the wood, stone, and dust.
Just an empty jacket. Rysa heaved a sigh of relief as she tossed the tattered garment into the pile, then she looked at her hand. There was a sticky red spot where she’d touched the cloth.
Feeling sick, Rysa staggered to the other side of the street and sat down on a fallen beam. The Yndspawn had done this. They’d called down the Ynd on their own city, not caring who was caught in the destruction. She wiped her hand off on her trousers and let her head hang between her knees. So many dead. And to think she’d served in the army that helped it happen.
No. She’d been forced into a tiny office where she could barely do anything. And once the Yndspawn took over, she’d done everything she could to resist. Don’t shoulder the guilt for this, Rysa. Make it better.
Yet, as she looked back up at the ruins of Nauthrind, she felt powerless to do anything. More than a week since the fighting had stopped, and the city didn’t look any different. They moved debris from one spot to another, only to reveal hollowed out shells that had once been homes. The surviving citizens emerged, some helping with the cleanup, others wandering the streets in a daze. They were all starved and pale. Frightened.
And the darkness. It hadn’t gone away like Atra had promised it would. It hovered over the city, a storm cloud no wind could banish.
Don’t start doubting her now. Rysa thought. No one could have predicted what would happen after the battle.
She felt the darkness pressing in. Over the past few days, it had gotten worse. Firelight was almost useless now. Only the high-powered luminators—banks of them mounted on towers of scaffolding to maximize their effect—provided any relief. Relief, scoffed Rysa. They only show us what’s left. How much we lost.
A deep, echoing crack permeated the air. Rysa barely acknowledged it, except to note that it was louder than the last one. That was another thing that had started after the battle: those noises. They seemed to come from the north, where the darkness was impenetrable. Some speculated it was thunder, and speculation was all they had. No one sent to investigate had yet returned.
“Ma’am, are you all right?”
Rysa looked up at the worker who stood before her. “Yeah. The gloom is just getting to me. Think we can make the luminators any brighter?”
“We can try,” the man said. “They’re pretty close to full capacity as it is, though.”
She held out a hand, and the worker helped her to her feet. As she stood, a bell began tolling the hour. Rysa couldn’t see it because of the thick, never-ending night, but Nauthrind’s clock tower in the north square was the tallest structure left now that the observation tower was destroyed. The sound was supposed to restore some sense of life to the city. Rysa hoped it was having more of an effect on the citizens than it was on her.
All right. Back to work.
She counted the bell strokes as she shifted debris. …Three…four…five— She stopped in the middle of carrying a larger stone to the pile. That couldn’t be right. It wasn’t that late. Couldn’t be.
Nine. Ten. Eleven.
A few of the other workers had noticed as well. They stopped and looked in the direction of the clock tower.
Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen.
A scream snaked out of the darkness beyond the luminators’ reach.
Needles pricked the inside of Rysa’s stomach, and every hair on her body stood on end, pulling away from that awful sound. No. It can’t be. We beat them!
“It’s coming from the north square,” someone said. A few of the soldiers still wore weapons, which they now gripped apprehensively.
Rysa pushed down the nauseating fear in her throat and said, “Then let’s get over there. Saving this city cost us too much to let them take it back!”
As she and the other workers ran, Rysa thought, How did they survive? We killed so many. And now Atra’s gone, what can we do—
Rysa burst into the north square. A huge fire occupied the center, incinerating the bodies of Nauthrind’s dead. The square was ringed with luminators, and above it all rose the clock tower, tolling again and again. Spellfire made the air sizzle, weaving between streaks and pillars and maddening forms of black. Black was everywhere, looming overhead, wrapping around. A low, grinding roar made Rysa’s ears ache beneath the ringing of the bell, but she didn’t have time to wonder where it was coming from. Yndspawn swarmed the square, but like no Yndspawn she’d ever seen.
Gone were the flapping, tattered cloaks, the ravaged flesh, and even the sewn-shut eyes. These figures were shadow made solid. A dozen of them melted away, only to rise up again on the southern edge of the square where they consumed the soldiers who were firing on them. Another Yndspawn climbed atop the burning pile of bodies, seemingly impervious to the flames. He barked orders and spewed jets of dark energy from his mouth.
Rysa drew her spell projector and fired at the Yndspawn. Her aim was true. The magic burst against the Yndspawn’s chest, polychromatic energy splashing against an onyx surface. Cracks appeared, but in the glow of the firelight Rysa watched them vanish. The Yndspawn still stood, completely unharmed.
He turned his black face in her direction.
“Giratvik,” she breathed. Then she dove aside as a spray of dark magic rushed toward her.
She hit the cobblestones and rolled. Behind her, several soldiers who hadn’t been as quick went down, their bodies pierced by a hundred eldritch shards. Rysa rose to a kneeling position and took another shot at the Yndspawn, this time catching him in the shoulder. The blast’s impact caused him to twist around, but that was all. The ebony skin remained unmarked.
The Yndspawn hurled another counter spell at her, then bellowed to his followers, “Kill the light!”
Rysa scrambled behind a chunk of debris. Why isn’t it working? she thought. Maybe energy can’t hurt them. That’s why he can stand in the fire. She broke cover and picked up a sword from a fallen soldier. She charged across the square toward an Yndspawn that was pouring all his power into one of the eldyr generators running the luminators. Rysa came up behind him and swung with all her might.
The blade clanged against the Yndspawn’s skin, sending painful vibrations up Rysa’s arms. Her elbows ached from the impact, and the sword rebounded, its edge chipped.
The Yndspawn spun on her, claws like obsidian knives slicing through her forearm. The cuts weren’t deep, but Rysa staggered back. The Yndspawn began to dematerialize, then the eldyr generator he’d been attacking exploded.
The blast sent both the Yndspawn and Rysa flying. Rysa skidded across the stones, scraping her cheek. When she finally came to a halt, the Yndspawn was nowhere to be seen, and the light in the square had dimmed. One of the luminator banks overhead had gone dark.
“Ma’am,” said a soldier, helping Rysa to her feet, “we need to pull out. We can’t kill these things.” The words were barely out of his mouth when a black tendril snapped through the air, vaporizing the soldier’s head. Rysa shrieked and tore free of the dead man’s grip. Around her, people ran and screamed. Yndspawn flooded the square, most of them tearing apart the eldyr generators. One of the luminator banks tipped over. It crashed against the clock tower, and in the flicker of its dying light Rysa saw the bell, still rocking in its belfry, tolling one baleful note after another, as a bloody corpse clung to the rope.
More explosions erupted around the square. One by one, the luminators vanished, and Rysa was carried along in a current of panicked Yvyrhausters. She passed a Doll that stood its ground, spell projector blazing against the oncoming Yndspawn. There was a mad pelting like heavy rain against a metal roof, and the Doll collapsed, its armor riddled with holes. A soldier behind Rysa screamed, then his voice gave way to the buzz of Yndspawn magic. The gong of the bell chased them, still counting up the infinite hours.
Or counting down, Rysa thought.
The last feeble glow of the luminators went out, and the low rumble that had eaten away at Rysa’s ears the whole time rose to prominence. Stone ground against stone. A great breath, like that of the sky itself, gasped. The bell at last fell silent.
Rysa didn’t look back to see what had happened. All she knew was that Nauthrind was dark, the Yndspawn were chasing, and the ground was shaking beneath her feet. Despairing cries echoed, and not just from the soldiers that fled alongside her. Every cross street they passed channeled the sound of fighting from other parts of the city.
They reached the southern edge of Nauthrind, where dozens of luminators cast their glow over the cleanup effort’s base of operations. A worker met Rysa. “What’s going on?” he asked. “What’s that noise?”
“Run!” Rysa shouted. “Leave the luminators on and run!”
The shrill edge to her voice quelled any further questions. Alarm spread through the base. Workers tripped over themselves in their hurry to escape. The tremors Rysa had felt earlier intensified, as did the screams from behind. Cries for help, desperate, piercing, as if by sheer force of voice they could stave off the doom that closed around them.
Rysa led the flight from the city, leaving the ruined buildings behind. They ran into the wind, which seemed to fight them every step of the way, trying to force them back northward. Only when she could no longer feel the tremors beneath her feet did Rysa pause long enough to look back.
The base’s luminators lit the southernmost buildings, but little else. Rysa could see other patches of light here and there, but those winked out as she watched. The base was the last to go. Just before it did, plunging the city into darkness, Rysa saw the buildings collapsing, falling away, becoming dust. Then—
Silence. No more screams, no more ominous rumbles. Just the eternal, black emptiness of the north, and the ever-present wind drawing them toward it.
In the quiet, Rysa’s head invented noise. The pound of her blood through her ears became the soft ghost of the clock tower bell, counting down, down, down…
Get it at Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098M4YG7L/
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krizaland · 4 years
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Rayman: Land of Darkness Chapter 1: The Nightmare begins!
Alrighty! Chapter 1 is ready! Here we go!
Love was in the air in The Glade of Dreams! Everyone seemed to have a special someone to spend the day with.  
From the Teensies to the Lums, the sweet song of romance wafted throughout the land.
Rayman let out a sigh as he slumped against a tree trunk.
He may have been a hero but he certainly didn’t feel super.
Rayman hopelessly looked for someone or something that wasn’t all lovey dovey but no luck.
He was surrounded by nothing but flourishing romance and soul crushing loneliness.
With one final glance, Rayman noticed a flower leaning against the tree trunk.
With a gentle tug, Rayman plucked the flower and somberly inspected it.
The flower had a pink center cradled in dark purple petals and green leaves.
Rayman took a moment to admire the intricate swirls embedded on each petal.
The flower, while beautiful, was yet another bitter reminder of Rayman’s loneliness.
Rayman was about to toss the flower aside when-
Rayman looked up and his jaw nearly hit the ground!
There, shimmering in the sunlight, was his childhood friend, Celeste!
She was even more beautiful than Rayman remembered!
From her soft pink hair to the twinkle of confidence in her eyes, Rayman could practically hear angels sing as he gazed upon Celeste.
Well the singing Rayman heard actually came from a few heart bubbles that had popped up above his head.
Rayman quickly swatted the hearts away and ran to Celeste as fast as his feet could take him.
“Celeste!” Rayman squealed as he pulled Celeste into a tight hug,
Celeste let out a squeak before returning the hug.
“I missed you so much! I haven’t seen you since,” Rayman let go for a moment and counted his fingers, “forever!”
“I know! I’m sorry! I’ve been so busy with my Wizard college stuff I haven’t had time to come see you.” Celeste confessed as she rubbed the back of her head.
“Well glad you have time to see me now!” Rayman chirped excitedly.
“Heh. Well you see, I don’t have too much time. I was told that the book I needed to finish my dream magic thesis is here.” Celeste explained with a nervous laugh.
Rayman felt like he was shot in the chest!
“What?! You mean you’re only here for some dumb book?!”
Celeste shot Rayman a glare and huffed.
“It’s not a dumb book, Rayman! It’s The Book of Dreams! It’s a book filled with knowledge of Dreams and dream based magic! Once I study that book I’ll finally be able to graduate Wizard collage and become the world’s first ever dream wizard!” Celeste’s eyes sparkled as she clasped her hands together.
“But you’re already super smart! What can some old book teach you that you don’t already know?” Rayman whined as he raised a brow.
“All kinds of stuff! The Book of Dreams has been around for eons! It’s just teaming with knowledge! I’ll become a dream wizard in no time! Besides! If it wasn’t for that old book I probably wouldn’t be able to visit you!” Celeste teased with a giggle.
Rayman’s face heated up as a sheepish giggle escaped his throat.
“R-Right!” Rayman cleared his throat, “Well, I’m gonna make this the best visit you’ve ever had!”
“Oh Ray you haven’t changed a bit!”
“So? What’s wrong with that? I don’t need to change but you need to loosen up! C’mon! I’ll show you around!”
And with that, Rayman took Celeste’s hand and lead her off.
It wasn’t long before Rayman and Celeste ran into Murfy.
“Hey Rayman! Why didn’t ya tell me ya had a girlfriend!” Murfy teased as he gestured to Celeste.
Murfy’s words caused Rayman’s face to heat up and made Celeste feel like she was going to vomit.
Rayman was about to speak but Celeste beat him to it.
“Woah woah woah! Rayman and I are just friends! Nothing more.”
Rayman felt like he was shot in the chest again.
While he knew Celeste didn’t mean any harm, her words still cut like a knife.
As much as he wanted to tell Celeste how he felt, Rayman was waiting for the perfect moment. Until then, he had to keep up his friend facade no matter how much it killed him.
“Aww!! Ya don’t have to hide it from me! I know young love when I see it!” Murfy chuckled.
“Again, Rayman and I are just friends. There’s no romance here. Like at all,” Celeste stated, her tone much firmer.
Rayman felt another pang in his chest.
Every word hurt more than the last.
“Alright, alright. I completely get it. You two are in denial. Just be sure to invite me to the wedding!” Murfy teased playfully.
Celeste let out a growl as she shot Murfy a fiery glare.
“Ok ok I’ll drop the subject. So touchy.” Murfy huffed.
Rayman let out a sigh of relief. The conversation from hell was finally over!
Or so he thought.
“Thank you! Hey quick question, you wouldn’t happen to know where The Book of Dreams is would you?” Celeste asked gently.
“The Book of Dreams? I can help ya find it. I’ve read it cover to cover. It wasn’t much of a page turner but if you really wanna give it a read I won’t stop ya. Murfy explained casually.
“Wait. You’ve read it?!”
“What are ya deaf? That’s what I just said!”
Celeste’s eyes lit up as she let out an excited squeal.
“Really?! Oh my stars! I want you to tell me everything!!”
“You really want to know about all that boring dream stuff? Jeez sounds like you need a better hobby”
Celeste’s face burned bright with rage.
“It’s not a hobby! That Book is the key to me becoming the first ever dream wizard!”
“Jeez learn to lighten up a little will ya? I was just joking.” Murfy huffed as he waved his hands in front of his face.
“Well it wasn’t very funny! Now are you going to take me to the book or not?!” Celeste grumbled as she put her hands on her hips.
“Ok ok, sheesh. You don’t have to be so snappy about it. Just follow me.”
Celeste didn’t have to be told twice!  She let go of Rayman’s hand and eagerly followed Murfy.
Rayman felt like he was dying! How could he confess to Celeste with The Book of Dreams in the way?!
With an annoyed huff, Rayman followed Celeste and Murfy.
Instead of answering questions and learning answers, Murfy and Celeste argued away as they trekked on to find The Book of Dreams.
Celeste wasn’t the only one getting sick of Murfy’s attitude, for Rayman was minutes away from snapping himself. Murfy was being a real jerk! The fact that he was belittling Celeste’s dreams made Rayman’s blood boil.
Rayman was about to step in when the group came across something terrible:
Lots and lots of Darktoons.
Those diabolical monsters had taken over the forest!
“Darktoons? Of course! We just can’t have a normal day around here can we?” Murfy grumbled as he folded his arms.
“Darktoons?! I thought those only existed in myths!” Celeste yelped as she looked on in horror!
“Oh they’re real alright, tootse. A real pain in the neck. Alright, Rayman here’s your chance to impress your ahem friend here.” Murfy teased as he gestured to Celeste.
Rayman’s face heated up but he turned the face the Darktoons anyway. Keeping The Glade of Dreams safe aside, Rayman needed this outlet for his frustrations.
He cracked his knuckles and prepared for battle.
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kookablarn · 4 years
Version 1.1 and The Ghost-less Version are now live!
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Version 1.1 is full of minor fixes, so feel free to skip it if you have the first version and it doesn’t affect your gameplay! These changes include moving urns into the family inventory, tweaking a few Sims in CAS, 1 club change, and a few other things. I’ll detail it under the cut if you’re interested.
The Ghostless Version:
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(Why, yes, that is Jocasta Bachelor she’s yelling at!)
One of the goals for the project was to give everyone family trees. However, I realized a little late that The Sims 4 handles family trees and ghosts in a strange way. Ghosts stay in your relationship panel and if you try to delete them, they’ll be deleted from your family tree. Not ideal. But neither is having a bunch of dead family members clutter up your relationships. That’s why I decided to make a second version of the save file that removes the ghosts. Unfortunately, it also takes them out of the family trees. The graves and urns will still exist, but the ghosts will not appear.
The other reason is because of the culling. When you have too many sims, the game will start clearing them out from relationships to make space for more. It doesn’t help that the game is constantly spawning townies, either. Since I created so many ghosts to make family trees interesting, the game would delete friendships. Again, not ideal. I’m hoping the ghost-less version will combat that.
I didn’t remove every ghost! Some are too important to some families. You can see which ones are still around under the cut, if you’re interested.
Ghosts You Can Still Find in the Ghost-less Version:
*Dianna Murphy (Timothy Murphy’s Wife) *Dennis Kim (Alice Spencer-Kim’s Father) *Lydia Spencer (Alice Spencer-Kim’s Mother) *Skip Broke (Brandi Broke’s Husband) *Bianca Villareal (Jacques Villareal’s Wife) *Prisca Lobo (Diego Lobo’s Mother) *Darleen Dreamer (Darren Dreamer’s Wife) *Rosie Hecking (Brent & Brant Hecking’s Dog) *Ted Roswell (Meredith Roswell’s Husband) *Keala Hoapili (Lia Hauata’s Grandmother) *Minerva Charm (Darrel & Gemma Charm’s Mother) *Ekram Elderberry (Eleanor Elderberry’s Husband) *Francine Spencer (Cletus Harris’ Mother) *Blossom Greenburg (Mary Greenburg’s Wife) *Kristopher Volkov (Jacob Volkov & Rory Oaklow’s Adoptive Father) *Tai Lum (Mei Prescott’s Father) 
V1.1 Changes:
✨ Placed urns in the family inventory for: Diego Lobo, Marcus Flex, the Murphy Family, the Hecking Family. (Somehow skipped them during my run throughs!) ✨ Upped Brandi Broke’s Parenting Skill to 7. (I feel like it’s more fitting.) ✨ Made Tabitha Astralgarden��s eyebrows brown. (She dyed her hair, so her eyebrows should reflect her natural hair color.) ✨ Disbanded the Renegades (Max has outgrown it.) ✨ Changed Mary-Sue and Daniel Pleasant’s Family Description. (Just altered some awkward wording, it’s still mostly the same.) ✨ Changed Sera Duke’s Party Outfit makeup. (She’s going for a specific look.) ✨ Changed Geeta Rasoya’s Hot Weather Outfit. (I somehow missed that one, it was still random generated!)
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woodsofblight · 5 years
How about RayLy? It's a classic~.
((excellent choice!))
The sounds of merriment, laughter and music echoed all across the pond surrounding the Fairy Council. The structure itself was no less festive than the people frolicking around it, bathing in multitudes of lights, Lums and lamps alike. Cheer was not unfamiliar around these hallowed grounds, but some nights allowed for more than others.
This eve was one of those. Fairies, Teensies, Glutes and all other manner of creatures gathered around, old friends, families and acquaintances greeting each other. All of them anxious for night to fall and the moons to appear. A simple, recurring, yet no less welcomed celebration, granting some respite to a world often thrown off-balance.
This same respite carried over to the pair sitting on one of the small islands surrounding the Council. They sat by the edge and gazed up at the Moons as they continued their eternal journey towards each other. The celebration followed along with their journey, although the gradual increase in volume hardly fazed either of its spectators. Even the tray of snacks behind them had barely been touched.
“Are you sure Globox will be alright?” Ly asked, glancing at her partner in stargazing. “He was looking at those plum jugs in a pretty suspicious way.”
“I don’t think we’ll need to worry about him.” Rayman said, smiling. “Last I saw he was busy asking Uglette up for a dance, so they’re probably too busy tearing up the place.”
Ly chuckled, remembering the few occasions she’d seen them dance. While the two were mostly known for their jolly waddling through life, dancing was a different matter entirely. All of a sudden, no fundamental force, gravity or any such trifling matter would stop them from having a fun time, always drawing confusion from those who didn’t know them very well and loud cheering from everyone else.
Once her laughter abated, she spoke up again, “Thanks for joining me out here.”
“Don’t mention it. It’s getting a bit too cramped in there anyway.” he shrugged.
She smiled, knowing that was just an excuse, at best. The limbless had always been a fairly social figure, easily winning the favor of any crowd within minutes. And that was without counting for the fact that virtually everyone around the Glade knew his name. Those from outside the Glade may not have always known his name, but were aware of his deeds at least.
“You’ve got that look on your face again.”
She flinched, the twitch of her ears making it impossible to hide that she had briefly zoned out. Naturally, she would try to do so anyway.
“What look?” she asked.
“You know the one.” he said, grinning.
“Don’t be coy with me, Rayman.” she raised a brow, trying very hard not to smile.
“Alright.” he said. “You see, I’m very good at observing. And so, there’s a couple of basic ‘Ly-expressions’ I’ve learned over the years.”
Even before he finished the sentence, the fairy was contemplating on whether to hear him out, or deliver a preemptive slap. The fact that she hadn’t already was his signal to continue.
“There’s the ‘Stop bothering me, I’m studying’ face-” he leaned into his palms a bit, pretending his fingers were lines upon lines in a particularly elaborate book. “-which is usually pretty hard to observe.”
With still no immediate retaliation in sight, he quickly continued.
“-the ‘You have one minute to ask me to dance, otherwise I’ll drag you off myself’-”
He proceeded to present a grin with positively feline mischievousness, complete with him portraying her ears with his hands. It was an expression she’d only shown once and had been relentlessly teased about ever since.
“You never complained.” she said under her breath, just about ready to give up on hiding her smile.
“And the 'I’ve got too much on my mind, but I don’t want to burden you with any of it’.” he looked away towards the Moons with an exaggerated, forlorn look.
A bit of red rose into her cheeks over how embarrassingly close he was, even for such a lighthearted rib.
“And which look did I have just now?” she asked, raising a brow.
“Well, you haven’t got a book with you.” he mused. “And we’re not dancing, so that leaves only one option.”
She groaned and poked him in the side. “You’re far too cheeky for your own good.”
“Guilty as charged.” the limbless chuckled. Nevertheless, he scooted a little closer, dropping the coy grin for just a friendly smile. “So, what’s eating you?”
“I was talking with Betilla, before everyone arrived.” she said. There really was really no point to try and pretend like he was wrong. “She said Edith wants to take me under her wings, for a while.”
“Isn’t that great though?” he asked. “You won’t find better teachers anywhere. It’s what you always wanted.”
“I know. But this wouldn’t be a brief visit.” she sighed. “I’d have to be her live-in student. Apprentice even, I’m not sure. But I’d be gone for a few years, possibly even more.”
Rayman tilted his head. “That’s what you’re worried about? That we’d forget you, or something?”
“I would certainly hope not!” she protested in mock-offense. “But still, we’re talking years here, Rayman. I like it here, I like being in the Glade, with everyone.”
“Are you scared of leaving?”
“I’m scared of not coming back.” she said. “Whether it’s for a good or bad reason.”
“There’s nothing bad enough that we wouldn’t welcome you back. You know that.”
She looked at him with a faint, sad smile, and he knew not to press any further. There were things the fairy always found difficult to discuss, even at the best of times. Things she had seen, done or could not do. Rayman knew the faint memory of fire and metal in her eyes well.
He didn’t like avoiding it, his nature rebelled against allowing his friend to suffer for something he believed had little to do with her. But it was a discussion for another time, another day. It was unseemly to drag a dark cloud into pleasant occasion.
“Must you go then?” he asked, redirecting the conversation.
“The nymphs put a lot of work into teaching me. It would be disrespectful of me to back out now.”
“That’s not an answer.” he scowled slightly.
“But it’s the truth.” she sighed. “And it’s something I worked my whole life for. I’m just… not keen on spending too much time away…”
There was something left hanging from her words, but there was little need to say it out loud.
“And I’d prefer if you didn’t see a wrinkly old fairy, the next time we meet.” she tried to joke, just as he always would. It only helped her remember how difficult it must be for him to keep it up.
“I think Betilla would take offense to that.” Rayman played along all the same, cracking a smile. “And who knows, maybe I’ll also be tall and-”
The fairy couldn’t hold back an amused snort. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” she apologized, the incredulous look on his face making it very difficult for her to be sincere. “It’s just really hard to imagine you getting taller.”
“Just you wait.” he scoffed. “You’ll need a chair just to look me in the eyes!”
They both ended up laughing, sharing increasingly more absurd height levels he would undoubtedly reach. It was a pleasant distraction from any heavier thoughts. By the time they ran out of ideas, the Moons were just about the cross into each other. The festivities had died down somewhat, as many have chosen to sit by and await the celestial event in awe, or just to relax after partaking in the Council’s hospitality.
“I’m not going anywhere, Ly.” Rayman spoke up again after some time, still smiling. “At least, not anywhere you can’t find me. Even if it’ll take a little longer for us to see each other.”
Ly giggled briefly and pulled him closer, running her fingers through his rowdy tufts of hair.
“How do you do it? How do you never worry about anything?”
“Of course I worry.” he snuggled up to her now, resting his head against her arm. “It’s why I asked in the first place.”
Ly smiled and continued to ruffle his hair, lacing the soft touch with an affectionate appreciation for his concern. When she looked in his eyes, it was like gazing into a clear pond. He had always been like this, for as long as she could remember. 
A trusted friend through everything and a piercing light to cut through any nightmare, whether they rampaged on the surface, or in one’s mind. Often brash, sometimes downright infuriating in his free-spirited disregard for consequences, always more keen to follow whatever duties he chose to hold close to his heart, rather than anything on paper. 
It was a trait that has not changed in years and showed no sign that it would. Perhaps one that she could also embrace, in time.
As the Moons finally joined in the night sky, so did their hands clasp together under their light. Celestial and mortal, all so alike. Sometimes together and sometimes apart, but always compelled to meet again by the guidance of the stars.
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simminglena · 5 years
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     – I love berry Sims! You too? I know, right...? Aren’t they just so cute?
     I’ve been considering for a good while whether to do a Berry Challenge or not, but while @lilsimsie already​ shared her Not So Berry Legacy Challenge with us, I couldn’t click with it for some reason.      So, I’ve decided to create my OWN version. It will be a mix of the Not So Berry with the original Legacy Challenge and choose some new rules for my own Rainbow Berry! Legacy Challenge (´。• ◡ •。`)ノ゙ ♡
     If you want to join me in this adventure, buckle up, my friend! Here’s what you need to know (= •ㅅ• =)
     NOTE: In order to fully enjoy the Challenge, you must own ALL PACKS! Also, YOU WILL NEED BERRY SKINTONES!           You can find some here:
          • Noodle’s 16 Pastel Skin Colors           • SimplySimblr’s 25 Shades of Berries           • Noodle’s 64 Berry Skin Colors           • TheSimsperience’s 63 Custom Skin Colors
» The Basics:
     You will be playing with your Sims up to the 10th Generation. The perk of this Challenge is that each Generation will be represented by a signature color, wherever applicable. However, it is possible to choose whether their hair/eyes/clothes match their signature color (and skintone) or not.
» Rules:
          ▪ Cheats are not allowed. The only exception is for the FreeRealEstate cheat when you move into your first home.
          ▪ Your starter Sim must be created using random genetics.             NOTE: It is possible to tweak him/her, as long as none of the game’s presets is used. Keep in mind that some of your Sims’ traits, aspirations and careers must be randomly chosen by a Scenario Generator.
          ▪ The first born will always be the heir for the next generation unless otherwise stated.
          ▪ Every generation must complete both the Career and Aspiration unless otherwise stated.
          ▪ Lifespan must be set to Normal. Don’t forget to always keep track of your Sims’ aging! 
     In case you wish to share your Berry homes on the Gallery, or just wish to share your progress with the Challenge, feel free to do so by using the #RainbowBerryLegacy tag!
Generations list under the cut!
» The Generations:
     There are 10 Generations:           » CORAL (Red)           » PUMPKIN (Orange)           » CITRUS (Yellow)           » JADE (Green)           » MINT (Aqua)           » INDIGO (Blue)           » PLUM (Purple)           » LILY (Lilac)           » BERRY (Pink)           » ASH (Gray)
     BONUS! » EBONY & IVORY (Black & White)
     Each Generation has a list of goals you must achieve before passing over to the next one. Never forget your trustworthy Scenario Generator, because you will need to use it several times through your Challenge.
🌈 Generation #1:  CORAL
Gender: x // Age: Young Adult // 2 traits: x // Aspiration: x // Career: x
     You are a fiery yet fun-loving young Sim with a liking for clubs and nightlife. You rarely make plans, and if you have to, you're most likely going to mess them up in order to follow your instinct. But you never give up, whatever result you get from your – sometimes reckless – decisions.
REQUIREMENT: Hot-headed trait.
Get invited to a Club and become their leader;
Adopt a large dog;
Maximize Mischief and Dancing skills;
Have at least 5 lovers;
Get married and have one child after reaching the Adult phase.
🌈 Generation #2: PUMPKIN
Age: Young Adult // 2 traits: x // Aspiration: x
     You're almost never seen without a bright, wide smile plastered on your face, and if you’re gloomy, it’s most likely because your batch of cookies didn’t turn out the way you wanted. Your heart belongs to the kitchen – and your furry minions – and your mission is to make your neighborhood a little happier everyday with your bakery. As you always say: Good Food is Good Mood.
REQUIREMENT: Goofball trait.
Adopt at least 3 red cats;
Maximize Cooking and Baking skills;
Unlock and learn all recipes;
Run a bakery;
Find love, marry and have 3 children before Elder phase
The first Male will be the heir for next Generation.
🌈 Generation #3: CITRUS
Age: Young Adult // 2 traits: x // Aspiration: x
     You are full of energy, with a big thing for gyms and good looks. You may be a bit narcissistic, but when it comes to your skills you’re so fond of yourself that you like to share your progress and enthusiasm all over the Social Networks. You're quite scatterbrained and perhaps a bit selfish, but overall, you’re a good noodle.
REQUIREMENT: Active trait.
Social Media career;
Maximize Fitness and Videogaming skills;
Complete the Snow Globe and Postcards collection;
Propose to a childhood friend but leave her at the altar;
Get married to another sim and have at least 2 children before reaching the Adult phase.
The first Female will be the heir for next Generation.
🌈 Generation #4: JADE
Age: Young Adult // 1 trait: x // Aspiration: x // Career: x
     You must have been some kind of Flower Fairy in your past life. Everything concerning nature and its creatures is mesmerizing to you, to the point that you adore even the smallest flower and wish to live in extreme harmony with each living being surrounding you. 
REQUIREMENTS: Loves Outdoors and Vegetarian traits.
Maximize Gardening, Fishing and Herbalism skills;
Own a Cowplant;
Join the Garden Gnomes Club and become their leader;
Complete Insect, Fish and Frog collections;
Marry a coworker and have one child before Elder stage.
🌈 Generation #5: MINT
Age: Young Adult // Traits: x // Aspiration: x
     You don’t quite share your mother’s interests. You believe in balance and good health. Your main focus – quite literally – is on human beings and the wondrous way the human body works, both physically and mentally. You’re extremely dedicated to your job... although you really enjoy your moments of relax.
REQUIREMENT: Doctor career.
Maximize Logic and Wellness skills;
Meditate and do Yoga at least twice a week;
Adopt a cat or a small dog;
Have 3 failed relationships before finding love with a Veterinary;
Never have children, but adopt a child before Elder stage.
🌈 Generation #6: INDIGO
Age: Young Adult // 2 traits: x // Aspiration: x
     Justice. There’s nothing that excites you more than investigate and solve crimes in order to punish those criminals. But your heart is a soft one, and at times one must consider and evaluate different paths before making their choice... heart or career? In your case, definitely heart.
REQUIREMENT: Good trait, Detective career.
Maximize Logic and Charisma skills;
Adopt a large dog;
Find love with a Criminal before level 7 of your career;
Quit career at level 7 and move to a different scenario;
Marry in secret and have four children. 
The first Male will be the heir for next Generation.
🌈 Generation #7: PLUM
Age: Young Adult // 2 traits: x // Aspiration: x
    Your brains crawl with questions. Quite literally. Why do we breathe oxygen? How many stars are beyond our sight? What’s Sixam, and what wonders does it hide? Your curiosity is what pushes you forward, and you’re determined to find the answer to all of your doubts! 
REQUIREMENT: Genius trait, Scientist career.
Maximize Logic and Rocket Science skills;
Build a Rocket Ship;
Complete Alien, Geodes, Elements, Crystals and Space Rocks collections;
Have a relationship on the job before falling in love with an Alien;
Have two children before reaching the Adult phase.
🌈 Generation #8: LILY
Age: Young Adult // 2 traits: x // Aspiration: x  // Career: x
     There’s a gift in each of us, and deep within you there’s a star. Your truest passion lies in music, and you wish to make a living out of it. You may be a little frivolous, but you know what you want, and you know how to get it... don’t you?
REQUIREMENT: Music Lover trait.
Maximize Singing and Guitar skills;
Write at least 25 songs and earn at least 50.000§ by singing;
Become a World Famous Celebrity;
Have an affair with an Actor;
Have 3 children from 3 different relationships.
🌈 Generation #9: BERRY
Age: Young Adult // 2 traits: x // Aspiration: x  // Career: x
     You may be born in the spotlight, but celebrity life is not all fun and games. Fun, however, are the many many colors that surround you as you paint. Creativity is your best form of expression... maybe you could also make a few extra simoleons out of it?
REQUIREMENT: Creative trait.
Maximize Painting and Photography skills;
DIY — where possible — your own furniture and decorations;
Earn at least 50.000§ by painting;
Marry a Snob sim;
Divorce, remarry and have at least two children.
The first Female will be the heir of next Generation.
🌈 Generation #10: ASH
Age: Young Adult // 1 trait: x // Career: x
     Life is boring. So boring. Nobody is up to your standards, and the only places you find interesting are inside the books you read. In fact, you wish to belong somewhere else. Humans are ephemeral, empty shells. You want to become superior and immortal... like those mysterious creatures in your favourite books.
REQUIREMENT: Bookworm trait, Bestselling Author aspiration.
Become a Vampire;
Maximize Writing and Vampire Lore skills;
Write at least 25 books and earn at least 50.000§ by writing;
Unlock all your Vampire Powers and become Grand Master;
Entice and marry Count Vladislaus;
BONUS: Have TWINS – you may cheat for this one!
🌈 BONUS Generation: EBONY & IVORY
     You two are the complete opposite of each other. To you, everything the other does is utterly nonsensical, and just gets on your nerves. And yet, how is it that you two just cannot have your own lives? Will this curse ever end? Maybe adulthood will finally let you part your ways... or reconcile with each other.
REQUIREMENT: The twins cannot part until the challenge is over.
Maximize at least 3 skills;
Mess with each other until Teen phase;
One sibling must steal the other’s lover at least once;
Get the same part-time job during Teen phase;
Share the same room until Young Adult phase.
Will the siblings finally part? Will they reconcile? Choose your own ending!
     Thanks for reading this far! It may be cheesy and predictable at times, but I had a lot of fun writing this Challenge, so I’m excited to share it with you!
     I hope you’ll enjoy playing it as much as I do! So, good luck, and Happy Simming! ヽ(°´∀`°)ノ♪ .・:☆
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danatyswritingblog · 5 years
Salty Tears.
A/N: So I wanted to write the first writing about this two with a different au but sometimes I need to express some negative feelings in some ways, hope you all still like it!
Theme: 19 Century Au
Fandom: Urusei Yatsura
Pairing: Ataru and Lum
They were people laughing
Again and again.
But now.
They were laughing at her.
She tried anything to fit in this world, the dresses, even the stupid hairstyles that made her head hurt, her Japanese was perfect and she barely had any real problems at, the only one was that she was a foreigner from another planet.
But that was enough for them.
When her husband wasn’t there, her circle of so-called friends mocked her in their meetings, calling her a strange otherworld creature.
She knew that rich people were mean but she hadn’t expected them to be this horrible.
She still sucked her pride and smiled, a thing the other women didn’t like.
They wanted her to broke in tears and ask for forgiveness about her heritage and to promise to never attend this meeting since she was a stranger in this world.
They spend the whole night making fun and making her feel horrible, but she was strong enough to keep the facade to anyone, even her husband.
The spell was cut when she was going to drink some juice, someone pushed her and she fell flat to the table where the drink was, breaking the table and the glass container that hold the juice, making her dress and hair stink like grape.
No one held a hand to her, no one helped her to get up, something inside of her broke and she excused herself,  she wanted to go home.
Ataru knew that his wife had a strong personality and will, so when he opened the door to his house, he didn’t expect to see her like that.
Wearing a dress who was tainted with purple liquid and her beautiful hair was down to, she looked at him, her broken gaze as tears roll down her face, she was in the center of the room, there was broken vases, the same ones her friends gave to her when she arrived here. 
“Lum wha-” 
“Darling please, don’t come closer, I am tainted by…” she broke in tears again and Ataru was already by her side, holding one of her hands, wanting an explanation.
“Lum, what happened and what do you mean by tainted?”
“I am sorry, I promise you I will be a good wife tomorrow, I promise I will face them tomorrow, but now I am just so tired, this happens every day and I-”
“What happens every day?” Ataru said carefully and he saw how Lum looked at him.
“Nothing!! Nothing happened” She tried to laugh it off but her smile was false and her eyes didn’t shine.
“Lum, you need to tell me what the hell happened right now!”
Ataru had enough and he hugged her tightly, she protested and tried to let herself free but he didn’t budge, he even held her tighter, she smelled like grape and Ataru almost figured out what happened.
Ataru’s lips shouted her off, kissing her fervently and when both needed air,  they stopped and he looked at her  shocked expression,
“But…they said I am useless,  they even said that to me every night at the meetings..”Lum wasn’t thinking right, maybe it was all the crying  and headache that made her tongue slip, 
“They do that to you?” He said slowly.
“Yes, this time they pushed me and I fell and I ruined my dress” She said  sobbing” that was the thing that crossed the line”
“Why was the dress being damaged that made you angrier than the other horrible things that they said to you?”
“It was the dress you brought me on my birthday” She said shyly” it means the world to me”
Ataru didn’t have any words but he hugged her tightly again.
“Lum, we’re married,   you have to tell me  what is the shit that they tell you and call you”
“You said the S-word!”
“Well since the other people left their decency behind it was  obvious that I will do it as well”
“But…I don’t want to be a weight for you”
“Believe, you’re not, at least for me” He smiled “So tell me what have you suffered meanwhile your husband was blind as a mole”
She began telling him, insecure at first  but as her stories went on, the emotion overcame her again and she began to cry  hiding in his chest, she told him about the mocking, the laughing, the rumors, the stares of the other ladies, how much they discriminated her, how long has she kept quiet, how insecure she felt.
Ataru held his precious person closer, as something ugly formed in his chest after hearing all the things she suffered, how the ladies had lied to him and he felt worse for not noticing it earlier.
It was as clear as water that he loved her and he will never allow someone to hurt her in any way possible ever again, not even the society.
But now he  will, later on, cancel all his meetings for tomorrow  and will have a good time with his wife, he will definitely take her on  dates more often since she will never go to with those snakes ever again
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bunsiebox · 6 years
An origin story with Kodai and Lum. Not written by me, written by a friend ~
It was cold. That was the first thing he felt, that biting cold, as if Winter itself was gnawing at his fingertips and tearing over his bare flesh… Bare…? His armor, what happened to- The sting of his wounds soon ended his line of thought and overwhelmed the previous sensation. Still, he felt a small amount of joy at that. Feeling pain meant he still hard the parts that hurt. Currently, that meant the right side of his body and his arm. The cold hit it especially hard, so he could only guess it was wet with his own blood. That also meant he blacked out for only a short while, otherwise it would be frozen, and shortly after, so would the rest of him. Mng… His head was hazy… Where… was he…? “Kodai…!” Right… His name was Kodai… Alright, Kodai, retrace your steps… How did you get here?
“… You want to come with me?” He stared at the… Well, he assumed it was a girl by the voice, but he didn’t want to open that can of worms. The one who sat across the table was one of many applicants to join his ‘party’. He had denied seventeen, and coincidentally, seventeen had applied That left his party at a whopping… One. “Mhm…!” They nodded, eyes looking him over. The look was familiar, much like a child’s. She looked as if she was about to ask something but thought better of it and held her tongue. “… Right. Tell me, then,” He sighed. “… You realize that I need people who have a specific set of skills. An open mind and eager heart are nice, but if I wanted a useless squire I’d advertise for that instead.” “Mhm… Well, uhm… I can do magic.” They began to play with the small cross on their neck, trying to avoid eye contact. That peaked his interest. Magic was always useful, and something he thought highly of. He dabbled in it himself but lacked the skill to specialize in both magic and martial prowess… Not like he’d admit it.
“What kind? I’m going to assume divine magics, based on your… attire.”
“Ah…!” They seemed caught off guard. “… How did you know… What gave it away?”
… Did… did their parents dress them or something? It was obvious…
“… The cross, I guess.” That was what he first noticed, so it was technically true. Still, at its mention, they seemed to stare at it, almost shrinking in their seat.
“… Hehe. I see… Ah, but yes, I do divine magics. Healing, to be more accurate… I’ve actually been staying at-“ A finger held over his own lips was enough for them to stop.
“This isn’t a date, I don’t need to know where you live. Healing isn’t bad, but it’s useless to me if you can’t protect yourself. I assume you can do that much?”
He felt a bit relieved when they nodded, even if he had his doubts.
“And do you have any experience with adventuring?”
“… Well?”
“… Mn.”
“… Do you have any experience with doing any sort of work for hire of this type?”
“…” Really…?
“… Do you have any combat or survival experience at all?”
“…” The silence was like a weight around her neck… At least, it looked like it. Could their head hang any lower?
“… Uh…” Think… “… Have you ever helped a lady cross the road?”
“…?! Oh, yes!” She visibly perked up. Was she really that hopeless?
“… Well, it’s a start.” But still, this was the part where they all gave up. “You realize that by signing this contract, you will be in my service, not an equal. My orders will be that, orders, not suggestions, not requests, orders. They will be done without argument or hesitation. In addition, you will be bound by Geas once you sign to ensure you do not take the money and run when you get the chance. You will be paid thirty percent of what you will be rewarded up front, with the rest being paid annually or in a lump sum, along with a cut of any and all treasures found, within reason. Death is possible, likely, and a realistic consequence should you come. If you understand and agree, sign here with your name, sex, age, race, so on and so forth.” He slid them a quill and scroll. “Take all the time you need to read.”
Mng… Well, once they gave up, he would likely move to another town and try his luck th- “Done!” They handed it back. “Oh, good- Mn?!” He snatched it from their hand… Lum Nnamani, female, 23, human… It was all here. “…” He looked up at her smiling face. “… Looks like you have some grit after all. Alright, here you go, cleric.” He dropped a heavy bag of coins in front of her. “Oh, you’re paying me in silver? I thought it said gold…” “… It… did?” He arched an eyebrow. “… But it said one hundred gold for doing this, and this is so many coins… A third is just thirty something, right?” She took the bag, nearly wheezing when she looked inside. “Ah?! So much… Gold…” “… Of course…” One hundred, huh…? “… No, the job isn’t one hundred gold. It’s one thousand.” However, she didn’t seem to be listening, just staring. Most people would never see that much money in one place… But most also knew that the higher the price, the higher the danger. Still, with how wet behind the ears she was, she likely had no idea… Well, she already signed. Too late now.
“I suppose it will be just you and me then. I suggest using that to buy any supplies you need. We leave in the morning. Any questions?”
“Ah…” She let the coins gathered in her hand spill back into the bag. “Hm… Ah, sorry… What did you say?”
“… Nevermind. Be here by tomorrow morning.” He stood, heading towards the stairs.
“Ok… Ah, wait!” She called out, causing him to stop.
“Yes, cleric?”
“I never got your name!”
“…” It was on the contract… But he had a feeling she just skimmed. “… Av-Kodai ‘Iron Yeti’ of Clan Korandar.”
“… Kodai… Ok, Kodai! Goodnight!”
… He had several complaints about the informality of her words but held his tongue. This was the only person who was willing to risk their life for this mission. He could ignore minor slights, that was the trial of the noble. He disappeared up the stairs.
“… Where’s your mount, cleric?”
Lum stood in front of him outside the tavern, bearing a backpack nearly the size of her on her back. He nearly praised her for being overprepared, until her eyes went wide.
“… Mount…? Ah…” She looked away, fidgeting with the cross again.
“… You… You didn’t purchase a mount…”
“… It didn’t happen to cross my mind…?”
“Don’t phrase it like a question!” He massaged the bridge of his nose as she cowered back. “… Alright, fine, we’ll just use the rest of your thirty percent to-“
“Thereisnomorethirtypercent.” She spoke so quick he hardly caught she was speaking at all, and not just sneezing or muttering a prayer.
“… Pardon?”
“… Thereis… nomorethirtypercent.” ... Did he hear that right?
“… Slower.” His eyes narrowed.
“… There… is no more… thirty… percent…” She barely squeaked it out.
“… How in the world did you spent that much gold?!”
“Mn- Don’t yell!” She turned away, as if the massive pack would protect her from him. “There was a man who was selling a magic item, and it was really cheap, and so I-“
“… What item?”
“-and I figured that it was worth the-“
“Lum!” he clapped his hands in front of her, electing a yelp.
“Mn- Huh?”
“… What… Item?”
“… Oh… Oh! Ah, I have it right here… Tah dah…~” She took out a massive tome.
“… Is it a spellbook?”
“… No.” She looked away, hugging it to her chest. She looked disappointed… Was she hoping for a better reaction?
“… What is it, then?” He leaned in for a closer look.
“… It’s a Tome of the Sage.” That sounded… promising.
“And what does it do?” She perked up at his question, clearing her throat before putting on what he assumed was a salesman impression.
“This book has several features necessary for any scholar! It has an endless amount of pages, and anything that you think is put into the book! Like… This!” She opened a page, revealing a crude drawing of what he assumed was himself.
“… And… How, will this help us on a quest? This looks more like something one would use to study.”
“…” She held the book under one arm, using the other to bring the cross up to her mouth to bite on as she looked away.
“It really is useless, isn’t it?!” He barked.
“Ah- I said don’t yell! They sounded really convincing…” She whined as he sighed again. “… Fine. We’ll just… improvise.” She was small… So…
He began to quietly mutter, but before she could ask why, a celestial horse appeared before them. Fur like snow and a mane like silk. It was hardly a second before she was shifting from one foot to the other. He’d seen plenty of children doing this…
“… Yes, you can pet him.”
“Really?!” She gasped, but went ahead regardless, already wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his mane. This would be… exhausting.
“Why is your hair so long and pretty? I thought goliaths couldn’t grow hair.”
Kodai fought off the urge to grown as the girl behind him spoke up with yet another question. Sharing his horse was bad enough, but this was practically babysitting… How long had it been now, six days…?
“I’m half elf, half goliath.”
“Oh… Which one is the elf?”
“My father.”
“… Can I-“
“You may not touch my hair.”
This line of questioning was nonstop…
“… if I let you, will you be silent?”
“…?! Mhm!” She sat upright.
“… Fine…” he sighed before reaching back, letting his ponytail loose. Already he could feel her hands running through it.
This was exactly like babysitting a child… Still, he would just have to end-
“Hm… Ah, damnit-“ He hardly had time to think as he felt the ground start to give out from under them, turning and grabbing Lum by the back of her robes before throwing her as far to the side as he could managed. He attempted to jump off after, but by then he found himself falling before he felt the impact of the fall.
So that’s how he got here… And by now, his eyes had finally adjusted… Oh. He was on his back in a massive ice cave, the ceiling above him having a hole from where he fell. His armor had been relatively battered, his arm being pinned by a frozen stalactite, keeping him stuck to the ground. Another was lodged into the right side of his body, and several other chunks of ice were around him, one risky stalactite uncomfortably close to his head. Normally, he would have been able to see such a deformity… But normally, he was alone… Still, to die alone…
… What was this feeling in his gut? He didn’t like it… It was like a knot, one that grew tighter the more you pulled. He wished it would just-
That voice again… Right, her… But… Before, he had heard it from above… Now, it sounded… closer?
No, it was closer for sure… Which meant-
“Kodai!” He heard the footsteps rushing over. “Oh… Ah… Are you okay? No- Ah, that was a dumb question… Listen, I’m gonna help you out, ok?”
“… Mng…” It hurt to talk… But she seemed to take is as agreement.
“Ok… This is gonna hurt, alright? So, I’m sorry in advance…” She put her hands onto the stalactite in his arm and, slowly but surely, it began to melt. He could see a faint light coming from her hands, but thanks to his vision going in and out, he couldn’t see exactly what she was doing-
“Mn… Nnnnng!” When it was small enough from the melting for her to lift, she pulled it out, leaving the wound open to the freezing air.
“We aren’t done, deep breaths…” She moved to the stalactite in his side, using the same magics before delivering the same ‘assistance’, earning another scream.
“There… The rest of the ice that hit you should just be bruises…” She began to take off his armor. “We’re going to have to leave this behind… You’re too heavy already… And this is all broken anyways… There…” Soon, he was in little more than a shirt and pants, the only pieces of his armor remaining on him being his greaves.
“Now…” She slid off her robes, revealing simple clothes underneath as she laid out the garment. “I’m sorry, but this will hurt too…” She then went to his side, and with a heave from her and a wince from him, rolled him onto her robes. She then took the sleeves, wrapping them together before putting it around her waist like a belt, holding each sleeve like a handle. “And a one, two, three…” She began to walk, gradually pulling him along the makeshift sled.
“… What… are you… doing…?” He felt the pang of regret speaking each word, his body screaming in agony, but he had to know.
“… What? I’m bringing you to shelter.”
“… W… Why…? Broken… Could have… taken money… left me to… die.”
“Hm? Why would I do that? My job was to help you, wasn’t it? I’m helping.” She said it was if it was a matter of fact.
“… Why? Why would-“
“Stop talking… Ah, please. You need to save your energy, ok? I can fix your bad injuries with my magic, but only once you’re out of harm’s way… If you die before then, I’d feel really bad.”
“… Mn.” He let it drop. She was so… annoying…
“And… there!” She sat back, a wide smile on her face as she finished bandaging his arm. “You won’t be able to use it for a while… But it’ll heal! Some rest and more magic when I restore what I’ve spent should be more than enough to keep you going… However,…” She sat back. “Do you have magic of your own? It took me a long time to find a way down… By all accounts, you should have been dead, you know?” She hugged her knees to her chest, tilting her head.
“…” He stared at his bandages. “… Thank you…” He muttered.
“… Hehe… Is it hard for you to say stuff like that?” She giggled.
“Mn… Don’t tease- “
“But you still didn’t answer my question.” She interrupted.
“… I know some. Nothing as good as yours, enough to know it when I see it…”
“Where did you learn that? I thought goliaths were just… Well…” She looked away.
“Say it.” He’d heard plenty of terrible things about his race.
“… Well… Proud warriors, you know? Big and strong. They wouldn’t need to use magic, you know? They’re like… Strong enough without it.” … That… was a new one…
“… Ah, wait… Don’t talk bad about magic like that.” He grunted. “I learned magic from my father, he was… well, is, a Transmuter.”
“Oh…? Really?” She seemed interested.
“Mhm… Those who can learn and use magic are incredible, don’t talk so poorly about it. Any idiot can learn to swing a sword, it takes a special person to learn something like magic.”
“Ah… Does it…” She looked away, biting the cross as she did.
… Ah… Did he… Compliment her?
… Well… She had earned it, she did save his life.
“… You said your name was Lum, correct?”
“Ah… Well… I wrote it down, but never said-“
“Thank you, Lum.”
“… You… said my name… Hehe… Could you… do it again?”
“… Hm?”
“Ah… no, nevermind-“
“… Thank you, Lum.”
“… Hehe… Now, could you say I did a good job?”
“Please?!” She gave him puppy dog eyes. “And say my name when you do it!”
“…” He sighed, but allowed a small smirk to cross his face. “… Thank you, Lum. You did a good job.”
“Hehe… Hehe…!”
… She was exhausting… But…
Maybe it wasn’t so bad.
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smutandfluffohmy · 6 years
Sunshine part 2
From: Smutandfluffohmy
Character Parings: Reader X Peter Pan
Warnings: I dont think so?
Requested: Yesss
Author Note: Hey guys its my birthday!!!! (May 10) and this is a birthday gift from me to all of you! Also it’s really short because it’s reallyyyy late anyway lots of hugs and kisses
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Opening your eyes you were starting to float up relief filled you until you saw your body that was being still dragged by the siren. Clawing desperately at the water trying to get your spirit back into your body, slowly the siren brought your body closer to the surface as if something was pulling her up. You held your own face in your hands trying to find a way to get back in, a way to try to keep yourself alive,a way to get back to your home with the people you love. A electric current ran through your body feeling pain as if someone poured hot metal into your mouth. A harsh jolt yanked you towards your body as the siren feel stiff.
Peter lummed over his work space as he crafted and stirred and poured different concoctions into a large glass bowl as he threw open books with simple motions of his hands. As he mumbled a string of words over and over again.
“Okay this should get her back. If not to here at least to the closest shore line she couldn’t last that long at sea.” Peter said despite being fueled with anger he still worried deeply about your well being. Peter sat down as he put his head into his hands, running his fingers through his disheveled hair.
Your body hurt it burned and felt cold at the same time.Grunting you tried pushing your body up with your hands causing you to fall onto your arms. Clutching fist fulls of sand you pushed yourself to be laying on your back facing up at the sky as a now less harsh sun shined down on your face. As you laid on your back for hours to come you finally decided to pull yourself off the sand and tried to get on your feet.
Stumbling to walk on the cool sand you looked around to see if you recognized where you were.The tall and uneven trees resembled Neverland but all the surrounding strange faces were those that you never seen before. Stumbling along to an old forgotten campsite of the lost boys you stumbled into one of the many cut up tents, ignoring the sunken faces that stared back at you. Wiping the dust off an old mirror you looked deep into the drained eyes and slashed up face of someone you never seen before. Your reflection looking nothing like you as you dragged your finger across the deep slash that ran from your forehead, across your eye and across your cheek.
Slashes ran up and down your legs,across your stomach and anywhere you could see, scratches from the siren and rusty metal that cut you up. Your hair tangled up with sand and seaweed as your tears ran down your face mixing in with the sea water falling from your hair. You weren't crying because the slashes hurt but because they didn't. Digging into a deep open cut, reaching in as you moved your fingers around, feeling absolutely nothing complete emptiness. Cleaning your hand off on your skirt as you looked at the dead faces in the mirror looking back at you.You turned around coming face to face with all the dead faces with indications of how they died.
Walking out of the tent you started making your way back to Peters treehouse.Walking past the tents as you grabbed an old hood and pulled it around you as you used the hood to cover your face. Walking till your feet hurt you finally saw the dim lights of Peters lantern up in his room. Climbing up the ladder as you gently pushed open the door and made an attempt to sit on the bed till you were harshly yanked and twisted around.
“Who the hell are you and why are you here” Peter said as he gripped your cold forearm harder in attempts to hurt you. You peeked over the hood to look at his one sweet eyes now were dark and filled with fury. Pulling the hood off your head you looked at Peter with a weary smile.
“What? Can’t you feel me on the island” You said with a weak smile as Peters eyes softened as he saw your face.
“No I can’t” Peter said in a dream like state as he stroke your face with his hand.
“Peter I’m scared I’m so so scared. I died and suddenly I was back in my body and now all I see is people that are dead” You said as tears choked your words in your throat. “And I can’t feel anything at all” You said as you digged your fingers into your open wound again. Peter winced as he grabbed your hand to pull it away from you.
“Y/N I need you to sit down I think I know what's wrong” Peter said in a soothing voice as he gently guided you down to the bed to sit down.
“Peter please fix me please im so scared” You said as you clutched onto Peters hand begging for him to fix you.
“Y/N have you ever heard of necromancers?”
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