#Like why didn't I think of this sooner
holybananaoafshoe · 8 months
 ✨Team Dynamics✨
Tired Cyro Dads 4.5/8
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier when I wrote up the boxing lessons, but here's some last minute brain rot about Kayea teaching Wrio how to sword fight.
Honestly, it’s kinda the same with boxing BUT (big but) Kaeya is definitely the more flirtatious of the two and the best teacher
Wrio’s teaching is based on showing the fundamentals and once that’s done he throws you in the ring because “What’s better than learning on your feet?” 
That’s how he learned anyway
Kaeya on the other hand, he’s trained several knights and adventurers 
I personally headcanon that he has trained Benny and Noelle (at the very least) and helped train Razor and Fischl
You know what, while we’re here, let’s throw in a handful of greenhorn knights too 
WhIlE We’Re At iT I’m going to loosely throw in Mika and Klee.
 Klee because she hangs out with him, he’s basically a second big brother to her, so of course he and Albedo have taught her how to take care of herself. 
Mika because, come on, kid is anxious. I like to think Kaeya helps him when he can while Mika is in Mondstadt….Mika is definitely the little brother Kaeya never had.
Anyway, they definitely don’t use their visions because it could get very dangerous and Kaeya wants this to be a learning opportunity and not a future hospital visit (he’d rather not relive the night he was kicked out of the manor, thanks)
He’s carefully taking Wrio through all the moves and helping him correct his stances, it takes a long time before they move from practicing swings in the air with wooden swords to practicing the movements of a spar, to going through the movements with a real sword
Kaeya is a good teacher: gently correcting Wrio’s wrong moves and softly placing his hands over his to guide him through a swing Wrio just can’t seem to get right.
Everytime Kaeya is behind Wrio, his gentle voice in his ears and his hands on his, butterflies are bouncing in his stomach and the tips of his ears get red
He can barely hear what Kaeya is saying, but he’s making an effort to remember how movement feels 
For Wrio’s credit, he’s a good learner
He’s not one to get frustrated easily when Kaeya corrects his form for the nth time 
Instead he takes the correction in stride and tries to keep it in mind while he moves through the next set of exercises
When they switch to sparing, they take it slow to make sure Wrio gets used to the weight of a sword in his hand
Hey, Kaeya wasn’t about to make Wrio into a kebab, okay?
Wrio is incredibly awkward: super stiff movements and jerky with the sword
Almost takes Kaeya’s other eye out
Kaeya was just fast enough to tilt his head to avoid the worst of it, honestly it was truly just a scratch on his cheek, just below his eye
Wrio is a m e s  s
Absolutely falling over himself to apologize, whipping out the ointment he keeps on him to dab onto Kaeya’s cheek before placing a bandage over it
It takes a little while before they resume, Kaeya reassuring Wrio that he knows it was just an accident all the while
Soon enough, Wrio is kind of getting a hang of this sword fighting thing
Just good enough to start getting cocky
As the fights speed up, Wrio keeps taunting Kaeya 
“That all you got, Cap? I could take you in my sleep.”
“Not so fast with a sword in your hand, huh? I think I might best you yet.”
At one point he does knock Kaeya’s sword out of his hand
He wasn’t really expecting how hard Wrio can hit with a sword damn
He was a little impressed, not that he would tell Wrio that though because he was already starting to boast about the win
Kaeya smirks, shakes his hand a little, and picks up his sword. “Well, if you’re confident in your skills, perhaps we can take it up a notch?”
Wrio, full of confidence from his win, is bouncing on the balls of his feet and ready to go for a round two: “You sure I didn’t hurt your hand with that last round?”
Like, he knows Kaeya is going easy on him, but he’s just so giddy from winning that he can’t help himself
Kaeya is sooo used to the trainees doing this, and the next part is always his favorite
So, he shakes his head, something sharp in in his grin, and tightens his gloves before grabbing his sword: “Then let’s see how you hold up, Duke.”
Wow is Wrio in deep shit
He figured that out pretty fast lol
Like when Kaeya just stood there until he blocked the attack, fuck, it was like hitting a wall 
For someone who got their sword knocked out of their hand from an unexpected heavy hitting, arm-numbing, teeth-rattling, swing just a few minutes ago, Wrio was absolutely shocked to see that Kaeya didn’t budge a single inch when Wrio swung his sword down with all the force he could muster
Kaeya said he could take it after all and, well, he certainly did 
Kaeya tilts his head, a slightly unhinged air surrounding them, and deflects Wrio’s sword up, leaving his torso fully exposed
Kaeya sends Wrio stumbling with a kick and from there, Wrio is absolutely on the defensive
There goes Wrio’s strategy: just hitting Kaeya with full force attacks until he lost his grip again 
Now Wrio was barely keeping up with Kaeya’s relentless onslaught
At one point Kaeya deflects a blow and just disappears and reappears behind Wrio
Wrio did not screech, thank you
He only lasted like, five minutes before Kaeya swiftly knocked Wrio’s feet out from under him--Wrio’s sword slipped out of his hand as he fell--and pinned him to the ground, sword hovering above Wrio’s neck
They both stayed like that--Kaeya sitting on top of Wrio and Wrio laying on the ground--panting from the spar
Kaeya breaks the silence by setting his sword to the side and leaning on Wrio’s chest with his forearms, his blue hair dangling over his shoulder and tickling Wrio’s cheek
“I’m impressed, not many trainees last that long.”
“I’m not any other trainee,” Wrio breathlessly tells Kaeya. 
He’s freaking out internally, because Kaeya is so close right now
Keaye smiles gently, knocks their foreheads together, and whispers: “Well, if you win the next round you may just earn a prize.”
“And what’s that?”
Keaya just grins and slowly sits up, he boops Wrio’s nose and just tells him he’d have to win to find out
It takes maybe three days before Wrio finds out, he was determined damn it 
(he may have gotten Lynette to help him)
(and Freminate too. Claymore, sword, it’s all the same, right?)
Color Kaeya surprised? He wasn’t expecting that? Here he was, teasing Wrio and suddenly he was knocked on his ass and on the ground with Wrio pinning his arms above his head.
“How about that prize, Captain?”
Kaeya starts laughing softly, he wiggles a hand free and cups Wrio’s face: “If I knew you’d be this determined, I would have pinned you down sooner.”
Kaeya doesn’t say anything after that, he’s looking a Wrio with such a soft, caring gaze that melts Wrio’s heart
Kaeya wiggles his other hand free, Wrio swears he doesn’t breath as Kaeya gently guides him down for a kiss
Their first kiss!!! (we made it!)
It was short, sweet, and wonderful
Wrio just rolls off Kaeya and they lay next to each other, looking at the sky and the sword lesson forgotten 
Both absolutely smitten
At one point they look over at each other and just smile
A strand of hair that had come loose from Kaeya’s low ponytail falls onto his face, landing just above his nose in front of his eye patch
Wrio, gently brushes it back behind Kaeya’s ear
They walk back home, hand in hand
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kanrix · 3 months
Ooh, does that mean deer man would be a deer in the pony universe?
Also, now that he's truly yours, are there any changes to his personality and origing that you have in mind?
Oh, obviously.
Personality? I don't believe so, maybe. Still haven't thought about it
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Origin? I basically made it up already with alas.tor so i don't see the point in changing it- but I can keep adding stuff.
He's still a cannibal (I really liked that part) he does like to smile a lot but he drops it from time to time, he's a very clean guy until it comes to guts. A Mamma's boy......art obsessed, he's a bit of an asshole, has a distaste for other men (most of the time at least), he will NOT!!!! eat anything low-quality (despite being willing to eat human meat)
He doesn't tend to get very attached and does not see the necessity of forming bonds with other people unless he is benefited from it. But for the strange occasion that he *does* like someone he will get Disgustingly obsessed and he gets very. Overwhelmed. Do I make sense
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thelibrarybat · 1 month
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I really liked this outfit so here's a rare selfie 🖤
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araneitela · 1 month
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Alright, I've been mulling on this for most of the day, and unless a night's sleep changes my mind, I'll be working on returning (remaking) a very old multimuse of mine, that used to be over at iniziare. The blog will be entirely remade, and I'll post it here when it's done!
For those wondering, it will for now house: Guizhong, Yelan, Kafka and Arlecchino. Time to finish up that other WIP theme for this, I suppose! See you guys on the flip-side of this brighter future.
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foxgonyoom · 6 months
I don't think MK is worried about being a demon monkey thing.
I think he's worried about becoming LBD.
(My theory below, with pictures and colored text, so you don't get bored of course!)
Now I thought this idea up a while back, when I first watched the Jade Emperor episode (which was probably in Chinese when I originally watched it). And what made me think of it was this scene:
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(I think I saw someone somewhere say that there weren't any MK reflections in S4, which is a lie because there's one right here. However it's possible that this is the ONLY MK reflection in S4, which actually ties into my theory because his face is reflected over a skull (and guess who's associated with those in this show?))
Now after a while I forgot about it for the most part, but recently I recalled it, and after looking through some of S4 a bit, I've realized that it's actually probably canon.
Now why don't I start by addressing the conversation MK had LBD when she was defeated, the one they had in the white void.
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LBD: "Save your hero speech, child. I've existed long enough to know when it's over." MK: "You still think that the universe really wants anything from... any of us?" LBD: "Don't you?" MK: "I try not to think too hard." LBD: "So it would seem." LBD: "Know this, monkey. You and I are not so different. We both fight for what we think is right. That pursuit only leads to one thing." MK: "Mhm, to destiny, right?" LBD: "No. To pain."
Now, while I've noticed several callbacks throughout S4 to not only S3 but maybe even previous seasons (IT'S ALL CONNECTED) I'm mainly going to focus on the fight in Pitiful Creatures and take a look at MK and Subodhi's discussion they had in Show Me the Monster. I've got a lot of thoughts but to spare myself I'm just going to focus on things that relates to my theory.
See if you can follow along.
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Master Subodhi: This is not about the Monkey King. There is something more at play here. Something about you." MK: "Wha-? Me? I'm just a regular noodle delivery boy." Master Subodhi: "Ha! Do you even believe that?"
Master Subodhi: "Although this was the stone from which Sun Wukong once sprung, it appears, over time, it was used to form another. A simple creature with no past, no family, and no name. There is a reason you are at the center of these stories. A reason you can harness the power of the Monkey King himself!"
Master Subodhi: "Who or what you are, even I do not know the answer. But of one thing I am certain. Fate has plans for you. Great plans or foul? Time will tell."
MK: "You still think that the universe really wants anything from... any of us?" LBD: "Don't you?"
(Not gonna lie, considering the perception MK's been given on fate (which is a generally pretty cruel and heartless one, considering how it was mainly in tandem with LBD) Master Subodhi telling him fate had plans for him was probably like a giant slap to the face. Like it probably seemed to him like Subodhi was basically saying "lol you're gonna eat shit kid, hope you like being the imposter among us and causing pain and suffering". Especially considering how the one who was always claiming that fate had plans for them was LBD. To MK, Master Subodhi was basically saying that he'd end up like LBD. He was confirming LBD's last words. Hence the "Shifu Subodhi said it himself" line later, even though Subodhi didn't say shit about MK bringing pain and destruction on the world, just fate having plans for him and him being more special than previously thought)
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MK: "You're not real. You're just the curse of the scroll trying to get all up inside of my head, just like-" Protective curse: "The Lady Bone Demon? Tell me, what do you think we are? Honestly. 'Cause I have been dying to hear us say it. Out loud."
(Fun fact, when the curse (which is currently formed as MK) says "The Lady Bone Demon?" You can hear LBD's voice in the background saying the exact same thing)
Protective curse: "Seriously? You still think we're just some... 'noodle delivery guy'? You can't remember where we came from, and we got all this power, and you never once thought, why us? What are we?! What is our purpose?!" MK: "Of course I thought about it! I mean, maybe! I was gonna thought about it. I just... I just wanna be me. To be MK!"
MK: "I try not to think too hard."
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Protective curse: "We're just like Wukong. A fraud, a trickster, destructive. Why would our legacy be any different? Actually, no, no. The chaos and destruction that we'll bring upon the world will make Wukong's past look like nothing. Shifu Subodhi said it himself, right?" MK: "No. No, you're wrong. I'm-I'm... I'm not—" Protective curse: "Not what? Some monkey demon thing destined to bring chaos upon the world? Come on! Use your words, big brain boy. Say it! What are we?"
(If MK is worried he might be like LBD, then it's possible that his perception of LBD is leaking into his perception of the person he's also been compared with, Monkey King)
(Also, keep in mind LBD posed as a little girl, tricked MK, and tried to destroy the world)
Protective curse: "Yeah, boi! Oh, that's what I'm talking about! You can't escape it. This thing, whatever you are, embrace it. Embrace your destiny!"
(I would once again like to refer to Spider Queen's line of "there's no running from what she is!")
And here's a little treat for ya, several times throughout the show characters have consistently referred to LBD as a "what". Saying stuff like, "There's no running from what she is" and whatnot. Now I want you to go back through the evidence I've presented (heck, maybe even go back through S4), and look for anytime that anyone/anything refers to "what MK is". Go on. I'll be here when you get back, pinky promise. :)
(Fun fact, when MK was telling DBK what LBD was, he said she was an "ancient demon". Now in S4, MK is wondering if he's a demon monkey)
Now, there are many more references I could make here. But, to spare my sanity, and to keep you from getting bored from seeing the same shit over and over again, I'll move on now, and instead invite you to look for connections like this in the show on your own time.
For my final point before I end this post, I would like to say something. I don't think the concept of LBD and MK having things in common started with the white void scene. I think, it started here:
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MK: "It's ok. I get it. It's scary being alone."
LBD wasn't the one to make the connection first. MK was. That they were alike in some way. Here, in Minor Scale Major Lift. A season 2 episode. And the one where he first met her.
And, funnily enough, it's possible that there could be more references in Minor Scale Major Lift. For example:
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LBD: "You were right, you know. It's scary being alone! I do pity you."
Meanwhile the episode I referenced the most in this post is called Pitiful Creatures. Plus, in that episode, MK tells the scroll to "get out of his head", and in Minor Scale Major Lift, the Lady Bone Demon "got into his head" so to speak.
Ya know, I think it's funny. We all heard LBD compare herself with MK, telling him that they were alike. Yet, we never seemed to consider that maybe MK actually believed her.
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
OH Dirk being trapped in the house maze while being hunted by the purple people eater was (project) Icarus being trapped in the labyrinth with the minotaur
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bobdylansgf · 4 months
love how i spent so much time trying to force myself to be a super logical person when so many things i do are based on intuition and impulse. like with so many medicine related things i'm like idk man i just FEEL like that's the right answer and then that is the right answer.
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howdyboh · 9 months
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every 5 years i remember that i loved this movie a lot ❄️
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sysmedsaresexist · 11 months
How do you politely say, "bro, you're being kind of ableist and sanist right now"?
Like, you're doing the complete opposite of what you think you're doing
And it's very painful to watch and read, and the number of people you're hurting with your disdain for the mentally ill is more obvious than you realize
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peterstarkss · 1 year
This netflix doc about Maya and her parents being accused of child abuse is horrifying.
I was 22 when I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. My mom was there everyday. I had to get moved out of state and she came with me and the nurses even set up a bed for her in my icu room. I was in a medical coma for almost 1 whole week but she was my rock. She was there for every doctor visit, every PT, and even technically being an adult, I loved having her there to answer every question.
I can't imagine being just 10 years old, in chronic pain, in the hospital for months, and not being able to see my parents. Not to mention knowing there's a huge legal battle and being told things from doctors, social workers, lawyers and only being allowed supervised visits. AND THEN learning that your mother has committed suicide before you ever get a chance to reunite!!
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roo-was-here-art · 8 months
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lesbiankordian · 1 year
i just realized one year ago today i realized i was aromantic
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Not to say one can't consume media they don't 100% agree with (I do the same so like), but you talk a lot about how the core views of TPN vs BSD change your entire way of enjoying these two, and I was wondering what drew you in into BSD if there are so many aspects of it you disagree with?
(Not meant as an attack or as a questioning of you enjoying it, I always am interested in your analysis so this is just out of curiosity, and also I am planning to pick up TPN again sometime this year)
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#I've probably already mentioned it somewhere but this was the exact picture that made me start liking sskk wwwwww#And by extension made me stick around bsd#That said do I really talk a lot about t/pn???? To think I was doing my best to keep it at minimum‚ sorry‚ I sincerely didn't realize 😭😭😭#In the end sskk is just a ship I particularly enjoy consuming (and producing I guess) content of in this particular period of my life-#about that I know for sure I would definitely have hated the pairing when I was 14-18 ahah.#And tbh I hope next I'll hyperfixate on healthier ships#But I just. at this time of my life I find the idea of someone loving you despite you not being a good person strangely comforting.#The idea that even the most evil of people can be loved is oddly reassuring#Besides I like the fandom! I mean‚ in the perfect world at this point I would still be in the p/p fandom... But my p/p hyperfixation ended–#up burning out sooner than how it would have done organically because the fandom was nearly non existent and the canon content was–#untranslated and extremely difficult to access. With bsd the monthly chapters release is ideal in the way it’s both a constant influx of–#new content without it being overwhelming. And it's enjoyable to be part of an active fanbase!#I like receiving asks. And celebrating character birthdays together.#sskk#people asks me stuff#That being said please read t/pn if you can!!!! It's really a fabulous story with incredibly insightful themes.#But also remember not to watch the anime since it's not a good adaptation!!!!!!!#As for the physical reason why I got into bsd: it was to impress a girl. duh
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chaoslynx · 1 year
Aww the fanart with asheiji and kids... <3 It gave me an idea for a fic: Ash and Eiji's child(ren) notice that something isn't going right in one of their friends' life. Obviously they're too young and naive to realize that their friend is being abused at home. But Ash sees, and knows... Merry XMas and Happy New Year!
About an AshEiji [child], I'd like the name Layla for a daughter. Aslan (or Arslan/Arsalan, which is a Turkish name and not Hebrew like Yoshida thought) is the hero of a popular Persian epic. And Layla is from a famous Arab piece, Layla and Majnun, the middle-eastern version of Romeo and Juliet.
Ash has noticed that Layla's been a little ... off, for a while.
She's always bene a little introspective for her age, and generally just a good kid. Gets that from being raised by Eiji, Ash guesses. No way someone raised by someone that good could end up with a cruel bone in their body, even if Ash is the other parent. At least, that's what Ash has to keep telling himself to try to get the idea that Layla won't end up like him.
But she's been even more withdrawn lately, like she's thinking about something beyond her years.
Ash doesn't like it.
It's not quite familiar in a way that's especially concerning to him, but it's uncomfortable enough to see that he's worried. And she's been brushing him off when he asks, but he's determined to get through to her. Layla is his daughter, after all, as weird of a situation as that is for him to realize sometimes.
"Hey kiddo," he says one day, when she gets home from elementary. "You okay if we do an ice cream check in?" It's a keyword of sorts between the three of them—Eiji included—that started just due to Layla's love of ice cream. It became an easy way to talk to her about anything serious or seemingly scary. Spoonful of sugar type of situation. The ice cream makes everything a little more palatable.
But Layla frowns, now, and hugs her knees to her chest. "I dunno," she admits.
"We don't have to, but I do think it would be helpful to talk some things out, yeah? Something's on your mind."
She pouts.
"Am I wrong?" Ash says, not pushing too hard, but just a small challenge.
"Dummy," Layla mumbles. "How'd you know?"
"Hey, language," Ash says, halfhearted. Like he hasn't said worse in front of her. "Come on, let's get some ice cream and talk stuff out."
Once they're settled in with their bowls, Ash waits for Layla to speak first. She already knows that he's wanting a conversation here, since he essentially used the parent equivalent of the safe word they gave her to get her out of any situation without others picking up on it. He's inviting her to say anything and everything on her mind, but he's going to let her do it on her terms.
"... It's my friend at school," Layla says after a few bites.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," Ash reminds her softly. "What's going on with your friend?"
"He's just"—Layla makes a face—"I dunno."
Ash feels a flare of anger for a moment. "Is he bullying you?"
But Layla quickly shakes her head, barely sparing this kid from the wrath of Ash Lynx. "No, more like I'm worried he might be getting bullied. Or ... something." She frowns down into her bowl, and Ash can feel his entire demeanor shift.
Ash goes almost deadly quiet for a moment, thinking of how to approach this. He can't make assumptions too quickly, but he does know that they've taught Layla enough of how to speak up for herself and what healthy friendships should look like that she's probably right if she thinks that something's wrong.
Taking a slow breath, Ash reminds himself that he needs to not scare Layla here as well. He doesn't want her to worry any more than she already is—she's such a good kid, but it isn't her responsibility to be looking after her classmates. If she's right about this—or, rather, if Ash is right about what he thinks Layla might be saying—then the adults in her classmate's life have failed him.
Ash knows what that's like.
"... What's got you worried?" Ash asks gently. "Maybe I can help him, or we can figure out someone who can."
Layla thoughtfully scoops another spoonful of ice cream. "Well," she starts, "he seems to get hurt a lot at home."
Ash's temper flares for a moment, and it takes everything in him to remember that Layla's probably talking about the normal bumps and bruises that happen with the accidents of childhood.
Except, apparently, enough of them to worry her.
"What kind of hurt?" Ash asks.
Layla drops her spoon and runs her hands up her arms. "Like here," she explains. She taps her wrists with the opposite hands. "And here."
"Like bruises?"
Nodding, Layla says, "Like when I fell down."
Ash winces thinking of it even now—Layla fell out of her bunk bed once a few months ago. She wasn't badly injured, but she did have some really bad bruising.
"And he always seems scared in P.E.," Layla continues. "I don't know what's wrong, but ... something, I think."
Ash winces, thinking of his own experiences with sports at that age. There could be any number of reasons why a kid might not be fond of physical education, but ... it's definitely not a good sign.
Ash swallows. "Thank you for trusting me with all of this, sweetie. I'm going to see what we can do, okay? We'll make sure he's okay."
" 'Kay!" Layla says immediately. She trusts Ash so strongly that all the worry she's been showing recently seems to melt out of her. She kicks her legs back and forth, enjoying her ice cream.
... Well, Ash has a new goal. Ethical routes first: he'll bring it to the school's attention first, and then follow up with a social worker and the ChildHelp hotline.
And, if all else fails, there's still a little bit of Ash Lynx left in him these days. He's gotten his hands dirty before, and he's not afraid to do it again. Not if it means he can help someone like who he used to be.
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raiiny-bay · 8 months
idk where i'm going with this but it's somewhere
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pollyna · 2 years
icemav someone you loved song fic au.
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