#Like why do some people die and others become tarnished
mac-tirs · 2 months
Marika, Morgott, Mohg, and the Cycle of Trauma
Marika's hatred of Omens and rejection of Morgott and Mohg makes so much more sense in the context of Shadows of the Erdtree. It completely tracks that she would hate them; she spent her entire life before the Order persecuted and having her people killed and mutilated at the whims of the Hornsent, brutalised into jars for some unknown purpose. The many flesh-jar people that you fight in the dlc are probably all that's left of Marika's people, since it's said that the shamans were completely wiped out around the time Marika ascended to godhood and planted the minor erdtree near her old village. With this in mind, it makes sense that she hates the Hornsent in the Shadow Lands and the Omens in the Lands Between, even though it doesn't justify her scorn towards Morgott and Mohg, and likely why the death of Godwyn led her to finally abandoning her Order.
I feel like Godwyn's assassination was the catalyst for Marika finally acting on her doubts of her Order; Godwyn, her perfect son that was completely curseless (unlike Morgott, Mohg, Miquella, Malenia, Messmer, and possibly Melina) and of her own flesh rather than technically Radagon's (unlike Radahn, Ranni, and Rykard), being murdered probably caused her to finally see how her Golden Order failed– that her Order had become as despotic and cruel and ruthless as the Hornsent's regime in the Shadow Lands, and how rife with corruption her kingdom had become due to the divide between those with grace and the graceless. She likely shattered the Elden Ring because she knew the only way to rebuild the world her Order ruined was through destroying it first to build it better again, and she knew that the best people to accomplish this would be the ones whom her grace had spurned so long ago: the Tarnished.
I also think that she was leading the Tarnished to the Erdtree not for the Age of Fracture, the ending you get if you just reattach Marika's head to her body and become Elden Lord. I think she was gambling on the possibility of a Tarnished meeting others outside of the Order that could lead the world on a better path; I don't think she anticipated that it'd be the path of the Seedbed Curse or the Duskborn or the Frenzied Flame, but I think she was desperate enough for radical change that she was prepared to pay any cost.
Going back to her treatment of Morgott and Mohg, this realisation that her Order failed is probably why they both received their Great Runes. I don't actually think the demigods cannibalised the Elden Ring, like how the game makes you think. Like, I don't think that Radahn strolled in there and took a piece of the Elden Ring, or anyone else like Rykard and Godrick for that matter, but I do think that Marika bestowed it upon them knowing that she set in motion a plan to have all of her demigod children slain, as they're the only people that can truly stand as the final defence against her Tarnished champions. It would make sense that this was her intention, because it would also explain a bit why Ranni and Miquella eventually got rid of their own great runes: Ranni because she wanted nothing to do with the Order, and Miquella because he needed to cleanse himself of all of the previous Order to welcome his new Age of Compassion.
With this in mind, I think that her giving Morgott and Mohg their own Great Runes was both an admission and an execution. It's an admission that she was wrong and that she shouldn't have shunned them, in the form of her finally acknowledging them as her trueborn children (as well as the Erdtree's favour for Morgott as a final mercy at the end of his life, as the one who wanted it the most out of all of them). But it's also an execution in the sense that she is putting them in the line of fire to die at the hands of the Tarnished to be sure that the Tarnished will remain unchallenged as they introduce this new order and this new age as Elden Lord.
It's simultaneously gracious and ruthless, which I think is the perfect depiction of Marika's dual nature. Not even as Marika-Radagon, but as Marika herself: she can be as gracious as she is ruthless and vice versa, which is one of the most compelling aspects of Marika to me. Her grace and favour comes at a steep cost, and out of all of the demigod children, Morgott and Mohg probably paid it the most.
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iamnmbr3 · 1 month
I've been reading a lot of drarry fics lately and one of them got me wondering. In a hypothetical world where everything was pretty much the same but Harry and Draco did end up together, would Ron and Hermione accept their relationship even if begrudgingly or would they be antagonistic about it? And if they didn't accept it, with your perspective on canon Harry do you think he would choose Draco or his friends? 🤔
This is a fascinating question. (Btw huge shoutout to you and all the lovely people who send me so many interesting questions and observations).
So first off there's the question of whether Ron & Hermione would accept their relationship. (To some extent of course this depends on the context of the Golden Trio's relationship at that point; for example, if they've drifted apart or something then things might be different.)
But let's assume they all stay close and remain each other's found family as we see in the books. In that case, I actually think they probably would accept the relationship. Ron stood on a broken leg at the age of 13 and told Sirius that if he wanted to kill Harry he'd have to kill all three of them. And we see they have both risked their lives for Harry time and time again. They even followed him into a deadly Fiendfyre blaze even though neither was enthusiastic about saving Draco or Goyle.
These two have been ride or die for Harry since the age of 11. They love him. They might not agree with his relationship with Draco and they might well think that Draco is using Harry or that the relationship will end badly, but I don't think they would abandon Harry over it.
Now, Harry would probably worry about what they might think. Hermione was called a mudblood by Draco and tortured in his living room. Ron was bullied constantly by him and his brother was permanently maimed because of Draco's actions. He might worry that his friends might not understand or might be very angry. But I also think he trusts Ron and Hermione especially after all they've been through by the end of book 7.
I think Harry is someone with great force of will and determination who is not easily swayed from why he believes and is willing to defy people over those beliefs. At the same time he's someone who tends to be conflict averse with his friends. But only to a point. I mean, he sure wouldn't let the Draco thing go during book 6 despite Ron & Hermione's urging. I think if he loved Draco he would fight to be with him. And I think Ron & Hermione would not turn their backs on him over it. Ron probably says something to the effect of since he already had to go on the worst camping trip ever while on the run from a murderous maniac there’s no point in dropping Harry now.
Also, I think first he'd become friends with Draco before actually starting a relationship (even tho Ron & Hermione might start suspecting where this is going) so that would give him time to introduce the concept and start easing them into it. And they'd probably express reservations which Harry would either dispute or just kinda ignore. I think it'd take a long time for them to be truly won over though.
The person who's most worried is probably Draco. I think he'd be convinced that openly being with him would end up ruining Harry's life by permanently tarnishing Harry’s image and destroying his relationships with his friends. I think he would have a lot of anguish and guilt over any tensions that arose due to him and I think he might even try to convince Harry to end things with him bc of it and then he’d really try to get Harry’s friends to tolerate him for Harry’s sake.
As for what Harry would do if his friends made him choose. I think if he truly loved Simone he would put them first. I also think he’d choose the people/person who didn’t force him to choose. If Ron or Hermione turn their backs on him then I think there are already other tensions in that scenario and it’s a situation where the friendship doesn’t survive the war. Like maybe Ron and Hermione don’t work out long term, Ron regresses to his worst impulses and becomes consumed by jealousy of Harry’s fane and bitterness over feelings of inferiority and then the last straw is Harry getting together with Draco Malfoy of all people and they have a falling out. But yeah. I don’t really see it in canon. Ron and Hermione don’t like Draco but they don’t deeply hate him because he hasn’t done anything especially awful to them. Sure they dislike and distrust him and have a lot of negative feels about him. But they love Harry way more than they dislike Draco. They probably worry Harry is making a bad choice. But they don’t abandon him.
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lunareiitic · 5 months
Ahead of 2.2 tonight, I'm thinking about prisoners.
2.1 Spoilers ahead: be warned.
It was pointed out to me earlier today that when Sparkle references "two mutes" to Aventurine, that she could be referring to several people. The other mute initially appears to be Robin, since she's dead and a singer who can no longer sing. But, on reflection, Sunday has been muted just as much. In Concerto For Two, she notes with bitterness that she feels that "their" dream hasn't been realized, perhaps implying that her dream was always to share the stage with Sunday as equals.
Aventurine is a prisoner in many respects: this is simple and easy to understand. One of his Eidolon's is literally called "Prisoner's Dilemma". Penacony used to be a prison complex, and it still is, after a fashion. As I often say "if you wish to escape, but cannot, it is a prison. If you cannot escape but do not wish to do so, it is a fortress." Sunday, who seems so preoccupied with the past: he keeps a framed Concerto For Two light cone in his office, he's the first to call out Gallagher's trait amalgamation of every person he's ever loved, he's the nominal head of the Oak Family: Penacony's administrative branch. He wants to preserve the life he's built up for himself and his sister, and now is suffocating under the bureaucracy he so longed to control. Now, with the one thing he was so desperate to keep lost, he isn't even allowed the space to publicly grieve. Muted, not unlike a jazz trumpet. Firefly, trapped in her own body, slowly but surely losing herself. It's clear that the SAM armor might be some kind of stopgap measure (or perhaps its her unique condition that allows her to pilot it), but her confession in 2.0 didn't seem to be lies. She gains nothing by lying about that. Penacony is a paradise for someone like her, whose reality is so bleak. There's a reason she doesn't play her hand as early as she could: and part of that is probably plot reasons, but part of that feels... sentimental. She didn't want to tarnish the Trailblazer's memory of her: preferable to die and be replaced than to betray them. That's very natural, isn't it? That desire to prolong something sweet, even though it's impossible. And then there's Robin: prisoner in ways that reflect the three we've already met. Her trailer makes key note of this: the celebrity, the sexualization, the objectification, the derealization that comes with being such a pivotal cultural icon. If she feels that Sunday doesn't share her dreams, it's clear that he doesn't realize this: look and see his arm shining her halo in the opening of her trailer. Her very own brother, her closest guardian, being the architect of her torment. He's rather mythologized her, hasn't he? Even to her only family, Robin is a legendary figure, a perfect angel that cannot do wrong, on whom all of Penacony rests. It's interesting how once she starts fantasizing, all of the people in her mindscape become puppets or shadows: people about as real to her as she is to the masses. Sunday isn't there at all: nobody is. How much has happened since he joined the Oak Family and she (assumedly) joined the Iris Family?
A popular theory: what if Robin isn't dead? What if she faked her own death, as Firefly did? She clearly couldn't escape on her own, with her fame and importance to the Family's public image. Gallagher doesn't give Sunday an answer about why he used Death on Robin. What if she felt it was better for him to think her dead, than to think of her as a traitor?
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geminialchemist · 2 months
More Shadow of the Erdtree discussion, because I seriously cannot shut up about it.
God damn, my posts must make it seem like I loathe this dlc, when it’s one of the best I’ve played in my life. Screw this just being a good DLC, this was an amazing Fromsoft GAME with the title of DLC attached to it.
With that said… I still have complaints to air, because I’m a whiner baby, and I find it easier to construct my thoughts around my criticism of things rather than my praise for them.
I’ve seen the idea floating around that some people think that some other people don’t care for the ending because they don’t like that Fromsoft made Miquella a villain. I’d like to utterly dash that idea. I don’t dislike that they made him a villain, I dislike that they made him a bad villain.
What’s Miquella’s motivation? We know his end goal. Become a god, make the world a compassionate place via brainwashing. We know how he put his plans into motion, convoluted and brow raising as the writing choices for that was. But what is his reason for doing it?
Messmer’s motivations, we know. He is, at least outwardly, a brutal tyrant. He leads a genocidal crusade against the Hornsent and any Tarnished he crosses paths with. We also know his motivation. To take the blame off of his mother for these actions. He doesn’t particularly like being so brutal, but has become the figurehead for the worst actions of his country, and has faced a willing exile with his loyal followers to shift the blame way from his mother, who he loves and cherishes, even after she has abandoned him to his fate. His villainy is his complacency in his mother’s conquests. This actually makes him a sympathetic antagonist, which is why everyone paints him as a soft boy in need of hugs. I’m simplifying this a lot, because outside of no plot for Melina, I have no major issues with Messmer’s side of the story in this DLC, it’s good stuff, great writing.
What’s Miq’s motivation? What made him wake up one day and decide he was going to be a god, and use mind control to pacify the entire world? I realized as I was theory crafting that I… don’t really know? I certainly have headcanon and ideas, I just can’t remember it ever being stated in canon. Just that he wants to do it. Did I miss something? I can’t have missed something, could I?
Was he evil all along? Is he doing this to control everyone just for laughs? Is he a broken person, who witnessed the horrors of war during the Shattering, unable and unwilling to fight due to his body and pacifism, showing up after battles to tend to the wounded but knowing that for every living person he found, a hundred more were corpses, and that for every one he did manage to save he was forced to leave a dozen others to die in agony and so decided to end the cycle of violence by any means necessary?
Did he simply want power and a complacent population? Did he want to fix all of his mommy’s mistakes(no, couldn’t be that one, fans would have woobified him to the same level as Messmer)? Or was it overpowering grief that drove him to tear his too-soft heart out and cast it aside? We don’t even know! Or at least I don’t. I’ve scoured the wiki’s for NPC dialogue, and item descriptions, but unfortunately those are still incomplete, and are missing huge chunks. I’m in the middle of my second run of the dlc, too, but haven’t come across anything yet.
Can anyone tell me what I’m missing, if I did miss something? Or is this just another example of the second half of Miquella’s questline being terribly written? If I did miss something, let me know, and make sure to shame me and call me an idiot, it’s the only way I’ll ever learn!
EDIT: Thanks so much for giving me some answers! I’ll go look more into Ymir’s dialogue, I’m curious to if reversing Marika’s Sin is his motivation, or just another endgame goal to add to the pile to ensure “World Peace(tm).” For instance, Hornsent still doesn’t trust or accept anyone in the group for what Marika did, even under Miq’s charm, so fixing that could make his charm sink in easier for the Hornsent population? I’ll go check it out in my NG+ run, I actually haven’t spoken to Ymir yet in that run.
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deuxcherise · 4 months
Look At Me
C/w: Includes adult content, NSFW, unhealthy relationship dynamic, unhealthy behavior, murder, animal cruelty, animal death, male x female, dom reader(?), sub lover(?), mentions of sadomasochism, no beta we die like men
A/n: So I wanted to rip something out of my head today and throw it down into something tangible instead of just letting it ferment like all of the other ideas. Writing is hard, aughhhh.
But here's my good boy oc! Enjoy him!
As the daughter of the Astoria Empire's Royal family, there is nothing you can do that can tarnish your reputation. Even if the people see you as “The Mad First-born Princess”, they still worshiped your family's lineage, especially your father, the Emperor, as descended from the heavens and their salvation.
A cultivated image, maintained by the powerful and the rich. You cared not for it, since this empire has never been a source of comfort.
Unfortunately, there is a law regarding marriage that greatly involves the first-born, even if you are literally a princess of the empire. Before any siblings can get married, the first-born must be married off. It is akin to presenting the image of the family forth in public, to serve as a model for the younger ones and other potential suitors and maidens. It is all about connections, yes? And luckily or unluckily depending on your tastes, you seem to have been engaged with a… strange gentleman.
You sit, one leg crossed over the other, on the edge of your king-sized bed, dressed in a sheer nightgown. On his hand knees, still dressed in formal attire, the man’s chin rests on the dorsal side of your out-stretched foot and looks up at you with the most depraved looking eyes you have ever seen.
Naoki Nightshade.
The one and only son of Baron Nightshade. Considering his family is just slightly above the commoners and far below all of the many eligible dukes, marquess, viscounts, and earls, it would have been impossible for the both of you to become acquainted with one another, much less become engaged. Alas, he is a cousin of Lillian Vallar, who happens to be your best friend.
Lillian had actually been the one to suggest this match, claiming that it would bring you and her closer. You and the girl have a deep history together, having forged your bond through life and death during your teens. You know she had no further intentions. That girl seriously just wanted to become your sister-in-law.
And… well, you had to give some credit to your father, that neglectful bastard, since he had the main authority to approve this engagement.
You hold eye contact with Naoki with your chin tilted up in an arrogant manner. His yellow eyes burn with molten gold as they meet yours, making your eyes flick over to some part of the room out of… discomfort.
“... What?”
He closes his eyes, holds your foot with one hand so that he can give it a light kiss before laying more kiss as he moves upward your leg. You don’t stop him, prideful as you are. You are the first-born princess of Astoria. If you so wanted, you can simply kick him to the side. You could hit him. You could tear him apart. Humiliate him. No one would vouch for this man of low status, and no one would dare speak against the empire. And he certainly could not do anything against your physical strength.
He stops at the middle of your shin and looks up at you again. He doesn't look anywhere but your eyes, only waiting for a chance to meet them.
Not in a bad way, just… With the low lighting by candlelight, the intimate setting being your bedroom with its dark red walls and decor, his connection to you… any other man in this situation would be ogling your body through the sheer material. Many men have, even when you are covered head to toe in opaque clothing in the balls you've crashed. But Naoki… he keeps searching for your eyes, no matter the situation or circumstances.
“Princess… please, look at me,” Naoki whispers.
“...And why should I?” you whisper back sharply, still avoiding his eyes, though more out of mischief.
You don't hear his response for a good few seconds, prompting you to look down only to meet his intense gaze yet again. You look away, then feel a quiver from his body from where his hands are holding your leg. He's taking amusement from your reaction, making you grit your teeth.
“What's so funny?”
He doesn't answer, only pressing his lips against your leg, resuming slowly. moving upwards with each kiss. It tickles, but you don’t stop him. It feels like forever but once he kisses your knee, he whispers in the most quiet and gentle voice you have ever heard from him, “I love you.”
Heat fills your cheeks, his stupid line adding onto why you’re avoiding his eyes. “Liar.”
“It's true.”
“We just met two months ago.”
“Indeed, we should've met sooner.”
“I recall you didn't want anything to do with me just weeks ago.”
He rests his cheek against your lap, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Yes. A mistake on my part. M’ sorry. I love you.”
Having been hidden and isolated since birth by a superstitious court, you escaped and crashed the Crown Prince's coming-of-age ceremony because every child of your family got to have an age-of-coming ceremony except you. Ever since your first public appearance, you've been known to torture the royal guards, insult the royal court, and crash uninvited to every single ball you held an interest in. It is like a game to you, to see just how far you can go before someone in the empire finally realizes just how rotten this country's worship is to your family.
But truth be told, you’re anything but mad. Personally, you'd rather stay out of the spotlight. You'd rather sit at home and read a good book or spend your days drinking tea or coffee and enjoy a good evening scenery. Quiet and serene, quite different from your outgoing and insane persona–merely a petty revenge against your father and the country.
You sigh. What the hell happened to this man? The Naoki you met for the first time always kept a practiced smile on his face, no matter how wicked you displayed yourself, yet this happy expression had never reached his eyes. He'd keep his distance whenever he could both physically and emotionally, though he always made sure to accept any and all invitations just to appease you, like a merchant. He used to be so visibly uncomfortable when you would constantly invade his personal space to spout some of the cringiest lines you could come up with when you’re in character. You had heard the gossip, as you always do, about how pitiful the man was to be engaged with someone like you.
You didn't expect much, for what sane person would want to marry a mad woman who could easily take the lives of millions with a single tantrum. In fact, one of the benefits of this persona was to keep away any potential offers of engagement. Why would you want to marry anyone from this empire you hated? But it is law for first-borns to be married, and this is all for the sake of your youngest brother, the Crown Prince, to continue the bloodline. You may have a vendetta against your father, but you could not fault your dear youngest brother for anything.
It was only just a few weeks ago when you revealed your true personality to him accidentally. There was only so much you could do before you had to drop the act eventually. The moment you shared your inner thoughts as the calm and collected lady you truly are, he became so…
You feel the urge to slap him. Again. You've done it before out of some silly punishment, but his face… oh, how could you forget the way he drooled and begged for you to touch him again? It woke something in you that you hadn't expected.
You may have delighted in watching people of the royal court beg for their lives, but they deserved it. They were all who always ignored you, abandoned you, and never batted an eye when you cried and wailed out of loneliness as a child.
This man making himself comfortable on your lap, on the other hand?
You grip the hair on the back of his head harshly, drawing out a shameless moan from him. You click your tongue. That stupid voice of his makes your body feel weird.
“Shut up,” you demand.
“But Princess…”
“It feels good, touch me more…” he mumbles against the plush of your lap.
You release his hair and take your hand back. He whines, getting on his knees to rest his chin between your breasts. His eyes, when you make a quick glance at them, remind you of a puppy along with that pout. Damn his cuteness.
“Princess… look at meeee…”
You hear him make a huff. “Is it because of the Duke of Elsie?”
Confusion overrides your bashfulness, and you meet his eyes. They look angry… and hurt, though they soften when he realizes you're meeting his gaze like he asked.
“The Duke of Elsie? Who-”
He cuts you off by pushing you down onto your bed. He places a knee between your legs and leans over you. One of his hands is holding his weight, and the other is caressing your sides, sometimes teasing the underside of one of your breasts with his thumb. One of your hands flies to his chest and the other wraps around his throat, a threat–a bluff, he knows. You raise an eyebrow, silently demanding an explanation.
“At the last ball he attended, you kept looking all over him without so much of a glance at me,” he explains.
The last ball? Ohhhh… the Duke of Elsie. If you remember correctly, he owns a vineyard and is known to let his pet birds have a taste of fermented berries occasionally. You were paying attention to the bird he came with, who was dancing quite vigilantly on his shoulder that night. What you find strange is that everyone who approached the Duke of Elsie simply wanted to get a closer look at the entertaining fowl. How did your fiance miss the forest for the trees?
“I was looking at the bird.”
“The bird? You mean the one that was dancing on his shoulder?”
“Yes. It was quite entertaining, was it not?”
He stares at you for a moment. “Oh.”
“Oh,” you mock him.
A giddy smile breaks out on his face before he lowers himself on top of your body and hugs you tightly. You can hear him giggling right next to your ear, clearly happy that his assumption was wrong.
Regardless of your feelings for him, you'd never disregard your commitments. He is your fiance and you plan to be loyal to him, not shamelessly gawking at some other person or start an affair. Besides, you have no interest in anyone else anyway.
And he'd like to keep it that way. Naoki plants multiple kisses on your cheek and neck, taking in your seductive natural scent.
Oh how it turns him on. Your scent, your body, your personality, your… everything. He lifts his bottom half up slightly, not allowing the bulge forming in his pants from making contact with you. He'd very much like to rip off this thin material you’ve dared to wear, to touch you in places you’ve never been touched, and mark all of his territory, but he can't risk scaring you.
Of course, no one would dare assume scaring you is an easy feat, but Naoki isn't as stupid as he–well, he is stupidly in love with you but he's not naive. He knows you don't take too kindly to extreme measures. Especially coming from him, seeing as you've been on guard with him ever since his personality took a 180.
Like how after the ball, he had secretly cornered the Duke of Elsie. He beat that man black and blue with a cane before dragging him off to hang his body by stabbing his limbs onto very sharp stakes. Oh, and just before that poor man lost his conscience, Naoki captured his bird and held it with two hands in front of the bleeding man. With a devious smile, Naoki snapped the bird into two. And the smile dropped as quickly as the snap that bird made.
Of course, Naoki had cleaned up the mess and erased any evidence that would implicate him. No one will question about the Duke of Elsie for a while, but he'll have to convince you to avoid the east garden for now. The gardeners have yet to get rid of the faceless rotting corpse, since it's feeding the little animals quite well.
For now, he'll simply work on training his beloved to make eye contact with him more often. The more you look at him, the less he'll assume you're looking at someone else. Okay? Mwaah <3
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uzumakisavior · 9 months
"There's no victory in making someone kneel against their will." [ Cult Geto <3 ]
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The leadership counsel keep their lips sewn shut. The tension lay thick in the air, and the deafening silence rang within its four walls. All eight members hold their breath-- doing their best to control any movement with their stiff, inflexible bodies. 
    The 9th member, the Publics Relations Manager Aoi Suzuki, grits her teeth. Suzuki is the only member standing, just as Master Geto asked, and she doesn't bear to look at him. Her eyes fixate on the wooden table in front of her. Beads of sweat gather on her patchy black hairline.
     "Answer me, Suzuki." Geto's voice remains firm and composed. A sneer pulls taught at the corner of his lips, mocking any sense of safety and hope. His hand reaches into his yukata, seeking for something important.
     "If these carefully, tactfully written letters aren't from you -" Suguru removes small stack of handwritten letters from his attire, then tosses them in front of him. Several pages slide across the conference table, some almost flitter in the wind. "Then who? Who else would tarnish the name of our tranquil abode. Why would anyone speak ill will of our liberated community? Isn't it our job to unshackle the masses, not push them away." Suguru's tone morph into a form of malignent playfullness. "Spoiling our heavenly mission -...hmm....I would say - fall under the guise of treason, would it not?"
    Suguru's words sharply ring in Aoi's ears. They echoe in the corners of her mind like an ominous beating drum. She was - in fact - stealthily warning the public of Geto's cult. Suzuki has valuable connections to the media and other public outlets, an advantage Geto sought to exploit. As a result, Suzuki was personally hired by Geto to gather more lost souls to freedom. While her networking skills proved itself useful to him, but she couldn't stand by and watch people die any longer. Her guilty consciousness ate away at her psyche and health. Compliance was the flame swallowing her whole.
    A devoted follower pretended to be Aoi's next business partner. A secret few that Geto has chosen to spy on other members. Suzuki told them to keep away from the group, occasionally sending a letter or two explaining why. Her aggregious mistake revealed her true intentions to Master Geto himself, and now her foolishness was coming at a price. Possibly her own life.
     Suguru leans forward, resting his chin on his on his palm. Eyebrows crease harshly in a macabre display of intent, and a cold- unrelenting stare glues onto Aoi. This threatening ear to ear grin remains. "Well....?" He asks, his words icy enough to chill bones.
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     The 8 members glance at one another from across the table. Pupils shrink, but otherwise, eyes remain the same. All sit statuesque to avoid becoming involved in the scene. All but their visitor, a pink haired, gentle, sweet voiced woman who had the honor to sit beside Master Geto. Without her, Master Geto would sit alone at the end of the long rectangular conference table.
      Suzuki's clammy skeletal palms held onto the seat, resting beside her. Shallow breath work against the pounding heart hitting her chest.   Speak...speak.speak.speak idiot speak!! she thinks. Her anxiety held its grip on her stuttering voice and shaky emaciated lips. Tears well up by the mild crows feet wrinkling at the corner of her eyes. Aoi's knees grow weaker and weaker.
    "I-I'm sorry!!" She cries. "Master Geto. I-I was lost!!  Lost!! I didn't know wh-what I was thinking. I'm so stupid. I'm an idiot. My f-flame - Yeah!"  Aoi's petite, delicate body drops to the ground. She gets on her knees and kneels low enough for her nose to press against the hardwood floor.
     "M-My ailment. It's the fire. The fire w-was consuming me. M-My thoughts. Free me Master G-Geto. I promise, it won't b-be left unchecked again. I swear to you." Tears escape her nose, making her sniffle in between her words.
    The cult leader's smile only pulled tighter at her display of remorse. His full menacing teeth reveal themselves for all to witness. A distorted sense of joy triggers his nerves as adrenaline pushes its way into his blood. Aoi's distress and her suffering were purely gratifying.
"Yes. Snuffing out those treasonous flames. I can do that for you, Aoi" Suguru mocks. "Any potential flame that threatens our community deserves to be smothered. For all of us."
      Suguru raises his free hand and extends his open palm to face her. The moment he was about to summon a curse spirit, he feels a warm firm weight on his shoulder. He looks at the corner of his eye and sees Maeve with her hand on him. Despite the conference's unsettling foreboding energy, Maeve demeanor remains calm and helpful. The light of his soul sat beside him. How could Geto forget about her presence? Did he completely neglect the possibility of his sunshine witnessing the worst of him? Still, Maeve's warmth reels him in, presence alone with power to ground him.
    Suguru begrudgingly closes his palm to a fist. A low, grumpy growl hums at his throat.
"Aoi's treason isn't to be taken lightly, however, I feel merciful today. So I ask all of you to kneel. Kneel if you seek to prove your loyalty me. My mercy is limited, so I challenge you not to spoil this rare opportunity."
    A chorus of abrupt, chaotic, shuffling changes the atmosphere. Power and control was still at the forefront, but the tension and weariness from the other members morph into panic. Each of them follow Aoi's example. They scramble to their knees, palms face down above their heads, noses press against the floor.
    A memory plays in Suguru's mind. Earlier within the week, Maeve had entered his study. She approached him and said, "There's no victory in making someone kneel against their will." With her words playing in his mind, he whispers to Maeve,
"This here, observe. Would you not call this a victory?"
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ambriel-angstwitch · 1 year
Ivy through the lens of Morgwen
How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith forgotten land
Ok this makes me think of when they meet in the woods in season 5 they meet in a place where so many have died and by being there even somewhat against her will Guinevere has betrayed Arthur’s faith in her.
In from the snow Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand
They are the light of each others life and bring forth strong emotions (the two meanings of incandescent). It becomes a tarnished love though because after Morgause’s influence and the subsequent betrayal Morgana they no longer can hold each other as they once did. Or you can argue that according to Uther their love would have always been tarnished as to be with a servant would detract from the value of Morgana. Either way though their love had been grand.
And the old widow goes to the stone every day. But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living
After Morgana’s betrayal Guinevere lost her love but there is no grave to visit and in a way she’s forever left waiting. Similarily Morgana is the the same way except she has more belief that Gwen could come to her side.
Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand. Taking mine, but it's been promised to another.
The loved one tries to take some of the pain they hold it in their hand, but the wording of a freezing hand is amazing because that can often be something uncomfortable so that can mean though they try to help the other they cause them discomfort instead. In a way they can both fit this role never really being able to create what the other needs. Morgana as the kings ward (and daughter though people don’t know that) was likely intended to be married off to someone and Guinevere was destined to marry Arthur but yet they take each others hands.
Oh, I can't. Stop you putting roots in my dreamland. My house of stone, your ivy grows. And now I'm covered in you
They cling to each other. They love each other so much but they are destroying each others plans. Guinevere can never get that soft life she’d dreamed they might have as Morgana won’t let go of her bitterness and realize better plans and Morgana can’t convince Guinevere to join her side of the fight as she cares for many people in Camelot
I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed
They both wish to know what makes the other wish to be with them despite never getting to truly be together. Well they both love each other it is a curse to be forced to hide it. Also brings to mind Morgana’s magic it could be considered a curse and Gwen as most people in Camelot don’t understand that it’s not always a choice so she would wonder why she decided to take on magic.
He's in the room. Your opal eyes are all I wish to see. He wants what's only yours
You could describe Morgana’s eyes as Opal as like Opals Morgana’s eyes can appear Blue or Green and even Gold (Opals have even more colors but Morgana’s eyes are limited to that)
Clover blooms in the fields Spring breaks loose, the time is near What would he do if he found us out? Crescent moon, coast is clear Spring breaks loose, but so does fear He's gonna burn this house to the ground
I know on the original context him is the woman’s husband but in this analysis it’s Uther because he’s far more filled with rage. We have seen in the show that he has no care for servants and those his children cares for. He would kill them without hesitation. Arthur doesn’t have that same cruel anger even if Morgana and Guinevere had been together when Gwen and him got married.
How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole On begged and borrowed time
They were truly in love with each other. It started out sweet and innocent even though it was a secret due to how society would view their relationship. But it was borrowed time, they were destined to be torn apart.
So tell me to run Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become And drink my husband's wine
Morgana gave Guinevere an out when she rose to power, Guinevere could join her side or even just sit on the sidelines and no harm would come to her. But they had to become something they never wanted to be. Torn apart and turned against each other.
And I'm covered in you So yeah, it's a fire It's a goddamn blaze in the dark And you started it You started it So yeah, it's a war It's the goddamn fight of my life And you started it You started it
They are on an opposite sides of a fight and it was Morgana who started it. Had things gone differently Morgana and Merlin’s could have stayed friends and brought back magic together and Morgana and Gwen could have been happy but instead Morgana was bitter and the war was started.
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nerendus · 1 year
How Death Works for the Tarnished (theory)
Fromsoft games pretty much all have some system of revival in their games for the mode of gameplay to work—the Undead in Dark Souls, the Dream-touched hunters of Bloodborne, and the Tarnished of Elden Ring.
Despite them being referred to as those cursed with life even after death, they very much can die permanently. I've seen people get frustrated with this since it's never given an answer as to why, but I'm glad it doesn't say why because it forces players to really think about death within the lore and come to their own conclusion. And boy, do I love coming to my own conclusion.
Firstly, I think it's important to get out of the way of things that aren't actually permadeath. Specifically, invaders. Whenever you kill an invader or if you die as an invader, you aren't actually really dead. You are sort of in this astral projection form in another plane to carry out malicious deeds whilst your actually body and soul is actually safe and warm in the real world. This is seen in action when Vyke invades you in Liurnia but then you fight him as a physical boss on the Mountaintops. Which mean that invaders like Edgar, Eleonora, and Okina are very likely to still be alive even after you kill them.
But you still can kill your fellow undead Tarnished in the real world, and unlike you, they die permanently.
My theory as to why this is is based on a comment several Tarnished NPCs make—they can no longer see the guidance of grace. The grace of the Greater Will has left them either due to its own reasons or because those Tarnished (those sent to claim the Elden Throne) have no desire to take the mantle of Elden Lord and therefore have no purpose as a Tarnished other than to be a ruined legacy.
As far as I'm aware, there is only two other Tarnished who are seeking to become Elden Lord—Gideon and Godfrey. But there's a reason for their deaths as well. Mainly, Gideon no longer thinks it's possible (or right) for a mortal to take the mantle of Elden Lord and upon the boss fight he would have lost that grace to guide him. Godfrey is a man that believes respect comes from strength in battle, so his boss fight really is sort of like a gladiatorial fight for honour and the right to rule, and upon his death, he even remarks that your strength is worthy to rule—giving you his blessing to become Lord and rescinding from the guidance of grace and dying as all mortals should.
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force-slash-non-con · 2 years
YAYY I've gotten into Elden Ring let's go time for some horrid cruel OC talk
Let's call him Fang
220 cm. I have a fucking issue.
He ain't a nice man. Verily, he is a right cunt.
Yeah, let's not beat around the bush, he's a r4pist. He also likes breeding.
There are few things he respects more than power for yourself. Absolutely loathes bullshit like 'im grabbing power to protect people', 'im becoming strong because wah wahh I deserve it I've been kicked down for so long' shut up. Shut the hell up, own up to the fact that you just wanna be powerful and hold power over people. Don't make it pretty, don't make it whiny, just become powerful.
Also likes feeling good. He likes sex. Hence why he's Like This.
The first one he goes for is Varré. There's implications that Varré murders your Maiden at the start, and hey, if the guy wants to take the role as your maiden that bad, he'll get it. The full force of it.
(Varré inadvertently saved that poor woman. But Fang will absolutely try to breed the hell out of Varré-- oh, the genitalia isn't correct? Doesn't matter. He'll fuck Varré for long enough that the poor man will think that he's gotten impregnated.)
Poor Varré will stick up with it, because he needs this Tarnished one around, and Fang is taking some great amusement in seeing how far he can push Varré until the guy snaps.
Fuck dude, Fang hates Seluvis. Spineless old fool. He'll fuck his pussy until the poor man's actually impregnated for real. Blackmailing him because shit, the man laid all of his cards on the table with the entire assassination thing. Of course Fang is gonna lord it above him.
Fang and Dung Eater has crazy sex, and then tries to kill each other the rest of the time. Shared goal with the Erdtree, but neither wants the other one to get there first.
(I am not getting the Dung Eater ending because i don't want Big Bogart to die :(( )
Part of Volcano Manor. He side eyes them slightly, don't really like having someone pulling the strings-- but he can't deny the results. And ultimately, they're all open with what they're doing.
The sex he has with Rya us completely consensual. He carries her eggs when she eggpreggs him. She's sweet. Meek, sure, but she's undeniably strong. As long as you're strong, you can be as meek as you want to be.
There's this guy whose goal is to make sure that the weak will be the one who inherits the world, and Fang has never been more fucking confounded and utterly insulted. The weak? Inherit this world? Fuck no, they'll die within seconds, how is that gonna solve anything.
The second Fang met Blaidd, the poor wolf has never known peace. 'I'll suck you off standing up' has been said. Fang wants that wolf dick breeding him, and the situation is getting fucking dire, man.
Don't touch his hands. From the moment he arose, people have been wanting to touch his hands. Fucked him up a little in the handholding department.
He enjoys sex. He does also enjoy love, but he takes it from the people who least expect it. Shoves his head into the closest neck to nuzzle 'em up good.
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zevranunderstander · 2 years
Thinking abt grace in elden ring bc i get the basic concept but i have so many questions about it and dont find any answers
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merakiui · 2 years
What if we combine Kamisato Divorcee Darling and Courtesan Darling?
After she divorces Ayato her family disowns her and Ayato’s too busy embroiled in drama after his parents die so she has to figure things out on her own. She already has a tarnished reputation so why not just go all the way, then? She becomes a courtesan and she attracts a handful of customers: mainly noblemen and lords who either have always lusted after her or want to feel superior to Ayato and fucking his ex-wife turned whore is too good a chance to pass up.
Eventually though she amasses a lot of money and secrets from her clientele that she’s able to comfortably pick and chose her clients and blackmail and manipulate the rest. Everyone thinks she’s just some airhead whore with a pretty face and interesting background but she’s been able to secretly and subtly influence politics in Inazuma and even bring people down due to the secrets she’s learned.
Maybe thats what drew Ayato’s attention back to her in the first place, after he consolidated his power and position as the Kamisato Head. A courtesan who has ties to numerous nobles has been influencing politics in Inazuma- so says his Shuumatsuban informants. He sees the name but he doubts its his ex-wife— after all she came from an affluent family and they never consummated the marriage so it’s not like she couldn’t remarry right? (Oh the poor man, not even realizing that no one would ever believe a divorcee, especially when she’s been dishonorably disowned by her family— which he finds out later).
When he arrives, he’s stunned. She is too, somewhat, despite having accepted the offer and meeting. It’s a weird affair to be serving your ex-husband, but he paid so...
Ayato doesn’t know what comes over him when he asks why she’s a courtesan. Was the alimony not enough? Is she being forced? Why—?
And she merely brushes him off and says she doesn’t talk about private affairs with customers. It rankles him but he’s forced to accept that he can’t really *do* anything about it. She offers him a few secrets in-exchange for the money he’s paid, saying he can get it on his first visit since he’s a “special case” and Ayato asks how many “visits” do her other customers have to do before they’re awarded such “luxury” and she shrugs. A pretty and knowing smile on her face as she dances around the subject as gracefully as she would dance back when she was a noblewoman.
Ayato gains valuable information, but he considers its a one-time thing. He doesn’t need to see her and her information, while valuable, it’s not something worth risking his reputation for. And its shameful isn’t it? For him to be seeking out a courtesan? Much more one who used to be his wife?
Until he ends up back at her place needing more information, some secrets to force a deal and ensure the obedience of some overly proud lords who won’t accept “someone with a tarnished reputation” like Ayato as their superior. Perhaps she had her own issues with them, a certain stiffness and sharpness in her demeanor when he asks that makes him wonder what happened there but he refrains because he knows she’ll rebuff him. But instead of accepting payment she says this one is free. A farewell gift of sorts from the former Lady Kamisato to her Lord Husband. Ayato doesn’t understand but the determination in her eyes reminds him of the times in their marriage and he lets her handle it. Out of curiosity, he swears. When the matter is handled well and he gains more than obedience but even pledges of loyalty from these once proud lords, he can’t help but praise her skill.
Of course, subsequent meetings and business involves the exchange of money, but Ayato finds it a small price to pay for the reliability of her services. And her company. And the willing ear she lends and the total privacy of her bed chambers that allow him to rant and rave about the idiosyncrasies and irritants he has to deal with due to his position.
It’s on one such return home from her establishment does he meet Guuji Yae at the entrance to his home, amused and positively bursting with mischief as Ayato readies himself for a battle of wits, only to be totally disarmed by her question of “Do you still love your dear wifey after all this time?”
He locks himself in his room after and doesnt visit her. He doesnt love her. He never did. The marriage was arranged by their families. They divorced because they were a mismatch. They couldnt, wouldnt work no matter the effort he put in to make her like him even just a little bit. To see him as more than just the man arranged to be her life partner by their parents, more than the other pawn forced by adults in the game of politics. They didnt work out. They didnt love each other.
She never loved him, no matter how desperately he wished she could at least pretend she did. But she never lied to herself while Ayato was an expert at it. Wasnt that why they divorced despite how disparaging the elders had been about it?
Perhaps what hurt more was when he returned some months later and she merely looked at him and greeted him airily, as if she did not notice his long absence. As if nearly a year of no contact meant nothing to her, while Ayato anxiously stewed in his thoughts all about her for not only this year but the past ones too.
And something in him snapped as her last client walked past him as she barely acknowledged his presence except for a dismissive “your appointment’s in two hours”.
He threw his satchel at her vanity and she screeched as she pulled away quickly and stared at her cracked appearance in the mirror as Ayato stalked closer and grabbed his bank book, a pen, and his personal seal as he caged her between the vanity and himself.
“How much to make you mine again?”
He has more than enough Mora to get her back. But are such materialistic things enough to convince her if she holds no love for him?
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mistleaneous-chaos · 2 years
Beat Elden Ring for 3rd time and I have some thoughts on the FF Ending, so
Elden Ring Spoilers!
Man the Frenzied Flame Ending is one that is just, interesting to me in so many ways and it really just has got a lot of things that make me like it so I’m just gonna list them off
the fact that throughout the game the idea of “Madness” being more than a status is teased, such as how in the description of the first spell you get, you see it clear as day say “Three Fingers”. But it’s so early in the Weeping Peninsula that you might just gloss over it, thinking “Oh, just another Name I should remember, cool” and disregard it, not knowing what it means
The foreshadowing of Kale’s words having a deeper meaning is there because of the way he talks and it’s really cool, because when he says the line about his people being unforgiving you just think “Oh, well I guess I shouldn’t attack them so I don’t lose a shop”, when it also comes from the fact that they literally cursed the Lands Between with Frenzy
Shabriri as a whole is really fucking interesting to me. And not just because he was the World’s Biggest Troll. But because of the idea that he became so synonymous with the Frenzied Flame that he ascended to a form that was less of a Deific one and more of just, Higher Being-esque similar to Bloodborne beings. And his physical introduction was literally horrifying to me, like I saw Yura fucking DIE, and I literally FORGOT. So when I saw him on the Mountain, my initial reaction was “Oh hey it’s Yura!” And then he starts to talk in a weird way and I immediately remember, “Oh, oh fuck Yura’s dead, who the fuck are YOU?” And the idea of this guy who was potentially also responsible for the Burying of the Nomads, becoming a higher being and stealing the bodies of those is fucking Horrifying to me and I think it’s because now in future DLC I’m worried they may do it with other characters, like imagine if Millicent showed up and it’s some other, weird Outer God person
Vyke is such an interesting parallel to Us. Because when you learn more and more about him, it becomes apparent what his story is. Because out of all the Tarnished in the Intro and even in general, Vyke HAD IT. He had the blessing of a Dragon, he had the Faith to back it up, and he made it all the fucking way to the Forge, but then he just. Stopped. Turned back around, and descended into the sewers and became a contender for the Lord of Frenzied Flame. So what I think is that Shabriri got to him too. Maybe he was separated from his Maiden at some point and Shabriri, in whatever form he took, told him the deal of what the purpose of Finger Maidens are: Guiding their Tarnished and Burning. And Vyke couldn’t handle it so he followed Shabriri’s instructions without question. But then he probably killed his Maiden by accident in his madness, which is why he trapped himself in a snow-covered Evergaol. And it’s interesting because like, it’s very similar to the process most players will go through if they do this ending. They’ll hear Shabriri and they won’t want to lose Melina, the one constant source of kinship in our journey. So they’ll go back to Leyndell, get burnt, and “save” Melina.
The way they portray the flame as a whole is one of the most unique ways I’ve seen in the series, but also reminiscent of Souls. Like Flame has always been Red or Orange or whatever, even in the games early Pyromancy Incantations. But the Frenzied Flame has Yellow as its primary color rather than Red, which really helps to reinforce how different it is to the other flames, yet also give a similarity to the Bright Yellow Erdtree, maybe foreshadowing the Outer God that the Elden Ring is the Vassal for. But at the same time, the way that it is portrayed Animation-wise is so similar to the First Flame. Like when you take control of the Flame in the forge, it is so similar to DS1’s Link The Flame Ending in the way you just let the flame consume you and lose all control is just so similar
In the Ending it literally looks like we are reveling in our success. Like the Tarnished never speaks, they always emote in body language, and even then that’s sparse. But the Tarnished literally seems like they are having the time of their life in that moment. Because in that one moment, they Win. As Lord of Frenzied Flame, they want everything to become One, and they are doing it. There is no other goal. There is no other motivation anymore. What was once a desire for Lordship from Grace has now become the Desire to turn everything back into One. And in that moment, what moment can one feel but Joy when everything that they desire is achieved. It’s strange because the Tarnished has essentially achieved, in a weird fucked up way, enlightenment as they have no more desires. I’m not saying that what they do is good, but the fact is that they get to Revel, with nobody to stop them
As a fan of the Omen Twins, the Forsaken Chapel has one of my absolute favorite examples of subtle storytelling in the whole game. When you get there, you find a boss named “Mohg, the Omen”. And if you played an average playthrough you may not have ever heard of this man and thought “Oh wow, a bigger Omen, kinda has similar timing to Margit but wow does he have a lot of spells”. And you beat him, get his incantation, get the +1 favor and sit down at Grace and think “Man, all that for a +1 talisman, huh.” And then? You hit behind the chest, and you see a physical contraption open a secret door, and you’re interested and go down to see “Sealed by Morgott the Grace-given”. And I love that detail. Because that means that both Mohg and Morgott found the Fingers and the Nomads and came to the conclusion of, “Ok. We may not agree on the matter of our blood, but this is something that should not be released into the world.” So they made 3 roadblocks: A Projection of Mohg to wave off random intruders, a contraption to prevent people from seeing the entrance, and a Magic Seal to prevent anyone from entering while Morgott lives. And it just goes to show how dangerous it is, because if even these 2 can agree it should be sealed then that should say something of the importance of the seal and the Moral implications of what’s down there
Ok. Onto the Nomads themselves. In the past, I’ve seen Hollows in all of the Souls Games, and I just think “Oh, just kill em and move on.” So when I first got here I didn’t think much of there being Hollows here. But then I realized that these things weren’t Hollows when I saw one playing an instrument. And then I read the merchants armor description. And I realized that there were entire generations of people born down there, suffering from dehydration, starvation, sickness, and were still alive. So these people eventually became so fucked up that they naturally looked like Hollows which is insane to me. And it really just shows how fucked up the Golden Order is.(Also I think Shabriri did it because he was arrested for the crime of Slander)
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Needs of Pain
A/n as promised,,, here is my gift to you bc I finished ap gov today :))
The darkling x heartrender!reader story based on the whole ‘no one but me can hurt you’ thing :))
Warnings: sexual innuendos,, attempts to sexualize pain if you squint, kinda lemon-y
I kinda want to write a smutty part 2 let’s see lol 
Summary: after a training injury, Kirigan reveals how he views the dynamic of your relationship and figures out how to best help you work through the pian 
In an odd way, the most painful part of my injury had been the wound on my pride, not my shoulder. Though the pain that begins beneath my collarbone and continues down my left shoulder is not exactly pleasant. I can’t bring myself to pity myself too much as I stare at the extent of my burns. There’s a war going on. People die, people lose loved ones, I have to tolerate pain for an hour or two before a healer can be sent to be. 
I told Genya I’d be fine in the medical wing, but she insisted that I wait for a healer to be sent to me. The people here look up to me, if news of my injury got out, especially considering it’s a training wound, morale would take a blow we can’t currently afford. Genya had looked relatively sympathetic when she told me that many healers were occupied considering how difficult training had been and I had told her I could bear the weight. 
Now, in my room, staring at the basin full of water, I’m starting to regret my desire to be self sacrificing. I dip the towel in the water, squeezing out the excess before daring to dab the fabric on the outer edge of the wound. The feeling is fire against my skin all over again. An instinctual curse leaves me as I drop the towel on the counter that surrounds the basin. 
Arthur hadn’t meant it. I can still hear the frantic apologies tumbling from his full lips. He should have been more focused on the task at hand, he should have never stopped to look at me, at the way I could control so many living things at once. In some odd sense, his distraction had been a compliment. Many of the girls here would sell anything to have Arthur’s attention, even if it resulted in such a careless mistake. 
I grimace, picking up the towel and preparing to start again. I should at least clean it before the healers have to deal with both a physical injury and an infection. The sound of my door flying open and then shutting angrily is enough of a distraction for me to accidentally dab the towel against my skin too harshly. I curse again, turning my head towards the bathroom door. Did Genya exaggerate the severity of my wound? Are the healers that desperate to get to me? 
I turn on my toes, towel forgotten by the basen full of water as I approach the door that connects my room with the bathroom. “I’m--” Words meant to calm a frantic healer stick to the back of my throat as soon as I register all the black in the room. General Kirigan. Great. He no doubt heard about my injury after prying it from Genya and now he’s here to scold me for the childishness of it all. To be injured because a boy and I just couldn’t help ‘make eyes at each other’. All he does is insult my refusal to become bitter just because I was born possessing power. 
“You’re what?” His words are a different level of callous, darker than the shadows he creates with the will of his mind alone. “An idiot that let herself be sent back to her room instead of demanding to see a healer?” 
That’s an odd thing for him to focus his anger on. At least it’s not fully directed at me. On instinct, I half turn, attempting to hide my injury from his piercing eyes. My instinct tells me he should never see me so mortal. “Genya recommended it,” my words are determined yet calm, “It’s such a small injury it isn’t worth risking everyone’s morale. A healer will come here when one is available.” 
His face tightens in what must be some kind of disgusted disbelief. “Foolish girl--have you no instinct for preservation?” 
Every decision I’ve made since being injured made sense before he spoke to me. The fierceness of his voice leaves my face warmer than it was a moment ago and reminds me of the stem of my dislike for him. General Kirigan speaks and I am left a clumsy child. “Some things are more important than one’s self.” I expect he’ll turn that into something else to mock or belittle about me. “And it’s not a grave injury it’s barely--” 
The distance between us seemed so great less than a second ago, but he’s closed it so quickly, grabbing my left wrist and extending my arm forward so that I can’t hide anything from him. “You’re burned.” There’s the slightest bit of surprise coloring his words along with something else I can’t interpret. “How did you get burned?” 
Kirigan doesn’t know. My stomach knots, anticipating embarrassment. “Training incident--I was standing too close to an Inferni.” 
His grip on my arm tightens. I grimace as he pulls me forward with no regard for my injury. “Who?” The voracious way he says the word leaves my thoughts trembling. He is a void of darkness, starving for a victim to snuff the light out of.  
When my thoughts settle, I cannot bring myself to tell him the truth. “I didn’t see, I was distracted by the burning.” I exhale slowly, desperate to escape the flames behind his eyes the way I could not escape the fire of earlier. “It doesn’t matter, I’ve been injured worse in training.” His hold on my arm doesn’t loosen, I glance down at his hand, his firm grip on me somehow worse than the burn. “You’ve injured me worse in training.” 
“I may push you, exhaust you, and leave you mad--but I have never done anything that comes close to--that!” The last of his words carry themselves louder than the rest. 
If the skin of my shoulder wasn’t so sensitive I’d try fighting his tightening grasp. The accusation on my part had been a little much, but it was meant to serve as a reminder that he’s not one to care about my comfort or well being. “Why does it matter?” I can’t bring myself to meet his gaze. “You’ve never cared about any of my injuries before.” 
Kirigan releases my arm in a stiff trance, raising his hand to brush his thumb down my cheek. The contact is reminiscent of an extremely different moment. “The first night here you only let a few tears escape you when you were convinced that no one could see them. Do you remember how I turned and wordlessly wiped them away?” His gesture had not been comforting then and it isn’t comforting now. He never wanted to comfort me, he wanted to assert some strange power over me. “I let those tears fall because they were because of me and I knew it was for the best.” I say nothing, letting his thumb ghost tears that will not come. “The moment I discovered you, what you could be, you became mine.” 
“I am no one’s.” The reaction is instinctual, a pride my mother instilled in me. My voice is too loud, too brash. “I am my own.” 
I brace myself for his anger, but all I receive is the slight relaxation of his lips. “It’s things like that give you so much potential in other ways.” His voice is a jagged rock caressing my skin, not minding the scrapes it leaves behind. “You’re a fair plaything, as well as useful.”  
He’s speaking so gently his voice borders on vulnerable. Something in me warms, but I can’t tell why. I know that Kirigan finds joy in my discomfort--why else would he belittle me so often? “The healer will be here soon.” 
“Yes,” he makes no move to leave, instead Kirigan grabs my wrist again, forcing me to turn so that he can analyze the extent of my burn, “Which is why I will ask you again…” I try to catch his gaze, but his stone stare is focused on my burned shoulder entirely. “Who did this?” 
“I told you.” He can never know. “It was a training accident.” 
“And someone is responsible.” 
I let out a breath, tired of feeling so incomplete. I just want to be healed and go to sleep. “Why does it matter?” His fingers trail up my arm patiently, my body betrays me by shivering. “Accidents happen, you’ve put me in more risk than--” 
“I’ve always intended to break you one way or another,” his voice is more supple than it’s ever been before, “Your goodness is too tempting to not tarnish.” He turns my wrist over easily, ignoring my slight wince. “But if someone else were to do it…” Kirigan trails off, expression tightening in a way I can’t read, “I don’t let others break my play things.” 
Some strange resolve in my chest cracks at that. “Kirigan--” 
“Who are you protecting?” He moves his free hand, placing it without reservation on my shoulder. “Not telling me will only make it worse.” 
Thoughts of Arthur paying for such a small mistake leaves my stomach rolling in guilt. “Make what worse?” 
His expression tightens again. I wait for some kind of rebuke. Kirigan’s lips part as if he expects to criticize my naivety, but instead of speaking he turns sharply. He doesn't release his grip on my wrist as he leads me into my bathroom. 
“What are you doing?” 
Kirigan ignores my surprise, releasing me to pick up the towel I was so quick to abandon. “If you’re too good to take a healer from someone, you should at least avoid infection.” 
“I’m not an idiot, I was cleaning it.” The sharpness of my tone is ignored, Kirigan simply places one hand on my forearm to keep me in place. “Wha--”
 He brushes his thumb over my pulse gently in an effective attempt to silence me. I part my lips in hopes of protesting, but something odd reflects across his eyes. It must be some trick of the light because his expression seems...hesitant. Maybe even concerned. And then cool fabric is pressed into my burn. I bite my tongue so hard I’m surprised it doesn’t bleed. 
His expression shifts to that of almost amusement. “I think I’d like to hear you curse in a,” he exhales softly, fingertips trailing up my forearm, “Slightly different scenario.” 
The shock of such a bold innuendo clears my mind from thoughts of pain. But the most startling thing is that the innuendo isn’t entirely unwanted. In the wake of my surprise, he presses the wet towel into my wound again. I fight against a grimace, but that doesn’t go unnoticed by Kirigan. Instead of mentioning it, his free arm touches my uninjured shoulder. For the first time since he’s come here I’m aware of how improper my attire is. I changed out of my starched kefta and into a silk nightgown in order to leave my shoulder unbothered. Genya had helped me change, bearing all of my grimacing and pained curses. 
I should push him off of me. Kirigan can get away with a lot because of his status, but I by no means have to allow something like this. I should not feel shy, I should not be embarrassed. He’s the one that’s out of line. I look up into his eyes, prepared to yell at him for being so out of line. But when I meet his eyes, I see something so un-monstrous I am left breathless. There’s a gentleness to the way he tilts his head downwards, eyes never leaving mine. Is he asking for permission? Permission to--to what? I stay frozen as his lips brush against the unmarred side of my collarbone. His touch is almost enough to make me forget pain ever existed. He pulls away enough that I can feel his breath against the base of my neck. Thoughts I’d never dare speak are banished as the towel presses against my skin again. My face cringes immediately, but he’s quick to press his lips to the base of my neck, lingering kisses melting into my skin. 
“I thought you said you were fine.” His chiding is half-hearted, whispered between two brief kisses against my bare ski. 
He dabs the towel on the burn again, but before I can think to complain, his lips are against my skin again. This time, his lips part slightly allowing his teeth to graze over my pulse. Kirigan pulls away slightly, expression hardening, “I’m almost sorry about this part.” His words leave him in a whisper as influential as sin. 
“What part?” My voice feels foreign in my throat. 
Kirigan doesn’t reply, but then I feel the sharpest pain yet. The towel is cleaning the worst of the burn, the ruined patch of skin that will never recover without supernatural intervention. The gasp I let out is that of a bird with shattered wings. A cry forms in the base of my throat, but before it can leave me, Kirigan’s teeth bite into the skin above my pulse. The pained sound is reduced by my shock, twisting in an odd combination of some kind of pained sound and something dangerously close to a moan. 
He releases me with one last soft brush of his lips, straightening his back and retracting the towel. “There.” Kirigan drops the towel onto the bathroom counter. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”
I can still feel the ghost of his lips, tongue, and teeth against my skin. I understand now. Each kiss had been a way to distract me, to lessen the pain. Something odd swells in my chest as I try to will my eyes to stop watering in pain. 
Kirigan presses his lips together, pressing his hand against my cheek again. His thumb brushes the few stray tears that escape me. “Don’t cry,” his tone is pure velvet, “I won’t tolerate tears in your eyes caused by anyone else.” He tilts his head oddly, hand sliding down my cheek before gripping my jaw, “I can provide reason for your tears if you’d like.” 
Inhaling deeply, I continue to stare at him. Today has been so sudden. He’s flirted with me through strangely sexual insults and threats before, but never has he been so forward about it. 
“I’m fine,” I force my voice to remain clear. He nods once. A soft rap at my door has me turning away from him. “The healer--I shoul--” 
“Come in,” he calls, voice clear and leaving no room for argument. 
My eyes widen. To be caught with him here could be detrimental for my reputation. Kirigan pulls away, something sharp playing at his features, something almost humorous. 
He leaves the bathroom like this is his own room. “Her wound is clean, work quickly.” I walk out of the bathroom in a strange trance. Kirigan’s gaze lands on me as I enter the main part of my room, “I need her at her full strength for what I have planned.” 
There’s a heaviness to his words, a weight that tells me he means more than what his words imply. Goosebumps erupt across my skin as I try to banish the thoughts of his mouth against my skin between inflictions of pain, blending together to create the most intense sense of fight or flight I’ve ever experienced. 
Kirigan begins to approach the door to my room. “I’ll be checking on her later.”
People that asked to be tagged in this/expressed interest:
@luminous-99 @voyevoda-thejoy @voidmalfoy @i-padfootblack-things @all-art-is-quite-useless @buckverse @mandowh0re @uhanddreag  
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starlyte-writes · 2 years
Alright I was randomly thinking about Stranger Things S4 and the way they handled relationships so here’s my personal ideal way things could’ve gone:
First off- Steddie becomes canon. Fuck Eddie dying, fuck them trying to shove Nancy and Steve back together, Steddie is canon.
Look, I love both Nancy and Steve, but I seriously hate the way they’re trying to pair those two back together because they both grew thanks to their break up. After cutting from that unhealthy teenage romance Nancy became more independent and confident in herself and like Steve says he got a slap of realization and matured, overall becoming a better person. Both of them really gained from that break up and became their own people.
So while yes, theoretically, they could get back together now that they’ve changed, I really don’t like that cause it feels like it takes away the impact of that initial break up. Plus it just feels horribly forced and faked, like wtf was that little speech Steve gave Nancy about kids and stuff, why was that created.
Overall I really like the idea of them being good friends who’ve both changed for the better rather than forced back into what might as well end up being yet another toxic romance. Sometimes people just aren’t meant to be romantic with each other, even if they’re both good people, and that’s okay.
Plus, the way they’re forcing Nancy and Johnathan apart for this is really weak. While I love the idea of Nancy and Robin getting together cause ~gay~ I really do think her and Johnathan have a strong relationship. We’ve seen it built up for three seasons now and if the writers seriously expect me to believe it just takes around a year apart and fucking college to tear them apart they must think I’m stupid.
All those two need is a little communication and it’ll be right as rain. I really love their relationship and the way they’re tarnishing it with these little problems to force Nancy and Steve together really just sucks.
Also I think Vicky is really cute so character-wise I see the best outcome is Nancy and Johnathan stay together and Robin and Vicky start dating.
ANYWAY back to Steve, I know the whole set up of him going on a million different dates with a million different girls was so it could be some lame ass story of “The only girl he wants is Nancy, the only girl he can’t have blah blah hetero nonsense” BUT I like seeing it as a story of suppression.
Personally, I’m a bisexual truther for Steve (for absolutely no biased reason COUGH COUGH) so while yeah Steve likes girls, the reason he could’ve been going into overdrive with it was because it wasn’t working and he was panicking. What’s he supposed to do if he can’t get with a girl? It’s not like he could date anyone else, of COURSE not.
Then story stuff starts happening and he can’t really focus on his love life (which is a relief to him) until one man named Eddie Munson enters the scene. 
Do I really have to explain their chemistry? Like, come on, they’re perfect for each other. Eddie is so vastly different from Steve with his whole “freak metal DnD” lifestyle and it confuses Steve. He doesn’t know how to interact with him, something we see in the show, but further more he doesn’t know how to identify how Eddie makes him feel. He’s scared by whatever it is and fails to not focus on it.
Of course, Robin, lesbian bestie, teases him to no end about it without outright saying what it is because Steve needs to discover it on his own. And of course on Eddie’s end the man is a raging homosexual but also knows how stupid Steve is, so he has his fun flirting knowing Steve probably (hopefully) won’t catch on.
Then? Eddie doesn’t die cause FUCK YOU /nm and goes onto the fifth season where both of them are forced to work together more, Steve finally figures his shit out, and they get together. Steddie wins, you’re welcome.
So, as a recap for the older kids, we have Steve with Eddie, Nancy with Johnathan, and Robin with Vicky.
Now onto the Byler dilemma cause dear god.
First of all, the queerbaiting was beyond painful with those two like just wow. I wasn’t expecting any Byler content as much as I would’ve liked it, but I at the least thought we’d get Will coming out to either Mike or Johnathan. So I’m personally a little pissed off about that.
Anyway, Byler’s tricky for me because I don’t necessarily mind Mike and El being together. They’ve had their bumps (mostly Mike being stupid) but they’re not awful in any way. Yet I still want Mike and Will to get together because Will deserves that.
So, in my head, I like the idea that when Mike and El have that fight before El is arrested, they actually break up with each other. Both of them think they’re failing the other member and have this mindset of “you’re better off without me” so they both break up, thinking they shouldn’t be together until they’re good enough for the other person. A very upset mutual break up.
Then El goes to work on Project NINA where she thinks this’ll help her figure out if she’s the monster/stop being the monster so that she can be better for Mike. But, while she’s there, along learning several other things, she comes to the conclusion maybe it’s better if they don’t get back together. Sort of like when Max and her went to the mall to hang out. 
That independent “I don’t need a man” mindset but rather than being aggressive at Mike with it she recognizes they might just be better off not worrying about romance right now. Especially with everything going on.
Meanwhile, on Mike’s end, he has that conversation with Will on how he thinks he’s failing El and stuff. The place gets ambushed, they rush off to find Suzie etc etc, but Mike has a couple discoveries along the way. Namely, how incredible Will is.
At first his main motivation is making things up for El, being the better boyfriend she deserves. But while they’re busy doing things he starts noticing Will and everything he does, everything he’s ever done for Mike. (Aka Will doesn’t get shoved to the back like he did this season and starts doing more stuff)
Mike gets his little gay awakening, the two of them talk more and more (that whole “your the heart” speech does not happen because honestly wtf was that) and when El and Mike finally reunite it’s a bit awkward because they hug, pause, then pull away like “I missed you so much!...buddy.”
Mike can still do the whole speech to El so that she stops Vecna, but instead of it being centered around his love for her, it should be more so all of their love for her. Like the others should chime in too and she gets all these memories about all of them and how hugely they’ve affected her life for the better.
Plot continues like normal (BUT EDDIE DOESN’T DIE he will not die) and we cut to the two days later. That’s when I want Mike and Will to have their little confession moment. They don’t have to kiss, though it’s welcome, just a little moment where Mike is confused but knows he cares a lot about Will, always has, Will admits his feelings (that’s where he can show the painting and it could be something centered just around Mike like we all thought it’d be) and yay, Byler canon!
Luke and Max are perfect, they don’t need changing. That was the one relationship the writers nailed on the head this season (that and Joyce and Hopper). I care for them so dearly.
So, we get Steve and Eddie, Nancy and Johnathan, Robin and Vicky, Will and Mike, Luke and Max, and El enjoying the single life proudly. I think character-wise for me personally this would’ve been the best way to go about their relationships but oh well, can’t change canon.
This is just how it is in my heart, hope you enjoyed my rant. 👍
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albertasunrise · 3 years
Just Another Conquest - Part 1
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Warnings: You were sweet, innocent and completely infatuated with Javier Peña. After an incident at the Christmas party, you become the talk of the secretary's at the embassy and everything starts falling around you.
Pairings: Javier Peña x Reader, Reader x Original Male Character
Warnings: Angst, Kissing, Mentions of sex
Notes: There are some touchy subjects at the end of this chapter. If you’re easily triggered this might not be for you. Don’t wanna add too many tags as it’ll spoil it.
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For two years you had worked at the embassy as a secretary. You kept your head down and your nose out of trouble and so no one noticed you.
Except Greg.
Greg was sweet. You’d been on a few dates and you were taking it steady. Too many times you had jumped in headfirst into the flames and gotten burned so this time you were going to take things slow, Glacial, but Greg didn’t seem to mind. Greg was sweet.
Someone who wasn't sweet.
Javier Peña.
He had bedded most of the single or unmarried secretaries in the embassy. Even some of the married ones. He flirted with everyone. Well everyone except you and even though that stung a little you were glad. He couldn’t tarnish you if he couldn’t see you.
You’d been infatuated with the man from day dot at the embassy. He was a smooth talker and painfully handsome but you knew you weren’t his type. You were plain, a little on the chubbier side and uninteresting. You'd seen some of the women he’d slept with. Your apartment was across from his and they were all beautiful. The polar opposite of you.
It was the day of the Christmas office party. An event you looked forward to as it gave you a chance to dress up a little. Greg had bought you a stunning dress for the event, something you’d spotted in the window of a shop one day and told him you liked it. He’d managed to find out your size and had snuck back to buy it for you and you had swooned. No one had done anything like that for you before.
The dress fit perfectly. Highlighted all the right parts of you and for once you actually felt pretty. You did some simple makeup, pinned your hair up in a loose bun and wore the only pair of heels you could walk in. Greg was there to collect you when you were done, his jaw dropping to the floor when you emerged from your apartment building and you chuckled at his reaction. You both then got a taxi to the embassy and he had been unable to keep his eyes off of you or his lips from yours. Maybe tonight was the night that you’d let him into your bed.
You arrived a short while later and made your way inside, people excitedly bussing around you as you made your way to where the party was being held. The hall in the embassy had been decorated in traditional American fashion. Tinsel, baubles and lights adorned the walls and a large, audacious, tree sat in the centre of the room with presents surrounding its base. You gazed around in awe of what you were seeing and Greg couldn’t stop watching at you.
Little did you know, neither could Javier Peña.
He had spotted you as soon as you’d entered. He had seen you around over the past few years but until now had never spared you a second glance. He watched you as you entered with Greg from accounts. He’d spoken to Greg a handful of times and he always seemed nice enough, if not a little dull. His attention was so stuck on you that he didn’t even hear Steve talking his ear off until his name was shouted in frustration. Pulling the agent from his fancy.
“Oh no, you leave that one alone.” Growled Steve when he noticed who Javier was staring at.
“What… why?”
“Because I know what you’re like and she’s sweet. She has worked hard to keep herself out of the limelight and you paying her any sort of attention will destroy that completely.” Stated Steve, downing that last of his drink as he watched you head to the bar with your companion “Besides she’s dating Greg anyway.”
“Greg’s dull.” Mumbled Javier and Steve barked out a laugh.
“Greg is nice and perfect for her.” Asserted the blonde agent “Leave her alone.” He warned and Javier simply rolled his eyes, waving his partner off as he stood.
‘Another.’ He asked as he lifted his empty glass and Steve nodded before turning his head to seek out his wife in the bustle of people beside him.
Javier watched you as he approached the bar, taking you in as he came to a stop a few stools over. The dress you wore fitted your form beautifully, highlighting your small waist and larger breasts. You had a perfect hourglass figure and he practically salivated at the sight, wanting nothing more than to worship every inch of you but you were forbidden fruit. Which made it all the harder to resist you.
You hadn’t noticed Javier watching you but Greg had and he felt resentment start to simmer beneath the surface of his skin. If Agent Peña had set his sights on you then he had no chance. No one could resist that man's charms. He was relieved however to see that you remained blissfully unaware of the man’s attentions so he did his best to keep yours on him.
“They’ve done a wonderful job with the decorations huh?” He spoke as he wrapped his arm around your waist and you nodded eagerly in reply “You’re the most beautiful thing here though.”
“Oh shush Greg.” You chuckled, you’d never been very good at taking a compliment.
“No seriously.” He said as he gazed longingly at you “These last few months have been… Well they’ve been wonderful and I know you want to take things slow and that’s fine. Just know that when you are ready, I will make sure to show you just how beautiful I think you are.”
You swooned at his statement but Javier scoffed and then as the narrative repeated in his mind he became intrigued. The two of you hadn’t slept together? How serious can you really be if you’ve never fucked? So he decided you were fair game. God help him, he was going to taste those lips before the night was done.
“Would you like another?” Javi asked you as he motioned to your empty glass.
You jumped at the sudden question, turning your head to see Javier Peña staring back at you. A mixture of thoughts and emotions rushed through you at once but the one that lingered was lust. The way the man opposite you was looking at you went straight to your core and you found you were losing yourself in his dark chocolate orbs.
“Oh uh… Yes please.” You fumbled, the shock of your current situation lingering.
“You look lovely.” He said sweetly as he motioned at the barman to refresh yours and his drinks “A little different to your usual get up.”
“How would you know what I usually wear?” You questioned, a little taken aback by his statement.
“I’ve seen you around.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders.
“Right.” You sniggered, taking a sip from your new drink “Thanks for the drink, Agent Peña.” You finished as you turned to leave only to be stopped by his hand grasping your arm.
“Call me Javi.’ He said softly as he smiled at you.
“Well, thank you again Javi but I must be getting back to my date.” Giving him a last nod you sauntered away, unable to miss the scowl plastered across Greg’s face.
“What did he want?” He asked as you came up beside him.
“He got me a drink.” You replied nonchalantly “That was all.”
“That isn’t all he wants from you.” He growled and your head shot back in shock at his change of tone.
“Greg, I am in no danger of attracting Javier Peña.” You snort, rolling your eyes at him.
“Have you seen how you look?” He snapped and you found yourself growing irritated.
“I have and I am not his type.” You spit “He’s only interested in slim, tall, perfect skinned beauties and I am none of those things Greg. You have nothing to worry about.”
Little did you know, he had plenty to worry about. As the evening went on the music started to die down and people began to say their goodnights, thinning the crowd down to the younger staff members of the embassy. Greg had remained possessive of you, noting how Javier would watch you as you danced with your friends or talked with other people from your department. He’d picked his prey and you were it. Greg, helpless to stop it.
“Would you like to dance Hermosa?” Came a deep voice from behind you and you shivered at the effect it had on you.
Turning you see Javier smiling down at you, his suit jacket long since discarded and tie also. He’d unfastened the top three buttons of his shirt and you couldn't help but lick your lips at the sight of his golden skin beneath. Then suddenly your brain caught up with the rest of you and you shook your head as you looked back up at the man that was towering over you.
“I shouldn’t.” You replied, shaking your head as you looked around nervously “I should get back to Greg.”
“Greg is stuck in a deep conversation with a bunch of other accountants.” He countered, taking one of your hands in his “Just one dance. Will be perfectly innocent I promise.”
You tried to find another reason to say no, anything, but you were coming up blank and so you were unable to resist when he pulled you gently towards the dance floor. The song was slow, soft and you glanced around at the other couples close to each other, slowly swaying to the music.
“Relax.” The agent whispered against the shell of your ear and you shivered,
“Why are you doing this Javi?” You questioned, looking up into his eyes.
“Doing what?” He asked with a mildly bemused expression on his face.
“This. Dancing with me, paying me any form of attention.” You elaborated and his brow furrowed “We both know I’m not your type so this isn’t some ploy to get me to sleep with you, or at least I hope it's not. You’ve never spoken to me before tonight so why? What’s this all about?”
“How do you know what my type is?” He questioned, dark eyes watching you closely.
“Because I live across the hall from you and so have seen many of your conquests leave. All thin and beautiful which I am not.” You chuckled to yourself, glancing at Steve who watched the two of you.
“Well firstly, I think you are beautiful.” He stated and you rolled your eyes “Really, you don’t believe me?”
“I believe you’re a smooth talker that’s good at getting women to fall in love with him.” He snorted at the, glancing at Steve a moment before returning his attention to you “I know I’m not beautiful.” You shrug “I came to terms with that a long time ago but I don’t like to be teased or played with. So if this is some sort of game or bet. Please don’t involve me.” You pleaded and Javier felt his heart ache a little that you’d think such a thing.
“This is no game Hermosa.” He said softly “I like you and I wanted to dance with you.” He continued, bringing one hand up to cup your cheek “That's all that is going on here.”
“You like me?” You questioned, unable to help the squeak in your voice.
He nodded as he smiled at you and then time seemed to stand still. Your eyes flitted to his lips as you gazed at each other, the world around you falling away as Javier Peña cupped your face and kissed you softly. You didn't react for a moment, shocked that this is even happening and then you responded, kissing him back as your hands gripped his wrists and when he pulled away, all eyes were on you.
“Can I take you home Hermosa?” He asked quietly as he gazed at you, smiling when you nodded in reply and then he was leading you out. Greg and the party were all forgotten.
“I hope you don’t expect me to sleep with you this evening.” You chuckled, smiling shyly at the man driving you.
“A man can always hope.” He replied, glancing at you a moment before returning his attention to the road.
“Well, I’m not that easy.” You stated, sticking your tongue out at him playfully which elicited a throating laugh from the agent "I like to be wooed first."
You loved his laugh. It brought you all new waves of pleasure to hear it but as your building seeped into view, along with a familiar-looking truck parked out front, the realisation hit you like a freight train.
“Oh my god.” You sobbed as you hopped out of his truck, clutching your middle as you cried.
“Hermosa what’s wrong?” Asked Javier, his tone panicked as he sprinted to your side.
“Greg.” You choked and he noticed you staring at the vehicle parked in front of his “I kissed you, and I left him there. What… Why would I do that?”
Javier pulls you into his arms, holding you as you cried over the relationship you know you had destroyed. He pulled you with him, taking you inside and into his apartment where he sat you down on his couch and poured you a drink.
“Thank you.” You hiccuped as you took the drink from him, staring at the glass as he sat beside you “I liked Greg.” You started, eyes not wavering from your glass “He was sweet. Liked me for me and I’d never had that before. All my previous boyfriends wanted one thing and I got burned so much I gave up on the idea that someone could want more with me.”
“You have to go through some hurt to find the right man.” Javier replied, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close “You’ll find him I’m sure. You deserve happiness.”
You sat there and talked for a little longer. Until your eyes were so heavy you could no longer keep them open and when Javier noticed you dosing off, he scooped you into his arms and carried you to his bed. He didn’t try anything. Just simply held you and it was the best sleep he’d had in years.
You had no idea you’d be the talk of the office when you returned from the holidays. Greg hadn’t spoken to you since that night and neither had Javi. You’d snuck out the next morning before he’d woken up, mortified that you’d fall asleep at his. You knew you hadn't had sex with him but you’d still slept with him and that brought on all kinds of different emotions. Did he like you the way you like him?
“So how was it?” Asked Kirsten as sat down at your desk, her eyebrows lifting.
“How was what?” You asked, your confusion evident in your features.
“Your hot night with agent Peña.” She elaborated and you almost choked on your coffee “You did fuck him right?”
“No, I didn’t.” You expelled, already feeling sick to the stomach at the realisation you were the talk of the office.
“Oh come on.” She rolled her eyes at your denial “No one goes home with Javier Peña without him having his way with them. You’re so lucky.” She sighed “Although poor Greg left with his tail between his legs. No one blames you for going to the better dish though… Javi is quite the meal.”
You abruptly grabbed your bag and stood from your chair, not stopping to pick it up as it clattered on the stone floor. All you could think about was getting out of there, and fast. You couldn’t miss the sniggering as you swiftly left the office, only to be stopped by two hands grabbing your shoulders.
“Woah what's up?” Asked Greg as he pulled you to the side.
“I uh… everyone's laughing at me.” You sobbed, eyes skirting around and catching peoples stares.
“What did you expect when you went home with Agent Peña.” He scoffed and you looked up at him with a broken expression “All those months clearly meant nothing to you as you dropped your panties for him the moment he called.”
“What? No… I didn’t sleep with him.” You assured, head shaking tears loose from your eyes “I swear to you I didn’t. He kissed me and that’s it.”
“Didn’t see you pushing him away.” He growled and your stomach sank “Despite what you pulled, I still care about you so I will have a word with the others. Just try to keep your head down from now on yeah?”
You nodded, sniffing as you watched him walk away but as you looked around you could see that everyone was still looking at you, talking about you.
You needed to leave.
Your sprinted to the elevators, uncaring of anyone else's attention and pressed the button vigorously, willing it to arrive. You didn’t even look when it opened, just shuffled inside and pressed the button for the parking level. You’d explain later why you’d left.
“Everything okay?” Came a soft Southern voice and you turned your head to see Steve beside you “Rough day?”
“Putting it lightly.” You replied, letting out a watery chuckle as you threw your head into your hands.
“I told Javi to leave you alone. Fucking prick.”
“No this is all my fault.” You sobbed as you looked up at him “Javi was sweet. I should really talk to him but today isn’t the day. Right now I need to go home and wallow.”
“Well, you can do that together if you like.” He chuckled and you looked at him in confusion “He ended up taking today off.
“Right.” You replied as you pulled your bag tighter over your shoulder as you exited the lift and headed towards your car.
Maybe you should speak to him today.
You’d more or less talked yourself out of it by the time you'd made it back to your apartment building. You pulled into your allotted parking spot, sprinted up the stairs and made it to your front door, only to be stopped by a familiar voice.
“What are you doing back?” He asked and you turned to face him, noting how his brows were drawn together in concern.
“I uh… Well, let's just say I’m the talk of the office.” You replied plainly as you pulled out your key, desperate to escape this inevitable conversation.
“Why?” He asked and you looked at him again in amazement.
Did this guy seriously have no clue?
“Well, let's see Javi. I turned up at this year's Christmas party with Greg, the guy I was seeing and then left with you after you kissed me in front of all of our colleagues. Why do you think that I’m the subject for office gossip?” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you awaited his response.
“We didn’t sleep together thought?”
“They don’t know that” You replied, rolling your eyes at him “So that’s what everyone assumed happened. That I waited months to take that step with Greg but one kiss from you and I give you what you want.”
“I’m sorry Hermosa.” He replied, his eyes taking on a sad puppy dog quality that immediately had your anger melting away.
“Why aren’t you at work today Javi?” You questioned as your body language relaxed and you turned to put your key in the door.
“One of my informants died.” He announced and you immediately turned to look at him “She uh… Well, she was ratted in by one of her colleagues. We found her last night mutilated and raped.”
“Oh Javi, I’m… I’m so sorry.” You replied as you gave him a sympathetic look, your heart breaking from the pain that was so evident on his face “Did you want to come in?” You asked innocently and he nodded, taking the hand you offered and following you inside.
Little did you know that this time, you really would give Javi what he wanted. You talked, you consoled each other, you kissed and then finally when the kissing became heated and passionate you fucked him, allowing your own troubles to be dissolved by pleasure. You allowed yourself to lose yourself in him and he buried himself in you to escape himself but when all was done and you lay their sated in his arms you started to wonder.
Maybe he did like you.
It doesn’t take long for word to spread around the office that you had fucked Javier Peña now. Someone else who lived in the building overhearing your activities and telling the entire office the following day so when you’d turned up the following feeling more relaxed, it was quickly ripped away from you.
“So decided to skive off for a fantastic fuck with Javi Peña eh?” Kirsten asked as she winked at you, the colour completely draining from your face “You lying slut though. I knew you were shagging him.”
“I uh…”
“Oh no use in denying it, you were heard. You’re apparently pretty vocal in the sack.” She sniggered as the other girls in the office started to chuckle along with her “Oh Javi.” She mocked “Oh Javi yes… just there-“
You left before she could finish her berating, tears streaming down your cheeks as you made your way through the halls to the bathrooms in the hope you could cry alone in there but sure enough, you were not to be so lucky. Greg grabbed you as you tried to scurry past but there was no sympathy in those blue orbs anymore, nothing but anger.
“You fucking slut.” He growled, eyes burning you “I courted you for months. Treated you right and the first moment you get you fuck man whore Peña?” He spat and you flinched at his outburst “You just used me. Did you even fucking like me?”
“Yes, Greg.” You sobbed, fat tears flowing freely now “I did like you... I do even. I like you a lot, I swear I didn’t use you.”
“But you couldn’t resist opening your legs for Javier Peña.” He growled, snarling at you as he watched your face crumble “You know he doesn’t commit so good luck regaining any credibility you had here.” He finished, leaving you sobbing in his wake.
You quickly sprinted through the halls, people's mocking laughter filling your ears but you just pushed forward. You looked up a moment and that's when you caught eyes with him, the man from which all this trouble had stemmed from and you stopped, giving him a hopeful look as he grabbed your arm and pulled you to one side.
“What's the matter?”
“You seriously the only person in the embassy not to hear the latest gossip?” You asked, noticing the genuine confusion that spread across his face.
“We were heard Javi.” You explained, wiping your cheeks with your sleeves “Someone heard us and has told everyone.” You sobbed, face leaning into his hand as he cupped your cheek “But you can set everyone straight, tell them that this is different? I mean, it was different right?” You asked, eyes pleading for him to soothe your worries.
“Hermosa…” He trailed off as he dropped his hand and shook his head, your stomach dropping “Hermosa I-.”
“You said you like me.” You choked, eyes growing wide as you shook your head in disbelief “That I’m beautiful.”
“I do and you are.” He assured you “But I’m not a commitment guy.” He paused and you felt sick “What we did was just two friends comforting each other. Nothing more.”
You can’t believe it. How had you gone and done this again? You’d given yourself to someone body and soul only to be stomped on again. You were a fool and you knew it. There was never going to be a chance of Javier Peña want more than to bury himself in you. You were plain. Simple.
You left without another word. Darting into the nearest bathroom where you emptied the contents of your stomach before crying yourself dry. When you did finally emerge you were called into your manager's office and were instantly told to take some time. You had some leave to take so they advised you to take it. Let the scandal die down a little. You couldn’t be the talk of the office forever.
So you do. You take the two months you accrued and you leave, numb the entire drive back to your apartment. You thought about going home, actually taking a vacation but then you’ve never been one for adventure. You don’t have anyone back home. No family or friends to speak of so you decide to spend it here. At home. Wallowing in your own self-pity.
2 months later…
Javier had noticed your absence and he’d also noticed that you never left your apartment. At least you never left it when he was around to see it. He knew you were due back today, one of the other secretaries informing him that your leave had ended so why weren’t you here? It wasn’t like you to be late. You were always in before most of the other office admins were, sipping your coffee as you went through your daily schedule.
No one else seemed to be worried about your absence. A few assuming you’d forgotten that you were due to come back but they were a little surprised when Agent Peña had started asking around for you. Everyone knew that things between you and him had crashed and burned, your very public refusal being the next hot topic for the weeks that followed. So when he came up short with your colleagues he went to your boss, his worry growing by the minute.
“I’m not sure why it matters to you where she is.” Stated your boss as they continued to skim through the paperwork in front of them “It’s because of you that she ended up taking leave.”
“I understand that but…”He paused a moment, trying to carefully plan what he needed to say “She lives opposite me. I’ve not seen her leave in two months or even heard a peep from her apartment. I know that her suffering is my doing but I do care about her well being.”
“Well, you should have thought about her well being before you dragged her name through the dirt.”
“Do you know where she is?” He growled, growing more and more impatient by the second.
“Yes, I do.” They replied plainly.
“She’s in the hospital.” Javier’s eyes shot open, stomach dropping as he stared at the older woman across from him.
“What… what happened?” He asked although he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
“I can’t tell you that.” She stated and he let out a frustrated sigh
“Is she at least going to be okay?”
“She’s in a bad way.” She paused as she finally placed the documents in her hands down “If you want to see her I can’t stop you. Just know… it is very likely that she won’t want to see you.”
She told the agent where you were and watched as he left, knowing that deep down he had a right to know what had happened to put you there.
A few flashes of his badge and he was soon led to your room, stopping the doctor as he left your room and demanding he be told what was wrong. He could see that you were sleeping inside and he felt himself ease a little seeing that you weren’t bloody and beaten. So what was wrong?
“She was poisoned.” The doctor explained in Spanish and Javier felt his anxiety shoot through the roof again.
“Poisoned?” He asked “How? By who?”
“By herself.” The doctor stated and Javier’s stomach dropped.
Had he really hurt you that badly?
“She tried to terminate her pregnancy using an old home remedy.” The doctor elaborated and Javier jumped at that.
“Yes.” The doctor nodded “She is around 2 months pregnant.”
Javier knew instantly it was his and a mixture of emotions coursed through him. Why had you not come to him? Why did you feel like this was the right thing to do? If there was a baby involved he would do what was right. You had to know that right?
“She is sedated.” The doctor continued “The baby survived. The remedy did not work but it did nearly kill her. She was hysterical when she arrived. Begging us to save it.” He paused, glancing at you before returning his attention to Javier “I don’t think she really wanted to get rid of it. She was just desperate and scared. She should be okay though. We will continue to monitor her and the baby. ”
Javier nodded before stepping aside so the Doctor could leave. His mind was racing as he stepped inside of your hospital room and taking a seat at your side. He would wait. Wait until you woke up and he would talk to you. He needed to understand why you did this. Why you felt you had no other option.
You were shocked to find Peña dosing in the chair beside your bed when you woke up. How did he even know you were here? Your head was pounding and your mouth dry so you turned your head to find the bottle of water a nurse had brought you earlier, only to knock it when you went to grab it. The agent woke instantly and you groaned in frustration. You didn’t need his lecture right now.
“Hey.” He said softly as he grabbed the bottle and opened it before bringing it to your lips “How are you feeling?”
You shrugged as you sipped the water, relishing how it soothed your sore throat and dry tongue. You nodded when you’d had your fill and watched as he screwed the lid back on and placed it back on the table.
“What are you doing her Javier?” You rasped and he flinched at your inquiry.
“I was worried about you.” He stated, sad eyes locking with yours “The doctor said you and the baby are going to be okay.” He said with a smile and your eyes started to water.
“So you know?”
“Yes.” He replied plainly “He also told me you tried to get rid of it.” He paused, stroking away a tear that escaped from your eye “Why?”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t want it.” You replied, lip trembling as you spoke “And I didn't want to raise it on my own.” You paused, watching him process your words before you go for the jugular “Besides, I was just another one of your conquests. Can't go tarnishing your record and I’ve destroyed my reputation enough. Having your baby will just destroy whatever integrity I have left.”
“So what are you going to do?” He asks, stomach twisting.
“I’m going to leave Javier.” You said plainly “I will leave and I will raise this baby on my own. No one will ever need to know you have a bastard child with one of your many whores. I want nothing from you so you can go now.”
“Hermosa I-“
“Leave.” You growled, angry tears staining your cheeks “I’m giving you the out you want. Take it.”
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Part 2
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majorasnightmare · 2 years
I've never played/probably won't play Elden Ring. Who is Melina and what are your opinions?
okay i literally did like a huge ass ramble shortly before answering this but to answer the first half of ur question
if youve seen any trailers or shit for elden ring, theres that lady early on with the cloak whos like "i offer you... an accord", who gives you your horse, torrent. pink hair, one eye closed, BIIIIIIG cloak
THATS melina (not to be confused with malenia, blade of miquella, because if i have to say both their names out loud i WILL get tongue twistered)
melina is the one of the first npcs u meet on screen, and one of the earliest your character talks to (first npc you talk to goes to varre, also known as the "No Bitches?" guy)
her whole deal is like. she finds you in the dirt. her horse torrent thinks ur cool. she decides that if torrent vouches for you, you can DEFINITELY kill god. probably, she is a little suspicious at first.
you cant level up because you cant channel runes (currency gained thru violence) into strength (levels) because you havent been taught how. conveniently melina knows how and offers to do it for you and ALSO teach you how to do it yourself, and after that you can level up no problem. sometimes at sites of grace (elden ring bonfires), she shows up and you can chat with her. USUALLY its because your at a spot where Marika (goddess girlboss and also maybe melinas mom) said some Relevant Things that melina thinks might help you to know. occasionally its because she needs to reality check
she has dialogue about boc, a seamster kicked out from his tribe who misses his deceased mother dearly, and cries pretty often about it. she asks you if crying about dead moms is something people just Do and thinks hes kind of precious in a pathetic kind of way and asks you to talk to him often.
the other kind of reality check comes in the form of Melina Lectures, in which you are about to make probably the worst mistake of your life and invite a god made of Personhood Destroying Fire to live in your body and she talks at Length about why you REALLY SHOULDNT DO THAT (some of her most emotionally charged dialogue is here and honestly its really nice to hear her get so emotional. her usual tone is a kind of monotone bemused, except when shes asking about Is This Normal, where she gets endearingly confused). the other melina lecture is post her offscreen arc where she is steadying her resolve to, and im not making this up, Burn Herself Alive For The Cause, and shes actually pretty intense about that one, firmly stating that she wont let anyone talk down about her decisions and what she wants to die for, including you
which brings me to that thing i babbled about in my insane ramblings: melinas purpose
she isnt like, alive. in the normal sense. she describes herself as having a mother, but not being born. she describes herself as Burned And Bodyless, and mostly appears by becoming momentarily tangible at sites of grace with a kind of whooshy fade in. she can only "govern her movement freely" when inside the erdtree, the literal pillar of faith and divine presence in elden ring. otherwise she needs you to basically carry her from grace to grace, as she cant travel on her own.
this is because her purpose is to serve as kindling, to spark a flame capable of burning said erdtree down. some speculation here, but it can be assumed that her INTENDED purpose was to kindle a flame, burn the erdtree, and encourage her chosen tarnished (you) to continue the divine legacy of the Current God Regime. it isnt stated in clear words, but it can be understood that melina instead chooses to die on her own terms, for a world she has a say in helping to make, for the sake of a world you choose to help create, instead of slavishly following her predetermined destiny. if she cant help but be kindling, she can at least choose what cause she dies for, and imo thats the true meaning behind her dialogue where she sternly states she wont let anyone talk bad of it
but yeah thats elden ring melina in a poorly summarized nutshell
lots of people like to be horny about her
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