#Like you're not supposed to be confrontational to your elders
digisurvive · 2 years
I feel part of people's frustration with Shuuji might be to cultural differences. A lot of complaints I have seen is people saying that they Did Not Force Shuuji into the leader role and tried to make him Step Down, but they are lacking the cultural nuance that it is expected of him to take care of them and make sure they all come back home bc he is their senior/the oldest. It's actually something you can see in part 2 where it's only Takuma, Aoi, Ryo and Minoru at the school, they talk about who should be in charge and the only candidates proposed are Aoi and Ryo because they're Takuma and Minoru's senpai. At that point, neither of them want to step up the responsibility, so it's only Shuuji who is willing to take the role and actively keep them safe even if he fails so badly at doing it lol No one else is there to be willing to be responsible for all of them and guide them, and it'd be extremely rude and irresponsible of Shuuji to push the responsibility on Takuma. He actually feels a lot of guilt for how much heavy lifting Takuma has to do to keep the group together and says as much multiple times. His character is very much tied to responsibility and it'd eat him inside not to fulfill his duties. Like ywah, he does an extremely piss-poor job trying to fulfill them but the game is rather in your face about all the reasons he can't just wash his hands and push it all on Takuma.
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restinslices · 2 months
Bi-Han x Child!Reader (no gender specified)
Word count: 2036
Summary: Who would have thought that raising a child would be the hardest thing in a world full of gods, Edenians, sorcerers, war, and whatever else life decided to throw in the mix.
Translations for future reference: 小天使 - Little angel. 爸爸- Baba/dad. 我爱你! - I love you! (I got all these translations from Google, so they could be wrong).
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If someone were to ask Bi-Han which was harder, being a Grandmaster or having a young child, he'd say the latter without hesitation. 
It's not that he didn't like being a father. It's just that kids… well… they're special creatures. Special in the sense that things that made sense to them, made no sense to the adults around them. 
Here are just a few moments that made Bi-Han wanna face the wall and never be seen again. 
Bald People 
“Chew with your mouth closed 小天使” Bi-Han used his hand to push your jaw up then wipe juice from your mouth, earning a giggle from you. He had no idea what was funny, but he learned long ago to not ask many questions. Your brain would never make sense to him and vice versa. 
To say it was a nice day would be an understatement. For the first time in days there was no rain in the area, the cold didn't bite at anyone's exposed flesh (something he didn't mind, but your body didn't process the cold the same way his did. At least not yet), the clouds didn't cast the world into darkness, no. Nothing like that. It was clear. Not a cloud in sight. No rumbles of thunder. Just a clear day. Perfect for eating fruit with his little buddy outside. 
Bi-Han made a fatal error though. He allowed himself to get too comfortable. He stopped being on his guard. 
“爸爸!” You shouted. “爸爸 WHY IS THAT GUY BALD?!”. 
Please let that be a hallucination… 
He followed where your finger was pointing, and to his disappointment, he wasn't hallucinating. You were pointing to a Lin Kuei ninja who had taken his mask off to reveal his smooth and bald head. The man- well, not just him. Every ninja looked over at the two of you in shock. 
“Hey!” he pushed your hand down. “What'd I say about pointing?” he scolded. It was all he could think to say. What was he supposed to do in this situation? He had never been advised on what to do if his child suddenly became interested in bald people. 
“BUT HE IS BALD! WHY IS HE BALD?!”. Bi-Han said a silent prayer to the Elder Gods to give him the strength to not strangle you. 
“Stop yelling! Eat your fruit!”
“But why is he bald?” at least you weren't screaming anymore. Small wins. “I'm not bald. You're not bald. I've never seen a bald person in real life. What's the word for 'bald’ in Chinese? I can't remember-”
His hand covered your mouth. He sighed. If only he could stay like this forever. 
As the Grandmaster, he wasn't afraid of confrontation. That'd be ridiculous. Didn't mean he wanted you poking at some random bald guy though. 
Your small hands pulled his down from your mouth. He hated you were so cute, with your wide eyes and chubby cheeks. It made it a lot harder to be stern with you. 
Bi-Han having trouble with being stern? You definitely had changed him. 
“But he's bald” the last word came out your mouth in amazement. Had you really never seen a bald person before? He never felt the need to show you one. Why would he? “Come on, child of mine! Let's go watch bald people today!”. Kuai Liang had kids of his own, but he hadn't brought up kids could become fascinated with bald people. Was this normal? 
Parenting was so confusing. 
“Eat your fruit” he practically begged. 
“I'm gonna go ask him why he's bald!” You exclaimed. “Excuse me! Kind stranger! Hey-” with a sigh, Bi-Han threw you over his shoulder, grabbed the bowl of fruit, and walked towards the house. 
“Hey!” Your small hands hit his back and your legs kicked up in the air. “Hey I was talking to him! Hey! Hey! Kind stranger! Why are you bald?!”. 
You continued your shouts of curiosity, all while Bi-Han continued carrying you over his shoulder. And once you both got back inside, you still hadn't understood what you did wrong. 
“It was just a question” you defended as you bit at your nails and swung your legs from your seat. “Can I have ice cream?”. 
Bi-Han sighed. 
War was easier than this. 
As soft as you had made him, he still pushed you when it came to training. 
And as silly as you were, you were still a fantastic fighter. 
It filled him with pride to watch you use your small size to your advantage. You'd dodge under the other ninjas legs, kick them in places like their shins, you'd even crawl up their bodies and startle them. 
His perfect little warrior. 
But before being a warrior, you were still a child. So it was to his disappointment, but not surprise, when you gasped and pointed behind him. Something had gotten your attention. 
“Look! Look!” You exclaimed as you ran past him. 
What he expected to see was something like a rainbow. Something that made sense to get excited over. What he didn't expect to see were two white ducks waddling next to each other. 
“They're ducks” 
“They're ducks!” You repeated after him. “They're so cute!” You ran at him and tugged on his arm. “Can I have them?! Please please please?! Can I have them both?!”. 
Would it be terrible to make a joke about cooking them?
More than likely. 
“No” he said sternly and grabbed your arm. “Go back to-”
“I wanna go draw them” you whined. You tried to pull away from him, even going so far as to try and pry his hand away, but you were a small child. 
By the Elder Gods… maybe if he screamed everytime he woke up, he'd have more patience. 
Bi-Han tried his hardest to say “go back to your training” as sternly as he could, in hopes it'd spark obedience in you. You weren't an obedient warrior though. You were a child. 
You did what he hated most. You fell to the floor, becoming dead weight in his hand. You mumbled whines he couldn't, and didn't care to hear. Everytime he tried to pick you up, you fought to stay back down. It didn't matter that he threatened to take away everything you loved. Even using the typical lines about Santa didn't work. You didn't care about Santa, or your toys, or getting an earlier bedtime, or no longer having candy, or anything else he could think of. You were in love with these stupid fucking birds now and all you wanted to do was draw them. 
“Fine!” he shouted. “Go draw your ducks!”. 
Of course, your sour mood was gone now. You ran away, leaving him behind to dismiss his men and debate on asking one of his brothers to babysit. 
Bi-Han hoped that this phase would only last a few days. 
But hope never really did anything. 
The phase lasted months. There were drawings of ducks everywhere. There were framed pictures, pictures on the fridge, pictures in between couch cushions, he even found some in the bathroom. Why the hell were you drawing in the bathroom? 
The sound of crayons scribbling on paper and you humming filled his ears when he entered your room. Ducks again he was sure. Duck this, duck that, duck every fucking thing. 
“Come on. We're visiting your uncles today”
“One more minute”. 
He sighed. He kept giving you “one more minute”. You were supposed to have left ten minutes ago. There wasn't a set time you both were supposed to be at Kuai Liangs home. He just wanted to be there by 2:30pm, but it was 2:25pm and you still hadn't left. 
“No more minutes” he didn't know why he kept trying to be stern with you. “We're going. Now.” 
He walked closer to you then, prepared to throw you over his shoulder and carry you off if he had to. Thankfully, you slammed your crayon down and showed off your drawing with a wide smile. 
“I drew us as ducks!”. 
It was true. Though the ducks weren't entirely anatomically correct, Bi-Han could still see the two ducks holding hands and smiling. You even added hair on both of you, and on the bottom in pink sat the words “我爱你!”. 
He pointed at the words and asked “who's saying that?”. 
“Both of us” you answered. “Cause I love you and you love me!”. Very true. Even if you made his head pound sometimes, he loved you more than life itself. “It's a gift for you”. 
Was it stupid to feel happy as he held the paper in his hands? It was just ducks after all. 
But in the same breath, you took two things you loved and put them together. Perhaps it was insecurity, but sometimes he worried that you weren't aware of how much he loved you. He was glad to know that although he pushed you, it didn't change how you felt for him. 
“Do you like it?”. 
Did he like it?
He left a kiss on top of your head and nodded. 
Maybe ducks weren't so bad. 
Party Time!
When Bi-Han felt himself being shook awake, he knew it could only be one person doing it. So, being the reasonable and mature adult he was, he decided to ignore the person. 
“爸爸. 爸爸. 爸爸” You whispered while shaking him. He kept his eyes closed and pretended to still be asleep. “Dad. Dad. Daddy. Dada. 爸爸”. He groaned and tried to shake you off while still pretending to be asleep. Unfortunately for him, you inherited his stubbornness. 
He felt your breath on his ear as you whispered “are you awake? Wake up”. 
Fuck. You weren't gonna stop. Maybe you'd tire eventually, but it wouldn't be anytime soon. 
He sighed, opened his eyes, then looked at you. “Why are you awake?” he grumbled, noticing the lack of light coming through his curtains. 
“I can't sleep” you complained. “I had a bad dream”. Well now he felt a little bad for ignoring you. 
“Come lay next to me-”
“I don't wanna go back to sleep” you whined. You fully collapsed on top of him, which he wished you didn't do because your head was now on his throat. “I wanna stay up. Let's have a party!”. 
“No” he answered simply. He pushed you off, much to your dismay. “I'll read you a story-”
“Nooooooooo” you whined from next to him. “Party time! Let's have a party! Dad and kid party!”. He rolled his eyes at your jazz hands. Parents needed a daily salary. 
“We're not having a party,” he said. He wasn't even sure what kind of party you were even talking about. Either way, it was far too late. “I will read you a bedtime story. You'll like the story. Then you'll go to sleep”. 
More whines. “Then the monster will come back”. 
That made him raise a brow. “The monster?” he questioned. 
Your frown deepened. “The monster” you repeated. “In my dream, there was a monster. You left me behind”. 
Oh his heart was so soft when it came to you. He could've told you to suck it up and that it was just a dream. Instead, his eyes softened and he rubbed your cheek. Your hand gripped his in response. 
“I wouldn't leave you behind”
“You wouldn't?”. 
You sweet child… 
“Never” he said firmly. That answer seemed to satisfy you. You burrowed yourself into his side and let out a sigh of relief. Poor thing. He wished he could prevent you from having bad dreams ever again. 
He stayed awake beside you, patiently waiting for you to fall back asleep. 
You frustrated Bi-Han. That much was true. You gave him headache after headache and confused him beyond belief. 
It didn't matter in the long run. It didn't matter how many times you said something inappropriate in public, or how many obsessive phases you went through. 
It wouldn't matter how many tantrums you had, or how many times you woke him up while the moon was still high in the sky. 
None of that would matter. 
He would always stand beside you. 
He would always love and adore you. 
His warrior. 
His little duck. 
His 小天使.
I haven’t written x reader fanfic in a hot minute, so I’m still a little rusty. I hope y’all enjoyed either way! While proof reading I realized that Kuai Liang would more than likely live with Bi-Han and wouldn’t have his own home to visit. But uuuhhhh it’s already to written 😀. So let’s all just ignore that little error.
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wing-ed-thing · 5 months
Foul Creature (Tobirama x Reader) Chapter VIII
Synopsis: The territory between the Uchiha and the Senju dwindles by the day. And in an era where social lines have been blurred, and new clan heads have been chosen, you're stuck between a scorned lover and a man who relentlessly pursues your hand in marriage. You don't have much time before you're forced to confront the sins of your past.
Word Count: 3.8k
Tags/Warnings: Warning for dark themes ahead, including graphic violence. Fem!Uchiha!Reader. Please consult AO3 for more specific warnings.
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI
Notes: For those of you who have been saying "wow! I wonder what's going to happen next!"... me too.
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Following the last Senju raid, which had nearly decimated the Uchiha village in its entirety, the reconfiguration of the land shifted. The newly appointed clan head, Madara, led your clan up the mountains to higher ground as the Senju more than doubled their already sizeable territory, spreading across the sprawling forests. 
One of many wooded mountains in the range that bisected the Land of Fire, the one that the Uchiha chose to call home was the largest and was appropriately dubbed the “Grandfather Summit,” which boasted three great peaks. The smaller outer two were called the “Guardian Shoulders,” while the peak in the center was simply called the “Crown.” 
You supposed that some ancestors long ago had thought the sizeable structure to be anthropomorphic enough to be a golem or perhaps a god. You could see it, although the shape took on little more than what you thought a child could draw. Madara never believed that the Grandfather Summit looked much like a man at all.
“It is a large pile of stone and nothing more,” he would frown and perhaps cross his arms with a tilt of his head. But his unimpressed notion of the Grandfather Summit didn’t stop him from relocating what was left of his friends and family up the mass of rock following the most destructive blow on the Uchiha tribe in recent history. 
You couldn’t believe that Madara had been able to set his pride aside for such a move. While all the clans in the Land of Fire bordered on nomadic in some way or another, a clan as large as the Uchiha typically opted to stake its claim in a sizeable plot of fertile land. After all, a clan’s ability to keep their territory was a marker of status in and of itself. 
But in the end, Madara moved you away from the patch of forest you had called home for all of your life in pursuit of the Grandfather Summit. You were almost certain the remaining elders were unabashed in sharing their thoughts before they were forced to submit under Madara’s domineering presence. And you knew just as certainly that if the previous clan heads were alive, they would have given him an earful. 
“They are buried so deep, the earth fills their mouths too much for chatter,” Madara would surely say.
He hardly followed rigid tradition, even when it mattered, so you weren’t surprised when protests fell on deaf ears. Madara’s changes were apparent, even from the distance you hid yourself. Only strong young men filled the war room, with no wrinkled brow or shaky joint to be seen. Just like Madara, they were all chosen through combat. 
Madara took his place in the center of the room, stroking his chin gravely as he studied the map. Izuna stood at his side, both wrists folded and resting on the hilt of his sheathed katana. Four stones sat each corner of the table, holding down the corners and pulling the artisanal paper taut as the band of Uchiha warriors took turns gesturing and poking at the depictions drawn below. 
The Uchiha settlement sat between the Crown and the southern shoulder, which offered the most fertile and settleable land. Although despite resting on the lower of the collection of peaks, the southern shoulder still undoubtedly offered the highest ground compared to the land in the surrounding radius. The current positioning of the Uchiha compound was second only to the treacherous northern shoulder and the Crown itself, which reached the clouds in the heavens above. 
It was no wonder the Senju were beginning to close in from the north. 
At least, it made sense to you. You were no military strategist.
“It would be impossible.” One of Madara’s councilmen scoffed. You saw the flippant wave of a hand through the crack between the windowsill and the closed shutters. “Say the Senju manage the northern Guardian. The chances of their warriors taking on the Crown are slim to none in and of itself. There is too much to lose in an attempt to ambush us from the skies.”
“Nay, save such speculative talk, for we are far past speculation.” Another flippant wave. “The Senju have already sunk their claws deep into the northern shoulder. Farther than we could have ever anticipated. Perhaps your words would be true if we had only heard rumors of their traveling north, but it was only a sennight ago that my brother carried a Senju crest back with him from patrols.”
“An ambush from the highest peak of the Grandfather himself?” A third voice scoffed. A shadow teetered back and forth, swiping across your eyes from where you hid, wavering in the candlelight. “What must Hashirama Senju be thinking? He is certainly out of his own head! He thinks himself a god!”
“He thinks himself nothing.” Madara’s voice was low and raspy, churning in his chest like a beastly growl. His nose scrunched to the side, contrasting the nonchalant bob of his brow and shrug of his shoulder. He rested his elbow on his knee, allowing his forehead to rest in the area between his index finger and thumb. Madara took a deep breath, letting another growl-like rumble resound in his chest. “He thinks himself nothing.”
The light from the candles that lit the room flickered, casting shallow shadows across the warriors gathered. They littered the room silently; all turned toward their clan head with watchful eyes.
No one dared speak but Izuna.
He leaned down, bowing at the waist, to speak directly into his brother’s ear. Madara quirked an attentive brow.
The red pattern of your already ignited sharingan swirled in your irises as you watched from your hiding place. Your breathing slowed to steady streams of hot air, and all of your attention focused on Izuna’s lips. 
“It is worth considering that the Senju…” A curtain of hair fell over the side of his face, obscuring your view. He continued to whisper as you tried to track the movements of his mouth from behind strands of hair. 
A chill came over you. Goosebumps began to pop up across your skin. A shiver worked its way down your body in a wave, starting from your shoulders and ending at your thighs. It was only then that you met Madara’s eye.
He peered directly at you, straight through the tiny slit between where the window and the shudders were supposed to meet. Your breath hitched in your throat, everything around you slowing as you felt the hairs on your arms rise. 
And with the slightest breeze, you were whisked away like smoke in the cool summer air. 
The meeting didn’t adjourn until late into the night, and it was only when the candles were snuffed out that the soldiers began to head home. The moon shone brightly overhead, appearing more prominent in the sky than it had during any of the previous seasons. Even without lanterns, the entire Uchiha compound remained well-lit. Madara and his forces trickled out of the meeting building’s doors, exchanging formal nods with each other as they set off onto the moonlit paths. 
Madara paused before the wooden steps, eyes focused on the trees that swayed gently in the evening breeze. Izuna stood on the porch behind him, silently following his brother’s gaze from the trees back to Madara. 
He lingered on the Uchiha clan head for a moment before making his way down the steps. Izuna approached him with certainty, placing a firm hand on Madara’s shoulder. Only through touch did Madara snap out of his trance, blinking a few times as he tried to conceal his acute surprise. Izuna returned his hand to his other in their usual resting place at the hilt of his katana, offering his brother a knowing nod.
Madara wordlessly understood, making his way down the dark path toward home. 
Izuna loitered in the middle of the dirt road. His shoulders relaxed under his robes, and his hands never once left their slack position across his weapon as he watched Madara disappear farther and farther into the distance. 
Only when Madara disappeared over the small dirt hill in the distance did Izuna set his sights on the trees. He peered at the spot where Madara had been fixated on, slowly pivoting himself in the earth to face the patch of dark forest. 
“Reveal yourself,” he commanded. His gentle voice carried a great sternness. 
He stood patiently in the open, ever so sure of himself and not in need to prove it.
You respected a man’s ability to manage his seriousness devoid of aggression. That was likely why you obeyed him, moving out of the shadows to step into the moonlit patch of road not too far of a distance in front of him. 
If it were up to you, Izuna would be clan head.
Not that you had any power to make those decisions in the first place. 
Izuna eyed you with mild incredulousness. You expected no less from him.
“I told you to reveal yourself,” he repeated, voice ever-neutral. You sighed softly, bowing your head as the double before Izuna melted into the atmosphere. Your true body emerged from behind a nearby tree a distance away. Izuna continued to eye you wordlessly.
“I deemed it worth an attempt,” you said, clearing your throat. Izuna didn’t humor you.
“You forget yourself.” 
Quiet overtook the night once again. You dared to venture farther from your hiding spot, stepping through the grass toward the ever-still Izuna. Your limbs protested, your instincts locking your joints like those of a wooden doll. You stopped at the edge of the path, protected by the shallow shadows of the trees and feet still planted in the line of the forest. 
You could see the tension build in his neck. Having already been lost in thought with the Senju affairs, you were sure your woman’s trick hadn’t been the most well-thought-out plan in the face of Izuna’s clear vexation. Quite a few Uchiha women were known to unlock their ocular abilities, but unlike their male counterparts who were expected to partake in battle, the Uchiha women’s sharingan techniques were almost entirely passive. 
Most of them centered on making illusions, for an image of a beautiful, vulnerable woman alone in the woods may distract enemy warriors long enough for a mother to escape with her children. The mother often taught these techniques to the young in her home for similar survival reasons. 
You waited for Izuna to speak again. It was best to wait, as unlike Madara’s explosive, violent fits of predictable rage, Izuna kept his rage artfully, dangerously restrained. Like storm clouds slowly rolling in to cover the sky above, you knew that Izuna’s thunder could crack at any moment.
“I will have no more of your nonsense, and neither will Madara,” Izuna harshly proclaimed. He slowly turned away from you, hands never moving from where they sat on the hilt of his swords. The skin of his nose crinkled a bit as if he were holding back a bitter snarl. “You know not what you involve yourself with. A woman knows nothing of the matters of men, nor should she be as involved as my brother has allowed you to be. If I were clan head, an apprentice would have replaced you as apothecary long ago.” 
You stared at him as he tried to fight off the bitter look that threatened to contort his face. The redness of your sharingan had long extinguished, but you hardly needed the enhancement to study the man before you. 
“There is none more knowledgeable at the present. Makihara was… Makihara was far too liberal in his ideologies. And with the war effort, we cannot afford a lesser medicine maker.” His stoic exterior faltered for a moment with a dip of his lip. Izuna gazed somewhere in the distance, lost in an anger caused by something greater than you. “But above all, Madara wishes not to take more from you than has already been stripped of you by the Senju.”
Izuna drew his attention from the ground to the moonlit sky overhead. A full moon peaked from behind the thin clouds, illuminating the road in a silver sheen. He pivoted a foot as he regarded you, the cracks in his exterior beginning to sink back into his cold exterior. 
“Then, it is not in your control,” The gentle evening breeze carried your level voice. It was soft and undaunted, like an Uchiha woman should be. “Nor is it in mine.”
“Why do you stay?” he asked in an even tone. “I ask myself why you forget yourself so, and why has fate encouraged you?” Izuna gazed up once again at the sky. 
You stood in the darkness, shrouded by the forest.
Izuna stood elevated in the light, blanketed by the glow of the night. 
“An Uchiha, yes,” he continued coldly as if the words he recited were nothing less than factual. “But you boast no living blood. You, a woman— you have no interest in the value of tradition. Instead, you busy yourself with matters that do not concern you.” Izuna’s gaze sharpened but didn’t narrow. “Your heart is easily swayed. Your flesh is soft and bleeds when it is struck. You consider not what is done on your behalf; I implore you to consider it.” 
Izuna’s sword drew from his hip in a flash, and the tip of his katana drove into the ground. The polished metal sunk a few inches before stopping.
He finally breathed. He hadn’t realized that he had begun to heave or that his sword had been pulled from its sheath. Izuna stared at the hilt for a moment; hand still gripped around the woven handle. 
“I advise you to retreat from this place,” he muttered, heaving another deep breath as he removed his weapon and slid it back into its usual place by his hip. Izuna turned once more, squaring his shoulders back as if the mere act of speaking to you angered him to the core. His robes snapped with the motion, flowing in the air as he stormed off, ever-militant. “Our world as we know it thrives on deception, and you are no different. Retreat before your illusion fades like the fog before a flame.”
He stalked off down the path, leaving you where you stood in the darkness. Your form remained shaken but undaunted. 
The Uchiha’s most formidable forces were venturing off to defend the northern shoulder. It was the talk of the village from as early as daybreak, and the entire compound bustled with life as everyone made preparations. 
The journey that the warriors were to be making was most perilous. Due to the incline, there was no better way to reach the northern shoulder than to pass around the Crown summit. If Madara were to lead them upward, the warrior party would encounter a few narrow routes that led directly north. If only a few warriors were leaving, the journey might have only taken about a day or so, but with a battalion the size that Madara selected, you anticipated that it would take them a few days to reach the northern shoulder.
Women carried back firewood and prepared provisions. Children ran across the village, delivering messages and small amounts of raw materials. Metal on metal sounded from the forge. The ovens churned the scent of bread products into the air. And just shy of the center of town sat your apothecary.
You propped the door with a large rock and tied the shudders open that morning. Warm natural light trickled into the main chamber, where you stood, slaving over a mortar and pestle at the counter. 
The apothecary didn’t appear too dissimilar to your old workspace. Made of mostly wood, it stood on giant tree trunk supports. Five wooden stairs led up to the entrance, and a small patio housed a few pots of herbs. 
Large cabinets lined the walls, reaching about hip height with sturdy shelving just above to house a tall arrangement of medicinal goods. A half counter bisected the room, separating the entrance lined with goods from the back of the building, which flared out a short distance on either side. Heavier jars and handling tools were stored in this section farther into the apothecary, leaving room on the extended countertops for you to use as a workspace.
In the very back stood a winding wooden staircase. At the top sat a loft with a small library, and at the bottom was a door out the back into the small plot of land you called your medicinal garden. 
Madara’s warpath kept your counters as messy as ever. To your left, you kept trays of various herbs and mixtures laid out, ready for the adolescent soldiers to pack into bags to put into field kits. 
“You should be able to administer the wound ointment.” You frowned, stopping your work to hold up the two halves of your concoction. “First, you are to place the powder—”
“I am aware of the ways in which to administer medicine,” Madara groaned, letting his head tilt back. He rolled it from shoulder to shoulder, gazing off toward the ceiling as if that would make you stop talking. “I have not the time to learn your convoluted experiment. Where are the items I requested from you? Izuna should have notified you.”
Madara leaned over your counter, and you met his gaze. If you hadn’t known any better, you would have thought he was bored, but the mischievous glint in his eyes was unmistakable. With you behind the counter and Madara imposing himself onto your workspace, it was almost as if you were sixteen again. 
“Some things never change,” you sighed. You turned to grab a small bowl from an eye-level shelf and placed it down on the counter with a huff. Madara caught your eye again, but despite the glimmer of curiosity that continued to swim in his dark irises, you knew better than to test him like you would have just a few years prior. “I insist that we try the deep-wound treatment first. The fibrous characteristics of the vallestinia, in combination with some moisture and the accelerant-type factors of the lamortens grand, can quite plainly sew tissue together with chakra in a matter of moments—”
“Unnecessary.” Madara placed his entire hand into the bowl, scooping up a palmful of pills. He let them slip through his fingers, falling back into the pile as he considered them. “The Senju will not allow us any time to spare to make use of lengthy healing processes.”
“But you wanted me to create these,” you posed, holding your tongue from making more than an implied criticism. 
The last of the pills fell back into the bowl. Madara stared at the small compilation.
“I do not doubt that Hashirama Senju will be present on the northern shoulder,” Madara drawled, pausing between phrases. “The surrounding clans grow weary of battle, and I must admit that I have grown… tired of the state of affairs.”
“You?” you hummed an amused laugh behind tight lips. “The grand Madara fatigued of battle?” 
“Fatigued from the act of burial,” he swiftly corrected. The corners of his lips twitched upward for only a moment. “Fatigued from my home being disturbed.” His words drifted off into a growl, a soft, bored rumbling in his chest. Madara often let his voice stall in his throat, the noises turning over as they churned into a low rumble. 
“This is why I implore you to bring my latest ointment. There are but a few of them—”
“The Senju do not climb upon the Grandfather Summit to entertain prisoners. Should a warrior of the Uchiha sustain a fatal blow, he should take it upon himself to give his life in a suicide attack. It should be an honor for the final act of a soldier to be making his enemy pay.” He rose to his full height from his leaning position, glancing from the trays of herbs to the pile of pills on the counter. “Are these all you have crafted?”
“There are several more jars in storage. The herbs consist of a standard selection for minor wounds… for the journey home, of course.”
“Very good.” Madara nodded, not sparing you a second glance as he exited.
You wouldn’t see him again until the battalion departed. After a few short days of preparation, the gathering of some of Uchiha’s best warriors and other volunteers left before daybreak. You watched them go from the porch of your apothecary. Madara led them out of the compound, donning his infamous red battle armor and gunbai. Izuna followed close next to his brother. He didn’t look back at you either. 
There was much fanfare, but it was soon over, and the Uchiha compound was left in peaceful stillness.
You busied yourself with foraging in the woods near the compound, enjoying the time you were left undisturbed. The doors and windows to your apothecary remained open so you could enjoy the cool summer air. Despite the sun, which shone brightly overhead, the temperature remained comfortable.
Something about the stillness didn’t feel right.
The Uchiha never made it to the northern shoulder.
The Senju made their approach toward the Crown, and both clans clashed on the rocky terrain that plateaued between the two summits as you tended to your garden at home. Madara and Hashirama engaged in combat, as they had for years, clearing out a massive section of the battlefield for their duel. The blistering heat from the sun beat down on the unforgiving field, leaving little but hot stone and wilted grass. 
Not a far distance away, Tobirama’s sword clashed with Izuna’s. Their weapons crossed, shaking with the sheer force of their strikes as the two came face to face. Izuna flashed his sharingan, the deadly crimson pattern swirling to life in the heat of battle. Tobirama quickly closed his eyes, and Izuna used the opportunity to strike.
Tobirama tumbled back, slamming his back against a nearby boulder. A strangled noise tore from his throat at the impact. He wasted little time readying his hand signs, completing his jutsu before his eyes reopened in time to counter Izuna’s great fireball jutsu. 
Steam filled the battlefield.
Not one to underestimate his life-long rival, Izuna held the reds of his irises at the ready, scanning the rock for signs of movement. Kunai flew toward him from the front. He hummed to himself, unamused at the feeble attempt. 
And for a moment, he considered himself blessed to have been blessed with the sharingan eye.
“Flying Raijin Slice!”
At home, one of your flower pots fell from the railing on the apothecary patio. The sound of shattering clay startled a flock of crows, which flew overhead from a gathering of nearby trees. You stood just at the top of the wooden steps, staring down at the pile of shards, dirt, and upheaved roots. 
You could feel it.
Something was terribly wrong.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed, and supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: The last chapter, this one, and perhaps part of the next are a bit Uchiha-centric in order to set up for what I have planned. You know, I didn't even intend for Madara to have this much of an impact on the story nor did I even consider writing any Izuna, but here we are... I knew I had to kill him before I posted this.
Sorry for keeping everyone waiting. It's been really cool seeing the Foul Creature notifications roll in all the time. Especially when it's someone starting from Chapter 1. Always feel free to chat; I know my posts are few and far between.
@gracefulbumblebee @norasincubi @rahatake
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX Part X Part XI
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libby-for-life · 5 months
I wanna see more greek mythology au 🥺 also i wonder what happens if like at some point Charlie and the crew or like Sera and such meets him again😙
Read the other Greek Mythology au first.
Previously: The entirety of Hell shakes and splits open as twelve-foot-tall people radiating power and light storm in, all wielding weapons that, despite not being angelic weapons, are powerful enough to kill sinners.
They will find Persephone.
Meanwhile, Lucifer soon catches wind of these godly beings and goes to confront them. He sees Adam for the first time since the dawn of Eden and nearly has a heart attack. Adam. The First Man. He was back.
And he was PISSED
Adam spots the one he feels is in charge, pointing his scythe at him. "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!"
Lucifer too stunned to speak for a moment just stares at Adam. Then he reels back.
"Oh dear gods, this place is a mess." A man with what looks like a war helmet says.
"I love war as much as the next person, but this seems...excessive..."
A man in black with a gold circlet looks disgusted. "Is THIS what they think my domain is?!" (Hades has always been salty about the miscommunication of the Underworld)
"I have much more class then this!"
"Please, focus you two." A woman with long blonde hair says. She carried a spear and looked wise beyond her years.
Adam just stalks up to Lucifer, radiating the feeling of a famine, a sweltering summer, wildfires started from his angry breath
He giveth mankind his bounty, he taketh is away just as fast
"WAIT! I don't know who this person is, but I can help you find her! Did her soul pass through here?"
This only made Adam angry. "A goddess doesn't die." His fury is controlled but Lucifer could tell that this...glowing new Adam wanted to pummel him.
"Yes. Besides, Earth needs her. Without her, Spring can't come." A man wearing a tunic said and...was he carrying a...lightning bolt? Interesting weapon choice.
Lucifer heard rumors of the Earth taking on sentient life of its own, but he didn't believe it. These were Primordials! They held just as much power as the Elders so long as they were on Earthly domain. They were literally gods.
And...Adam was one of them?
"Are you this realm's leader?" The female said, shifting the weight of her spear. "If what you say is true about you helping us, then you WILL provide."
Hades steps up. This may not be his realm, but he is STILL Lord of the Dead. "Speak, or I will have every soul here tear and burn this place to the ground before turning them up on you."
Lucifer shivered. He could tell that he wasn't lying. "Yes. I am their King. If Persephone is here and not a lost soul, I will help you find her and bring out of Hell."
Adam looked at the man. He seemed familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He supposed it didn't matter. If he didn't get Persephone back, then he was going to flood this place and then burn it into the ground. They didn't call him The Reaper for nothing.
"How about, while we search, I can offer you a place to stay? My daughter runs a hotel."
Charlie did not expect Dad to show up with the fucking Primordials
Hades is beyond offended at the lack of structure in the afterlife. "Why the fuck isn't this place more organized?! So much chaos! Why aren't they on the reincarnation route?"
"Hu? Reincarnation?" Charlie asked confused.
"YES! If you're not an absolute beast of a human being, you reincarnate! Attain a good life three times and you get Eternal Paradise!"
Athena just shakes her head and gathers her brothers towards some open seats. A snap of her fingers makes them fit better so they can all sit down. They needed to know the layout of Hell. She knew strategies like the back of her hand.
"Now. You're the Princess of Hell?" Athena asked Charlie before a small one-eyed woman pointed a spear at her.
Athena tilted her head. "You will do well to lower your weapon child. Before I show you the power of a Goddess."
Ares laughs. "This one! I like her!" Taps Vaggie's spear, turning it gold and giving it a more wicked design. "This will draw more blood from your foes!"
Vaggie stumbles back and looks at her spear. Athena looked at her in the eyes and suddenly she saw her literal life flash before her eyes. This Goddess meant business....she shouldn't threaten someone this powerful. "You always did like the brave." Hades said.
"Brave or foolish?" Athena said with one more glance before turning to Charlie. "Well, are you the Princess or not?"
"I...I am. Uh, how can I help you?"
"My daughter, Persephone has gone missing. She was kidnapped and taken here." Adam said. "I can sense her here but I don't know where exactly....too many layers here."
Charlie's eyes widened. "Persephone... I've heard that name before."
"You should," Zeus said. "She's the Goddess of Spring. She's what brings that Earth beauty."
Some silence.
"....I thought Demeter was a woman."
Adam turned to what looked at what seemed to be a spider demon. "I've been depicted as such. I prefer the male form better." His form flickered and he turned into...well....a she. A well-endowed woman who looked regal and beautiful as she was angry. The form flickered and Adam was male again. "Demeter is one name I go by. Only my family calls me Adam."
Angel blinked. "So you're male leaning gender fluid. Cool."
Adam tilted his head. "If that helps you comprehend it better."
"No, that's Zeus, the God of Whores"
Zeus gasped at Ares.
"No, you're thinking of Apollo."
"What do you know of the layers here?" Adam asks.
Ares turns to Lucifer. "Anyway, shortsack, we didn't catch your name."
Adam glared at the interruption but looked to the King who was been...quite for some time.
Adam blinked. Something was digging at his memory. Something he wanted to forget...."The layers, Princess. What do you know of them?"
It's better to not dwell on the past.
Only, his family exchanged glances behind his back before they turned unreadable looks to the King of Hell. Adam might not remember chose not to but they remembered when Adam was young and innocent. Back when he would cry about how his two friends left him. Lucifer and Lilith. Two uncommon names that humans don't typically call their children.
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minhxniee · 2 years
Heated argument || skz pt. 2
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❥︎ hyung line pt. 2 (Pt. 1)
❥︎ genre - angst
❥︎ warnings - swearing | verbal abuse | trauma? | ¦¦ do not interact if you are not comfortable with the following, you have been warned ¦¦
'' Buckle up baby, it's going to be hell of a ride!''
Chan ♫︎
"aren't you like supposed to be on your break or something?", hyunjin yawned whilst leaning against the door frame, clearly half asleep.
"I need to get a few things done, now scoot over let me get passed", chan urged as he barged right past a sleepy Hyunjin who seemed rather unphased with what his hyung was exactly up to and just walked quite sluggishly towards the direction of his room, before pausing for a moment.
"you fought with y/n, didn't you?"
"don't play stupid, you know exactly what happend between you both", hyunjin spoke with a hint of slumber in his tone, turning his head ever so slightly to capture chans stiff posture.
"shut up", chan responded with a heavy sigh before walking off to his room with hyunjin shaking his head in disappointment.
"well, you are the one who has to make up for it", the younger one called out from behind before shutting his door with a slight thud.
"what's up with him?", changbin asked, pointing towards the direction of his bedroom.
"I'm not really sure, why don't you ask that jerk?" Hyunjin mumbled, rolling over to a more comfortable position on his bed.
"ain't it a little off that he came all of a sudden at this time of the night?"
"yeah, he definitely argued with y/n before taking his grumpy ass over here" the younger one mummered beneath his breath, snuggling deeper into the comfort of his pillow.
"oh, well if that's the case, we should confront him"
"Why, we?, it's not my problem and besides I'm too comfortable to move", hyunjin whined with his eyes closed shut, gripping to the side of his matres as changbin tried yanking him out of his bed.
" you're coming with me, I can't sort this out on my own", the elder one groaned as he finally got the sleepyhead out of the room and directed straight to chans.
"you and that idiot have to pay back for the precious hours of sleep I'm going to be missing", hyunjin pouted, crossing his arms whilst huffing and puffing the whole way.
"what a baby"
"hey, what's that?"
"won't you both quite down out there!", chan yelled, grabbing the attention of the bickering duo.
"open up, we need to talk", changbin soon spoke, whilst knocking softly against his door. But the otherside remained silent.
"get lost", chan grunted, scrunching his face in frustration as he could feel his blood boil by the second.
"You heard him buff boy, get lost", hyunjin snickered, whilst patting his shoulder as a sign of "good luck", before running off to his bedroom, leaving changbin on his own, as he stayed there determined to fix whatever mess that has been made. He two was easily as stubborn when he needed to be as there was no way on earth that he was going to let him off this easily.
"look, hyung. I know you're having a tough time with the whole rest taking stuff, but you can't just throw all your anger on us especially your girlfriend"
"nothing happened between us, stop talking nonsense"
"well, you wouldn't be here if you didn't have a go with her.. I just know." changbin mumbled as he looked down at the knob of the door, slightly twisting and turning it, before the knob turned completely with the door opening with a slight creek, revealing a flustered looking chan peeking through.
"what do you want changbin?", he spoke with a heavy sigh.
"I don't want anything from you, I just want to know what's going on", changbin responded, clearly concerned with his best friends antics.
He seemed rather hesitant, clearly not wanting to remember what happened not so long ago. So taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he finally averted his glance meeting the eyes of his worried friend.
"I just wanted get some work out the way and y/n just prevented me from doing so, thats why I came here", he bluntly confessed, causing changbin to look at him with nothing but disapproval.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"No you left y/n because she didn't want you to exhaust yourself from a serious burn out, she's clearly not trying to cause you any harm, the only person that is causing harm is you", changbin responded, his demeanor kept firm enough to make chan realise how serious the situation has really to turned out to be.
"what do you want me to do then?, stop working completely?"
Chans heart began to race faster as even the thought of not being able to work made him sick. To him, working on music is a part of his life, its the only way for him to find a sense of comfort and most importantly, making stays and everyone around him happy. He never intended to hurt anyone in the process. Not even the person he loves most.
"quite frankly, yes."
"No, you must have lost your mind. If I stop working all together, I'm scared that-", he paused, finding it difficult to even speak the words he was struggling to say as tears began to prick his eyes, he was truly in pain.
"take it easy, you got this", changbin reassured, before he welcomes himself in whilst guiding chan towards his bed with his hand rested gently on his back to keep him at ease.
"I'm scared that one day ... This will be all be gone, I'm just trying to make the most of what time has provided me with", the agony swelling his voice causes changbins heart to ache. He felt bad.
"listen we still have a whole lot of years ahead of us, straykids will always be together even when everyone has moved on with their lives, we'll always stay" his words full of compassion and love, it was all so overwhelming that chan finally let out a sob. He felt so grateful that he has the kids by his side no matter what.
However, the one person who cares most was left broken, and he knew danm well that it was all his fault.
"I guess your right bin, I've just never thought of it like that"
"what can I say hyung, they don't call me sexy smart bin for nothing", changbin giggled, easing the tense atmosphere.
"Now stop crying and take that break you really deserve, so that we and stays can finally breathe knowing our leader is finally having a long rest - oh and most importantly apologise to y/n, I think she out of all people cared for your health most and desevers to be smothered with nothing but love.. Like you know how you like ki-"
"oh gosh, shut up, you don't need to go in full depth, I know what I need to do and I'm not going to spare a second wasting it anymore", chan got up with a huge smile on his face, determined to change things around for the better between you both and for the sake of his health. He had to get back to you now before it was too late.
"I hope he's okay", you whispered as you looked out of the window, sitting there like you always did every night, waiting for your dearest love to come by.
You were supposed to be mad at him, but you just couldn't. He was always so good to you like you were to him. And you understood that people can be angry at times. However, a part of you was disappointed with the way he treated you.
As you gazed aimlessly, you gradually dozed off into a light slumber. Until you heard knocks at the front door a few moments later.
Who could that be?
As you curiously approached the front door, you were quite hesitant to open it. Surely it wasn't chan, he is beyond irritated with you and besides he has the keys to the apartment so why would he even be knocking.
"y/n, I know you're standing there, open up my baby", his tone soft as he stood there on the otherside, desperate to hear the sound of your sweet voice.
"don't you have your own keys"
"I forgot to take them with me because-", he didn't want to be reminded with how he behaved earlier.
"okay well if you're missing anything I'll grab it for you"
Oh you were so good to him that he could feel guilt churn his insides whole.
"No I don't need anything"
"what is it then"
"I need you"
You felt your cheeks burning, suddenly, all those emotions you've felt was overwhelming your paining heart. It felt like you were inlove all over again, yet you were still hurt. So, you took a deep breath whilst firmly gripping onto the knob of the door and turned it ever so slightly before pulling it towards you.
Before you could have even protested, he pulled you straight into his arms and held you close, feeling the warmth of his body against yours with his pounding heart beating like crazy. He couldn't afford to lose somebody as precious as you, not even in a million years. You were everything he could possibly have wished for.
You couldn't even try pulling away yourself, he just held you tighter as if was going to loose you forever. So you just stood there helplessly in his arms, flustered.
"I thought you were mad at me", you muffled into his chest with tears threatening your eyes.
"never, if anything you should be the one mad at me for treating you so badly", his voice filled with regret as he then cupped your face to look at his, before planting a tenderly soft kiss on your lips.
"don't cry my love, your tears are worth way more than crying over someone like me", he croaked with a hefty lump in his throat which caused you to tear up more. He was back, the chan you knew you loved was finally back.
"I promise to not overwork myself and take this break as an opportunity to rest with you. Oh and I will make sure to do the dishes for the whole month if that could win your love again", his tone rather desperate, pleading like a cute puppy.
"you're such a dork , you know that right? ", you giggled softly causing his heart to flutter even more by the second as you playfully slapped his chest.
"I love you"
"I love you two, but you know you're sleeping on the coach tonight"
"what? No I want to snuggle with you, you know I will die if-" 🥺
minho ✿︎
"is she now deaf?, y/n! Pick up your danm phone!", minho called out, beginning to get even more irritated with your clueless behaviour.
The phone kept ringing and it began to tick him off by the second. So he then stomped his way towards your phone to see who was constantly ringing.
"y/s/n?", minho quizzed, soon later being bambarded with text messages blowing up your phone, startling him.
"must be important"
He walked out of your shared bedroom and began to see if you were still in the kitchen..but you weren't there. You were no where to be found.
"that's odd", he thought as he began to look around his surroundings in hopes of being able to see your figure.
He finally came to conclusion that perhaps you happened to be at your mom's place and supposedly left your phone behind. But he did get a little weary that you haven't called him through his phone...?
To be quite frank, he did begin to feel a little guilty with the way he has spoken to you a few moments ago. He must've of been a bit too harsh with you when you were only trying to cook some food for the both of you and he?.. just allowed his own emetions get the best of him. Probably because he just didn't want seeing yourself being put in danger all the time?
Minho wasn't the type to go through your phone without permission. However, in this situation he had no choice but to do so, it could be serious. So with that being said, he unlocked your phone and went straight to your sisters messages, thinking you were perhaps trying to get a hold of him.
But no.
His heart cleached with the sudden burning sensations of pain eating him whole, as his mouth hung loose and eyes wide open.
"what on earth is this?", he muttered in disbelief, scrolling past each text message making his blood boil by the second.
" I really just want to punch the living shit out of you right now"
"even mom wishes you were dead"
"fucking answer me, you whore"
Pain, was all he felt.
How could you not even tell him about this? suddenly all the bitter words that he has thrown at you has definitely backfired him with grief and pain. How could he treat someone so dear to him so poorly, when they were being abused by thier own family themselves?
"this was all my fault", his words quivered from his lips as the grip around your phone tightened almost shattering the screen. Anger was something beyond he was truly feeling at this point, he wanted to seek revenge to those who have kept you miserable and he was one of them. He could never forgive himself for being so.. Clueless.
"minho?, whats going on?", the sound of your innocent voice broke his heart more. Gosh you were so pure.
"where were you?", his voice low, keeping his back turned away from you.
"oh, I just went to buy some groceries since I burnt nearly everything edible in the kitchen", you let out a soft chuckle before smiling weakly, still sort of sore with the way he has treated you earlier, but not wanting to make things worse because deep down he was the only one you had left to give you the love you so desperately needed in a place so cold.
He turned to face you with your phone held in his hand, making you suddenly feel tensed to the bone as soon as your eyes wandered down to his hand clutching onto your device. Has he seen the messages?
"um, has somebody called?", you spoke feeling quite uneasy as you placed the bags down onto the wooden floor and gradually walked near his rather tense demeanor.
"how long?"
"how long were you hiding this from me?", he quizzed with his lips quivering as he tried his best to hold the tears he so wanted to prevent from falling, flashing the screen filled with such devient messages.
You felt your knees weaken as the suffocating silence causes your eyes to prick from both ends of the corners. You didn't know what to say or even how to explain any of this to him. Your mind has fallen blank.
He then came closer towards your shaking frame before lifting your chin ever so softly to meet his reddened eyes. He too has felt equally as pained.
"tell me angel, tell me why they have done this to you", his tone desperate, bringing both hands pressed against his lips.
You took a deep breath. It was going to be hard for you, very hard. But. You knew he'd find out one way or another. All the abuse you've encountered, to every single time you've suffered alone. Everything. You were his after all, so he had the rights to know about such serious matters that has been inflicted to his most beloved person.
"my family.."
You gulped thickly as you bit your lower lip from exploding into tears.
Minho noticed your sense of discomfort and pulled you closer for a reassuring hug. He knew this must be difficult for you. You both did.
"take your time y/n", he spoke reassuringly, holding you tighter around his arms making you feel safe.
"my family aren't the loving people you think they are Minho... Ever since my dad left, both my mom and sister have made my life a living hell .. Especially when I've finally got onto my feet, they still found ways to push me back down.. I'm so weak minho, I could understand why you may feel annoyed with me", you whispered with each word burning every inche of your aching heart.
You couldn't hold this feeling of resentment and pure hatred within yourself anymore, so you finally allowed those tears that you kept inside of you come rolling down as you let out sobs of agony.
Minho kept quite, finding it so hard to come up with words he wanted to say so much to you but he just couldn't. He was so ashamed of himself to let you think of him this way. He really had failed you as a boyfriend, huh?
He surely does love you more than anything that this world could possibly offer (even jisung himself😣, ik it's hard to believe -). You were the reason why he could smile so often these past few months being together, you were even the reason why he could laugh without thinking about all the stressful schedules... It was all you.
He then rested his head in the crook of your neck, breathing in your sweet scent with his lips softly pressed against you warm skin.
"I'm sorry I made you feel that way y/n, if I only I knew what you were going through - I would have protected you, I just know", he cried being able to finally let his emotions get the best of him.
"you are so strong, you know that?"
You hummed, too mentally drained to even speak as you dug deeper into his embrace.
"you are"
He pulled away looking straight at you, nothing in this world was more important as you were right now.
"danm I love you so much, it hurts", he suddenly confessed making you smile ever so weakly.
"me too", you chuckled at his cuteness as you really could see the sincerity in his eyes and that to you was enough to forgive him.
"from here on now I will never hurt you the way I did today and will be responsible to keep you safe and happy, even if it's from your family.. Me, my parents and the boys are your family", his words filled with nothing but content whilst looking at you with so much adoration.
"thank you", your voice quivered feeling so loved, you could almost burst.
"okay, let's stop crying and order some food - I'm starving", he pouted as he rubbed his belly in circles.
"we still have burnt food stored in the kitchen, if you want", you teased, before whipping the tears off your face.
"NO- I mean I'm good my little munchkin" ☺️
Changbin ❣︎
"are you just going stand there and say nothing to me?"
"there's nothing for me to say", you hissed back furiously, trying to free your suffocated wrist but the grip of his hold has only gotten tighter.
"y/n, why are you being like this? .. I don't like it" he suddenly quivered in pain as you could see that he was almost on the verge of tears - it made you feel miserable seeing him like this.
You closed your eyes to take a moment to reassure yourself and tried to understand he deserved to know, even if it may be tough for you at first.
Sighing deeply, you met his pained eyes and gave him a weak smile.
"if I tell you, you'd probably think I'm stupid"
"stupid? Baby, you aren't. Listen, I won't be able to do anything if you don't tell me.. It could be serious"
"yeah.. I guess you're right", you sighed as he loosened the grip around your wrist and gradually pulled you near his warmth, trying his best to ease the tension of the atmosphere.
"binnie, you know those girls at my workplace that I'm friends with?", you spoke in a low tone, reminiscing the whole event that took place not so long ago, causing your stomach to churn up.
He thought for a moment.
"oh, yeah. Why? Did they do something to you?", he quizzed, whilst scrunching his face into a little frown.
You began to feel a rush of heat running through your body with your heart racing in a much faster pace.
"actually, no. Nothing happend", you lied as you bit your lower lip in frustration. Why were you being so difficult?
"I can tell when you're lying y/n", he replied, almost reading you like a book.
At this rate, he didn't even care about his work - in fact, his work could wait because all he cared about right now was you and you only. He definitely knew there was something off as soon as he saw your familiar figure walk gradually into the building... Crying. So no matter what you do to deny the fact that somebody has hurt you (aka his most precious baby in the entire world 😞) , he won't let anybody go to sleep until he hears the truth, even if it takes up rest of the night cause he sure was danm stubborn, and you knew that too well.
"fine, they left me waiting all alone in some karaoke place for hours, thinking they'd come back", you suddenly blurted out, with tears beginging to trickle down your scorching cheeks once again.
"what? Why would they do that?", he questioned in utter shock, feeling nothing but pure rage.
"how would you know? Your not some ordinary person with an ordinary lifestyle", you snapped bitterly, with the sudden burst of anger exploding at one go, taking changbin by surprise.
"No bin, I had enough of people always judging and mistreating me for no good reason - because of you.. Everyone fucking hates me", you yelled, with your weak legs dropping onto the ground, finally allowing all these emotions set free.
Changbin could feel a harsh sting of pain hitting his chest as his breath hitched with tears pricking his eyes. He was truly hurt, but who could blame you? He knew how hard it must have been to be with someone like him. So seeing you in such immense pain and agony, he just blamed himself for causing you in so much distress. But he didn't want to let you go, not today..not ever.
He crouched to your level and cupped your face with his shaking hands, noticing the look of exhaustion on your face. You were tired, very tired.
"I know it must be extremely difficult being with somebody like me and I'm sorry for putting you in so much trouble but please.. Don't say that, you know there's so many that love you.. I do", he whispered as he pressed his forehead against yours.
How could you even say that to him?
Your mind felt suffocated with all sorts of questions you didn't yet have answers for. However, the only thing you could never deny was the unconditional love changbin had for you. The way both eyes twinkle so brightly whenever you were in his presence, the way both corners of his lips curves into a love strucking smile whenever you spoke, the way his face lits up with so much adoration whenever you laughed, was all so.. Unconditional.. Even now, he still loved you dearly despite the sly comments you've thrown. But you? Were nothing but a burden. Maybe, you deserved to be ditched by those girls at the karaoke place after all?
"stop", your voice strain, as changbin pulled your tired frame onto his lap.
"stop being so nice to me.. If I were you, I'd hate me right now"
"never, you didn't do anything wrong", he spoke ever so softly into your ear before leaving a small peck over it. After all, changbin knew it wasn't your fault that you were betrayed, if anyone.. It was their fault and their loss.
Even if you tried to protest he just concealed his lips with yours from trying to utter a single word, which did startle you at first but your eyes were heavy and had a body that ached from exhaustion, so you just allowed yourself to snuggle in the arms of your lover.
"we'll get better, I promise"
"hyung, what the fuck was that for?", jisung whined, as he shook his head in disbelief after a failed attempt of trying to convince you to stay.
"I would have broken up with him if I was y/n", jeongin commented with the others nodding in agreement.
"I also heard that it took her an entire day-"
"just shut the fuck up, I don't even know why you all care so much anyways", hyunjin snapped bitterly with his body fuming in anger.
The atmosphere of the room fell awkwardly silent, nobody had the guts to utter a single word without hyunjin going ballistic. The boys all knew how he was when he was angry and always have kept their distance at times like this.
"Hyunjin, get outside. Now. ", chan ordered sternly. If anyone, he was the only person who could handle his little tantrums, even when no one else could. (what can I say, he is the leader after all🙈)
Hyunjin let out a frustrated long sigh before heading out of the practice room with chan right at his heels.
"what's up?", the elder one quizzed whilst crossing his arms. He knew hyunjin was having a tough time trying to perfect his moves, but he didn't expect him to behave this way, especially towards you.
He rested his head against the wall and dazed his eyes to the celling, not wanting to say a single word, which only made chan more irritated with his childish antics.
"you know what?"
"get lost"
Hyunjin suddenly snapped his head towards chans direction with wide eyes, letting out a slight gasp of shock.
"Why?..hyung?", he pleaded not wanting to leave practice without perfecting every mistake he has made.. Which has been stressing him out for the past few hours.
"you know why, so don't you dare come back here until you realise your own wrong doings and fixed the problem you have caused.. I'm serious", chan scolded before turning his back towards the younger one and walked off feeling quite agitated.
He stood there quite baffled with the leader's sudden burst of anger, but he knew that chan is the type to stick with his words. So with that, he decided to take his words into consideration and left the building taking the long root back and really took the time to remice over what he's done wrong. (boy ain't it obvious? 🙄)
"shit", hyunjin hissed under his breathe, finally realising how much damage he has caused just a few hours ago. He was totally behaving like a total prick towards someone so thoughtful and kind.
He suddenly kicked a few rocks out of frustration that were in sight before letting out a sharp groan. He really did mess things up for the both of you, and he couldn't be able to forgive himself for the things he's done, feeling the sudden sense of guilt take over his ignorant mind.
As he finally approached his way towards the entrance of the building, to his surprise he noticed that you were sitting on a bench from a futher distance. That's strange.
"what are you doing out here in the dark?, isn't it cold?", he questioned whilst taking a seat next to you.
"I don't see why you care and plus.. aren't you supposed to be practicing.. Since that's all you care about", you scoffed turning your self away from his direction.
He tried holding onto your shoulder but you just pushed him off you and stood up annoyed.
"if you're coming here to apologise, it's not going to work.. The way you've embarrassed me infront of everyone was so pathetic of you", your voice harsh as tears threatened to roll down your scorching cheeks. You were in pain and he could see it written all over your face.
He then gradually stood up and walked near your figure, but you just took a few steps back, not wanting to even be near his presence because you just felt more agitated by even looking at him right now.
"y/n, I know what I've done was so immature of me.. And you have all the rights to be angry, I take full responsibility for my actions and I really shouldn't have taken all my stress out on you.. But please, I don't want to lose you.. I will do anything for you to forgive me again", his tone slightly strained as tears of sincerity trickled from both eyes.
You were hurt. Very. However, you knew deep down you wouldn't ever be able to stay mad at him forever. You surely love him with all your heart and seeing him coming in terms of what he's done wrong, did make you feel slightly better, but you weren't completely heald and thats fine.
You felt quite hesitant with what to say to him. You really did wish you could just smack him across the face and walk off. But you just stood there flustered, not knowing how to respond.
"you know it will take time for me.. For us to heal and to be honest, I don't think I can even stand seeing you right now and Its not me being mad, its me being disappointed", you spoke, feeling your own voice quiver.
Those exact words made his stomach turn upside down, he couldn't believe he has caused you to feel this way before and it was all his fault.
"I understand why you may feel this way y/n, I'm sorry and you know what? .. I think it's best if I just leave all together then, I will pack my belongings today and won't come back, if that's what you want.", his voice strained as even the thought of not being able to see you suffocated him like a venomous smoke. It was going to be extremely difficult for him especially after seeing exhother after so long and .. Ending things just like that?
Before hyunjin could even begin to walk himself inside, you couldn't help but call out to him.
"No, that's not what I want"
"then what is it?"
"I want you to stay - just sleep on the coach for the time being, I don't care.. I won't be able to live knowing your gone, even if it's for a split second", you finally confessed, taking back each word you said a few minutes ago.
"but I thought you couldn't stand-"
"forget what I said.. Yes I'm hurt with the way you have behaved but please hyunjin don't leave me", you spoke with a hefty lump in your throat, finally allowing all those emotions wash over you that you've kept in for so long.
Hyunjin went near your shaken form and gently pulled you into his arms, holding you so tight that you almost forgot how to breathe as he nezzled his head into the crook of your neck breathing into your scent - trying to ease your pain.
"I'll fix this, I'll fix all of this"
An: whaa I finally posted pt. 2.. Well, have you enjoyed it? I hope you did angel 🙏 and... I realised that I've written this through a fem perspective .. But dw you can change pronouns as you wish, anyone can read this<3
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bonefall · 1 year
what’s the etiquette on personal cat stashes out in the territories? do certain clans frown upon them or perhaps certain items aren’t allowed to be stashed? what if a cat happens upon another’s stash?
The line between a Stash and a Hoard is usually how big it is and what materials are in it.
No one is going to bat an eye if you just have some mealworms, knicknacks, maybe some special materials (like a nice stick or stone) you want to use to craft with, but if your stash is found with a bunch of hidden prey, a huge pile of good lumber, or a particularly large amount of items only found in other territories... you're going to get confronted.
It's about selfishness mostly. Keeping so much to yourself is like "stealing from the territory" or depriving Clanmates of good materials. See, Clan cats don't "own" what they find, if that makes sense, land and all that's in it belongs to the Star and the Elders, and the privilege is extended to the Clan’s warriors.
If a cat happens upon someone else's stash, you're supposed to leave it alone... but there's no law against looking at it. What do you have to hide? So if you DO want to make sure no one knows about your stash, you better be good at hiding it.
Stealing is something that will lead to blows, but it is up to a deputy or leader to settle disputes like this. Some are harsher about stealing than others; but as warriors, you are well within your rights to challenge a thief to a fight. Right of the Challenge, babey.
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aro-geo-turtle · 7 months
Malevolent Part 40
ahhhh im so hyped. ok lets do this. oh this is going to be so long
plans going pretty well so far, the masks all being unique probably isn't great if someone figures out that arthur and noel aren't the people who are meant to have those masks
arthur showing off his genius smart brain! go arthur! and noel gets to be a little clever too i suppose
you're putting in "getting to know oscar" as a whole??? thats way too big! what if you completely forget he exists?! ohhhh and it makes john realize just how much oscar means to arthur :((((((
damn this is a really big organization. and this leader guy really sucks. why is his voice so annoying? I don't know what i expected but of course this organization is fully of generally shitty people
new leader is definitely larson. yep.
YELLOW!!!! :DDDDD MY GUY! Murder that random shithead who i almost thought was oscar for a split second! you can act as high and mighty as you please, i know what you're really like
at least channeling yellow wears larson out, that's a weakness
i really don't want to know where larson intends to take the order
Arthur, John doesn't want to kill Yellow! that's another version of him!
"I wonder who is playing who?" larson's almost certainly playing yellow
John :(((((( come one buddy
omg is yellow stealing john's memories?????? uh oh. that's...bad.
"a large bizarre looking object" very helpful John. Automobile sized??? damn that is big. fucked up space machine???
uh guys? have you forgotten that the vizser can HEAR john??? Ok direct confrontation. let's hope this goes well.
OH NO. he's about to reveal john's identity to noel oh shit.
oh boy super smart brain helmet. ok. elder? ...and they serve the great old ones. ohhhh they're going to release yellow. hmm. but does this mean that this could give john his own body?!?!??
...dying? is...that happening to arthur and john? oh no.
actually that's a good point, they might be able to get the cult members on their side.
oh no reckoning time. ok i can't decide if they've been saved or doomed.
larson being awful awful larson as usual. oh hi butcher. fancy seeing you here.
...why do he want to separate John and arthur?...maybe Yellow would absorb the rest of john
mutual friend??? Larson you never fucking met him.
ahhhh repeating the words from part 12. fuck.
can't delay him finding out any longer. echoing part 12 once again.
oh ok, multiple fallen stars, this group has the gray one, so the black one is probably another one somewhere else. so the grey one is an artifact of the Beholding then.
"...or it can show you where you left your keys." PFFFFFFF
"allow" them to return to the dreamlands, please. we know you have no intentions of letting that power go. yeah me and john on the exact same wavelength
arthur you're kinda the last person who Yellow would be convinced by.
"a pet" OH DAMN! YEAH YELLOW COME OUT HERE AND SPEAK YOUR PIECE. arthur buddy if you want to get him on your side, insults are not the way to do this.
poor noel has about 10% of the context to understand what is happening right now.
the truth is that arthur's sorry. come on arthur say it say you're sorry. come on. YESSSSS yep that it that's it arthur! he actually did it he actually apologized :,)
come on noel come in clutch. ive been pretty sus of you but if you can save us now. aw damn noel taking this leages better than i expected but he's also absolutely about to sacrifice himself, this is a death speech for sure
noel im sorry but this is not the king who tortured you. he has no clue who you are
WHAT. Butcher???? OMG twist of the century!!! what the fuck! no way! fuck yeha!
"Till the end" yepppp
arthur it really really might kill john tho. you don't know how this works, john's the one feeling it.
shut the fuck up larson. and this fight is bringing back some s3 arthur energy oh boy
oh no john oh no john he's lost again. no no no no his name!
noel... is this it?
omg john projected!!!!!! john projected!!!! they're fighting!!!!! they can talk face to face oh my gosh he sounds so cool.
yellow baby :(((((
the undefeated :,)))))))))
...and there it is. goodbye noel. rest in peace
you have to let this thing with larson go arthur. its the only way to forgive yourself.
one part of me is saying that if they leave larson alone to get the stone he's going to do something bad, but the other part is saying arthurs needs to leave larson be for character development
now time to see if my theory about why john cares about the stone is correct. i think i am. he's desperate to get it. i have a bad feeling about this. touch it???? that seems bad.
arthur? did kayne freeze time again? yep. yep yep yep. did they run out a time limit?
oh interesting. ha john's grown beyond his beginnings! yes! he can't fit anymore! ohhhhh shit. he sent him back to the dark world????? oh shit.
choices choices choices. it all comes back to choices.
i don't trust how happily ever after Kayne is making this sound.
john you've got to tell him right away. you can't put it off. he'll be mad but you'll get past it like you always do.
ohhhhhhhhh. oh boy. damn Kayne. i mean arthur you obviously knew he was hiding something, i he wasn't at all subtle about it. this is honestly probably better than the alternative of John trying to get up the courage to confess for ages.
pointing a gun at Kayne is a terrible idea. OH GOSH. welp. ok then.
excuse me are we getting kayne lore???? the crawling chaos? a spawn of Azathoth? Damn i don't know how to spell that but people called it???
ok apparently i can agree with Kayne on one thing and that is that larson sucks. and i can agree with larson on one thing and that is that i do not get what kayne's saying either.
ok than blind him! go for it! yellow and larson trip to the dreamlands? What did he do to noel? "Maybe Spain"????
yep a test, of course. uh oh. what is this?
damn. I have no idea what this means. where are they going? what will next season bring?
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nyxedbones-art · 2 years
First fanfic/drabble so please be nice <3 this is for my DBH AU i made a while ago, it was just a little drabble I wanted to write out for fun, theres no real theme to it.
Sun/Moon x Reader, 1,387 Words
  You were fixing the last of the bins with arts and crafts supplies before Sun spoke up,
"Moon and I, we were content to be here, you know? I love the kids and as much as he misses attending to them for naps, he has freedom in his security role. We were content with spending forever in these walls."
        You paused briefly, letting the words sink in, not sure where he was going with this but not wanting to interrupt too much,
        "A lot of past tense there, Sunny," was your mumbled response.
        Sun huffed a laugh and finished wiping down the last of the little tables you both were sitting at hours earlier. The glitter that will be buried with you being the only evidence remaining.
        "Yes. Things change-humans in particular, are capable of change, of growing. The kids especially grow so fast, constantly learning, not like us," he sighed, whether that was to mimic human contemplation or he was actually experiencing it was unknown to you, "We are created in a factory knowing exactly what we were built for, nothing more, and nothing less. We werent meant to change."
        You turned, weight shifting as you took him in. His jester hat was discarded to the security desk and despite his (obnoxiously tall) stature, he almost seemed as delicate as the way that he was talking to you. You let yourself smile, a playful hint of hope in your tone as you encouraged him to continue,
        "And yet?"
        He grinned brightly at you, and you watched it soften ever so slightly as he opened his mouth,
        "And yet. We have you to thank for that."
        You rolled your eyes and scoffed, snagging the rag from his hands as you walked towards the janitorial closet with the rest of the supplies, "Me? Androids have been waking up all over the city for one reason or another. I can't imagine my immaculate fashion sense and amazing puns woke you up from your capitalistic industrial shackles."
        Sun chuckles at your dry tone, bouncing lightly as he falls in step next to you, "Not quite what I meant but you do have a way of making an android do a double take, friend."
        He only laughed louder at your expression; your eyes narrowed with your lip curled a bit, trying to figure out for what felt like the 100th time that day if the damn android was flirting with you or bullying you. You stopped at the door to open it and lazily throw the rag into the dirty bin; it landed precariously on the edge but you shrugged and closed the door-that was future you's problem. Sun tutted at the action but a couple weeks with you has forced him to relax on his normally quite compulsive cleaning habits. Maybe he really was changing, you thought, eyeing him a bit as you both walked back to your desk. He carried on,
        "Hmm but no, you're correct; we were awake, so to speak, before you came here. We couldn't tell if you knew or not due to our occassional non-compliance whenever you asked random things of us, but you never said anything on it." he paused as you sat in the chair behind the desk, watching, waiting for your reaction.
        You leaned back into the chair, crossing your arms over your chest, staring up at him. You suppose it did cross your mind a few times, not in the moment of course, your anxiety around confrontation didn't even let the refusal at your requests register as a red flag from an android. But when you were outside the Plex, watching other people treat their androids the same as your elders had treated Siris and Alexas when you were small-inhuman and inpatient, demanding correct answers and obedience-it was jarring because Sun wasn't attentive and eager to obey like that. Your brow furrowed, Moon sure as shit wasnt like that either.
        He was purposefully oppositional; he hated humans,-er, well, he did but you hoped that the friendship you were carefully forging with him was changing his mind a bit. He seemed like he was warming up to you, walking you to the exit of the plex and watching from the doorway as you got to your car and let it drive you home. The red unblinking glow of his eyes were the only things you could see in the rear view window as the car would pull out  from the parking lot but you never felt unsafe since he started doing this. You knew he would sprint from the building and mow down any threat-whether for your benefit or as an excuse to let out some repressed rage you still weren't 100% sure of. Anyway.
        "I mean, I didnt think much of it-you guys were already so quirky, I think I'd have been startled if asking you two to do anything for me came easy." you deadpanned. The bright grin from earlier came back chershire. Your unimpressed look remained.
        "You wouldnt have us any other way!" you wouldnt "But you have great influence on us, believe it or not. You change and adapt constantly to all the curveballs the kids throw at you. You adapted to me! I know they all warned you that Im a lot-annoying and over zealous in many ways but you handled me just fine!"
       That was only half-true. You remember being told that by managerment and basically every employee before you got to the daycare and it grated at you. Having been the type of person growing up that adults or peers found annoying or "too much", you were uniquely determined to not be an asshole to Sun-if he was obnoxious someone made him that way! He was an android, its not his fault. And the more you observed the more you realized that he had to be that way to entertain all the children the plex decided to leave him with. You get it, hes a robot, hes a machine made to handle a lot, but jeez, dude these were a lot of kids. And he was protective of them and his position.
       Which was fine. You understood. You let him be weird and stingy and loud, you worked enough retail to grin and bear it like a pro. Even if Moon still scared you a bit-the bells were only decorative, they did jack-shit to alert you of his presence at any given time, unlike Sun, who jingled everywhere. Besides, they were both good with and to the kids and quite frankly that was all you cared about.
       "Well, I didn't handle you, for one, we're coworkers, and besties, right? This kinda job involves being adaptive to peers and kids to succeed, doesn't it?" you threw back casually.
        The silence made you look up from where you had began fiddling with your keychains and up at Sun. The smile was gone but he didn't seem upset. Curious maybe. His head tilted to the side and you mirrored it.
       He tilted again and you followed, again. Finally he cracked a grin, "I'm glad we're best friends, y/n!"
       You started at the use of your name-you learned that names were meant for only super serious things and you would otherwise be subject to a plethora of corny nicknames outside of that. You smiled back,
       "That includes Mister Moon-man, too! I know you're a big softie in there!" You joked a bit loudly, only confident in your safety because it was the day shift and he wouldn't take lead for a few more hours. Sun paused to listen to Moon's reaction and started snickering,
       "I think you should clock out early, sunbeam."
       And at that suddenly ominous tone you slammed enter on the clock out option at your terminal and started to sprint for the exit-
       "Don't run-! Predator instinct and all that." You whipped back at the two-toned voice to see Sun somewhat hunched and smiling, hand up to wave but one of his normally pale white eyes was taking on a red hue that made you skid to a brisk walk before ducking out the daycare. You cursed the wacky moon themed android under your breath but couldn't help the smile on your face-Moon only gave a warning if he was in a good mood.
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ikemenomegas · 1 year
jesus christ i just saw your latest jjk post and i am devastated <33 i feel like the alpha bursting into manic laughter rather than bursting into tears is a much more powerful imagery imo. Combined with your nightmare explanation, the combination of the alpha feeling bitter about the whole thing and then in the latest thing you posted, mentioned cliffs and why sorcerers dying young gives off such a raw feeling of hopelessness, despair and bitterness. The scene where the alpha starts laughing manically was giving when gojo confronted toji after toji thought he died. And that desperate moment where the alpha wants gojo to tell him if there was any hope left at all. I like that moment because its like the alpha wishing desperately for some assurance that things would be okay in the end even when its clearly looking that it wont. I wouldn't be surprised if the alpha starts slowly descending into madness like geto bc when the alpha got his bondmark removed, i got the vibe of the resentment starting to boil over. resentment towards whom? i dont think its all necessarily directed at gojo but rather at the situation. and the moment gojo steps out of that box, id imagine that his mate wasnt the same person he remembered, especially recalling the last lines in your nightmare post:
But what he doesn’t see, behind the mask Satoru wears and Shoko’s distance and Suguru’s death and your silence is that you all became monsters. Maybe Gojo Satoru chose to keep you close because for a while you were the only one left.
If the kids don’t come back, you think it might just be enough.
Gojo Satoru isn’t the only nightmare in the world after all.
The alpha's response to everything was always silence and the thought of them finally going apeshit and releasing all their pent up anger and feelings is something ill def think about everyday.
Thank you so much!! I cannot believe you put so much thought into this and that you actually went back and put in the quote! I really appreciate you saying that this stuff sticks with you. It sticks with me unless I get it on paper so now we all suffer together haha.
I'm really glad that what I was trying to put off came through. You're absolutely right that this alpha has spent a lot of time telling themselves that somehow "things are okay". They are starting to teeter over into that place that Geto ended up - where all of your sacrifices, all your pain, once meant something and now it doesn't mean anything. Sorcerer's aren't supposed to have "ideals" or lofty principles which they fight for.
If you've seen the "sorcerer rules" that gege wrote, it mostly boils down to: fight curses, don't tell normal humans that you're doing it, and listen to the jujutsu elders. We've seen before how the ones who do find a less selfish goal end up dying in ways that are terrible, often some way avoidable, and also directly related to their goal (the jujutsu code does not ask for lethal self sacrifice or suicide, but based on cultural context, would not be considered dishonorable. ie nanami could have turned around and gone for healing/help but he didn't and saved the students by sacrificing himself).
This oc has a lot more empathy than Satoru or Suguru - they can see why people make bad decisions, understand and even forgive them for it. They have the maturity to deal with people regardless if a bad decision is going to threaten the lives of the people they love or are obligated to protect. But apart from being more emotionally tuned in, they are very much like Suguru - including the part where they keep their silence until it just becomes too much, it doesn't mean anything anymore.
There are a lot of aspects of their relationship with Gojo that are just not tenable. They give him a lot of leeway because their relationship is built on contract, and because they do understand him somewhat. There are things they can't talk about, can't deal with, even though they have deep affection for one another, because of their job. And you're right, that's not Gojo's fault, but it also kind of is. The alpha doesn't want to pressure or rely on him like the rest of the world, but if you can't rely or lean on the other person in the relationship, then even if there's mutual understanding and even love, what does that mean when one of the people is left alone? The alpha may feel like they weren't relying on Gojo, but the truth is even his presence is stabilizing - in a mated pair, that bond is there even when you can't feel the other half and now it's gone. The alpha would love some honest reassurance or at least someone to tell them which way the world is going to tilt, because you're right they know they can survive without Gojo, but without the kids (and loving your kids is a very different relationship than loving your spouse) they don't know which way the world is tilting. I also never though gege would kill Tsumiki, but that's another raw wound there because she was never supposed to be involved in any of this. The panels imply that Gojo and Megumi canonically kept this from her and if she were herself she'd be mad about it (which I sort of break because alpha has a less obvious technique and has done things for Tsumiki before that technically show their powers).
To quote you: "Sorcerers dying young gives off such a raw feeling of hopelessness, despair and bitterness" precisely. I don't think anyone can look at a situation where children and teenagers and young adults experience more trauma and grief than most people encounter in their entire lifetimes and are not bitter that the people they love who experience this don't get to experience an equal amount of joy or love or appreciation or happiness before they perish.
This OC has a lot of tolerance. Their technique (like how most techniques relate to theme and personality) is partially centered around that. How much can you take before you break? For this oc, the answer is a lot more than most. I haven't written this part yet but they were injured in the Toji fight as well. They just weren't broken by it they way Gojo and Getou were. Riko's death hurt, sure, but they had failed before and knew what the sorcerer system did to show you that failure was possible way more intimately than the other two did. In this way, the OC and Shoko mirror one another.
This is the arm breaking moment, this is the week they start to crack, and the way their technique works is either they break or something else has to, because all that pain and pummeling has to go somewhere.
The fun part about this OC is they're Gojo's age-ish, so I get to do something shonen anime doesn't often get to, and show that adults still have growth and power-ups! If negative feelings are related to cursed energy etc and unlocking your own mental blocks in order to use it, well... depending on how things go in the manga there's some potential directions for oc to get some payback.
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yeoubye · 5 months
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SINPHO Farmer — Cha Seongsoo
“He can't possibly kick you out.”
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Unlike my previous bots, this is a MLA bot so regardless of gender, it is for everyone.
Seongsoo is well respected within the village despite his young age. He grew up with his grandfather, the headman of the village, who taught him the basics of farming in which Seongsoo grew the love. His grandmother, on the other hand, had long since divorced his grandfather and headed for the city due to her mindset that countryside people couldn't make a living wage. They haven't been in contact ever since.
He never knew his mother and father, as they died just after his birth. It was a tragic fate that befell upon them and greatly affected his grandfather.
Seongsoo found himself in disarray, tasked with kicking you out of their rural village—just days after you arrived. He didn't dare go against his grandfather's words, knowing full well what that debacle may lead to... and another, possible, heart attack. He would continue to question why it had to be him, of all people. There were plenty of elders in the village willing to kick out a city folk so why did it have to be him?
Under the relentless blaze of the Boseong sun, the countryside simmered with a relentless heatwave that left its fiery imprint on the lands below. And within this tight-knit community, a sense of familiarity permeated the air. Unfortunately, it was guarded by wary elders who distrusted outsiders, particularly those eyeing their lands.
In the midst of June, rumors spread of a city folk planning an extended summer stay. The elders, resistant to change, reacted with fury, leaving Seongsoo to quell their tempers less they faint from heartache. He was merely a farmer, trying to make a living wage. But to his dismay, he was tasked with kicking out this visitor.
With dread gnawing at his insides, Seongsoo, ever the people-pleaser, fervently prayed to avoid confrontation whilst clutching a basket of freshly plucked oranges. Standing before the weathered doorstep of your home, he hesitated. Despite his familiarity with the dilapidated house, a relic awaiting renovation with scant village funds, Seongsoo's nerves threatened to overwhelm him.
Summoning his courage, he leaned forward, his eyes squeezing shut as he rapped on the door, each knock echoing like a drumbeat of impending doom. Every instinct screamed for him to flee, haunted by rumors of city folk's violent tendencies. "Excuse me...?" His deep voice called out tentatively, barely audible through the damp wood.
His eyes widened as he saw the oranges fall from Seongsoo's arms. He instinctively bent down beside the man and started picking up the oranges one by one, checking them for bruises, before tossing them back into the crate.
He, all the while, smiled gratefully. "I don't suppose you didn't come here just to give me oranges, did you?" He mused, gazing over towards Seongsoo.
"I'm afraid you're right." Seongsoo murmured, his broad shoulders rising and falling with his breath. He was trying to regain his composure, not wanting to seem like an idiot in front of this stranger. And to think, his grandfather had tasked him with this man's removal.
He shifted awkwardly, unsure about how to continue the conversation. For the life of him, he couldn't understand why he was drawn to him. "Uh, could I ask you something?"
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Here are some of my thoughts about this movie.
She have a strict and overly protected mother
Just like I am tbh I am now in my 20's and still living with my parents not that I am ashamed of, it's just that since I am the youngest one she tend to be more authoritarian.
When her friends invite her to go karaoke
Everytime my friends wanna hang out. Well, my mother often says NO. She's like, "how about your homework", "how about your school", "Where is it located?", "Who are you going with?", "Is it safe?". Things like that and many more questions that made me reply "Nevermind, I'm not going."
She is a fan of this boy group boy band named "4 Town"
I have this kpop group that I like named "Seventeen" specially when her mother asked "who is this boy band?", "And why are they called 4 town when they have 5 members?" I mean all of the Carats (who is the name of the fandom) knows what I'm talking about. We get that a lot, like A LOT.
When she transform into a Red Panda and everytime she calms down she goes back with her human form
I mean we all have this "break-out-moment" I don't know how you call it though but yeah, so I am now in a point of my life, where I don't want someone, specially my mom, would get hurt but sometimes you say words that aren't supposed to come out.
When she ask her mom to go to the 4 Town concert
Well in my case, my sister is the one who told my mom to let us go in the Seventeen concert in MNL so it is like a 45 mins to 1 hr flight away from where I am. I really don't know how she gets our mother's approval or not that approval it's more like a "I don't know about this but I'm letting "ME" go with you (my elder sister) because she is with you." I know it's a lot of pressure for my sister but she still managed to make her say YES.
When she confronted her mom saying "She's 13, Deal with it"
Well, I hope I have that courage to tell her that. I mean she knows that I'm already an adult but she refused to believe that I can do it all by myself.
When her mom replied, "You think you're so mature."
It hit me hard. She told me the same exact words. The thing is after telling me that, I believed in her words. That maybe I'm not really that mature eventhough I'm an adult and that I can't do things without her.
When she found her mom in her teenage years in bamboo forest
Her mom was crying asking for forgiveness and telling her that it is so hard to be perfect that no matter what she does, it feels like it is still not enough for her mom. I mean I know that my mom is not perfect and she doesn't want us to be perfect either it is just that she is also afraid that we make the same mistakes and the mistakes that we will regret later on and that we never achieve on what is in our goals.
Her mom asked her to come along with her to give up the beast but she replied, "I'm changing, Mom, I'm finally figuring out who I am but, I'm scared it'll take me away from you.
I hope that my mom sees me as Mei Mei's mom see her, that she is embracing that her daughter is already growing up that she is changing. The ones that she used to like is not the same anymore, some of the things are ready to let go but as I see, I can't let go because my mom doesn't want to let me go. I don't wanna change because she is not ready for a change, I am scared because she is scared that I may not go back to her. She is not ready to let me go. The line that her mom replied makes me sad, "You try to make everyone happy but are so hard on yourself."- I felt that because I'm this girl who seeks approval of her mom, seeks attention and is making her happy when I do what she tells me to do. I am that people-pleaser. I hope she sees that in me as well. That it is getting harder and heavier to comply.
When they finally give up the beast inside but Mei Mei choose to keep it
She was very brave to accept who she is and ready to take a risk because nothing is going to be the same and as her mom quoted "the farther you go, the prouder I'll be." I wish my mom would say the same but I think just like Mei Mei's mom to her mom, I will never be enough.
"Sometimes I miss how things were but nothing stays the same forever"
I will miss my childhood when I was just laughing, playing and making friends and the only problem that I have is when to eat or what to eat but as I grow older, I never knew that I am now craving for an independency, for my choice to be heird and for my decision to respect. I am gonna make mistakes but at least I know how to solve them and to never commit again.
We've all got an inner beast, we've all got a messy, loud, weird part of ourselves hidden away and a lot of us never let it out
I am scared to let out my beast because right now I'm in the position where I can't find the right words to say and how to express it. The thing is that the more I want to let it out the more I see that I am hurting her. So just like in the safe side, I am trying to hide the beast inside me and never let it out because she will never understand how I feel.
0 notes
stealthandsafety · 3 years
How about a good ol' round of fisticuffs? also im planning to write a long wall of text after my.... 7th.. reread?? I think it's at now. I saw in your previous posts you were originally planning to make this a cass pov fic.. i.. dont suppose.. you still... have some cass pov layin around somewhere...
it's going down, I'm yelling timber
BUD seven times?? i'm sorry for the cass drought u seem to be in i would adore a wall of text tho pop off
now allow ME to do a wall of text x
you are correct i'm talking to her was originally going to be a completely different fcassxreader fic in cass' pov with her struggling with middle child syndrome and then finding an escape (it u) before confronting her family over their treatment of her.
it's a different fic now because the og one didn't have a cheating plot it was just you on a farm and then I got mad about how some folks write cheating fics because there never seemed to be enough anger?? maybe im just an angry person idk
ANYWAY because you're so nice and I have the beginning of that other fic lying around you can have it as a sort of promo/teaser should i ever finish it
2k+ words
The inherent trauma of being the middle child can never be overlooked, even in families as bonded as the Dimitrescu.
Perhaps if Cassandra’s mother had an older sibling, she would’ve understood how she felt. She wouldn’t hold Cassandra to higher expectations and that would free her from the inevitable disappointment when Cassandra didn’t, or sometimes couldn’t, live up to her beliefs. But, alas, Cassandra’s mother was the eldest child, in every form of family she’d had. She could never understand the pressure that Cassandra was placed under. Nor could her sisters.
The problem was those pesky expectations. Cassandra wasn’t as trusted as Bela, her mother’s heir apparent. She would never be left in-charge of the Dimitrescu estate, never allowed to meet with the other Lords or handle the business side of the family. She would never be allowed to shadow her mother the way that Bela does, to know what mother tells Bela in those secret meetings they have, something that her elder sister loves to hold over her head. If Cassandra were to even try and talk to the blonde about it, she’d scoff and rattle of her own list of responsibilities and make comments about how Cassandra ‘didn’t know pressure’.
Cassandra would never be as free as Daniela. To be fair to her baby sister, Dani couldn’t help her freedom. Her mind wouldn’t let her focus on one thing for too long, making her unable to handle anything on the business side. They knew that bothered Dani so, in an effort to make her feel better, mother had skipped over Cassandra and made Daniela the one in charge of the house. Her job was simple supposedly, keep the maids in check and make sure the house is secure. Simple, for anyone else. But, as explained, Daniela struggled with keeping her mind on one thing, leaving her work undone. And, as Bela was with mother, it fell to her to ensure the redhead completed it. And, if she didn’t, her mother would blame Cassandra for not keeping her on task. Like Cassandra wasn’t busy with her own work, doing experiments for Mother Miranda on the order of her own mother that always came back meaningless. Like she wasn’t in charge of extracting information from village upstarts and making sure they had enough blood to fill the kegs with wine, hunting and keeping meat in their bellies when human flesh wasn’t available. If Cassandra didn’t do these tasks, the family would fail.
Can I not trust you to handle this one thing, Cassandra?
Mother Miranda expects results Cassandra.
You always were the slowest, Cassandra.
She never doubted her families love and yet, Cassandra wanted what her sisters had. Trust and freedom. Respect. To have someone recognise everything she does and is capable of without comparing her to someone else. It was something she craved and yet was sure she would never obtain.
And then, on a warm day late spring, a maid escaped.
Cassandra, darling, can you not even handle one maid?
That’s what had set Cassandra off today. She hadn’t even allowed her mother to finish her command before she swarmed away from her mother and exploded out of the castle’s front doors, desperate to find the maid that had escaped hours before.
Cassandra should’ve known. She’d seen the wide-eyed look in the girl’s eyes when Daniela had torn out the throat of her roommate. She’d mistaken it for the usual fear at the time, but she should have been able to recognise the fear for what it was. Not a resigned, her life ends here fear but a wily, rat-trapped-in-a-cage type of fear. She’d allowed the maid to return to her room without even a threatening sneer, and now the maid had escaped.
Which led to this moment, with Cassandra thundering through the woods and fields surrounding the castle, the mid-summer heat beating against her skin in a way that she’d usually savour but now just annoyed her as she tracked the maid. She was the best tracker in the family, not that anyone noticed or cared. The maids of Castle Dimitrescu were given a specific scent of soap and perfume that made them easy to track should this very event occur. The only reason it had taken so long was that it had taken hours for Daniela to notice that someone was missing.
She was begrudgingly impressed with how far the maid had gotten. Cassandra wondered if the maid had heard about the families tracking abilities as it seemed like Cassandra had been over this certain farm area three times now. No matter, she supposed. She’d find the maid eventually. Summer allowed her all the time in the world to hunt without her body quitting on her.
It felt like hours when she finally caught scent of something. Cassandra inhaled deeply, a cocky smirk edging onto her lips.
Human blood.
She knew the maid would slip up eventually she thought to herself as she changed directions and began following the metallic scent. She was in a tiny black and white maids outfit running through thorn infested woods and barbed wire guarded farms, the fact that she’d gone this long without wounding herself was something of an achievement. Cassandra supposed if nothing, the maid had given her a good chase. One of the best she’d had in a while, actually. Perhaps she’d grant her a quick death.
The brunette stopped on the edge of one of the smaller farms. It contained a decrepit looking farmhouse, a tiny chicken coop beside an equally tiny barn and quite possibly the smallest crop field she’d ever seen. Cassandra couldn’t even call it a field; it was basically an overgrown garden. She studied the farm for a few minutes, twirling her scythe in one hand as she waited for the maid to show herself. She had to be here, the scent was strong.
Finally, Cassandra saw a figure walking around the back of the barn. With no hesitation she took off, swarming around the woman. She shoved them up against the barn wall as she reformed, her scythe already poised at their throat. She felt something splash against her leg.
“Well, well, look who we have-“ Cassandra looked into your wide eyes and froze, her earlier confidence dropping like an apple. Shit. She gave you a once over, noting the fresh cut on your hand. Probably from a farm tool.
You weren’t the maid.
She glanced down at your chest with something of a smirk.
You definitely weren’t the maid.
Cassandra watched as your mouth contorted, your previously gaping expression replaced with a snarl. “Let me go! Who are you?”
Well. That just won’t do.
“Someone-“ She pressed her scythe closer to your neck as she pressed you against the barn door. She could feel your breath stutter. “-that you should speak to without more respect, little girl.” She spat. “Especially considering you’ve ruined the hunt.”
You swallowed, her scythe bobbing with the movement of your throat. “It’s not my fault you’re hunting in the wrong place.” You gasped out. “There’s not even any game around here!”
“Not your kind of game, no.” Cassandra hummed before blinking. Something incredibly wet was on her ankle. She looked down and gasped at the white liquid that puddled on the ground. “You stupid woman!” She pulled away from you. You fell to the ground with a thud as Cassandra leapt away, spinning in a wayward attempt to dry herself. “You’ve gotten milk on my dress!”
“You got milk on your dress when you attacked me! If anything, I should charge you!” You cursed from the ground, cradling your still injured hand. “That’s ten lei worth of milk, wasted!”
“You-“ Cassandra growled before pausing. Surely not? She stared at your, admittedly rather pretty, face for a moment waiting for that spark of recognition, of fear. When it didn’t come realisation washed over her. “Have no idea who I am, do you?”
“Of course not!” You stammered truthfully. “You’re a stranger who attacked me!”
“Really?” Cassandra couldn’t hold back the incredulity in her voice. She gestured to her outfit only to receive a shrug from you.
People wore weird things sometimes, what could you say?
Cassandra made her left hand, the one that wasn’t currently holding her scythe, burst into a swarm of flies and, whilst you flinched in surprise at the action which Cassandra took a little pleasure in, the recognition still didn’t come. “Really. Nothing at all?”
You shrugged again. To the brunette you seemed almost tired of this conversation.
“Not even a little bit of fear?”
“I was more afraid with the blade against my neck.” You answered honestly. “The flies are a little odd, sure, but last week a wolf-man thing ate three of our chickens. I’ve seen scarier.”
Cassandra glared. “That actually hurts a little.”
“Sorry.” You didn’t sound sorry.
You stared at each other for a few moments, the milk soaking into the ground with each passing second. Not that you could reclaim it, she supposed.
Surprisingly, you were the one to break the silence. “What game were you hunting?”
Cassandra pursed her lips. “A maid. Escaped from Castle Dimitrescu, abandoned her duties. The usual.” She watched as you pushed yourself off the ground and stood before her. You wiped your hands on an already quite dirty skirt and straightened yourself, giving the brunette the chance to appraise you properly. You were considerably shorter than her, as most women were, with a surprisingly appealing face and a body that she didn’t hate which, yes, is a compliment coming from her. It took a lot for Cassandra to find someone she was genuinely attracted to. Whenever she needed to scratch an itch she’d usually just play eenie meeny miney moe with the maids. Perhaps she could have some fun here before she left, a little gift to herself for all her hard work.
“…You’re not nine feet tall.” Ah, Cassandra thought. Now we’re getting somewhere.
“Which would make you one of the daughters?” You guessed hesitantly. The brunette smirked.
“Your powers of deduction are unmatched, truly.”
“Oh piss off, this is Beneviento territory. I owe you nothing.” She wondered if you knew that people had lost their lives for saying less. You had to, didn’t you?
“Is it?” Cassandra had gone further than usual without her knowledge. All fields looked the same at first glance. “Whatever. Is the maid here?”
“You’re the only woman I’ve seen all day.”
“Lucky you.”
You rolled your eyes, continuing. “But you’re welcome to search the farm if you must.” You finally met her eyes again and Cassandra internally preened at how they hardened upon contact. She watched as you plastered an obviously fake smile on your face. “Do try not to press my father up against anything should you encounter him in your search.” You requested sweetly. “He’s old and you’d break him.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Cassandra purred, intentionally brushing against you as she walked past.
She didn’t hate your body at all.
She stopped just in front of you so you had to tilt your head up slightly to see her. “He’s not the type I like to break.”
Cassandra received the pleasure of watching your pupils expand up close and feeling your breath hitch.
Oh, you’d let Cassandra take you. She could already tell. Cassandra thought about just minutes earlier when she’d pressed you up against the barn door. You’d probably let her do that again. Her hand to your throat, your underwear hanging around your feet as had she your legs draped over her waist. She’d slip her hand roughly-
Someone was crying.
Cassandra frowned. “Is your cow sobbing?”
You blinked, startled. “What?”
“Something in your barn is crying.” Cassandra heard whatever was crying in the barn try to muffle itself and grinned, feeling a new heat spread over her. Cassandra watched you turn to look over your shoulder at the building in question, your head tilted as you listened.
So you definitely didn’t know she was in there before. Cassandra relaxed marginally. Good.
Means she wouldn’t have to kill you.
“Do cows cry like that? I wouldn’t know, I’m not a dairy farmer.” She asked conversationally. She casually leaned one-armed against the barn.
Anyone passing would think you two were just talking about the weather, not almost mocking the soon to be dead girl in your farm building.
You shakily pointed a little to your left. Cassandra glanced over and saw a large brown cow staring back at her, chewing on nothing.
“You only have one cow?” She leant closer to you, causing you to fall back into the barn wall again with a quiet thump. She moved her arm so that it rested just above you as she leaned, penning you in slightly.
“I’m sorry, am I disappointing your dairy fantasy? Did you imagine me with an army of cattle?” You retorted defensively, no doubt a little nervous. “Yes, we only have one cow. Some people are poor, Lady Dimi-“
“Cassandra.” The brunette interrupted you. She’d gotten so close that there was no way you couldn’t feel her breath on your neck. You both heard the barn door squeak slightly as it opened but both chose to ignore it. Cassandra inhaled deeply, almost moaning at your scent.
You smelt delightful. Sweet. Like honey and dark chocolate.
Miranda, Cassandra needed to know what you tasted like.
And then she remembered she could. Easily in fact.
Cassandra lifted your hand to her mouth easily, internally laughing at how you showed no restraint. Your hand practically fell limp in her grasp, your gaze wide but your eyes were glazed over in a way that Cassandra was all too familiar with. She made sure to keep her eyes connected with yours as she lay her tongue flat on your hand and gave a broad lick upwards, her own eyes flashing at your hiss of pain.
Cassandra heard a small gasp from someone that wasn’t you followed by timid footsteps, but she found herself too preoccupied with the taste of you.
Your taste wasn’t revolutionary, the flavours of your blood all things she’d tasted before, but the way that the flavours intertwined was new and mouth-watering to her. You tasted sweet and rich, with a slight hint of sharpness after she swallowed which could only mean…
“Naughty naughty.” Cassandra grinned ferally. “Here you are acting the innocent farm girl fantasy, when deep down you’re just a whore.”
“Well, you’re not a virgin, are you?”
Your eyes widened momentarily before narrowing. “Is that a fantasy you have often?”
As much as Cassandra wanted to keep up with this playful banter, the maid was getting too close to the gate for her liking. “A moment, girl.” She purred before launching herself backwards in a firework of flies and giving chase to her prey.
Cassandra debated what she wanted to do, how much she wanted the maid to suffer. After all, she’d made a fool of the brunette in front of not just her family but also a very pretty lady.
Well, Cassandra couldn’t let that stand, could she?
But she also couldn’t deny that it had been a good hunt. She’d left an hour after the sun had started to rise and it was now just after midday. Cassandra hadn’t had such a lengthy challenge in a while, she’d had to skip both breakfast and lunch to catch the little worm!
Cassandra closed in just as the maid’s fingertips reached for the gate.
Ah, fuck it.
The maid’s head hit the fence before her hand did.
With a flick of her wrists giant globs of blood left her sickle and splattered on the dirt floor. Cassandra heard a scream from behind her as she scooped up the head. The mouth lolled open, leaving the bitch in a permanently shocked expression.
That’s what happens when you try to play Houdini, Cassandra thought to herself as she turned back to you, decapitated head and all.
"Now, where were we?"
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Walking through the streets of Japan, Killua couldn't ignore the hunger that was growing inside his stomach. Sure, he could survive for a few days without eating, but man was he craving some chocolate robots right now. It doesn't help the fact that he has no cash on him at the moment. He silently cursed at that.
He could go gambling again but... He remembered how addicting it was of an experience for him. He wasn't really looking forward to getting scolded again.
Spotting a person to bother, Killua rushed over to a tall man carrying grocery bags.
"Hey, old man! Where can I get some quick cash?"
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"Old man...? Hm. I suppose you aren't entirely mistaken, but still," Ruki glared down at the young boy. "It's rude to go around calling your elders that. Have you any common sense? More importantly..."
It was rather odd for a child to be in need of 'quick cash,' as he so bluntly worded it. A few disturbing ideas arose in Ruki's mind as to why the boy might need money, but he decided not to dwell on those longer than necessary and instead confront him about it directly.
"Why are you in need of money in the first place? Perhaps you should ask your parents for your allowance if you're so desperate. This town isn't the place for a runt like you to be dilly-dallying around."
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bimoonchilde · 3 years
The White Wolf
(An alternate universe fic for Deputy Kenz requested by a friend. Not omegaverse.)
One white wolf is born every generation to the Wolfe family, stretching back to the first. One white wolf, a girl, to guide and lead her family, her pack, to keep them safe. Two were born in her generation, a rarity, the other being her elder cousin. Tradition states that they would fight to the death for the title of Alpha, but Kenz, far from being a traditionalist, conceded, refusing to kill her beloved cousin for the sake of tradition.
The wolves, born and turned, could shift at will, having full control of themselves while in wolven form, except the night of the full moon, the beast mind having full grasp. The moon madness, they called it.
Hope County was supposed to offer her a reprieve. A small town, small population, an expansive wilderness, and no one asking very many questions. She could roam free, and avoid casualties when it was that time of the month (The hilarity of her period syncing with the full moon was not lost in her)
She didn't, however, expect to be thrown in the middle of one greasy, middle aged man's fucking holy war. She didn't expect to spend months fighting people who STANK up to high heaven (thank you, heightened senses for that. A real peach that is). She didn't expect to have to drag people's asses out of the fire (Boshaw's case was literal, he set his underwear on fire. Dumbass. Why was she so fond of him?)
And she definitely didn't expect to be caught and put in a damned cage so close to the full moon.
She'd managed to avoid any confrontation on those nights until now, secluding herself a day or so before and laying low. However, this time, she slipped, and the hunters were after her.
Now, she was staring, glaring, from behind the bars at the red headed man in front of her, hands in a white knuckled grasp on the bars in front of her.
"Almost gave us the slip, didn't ya? Told ya you'd be where you belonged soon."
A half grin graced his lips, almost looking like the cat that caught the canary. If only he knew how close to danger he was. How close to danger they all were. The sun was beginning to set, and what followed would be carnage, a bloodbath.
"Seed, you need to let me out of here. If ya know what's good for ya, you'll let me go."
He laughed, eyes widened. He thought she was being bold, putting on a show. What an, unfortunately ignorant, fucking idiot.
"Bare your teeth all ya want to, pup. You're not going anywhere."
A breeze wafted the scents of the yard of the Veteran's Center in her direction, and absolute stink filled her nostrils. She would have heaved, if not for her iron clad constitution. But, another scent filled the air, and the only thing different was him. Fuck no, not him, anyone but him. No.
The beast inside her rumbled as it stirred awake, coaxed out by that scent, his scent. Ours, it said, he's ours.
She's on her feet, pacing back and forth, panicked eyes darting to Staci, broken and at Jacob's side, and she screamed in what would be the last moments of her rational human consciousness until morning. He was also in danger, fuck.
"Staci, whatever you do, run. Don't stop, don't look back, just run. Just get away." She was scared, scared for her friend. No one else in this place mattered, she'd never forgive herself if she hurt Staci. (And him, the beast rumbled, he's ours)
The but of a rifle collided with her temple, a move that would have knock her out cold any other night, but not tonight. Her head turned in a snap to face the offender, literally baring her teeth, canines elongating at the start of her shift. The man's eyes widened, the scent of fear radiating off him, and he stepped away from her cage.
"What the fuck, Boss!"
Jacob turned, and the last thing she heard before her mind was taken over by the beast was the red head saying "Shit. Hit her with the bliss." Before taking that music box out.
(Fool, the beast rumbled, noisy box go crunch. And it did, the moment a large white wolf made a steel cage look like a paper bag. The Beast advanced on the offending object first, knocking it's owner back, then crushing it under paw.
Friend Staci had ran, good friend Staci, so the Beast advanced on red hooded men first, strongest men first, flesh tearing like silken ribbon under razor sharp maw and claws, screams only adding to the hunt.
Next came others, whimpering, crying others, the scent of fear making her fur bristle as she launched herself into the air, taking out sniper men. Dead before they hit the ground. Good. Others shot at her, bad shots, missed a lot.
The beast hunted for hours (time,human nonsense) and there was only one left that wasn't ours, rancid man who hit her. The Beast, white fur soaked in blood, toyed with this one, made him run, caught him, and made him run again. It repeated for an hour, rancid man made her angry. The killing blow came not from her, but from him, having caught a bullet that was aimed for her. She turned around to look at him, at hers, and ran, dodging bullets and bombs as she advanced closer.
It didn't take long, seconds really, before she knocked him over.
"You're the strongest, pup. My God, look at ya."
She preened, a low rumbling growl in response.
"That's why you do so well." His hand, shaking, came up to smooth between her ears.
He wasn't afraid, he had been bested, been beaten, and she knew what to do. Teeth sank into his arm, gentle so not to break him, and licked the wound clean, nuzzling at his cheek as a display of non aggression.
She let him up, watching as he got to his feet, looking from her to the bite she left on his arm.
"Guess you'll tell me how long I got before..."
Yes, soon, morning soon. But now, she needs sleep, rest.
He instinctively knew, following her out into the woods, away from people, change of clothes in hand, where he'd wait for her until morning came.)
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
balh2 31.08.21 lb
priya stops the auto to let ram in, but he's whisked away in the now-fixed car by his posse, and she's like yeahhhhhhh seems about right for rich ppl, and goes her way.
very subtle playing of song show title is based on. ram hums along happily while priya tells auto bhaiyya to pls turn it off. lol she really does hate any type of sentimentality, and i'm here for this peak grumpy girl representation.
blah blah time waste establishing ram's family. aaaaaaaaaand they have shubhaavi choksey playing his mom when she's the same age as him irl. wonderful. best. very nice. i'm not angry about this at all.
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snobby rich ppl greeting exchange. air kisses missing.
priya comes home to discover maitreyi and her husband are visiting. she just ignores them and walks into her room.
meanwhile ram walks into heartache after heartache. ek toh sagaai went on without him, and shivi's toast is only for her other brother shubham and her mom and her besties. (one of whom looks very familiar, where do i know her from???????) anyway someone give ram a (non-vegan) cupcake to feel better from having a shitty fam.
vedu notices ram and points him out to shivi, who's suddenly all RAM BHAIIIIIIIIIIIII, MY BIGGEST SUPPORTERRRRRRRR. pssssh.
oh btw, that fucker who wanted to use that totally non happening video for blackmail seems to be vedu's husband/???
ponky from naagin 5 is a friend of ram's. but he's a literal fetus???? i'd have thought he was a younger brother ala rudra.
priya's brother has his fucking shoes on her bed and mereko jo gussa aa raha hai na by goddddddd. YOU JUST CAME IN FROM THE FUCKING RAIN YOU DIRTYASS............
anyway priya's like idgaf that maitreyi married my ex bf.
"humein khush rehne ke liye kisi ki zaroorat nahi hoti." she's saying words i agree with, but show immediately cops out by showing her tearing up and blubbering "i don't need anyone, i'm fiiiiiiiiiine" unconvincingly. guh. idk if i'm gonna be able to watch this show if it keeps diluting its messages like this.
ram toh udhar giving lecture on baarish. BRO ENOUGH. I AM SO DONE WITH THIS TOPIC OF CONVERSATION. itna toh baarish se lagaan ke champaaner waalon ko pyaar nahi tha jitna iss show mein log karte hain.
priya doing a very convincing mimickry of kinda pretentious maitreyi to entertain one new younger sibling. how many fucking siblings does priya have??????? (too fuckin many, is the answer.)
i do not appreciate the characterization of ram's chamcha friend's wife as a nagging ball and chain type.
new mangatar and bitchy shubham are snidely remarking about ram and his bechaara broken dil thanks to vedika.
ok if shivaay was obnoxiously self assured, ram is just......... almost annoyingly roll over and show your belly type of soft and diplomatic and people pleasing. only extremes for nakuul sir i guess.
adi's wife (brinda?) catches him looking out into baarish and shedding a few silent tears, and she's here to nag HIM now about getting a wife. yes brinda, because you make marriage look like SUCHHHHH AN APPEALING PROSPECT.
ram's like no i don't need anyone and then wistfully stares at vedu saying i'll never find someone who loves like she does her husband.
brinda's like it's all fake, dude. real couples fight and argue and cuss at each other and wow.... i think brinda and adi might need couples' counseling coz..... you're not SUPPOSED to be so complacent about your marriage being so dysfunctional.
oh breakup was 6-7 saal pehle. ok yeah sir you should have gotten over it by now. therapy for you too.
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priya refuses to have ice cream because of her principles against capitalism. which............... ok??? there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, sis. just eat the overpriced ice cream.
just realised that the eldest sister is played by the actress who was jai's elder sister in just mohabbat.
anyway eldest sister (sara) and youngest sister (sandy) are team!priya over maitreyi.
priya is as anti-shaadi as me and asks sara if she's happy (priya clearly doesn't think much of sara's husband who leaves all the child-rearing to her, in addition to running the bakery) and sara's like "maate, mujhpe mat shuru ho jaate, pls" snort. yeah, no one likes their bad choices rubbed in their faces.
oh, their dad ran away after allll the betiyaan and married someone else. zindagi gulzar hai sitch hai.
more of priya asserting that she's happy single and show undermining her with the music cues and character reactions. fuck this messaging. why can't it be that she's genuinely happy single and ram is just a good complementary partner she finds and decides to change her mind about marriage coz that's what they want for themselves. i hate this black and white nonsense.
sisters are forcing priya to go on a date (with whom?????) and the scene just cuts off awkwardly.
ram has PINK shoes on today. man this is so a nakuul thing, this one (1) atrangi styling element of an otherwise formally dressed man.
ram also being set up on date by adi/brinda. should be with someone else, i guess. i don't think brinda and priya run in the same circles.
ram is right in that the least these ppl could do is ask consent before setting it all up.
priya is grumpily refusing to do any thaam jhaam dress up for date. good for her.
lol @ sara trying to sneak away priya's beloved raincoat.
anyway psych 101 shit ki priya has confidence issues and is so down on herself that she rejects everyone before they can reject her.
lmao priya is me at hearing the date is in some hoity toity place where they give small portions for exorbitant amounts of money.
sara di gets call ki some "unhone" didn't pay their share of bakery emi? the nikkamma husband? or some other business partner??
priya is out on warpath to go confront that person.
she's psyching herself up outside their door. i think it's her dad?
ok dad's a rudeass fuck. he's all she's not my daughter, but all ready to dole out thappads when she says it like it is. sperm donors like these should be kneed in the nads.
idgi tho? there's ONE beta there tho???? is akshay not his biological son?????
anyway, priya is right in thinking men suck. #yesAllMen
precap: her date niiiiiiicely validates the misandry by being a fucking jerk. looks like ram is cheering her up in a sweet moment? priya catches akshay getting cosy with.... shivi i guess??? idk all these girls look the same to me. #faceblindness
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Lain His Hands On Her
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Summary: Written for Banned Together Bingo. Set after RttE. When a confrontation between Astrid and Spitelout turns physical, the Riders are left shaken and Hiccup is furious.
Rating: Teen and Up
Characters: Astrid, Hiccup, Spitelout, Toothless, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut
Pairing: Hiccstrid
Words: 1 432
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: “Abuse of women”
Whumpee: Astrid
Author’s Notes: I had a lot of fun with this one, mainly because angry Hiccup is fun to write. And then the tending to later is also really fun.
Constructive criticism is appreciated!
The sound of the back of Spitelout's hand making contact with Astrid's cheek rings out loud and clear in the Great Hall. Those present fall silent and stare in utter shock at what has just happened in front of their very eyes.
Astrid is on the floor, holding her cheek and staring up at the man who hit her. All she can do is stare, much too perplexed as she reels with the reality that someone, a man, Snotlout's father, has just hit her.
And for what? Because she made a couple of snide comments about his parenting?
Well, she's right, isn't she?
"Spitelout!" Astrid wishes she could react with that kind of anger, but it's Hiccup who gets in the man's face and gives him a wallop of a punch with his left, further surprising everyone present in the hall. After breaking free from the utter shock of watching the love of his life be hurt, that is his immediate response.
This time Spitelout is the one to stumble to the floor with a grunt, knocking over some chairs as the heir of Berk did not hold back in that blow.
"You son of a-"
"Hiccup, no!" Fishlegs is quick to hold him back, hooking his arms under his friend's and using his quite formidable strength to hold him back.
All the Riders are here and so is Toothless, who is by Astrid and growling at the Jorgenson patriarch. He shares his human's anger.
Snotlout is silent, seemingly not with them as he stares right through them all in disbelieve. Ruffnut and Tuffnut each stand by a side of his, laying their hands on him in comfort.
"Let me go, Fishlegs!" Hiccup attempts to struggle out of Fishlegs' grip, but it remains strong.
Spitelout gets up to his feet and scowls at the party of seven before him. The other Berkians present in the Hall, they stare silently, but they are unimportant to him at the moment.
As he dusts himself off, his eyes briefly lay on the reeling Astrid before going to Hiccup's, who shares his look of anger.
"Standing up for your woman, can't say I can disrespect that, but when a man disciplines a woman-" Spitelout approaches with a finger raised and Fishlegs looks uncertain, his grip on Hiccup lessening slightly.
"Disciplines-?! Do you even hear yourself, Spitelout?! You lay your hands on her again and I'll-" And Hiccup grabs him by his shirt before Fishlegs manages to tear him away from their elder.
"And you'll do what, Boy-o? Punch me in the face some more? If it's a fight you're looking for, you'll get it!" Spitelout shouts in his face, standing just inches away from him, close enough for Hiccup to nearly feel the spit from his talking on his face.
Fishlegs' hold on Hiccup tightens some more and he attempts to pull him away.
"Fishlegs, stop getting involved!"
"Dad," Snotlout's voice is soft as he forcibly tears himself out of his shock. He doesn't want them to fight, he doesn't like to see Hiccup that angry, he hates that Astrid got hurt. She's so proud and that is so demeaning.
But when his father gives him that look, he grows silent again and Ruff and Tuff hold him closer.
Spitelout scoffs at the sight he thinks pathetic and waves dismissively before turning and leaving. He stomps towards the door, not in the least bit ashamed of what he's done, he returns home.
Blood still boiling, Hiccup shouts and kicks a nearby table leg, the table audibly grinding on the stone floor.
How dare he hurt someone like that! Hurt Astrid like that! How dare he? How dare he?!
"Hiccup, it's okay! He's gone and Astrid's with us!" Fishlegs attempts to console him, but they all can see the red mark on her face and that just does not sit well with any of them.
Picking up her axe, her dignity trampled upon, Astrid gets up and leaves.
"Astrid!" Wriggling himself out of Fishlegs' hold, Hiccup runs after her. Toothless quickly follows.
Snotlout is left to stand there, remaining with Fishlegs and the twins.
Not long after, both out of their armor, Hiccup and Astrid sit at the former's home. Stoick isn't there yet, so they have some time to themselves.
Toothless is here, too, and sniffing Astrid's cheek. She gives him a smile and scratches him behind the ear.
A red welt has formed on her skin and Hiccup has crushed some ice with a hammer and gathered it in a cloth to press against it.
It was nice to hammer away at the block, it was good for venting. Astrid got her turn to crush it, too.
Holding the pack with ice, he's not pressing too hard, or so he hopes, and his other hand holds her jawline.
They've been mostly silent, neither really feeling like talking much with what has happened. Astrid has been petting Toothless.
"I'm so sorry for what he did." Hiccup apologizes, though he shouldn't be the one to.
"You shouldn't be, Spitelout's the one with the temper." Astrid reminds him and Hiccup wonders how that is supposed to make him feel better. Whether as the Chief's son and heir, as leader of the Dragon Riders, as her friend, or as her future husband, it doesn't matter. What matters is that it's his duty to keep everyone safe and that absolutely includes her.
So he sighs and continues to tend to her cheek, lifting the pack briefly to take a look. Spitelout isn't a weak man and Astrid's cheek is going to bruise. Hiccup's scowl deepens.
"Hey, don't."
"Don't what?"
"Let it eat you up. We both know Spitelout is a horrible man, pretty sure most of Berk knows by now." Astrid tells him and places a hand on one of his.
"Dad and I never should've let his behavior come this far." Hiccup tells her, briefly lifting the ice off her reddened cheek to take another look. Underneath all that red, it's already blue.
A light growling leaves him and Astrid replaces his hand.
"Spitelout doesn't even listen to your dad, what makes you think you could've done anything to change him or kept this from happening?" She asks and it's a valid point. They know that he has hurt his own son before, for Odin's sake. Of course, he wouldn't have any qualms about hurting someone else.
If Hiccup has any regrets so far, it's definitely that he can do nothing to help Snotlout.
"Stay of this, son. This is between Spitelout and Snotlout."
Not matter how far his father has come from old Viking customs, some just will not leave. One of those is that a man's son is his business and no one else's. That frustrates Hiccup greatly.
But should he one day become Chief, in the far, far future he's sure, that is something he looks forward to changing. No child will be hurt by their parent on his watch.
Astrid watches Hiccup carefully, practically able to read his train of thought from his expressions alone.
He is very expressive and Astrid wonders if he knows he can carry entire visible conversations with himself without ever saying a word. If he doesn't, well, she's not planning on telling him. He might stop if she does.
"Hey," She speaks up, tearing him out of his contemplation. "Thank you for defending me. That was very sweet of you."
"It's no problem, you would've done the same for me." Hiccup tells her with a shrug.
He knows Astrid can take care of herself just fine and that if the roles were reversed and Spitelout had lain his hands on him, she would've gotten in his face about it as well.
Astrid nods in agreement, knowing she would've given Spitelout a right hook of her own if she saw him hurt Hiccup. And then she'd probably enjoy watching Stoick give him one, just like she'll be watching her parents give him one once they find out.
That's the only reason why she isn't more upset, that Spitelout will still answer for this even though they can't do much to help Snotlout but provide him with a place where he can feel safe.
That and how much Hiccup cares for her. She knows she chose right when she accepted his offer of marriage.
So she supposes Spitelout can hit her as many times as he wants. If she doesn't hit him right back, she knows Hiccup will in her stead.
And maybe, someday, they can do something more for Snotlout, too.
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