#Lil Angy baby man
ant1quarian · 6 months
Sooo I've been deep digging into your avian art..
Fledgling avian dust is so cutee i can just image the 'baby pictures being shared around' potential in the Dust verse
So cute! 🫱🍮
(i will give you all my flan)
Am glad you love him- he's such a grumpy lil' baby man
For the flan, I shall gift to thee:
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Lil' baby angy man, annoyed cos his big bro Axe won't let him go out and stab some things
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soarrenbluejay · 7 months
Since I’ve been encouraged to actually share my funny little blorbo ideas here’s another one gang;
Danny moves to Gotham on scholarship for engineering, because the Fentons may be infamous but they’re also insanely brilliant and besides both he and Jazz are showing every sign of embarrassed child of a super genius syndrome, so while the bats are keeping a close eye on him Just In Case, duke is also thinking of introducing him to the Our Parents Are Maniacs But Anyway club maybe after the first month or so.
Gotham does not go for standard dorm living bc of his ‘condition’ and lack of wanting to constantly spook/gaslight a roommate. Besides, living with two small children is a dorm sounds like a disaster in action.
So Danny signs up as a mechanic in Crime Alley, buys himself a teeny weensy lil apartment and Makes It Work. He has been all year after showing up with a de aged Dani and Dan in Amnity after all, and that had gone,,, fine? (The entire town, observing how Danny had been getting increasingly more uncomfortable around his godfather prior to the cloning incident, then just dropped off the face of the earth for several months, the first two weeks stuck in Vlad’s basement enduring horrors and the next Too Many desperately fapping around in the Ghost Zone to get everything handled. All the clones live, all 13 of them. Bunch of them are stuck in the Ghost Zone due to constant need for ectoplasm, but eh, plenty of Zone born never leave, so. One, in the future, apprentices under a green warrior lady on Pandora’s suggestion, another is working in the Eternal Library with Ghost Writer, etc etc. so Danny eventually came back to Amnity with one small child under each arm very obviously traumatized by Somethingn with vlad and doesn’t like being alone with him,,, or touched without warning,, and immediately and passionately proclaims the kids his but struggles to explain how or why,, look some very reasonable assumptions are drawn okay. So the town does the very reasonable thing and does the midwestern equivilant of excommunicating Vlad, except it’s a lot more run him out with pitchforks vibes since he’s the Mayor. Anyway)
He is immediately loved, because while non Gothamites are usually more of a pain than they’re worth, everyone in a while someone even from out of town will just fit in so nicely it’s uncanny for everyone involved. Addams family vibes, it’s referred to as ‘making it home’, just personal hc. He is protective of all the kids playing in the parks and street girls that can totally take care of themselves on their corners but find it HILARIOUS when he just tackles a dick like a wild animal full force no warning. He can fix anything it seems, but refuses to work with weapons. Reasonable enough, people get twitchy about gangs sometimes. Danny mentions being not against Hood or anything, but he’s not going to work for him, littles to take care of and all, but had past experience with ‘Dora and that inheritance mess with her brother he was being a real prick about’ so everyone assumes it’s the equivilant of him having Done His Time and being plenty good for a life time and respects it as long as none of that petty midwestern small town hotshots bring any of that shit over here. And they don’t, because said individuals are on the other side of the mortal veil, so happy day.
See I really love deaged!Dan because he’s just a grumpy lil guy. But he’s also killed millions. He’s so protective of his loved ones, but held back by blending in and also being Smol that it comes off more bitey kitten than anything else. Dani, of course, is a terror, so she fits right in with the crowd.
And sorry gang, but a bunch of kids on their own in Gotham in a poor side of the city just isn’t going to get any attention: that’s just business as usual really. What first gets attention on Danny is not his ‘condition’ or being mistaken for a meta (which he legally probs has an argument for even without the gene bc like these bitches don’t know how metaism works anyway so) or alien (I’m 90% sure he’d be covered by the alien protection act by virtue of being half ‘not from earth’), but because Danny despite best efforts is a Weird Guy.
He grew up in what could only be described as a low level villain level and spent most of high school dealing with smack downs and spiritual invasion. He’s never really processed that any of that is not in fact Normal. Also, he’s capable of making Anything if given the insides of a toaster, blender and alarm clock, and could probably rewrite the circuits of the apartment blindfolded and improve them 1000% even if it ABSOLUTELY would not be up to code.
And sure, things slip every once in a while, bits of spectral ice here, small floating incident there, but everyone just Minds Their Buisness ya know? You really gunna mess with the guy that personally ensured that when your car got flattened by a fight with Killer Croc, you were still able to get in to work the next day by some wizardry? Really?
But Gotham is a city so cursed it’s probably in the exponents countwise, so of course there is a) a flourishing community of magic users and assorted supernatural weirdos and b) a whole lot of shit for Mega Overpowered Ghost King Danny to idly pick at day to day in order to help with his protecting other Obsession. Gotham has plenty of heroes, but by god do they need the spiritual equivilant of an electrician/priest.
Still, Danny, as a baby ancient under a facet of Kronos and KING OF THE DEAD is like, way, way out of their scope to be able to grok, so it mostly just comes off as you know, a family of banshees or something. When asked, Danny very haltingly says he was briefly dead but then revived, which neatly explains his Weird Ass aura and makes it SPECTACULARLY AWKWARD to ask further about. So everyone nods politely, and goes back to their lives after double checking no nefarious bullshit was being pulled.
Then, of course, Vlad finally tracks them down. The whole neighborhood is altered in short order because he doesn’t bother trying to hide being a Rich Bitch or how he’s sneering down his nose at people on the sidewalk. Every connects the dots when Danny paniks. Dani and Dan’s daycare are staffed with some extra, very buff set of hands within the hour. Jerry, Hood’s third in command, personally shows up to the garage Danny is working at to talk things out with him bc he knows he does t like the deal with this stuff due to past unspecified circumstances but well, they guys had already started fucking with him, you see. Stole his tires, spray painted the windows, pickpocketed him blind, and when he retreated tipped off the police to the drugs they’d planted in the glove box.
Danny might not have been born in Gotham, but he was one of them. And the Alley takes care of it own.
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apolloknightly · 8 months
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Tiny and angery
That's it
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joonipertree · 1 year
Tags: Fluff, crack, absolutely stupid. Enjoy.
a blank stare.
"michael manjiro." you said and promptly burst out laughing, leaning against your boyfriend who simply turned back to Draken and continued talking, face on his palm and body not budging at your weight.
toman chose not to mention your maniacal snorts and the uncharacteristic way their leader didn't pay attention to his partner.  The one person he looked at every time he talked to them, the person he would give his food to, the person that he has any inclination in taking care of. 
If there was a fight going on, they weren't getting involved. If a breakup was to happen, they would need a way to steer a sunken ship that would have their captain dangling from the side. Mikey and you fought but it was never public, nor did it last more than it takes you time to bat your eyes and cling to him. 
"Can I please for the love of god ask what's so funny? Mikey looks two seconds away from murdering kenny." Emma was the only one who had the guts to ask.
You got off mikey's back and stared at his side profile that was indeed glaring daggers at the vice captain. ooooh, you didn't realise there was trouble in paradise.
"Oh my god, Kenchin did something? In this economy? To you? How exciting."
"I didn't do anything, he's not mad….he's just taking his frustrations out on me because he's fucking soft for you.”
“You sound whipped, bro.” You said with a snort. “Couldn’t be me.”
A hand comes to squish your cheeks together. Your boyfriend finally looks you dead in the eyes, expression blank but edges soft. Your pout was even more puckered up and you made kissy sounds to ask for love.
The boy didn't budge.
How fucking dare he.
"What's my name?" Mikey was not going to let this go.
"It is not."
"That's what Mikey is short for." 
"what the fuck is this conversation?" emma murmured.
“I’ll give you a kiss if you call me anything but that white boy trash name." 
Your lips quirked up, "Michael Manjiro." and you were back to giggling uncontrollably.
Toman had never seen Mikey give you a stare that unamused, you were his baby so of course he could never feel anything but complete and utter adoration for you.
 He was still adoring, considering his rough calloused hands cradled your face but the vein popping out did not hide his irritation. 
“I said your birth name, I have done nothing wrong.”
“You barely call me Manjiro, it’s always when you’re serious. You are most definitely not serious right now.”
“Michael Manjiro is a meticulously crafted name that was forged from what’s yours to sound like the name of the dude from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. How is that not serious?”
“It has been three days, please for the love of god, call me anything else.” The gang never thought they’d hear their leader sound that desperate.
 They’ve seen him cling to you and literally stop a fight just so he could go and hang out with you. They have seen many sides of Michael since you two started dating. But they have never heard their commander beg. They didn’t even realise he was capable of that and that you held all the power in Tokyo simply for being you. 
The fear they had for you had grown, wondering if this was a torture device that  could be used against them when an enemy attacks. Were you the enemy? Were you the devil toying with a poor man’s heart? Should they be worshiping you now??
“Mmmm, okay bro.”
And with that, they saw the fall of the most feared gang leader in Tokyo. The Invincible Mikey had been left for dead. 
You squish his face.
"my lil baby, why you so angy huh? is it cuz I called you a thing that lives in the sewers?" 
mikey felt his body melt at the pet name, leaning against your palms and deciding to ignore the second statement.
something caught his eye though.
both his hands cupped your face and you shut your eyes to enjoy how big and warm they were. he was always engulfing in his love, never scared to radiate his feelings onto you. 
mikey told you once that he had a chance to live a new life and he wanted to feel unapologetically. you loved that his feelings for you were felt with no hesitation. 
"is this some weird mating ritual?" hanma asked with his usual disgusted tone.
your hands squished your boyfriend's cheek harder in defiance. 
mikey swiped his thumb under your eyes, the pressure soothing your tight skin and making your cheeks relax completely.
"when was the last time you slept, love?" 
oh fuck.
"last night." You said in a meek voice.
mikey hummed and his thumb caressed the apple of your cheeks gently and you hoped if you stayed still long enough that he'd forget about you.
"how long?"
ofc he'd never forget u. fuck him and his undying love for you.
"the appropriate amount of time." 
he said your full name with a warning tone and your bottom lip wobbled because my god, mikey using anyone's proper name? unheard of.
"there you are, I was looking for you." a voice chimed in just as you were praying to the eldritch gods. chifuyu had earned himself the title of best friend right then and there. a blessing from the universe, your saviour. 
"what volume are you on now? are you done with the manga?
you hoped michael killed him.
your boyfriend stared at you, daring you to answer the question. you could just lie but in any case, you had been found out. mikey knew how you functioned. if a manga was good enough, you would sacrifice sleep and all worldly possessions to finish it.
"I did finish it." you mumbled, begging fuyu to read the room.
"in three days? god, it took me a week. so tell me---" 
mikey threw a shoe at chifuyu, it landed square in the face. 
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Slashers with y/n that just gets along with everything
Like slasher could litteraly kill somone near y/n and she would be like alr alr whats really important is that you are happy🤠😎. Im sorry that first 2character had super long headcanons while last ones have way less :( I had no ideas Request open!
Billy Lenz
He always expects some sort of negative response when he calls people and when he heard new voice on the Phone he got even more exited cuz new person new reaction! He totally didnt expect her to just go "yeah yeah sure buddy, anyways... how is your day man? Cuz im so so tired...*starts normal converstation*
He probably tries to stay in character but he is so caught of Guard he doesnt know how to react really (hehe the table has turn)
Now he kinda hopes that she will pick up cuz shes very intresting😈 billy likey
"Ew its this creep again! He is asking for you y/n? Of please dont tell me you befriended him??" "So what? He said hes favourite fruit is strawberry he cant be that bad!" *billy saying slurs on the phone*
You need to constantly tell him that, no Billy no harrasing women isnt sexy, you arent quirky, you are mentally ill
"Y/n i killed that bitch that was gossiping about you 🧍 " "👍good for you billy im glad you found healthy way to cope with that negative emotion😇" "on god"
His whole moral compass is created around the simple question 'does it hurt y/n?' .1:no it doesnt so feel free to do it .2 do not do it, she will ban Billy from sweets (bad ending)
The man from hush
This guy. This dude. This Little gremlin. He is upset that he gets no reaction! Like please oh please act all angy when he 'acidently' shot tire in her car! But oh no ofc no, she had to be like "oh its okay honey i have backup in garage🥰" hes like HHUH SINCE WHEN WE HAVE GARAGE
Like tbh thats how i imagine how they met: he saw her, he wanted to hunt her, she was so chill that she didnt even leave her household while the power was off and he went inside and just saw her having lil nap on couch. 🧍🤨erm exuse me gurl im trying to roleplay epic hunter here tf
He probably kidnaped her cuz she was too weird to just kill her but he didnt want to risk her calling police. He probably tied her up and yeeted her on backseats. And then she begun judging music on the radio"yo big guy can i get some good music taste?" "What? Whats wrong with Taylor Swift?"
He will overshare everything to kinda check where is her limit if it comes to being chill "yeah so i killed this old lady.." "im sure you had good reason🥰" "🤨... anyways... yeah so i was drinking some redbull when some guy said i look ugly so i shoot his head off and-" "HEY HEY hold up geez you CANT drink Energy drinks?? Bestie you know it is unhealthy?? Also you like hunt for sport it will ruin your condition!? How you gonna shoot people with shakey hands?? You crazy or something?" "Damn😔"
Micheal myers
I tried to put him here but i realised he will be as chill as her.
Like he can give her gifts covered in blood and she' just going to clean it and wear it like nothing happened or completley ignore it
He cares about this stuff as much as y/n so like not at all. I mean tbh theres is a bit of difrence: shes at least positive about it! Like "yeah micheal go for it, love🥰😇 i know its hard to cope with trauma take it all out alr?" Shes trying to be a good supporting gf not her fault she never had serial killer bf!
Brahms Heelshire
He lives for attention! What do you mean the war crime he commited this lunch break is okay!?!? Baby pleasee
But this negativity disapears the moment he realised he can get a lot of positive attention when he will do some nice stuff! "Oh honey I didnt kill any rats today" "oh that's amazing brahms I'm sure you and the rats inside walls will get along well soon🥰" (rats in walls bully brahms)
Please complement him or he will get a tantrum and destroy something
Brahms and rats have very hard past i might do seperate hc about that
"Look babe! My newest victim *shows photo*" "ugh baby...😰 you NEED to buy new camera or watch some youtube tutorials about how to take good photos" "aw man whats wrong with my pictures 😔"
Otherwise y/n supports his hobbies! People need to grow😇 (and he needs to grow up)
If theres 2ghostfaces(like in most movies) they will bet money on how long you gonna keep this 'do whatever as long as youre happy' act. Well they didnt know that this wasnt an act but her personality
Also they will probably try to use this chillnes aginst her like "oooh y/n something terrible happened! I crushed my car oh what will i do!" "Alr bestie i will drive you over there😇" "😈omg you are so nice i totally didnt expect that(heheh i dont need to pay for gas today (hes very evil))
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chapter seven: what's the worst that can happen?
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Sebastian Vettel x Fem!Reader
Warnings: babysitting/playdate uncle mickey for the girls, a sweet mention of michael <3, seb is sooo love sick, < mick thinks it's hilarious, fun date stuff, some kissing because seb is loving on his lady, mick teasing the two of you, a few cheeky comments, illusions to 18+ stuff at the end ;)
Word Count: 2.7k
Author’s Note: finally giving y'all wanted to see; the y/n and seb date! there's a fun lil surprise at the end for you freaky fuckers ;) enjoy it :)
sugar and spice; all things nice masterlist
"Which one?" Sebastian asks, the one hanger in each hand.
Mick looks up from his phone, finding Sebastian in front of him extremely serious about which shirt he should be wearing on his date with y/n. "Oh Seb," the younger German laughs, "you're nervous!"
"I am not!" He groans, rolling his eyes at Mick's teasing - he was sooo nervous. "Just help me pick a shirt, Mick."
"You're like a teenager with a crush," he smiles, making Sebastian groan once again but he nods towards the baby blue button up. "That one."
"You're a pain in the ass, Mick." Sebastian tells him as he hangs the white shirt back in the closet.
Mick shrugs, making himself comfortable on Seb's bed. "Just doing what dad would do." He says, both of them sharing a smile at the thought of Michael; he would have definitely teased Sebastian about his nervousness, but he would have been the first person to support whatever this was between him and y/n.
The thought is pulled away when they hear the little footsteps coming towards the room, Milly pushing the door open as she flings herself into her uncle's arms. Mick catches the girl, hugging her before he pulls her up onto the bed with him.
Sebastian smiles at the sight of them; Mick's holding the girl, Amelia sitting on his lap as she tells him all about the stuff she has planned for her, Olivia and Mick to do.
Had you told him when he met Michael all those years ago, as a young RedBull driver, that his daughter and Michael's son would be like siblings, he would have never believed you.
The doorbell rings and the girl jumps off of the bed, pulling Mick behind her. The man follows her without much of a choice.
"That's Liv! C'mon uncle Mick!" She shouts, running out the room with Mick right behind her. The two of them make it downstairs, Angie pawing at the front door while barking. Mick opens the door, the little girl runs in and hugs his legs.
"Hi Mickey!" She smiles at him and he smiles, reaching down to pinch her chunky cheek.
"Hi sweetheart, come in." He steps aside, scooting Angie back a bit so they had space to come in.
Angie was licking Liv's hand, Milly making the introduction between her best friend and her fur friend. The two girls run off towards the living room after Milly waves hello to you and Mick shuts the door behind you.
He smiles when he sees you, "wow.. you look beautiful."
"Thank you, Mick." You smiled. Angie was running up to you, standing on her back legs as she put her paws on your thighs, barking for some attention.
"Angie! Down!" Mick wags a finger at her and she does drop back down but she barks at him, giving him a look that you can only assume was for ruining her fun. You laugh, kneeling down to pat her side. "Hi pretty girl, dad's no fun huh?" You made a face at her, the dog nuzzling into your arm as you scratched her belly.
"You're spoiling her," Mick laughs when you stand up, Angie running off when Milly calls for her.
"She's adorable. Is Seb ready?"
There are footsteps from your left, you both look towards the stairs where Seb was coming down. "I am."
Mick can't help but laugh; "you know you're supposed to be picking y/n up. This should be the other way around."
You smiled at the boy's comment and Sebastian rolled his eyes, coming down to kiss your cheek. "We're not a very traditional couple, Mick."
Seb takes a moment to admire you; a red top that fit you perfectly and was just low cut enough to leave him wanting more, jeans that were made for you and only you; he resisted the urge to grab your ass in front of Mick - don't want to traumatize the man that's babysitting your children.
"You look.. wow." He smiles, making you chuckle. "You look pretty wow yourself."
"God, this is like watching my parents flirt," Mick gags, walking into the living room.
Seb takes that as his chance; his arm wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against him, hand slipping down to rest on your ass when he kisses you.
"Behave," you mumble, wiping the lipgloss off of his lips. He rolls his eyes playfully, "says you."
The girls were playing with Angie on the floor, Mick stretched out on the couch with the TV playing; very big brother, little sisters coded of them.
"We're heading out now." Sebastian announces and the girls come over, hugging you both goodbye. You give them both a kiss on the cheek, making them promise not to give Mick a hard time while Seb was off to the side talking to previously mentioned man.
"So do I get one of those too?" Mick asks when Seb finally lets him go.
Your brows furrow but Mick glances at the girls but turning his face to the side and leaning towards you. Laughing, you kiss his cheek and leave a red kiss shaped mark on his cheek as you had done with the girls.
Sebastian holds your hand, leading you out of the house before you get a chance to change your mind.
You shout on the way out of the door. "Have fun, you guys! Call if you need us!"
The two of you ended up taking Seb's car - he didn't let you drive, claiming that you driving over was all the driving you'd be doing for the night. Sebastian had planned the date, you had no idea where the two of you were going, or if you were even dressed for the right occasion.
So when he pulled up to the parking lot and the neon sign read mini golf, you looked over at him a bit confused. "Are you serious?" You can't help the laugh.
Sebastian shrugs, "Mick suggested it."
"No wonder," you chuckled, getting out of the car. Seb's cheeks are red, his hand resting on your lower back as you two walk towards the front door. "We can leave.. I can think of something-"
"Relax," you reach for his arm, giving it a squeeze. "It's an odd choice but, I'm sure we'll have fun."
"Okay," he nods, exhaling as he opens the door for you. "I haven't been on a date in a long time.. so I'm a little out of practice." The man admits his thoughts and feelings to you and yet there you were making a joke; "Right, I forget you're 800 years old."
Sebastian rolls his eyes. His hand that previously rested on your back reaches over to pinch your hip teasingly, making you smile. You often tease bit about him acting older than he actually is; a lot of the things that you tell him or show him, he doesn't even have a clue about.
Despite the two of you only having a five year age gap, Seb was an old soul in comparison to you.
Not that you minded, you appreciated the stability that he brought into your life as well as Olivia's.
"But don't worry, me either." You tell him, referring to his dating comment. "At least not a good one, anyways."
"So you're certain this one will be good?" he raises a brow, making you laugh yet again as you two walked in.
You nod, smiling at the man. "I think so."
The two of you decide to play a few rounds, making it around the course. It wasn't until you made it to the last hole that the two of you decided that you wouldn't be playing another round.
"Go on," he tells you, letting you hit the ball into the hole. It misses the hole by an inch and you watch as Seb purposefully misses his shot as well.
You line your club up with the ball. "You didn't have to do that."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He smiles, clapping for you when you get the ball into the final hole, you take a small bow and hand him your club.
His hand rests on your lower back yet again, leading you towards the exit. "Shall we get out of here?" He asks and you nod. "Where to?"
Sebastian, a gentlemen as always, opens the door for you to get into the car. "I know a place," he tells you before shutting the door and getting in.
It was about an hour drive away. The two of you chatting away as Sebastian drives down a lonely road that leads to what seems like the middle of nowhere. You look over at the man, a bit confused before turning to look out of the window yet again.
There's a big blue sign coming up to your left that reads; drive in movies.
You smile, turning back to Seb as he drives through the gate. "What are we watching?"
"I believe they have the cabin in the woods running tonight." He tells you, pulling into a spot towards the back. It was fairly empty so you could still see the big projector screen.
"You know," you start as you two get out of the car, meeting by the side to walk towards the snack booth. "I hate scary movies."
Seb's arm links with yours, pulling you into your side. "I'll protect you," he says, a goofy grin on his face as he raises his eyebrows.
You roll your eyes, laughing as you two pick out some snacks.
The two of you return to the car, settling into your seats as the movie begins. It's gotten about 30 minutes into the movie before the first scary thing happens, causing you to jump in your seat and spill popcorn everywhere.
Sebastian looks away, his hand over his mouth as he snickers and you can't help but laugh, your hand reaching out to smack his shoulder. "It's not funny!"
"It kinda is," he chuckled, leaning over to give you a kiss.
The popcorn is long forgotten, Sebastian's hand resting on your jaw as he kisses you. Your own hand wraps around his wrist, pulling him closer. Leaning over the centre console, Seb's hands begin to wander, his lips traveling from your lips to your jaw, down to your neck.
Your cheeks flush red when you realize you're still in public, anyone can look over and see you. "Seb," you whispered, the man mumbles against your neck, moving further down.
A hand holds his chin, forcing him to stop and look up at you. "What?"
"Not here," you smiled at him, giving him one more kiss before wiping the lipgloss off of his face.
It made you smile; at your grown age, he still made you blush and giggle like a teenage girl.
It was nearly 10:30 when the movie ended and Sebastian asked you if you'd like to get dinner. You nod, "but will Mick be okay with the girls?"
"Yeah, he'll be fine. We can call if you'd like?"
"Please," you smiled and Sebastian pulled his phone out and called Mick, the two of you watching and waiting to see if they'd pick up.
"Hey," Mick smiles when he answers, sitting on the couch. "Hey," the two of you say at the same time, making you laugh.
"Girls!" Mick calls out to them, knowing that's who you wanted to talk to. Milly and Liv come running in, Angie running behind them as they climb onto the couch with Mick.
The two of them shout hello, overlapping each other as they tell you how much fun they're having with Mick. Liv holds his hand up, "mom look!"
Mick had blue and purple nail polish all over his nails. The man bites back a smile, Milly giggles. "He let us do whatever colour we wanted!"
"That's nice, girls. We're gonna be out a bit longer, will you guys be okay with Mick?"
"Yeah!" They say together, making you smile. Seb tells them to listen to Mick and that when he says it's bedtime, they've got to go to bed. They agree and run off to play again, leaving Mick with the phone.
"Soooo.." he smiles when he gets the phone back, "how's it going?"
"Good," you tell him, "we'll be out a bit later though, you're sure you'll be okay with the girls?"
"Absolutely, I'll put them to bed. You two take as long as you need." He says and you smile when you thank him. You hand the phone back over to Seb and the younger German laughs when he sees his friend.
"Why have you got sparkles on your face, Sebastian?" He asks, a smirk on his face.
Seb rolls his eyes, "shut up, Mick."
Mick can hear your snicker from behind Seb, making him laugh. "Gross you guys. Okay bye, have fun.. but not too much fun!" He says in a fit of laughter when Seb hangs up on him.
"Where to now?" You looked over at him and Seb shrugged. "Dinner?" He suggests and you nod, "but what's open? Most places close at 10."
"I think I saw a diner, unless you want McDonalds or something?"
You hum, taking a moment to think. "Either is fine with me," you smiled.
The man nods, pulling out of the lot. You two end up in the parking lot of the diner only to realize they were closed. It wasn't until you were almost back home that Sebastian pulls into a McDonald's, the only place that was open at this time of the night. You aren't sure since when restaurants close at 10pm on a Friday, but you went along with it anyways.
A brown paper bag sat on the middle console as the two of you ate chicken nuggets, at midnight, in some sketchy McDonald's parking lot.
"You didn't actually say that," you look over at him, taking a bite of your nugget. Seb nods, "I did; I was racing, I was faster, I passed him, I won." The man shrugs, a wicked grin on his face.
You roll your eyes, "you were so cocky."
"If only we had met sooner," he says, leaning back in his seat, head turning to look at you. "I would have charmed the panties off of you."
You snorted, smacking his arm. "You can still do that now, Seb."
He smiles, his head reaching over for yours. Seb's fingers interlock with yours. "Shall we go home?" He asks.
"Will Mick be okay with the girls for a bit longer? I was thinking.. we could, you know.. go back to mine."
"Yeah?" Seb raises an eyebrow, "what for?"
You shrug, smiling at him. Seb gets the hint; "I'm sure he'll be fine. Shall we?" You nod, smiling. "You're the driver, so please."
It's a short drive back to yours and Sebastian follows you inside, his hand holding yours as you walk in. He stopped in the entryway, you were up the first two steps.
"What?" You look at him and he shakes his head, smiling as he follows behind you. You make it up the staircase, stopping again outside of your bedroom and Seb looks at you.
You weren't sure if you were making the right choice; you wouldn't be able to go back if you did this.
"Are you sure?" You asked him quietly and Seb nods, his hand cupping your jaw before he leans in. HIs lips ghost over yours, "I've never been more sure in my life."
Sebastian closes the gap between the two of you, your hand fumbling behind you to open the door. The two of you are tangled together, hands all over each other, lips moving from one spot to the other as you stumbled to the bed.
He lets you get on before joining you, moving to settle between your legs before kissing you again. One by one, the clothes end up on the floor in the pile.
"You're sure?" Sebastian looks down at you, your leg on his hip.
You nod, pulling him down for another kiss. "I've never been more sure."
if you weren't tagged in this, it's because the limit was met. I'll add the rest in a reblog!
taglist:  @lighttsoutlewis @hc-dutch @laura-naruto-fan1998 @dubistweltmeistersv5 @kakorrhaphiphobia @myescapefromthislife @f1medlife  @charles-dimple @hockeyshmockey  @ellethewitchbitch  @handsupforamiracle @ads-skywalker-leclerc @anicega @ship-slut @bigdicric @mysticalnightenthusiast @ellalovesvettel @lettersfromvenus @coincidence-ithinknots-blog @coldheartedmar @koufaxx @alexander-hamilhoe @charlewisss @mistrose23 @mehrmonga @eclairmcqueen  @consisedictionaryofmistakes  @nyenye @callsign-scully @molliemoo3 @like-fire-love-blog @agentstarkid @rose-tinted-juls @lynnismypseudonym @gagaga167  @dreamycloudsworld  @motorsp0rt  
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merakiui · 7 months
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We all know Azul will sulk and bawl like a baby if he got no tiddies in 'Simply Business' but I'd like to imagine him to sulk in an angy way too <3 (from No Tiddies? to No Tiddies if that makes sense)
How dare you refuse his offer and work with Trey instead? Perhaps a lil visit on his bakery wouldn't hurt... just a few plummeting sales...
Omg yes!!!! Sulky, pouty tako baby. >_< he wan tiddy... 🥺 imagine him sitting in his office and pouting in that angy way aaaaa!! T_T someone get him tiddies asap (preferably your tiddies)!!!! orz
Visiting Trey's bakery, only to find you look so much happier working alongside your friend. What if he buys the business!!!! :o you really can't escape him that easily. All of that effort just to see tiddies (and also charm you in hopes of winning you over). He's a dedicated man.
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moonchild-in-blue · 5 months
Gushing about animol crossing lil guys (gn) token. Expires never.
Hello Will I kinda really love you for this, you sweet sweet blue boy you 🥺💙
Say hello to the Hope World family 🌈
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Deets and Pics bellow (very long):
Coco and Lily
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My two favourites! Will get along with literally everyone 🥹
Coco is forever my number one spookie cookie bunny, but Lily is a close second - the sweetest froggy you'll ever meet!!! They are both incredibly sweet, and in my island lore they are besties 🥺🐰🐸
Their houses are next to one other, and often share books, baking tips, and whatever knitting project their working on! They hang out with Zucker a lot 🐙
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My cranky old man 🥹 Out of all of them, he's the least popular in the fandom 😔
Has been with me the longest - was my very first campsite villager, and has since settled well! He may be old, but likes to learn new slang from the youngins. Has the coolest study/library ever.
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It him!! My precious takoyaki baby boy!!!
He always has a silly outfit on - the pineapple hat was a MUST. Loves to snack, play games, and hang by the beach. A silly cutie patootie 🥹🐙
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Look at him!!! He so small and sassy 🥺
Marshall is the fashionista / coffee snob of our island. Literally lives off caffeine and compliments. Likes to visit Elvis and be Fancy™ for a little bit hehe. Great friends with Francine. Smol and Angy hehehe 🐿️
Bob and Chrissy
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MARRIED. They are MARRIED and IN LOVE - 3 year anniversary coming up soon!!! 💜🩷
Bob is the coolest (and only) cat in the whole island. Chrissy was totally smitten with him hehe. He's also a silly boy who is a bit of a gamer - has a super cool set up. A literal textbook himbo 🤭
Chrissy is Francine's twin. They were popstars in their youth (listen to K. K. Bubblegum), and currently she's the only one still in the entertainment businesses. Always dresses fancy - pink and glittery and so so cute 💖. Sings all the time, also the most extroverted of the bunch.
Francine and Fuchsia
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The Cool Girlfriends™ - kinda intimidating at first, but very friendly 💙💖
Francine is Chrissie's twin. Unlike her super chirpy sister, Francine is a bit more elegant and reserved. She now works as a designer - the spotlight was made for her Chrissy, not her. Best friend's with Marshall - The Fashion Duo ever (WILL judge your fashion choices) 💅 ✨
Fuchsia is our resident punk barbie deer. Dresses mostly in black and band merch - we talk a lot about bands and stuff. Very sensible and kind, always there for you if you need to vent. A true punk princess, Avril Lavigne wishes she was her 🖤
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Our newest resident! Moved in last week after Pietro left. He's still getting to know everyone, but so far is getting along super well with Bob - he and Zucker often have game nights and Genji loves it (Elvis is too old to stay up so late, and Marshall prefers to go drink with the girlies).
Genji is a total gym rat but not obnoxious at all - he's just super active. He and Fuchsia will work out together sometimes 🏋️
-> Old family photo from when Pietro (clown sheep) was still in Hope World - taken during my birthday sleepover. You can see Fuchsia in her Sleep Token shirt 🥹
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Bonus family photo but Silly™
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If you read this far, have a little snack -> cherry pie, a Hope World specialty! 🍒🥧
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crestiebestie · 5 months
A non-exhaustive list of the birds whose calls/songs I've heard today, sitting indoors with the door open for a breeze:
- American robin (never shuts up, always angy at something or another)
- chipping sparrow (incessant beeping. it is Chipping Time)
- American crow
- American goldfinch (lotta territorial beeping today which. my man sounds like a squeaky toy. so scary.)
- downy woodpecker
- white-breasted nuthatch
- brown thrasher (a surprise! not common in this much urban sprawl)
- house finch (such a pretty lil song! highlight of my mornings!)
- house sparrow (invasive but i like them anyway. they didn't ask for this. loud babies.)
- European starling (same as above but add more grease lol)
And probably more I can't immediately recall. I live in a suburb of a Metropolitan Area. This is not exactly Peak Biodiversity, and yet! Many birds.
My point is, even if you can't go outdoors very often, it's good to allow the outdoors in because there's a lot of good stuff out there. It's good to remember that there are beings (probably very nearby to you!) who aren't concerned with anything but foraging and hunting and mating and other Life Stuff. Learning the bird calls and songs common to your area is a great way to connect with the nature all around you, which can help you maintain a healthier sense of perspective.
Cornell Ornithology is a great resource to get started and their app Merlin allows you to install identification data packs specific to your region. They have packs for all over the world. It even has a feature to ID birds based on photos or sounds! (Though that stuff's a bit limited and finicky imho)
Anyway. Go birding. Stay home birding. Whatever you need to do to get your attention focused on nature instead of... [gestures broadly] all of the horrors. It's good for you.
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aaaand we’re back w more hosting from night
hello fellow living creatures and bots that haunt me, welcome back to my weekly splurge of the new bsd ep
obvi spoilers for bsd s5 ep 8 and also the manga, u guys know the drill
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teruko is my queen i luv her i wanna marry her omg
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atsushi thought w dazai gone bed have peace. but no. atsushi will never have peace. also look and aku. i luv him
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kenji baby nooooooo. not near ur bdayyyyyy. it’s ok i’ll gib u as many beef bowls as u want
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god if he’s this pretty here he’s gotta be stunning in the manga. i need to reread it
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oh no kenji got angy
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AAAAAA MARRIED SURGIKU CONFIRMED MY SOURCE IS MY SOUL. also kenji and tetcho r sonsweet together they’re like brothers :)))
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MERSAULT GIRLIES R BACK YAY. also sigma looks so cute here. but when is he not being cute
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my lil sleep deprived baby boi. he’s working so hard mushi better be taking care of his bf
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omg yes. sigma u kick that bitch. beat him to a pulp. slay girl keep at it
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sigma honey, he was unhinged since day one this prison break ain’t doing shit
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oo it’s cat lady! i thought her hair was pink tho. oh well
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omg there r so many good fedya shots. i luv him. out wet rat anemic man
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THE RETURN IF CHUUYA. also the drowning sounds he was making were so wired and funny like wat
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bitch u wanna kiss ur ex so bad rn. stop feeling bad for him he’s gonna come and point a glock at ur head in like 2 min dw u can confess then
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goodbye! he’s sounded so cute i’m sry
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omg bram. bones rlly does luv him don’t they. it’s ok i luv him too
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yes u r!!! aya u go girl!!!! also bram in these front shots makes the the silliest faces
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father and daughter. my life is once again whole
fuck i took to many screen shots. wait lemme reblog this w the rest
*fizzles out*
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bibibi-tchx · 5 months
pouty angry babie is my favorite thing ever! i can just imagine his little scowl and going off babbling about whatever he’s mad about that time!!
pouty angry babie is a FORCE anon!! he is an angy lil boy!
sitting on the floor with his arms crossed, glaring absolute evils into his cgs cus they wldnt help him do something that is not at all baby safe
“dada i go up?”
“upstairs? yeah, i can carry you upstairs!” bcus duh little man is having trouble sitting up, having to lean against his daddy’s legs as he plays on the floor; let alone walking; LET ALONE GOING UPSTAIRS!!!
then he just FLOPS. no crying or screaming. just.
flop. to the floor, rolling up and then crossing his arms and furrowing them brows
“no. i up.” as how dare daddy wanna carry him up!
poor finns like “hmmm no i can carry you up, or you can stay down here” with the gentle parenting as telling dom straight up ‘no’ wont get him anywhere, apart from then actual screaming as our baby aint the best at regulating his emotions
then dom is pulling out the angry babbles- they aint even english OR spanish hes just mad. finn calls in damian cus damians the best at translating them babbles
“no idea what hes saying- hes angry, but i think you knew that” from damian, who dominik had NO idea was there
dom scuffling to face his papi, still pouty, still cross, “up!” being the only clear word
finn easily explains what happened, and damians laughing instantly which only makes dom fuming
he cute when he mad
ty anon!!
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He’s such a cute angry cat 😚😚😚😚
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should i make that pic of him my new pfp? 👀
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
he gets fangs when he angy
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Odd request, but could you mess around with slashers x gn/male partner who gets seasonal depression or it gets worse when the weather gets crummy? It's been raining for a while where I am and could go for a little comfort, haha.
Possibly Brahms or Billy Lenz? Or anyone else you really want to write.
Can do🌼 If anything here is not accurate please feel free to let me know i really dont want to offend anyone🌺
They/them partner with masculine features okay? Because it might get confusing to read when everyone has he/him pronouns i really hope that you dont mind i just know it wil get confusing
(Sfw) (Request open)
Billy Lenz👽
What you mean seasoned depresion? Doenst sound tasty? He does not belive in long words.🙄
At first he will think that his partner will just be sad for whole winter(or other season but Winter/Autumn is pretty common) which is upsetting because he loves winter. But when he finally understands what being depressed means, he will do his best to be useful
Even if they dont have Energy to leave bed/ do anything in hause, he will stay with them, at first he might talk but if they arent in mood for that he will just keep them company. Its his way of saing 'hey im here for you its gonna to be okay🌼'
He cant cook but if he sees that they were avoiding food latley or just not leaving their room for a while, he will bring them choco pudding
If his partner is cis-man and they grow a bread(and it gives them disphora) he will help them shave it. Like yeah Billy is silly chaotic goblin man but u seen him? Either he has testosterone level -5 or he knows how to shave
Also if they feel bab when weather is gloomy he will just cover the Windows? No Windows=no weather affecing them, easy😎😎😎 (thats billy saying that not me)
Overall 9/10 wont force them to talk to him and will give food
Brahms Heelshire
He knows what it is, but its still heartbreaking to see them like that
If depresion goes hard like hard to the point they cant leave the bed. You remeber how in every Brahms headcanons i mension that you have to help this guy take a Bath? Yep its reverse now. Now He takes care of them
I know that Brahms is a lil bebi boi lil shmol bebi men, but he can get mature if he wants to, he will bring them tea, headpats and warm words. He will probably avoid talking at first, but its because he feels like walking on minefild, NOT because of them being depresed, but because he knows that he sometimes gets angy at random stuff and he really desnt want to yell at them
Hes more happy to give them hugs and lay in bed with them (of couse if they want to)
He will try light up the mood with good dinner or a nice walk around the mansion.
Will spend more time with you, but if you need space he will understand
Overall 8/10 tries his best to light up the mood by being romantic gentleman. Will bring you tea -2 points for being british
Yautja (hes here only because i have funny ideas)
Wym mental health?? Season makes ur brain go not good?? I- my beloved we are on spaceship rn wym
The idea of depresion itself is pretty new for him, so they need to teach him
He will go 😨wym you sick in mind and theres no medicine? 😓aww man 😍 i guess I will stay by urside and help you with anythin u want😈
This guy will pick you up and carry you everywhere u need to be. U need to take a shower? Boom. You are hungry? Watch him speerun cook some pasta with salt and kechup (he has No clue how to food)
Will cuddle
Again if any of those make their partner uncomfortable he wpnt do it, those are just sugestions. Also I know that depresed people arent just little sad bolls without Energy to get out of bed. But he doesnt know that! He didnt know depresion exsisted till 3minutes ago!
6/10 acts like his lover is shmol sad Ball, and will baby them around
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celestialprincesse · 6 months
Angie! I love you and your writing! I have VERY niche tropes that I enjoy reading and I think that is what’s so beautiful and fun about fiction. It’s just that… fiction.
You can be whoever you want, do whatever you, create WHATEVER. YOU. WANT. Dictating and policing peoples ideas and creations in any art medium (writing is 100% art) is both condemning and harmful (and lame if we’re gonna be honest)
Anyways, I’ve never fully like dark fics and stories because I personally cannot handle some of the topics but would never come after someone for writing what is on their mind, for find some kind of escapism from this mundane thing we call life.
So, that being said (sorry for ranting in your ask box) pregnancy trope is one of my faves across all genres, I never think of child, nor want children, but man, if CaptainJonathan “I’ll fix your daddy issues, baby” Price asks me to give him a couple. Hey, who am I to say no? That’s the fun in writing, doing something and imaging it, even if it may never happen in real life.
In love with your blog (especially the Nikto fic another man who could keep me at home taking care of his kids and him) and all things you write. I saw you’re on a journey of ignoring other people’s bullshit and I’m proud of you! Keep that wrinkly brain of yours peaceful and full of all its incredible thoughts. MUAHMUAH
this made me a lil 🥲🥹
It still sort of surprises me that people actually go out of their way to leave hate on the content other people share with them? ESPECIALLY on anon like, please? I have balls enough to get on here and actually put out content, but you have to hide behind the silly little anonymous toggle to shit on it??
Anywhoo I'm protecting my peace and will continue to write my little girlypop frilly fluffy ideas !!! because it's my blog !!! crazy !!!!
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hopespeak-hostclub · 1 year
Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony Taylor Swift fave songs
Im such a swiftie and also danganronpa is my life so I absolutely had to do this I’m so sorry
I tried to include reasoning, but a lot don’t have any! I just think they fit!!!
Kaede: Forever and Always (Piano Version) (Taylor’s Version)
She loved this song long before the piano version came out and now it’s been upgraded her favorite.
Shuichi: evermore (feat Bon Iver)
„And I was catching my breath. Staring out an open window catching my death. And I couldn't be sure. I had a feeling so peculiar, that this pain would be for Evermore" I just know my lil emo baby would eat this shit up
Rantaro: Champagne Problems
Tsumugi: …Ready For It?
Ryoma: Don’t Blame Me
So far 4/5 songs have been from evermore and reputation which is kinda weird to me I know I’m picking it but it’s what fits best
Tenko: Mine (Taylor’s Version)
She really really likes to SCREAMMMMM „I remember how we felt, sitting by the water, and every time I look at you, it's like the first time. I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter. She is the best thing that's ever been mine"
Miu: False God
Arguably Taylor’s sexiest song.
Maki: The Archer
Korekiyo: marjorie
Kokichi: Look What You Made Me Do
I can’t explain this one but it makes so much sense to me
Keebo: Long Live
He doesn’t really get human emotions but he’s working on it and this song gives him a better understanding of so many different feelings he loves it
Angie: You Need to Calm Down
Kirumi: All Too Well (Sad Girl Autumn Version)(10 minute version) (Taylor’s version) (from the vault)
She loves this version it’s just so beautifully heart breaking.
Kaito: Starlight and Sparks Fly
Starlight was playing in his head when he kissed maki for the first time and he loves it. He also loves sparks fly because it makes him think of her and he loves her 
Himiko: Lover
Not only is lover her fave song but also album. She also loves evermore and folklore but lover is the best thing to her. She loves to scream sing to it in her room
Gonta: Paper Rings
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