#Lillypad Star
kiwiplur · 1 year
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Day 16: Draw a pony being pushed to their limit / Draw a pony about to break.
Last Session was fucking nuts, and we had to fight a fucky moon cult who did all sorts of warpy glitch antics. Cranberry was stressed for the entire thing as this picture takes place a about 30 seconds after having impulsivly shot their priest. She now has a positive KDA. 
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olahresidence · 1 year
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Week 2 of inktober! I swear I'm using inks sometimes.
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suiana · 1 year
Oooh your requests are open?? I'm a new anon and have been binge reading your works so I'm quite giddy cuz your works are astounding! Um, how about a star jock in University, known for being quite a blockhead but clingy and very possessive of the reader, a member of the student council? But when asked about his feelings for her, he'll just say "Oh! I'm her bestest friend!" But frothing in the mouth at the sight of another man with her *cough* other student council members *cough*
-🌷🐸🌸 Lillypad
✎ yandere! jock headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― obsessiveness, slightly delusional yandere, slight violence etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! jock who's known to be a himbo. cute and athletic but extremely airheaded at times! it's a wonder he's still passing his classes.
✎ yandere! jock who's a golden retriever type of boy. smiling happily at you, clinging to you like he'll die if he's not with you... it's really cute. plus he's sort of dumb and just tilts his head when he doesn't understand when you tell him something! it's super cute! like imagine a big muscly cute guy not understanding why it's wrong to beat up someone for confessing to you! it's kinda annoying but adorable all the same.
✎ yandere! jock who follows you around even when he's not supposed to. at this point he's an honorary member of the student council with how he just follows you into the meetings and has you sit in his lap. though he gives good suggestions and helps enforce the rules so he's not half bad :)
✎ yandere! jock who is madly in love with you. anyone with eyes and half a brain can tell except for you and him apparently. maybe it's the love effect or something but no matter how many times someone tells you he likes you, you don't believe it. how could he? he's just your best friend!
✎ yandere! jock who always freezes up and blushes every time you confront him on his feelings. even though the way you ask it is completely friendly, he can't help but think you might have some feelings too! he always daydreams about you admitting you have feelings for him all along... then a happy ever after~! but that probably won't happen, he can barely talk properly without mumbling and shitting about something else whenever you're on this topic!
✎ yandere! jock who you tutor on a regular basis. yes your majors may be different but you're smart so it's not really all that hard... so you offer to help him out, tutoring him so he can get better grades. it doesn't really work though, your jock can't help but get mesmerized with the way you talk, sit, breathe... anything you say goes in one ear and comes out the other. it's useless trying to tutor him anything at this point. because his mind is always full of you, you, you.
✎ yandere! jock who gets irrationally jealous whenever he sees you hanging out with someone other than him. especially if it's a guy. his heart swells with rage and an indescribable gnawing feeling at the mere sight that he can't help but land a punch on the guy's jaw for even existing. you always have to pull him away and calm him down :( it's a bit too overwhelming sometimes, you can't even talk with your professor without him glaring daggers at the old man!
✎ yandere! jock who would give up everything and anything for you. you're his beloved best friend after all! he'd give up his position as the star athlete and even his position at the university if he has to. anything for you. you're his best friend that he loves too much after all.
✎ "sweeth- my best friend! here, let me help you out! *punches through a wall*"
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cinder-aj · 1 year
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This is Five Systems, where most of my lore takes place. Five solar systems in close proximity that when aligned, can form a massive portal to other timeliness. Elemental magic exists in five systems due to a core of dense crystal under the crust of some planets.
The Instinct System (bottom left) has three Suns, six planets, and one minor planet.
-Ignisan: First planet to the suns, the fire element is most common. Home to intelligent horse-like bug creatures called the Ignisani.
-Trapst: Second planet to the suns. Was hollowed out and mined nearly to oblivion during an ancient war. Now only thorny vines and their symbiotic partners, the Scodgers live there.
-Terrath: Third planet to the suns, the earth element is most common. Its moons collided eons ago, but its snake-like people called Slitheraths survive via their technology.
-Natura: Fourth planet to the suns, the nature element is most common. It's covered in lush life, oceans, and is home to intelligant animal-like plants called Naturans. It has three moons.
-Ventus: Fifth planet to the suns, the wind element is most common. Ventus is a gas giant but has floating continents on the backs of giant dragons with smaller dragons living on them. Ventus has many moons, many of which support life.
-Gelu: Sixth planet to the suns, the ice element is most common. Is home to fluffy unicorn-like crabs and has a subsurface ocean beneath its ice. Has one moon.
-'Flat planet': A large minor body that is flat rather than round. Some claim it is round. It has a "moon" that is really a cluster of asteroids stuck together.
The Passion system (bottom right) has two suns, four planets, and two minor bodies.
-Luminux: The first planet to the suns, the light element is most common. Lore is still a wip.
-Venellum: The second planet to the suns, it's the home planet of the Pharrupts and Phasts, who have been completely corrupted by the poison anti-element.
-Fortuna: The third planet to the suns, the luck element is most common. Lore is still a wip. Has a moon called Veran.
-Colosia: The fourth planet to the suns, the color element is the most common. A gas giant with living creatures in its clouds that can shape-shift.
-'Potato': Lumpy large asteroid
-'Oumaramarama': Long asteroid and secretly a spaceship.
The Soul system (top right) has one star and five planets.
-Zanfearious: First planet to its sun, it's "hot jupiter" orbiting close to the star. Swirls in its clouds make it look like it has a face, giving it the nickname "Smiling Child."
-Panthoon: Second planet to its sun, water element is the most common. It's completely covered in a global ocean in which enormous lillypads cover the blue. Has three moons, still a wip.
-Faerine: Third planet to its sun, fairy element (also called arcane or normal magic) is most common here. Similar to earth, but magic is prominent and the world is run by witches.
-Spirial: Fourth planet to its sun, spirit element is most common here. When something "dies," its spirit goes a new body. It's old body, once it heals from its mortal injuries, can become a body for a different spirit. It's moon Litwix has corrupted Phasms roaming the surface.
-Estatiz: Fifth planet to its sun, electric element is most common. It's covered in thick stormy clouds home to the cat-like Felinz who have mechanical wings.
The Mind System (top middle) has one star and five planets.
-Metallum: First planet to its sun, metal element is most common. Surface is covered in metal cities and is home to robotic life. Built by a race that has since moved elsewhere.
-Psychadia: Second planet to its sun, psychic element is most common. Flora is weird and fleshy. Home to the Phayers, who have all been corrupted by the flayer anti-element. It has a very uncanny moon that is possibly alive.
-Techlogica: Third planet to its sun, the artificial tech element is most common. Completely covered in city, inhabited by a hyperadvanced race of bee-like creatures called the Techlogicans. Techlogica wasn't their first planet.
-Obscura: Fourth planet to its sun, the shadow element is the most common. Still a wip.
-Aevum: Fifth planet to its sun, the time element is most common. A gas giant with floating cities inhabited by lizard-like aliens with fan-shaped tails. They didn't originate on Aevum.
-The Thought system (top left) has two stars and five planets.
-Tyhera: First planet to the suns. Split in two and slowly falling into the larger star.
-Decrot: Second planet to the suns, decay element is most common. Highly elliptical orbit. The intelligent crocodile-like Decrocs have evolved to the epic freeze-thaw cycle. Has a moon called Sver.
-Prismium: Third planet to the suns, crystal is the most common element. It's incredibly shiny and very unstable since crystal is a very unstable element. Home to the corrupted Phamirrors.
-Uriel: The fourth planet to the suns. Uninhabited, still a wip.
-Ammon: The fifth planet to the suns. A gas giant that has the tendency to consume any small body in its orbital path.
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odd-galaxy · 1 year
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ODD GALAXY character descriptions below 
 Elio- Sun or Star humanized traits: Impulsive, Optimistic, Juvenile, cheery, friendly, loud, obnoxious, dimwitted, self-assured, childlike, Positive, Interests: Adventure, exploration, weaponry, sweets, Wants/Needs: Adventure, to find his family/ species, Friends and allies, Description: Elio is a scientific anomaly. Seemingly being the only one of his species (when he takes such a liking to Pinchy). He has no specified gender but identifies as male. He has a “can do attitude” and jumps at any chance to go on an adventure and thrill seek (often putting his teammates in danger). He sees himself as the captain and leads the group whether they like it or not. 
Ver-A (verr-uh) Robot or Android traits: calm, cool, smart, handy, big sister like, competitive, confident, chill, Perfectionist, Insecure, negative, levelheaded, Trickster, Interests: mechs, vehicles, mechanics, pranks, gadgets, Wants/Needs: Acceptance, Description: Being an android she has insecurities about not being considered a living person. She is the anchor of the team and keeps the crew from fighting. She’s also the team’s main pilot and mechanic. She’s very competitive and a perfectionist with a fine eye for detail. She’s cool and loose, often letting the team do what they please and allowing Elios hijinks, she keeps Deon’s insecurities under control, she will resort for tricking or pranking her teammates for their own good or for her own amusement. She’s an inventor, often making gadgets that aid the team in expeditions.
  Deon (D -on) Human traits: cowardly, cautious, arrogant, anxious, doubtful, worrywart, polite, Inquisitive, knowledgeable, scholarly, Unlucky, dramatic, interests: Animal biology, Environmentalist , wants/needs:   safety, appreciation, individuality.  Control, Description: Deon is the only son of famed star fairer Captain phoenix Rush. This gives him a trapped in his father’s success complex, wanted to not be associated with him and to become his own person (he’s still constantly referred to as Rush’s son.). Graduated at the top of his class, he is very knowledgeable on the various planets in the galaxy. He is constantly a odds with Elio’s nature and has a short fuse, but Looks up and respects Ver-A. He is the Teams main way finder and Chef. He is very Unlucky often being the butt of jokes or target for monsters. Deon takes his interest in environmental biology from his mother.
  Pinchy – Traits: cute, friendly (to everyone but jeon), glutton, loyal, quick to anger, poor listener, Astral worm (infant stage, pre metamorphosis) Interests: rocks (primary diet), Rock like objects, Wants / needs: to eat, Description: Pinchy is an infant astral worm. Given his name as they have a habit of clamping down with their strong underbite. It scuttles around on its front hands and has no gender as the reproduce asexually. (like how worms will give up apart of themselves). It has dog like qualities like barking (wark wark). Long naps ,alerting danger and being oh so cute and marketable.
  Captain Lilypad anthropomorphized cyborg toad alien traits: stinky, determined, spiteful, vengeful, intimidating, strong leader, charismatic , charmer, dubious morals, bad, short tempered, loud, Interests: power, money, trophy hunting, Description: Cpt Lillypad is the leader of the Galleon and the swamp fleet. He is a a great leader and commands his frog underlings. Together they steal, loot and pillage anything standing in their way. Lillypad is equipped with cybernetics and is deadly in a one-to-one fight. Despite all this he does have a heart and will show mercy .and is a very good boss to his froglings. Just don’t get on his bad side.
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joyfulstardesigns · 6 years
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Took a while but I finally tackled the cover page of my sketchbook
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-Open for commissions-
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mcartpop-blog · 7 years
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#wip of a new painting I'm working on. I'm trying to incorporate some new techniques and styles on this piece and I really like how it's turning out. Stay tuned for the finished piece son. #art #acrylic #painting #paint #water #forest #fairy #moon #stars #liquitex #lillypad #moonphases
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stagedleft · 4 years
Oh to be a small frog sat on a lillypad, watching the stars as rain splashes against the lake beneath me
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kiwiplur · 1 year
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Day 4: Draw a pony with a secret mission/Draw a pony being sly as a fox I saw an excuse to draw a moment from the Oneshot I played recently and you bet I took it >:D Shoutouts to dual screen for being the only member of our rag tag law enforcement squad with an actual background in law enforcement. Dragon’s A vent gremlin vagabond, Lilly’s a former convict, and 2 weeks ago Cranberry was unemployed.
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Blasted beyond control
By: Sickboy💋 So hot That's how I feel That's how it all feels When I push that needle in my vein All the pain all the horror Goes away and the drugs take me away from the Misery. We were born into a world where privacy doesn't exist they even watch you while you piss Living a lie, walking in a long line one behind the other controlled by rapists and pedofiles who drug traffick and kidnap children from war torn countries. We are not God's children We are merely evolution Not even at the tip of the spear Cyborgs will rule the earth The earth of the Devil Life is nothing more than an illusion Slaves to the system humans are Trapped like mice , running in a wheel until you die. Welcome to My Tv show It's called the 3rd eye And on my show sugar plum We play how to catch a butterfly Grab an axe and let's run out into the woods Let's see if we can snag little red Riding hood. Lost in my mind What is this place Floating on a lillypad coasting thru space Maybe we will find a star or the black hole Or maybe I'm just high blasted beyond control. #ShortStories
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When I was a little boy my mom used to tell me stories about the day she met a God.
She told me a deer with stars for eyes met her at the other end of a lake. They sent each other letters through lillypads like boats, lovely conversations between God and mortal.
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creative-classpect · 7 years
Universal concept: The Mindscape
The Mindscape is the realm governed by Mind and it is given shape by the minds of all sentient things. The Mindscape is a realm where all thoughts, memories, and perceptions are held.
The realm is thus shaped through thoughts and as a result, a large majority of it is based around the thoughts of the Genesis Frogs. It is like an infinite pond with infinite lillypads, each having an unseen whirlwind of details. As if their thoughts are the universe and it’s machinations.
The Mindscape is largely a sea of stars, but it also houses solar systems, planets, and other complex structures. There are orbs of many different colors that change in shape, size, pattern, and imagery depending on the thoughts of the being making it. All structures within the mindscape correspond to thoughts, vision, and what can be. There many shapes and forms besides what the Genesis Frogs make. Every sentient thing has an area of effect that corresponds to their mind, a little section of the realm that is theirs to form.
Whatever you are currently thinking of is what shapes your piece of Mindscape. When you remember a memory, your piece of the Mindscape turns into that scene. When you predict what will happen next, your piece of Mindscape changes and alters into an amalgamation of your thought out scenarios.
Though the Mindscape is very largely incorporeal it has two significant features. Connectivity and vision
Connectivity The Mindscape is a linked realm where all minds can meet, interact, and share information.
The minds of every thing is connected. Inspiration and creativity step from the minds of two things meshing within the Mindscape. Your mind is your castle it can be as fluid, rigid as you want it to be. A battle between minds is manifested a swirling entanglement where ultimately, one person's control over their mind is so great they can over power the other.
Ideas can move or mesh, creating new pieces and affecting the real world as a result. Thoughts and perceptions are reality. The process if the mindscape is what compels most things to action. An idea spread throughout a group gives them plans, motivation, and a path. From there, if they can give their vision enough clarify, they can make it real.
Clarity and vision When thoughts are given enough vision, as in they are crafted and shapes with precision and detail, they gain a type of energy known as clarity. When thoughts, visions, scenarios, and decisions are given enough clarity, they begin to shape reality.
Reality is what is, but the Minscape is what can be. If you acutely shape what can be, you can affect what will be. Through proper vision and clarity reality becomes more likely to fit them. Your perceptions ARE reality and correspond to it if you focus hard enough. But clarity and vision are difficult to control.
When people have special interests, it is because their mind latches to certain concepts and that Vision becomes relatively locked in, usually sticking with the same sort of ideas.
Obsessions and intrusive thoughts are caused by The Blaze burning away the edges of what is possible, sparking up fear, uncertainty, and forcing Vision to a certain topic ( http://creative-classpect.tumblr.com/post/162833468740/universal-concept-the-storm-and-the-blaze )
Thoughts of Frogs Things beyond mortal control, things that are seemingly random strokes of fate, most are simply the thoughts of Genesis Frogs. They have insanely large clarity and vision to the point of internal enlightenment, granting them large influences over reality. This is how most universes operate.
Whenever you can’t remember the word to something or your arm jerks around for no reason, it’s because the mind of a Genesis Frog has temporarily swept over you
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mcartpop-blog · 7 years
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"Serenity" 9" × 10" #acrylic on hardwood. This piece depicts a resting #fairy surrounded by a swamp of #lillypad, rocks, and strands of #wisteria, with the #stars and #moon creating a surreal aura to her. Embellished with glitter on her wings and a metal pendant for her necklace. If you wish to purchase this piece or any others, please dm me. #art #painting #paint #water #forest #moonphases #surrealism #lotus #redbubble #artsale #artshopping #artistuniversity #leilanilook #serenity www.redbubble.com/people/michaelmcneill/works/26744207-serenity?asc=u
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glopratchet · 4 years
As you approach the parking lot, you figure you can run through a drive-thru on your way home You're not really that hungry, to be honest, but you don't want to lose momentum on your weight-loss goal A cream-filled chocolate shake sounds especially good right now The car seems unfamiliar, but in a good way Besides, it's been stressful, dealing with registration and thinking about class and all You wonder if your brother decided to come home from college early for a visit Nope, that doesn't seem like him Besides, he's studying to become a veterinarian, so even during the fall he's pretty busy that's not your car! Confusing it with Uber or Lyft vehicles is out of the question, because you've never used either Wait a minute Do You: [1] Jump the Car [2] Find Kids & Confront Them [3] Just Report Incident however, while in transit, life detected this is extremely odd given the fact life was believed to not exist on mars upon further study this mystery life form appears to be ancient and alien in origin, most like an amputee on life support there were two beings of this species clinging on to each other for dear life in a plant's intestines as if the organ itself were a small bed made for the two paifang although the rescuers on board knew they were heading into death and gore, it was of no importance let us briefly remember the heroes of the great mars mission catastrophe: Wearing brass badges number 263 and 877: Lieutenant Dukes Dakota and Captain Sophie Tomas entered digestive tract via claws Crew suffered mechanical problems Crew is dead's device explode witll release colorful spores inside, igniting plasma leak five minutes after crash You are invited to join , Sophie Tomas couldn't believe what she just did Was she chosen for this mission herself? She could only think of the fun that mother had warned her about, now that she herself was a married woman But love making between a husband and wife was nothing like the fun she would experience with man Creatures Slowly wiping the sweat off her forehead, she looks into her husband's eyes He lay next to her, starring up at the small lights in the dark the moment the claw broke through dimensional space, teasing theirs to an endless void Sensing life up ahead, they hold their hands against each other and exchange a kiss Although a data collection machine not known for housing Eros-trials, the device began performing traditional fun experiments in zen masturbation techniques This was completely normal to all crew members under 26 years of age In some cases, cloned : something was scrawled into the screen of her tracking devise Her arm: broken when the claw needier punctured her seat after the crash But who had changed its screen to display the words "Billy Fae" repeated numerous times in tall red letters And: Who is Billy Fae? Sophie's hand moved back down against Dukes', as if stroking and comforting it and ex-terrestrail planets that had broken free of the event horizon and begun boldly partaking in stardom beyond their wildest dreams The computer cross-referenced these points into a ghostly distance map, where green and red arrows would announce Eros' destination Something extremely strange is in their midst Out "What's going on?" she whispered towards the flashlight attached to her air mask Thank god for small favors, our friends just barely escaped exsanguination when they were rescued, the blood-thirsty amoebas still like their prey alive But where are we? And what is that sound which prevents you from changeing into an alien Her oddly accented mind flashes back through the scattered up-link towards her comrade's suit-recordings as reality slowly rolled out through her eyes The tractor beams must have pulled her team deep within the ThetPa species mothership before being spat out into This thing "Come with me"!!! she reachs out towards SOPHIE-- The Earth appears through rays of dark gold, through the rising and falling, flying! Yeah! Milky way so bright, yeahh! All systems check green across the ship! Hah haah all your heads will roll tonight! Bright glow in end of tunnel? Then I'm saved? Without warning this is but another strange dream I'm not out of this nightmare: far from it : one false move and you are spit out of the world to drown in outer-space Huh! Thank god I don't pray to soccer, or I'd be going to hell right now! It's official: I am trapped in some twisted version of hell itself In the real world, team destiny had taken a wrong turn and wandered off into a maze of reptilian endless farms At the same time she needed to adjust the atmsopheric conditions to match that of her lover, in evey detail in order to achieve a perfect ghostly walk across these swirling rubys If she allowed herself to touch eithe the smoothy or the thick nappy misty juice she'd begin sufficating inside her suit which would begin melting along her flesh as if she were drenched within napalm of river cobras on acid She would have a good laugh at all of their expense, tomorrow, if there was one Dipping her hand so that the lillypads could skim acrost her palm, she moved as if a dream towards safe heavens an beyond and the mother would contract salmonella (good luck) whereas a mountain climber would wait on every landing of V8 juice for his rescue, so that she could try out a tasty sushi platter upon his traumatized body later this evening But shes not thinking about that right now This was going to be easy Later there'd be plenty of time for torturing her only friends in the whole world he was nervous about this, and rightly so holes, dirt bombs, permanent night a meal fit for a king of colorfully painful death, just not for him remembering back to the breathing technique her acting teacher told her whenever she began to feel panicked in their sessions together: normally she could never quite manage to follow the heart across from her own-- breathing in time with someone else was just something she didn't seem to have the ability to settle into doing The rolling hills that circled your dead body were filled with up with clumps of colorful fluffy, which glowed and waved in the wind like a twisting stain on an old tshirt That stuff will never cease to amaze you: that which we step on every day rarely is given any attention above that with which it is used topically with only a miniscule bit of give, which meant you're sure to get cut real bad by before you tumble down into the void if ghost girl didn't help you She wouldn't be able to carry your body weight while slowlky float down Gritting your teeth in anticipation of inevitable pain, you decide to pull your stitches by diving for your life towards Ghost Girl's outstreached arms 's fall towards yours as she lets spills a dragoline of sweat from her forehead Her tiny fists clamp shut around your forearms which are draped over her shoulders Well, they would if you had your arms, because they're cartoon ghosts and floating irregardless of ghost girl's newly acquired heavy weight , as she begins to float up towards the center of the room She reaches out towards you, and with some difficulty you manage to somehow start flying on your own accord and wrap your feel around her legs before getting pulled up any farther than you have been Breathing in relief at your accomplishment, something cold pierces the skin on your chest Frost has gotten into your clothes just to give you a brand new sensation , heart on the left, lung(s) somewhere in the vicinity of your spleen You let our a shriek between her whimpering, meaty thuds of your hands either side of Billy's body slam into your back Strange you didn't see Ghost Mom actually charging up her punch Perhaps all of that excitement had put her into a different sort of trance than the one caused by the invisible woman years before You just tried to stop a whole spectrum of beautiful ghost girls in track suits from bouncing your guts all over the place That still sounds really good right now Maybe you'll get lucky and spookstage liver disease will get to you before bleeding out gets somebody to call an ambulance "Candi, don't start resisting again! We've got help coming!" Somehow she manages to grunt " find The Coolest " at you in the universal scheme of things, well besides sending her father off intodream land before he could find The Cat-A-C synthetic mind control conspiracy at work in the furniture department Beyond life, they would be happy there and you would at last have been allowed a restful sleep herself to Her head slumps to one side and on reflex you give her mouth-to-mouth Doesn't seem like she's breathing anymore from your perspective even if a faint stir from the medical equipment implies otherwise A crushing feeling closes in around your heart, making one final effort to seem important as the limited blood in your body crashes against the inside of your chest with one last push into the windshield of your car even with the sunshade down It just keeps coming and coming it would seem as your blackout brings everything into darkness and you no longer have to see that smile, at least for now Only one thought surface before blackness, "How?" A fitting question for a mystery such as this The scratching, warbling tune erupts from your alarm, branching out through the air to lull you into the dreary world of the waking You hope the numbers are enough to keep you going for the month as you process your last pay and contact a courier for delivery of goods in need of restocking Order form printed and everything since it's still so close to the anniversary event, no time to receive, process, them return of the device, as soon as she had everything prepared she would use it You needed to go make sure the pipes in your basement weren't clogged up with cat hair clumps again since they kept overflowing when you showered First thing in the morning was always clogging time for some reason padded by invisible, humidity sighs and then popping back up from the drier inner layer like a cork pushed to the bottom of an ocean of moisture Fully prepped for transeasonal drift she needed only to wait for him Zee Too bad that's what her mom did even if she didn't really want her to go into the 'family business' because she felt computers and all things technology related just came so easy for her not to Never once had she wished it was something else Days of childhood were consumed with tablets, games, phones, laptops, and anything else as long as it involved screens , time for some sleep and practice with the other parts of her body, such as transfering herself from chair to bed without using her hands, equaling just one of many small, silly things she made work in her favor There was no bag over her head, though sometimes it might as well have been While so many people associate ' imprisonment ' with things like jail cells or chains the concept also extends to grater matters that don't involve steel or iron Surveying the contents while she kicked off her shoes and warmed up her muscles just a little bit Even though it was last on her priority list she supposed she needed to go see her 'handler' today if only to get the app situation settled as her own personal thrall pointed out earlier You Downlaoded An App?! When You Were Supposed To Be Working?! regardless of whatever else you happen to choose to do with it Not to mention her own quota for reported weekly production had already been dumped on her plate first thing this morning, not looking forward to that and neither was Ben since he usually took care of the crap no one else wanted or could be bothered to do at all The cursor winked once or twice sensing an opportunity to finish what it had started earlier One Message From: Parappa 'sNesting@DNL , puttin on his new JCDC unifor sadly he coulnd't agree more Actually surprised he was one of the first to sign up, always pegged him as one the hold outs for the berherderprot Good ilk your friend is An app was bought, meant to be used, and she sure as hell wasn't going to make Traci come chase her down again Zee And all it took was the whining of an 'outsider' Calmly exiting the 'convenience store' style catalog, behind which most spent all day numerous times over to browse through nothing but junk they'd never buy in real life or really any practical use at all as it was so quick to remind her If this kept up much longer she wouldn't have any problem drifting off to sleep soon As suddenly as it began the googizon began to slow down, "Please get off at next stop " a fain, female announcer spoke Naturally Zee was obedient and jumped off at the next given opportunity Good luck If you die, try not to get lost in the clouds "Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to do that!" Zeer Jane practically whispered sarcastically at the last sight of the flying thing Unlike the moving sidewalk she just got off of, 'everything' here seemed to be almost standing still, drifting downwards in a uniform downward sloping direction possibly which made her hairs stand on end and not in a good way 45,5455,343 package deleiverys complete today
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