#Link the Hudson Knight
"Feel free to use these extra cut outs if you want"
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theother9tenths · 11 months
“You bought a house?”
“Actually, I bought the land. I built the house.”
To call Zelda flabbergasted would be an understatement. After having been thrust backward in time, fighting and losing an entire war, and spending the last several thousand years in a dream-state as an immortal dragon, she had thought that nothing would be able to surprise her anymore.
But then, there’s Link.
The house is blocky in the style of Hudson construction, not unlike a set of childrens’ play bricks that have been assembled together neatly into two stories, and is painted a green that almost matches the lush grass on which it sits.
Her heart sinks in a way that it hasn’t since that day that Rauru made his sacrifice. Of course Link would want a home of his own, he’d technically gifted her the house in Hateno. They’d been in close quarters by necessity for a long time, never affording him his own space. It makes sense.
Still, she has to suppress the anxious quiver in her voice when she asks, “So, you intend to move here? It is lovely, although I didn’t realize you’d wanted to settle here.”
Link merely blinks at her. “You wanted to open another branch of the school in Tarrey Town.”
“You- I-” she stutters. Frantically, her mind tries in vain to piece together the evidence in front of her, the conclusion somewhat obvious, and yet strangely unknowable to her as her gaze darts back and forth from the house to Link. “You built this for…?”
Before she can formulate the rest of the words, he gestures for her to follow as he walks toward the front door. Dazed, she follows.
The inside is cozy, although certainly more spacious than their house in Hateno by a long shot. A fully-stocked kitchen and gallery sit just off the main room, which is furnished with a table and chair set. She notes that he’s taken up one of the walls as a weapons display, and finally her eyes fall on a short passage that leads to the bedroom, tucked away in the back corner. Just one, she tries not to observe. (After all, in Hateno, it had been necessary for them to bunk together due to the small size of the house. But here…)
She swallows and finds her mouth is dry. “Link… it’s lovely…”
“There’s more.”
She turns. “More?”
Her knight has never been particularly expressive. It caused her grief in their younger years, her mind angsting away about what could be going on behind those passive blue eyes. But right now he looks… electrified. He smiles and she realizes his expression looks suspiciously like nervous excitement.
He gestures once more and she follows him out a back door, around a paddock that had been installed behind the house (“When did my horse get here? I’ve missed her!”) and eventually around to a set of stairs that lead up to what seems to be a detached second floor. She frowns at the oddity, curiosity only growing as they walk up the stairs.
Hand on the knob, he looks at her once more with that same electric expression, and seemingly psyches himself up before opening the upstairs door. She steps inside and hears her own tiny intake of breath as she lays eyes on the room.
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fioreofthemarch · 10 months
Finding Her - Chapter 11
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Link makes notes, takes photos and keeps time on his quest across Hyrule, in the hopes of finding Zelda and staying sane until he does. [ Previous | Next | First | AO3 ]
Log date: 15:00. 7th month, 8th day 104AC Location: Akkala Citadel Weather: Cloudy
I think it’s gone. I climbed up some ruins to escape it and haven’t moved since. What the hell was that? 
My skin’s blistered where it grabbed me, like a bad sunburn. Hurts to move. To breathe. 
Made a detour here before heading to Gerudo. Thought I’d find some Shrines, explore the sky or brave whatever’s going on down in the Depths. Robbie has a lab in Deep Akkala that he wanted me to check on. Tarrey Town isn’t far either. Seemed like a great idea at the time. 
Used to have fond memories of this place. This was the last stand of the Knights of Hyrule after all, and they were my brothers, once. I feel a responsibility to pay my respects. 
Zelda and I were here too, a year back. A rare holiday — no surveys, no official business. We were halfway to the top when the rain came pouring down. Completely soaked us through by the time we took shelter in the ruins. I made a fire and we hung up our clothes to dry, huddling together for warmth. (Won’t write down what happened next, but you can imagine.) Now, this place is tainted and the memory with it. 
I didn’t get a good look at the thing until it attacked. Thought I’d stumbled on a wounded animal, bleeding out on the stones. But then I noticed the blood was gurgling, boiling even, and knew something was wrong. 
Barely had a hand on my sword before its black mass exploded and congealed all at once. Half a dozen hands, half a dozen eyes, writhing, screaming. I tried to run but it was so fast. One of its arms grabbed me and squeezed, like wringing juice from a lemon, the worst feeling you can imagine. 
Some divine luck made me reach for a bomb flower. Not much can survive gunpowder. One bomb was enough for it to let go, and I bolted. Don’t remember climbing these ruins. I just found myself here, shaking from the pain and the tears and the panic. 
That thing… it must have been made of Gloom, somehow. I'd thought it was just a poisonous muck (like Malice was) but Gloom is alive, and it hates. 
The rain is easing. I was going to make camp here but, not anymore. Not for a long time. 
A photograph taken from Akkala Citadel of Tarrey Town, to the north. West of the town is a large open wetland that has been mostly cleared. Zonai ruins scattered across the ground. The sky is a dark grey, but the rain has stopped. 
Caption: Hopefully will have a better time down there. 
Log date: 11:45. 7th month, 10th day 104AC.  Location: Tarrey Town Race, Akkala Weather: Partly cloudy. 
Slow travels since the incident. Wanted to leave the area but, curiosity won out. Spent the morning in the sky, exploring the Sokkala Sky Archipelago. There’s a sphere-type island up there. Ended up completing a crystal Shrine and finding something called a ‘Sage’s Will’. Not sure what it does. Another doodad for the pile until I figure it out. 
Flew down to Tarrey Town on a wing. Looks like I’m not the only thing that’s fallen from the sky lately. So many Zonai parts have landed here that they’ve set up a research facility in an empty construction lot beside the town. 
Thought I’d say hello to Hudson and caught the railcar into town, but him and his wife Rhondson have closed business for the day. They were caught up in an argument about their daughter and I didn’t want to pry. Family matters — outside my area of expertise and usually left for Zelda to handle. 
Not that Zelda had much family either, come to think of it. Perhaps I’ll go back into town tomorrow, see what the trouble is.  
Anyway, taking a break down at the research site. (Lunch for one: meat and mushroom skewers). Overheard two Gerudo women arguing with one of the Zonai Survey Team members. Something about being promised a race course that uses the Zonai technology, but that they can’t get any of it to work. 
The right arm is tingling. Maybe it can sense the opportunity. Zonai Tech acting up? I know just the ancient magical limb for the job. 
A photograph of a Zonai contraption: a cart with a steering stick and two small wheels attached. There is a Zonai rocket attached to each wheel. The vehicle looks as fast as it is flimsy. 
Caption: The Speedster Mk CIV is ready to roll. 
Log date: 08:00. 7th month, 13th day.  Location: Tarrey Town, Akkala Weather: Clear skies.  
Have been in Tarrey Town a few days now. Time to leave soon but… feel like reminiscing a little. 
All my life, I’d never imagined a future for myself. Before the Calamity, my only duty was to fight for Hyrule, and die for it if needed. After the Calamity I lived day to day. Exploring, training, searching — building courage to face down the beast in the castle and save the princess within. Then after that, with Zelda, I guess I never got past the shock that we survived it all. I had no memories of peace. I did not know how to enjoy it. 
I thought about a future with her, of course I did, but it was more like telling myself a fairytale. The Princess and her Knight, their house, their children, their life. It wasn’t us in that story, it wasn’t me. But I wonder now… was that for the better? Was it better to simply wake up from a dream, rather than lose the real thing? 
Little Mattison has gone on her journey to Gerudo now. This was why Rhondson and Hudson were at odds, a few days ago. I can’t blame either of them. Rhondon wants what’s best for Mattison while Hudson just wants to spend more time with his daughter.  
I got to hang out with Matti on her last day here, and help her father build the balloon that would carry her across Hyrule. Remember Link, Sundelions! We used a dozen of those flowers to dye the balloon a bright yellow. Josha’s advice came in handy again. 
All of us, Mattison, Hudson, Rhondson and me, watched the sunrise while riding the balloon into town. It’s good that Matti was so captivated by the sun… she didn’t see the sadness on her parents' faces, or the tears in their eyes. I know it’s Gerudo custom for Mattison to leave home and I know it’ll be good for her to grow up with her people. But before today she and her parents were a family, with a house and a life together. And now… they aren’t. 
I had my own family, didn’t I? I must have, once. I must have had someone other than myself. 
Rhondson offered for me to buy a plot of land here. She said that their newest employee Grantéson (hmm) could help me build a dream home. But, I said no. I don’t really know why. It was a good deal. It just… didn’t feel like something I’d ever need. 
A photograph taken of the Akkala Sea, from high in the sky. A second photograph of Rhondson, Hudson and Mattison, huddled together in the basket of the yellow balloon. On the horizon, dawn breaks.
Caption: They seemed so happy. 
Incoming transmission… Processing… Transmission received. Downloading information packet and installing to the Purah Pad. Please stand by.
Upgraded Message Medallion installed.
Connection established. Audio transcription function activated. Standby to begin transcription…
RBB : C’mon, c’mon. [tapping noises] C’mon you piece of junk. Ah, it's working! Now to dial in the others… 
[Ringing lasting for ten seconds]
PRH: What? Hello!? Who is this? What is this!? 
RBB: Purah! Excellent, the medallion is working! It's Robbie!
PRH : Robbie… [Rumaging noises] Robbie it's six thirty in the morning!
RBB: Is it? …oh dear. Yes, the sun has indeed risen. 
JSH: Oh hey, this thing's flashing again. Hello, funny little message medallion!
LNK: H-Hello?
JSH: Ahh! It spoke!
RBB: Of course it spoke, I just finished the upgrades.
JSH : Aahh! Goggles!? How are you-- wait. I'm not here. I don't have this. [Crashing noises]  
PRH: We know you took the medallion again, Josha.
JSH : [far away] Do you? [closer] Let me first say how sorry I am—
RBB: Don’t bother—
JSH: And very sorry that I just threw it! 
RBB: Josha, I made two more. Now we all have one! Just ask next time.
JSH: Yes, sir! I will, I promise!
[A pause]
JSH: So what is happening right now? I just woke up.
PRH & LNK: [in unison] Me too.
RBB: As I have been trying to say, I've upgraded the message medallions. We can now talk as though we were all in the same room. This will make coordinating our efforts much easier, and as you can tell, each medallion can interface with the Purah Pad in Link’s possession. 
LNK: Cool. 
JSH: Awesome!
PRH : Yes. [Yawning] Wonderful.
RBB: Now then, Link. Tell me, did you make it to my lab in Akkala? 
LNK: Sure did. Just this morning. 
RBB: Was it beset by those Yiga scoundrels like I feared?
LNK: Sure was.
RBB: I see. Are they still there? 
LNK: Not anymore.
RBB: Good man, very good, thank you.
PRH: So, are you still there, Linky?
LNK: Still here. 
PRH: I mean at the lab in Akkala. 
LNK: Yes. 
PRH: Perfect. Any chance you can pick up my sunshades while you’re there? I left them in the loft the last time I visited, I think. But don’t get too nosey, there’s a lot of top secret research there! 
LNK: Sure. Roger that. 
RBB: And Link, don’t forget to pick up the Travel Medallion for me to add to your Purah Pad. 
LNK: And that. 
JSH: Oh, swordsman, if it’s not too much trouble, I left a TON of field notes on Malice there too, in the ground floor library I think? They could be super useful for dealing with Gloom.
LNK: Uh—
PRH: Tsch, listen to yourselves. Link isn’t our personal courier! 
RBB: Speak for yourself! 
PRH: Well you can’t expect him to do every little errand for us. 
RBB: You just asked him to please pick up your spare sunglasses! 
PRH: I need those sunglasses to relax. Guarding the Castle isn’t easy work! 
RBB: YOU guarding the Castle? 
JSH: If it’s too much trouble I really don’t need my notes actually. 
PRH : [loud] Someone has to lead the troops here. We’re not all workaholics like you!
RBB: [very loud] Goddess be good, I’M the workaholic? After you demanded we bring forward the Purah Pad launch by a whole year!?
JSH : I’m gonna leave you guys to it. Goddesses keep you and stuff, okay bye! [click]
PRH: We were already behind in develop—! Oh. Josha left. 
RBB: Hm. She did. What about Link? Are you still there, Link? [A pause]. I think he’s gone. 
PRH: That was probably our fault. 
RBB: Yes. Apologies, Dr. Purah.
PRH: Likewise, Dr. Robbie. Jerrin sends her love, by the way.
RBB: I appreciate you watching over her, though I’d feel a lot better if she joined me in Hateno. 
PRH: She feels her talents are best used looking after the soldiers here at Lookout. She says they all remind her of Granté. 
RBB: Every young man reminds her of Granté. I know because I’m the same way. 
PRH: The life of a parent, huh?
RBB: He’s my son no matter where he is. [A sigh] I meant to ask Link to check in on him for me. I heard he’s signed on with that construction company. 
PRH: Yes, in Tarrey Town. I’m sure he’s just fine, Robbie. Akkala is remote. It’s safe. 
RBB: I can’t help worrying. For him and Jerrin. 
PRH: You’ll be together again soon, you know that. We will sort this mess out and get the Princess home. Nothing is forever.
RBB: You’re right, thank you.
[A pause]
PRH: You know, I worry about Link, though. He’s alone out there. For the first time in a while.
RBB: Indeed. Poor boy. We miss our beloved Zelda, of course, but I couldn’t bear it, if it were me. If it were Jerrin missing like that, I could not bear it. 
PRH: Well it isn’t. Be glad for that. I just hope Link is okay. 
[A pause]
LNK: I’ll be alright, guys, thank you.  
PRH & RBB [in unison]: Aahh!
PRH: Link! You’re still there! 
LNK: Yep.
PRH: Well… it was nice talking to you both. Let’s do this again sometime. 
RBB: Likewise. Goddess keep and preserve you Purah, and you Link.
PRH: Back at you. Later, Robbie. 
RBB: Yes. ‘Later’. 
Connection terminated. Audio log saved the Purah Pad files.
Welcome to the Purah Pad! 
— Home Screen —
 Today’s Purah Pointer: Remember to take your Purah Pad to Hateno Ancient Technology Laboratory every six months or every 10,000 standard clicks travelled, whichever comes first!
> Camera
Camera selected.
> Scanner
Scanner sub-function selected. Please place text to be scanned in view of the Purah Pad camera.
Scanning… Processing… Scanned text uploaded.
Deed of Sale
Prepared By: 
President Hudson 1 Tarrey Way, Tarrey Town Akkala, Hyrule
Return To:
Link – 5 Wildflower Crossing, Hateno Village Necluda, Hyrule 
This deed certifies that, for the sum of one thousand and five hundred rupees (R 1,500), paid in hand to the “Grantor”, known as President Hudson, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following real estate is conveyed to the “Grantee”, Link —: 
Lot HVD50N14, Akkala Highlands, Hyrule 
THE PROPERTY comprises a flat section of land exactly forty by forty standard units in dimension, located approximately forty standard units west of the nearest main thoroughfare (‘Sokkala-Tarrey Road’). 
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property, the Grantee, their heirs, successors and executors forever, obtain a permanent and absolute tenure in land with freedom to dispose of at will
AND the Grantor, their heirs, successors and executors shall warrant and defend the Property unto the Grantee and assign forever against the lawful claims of all persons. 
P HUDSON  Grantor’s Signature Date: 16.07.0104
A note, appended to the transfer of ownership deed for Link’s new plot of land. 
Congratulations on the purchase of the land for your dream home! With overlooking views of Lake Akkala and firm but fertile soil, this lot is brimming with real estate potential!
President Hudson mentioned you had a change of heart after initially deciding against your purchase. I want to say I’m confident you have made the right decision!
I ordered the rooms you requested and should have them delivered to your plot in a week. Come back and assemble your dream home as soon as you can! 
Also, I have passed on your enquiry for custom rooms to President Hudson. I am certain we can build anything to your liking for a modest and reasonable additional fee.  
Son and done, 
P.S. Tell my father I am just fine and that he doesn’t have to send people to check up on me, thank you. But also please tell him that I miss him. And Mom and Auntie Purah as well. I promise I’ll visit the first moment I can. 
P.P.S When you said you’d want a ‘nursery’ do you mean for plants or babies?
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sombersummerskies · 4 months
A Champion's Love: Chapter 32
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Chapter 32: From the Ground Up Word Count: 4330 CW: None
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
~~~ <> ~~~
Months passed as you settled into your new lives. Life in Hateno was relaxing, which felt odd to you when you’ve spent the majority of your life on high alert at all times. Within time your wounds from the Yiga had healed completely, though you were left with a long scar on your bicep and a few minimal scratches along your torso.
The princess hadn’t yet completely reinstated you as her knight, claiming you still needed more time to recover from the mental stress. But the last thing you wanted to do was sit around, wasting away. So instead you dedicated yourself to offering assistance to the people of Hateno village. Killing off a monster camp to protect the rancher’s flock of sheep, finding various weapons to show to a curious boy, even collecting a handful of crickets for a man who wanted to use them as a gift.
The people of the village were grateful, giving you rupees and cooked meals. Eventually, however, you ran out of people to help within Hateno. So you began to travel to offer your assistance. From Kakariko, to Lurelin, to the various stables, you traveled back and forth with the aid of your steed to help any in need.
Whenever you could spare a day or two, you’d travel to Zora’s Domain to pay Prince Sidon a visit. Even though the council had recently been giving the prince more and more work, he would still eagerly make time for you. As of late he’d been showering you with various gifts, which according to the guards was another aspect of Zora courting rituals. If there was ever a day where Sidon could get away from his diplomatic work for more than a handful of hours, you would graciously spend that time together alone, away from prying eyes.
At the same time, Zelda was starting a new project. The construction of Lookout Landing was going smoothly, so the princess set her sights on a new goal: building a school. One night after having dinner she was excitedly explaining it to you, sharing how she and Symin were going to work together to usher in a new age of academia.
“Oh, you simply must see the plans,” she said with a grin, “it’s going to be the most precious building. Bolson and Hudson will be offering their construction expertise of course. In the first iteration it’s going to be a school for the younger children, but in the future I hope to expand to higher education for adults as well.”
Ever since moving the princess had a new air about her. More confident, more determined, and more hopeful. Her newly short hair bounced as she spoke, the blonde strands catching the light of the oil lamps around you.
“It sounds exciting,” you smile, leaning against the dining table, “do you know if any of the parents here are interested in sending their kids to school?”
She nods, “yes, the mayor has a young son, and I’m sure if the mayor gives the school his approval that even more families will be influenced to allow their children to join.”
You can’t help but chuckle, “Zelda, you’re the princess, the fact that you’re running the school is the only approval it needs.”
“Perhaps,” she smiles, “and how have you been fairing?”
“Good, good I think,” you reply, “it feels good to be useful. Unfortunately I seem to be running out of people to help.”
Zelda perks up at this, “oh, you’ve just reminded me. When I was speaking to Hudson about the construction of the school, he mentioned something quite intriguing to me. The development of a new town. He said it would be in the Akkala region, far north of here- and he also mentioned how he’d likely require assistance. Maybe you should inquire about it.”
“A new town…?” you repeat, “that does sound interesting.”
“You do have to pass through the Lanayru region to get there,” she adds with a cheeky grin, “perhaps you could stop by and say hello to your prince.”
“If you’re allowed to tease me about Sidon, do I get to tease you about Link?” you shoot back, sticking your tongue out at her.
She flushes with a roll of her eyes, “that’s different, I doubt Link would ever pursue me-”
You burst out in a loud, “HA!” that causes Zelda’s blush to darken even further. “Are you serious?” you ask her through laughs, “do you even see the way he looks at you?”
“Small glances are nothing compared to how Prince Sidon looks at you,” she retorts, “I swear, when the two of you are beside each other he looks at you as if there’s no one else that exists in the world.”
And then it was your turn to blush.
You’d become rather familiar with the feeling of the palace’s smooth flooring beneath your boots. A light sprinkle of rain fell from the heavens as you walked across the Great Zora Bridge. The Zora armor, which you’d recently retrieved from Impa, reflected the morning sunlight. You’d left Hateno rather early, with the hopes that you could both visit Sidon and meet with Hudson in a single day.
As you passed through the entrance you received your usual round of greetings, from the guards and shopkeepers, and even from the young Zora who ran around in their typical manner. During all of your visits the children- Tumbo, Keye, Finley, and Laruta- had become particularly fond of you and seemed to look forward to your arrival in the domain everytime.
In front of Mipha’s statue you pause momentarily, which has become customary on all of your visits, to offer your thanks to her. If it weren’t for her spirit, you weren’t sure if either you or Sidon would have survived that attack from the Yiga.
You quickly head up the stairs towards the throne room, but are caught off guard by two elder Zora who stop you just before you can enter.
“And what exactly is your business here today, Hylian?” one of them asks, an elder who’s fins remind you of those of a squid.
“Uh-” you stammer, “I’m here to see Prince Sidon?” Your answer comes out sounding like a question, since you assume it must be obvious what your intent is. It’s the same every time you return to the domain.
The other elder, with fins that resemble those of a sawfish, rolls his eyes, “your incessant visits are becoming a nuisance. We are preparing the prince for his eventual Kingship, all you do is distract him.”
A frown sets on your face, “haven’t we been over this before? Sidon has made it clear that regardless of my birth and status you have to respect me when I’m here.”
The squid-like elder barks out a laugh, “respect? I should think we’re showing you plenty of respect. By telling you that you have no place here, rather than lying to your face. Do not mistake the young prince’s kindness for lifelong mateship.”
“Clearly you don’t know the prince very well if that’s what you think,” you mutter, growing tired of the elder’s condescension. 
The two Zora share a look before one says, “we know him well enough to know that you will never be his wife, let alone his Queen.”
You can’t stop the gasp that passes your lips. Normally you could ignore the comments from the council members, but something about this conversation struck a chord. Just as you begin to step back, someone else speaks up.
“Dearest? Are you alright?” At the top of the stairs Sidon is standing, a concerned look on his face. He glances between the two elders and then back to you.
“... I’m fine,” you mutter after a moment of silence, not wanting to cause a scene, “I was just here to say hello before I ventured to Akkala.”
You can tell that the prince doesn’t entirely believe your lie. He pads down the staircase and nods his head at the two council members, “you may leave us now.”
The two older Zora walk away, leaving you and Sidon at the base of the stairs. You fidget, the conversation having made you quite uncomfortable. “Will you be honest with me, now that they’re gone?” the prince asks, kneeling before you.
You’re keenly aware of the fact that there are plenty of Zora within ears’ reach who could overhear you.
“Can we discuss it somewhere else?” you ask in a quiet voice, “somewhere… private.”
He gives you a gentle smile, “of course.”
That’s how you find yourself at a small body of water known as Lulu Lake. A short walk east of the palace and two quick rides up the waterfalls of Mikau Lake brought you here. It was small and peaceful, with one final waterfall that would bring you near the peak of Ploymus Mountain. If you recalled correctly, it was this same set of waterfalls that you ascended with Sidon to help complete his trials.
Small lily pads and short grass sprouts from beneath the surface of the water, and surrounding the lake were colorful coral-like trees. You’d chosen to take a seat upon one of the sun-warmed rocks as you let your feet stay cool in the water. The prince opted to lay in the water instead, allowing the ripples of the water to wash over him.
You stare at the palace in the distance, eyes trailing over the large fish statue above the throne room. Out here, away from everyone else, you’re finally free to speak openly. After a few seconds of silence you finally speak up, “... they’re never going to accept me, are they?”
Out of the corner of your eye you see Sidon look up at you.
“The council will never accept me,” you elaborate, tilting your head towards him, “because I’m a Hylian. They’ll never approve of me.”
The prince sits up, your name just barely a whisper on his lips. “Darling… it will be an adjustment, with time they will come to understand their biases are wrong.”
“That’s what you say every time, and everytime I am here, nothing changes. It’s been months, and they still look down on me as if I’m a mutt, even after stopping the Divine Beast’s tantrum,” you huff, fidgeting with the fabric of your gloves, “do you know what they said to me just before? That I have no place in the domain. That I could never be your bride.”
Sidon frowns, glaring in the direction of the palace, “you mustn’t listen to them. They’re old, set in their ways, they have no perception of the way things have changed in the modern age. Let me have a word with them, I will set them straight.”
“It doesn’t matter how many times you speak to them, Sidon,” you sigh, sliding off of the rock to pace around the lake, “because whenever you’re not by my side, they will turn their noses up at me. They call me a distraction, they think I’m wasting your time, they probably refer to me as filth behind my back. They will never accept me, or our relationship, because I’m a Hylian.”
“Dearest,” he says, pleading as he walks towards you, “please, do not speak like that.”
“But it’s true isn’t it? Things would be simpler if I wasn’t a Hylian- if instead I were born a Zora. They would accept me then, wouldn’t they? Might even go so far as to say that they would like me as a Zora,” you retort.
Sidon kneels before you, gently coaxing you closer as he takes your hands into his own. He lets out a deep sigh as his eyes, somewhat murky and saddened, flicker across your form. “... if you ask the truth of me, I will not deny you. Though it pains me to say, I do agree that in another life had you been born a Zora, the council would be far more approving of our partnership.”
You stare into his eyes, nervousness bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You hesitate before speaking again, “... and you? Would you like me more if I were a Zora?”
You regret the question as soon as it comes out of your mouth. The prince’s expression falls, his grip on your hands loosening for just a moment. “Dearest? Where is this coming from? Have I ever given you such an inclination?” he asks, leaning closer to you.
“No- no, it’s just-” you stammer, ashamed at the way your insecurities came flooding out all at once, “nevermind. Forget I asked. I was just upset about what the council members had said to me. It’s a stupid question anyway, it’s not as if I can just transform my body.”
“Beloved, listen to me,” he whispers, “in all my life, out of any of the beings I’ve met in this world, it is you who captures my thoughts at every waking moment. You, in all of your courage and bravery and wit. In all of your beauty, charm, and candor. I would walk to the ends of the world just to feel the love you so generously share with me. I care not what form you take or how your body may look. With or without the approval of the council, it is you who I want to spend my life with. Even as we age, even in sickness. My affection for you will never change.”
Your heart pounds in your chest, though Sidon’s words immediately relax you and help to ease your worries. You throw your arms around his shoulders and hug him, hiding your face away as you do. “Thank you,” you murmur against him, “and I feel the same for you, always.”
The prince chuckles softly, “I’m glad to have helped you, dearest. Truly. It pains me to see you so forlorn, you know.”
“I’ll try not to be from now on,” you laugh.
“Ah, there’s that gorgeous smile,” the prince grins, leaning back to see your expression, “how else could I pull more smiles out of you, I wonder.”
“Hmm?” you respond, but you see the mischievous look on his face all too late.
Sidon tightens his grip on your waist as he falls backwards, dragging you down with him into the water. You shriek with laughter as the both of you make a splash, scaring away some nearby ducks.You yell his name, though there’s no anger in your voice, face hot from all of your giggles.
The afternoon hours pass as the two of you lie in the water together, talking and reminiscing and laughing. A thought passes through your mind, and as you admire Sidon’s bright eyes and handsome smile, you think of how lucky you must be to share a life with a being like him.
Much to your surprise, it didn’t take you very long to find Hudson’s location in the Akkala region. At some point during all your travels you’d met the Great Fairy Mija, who like her sisters was quite grateful for your presence and offered to mend and upgrade your armor. North of her fountain was a skinny, precarious looking piece of land that resembled a bridge over a circular lake. At the center of this lake was a large chunk of earth connected to this naturally formed bridge.
That was where Hudson had chosen the location for this new town.
On this faux island was a group of large rocks, a lone building, and a simple pond in the center with a prayer statue. You quickly found the architect, who was working away, attempting to break down one of the many boulders with his pickaxe. It looked like back breaking work.
“Hudson!” you called out as you approached, waving an arm.
Once you were standing in front of him he steps away from the rock, wiping sweat from his brow. He greets you with a simple, “hey. We meet again.”
“Indeed we do,” you smile at him, gazing around, “Princess Zelda mentioned to me that you had a new project here. So, what’s your plan?”
The Hylian man nods his head, his long hair bouncing, “the construction of Lookout Landing inspired me, and I spoke with Bolson. I’ve decided to build a new village from scratch. Every village needs a name, though. I think I’ll call it… Tarrey Town.”
“Seems like a good idea to me. Daunting task though, building a whole new town. How’s it going so far?” you ask.
“Well enough, however…” he trails off momentarily, “I built a house to store the village supplies in, but there just isn’t enough.”
“Enough?” you repeat curiously.
“Enough anything,” he answers, “people, money, stuff.”
You nod, taking another look at the surrounding area. If he keeps up construction at his current pace, it’ll take him months to complete all the work on his own. “Let me lend a hand,” you offer, looking back at him.
“But why? There’s nothing in it for you,” he questions, tilting his head to the side.
You can’t help but grin, shrugging your shoulders, “I don’t mind. I thrive helping others. Besides, after the calamity, I’d love to see some life returning to Hyrule.”
Hudson sighs, his shoulders visibly loosening, “thank Hylia, you’re a lifesaver. Well, I suppose to get started, we’ll need houses for people to live in. We can’t invite them until we have homes. Do you think you can bring me some wood? Ten bundles should be enough. If you bring me that, I can combine it with what I’ve already got and get started on new houses.”
“You got it, boss,” you reply cheekily, giving Hudson a salute before jogging away.
Within the storehouse you find a woodcutting axe and borrow it for the time being. Across the land bridge were a handful of trees, and after cutting a few down you get to work on chopping the wood down to size. You work up a sweat while doing so, and the evening sun still beating down on you isn’t helping. After an hour of labor, you have all of the necessary bundles, though you regret having left your horse at the stable as you wandered through Akkala.
Once you return to Hudson, you deposit the wood at the home and speak with him once more. He thanks you again and you ask what the next phase of construction will require.
“These boulders are driving me nuts,” he explains, ‘I want to move them out of the way so we can develop the land underneath. It’d really help me out if you could find someone with enough brute physical strength to bust them apart.”
“Physical strength… like a Goron?” you reply.
“Yes, a Goron would be my first choice,” he nods, “good luck hiring someone to travel here, though, it seems like a real long shot. Oh, and one last wrinkle… yeah, in accordance with the official Bolson Construction policy, that someone’s name must end in ‘son’.”
“... son?” you repeat, perplexed.
Hudson smiles, “yup. If you run into anyone that fits what I’ve said, try to send them here to Tarrey Town for me.
The heat of Death Mountain is sweltering. You trudge through Goron City in your flame resistant armor, but the fiery haze and high temperatures still make you sweat. It feels as if you spend the entire day in Goron City, stopping every Goron who walks by and asking for their name. There’s Bludo and Yunobo of course, neither of which have a name ending in ‘son’. It feels as if you’re searching in vain as you speak with Bargoh, Bladon, Fugo, Gonguron, Krane, Offrak, Pyle, Rohan, Slergo, Tanko, Tray.
You feel completely out of luck- until someone mentions the mines to you.
That’s how you find yourself in the Southern Mine, speaking with the workers after the sundown. A particular Goron sat by the fire catches your attention, as you hear him lamenting to his coworker that he feels as if he can’t use his strength to make a difference in the world.
“Sorry to interrupt,” you pipe up, adjusting your helmet, “but I couldn’t help but overhear.”
The Goron gives you a tired look, raising a brow, “what? Do you have a job that’d let me use my strength to make a difference?”
“Actually,” you grin, “I do.”
He immediately perks up, showing you more interest, “huh? Really? Where? Please, tell me more!”
“Tarrey Town,” you answer.
“Tarrey Town?” he repeats, “never heard of it. What’s the deal with the place?”
You explain the situation to him, how Hudson of Bolson Construction would like to build a new town from the ground up but needs assistance as he does. As you explain you ask for his name, feeling overjoyed when he tells you that it’s Greyson.
“Tarrey Town…” he mumbles, “so there is somewhere out there that needs me. Hmm, I guess Akkala isn’t too far from here. All right! I’m gonna do it! I’m gonna strike while the iron is hot! Thanks for lettin’ me know, lil’ guy! Pelison and I are gonna head there right away!”
Before you get the chance to ask who Pelison is, you watch as he calls out to a much younger Goron. A short kid looks up curiously, and you assume that they must be siblings. You watch as the two Goron brothers leave and practically want to jump in the air out of excitement.
‘Let’s go see what else there is to be done,’ you think to yourself, more than ready to get away from the heat of the volcano.
This starts a cycle of tasks over the course of two weeks, where you work alongside Hudson to build the town. Once Greyson had been able to clear away a substantial amount of rock, you needed to collect more wood to build more houses. After building more houses, Hudson confides in you that all the work has caused him to need a tailor to repair his clothing. 
So you make way for the Gerudo Desert, searching for a tailor who would be willing to move- and also has a last name ending in ‘son’. You begin looking in Kara Kara Bazaar first, and you luck out once you meet a Gerudo woman named Rhondson. 
She explains to you that in her search for a voe to marry, she’s mastered many skills, tailoring being one of them. You suggest that she move to Tarrey Town, not only for the job but also to aid her in her quest of finding a man to marry. When she agrees, your heart soars with joy.
Upon your return to Tarrey Town you see that two small shops have been established: one being Pelison’s, where he sells some of the gems his brother finds in the broken down rock. The other is Rhondson’s, where she sells some exclusive Gerudo clothing. While Rhondson doesn’t seem thrilled to be tailoring Hudson’s clothing on a daily basis, she is happy to be able to search for a voe.
After some discussion with Hudson he, yet again, requires more bundles of wood for further houses to be constructed. Once this has been acquired, Hudson discusses the construction of a general store with you for the distribution of goods. However, no one nearby has the qualifications to run such a shop. The two of you decide that looking around in Rito Village would be the best course of action.
Your visit in the Tabantha region is quicker than the rest. At the base of the village spiral you find a young Rito man with blue feathers sitting alone. You discover that his name is Fyson. He complains of a quarrel with his mother, how his mother runs the general shop in the village. The problem is that he doesn’t want to simply help her with the store, but instead wants to own a shop of his own. You eagerly explain the available space in Tarrey Town, and he agrees to fly there to see it for himself.
When you return to the Akkala region you’re thrilled to see that a new shop has been opened, run by Fyson himself. He happily shows you his stock, and you purchase a new bundle of arrows from him. When you reconvene with Hudson you are unsurprised to hear that he’ll need even more bundles of wood (this time, fifty) for the construction of the final few houses. After a few hours of labor in the forest west of the town, you manage to bring him the rest of the supplies.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something a little personal…” Hudson says once you return to him.
“Something wrong?” you ask with a frown.
He shakes his head, “oh, not that kind of personal. Actually, I got engaged.”
Your jaw drops open without you meaning to, “what? That’s wonderful! Congratulations!”
“Thank you,” he replies simply.
“Might I ask to who?” you respond.
He looks up across the town and you match his gaze. You realize he’s looking at the small clothing shop. “To Rhondson,” he answers, a smile on his face.
You’re quite shocked to hear this but you don’t say so, not wanting to offend. “Oh, that’s amazing Hudson,” you grin, “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks again. Anyway, we want to have a little ceremony to celebrate, but we need someone priest-like to officiate. I know I keep sending you on errands, but do you think you could look for someone priest-like for us?” he asks.
After some thought, you decide the best location to find someone devout and ordained would be Zora’s Domain. After a night’s rest you begin to prepare to journey back to the Lanayru region. In all your trips to the palace, you didn’t recall meeting any priests. But perhaps you might get lucky.
Besides, you can’t deny how excited you are to visit your prince once more.
~~~ <> ~~~
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Happy Birthday, Boss!
Linktober 2023 Day 18: Boss The morning of Hudson’s surprise party, the whole town buzzed with excitement. They’d been planning the event for weeks, speaking in hushed whispers and shutting up about it whenever the boss walked by. Everything had to be perfect, they said. Which is why they needed to invite the princess and her knight.
The morning of Hudson’s surprise party, the whole town buzzed with excitement. They’d been planning the event for weeks, speaking in hushed whispers and shutting up about it whenever the boss walked by. Everything had to be perfect, they said. Which is why they needed to invite the princess and her knight. Who else could make better racing carts?
Zelda and Link had spent the better part of the day before designing and building carts to compete in the planned race. He’d had to return to the sky islands above Akkala in order to obtain more batteries to power the various carts. They’d made nearly half a dozen—even one sized for a Goron.
Tables lined the footpaths around the inner circle of Terry Town, sturdy cloths laid over them. Banners and pendants stretched between rooftops, tied to the Unity Bell like spokes on a wheel. Kilton made some room on his monstrous display for the Stable Trotters to perform—Pyper almost fainted at the sight of the King Gleeok and kept a careful eye on it even after being assured that it was just a carving. The first event of the day brought a small crowd to the construction site. A few brave souls took their places at the starting line. Grayson gleefully took the handlebars of a modified steering stick, the cart’s wheels creaking under his weight. Hagie eyed the Goron warily, comparing the massive wheels on his cart with the smaller wheels on his own. Fyson’s clawed feet hopped up onto a cart beside him. While the Rito had been told multiple times that a cart race necessitated the absence of flight, Fyson declared that he was perfectly capable of driving “just like the Hylians!” Though, if Link’s observations of Fyson’s driving yesterday was any indication, Fyson’s grasp on ground transportation was shaky at best. As Link hopped onto his cart, nothing more than a fan bolted to the back of a Zonai cart, he watched in amusement as Hudson examined the workmanship on the final model.
Though the cart they’d prepared for Hudson was functionally identical to those driven by Hagie and Fyson, Hudson still inspected every bolt and screw. He wasn’t satisfied until he’d flipped the whole thing upside down to inspect the undercarriage. Though, apparently having found nothing to alarm him, Hudson eventually flipped his cart right side up, and the race could begin.
“Alright, racers!” Fernison called, her hands cupped around her mouth. “On your mark!”
Engines revved.
“Get set!”
Link trained his eyes on the first light. Hit that, bank hard right, hit the second, thread between those boxes-
Link’s cart zipped ahead of the others. Maybe it wasn’t fair, making his model so much more lightweight than theirs. But in his defense, it was Zelda’s idea. He wanted to make all the carts fast and light! But she rightfully reminded him that most people didn’t spend months piloting Zonai vehicles and learning how to handle them. What their models lacked in speed, they more than made up for in maneuverability. Link pulled hard to the right, zipping through the first light. The other racers were yards behind him, only getting to the first light when he zipped through the third.
A loud crash and a squawking behind him caused Link to whip his head around as he collected the fourth. Grayson had taken out a stack of metal crates and slammed his cart into a fallen chunk of island. Fyson, evidentially having been following close behind, took to the skies as his cart rocketed toward the smoldering remains of Grayson’s. The Rito and the Goron were both disqualified.
Wheels screeched around the third bend. Link’s need to make wide turns soon outpaced his speed advantage. Hagie and Hudson gained on him. Hagie leaned forward as far as possible on his steering stick, his face red from concentration.
“Careful with the stick, Hagieson!” Hudson called. “They can snap if pushed too hard!”
“It’s Hagie!” SNAP!
Link winced, stealing a glance back at Hagie-not-Hagieson tumbling heel over head onto the racetrack as his cart veered off to the side and crashed into the barrier. The poor guy was still holding half a steering stick.
Wind rushed through Link’s hair as they raced toward the final light, neck and neck. Link kept his head down, minimizing wind resistance as much as possible. With a straight stretch ahead of them, his smaller cart should easily zip into the finish line, leaving Hudson in the dust. But as Link adjusted his course to narrow in on the last checkpoint, he heard an unusual sound behind him.
Hudson rocketed, literally, onto the final platform. Link coughed in the resulting dust cloud, trailing behind Hudson by mere seconds. A cheer went up in the crowd, congratulating Hudson on his success. Rhondson smoothed her husband’s wind-ruffled hair back into place.
Link dismounted his cart, trying not to pout about losing. Zelda, having congratulated Hudson for winning the race, joined Link’s side, a mischievous smile on her face. “What’s wrong, Link?”
With all the attention on Hudson, Link felt fairly certain that no one but Zelda would see him be such a sore loser. “I don’t remember putting rockets on his cart.”
Zelda giggled, hiding her mouth behind her hand. “That’s because you didn’t. I did.”
“But why?!” Link whined.
“Because I knew you’d win if I didn’t. And look how happy he is.” She gestured toward Hudson, who laughed heartily, basking in the attention of his employees. “It’s his birthday, Link.”
Link crossed his arms with an exaggerated huff. Pretending to be upset about Zelda’s “betrayal” proved more amusing than a win anyway. “Fine. But only because it’s his birthday.”
The celebrations carried on back up the railcar. Roasted meats and candied fruits graced the various colorful tables set out that morning. Residents hosted and participated in games of chance and skill. Link lost fifteen rupees playing cards against Moggs. Zelda won back twenty. Monari showed the children how to toss wooden rings onto bottle necks. Beetz let Hunnie play an “experimental” rhythm on his drum. The rest of the band kept up with her as best they could, leading to laughter and cheers from all.
Moggs took Monari by the hand, leading her in a jovial dance around the town square. At Zelda’s request, they taught the steps to a small crowd. Link stepped on Zelda’s foot twice—she was nice enough to only mention it once.
As the evening drew to a close, Eustus blasted his horn to gather everyone’s attention to the monstrous stage.
Kilton bounced excitedly from one foot to the other. He stood behind a table, on which rested a metal dome so tall it nearly covered his face. “Good people of Terry Town, hello, hello!” He called, chucking at the end. “I have prepared for everyone’s enjoyment a most spectacular, most splendiferous creation! Behold!” He grabbed hold of the dome on either side, lifting it with much struggle and a hrrrrrk!, finally letting Beetz assist him.
Sitting atop the table was the biggest, purpliest, most vibrant monster cake Link had ever laid eyes on. A cheer rose up from the crowd, all delighted by the culinary masterpiece. Two Zonai cannons blasted behind the stage, sending colorful bursts of light into the air, which crackled and sizzled down from a fiery flower’s blossom.
Kilton cut a large slice of the monster cake, holding the piece high enough for the whole assembly to see. “Three cheers for the best president that Terry Town could ever ask for! Happy birthday, Hudson!”
Rancorous applause, whistles, shouts, and cheers filled the air. Many of Hudson’s employees patted him on the back and playfully punched his shoulder, all pushing him up toward the stage to take the cake. Hudson, his dark eyes scanning the crowd nervously, his face rather red, took the cake.
“Speech!” Fyson called. Several others joined in with this demand, a cacophony of “Speech! Speech! Speech!” soon drowning out even the applause. Link, too, found himself shouting along with the crowd, laughing at the absurdity and delight of it all.
Hudson raised his hand. The crowd quieted. “Well, firstly, I must say that it is incredibly kind of all of you to put on a big party like this.” A cheer of goodwill followed this sentence. Hudson cleared his throat. “I am very glad to see Terry Town come together to create a festival this grand and lively. I haven’t had so much fun in…well, since I last built a house!” Laughter rippled through the crowd.
Hudson shook his head, chuckling a bit himself. “It really means a lot to me that you all cared enough to cheer me up. I’m sure many of you have noticed, though have been kind enough not to make much of it, that my precious Mattison has left us to join her mother’s people in Gerudo Town.”
A more subdued cheer followed that declaration. Link remembered well the fights that Hudson and Rhondson got into when he first arrived in town. He felt terrible for them. That tradition kept a man and his children separate…it was almost barbaric, though he didn’t dare mention that to a Gerudo. He couldn’t imagine being forced to part with his own daughters, were he ever so blessed to have them.
“There is just…one thing…that I feel obligated to mention.” Hudson continued. The crowd fell silent, waiting in quiet expectation for what important detail Hudson felt they all needed to be made aware of.
“My birthday is next month.”
”WHAT?!” The crowd muttered to each other, baffled by this announcement.
Zelda hid her smile behind her hand, her shaking shoulders the only indication that she was holding back uproarious laughter.
Link leaned close to her, watching the confused crowd try to figure out where they heard the wrong date and who didn’t bother to correct them. Accusations and defenses flew from one side of the square to the other, none so puzzled as Hudson himself. Link kept his voice a whisper, low enough that only his princess heard him. “You knew it wasn’t his birthday, didn’t you?”
Zelda pressed her lips tightly together, the corners of her mouth fighting not to turn upward as she struggled to hold in her laughter. She shook her head. “I have no idea what you’re referring to!”
“Zel!” Link laughed, poking her in the side, which caused his princess’s laughter to finally escape as well. “You could have said something!”
Luckily, no one seemed to take any notice of them as Zelda giggled. “I know, but they all had so much planned, and you know we’ve got that banquet next month-.“
Link’s mouth opened and closed like a hearty bass. “You didn’t correct them because it would interfere with our schedule?!”
“Shh, I did no such thing.” Zelda pressed a finger to his lips, mirth, and laughter still sparkling in her eyes. “That would be very unprincesslike of me.”
Link set his hand on her waist, pulling her close. “You cheeky-“ He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her nose. “You let me lose that race knowing it wasn’t even Hudson’s birthday.”
“Mm, I cannot deny that.” Zelda teased. “I hope you’ll forgive me.”
Link narrowed his mischievous gaze, a playful smile on his lips. “Absolutely not. You’ve wounded my pride, and that is completely unforgivable.” He kissed her forehead. “Extremely unprincesslike behavior.”
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dav1thy · 1 year
several small totk headcanons:
-time between botw and totk is 6 years, like the irl time it took to release the games
-like botw, purah aged not through normal means but thru experiments
EDIT: It has been confirmed in one of Purah's diaries that this is exactly what happens, I am a wizard.
-In botw, link actually charged straight into the divine beasts/calamity ganon to save zelda. This means he didn't do any side missions (except tarrey town) in botw. This is why nobody other than tarrey town and the champions descendants actually acknowledge link in totk. 
All the npcs probably knew him as "that strong knight guy who follows the princess around”. This doesn’t stop Link from becoming a big topic amongst the knights, but many side characters probably only know him by name if even that. (Tarrey town is the exception bc that was the biggest fan fav quest of botw and nintendo probably knew that and capitalized on it)
EDIT: Ive read somewhere that Hudson does not recognize you if you don't have a botw save, so perhaps this adds more credence to the idea that link stuck to the main quest stuff in botw? I like to think that he eventually comes back to do the sidequests WITH zelda in the 6 year time span between botw and totk, but zelda consistently made a better impression to the npcs than link does, so that's why most people are just oblivious to who link is.
That and the fact that link has Tony Hawk syndrome(tm)
a big totk hc:
-old sheikah tech dismantled both bc its served its purpose of helping the hero face calamity, but also prob bc the people of hyrule had more bad than good experiences with them and thought it best to get rid of them/repurpose them entirely to something benign (Like the towers)
another big botw/totk hc:
-sheikah built their tech based on the principals of the zonai, so the 120 shrines that were made to help the hero in botw were then turned into the lightroot/shrines in totk through zonai magic (there are 120 shrines on the surface in totk too, similar to botw)
Anyways, I’ve been having a blast with totk!! Conquered all the dungeons, gathered all the light roots, and finished the main story quest just yesterday! I’m currently cleaning up the rest of the remaining sidequests and doing a full explore of the new map :)
Btw. dont even get me started on timeline stuff. Mainly bc I won't get into it. I leave that to the zelda lore wizards to piece together, but I know that the "Imprisoning war" is a BIG info drop. Big lttp fan myself :)
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favcharacterpoll · 10 months
something something cannon shot for:
Marta Cabrera (slain by Nico di Angelo)
Toadsworth (slain by Funky Kong)
Erik (slain by Adora)
Christine McPherson (slain by Apollo Justice)
Lindsay (slain by Callie)
Coconut Fred (slain by Makoto Yuki)
Raphael (slain by Joy Wang)
Wally Darling (slain by Howl Pendragon)
Pen (slain by Kazuichi Souda)
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (slain by Rex Mohs)
the Harmburglar (slain by Emmet Brickowski)
Alma Madrigal (slain by Milo Murphy)
Gina Cazador (slain by Mithrun)
Matthew (slain by Robbie Rotten)
Princess Peach (slain by Heavy)
N (slain by Noel Gruber)
Sans Alpha (slain by Noel Gruber)
Pawn (slain by Hobbes)
Mr. Noseybonk (slain by Link)
Lemmy Koopa (slain by Savvy Jack)
Chrom (slain by Knight)
Sarah Cameron (slain by Dr. Glass)
Lola (slain by Prince Peasley)
Skelly (slain by Doc Hudson)
Regina George (slain by Dr. Clef)[despite clef's fans' best efforts]
Mario (slain by Melody Amaranth)
Aloysius O'Hare (slain by Zack Underwood)
Anton (slain by Shaggy)
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skyloftsword · 9 months
In Defense of Tears of the Kingdom's Story
Hi, I just wanted to put this out because while there is a lot of valid criticisms about the story (even if I disagree with most of them personally), I've seen a bunch of people act like it isn't a sequel to BotW at all or barely feels connected. There are also other aspects that I want to talk about in here as well, but that's the big one I want to address because too many people seem to have missed the plethora of BotW references. If you still dislike the story after this though, that's totally fine, opinions are opinions. Anyways, spoilers of course.
Ok here's the elephant in the room, yes, Tears of the Kingdom is DEFINITELY a sequel to Breath of the Wild. The intro segment makes this very clear that Breath of the Wild had to have happened in order for this game to happen. Zelda talks about how after the Calamity, the castle went into neglect, which over time caused gloom to appear all over Hyrule. The Calamity caused Rauru's seal on Ganondorf to become extremely weakened only to finally fail when Link and Zelda see Rauru's hand and Ganondorf.
Not to mention the people remembering Link, yeah a lot of people forgot who Link was, but like do you think those people have any braincells? Bolson is tricky but to be fair, to him Link is just a customer. As for Link not being recognized by those that Zelda met in person, I don't think they'd care about a knight of the princess more than the princess who suffered for 100 years especially since he's always behind her. This even works for those who had side quests considering that most of the ones in BotW were really just small things. But the people who SHOULD remember Link DO remember him and even more remember him as well.
Also the Divine Beasts are mentioned several times, we just don't know where they went... However we can infer that the Sheikah have the ability to snap them in and out of existence thanks to Maz Koshia's arena in BotW's DLC. I highly doubt they'd want those things around anymore especially since they started breaking down in the True Ending of BotW. As for Guardians, they've been scrapped and used for stuff like Towers. The Shrines and Towers destroyed by Hudson's company. There are also things like Mipha Court, Kohga and the Character Profiles that prove BotW happened.
Now onto the timeline placement. At the end of one of the three timelines post-dragonbreak, all of the events from BotW and TotK, INCLUDING the Zonai coming down and the Imprisoning War, take place after the original Hyrule fell or got destroyed by the dragonbreak. Society starts to reform with all the races that are in BotW/TotK, eventually the Zonai come down and live peacefully with everyone, something happens to most of the Zonai, possibly warring with Ganondorf already, Rauru and Sonia then come together and form the new Hyrule Kingdom. They call it Hyrule and not New Hyrule because that sounds dumb probably. Then the events of the Dragon Tears happen, then like 100k years pass where the intro of Tears of the Kingdom happens, which is around 4-6 years after the end of Breath of the Wild. The events of Tears of the Kingdom happen and then the ending, which I will explain next.
The ending of Tears of the Kingdom is NOT a Deus Ex Machina, it is explained entirely in game. I highly doubt the Zonai ever tried to do an amplified Recall on a draconified person. So basically, according to the 6th memory/4th Dragon Tear, other stone users/Sages can amplify a stone's power even more by lending their power. Sonia and Rauru lent Link their power to boost his Recall to bring Zelda back, restore Link's body back to normal and to return Rauru's arm to him.
Update 1: Okay so people are saying this is an alternate timeline created by Zelda going back in time. This literally would contradict so much its insane how anyone could think of this incompetent idea. Zelda going back in time was FATE. She was always destined to go back in time in an endless cycle. There is no start, Zelda being the Sage of Time means she is out of time's restrictions. The murals that were blocked off at the beginning of the game prove this by showing Zelda becoming a dragon. The Light Dragon was always there in BotW above the sky barrier, which we've seen the dragons go through in that game.
Anyways I'll add more to this post later if I can think of anything else I want to address.
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felassan · 10 months
Article: 'Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Is Still Blowing Minds, 20 Years Later'
io9 talks to project director Casey Hudson about the influential BioWare RPG and shares some exclusive concept art.
[source and link to full article + the concept art]
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ghosts-junk-pile · 1 year
Here are some very important context things for my hc loz au
Edit:changed Impulse to Pearl
Hylia is St. Pearl
Ganon(aka the malice blob boar thingy) is still alive in the being of this au but no longer has the TP(Triforce of power),he is literally just living on malice
Demise is Exor
You know how Wild(botw Link) almost dies pre botw yeah no that doesn't happen to Gem bc she was not alive 100 years ago
The Princess and Knight before Kathrine and Gem where killed fighting Ganon(aka Wild and botw Zelda are ded).
No one really knows why Pearl isn't evil/try to destroy hyrule despite that's what all the other TP holders tried to do(The reason is I didn't want to have her be evil)
For this Au Botw is the most recent game on the time line(aka almost all previous games are cannon)
OK more important stuff, here are the (important) characters that havn't had their place taken by someone else :
All the sheikah tech lab people
All the people who are metaphorical successors to the champions (ie. Teba and Riju)
The Great Deku tree
That one guy w/ the kids who used to be a yiga
Master Kohga
The three golden goddess
The Hudson and Terri Town people
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whump-collector · 2 years
All movies/shows on this blog (so far):
Search for the movie/show or use this link and add the tag you're looking for https://whump-collector.tumblr.com/tagged/
I use the tag compilation for posts with gifs from several movies/shows.
#: the 100 - 15 streets - 1899 - 21 - 3:10 to yuma - 90210 - 911
a: agents of shield - the alienist - altered carbon - andor - ariza - around the world in 80 days - arrow - the a-team - avengers: infinity war - awake
b: bad turn worse - die bergretter - big fish - black death - black sails - the blacklist - blindspot - blood & treasure - body guard - bones- the boys - bravo two zero - buried in barstow - burn notice - the fall of sam axe
c: capatain america: civil war - caravaggio - the card counter - centurion - chambers - charmed - the clinic - the control room - cowboy bebop - cowboys and aliens - criminal minds - crimson peak - csi:vegas
d: the da vinci code - da vinci's demons - daredevil - dark - the dark valley - dear john - designated survivor - deutschland 83 - deutschland 86 - deutschland 89 - doctor who - dominion - don't say a word - dragonheart 3: the sorcerer's curse
e: eden lake - enola holmes 2 - the expanse
f: the fall - fantastic beasts: the secrets of dumbledore - fatmagul - fbi - fire country - firefly - the following - fringe
g: general hospital - gladiator - glitch - gotham - gran hotel - grosse pointe blank
h: halo - hanna - hannibal - hawaii five 0 - heaven's burning - helstrom - hercules: the legendary journeys - hitman's wife's bodyguard - horizon line - house of the dragon - how i became a superhero - hudson & rex
i: inside man - iron man
j: jack irish - jessica jones - jesus cries
k: kholop/the serf -killerman - killjoys - kung fu
l: la brea - law & order - legacy - lethal weapon 2 - the level - lie to me - a life less ordinary - the lord of the rings: the return of the king - the lord of the rings: the rings of power - lucifer
m: m*a*s*h* - macgyver (2016) - the man in the high castle - mayans m. c. - the mentalist - merlin - les miserables - moon knight - a mother's instinct - mr. robot - ms. marvel - murdoch mysteries
n: ncis - ncis los angeles - the next three days - no time to die - nypd blue
o: obi-wan kenobi - once upon a time - the order
p: patient zero - patrick melrose - the patriot - peacemaker - pennyworth - pirates of the caribbean: at world's end - pompeii - preacher -prodigal son - the professionals - proof of life - the proposition - the punisher
q: quantico - the quick and the dead
r: the raid: redemption - the recruit - the recruit (2003) - reign - remainder - reservoir dogs - the resident - rizzoli & isles - romeo + juliet - room for rent - roswell new mexico - the ruins
s: salvation - the sandman - savasci - second chance - seventh son - shadow and bone - sharpe's battle - sharpe's challenge - sharpe's eagle - sharpe's honour - sharpe's peril - sherlock - sherlock holmes: a game of shadows - the silencing - skymed - snake eyes - soko köln - spider-man 2 - spider-man: homecoming - spooks - stargate atlantis - stargate sg1 - star trek - star trek: discovery - star wars - star wars: episode vii - the force awakens - station 19 - stormy monday - stranger things - strike back - supernatural
t: tatort - teen wolf - terminator: the sarah connor chronicles - time after time - timeless - the trial - triple frontier
u: the ultimate goal - underworld: rise of the lycans
v: the vampire diaries - virgin river
w: walker - war pigs - warehouse 13 - wedding season - wednesday - werewolf by night - white collar - the white tiger - the winchesters
x: x-men: apocalypse - x-men: dark phoenix
y: young wallander
z: zoo
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laresearchette · 1 month
Tuesday, April 02, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CURLING (TSN/TSN5) 10:00am: LGT World Men's Curling Championship: New Zealand vs. Canada (TSN/TSN5) 1:00pm: LGT World Men's Curling Championship: Canada vs. United States
NHL HOCKEY (TSN2) 7:00pm: Panthers vs. Habs (TSN5) 8:00pm: Sens vs. Wild (SNWest) 9:00pm: Ducks vs. Flames (SNPacific) 10:00pm: Canucks vs. Knights
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 7:00pm: Lakers vs. Raptors (SN Now) 7:30pm: Thunder vs. 76ers (TSN3/TSN4rer2w) 10:00pm: Mavericks vs. Warriors
BIG BROTHER CANADA (Global) 7:00pm
MLB BASEBALL (SN1/SNOntario/SNEast) 8:00pm: Jays vs. Astros (SN Now) 9:30pm: Yankees vs. Diamondbacks
CANADA'S GOT TALENT (City TV) 8:00pm: This week´s competitors give the CGT judges plenty to cheer for, with auditions they didn´t see coming.
THE GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE (Makeful) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Twelve new sewers whip up classics with a twist; they put together a brainteaser of a top, transform the office uniform (a pencil skirt and blouse) into a personal style statement and tailor a dress with cut-out details.
COMFORT FOOD WITH SPENCER WATTS (CTV Life) 8:00pm/8:30pm: It's all about cheese that melts, pulls, and puffs; Spencer makes flavor packed food. In Episode Two, Spencer shares some comfort food faves inspired by those around him.
SON OF A CRITCH (CBC) 8:30pm (SEASON FINALE): It's the end of school year; Mark is faced with changes and challenges ahead, but when he's tasked with giving the graduation speech he takes some time to reflect on how his friends and family shaped him.
ONE MORE TIME (CBC) 9:00pm (SEASON FINALE): When Sports Dynasty challenges One More Time to a hockey game, DJ must finally confront the real reason he retired from playing pro hockey.
HUDSON & REX (City TV) 9:00pm: A convicted killer resorts to drastic measures to avoid deportation, leading Charlie and Rex to re-open his case.
TREATY ROAD (APTN) 9:00pm: Erin and Saxon find out how Treaty 5 limited people's ability to feed their communities. The duo learns how innovative gardeners in Norway House, Man., provide greens year-round, and land-based learning brings them out onto the ice.
ENGINE MASTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm/9:30pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Colder fuel makes more power; how to consistently keep fuel temps down, and what difference it really makes. In Episode Two, the guys have run standard 14-inch round filters in the past and wondered every time if there's any difference between them.
RAP SH!T (MTV Canada) 9:00pm/9:40pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Shawna comes clean to her family and reconnects with Francois; Mia frets over leaving Melissa under her mother's care. In Episode Two, Shawna and Mia struggle to see eye-to-eye with Reina Reign.
THREE WOMEN (DTour) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Grieving writer Gia decides to write a book about women's desire; she interviews entrepreneur Sloane, homemaker Lina and student Maggie as they overturn their lives.
CURSED HISTORIES (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): 120 Days of Sodom, The Iceman's Curse, City of Screams: A gruesome story penned on a centuries-old scroll makes its way across Europe; A stone-age mummy emerges from the icy alps; An ancient city in Afghanistan is reduced to rubble.
RUN THE BURBS (CBC) 9:30pm (SEASON FINALE): Andrew's summer camp project takes a hit when he trusts the wrong mentor, while Camille's cookbook soars.
DEATH BY FAME (Investigation Discovery) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Tara Correa-McMullen is only 15 when she rises from the tough streets of LA to star alongside some of Hollywood's biggest stars; a romance with the wrong person takes her out of the spotlight forever.
0 notes
vyrulent · 2 months
take the linked quiz from the perspective of your muse(s), and share at least ten of your favorite results
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Octavia Blake (The 100): 91%
Mazikeen (Lucifer): 89%
The Joker (The Dark Knight): 87%
Beth Dutton (Yellowstone): 87%
Billy Butcher (The Boys): 86%
Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers): 85%
Love Quinn (You): 84%
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter): 83%
Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones): 79%
Lady Macbeth (Macbeth): 78%
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Esme Cullen (Twilight): 94%
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham (Downton Abbey): 93%
Melanie Hamilton (Gone With the Wind): 92%
Maid Marian (Robin Hood): 91%
Mary Margaret Blanchard (Once Upon a Time): 89%
Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock): 86%
Annie January (The Boys): 86%
Linda Martin (Lucifer): 83%
Carmela Soprano (The Sopranos): 82%
Belle (Beauty and the Beast): 79%
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Lily Aldrin (How I Met Your Mother): 92%
Penny (The Big Bang Theory): 91%
Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers): 91%
Anna (Frozen): 90%
Christopher Turk (Scrubs): 86%
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn Nine-Nine): 85%
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): 84%
Juliet Capulet (Romeo and Juliet): 83%
Frances 'Baby' Houseman (Dirty Dancing): 82%
Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean): 80%
tagged by: @historiavn
0 notes
thegeminisage · 1 year
and we're BACK BABEY
i notice there's a tower in this lookout place but i can't use it yet!!
also, i just realized it's built over the place from one of the memories in botw, where zelda knights link...i literally didn't even recognize it at first! the world is SO different! i cant wait for people to start posting comparison pics. and with hwaoc too that'd be rad
my brother got his glider already and said he stayed on the rails to get it so hyrule castle it is i suppose. but THEN lurelin
lol two dudes by the lookout talking about how lucky they are that they get to see zonai ruins that they never wouldve seen without the upheaval, but who can care when zelda is missing? sir i promise you wherever she is she is nerding out JUST as hard if not harder, be at peace with her blessing
wow, somehow there's even MORE nothing in castle town than in the last game...
appointed by the princess herself to restore hyrule 😭
this guy and his sign is really funny though. like how long can you possibly hold up president hudson's visage
also...what happened to bolson...if he got killed along with teba dorephan and yunobo then that's homophobia
i can't seem to catch this sign quickly enough...i'll come back to figure it out later, i don't want to google it. if anyone knows the solution tho pls tell me
:( i got close, but with no glider, having only noticed it at 245am, i had to turn around when i hit the river. i'm heartbroken
0 notes
ebaeschnbliah · 3 years
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Impressions from Sherlock BBC, The Sign of Three
It’s always a joy to dig into the meaning of names in Sherlock BBC. Good old Mrs Hudson - played by the unforgettable Una Stubbs - turned out to be no exception in this regard. Thanks to C.A.Magnussen’s 'mind palace informations’ ... his comprehensive ‘memory files’ about various people ... the full name (including the maiden name) of Mrs Hudson is known. Appart from her last name, each one of the others has been chosen by the creators of this adaptation and is therefore ... interesting. :)
More below the cut .....
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From Aramaic, meaning "LADY, MISTRESS", feminine form of "master". In the New Testament it’s the name of the sister of Lazarus and Mary of Bethany. She was a witness to Jesus restoring her dead brother to life. (X)
A fitting choice for ‘the landlady, not the housekeeper’ of Baker Street 221b. She’s definitely a lady to recon with. Also of interest is the name chosen for Sherlock’s ‘fake death performance’ at the end of The Reichenbach Fall ... which is LAZARUS. 
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Feminin form of LOUIS, that’s the French form of the Latinized LUDWIG, which is derived from the Germanic name CHLODOVECH, composed of the elements “hlud” (famous) & “wig” (war, battle). (X)
No less than four Louisa’s - Mrs Hudson, Henry Knight’s therapist Dr Louise Mortimer, Helen Louise the brain in the bowl and Lady Louisa Carmichael - have been integrated in Sherlock BBC. But also the topic of being soldiers, of London being a battlefield and fighting in a war, a war ‘we have to lose’, according to Mycroft in TAB, plays an important role in this story. 
The Louisa’s of Sherlock BBC   Lady Louisa Carmichael   Love, actually ..?   Conductor of the Universe
Of course, the name Hudson hasn’t been chosen by the creators of Sherlock BBC but stems from ACD’s original stories. Nonetheless I decided to do a little bit of research here as well, because .... why not. After all, there’s always the possibility that certain opportunites provided by the canon have been picked up by the creators to build on them. 
Hudson is derived from an English surname, meaning “son of Hudde” which is the Medieval diminutive of Hugh or possibly Richard. 
HUGH derives from the Germanic element “hug”, meaning “HEART, MIND, SPIRIT”, the Medieval English form being “Hudde”.
RICHARD derives from the Germanic elements “ric” (ruler, mighty) & “hard” (brave, hardy). A diminutive of Richard is Dick, in Medieval English “Dicun/Hudde”.
How often has Mrs Hudsen been thought of as ‘the heart of Baker Street 221’ in this adaptation? And her care for Sherlock has been compared to that of a mother. Even if this is only a coincidence, it is a lovely and very fitting coincidence that already her canon surname means just that: the HEART.
That’s the Latin feminine form of the Roman family name Caecilius, which was derived from caecus meaning "BLIND". The name developed into the nickname "Ciss" which is a derivation of Sissons. In fact Sisson's (Plural) means "Son of Ciss's Son" - a double diminutive. (X)
The namesake is Saint Cecilia, a martyr who was sentenced to death because she refused to worship the Roman gods. After attempts to suffocate her failed, she was beheaded. She was later regarded as the patron saint of music and musicians. (X)
Saint Cecilia by John William Waterhouse 1895  (source of pic)
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I couldn’t help but think that this is yet another astonishing coincidence which corresponds in peculiar way with one of my theories ... that ‘love’ in this story is represented by ‘elderly ladies’, one of them being blind (see the chapter ‘love is blind’ in my post ‘Love, actually?). And of course, Cecilia being the patron saint of musicians echoes Mrs Hudson’s - née Sissons - care for Sherlock in a very special way. 
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Additionally there are two more features of interest linked to Mrs Hudson. 
The initials of her two first names are the same as those of Sherlock’s mother ... M.L.Holmes   (source of the enlarged writing).
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Mrs Turner ... this is the name of Holmes’ landlady in ACDs original story A Scandal in Bohemia. The creators of Sherlock BBC gave that name to Mrs Hudson’s neighbour and friend, the one who lives next door and ‘has got married ones’ (married flat mates). It might also be of interest that the name ‘Turner’ derives from Old English turnian "to turn" which describes a ‘change of direction’. I wrote about the idea that Sherlock BBC is a story about ‘turning round’, about ‘a change’, in The Meaning of Reichenbach - which is called: Turner’s masterpiece and in A Sign of Change.
Anyway, it really seems that each name given to Mrs Hudson - even the canon related ones - have a meaning which corresponds lovely with certain aspects of this adaptation .... the lady, a famous war, being soldiers, the heart, love, being blind, the patron saint of musicians, mother, turning round and changing. Interesting indeed ..... :)
August, 2021
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raviotherabbit · 3 years
royal pain in the ass - chapter 1
Chapter 1: Era of the Wilds Queen Zelda rebuilds her palace.
[first] - [next] read it on ao3!
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Three months ago, Link started this time travelling journey. Before he left through that portal, with eight heroes waiting behind him expectantly, he held onto Zelda’s hand and promised he’d tell her everything.
They were a good bunch, by Zelda’s judgement. She was relieved knowing that the Hero of Twilight was looking out for her former knight. And the Hero of Time and Hero of Warriors seemed to have good heads on their shoulders, so she certainly shouldn’t be worried there. And Link was even friendly with the others, like the Hero of Hyrule and the Hero of Winds! She was glad there were at least some people there to indulge him, once in a while.
One of their visits landed on a beautiful day, right on the edge of summer. As a bit of a treat, Zelda let the Hero of the Four Sword and Hero of Legend loose on what remains of her library. She idly watched as her Link—Wild, the others called him—disappeared into Castle Town with Wind in tow, both of them giggling.
“We should probably follow them,” Twilight grimaced.
Zelda startled, caught off guard by Twilight’s suggestion. They were sitting against the wall below the castle’s observation room, comparing and contrasting their respective monarchies when he’d abruptly changed the topic.
“What for?” she questioned. “There’s not much trouble for them to get into. Let them have their fun.”
He sighed. “Wild’s idea of fun usually involves explosives.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re exaggerating. He can be very responsible.”
“You were there when he launched himself halfway across Hyrule, right?”
Zelda paused for a moment, glancing back to the palace gates Wild had disappeared past. Their last visit, he had wanted to show off to Hyrule just how far he could launch himself with his bombs, and, somehow, he’d made it all the way to Hateno.
“Perhaps I’m a bit lenient with him,” she relented. “I suppose I just like seeing him happy.”
Twilight said nothing, but he arched an eyebrow at her. Something about his scrutiny made her heart drop, and for a split second, she wondered how much he knew about her and Wild’s shared past. What happened to him, how she couldn't save him before-
“I mean, he deserves as much, doesn’t he?” she hastily explained. “He’s got a second chance, now.”
  △ ▲△
Queen Zelda Sarya Hyrule awakens for the day, leaning her hands on the balcony as she looks over her kingdom’s sunrise. It’s a bright, fresh morning, the smell of last night’s rain still in the air. This morning marks three months, officially, since Link's last visit.
Zelda sighs. She supposes she ought to be used to this. She’s got a hundred years’ worth of experience waiting for Link, she can survive however long it takes him to finish this mission. She could spend her time worrying over her friend’s safety, but really, eight other heroes from eras past? He couldn’t be in safer hands.
It’s only a shame they had to halt their weapons training, for the time being. Zelda’s getting tired of sparring with dummies.
She steps away from the balcony, stretching her arms out. She’s been using the observation room as her temporary quarters. And it’s not that she wouldn’t rather stay in her old room, if it weren’t for the broken bridge and collapsed roof, it’s just…
Well, Link always referred to his life as a new beginning. Maybe this can be one for her, too.
First thing to do, get dressed. Yesterday was laundry day, so her clothes are nice and clean.
Second, get some breakfast. What she wouldn’t do for some coffee-
“Oh shit!”
“No! The pallets!”
Upon further analysis, it appears Zelda won’t have any time to get dressed before her day begins.
She shows up to the moat wearing an old, plain shirt and shorts, her pajamas since she’s woken up. Her hair is messy and tangled, and she’s still having trouble keeping her eyes open. But when Bolson and Karson notice Zelda, the latter bows to her as though she were the picture of beauty.
She has to resist rolling her eyes. What would her father think of this?
“What’s the issue?” she asks them as Karson rises. “I heard something about palettes?”
“Ah, well-” Karson stammers. “You see, your majesty-”
“Our horses,” Bolson explains, mercifully cutting Karson off. “They were carting pallets of material for our work today, when something spooked ‘em. Knocked the pallets into the water, ‘n Karson and me were trying to figure out how to fish ‘em up.”
Zelda raises an eyebrow, glancing at each side of the bridge. Aside from the rushing water and the slight breeze, all is still.
“What could have possibly scared your horses? There’s nothing up here, and-” She peeks down at the river. “The Zora aren’t supposed to arrive for a few more hours.”
Karson speaks. “I’m sorry, your majesty, I don’t know-”
She holds up a hand. “I’m not blaming you, Karson. I’m simply confused.” She sighs. “Don’t worry about your supplies. Do whatever else you can for now. When Prince Sidon and his guard report to the palace, I’m sure I can convince some of them to scavenge your belongings.”
“Thank you, Queen Zelda,” Bolson responds before Karson can make a fool of himself again. “Hudson went after the horses. Karson, we should see if he needs any help.”
Zelda watches as the two of them leave. Link had personally attested to the quality of work Bolson Construction could do, and truth be told, she’d hired them on his recommendation alone —though the fact that one of their members had built an entire town by hand had been particularly alluring. Her father would have thrown a fit at Bolson’s “manners”, or lack thereof, but that very trait was the reason she enjoyed working with him so much. He understood that she was in the same boat as the rest of them.
But that story about the horses had her worried. On such a calm morning, when most of the kingdom had yet to stir, she couldn’t help but fear that whatever had spooked them so bad had been malicious.
She looks back over the bridge, trying to peer down into the dark water. It wasn’t so long ago that the castle had been teeming with monsters, after all. Sure, they aren’t quiet, but is it possible some of them were missed?
Well, whatever it is, it could at least wait until she’s dressed.
  △ ▲△
“I’m worried about excavating the Great Hall.”
Zelda is enjoying her breakfast (buttered bread, Hylia, how she misses Link’s cooking), when Yunobo approaches her. He, along with several other young Gorons, volunteered to help clear the debris from Hyrule Castle and its adjoining town.
At first, Zelda had been a bit concerned about having not only Vah Rudania’s new pilot, but Daruk’s direct descendant working so closely with her. Daruk had been a dear friend of hers, after all, and she wasn’t sure she could bear having a reminder of him walking around her home.
But right away it had become apparent that Yunobo is nothing like his grandfather. He’s innocent where Daruk had been optimistic, hesitant where Daruk had been a leader. It was easy enough for Zelda to pretend that there was no relation at all.
Wordlessly, she motions for Yunobo to sit beside her, which he does.
“Link got your slate to you, correct?” she asks, pulling out her own.
Zelda had been quite shocked when Purah had presented her with a brand new slate, a replacement for the one she’d given to Link. Apparently one hundred years of research and a now-peaceful world meant technological advancements could happen fast. And with the correct payment, she was willing to make a few more for the rest of the new Champions.
Yunobo nods, shyly taking his slate out. His is much larger than the ones provided to the rest of the Champions, on account of his larger hands.
“Perfect.” Zelda pulls up a file, a diagram of the castle’s interior, and taps their slates together. “Did that transfer work? You should have a copy of the castle’s blueprints now.”
“Oh wow!” Yunobo holds his slate to his face, marvelling at his screen. “This is amazing, your majesty!”
Zelda can’t help but smile along with him. “I thought the same thing when I first started playing with the first one,” she admits. “You can use this to show me what’s troubling you.”
“Right.” He points to the main entryway to the Great Hall. “See, we’re focusing on this part here, because it’s easier for us Gorons to move around. But I’ve been noticing a lot of rocks in the rubble from further up the castle.” He sighs. “It’s unstable. If we keep going as we are now there’s going to be a hole in the rock right up to the Sanctum.”
Zelda frowns, eyes fixed on the blueprints. So far, they haven’t had any issues like this. Most of the ruins have been from the stone lining the hallways, not the mountain itself. And, despite being a researcher, she’s not exactly an engineer. Can something like this even be fixed?
“Well, first of all, we’re stopping construction on that area immediately,” she instructs. “Make sure the rest of the Gorons know that. Then, go to Bolson with your concerns. His work has been temporarily delayed, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to help you figure out this problem.” She tucks her slate at her side. “Does that work for you?”
“Thank you!” Yunobo beams, and isn’t that a sight? Link told her he used to be very anxious a while ago. “I’ll get on that right away, your majesty.”
What she wants to say is ‘No need for that. Call me Zelda.’ But something about it gets caught in her throat.
“If there are any other issues, let me know,” Queen Zelda says.
  △ ▲△
There have been talks, lately, of turning Castle Town into a trading hub for the rest of Hyrule, and Zelda thought it was a wonderful idea. It was, after all, how the capital had been established many years ago, and returning to its roots would be a good way to build it back up again. She’s already gotten the word from several villages that they’d be willing to send merchants. The only thing left to do is to strike up a deal with the Gerudo.
Lady Riju is wise beyond her years, and Zelda can’t help but see herself in the girl. Forced into a role of importance at such a young age, carrying the burdens of loss and leadership on her shoulders…
“Using Castle Town as an in-between for your trades with the Gorons would make for shorter journeys in the long run.” Zelda and Riju are seated at a table in the dining hall, which the Queen has converted into an office of sorts. Both are flanked by several guards, yet their attention is focused on the slates in their hands, displaying a map of the kingdom.
“We would get our gemstones faster,” Riju reasons.
“Exactly,” Zelda says. “Not to mention, this would also open up opportunities for you with Zora’s Domain. I’m not sure whether you would appreciate their fish, but one of their other major exports is Luminous Stones.”
Hearing this, Riju raises her eyebrows. “Now that is interesting.”
The Gerudo are lucky to have Riju, Zelda decides. She knows there’s only one jeweler in Gerudo Town—aside from a few hobbyists—and yet, the chieftain was clearly interested on her behalf. Now that the Calamity is gone, the Gerudo may as well expand their horizons a bit.
Urbosa would be proud.
Zelda immediately shakes that thought off like a dog out of the water. “Of course, you’ll have to work the details out with the Zora themselves, I’m just offering the venue. But Prince Sidon is supposed to come by later today.”
Riju hums to herself. “Buliara,” she says, turning to the guard by her side. “Make sure we get a meeting with him before either of us leave.”
“Yes, Lady Riju.”
With that assurance, Riju faces Zelda once again, standing. “Well, Queen Zelda, it looks like we have a deal, then.” She offers Zelda a hand.
“Thank you, Lady Riju.” Zelda takes her hand, and the two shake. And that’s where Zelda assumed it would end.
“Actually,” Riju clears her throat, and suddenly it isn’t Riju, Chieftain of the Gerudo standing in front of her. It’s Riju, the thirteen year-old child, eyes wide and pleading, awkwardly holding onto one of her arms. “I was wondering, if you’re not doing anything for a while…”
Zelda winces, and in that instant she sees Riju avert her gaze. “Oh, Riju,” she says. “I’d love to, but…”
Riju holds up her hand. “It’s no matter, your highness,” she claims, displaying strength as if Zelda didn’t just see her put a wall up. “I should discuss the changes to our trade routes with the Gorons, anyway.”
Some other time, Zelda promises herself. She’ll make time for Riju soon. But as Riju beckons her guards and leaves, she can’t find it within herself to say it out loud.
  △ ▲△
Zelda really thought she could do it this time.
Ever since she’d gone through the process of selecting new Champions, new pilots for the Divine Beasts, Zelda has spent quite a bit of time with them. Training, maintenance, everything to help them move along as smoothly as possible. And it’s been fine with all of them!
Well, with the exception of one.
Riju and Yunobo are both generations removed from their ancestors, and if Zelda doesn’t remind herself, she can almost pretend there’s no connection at all. And Teba isn’t even related to any of the former champions. But Sidon…
Zelda storms into the makeshift infirmary, a large tent just outside the castle, to find Sidon having a wound wrapped by a nurse. Noticing her arrival, the nurse offers a bow before sliding out of the tent past the Queen.
“Prince Sidon,” she fights to keep her tone diplomatic. “Please tell me Captain Bazz lied to me.”
Sidon is so Mipha.
“Queen Zelda-”
“Stop,” she commands, and some part of her mind recognizes it as one her father took often. “You-” She points a finger at him. “-the crown prince of the Zora, a race known for their weakness to electricity, decided to take on a Lynel, of all things. Is that correct?”
Somehow, in all her five-foot four-inches worth of glory, Zelda has successfully gotten Prince Sidon, a fish towering over ten feet, to cower under her glare.
“Yes, Queen Zelda.”
Of course, Mipha wouldn’t have been nearly as brash as her brother. She knew her limits, knew the risks of facing a Lynel head on, especially a Silver one. She knew she wasn’t the one to take on that task.
Sidon, for some reason, didn’t.
“Okay,” Zelda sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Why?”
“Why?” Sidon echoes back at her. He finally meets her eyes, matching her own harsh gaze. “Your highness, that Lynel was too close to Helmhead Bridge! If I hadn’t stopped it, it could have gone on a rampage throughout Castle Town!”
But he had her passion, that’s for sure. Where Mipha had been drawn to healing the injured, Sidon found himself drawn to battle away every danger that could befall the innocent. In that sense, the two of them were the same.
Sidon, like his sister, is a protector.
“You were under orders to clear out the Military Training Grounds! That’s it!” Zelda counters. “That Lynel was not your responsibility!”
“Hyrule is my responsibility! You made it my responsibility when you gave me Vah Ruta!”
Sidon is Mipha in every way that Mipha wasn’t. And how dare he come to her castle, acting the brasher, braver Mipha?
How dare he, Mipha’s most precious brother, risk himself for her?
“I’ve already led one set of Champions to their deaths, Sidon!” Zelda shouts, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “I’m not going to let you die as well!”
Sidon reels back, looking at Zelda with wide eyes.
Zelda covers her mouth, and her spine goes rigid, like ice. She turns on her heel, making a beeline out of the tent.
“Your highness!” Sidon calls after her. “Zelda! Wait!”
But Zelda ignores him. She pushes the flap out of the way, and once she’s finally outside the tent, she runs.
  △ ▲△
Of course it’s her old room. Zelda hadn’t even realized it was her destination until she arrived there, eyes blurry with tears. She slams her door shut behind her and sinks to the floor, finally letting herself cry. Sobs rake through her body, and she’s reminded of the times a hundred years ago, when she would lock herself in this same room after yet another day of failing to unlock her powers.
It’s been a century since then, and she’s right back where she started.
The Champions, all of them, deserve this future much more than Zelda does. She failed them all.
She’s not sure how long she sits there, curled in on herself, crying like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Seriously, what’s wrong with her?
Suddenly, there’s the sound of wings flapping from the literal hole in the room, rattling Zelda out of her sorrow enough to look up.
It’s Teba, because of course it is. Who else would fly all the way up here? His expression is difficult to read, but he’s focused on her.
“There you are,” he says, landing on the ruins of her wall. He hops down. “You scared Sidon, back there.”
Zelda looks back to the floor, head turned away from Teba. Her face and chest burn with shame.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles.
There’s warmth next to her, Teba sitting by her side. “Now, why are you saying that?” He drapes one of his wings over her shoulders.
It’s disgustingly casual, certainly not the image a distinguished queen should be projecting. But Teba is concerned for her, and Zelda can’t remember the last time she let someone do that. Even Link, her closest friend, she’s kept at a distance. He’s been struggling so much, how was she supposed to burden him with her own issues?
“I keep ruining everything,” she admits, choking back a sob. “His sister is gone because of me. I let Hyrule fall.”
“Zelda-” and how great it is to hear her name. Not your majesty, your highness, the great and wonderful queen who could do no wrong. Just Zelda, the person. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known what would happen.”
If only it were that easy.
“I should have,” she retorts. “How stupid were we to believe that pig would fall for the same trick twice?”
“You’re a kid.”
Zelda can’t help but laugh at that, though it isn’t particularly funny. Some of her loose hairs fly away from her face as she does so.
Teba, unamused, sighs. “What are you doing here?”
She rolls her eyes. “I came to my room to cry, obviously.”
“No, I mean-” Teba tries again. “Why are you at the castle?”
“To rebuild Hyrule,” Zelda answers automatically. “To lead my people.”
“Who told you to do that?”
Zelda blinks, and she realizes she doesn’t have an answer for that. Rarely does she ever find herself in this situation.
“Well, no one, but…” she struggles. “It’s what my father would want.”
Teba points at her. “There’s your issue,” he says. “You’re putting yourself in this box, trying to be the person you think everyone wants you to be. And in the process, you’re ignoring yourself.”
“The reconstruction effort doesn’t necessarily need you, Zelda,” he tells her. “We’re glad to have you, but if you need to go off somewhere on your own, we’d get along just fine.”
Zelda scoffs. “Where would I even go?”
“I don’t know.” Teba shrugs. “Maybe you could check out what Link’s been up to?”
  △ ▲△
Teba’s suggestion rings in Zelda’s mind. She tries to sleep, truly, she does. But she ends up kicking her way out of her bedroll in frustration.
So, just as her day began, Zelda finds herself standing on her balcony, staring out at Hyrule. The night is cloudless, the vast sky full of twinkling stars. Hyrule Field is still, save for the breeze that passes through it. It catches her hair, long and golden, bringing it to sway.
Maybe she should cut it.
Hyrule is large. She’s heard from Link of his journey and saw much of it herself. Their initial tour had been half a year ago, when the Calamity had finally been defeated. Sadly, they’d been limited to the main settlements, focusing on making peace with their leaders and spreading the news that, yes, it was over. They hadn’t had much time to divert from the path, to see the little wonders Link spoke so fondly of.
Zelda knows Link would want to show her these wonders himself, but perhaps she could find some of her own to show him? Do something nice for him, for once.
If he ever comes back, that is.
Once upon a time, Zelda told the Hero of Twilight that she was happy for Link, happy for his second chance. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for a second chance of her own.
Behind her, she hears it. The sound of reality tearing, ripping at its seams. It’s a sound she’s heard before, everytime Link and the other heroes dropped in unexpectedly. She turns around, and there it is, the oval portal glowing a soft, golden light.
She leans against her balcony and waits, patiently, for Link. It’s rude of them to show up so late, especially when she’s so underdressed, but she can make an exception for the heroes.
But nothing happens. Instead, Zelda feels a tug in her own chest, an instinctual pull that says ‘Hop in’. And she’s reminded of what Link told her about how the group finds their portals:
They’re drawn to them.
  △ ▲△
When Zelda doesn’t show her face the next morning, they go looking for her. They find the observation room scarce of most of Zelda’s belongings, her bedroll and clothes all missing. The queen herself is also gone, and in her place is a note.
Dear all,
I went to go see Link. Keep up the work without me. I will return sometime soon.
Your friend, Zelda
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