#Linkedin virtual assistants
ezeagustin01 · 11 months
¿Necesitas ayuda para tu organización o negocio independiente?. Te invito a leer
¡Ofrezco Servicios de Redacción y Asistencia Virtual!
📝 Redacción y Edición de Contenido: Si necesitas contenido de alta calidad para tu sitio web, blog o redes sociales; ya sea que requieras artículos informativos, contenido persuasivo o edición de textos existentes, estoy aquí para brindarte soluciones que capten la atención de tu audiencia y transmitan tu mensaje de manera efectiva.
💼 Asistencia Virtual: Si te sientes abrumado por las tareas administrativas y la gestión de tu tiempo. Puedo encargarme de la organización de tu agenda, gestión de correos electrónicos, tareas de oficina y mucho más, para que puedas concentrarte en lo que realmente importa: hacer crecer tu negocio.
Con mis experiencias en las herramientas informáticas y conocimiento sobre organización y administración, me enorgullece ofrecer servicios de alta calidad y un compromiso inquebrantable con la satisfacción del cliente. Mi objetivo es simplificar tu vida y permitirte alcanzar tus metas de manera más eficiente.
Si estás interesado en trabajar juntos o conoces a alguien que pueda necesitar mis servicios, no dudes en enviarme un mensaje o contactarme a través de mi perfil o también por mi red de Linkedin haciendo clic aquí donde encontraras mas medios de contacto.
Me estarían ayudando mucho si comparten y apoyan la publicación, ¡muchísimas gracias!
¡Espero con ansias la oportunidad de colaborar contigo y ayudarte a alcanzar el éxito en tus proyectos!
#RedacciónDeContenido #AsistenciaVirtual #Freelancer #ServiciosProfesionales
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eze-agustin01 · 11 months
¿Necesitas ayuda para tu organización o negocio independiente?. Te invito a leer
¡Ofrezco Servicios de Redacción y Asistencia Virtual!
📝 Redacción y Edición de Contenido: Si necesitas contenido de alta calidad para tu sitio web, blog o redes sociales; ya sea que requieras artículos informativos, contenido persuasivo o edición de textos existentes, estoy aquí para brindarte soluciones que capten la atención de tu audiencia y transmitan tu mensaje de manera efectiva.
💼 Asistencia Virtual: Si te sientes abrumado por las tareas administrativas y la gestión de tu tiempo. Puedo encargarme de la organización de tu agenda, gestión de correos electrónicos, tareas de oficina y mucho más, para que puedas concentrarte en lo que realmente importa: hacer crecer tu negocio.
Con mis experiencias en las herramientas informáticas y conocimiento sobre organización y administración, me enorgullece ofrecer servicios de alta calidad y un compromiso inquebrantable con la satisfacción del cliente. Mi objetivo es simplificar tu vida y permitirte alcanzar tus metas de manera más eficiente.
Si estás interesado en trabajar juntos o conoces a alguien que pueda necesitar mis servicios, no dudes en enviarme un mensaje o contactarme a través de mi perfil o también por mi red de Linkedin haciendo clic aquí donde encontraras mas medios de contacto.
Me estarían ayudando mucho si comparten y apoyan la publicación, ¡muchísimas gracias!
¡Espero con ansias la oportunidad de colaborar contigo y ayudarte a alcanzar el éxito en tus proyectos!
#RedacciónDeContenido #AsistenciaVirtual #Freelancer #ServiciosProfesionales
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nayemur · 1 year
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I will provided data entry service. Product listing from Amazon.
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soarpass · 1 year
What Skills Do You Need To Work Remotely? | Remote Jobs
Remote Jobs: 7 Must-Have Skills if You Want to Land a Remote Job Before we begin, let us know “What is a Remote Job”? A remote job is a type of employment that allows individuals to work from a location outside of a traditional office setting. This means that individuals can work from home, coffee shops, co-working spaces, or any other location of their choosing. Remote jobs typically rely on…
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blitzosicedcoffee · 2 months
Starting to think about how I will have to get a remote job. I don't think I will be able to physically go back to work when this leave ends in two months as I will "just" be starting treatment for my autoimmune disease. (That is if the second Rheumatologist even takes me seriously).
So if anyone knows any trustworthy sites to find remote jobs for those with chronic illness, I appreciate any recommendations. The typical places, I am typically on Indeed and LinkedIn. Indeed sucks for finding remote jobs tbh.
In terms of my experience, I have a lot of typing, data entry, phone, scheduling, and customer service. So I am pretty much primed for anything Virtual assistant-related or data entry, or even chat agent if I have to. I also have a bachelor's degree but dunno if that even matters anymore lol.
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anderperries · 3 months
i hate you, virtual hiring assistant. i hate you, ai who scans my resume. i hate you, “entry level” position with multiple years of experience needed. i hate you, indeed.com. i hate you, linkedin. i hate you, not even being able to get an interview. i hate you, job searching. i hate you, capitalism.
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asaraviapt · 1 year
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[EN] How to Follow Folks On LinkedIn Who Don’t Repeat “Rejection is Redirection.”
Lord give me patience–if I hear one more person telling me that “rejection is redirection” I’m blocking them before Twitter takes away the feature. 
… Okay, that may be extreme–but I want to start off this post by asking folks to refrain from that advice. I don’t have to remind other game developers how messed up the job market is, but I can say this much: I know a thing or two about job hunting. 
It takes time. Patience–a lot of it. Some studios ghost their applicants, others spend four months debating on who to grant that first interview–without guaranteeing a second or third round. Having been both a recruiter (and currently searching for a writing role) I picked up a few bits of trivia that I wish to share with others. 
First: Remote Networking Events:
Discord is going to be your best friend, along with other tools. It’s accessible, and offers a more casual environment than LinkedIn. Before naming a few networking events, here’s a few things to bear in mind:
Always have either a Sticky Note or WordPad that includes your preferred name, pronouns, a brief two to three sentence introduction on who you are and what sets you apart, along with your social media links and portfolio for potential recruiters to reach out to you. 
Take a deep breath. I know it can be daunting to put yourself out there, but in a job market full of so much competition, it’s the best way to gain an upper hand. 
Set up reminders and be efficient. 
Remember that everyone is human. This may sound like a weird one, but you’d be surprised at how often folks place game developers on a pedestal either because of the studio they work in, the awards they have won, etcetera etcetera. The best conversations and connections emerge from just relaxing and having a fun time with folks! 
Eventbrite.com Go on www.eventbrite.com and include the “remote” filters and free admission. Add key words such as “game developer meeting” or “game developer networking” for example. If you wish to get more specific, add the title you wish to have and see if you can meet folks who specialize in your field who can offer advice on how to break into the field. 
PowerToFly. Here, you can upload your resume and state where in the tech industry you would want to specialize in.
THIS WEEK they will have an event featuring to assist folx with visible and invisible disabilities from August 23, 2023 until August 24, 2023. You can sign up here: https://powertofly.com/events/virtual-job-fair/?utm_campaign=Sunday%20B2C%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=270953365&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_HrFZZIbObYArT2rnkBkTW0QMv-gHNY9LDc0LIp0pfCuFHnk01A0sqaz1W7KeYORbvHtSVX7R0gO4XKS_MfGeRqYdpog&utm_content=270926294&utm_source=hs_email
Similarly, there are events hosted by PowerToFly for members of the LGTBQIA+ community, the BIPOC community--all of which are free, the calendar with the dates is on their website.
LinkedIn Audio Events. These are great events to not only meet recruiters and employers from various studios, but also greet other fellow job hunters. The best part about this industry is the camaraderie and support–find someone who could give you a job, or find someone who could give you tips on improving your resume. 
List of LinkedIn Creators with Events: 
Aida Figuerola (https://www.linkedin.com/in/afiguerola/) 
Upcoming Event on August 22, 2023: https://www.linkedin.com/events/gamingbackstage-de-iwithjasmina7097554161021415424/
Justin Williams 
Previous Event: (Remember you can rewatch it, and take note of the advice provided by recruiters in AAA studios!) https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinalanwilliams/recent-activity/all/ 
Amir Satvat (https://www.linkedin.com/in/amirsatvat/)   
Amir has the Amir Awards, and often features creators helping the video game industry–additionally, he has an organized spreadsheet with video game job openings AND mentorship opportunities. 
Here is a link to the job directory from August 13, 2023. You’ll notice how often he updates it. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/amirsatvat_friends-i-am-pleased-to-present-the-august-activity-7096622772239388672-dCRh?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
If you are job hunting, you can submit your most recent/updated resume–there are recruiters and employers that observe Amir’s database to find candidates. .
Last but not least, there is a network of mentors willing to help with specialized fields, giving industry advice, resume writing assistance and more–all of the details are on Amir’s page and posts. 
Arin Goldsmith (https://www.linkedin.com/in/arin-goldsmith/)
Previous Event: (https://www.linkedin.com/events/7090354190849323009/comments)/
A unique component in the gaming industry is how professionals are encouraged to have their own brands–and Arin provides excellent advice. When searching for a job, it helps having a platform so that whenever someone is looking for a game developer, they know they have to reach you because only you can do a certain thing–and that’s what should be on your portfolio, brand, etc. 
Though not a recruiter, Arin also provides excellent advice to folks who have 0 experience in the gaming industry but wish to use their transferable skills in the development of video games. 
List of Creators on Twitter With Great Advice: 
A brief sidenote: hashtags will be your friend when looking for jobs. Every social media platform has an algorithm that detects what content you interact with the most, so if you constantly like posts from recruiters, or posts that have keywords like your dream job title, department, field of study–those posts will be pushed to your feed more often than others. 
Some platforms allow you to follow hashtags and set up alarms–so, follow the hashtags involving your field of study and see a few freelancing opportunities come up!
Okay, now about creators:
Javiera Cordero: An amazing producer, Javiera created a Notion template that has saved my life–and job opportunities. 
The link is: https://javieracordero.notion.site/Job-Application-Manager-fce5406854f0475aa21d5fcd9fa5e668
It has several categories including “preparing”, “applied”, and “interviewing.”
Additionally, there are:
Cover Letter samples.
Dozens of job sites.
Websites for marginalized communities.
Possible Interview Questions
And more! (gracias Javiera <3)
Should I post “that”?
“My journey with X has ended.” “Unfortunately, I have been affected by layoffs.” “I’ve been trying to keep it together for the past few months, but I need help…”
Posts of this nature have increased exponentially. I’ve had to write some–and I encourage everyone to do the same, and I know it is not easy.
It’s not easy to be vulnerable, especially in front of many professionals.
But some of them may be your future coworkers–if you need help, tell your network. Not to mention, that if you have not come across a job for a while this lets recruiters know why there is a gap on your resume. It was not due to a gap year, it was due to a recession and a million other things. 
How do I reach out?
Reach out to folks who are in a role similar to what you are striving towards. As a narrative designer, I often try to connect with other narrative designers–mainly because they have the best dad jokes and D&D campaigns, but I digress. 
Apply to as many studios as you can, then head to LinkedIn. Look up the studio, and see if there are any of the following:
Alumni from your alma mater. 
Folks in your specialized field.* 
Mutual Connections. 
First, reach out to mutual connections. See if they are willing to introduce you to someone in the studio you just applied. Or, try and meet up with someone who you went to school with–share stories and inside jokes from the institution, and if the subject of employment comes up, use that as a segue to explain your situation. 
Do not cold call people with messages like, “Do you have a job for me?” It’s not a good look–and, again, people are human. They will know when they are being contacted because of their job title–so avoid that. 
*Yes, there is a lot of support in the gaming community. But it does not always happen–sometimes, if someone has little to no social media presence, no profile picture it may be for a reason. Understand that there are times where game developers are, unfortunately, treated poorly by gamers and decide to limit what messages they can accept. It’s all about getting a hint, basically–but digitally.
Anyways, be nice! Don’t weird any game developers out and get that job. 
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rosiemaesworld · 2 months
1. **Convergence**:
- **Definition**: Convergence in ICT refers to the integration of multiple technologies, platforms, or services into a single, cohesive system.
- **Example**: Smartphones that combine telephone, internet browsing, email, GPS, and multimedia functions.
- **Impact**: It leads to more versatile devices and systems, simplifying user experience and increasing efficiency by reducing the need for multiple, separate devices.
2. **Social Media**:
- **Definition**: Social media consists of online platforms that facilitate the creation, sharing, and interaction with content and user-generated content in virtual communities.
- **Example**: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.
- **Impact**: Social media has revolutionized communication and information sharing, influencing personal interactions, marketing strategies, public relations, and even political campaigns.
3. **Mobile Technologies**:
- **Definition**: Mobile technologies encompass portable devices and the infrastructure that enables wireless communication and internet access.
- **Example**: Smartphones, tablets, wearable devices like smartwatches.
- **Impact**: These technologies enable users to access information, communicate, and perform various tasks from virtually anywhere, enhancing connectivity and productivity.
4. **Assistive Media**:
- **Definition**: Assistive media includes tools and technologies designed to help individuals with disabilities access and use ICT effectively.
- **Example**: Screen readers for the visually impaired, voice recognition software, alternative input devices.
- **Impact**: Assistive media ensures accessibility and inclusivity, allowing people with disabilities to participate fully in the digital world, improving their quality of life and opportunities for education and employment.
5. **Cloud Computing**:
- **Definition**: Cloud computing involves delivering computing services—such as storage, processing power, and applications—over the internet, rather than from local servers or personal devices.
- **Example**: Google Drive, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- **Impact**: Cloud computing offers scalable, flexible, and cost-effective resources, enhancing collaboration, data accessibility, and operational efficiency for both individuals and organizations.
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localvaluemarketing · 6 months
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lazeecomet · 8 months
I get cold called on LinkedIn all the time
but i've never had an interaction as weird as this one. Meet Nicolette. Someone, who may or may not exist. There is a lot of Virtual Assistant stuff going on here.
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But whats really weird was the conversation that took place
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something about this just seemed off so i declined the connection and stopped responding. why is navigating around phishing attempts need to be part of the job hunt process
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virtual-staff · 1 year
The Future of Work: Thriving in the Virtual Assistant Job Market
Hey there! Have you ever heard of virtual assistant jobs? They are like cool new jobs that let you work from anywhere, even in your pajamas! In this blog post, I'm going to tell you all about virtual assistant jobs and how you can thrive in this exciting job market.
What is a Virtual Assistant?
A virtual assistant is a person who provides support to individuals or businesses remotely. They use their super skills and knowledge to help with various tasks, just like a real-life assistant. The only difference is that they work from their computers, making the world their office!
The Job of a Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistants can do lots of different things to help their clients. They can answer emails, schedule appointments, manage social media accounts, do research, and even help with bookkeeping. It's like having a personal superhero who can do all the tasks that make life easier!
Skills and Qualities of a Successful Virtual Assistant
To be a successful virtual assistant, you need to have some special skills and qualities. You should be good at organizing things, communicating with people, and managing your time. It's like being a superhero with superpowers of organization and communication!
The Benefits of Virtual Assistant Jobs
Working as a virtual assistant comes with lots of awesome benefits! Let me tell you about some of them:
Flexible Work Hours and Location
As a virtual assistant, you can choose when and where you want to work. You can work from home, a coffee shop, or even a beach if you have a good Wi-Fi connection! It's like having the power to create your own work schedule and find the perfect work-life balance.
Diverse Job Opportunities
Virtual assistant jobs are not limited to a specific industry. You can work with entrepreneurs, small businesses, or even busy individuals who need help with their personal tasks. It's like having a world of job opportunities at your fingertips!
Work-Life Balance
One of the coolest things about virtual assistant jobs is that they allow you to have a great work-life balance. You can spend more time with your family and friends, pursue your hobbies, or even travel while working. It's like having the best of both worlds!
Personal and Professional Growth
Working as a virtual assistant can help you develop new skills and grow both personally and professionally. You can learn about different industries, improve your communication and organizational skills, and even build your own online presence. It's like unlocking your full potential and becoming the best version of yourself!
How to Thrive in the Virtual Assistant Job Market
Now that you know about the amazing world of virtual assistant jobs, let me share some tips on how you can thrive in this job market:
Develop and Showcase Your Skills
Continuously learn and improve your skills as a virtual assistant. You can take online courses, attend webinars, or even join virtual assistant communities to learn from others. Remember, the more skills you have, the more valuable you become!
Build a Strong Online Presence
Creating an online presence is important for virtual assistants. Build a professional website or create profiles on platforms like LinkedIn or freelancing websites. It's like having your own superhero headquarters where clients can find and connect with you!
Network and Collaborate
Networking is key to finding virtual assistant job opportunities. Join online communities, attend virtual events, and connect with other professionals in your field. Collaboration can lead to new clients and learning opportunities. It's like teaming up with other superheroes to save the day together!
Provide Exceptional Service and Client Satisfaction
To thrive as a virtual assistant, focus on providing exceptional service to your clients. Be reliable, communicate effectively, and always deliver your work on time. Happy clients will recommend you to others and help you grow your virtual assistant career!
The Future of Virtual Assistant Jobs
The future of virtual assistant jobs is looking bright! Here are some exciting trends to look out for:
Increasing Demand and Market Growth
As more businesses and individuals realize the benefits of virtual assistants, the demand for virtual assistant jobs is expected to increase. It's like the virtual assistant job market is going to be super busy and full of opportunities!
Advancements in Technology and Automation
Technology is constantly evolving, and virtual assistants can take advantage of it. Automation tools and artificial intelligence can help streamline tasks, allowing virtual assistants to focus on more complex and creative work. It's like having futuristic gadgets to help you save time and be even more efficient!
Specialization and Niche Markets
Virtual assistants can specialize in specific industries or tasks, catering to niche markets. For example, you can become a virtual assistant specifically for social media management or e-commerce businesses. It's like becoming a superhero with a unique set of powers tailored to specific needs!
Embracing Remote Work Culture
Remote work is becoming more popular, and virtual assistant jobs are at the forefront of this trend. Companies and individuals are embracing the idea of working with talented professionals regardless of their location. It's like breaking free from traditional office boundaries and exploring a world of possibilities!
FAQs about Virtual Assistant Jobs
What kind of tasks can a virtual assistant handle?
Virtual assistants can handle a wide range of tasks, including administrative work, customer support, social media management, data entry, research, and more. They are like superheroes with the ability to adapt to different tasks!
How much can I earn as a virtual assistant?
The earnings of virtual assistants can vary depending on factors like experience, skills, and the type of tasks they handle. Some virtual assistants charge an hourly rate, while others offer package deals. It's like having the freedom to decide how much you want to earn based on your skills and expertise!
What skills do I need to become a successful virtual assistant?
To become a successful virtual assistant, you need good organizational skills, communication skills, time management abilities, and proficiency in relevant tools and software. It's like gathering the essential tools and powers to become the best virtual assistant superhero!
How do I find virtual assistant job opportunities?
You can find virtual assistant job opportunities through online platforms, freelancing websites, social media groups, and networking events. It's like exploring different avenues to find the perfect job match!
Is it possible to work as a virtual assistant part-time?
Yes, absolutely! Many virtual assistants work part-time, allowing them to have flexibility in their schedules and pursue other interests or responsibilities. It's like having the freedom to choose the work hours that suit your lifestyle!
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cheezcia · 1 year
Power of Social Media in Calamities: Connecting Families, Social Workers, and Government
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In the digital age, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for disseminating information during calamities. Unlike the past, when traditional media outlets like TV, radio, and print were the primary sources of news, social media now plays a vital role in connecting families, social workers, and the government. This blog explores how social media has revolutionized the way information is shared during crises, fostering a sense of community, improving coordination, and enabling swift action.
Instant Updates and Connectivity:
During calamities, social media platforms provide families with instant updates, allowing them to stay connected even when physical communication channels are disrupted. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp enable people to share their safety status, whereabouts, and communicate with their loved ones. This immediate connectivity brings reassurance and peace of mind, mitigating anxiety in times of crisis.
Real-Time Emergency Alerts:
Social media allows government agencies and relief organizations to disseminate real-time emergency alerts and critical information to a wide audience. With a single post or tweet, important updates about evacuation orders, shelter locations, emergency contact numbers, and safety instructions can reach thousands of people within seconds. This instant information flow enables individuals to make informed decisions and take necessary precautions promptly.
Crowdsourced Assistance:
One of the unique strengths of social media is its ability to mobilize support and facilitate crowdsourced assistance. During calamities, platforms like Twitter and Facebook become virtual bulletin boards where individuals can seek help or report someone in need. This collaborative approach connects volunteers, donors, and social workers to affected families, ensuring help reaches them efficiently. Social media acts as a catalyst for community support, encouraging people to come together and provide immediate aid.
Amplifying Voices and Needs:
In the past, the media held the power to control narratives during calamities. However, social media has democratized information sharing, allowing individuals to amplify their voices and highlight the needs of affected communities directly. People can share their experiences, document the impact of the disaster through images and videos, and shed light on areas requiring urgent attention. This grassroots approach ensures that diverse perspectives and localized issues are brought to the forefront, aiding in more targeted relief efforts.
Enhanced Coordination among Social Workers and Government Agencies:
Social media platforms act as virtual coordination hubs for social workers, nonprofits, and government agencies involved in disaster response. These professionals can utilize platforms like LinkedIn and dedicated disaster response groups to exchange critical information, coordinate rescue operations, share resources, and avoid duplication of efforts. The real-time nature of social media facilitates rapid decision-making and improves overall efficiency in disaster management.
Social media has transformed the way families, social workers, and the government discern information during calamities. By providing instant updates, facilitating connectivity, enabling crowdsourced assistance, amplifying voices, and enhancing coordination, social media has become an indispensable tool in times of crisis. It has bridged gaps in communication, empowered individuals and communities, and facilitated swift action. As we navigate an increasingly digital world, harnessing the power of social media will continue to be crucial in creating resilient communities and improving disaster response strategies.
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nayemur · 1 year
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abdulbari12 · 1 year
Data Entry
Title: I will do virtual assistant data entry, web scraping, and copy paste.
Description: I am a professional,virtual assistant who will follow your instructions and provide you with high-quality data entry, excel data entry, data collection, copy-paste work, typing, web research, and data scraping services.
You can hire me for this, so that I can do the right data entry and web scraping for you. If you are looking for someone who can quickly gather web scraping and data from any website for you ,then you are at the right place.
My Service Description: Data collection fron any website
Data Entry
Data Mining
Web Scraper
Web Research
Virtual Assistan
Data collection from Linkedin by sales navigator
Copy Paste
PDF to Excel, Word
JPEG to Excel, Word
Excel Data Entry
CRM Data Entry
E-Commerce Products Listing
What are the benefits of working with me:
I will do your work 100% manually Quality work
Quick and fast delivery services
Also, I am experienced for doing complex tasks easily
Your questions are welcome:
If your are not satisfied with my work, we will be open to review your work and we assure you of a great working relationship,
Thank you
Note:To avoid amy confusion please inbox me,before ordering and feel free to discuss your job description.
What type of project do you hande?
As a virtual assistant specialist, I hande every type of project related to data entry.
Can you scrape data from Amy website?
Yes, I can scrape data and amy type of pantcular customized data from amy website according to your repurement.
Do you have a team of around 10 people to do your huge projects in a shart time.
Amy time are you ready to work with me?
Yes,I am always ready any time to work with you.
When can you deliver?
I will complete your task within your required tiom
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seobadshakhan · 2 years
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I work as a specialized in data entry. I'm competent in all data entry work. Do you need any data entry expert in your business? I am prepared to perform any data entry service for your company. I am fantastic at any data entry service you desire me to accomplish.
Concerning My Service:
️ Lead Generation ️ Data Entry ️ Web Research ️ Internet Research ️ LinkedIn Research ️ Email scraping ️ Email Marketing ️ Business Cards & Brochure Design ️ Virtual Assistant ️ Product Listing ️ B2B lead generation ️ Data collection ️ Copy paste ️ Data mining ️ Any type company list ️ Property Listing ️ Any industry list ️ Skip tracing
Why should you chose me?
Best quality full work Hard working Fastest delivery Quick response 24 hours services
👉👉𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗲: https://bio.link/seobadshakhan
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mbvaservices · 2 years
How to Grow a Social Media following from Scratch
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In today's digital age, social media is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals to reach a wider audience, build brand awareness, and connect with potential customers. However, building a social media following from scratch can be a daunting task. With so many platforms and competitors vying for attention, it can be challenging to stand out and gain traction.
In this article, we'll provide some actionable tips on how to build a social media following from scratch.
1.Define Your Goals and Target Audience
Before you start building your social media presence, it's essential to define your goals and target audience. What do you want to achieve by using social media? Do you want to increase sales, drive traffic to your website, or build brand awareness? Once you've identified your goals, you need to determine your target audience. Who are your ideal customers, and what social media platforms do they use the most?
2. Create a Consistent Brand Identity
Creating a consistent brand identity across all social media platforms is crucial. Your brand identity includes your logo, colors, fonts, and tone of voice. It should be consistent across all social media platforms to create a cohesive brand presence.
3. Choose the Right Social Media Platforms
There are many social media platforms to choose from, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and more. It's essential to choose the right platform that aligns with your target audience and goals. For example, if your target audience is primarily millennials, Instagram and TikTok may be the best platforms for you.
4. Create High-Quality Content
High-quality content is key to building a social media following. Your content should be visually appealing, informative, and engaging. It should align with your brand identity and resonate with your target audience. You can create different types of content, such as images, videos, stories, and blogs, depending on the platform you're using.
5. Engage with Your Audience
Engaging with your audience is essential to building a social media following. Respond to comments and messages, ask for feedback, and participate in conversations related to your industry. Engaging with your audience creates a sense of community and can help build brand loyalty.
6. Use Hashtags and Keywords
Hashtags and keywords are essential to reaching a broader audience on social media. Research relevant hashtags and keywords related to your industry and include them in your posts. This will help your content appear in search results and increase your visibility.
7. Collaborate with Other Brands and Influencers
Collaborating with other brands and influencers can help you reach a wider audience and build credibility. Look for brands and influencers in your industry that align with your values and reach out to them to collaborate on a project or campaign.
8. Be Consistent
Consistency is key to building a social media following. You need to post regularly and at the right time to reach your target audience. Use a social media scheduler to plan your content in advance and ensure you're posting consistently.
Building a social media following takes time, effort, and dedication. By following these tips, you can create a strong social media presence and build a loyal following that will help you achieve your goals.
If you're ready to take your business to the next level, consider working with a virtual assistant. You'll be glad you did!
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