#Lmao sorry Kaine
lonelysucker7 · 6 months
LIL DOODLE BOOPING THE BROS (Thanks sis for the idea 🤗)
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4/19/24 edit: I added ink
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your-zipper-is-down · 6 months
UU Week Day 4, Favorite UMA
Something something, God creating Kindness as a means to make humanity suffer, something something.
And I hope we get to see them join Union this loop, I miss them!!
Today's fic, centered on them
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big1ron · 1 month
Hi! Do you write spider clones fics? If so whats your ao3 acc? I LOVE your art btw you're a ray of light in this infuriatingly small fandom :3
YES I do my notes app HATES me there are so many unfinished fics there... the visions. They torment me.
I DO HAVE SOME PUBLISHED THOUGH! And here's my personal favourite!
THANK YOU though bro for your kind words. there might only be like 8 of us but I WILL PROVIDE FOR US. As soon as my brain and hands get back online.
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softgrungeprophet · 5 months
someday i'll finish the kaine fic, which is actually one fic of like three or four interconnected fics, and then everyone can look at the wordcount and say:
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thethreemages · 6 months
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*criez in not posting anything in ages… again ToT*
-Heyoooo, TTM blog followers! Mad sorry in advance for the absence here 😭💔Been long meaning to post my last few TTM arts completed from back on DA, so here to refresh some of the empty space with these portrait updates I made with the main Graystone princes, Elas & Kain~ ✨🔥💠
Will try to get around to their full body bio ref pieces when I get the chance, but rest assured these boys will still continue on with their antics of the fiery, stern prince Elas keeping his laidback, chaotic crystal bro Kain out of trouble (-before they inevitably drive eachother nuts, one way or another~ lmao)
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shmowder · 2 months
ok here are some songs with lyric examples that I think represent certain pathologic characters (or at least make me associate the song with them)
sorry it took me a while to do lmao- you can tell i’m biased towards daniil (though I even threw in a song for georgiy for you!!!)
(woah you can totally tell I like björk and of monsters and men guys who did that-)
daniil dankovsky:
- obsession by ok go
a look so quick, a movement so slight, you could almost imagine it didn’t just happen. but everything will change, with just one look, one little glance. it’s not passing fascination, now. it’s obsession.
- hold on tight by aespa
situation critical, it’s heavy. a million blocks of obstacles, you help me see a different pov, (giving back all my) faith in a catastrophe (it’s alright). keep on moving, beat the system, autopilot, cruising. tunnel vision, victory, no losing. heaven knows it’s one hell of a ride. better hold on tight, better hold on tight, for your life.
- destroyer by of monsters and men
I want to be the king of my body and mind. gravity, let me go. before it bruises and blackens me and you, bury me in the glow. and I find sorrow in idle minds, and solace in being heard. (you better run, boy, run, but be afraid. cry, boy, cry, don’t play the game. gravity holds me down.)
artemy burakh:
- visitor by of monsters and men
let’s not make this complicated, I know you. last night I had the strangest dream that you knew me too. but you need to wake up, I can’t have you disappear. just like my parents' house, i’ve become a visitor.
- your bones by of monsters and men
awaken by the sound of a screaming owl, chasing leaves in the wind, going where we’ve never been. said goodbye to you, my friend, as the fire spread. all that’s left are your bones, that will soon sink like stones. so hold on. hold on to what we are, hold on to your heart.
georgiy kain:
- i’ve seen it all by björk
i’ve seen it all, I have seen the trees, I have seen the willow leaves, dancing in the breeze. (i’ve seen a man killed by his best friend, and lives that were over before they were spent). i’ve seen what I was and I know what i’ll be. i’ve seen it all, there is no more to see. — (what about china? have you seen the great wall?) all walls are great if the roof doesn’t fall.
peter stamatin:
- dandelion wine by gregory alan isakov
summer days were just a magazine, a magazine. cutting grass for gasoline, for gasoline, so I can see ya soon. fall swooned, left me drunk in a field. dandelion wine for a year.
- hallucinogenics by matt maeson
pushing past the limit, trippin’ on hallucinogenics. my cigarette burnt my finger ‘cause I forgot I lit it. rippin’ with my sinners, ‘cause fuck it, man, I ain’t no beginner. and then I crawled back to the life that I said I wouldn’t live in.
eva yan:
- hidden place by björk
and the littlest of his movements. hides himself, invents a charm that makes him invisible, hides in the air. can I hide there, too? hide in the air of him? seek solace, sanctuary. in the hidden place, in a hidden place, we’ll stay in a hidden place.
- it’s not up to you by björk
I wake up and the day feels broken. I tilt my head, i’m trying to get an angle. ‘cause the evening i’ve always longed for could still happen. how do I master the perfect day? six glasses of water, seven phone calls. (if you leave it alone, it might just happen, anyway.) it’s not up to you (oh, it never really was), it’s not up to you (well, it never really was).
these are just some songs, it just took me a while to format it all hahaha. let me know what you think!!! maybe every once in a while I can add a few more or something!! you don’t have to listen to these but I thought you might find the lyrics or music interesting!! (still working on that response to the longer ask, promise!)
love, -🥀
I just clicked on the first song and ohmygodohmygod the vibes are fucking perfect.
Imma link the songs you mentioned below bc these are some good picks.
Daniil Dankovsky
Kinda imagining Daniil and Reader in a room filled with people, a professional setting, and you notice him glancing at you. The whole "A look so quick" sparks obsession at first sight rather than just love at first sight.
Adding this one to my personal playlist actually lemme just yoink it. Enemies to lovers energy.
Assigning the prickly prick who will doom us all a song called "Destroyer" is more amusing than it has any right to be. The lyrics are really fitting in some poetic irony
Artemy Burakh
"Just like my parents' house, I've become a visitor." Ouch, my heart.
I'm adding this one to my playlist, too. It embodies yearning for what once was in a beautiful way. Mourning the future as well.
Georgiy Kain
You included him for me? Just for me?? What a beautiful thing it is to even be remembered. I'm so touched <3 that's very thoughtful of you.
The song is absolutely perfect for my personal taste. It's my favourite one so far! I adore the mix of classical "musical like" instruments with the whispery vocals, the violin slow descend into madness, the greiving, the sparks of hope that fizzle out as sudden as they appear. The whispery voice becomes louder and louder as the song goes on. I love songs that tell a story, that use everything from the rhythm, beat, instruments and even pauses between each word to tell a tale.
I see your vision with the judge, It paints a morose scene of him going through memory lane one last time before the soul of his twin–Simon kain–completely takes over.
Reminiscing over his life, all the greateness, and what did it serve him now? All the things he has seen, the miracles he witnessed. Memories slip past his fingers like fine sand grains, he's losing what it means to be him, his brain doesn't beling to him anymore, the focus is ready, his time is up. The world slows down with courtesy, and his soul gives a final whimper before it's torn out of his flesh.
He goes out with one last scream.
Peter Stamatin
It's calm, soothing even. Dandelion Wine, what a beautiful title. Fitting for the Twyrine. A facade that mends the soul, a slow poison that makes you feel whole.
I like how the song switches between the main vocalist singing alone and then with a chorus, only for them to disappear as quickly as they appeared. Peter is a renowned famous architect and yet spends most of his time alone confined to a single room, how his brother is his only friend, how the crowd never lasts long.
Eva Yan
God the background chorus, the angelic high voices that follow her. The anxiety inducing beat reminds you of time running out, you're running out, and you're running.
"the evening I've always longed for could still happen" Hoping and waiting and hoping and waiting and hoping and waiting and hoping and waiting and hoping and wa-
It's not up to her how the spindle of fate spins.
Thank you for sharing this, genuinely. They fit the characters perfectly, from the melody to the lyrics and even distinct instruments at times. It's amazing how you could make connections out of two separate pieces of art that were never made for each other yet still compliment one another all the same.
I want to share my music with you too as well! When it comes to Pathologic, The seed by Aurora resonates with me the most.
I really enjoyed listening to them <3 take care of yourself. I'm still on a happiness high from you including the judge ngl.
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nabsthevulture · 5 months
I know you're wanting to be a dog trainer, but would you ever be a dog breeder? A few people I follow on insta do both and I think that's pretty cool!
I've actually given some thought to it. What's funny is that I was just looking into what it would involve to collect and freeze sperm, because It can be frozen indefinitely, but its more effective to collect from a dog when they're considerably younger than Kaine is. I could still try, but it's also very expensive and I don't know if I want to put him through it. As much as I would love a son from Kaine, it's not going to happen. But he'll still be with me no matter what.
Sorry to get sappy lmao
But yes, I've considered it but not any time soon. I would need property, certifications, connections, plans, etc.
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spider-mar2004 · 5 months
Bw careful! You shouldnt let them interact unsupervised! The Ben is gonna get real lonely fast, it was probably a bad idea to get them at seperate times as its gonna take a while to socalize them. The Kaine might get territorial
Oh god yes you right!, but the attack from Kaine was very unexpected! Literally i just turned for see a toy for them,then i left to go for shower and boom he slapped Ben. But don't worry i have Ben with me sleeping, i am giving him love and treats, and of course Kaine too, for be fair.
Still Kaine is kinda annoyed and yes territorial, i'll introduce Ben again but slowly and with distance, if i get well reactions, i'll see if they can be together but this time carefully. Currently, Princess Kaine is on his cage, not a small one btw, nobody wants an stressed Pocket Spider.
Didn't really expect Kainy go so rude even behaving good from earlier.
Note: Had to edit the answer because i forgot that i went to shower part lmao sorry my memory is bad
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procyo9 · 1 year
rules: list 5 comfort characters and tag at least 5 people.
Thank you @ghostoffuturespast for tagging me! :3
This is going to be so hard bc I have A LOT of those (and most of them are total loserboys) I was a lonely teen unfortunately LMAO
Raziel (Legacy of Kain)
Mamimi Samejima (FLCL)
Chai (Hi-Fi Rush)
Mae Borowski (Night in the Woods)
White (Neon White)
honorable mentions: Lain, Spike Spiegel and half of the Ryu Ga Gotoku cast lol
These are some of the characters that either are with me for a long time or joined the comfort circle recently, but gosh do I need them all to survive <3
Tagging: @juststayquiete @hydrasshole @scrinovskaya @katsigian @wanderingaldecaldo sorry if you were already tagged!! No obligations <3
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I am reviewing my first sacrifice for consumption, ‘Woof! Woof! Bork! Nya?’ By our very own, @zane-romeave (I do believe, correct me if I tagged the wrong person lmao)
A warning from the author themselves on discord: ‘I didn’t know how to write romance so this is mostly the setup to a highschool political drama’
And the summary on the website that shan’t be named because ew stinky (/j, it’s Wattpad):
‘Kai and Ein are seniors attending Phoenix Drop High. Although neither wants to admit it, they’ve grown quite partial to each other. But, Kai’s a Meif’wa and Ein’s a werewolf. Cats and dogs should hate eachother, right?’
Kien? Kain? Is that’s the ship name? Idk I’ll shut up now
Now onto the actual review (and further summarising from myself):
It starts in Ein’s perspective, him talking about how much Phoenix Drop sucks in comparison to his old highschool (appropriately named ‘Remus Amademy’), for all the reasons that Ein would of course think something sucks. There’s a lack of paragraphs per speaker but because of the way the dialogue is written it’s easy enough to figure out who it is talking (and by that I mean they literally say it right after the dialogue. Ein begins to complain about having to be shown around by Kai because that’s what Orientation is for (in England we call it something else so sorry if that’s the wrong word). At the end of the day, Kai gives Ein his phone number, and the chapter ends Kai’s perspective, wondering what Ein is hiding.
A good start. Gotta love Kai’s phone number being 987-654-3210. There’s an introduction of two relationships (Aphmau and Kai’s with Ein), a little preview of Ein’s violent tendencies, and some mystery sprinkled in, overall setting up well for a story.
Chapter two starts with Kai looking out for Ein (stalking, but with good intention). And then him explaining some social shit, like werewolves and Meif’wa not typically being seen to hang around each other a lot, to the point where people find it strange when they do. We also meet one of Kai’s friends that I will call Chess because I think it’s funny. Then we find out he has Chemistry with Ein, and Kai wonders why no one seems fond of the guy. We know. He doesn’t.
We appreciate Kai having his own friends here in this house. Because I swear he doesn’t in canon PDH?? Idk. Appreciate the building up of the social dynamic between werewolves and Meif’wa, though, introducing an issue that may come from them being friends. Also, paragraphs for speakers begins. Negatives points for the unironic use of the word bro.
This chapter is Ein’s POV. He meets Leo (otherwise referred to as Lunar) who is kind of an ass. Kai is a sweaty little shrimp, Ein thinks that’s grim. Some dude throws up.
It was a fun chapter, albeit short. Poor Quintara, whoever he may be, and I have known Leo for all of three seconds and I am already expecting to dislike him.
Kai’s POV this time, giving us a little idea for how long he and Ein have known eachother thus far. 2 weeks. Kai is thriving in the makeup remover brand ‘school air’ and his only stress is that Leo wants him to be Saber, though thankfully the only move they’d made regarding this was sending Chess to tell him. We get some saber lore, Ein eats gummy bears in a chem lab, Kai mocks him for fearing the gummy flames as it is dropped into the molten potassium chloride. Someone and their buddy Carlos have a weird plan including pictures. Creeps.
I actually appreciated the saber lore. Idk if it’s included in canon but if it was I didn’t remember it. Thanks. And more drama, we love drama, we want drama, drama was had. Lovely. Also, Ein not obeying lad safety rules makes a lot of sense.
The final chapter, the end to it all, ‘Love, lies and fanfics’. We get Ein’s POV. He thinks he’s being stalked. Chess proves himself not to be a ‘lapdog’ like Kai suggested by saying he calls Leo ‘Lunar’ to piss him off because Leo is a racist cunt. Chess also writes fluff au fics, absolute icon. He especially likes non-violent tsunderes and megane pairings, even going on to explain the two tropes. Ein begins to think he can manipulate Chess, and then we get some more things to do with that person and Carlos. Carlos is airing them. Rude.
A cliffhanger, oh no. And it’s the end of it so far, but it’s been a fun while. We love Chess in this house, chess is an icon, Ein needs to back off. Negative points for getting me hooked on something with only five chapters, asshole /j
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bardengarde · 1 year
For the ask game: T and X with fma
Sorry for taking so long to answer!!!
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So a lot of my headcanons tend to be for Riza Hawkeye tbh because I used to rp as her a lot way back in the day
I'm a huge fan of the idea that Riza is bisexual and her and Rebecca were ~roommates~ while they were in military training and they totally had a fling. Does this break every fraternisation law ever? Totally. Do I care? No
Once watched an animatic that pretty much implied that Berthold had Riza's hair cut short because she looked too much like her deceased mom with it long and I adopted that headcanon as well- animatic can be found here.
I also had this au where Riza was a horse girl and actually had a horse that belonged to her mom that she took care of after her mom passed away but I'd almost consider it my own personal headcanon for her backstory now and I totally plan on drawing some stuff about it!
In the same vein, I headcanon Roy Mustang to ironically be absolutely incompetent around horses and was definitely chased out of pasture by the one Riza had at least once.
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Riza Hawkeye for sure, beloved blorbo
Alphonse Elric because of course???
Jean Havoc bc I love a himbo
Kain Fuery bc he's precious and deserves more love
Andddddd Winry Rockbell bc she's really sweet and tough and deserves so much love
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would also like to do the ladies (aracely and anya, cindy, maybe andi depending on what happens w/ her, maaaaybe julia but she's on the west coast) and miles at some point once i finish up peter's suits and do a cleaner lineup of kaine's but for obvious reasons i can't just use my peter parker template for them 😂
there's also some symbiote stuff that's reallllly up in the air but carnorpion is a guarantee LMAO but idk if i'll draw that. sorry mac that's like. work. just imagine how he looked when tradd moore drew him, but, red and slippery
there are still details about the timeline i'm figuring out in general though... even that electro-proof suit i only placed in 2013 recently...
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wyverncult · 1 year
also 001 final fantersy 003 sabin even if i know neither :)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: *RUBS MY HANDS TOGETHER* sabin, freya, cloud, ignis, bartz, faris, minwu, tidus, auron, kain, aymeric 🫡 im playing ffviii rn and i also like laguna and seifer. honourable mention for my bff gilgamesh too
Least Favorite character: estinien from ffxiv.... he's annoying sorry LMAO, i'm hoping he gets better later. i cant really think of anyone else. edge ffiv was a disappointment but im hoping he's better in the after years
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): faris/bartz(fartz lol), cyan/sabin, edgar/setzer ... actually i dont have many ships, yuna/tidus gladio/ignis prompto/noctis cloud/zack are a given. i also don't particularly ship them but i do like the canon pairings :]
Character I find most attractive: Auron.....
Character I would marry: oh man idk. maybe sabin he'd be great
Character I would be best friends with: TIDUS YOU AND ME LET'S BE BESTIES. or sabin again he's great :)
a random thought: im not far enough into ffxiv to know whether yoshi-p's writing is truly fantastic but i think his obsession with realism & realistic battle system etc. wrt XVI is a bit strange. im still gonna play the game but ?
An unpopular opinion: I HATED FFXIV ARR so much. i know it's not an unpopular opinion but it took forever to get into ffxiv that i was genuinely concerned i wasnt going to like it. if you want to play the game just get the free trial. also the way people treat tifa wrt cloud makes me feel insane
My Canon OTP: not exactly an otp but tidus and yuna are SO cute :[ i do also like celes and locke a LOT though
My Non-canon OTP: FARTZ!!! and cybin :]
Most Badass Character: IGNIS!!!!!! episode ignis makes me feel insane. i actually didn't care that much for him until after i played the game and was like wait hes actually amazing
Most Epic Villain: as for EPIC its gotta be kefka for sure. he has the best OST and best fight for sure. i also LOVE kuja and ardyn but theyre not particularly "epic" i think
Pairing I am not a fan of: cloud/sephiroth, terra/anyone(except maybe celes..), ignis/noctis(though it might be growing on me? shrug)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i could write an essay about ffxv. lunafreya deserved more screentime & from what i read what they had in mind for her was REALLY interesting and im excited to read her chapter in the novel. gladio was a bit better in episode gladiolus than the actual game... but he wasnt awful either. also, not FF, but all of the kingdom hearts portrayals of all the ff characters is HORRIBLE.
Favourite Friendship: i know yuna and tidus are a couple but they're ADORABLE friends too :[ i love them together. also prompto and noctis! zack and cloud are cute too
Character I most identify with: ohhh *scratching my head* maybe faris! with his whole thing LOL
Character I wish I could be: I NEED TO LOOK LIKE SABIN IRL 👍
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: HES MY ALLTIME FAVOURITE FF CHARACTER all the characters in ffvi are so good but i just looove sabin and it doesn't help that soraya saga put so much love into writing him and edgar LOL
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: cyan of course... i've also seen people shipping him with vargas which is good too but i haven't thought that much about their dynamic
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: EDGAR OF COURSE their whole thing makes me. grrr. GRRR. how horrified was sabin to find out his brother formed an allyship with the very people who murdered their family. yet they were so happy to see each other once again when they reunited :[ i miss them. also edgar trying to convince his TWIN brother that he was a completely different person was hilarious. aside from him GAU!! sabin's dedication to encouraging him to reunite with his father because he couldn't have the same thing for himself & yet it was never possible grrrr. Grrrrrrr. also i think they're just hilarious LOL. despite that he doesn't exactly interact with the other characters but imagining anything with all the other FFVI cast is really fun. i really like the one DFFOO story where shelke and llyud asked sabin about edgar and he basically encouraged them to host a lengthy investigation on him all day long LMAO.
now i want to rp...
My unpopular opinion about this character: HE LOOKS BETTER WITH THE BEARD
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: in general i wish we got more content in ffvi! i wish we'd get a proper remake! or even a novel or something! if ffvi got the ffvii treatment we'd get so much more content on all the characters :[
Favorite friendship for this character: OK so i heard he's friends or acquaintances at least with shadow... but.......... i killed shadow before the WOR and i havent wanted to look up his cutscenes before my replay so i haven't thought about his relationship with him past the phantom train.... i guess favourite friendship would have to be with his brother LMFAO.
My crossover ship: none! still playing DFFOO though so maybe something will crop up 🤔
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big1ron · 4 months
guys i'm sorry i keep going back to it it's just so funny
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he was the one narrating. he was there. pull back the camera and he's just fuckin there. lmao what. how did he know. he was just gonna do a bit of grave robbing but this was convenient anyways. i have so many grim hunt thoughts on my god.
also can you imagine if Kaine was just Tarantula and not Scarlet Spider? i feel like they were considering it for a bit anyways.
this look is still good you can't change my mind....
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softgrungeprophet · 4 months
put too much time today into thinking about hormones and a bunch of other stuff including vocal pitch mostly to just reaffirm my gut instinct which is that windowverse Kaine probably sounds like Shohreh Agdashloo but w/ a Queens accent and that Peter, yeah, he has the same vocal pitch as Andrew Garfield—
this is not just because I like TASM (i mean it's related) but because specifically one of the notes I have in windowverse Peter's visual design is his long neck w/ prominent adam's apple and overall lanky build and height being pretty similar to AG's so like... yeah he has a similar vocal range... but also was just listening to an interview game to double-check that reference actually matches what I had decided, which is "Peter has a wide speaking vocal range which can go fairly low but also fairly high" and yup, bro speaks with a prominent vocal fry and can go into much higher pitches at the drop of a hat so that's exactly what I was looking for lol
anyway that for Peter and Ben, compared w/ Kaine more reffing Agdashloo who has a very restricted, very gravelly, very deep voice (which apparently is super polarizing on reddit) (huge shock (sarcasm) but haters can die mad about it, i love her voice)
I actually have other voice notes specifically wrt to accent as well as voice tone, which is that I noted for Peter, he probably shares some similarities with especially young Alan Arkin, but also Adrien Brody and... uh... Christopher Walken a little bit 😂 (more for uncle ben though, but uncle ben is also much more of a peter falk in my head for like, obvious reasons as far as "brain linking together similar-looking old jewish men with (in au) glasses" even though he was from the bronx rather than queens of course) (my main exposure to peter falk has been the princess bride, not columbo lol)
other characters include reed (who is, in the au, a butch woman, as some may already be aware of) being a kind of mix of lauren bacall, cary grant, sally kellerman, with a low and crisp semi-natural midatlantic pattern in general. also yes if you don't know, i'm here to say that when i imagine regular comic book reed richards speaking i do just imagine a mid-century mid-atlantic radio host voice 😂😂😂 it just feels right lmao especially when reading silver age fantastic four comics, so it stuck in my head (i do like ioan gruffudd a lot as a casting choice though)
norman more in the realm of jack cassidy, david rockefeller, alexander scourby, etc... esp jack cassidy a la... also columbo lol
that's all i have. i mean i have a very specific way flash sounds in my head but i don't know an actor to reference for that. one of the american male voices in XCOM 2 is shockingly close to it though.
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caffeine-high · 3 months
im so sorry but there's ANOTHER Kian copypasta???? i need to know about this lol im the one who rewrote the 'I've come to make an announcement' copypasta lmao
sorta! :3
i was hoping for there to be an original kian copypasta, but that doesn't really seem to exist so when i was near the end of watching calamidade i rewrote the jurgen leitner copypasta which i have been using instead! or rather, ive been using edited, despoilered versions of it
original one contains full Calamidade spoilers, but the Desconjuração version is under the cut
if i could go to tenebris and explore the unexplored, but the other side said kian was waiting inside i would piss on the other side’s feet for the sole purpose of getting sent back to reality, i would make a thiago and cesar special and kick that door so hard it gives me damage to close it
if i had to deal with taking kian seriously for one moment of my fucking life not only will i close the tab i will delete every bookmark and generated subtitle out of fucking spite have to watch all of desconjuração again and spend half my life in the manor for the experience of being able to then skip over the parts where kian is mentioned
yes he has a fucked up backstory to explain how he is, but it does not explain just how much of a fucking child he is wheeeh wheeh you were mean to me so now i have to kill you and keep beating your dead body while shouting about how superiour i am SHUT THE FUCK UP
paypal.com/FuckingHateKianKushim every cent goes towards getting merch shipped to places it currently is not
the story should not even be about him, taking 4000 years just to get marked and get noticed by senpai then will probably loose all of that within a fucking year
mr i am the first occultist mr i know all, mr planned for this his whole 4000 year life and managed to so catastrofically fuck up that within a year it will become undone
man’s never heard of the sunk cost fallacy, oh ive already killed thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people, truly i cannot stop now FUCKER, you can quit at any time ya know best time was 4000 years ago, next best time was after the first life you took, next best time after the second, but truly, the (next*x^n)th best time is right fucking now
disconjuration? well discon-tinue your fucking story mate
i fucking hope we know the exact date of your defeat because im going to set a reminder in my phone and every year i will see it and i will laugh at this fucker who at the height of his power could not even keep himself composed enough to not sound like a fucking preteen who needs a nap
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