#Lmk not mayor
emelinstriker · 6 months
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ehe c:
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fanficlerontheroof · 1 year
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syntaxerrorvirusfound · 3 months
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
i've noticed how there's been lots of family related content going on here 👀👀 so if you don't mind me keeping the train going, may i request a (separate) mayor, SWK, macaque, syntax and nezha with an s/o who is a single parent ?? and maybe s/o has a child that was shy and a bit awkward towards them at first meeting because s/o's kid didn't know what to feel knowing that their parent is dating someone, yet overtime after they hanged out more often, they slowly warm up to the boys and even started to admire, and like them where it's gotten to the point where the child was comfortable, and happy enough to be with them that they calls them 'dad' ??? 🥺
Anon I like the way you think 🤩
Also I may or may not have gotten ahead of myself and added MK and Redson because I'm still on a roll from the parent scenarios >:00
MK, SWK, Macaque, Nezha, Mayor, and Syntax x Single Parent!Reader (moreso platonically talking Abt their kid!)
The best with kids! He finds it very easy to engage with you and your child :)
Also pretty protective of you and them. Not helicopter-level but still worries a substantial amount
He understands that the child may not like him at first, but he still tries! No matter what age they are, he finds a way to entertain them!
If the child is able and willing to be picked up, he does. Holds them in his arms, on his shoulder, piggyback rides—you name it
He also tries to take some stress off of you when he can. If you’re helping the child with some homework, he’s fine with tidying up a bit around the house
When the kid starts warming up to him, he has the time of his life as they talk to each other about their interests. He definitely passes along his favorite stories about Monkey King
Cries when the kid calls him “dad”. Like omg it’s like a waterfall ;-; he’s so happy
10/10 he’s super fun to be around and always has a treat for them
He’s very good with children, but he never pictured having one himself. Now that he’s with you he’s a little more open to connecting with them
No idea what to do at first. Probably freezes up but still tries to talk
You’ll have to nudge them both to start socializing
He begins by telling them simple stories from his life—nothing about the violence or bad parts of the journey, but probably others like how he became immortal
Allows the kid to gently play with his ears and tail. He wants them to lead, to size him up, bc he’s afraid of being too rough with them
When the child starts being more open with him he starts being more open too. He acts more like a dad during this time
Loves the little family dynamic he has with you now. He looks forward to seeing your kid, he looks forward to bonding with you both
Stims SO hard when the child refers to him as their dad. Like yes!! That’s him!!!!!
9/10 just because he would probably think in the mindset of “ok this is a baby monkey”
He can tolerate kids. But he hasn’t had to worry about being around them a whole lot ever since leaving FFM. That being said, he is terrified of messing up
He treats them like they’re made of glass. You’ll have to encourage him a lot—he reminds himself that this isn’t just some stranger, it’s your child.
The one thing he masters very quickly is bedtime. He loves telling stories and playing with the shadows to help lull the child to sleep :)
Really good at helping you and the child with a daily routine. He’s 100% there to pick them up from school, he goes to the parent-teacher conferences with you, heck, he’s not half-bad at homework.
Once the two are closer, he offers up the idea of training them to do karate or some kind of martial arts. It’s a great bonding experience.
So patient with them. If the child ever shows signs of needing space or time to figure something out, he steps back. He makes it clear he is willing to help and then lets things play out.
Really good at pretend play. The best French waiter impression in the pretend restaurant :)
When he is referred to as “dad” he realizes he’s in for the long haul and is SO okay with it.
10/10 shows up in a shadow portal at their school to drop off their lunch
Man’s is going into this knowing very little about modern kids. But like everything else he’s done, he’s gonna put all the effort he can into it.
Probably really formal about it? The kid is so confused and actually laughs at him a little
You have to give him tips here and there. Like, no, they don’t know complex arithmetic yet, don’t bond with them over a conversation about it?
He likes being active with them. Trips to the park, simple backyard games like tag or hide and seek—it’s honestly super nice and relaxing for him and he likes seeing them energetic and ready to chase him
He’s really intelligent about many subjects, so he’s probably the best out of all of them for homework or studying.
He picks them up from school using his fire wheels and the kid LOVES it
He reads those parenting books if he feels the need to or if he needs serious guidance, but more often than not he comes to you for advice
Acts like it’s no big deal that he gets called “dad” but on the inside he’s jumping for joy
9/10 the kid has to educate him on what My Little Pony is because he has no idea about modern media
So so so afraid of messing up. His childhood was rough in every sense of the word; with his powers having to be toned down by a whole lot and then his own father being sealed beneath a mountain with his mother left to raise him alone. He wants your kid to have a good childhood.
He’s very practical. He doesn’t imagine a whole lot and this leads to a lot of dead-end conversations with your kid.
Eventually he says “screw it” and not only reads a ton of parenting books but also decides to go along with any tangent or question the child presents him with
It’s entertaining to watch them try to figure each other out
More than anything Redson likes to try and cook meals for you all. He’s got fun-shaped pancakes down to a T.
Definitely hypes the kid up at school. Drops them off and picks them up in his coolest vehicles, puts their best grades and projects on the fridge
He likes having the kid meditate with him every once in a while, just to show them how to just be.
Like Nezha, acts very casually at being called dad. But he will cry as soon as the child is out of earshot
9/10 he “accidentally” teaches the child to refer to their classmates as peasants.
He’s a busy man by default. But he’s learning to balance everything as he spends more time with you and eventually is introduced to your child
Before anything, he reads the books and consults anyone on his staff with kids. He talks to you as well. How should he talk to them? What do they like? Is there a certain food they enjoy?
Cool, calm, collected. Waits very patiently for the child to assess him and answers any questions they have.
He involves himself in their school stuff. Very attentive to the quality of teachers, how the child is doing in their classes. Second most useful in helping them with work(first being Nezha).
Takes the kid with him to work every once in a while to show them around. The most dad-like out of all of them. In appearance, in attitude, and of course in jokes.
After a particularly dumb pun, the child laughs and says “dad that’s so bad!” And this man FREEZES
Cries about it to you, is so happy to be accepted by your child and have you both in his life
10/10 he owns a #1 Dad mug now :)
Listen I love a scientist spider as much as the next guy but I cannot see him liking kids. It’ll take a lot of effort on your part to get both him and your child to hang out with each other
He’s hesitant, he isn’t sure what kids even like, so he makes a peace offering of sorts. He shows them his software where he can code games and what not
It’s interesting to the kid so they end up talking with him about video games and science for a while
Slowly but surely they get along really well! Syntax really does try his best because it’s for you, and in the end he can’t honestly say he doesn’t love your child too
Very engaging when it comes to schoolwork, he finds it easy to explain things in a simpler or more entertaining way than the dumb directions do!
Before long he’s actually offering to take care of the kid while you’re busy or pick them up from school. It’s the highlight of his day when they hop in his car and show him the high score they got on a science project because he helped them!
(Takes them for ice cream after because OBVIOUSLY this is a very momentous occasion)
Shocked when they call him dad. He never thought he’d be deserving of that title, or even of that position, but he’s been doing it all along and he’s proud to call them his child as well as yours.
8/10 rough patches here and there but he’s got the effort!
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*Fighting Lady Bone demon* Wukong *under his breath*: Some shit’s just etched into the stars, calamities you can’t outrun LBD: What did he say? Mayor: I do believe he's singing, my lady. LBD *At Wukong*: Are you singing!? Wukong: No! Also Wukong: And when sweet earth we finally meet, the sky will burn and boil the sea. As mountains rend, it’s you and me. LBD: Unbelievable, he's singing. Singing! During a fight! Wukong: Well if you don't like the song, I'm open to suggestions.
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familyofpaladins · 1 year
okay, so I was thining about LBD'S line where she goes "[monkey king] picked the Wrong Successor" and how ironic it is in context of season 4, because Wukong Literally could not have picked a BETTER SUCCESSOR. Like, they are literally cut from the same stone! What better successor than someone who literally came from the same source?
And then I was thinking, what if she Knew that and still said it? (She was messing with his head after all, so why not).
Also remember that line she said at the end of season 3? I can't remeber the exact phrase but it was something like "I will not be stopped by a bunch of simians!" EDIT: the line is "I will not be undone by a troop of head strong simians!" When referring to Monkey King, Macaque, And MK.
And I think we as a fandom wondered why she said that. Did she call them that because it was just easier to say than saying 2 simians and a human? Did she just group him into that title because he's the "monkie" kid? Was she actually just referring to Wukong and Macaque?
Or did she Know?
And how/why would she know?
What if, The (not) Mayor made Mk?
Hear me out!
Why? You ask.
To get the powers of the Monkey King without actually having to mess with the Monkey King.
Ya know that theory that Mk was needed to like, Power the skeleton key (because why else would the mayor give it to MK instead of just using it himself or getting to the Bull family right away) before the Bone Spirit could be realeased? (I'll try to find the post later)
Well if we go with that theory, and going with the reason being that they need Monkey King's power because he was One of the People who sealed her away... Obviously Wukong isnt going to help release her. So how else can the get his power?
ALSO, even if the key thing isnt true, They would have needed to steal wukong's powers to power up the mech. But also, the staff was shown that it was also needed as one of the items to make the mech. But before Mk came along (and Red Son building the gauntlet), the staff was still being used to lock up DBK.
So if at the very least, all they wanted to do was get the staff. They'd have to find someone who could actually lift it.
Monkey king isnt just going to lift the staff for them and hand it over. Also not just going to hand over his powers to one of his worst enemies. And they cant just fight him either. He's too strong. (Even if they were able to find him after he dissapeared for 500 years)
Make a NEW monkey from his stone? One who has all the potential of the original sun wukong but can be molded into whatever they want?
It's the perfect plan.
The Mayor just uses his power to make a new monkey from the old stone.
Excpet immediately after making the new moneky…. it flipping dissapear and it's not until like 15 years later when some kid with wukong's staff starts fighting demons that he figures out where the child went. (And realize they can finally enact the plan! Get him to use the key so they can unlock the tomb, and then the rest of destiny can be fulfilled)
It also explains why LBD has such an effect on MK! Like. The mayor has powers through the white bone spirit. So if some of that power was also like, fed into MK during his creation? It might be why he's so affected by her and grabs his head and looks like he's in pain so often.
Also (and this might just be a stylistic choice of the animation crew) the ink demon when it talks to MK has that bluish glow for outlines. It gave me LBD vibes. So what if it looks like that because of the power used to make Mk?
Maybe it's something maybe it's not.
But how convenient it is to have a vessel of the Monkey King's power with out having to actually deal with the Monkey King?
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wolfsonic · 8 months
Hey Everyone!! Sorry I’ve been slacking on drawing monkey’s, but brain got AU in head and it won’t go away. I don’t know the name of the AU yet or the name for who I’m about to show yet. Maybe you guys can help me!
Now without further ado, let me introduce to you Possessed Chao-Xing, but not Chao-axing
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In this AU, when Wukong finished his journey, he was summoned to the underworld. Macaque's soul had gone missing, which didn't make sense to the monkey because his mate had been fine when he left after their fight. Angry and pissed, but still alive.
WuKong went on a wild goose chase to find his soul, taking over a month to finally get ahold of it. Whatever did, this didn't make it easy. While he was away, Chao-Xing's egg appeared at WuKong's original hatching place. It was then her egg was taken.
Unbeknownst to WuKong, his Marshals, His Generals, and his Subjects. None knew of the little princess waiting for her fathers and none knew that she was even taken in the first place.
Not-Mayor, on the request of his Lady, stole the princess, and soon she was deemed a worthy vessel. With her egg nearby, LBD made the slow transfer of her mind and soul into the little stone egg. A process that took years.
When finally the transfer was complete, a new being hatched from the egg. Not who was supposed to be Chao-Xing or LBD as she intended. Yes, the two souls shared a body, but a third was in control (the lovely monkey up top there). Chao-Xing was still stuck in her egg, so she couldn't do much. LBD, though, had full control to whisper in the third souls mind.
Not-Mayor was not happy that he was stuck with a child who could talk back to him when it should have been his lady there. Reluctantly, he raised and trained her. Though after a while, there were times she'd go mad with hunger. He didn't know even celestial primates needed actual food or water, so to sate her hungry. He fed her the essence of magical objects.
With the whispers of LBD and her hungry always in the back of her mind, she grew a little crazy. Not kill another person crazy, but enough where demons or anyone would keep a wide berth around her territory.
And if you're wondering WuKong did not kill Macaque, Not-Mayor did so he could get Monkey King off the mountain for when the Egg arrived.
Macaque and WuKong are still mates after the journey, though Macaque does spend a lot of time off the mountain. One WuKong insisted on since the Shadow Monkey had to wait many years for the King to return.
And that's a bit of her backstory! I do plan to make more of this AU, but yea. Again, if you have any suggestions for a name for her and the AU, let me know!!
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luffind · 1 month
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Blue lmk
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sleepypdng · 1 month
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Coraline x Monkie Kid 🪡
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emelinstriker · 6 months
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context what context
look for the context yourself and join us lmao
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yyuxii · 3 months
Tired of y’all acting like Wukongs a manwhore when Macaque is RIGHT THERE. THIS GUY HAS HAD ROMANTIC/SEXUAL TENSION WITH ALMOST EVERY MALE ANTAGONIST + Wukong
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ALSO not here for the Macaque=loser male wife agenda LOOK AT HIM. he is a moody alt man with trust issues who immediately has sexual tension with anyone he fights HE IS A BOP IM NOT OUT HERE FOR THIS “loser macaque” MISCHARACTERISATION THE MAN WEARS GUYLINER.
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AU!Soul Tied
And Macaque has fulfilled the deal he made with her !! His prize ?? The ability to travel the multiverse and bring a soul with him. Macaque isn't ever going to turn here, I mean nothing he knew is left. He no longer belongs to that world.
But what about that soul ? Who did he choice ??
He picked a spider funny enough, rather a hybrid. If you knew Macaque you wouldn't expect him to want Syntax, did they ever speak to each other before ??
They did !! It wasn't much but it was friendly enough. I don't think Macaque knew how much of a pain syntax could be.
Syntax WILL start to disappear if xey are more then 1 mile away
disappear as in poof back to where xeir soul is tethered
Remember that one lantern from Shadow Play - Episode 7 Season 2 ???
yeah that's what Syntax is tethered to
the only ppl who can see Syntax are Macaque, anyone who IS a ghost / been dead but revived, and ppl with magic eyes (the golden vision being the ex)
if its the magic eyes then its really faded, depending on how powerful the person is
Macaque had to make a circle/portal with his staff to hop through the multiverse (Ink sans ref)
Syntax is rather moody over the fact xey was shoved into a lantern and can only talk to Macaque
Syntax can talk to anyone who can see xem btw
Xey haven't talked to anyone BUT Macaque yet
Macaque doesn't go out to parties so there isn't many people around
the spider bot in Syntax does still work btw
xey still got that back pain too
Mayor is also in this
Bro is on the run from being killed by lbd
also they got a scthye
kept quoting "IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER ????" when drawing them. HERES THE CHARACTER REFS I MADE
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do ask questions if you got any :D
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Alrighty, I’m here for some angst. How would the following characters: Macaque, Wukong, Syntax, Mayor and Red Son react to you dying in front of them? Like possibly from LBD or you took a hit for them?
I'm really sorry but I refuse to write character/reader deaths :( it just upsets me a great deal. However. I will write these characters reacting to you taking a hit bc I still wanna write their reactions
Macaque, Wukong, Syntax, Mayor, and Redson x GN Reader who took a hit from LBD (angsty Scenarios!)
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Macaque - oh he feels terrible. Not only did he kinda let this happen, it’s you who got hurt instead of himself. He was fully prepared to take that hit but you jumped in before it got to him and he hates the sound it makes as it impacts you. He swears to himself that he’ll make it up to you somehow, he’ll be the one to get you to safety, he will heal you. Expect a lot of affection once it’s all over. A lot of “I’m sorry”’s and “does it hurt”’s. You are his top priority.
SWK - he let himself down by letting you get remotely close to the fight, but it’s like you don’t think twice before jumping in between him and LBD. No matter how hurt you get—even if it ends up just being a flesh wound—he puts even more passion into finishing the fight and defeating her. After it’s over he doesn’t let you leave his sight for a while so you can recover. It’ll take a lot of reassurance from you for him to stop feeling so guilty.
Syntax - I imagine this would take place towards the end of season 2. He doesn’t trust this weird girl and her even weirder assistant. So when you get hit instead of him when they betray the Queen, his suspicions are only confirmed. He knows he can’t defeat them, but he does his absolute best to get you to a safer place where he can apply his medical knowledge and help you. He brings you everything you need and insists that you stay here so you don’t get hurt again. More angry than anything else.
Mayor - this is bad for him because he is fighting an inside battle—does he side with his lady, or his lover? He can’t fully break away from her influence until she abandons him to get to SWK. Then, even though he’s weakened substantially, he helps to get you to safety. You have to make it, even if he doesn’t. After it’s all over, he stays with you as you both recover together and get back on your feet.
Redson - this demon is FURIOUS. He can scold you for doing something so stupidly selfless later on—for now he needs to get you out of danger. Puts up as much of a fight as he can and then rushes you back to his domain, where he puts magic seals around you that will help you to heal and keep you safe while he’s away helping the others. Comes back often to check on you and apologize that he let this happen. After it’s over he encourages you to stay with him at his home until you’re fully healed.
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alicedusstuff · 24 days
Quelques croquis nocturnes.
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funtergeist · 2 months
made an animation meme:].. or somethang......jumps off a cliff
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ninjahaku21art · 3 months
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Servants of the Lady Bone Demon 💀✨
A redraw of an old print/illustration I did a while ago!
Honestly it was a challenge for the paint/rendering style, but in the end I love it!
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