taikk0 · 8 months
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the little fella
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rainalexisart · 7 months
What little nightmares opinion that will have you like this?
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voidvendetta · 1 year
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wow can’t believe little nightmares invented lesbian enemies to lover
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itstimetotheorize · 2 years
My Little Nightmares 2 worst Nightmare submission
A while back the Little Nightmare 2 twitter page announced a little contests where you could submit your worst nightmare, I wasn’t quite sure of the rules so I just threw mine in, I didn’t win, but I felt now was a good time to share what I submitted:
I once dreamt that I was in a traditional hot springs resort, I heard voices of crowds but there was no one around, until I looked at the water and realized there were people trapped NOT in the water... but in the reflection of the hot springs. As I tried to reach my hand out to them I could only feel my hand touch the hot water and nothing else. I stood there trying to understand just what was happening, but as I was lost in confusion, a strange sound of slow heavy steps and a brush being dragged on the floor could be heard coming from a distance into the room I was in. I looked out from the giant room of hot springs that I stood and tried to make out what was beyond the heavy steam surrounding the exact spot I heard the steps inching closer...it was the cleaner of the hot springs, coming to empty the pools.
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cygnusdoesthings · 2 years
That moment when you realise the end of Little Nightmares II is a heavy-handed metaphor for generational trauma or turning into your abuser
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teastarfall · 10 months
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rare doctor fanart (yeh i updated his design because the old one was lame and yucky 😔)
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oh and hunter too,, he has a cool new fresh outfit now‼️‼️
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they are normal men
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bloombird · 1 year
Burgertron: You gave me up, you let me down, you turned around, and deserted me!! Spud Muffin: But did I make you cry? Burgertron: *cries on the spot* Spud Muffin: . . . Crap
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turtleplushi · 11 months
4, 9, 19, and 21 for the weirdly specific artist ask game? (if you're still doing it, otherwise feel free to ignore this)
4. (Fave character/subject but hard to draw)
I usually stick to things I know how to draw (probably not the best idea but whatever fhsgd), but probably either King Dedede, Nightmare, dragons, and fish. Oh and Subnautica creatures. I've only attempted that once for a D&D monster and it was the Gargantuan Leviathan... maybe just a little bit out of my comfort zone there.
9. (File naming conventions)
I usually either type random letters, keyboard smash, or name them after random thoughts or quotes that will make zero sense later. For example, I have a flipaclip file named Takingtherabbitstomcdonalds.mp4 and I will never know what this means.
(19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw)
Cherries, pie, pumpkins, paws, mushrooms, clouds, and flowers. I'm not great at drawing flowers but they're fun and daisies are easy.
(21. Artstyle I really like that's nothing like my own)
I really love the art style in Hilda, the Sam & Max cartoon, Moomins on the Riviera, that one Cinnamoroll anime movie, Studio Ghibli, Cuphead/The Cuphead Show, and Hollow Knight. I also really like Terenry RM's (i hope i spelled that right), Gotogull's, Audie Animates', and Ren LNii's. (I'm not tagging them all but I'm really inspired by some of them, and others I just think are cool.)
Thank you for asking! It's super cool to answer questions like this (i hope you have a nice day too)
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Theory time (it's a big one)
Hi everyone, I'm back with a new theory ! (even though you have probably no idea of who I am so you didn't realized I've left) Everything start with a single question : why did Six decided to go with Mono to the Signal Tower ? I mean, Six is not stupid, she must know how dangerous the Pale City is. Six seems to be someone who put her survival first, so her decision to go to the Signal Tower seems kinda odd. It coulb be because she met Mono, her first friend, and shewants to stay with him because it's nice to be with someone in this nightmarish world and Mono is probably strong enough to help her when she needs it. But they actually became friends during the journey to the Tower, not before. Yet, if Six didn't wanted to go, she had plenty occasions to go back. So why ? Welp, what if I tell you that I think that Six had a very specific and very good reason to go ? That it was actually what she was doing before Mono even met her ? From the official website :
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"Six is fading from this world and her only hope is to guide Mono to the Signal Tower" What could this mean ? Welp, here comes the first part of the theory : Due to the end of LNII, we know that Mono turn into Thin Man, meaning that kids can turn into monsters. We have other ase of children who looks like monsters, such as the boy with the lollipop and the Barber or the Ghost kid and the Hunter. Think about it. In the Little Nightmares world, monster are often called "adults".
And what does children do in normal life ? They grow up and they become adults. That's the whole deal with children. So, it could mean that every adult in the world of little nightmares was a kid at some point. That the grils, the boys and the genderqueer strong enough to survive through the world, escaping the traps and the hundry mouths are doomed to became the exact same thing they were trying to avoid. This is why we never see a normal adult : all of the kid beccome monsters or end up killed. I think that might be the most terrifying part of the Little Nightmares world.
But the theory isn't over yet, and here comes the part 2 : the Signal Tower and the Pale City are nurseries for monsters. If we compare the Pale City with the Maw or the Nest, it seems that the former has no clear purpose unlike the latters. The Maw has to prepare a giant feast once a year. The Nest has to endertain a very powerfull litte girl. But the Pale City ? What could its goal be ? (why am I trying to create suspense I mean I already told what I think) One of the most important thing in the Pale City are the TVs, and who says TVs says Thin Man, our favorite Slenderman-like Broadcaster. Every time we see the Thin Man in the game and the creatur who looks like Thin Man in the comics, he is kidnapping children. That's his deal. And once he has them, the take them back to the Tower. But wait, we hace saw kids going to the Tower, and what does happens to them ?
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They turned into monsters. Both Mono and Six. I don't think the Signal Tower is the only way children are turned into monsters. But I think that under the influence of the Signal, the kids grow faster than natural. When they reached their monstruous adulthood, they are freed and placed into a building of the City.
I think the Pale City goal is to test the newly created adults. One the kids' transformation has ended, they are send in the city to see if they support their new condition. If they does, then they can either remain in the city are be send to other places where they will be needed such as the Maw. If they don't, then they're once again placed under the Signal influence and turned into Viewers to be later absorbed to be part of the Tower's body. Each viewers you enconter is a prototype of monster that fails. And that leads to part 3 of this theory (finally) : Why Six did go to the Signal Tower ? Because her time was up : she was about to turn. To "fade" from the world and become a monster. She might have heared the tales of the place where kids became monsters and thought there might be a cure. That's why she was in the Wilderness in the first place. Maybe the Hunter did not kill her because he saw that her metamorphosis has begun. That's why she decided to go with Mono, because they had a shared goal.
(Even though I have another theory about why Mono decided to go - but that's not for today)
And in the end... She succeeded. Yes she turned into Monster Six, but thanks to Mono she became normal again. Her journey to the Signal Tower was a success. Of course, there might be consequences of escaping this fate, and her hunger might be one. But Six did what no other kid could do : escape her fate. Why did she drop Mono ? Who is Shadow Six ? Why did Six ate the Lady adn stole her powers ? So many question left unanswered, and so many theories left to explain. So see you next time ! (Yeah this is a teaser. I have other things to do right now, but a theory about Shadow Six is on its way)
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melissa-s23 · 1 year
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Bio: LNII Me: las nevadas...2!!
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mac-pack · 2 years
I love Little nightmares so this animation was bound to happen. Inspired by Ren lnii on YouTube. Please check out her content and support her! Full animation on YouTube
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taikk0 · 8 months
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Going back to my roots (This was made in May which is why it has Mikyomix instead of taikko lol)
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rainalexisart · 3 months
I probably should post something here
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voidvendetta · 1 year
Tell me the best Little Nightmares OST song I’m doing research
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gamesandglassroses · 11 months
A quick review of Very Little Nightmares
I just finished playing Very Little Nightmares. I think the creators did a good job in terms of matching the aesthetic/tone of the PC games while still putting their own spin on it. The story's not as strong as the other games but it nevertheless adds to the world and Six's backstory while leaving plenty of mystery. It's definitely worth playing if you're a fan of the Little Nightmares franchise.
Spoilers below:
I love the idea that Six has the raincoat because it belonged to a girl who saved her. But even though Very Little Nightmares was released two years before Little Nightmares II, I'm not sure how much of VLN's story factored in to the development of LNII. I wouldn't say the two are mutually exclusive, but VLN was implying that Six got the coat from the girl, while LNII shows her picking it up in the Pale City. I imagine they didn't consider VLN very much at all.
In terms of gameplay, I think the change they made to a grid system makes more sense for a mobile game, but I nonetheless found it frustrating at times. When you have to tell the Girl in the Yellow Raincoat to go somewhere quickly, it's very easy to tap the wrong tile. I found this was especially evident in the final level, where you have to react quickly. Furthermore, I'm not a fan of the double tap for running - about 20% of the time it wouldn't register and I'd die because of it. Having running be the default and the double tap be for walking would have worked better for me.
In general, I think they made pretty good use of the vertical display by having a lot of vertical elements. There were one or two moments where I think they dropped the ball in terms of this (the last level) but overall they did a good job.
It's worth playing. It's been months since I started playing it so I'll probably replay it at some point and write a more in depth review, but right now I'll give it a 7/10.
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devouraes · 11 months
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* ⚓️ ... @antigodeus whispered: 2. what was the best thing in your character’s life? / crucial muse development questions, accepting.
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it's hard to say. because, simply put, nothing good lasts in a world like six's, nor can it be grand. it's something that remains limited to small, fleeting moments in the lives of children defined by terror ; some treated like cattle, others like vermin. and when you're on the run like six is, that " best thing " can change on a dime flip, becoming less of one moment and more of a small collection of memories she can safely deem " good. "
it's simple stuff, but still dear to her all the same. the friendship she established with the girl from the nest —— the reason she's so fond of raincoats now —— being rescued from the woods by mono and their own ensuing friendship, and especially her music box ; a mundane, tinny object that provided a sense of comfort in such a topsy - turvy place, like a security blanket almost, and the fact she had someone to survive alongside at all. but the problem is, these are all past events by now. the girl with the raincoat and pretty red ribbon in her hair drowned, things turned more than sour with mono to put it plainly as possible, and her beloved music box ended up as nothing more than a pile of scrap metal. not that this particularly upsets six, or at least she doesn't let it anymore, it's shortly after the events of LNII that six takes all of her rotten memories and tucks them away somewhere deep inside, where she doesn't have to think about them.
if you ask her now, she'll say the power she gained by scaling the maw's food chain is the best thing she has, nothing bad can ever happen to her again. but sadly this is far from the truth, if only because of what she had to lose to get that power.
truthfully, it was just being able to see the sun again, after so much survival.
12. what are your character's major flaws ?
the unthinking cruelty of a scared kid. as i've made evident on this blog, i don't support the notion people have that she's by any means evil, but six is a person and people can still do bad things no matter their intent. she acts out from a very black - and - white understanding of things, something hurts her ? she hates it and wants it gone. other kids in cages aboard the maw ? she can't afford to look after them, not after how badly it went before. i genuinely think this is why she acts the way she does in LNII, she's not stupid, she's clever and a quick thinker, but still Not Well and under pressure, something that leads her to act carelessly to ensure her own safety.
she's also stubborn to a fault, something that can save your skin when dealing with monsters, but troublesome in more normal circumstances, not to mention how reticent she is. she doesn't communicate what's on her mind at all and it's a bad combination when it comes to being bull - headed.
14. how does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project ?
after the events of the first game, six tries to present herself as something much bigger, stronger, than the little creature she really is. and she is stronger, due to taking the powers of the governess of the maw, she can rip through a crowd like it's nothing now, but she's not perceived the way she wishes to be ; six sees herself as a survivor, the girl who finally won, while the residents of her world in turn see her as a totally new type of monster, the vandal, the little beast, something seemingly more insatiable than they are. to others, she comes off as either strange, almost otherworldly, or just a weird kid throwing around her weight around. there's a grain of truth to all of these, really.
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