#Local Community
papercherries · 25 days
Sometimes I get so tired of caring. Sometimes I wish I could be apathetic and ignorant. I wish I wasn't so full of empathy and sympathy. I don't understand how there are people in this world who don't shed tears over the loss of life, all life.
Every body should own their own bodies, how is that such a radical concept? Mass genocide is bad, yeah no shit? People should have the freedom to choose who they want to be, that extends to gender, sexuality and even as far as occupation.
People are forced into roles, stereotypes, jobs. Because of the systems in place that prevent people from exploring themselves. Poverty has interest. Funding for the arts are in decline. The price of everything has rose. I'm lucky enough but what about those who aren't? How are their people living in denial of their existence? How do some people believe that there is some agenda against their people to make them "woke".
Punch all fascists, invest in your local community, make a co-op, grow your own food if you can, boycott mass murders and slave owners, keep protesting. Don't be prejudice and never be too tolerant. You and I stand on the shoulders of giants. They stand on flaming paper stilts.
Invest in your community and they will invest in you.
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thepeopleinpower · 2 months
Capitalism and colonialism took community away from us and I want it back. I’ve heard about it from my grandparents and in books and articles online. All throughout history and still today in some parts of the world. People looking out for each other. Regularly. Relentlessly. Neighbors watching each others children, having enough food to share and actually sharing it, being invested in each others lives because everyone has different strengths.
Today community has been strategically painted as a weakness and something to be skeptical of because it is a threat to the very foundations of capitalism. And that’s a real fucking shame because in reality, growing up with community and still having that through adulthood would probably make most people generally happier and less perpetually tired and stressed. It is renewable resilient versatile adaptable self-sustaining and kind of the Ultimate Resource.
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arwenkenobi48 · 6 months
*dramatic trailer announcement voice* in a world of capitalism…and consumerist side hustles…one man thinks outside the box…
*record needle scratch*
alrighty ima start knitting *cutesy slice of life music followed by a montage of a knitting machine working*
Fr tho I’m so hyped about this
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liliflorida · 2 months
Kaonashi(Faceless) OR Geisha(芸者)
Daily writing promptIf you could be a character from a book or film, who would you be? Why?View all responses If I could be a character, I would choose Kaonashi. I like the animated fantasy movie “Spirited Away” by Hayao Miyazaki. Kaonashi is one of the fictional characters in the movie. It is a spirit…cute, right? Kaonashi ↓ Otherwise, I would pretend to be a Geisha anytime, just appearance…
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asiawalecka · 6 months
Hanoi JAN 23.
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rawaninamman · 1 year
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مهرجان الزيتون السنوي - عمّان، الأردن
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We are also proud to produce and sell 100% genuine Giraffe hair that is only gathered along trails used by the animals and never from the animals, thus ensuring no animals are hurt, and there is no risk of frightening them in their own environments. A portion of proceeds from every sale is donated to local conservation efforts to ensure the prolonged existence of our beautiful African wildlife. Get yourself a uniquely African gift today and help support local conservation efforts at the same time. An added bonus is that in our efforts to peruse sustainability, we make only work with local artisans if we need any help with our products, thus keeping it all within the community.
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We accidentally planted a bunch of cantaloupe seeds several weeks ago when we took our half of our last one and dumped it in the garden for disposal. Apparently we didn't think any of the seeds would take root. We are going to be eating a lot of cantaloupe. And freezing some. And giving away probably a good bit. Dad wants to give out to our local Pokemon Go community first, and I don't blame him. We've already given our therapist some summer squash because no one there was getting squash and we have so much right now. We've actually gotten so much rain that stuff is now rotting on the vine.
That said, no one gets my peppers. We are fucking addicted to them right now.
-Catra 🧨😺
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hobgobknowsbest · 6 months
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butchspace · 5 months
BDS has updated their calls for consumer boycotts to include: Chevron (and Texaco and Caltex by extension). Here is their most current boycott list.
They have also officially called for a boycott of McDonald’s. Here is their Instagram post on McDonald’s.
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londoncatchment · 1 day
This is a nice idea.
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prazardous · 5 days
place that used to be a shisha lounge has blue plastic sheets in the window and smells like paint but hasnt taken down the lease signs yet. place that used to sell wallpaper is still empty. i think theyre ripping the po boxes out of what used to be the post office
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arwenkenobi48 · 5 months
So I’m in the tail end of whatever bug I’ve currently got but my nose still feels like it’s full of wet cement
And when I talk I sound like Pootle from The Flumps (if I try to say ‘mine’ it sounds like ‘bide’)
But I’ve also made some more scarves and once I’m no longer unwell, they’re going to the local clothing bank in the centre of town
I gave my wardrobe a massive clearout as well, so I’ve got about 5 other bags’ worth of clothes to give away too
It’ll come in pretty handy since inflation is rising again and we’re also having a cold snap so yeah I wanna make sure everyone’s wrapped up warm and generally has something nice to wear while being on a low budget
I got some of my favourite clothes from clothing banks and learned to make some of my favourite meals from foodbank parcels so I really wanna give something back to the community that made that possible, you know? It might be cold atm, but I’m surrounded by some of the warmest people I’ve ever met, that includes all the friends I’ve made on tumblr too 💖
Hope you’re all doing well and I shall keep you posted 👍
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lazymcfail · 10 days
i know this local artist who only posts on facebook about how much he hates the locals and doesn't get why hes not getting a lot of local streams. like yeah bro we're not streaming your music bc all you post about is how much you hate the locals and you are never out n about in the cities you want exposure in...
his music also sucks
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arunsinghsucces · 1 month
I will provide you with local UK SEO services to enhance your website's visibility and attract more traffic.
In today's digital world, having a strong online presence is important for business success. Whether you have a small local shop or a large corporation, being visible to potential customers in your area is essential. To achieve success, you need UK local SEO services that help your business increase its visibility and attract more customers from local communities.
What is Local SEO?
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Local SEO focuses specifically on improving your visibility in local searches, making it easier for people in your area to find your business when they're looking for products or services like yours.
The Benefits of UK Local SEO Services
Targeted Visibility: By optimizing your website for local search terms, UK local SEO services ensure that your business appears in front of people who are actively looking for what you offer in your area. This targeted visibility, attracting relevant traffic and converting visitors into customers.
Improved Online Presence: Local SEO involves optimizing your Google My Business profile, creating local citations, and ensuring consistency across online directories. This not only improves your visibility in local searches but also enhances your overall online presence, making it easier for customers to find and engage with your business.
Competitive Advantage: UK local SEO services can help you beat your competition in local search results. When your business shows up at the top of search results, you have a better chance of getting customers instead of your competitors.
Increased foot Traffic: When people search for nearby businesses on their mobile devices, having a strong local SEO strategy ensures that your business appears properly in local map listings, making it easy for customers to find and visit you.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, UK local SEO services offer a highly cost-effective way to market your business locally. With targeted optimization efforts aimed at attracting local customers, you can achieve significant results without breaking the bank.
By investing in UK local SEO services, you can increase your visibility in local searches, attract more customers from your area, and ultimately grow your business in the digital age. With targeted optimization efforts aimed at reaching local audiences, you'll be well-positioned to succeed in today's competitive marketplace.
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zmyaro · 2 months
Hanging flyers for local community building and climate action while listening to trans feminist theory. When it comes to giving Jordan Peterson nightmares, I am basically the complete package¡
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