#Logi Options+
techdriveplay · 7 months
Logitech Introduces MX Brio, Its Most Advanced Webcam
March 6, 2024 – Today, Logitech (SIX: LOGN) (NASDAQ: LOGI) unveiled MX Brio, a revolutionary high-end webcam for end users and enterprises, designed to meet the demanding needs of advanced users. MX Brio is Logitech’s most advanced webcam yet and joins the Master Series ecosystem alongside MX keyboards and mice to deliver outstanding performance and streaming experiences, while fostering quality…
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loganswdc · 2 months
of ALL the f1 teams that carlos could go to , he chooses WILLIAMS ??
what does this mean for logan now... i'm freaking out y'all i genuinely cannot function at ALL.
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for a webbed site that claims to love rehabilitative justice tumblr sure has a love of vengeance huh. somehow we’ve created a digital atmosphere where literal murder is less bad than (checks notes) not emerging from the womb with a perfectly calibrated moral compass and the Correct Political Opinions
I’ve seen people on here say that, not only can people Not Change, but that people who try to change are a) lying b) manipulative and c) undeserving of the chance to change. besties…becoming a better person isn’t about whether or not you deserve to become a better person, it’s not even about becoming 100% perfect, it’s about doing damage control after you realize you fucked up. like yeah people you’ve hurt aren’t obligated to like you/forgive you/interact with you, but tumblrites seem to think that anyone who’s ever made a serious mistake should be exiled from society and/or guillotined. we’ve gone from reasonable and correct takes about how people change (ex. “it’s not my responsibility to teach you”— yes! of course it shouldn’t be up to underprivileged random people on the internet to educate the uninformed!) to utterly deranged ones (ex. “nobody with privilege will ever realize that they’re doing harm and the ones who claim to be in the process of learning are just virtue signaling and should be punished for it”— a take I’ve seen applied to men learning about feminism, cishets becoming allies, white people learning about antiracism, relatives of shooters who go on to advocate for gun control, etc)
you do realize that people can genuinely change for the better, right? I’ve seen my parents un-transphobia themselves firsthand, going from thinking that my sibling came out “for attention” to wholeheartedly believing in trans rights. my grandma’s father was every kind of asshole imaginable and she grew up indoctrinated, but as an adult she broke away from him and has spent the rest of her life working on unlearning stuff. my cousin grew up in the rural south and parroted his rural southern dad’s opinions until he was thirteen and started actually thinking for himself, at which point he did a total 180 and is now studying history with a focus on the evolution of the rights of the underprivileged
so when I see people on here say that people shouldn’t change because they don’t deserve to change it rubs me the wrong way. cause at that point it sounds like you’d rather have that person stay harmful so you can stay mad at them, instead of letting them change and gaining yourself an ally. again, you don’t need to interact with them, but. at this point it kind of feels like you care more about hating The Oppressors than about protecting The Oppressed.
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sterkeyra · 5 months
Atelier Resleriana - Roman
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Roman finally is here and ahhh Atelier Resleri blessed me with him on first try! I got lucky because he was one characters i definitely wanted and finally the hatchling prince joined my squad.
And a prince he is, as he is actually Richard Lantana of the Lantana kingdom. So basically he is the representation of Gio and Tantris. Gio the runaway king and Tantris that joined by giving us a false name 😂
I love Roman already (even though his cape looks like eggshells when he wears it over his head) and I bet Sterk might lash out at him just like at Gio😂
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ostermeiernet · 11 months
Logi Options und der Reboot
Heute kam ich auf die verwegene Idee, ich könnte an meiner USB Maus eine der weiteren Tasten mit einem mehr oder weniger sinnvollen Funktion belegen. Seit vielen Jahren habe ich die kabelgebundene Version der Logitech M500 im Einsatz und diese Maus hat unter anderem seitlich noch zwei weitere Tasten. Da ich bei meiner Mac Nutzung immer wieder und doch sehr oft “Misson Control” verwende um schnell…
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reblog in order to increase sample size and what not
oh and also please put what the field of study is in the tags especially if you chose an option that has "none of the above but-". i'm really curious
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lw77 · 7 hours
Diet Pepsi 💈 (LSxMV)
Chapter 3. - Sunburn
Sunscreen can be sexy
Author's note: This one is a little filthy, I'm sorry!
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“Jeez, who ransacked your room, dude?” Oscar asks, letting out a whistle at the sight of Logan’s room.
“Oscar, please. The striped salmon top or my baby blue one? Or should I just wear a tank?” a harried Logan asks, shoving the two options into Oscar’s hands as he digs through a pile on his bed for his tank top.
“Uhhh, both?” Oscar answers unhelpfully, causing Logan to glare up at him. “I mean, if you’re wearing your white boardies, definitely salmon. It really brings out your… uh, nipples?” he finishes awkwardly.
“Seriously? You aren’t even trying. At least say eyes or tan, Oscar. Something normal. This is why people think we’re dating,” Logan says, shaking his head and abandoning his search for the tank to put on the shirt. Looking in the mirror, he begrudgingly accepts that Oscar is right—the salmon striped shirt does suit his tan (not his nipples).
Meanwhile, Oscar shudders, remembering the last time they were mistaken for a couple.
“Ugh, don’t remind me, Log. At least tonight you won’t cockblock me. I’m ready to be someone’s pillow princess,” Oscar says with an exaggerated, dreamy sigh for effect.
“Oh yeah? You’ve never seen them, have you?” Logan giggles. “Osc, you’re in for a treat—international ones at that.”
“I better be. It’s been so dry, and if tonight isn’t fruitful, I’m either going to be a born-again virgin or drown myself in that lake, I swear,” Oscar says, pointing at Logan in the mirror.
Swatting Oscar as he turns away from the mirror, Logan says, “Shut up. The only thing you’re going to drown in is your own saliva. Seriously, just wait until you see. Alex is so lucky he’s only bicurious for the homies when he’s sloshed. I don’t know how else he’d handle working around all of them all day.”
Snickering, Oscar replies, “He definitely can’t kiss you tonight, but I’m ready for some homie cuddles and kisses if tonight’s a fail.”
“Always here for some homie cuddles and kisses,” Alex says seriously, hand up in a mock salute as he walks into Logan’s room, mindful of the piles littering the floor.
“Can you please tell Oscar that you work with too many hot people for him to end up in your lap?” Logan pleads with Alex, dashing around as he fills his bag with a change of clothes, towel, and other necessities.
“While my lap is always open to the homies, Osc, there are a couple in there who are definitely your type. I’d be a little more excited,” Alex tells Oscar with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Fine, I’ll be realistically optimistic,” Oscar sighs.
“I—uh, I don’t think that’s quite how it works, but there you go,” Alex responds, a little baffled.
“Anyway, how much are we betting that Logan’s going to pop a boner when he sees big Max all wet? Ooo ahh ,” Oscar asks, pitching his voice high to imitate Logan, even pulling his hands together and making his eyes go wide and sparkly.
“Oh, I kind of bet with the boys on whether Max was going to, so Logan, I need you to really pull through for me. I have $100 riding on it,” Alex says, putting his hands up in a "what can you do" motion.
With his hands on his hips, Logan says, “I don’t know whether to be mad that you’re all betting on us, or happy that you have so much faith in my game.”
Twirling his car keys, Alex smiles cheekily and asks, “So, are we ready to go, guys? Your prince awaits, Angel .” Alex drops his tone in a poor imitation of Max.
Logan smacks his shoulder as he grumbles past him and Oscar with a poorly concealed, “traitors.”
Oscar and Alex laugh as they follow him out. “Wait, Angel , come on! Don’t be like that now,” Oscar yells after him.
The drive to Danny’s lake house is filled with their endless chatter. Once they arrive, Danny walks out to greet them, arms wide open. “Welcome! Welcome! Mi casa es mi casa!” 
“It’s ‘mi casa es su casa,’ buddy,” Logan quickly quips as he gives Danny a hug.
“I know what I said, Logie-Boy. Oscar! Glad you made it. Ready to represent Australia, brother?” Danny enthusiastically jostles Oscar under his arm. Oscar just looks at Alex and Logan and replies, “Err, sure?”
Danny delivers a warm slap to Oscar's back. “Good enough for me! And our man of the hour, Alex, are you excited for our day out on the water?”
“Yeah, Danny! And you promised me jet skis, remember?” Alex responds, his smile wide with excitement.
“Oh, don’t you worry, Alex. I’ve got you covered.” Danny flashes them all a bright smile. “Now, follow me. The boat’s docked out back; we’re just getting ready to pull out.” He leads them inside through the home’s large oak door.
“If you guys need anything from the fridge or the bathroom, feel free,” Danny says, vaguely gesturing as they walk through the kitchen and make their way to the deck outside.
They greet the other boys along the way, making introductions as they introduce Oscar as well. 
Once the trio reaches the dock, Alex promptly runs into Logan’s back, and Oscar collides with him. Their friend has come to a stop. “I think you should get your money back, Alex,” Logan whispers, eyes wide as he takes in Max in all his shirtless glory, untying one of the ropes. Muscles flexing, with a light sheen of sweat on his body, Max brushes his hair out of his eyes. And heavens above, his head is turning in their direction.
Max lowers his arm as he catches Logan’s gaze, sending a wave their way while his other hand remains occupied with the mooring line. 
Alex claps Logan on the shoulder. “It’s too late, Logie Bear. Just jump in the water when you feel your princess jump to attention. I have faith in you!” He gives Logan another reassuring clap and pushes him down the dock toward the boat.
The boys continue past Max after a brief hello, but Logan stays behind. “Hey, Angel, you ready for the boat today?”
“He-Hi Max, yeah, I uh, think so,” Logan replies, his nerves evident.
Max gives him a once-over, noting his unbuttoned shirt and his tiny white board shorts. His gaze flicks back to Logan’s face. “Did you bring sunscreen, sweetheart?” A trace of concern colouring his voice.
Logan digs through his tote bag until he triumphantly pulls out a bottle of Banana Boat, presenting it eagerly. “Yes! Did you need some?”
“No, Angel, just worried for your pretty little face.” With his free hand, Max’s thumb strokes Logan’s cheek. “Wouldn’t want your pretty face to burn out there.” He tilts his head, his thumb and index finger gently holding Logan’s chin, asking, “Now, would we?”
Logan shakes his head side to side, still holding Max’s gaze. “No.”
From inside the boat, they hear George shout for everyone to board now, directing Max to let the mooring line go. 
They head to its back, Logan looking at the slight jump to get on the cabin cruiser with trepidation. 
“Come on, Angel, I’ll help you up,” is all the warning Logan gets before Max’s hands are on his waist, lifting him from the dock and onto the boat.
“Max!” is all the protest Logan manages before he’s gently placed on the floor of the boat. Looking back, he sees Max's answering grin, followed by his hands on Logan’s shoulders, guiding him further inside.
They greet George at the helm, who stands with his white shirt unbuttoned, wearing navy boardies and a captain’s hat perched on his soft curls, which he tips at Logan in jest.
At Max’s side, Logan giggles at George’s antics.
Max’s hand travels from where it rests on Logan’s shoulder, leaving a trail of warmth as it reaches his waist with a squeeze. Pulling Logan into him, he asks, “Excited, Angel?” His lips brush Logan’s ear with every syllable.
Logan turns to him, their lips inches apart, eyes slightly looking up as he nods in affirmation before asking, “Mmhmm, you?”
Max answers with another squeeze to his waist as he leans against the cabin, pulling Logan between his legs. Both hands now resting lower on Logan’s waist, Max’s eyes locking onto his. “Of course. Are you swimming or just laying back and tanning, pretty?” His thumbs stroke Logan’s hip bones through his shorts.
Logan swallows as he feels Max’s hands overlap on his hips, large enough to wrap around him with ease. 
Logan brings his hands to Max’s bare chest, flattening his palms against the steady beat of his heart. Eyeing the golden brush of hair there, he grins. “Why are you trying to get me wet?” he teases, flicking his gaze back up to Max’s eyes to gauge his reaction.
Max simply squeezes Logan’s hips again, spreading his fingers as they brush the edge of Logan’s shorts. “I don’t know, Angel. Can you blame me?”
Logan’s breath hitches slightly as Max’s fingers toy with the hem of his shorts, their bodies pressed together in the gentle sway of the boat. The air between them feels thick, buzzing with the unspoken tension Logan's trying to ignore for Alex’s sake. But Max's eyes, dark with intent, make it nearly impossible.
"I’m starting to think you can’t help yourself," Logan quips softly, though the slight tremble in his voice betrays his composure. His fingers trace the cross dangling from Max’s neck, pressing it lightly into his chest.
Max chuckles low, the sound vibrating through Logan’s hands. "You might be right," he murmurs, leaning closer until their foreheads nearly touch, the teasing edge of his smile never quite leaving his face. “You’re irresistible, Angel. Wanted you for a while now, and now I can’t help myself.”
Logan’s face flushes, and he feels the warmth spread through him, almost drowning out the cool breeze coming off the water. He bites his bottom lip, his gaze darting away, unsure how much longer he can hold out before closing the distance between them.
Before he can think too much about it, Max’s hand slides up his back, fingers grazing his skin just under his shirt. Logan’s breath hitches again.
“Max,” Logan warns, his voice barely above a whisper.
Max smirks, eyes twinkling, his lips ghosting just shy of Logan’s. “You’re so wound up, Angel.” His hands are so big, Logan feels them branding his skin with their warmth.
Logan’s sharp inhale is cut short by a voice calling out from the helm.
“Oi! Lovebirds, we’re anchored!” George shouts, oblivious to the tension between them as he leans casually against the wheel. “I’m not watching this rom-com unfold all day. Get your butts in the water or I’m leaving without you!”
Logan pulls back quickly, startled, and laughs awkwardly as he breaks free from Max’s grasp. "Guess we should—"
But Max grabs his wrist, pulling him back for a brief moment, his eyes glinting mischievously. “Don’t forget your sunscreen, yeah? I’ll see you, Angel,” he says, voice low and promising, kissing the inside of Logan’s wrist before letting go with a smirk.
Logan swallows hard, feeling his heart race as he stumbles a bit toward the edge of the boat, taking the stairs two at a time.
“Logie bear, there you are!” Alex exclaims as he catches sight of him.
“We’re going on the jet skis first, Log, you wanna ride with one of us?” Oscar asks.
“No, I think I’ll just swim first, but you guys have fun,” Logan says, hoping the flush on his chest has subsided.
“Oh, swim , yes of course. I have faith in you, princess,” Alex teases, lifting a fist in solidarity as his eyes trail down to Logan’s shorts.
“You dic–” Logan isn’t even done swearing at his best friend before he turns swiftly to jump on one of the jet skis.
“It’s okay, Logan, I’ll splash him for you,” Oscar says, patting Logan’s shoulder consolingly. 
Logan spins on him with a grin. “Thanks, Osc. Anyway, wasn’t I right?”
“Yeah, who wa—” Oscar’s cut off as George puts a hand on his shoulder, asking, “Oscar, right? George. Your captain for all intents and purposes,” he introduces with a wink and a hat tilt identical to the one he gave Logan earlier.
Logan looks at his best friend, noticing how Oscar’s ears have gone bright red, cheeks slightly flushed—all tell-tale signs of his attraction.
“Uh, yeah. Th-thanks, Captain,” Oscar stammers. Logan snickers—it's always the British accents that get Oscar.
Not waiting around for George’s response, Logan unbuttons the remaining ones on his shirt and dives headfirst into the crystal-clear water, the coolness rushing over his heated skin.
As he surfaces, shaking the water from his hair, he looks up to see Max leaning over the edge of the boat, eyes fixed on him.
Charles whistles from the deck. “Think you’ve got a fan, little Logan.” His comment is followed by more catcalls from the other guys.
Logan ignores them, letting the water cool his flushed skin, though he can still feel Max’s gaze burning into him.
Logan climbs back onto the boat, feeling the lingering coolness of the water and a soft fatigue setting in. Toweling off his hair and body, he spots all the boys whizzing across the horizon on their jet skis. Without much thought, Logan spreads his towel in the sunniest part of the deck and lays down on his stomach, ready for a nap.
He’s drifted off when he feels a gentle hand combing through his damp hair, followed by Max’s concerned voice. “Where’s your sunscreen, Angel? You’re already burning a little.”
Logan opens one eye, too tired from his swim to muster a proper response. He just shrugs and pushes his head deeper into Max’s hand, a silent invitation for him to keep playing with his hair.
Max chuckles softly. “Alright, Angel. You want me to put it on you?”
Logan gives a lazy nod, barely lifting his head. He feels Max’s thumb trace a slow line from the nape of his neck down to the base of his spine, sending a warm shiver through his body. The sensation of Max’s touch, combined with the heat of the sun, lulls him deeper into relaxation.
Max works the sunscreen down Logan’s back with smooth, steady movements, lingering at the base of his spine before moving up again to his neck. He pauses, then gently applies the lotion to the back of Logan’s ears, rubbing it into the soft skin. 
Logan shifts a little but doesn’t open his eyes, a contented sigh escaping him.
Max grins, squeezing more sunscreen onto his fingers. He traces a line down Logan’s nose, carefully smoothing it over the bridge and the tip. Then, he adds a generous amount to Logan’s cheeks, saying, “Can’t forget this,” with a soft chuckle. .
Logan scrunches his nose playfully in response, mumbling, “Tickles.”
Max laughs under his breath, finishing by running a thumb over the tips of Logan’s ears, leaving no spot unprotected. “All set Angel,” he whispers, as Logan drifts further into sleep, his face peaceful in the warm sunlight.
When Logan comes to, there's a gentle hand threading through his hair, and his cheek rests against something solid and warm. Blinking against the sun, he gradually realises he's half-lying in Max’s lap. The steady rise and fall of Max’s breathing is comforting, and Logan can feel the warmth of his thigh beneath him, the rhythmic motion of Max's fingers softly caressing his scalp.
Groggy, Logan shifts slightly, turning his face up to meet Max’s gaze. “How long was I out?” he mumbles, still a bit disoriented.
Max smiles down at him, his other hand resting casually on Logan’s back. “Not too long, Angel. The others are still out on the jet skis.”
As Logan sits up and leans against Max, still in that sleepy haze, Max’s arm naturally slips around his waist, effortlessly guiding him onto his lap. Logan’s back rests comfortably against Max’s chest, and with a stifled yawn, he turns his face into the crook of Max’s neck, his breath warm against Max’s skin.
“Wait, Angel,” Max murmurs, his voice gentle but insistent. “–sunscreen on your front now.”
Logan, still half-asleep, grumbles into Max’s neck, “Who cares?”
Max’s grip tightens slightly around Logan’s waist as he chuckles softly. “I do, Angel. I love it when you flush red for me. How will I see your pretty little blush if you’re burnt?”
Logan, still foggy from his nap, only picks up on Max’s concern. With a sigh, he mutters, “Put it on me then.”
Max kisses his neck and grabs the sunscreen, smoothing it over Logan’s chest and shoulders, taking his time as his hands glide over the soft skin. Logan shivers slightly under the coolness of the lotion, feeling Max’s steady, deliberate touch as it spreads warmth in its wake.
The coolness wakes him up a little, and as he looks down, he sees Max’s long fingers and wide palm smoothing sunscreen over his lower stomach. The visual is enough to send arousal pooling in his navel, intensifying with each pass of Max’s fingers through his happy trail. Soon, Max bends his legs to apply sunscreen over them without needing to unplaster himself from Logan’s back.
Once he’s done, Logan realises just how compromising their position is if anyone were to climb back on board. With his thighs bent on either side of Max’s legs and his chest and head reclined against the older man’s body, it makes Logan’s breath hitch. He instinctively hides his face in Max’s neck.
Max picks up on it, dragging his hands from Logan’s thighs up his side before wrapping his arms around his chest, squeezing, grounding Logan briefly. “What’s wrong, Angel? Too much?” 
Still hiding his face, Logan manages a shake of his head, whispering, “No, m-more, p-please.” The request hangs in the air, making the atmosphere between them thick with unspoken tension.
Chapter 1 - Angel
Chapter 2 - Hunter?
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raapija · 6 months
Everyone is crying on here about Logie Bear not getting to drive, BUT
Could he honestly have gotten a Williams in Q2 and P12? I love Logan, but having Alex drive was the only option tbf... At least one car in the fight for points and I think Alex could do it tomorrow.
It sucks that Logie can't drive and he's probably pretty sad about it, and I feel him, but it's not UNHEARD OF that the number 1 driver gets the car, it's actually quite logical. It's not like Williams hates Logan and doesn't want him there, they just made a tough decision that very well may be even written in their contracts. If Red Bull was in the same situation, they'd 1000% give Checo's car to Max and no-one would bat an eye
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beabnormal24 · 7 months
Hi! For the shipping asks: 👅 💖 💔 (if you want to!)
Oooh, good one. i love answering asks.
1. 👅 (ship that you find most sexy)
I mean, Charlos, of course. I guess I don’t even need to explain myself on this one, but I guess I’ll do it anyway. I will say that in my personal opinion Carlos is the sexiest, in the sense that he has that sinuosity in his movements and that elegance and finesse in his gestures that just makes him incredibily sexy.
If you want to look at it in a figurative way, I see Carlos like Matthew Macfadyen in Pride and Prejudice, so hot in his austerity.
And Charles? Prettiest boy ever, so delicate but also clumsy and silly and sexy in that completely self conscious and self confident and effortless way that attractive people who are constantly giggling their asses off are. He’s the epitome of babygirlism and sassiness, but you should not doubt him - which is exactly what Carlos never does.
Figurative example? Jonathan Bailey as Tim Laughlin in Fellow Travelers during the ‘50-‘60s episodes.
Together? Sexiest ship alive.
2. 💖 (Ship that needs more love)
Since I am deeply undecided, I’ll offer two options.
First one, George Russell and Max Verstappen, also known as Gax. Why, do you say?
Their dynamics would be incredible, apart from the entire obvious enemies to lovers mechanism, let’s spend some time talking about their characterisation - because you all know how much I like that.
George, your next door British boy, curses in lower case and says Blimey and Crikey like it’s normal. He cares about his looks and his appearance. He’s thirsty for competition, neat, honest, proper, terribly impatient although he tries his very best to not let it show.
Now, Max? Curses in bold, replaces Hello and Hi with Shit and Fuck. Doesn’t care about his appearance as much as he cares about his own cats. He’s thirsty for competition, neat, honest, proper, terribly impatient and he lets it show.
Conclusion: they’re basically the same person, just in different fonts, similar in their dissimilarities.
One is Calibra Light, the other is Calibra Bold, and they’ll clash their horns against each other like angry deers, but then they’ll notice how good they actually look together, how good they work together, how good they match and boom…
No chances for anyone else, two puzzle pieces completing each other.
Uh, I might write something about that.
Anyway, second one? Alexander Albon and Logan Sargeant. And tell me if I even need to explain myself on this one.
They are the ship, they have everything!
Logan blushing furiously and falling for Alex’s teasing and looking at him longingly and smiling like a lovesick fool whenever Alex gives him attention or jokes about his obsession with America. He’s so enamoured with Alex that he even started copying some of his attitudes, because he’s that in love.
But let’s be clear, Alex is falling just as hard, because Logan is so cute and he likes the way there’s someone who actually looks up at him - not only figuratively, lol, because Nicholas is tall - and he blushes in such a cute shade of red when he calls him Logie Bear.
Alex might be a little bit obsessed with him.
I need to write about them.
3. 💔 (ship that makes you sad)
I honestly don’t know how to answer this one, I guess it is based on personal interpretation.
I would probably say that the one that makes me a little bit sad is Dando.
Ironic, you may say, but let’s think about it for a second.
They started to bloom a little late, because Lando was still attached to Carlos and Daniel isn’t as careful around boundaries as he should be in certain situations, and although Lando has clearly grown into an overconfident young man that we love to see thriving, he does initially still need some limits - like Carlos and Oscar had religiously respected.
But then they had bloomed, they started getting along like a house on fire. People do not realise how hard it actually is to become so close in such contexts without having any strings from before - like Alex and George or Charles and Pierre or Oscar and Logan and so on.
Lando went to his house in Perth, voluntarily, just to spend time with him and do crazy stuff on his farm and have the time of his life with someone that is ten years older than him.
But they get along so well that who does even care about age differences?
But just as they started to really develop through their relationship, shit happened and they got separated.
I’m really glad they still bloomed - sharing clothes like in Monaco and sharing jet rides and visiting each other and going to dinners together and stuff - but it does make me a little sad the thought that, in some twisted way, things still tried to put themselves through their building affection.
It also makes me sad the fact that, because of all of that, they didn’t get to shine as bright as they deserved.
That’s it, hope you liked my answers and please Ant let me know about yours, too! 🩷🩷
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liamlawsonlesbian · 4 months
How would you want silly szn to play out?
Ooooo good question, anon!!!
I think there are so many factors at play that it’s difficult to have one specific scenario in mind but I will lay out one option for the 2025 grid that I would like to see that doesn’t seem TOO far-fetched:
- RBR: Max, Checo on a one-year contract (I am fond of him as a blorbo-in-law, and he seems to be doing well & is likely to keep his seat, but I would love for this seat to be in play next year)
- Ferrari: Charles, Lewis (duh)
- McLaren: Lando, Oscar (I think that depending on how the rest of this season goes Oscar may be in play for 2026 but I doubt he’ll move before that)
- Aston Martin: Fernando, Lance (we all know this is unlikely to change, ymmv on how you feel about that)
- Mercedes: George, Alex — this is controversial, I know, but I think it might actually be good for both of them. And while I’m sure that Alex’s contract would be limited, I think if he gets a chance to show his stuff in a faster car for a year he’ll be in a good place for the 2026 market. And imagine the content! (This is unlikely but it COULD happen.)
- Audi/Sauber: Hulk, Carlos — I think that Carlos should go to Audi. He and Hulk have been teammates before, and I think he’s the kind of driver that deserves to have a team built around him. It would suck for him to be at a back team next year (as Audi will likely be) but I don’t think that’s a good reason to turn what is likely a very good deal down.
- VCARB: Yuki, Liam — ultimately I would love for Yuki to leave the RBR system, but I’m not sure there’s a good place for him next year somewhere else yet. Liam deserves a seat and I’m not sure where else he would get it.
- Williams: Kimi, Valtteri — give the baby a seat, but at a team that’s in a rebuilding stage, and give him a veteran to learn from.
- Haas: Ollie, Pierre — same as above + save Pierre and Este from each other (I respect KMag’s balls-to-the wall strategy atm but I’m not sure it’s a recipe for keeping his seat)
- Alpine: Esteban, Rookie of Your Choice — we’re talking about what I want here, and what I want is fresh blood. I don’t have a clear idea who could end up in this seat if Pierre (or Este) leaves but I think it would be fun to have four rookies.
All that being said, I am fond of Guanyu, Kevin, and Logie Bear and would be happy for them to stay on the grid 🤷🏼‍♀️
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racingcore · 5 months
No actual thought in my head, but I also more than bored sooo. Who do you think gonna lose their seats till 2026. There are at least 3 young drivers to enter f1, so smb needs to leave. Who?
well my fellow person in boredom, hi hope yours goes away soon. im doing my peace assignment rn and lemme tell you there is nothing peaceful about it.
so drivers, yes! the ones who are safe imo are: charles and lewis, max and i bet checo is safe till 2025 atleast, russell, lance and nando, oscar and lando, alex albonoo, nico hulkenbergggggg, carlos sainz, valterri, yuki, pierre and estie.
and now the ones im unsure about:
the most im unsure about is, danny ric. idk what is going to happen to him this season. tomorrows race can be a start for many things, downfall or just reaching the stars as much as you can in that vcarb.
umm next, is Magnussen because just cuz. i think Hulkenberg is more probably to get to be a n2 driver in Audi. Carlos and his line up would be good. i think.
logie sargeant, man i feel so bad for him. cuz after japan if im not wrong, the talks of williams looking for options is just heartbreaking.
Zhou, as sad as i am to say this, yes. it does look unsure about it. im sure he'd do so well in a nice midfield car. Same goes for valterri as well, both are kind of in a tight spot rn imo. but i think its more on the team than the drivers yknow?
what do you think?
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dertaglichedan · 5 months
Logitech thinks the computer mouse needs an AI upgrade
WTF?! AI tools such as ChatGPT have been boosting productivity for many. However, it can also be counterintuitive to often requiring users to interrupt their workflow and copy-paste prompts – a process that can be downright clunky. Get ready to bid adieu to those frustrations because Logitech has cooked up a mouse with a dedicated AI button.
The newly-launched Signature AI Edition Mouse is essentially a souped-up version of the popular Signature M750. It's virtually the same package but packs an extra button that launches the Logi AI Prompt Builder app, powered by none other than ChatGPT.
The idea is pretty clever. Instead of having to switch apps or open a new window, the Prompt Builder overlays right on top of whatever you're working on. Need to draft an email but struggling to find the right words? Hit that AI button, describe what you need in a few words, and let ChatGPT work its magic.
Logitech has pre-loaded a bunch of handy prompt "recipes" to get you started. There are options for rephrasing, summarizing, and adjusting the tone from academic to playful. You can obviously specify word counts too, so ChatGPT knows whether you need a short blurb or an epic novella.
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qnewsau · 6 months
Holden Sheppard's Invisible Boys has started filming in WA
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/holden-sheppards-invisible-boys-has-started-filming-in-wa/
Holden Sheppard's Invisible Boys has started filming in WA
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The television adaptation of award winning Australian queer young adult novel Invisible Boys has started filming in locations in Perth and Geraldton in Western Australia.
Holden Sheppard’s book, set during the 2017 same-sex marriage plebiscite, explores the challenges faced by a group of gay teens in the remote coastal town after one of them is outed on social media following an encounter with a married man.
As they form a tight-knit friendship, the boys find solace and support in one another, exploring their desires and identities in a world that often renders them invisible.
The book was optioned for television development in 2020 and has now begun production as a Stan Original Series helmed by Logie and AACTA award-winning creator/director Nicholas Verso (Crazy Fun Park, Boys in the Trees).
Joining Verso in creating the series is an impressive writing team including Invisible Boys author Holden Sheppard, Enoch Mailangi, Walkley Award-winning writer Allan Clarke, and Artistic Director of Griffin Theatre, Declan Greene.
The director speaks
“We’ve had an absolute blast filming in Geraldton – the literal hottest place in the world,” Verso said in announcing that the production was underway.
“Thank you to the Yamaji people for inviting us into their country, the incredible, tireless crew and the wonderfully talented cast for bringing this story to life so beautifully. It’s been an honour to be the first TV series filmed in Geraldton and capture the experience of contemporary gay life in regional Australia. We can’t wait to share this series with the world.”
The ten episode series stars Joseph Zada (Total Control), Aydan Calafiore (The Voice 2018), Zach Blampied (New Gold Mountain), Joe Klocek (The Dry), Pia Miranda (Windcatcher), and David Lyons (Truth Be Told).
“As home of some incredible LGBTQIA+ content, Stan is delighted to welcome Invisible Boys to this slate,” Stan Chief Content Officer Cailah Scobie said.
“Filmed in Perth and Geraldton and featuring a remarkable suite of Australian actors, the series weaves together a compelling and rich story of love, sexuality and isolation deep in regional Western Australia.
“Nicholas Verso has done an incredible job adapting Holden Sheppard’s award-winning novel Invisible Boys for the screen, bringing his vision, talent and expertise to craft a beautiful production.”
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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doggerel-catchall · 2 years
Complaint of the Vampire Grandpa
When I was as old as you, I was immortal; Yes, I was immortal when I was your age. You snot-nosed five-hundred-year-old whippersnapper! No older than you, and I'd turned the Dark Page.
And we had it rough in those days, I can tell you; No fat, logy tourists upon which to dine. They say getting blood from a stone's not an option, But that's all we had, and we liked it just fine.
These young folks today turn to bats in an instant, And take it for granted to soar through the night. We turned into emus when I started out; What I couldn't have done with the power of flight!
In the movies, they make all the biting look easy, It's never old biddies with too much perfume, And in my day, we didn't have rich mausoleums. To tell you the truth, we slept two to a tomb!
We had to walk home trudging knee-deep in garlic, Past the church where the big silver crucifix glistens, And Daddy would stab us with big wooden stakes... But I'm old, and you're probably not gonna listen.
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mdayman · 23 days
The Impact of Efficient Last-Mile Delivery on Customer Satisfaction
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In today's fast-paced e-commerce landscape, last-mile delivery has emerged as a critical factor that directly impacts customer satisfaction. This final leg of the delivery journey, from the warehouse or distribution center to the customer's doorstep, is often the most complex and expensive part of the supply chain. An efficient last-mile delivery process can lead to higher customer retention, better reviews, and increased brand loyalty.
To help businesses navigate the challenges of last-mile delivery, here are some strategies to enhance efficiency and improve customer experiences. Companies like MAR Transports offer advanced solutions tailored to meet the unique demands of the last-mile segment. For further insights into the future of delivery logistics, you might find this comprehensive article insightful.
1. Optimize Delivery Routes Using Advanced Technology
Efficient route planning is essential for reducing delivery times and costs. Leveraging GPS tracking, real-time traffic data, and machine learning algorithms can help in creating optimal routes that minimize fuel consumption and improve delivery speed. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also reduces the carbon footprint.
Partnering with logistics providers like MAR Transports, who utilize cutting-edge route optimization software, can help streamline your last-mile delivery process, ensuring faster and more reliable deliveries to customers.
2. Implement Real-Time Tracking and Communication
Providing real-time tracking and communication options to customers is vital for enhancing transparency and trust. By offering updates on delivery status, estimated arrival times, and real-time notifications, businesses can keep customers informed and engaged throughout the delivery process.
With providers like MAR Transports, businesses can leverage advanced tracking technologies to offer these features, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing delivery-related inquiries.
3. Adopt Flexible Delivery Options
Today's customers expect flexibility in their delivery options, whether it's same-day, next-day, or scheduled delivery. Offering a range of delivery choices caters to different customer preferences, increasing convenience and satisfaction.
Companies can collaborate with logistics experts like MAR Transports to implement flexible delivery solutions that align with customer needs, ensuring timely and efficient service across various delivery windows.
4. Leverage Local Delivery Networks
Utilizing local delivery networks can significantly improve last-mile efficiency. Local partners are often more familiar with the area, can navigate traffic better, and provide quicker delivery options. Building a robust network of local couriers or using micro-fulfillment centers can reduce delivery times and costs.
Logistics providers like MAR Transports can help businesses tap into these local networks, enhancing their ability to deliver efficiently in dense urban areas or remote regions.
5. Enhance Delivery Personnel Training and Engagement
The quality of delivery personnel can make or break the customer experience. Investing in regular training programs that focus on customer service, efficient delivery practices, and handling customer complaints can go a long way in enhancing customer satisfaction.
With partners like MAR Transports, businesses can ensure that delivery personnel are well-trained and motivated, providing a superior delivery experience that reflects positively on the brand.
Improving last-mile delivery efficiency is crucial for businesses aiming to meet the rising expectations of today’s customers. By optimizing delivery routes, providing real-time tracking, offering flexible delivery options, leveraging local networks, and investing in personnel training, businesses can significantly enhance their delivery performance and customer satisfaction.
Collaborating with experienced logistics providers like MAR Transports ensures that all aspects of the last-mile delivery process are handled expertly, helping businesses deliver not just products, but also exceptional customer experiences.
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noegrets · 1 month
Lately, my computer has been running strangely sluggishly. I decided to try the age-old Restart. During the flash of programs that are delaying the computer from shutting down, and I happened to see something named...
Logi AI Prompt Builder
Oh hell no.
It turns out Logitech silently added ChatGPT-related bloat to its configuration software, Logi Options+. I don't want ChatGPT in anything let alone my mouse.
While Logi Options+ does offer a toggle for disabling the Logi AI Prompt builder:
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I am not fully convinced by the wiggly wording of this. It sounds like it's still there but just kinda turned off maybe.
First I tried to see if I could downgrade to an earlier version of the software from before any AI crap was added (it looks like I'd be aiming for version 1.56.474970 from October 25, 2023 and 1.50.447400 was the closest version available for download on the Logitech site), but when I installed that older version, it automatically upgraded itself back up to version 1.8 before I even had an opportunity to stop it.
So you know what Logitech, fuck you. I completely uninstalled Logi Options+ and I am just going to use whatever default mouse button behavior whatever. And I'll never buy anything from Logitech ever again.
In researching this, I also found out that Logitech is trying to sell a specific Logitech Signature AI Edition Mouse. It's the same old Logitech mouse, but one of the customizable buttons starts out set up to open this Logi AI Prompt Builder crap. Logitech is selling what they claim to be an entirely different model of mouse, just to have one of the customizable buttons set to a particular default setting.
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