#Loki called himself Alex’s mom
mysticalblue09 · 6 months
What is something that’s canon in the Riordanverse that you don’t think people talk about enough? I’ll go first.
Mpreg is canon.
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echoing-gravity · 5 months
In the double legacy Au how do the gods, montera or Camp react to percies legacy? Does he meet any Northa?
In the Magnus Chase series it's said that Children of Norse gods aren't "detectable" to monsters and gods UNTIL they die. And since Sally's a Legacy of LOKI one of the Norse gods most commonly associated with like misdirection and like avoiding traps (not counting the whole ''i invented the thing that finally caught me'' thing. Please keep nets away from the Jackson family. its like their only weakness. Also Loki being the inventor of nets might have something to do with how Percy was able to host that one Egyptian god, in that one side story, who ALSO invented nets, but that's off topic) the gods just have like, no fucking clue about it. As for the whole legacy of Venus, it's so far down the generational chain that it's barely even noticable, beyond the whole ''singing-charmspeak-siren-powers'' which Sally has basically forbidden/scared?(unintentionally) Percy into never using. By the time anyone (Zeus, Ares, or other ppl who don't like Percy) realizes that Sally's and therefore Percy's heritage is cross-pantheon he's already won the favor of like- ALL the greek minor gods -(did you know that their are over 3100 immortals in the greek-mythos idk how many of that number are gods, compared to like primordials, titans, nymps, giants, and naliads but like that numbers' HUGE)- when he turned down immortality, has the begrudgingly support of Nico's dad, and has like literally saved the world twice. They can't do anything to them without like starting a war. Zeus is like trigger-happy one second from zappo murdering Percy but he CANT because Percy is the Darling. Everyone likes him now, if Zeus were to harm Percy he would have not only both his brothers to deal with but also LITERALLY everyone (minus maybe Athena and Ares) would be out for his blood.
Percy himself doesn't even find out he's a legacy until like after son of Neptune when Venus, says some shit and then his mom tells him what's up after he, Bob, and friendly giant friend get rescued from Tartarus: Ice Age Addition. to help with the final battle. (Speaking of battle Sally helps fight in the battle against Kronos in book 5, with her Seax Knives!(i remembered what her viking weapons was called!))
I have this scene in my head where like Alex Ferrari or however their name is spelt, comes to camp half blood like- 2 weeks post Dirt Fite, because she was told that they need a legacy of loki to help them complete a quest and that legacy was at the camp. and he's arguing with annabeth something like-
"Why would there be a Legacy of Loki HERE?!?!!?!"
"idk, but that's what THEY said"
Percy overhears this and is like 'No.'
'no that is nOt HaPpEnInG'
No you are not taking my mom on a quest when she is 7 months pregnant with his unborn little sister. And ends up joining the quest and that's how they find out cuz Percy asked Alex
"what generation legacy?"
And Alex is like 'why does that matter's and Percy goes off 'cuz either the gods want to force HIS MOM on a quest or they want to take a newborn and... Like...NO!!!' NOT HAPPENING. Percy rage.exe happens, there might have been an earthquake. Alex points out that Percy can just go instead. Nico is also their and ends up tagging along. He is still mad about the whole Percy saving Nico via 'distracting him with a kiss and shoving him in the elevator' in Tartarus thing. (Percy has been avoiding the subject, but now can't cuz they are stuck on a quest together) shenanigans insue.
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screamingcatus · 2 years
Magnus chase owl house au
.Magnus healing trek need I say more and his palisman is a polar bear sense his mom used to call him that as a nickname and jack is some sort of old relic from the savage ages that he needs to keep away from the emperor (surt or Loki )
.hearthstone either all treks like luz or powerless witch and users glyphs and the kinda remind me of runes and his palisman is a arctic fox with a chipped ear
.blitz construction trek he is really not that into it though and wants to transfer to something that will help him with his fashion career abominations maybe and his palisman is a little fluffy stubbed tailed cat or a duck
.samirah illusions and beast keeping cause illusions you have to be keen and pay attention to detail so it fits her and her pailsman is a female lion and loves flyer derby
.alex beast keeping and abomination partly because of their love of pink and green and plants just don’t match with their power set and them using abominations like amity did in eclipse lake i feel like it would line up with their power set and their palisman would be some sort of snake maybe a viper or mamba
.halfborn is in construction trek they use power glyphs he’s really strong so I guess it makes sense and his palisman is something Vikingish so wolf with all the detailed carving
.mallory maybe bard trek playing the fiddle cause her mom can like knit clouds orrrr maybe potions using them like knives maybe probably duel trek of those both and her palisman is a owl her mom’s sacred animal is a great horned owl so she went with an desert owl
.t.j so uhh I got nothing for t.j cause like his power is excepting challenges so maybe potions and he accidentally cursed himself and that’s it and his palisman is a dog (it’s meant to be ironic) maybe a pit bull
That’s all I got right now I’ll probably do this with the other riordranverse books
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Happy Transgender day of visibility! To celebrate, here are some Trans media recommendations (some of which are available on this very website)
The Deep & Dark Blue
The Deep & Dark Blue is a graphic novel that has achieved some notoriety for being banned in certain countries for the simple act of Transness. It stories the tale of a pair of twins, Hawke and (Grayce), heirs to a noble house who were forced by an inheritance scheme to hide in an all female order of weavers, who, with their blue thread, weave the very future itself. Because of this, they must act as girls. Except, Grayce is a girl. Transness. Also there’s a gender-affirming magical tapestry. I read this while egg, and related to it on a level I couldn’t quite describe yet. It’s really good.
Sleepless Domain
More gender affirming magic! In the world of this webcomic, girls and only girls are gifted mystical powers to fight monsters. So it was pretty neat for Zoe Blecher to gain these gender-affirming superpowers. I’d probably call Zoe a deuteragonist. She’s not one of the main characters, but she is a fairly major one. The story does not make much of a big deal of Zoe’s Transness, and we only really find out when one of her cousins over shared and explains Transness in general in that cute simplified way that children understand things.
More trans, more magic, although none of it has anything to do with gender. Despite being a magic user, the main character Olive still needs HRT. From aliens. Yeah there are aliens, but I only remember them coming up once. Nbd. It has a great balance of wonderful stories about gender stuff and wonderful stories having nothing to do with gender. Every single one of the stories is wonderful. It’s one of my favorite comics, and can be found right here on tumblr
El Goonish Shive
This webcomic is not technically on tumblr but it can be viewed through tumblr. It does… not to great with gender stuff at first, but as the author improves so does the representation, in terms of both gender and orientation. It currently has the second most Gender cast of any media I consume (for the life of me I can’t figure out the first)
The Owl House
Great show, has an older Enby character, screwed over by Disney (also please more spoilers I’m not caught up with season 2B)
She-Ra and the princesses of power
Available on Netflix, this wondrous show has one (1) cool non-binary shapeshifter person, and one (1) major Trans female character who was confirmed outside of the show itself (for safety purposes)
Steven Universe Future
Shep. There probably would’ve been more explicit Trans rep if the higher-ups had allowed, but oh well, still an amazing franchise (this installment in particular handles trauma really well)
Magnus Chase and The Gods of Asgard
Alex Fierro is a genderfluid icon. So is xer mom Loki, but he’s especially evil in this so… also great pan realization from Magnus himself later in the books.
Shameful self promotion
I feel kinda bad about this, but this is supposed to be a full list of trans media, and I happen to specialize in trans media. I’ve got Infinity Squared, a pixel art comedy comic made up of 1. Wordplay 2. Geek culture references 3. Queer jokes and most often 4. Two or more of the above. I’ve also got spectrum force, a pretty cool hand-drawn comic in which a bunch of color-coded trans youths battle physical manifestations of the fear that comes from hope, and then shoot them with arrows. It’s fun, we have fun.
So… yeah.
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det-loki · 3 years
poison & wine part five
Oh, you let your feet run wild Time has come as we all oh, go down  
warnings: angst, mention of harm to a dog, cussing, kidnap/drug/alcoholism mention
pairing: detective loki x fem reader
word count: 3,554
A/N: feedback is welcomed! let me know what you think and if you want more!
1  2  3  4   ⌽  6
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You stared blankly at the ground in Captain O’Malley’s office as Loki was talking to him angrily.
David was pissed. 
Arriving at the station this morning, you found out Alex had been missing after calling Holly about a dog that had been hit after Alex took it for a walk and never came back. You leaned against the wall lazily, observing the conversation between David and O’Malley.
The dog collar had been thrown onto the captain's desk, Loki gesturing to it, “Holly Jones’ dog got hit on Southward Street. Apparently, Alex Jones took the dog for a walk the night before last, they never came home. And his aunt didn’t want to tell us about the dog when we called her about it this morning. She said she thought it would get him into trouble or some shit. I thought you said you would keep him under surveillance.”
O’Malley picked the collar up, “Yeah, and I thought you said the guy was innocent. And I thought the guy from last night you said was our guy. Look, I don’t have money in the budget for watching innocent people.”
Loki pointed at him, “You said to me that you’d put him under surveillance.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“You gonna keep your word? You could have just given me or Y/N a call because we would have been there all night, I would have stayed up all night. I would know where he was now. I need to know where everybody is.” Loki was at his wit’s end, no one was listening to anything he or you said. 
O’Malley looked defeated, “All right, point made. All right? Point made.”
Loki’s voice was harsh, “If you can be clear with me, then I’ll be clear with you. I need to know where everybody is. If you’re going to do something different, please tell me.”
Loki walked out of the room, O’Malley turning to you with his eyebrows raised, “You have anything you wanna yell at me about too?”
You shrugged, irritated, “He’s not wrong, captain. All you had to do was give either of us a call and we wouldn’t be in this situation. That’s all you had to do.” 
O’Malley threw up his arms, “Look, I get it all right? I fucked up. But it’s day five, your window is closing. You need to start preparing yourselves for the worst,”
Your body filled with rage, your fuse was blown, “Captain, you don’t ever speak to me like that again, you hear me? You can be upset with me all you want, but you ever call my ability to my job into question again, I will make your life hell. Day five means nothing. You have no idea what David and I are going through with this case, okay? Go fuck yourself.” You walked out of the room before he could respond, you needed to find David to make sure he hadn’t punched a hole in the wall. 
 You found David in the interrogation viewing room as he wound, rewound, and wound the tapes of Alex’s interrogation over and over, obsessively looking for something he may have missed.  You walked deeper into the room without a word and sat next to him as he pressed play on the video. Ripping at the seams, crumbling. 
A secretary you didn’t really know the name of came into the room, interrupting Loki’s obsessive behavior, “Loki, you got a call.” Loki rolled his eyes and huffed, hand coming up to his face to clutch his eyes before he stood rigidly, the silhouette of his body creating harsh lines filled with tension. 
You remained in the viewing room as Loki went to take the call as you read over the notes he had scrawled on the yellow notebook paper.
Kidnapped with help? 
Drugged…like her? M-
You stopped reading after that.
Loki came back into the room, pulling you out of your thoughts before they got too deep and pulled you under, “Hey, we gotta go.”
You stood in the local Value Mall, speaking to a young female employee, Jill, who had called about the man who fled from Loki last night.
“I called as soon as I saw the sketch on TV. He comes in here every week almost and buys kids’ clothes, but he’s always buying stuff in different sizes. Caught him messing around with the mannequins once.” Gross.
“What did he pay with?” You were silently hoping she said card, finally giving you something to work with.
“Cash.” Behind you, you could hear Loki mutter ‘fuck.’ 
You pull your business card out of your pocket with your name and number on it and hand it to the girl, “All right, you give me a call if you hear anything.” You turn to Loki who was still rifling through clothing racks, lost in thought, snapping your fingers, “Loki, card.” He turned around and handed the girl his card as well, now she had both your numbers. 
You walked out of the store and looked up at the gray sky, taking a moment to yourself and to take in your surroundings. Loki stopped a few feet in front of you, looking back at you with a quizzical look. You didn’t say anything, only bringing your hand above your head and crossing them, taking a deep breath. You dropped your arms and continued walking towards the car while David remained standing confused in the same spot. Even in times like this, he admired your ability to stop and take notice of the world around you. Even a gray sky meant something to you. 
The rest of the day was spent staring at a computer screen, researching anything you could get your hands on about Barry Milland. It was basically a dead end. Your cell phone buzzed in your pocket, grabbing it to see Dover’s called ID. It was 2 A.M.
Ralph Dover, son of Keller and Grace was on the other end, “Hi, uh, my mom is kind of freaking out right now. She’s saying someone broke in, she thinks it’s Anna but no one is here.” He sounded nervous and tired. Poor kid.
“Okay, Ralph, we’ll be right there.”
Grace Dover was a wreck. You stood across from her, listening to her recount what she claimed happened. 
“And she wasn’t here. And I...I came in here and the window was open. And- and it wasn’t open before, And the...and then Ralph, he- he came in. And he looked and- and uhm- .”  Loki walked to the closed window, brushing the sheer curtain back to look as Ralph floated nervously in the hallway. Your eyes remained Grace, her eyes bloodshot and heavy as she watched Loki. “-And then I don’t know. Aren’t you gonna write this down?” Loki looked past her at you as he took out his notebook from his inner breast coat pocket to appease her.
Grace let out an exhale, “The basement. I didn’t check the basement. We need to check the basement. I’ll show you. I’ll show you.” Loki looked towards the bedside table covered in prescription medication for Grace’s anxiety since the abduction. He had experienced the same thing with you, a prescription being the only thing to get you to sleep months after the accident. He knew Grace wasn’t in the right mind, but he went along with it anyway. She walked out of the room frantically, brushing past an obviously distraught Ralph. Loki followed her out as you caught his elbow, “I’m going to stay up here with Ralph.” Loki nodded as he continued to follow Grace. 
“Hey, Ralph. Is it okay if I talk with you for a second?’
Ralph shrugged, “I guess.”
“Has your mom been sleeping much lately? At least that you know of?”
He shrugged again, eyebrows furrowing, “I mean, not really. When she does it’s because dad makes her take the medicine the doctor gave her. When she isn’t sleeping, she’s crying.”
You nodded along, “And you? Are you doing okay?”
“Not really.” He stopped talking when he saw his mother reappear in the hallway, Loki behind her. The look on David’s face concerned you. 
David slammed the driver’s door shut as he got in the car. He breathed heavily as he slid a hand over his face in frustration, “Grace said Keller was out with the search party, but you and I both know he’s not. And now Alex is missing. There's half a bag of lye in Keller's basement along with shelves of doomsday shit, something is up.”
“You think Keller had something to do with it, don’t you?” You wouldn’t be surprised, very few things shocked you anymore. 
Loki didn’t say anything, only turning the keys in the ignition and driving home in silence.
It was raining as you sat in the Crown Vic alongside Loki. You watched the water droplets fall down the window, collecting at the bottom. Stupid fucking rain.
Today you were trailing Keller Dover to see where he went when he claimed he was searching for his daughter when he wasn’t. You watched with tired eyes as Keller pulled out of his driveway while Loki turned the car on and followed. 
Loki pulled up to a light, Keller had pulled into a liquor store across town on the corner of Wallace and Campello Street. Except when Keller got out of his truck, he didn’t walk into the store, he walked towards an old building across from the liquor store. What are you doing?
Behind you, a trash truck pulled up and laid on it’s horn signaling the light was green. Loki didn’t move, his eyes were still on Keller who had now turned around at the sound of the horn. Loki was agitated, telling the truck to go around so as to not blow your cover. Keller turned around and started walking towards you and into the liquor store. Loki pulled into a vacant lot across from the liquor store, “Fuck.”
Loki turned off the car and rubbed his hands together to create some sort of warmth, still refusing gloves as he reached on the dash to grab his coffee beans, popping a few in his mouth. At least some things never changed. The rain continued to pour down outside, each drop hitting the window added to the memory of the night of your little girl’s death. It had stormed that night, worse than anyone had seen in Pennsylvania in a long time. Your hatred of rain was deeply rooted. 
“Come on, Mr. Dover.” You heard Loki mutter to himself as you brought your legs underneath you in the seat. Might as well get comfortable while you waited. You look out of the rain covered windshield to see Keller approaching quickly with his hood up, popping open the liquor bottle he had in a brown paper bag and taking a long swig.
He stood at Loki's window that had been rolled down, leaning at the waist as he spoke, “Why are you following me?” 
“Get in the car.” Loki demanded; Keller opening the rear passenger side door and sitting down, you and David turning to look at him. He looked even more tired than when you saw him last. His eyes were different though, changing from a scared father to a godless and angry man.
 Keller asked the question again, “Why are you following me?”
Loki looks him over before speaking, “Where were you going just now?”
Keller took a deep breath, “I parked at a liquor store.” He held up his bottle of liquor he had taken a drink from previously, “-I have a bottle of liquor. You’re the shit-hot detective. Work it out.” He took another drink from the bottle, the stench of whiskey filling the car. You wanted to puke, it reminded you too much of your drunk of a so called father.
“I actually meant before that. You were walking in the opposite direction across the parking lot. Towards Campello Street.” 
Keller took another drink before answering Loki, “Yeah, well...I haven’t had a drink in nine-and-a-half years. I figured if I walked around the parking lot for a while, by the time they opened, I’d stop wanting it that bad. And then-then I saw you two. Sorta helped me make up my mind.” He seemed to have an explanation for everything.
There was a long pause before David broke the uncomfortable silence, “There’s a bag of lye in your basement that’s half empty. Your wife thinks you’ve been helpin’ us...but we all know that’s not true.” Loki turned to look at Keller who was staring at him.
“I used the lye to bury our dog last year. And ‘helping the cops’ sounds better than ‘I’ve been driving aimlessly in my truck ‘cause I don’t know what else to do.’” He really did have an explanation for everything. 
Loki questioned him, “Is that what you were doing last Saturday night?” 
“Probably. Am I a suspect?” 
Loki’s voice went up as he spoke, “No, I’m only asking- I’m only asking ‘cause you assaulted a man who’s now missing.”
Keller looked away briefly, his eyes moving to the yellowing bruise on your jaw before turning back to David, “I heard about that. What happened to him? I thought you had him under surveillance.”
“I’m gonna assume you’re asking me because you have no idea.”
Keller shook his head, “Well, I didn’t think it was something I could get away with.”
Loki deadpanned, “It’s not.”
“Yeah, well. It couldn’t be that he skipped town ‘cause the asshole is guilty. Couldn’t be that, right? ‘Cause that would mean it would be your fault, right?”
“Mr. Dover?” Loki looked at Keller with an intense gaze as Keller’s defense began to crumble in front of you.
“What?” Keller snapped.
“You need to take care of yourself and your wife. That’s the best thing you can do right now. That little girl is gonna need you when she comes home.”
Keller took in a shaky inhale, “Kids gone longer than a week have half as good a chance of being found, and after a month, almost none are. Not alive. All right? So forgive me for doing everything I can-”
Keller struck a nerve in Loki, his finger now in his face, yelling, “You know what? It hasn’t been a fucking week!”
The energy shifted in the car quickly as Keller lunged furiously over the center console, yelling, “You’re right. It’s day fucking six! Day six!” His voice broke as he continued to yell, David blinking harshly beside you, “-And every day she’s wondering why I’m not there to fucking rescue her!” David attempted to calm Keller down as he furiously pointed to himself, “All right. Do you understand that? Me! Not you! Not you! But me! Every day! So forgive me for not going home to have a good night’s rest!” Keller pounded on the center console with his fist, shaking yours and Loki’s seats, “Now, why don’t you look for my fucking daughter rather than fighting-”
Loki interrupted him as Keller began to get emotional, tears welling up in his eyes. Your back was pressed against the dashboard as to put as much space between you and Keller as you could as he spoke, “Don’t follow me.”
Loki held his hand in the air in a calming gesture, “Hey. Hey. Mr. Dover, Mr. Dover.” A long pause occurred before Keller reached for the door handle, stopping as Loki called after him, “You don’t think we’re gonna let you get behind the wheel after you’ve been drinking do you?”
“I’m gonna walk. You look for my daughter.” You sighed in relief as Keller left the car, sinking back into your seat as Loki huffed beside you, eyes blinking harshly as he watched Keller walk away in the rain. Loki ran his hand over his face and jaw, lost in thought as he watched the rain fall. 
You crawled into bed alone that night. Loki stayed at the station, reading reports, telling you to go home and sleep. You couldn’t sleep however, for it was still raining outside and you never slept well without David. The sound of the rain outside made you furious, slapping a pillow over your head and squeezing your eyes shut. Somehow, sleep found you, pulling you under by your ankles.
You trudged into the station the next day to find Loki still at his desk where you left him, intently reading his computer screen. When he saw you he motioned for you to come over. He read you whatever he had been so enthralled in, “I looked into the old apartment building Keller was walking towards yesterday, it used to be his father’s. He committed suicide there, Keller and his mother found his body. I think it’s worth checking out.”
The car ride over was quick, Loki driving faster than necessary, he was obviously eager to have a lead in the case that had so far been working against you. You took notice of Keller’s truck in the liquor store parking lot as Loki parked the car. You stepped out of the car, your black boot landing on the slushy ground as the car dinged as Loki got out. The building was old, windows boarded up and looking to be on the brink of collapsing. 
Loki inspected the boarded window for a way in, settling on ripping off the plywood. It fell on the ground at your feet as you whipped out your flashlight and looked inside the building. Loki climbed in first and turned for you to join him. You weren’t really up for climbing today but did it anyways, jumping down from the window as Loki’s hand found your hip, steadying you. 
You turned around with your flashlight, taking in your surroundings. It was falling apart. Dirty and musty, obviously not being taken care of very well. You and Loki walked through the doorway into another room looking the same as the last except this time you found Keller Dover lying on the ground surrounded by empty whiskey bottles.
Loki tapped him with his foot as he jerked away, squinting up at him through the fluorescence of the flashlight as he spoke, “Hey, rise and shine.”
Loki walked deeper into the room. “I’m not gonna find two girls here, am I?” 
You stood in front of Keller who was still laying on the ground, taking in Loki’s words, “Fuck you.”
You looked down at Keller as he moved to sit up, “What about Alex Jones?” You obviously weren't expecting an honest answer, but was curious to see what he would say. 
Keller looked at the ground, avoiding your questioning gaze, “What about him? I came here to drink. I don’t want to drink in front of my wife.”
Moving away from Keller you looked around the room as he spoke, “Look, my father left me this building, all right?”
Loki spoke across the room, looking at something you couldn’t see, “You mind giving us a tour?”  
Keller stood and put on his coat, glaring at Loki as he walked by with you trailing up the staircase you had come to. 
Loki spoke in front of you to Keller, “Why didn’t you tell us about this place?”
Keller huffed, “I didn’t think it mattered.”
“Everything matters.”
The three of you walked into another room filled with old materials and tools, “It’s all pretty much like this.” You couldn’t help but feel like Keller was hiding something, wanting you and David to leave as soon as possible. 
“I’m gonna renovate soon.”
Loki nodded in agreement, “Yeah, not as organized as your basement, huh? What’s up with all the survivor gear in there?”
“Pray for the best, prepare for the worst.” Keller’s statement caused O’Malley’s words to hit you in the face, ‘you need to start preparing for the worst.’
Loki spoke ahead of you, “Guess we agree there, yeah?”
Keller led you through door after door, each room looking exactly the same as the last. Loki was getting impatient, as were you. You felt like you were being led through a maze.
As you walked through another door, just like the same, you noticed Keller pause. Loki was across the room with his back turned, missing Keller’s sudden odd behavior. He stood in front of a hallway you hadn’t been down yet, acting as if he were guardian something. He followed Loki’s every move with skeptical eyes, completely missing your own skeptical gaze on him. He was hiding something. 
As Loki walked further away, his phone rang in his pocket. He picked it up, speaking to whoever was on the other line. As Loki walked further down the hallway, you could see the color drain from Mr. Dover’s face. What was down there?
Loki reappeared from the hallway running, nodding for you to follow with his notebook in hand. Obviously he had something for the case, you ran out after him, yelling at Keller to go home. You prayed it was something to help those two girls get home. You couldn’t handle anymore let down, your luck was running out fast.
Yet you had no idea what was to come, oblivious to the fact that your world would shatter around you and David soon.
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taglist: @lexie-wayland @whew-oh-em-gee @winterlavenderskysworld​ @buck-this-nasty @heeyirenee @pinkpunkdynamite @eleventhdoctorsangel @multiyfandomgirl40 @thanossexual​ @speedybonkuniversityzine​
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lavender-lotion · 3 years
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you for the tag @stronglyobsessed!
I was really not sure if I actually wanted to go in and name ALL the files in my WIP folder, but then I realized I could use this as an opportunity to make sure that my WIP sheet is up to date, so... here we are. my entire WIP folder. organized by fandom!
Teen Wolf
chris/derek dom/sub
Deter -
deter marriage proposal
proclaim the truth and do not be silent through fear
stiles/sam prompt sam saving stiles
Dressing porn
season 2 stackson
stiles in make up
July 19 - Smut
June 20: Relationship Reveal
June 23: Free Day
Stalion magic alpha pack
Together, We Belong
Beach stanny
camboy stiles - stanny
gift for merwin
Gone and Past
Sr stalion And stennis
Stennis sex
You Fill My Heart (With Such a Gentle Love)
Soft steter->stetopher
Feral Derek
Kate takes video of essentially rape
familiar steterek
Set up on date
Steterek kisses
steterek sad derek
young steterek
young steterek
breathing you in seuquel
hornet au
continuation to fox!stiles
fox stiles installment
hale family
Sr. Steter
steter courting??
steter for harry--alpha rut
steter kidfic
alpha stiles omega john
De-aged Sheriff
Drunk dick pic stilinskicest
impregnation kink
john jacking stiles off when he can't use his hands
Possessive fox sheriff claims his son
stilinskicest absuive claduia
Stilinskicest tattoo
Twincest only fans
Alpha Twins/Stiles
Falling Together - Hale Orgy for Green
merwin bday fic - stiles/alpha pack?
Sheriff Stilinski Gets Some Good Lovin'
Alemando age play
kitney making out
Lonk pt 2 "I have never felt so content with unexpected discoveries"
vAzazel/Janos snowball fight for irene
bobbyjohn discovering cherik
cherigan fic
bab smut
charles mom sucks
Erik goes back in time cause Charles is dead but overshoots
post dofp smut
they slipped briskly into an intimacy from which they never recovered
Cherik Dating App
bamf emma kidnapped angel
for even if she flees, soon she shall pursue
you cast diamonds across the waters of my innocence
magnet smut
Mags Family
Peter/Weny POV
Hank and Alex bond during lab time
lonk patching up
Lonk awkwardly flirting for jasp
Lonk for lib
peter putting himself down
first meeting
5 times Kurt makes Peter bust a nut in his pants and 1 time Peter busts a nut in his pants on his own
Angry Erik
quickneto identity reveal
original timeline grief fuck
scogan first meeting
scogan peach
Summerscest ANGST
incest continuation to jasper fic
war photo masturbation
xavierine fic
Cain Marko/Charles Xavier AU
Charles angst childhood telepathy
dadneto saves the day
Emma Frost/Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
phoenix peter
Charles waking up in Jakob’s arms
Ned/Peter 2
keenker kinktober 12
spideypool asexual gift for frosted goddess
Spideypool Big Bang
Spideypool prompt
Starker Big Bang
starker field trip fic
Starker Mob AU
I Built My Home, Inside Of You
Bucky/Peter sex worker fic
Physiotherapy (I'll Be Your Baby)
winterspider date fluff
winterspider smut
5 times Happy patched up Peter and 1 time Peter patches up Happy
Twitter Fic
Bruce Banner/Peter Parker Dom/Sub
(hold me) steady
to love and be loved by you
take us, together, like the stroke of a bow
with puck pt 2
sam not backing down
kurt picking up dave's call
Kurtofsky - long fic coming out
Kurtosky - after prom season 2
Ep 5:
Puckurt - visiting during juvie
Fives Time Denny Payson Comes in His Pants and One Time Kurt Hummel Gets Him Out of Them First
Touched starved Merlin
tattoo au
protective eggsy
emerging from the night and heart of me
eggsy/trans roxy
Dad Eggsy
Young Justice
YJ - 1
YJ - 8
Dick and Wally team up to seduce Conner
5 times superboy watches tv alone and one time dock watches tv with him
YJ - 10
Dick and Wally team up to seduce Conner
Misc Fandom & Cross Overs
X-Men / MCU
TW x Glee
Primal Laurits
Loki Laurits
Laurits finds Magne after the show
Fate: The Winx Saga
5 times Riven gives Dane a first +1 time Dane gave Riven a first
Criminal Minds
Reid/Morgan - S3 E2
Morgan/Reid - S2 E
Weird City
smexy massage
Because I have more WIPS then people I know, I am tagging EVERYONE. Seriously, if you read this and want to list your WIPS, do it! even tag me in it!! i’d absolutely love to see if and pop into your ask box!
And if you’ve read this, please feel free to send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it!
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justmarvelwriting · 3 years
The Defender
So uh, hi. My names Sinead and I was completly enthralled by @shiningloki 's fic Get on Your Knees and Pray for Me (Please read it, it's a work of art. Warning; Heavy NSFW.) Annnnd I wanted to see this little family again so. Here we go. A fan fic of a fan fic.
Stefan smiled as he peered from the top of his book to watch his parents on their balcony above him secretly. He’d long since grown from his childishness of gagging every time his parents so much as chastely pecked each other on the lips. Now his heart warmed as he watched them both laughing above him. They both deserved the happiness they had that the thought of anything tearing them apart broke Stefans heart a little. They both bore scars, all of which he was fascinated with as a child, small fingers tracing each bumpy outline. He was no longer fascinated by them, but understood why his father bore his so openly and proudly. It was his mother who explained to him quietly that mental scars ran much deeper, and much larger then the physical ones he bore from battle. Those were the ones he was most proud he overcame.
“How does he show them off mama?” He mumbled quietly as she stroked his hair.
“By carrying you on his shoulders every chance he gets.”
He chuckles when he remembers the night his father had finally told him the fairytale. He snorted. Asta gave it that name. Loki had tried to keep a stern look on his face but it broke into a grin even so.
It was told to him the night after he had gotten in….an altercation with another boy his age. The boy had a mouth, and he liked to run off with it.
“Nothing but the spawn of the common Midgardian whore and the Dark Prince who fell from Odin's grace!”
Stefan possessed magic that equaled his fathers at his own age, but instead he went the more satisfactory route.
He had punched him twice. Once for calling his mother, a fully realised Goddess in her own right, a common Midgardian whore. The second, for daring to slander his fathers name with such old cruelties.
“I am Lokison,” he yelled, shoulders straight, “and you will NEVER speak ill of my family again.”
One of his friends had pointed out he failed to punch him for insulting him. But Stefan had grinned, his mouth and nose bloody before dragging himself to his mother’s quarters before she found out through other means. She was attending to Eira, the youngest of his siblings who was only a toddler at the time when she caught sight of him. Her face had paled, and he rushed to explain he was ok, they weren’t in danger. He’d just gotten into a fight. She had chided him softly as she moped his nose and chin, Eira bouncing on his lap as he tried to assist, small hands bouncing gently off his chin. His father had appeared not two minutes after, hawking that Baldyrs son was walking around with a broken, bloody nose.
“About bloody —“ He spun slowly on his heel and faced him with wide eyes.
“He called Mom a common whore and slandered your name.” He straightened his back, looking his father squarely in the eyes, "I don't regret a thing."
He coughed, trying to hide the proud smile that stretched his face, “You know not to be fighting in court.”
When your mother had left him in his room that night, Loki had appeared at the door.
“You know, I did convince her you shouldn’t be punished too harshly. You showed restraint after all. You could have used your magic.” he still fought a smile, a rapidly losing battle.
“Thor is very proud of me, apparently, by the way.” he grinned, sweeping his hair out of his eyes.
That made his father unravel into fits of laughter, clutching his side. He snickered also, but it made him wince with his nose.
Loki had sighed, smiling as he sat on the bottom of his bed, and had launched into the tale.
“So truly I can’t really tell you off for defending your family's honour, I did take 5 bullets for your mother after all.” He finished smoothly, smirking at Stefans expression.
“Dad, you didn’t just take 5 bullets you literally took on bloody Odin himself!”
“With your grandmother, uncle and mother in tow.” He warned him, expression serious, “If you take anything from this my dearest Stefan please let it be that you can rely on your family. I am only ever,” he tapped his necklace, “one call away.”
“Stefan!” The present dragged him back to reality and he raised his hand waving to Alex to join him.
Two boys, him and Eira. Two girls, Asta and Eva. And then Alex, his sibling. Five plus Mom and Dad made the perfect storm for the Lokison name.
Alex's cheeks were flushed as they barreled into the chair beside him, slicking back long, inky hair once they caught their breath. Eira was the youngest, still only a child but soon a teen, then Alex, Eva, Asta and himself. Eva was his mother, but smaller, and Alex was similar, but for the inky black hair the rest of the family inherited.
"Uncle Thor had to leave the sparring match early," they explain as Stefan checks his watch, a frown settling over their face, "He was in such a hurry, it was kind of unsettling actually."
Stefan waved his hand, both acting as a dismissive gesture and that to vanish his book, "The nine realms have never known such peace. Don't worry. A diplomatic hiccup, not much more. The realms have never trusted each other more. How could they not? Mother is in charge of that after all." Stefan grinned and Alex relented, grinning up at their parents with a similar adoration on their face that Stefan showed quietly moments before.
"Maybe it's trouble down on Midgard." Stefan mused quietly, "The Avengers perhaps?"
Alex hummed quietly, basking in the late evening sun.
Loki smiles, wrapping arms around your waist as you both look down at two of your children talking quietly in the garden, hands flying animatedly as they throw arguments back and forth.
"I think we did an amazing job my love." he mutters quietly as he watches them both spring to their feet with a laugh that echoes the courtyard, Stefan summoning wooden swords for them to spar harmlessly with.
"I think we did." you smile and you mentally capture this moment in your mind forever. You'd have to paint it, actually. Your hall of art had changed over the years, reflecting your growing family. But by far Loki's favourite was the one at the very end, the huge canvas of your family all together. It would need to be redone, once Eira became a man in his own right, of course. But for now, it captured your family perfectly. You toyed with your necklace, watching thoughtfully as Stefans and Alex's chains glow with your grass green magic for a moment before they fade back to their deep emerald green once more. You felt so peaceful, but something didn't feel right, not in your gut.
"What troubles you, my pet?" Loki purrs and your eyes flutter closed as he places soft kisses all along your throat, hands gripping your waist tighter.
"Something doesn't feel right…" you murmur, sighing softly as the warmth of his lips leave their position. Loki hums softly, dragging you back into your chambers.
"We are all safe." he reassures you quietly, pressing a hand to your chest, "And if anything happens… we will know."
You nod but sigh anyway. Loki chuckles, pressing you against the wall, "My little Goddess… always so attentive to her tasks."
His voice dips and your worry flees your mind as his hand goes up to grip your throat, "I have many tasks I could focus your attention on… your lips around my cock… my hand beating your ass red."
You whimper quietly, but just as Loki is about to speak, his eyes flashing dangerously, there's a knock on the door. Loki growls, only detaching himself slightly before clearing his throat.
"Prince Loki, your brother requests your presence in the throne room immediately. There's an urgent diplomatic matter he wishes you to aid him in."
Loki sighs and presses his forehead to yours.
"Tell brother dearest I'm coming."
"Later." he promises quietly, smiling and pressing a single finger to your lips. You smile and resist the urge to take it into your mouth.
You smooth your hair and peer out the window. Stefan and Alex are hugging each other tightly, before Alex pushes him away playfully. Stefan notices you and waves up, a wide smile on his face. You blow a kiss and he laughs, a note appearing before you, floating into your hand.
Love you too Mom xx
You sigh dramatically. A carbon copy of his father. The only thing separating them was Stefan's short hair.
You exit your chambers, old habits dying slowly of kissing each of the children goodnight.
It's late when Stefan wakes, darkness still cloaking his room and he frowns. He's an unusually heavy sleeper, and is often made fun of when he emerges late from his room in the early hours of the evening.
His curtains flutter and his heart beats loudly in his chest. He closed his balcony door before he went to bed. And locked it.
Quietly, he summons a dagger and swings his feet out of bed. He scans his room, concealing his dagger with his magic, but his hand is shaking. He closes his eyes and focuses on the necklace at his throat.
"Dad, come quietly, quickly. I think there's someone in my room."
The response is almost instantaneous, but the only indication to him is the dip in his bed.
"Stand, pretend to head for the bathroom, keep your dagger hidden."
He felt his father's hand at the back of his neck, squeezing him gently, "You're safe, my son. No harm will come to you."
Stefan stands lazily, heading to his bathroom, eyes darting around as he fakes a yawn, running his fingers through his hair.
A figure leaps from the darkness and he growls, dropping into a roll, the attacker leaping into a crumpled heap before they both leap to their feet. The attacker lunges, but he is caught by his throat, his father revealing himself in a flash of brilliant green light. The fury on his father's face is nothing Stefan has ever seen before, cold hard lines and his eyes practically glow in the dark room.
"Well done my boy." Loki grins at him as Stefan leans heavily on his door frame hand to his chest. Then his heart stops.
"The others!" he lets his dagger clatter to the floor and practically flies out of the door, sword fitting in his palm easily. He practically kicks down the door of each of his siblings in turn, flooding the room with light, before stumbling back out. Asta practically leaps out of bed when he wakes her, the panic on his face telling her everything she needs to know. He flicks her a dagger and they both sprint towards Alex's room, feet impossibly loud on the marble floor. Stefan grits his feet and Alex's door practically flies off its hinges.
Just in time to see someone leap off his balcony ledge, Alex draped over their shoulders like a sack of bricks.
"ALEX." Astas scream pierces the air but Stefan leaps off the balcony like a deranged man, landing impossibly lightly before taking off at a breakneck speed. The attacker weaves in and out of the maze of hedges trying to lose him, but a cold smile graces Stefans face. He's been running in these gardens since he was a child, he knows every pocket like the back of his hand.
"Stop!" He bellows as they reach the edge of Asgard, the attacker not turning to face him, "I am Stefan of Asgard, Son of Loki and you will release my sibling immediately."
The attacker turns slowly. But Stefan can only see his thin smile.
And he falls backwards.
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I’m coming apart
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Summary: When the Dover's older daughter gets taken along with Joy and Anna but gets tired up in the RV and locked in the bathroom. She was found by detective loki when Alex crashed the RV. Her clothes were torn. After being found and seeing how hurt her parents and the Birch's are she soon starts to feel guilty. She feels like she can't confident in anyone. It wasn't until she started to talking to detective loki did she feel the weight start to leave her.
I was woken up by the sounds of dinging. “I’m up. I’m up.” I said as I sat up. I rubbed my eyes as I started to look around my room to find the source of the dinging. I look to see my laptop still on my bed and it showed that it was almost dead. I got up grabbing it as I went over to my desk to plug it in. I grabbed my dirty dishes and walked out of my room to take them to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and went over to the sink. There were a few other dirty dishes in the sink. I decided to clean the kitchen. I looked to the clock on the wall and it was almost four in the morning. So if I was going to clean the kitchen I had to do it quietly.
After quietly cleaning the kitchen I made my way back to my room. Since I was going to leave to go help David I should probably go take a bath since I didn’t know what time I would be back. I grabbed a change of clothes with was some jeans and a long sleeved shirt. I quietly walked to the bathroom closing the door. I grabbed a towel I sat in down on the counter then got undress. I stepped in the tub and just stared at the wall as the tub filled with water. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed that the tub filled a little too much but not enough for it to overflow. I leaned back trying to relax but it was hard knowing that I was going to basically follow dad with David. I let out a sigh as I leaned my head against. I stayed in the tub for about thirty minutes and by that time the water started to go cold. I got up from the tub and grabbed my towel wrapping it around my body. I stepped in front of the mirror. I grabbed my brush and started to brush my hair and after I brushed my hair I brushed my teeth. I got dressed next and the grabbed my dirty stuff then headed back to my room.
It was till almost nine when David sent me a text saying that he was on his way to get me. I quickly put on my biker boots and threw my coat on. I went over to my desk a grabbed the key from it putting in my pocket. By that time David had sent me another text saying he was outside. I made my way out of my room making as little noise as possible. I rushed out of the house and went over getting into David’s car. “Do you have the key?” David asked. “It’s in my pocket.” I said. “Are you sure you want to do this? You might not like what you might find.” David said. “I know. I just need to make sure about what I’m thinking about what my dad might be doing instead of helping find Anna and Joy.” I said. David looked me as he nodded. “Alright then.” David said as he pulled out of the drive way and drove to grandpa’s old apartment building where I was hoping that dad wasn’t.
The drive to grandpa’s old apartment building was quiet. Which didn’t help my nerves at all. It was only about ten minutes later that David pulled up to the building. David was the first to get out and I followed him. I watched as he started to remove a board from the boarded up window with little luck. “Give me your key and I want you to stay out here do you understand.” David said as walked over to me to get the key. I nodded and got the key out of my pocket and handed it to him. He took the key and went over to the door and unlocked then walked inside.
While I waited I went back over to David’s car and leaned against it as I waited. My body was shaking by that point but not from the cold. It was not even ten minutes later that David came out and rush over to me. “Get in the car.” David said as he motioned for me to get in. I did as he said as quickly got in buckling myself in. “What happened I said as David buckled himself in and started his car.  “The man from the Vigil was spotted. I’m going to bring him in for question. I need you to stay in the car only get out if I tell you.” David said as he drove off. “Got it.” I said.
David parked his car in front of the man’s house. “I’ll be back.” David said. I nodded. David got out of the car and I watch as he went up to the front door and knocked on it. The man opened the door I watched as the tow of them talked bur I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying. Then man suddenly tried to slam the door but David pushed his way in and I couldn’t see what happened next. Just a few minutes later David walked out with the guy in cuff and made his way over to the the car. David opened the back door behind the driver seat and shoved him.  “You’re coming with me.” David said as he looked at me. I nodded and got out of the car as David the door and got a crowbar out of his trunk. “Did you find them?” I asked I followed behind him. “I don’t know maybe.” David said as we walked into the house which seemed to be covered in some sort of maze.  I followed him into a room that was filled with plastic tubs. “Oh my god.” I said as my eyes filled with tears. “Hey..hey look at me. It’s going to be okay.” David said as he put a hand on my cheek turning my head so that I was looking at him. I nodded. David gave me a quick kiss on the forehead then opened on of the tubs. We were met with bloody clothes. David handed the crowbar and pointed to the tub that was next to the one he just open. “Open that one and be careful touching thing.” David said. I took the crowbar form him as I broke the locks on the tub and opened the tub. I was met with a tub with snakes. I shirked as I jumped back feeling David arm around me. We continued to look through the tubs and some of them had snakes in them too. Where did this guy find this many snakes. “Go back to the car.” David said. “What why?” I asked. “What did I say about doing as I say? Backup should be here any minute and I don’t want you get in the crossfire.” David said. “Okay.” I said quietly as I made my away out of the room trying not step on any snakes. I got out of the house and got back in the car waiting on David to come back. Once I got back in his car I heard sirens getting closer.
David came out of the house and got back in the car. “Did you find them?” I asked. When David didn’t answer me I knew that he didn’t have any luck. “I just found more bloody clothes. They are going to take pictures of the clothes. We are going to call the Birch’s and you’re parent in to see if they recognize anything.” David said. “I don’t think my mom is going to come in.” I said. “You will only have do anything if you want to.” David said. “I know.” I said. David put a hand on my leg as he started his car. As he drove back to the station he didn’t take his hand off of my leg.
Once we got to the station another officer had came and got the man in the back taking him somewhere within the station. “Come on.” David said as put an arm around me as we walked inside. When we walked in he sat me down somewhere. “Stay here okay. I’ll be back later.” David said. “Alright.” I said. As I waited I took off my coat and put it on the back of the chair. It was about an hour and half later I saw David walk into a room with a stack of photos. Then David walked back out of the room and over to me. “I just called the Birchs and you’re father they are on the way.” David said. “Is it bad?” I asked. “I’m going to be honest with you this doesn’t look good. He confessed to killing them.” David said. I brought a hand to my mouth as tears started to fall. “I’m so sorry.” David said. I just slightly nodded.
The Birchs arrived not to long after that and David took them into the room. Dad arrived at the same time that the Birchs had. He was sitting down next to me. I was staring at the ground. I was only brought out of my trance when Nancy rushed out of the room crying and Franklin followed her. “Mr. Dover.” David said. I looked over to see David looking sad towards at us. “Mr. Dover is your wife here?” David asked. “She’s not coming.” Dad said. “If you or you’re daughter can’t make a positive ID on these photographs I’m gonna need to come in and take a look at them.” David said. Dad just looked blankly at him as he got up. I got up but dad stopped me. “Stay here.” Dad said. “But dad.” I said. “Just sit back down.” Dad said. I just nodded and sat back down.
I watch as Dad rushed out of the room. I quickly got up. “Dad.” I said but he just ignored me. “Dad.” I said. But Dad just walked away leaving me alone at the station. I sat back down in the chair I was sitting at breaking down. “Are you okay?” David asked as he sat down in the chair dad was sitting at. “Why would he just leave me here?” I asked. “I’m sure that he’s just in shock. If he doesn’t come back to get you I’ll take you home.” David said. “Thank you.” I said. David nodded. “Take a moment and when you’re done come and find me okay.” David said. I nodded. David got out and walked away from me. I stayed by myself for almost an hour.
I got up from my seat and started to look for David. But I was having trouble finding him. Luckily another officer took me to where he was. Which was a back room that filmed the integration rooms. I started to think if I was even allowed back here. But I guessed that David told them to bring me back here when I came to look for him. I sat down in the seat next to David. The guy seemed to be making something. But I couldn’t really tell what. “Give me that card John. The key card.” David said as he looked away from the screens holding his hand out. The other officer handed David the key card. David grabbed it a walked out of the room and walked into the integration room as the other officer and I watching the monitors. “Alright it’s all done now.” David said. I could tell that he was getting angry. “Tell me what you’re drawing. You said you’re drawing a map. That looks like a fucking puzzle. Tell me what you’re drawing.” David said. But the guy just hummed and stilled drawing whatever it was he was drawing. “Tell me what you’re drawing.” David said. But when he didn’t answer David this really angered David. David grabbed him and pulled him back. “I can’t!” He cried out. “Yes you can. Yes you can.” David said and slammed his face on the table. The guy cried out in pain as he grabbed his face. “Yes you can.” David said. “Oh shit!” The other officer said as he quickly got up running out of the room to go break it up “Yes you can! Yes you can!” David yelled as another officer rushed into the room to stop this. As the two officers pulled David away the guy managed to grab one of the officer’s gun.  “Oh shit! Gun! Gun! Gun!” David yelled. He and the other officer had pulled their guns out and pointed them at him. “Bob don’t! Put the gun down! Bob. Bob put the gun down! Bob. Bob no. No! No no no!” David yelled. Bob had put the gun in his mouth I quickly looked away putting my hands over my ears knowing what was about to happened. Then I heard the gun shot. 
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fan4196 · 4 years
Emergency Contact (Part 3)
Hey everyone here's the last part of this multi-chapter. Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks again to @angry-slytherin for beta reading 💜
Three Halloweens later...
After a lot of annoying and begging, the Karevs are finally shopping for Halloween costumes. Their kids have been annoying them since the first of October, when Jo had decided to decorate for Fall. Big mistake! The minute her kids saw the pumpkin decoration and the leaves turning yellow, orange and red on their walks with the dog, they wanted to go costume shopping instantly. They definitely got their excitement for Halloween from Jo, she gave it to them. She loves Halloween. To be honest she loved every holiday when she was dating Alex back then. The one year, after Alex left, she hated the holiday seasons but then she got the twins and she loved it again. And now she loves it even more, because she finally feels like her family is whole.
After Alex meet the twins in the hospital back then, they kept asking Jo to see Mister Alex again. They went on a few trips together; to the park, the museum, the zoo... things that Alex and Jo would have never done if it would have been just them, but with her twins everything changed. After a year of just being friends and Alex doing everything to get Jo's trust back, they finally started dating again; which was much to the twins joy because they love Alex. On their first anniversary back together Alex proposed again, with the help of the twins and of course Jo said yes. And they got married again, third times the charm, right? Alex also legally adopted the twins too and a little over a year ago little Eden was born and made the Karevs complete. Jo loves to finally have a family to enjoy those lovely holiday times with. Alex on the other hand will totally deny it every time someone asks, but silently he does love all those holidays too. He always plays the grumpy dad, that doesn't care, but everyone knows that he secretly loves to dress up on Halloween too and he loves watching the kids opening their presents on Easter, their birthdays or Christmas. You can see this little smile on his lips and the sparkle in his eyes everytime he watches his kids.
So right now the Karevs are finally costume shopping which, to be honest, is pretty urgent because Halloween is tonight. Yes, even though Jo and Alex too, love getting all out, they are also busy surgeons and today was the first day in weeks, that they had time for shopping.
They decided to split up when they walked into the store to speed up the whole process a little bit; so Jo is looking for a costume with Parker and Eden and Alex got Emery.
He really loves his little girl to death but if there's one thing that she can't do then it's deciding. Maybe it's a girl thing or she took that over from Jo too, but Jo and Emery are crappy when it comes to making decisions.
They have been through almost every freaking aisle and she still hasn't found the perfect costume. She doesn't wanna be a Princess nor any kind of animal nor anything from Disney. After showing her, what felt like, every costume that the freaking store has, Alex quit and now just follows her through the store while she looks for something she likes.
With his mind is somewhere completely different he doesn't notice that his daughter stopped and he walks right into her.
"Ow, daddy. I'm standing here." She complaines, rubbing her head.
"I'm sorry, Princess. Did you find something you like?" He askes, hopefull to end this shopping trip very soon.
"This." She points towards a white suite kind of thing. Alex can't quite tell what it should be so he gets it out from the rack and holds it in front of him.
"You wanna be an Avenger?" He askes a little surprise. Normally Emery is the girliest girl he knows. If Jo wouldn't shop for her, everything in her closet would be pink with Disney and Unicorns. So he's quite surprised that she picks Black Widow instead of Elsa. But he's not complaining. If there's one thing he would never forbid his kids than it's anything connected to Marvel. He loves those movies himself so he's excited about his little girl sharing his passion.
"Yes daddy. Black Widow is a bad ass. I like how she kicks butts." Emery explaines excited, showing her daddy her best little 'Black Widow' kick.
"And daddy you could be the Hulk. And when you're angry I can calm you down. Because Black Widow can do that. She takes the Hulks hand and calms him down and than he's doctor Banner again. Did you know that?" She askes, looking at her daddy.
"I did, Emy." He answers his daughter contently.
"Daddy look! I'm gonna be Spider-Man!" His son shouts while running towards his dad and sister, holding the costume in his hands. Followed by Jo and Eden excited bouncing on her mother's hip.
"Look daddy! He's my favorite because my name is Parker too." His son squeals excited as he stops in front of his dad, showing of his costume.
"That's right buddy. As if your mommy knew that he's gonna be your favorite superhero." Alex answers, ruffling his sons hair.
"Mommy I'm gonna be Black Widow." Emery tells her mom, holding her costume proudly towards her mother.
"That's a great costume, Emy. So we're gonna have two Avangers then? Good choice, I love it." Jo answers her daughter with a smile.
"You know what, mommy? Maybe you should be Black Widow. You are better at calming daddy down. I can be Captain Marvel instead." Emery assures, pointing towards the red, blue and yellow costume on the rack .
"She wants me to be the Hulk." Alex explaines his confused looking wife.
"Ahh. That's actually a great idea, Emy. And if daddy doesn't want to be the Hulk, he can grab an old lab coat and just be doctor Benner." Jo suggestes, trying to find a compromise because she knows that Alex would be grumpy and complain about having to paint himself green, all night long.
"Sure. I can be doctor Benner." Alex answers, accepting the compromise. His kids jumping in excitement, even the smallest Karev.
"And what does Eden want to be?" Jo asks the little girl on her hip, kissing her ear to make her giggle.
"She could be Nick Fury. He's also bald like her." Parker suggestes, with a cheeky grin.
"Parker! That wasn't nice." Jo disciplines her son with an disappointed gaze, which makes him immediately apologize.
"I'm sorry." He says quietly.
"Mommy uncle Link could be Thor. We should call uncle Link and ask if they wants to join the Avangers. Please." Emery asks with big brown puppy dog eyes.
"Sure." Jo answers to her daughters joy, handing Eden to Alex, Jo gets her phone out of her purse and calls her friend.
"Uncle Link is in. They are gonna be Thor, Jane and Loki." Jo proclaims after her call with Link. Her kids again jumping up and down in excitement.
"But we are still stuck. What should Eden be?" Alex adds, tickling the fourteen months old belly, which makes her giggle and slamming her arms at der daddy's chest.
"She could be baby Hulk, because if Black Widow and the Hulk had a baby it would be a baby Hulk, right?" Their daughter suggestes, like the little smart ass she is.
"Alright looks like we finally have costumes." Jo announces happyly. "Avengers!-"
"-assemble!" Their kids scream happyly. Running towards the checkout.
@doc-pickles @odd-birds-and-booksellers
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jamkoi · 5 years
Alex and Leo are Cousins
Here are my thoughts. Under the cut because this got looong and is more of a timeline than it is actual hcs my bad anon quq
- I firmly believe they’re first cousins (Esperanza and Mr. Fierro’s other parent had the Fierro surname before it was changed to Valdez, which Mr. Fierro most likely took when he was older cause I’ll admit Fierro rocks) - They met as little kids when Esperanza or Mr. Fierro decided to visit each other for whatever reasons. They go back and forth, honestly. Mr. Fierro maybe sends Esperanza money to fly over or Esperanza saves up - Leo and Alex both got along almost right way. I say YES to Alex being a big part of Leo realizing he isn’t cis, lol. She was just so carefree about how she expressed herself and every time he was uncertain about something, she encouraged him out of it. Biggest 5 year old hype gal - Alex didn’t know exactly what she felt about her gender at the time, but was very pleased when Leo respected her requests to not call her certain things and then allowed them later on, and it changed depending on how she felt. He never questioned it, and if he stumbled he’d correct himself without any theatrics. She loved that - When in Texas, Leo liked to show Alex around in the shop, showing her what tool did what. Mr. Fierro was obviously like ‘absolutely not’ but Esperanza told him that it’s fine because Leo knows how to handle himself in the workshop. And he’d never let Alex get hurt. - Alex is melting in the Texas heat but Leo’s just fine. He’s not good at knowing what cools off the quickest yet but they both raid the fridge and find the ice pops Esperanza sometimes stashes in there and watch TV. - When in Boston, Alex gave Leo a tour of the Fierro residence. Poor boy got lost more than once when Alex left to go get something. - Alex pointedly didn’t want to play around her parents and Leo didn’t really question why. He was happy to spend time with her. [Although he Sort Of understood when he nearly knocked a vase over and Mr. Fierro pinned him with a glare that Terrified him] - Meeting Grandpa Fierro is SO fun cause Alex definitely wants to show Leo the art of pottery and Grandpa Fierro is very willing to teach. Leo is ... pretty bad and whatever he makes comes out sloppy but Alex loves it and it has its own special place in her room - When Esperanza dies and Leo gets bounced around relatives houses before he gets put into the foster care system, he gets put with the Fierros after Aunt Rosa kicks him out swearing he’s the devil. I also firmly believe Aunt Rosa called up every relative and explained how Leo is a menace and shouldn’t be taken in but whatever last shred of humanity Mr. Fierro had left let him take Leo in lol - It’s fun at first. They’re very happy to see each other again. Alex is so sad to hear about Esperanza and when Leo cries in the middle of the night telling her it was his fault that his mom died, she firmly denies it. She’s the first person to tell him this and it means so much for him even if he doesn’t believe it at first - This is also around the time when she shapeshifts in front of him for the first time to help him feel better. She turns into a bird and flies around, and when she turns back she accidentally lands on him because she’s only 7 and just started to get the hang of fully turning into something. She covers Leo’s mouth when he’s about to say something about it. ‘Shh...papi doesn’t know about it, and he can’t know! This is just between us, ok?’ - “Your power is actually really cool...all mine does is hurt people :(....” ‘That’s not true! You’re really warm.’ She then hugs him very hard. - When discussing parents, Alex suspects that Leo’s dad is probably a god, but since she’s just a kid and doesn’t know much she just leaves that topic alone. - Mr. Fierro and his wife suck so much. Without going into detail, Leo then understood why Alex didn’t want to spend time with her parents at all. The Fierro home is the first in the long line of homes he runs away from. And it’s without any warning! [aside from a note he leaves next to Alex’s pillow] He feels so awfully bad about it, but Mr. Fierro keeps reminding him of how much Leo owes him and how he can still make up for basically killing Esperanza that Leo just Snaps and Leaves. - Alex is absolutely heartbroken when she wakes up and finds the bed on the other side of the room empty, but ultimately understands. She throws the note away so Mr. Fierro can’t find it, and doesn’t need to play dumb when asked about Leo’s whereabouts cause she genuinely doesn’t know. She just really really hopes it’s somewhere better - A month or two before Leo is hauled off to the wilderness school, they find each other again on the streets. [Aimless running away had Leo back in Boston without him realizing right away lel] Alex doesn’t recognize Leo. Leo had cut his hair and his clothes were baggier and dirty, his eyes were no longer bright and he hunched over as he walked. But even though Alex had also cut her hair so she no longer had the long dreads she wore in a ponytail as a child, he’d recognize that green/pink kind of style and proud confidence anywhere. - Does Leo basically tackle her in greeting? Yes. Does she almost slug him because it came out of fucking NOWHERE? Also yes. They take their time catching up ! When Leo leaves again, she’s a little sad but happy she got to catch up with him again. - During the quest of the seven when the topic of family comes up, Leo brags endlessly about HIS really cool cousin that can shapeshift. “She can turn into animals like you, Frank! But, like. She’s pink and green when she does it.” [It’s been many years since he’s last seen Alex shapeshift but he still remembers all the times she did. It’s only when she’s older that she gets the hang of it enough to be able to get the animals correct colors down, which he’s not around for] - At some point during the events of the second book of TOA, he stumbles across a newspaper covering Alex’s death and when I tell you he cries, he Cries. [In a bathroom, cause he’d first die than have Apollo try to nose into his business] He’d been planning on finding her while travelling on Festus when he was on his way back to CHB with Calypso, but he didn’t think she’d die before he could find her again. He really really wanted to bring her to CHB so she didn’t have to live in the streets anymore. - Part of Alex’s rampaging around the hotel was also because she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to see her favorite cousin again and was checking to make sure if he was here. When she hears she’s not allowed out, she’s already planning to find a way out of the hotel cause FUCK that rule lol. - Her plan on coming with Magnus and the gang was also part because Loki told her not to and part because she wanted to see if she could give the gang a temporary slip and find Leo somehow . Things got waaaay to hectic before she got a chance to. - Third book I ALSO believe that Percy and Annabeth were bound to have talked about their quest of the seven Somehow and mentioned their friends and when Alex hears the name Leo she [extreme eyes emoji] - Annabeth and Percy are NOT allowed to leave until they tell her everything, answer all of her questions, ask if he’s talked about her (he definitely has and oh my gods he probably thinks you’re dead. because you’re dead. oh my gods), and take a very long letter addressed to Leo with them with the promise that they’ll give it to him first chance they get. - She’s literally just super relieved that he’s alive after having already died (HEY. JUST LIKE ME! WOW!! Well. Sort of.) and doing just fine. - Come the end of the third book she demands a visit and that’s exactly what she sets out to do
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nerdasaurus1200 · 5 years
31 for the ship game
31. Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love.
Ooh, uh.......can I do multiple? I’ll do a headcanon for every otp.
Starmora- They name their daughter Meredith Nebula Mantis Quill (after his mom and their sisters)
Adrienette/Marichat/Ladrien/Ladynoir- Adrien proposed in the exact spot he and Marinette first met when they fell into each other.
Kiliel- They presented a full on presentation to Thranduil and Thorin as to why they should be allowed to get married cause they were terrified Thranduil and Thorin would say no.
Hiccelsa- They name their kids Freya and Stoick.
Bugborg- Nebula likes to call Mantis cuddlebug.
Chlolix- Alix likes to flirt hard with Chloe cause she thinks it’s cute when she gets flustered.
Samfro- Sam has planned out his entire wedding with Frodo more than once.
Merrywyn- Merry’s courtship gift to Éowyn was a handcarved sunflower. It was far from perfect, but Éowyn liked it that way. She says it represents their bond.
Thilbo- Once Bilbo took custody of Frodo, Thorin moved in to give him a hand. “A Fauntling should have TWO parents at least, Bilbo!” “We’re his UNCLES, you insufferable Dwarf!”
Hamliza- Alex was always a nervous wreck during every pregnancy.
Lams- John one day planned for Alex to meet Frances.
Lukagami- One of Luka’s many petnames for Kagami is ‘my heartsong’.
Space Lily- Meredith sings bad sometimes because it makes Yondu smile.
Broppy- Branch can’t ever resist Poppy’s puppy eyes.
Brutasha- Ever since Clint found out Natasha loved Bruce, he declared himself the honorary godfather/grandpa of their future adopted children.
Quinnshot- As soon as they started dating, Harley made sure to be the best stepmom to Zoe she can be.
Captain Thunder- Carol and Thor like to settle debates through arm wrestling.
Lokyrie- Loki likes to shapeshift into a cat so he can sit in Valkyrie’s lap.
Hollstein- Carmilla is sometime afraid of kissing Laura cause she fears her vampire instincts will kick in.
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avengers-nextgen · 5 years
Noctis IV
The power had gone out later that night. Alex had finally gone back to sleep when everything stilled. There was no gentle whir of fan blades, the hum of a nearby clock, or even the indication of a hall light being on. After a moment, the sound of feet shuffling across the floor outside greeted Sage’s ears. Then the noise stopped. The door was eased open and a flash light beam darted inside.
“Guess the power’s off for everyone,” James frowned, looking like he was still half asleep.
“What’s going on?” Alex groaned, sitting up to see her brother standing in the doorway half naked. “James? What happened to your clothes? It’s morning isn’t it?”
“Not a chance,” James snorted, “power went out.”
His remark was harmless in nature but Alex made some form of a gagging noise. She’d paled.
“Did anything seem off?” Sage asked, eyeing Alex wearily.
“No, why?” James frowned. He stiffened as the sorceress approached him. She leaned in close so only he could hear.
“Alex says Prom-well, you know. She says he’s back. I don’t know how but she woke up in a panic. Salem was acting funny too. Like he could sense something.” As Sage spoke, James’ expression hardened.
“So what do we do?”
“That’s what I thought you would know,” Sage hissed, sparing Alex a brief glance. “I mean, it could be nothing.”
“Nothing is never nothing around here,” James grumbled, turning on his heel. “I’m going to do a head count. I’ll be back.”
— — —
Nathaniel woke to the sound of a door creaking open. He normally slept the night away undisturbed, but with all that was going on he was as light a sleeper as the trained assassins he lived with.
Propping himself up onto his elbow, he scanned the crowded room. His entire family had managed to fit into the relatively large space and none of them appeared to be awake. Nathaniel had found comfort in their numbers, and their proximity, but something was off.
Getting carefully to his feet, he ventured about the room trying not to step on any limbs. The adjoining room’s door was always cracked, Ellie slept there, but now it’d been swung open. Peeking inside, Nathaniel expected to see Salem meandering about but he found nothing. No cat, and no infant.
Heart leaping into his throat, he turned and ran back through the overstuffed bedroom not caring if he stepped on anyone.
Cries of pain and anger followed his sporadic sprint, but Nathaniel was terrified. Tearing down the hallway, the eldest boy nearly flattened James like a pancake.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ellie’s missing. She’s not in her crib!” Nathaniel panted. James’ eyes went wide and he too began to run. Only, unlike Nathaniel, James was trying to wake everyone up.
Feet pounding against the ground, Nathaniel knocked open every door only to find that Ellie wasn’t there.
It wasn’t until he stumbled into the living room that he saw her.
“Shhhh. We don’t want to wake her,” Crowed a familiar voice. “They’re always so cute when they sleep. Don’t you think?”
“Put her down!” Nathaniel snarled.
“Oh, you don’t get to make the orders,” Prometheus cooed, “you’re in no point of power. Weaponless, and suit less. What are you, but a man?”
Hands balled into white knuckled fists, Nathaniel tried to find something he could use to his advantage. He was alone across the room while a maniac held his niece. It seemed hopeless until the area behind Prometheus erupted in a ring of sizzling light.
Nathaniel was vaguely aware of Chloe knocking Prometheus aside while Penny shifted into view snatching Ellie away.
“Arthur,” Penny called, passing the sleeping girl off to the second Strange to emerge.
Though it was a temporary win, Prometheus melted into darkness like before. Only this time, he didn’t emerge alone. From the shadows crept snarling beasts. Their teeth were white along with their eyes, razor black nails scratched upon the floor, and the hunched over forms resembled horribly mangled dogs.
“Arthur, time to go!” Chloe reminded, as they all broke out of their stunned surprise. To his credit, Arthur tried to run, but the monsters were seemingly everywhere.
“I don’t wanna die playing baby keep away!” He shrieked, nearly losing a calf.
Before another attack fell upon him, bright bursts of red knocked the shadowy beasts over like bowling pins. Scout and his mother had come in the nick of time.
“Are they only in this room?” Vision asked, flying past.
No one got a chance to answer his question when the floor exploded upwards and a gleaming suit slammed into the ceiling
“Owww,” Tony groaned, “I hate big ink cats.”
“Big ink wha-OH MY GOD!” Penny yelled, as a massive head emerged from the crater sized hole. It was the ugliest looking saber tooth cat demon she’d ever seen.
Rolling her eyes, Chloe blasted the monster in the face and Scout followed suite along with his mother.
“Nathaniel, go check on the others. Make sure Arthur’s okay!” Wanda instructed.
With a nod, Nathaniel sprinted off once more. He wasn’t sure where everyone was or how they were going to manage a cat demon but he was only concerned about his family at the moment. Halfway down another hallway, the archer came down hard on his back.
Prometheus stood above him, having appeared just to block his path. “Now look what kind of mess you’ve made. This could have been much simpler.”
“You-fucker!” Nathaniel wheezed, as Prometheus stooped down to collect the fallen warrior.
“What to do with you,” Prometheus mused. “Oh, I know.”
“Put my baby brother down!”
Nathaniel was dropped like a sack of potatoes. Heat washed over him and the smell of something ghastly hit his nose. Burning?
Squinting through the small fire, Nathaniel spotted Cooper wielding his bow.
“You should have the explosive ones labeled,” Cooper smirked, going to help his brother stand. There was a fire in his eyes that Nathaniel hadn’t seen in a while. His protective nature shining through. “Mom’s got Ellie and Dad’s keeping watch. For now we need to handle the rest of this mess.”
“My bow?” Nathaniel breathed.
“Right, here.” Cooper passed over the weapon and gestured for Nathaniel to take the lead.
— — —
“I hate cats!” Valkyrie growled, as the weirdly humanoid paw of the cat clutched her by the ankles and hung her upside down.
“Hey!” Siyanda protested, also dangling by her feet.
“You’re not an actual cat!”
“Both of you shut up!” Loki hissed, appearing mid air and lashing out at the demonic hand. Both girls went tumbling to the ground in a heap along with the weird gelatin hunk of meat.
“Fry it!” Tony ordered, racing by and collecting those he could off the ground. Thor struck his hammer against the beast’s leg sending lightning straight through its system. The smell was horrible, and the blackness momentarily retreated, but the creature seemed to sense its defeat. In a desperate move it disintegrated completely into a sticky, gooey, rain.
“This reminds me of Scooby Do,” Piper noted.
“Not the time,” Thor huffed, trying to wipe the black substance from his body.
— — —
“If we cut it, it only grows back,” Drew frowned.
“Like a hydra,” Orion nodded.
“A what?” Fox cried, firing a few more rounds. She’d given up on her knives ages ago.
“Scout knows the myth better than I do. Cut one head off two more grow back. He says you have to burn where you cut. That much I remember,” Orion explained, avoiding the lizard things tail. They were stuck on the bottom floor.
“Anyone got fire?” Maria asked hopefully.
“I do,” Enzo assured, his hands glowing with golden flames.
“Great, lets hack this son of a bitch up,” Maria grinned.
“Now, that is my language!” Drax bellowed, all too happy to go and stab the thing. Drew followed suit.
— — —
All around the tower, chaos unfolded. The structure’s defenses had gone out with the power. Tony had been inspecting the back up generator, unsure why it wasn’t working, when all hell broke loose.
Frankly, he wasn’t too surprised, but then again...he’d seen enough of this shit to know what was up.
“Guys?!” Harper called, her voice sounding particularly panicked.
“What is it Harpsichord?” He asked, turning to face her.
“The others are stuck!”
Confusion was the first thing that hit him, but with the demon cat gone for now, he followed the panicked teen. What he wasn’t prepared for were the statues. Well, not exactly.
No, these were the forms of his friends and family but they were encased in some writhing black goo. There was Pepper, Salem, Steve, Bucky, Alex, and Bianca. All of whom were mid fight when this had happened.
“Oh sweet Jesus,” Tony breathed. “That’s not good. Not good at all.”
“I tried to get them out but that stuff is like rock. But it’s alive. It doesn’t make any sense,” Harper explained.
“Stand back,” Tony warmed, eyeing some writing tendrils in the floor. “I think it’s spreading.”
“Are they alive?” Harper worried.
“My suit shows vitals,” Tony assured. “But other than that I don’t know what’s happening,”
“This is different than the last time isn’t it?” Harper frowned. “The others were telling me stories.”
“Honey, this is last time on steroids. Hopefully no one gets an aneurysm,” Tony looked grimly at the hallway. “Hang tight guys.”
Harper watched the genius rush off with worry etched on his face. She nearly stayed to keep an eye on them when something rigged at her shoe. The weird tendrils were inching towards her. With a disgusted shiver she turned and ran.
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brookecuzyes · 2 years
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I posted 410 times in 2021
135 posts created (33%)
275 posts reblogged (67%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.0 posts.
I added 471 tags in 2021
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#loki series - 38 posts
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#damiano david - 29 posts
#loki spoilers - 27 posts
#loki odinson - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#brought to you by: me reading a fic and screaming and thinking ab what i’d say if my mom asked why i was screaming and how if it were my kid
My Top Posts in 2021
three years of you. — cruel summer
Damiano David x GN!Musician!Reader
Main Masterlist — 3yrs Masterlist
Summary: three years is a lot of time to get to know someone. you can even learn the way that people think, but it isn’t always a good thing. (Part 2)
Word Count: ≈2.8k
Warnings: some cursing, mentions of a fetus on a plane.
A/N: I kind of made an AU here lmao. I’m incorporating the Julie and The Phantoms band from the show as the band Y/N is in. I didn’t feel like making OC’s when the main character isn’t even an OC. So… if your a JaTP fan, I hope your happy 😉😏
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Devastation— severe and overwhelming shock or grief.
Devastation— that’s what Damiano felt.
His partner of three years had left to go back to Los Angeles. You didn’t even say goodbye. You only left a note.
Damiano was severely overwhelmed with shock. Or was it grief?
Regardless, Damiano felt as if a knife struck through his heart. He cried. A lot.
He wanted to call you so badly. He just wanted to apologize for all of his wrongdoings. However, he couldn’t. You were on a fourteen-hour flight, you were probably asleep and your phone was probably on airplane mode.
He had to get to the studio. The band was still recording the album. He just felt like he couldn’t bring himself to do anything. But, the thing is, you couldn’t either.
Victoria picked up on Damiano's behavior almost immediately. She saw how gloomy he was, but she couldn’t get it out of him— whatever it was. But, what she did know is that you and him were having troubles, so she messaged you.
Hey, is everything ok between you and Dami? she texted.
What’s going on?
I’m going back home, Vic. The plane just landed.
Wait, you did what?
I’m getting off the plane, I’ll text you when I’m at Alex’s.
Alex was the drummer of the band. He was taller, blonde, and an absolute sweetheart. He was one of your closest friends— though, the entire band is like a family to you. Your band is called Julie and The Phantoms. It consisted of you and your friends: Alex, Julie, Luke, and Reginald— or Reggie. You guys have been together as a band since high school. You were the newer addition, joining a few months later after the band was formed.
You had texted Alex after the plane took off. He said he would pick you up from the airport, which you were glad to hear. But, you knew he’d ask why you got back so early. You were in Italy, for crying out loud— why would you want to go back home a few days before you needed to? You probably won’t be getting to his apartment for the next few hours, though, so you could reach out to her later in the day.
While she had the time on her hands, Victoria was going to try and pry the information out of him— just so she can get an idea of what’s going on.
“Dami,” she called out after he announced a small break for the band. “How are you?”
See the full post
95 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 15:24:10 GMT
three years of you. masterlist
Main Masterlist
Last Updated: September 28th, 2021
Damiano David x GN!Musician!Reader
Summary: After a horrible falling out with someone whom everyone thought was an angel, you decide to take matters into your own hands. Even if that means calling out the devil.
inspiration from Love Me or Leave Me by @literallymitch
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(1) i love you.
(2) cruel summer.
(3) tear myself apart.
(4) good 4 u.
104 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 23:01:30 GMT
No Need To Worry — B.B.
40s!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Summary: After Bucky and the other soldiers were rescued, Bucky, Steve, and some of the other soldiers went to a bar to relax. Who would’ve thought that a few beers could turn into something more? (3rd Person POV)
Word Count: ≈5.1k (wha-😃)
Warnings: extreme fluff, cursing, it gets a little spicy but also doesn’t at the same time, sorta alludes to loss of virginities, alcohol consumption, Bucky gets upset at reader but nothing too crazy happens, sadness (If i missed anything, please tell me!)
A/N: This one-shot is for @startrekkingaroundasgard ‘s writing challenge. I had sooo much fun writing this. It was originally supposed to be smut, but I chickened out lmao. I hope you enjoy this regardless, though! (I added the picture prompt for the header thing— if you don’t want it there, just tell me and i’ll remove it)
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Steve Rogers had just gotten some-400 men out of the hands of German scientists. They were so relieved to have been saved after quite a few weeks of being Prisoners of War. After returning to America, Steve wanted to go back and take down HYDRA. So, he took on the responsibility to assemble a team to go with him.
“See,” Bucky said to Steve, who was walking over to the bar. He had just convinced a couple of guys to join him going back to Germany. All they needed were a couple beers and were drawn-in immediately. “They’re all idiots.”
“How about you?” Steve asked, “You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?”
“Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight… I’m following him,” Bucky replied, earning a small grin from Steve. “But, you’re keeping the outfit, right?”
“You know what? It’s kinda growing on me.”
“Well I think it looks remarkable, Captain Rogers,” a lady’s voice said, putting an arm around the two boys. Steve and Bucky turned their heads slightly and were met with a familiar face. “Hello, boys.”
“Y/N!” Steve exclaimed, standing up to give her a hug. “Surprised to see you here. Bars aren’t really your thing.”
“Well, they are when I know my two idiot friends just came back from a war. Speaking of,” she slapped Bucky’s shoulder, “don’t scare me like that, Barnes. Becky had me thinking you were dead.” He smiled sadly and stood up to hug her too.
“My bad, doll. Next time, I’ll make sure to write,” he wittily replied. She scoffed and sat down in between the two boys. “And, by the way, if you’re calling Steve ‘Captain’, then you get to call me ‘Sergeant’. Understood?”
“Yes, Sarge,” she replied while saluting him, making the two boys laugh. The soldiers Steve recruited had been singing quite loudly for the last few minutes, and it came as a surprise when the singing ceased. Steve, Y/N, and Bucky turned their heads to the doorway and saw the one and only Agent Peggy Carter. She was dressed in a beautiful red dress— something that no one would normally see her in. No wonder the boys stopped singing; they were in awe.
The boys stood up when she walked in, and Y/N stayed sitting in her chair, unsure of what she was supposed to do.
“Captain,” Peggy greeted.
“Agent Carter,” greeted Steve.
“Ma’am,” said Bucky. Peggy looked at the girl sitting at the bar, knowing who she was, and waved at her. Y/N waved back and gave her a nice little grin.
“Howard has some equipment for you to try. Tomorrow morning?” she asked Steve.
“Sounds good.” Steve was eyeing her, and both Y/N and Bucky picked up on it. Though, Bucky was more focused on Peggy himself to really give it a second thought.
“I see your top squad is prepping for duty.”
“You don’t like music?”
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155 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 04:48:38 GMT
did y’all have a Jelsa phase, or was that just me?
180 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 14:27:19 GMT
three years of you. — i love you.
Damiano David x GN!Musician!Reader series
Main Masterlist — 3yrs Masterlist
Summary: a late-night argument turned into a mess he couldn’t fix with a simple, ‘sorry.’ (Part 1)
Word Count: ≈3k
Warnings: angst, some cursing, Victoria being a supportive bestie (tell me if i missed anything) *Part One in a series*
A/N: i don’t know Italian whatsoever, so any phrases that i used have a crazy chance of being wrong— that’s on me. if i did mess anything up, please tell me. Also, this isn’t really proofread 😬
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The crowd was screaming. It was probably one of the loudest crowds you had seen. Your smile grew across your face and the adrenaline started kicking in. Your heart was racing. Maybe it was just nerves from performing— that’s normal, right?
You took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, calming yourself. Slowly, you moved the microphone up to your mouth, opening it to say…
“Damiano talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about!”
Your boyfriend had come home late, again. Of course, given the fact that he was working on another album, he was going to be stressed and he was going to come home late. That was normal, especially for the way Damiano works. But, recently, he had been distant from you, which was odd. For the three and a half years you two were together, him being distant never happened. So, when the time came, you grew concerned
“You never have anything to talk about,” you snapped back. “Everyday for weeks on end, you’re at the studio, and you come home at ungodly hours to not even acknowledge the fact that I exist. And, I know that you’re busy, but it would be nice to have my boyfriend back every once in a while!”
“You really think that?” Damiano asked, almost offended
“The only reason I have to ignore you right now is because you’re being a selfish, ignorant bitch!” He yelled, storming off into your shared bedroom. You stayed in the living space, pissed off and upset at Damiano, when you heard shuffling in the room. You looked down into the hallway and saw Damiano rummaging through his drawer for some clothes.
“What are you doing?” You asked, walking closer to the bedroom.
“Sleeping in the extra bedroom. You obviously hate me right now, so I don’t want to be more of a burden to you. I’m grabbing clothes so you won’t have to see me in the morning. I’ll leave before you wake up— you won’t even know I was here,” he explained, not making any eye contact with you. He had all of his clothes in hand and some of his bathroom items, and exited the bed teem and stormed into the guest bedroom down the hall. You watched him as he did so, and when he closed the door, tears started forming in your eyes. Sighing, you walked into the room again, and closed the door behind you. You walked over to the bed and went under the covers, and started bawling. You tried not to make too much noise, since Damiano was probably trying to sleep. However, after a few minutes of sobbing and sniffling, you could hear a few whimpers from the guest bedroom— you immediately knew it was Damiano. You didn’t have the energy or forgiveness at the moment to walk in there and comfort him.
Eventually, you did end up falling asleep for quite awhile. You woke up around noon, and it was the best sleep you had gotten in a while. After eating and brushing your teeth— not even bothering to change out of your pajamas— you pulled out your phone and opened up Victoria’s contact to message her.
call me when you’re on break
ok, is everything fine?
yeah, i just need to talk :)
You closed your phone and set it down on the kitchen table, getting back to work. You were emailing your manager, since your band wanted to start recording another album. Everyone was trying to work out a start date, so they don’t plan a lot for the next upcoming months.
About an hour and a half after you texted Victoria, she called.
See the full post
188 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 23:00:02 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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bree-d-rogue · 6 years
So It’s Been a Minute
A whole year literally went by before I posted here again. A lot has happened. I moved in with my mom, left bc she a homophobe and moved in with my dad, my depression took a dive bc I had to stop taking my meds and two branches of the military denied me because of my eyesight. So, not a good year.
In Story news, I have posted since then but now have my Harry Potter stories on hold. I have a bunch of stories in the works at the moment that I will list below as well as stories I’ve posted in the past year. Since I had to quit my job, I’ve once again had a lot of times on my hands and focused mainly on my art (art blog @maedae13 ) where I have a Fiverr gig up to hopefully support myself (so far no orders and only sadness). 
Built In Blue - Fandom: One Piece. 4/4  4,443 Words
An Usopp centered story where one of his greatest secrets come out. A letter from a relative he hasn’t seen since he was a toddler comes for him and Usopp, in a moment of uncharacteristic bravery, decides to try and handle this issue alone. Of course, Luffy and the crew would never leave him in a time of need.
In Progress:
In Silence (He Speaks) - Fandom: Harry Potter 4/?  6,942 Words
This is another Ron centered au where Ron, due to a rare and hereditary disease, lost his hearing. In his first year at Hogwarts, Ron is immediately confronted with challenges and discrimination. He must figure out a way to non-verbally cast spells or risk being sent to a Special Education school in America.
When You Fall (Get Up and Try Again) - Fandom: Harry Potter 2/?  3,165 Words
Daniel Evans has wasted 13 years of his life with an over-inflated sense of guilt, shame, and self-hatred. His biggest regret was abandoning his orphaned nephew to his sister, but now, it's time to fix all of his mistakes. Which includes becoming his nephew's guardian and professor, as well as protecting Harry from binding contracts, deadly trials, and from Harry himself.
Hogwarts Support Series -  Fandom: Harry Potter
Being rewritten.
Silver Trio: Year One - Fandom: Harry Potter 1/? 2,390 Words
When it comes to mental health, it seems like it's the muggle world that's stuck in the dark ages. Alex Parson had to deal with judgment his entire life due to a mental condition he was born with. When he gets his letter, everything changes for the better. With the help of Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, and the rest of the Slytherins, Alex navigates his first year at Hogwarts.
Planning Stages/Partially Written:
DC Stories:
- A Butler’s Sidekick, Batman Fandom
- Wade/Peter story where Peter realizes his sexuality
- An oc brother to Thor and Loki that rewrites Avengers
- An MCU oc with a power called “Respawn”
One Piece:
- Usopp centered series, where lies are based on some truth and secrets come out from the dark
- Once again, I’m gonna overhaul my oc series. Never gonna give that up.
That’s all for now. Expect actual updates in the near future, don’t be afraid to hit that ask button, and I’ll see you later <3
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Sad Magnus Chase headcanons bc I'm feeling sad today
💔 Magnus crying alone after his mom dies and having nowhere to go. He flinched in a corner on the sidewalk and cried himself till sleep 💔 He spent 3 days without eating until he started to turn the trash cans 💔 In his first winter as homeless, it was so cold on some nights that he cried wrapped in his thin blanket 💔 It was common for him to spend a few days without getting any change or food 💔 Young Hearth starving himself till the limit because food cost golden coins 💔 Young Hearth not quite understanding what his parents said after his brother's death because they refused to sign and he was crying too much to read lips 💔 Hearth not caring about if he would live or die while he fells in Nidavellir 💔 Blitz going back to home alone after find out that his father was dead 💔 Blitz having no one to talk. Sometimes, he spent days without say a single word and leave home 💔 Blitz trying to produce something "real dwarves" do but crying in frustation 💔 Alex feeling totally confused because she doesnt feel like a "regular boy" 💔 Alex dressing up like she wants and her mortal father and step mother just saying that she wants "embarrass them even more" 💔 They keeping Alex out of view when received visits because how would they even explain what is Alex 💔 Alex preferring live on the streets that live with her "family" 💔 Sam crying on her room because the kids were being mean about her being muslim 💔 Sam trying to not care about the looks people give to her and her grandparents on the streets 💔 Sometimes, Magnus can't eat or drink. He's in the middle of the feast when he suddenly thinks about all the people that don't have nothing to eat, like him when he was homeless. Sometimes, he lost the appetite for days. On these days, Alex enter in his room and put his head on her lap and he cries while she tries to calm him "I know, Maggie, I know" 💔 homeless Hearth giving the food he finds to Magnus and Blitz because he's more used to stay hungry 💔 Sam waking up screaming from a nightmare about Loki controlling her 💔 Sometimes, Blitz calls by Hearth, forgeting he cant listen. When he doesn't anwser, Blitz just panics. So Hearth just finds him crying "I-I thought you left me... I don't want... to be alone...I'm so so patetic" 💔 The whole squad having existential crisis bc the world will end anyway
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avengers-nextgen · 6 years
Prometheus XVI
It had been a conversation that lasted well into the night, but at last after years of pain the Odin family was at peace. Thalia was to work with her father on rebuilding a new safe haven for Asgardians. Loki could wander about in search of new ones however he pleased. Thalia was also allowed to move freely between her parents however she pleased. Sif would be journeying as well in search of others, though she was more keen on hunting any enemies that may have fled too.
A regrowing empire was at it’s weakest during its production stages. The last thing anyone wanted was the dream to be killed before it got a chance to thrive.
And so, the pool party was a chance for parents and kids to relax completely for once. There was no tension, and the kids were thriving in the environment.
Nathaniel was showing off his diving skills which consisted of numerous belly flops into the enormous pool. Enzo was rating them on a scale of one to ten but he was simply enjoying the show.
Scout was lounging on a floaty but his reign was thwarted by a mischievous boyfriend and his accomplice Piper Stark who flipped him over. Meanwhile Thalia was learning how to grill thanks to Steve’s guidance. Siyanda worried about the fire but she figured there was a pool so it couldn’t be too much of a risk.
Natasha and Bucky were in a sniper battle with water guns and both had recruited their children to help. Bianca and James poked their heads around the waterfalls at each other and took cheap shots. Penny was happily eating watermelon while Arthur tried to make a balloon animal. He was failing miserably.
Penny tried too but after popping six she had given up. It was for the best- Arthur had teasingly replied. Chloe was sitting on the deck dressed to swim should she choose too but otherwise content with watching.
“I got potato chips, barbecue chips, these chips, these ones, and these too!” Tony announced stepping outside with his arms full of purchased air bags with saddeningly low amounts of food.
“Barbecue!!!!” Orion yelled excitedly. In his distraction Scout took back his throne.
“Sheesh.” Tony shivered, “kid scares me with his enthusiasm sometimes.”
“Drinks.” Came a yell from inside. Arthur nearly pissed himself as a portal opened on the table where numerous liters of soda dumped out.
“Sweet.” Penny smirked, taking an entire liter for herself.
But while some were thoroughly enjoying themselves others were less sure. Fox sat perched nearly out of sight on a cooler in the corner. She was undistrubed until a jet of water pegged her in the chest. “Hey!”
“Were you hiding?” James smirked.
“I’m not interested in playing.”
“Awe come on.” James grinned spraying her again. “Why not?”
“I’m not playing.”
“Hey, no one said you had to put on a swim suit. Just wear an old shirt and shorts.” James replied seriously. He was beginning to understand her insistence on remaining dry and fully clothed.
“I don’t know...” It seemed like she hadn’t considered that idea.
“It’ll be worth it. When’s the last time you had a family barbecue?”
“Never, actually .” Fox frowned.
“All the more reason to participate.” James encouraged. After a moment of contemplation and a bit more persuasion, James finally won Fox over. “Great. Now take this weapon and shoot my uncle in the face.”
“He has a recruit!” Bianca yelled.
“Damn it. We’re outnumbered.” Bucky laughed. “Clint! Help me!”
“Cheater!” Natasha rolled her eyes. “Hey, Nathaniel-“
“That’s my son you can’t do that!” Clint argued, grabbing his own squirt gun having been armed by Bucky.
“Before anyone shoots it’s time to eat!” Steve held his hands up in surrender. “You can continue later.”
“Awe.” Bianca and James whined.
“No whining,” Steve smirked, ruffling his son’s damp hair.
“Okay.” James sighed, setting the water gun down.
“Out of the pool.” Pepper managed to draw Orion’s, Scout’s, and Piper’s attention away from their fight for control of the floaty.
“Barbecue chips.” Orion squealed, swimming as fast as he could to the side and scampering out.
“I’m more of a plain lays kind of guy.” Scout explained upon seeing Piper’s amused look. “Not him though.”
“Well, obviously not.”
“Thalia you start with one.” Stephen said pointedly looking at the blonde.
“Can I have two?” Peter asked. He’d been conspicuously absent until food had been mentioned,
“No. If she doesn’t get two to start with you don’t either.”
“Ha!” Thalia laughed.
“Rude.” Peter pouted, sticking his tongue out at Stephen.
“James where’s you’re sister?” Natasha asked doing a swift head count.
“Inside,” James called over the noise as Siyanda chucked the salt down to where Nathaniel was. Natasha went to retrieve any stragglers while the others dug in.
— — —
“Drinking Doctor Pepper is so wrong.” Gen frowned, watching Piper chug her second can.
“I’ve heard that joke my whole life.” The youngest Stark noted, “just because my mom’s name is Pepper. But you know what? At least I know Pepper is good. A good mom, good drink, and good seasoning!”
“You’ve had too much caffeine.” Arthur frowned. “I think that’s enough.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Piper said matter of factly.
“He can- it just doesn’t mean you have to listen,” Chloe piped up smugly, earning a playful glare from her brother.
“Let the war begin.” Nathaniel had collected the forces once more and the sniper battle continued.
“If I get shot I’m literally murdering someone.” Sage growled, having been dragged outside by Enzo.
“You’ll be fine. Come on. The water’s nice and we’re trying to dethrone Scout.”
“Just use magic.”
“It’s not as fun.” Enzo replied.
“Please? Will you play?” Enzo clasped his hands together and batted his eye lashes.
“You’re awful.”
“I know!” Enzo winked. Then, without much warning he shoved his sister into the pool and jumped in after her.
“You’re so dead!” Sage growled. Enzo squealed and swam for his life. Bianca took the liberty of trying to shoot Sage with her water gun forgetting all about the family feud.
“On guard.” Thalia had been equipped with pool noodles and was reigning down punishment on any and all unsuspecting swimmers until Orion challenged her to a duel.
“We need music for this!” Piper sprinted only to come back with a speaker blasting Pirates of The Caribbean.
The pool noodles clashed with hollow thumps as the two giggled moving across the top of the water fall. Orion held his own for a while until Thalia slapped him in the side. Orion clutched at his rib cage before staggering off the top and flopping into the pool.
“That was epic!” Penny applauded. “Do it again!”
“My turn!” Enzo collected a weapon of his own and went to challenge his cousin.
“I was murdered and you won’t avenge me?” Orion gave Scout an incredulous look.
“It was a very dramatic and glorious death.” Scout assured him. “You should win an Oscar.”
“I should shouldn’t I?” Orion smiled smugly.
“Cocky much?” Scout rolled his eyes and pushed down on Orion’s shoulders. The other boy happily escaped by slipping underwater. “Little shark.”
“I hate little siblings.” Sage clambered out of the pool and shook herself off like a dog.
“He is a little enthusiastic.” Scout agreed.
“No kidding.” Luckily for Sage, Siyanda chucked a towel at her to dry off with. “Now I have to change.”
“I wouldn’t bother,” Arthur advised, “he’ll probably be back again later.”
“Wonderful to know.” Sage replied but she knew Arthur was right.
“Just borrow a swim suit I’m sure someone’s your size,” Wanda offered, cleaning up the table.
“Pffft.” Sage only laughed as she headed inside.
“Mom. She’s a bean pole. No one is her size.” Scout laughed.
“I was trying to be nice.” Wanda jokingly tossed an apple at her son which Scout caught with ease and took a bite out of.
“Well, thank you for the snack.”
— — —
The night wore on and the kids didn’t seem to be getting tired. They alternated between snacking and swimming for nearly two hours before things started to wind down.
Scout was attempting to build a card tower with Piper on the table while Orion watched and attempted not to knock it over. Enzo was lounging in a chair chatting away with Penny who was still amped from sugar.
Thalia had changed into a comfy set of sweats to sit in Siyanda’s lap while they played a few games on one of the Stark tablets. Arthur and James were retrieving things from the pool to be put away while Chloe had moved to the grass. She intended on remaining dry the rest of the evening.
All was quiet and she was content in her little spot until she noticed Alex sitting cross legged picking away at blades of grass. Chloe studied the blonde with care. There was something different about her. Something Chloe knew very well. When one nearly died fear took hold of everything-even the joy. Moments that usually made someone smile were instead sad and melancholy because in the back of their mind they knew-every moment was potentially their last. Staring death in the face-it made everything feel like a ticking clock. And it was hard not to fall into the trap of despair. Often times Chloe found herself wondering when exactly her ticking would run out. It seemed Alex was plagued with the same sense of understanding she’d come to. It was a sad sight-but Chloe knew, or she had for some time, that even Alex as resilient as she was couldn’t deny the futility of fighting.
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