#Lord Adaman
icys-junkyard · 2 years
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Adaman: ...Are time capsules also that popular in the future?
Akari: lol no, literally no one wants to sit and wait for it. We can get mail in days to weeks depending on the distance. Who the hell wants to wait 10 or more years to get their own shit back
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archersxartxblog · 1 year
Master post
Happy day of hearts and chocolate. I give you chapter 22. this one was kind of fun to write, gotta admit.
Chapter 22
A sigh escaped his lips as the commander slowly stood up from his desk, and made his way to the stairs. Grabbing one of his swords and an oil lamp as he walked past.
Today had been a grim day, indeed. And with what he was about to do, it would only get worse.
They were sorely mistaken if anyone believed he had taken any pleasure in banishing Akari. She had been one of the best they had, and if things had gone differently he would have taken her under his wing and truly brought her into their ranks. But sadly things did not pan out that way. 
There had been too many Strange occurrences since she fell from the sky, and Kamado wasn't a firm believer in coincidence. Things were not adding up and Akari had to be the cause or at least one of the causes.
Deep down, Kamado hoped that he was wrong. Hoped that Akari would be able to fix the sky just as she had quelled the frenzied nobles of the clans. And feared that he had made a fool of himself, and was still making a fool of himself.
But even if Akari did fix the sky… would that not prove she had the power to do all the things he accused her of?
Slowly he descended the stairs, knowing full well he was merely prolonging the inevitable.
This was another thing he was not happy about.
No one wanted to be known as the man who imprisoned children, let alone a whole family. Yet here he was doing just that.
But the Warden was another anomaly. One who had arrived even before Akari had, around the same time the Space-time distortions were said to have started. His ‘sons’ had also appeared sometime between the frenzy and the quelling of the Noble, Electrode. 
Once was strange, twice was suspicious, three times… well, clearly there was more going on than meets the eye. 
While Akari had at the very least worked to help Jubilife and gain their trust, Kamado at least allowed himself to give her the chance to clear her name. But he could not in good conscience extend the same courtesy to the Warden and his family, nor could he simply allow them to roam free.
Irida and her clan may have been blind to the dangers, be he was not.
Sure it was risky to imprison not just a member of the Pearl clan without their consent, but one of their Wardens and his family. But he was sure the clan would not dare make a move against the village, not while the Rift was widening and the sky remained red. With any luck by the time, Irida came to question his choices he would have evidence to prove this claim. Besides, he was sure the Pearl Clan did not have the resources or the ability to start a war let alone win a war against the Galaxy team.
Captain Zisu waited at the bottom of the stairs, standing at attention next to the door that led to the prison level.
He sighed, as he was forced to push down another pang of guilt. 
Just like the rest of the Galaxy, Zisu had lost much to Pokemon. In fact, she had lost her entire family to rampaging pokemon. Yet, slowly she had been willing to trust pokemon once more.
He was aware of how she felt about those kids as she had not once denied those rumours. She had found a companion in the old Warden and family in the man’s children. Perhaps, seeing this as a second chance.
He held no illusion that she hated him for what he was making her do. A mother Ursaring always fights to protect her young after all. He just hoped that then she finally saw the truth, that it would not completely crush her.
“Commander.” she saluted like a good soldier, the look on her face as hard and old as stone.
“Zisu…” Kamado nodded in acknowledgement before taking a deep breath. “Captain…you have a Zoroark on your team, do you not?” he questioned.
Without a single word, the woman pulled a Pokeball from her belt, her grey eyes glaring at him like daggers. 
Yet still, he continued…
He had to be sure.
“Show me.” He hated that he had to do this, to make her prove her loyalty to him, but sadly he had no choice. She was too close to the prisoners after all.
Without even missing a beat, the captain flicked open the clasp and released the pokemon inside. As the flash of light died down, the Commander breathed out a sigh of relief as he saw the baneful fox form in front of him.
He felt both happy that he was wrong, and shame for doubting one of his own captains.
Zisu was a good soldier and loyal to a fault.
“Apologies, Captain Zisu.” he bowed his head slightly toward her. “But given the circumstances, I felt it necessary.” 
Necessary to prove that the prisoners below were in fact who they appeared to be. 
To Prove that the Captain of the Security Corps had not put her own feelings first and replaced them with shapeshifting Pokemon.
Quickly Zisu recalled the pokemon back into its confines, before stepping up to the door and wordlessly unlocking it for him.
“Thank you, Captain.” he took a step forward, pausing at the door. “I am aware this is hard for you, you were close to them. So you are dismissed. I will not force you to witness any of this.”
“Sir,” she saluted once more, turned her back to him then paused. “May I speak freely, sir?”
“You may.” he expected a biting retort from the caption, maybe an emotion-driven rant. But he was not about to hold it against her once this was all over, she would come to her sense.
“What happens… on the off chance that you are wrong about this?”
That was not something he had expected. 
There wasn’t much in the way of doubt in his mind, that he was in fact right. Everything pointed to it. There was no way he could be wrong, and if he was then it was only a tiny chance.
If he was wrong…
Then he had just made a horrible mistake.
“If, by some chance I am wrong…” he told a deep breath as he tried to sort his thoughts. 
If by chance he was wrong then he had not only just unlawfully imprisoned three members of the Pearl clan but Warden to boot. Even worse, he had imprisoned children and that alone would be remembered throughout history. He would have disgraced both himself and the Galaxy team.
If he was willing to shoulder that blame himself, was willing to beg forgiveness from both Irida and the family he harmed, and accept whatever punishment they had for him. “Then I, and I alone will bear that burden.”
But he wasn’t wrong.
It simply was not possible.
Zisu sighed, shaking her head as she started to walk away. “Whatever you say, sir.”
He waited silently by the door until he knew she was far enough away before he started to descend into the depths. Closing the door behind him.
It was dark, the only light that could be seen was what little came from under the door, and there was a dampness in the air that made the musty smell all the more noticeable.
Kamado paused at the top of the steps to light the lamp he had brought before continuing lower, Lamp held high in one hand and his other hand resting on his sword.
There was a noticeable chill in the air that sent a shiver down his spine the closer he got to the far cell of the prison. But he merely shrugged it off as merely the dampness that crawled up through the earth with no sun to chase it away. So he continued down the hall, ignoring the groans and cries coming from the other cells.
He stopped in front of the cell, turning to see, two sets of glowing eyes looking up at him only to flinch away when he raised his lantern up. 
Kamado took a good look at the prisoners within the cell, as this was the first time he had ever seen the Warden’s children in person, and it was only fair to commit their faces to memory if they were to be imprisoned. 
The first thing he noticed about the boys was that they were identical, which was not a surprise as others he’d questioned described them as such. If he had met them before he was not sure if he would be able to tell who was who. a fact that unnerved him greatly, as who knows what kind of mischief that could cause. 
It was hard to tell what kind of body shape the two might have had, as they were currently bent low to the ground and most of their propositions were hidden under the layers of the Pearl clan tunics. But the Commander guessed they were built the same as most nine-to-ten-year-olds, if not slightly scrawnier.
The two stared up at him, the exact same fearful expression, their golden eyes squinting hard against the light of the lamp as they crouched down next to their father. Their wispy grayish-white hair fell into their faces as they attempted to shield their eyes.
Then there was their father. The Warden.
The man behind the bars turned his attention towards him, patting the shoulders of his two boys gently before standing up and dusting himself off; as if doing so would make the strange tattered coat any less disrespectful. 
“Warden.” Kamado snorted as he look down at the hunched man standing before him. There was no point in pleasantries here best to get his answers now so she could better decide the fates of the three, less the Pearl clan try and make a move. “I assume you have seen the sky and are not blind like you believe the rest of us are. Now, tell me your part in all this, Warden.”
But the Warden just stood there not looking up at him, before sneering. “Hah.”
Behind him, there was the sound of giggling, like two children, laughing over some small joke they had overheard; but it was quickly silenced as the Warden turned his head towards his boys.
“Answer me, Old man!” He barked, leaning in toward the bars, his rage starting to build as he felt the strange old man was not taking this seriously. It was odd, not once had he ever witnessed Ingo act like this, the man was always serious but then again, it just made it all the clearer that the man had been hiding his true intentions. “You will answer me! If you ever want your children to be free, you will give me the answers I seek!”
“Hah, hah” 
Kamado watched the man in shock as the warden continued to huff slightly, his shoulders shaking and that horrible mocking smile never once leaving his face.
Was he…
…Was he laughing at him?
The Commander’s rage grew tenfold and without warning he reached through the bars and grabbed a fist full of the man’s tunic and pulled him closer, causing the man’s body to smack harshly into the iron bars. “You think this is Funny Warden! I am not some Pearl clan fool you can trick with your claim of Amnesia! You Will tell me What You Are Planning! Or perhaps you would prefer if I tore the answer from one of your sons!” Kamado roared, holding fast to the man’s tunic and leaning in close to the bars.
Yet the old Warden only seemed to laugh harder.
Had the old man finally lost his mind?
“Do you truly think this is funny? Or maybe you do not believe I will do it.” the larger man hissed towards his prisoner, dragging the fist full of tunic upward, nearly dragging the warden off his feet and forcing the man to meet his eye. “I will do anything to protect this settlement from the likes of you! And that includes Tortu-”
It was then that Kamado noticed that his hand had started to go numb and there was a painful chill that was slowly creeping up his arm. 
He tried to release his grip on the old man but his hand felt frozen to the fabric. 
The Warden had stopped laughing and was staring right at him with a wide grin on his face…did he always have those red marks by his eyes… Slowly he raised a hand and grasped the commander’s arm tightly with thick bloody red claws.
“What are you…” he could see his breath in front of his face.
It was so cold…
…so very cold.
The feeling started to return to his hand, but it burned like a fiery hot poker was being placed on his fingers.
He could hear sound all around him, like a child’s laughter, but he was unable to look away from the warden to see where it was coming from.
He couldn’t look away from those piercing golden eyes.
His heart raced, as he demanded his body to move, to do something anything, but he couldn’t move.
It felt like his head was underwater.
He had to do something.
He could hear screaming all around him. Panicked and desperate cries for help.
The fire behind him casing everything in an orange glow as the fire burned his skin, the village behind him burned.
Yet he could not, could not look away from those yellow eyes.
He had to do something or the village would be destroyed.
He had to do something or everyone would die.
He had to move!
Finally, he managed to break the spell enough to reach for his sword, forcing his eyes closed as he prepared to strike out blindly…
But his hand never touched the hilt, grabbing nothing but air.
Quickly Kamado opened his eyes, only to see that his sword was not where it should be.
It was gone...
But that wasn’t right…he remembered taking it. 
He brought it just in case something like this were to happen.
So why was it not there?
“Hah Hah ha.”
Slowly, the commander turned back to look at the old warden as the man started to laugh once more.
But Ingo was no longer looking at him, but at something just over his shoulder.
There in the corner of the hallway stood the twins. One of them holding the Lamp that Kamado had brought with him and the other was standing just behind the other holding his sword. 
The man’s mind raced once more.
When had they escaped? And how?
How did they manage to not only take his Lantren but also his blade without notice?
His eye was slowly drawn to the looming shadow behind the boys, detailing something that had been far from human.
The boy holding the lantern smiled, his eyes squinting in delight as the Light from the flame highlighted the blue along his eyelids. 
At that moment the boy extinguished the flame and drowned the room in darkness.
Emmet sighed as he sat with his back against the cliff, staring at the empty Pokeball in his hand as his brother and father worked to set up the temporary camp. 
It had been earlier this morning, verrrry early in fact, that Ingo had woken them all up with his cries and shouts about the sky being wrong. Upon seeing the problem their father had quickly urged them to pack up their things and help him grab what was necessary to relocate. But when Emmet had gathered up all of his Pokeballs, he had found that one of them was lighter than it should have been. 
“I’m sure Zoroark will return to you once more Emmet.” their dad broke through his thoughts as he gently set drown several heavy logs within the temporary firepit they had created within the Fabled Spring. “He was probably just spooked by what is happening and will return to your station in due time.”
“Then how come it was only my pokemon that ran away.” the younger twin pouted, curling in on himself dejectedly. It was hardly fair, Zoroark had finally seemed to be coming around and then when the sky goes all weird the fox just runs off the first chance he got. Maybe Zoroark had just been waiting for a time when Emmet would not be able to go after it to run away?
“I agree with dad, I heard Zoroarks can be kind of funny like that, or at least the ones back home are,” Ingo added, as he continued to clear a space for the tent to be pitched, running back and forth to move sticks and rocks away. “I’m sure Zoroark will come back, if not I’ll help you catch another one…you know… once it feels like the world isn’t going to end. Now hurry up and help us set up camp!”
Emmet wanted to call his brother out for being overly dramatic in his word choice, but as he looked up to the sky he couldn’t help but agree.
The sky was a harsh red colour and there was a crackle in the air that sent shivers down his spine. Worse yet, space-time distortions were popping up everywhere across the highlands, strange bubbles that seemed to bend Space and Time inside of them causing normal pokemon to become completely frenzied while inside. 
According to their father, this was far from normal.
So maybe, Zoroark really did get scared and run away.
So far the Fabled Spring had really been the only safe place for the time being.
It really did seem like the world was trying to rip itself apart. 
And if he hadn’t been so exhausted it would have been terrifying.
He really wanted to be home right now, with his brother and uncle, drinking a nice cup of hot chocolate rather than deal with this.
With a groan, Emmet slowly pushed himself back up to his feet and went over to join his family in the work. At least it would help distract from the looming threat that was currently the sky.
“Warden Ingo!” 
Emmet paused in what he was doing, looking up toward the voice that had called out. He looked up just in time to see Lady Irida stepping into the Fabled Spring, followed closely by Lady Sneasler and a rather fancy-looking man with blue and green hair tied into a ponytail.
“Lady Irida. Lord Adaman.” their dad spoke up, stepping forward to greet the two adults. “What brings the two of you here? I am afraid the highlands are far from safe at this moment.”
“Warden Ingo! thank Almighty Sinnoh you and the boys are alright.” Irida smiled running up to them as quickly as she could and grabbed his father’s arms, pushing up the sleeves of his jacket and checking his arms for something. “I had just gotten a message from Lian saying you and the twins had been arrested, I’m glad to see that he was incorrect,” she explained, satisfied by what she saw of their father, she then bent down and did the same to his brother and then himself.
“While it’s good to see that your alright Warden, I have to know if you have seen Akari around here?” the tall man with the ponytail asked as he stood next to Irida, hands on his hips as he addressed their father. 
“A-arrested?” Their dad stuttered as he simply stared at their clan leader in utter shock. “I am unsure as to where Lian has gotten the idea that I, let alone my sons have been detained in such a way.” Emmet could hear the shakiness of his voice growing stronger with every word, and his volume starting to raise. His brother’s voice did the same thing when he was trying to hide the fact he was scared of something, so hearing the same tell in his father’s voice put the youngest twin on edge. “And I have not seen Akari for the past few days. In fact, I and the boys have been put up since before dawn trying to locate a safer station. Why do you ask? Does it have anything to do with the way the sky and the rift have been acting?” he looked from the Pearl clan leader over to Man in Blue with peeling eyes. “Please, tell me what is happening so that I may conduct myself and my family appropriately.”
Irida sighed as she stood back up, looking back at the man with the fancy hair before meeting his dad’s eye. “Earlier today, Adaman and I went to Jubilife Village to speak with the Commander about the current…crisis. It was during this meeting that the Commander-”
“Akari was banished from the village.” 
“What?!” their father’s voice echoed off the cliffs, causing everyone to flinch at the volume, and Irida sent a sharp glare over his shoulder at Adaman.
“I’m sorry Irida, but there’s no point in beating around the bush about this.” Adaman sighed, rubbing at his ears.
“But why?” Ingo joined the conversation from where stood next to his brother, his eyes bouncing from one adult to the next in search of answers. “What did she make a bad drawing too?”
Irida could only shake her head as she stared at the ground, not even able to laugh at the slight joke his brother made. “I’m afraid that the Commander is in the belief that Akari is somehow responsible for the current situation.” she sighed, sadly looking up at their father. “We came looking for her with the hope to offer some kind of help.”
“Irida thought that maybe she had come looking for you for help until she got Lian’s message,” Adaman added, filling the shocked silence with an explanation. “Look, we’re gonna keep looking for Akari. But Ingo, you and your kids should probably get out of here. Lian may have gotten mixed up in his report, but that doesn’t mean The Galaxy team isn’t looking for you guys.”
“Yes, if Commander Kamado is willing to blame Akari for all this simply because she came from the rift, I do not doubt he would be willing to do the same to you and the twins, and I do not think he would be so willing as to let you all walk away.” Irida continued. “Maybe head back to the Coastlands, or even the back to the Icelands as I doubt the Commander would be so bold as to march into our settlement to arrest one of my Wardens. But you must stay clear of Jubilife Village and The Galaxy team. Leave Akari to us.”
“Did someone say they were looking for Akari?”
Just before Emmet’s mind even began to process the information they were given, his thoughts were suddenly derailed as a new voice added itself to the mix. 
He knew that voice. 
Every so often he would hear it in his nightmares.
Slowly the boy turned his head to look passed Lady Irida, and so a tall man with blonde hair walked towards them.
“Are you really trying to hold a candle to the might of Gi***ti*a?!”
“Get rid of these pests! And with any luck, we’ll have fixed our last mistake!”
Emmet didn’t remember when he had stepped in front of his brother, shielding his twin from the man as he approached, but he remembered clearly that thing targeting Ingo directly. He wasn’t about to happen again.
He was trembling, and he wondered if Ingo was too. 
The man continued closer, all smiles as he walked up to the clan leaders. His hair was pinned back in a bun, and his bangs covered one eye, dressed like one of Ginko Guild. 
He opened his eye and then opened his mouth to say something, only to stop when his single visible eye looked towards Emmet and his brother.
The smile fell away for a split second, and Emmet saw the recognition in his eyes.
His chest felt tight, making it hard to breathe as his heart hammered in his ear… and then…
A wall of black fabric stepped in front of him, cutting off his view of the man. Suddenly Emmet could breathe again as his father stepped in front of them, shielding both he and his brother from the man’s view. 
Never was he so happy to see the back of his Dad’s tattered coat before.
“Volo… What brings you to this station?” Emmet couldn’t see his dad’s face as he spoke, but he could hear a slight bit of irritation in his tone as he spoke.
“Apologies, Warden Ingo, Lady Irida, Lord Adaman. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just happened to overhear you all talking about finding Akari, and thought I could lend a hand.” The man, Volo, replied. sound of his voice causing Emmet to lean heavily into his twin as Ingo wrapped his arms around him in a tight hug. “Akari told you had Kids, Warden, though I have to admit I didn’t expect to be running into them today. They look a lot like you.”
“Indeed…” The Warden hummed, his voice sounding curter than Emmet had ever heard it before. “I am assuming you are aware of Miss Akari’s location then?”
“Oh yeah! I found her earlier and brought her to a secret location.” the man stated proudly. “I can take you all there if you like.”
“Yes! That would be most helpful, Volo, thank you.” Adaman cut in and moved to join the man along with Lady Irida, only to pause a step later.
“Are the Warden and his…um…children joining us, or-?” the man questioned looking back at the three as they had yet to move.
Their father was silent for a moment, looking back a the twins before turning his attention back to Volo.
“Yes!” Lady Irida’s voice cut through the silence, speaking up before their dad could even get a word out. “He and the boys will be coming with us.” she looked back at the three. “The Galaxy Team plan on trying to arrest them for the same thing they banished Akari for. If this place you speaking of is so well hidden then it should be safe for the Warden and his family.”
The Warden sighed, bringing a hand up to touch the brim of his hat before nodding. “I suppose it would be safer to join you along these tracks.” he turned slightly holding his hands out for each of the boys to take. “Come along you too, try not the become uncoupled from me.”
Zisu stood outside Cyllene’s office waiting patiently for a sign. Leaned up against the wall, with her arms crossed over her chest.
It was only when she heard a loud bang and the sound of rattling metal did she pull herself away from the wall and entered the office. The blue hair woman glanced up at her curiously as walked passed and opened one of the windows behind her desk, but ultimately said nothing, not even when Zisu tossed the Pokeball containing her own Zoroark out the window.
Within a few moments, there was a loud bang of a door being thrown off its hinges, followed quickly by heavy footsteps pounding up the steps and a chorus of screams as passersby flung themselves out of the way by whatever was steamrolling its way up the stairs. Within moments ‘Warden Ingo’ came barreling into view as he came flying up the steps with two little ones in tow, stopping for only a second to look for a way out.
Quickly Zisu stepped out of the way, just as the ‘Warden’ flew past her, jumped on Cyllene’s desk and launched himself out the open window, sending paperwork flying everywhere.
Close behind the two ‘children’ ran by, though not as fast as their ‘Father’ could. 
the one with a slight blueish tint to his hair clearly sporting a fluffy white tail, while it helped its ‘twin’ get out the window.
“Your tail is showing.” Cyllene muttered as she stood up from the desk and grabbed the ‘boy’ under the arms and helped ‘him’ out the window. The ‘child’ let out a little ‘Zorua’ in thanks, as it and the other followed Zisu’s Zoroark out of the Village. 
The captain of the survey corps sighed, as she reached up and shut the window, looking back at Zisu with an annoyed frown, unable to miss the complete mess her office had become in only a few seconds. “Was it really necessary to use my office for this?”
“Sorry Cyllene, but you kind of had the best Window for the job.” the Captain of the security corps laughed, looking around at the mess that had been left in the Pokemon’s wake. Emmet’s Zoroark had really made a mess of things. “Sides didn’t want to risk anyone in the medical bay getting spooked.”
Quickly she turned to one of her men, who was poking his head in through the door, clearly startled by the fuss that had just happened. “You! Head down to the prison and check to see if the Commander is alright, take a few others with you in case he requires help and bring him to the medical bay,” she order and the man snapped to attention before running off.
She really hoped that Zoroark had given him the scare of his life. Sinnoh knows he deserved it after what he did.
Though she was just glad this little scheme worked.
She knew there was no way her men would have been able to so easily arrest the Warden or the twins. Not without a major fight on their hands. Not her boys.
Of course, she had recognized the disguised fox pokemon the moment she laid eyes on it, and she knew just by the way it moved that it was Emmets. That Zoroark was fair to cock to be able to get humble Warden of the highlands just right, at least not to someone she knew so well.
The two Zorua had been a shock but even they weren’t able to fool her, mostly because their illusions made the twins either two identical or not enough. 
“By the way, do those two Zorua also belong to the twins? I was unaware that the twins nor their father had any Zorua under their command.” the blue-haired captain questioned as she started to slowly gather up the paper that now covered the floor.
“Don’t know. They might be Akari’s but this is honestly the first time I’ve seen them.” the redhead shrugged.
She had no idea who had planned any of this, but whoever they were were as clever as the foxes they had sent.
She was just glad to have been able to do her part, and hopefully, this would scare the Commander away from pursuing the Warden as his twins any further.
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doodleimprovement · 2 years
Comfort in the Form of a Leafeon
After a harrowing encounter with a Honchcrow, Adaman blacks out and wakes up as an Eevee
Thus begins a "Journey" of both self discovery, friendship, and being carried around like a ....
Well, like a baby Pokemon.
It's not as embarrassing as it sounds
My dear friend @that1nkyone came up with a great little PLA AU - The Wishing Star AU - and I kinda ran away with an Adaman iteration
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numelfanclub · 2 months
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this is an inside joke but i wanted to post it here anyways
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patriamrealm · 1 year
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Here they are! The diamond clan Wardens and Adaman are done! Only the wardens and leader have to wear blue but dark colors are a staple of the diamond clan as well as very geometric patterns and embroidery.
Iscan is part ghost type without knowing that’s what he is. Having never died they just think he’s a water type with a touch of ghostliness. No one want’s to tell him because he’s terrified of ghost pokemon, they decide he doesn’t need any existential crisis about himself for what ‘little’ ghost he’s got in him.
No one else in the clan is unaware of their typing or full aspects however Sabi does not have her aspects as she is the newest warden at 6 years old. They’d rather her not have been chosen by Lord Braviary but with no other option they check on her very often. Warden Gaeric also makes a point to make sure she’s not about to die out on her own.
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enderdaggers · 2 years
Hello! I really love your works! I noticed your requests are open, so if I could request something, could I just get general dating headcanons with Revali, please? You don't have to, though. Have a nice day/night!
Revali Dating Headcanons
Word count: 596
Warnings: None that I've caught since they're headcanons, please tell me if I should add anything
Notes: Aww, thank you so much for the compliment! I loved writing this, and I feel like it's a bit short, but I hope you enjoy. I love writing Revali so much and enjoy to continue doing so :)
Revali. Our beloved champion. Oh, how he does not know how to date.
Of course, he’ll pretend he does. Honestly, the first barrier for him was actually telling you how he felt.
And boy oh boy, once you do that? It’s like the floodgates have just opened.
Revali’s a Rito of splendor, grace, and beauty. He tries his hardest in every way to show love and appreciation in ways that he thinks shows through.
(It’s not like he’s worried he’s gonna mess up- not at all!)
If you live in Rito Village, Revali’s going to try and spend time with you always. He’s at your side when you walk through the village, he’s spending the night in your hut while you cook dinner, he’s going for a walk with you when you need to stretch your legs.
He doesn’t let just anyone come and watch him practice at his beloved Flight Range… but sure, you can tag along if you want, he doesn’t mind. He definitely practices with more flair that day just because you’re watching.
If you don’t live in Rito Village, he’s always visiting. He’ll be gone for about two days and then bam- he’s suddenly back like he never left. He had this habit of perching in trees and scaring the living shit out of you when you walk by. He definitely enjoys it even when he insists you’re just jumpy.
He’s very self-conscious about everything, too. You’ll be cuddling and his mind will race the entire time- Am I doing this right? Are they comfortable? Am I messing up? Are they too hot? Cold, maybe? Should I move? You’d never know it from his attitude, but he… worries, you know?
Whatever you do in life, whether it’s research or running a shop, or taking care of children, Revali is your biggest supporter. He’ll tease you, sure- (“I’m bugging you? Surely you, in all your greatness, aren’t distracted by me. I understand, the view must be fabulous, but-” “Shut up, Revali.”)- but at the end of the day, he’s so proud of you. Especially if your job involves making things- he likes watching your hands bring something, anything, into fruition. It’s adorable.
He’s very protective, too. Especially with the rising monsters. Sure, he wouldn’t ever admit he’s worried about you, but… yeah. He’s worried. Revali can’t imagine a world without you in it, and he’ll do everything in his power to make sure you’re  safe and protected in his arms.
On a fluffier side, her me out- DATES. ON. MEDOH! Revali’s taken you up on there before and every process is nerve-wracking as you cling desperately to his back, but now you have to hold onto supplies too?? At least Revali brings the Divine Beast lower so you don’t have to fly as far.
And you have to admit when you get there… it’s damn romantic. Our dramatic bird knows how to set a vibe. The two of you will talk and laugh up there for hours, long after any food is gone, just enjoying the view and each other’s company. Soon, the sun begins to set, and it gets colder, and even though you’re probably wearing Snowquill armor, you wiggle your way up against Revali.
He complains that you’re heavy (he doesn’t mind and doesn’t mean it. At all.)
In the end, he isn’t the greatest at communication or feelings sometimes, but there are genuine moments. And you’re working on it. Revali is teasing and good and protective and would burn the world down for you. You can be sure of that.
There isn't anyone on a Revali taglist yet (I think) but hey tell me if you'd like to be added to that or an overall Breath of the Wild one! :)
(replies are from @lostglassguitars so it's not a random stranger I promise)
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raynavan · 1 year
we have a few wing aus where ingo and Akari have wings, and others where everyone can get wings, but what if ingo and Akari the only ones without wings.
Ingo just waking up surrounded by people with wings and he’s. So confused. That… doesn’t seem natural… he never says anything though, that would be rude!
Also… him (and possibly Akari) getting a lot of sympathy bc what happened to their wings!? Did they get removed!? A horrible thought! Irida and Calaba quietly thing that perhaps it’s better Ingo not remember his past… a blessing in disguise. They don’t talk about it, least they remind him of something bad.
Akari… could go two ways. It could be: “oh this poor soul she lost her wings and doesn’t remember anything, we just have to take care of her” (Kamado is worried about the thing that took her wings might just come here) or: “oh this child has no wings, how could she possibly help us?” In which she has to work a lot harder to live there.
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oceandiagonale · 2 years
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four down, one to go!!
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Variant of the Lord Zoroark au, both twins are born in Hisui except there's no possession and there's actually a noble Zoroark line that Ingo is born into. Lady Zoroark's warden is Emmet's caretaker so Emmet interacts with the Zorua kits a lot. He develops a deep bond with the Alpha which is eventually chosen as heir. When he becomes Lord he makes Emmet his warden. Ingo using illusions to look like Emmet and the two of them tricking people outside of the Pearl Clan into thinking they're twins.
Ingo and Emmet being born around the same time... maybe Ingo being the only surviving kit in Lady Zoroark's litter, so in the absence of any siblings, he spends a lot of time around Emmet. Emmet is the one who gives him the name Ingo, and thinks of him as his brother! Drayden indulges this because he thinks it is harmless- and it is a good thing for his nephew to have a strong relationship with the future Lord Zoroark. But he's as surprised as anyone when he comes home one day to find two Emmets in his tent... only one is Ingo, who has mastered his illusions and is mimicking his nephew.
This is... fine, Drayden decides. The Noble Zoroark have always been a touch eccentric. Ingo likes accompanying Emmet everywhere, and Emmet only pouts when Ingo calls himself the older twin- even though Ingo was born first, so it's not like, wrong. They visit Jubilife Village together in secret, curious about the budding village. Emmet buys his first pokeballs there and catches himself an Elekid that same day.
But also it's so funny to picture Irida being absolutely stone-faced when introducing Warden Emmet, and his twin brother, Warden Ingo. They are both Wardens to the Noble Lord Zoroark. They are both definitely human, Adaman. :)
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badfanfix · 1 year
There’s no title, have a Diamond Clan fic.
Lord Electrode’s wardens did not always last long.
There was a risk to being a warden, to caring for a semi-feral Pokemon—divinely blessed or not—that could easily decide it disliked something and poison, maul, trample, or drown you for the slight. But Lord Electrode was always considered on a level of his own. The electrical surges when it was happy, the literal explosions when it was annoyed, even the fact that it could lose its balance and go careening down the mountainside near Moonview Arena—most of the clans rarely even saw the Lord of the Hollow, and most were perfectly fine with that. Plenty of young brash wardens had died in the Lord’s service, and even ones who lived to see their hair turn gray met painful ends due to a simple careless error leading to a blast.
When Melli was augured as the new warden, most did not expect him to last the season. He was too quiet, said the elders, too shy and always hiding behind Adaman or Mei. He was too timid, said the old women. Lord Electrode would lose patience with him and blow him away. The procession that delivered him up the mountain was more akin to a funeral than a celebration like it might have been for Lady Liligant or Lord Wyrdeer. Melli cried half the way there. But when they finally reached the Arena, he dried his face and stubbornly refused to let anyone walk in with him. “If Adaman is gonna be the new clan leader, I’m going to make sure Lord Electrode will bless him.”
For weeks no one heard anything from the mountain. A few tried to contact Lady Sneasler’s warden, but the old woman had not been up to the cold summit where Lord Electrode resided. Adaman begged Mai to take him to the peak on Wyrdeer, but his sister refused. “A Noble and their warden sometimes take time to bond.” She ruffled his hair, making Adaman grumble. “We cannot interrupt that.”
The snows came, burying Hisui in deep cold. The mountain paths became treacherous, and news of the death of Lady Sneasler’s warden came from Lord Braviary. But no word on Lord Electrode, nor Melli. Adaman spent all winter pacing the edge of the camp, his newly evolved Leafeon dogging his steps in spite of the sleet. The mountain loomed in the distance, a mere shadow amid the foul weather. Sometimes Adaman wondered if the mountain knew he was waiting impatiently, and deliberately refused to thaw. He couldn’t stand waiting.
But spring did come at last, the marshes turning into a lake full of run-off from Coronet’s peak. Adaman spent every moment he wasn’t in lessons running as far up the slopes as he could before the sun began to set, forcing him to turn back. Leafeon would race alongside him, bouncing to keep up with his lengthening stride. But no one came to greet them. No one came from the Moonview Arena to join the ceremony to find a replacement for Lady Sneasler’s warden. She rejected all of the prospective candidates, something the elders and old women muttered about under their breath when they thought Adaman wasn’t listening. Mai spent more time assisting in caring for the wardenless noble—as the oldest of the Diamond wardens she was often kept busy representing the clan. Adaman wondered what he would find when he could finally reach the peak where Lord Electrode resided. He didn’t like to think about it too hard.
The summer solstice arrived, and the elders agreed it was time for Adaman to attempt to contact Almighty Sinnoh, to confirm himself as the clan’s leader. Adaman agreed—not that he had much choice—but relishing the idea that Mai would have to return to take him up the mountain. It had been a lonely spring. He wasn’t allowed to bring Leafeon, but as Mei guided Lord Wyrdeer closer and closer to the peak, it was all he could do to sit still.
“D’ya think Melli will come?”
“You should be focusing on listening for Almighty Sinnoh.” Mai looked grim. “Adaman, it’s been… a while. Melli might not be… he might not be able to come with Lord Electrode.” Adaman shrunk. The adults had said that a lot lately. Mai saw his frown and tried to smile. “Besides, this is your big day. You’ll hear Almighty Sinnoh and be confirmed as the leader of the Diamond Clan, and then have a huge feast, isn’t that right?”
“That’s what they tell me. They’ve been cooking all day for it!” Adaman bounced in the saddle, making Wyrdeer huff. “Are we nearly there? I can’t wait much longer! We don’t want to waste Almighty Sinnoh’s time!”
Mai laughed. “The temple should come into view soon. Look.” She gestured skyward. Lord Braviary was circling overhead, his long feathers gleaming in the sunlight. Like Lady Sneasler, he had rejected the last attempt to find a warden. Still, the noble Lord of the Skies had been keeping a close eye on the Diamond clan of late. Some said he sensed his future warden. Others said he was merely blessing the clan for its fidelity to Almighty Sinnoh. His presence was surely a good sign.
“Warden Mai!” Adaman nearly bounced out of his seat to greet the other two waiting figures. Iscan, who was only a year older than Adaman, was making sure his noble was settled into the ceremonial pond at the edge of the temple. Lady Lilligant, accompanied by Arezu, stood at the top of the steps, twirling idly as they awaited Wyrdeer’s arrival. Melli was nowhere in sight. Adaman had to hide his disappointment.
“Lord Basculegion seems to be in good health.” Mai pulled Wyrdeer to a stop as Iscan helped Adaman down. The large fish splashed the cold water at them all, seeming to indicate it was not comfortable and would prefer they skip the pleasantries. “I trust the trip was not too strenuous?”
“There were, uh… a lot of times I think we swam straight up.” Iscan rubbed his head. “Of course, Lord Basculegion did all the work. I just had to not fall off.” Basculegion splashed again, indicating Iscan had definitely fallen more than once.
“Did you see Lord Electrode on your way up?” Adaman has been in a rush to arrive, but now that they were there, the cold stone pillars made him anxious.
“N-no. We didn’t come that way.”
“I didn’t see him either.” Arezu joined the group. “But Lady Lilligant was in a hurry, so I hardly had time to stop at Moonview Arena.”
“Surely Lord Electrode would come, even if—“ Iscan trailed off. Adaman felt a rush of annoyance.
“Almighty Sinnoh doesn’t like people who waste time. If Mel—if Lord Electrode is late, we will just have to start without him.” He stomped up the temple steps, stopping only to bow hastily to Lady Lilligant.
“Do you think that’s the best idea? All the Nobles traditionally have to bless you before—“
“It’ll be fine, Mai.” Adaman clenched his fist. If M—if Lord Electrode didn’t want to come, if they couldn’t come… it would be fine.
Adaman reached the top of the stairs, looking at the long line of statues leading to the altar. The Nobles, the Pokémon that had followed Almighty Sinnoh… of course, half of their descendants watched over the Pearl Clan now. Adaman wondered if they fell away from the truth about Sinnoh, or perhaps they watched the Pearl Clan in hopes they would one day see the light and give up their false god. Either way, as the descendants of each Noble took their place beside the likeness of their ancestor, it was hard to not feel a sense of awe.
First Lady Lilligant approached, twirling around him with dancer-like grace before laying her leaves on his head. The blessing didn’t feel all that magical. Nothing changed. But she curtsied deeply before stepping back, a show of respect uncommon from a Noble like herself. He saw Arezu behind her give a thumbs-up. Next was Lord Braviary. He leaned down, plucking a feather from his chest and holding it out to Adaman. Adaman wasn’t sure what to do with the feather, so he tucked it into his hair. Braviary chirred in an approving manner, preening a few of his bangs before fluttering back.
Lord Basculegion watched him approach warily, smoky fins swirling a deep crimson. Iscan bit his lip, looking between the two of them. Adaman bowed, waiting for the Noble fish to decide. After a moment, Basculegion bellowed, launching himself upward in a graceful arc, then lurching and twisting backwards at the height of his leap, crashing into the pond with a splash that soaked Adaman and Iscan both. Adaman blinked a few times, but Basculegion nudged him onwards, toward the empty space where Lord Electrode should have been. Adaman wiped at his face, hurrying past the empty plinth to Lord Wyrdeer. The deer leaned forward, staring into Adaman’s eyes.
For a moment he felt very small, like a Wumple beneath the eyes of a hungry Staraptor. Wyrdeer’s gaze was deep, knowing. Adaman had known Wyrdeer most of his life, but he had never been so deeply scrutinized by the Pokémon. He braced his shoulders, not wanting to back down, but Wyrdeer’s eyes did not waver. He leaned closer, so close Adaman could feel his hot breath on his face.
Then he licked him.
Adaman yelped in surprise as the wardens and other Nobles stifled a laugh. He could hear Basculegion splashing about as it chuckled, making him go beet red. He quickly bowed to thank Lord Wyrdeer for his blessing, such as it was, then turned to face the dais. As he did his eyes passed over the empty space by the statue of the first Electrode, but he ignored it and pressed forward. If Almighty Sinnoh would accept him, he would know soon enough. He stepped onto the altar, stomach in a knot. Would the moment of truth be as understated as the Noble’s blessings? Would anything even ha—
There was a burst of light, and the altar was soaked in a golden glow.
Adaman could feel the power, making the hairs on his arms stand up. It was bright, almost too bright to look at. He stood, staring upward, watching the light dance through the air. “Almighty Sinnoh..?”
Faintly, he heard someone call his name.
“I hear him! I hear Almighty Sinnoh!” Adaman whooped with excitement, his nerves falling away. It had worked! The voice called him his name, so right and so familiar it felt like he had heard it his whole life. He was the leader the Diamond Clan needed, he would help deal with the Pearl Clan, the nobles, protect Hisui, protect his people—
“Wait, no, come back!”
Adaman looked down just in time to see Lord Electrode roll smack into him, knocking him down and delivering a faint electric shock. The feather in his hair sizzled and turned to ash as the water on his skin buzzed. For a second his muscles spasmed, but the current dissipated, the light fading away as a purple haired figure peeked over the top of Lord Electrode.
“Melli?!” He heard Mai’s feet as she raced to help him up. “You’re ok!”
“Of course I am!” Melli stuck out his lip. “The Great Melli merely wished to demonstrate how a proper blessing should be given!”
They all stared at him.
“We thought you were de—not coming.” Iscan tugged at his collar.
“And how was that a proper blessing?” Arezu put her hands on her hips. “Lord Electrode nearly steamrolled Adaman!”
“Lord Electrode was greeting the new leader of the Diamond Clan!” Melli scowled. “And his blessing was far better than getting splashed or licked! We worked on it for weeks!”
“Why didn’t you come out sooner?” Mai seemed satisfied Adaman wasn’t dead.
“The Great Melli wanted to make an entrance! To make this ceremony exciting!”
Adaman stared. “Why are you calling yourself that..?”
“Because Lord Electrode deserves the best warden, and I have accepted that is what I must be!” He laid a hand on his chest. Adaman noticed he had embroidered a line of Voltorb along the edge of his tunic. “I am no longer sad little Melli, now I am the Great Melli! Warden of the Lord of the Hollow and first to greet the new Diamond Clan leader! And if Lord Electrode had not slipped and rolled away, our blessing would have made the rest of you cry!”
The others began to argue, insisting their Noble’s blessing had been fine. The ceremony was clearly concluded. Adaman could hear Arezu saying that Melli was being annoying, Mai chiding that he should have warned them—
None of them noticed Adaman as he sadly scooped up the remains of Braviary’s feather. He was glad Melli wasn’t dead. He was. But the voice that had called him, the voice he thought had been Almighty Sinnoh… he realized now why he had thought it had sounded so familiar.
It had been Melli.
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acalculatedfuture · 2 years
one thing that does make me 💀 about legends arceus is how the hype for these games lasted like
a month at best
maybe it’s because gen 9 was announced right afterwards maybe it’s because the thing i was most excited about ended up being a flop (there was no competitive impact because the new pokémon are unplayable in the games with competitive formats) but even from a fandom content perspective the only character that ended up having any sort of impact was volo and even then he’s only really remembered because people wanna ship him with the komaeda kinnie twins and not for being the literal villain of the game
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icys-junkyard · 1 year
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another comic page, another chance to bully volo
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adaman has been selected as roadtrip sacrifice because dialga is this player's preferred legendary and they want to make it his problem
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archersxartxblog · 1 year
Master post
I'm at home sick, (just a cold) so I figured to get this chapter done ^^
I'm really glad people are enjoying this little au of mine. a lot of the comments I've been getting on AO3 have been very sweet ^^
we've still got a little bit too go, before work on the next fics in the series can begin.
anyway next chapter, we've off to the first lake.
Chapter 23
They stopped moving once they were well out of the human settlement. Breathing hard as they hide behind a large rock formation.
That had worked out better than he thought it would.
"That was reckless, you know." The other Zoroark hissed, looking back at him. "You're lucky Zisu caught on to your little plan, or Emmet would have been down one pokemon." She crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head. "And after that little stunt, he and his pack will need all the help they can get. The Commander is probably going to come at them full force."
"As if. I doubt he could even get past your human with how Mama Ursaluna she is with the twins." Zoroark cackled at the thought. "Let alone be able to stand against my human. And don't get me started on the Warden and his mini Warden."
The female sighed and shook her head. "Don't Get Cocky, you don't know the commander." She then turned away from them, back towards the village. "I have to get back to Zisu. You should get back to your human as well."
Zoroark watched as she dashed off, snorting at the warning as he turned towards the two Zorua.
"Did we do good brother?" Blue asked, gold eyes looking up at him. 
"We did just as you said." Red backed up their sibling. "That human was so scared."
"Very scared!"
"You promised that if we did good we'd get to meet your humans"
“Yes. Take us to the humans.”
Zoroark grinned, closing his eyes and rubbing at his chin, pretending to be in thought. "I did say that, didn’t I? Hm…I don’t know. Your illusions weren’t exactly spot on.” he snickered as the two Zorua howled in protest at this.
“Not fair, Not fair!”
“Big Brother is being mean!”
“How are we supposed to get our illusions right if we’ve never seen the humans before?”
“We did them just the way you showed us!”
“Sorry, but those are the breaks kids” Zoroark shrugged as he continued to tease his young siblings. “Blue you were supposed to be the mini warden, and he doesn’t smile.”
“Oh yeah, Oops.”
“And Red you were supposed to be my Emmet, and he sneezes like a Glameow. I’m pretty sure the whole village heard you.”
“But it was dusty”
“And both of you had your tails hanging out at one point or another.”
To this, both the Zorua lowered their heads in embarrassment and this only made the older fox want to laugh louder.
It was funny, they were probably the only members of his old pack interested in humans, and they had actively searched for him when word had gotten out that he had been hanging around humans. 
They had pestered him none stop wanting to hear all about his Emmet and his new pack, and if Zoroark was being honest he might have hyped them up a bit. But he felt that if there was anything worth hyping up it was Emmet and his new pack.
The two kind of reminded him of the twins in a way.
Looking back at his siblings he chuckled and placed a paw on the tuff of each of their heads. “But you two still did well, that Human alpha will probably think twice before messing with my pack again. So how about a rain check on that meeting, hm?” he gestured toward the bleeding sky with his head. “Maybe when the sky is back to normal.” 
The two Zorua exchanged looks, glancing toward the sky themselves before nodding. “Okay. but you have to promise.”
“I promise, now get back to the pack before they start freaking out.” Zoroark nodded, standing up straight. “I have to go find my human before he thinks I abandon him or something.” Sinnoh, Emmet must have noticed he was gone by now, the poor pup’s probably freaking out.
With that, the two took off back toward the Icelands and Zoroark ran back toward the Highlands with the hope of finding some clue as to where the Warden and the twins were. With any luck, they had left the tent for somewhere safe.
He had heard the Mini Warden freak out when the sky had gone red, so there was no doubt that they already knew there was a problem.
Really, Zoroark hadn’t planned for any of this to happen. he’d popped out of his Pokeball for a spot of hunting. maybe get a nice Stantler for the Warden to cook over a fire, the pups could always use a bit more meat on their bones so they didn’t end up as skinny as their dad.
But then the Sky had gone red and he had received a message from someone that he just couldn’t ignore. 
It was hard to believe that the Alpha of the Galaxy Humans had planned on going after his humans, but Zoroark had witnessed it for himself. For some reason, that was beyond Zoroark, the Human Alpha thought that Sneasler’s Warden and his pack were responsible for the sky turning red. Even banished a member of his pack based on what Zoroark had seen earlier.
Some Humans would never learn it seems.
But Zoroark had made sure that Alpha had paid the price.
And it had been easy too.
the man basically had his worse fears at the forefront of his mind at all times. At least when he use to hunt Sneasler’s Warden he had to dig a bit. No, this guy had handed him a weapon to use against him.
But now that the threat had been taken care of, for now at least, he needed to get back to Emmet.
He just hoped the boy wouldn’t be too upset with him for taking off like that.
Maybe he’d hunt something good as an apology for making him worry.
“The Space-time rift is said to be a portal to innumerable other dimensions… In one such realm, far and further still from ours, dwells Almighty Sinnoh.” The woman in black stated as she and Akari made their way into her tent, Volo having left a while ago to try and gather information on what Kamado had planned with the Warden and the twins, leaving the two alone.
“Almighty Sinnoh? Like the one from the Pearl clan or the Diamond clan?” Akari asked as she ducked through the opening, taking a moment to admire the interior of Cogita’s tent.
“The expanse from antiquity to eternity and the expanse to all sides, above and below…time traces the path we tread from here and now into the future… while space yawns all-encomassingly, surrounds us in every direction.” the woman nodded, stopping in front of the large bed, and turning to face her with a soft smile. “You see, it don’t you? The two together, time and space, comprise all creation-the universe. How can one claim that either is greater than the other, as those two clans do?”
“Well yeah, they’re inseparable.” Akari nodded smiling sadly. “Kind of like my friends. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one without the other.” Arceus she hoped Kamado was not so cruel as to forcefully separate those two.
“Ah, yes. The two unovan boys belonging to the time-lost warden of the Pearl clan you mentioned. Twins, correct?” Cogita smiled when the teen nodded. “Yes, I believe they would know a thing or two about not putting one force being greater than the other.” the woman gave a soft chuckle before continuing. “But then again, maybe the truth is clearer to wanderers like yourself and them-ones whom have known other ages.”
“Wait, You know about-”
“Now listen, Lost one.” Cogita cut her off before she could ask anything else. “Here is what you must do. Hisui holds three lakes of great importance-Lake Verity, Lake Valor and Lake Acuity. At each dwells a Pokemon said to embody one aspect of the mind. Complete the trials each one will set you, and bare their gifts to the Shrouded Ruins. There you may receive the Red chain. With it, perhaps you can the worlds together.”
“The…Red Chain?” a shiver ran up the teen’s spine at the mention of that particular item, memories of a few years ago of her encounter with team Galatic, and their boss’s plan to create a whole new world. But she quickly shook that off in favour of the other half of what the Woman had said. “Wait, you said it would bind the world? So, you mean it won’t close the rift?” she had thought that was the whole point of this mission, to fix the sky and close the rift to keep anything else from coming through.
“Sadly, I know the old words and what they bid us do. How true they are isn’t mine to know. But regardless of their truth, I am bound to pass them on.” Cogita shook her head with a sigh, so she didn’t know how the Red chain fit into all this either, just that this was what they needed to do. “How callous of my ancestors-to leave their legends to their children without a single thought to the hardship it would cause them. But…here we are.” she looked back at Akari, her head slightly tilted. “You know your duty, and you’ll do it. Won’t you?”
As if she had much of a choice. If she ever wanted to provide her innocence and free her Uncle and his sons, she had to go through with this plan. Wasn’t like any of them could go home if the world ended, in the past. “Of course. Not like I can do much else.”
To this Cogita smiled down at her, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “There is  Nobility in knowing what must be done and seeing to it.”
All eyes looked towards the door of the tent, upon hearing the sound of a pokemon cry just outside.
“What was that cry? Have we now a lost Pokemon as well as a lost child?” Cogita questioned before looking back at Akari. “Do see to it, Please.”
With a slight shrug, Akari exited the tent, and there in the doorway, floating only a few feet from the ground was a little Abra holding a folded piece of paper in its claws. Slowly, the normally sleeping pokemon looked up at her, holding out the paper for her to take, teleporting toward Miss Cogita’s workbench once she had it in hand.
Confused, Akari opened the letter, reading it over carefully.
If you are reading this, then that means you have found somewhere safe and that Abra was able to locate you.
I have ensured that you will have all that you need, should you require any of your pokemon from the pastures then Abra will simply teleport them to you as you need. 
Focus on the task at hand, and don’t die.
-Captain Cyllene”
Looking up from the paper, Akari quickly looked back at the Abra and then back at the letter. A small smile slowly crept across her face.
So this was Captain Cyllene’s Abra?
Maybe, She could do this after all.
“Hello, Hello! I see we have an Abra joining us! Where did you teleport in from little fellow?” looking toward the entrance Akari was able to spot Volo walking back through the entrance of the retreat, a big smile on his face as he looked toward the Abra, then back at Akari. “Was it holding that letter then? Good tidings I hope!”
Akari smiled, nodding. “Yeah, looks like the Galaxy team hasn’t completely abandoned me.” 
“Good!” the merchant grinned, coming to a stop in front of her. “So, did Mistress Cogita tell you what the plan is.”
“Hm.” the teen nodded once more, folding up the letter from the captain and putting it in her satchel. “We’re to visit the three lakes, get the gifts from the guardians, and forge the Red Chain.”
“Hm, doesn’t sound like a very easy task-that’s for sure,” the Merchant hummed, pressing his finger to his chin in thought. “It sure would be wonderful to have a kind soul who might help us out…” the thoughtful look slowly transformed into a sneaky grin, one that if Akari didn’t know the merchant as well as she did she might have thought it suspicious. “Good thing I found us some!” Volo threw his hand out towards the entrance to the retreat. “Look who I found wandering the Highlands!”
Akari could only watch as people started to enter the ancient retreat.
At first, it was just Lord Adamad and Lady Irida, which was already surprising enough. After being rejected by both Lian and Mai, Akari had feared that the clans too had abandoned her if only to avoid war with the Galaxy team. But for both clan leaders to be here meant that she was wrong in her assessment. 
“Quite the opportunist, aren’t you, Volo? Such a consummate guild merchant.” Irida huffed as she stepped through the threshold, shaking her head. “Luckily we were already planning on helping Akari out, anyway.”
“I’ve managed to reassure my people for now. The wardens are keeping a close eye on their nobles, too. Seems all’s quiet for the moment. And so…here we are!” Adaman added hands on his hips. “But still…we’ll never get away with openly aiding you.”
“Despite the many…slights…the commander has made toward my clan, if we undermine the commander’s direct orders, revelations would grow…strained. Prephase more so than they already are.” Irida hissed, her words bitter and for good reason, Akari could only imagine what kind of position the Pearl clan leader was in right now.
“Long Story short: we want to help but without drawing attention, so it’ll just be one of us. Me or her-it’s up to you. Though the answer should be obvious.” the Diamond clan leader explained, crossing his arms and giving her a slight smile.
Akari looked at the two leaders in awe, they were really going to help her. They were willing to go against the commander’s orders, if sneakily, just to help her. But…
She looked over to Irida, she couldn’t possibly choose the leader of the Pearl clan. The young woman was already under enough pressure, and with Ingo and the twins currently jailed by the commander, things could be disastrous if Irida was caught helping her. She couldn’t risk her Uncle’s life like that.
“I-I guess I have to choose-”
Akari stopped herself midsentence to look over at Irida, as the Pearl clan leader called for her attention. 
“Before you pick, please allow me a chance to do as you have done with our honoured nobles and quell your worries.” the young woman in pink stepped aside, giving Akari a gentle smile. “Adaman and I found them in the Highlands, they were quite worried about you when they heard of your banishment.”
The teen looked from the Pearl clan leader to the entrance of the retreat, only now realizing she could hear the sound of footsteps approaching.
“Akari, Akari.”
She wasn’t sure which one of them reached her first, only that they had run into her hard enough to force her to take half a step back to not to fall over. But when the second one tackled her, all three of them tumbled to the ground.
“Akari! Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he? Lady Irida told us you were banished because the Commander guy thought you turned the sky red! But-but that’s not possible! There’s no way to prove you even have that kind of power! It doesn’t make sense!” Lil Ingo rambled on, words shooting out of his mouth so fast that Akari worried that he might start going blue in the face. his pitch continuing to go up with every word that it was starting to make her ears hurt. But at the same time, she was worried that Emmet was trying to snap her in half, with the tight grip he had on her waist, perhaps a strange kind of punishment for upsetting his twin.
Her mind was moving in slow-motion, refusing to accept what was in front of her. Constantly telling her that this was nothing more than a dream, that a pokemon had put her to sleep not long after she'd been kicked from the village. 
That or she was completely losing her mind.
After all, what were the chances of Volo finding her and bringing her to the one person who knew the solution? 
What were the chances of Adaman and Irida coming to aid her and risk war with The Galaxy team? 
And what were the chances of Irida finding the twins in the highlands, when Akari herself had seen them be dragged away by Kamado’s men?
She knew this had all been too good to be true.
"Akari?" She looked at Lil Ingo, the boy looking back at her with worry. His face still carried the same bruises that it had the last time she saw him, though his hair stuck up at odd angles like he had been rushed out of bed. "It's okay, Akari. You don't have to do this alone, this time."
"Don't cry Akari." She could barely hear Emmet's as he spoke into her shoulder.
She was happy to see them, safe and sound, free of whatever cage Kamado had them in. She didn't want this to end, didn't want to wake up alone in the Feildlands again with only Shinx to pity her.
But she had to… 
If she continued to dream then the twins and their father would be trapped, never able to return home, and she would never be able to fix the sky.
Maybe…maybe she could use the plan from this dream, maybe Arceus was trying to show her something.
She squeezed her eyes shut and hugged the twins tightly, trying to will herself to wake up. "Don't worry, I'll get you guys out." She muttered as she fought back more tears.
She didn't dare open her eyes to see which one was speaking. She couldn't risk being pulled any deeper into the dream.
"Miss Akari."
A new voice joined in, deep and rumbling. Akari had to fight to keep from letting out a gross sob at the sound of her uncle's voice, yet still, she refused to open her eyes. Not wanting to see what cruel image her mind might have conjured up.
"No…this isn't real." She whispered, curling in on the twins. 
"Miss Akari…is real, I promise you." the voice spoke once again, closer, softer, she could picture the old warden kneeling behind her. “I assure you, this is all real. What would ever make you think it isn’t?”
Still, she refused to open her eyes. why couldn’t see she just wake up? 
Akari shook her head, “Because I saw you.” she whimpered. “The three of you, they had you in chains. They led you away.”
A hand came down and rested on her shoulder, the pressure and weight enough to cause the teen to open her eyes and look at the man kneeling in front of her. His slightly glowing silver eyes stared worryingly into hers. “Akari, while I am sure you saw something, I can assure you that it was not us. We have been at the Fable Springs since very early this morning, trying to set up a station.” The Warden reached out with his other hand and ran his calloused thumb across her cheek, wiping away her tears and brushing the hair out of her face. 
Finally, her brain started to kick in, and the haze started to lift, as she started to take in all the little details that her mind refused to take in a few minutes before. 
The roughness of her Uncle’s hands from years in the mountains.
The Weight of the twins sitting on her.
The scratchiness of Emmet’s uneven hair pressed against the side of her neck.
The feeling of the plush Pearl clan tunic under her hand.
The feeling of the cold ground and the stiffness in her legs from being pinned there for so long.
Slowly, she let go of the twins, reaching out toward her uncle. The hug was awkward and Akari was pretty sure the twins got a little crushed in the process, but they didn’t complain and Akari found herself enjoying the warmth that came from her little-found family.
“Well I hate to break up this little touching moment, we still have a job to do and I don’t think we have a whole lot of time to waste.” Adaman's voice cut through the moment, bringing Akari further back into reality.
"Honesty, Adaman. Interrupting the sharing of space is quite rude." She heard Irida huff. "Even if I am inclined to agree with you."
Right, they had an audience.
Carefully, Akari released her hold on her Uncle as the man pulled away and the twins started to get off of her. "Y-yeah, you're right, sorry." She muttered, drying her eyes as she got to her feet. "Wh-what were we doing?"
"You were about to pick which Clan leader you want to help us out," Volo answered, his eyes cast toward the sky like he was doing his best not to look at anyone. 
"Oh, right," Akari nodded and dusted herself off before facing the clan leaders. 
Now that the worry of putting more pressure on Irida was gone, she was able to honestly decide on who she wanted with her. And as much as she liked Adaman, he tended to be a bit more on the impatient side of this.
So her choice would have to be…
"I choose Lady Irida." Her choice was totally not influenced by the fact that Irida had just given her Uncle back, nope, not at all.
"Of course you chose me! I was the one who got you what you needed when you first set out to quell Lord Kleavor. You and I made his balms together." The young clan leader smiled knowingly, avoiding looking over at her diamond clan counterpart.
"Yep, that's the reason." Akari kind of felt bad, but if anything, with all the crap the Commander has put her through Irida, was probably biting at the bit for some form of payback.
"Just what I would expect from you, Akari. You made the right choice. You won’t regret it.” Irida cheered, causing Adaman to roll his eyes.
“So, then, the leftover leader will…?” Volo started only to be cut off when Adman scoffed at his words.
“Leftover? Think again.” the blue-haired man crossed his arms as he glared at the merchant. “Akari trusts me enough to leave the tough job to me alone. I’ll be keeping an eye on the commander, so I can let you all know if anything happens.” Adaman turned toward her and Irida, hands on his hips. “ All right, Irida…You and Akari…” the energy seemed to drain out of him as his disappointment started to build. “Well, You two do what needs doing.”
“Of course, of course…and the lucky chosen one comes with us to the lakes.” Volo chuckled, waving the Diamond clan leader off as he walked over toward her and Irida. “We can fill you in on the details as we go.” 
“We’re coming too!”
All eyes turned to look over at the twins, seeming to cause Lil Ingo a bit of embarrassment at having drawn much attention, but he didn’t seem to back down. “We’re coming too!”
“Ah… no! you’re not!'' The retort came out of the teen’s mouth quickly, maybe sounding a little meaner than she meant it but still. “This is going to be dangerous.”
“So?!” Emmet shot back.
"Didn't we just discuss earlier how the Commander is looking to have you and your father arrested?" Volo cut in, "he might have been tricked earlier. But sooner or later he will figure it out and come after you two." 
Akari watched as Emmet's confidence quickly melted away, being replaced by fear and she could see her Uncle start to take a more aggressive stance. Confused by this the teen turned to see the Merchant basically looming over her and by extension the twins. Maybe she'd have to talk to him about this before her Uncle went all Papa Luxray on Volo. They didn't need to intimate the twins to get their point across.
"And!?" But unlike his brother Lil Ingo stood his ground, meeting the merchant's eye with a determined frown. "So what are we supposed to do? Hide here while everyone else does all the work? What makes this place any safer than anywhere else in Hisui? If the commander really wants to lock us up this place is no safer than our tent back in the highlands. He'll find this place." The kid paused for a moment, looking from Volo to Akari. "Besides, he already thinks we're working with Akari, he'd be a fool to try and challenge all of us if he thinks we have the power to change the sky." He'd come a long way from that shy boy Akari had met back in Jubilife village nearly two months ago. 
Akari shook her head, and looked up at her Uncle, hoping that he might cut in and set his kids back on the 'right track'. Even if his eldest did have a point. "Uncle Ingo, tell them it's too dangerous."
But the Warden smiled at her, adjusting his hat slightly. "I am sorry Akari, but there is no switch to this track." He bowed his head slightly and shook his head. "While I agree these tracks are dangerous, I see no other route. Yes, we could hide away, but a train can run the risk of disrepair if it never leaves the yard."
"Translation…" Emmet smiled up at her.
"We're coming with you." Lil Ingo finished.
A harsh sigh escaped Akari's lips as she accepted defeat. "Guess I've been outvoted." yet still she couldn’t help but smile. As much as she worried about the twins getting hurt, yet at the same time, it made her feel better knowing that they would be right by her side, and she wouldn’t have to wonder if they were okay while she was out saving the world…again. Besides, they were capable trainers, just like she had been at their age.
Even if Volo didn’t seem too thrilled about them coming.
“Alright, you two can come along.” she finally agreed before looking back up at her Uncle. “And what about you Uncle? Are you coming as well?”
But The Warden just shook his head. “No, Gliscor and I will be returning to the Highlands to keep an eye on the Rift. I will endeavour to report my finding back should anything happen.”
“Oh, yeah, that makes sense.” As much as Akari wanted her adopted Uncle with her, she had to agree that someone should watch the rift. “Just be careful.”
“I will be sure to adhere to all safety protocols.”
The teen nodded, taking in a deep breath and looking towards the red sky. “We should get going then.”
“Yes, we should get moving!” Irida nodded, walking toward the exit but paused a step away and looked back at Akari. “I’d rather we walk this road together, but if the commander were to get wind of it, it would make things worse…I’ll meet you at whichever lake you choose!”
“We’ll travel with Akari then.” Lil Ingo added, looking over at Irida. “If travelling with Akari would be bad for you then travelling with us could be just as bad. And as I said, he probably expects us to be working together anyway.”
To this Irida nodded her thanks, and waited by the entrance for Akari to make her choice.
The teen hummed in thought as she tried to decide which of the three lakes would be the best to head to, but in the end, the choice was obvious.“We should just get the Lake by Jubilife out of the way. So let's head to Lake Verity.”
Cogita watched as the group of visitors slowly dissipated out of her little retreat.
Lord Adaman was the first to leave, followed by the time-lost Warden, then the Lady of the Pearl clan, and finally the lost child Akari and the Warden’s two ‘children’, leaving only Volo and herself behind.
It had been interesting to watch, the ‘Merchant’ had been silently seething ever since the altercation between him and the two boys. Volo had been able to hide his anger from everyone else but to Cogita it was as clear as day.
Was he really that upset that the boys would be going with them?
Of as there another reason?
A smile slowly spread across Cogita’s lips as she stepped forward. “What’s wrong dear?” she questioned looking over the ‘Merchant’ as she stood next to him. “Are you really that worried about their safety?” she hummed as she watched him closely.
No, that wasn’t it.
She remembered how he had stood over them, stance wide as he let his hat cast a shadow over his eyes as he glared down at the two boys while being out of Akari’s sight.
And yet, the ‘Merchant had faltered the moment he was challenged by the other boy.
Not surprising. After all, Baby dragons could only be scared until they realized they still had teeth.
“Or maybe your just upset that one of them called your bluff?” Cogita speculated aloud, barely flinching when the ‘Merchant’ suddenly turned toward her.
“I just don’t want them getting under Akari’s feet and getting hurt. We’re dealing with Legends here after all.” Volo shot back waving her off and plastering that ‘smile’ across his face once more. “Akari told me about them, and the three seem close. She would be heartbroken if anything happened to them.” he shook his head, hands on his hips as she shook his head. “Guess I’ll just have to keep an eye on them too.”
With that the ‘Merchant’ set off, heading towards the exit, off to meet Akari and the twins at the first lake.
“Be careful Baring your teeth at dragons dear, they tend to take it as a bit of a threat,” she called out as she watched him go.
The moment Volo was gone from her retreat, Cogita made her way toward her little table and pour herself another cup of tea. Her mind wandered back to the scene of conflict between the ‘Merchant’ and the twins, there had to be something more than a simple call of a bluff.
One of the boys seemed to be genuinely afraid of the man standing over them, enough so that the Time Lost Warden had almost stepped in. 
but that would mean the boy would need a reason to be afraid in the first place. 
A reason perhaps that was only known to the three of them.
Ah, Cogita was starting to see what was happening.
“Little dragon, indeed.”
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plasma-in-ink · 1 year
Lord Wyrdeer awakens from a terrible dream of a future of darkness and dread, that he must share with the humans he loves if their descendants ever wish to see hope dawn. Fortunately, the worshippers of time are uniquely suited to handling its inevitable flow. They can prepare for disaster - and maybe something of the Diamond Clan will survive the harrowing night. ***
The story of IRL Hokkaido is a travesty, but maybe the world of Pokémon will fare better...
Written for the prompts "Dreams and Nightmares/Glimpses of the Future" for @pla-gen-week
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Alright, my sweet fellas, get ready for a freshly baked chapter of my "Ghostboy in Hisui" AU. Let's go!
Chapter 8: The Living Iceberg
It was a quiet morning in Jubilife Village. Cyllene had a new misson for Allister and Akari. Avalugg, Lord of the Alabaster Icelands, was in a frenzy! Thankfully, he didn't attack anyone yet. It had again something to do with a lightning. Cyllene had mentioned that Adaman and Irida were waiting for them.
On their way to the Alabaster Icelands, Akari had a bad feeling. She was worried that something terrible might happen. She hoped that she was wrong! Finally, they arrived at the camp. "Ok, Lord Avalugg's Warden should be this way!" Professor Laventon was pointing ahead. "Be very careful out there!" He said.
Akari turned to the small ghostboy. "Alright, let's go!" She smiled softly at him. "Ok, let's go." Allister said. Both were on the way to Avalugg now. "Hello, Allister!" Adaman called. He had spotted him and Akari already. Akari and Allister arrived at their destination. Irida and Adaman were both smiling. But they were not alone. A man was with them. To Allister's surprise, the man was shirtless! The cold didn't seem him to bother.
Irida spoke up. "Hello, you two!" She began. "This" she was pointing at the shirtless man, "is Gaeric! He is Lord Avalugg's Warden." The man, Gaeric, turned to Allister and Akari. "Hello! Like Irida already said, my name is Gaeric. Why do you two want to bother Lord Avalugg? He hasn't done anything wrong!" The Warden asked. Allister took a deep breath. "H-he didn't hurt anyone yet, but we don't want to r-risk anything. We are not going to h-hurt him, we promise!" The small ghostboy said timidly. "Oh! You are apparently shy. That's cute!" Gaeric said with a small smile. The ghostboy spoke up again. "Lord Avalugg is p-probably in pain. The frenzy is a torture for him. We want to ease his pain." He said.
Gaeric hesitated for a moment. "Ok. When you want to help him we need special minerals. I can make balms out of them. But the minerals are up there!" He pointed at a iceberg. "I think I could help with this issue!" A girl suddenly said. She had green hair and was not older than Allister. "My name is Sabi! When you want to go up to this iceberg, you will need Braviary's help! I'm his Warden, by the way." Sabi grinned. She explained that she wanted to play a little game at first. At first it was easy. She just wanted to play some form of catch. But she had to make it a bit more difficult. She was waiting on top of the ancient temple now. Allister and Akari had to open a few doors. Finally, Sabi was there. She looked very happy. "Congratulations! Say Hello to Braviary!" She smiled. Right behind her appeared a Hisuian Braviary. He was very beautiful.
"You go first, Akari!" Allister offered. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes, I am right behind you." He assured her. Gengar scooped Allister on his back. He started to float. "Thank you, Sabi! See you later." Allister said shyly. Allister finally arrived at the iceberg. Akari was already waiting for him. "There you are!" She smiled. Allister and Akari gave Gaeric the minerals. A few moments later, the balms were ready.
Lord Avalugg was massive! Allister went wide eyed. "This is the biggest Avalugg I have ever seen!" He said. Akari agreed. "Yes. He is a literal mountain!" She said. The fight began. Avalugg was throwing giant icy projectiles. Allister and Akari avoided them as good as they could, but unfortunately, one of the missiles hit Allister on the head and knocked him out! "ALLISTER!" Akari couldn't believe what just happend! The shock was enough for Zorua to let her evolve into Zoroark. She was much stronger now, and she was not amused! She charged at Avalugg and her attack distracted him enough, so that Akari could throw the last balm! Avalugg was finally not frenzied anymore.
Akari checked Allister for injuries. Thankfully, he just had a small bruise on his forehead. He stirred awake. "Did we soothe him?" He asked. "Yes. I'm glad that you're ok!" Akari said relieved. Then, Allister noticed Zoroark. "You evolved! You are so beautiful!" He was hugging her now. Zoroark returned the hug. She was relieved as well! Allister and Akari returned to Jubilife Village.
Cyllene noticed Allister's bruise. The small ghostboy reassured her that he was fine. Kamado was very proud of both of them. It was night now. Akari and Allister were back in their quarter. Allister didn't wear his mask. Dawn was tenderly cleaning his injury. "Thank you, Dawn." He smiled sweetly at her. He felt very comfortable around Akari/Dawn. "You're welcome, Allister." She smiled back. They were both asleep soon. Unfortunately, fate had different plans. The situation with the frenzy was just the calm before the storm...
To be continued
This chapter is done! 😁
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amnesiacwarden2 · 2 years
I just had a realization- (kind of might be wrong but-)
Melli lives in the territory of not one not two but three legendaries and one mythical Pokémon or their at least close too the territory of two of them. and now I can’t get the image of Melli having to separate two literal gods and their own lord from having an all out arena battle-
Or maybe just the legendaries hiding around Melli like Darkrai hiding in their shadow for no reason but to avoid Cresselia or the player. Then by accident links their mind with Melli and just get stuck together for a few weeks. During this period of time Adaman saw their shadow and this happened-
Adaman: what did you bring with you
Melli(large shadow with piercing blue eyes looming behind them): My report :D
Adaman: •_•” Melli has come to the conclusion that they are now the warden of lord Voltorb, a easily agitated shadow, and a flying Croissant. Darkrai and Cresselia are having the time of their lives Melli hasn’t slept in a week-
Their not even aware of the two till Darkrai’s accidentally links with them and now they realize how close they are to two other gods territory-
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