#lord wyrdeer
lunaledragonet · 8 months
Days 16-20 of Inktober!!
Day 16: Angel | When Arceus loves you a little too much, the result can be rather alienating.
Day 17: Demon | She's just dressing up in this one :3
Day 18: Saddle | A pleasant ride on Lord Wyrdeer!
Day 19: Plump | Did you know that one of a Sneasel's favorite food is the Plump Bean?
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Day 20: Frost | She is freezing away. She is going to come back.
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jester-creates · 5 months
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other characters I would compare his vibe to is the 12th Doctor from Doctor Who and Michael from the good place
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theangrycomet · 1 year
Where were the other nobles during Akari’s battle with Volo.
@pokedokiecentral made this point with Lady Sneasler- but the other Nobles LOVE Akari. Half of them decided on SIGHT that she was worthy of not only their aid but the Arceus plates they were assigned to protect. The other half she freed from an incredibly painful frenzied state so they at the very least appreciate her actions enough to check in on the kid every once in a while.
We know their wardens couldn’t/wouldn’t help Akari during the whole “world is ending and the sky is being torn asunder” thing but that didn’t stop them from helping her (seeing as she could still call on them for help.
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jade-nargacuga · 2 years
Noble Pokemon Rites and Trials HC(UPDATED!)
So I decided go ahead and post my ideas for the Rites and Trials I think every Noble heir has to complete in order to evolve and take on the mantle of Noble after their predecessor dies(in most cases). The only one mentioned and seen in game is Growlithe’s, and if you’ve read chapter 3 of my Ghosts fic it mentions Basculegion’s. I just wanted to get my ideas on paper, both for me and @kettouryuujin who is writing a Pokerus Noblity AU based off of my idea.
EDIT: I finally figured something out for Lord Electrode! There are 5 Trials and 5 Rites, and the name of each one has been given. Also added some changes made by @kettouryuujin that I liked.XD
Lord Wyrdeer- Known as the Trial of the Hills, with their Warden’s help the young Stantler must traverse all corners of Hisui, starting in the Obsidian Fieldlands and eventually returning to ascend to the peak of Deertrack Heights. The Stantler must then use Psyshield bash to destroy a tower of stone erected at the peak in order to evolve, and afterwards the Lord and his Warden must erect a new stone tower for the next Lord. This Trial is meant to prepare them for their duty as Lord of carrying the people of Hisui wherever they need to go.
Lord Kleavor- Known as the Trial of the Woods, Scyther’s Warden makes an amulet from the stone of the axe of the previous Lord Kleavor and places it around the heir’s neck. The Scyther must then ascend the Grandtree and slice off the topmost portion of the tree. (I thought of this because I heard somewhere the the tops of old trees are sometimes blown off, making them shorter)
Lord Ursaluna- Known as the Rite of the Moon, the Warden takes the Lord’s heir, who MUST have evolved into an Ursaring by then, to the Sludge Mound on the night of a full moon. Placed at the center of the Mound, the Ursaring is then painted with mud that came from the mud on the back of the previous Lord Ursaluna. Any design can be painted on the heir, but there MUST be a solid circle representing the full moon painted on the Ursaring’s forehead.
Lady Liligant- Known as the Rite or Dance of the Sun, and MUST be performed while the sun is visible. Upon the Brava Arena, the Warden must lead the young Petilil in a dance akin to a Liligant’s Victory Dance. 
Lord Basculegion- Known as the Rite of the Waves, this ceremony cannot easily be attended by the Warden of the Lord of the Waves. Instead, the current Lord Basculegion takes his heir down to the Sunken Arena once night has fallen, and calls upon a school of Basculin spirits, as well as the spirit of the first Lady of the Waves. The school of Basculin then combine with the heir, then The Lady(who is not absorbed), and finally, the current Lord Basculegion must be absorbed in his entirety by his heir. As Basculegion can live for a very long time, this Rite is only done when the current Lord is ready to pass on.
Lord Arcanine- Known as the Trial of the Isles. As seen and mentioned in the game, the Growlithe heir must make their way across the water to reach Firespit Island and the Molten Arena. It is their Warden’s duty to train the young pup to brave the waves and make the swim, despite their disadvantage and weakness to water.
Lord Sneasler- Known as the Trial of the Cliffs, once their Warden has trained the Sneasel heir to the best of their ability, they are given an amulet made from the claw of the previous Lord Sneasler. They must start at the base of Mt Coronet and climb to the highest point in Hisui(either the top of the Temple of Sinnoh, or the peak above the Stone Portal if that is too sacred) and meet the rising sun.
Lord Electrode- Known as the Rite of the Hallow, the Warden takes inert seeds collected from the previous Lord Electrode during it’s life and scatters them in a ring in Moonview Arena. The Voltorb heir is then placed in the center of the ring and lets out an electrical attack to spark and recharge the electrical seeds, causing the electrical current to run through the ring and get amplified before surging back to supercharge the Voltorb. This surge of Amplified energy then causes the Lord to evolve.
Lord Braviary- Known as the Trial of the Skies, the young Rufflet must fly a course shown to them by their Warden, taking them from Avalugg’s Legacy to the southern peaks of the Alabaster Icelands, and finally up to the flat square Arena at the top of Snowpoint Temple.(Yes, this is basically the course Sabi makes the player run, but on the ground. Also, I thought the very very top of the Temple was perfectly arena shaped)
Lord Avalugg- Known as the Rite of the Tundra. Rarely happens since Avalugg can be INCREDIBLY long lived, some lasting centuries if nothing kills them. A Lord Avalugg death has only happened once since the Pearl Clan’s arrival(which I HC as being around 1000 years ago). When the previous Lord feels his life comming to an end, he travels to a spot in the Icelands to pass away, leaving behind a mountain of ice and rock, the body of the last Lord coming to be known as Avalugg’s Legacy. Ice and rock is then collected from it by the Warden and taken with the Lord’s heir to Icepeak Arena. The young Bergmite must then consume the ice and rock of the previous Lord in order to evolve.
And yeah, that’s about it. I like that most of these involve some carryover from the previous Lord or Lady, as a sort of passing on the torch to the next generation. Also, feel free to use or change any of these ideas as you see fit. 
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plasma-in-ink · 1 year
Lord Wyrdeer awakens from a terrible dream of a future of darkness and dread, that he must share with the humans he loves if their descendants ever wish to see hope dawn. Fortunately, the worshippers of time are uniquely suited to handling its inevitable flow. They can prepare for disaster - and maybe something of the Diamond Clan will survive the harrowing night. ***
The story of IRL Hokkaido is a travesty, but maybe the world of Pokémon will fare better...
Written for the prompts "Dreams and Nightmares/Glimpses of the Future" for @pla-gen-week
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kettouryuujin · 2 years
Nobility AU - Mai
[Inspired by @monsoon-of-art's Pokérus AU and @jade-nargacuga's Pokérus: Ghosts]
Warden Mai stared at her charge, blinking - and wobbling a bit, given her weakening legs. “You… want me to walk with you?”
*Snort* “Wyr.”
“...alright then… I…guess we’ll get going.” A sigh as the pair started off from the middle of the Fieldlands. The Diamond Clan member wasn’t sure why her Lord had called her here. Something about a sacrifice to Sinnoh, for power to protect her Clan and loved ones?
If there was any time Mai disliked how her Lord rarely used his psychic powers to talk with her, this would be it. She couldn’t tell if he was just being cryptic or if he was struggling with what to say!
Well. If the Lord of the Hills wanted her to go on one last walk before her legs became Crobat wings, then who was she to stop him?
As they trekked into the Mirelands, the Warden couldn’t shake the feeling something was off. She’d been going for quite a ways, and yet her legs weren’t giving out the way a future wing would. If anything, they felt a bit heavier…and stronger! The opposite of how they’d been changing before!
But when she looked down to check, they looked just as purple-tinted and thin as she’d started the walk with. It was… honestly quite the inconsistency. Was her Lord playing a trick on her?
No. When she looked up to check, the Wyrdeer’s orbs weren’t glowing - meaning he wasn’t using any illusions. Maybe she was just getting her hopes up… well, if doing so made this trek more enjoyable, then so be it.
Approaching the “hand” of the lower Coastlands, the pair stopped to take a breather. Thankfully, Mai had brought some water with her on their trek - something both Noble and Warden appreciated. Still, was it her, or did the Noble seem slightly…smaller? No, everything seemed a bit smaller. How strange.
The Lord still wasn’t using any illusions, but…something still felt off about this whole thing. She just couldn’t put a finger on exactly why. She had no doubt that her Noble had the best interests in mind, however, and soon they set off once more.
As Firespit Island came into view, happy barking could be heard across the plateau. Sounds like that Pearl Clan warden finally wised up…
But as they crested the slope, the sights didn’t quite match the sounds. For one, she could still see the young Growlithe there, playing with a larger - and slightly clumsy - Arcanine. A sibling? No, the Arcanine was female. To her knowledge, there weren’t any female Growlithes that had been deemed worthy of succession. And over there, in the water - since when did Lord Basculegion have a blue stripe? For that matter, why would a male Basculegion have a blue stripe? Weren’t they supposed to be pink?
Before she could ponder this more, a nudge from the side sent her stumbling. “Deer.” Apparently, the Lord of the Hills wanted them to get moving once more. So with a sigh, Mai continued on her trek - thinking about what she’d seen the whole way through.
They continued into the Icelands, the low temperatures making Wyrdeer’s Warden shiver. Ugh, how could those Pearl Clan people survive this? Even Sabi had to wear so many layers to do her job here.
Then again, maybe she remembered the temperature being worse than it was? The persistent shivering wasn’t quite as bad as she was recalled, even though her coat felt taut against her.
…taut? That wasn't right. She had to shrink to become a Crobat, not grow… maybe her size was just further down the line? Possible, but as Mai looked to her Lord’s softly glowing orbs and recalled the path they’d taken so far, she was starting to suspect something else was going on.
They did not enter Jubilife Village - Showing there, even slightly changed, would only end poorly with the prejudices those people had. Instead, they wrapped around, past the Fieldlands border and into the Highlands of Mt. Coronet.
Climbing the treacherous cliffs was difficult enough without the aid of Lady Sneasaler, but Lord Wyrdeer led one nevertheless. Mai did her best to follow, stepping with the utmost caution.
For most of the way, she held firm. For most of the way, she was able to slowly follow the Wyrdeer’s measured pace. For most of the way, when he looked back Mai was still there, if not unsteady.
For most of the way, her legs didn’t give out from under her.
Crying out as she fell, Mai tried her best to grab onto something - anything - but it was like it was all out of reach! A tear came to her eye - was this the end? Passing whilst following the Lord of the Hills on a trek along his Trial route?
Well… it was far from the worst way to go, at least.
“WYR!” Uff! Or maybe her Lord could catch her in Extrasensory…that worked too.
As she was gently lowered down, Mai looked at her legs… and winced. They were both bending at a rather odd angle, yet the sharp pain of broken bones wasn’t there. Instead, it was a dull ache - a weaker version of the pain she’d been used to.
Once she was on the ground, she grunted, trying to stand…and failing. Of course. “...Lord Wyrdeer… what are you doing?”
The Lord blinked, then sighed as his orbs ceased their glow. As the light faded, the Warden saw a small white muzzle in her field of view, her nose brown and engorged. Looking down, she saw the fingers of each hand shrinking away into her tan wrists - all but one, which was extending and darkening.
“...Are you…bringing me into your herd? Why?” This was…a peculiar action for any Lord to take. Then again, turning into a Pokémon was peculiar to begin with.
The Lord just approached, a sad look in his eyes as he nuzzled his changing Warden. Sensations of fear pulsed through her mind, followed by an urge to protect. “You… you think I’ll be safer like this?”
Affirmation. “But…it still leaves me a Pokémon, not a human…” Irrelevance. “It’s for something else?” Affirmation once more. “...me becoming a Stantler… lets you protect me, huh?” The Lord let out an amused chuff and backed away. The soon-to-be-ex-human sighed, slowly getting onto four pseudo-hooves. “Well… I suppose if this is how the Lord of the Woods wishes to protect a member of his Clan, who am I to deny him?”
The said Lord looked a bit startled but nodded, turning around. The pair had fortuitously landed back in the Fieldlands, and Deertrack Heights was not far away.
As the Wyrdeer and changing Stantler climbed up the heights, Mai found each step easier and easier to take. It was almost as if her changing body was guiding her along, sprouting instincts ensuring that each brown-ringed hoof landed safely and securely. A welcome change from her slow, unstable walk through the Highlands.
Her mind turned back to the Coastlands - specifically, the Lord and Lady there. Perhaps she was mistaken, and those weren’t the actual Nobles? Lord Growlithe would surely have done something like this to protect his Warden, doting as she was. And she could see the oddly-colored Basculegion as being Iscan, fully changed by his Lord for the same reason Wyrdeer was changing her.
Eventually, they reached the summit, where a familiar pillar of stone had been erected. Once the future Lord of the Hills had trekked to all corners of Hisui, he would come to the top of Deertrack Heights. Once there, he would use his Psyshield Bash to topple the pillar, signifying the completion of the Trial and triggering the new Lord’s evolution. And the first thing the new Lord would do with his Warden was to gather up rocks to make a new pillar, which would stay until the next Trial of the Hills.
The Warden couldn’t help but smile upon seeing the pillar that she and Lord Wyrdeer had years ago. However, the Lord apparently had different ideas as he took position behind and to the side of the pillar. “Er.”
Blinkblink. “W-what is it? You don’t expect me to knock the pillar over, do you?”
“Deer. Wyr-de.” A sensation of consternation.
“You…do? Why? We need it for the next Trial-”
“DEER.” Annoyance and irritation, spiked with a bit of fear.
“...ok then… I…suppose it’s symbolic or something…” Mai sighed, shaking her head - thankfully, her antlers had grown in. Brow furrowed in concentration, she could feel power pooling in her mind, flowing into the twin orbs she now carried.
With a flash, a cloak of energy formed around the almost-Stantler. Not willing to open her eyes and risk losing focus, she charged into the pillar with a *wham!*.
Impact banished the veil of psychic power as the “Warden” (eh? Why the quotes?) was sent flying back, landing near the summit’s edge.
“Er.” Again? A-alright, she’d go again… Getting her limbs under her, Mai stood, concentrating once more. Again, she charged, the field bursting upon impact. 
This time, however, she only skidded back a few feet. Opening her eyes, she saw a sizable crack in the pillar. “Umm… right, this is enough rig-”
“ER.” Message received…did her Lord want her to take the whole Trial of the Hills? 
“Finally…” Hrm? That…sounded like the Lord, but a bit younger? Ah, no time to dwell on that. She had a Trial to complete.
Closing her eyes once more, she felt the now-familiar crackle of the psychic veil form around her. Taking a deep breath, the cervid centered herself, focusing on the pillar - specifically, toppling it in this blow.
“WYR!” *CRACK!* Indeed, with one final Bash, the pillar had fallen. Opening her eyes, the changed “Warden” (again?) looked at the shattered pillar. It was done… although she wasn’t sure where to get stone for a new pillar.
Wait, wouldn’t the Lady - no, the Lady - the… “What in Sinnoh’s name is going on here!”
“Ler!” Mai’s planned tirade was discarded as the familiar sound of a startled Stantler struck her ears. Turning to face the source, she found what was definitely a spooked Stantler - but he was in the same place her “Lo-”...ugh. Where Wyrdeer was standing earlier. Well, worry later. Comfort now.
Bending down (why was she bigger?), the new Pokémon nuzzled the more experienced one. “I’m sorry for startling you…”
“I-it’s fine…” It took Mai one moment to realize ‘Oh yeah, I can understand other Pokémon now.' Then another to note that the voice was surprisingly young-sounding for the weight it carried. “I wasn’t used to hearing a Lord or Lady’s yells as a Stantler.”
As she locked up, trying to process what those words could mean, the smaller deer gave the key to the code. “I must say, though, y-you make for a stunning Lady of the Hills, miss Mai.”
A nervous laugh. “N-no, you have it wrong…” But if he had it wrong, then why did that feel so…right? Oh, and she sure sounded like she didn’t believe the younger ‘mon’s word’s either.
So instead, she just looked down at her hooves. The sight of white fur where there had been brown made her backpedal a bit more, stopping just before the cliff edge. Looking back, she was greeted by the familiar light gray of a Wyrdeer’s body, with a snow-white tail at the end.
As the new Lady’s jaw worked in shock, the Stantler - the former Lord - sat. “I-it was the only way to make sure you’d be safe from the things to come, m-ma’am.” Oh, she’d forgotten how much of a scaredy-cat the ex-Lord was before his Trial…and it seems like those old habits had made a comeback.
Welp. Time to woman up and take the lead. “A-alright. I assume the other Nobles are taking similar action?”
“Y-yes’m. We’ve been blessed by Arceus, Dialga, and Palkia to perform these modified Rites.”
“...Who, who, and who?” Blink and head-tilt.
“Ah. Erm… we can talk about them while we get some new stone for your pillar. C’mon.” The now-a-Stantler began descending from the Heights, his old personality at odds with his (ex-)Noble knowledge and experience. With a shrug, Lady Mai followed. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too dramatic a discussion… she didn’t want to startle the young one any further.
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starryoak · 2 years
You know, originally, because I was introduced to the Nobles out of order, I actually at first assumed that the Nobles had one Lady for each Lord. It’s because I learned about Lady Sneasler and Lord Electrode first, and then Lady Liligant and Lord Ursaluna, so I just extrapolated that there must be a Lord for each Lady and vice versa.
I was actually pretty disappointed that Lady Sneasler and Liligant are the only girls. If it were up to me, the system would be that the Nobles are intrinsically linked, so that the heirs of each Noble are paired, and there would be a Lady for each Lord. Every new generation would be swapped genders, except for the current generation of the Isles, with the little Growlithe that Palina’s raising being a rare exception, confounded by his small stature as a runt.
Lord Wyrdeer would be the Lady of the Woods, Lord Basculegion would be Lady of the Isles, and Lord Braviary would be Lady of the Tundra.
It would balance things out and make everything equal, and I think it’s cool in a way, a Lord and Lady for each land in Hisui.
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egginfroggin · 1 year
I am itching to get out the fic that I keep alluding to -- the one here -- so to tide myself over, I bring to thee three snippets from said fic.
There are a few references to injury in the second snippet, but nothing too graphic, I don't think.
Something was happening atop Mount Coronet. There was a tear in the sky, a rip rent in reality itself, and all that Akari could think was that the world was really ending this time.
It had been declining lately, after all.
Underbrush cracked under Lord Wyrdeer’s hooves as he ran back down the mountain slopes, bounding and leaping with graceful haste, unease thrumming under his fur and under the skin of the girl on his back as he crossed over into the Fieldlands. Akari clung to his mane, fingers white on his fur, clutching a dinged pokeball in one hand.
It was eerily still.
She yelped as thunder cracked overhead, the same moment that Wyrdeer brayed, anxiety spiking at the sudden startle. Lightning streaked across the sky, and the air started to shift, shimmering with the beginnings of yet another Distortion.
Pesselle didn’t know what Akari and Rei were thinking, dragging a stranger into Jubilife Village during the whole mess that was happening outside, but she did suppose that the man looked quite lost, and his arm was in terrible shape.
She wrapped bandages around and around his limb, covering up the deep claw marks apparently left by a pack of Shinx. Deftly, she ducked, picked up his ankle, and shoved the leg of his pants up to cover the similar marks on his shin.
“Where do you come from?”
That was the Commander – there were far too many people in her little ward, and Typhlosion, sprawled on the cot behind her, was glaring daggers at Kamado as if she could poison him with looks alone. The Fire-type still hadn’t forgiven the man for banishing Emmet from the village, and probably never would.
Akari’s voice was small, almost timid, and very unlike her.
A lot of things had been unlike her lately.
Rei sighed quietly and shifted on his futon, stopping his unrelenting gazing at the wall to roll onto his back and look across the small space between him and his sister.
“What?” he asked.
She was staring at the ceiling, dark eyes shining in the awful red light filtering through their closed curtains. The sky had been incessantly shifting all day and night, and it had decided to adopt a disconcerting half-light, like a milky, bloody dawn.
“Do you think he blames us?”
That's all for now! Have a good day!
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troubledsiamese · 5 months
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Celeborn, lord of the plains
Shiny alpha wydeer from legends arceus
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marinecorvid · 1 year
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Reconsidering the next team for my next Legends Arceus playthrough (decided I want some variety and therefore no duplicates from my last team (except for Zoroark, who is cool as as fuck, and Rapidash, who will be shiny this time around). Sho, babygirl, being unsociable and turning back up to Jubilife every few weeks with new evil coded ‘mons and Alphas is NOT helping you beat the Evil Changeling Who Wants To Kill Us All allegations
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i think the balloon races in pla came about because the survey corps wanted to see how wyrdeer ran with a human and compare it to other wyrdeer data and mai was like “i mean you can set some balloons up if you want, that’s fine, but i can’t guarantee he’ll want to go anywhere near them” and then it turned out wyrdeer was fucking obsessed with them
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themattekudasai · 2 years
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randomwriteronline · 1 year
“Now,” Arezu began whistfully, “Not to pit two exquisite Ladies against each other, but - if they had to fight, who do you think would win between Lady Lilligant and Lady Sneasler?”
“Sneasler,” Ingo replied instantly.
There was a hot second of stunned silence.
“No hesitation, huh,” Mai noted.
“I am basing myself purely on typing,” the man began explaining as he briefly stopped carving the second wooden spoon he would give as a traditional wedding gift to Palina and Iscan: “If both had been pure Fighting it would have been a perfectly fair fight, but Lilligant has the disadvantage of being part Grass, which Poison happens to be supereffective against.”
“That’s why your Tangela hates me,” Melli commented.
“She does not,” Ingo replied.
“Why does she suffocate me then?”
“I have told you already, her hugs are not an attempt at your life, she is simply made out of a mass of vines which can sometimes result in hazardous situations despite her best intentions.”
“Is there someone Lady Lilligant could take on?” Arezu distracted them.
Ingo turned to her without missing a beat: “Avalugg, Basculegion, and possibly Kleavor, though it would be a very tight match.”
“No she could not take on Lord Avalugg!” Gaeric blurted out.
“He is doubly weak to Fighting and his Rock type would not do him many favors against Grass,” the other man replied, shattering his hopes in one fell swoop.
“But he’s-!” the warden fumbled on his words for a moment, waving his arms vehemently to find a comprehensible enough way to explain himself before having to resort to just: “Big!”
“Fair argument!” Ingo admitted. “But typing wise, he’d be done for. It’s a very unfortunate pair, mostly on account of neither type covering the other’s weaknesses. He would similarly lose against Sneasler, Arcanine, Basculegion, Electrode, Kleavor, and... No, that should be it, I believe. Ursaluna would would put up a valuable effort, but wouldn't survive the Ice. My condolences, Miss Calaba.”
The woman didn’t even move from where she napped, just gave him an ok.
Melli laughed at the disheartened Gaeric.
Mai smacked him to get him to stop.
“He’d be good against Braviary,” Sabi predicted.
That got her a gentle pat on her head, away from the braids she was getting done: “Indeed,” Ingo nodded, “Flying is weak to both Ice and Rock. He’d also fare pretty badly against Kleavor - Bugs are awful for Psychic types.”
“But he’d be good against Sneasler?”
“Oh, he’d decimate her. Both of his types are supereffective against her. Wyrdeer too, she’d have no chance against him. For more information on how weak Poison is to Psychic please refer to Melli and his many defeats at the spoons of Alakazam.” and he ducked to evade a halfhearted slap. “Also Ursaluna! Ground is another powerful weakness of the vitriolic type. Congratulations, Miss Calaba.”
She gave him a thumbs up and continued not caring.
Palina hummed, struggling for a moment with Sabi’s green hair as she tried to untangle a knot: “How’d my young Lord do?” she asked with genuine curiousity: “He hasn’t been mentioned much, has he?”
“Fire type seldom has trouble in matchups, so he’d be fairly fortunate in a fight against most of his fellow Nobles...” the expert mumbled: “Lilligant, Kleavor, Avalugg as I’ve mentioned, Electrode - Ursaluna would asphalt him, though. Together with Basculegion they are his worst enemies. In a fight, of course, I’m well aware they’re on excellent terms.”
Iscan waved a little to reassure him: “The Lord isn’t a big fighter anyways, he probably wouldn’t do too well.”
“Oh, he’d be quite good actually! Plenty of the Nobles would be in trouble against his Water and Ghost combination, he’s rather fiersome! Electrode is the only one to be a total threat to him - those two are probably the ones to look out for the most. Terrific typings, the both of them.”
His sleeve was tugged to take him out of his musings: Lian twisted his mouth at him to properly figure out how to express his question, looking particularly pissed as he side-eyed what Ingo refused to look at but knew was probably a very smug Diamond warden with a burning desire to bury the guy alive, which would have severely worsened not just inter-clan relationships but also the fairly relaxed gathering they were having.
“So - this is all just, theories, right,” the kid began.
“Yes, based on types.”
Lian hummed deeply, pressing his mouth flat, and a fairly well-known feeling he could only denominate as Oh No took over Ingo as he dreaded the question.
“So you could tell who would win between Almighty Palkia and Dialga?”
Now that was something not to be touched with a 25 and a half foot pole, as evidenced by the other Pearl wardens shooting a glare at Lian and most of their Diamond counterparts paling notably.
Ingo, bless his heart, completely lost the religious implications somewhere in the cogs of his battle-analitycal machine churning in his brain.
“That would require an actual battle to be determined, actually!” he answered without missing a beat: “Both of them are Dragon types, meaning they have at the same time a massive advantage and disadvantage on one another, so effectively the chance at one prevailing over the other just based on that is rendered null, and since their secondary typings of Steel and Water are completely neutral to one another, a fight between the two of them would end up being rather balanced. It would also probably be an incredible spectacle with a very high chance of completely tearing reality as we know it apart according to professor Laventon’s studies, so it would be best for them and the rest of the world to remain on good terms and never have the chance to settle the score between them if they had any to settle.”
The young warden mumbled an agreement.
Not the way anybody expected a bomb like that to be defused.
But oh thank fuck it worked!
“What about the third one?” Iscan asked meekly. “The worm?”
Ingo buffered for a second: “Dragon-Ghost,” he recalled. “Same exact situation as the other two. No certain prevailing, and we should hope not to find out.”
“Ghost is good against Ghost, right?” Palina intervened.
The man nodded. A funny thought striked him: “With enough determination, it could be taken down by Basculegion. And by Avalugg as well.”
Gaeric cheered at his Lord’s good honor being restored.
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monsoon-of-art · 8 months
Donut Hole - Chapter 17
Who Is She?
Oh, who is she? (Oh, who is she?)
A misty memory (A misty memory)
A haunting face (A haunting face)
Is she a lost embrace?
- Who Is She?, I Monster
[Very little Barry in this chapter, but things are very much happening…….]
[ao3 link]
The first words out of Adaman’s mouth upon seeing Barry plummet off a cliff face with his nightmare bird was ‘Melli, I am going to strangle you’.
But much to everyone’s surprise - either by a miracle of science, or a joke by Almighty Sinnoh themselves - Barry did not land on the rocks with a horrifying and disgusting splat.
He flew. 
On the back of that horrible Honchkrow, no less.
And when Ingo’s Gliscor, Mai’s Crobat, and eventually Lord Braviary returned empty handed, it was obvious that Barry had done more than flown; he had escaped.
“That boy is slippier than an Eelektrik.” Ingo muttered.
Mai turned to him. “...what is an Eelektrik?”
And Ingo did not answer. He stared at her, then slowly turned to stare at the horizon without a word.
This terribly awkward moment was - thankfully - interrupted by Lord Braviary’s squawks and chirps. Sabi stroked his fur, nodding as he did so. “Uh huh. OK. OK. I’ll tell them- well not that part - Lord Braviary said he’s going to Jubilife!”
“D-Did he actually tell you that?” Iscan asked, and she only gave a playful smirk in reply.
Adaman tried to think of a plan B. He tried glancing at Irida to see what she was thinking, but he could tell that she too, was trying to think of what to do now.
They couldn’t not go after him. This kid was an absolute headache, but what if he fell off the bird? Lord Braviary and his entire lineage had been trained specifically to carry people…
“We…should at least follow him-”
“If he’s going to Jubilife, someone should try to get there before he can. To warn them.” Palina said, and with a swift motion, still making direct eye contact with Adaman, shoved Gaeric off the back of Arcanine. “I’ll take Iscan with me.”
She didn’t wait for either Leader to give her the OK before Iscan was placed onto the back of Lord Arcanine. The three of them were gone in a matter of moments, only leaving paw prints and a dust cloud behind.
Gaeric stood and dusted himself off. “I can’t believe you just let her do that to me.” He grumbled in Irida’s direction.
“I am not focusing on your petty squabbles.” was all Irida replied with. “I am sure Lord Ursaluna can squeeze you on.”
“But why would he go to Jubilife? From everything we know, he seems to hate the Galaxy Team Stationed there…” said Mai, thoughtfully stroking the fur of Lord Wyrdeer.
Melli rolled his eyes and tossed his hair. “Well he’s caused near insurmountable damage to our settlements, maybe Jubilife is next on his hitlist.”
It was clear from his tone that it was meant to be a joke. But his joke flew about as well as a geodude jumping off a cliff.
There was a pause.
In no time at all, the Diamond and Pearl Clan mounted their pokemon to give chase.
Lian grumbled under his breath as his Lord eagerly dove into the pile of beans. Irida had come earlier, insisting - demanding, practically - that he and Lord Kleavor stay within the Heartwood. 
She gave several reasons. Ranging from ‘they wanted a warden to stay behind to watch over Jubilife and the surrounding area, along with Warden Arezu’, and ‘The mountains were already getting crowded with the others’, before eventually adding with reluctance, that ‘Lord Kleavor of the Heartwood may be a bit too slow for chasing’.
“Too slow…bah! My Lord, you are the fastest thing in this entire forest!” Lian said, chest puffed with pride.
(He couldn’t exactly say ‘the entire fieldlands’ without insulting lord Wyrdeer, but the forest was just as good.)
Lord Kleavor, to his credit, didn’t seem to mind much. He barely seemed to notice Lian’s ire, happily crunching on beans and bits of salt.
And oh, how badly Lian wanted to help. This…Berry fellow seemed like nothing but bad news. A wicked man who washed away the Diamond settlement in a mudslide, who set his home settlement ablaze, with a team of vicious, blood-thirsty pokemon under his command?
Lian huffed again, sitting down beside his noble. They were going to catch this guy and be the heroes, and Melli would absolutely rub it in his face, and maybe Sabi too-
There was a distant squawk, a flurry of flapping wings, and something heavy crashed into a tree nearby. The impact caused branches to break and tumble to the ground, before whatever fell into the tree fell out.
“What in the-!?” Both Lian and Kleavor snapped to attention, the boy quickly standing to assess the situation.
Before either of them could get close, an enormous honchkrow descended from the sky, placing itself between them and whatever was currently laying on the ground alongside a tangle of branches. It squawked and croaked incessantly, as if trying to scare them off. Did it accidentally drop its prey? Why wasn’t it just picking it back up?
“H-Hey! How dare you take that tone with Lord Kleavor!” Lian shouted at the bird.
The honchkrow turned and screeched loud enough for Lian to stumble back, nearly tripping over the tree roots surrounding them. His hat fluttered to the ground, but he dare not tear his eyes away from the dangerous pokemon in front of him.
The Noble title that the Lords and Ladys possessed was not only upheld by the clans, but by the pokemon they shared space with. It was generally understood that Noble pokemon were very powerful, and they shouldn’t be trifled with.
The audacity of this honchkrow was both out of the norm and offensive.
Lord Kleavor bellowed in reply, but the large bird refused to back down. And behind the bird, whatever fell began to stir.
A hand reached up to stroke the honchkrow’s feathers. “I-I just closed my eyes for a bit, bud…I must’ve drifted off. How did I end up on the ground?” the figure rasped, struggling to stand.
It was a teenager, barely a few years older than Lian, with blonde hair. But he looked terrible; even worse than when they found Ingo, something that Lian hadn’t thought possible.
The teenager approached him, a strange, eerie sort of pity in his eyes. “Oh…you're just a little kid…"
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Despite himself, Lian couldn’t help but scoot away. “W-What do you want?”
“Where’s Jubilife?”
Behind him, Lord Kleavor let out a low rumble in warning. The teenager stopped walking, slowly tilting his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but decided otherwise. “Where is Jubilife? I don't wanna hurt you."
Did he mean Jubilife village?
Lian pointed behind the teenager and off into the distance. “I-It’s past deetrack heights! Cross the river, t-then cross it again!”
“Thanks. You’re alright.” He turned to leave, but paused, giving Lian another pitiful look.
“...man. You look like you would’ve loved Minecraft.” he said, voice wistful. “I can’t believe Cyrus would deprive the world of something so pure…”
But he didn’t explain any part of that baffling statement. He turned, hand on the large Honchkrow’s back, the teenager starting to limp in the vague direction that Lian had told him.
Lian sat there for a moment, still processing that strange encounter. But surprise - and the tiny bits of fear - gave way to defensive irritation. “Did you hear him, Lord Kleavor?! The nerve!”
Lord Kleavor chittered, trying to nudge the boy back into a standing position.
Several dots began to connect in Lian’s head. A strange man he’s never met before, who clearly looked out of place, with a powerful pokemon by his side-
“Wait - WAIT, WAS THAT HIM?!” He shouted, scrambling to grab onto Lord Kleavor’s neck. “We have to chase after him! My Lord, please, allow me to ride upon your back!”
Kleavor lowered his great head to allow the boy to clamber onto his back. While a bit awkward, Lian could wrap his arms around Lord Kleavor’s head and brace his legs on the rocky white formations where wings once grew; a kind of tepiggy back ride, although Lian would shudder to call it something so childish.
Lord Kleavor glanced back to make sure his Warden was situated before standing and entering a ready position. “Right! Let’s chase after him!”
The guards positioned at Jubilife’s gates barely had time to get out of the way before Lord Arcanine bowled through the doors like tissue paper.
The townsfolk screamed and fled, parents pulling children inside, others cowering in corners and behind buildings. The only one who didn’t flee was Arezu, who approached lord Arcanine and his riders with hesitance.
“I take it that the plan in the mountains didn’t work.” she said with a frown.
Iscan answered with a, “Well…no.”
“We need Dawn.” said Palina.
And lucky for them, Dawn was rushing out of the wallflower to see what the commotion was.
“Wow! I didn’t know you could ride on Lord Arcanine’s back!” she said as she approached.
“Only in emergencies.” Palina replied as she dismounted.
Her words sunk in quickly, and the young girl frowned. “Emergencies? What’s going on? I was on my way to help with Lord Electrode, if Melli is done stalling on making the balms-"
“There’s a…” Palina hesitated, glancing back at Iscan and Arezu. “...Situation that we’ve been trying to deal with, without getting Jubilife - and by extension you - involved.”
“But it didn’t work.” continued Iscan. “A-And we’d like to uh…’borrow’ you? For a minute?”
Rei finally caught up, glancing between Dawn and the wardens. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
Dawn glanced at him before returning to look at the Wardens and Lord Arcanine. “Uhm, I think the clans need our help-?”
Palina ‘erred’ and ‘ummed’, clearly wanting to say something but not wanting to be rude. “We…we really only need Dawn for this-”
And now the professor was jogging over to meet them, panting, hands on his knees. “T-The survey corps! At your service!” he said between huffs and puffs, “What…what is ever the matter? Is it a dangerous poke…pokemon?”
“N-No, no professor, we just need Dawn-”
“So it’s not a pokemon problem?” asked Rei.
“Well.” Iscan started to say. “I-It kinda is? But also not?”
Laventon crossed his arms over his chest. “If it’s not a problem with pokemon, then I am afraid we aren’t much help. Perhaps the security corps would be of better aid?”
“No, no, this is definitely a job for Dawn.” Palina replied, voice edging on frantic. “And time is of the essence, we really should be going, we can explain along the way-”
Everyone was surprised by Dawn’s explosive outburst, but the Wardens had been dancing around the issue long enough. 
Palina sighed, kneeling down slightly to be on her level. “There’s…there’s a boy your age. A little taller than you. He has blonde, spiked hair, and a green scarf. He’s been all over Hisui, causing all sorts of trouble-”
“- and property damage.” Iscan quickly added.
“- and property damage, yes. But. But. He’s looking for someone, Dawn. And I think he’s looking for you.”
“He bit me.” Arezu said, glancing between them all.
“Bit you?! Property damage?! You want our Dawn to charge into battle to deal with this madman who’s looking for her?!” Barked Laventon. “I will not allow it!”
Palina stood. “It’s not some ‘madman’, it’s a boy her age that clearly knows her! This situation is admittedly strange and confusing, but the clans have done everything to try and help him with no success. And now, we’ve had to involve Dawn.”
Laventon turned to talk to Dawn directly. “My dear girl, you don’t have to-” But she was not there.
He and Rei glanced around. The Wardens looked around too.
Dawn had vanished.
Rei pointed to the front gates. “She just ran off! I saw a bit of her scarf before she crested the hill!”
Palina mounted on the back of Lord Arcanine once more. Iscan turned to Arezu. “Are you coming with?”
Arezu looked at the pair of them riding on the back of Lord Arcanine up and down. “...hmmmmmmm, pass. But do come back and tell me how it goes! I love a good story.”
Laventon was still deeply unsettled by this entire exchange. “I’ll warn you now, Kamado will not be happy with the clans keeping such a secret. If you had told us sooner, we could have helped.”
“Like I said, this whole thing is…strange. And it spiraled so fast.” said Palina. “When all is said and done, I truly believe this web will untangle, but we need to get there first. Let’s go after Dawn.”
Lord Arcanine barked, turning and running back the way he came, hot on Dawn’s heels.
“D-Do they expect me to run?” Laventon asked, giving Rei a pleading look.
Rei shrugged, but started to run after them. “I think so, professor! C’mon!”
“My boy, I am not that fast! Wait for me!”
[Also I loved redrawing the Manga panel for Barry. its HIS turn to be weirdly scary!]
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seadolph · 10 months
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pkmn ship week day 4: alternate universe
Fire Emblem: Sinnoh!
Cynthia as the lord - sword + staff user, has a Garchomp wyvern to ride. Lucian's the mage/tactician - anima user, gets a horse? Girafarig or Wyrdeer or something on promotion.
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vssocialanxiety · 2 years
How I write each Noble & the relationship with their Warden.
• Lord Wyrdeer: he likes to appear all Wise and Dignified, but is secretly very silly. He would like to appear as a grandfatherly figure for Mai, but she can see right through him.
• Lord Kleavor: Big softie with resting bitch face, I headcanon him as one of the youngest Nobles. He loves Lian, that’s his baby brother right there!
• Lord Ursaluna: Personally, I headcanon him as almost as old as Calaba. He has seen everything; nothing can face Lord Ursaluna anymore. He and Calaba are old buddies that have gone together though the best and worst of each other lives, they are as thick as thieves.
• Lady Lilligant: She seems like a very serious and respectable Noble, but she is actually very mischievous and generally does whatever she wants. Similar to Lord Kleavor, she really loves her warden, and sees Arezu as a little sister.
• Lord Basculegion: He is very patient and a bit shy, Lord Arcanine’s new dad. He is very close to Iscan, as they have similar personalities and understand each other better than anyone else.
• Lord Arcanine: The best of boys! He wants to be a good Noble but he is still struggling with his sudden evolution, and the responsibilities that came with it. Palina is his mom, and he really loves his mom!
• Lady Sneasler: A mean girl, she does her job responsibly, but she has no interest to act like a proper sacred Noble. She treats Ingo as one of her cubs, but tends swing between seen him as either, a baby cub, in need of her protection and care, or an older one, capable enough to do babysitting duty.
• Lord Electrode: As haughty and proud as his warden, the annoyed frown on his face may actually reflect his true mood. He loves Melli, he loves having someone around that is so similar to him!
• Lord Braviary: The unassuming type, Lord Braviary acts in mysterious ways. He is Sabi’s cool big bro, and he likes to spoil her a little.
• Lord Avalugg: The gentlest of giant pokemon, he is a very caring and protective Noble. He is also Gaeric’s "mom friend", trying his best to temper some of his wildest ideas.
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