#Love and Action in Osaka
jca-archive · 1 year
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Getting Blue in Color (1988)
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cinemaronin · 1 year
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ahjong · 11 months
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Love and Action in Osaka (1988) dir. Yoshimitsu Morita
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baltharino · 2 years
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S-H-I-Z C-H-A-N B-O-A-R-D! Kaori Maeda performing Doki Pipo Emotion Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club Shuffle Festival
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deus-sema · 5 months
My two cents on Shogun finale with spoilers:
I think the way this finale was handled can be used as a fine example of how to subvert expectations in the *right* manner. This is not the kind of ending that would make us go WTF after momentary shock value only to disappoint us terribly but an ending which might not be what I - as a show only fan had predicted - but one which makes sense in the longer run like all the pieces of a puzzle falling into place to make a beautiful picture.
The actual event of the battle matters not as much as the actions of the people involved who contributed to its occurrence and affected its results. The wheels of fate are already in motion. We know that, come what may, Toranaga shall prevail. But that is a tale for another day. The one which we have been following until now was about Toranaga fighting against all odds and carefully setting the stage in order to achieve his dream, about Blackthorne who started his journey as an outsider in a foreign and hostile land with less than noble intentions finding a home in that place and about Mariko who patiently strived to fulfill her destined purpose and add meaning to her existence. And so she did. For even after her death, her presence was imbued in almost every scene leaving an everlasting impact on them.
The misleading opening of the episode with an aged Blackthorne who seemed to be back in England reminiscing about his days at Osaka clinging onto Mariko's crucifix was done in a clever manner. I was momentarily led to believe that Blackthorne might get to sail home afterall and I failed to understand why they would do that. But the lines between what was a fleeting dream and reality became abundantly clear when I witnessed Blackthorne letting go of Mariko's crucifix into the oceans. Mariko had become one with her homeland and by living there forever, Blackthorne had become one with her.
The writing of Shogun also shows us how one can make significant changes to certain characters and their relationships that differ from the source material and handle them wisely while adapting a story which is linked to the actions of its key players. Mariko's friendship with Ochiba and Ochiba's regard for her paid off because her death led Ochiba to withdraw her support for Ishido, even if she wasn't going to ally with Toranaga. This particular change from the books affected the plot and in a meaningful way. It's an achievement which certain other adaptations that introduce drastic changes without any regard for the overarching plot cannot boast of.
As a MariThorne shipper, I was left satisfied albeit in a bittersweet sense because while John had lost Mariko, his love for her still persisted. It was heartbreaking but this is a tragedy well done. One that I would remember forever. The last scene was oddly satisfying because, even if he doesn't know it yet, Blackthorne is exactly where he belongs now.
The acting was stellar as usual. Cosmo Jarvis and Tadanobu Asano deserve a special mention for this episode while Hiroyuki Sanada never disappoints. I'm grateful to the entire team of Shogun for delivering a show that I enjoyed wholeheartedly until the very end. And off I go to read the book next.
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causenessus · 2 months
love notes
"it wouldn't break your back to stand beside me."
from superstar sh*t by dominic fike, left at the umeda sky building, osaka
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“are you gonna tell me where we’re going yet?” he asks as the train starts to move, their arms brushing as they both lurch to the right from the sudden change in force.
it’s taken everything within her not to immediately spill out her entire heart to him. the moment she opened the door and saw him, she couldn’t think of anything but all the art he’s been sending her for the past two years– of all the places he’s taken her. she knows he’s done so much for her, and she tells herself she needs to do the same. she needs to wait until they get to their destination.
“nope,” she hums giving him a bright smile. thinking of what she’ll say when they finally arrive (she’s trying not to refer to it as her impending doom) makes her feel surprisingly calm. perhaps, compared to the amount of stress that's been building up for the past four years starting from when she first saw him at the vending machine, the thought of actually getting out her feelings isn’t as bad. “but i’m sure you can guess. you’ve got the train we’re going on, and i’ve mentioned something about what we’re going to do before.”
he looks at her, brows raised and his lips quirked up into a smile like hers, as if her mood is rubbing off on him. he started off the day feeling quite lethargic, but ever since her texts, he’s been feeling more energetic. his heart’s been racing almost every time he looks at her, and he’s reminded of the texts he sent her two nights ago, and how she responded. she's been tweeting about him, saying she’s missed him, and he has yet to bring it up. depending on where they go, maybe he’ll find the time to bring it up today. “do i get to know what stop we’re getting off at? and when did you mention it? like in the last week or…”
she purses her lips in thought, looking ahead of them, out the window and the bright city passing by them in a blur, “no, you don’t get to know. and i think i mentioned it….within the last two years?”
he lets out a laugh that has her turning back to him, confused as if she hasn’t given him the biggest time frame ever to work with. “within the past two years? yeah, i think i’m better off just waiting until we get there, actually.”
“i guess that’s fair,” she says, letting out her own laugh, glancing down at her own phone to double-check what stop they're getting off on. 
the rest of their ride is quite relaxing. she finds it simultaneously hard and easy to talk to him; she’s giving him curt answers without meaning to, as most of her focus is directed towards thinking of what she’ll say to him in the next hour. but he notices and opts for a quiet game they often play on long train rides instead. he kicks the side of her shoe with his foot and she kicks him back. it’s a game that usually gets out of hand, and soon they’re knocking knees and hitting each other through fits of laughter before they try to calm down– an old lady is giving them the eye from across the train and only shakes her head when they both try to straighten their clothes, acting composed.
he smooths down her hair without thinking twice about the action, but the feeling of his hand on her makes her freeze. her face turns red and she can’t bring herself to look at him, instead pretending to be distracted by something on her phone, when she’s really just staring at the map on her screen.
the train slows to a stop and she stands up, turning to glance quickly toward him to make sure he’s following. he walks behind her as they step off the train where she momentarily stops, trying to navigate which direction they’re supposed to be walking in while he looks up and around, taking in his surroundings. his brows are knit, like he’s trying to figure out what could have possibly brought them to this area of osaka.
“and you still won’t tell me?” he asks, walking alongside her when they start moving again. he tries to peek at her face, but she's still refusing to look up at him from her phone and he’s not entirely sure what he’s done to make her suddenly act so shy again.
she’s a mess and she knows it. and she knows she’ll continue to be until she talks to him, so she only shakes her head. “no, i’m not ruining the surprise. but you’ll figure it out soon enough.”
the walk is short. it takes them just under 10 minutes and after crossing a busy road, they're walking through a trade center next to a tall building towering high above them.
rintaro walks next to her, but his head is tilted back as he looks up, and she can’t help but admire him from the side. “a skyscraper?” he observes aloud.
she nods, “it’s the umeda sky building. have you not heard of it before?”
he looks back down at her, yellow eyes sharp as always as he stares at her, and she tries her best to keep her composure under his gaze. “no, i haven’t. what are we here for?” he asks, tilting his head. “it's cool, but i’m just curious. you seem like you have something planned.”
she bumps shoulders with him, feeling like for once she gets to be the mischievous one, hiding something from him, “i do have a plan! i guess you’ll just have to keep walking with me, and find out.”
he’d walk with her to the end of the earth and he wouldn’t utter a single word of complaint about it if he had her. he almost thinks to tell her as much, before he holds himself back, continuing to look at her while she turns forward, trying to find the entrance to the tower.
they take an elevator up at least 30 floors, the both of them watching a small screen at the top of the elevator that counts how high up they are in the sky. afterwards, a long escalator takes them up even higher. it’s a little dizzying, seeing the ground so far below her, and she ends up stealing glances at the boy beside her instead. he seems intrigued by the height and sights below, and as they step off the escalator, they stand at a window and watch the sight of the city below them.
she’s feeling a little brave, and hell, she’ll be confessing to him later today anyway, she might as well start giving him hints. subtly, she tugs at his hand, pointing to her right with her free hand when she has his attention, “there’s a cafe over here if we want, and then we’re actually here for something else.”
he nods and follows her, but she keeps her hand wrapped around his. the contact is making his breath shorten. he’s torn between holding her hand back or just letting her continue to drag him along, but he decides to intertwine his fingers with hers and when she looks back, lips curved into a smile, he’s glad he took the risk.
the cafe serves drinks and ice cream, and they settle on just a matcha ice cream, with two spoons to share. they talk a little more, sitting at a high table with the sight of the bustling city below them right outside the window before she pulls him along again. they walk through a doorway to a balcony outside where a breeze is gently blowing through. they pass by a security guard, clad in a white button down, who is leaning against a railing when he sees it.
a level below them, there's a fence with an assortment of padlocks on them and it pieces together. the day he asked her to take him to the darkroom with her, and the conversation they had on the way there. she follows his gaze down to the fence and they both stop, looking over the railing from where they are. “do you remember now?” she asks, watching as a couple walks out from the floor beneath them, a locket in hand as they search for a place to put it on the fence.
‘i don’t think i’ll ever forget a word you say to me.’ he wants to say. so many words have gotten caught in his throat today, all of them unspoken confessions. “yeah. i remember now,” he opts to say instead, eyes following the same couple she is, as they bend down to attach it to the fence together. "couples leaving a mark on their city. a lock symbolizing their love that will last longer than they were," he recounts from their conversation years ago.
“wanna put one on with me?” she asks, looking him straight in the eye. 
every noise dies out for a second at the question. is this where he’s supposed to tell her he likes her? way more than a friend? and that she shouldn’t ask him to put a heart locket on a fence that will be there for the rest of their lives and even after when he doesn’t see her as just a friend? because she’d tell him if they were putting this locket on together as something more than friends, right?
“sure,” he ends up saying, because no matter how much he worries about his feelings and how he shouldn’t be doing this to her, he can’t help it when it comes to her. he’s selfish, and he wants to do everything he can with her. he wants to be with her every second of the day.
his hand is in hers again, and he decides to take the chance, rather than worrying about how he'll overthink the moment later. wasn't this what his entire high school volleyball career had taught him? the banner that hung behind him at every game; telling him to live in the present, rather than thinking about memories. he holds her hand just as tightly as she is, and they practically run down a set of stairs, coming to a counter, a sign reading HEART LOCKS hanging on the wall behind it. underneath the sign is an opening in the wall, where heart-shaped lockets are hanging, organized by color. 
they decide on a pink one, and they’re given a blade to engrave their names onto it. she etches her name into the back of the padlock first before handing it to him, and he feels the pit of guilt gnawing at him as he writes his own name. he shouldn’t be doing this when he feels differently from her than she does, but when they give the blade back to the worker and she looks up at him with a smile, the locket in both of their hands, all of his worries melt away again.
like the pair they saw earlier, they walk outside and along the fence, looking for a place to put their own locket. they decide on a high rung of the fence, and they both close the padlock around it together, his hands over hers.
when they step back from the fence, both unable to look away from the lock, she tears her gaze away first, looking at the boy in front of her. this is the moment she’s been waiting for. “rin,” the words spill out of her mouth before she’s truly ready, but he looks away from the lock to her, giving her his full attention, and she can’t back down. the script in her mind that she’s worked so hard this whole time to form fades away, and she decides to just go for it. “i like you.”
his breath hitches at the words, and he swallows heavily, frozen in place. his eyes dart back between her and the padlock, mouth opening slightly. “y/n–” the only thing that comes out of his mouth is her name, but she cuts him off before he can finish.
“wait– please– let me finish. just hear me out until the end, please. i don’t want to get any of this wrong.” his lack of response is causing her confidence to dwindle with every second, and she nervously pulls at her fingers out of habit, but he gives her a small nod and she continues, “this is gonna sound really stupid, but i’ve liked you since high school, honestly. i’ve wanted to tell you for so long but i’ve just been scared. and then i found out you’ve been leaving art about me in other cities and i felt selfish. like this entire time i've been wrapped up in my own head and it's been preventing me from giving you clear signs about how i feel about you when you've been doing so much for me. and i’m sorry but god– i’ve liked you since we’ve met. i’ve been drawn to you ever since. even after we graduated, my feelings hadn’t gone away. but i didn’t think you felt the same way– i mean you’re just completely out of my league. you’re so talented and i feel like i don’t deserve everything you’ve done for me. all the time you’ve spent with me, everything you’ve sent me, all the places you’ve shown me– you're too good to me. but this is my way of trying to give back to you for once. and i wanted to take you up here to confess– although i guess i shouldn’t have forced you to sign a love lock with me before doing that–” she laughs nervously at her own mistake, and he laughs with her, out of his own anxiety.
and because she’s cute, for thinking there’s any chance he doesn’t return her feelings. he doesn’t think there’s any words that could explain to her the yearning in his heart for her, that’s been pulling her towards him in the same way ever since he first saw her. so instead, he steps forward, hands lifting to run through her hair and gently hold the sides of her head to pull her close before he kisses her.
her eyes widen in shock initially, but soon enough she's squeezing her eyes, reaching up her own arms, wrapping them around his neck and pulling him closer. their noses knock into each other, but neither of them can care. their heads are dizzy and light without oxygen, but it’s like they aren’t even close enough, despite their bodies being flush with each other.
he only barely pulls away when he’s forced to catch his breath, but his face is still inches away from her own, pretty yellow-gray eyes boring into hers. “you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that for,” he says, lips brushing against hers again as he talks.
the corners of her eyes crinkle as she smiles, unable to do anything but laugh again, “you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that. and it still feels unreal.”
“i can do it again,” he replies quickly, not even giving her the chance to respond before he’s kissing her again, hands holding onto her sides.
his lips against hers feels like everything she could have asked for. it’s more vibrant than any picture she’s ever taken, and despite her eyes being closed, the feelings it gets across is more powerful than any sight she could ever see.
when they pull away again, they’ve ended up against a railing, her back pressing against the cold surface as they both hold each other close.
“and just for the record,” he says, a teasing smile on his face, still unable to look away from her, “i think i would’ve stopped you before we signed a locket together if i didn’t feel the same way. just a thought.”
her cheeks flush, and she feels like she’s been brought back to reality, her eyes averting away from him as the grip of her arms around him loosens.
“hey,” he has a hand on the side of her face that draws her attention back to him, and she finds herself reflexively pressing gently into the palm of his hand, “keep looking at me. i’m not letting you out of my sight now that i have you, and i’ll give you my whole confession too.” she laughs, continuing to stare at him, finding herself admiring every small feature of his face. she’s never been this close to him, but now that she is, she finds herself memorizing every curve and line of his face. “i’ve liked you for just as long, you know. sometimes you being there for our games would mess me up. i’d keep looking at you and eventually kita caught on and chewed me out. but i thought it’d be weird if i told you in high school, because we never talked so i didn’t think you’d return my feelings. and then at graduation, osamu lectured me too and i decided when we got to college i’d finally get to know you. i was really surprised, honestly, when you let me follow you around the photography department, and take you on walks at night around the city, and would let me bother you your entire shifts with osamu. and you deserve every single thing i've given you and more. but i thought you just considered me a really good friend after everything we did together. i thought i'd completely messed up and gotten myself stuck in the friendzone forever. and honestly, i was going to be happy there. i was gonna be happy as long as i had you–but i’ve thought about you every waking second. i’ve wanted to be with you since i met you.”
she can’t help the way her face softens at his words, and her heart is beating faster, she does the same thing he did after her confession. she pulls him in for another kiss, and he’s quick to reciprocate it, a hand pressed against the small of her back, keeping her from the railing. 
when they break for air again, they remain in each other’s arms. it’s an unspoken, mutual thought they’re both having: ‘now that i have you, i’m never letting you go. it’s been too long.’
she ends up running a hand through his hair, combing it back, and he’s admiring her face, taking in every single detail.
“well, osamu will be happy finally, won’t he?” she can’t help but joke, and he chuckles.
“yeah, he’ll finally stop getting on our ass all the time, that’s for sure. maybe that’s why i’ve been so tired lately. he’s been the one giving me a headache this entire time,” he says, finally taking his eyes off her, only to lean closer, nuzzling his face into the side of her neck while she holds him close.
“he meant well,” she says halfheartedly, running a hand through his hair. “he has been with us these entire four years as well. so has atsumu and omi. they got sick of it and told me about your graffiti.”
his head snaps up in surprise at the mention, “they’re who told you? those little shits, atsumu can’t keep a secret to save his life, i should’ve known. but omi–”
“well–” she cuts him off, trying to defend their friends, “atsumu was tired and was running his mouth and accidentally ended up saying it, so he doesn’t have an excuse. but then i pulled in omi to the conversation and forced him to confirm it, so you can’t blame him.”
rintaro rolls his eyes, “whatever. they both still betrayed me, and omi almost gave me away with the flower box, didn’t he?”
“speaking of which,” she says, looking at him with a smile, “you need to take me back there. you promised to give me those flowers, you know.”
he returns her smile, a lively glint as always, and she can’t think of anywhere else she’d rather be than his arms. they’ve always been on the move, wandering around new places, and going new places, yet it never bothers her. she has him with her. he is her comfort, her walls to keep her safe, and her home. “we can go now, if you want.”
“let’s do it.”
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extras <3
everyone thank osamu for his service that man was definitely one of the people pushing the hardest for suna and y/n
THEY KISSED (finally) <3 i hope you enjoyed!!!! and that this wasn't a super underwhelming chapter or anything :)
the umeda sky building is a real skyscraper in osaka where you can legally put love locks on a fence <3 it's only purpose is for love locks! it's vv cute <3
i watched a 12 minute video last night of someone touring the building so i could see what it looked like LMAO
when suna was leaving to see y/n the rest of his roomates were in bed but they heard the front door unlock and all peeked their heads out to see who was leaving
i did make moodboards for love notes as a whole, one each for suna and y/n, and one for them together <3 you can see them on the masterlist if ur interested!!
one chapter left!! let's go epilogue <3
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @zumicho @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @cr4yolaas @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta  
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lizzy06 · 2 months
Kita Shinsuke x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Inarizaki Fic Rec Masterlist
One for the Rules ✨by alkhale (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff, acto!shinsuke)[COMPLETED]
Patience is a virtue ✨✨by @watevermelon (oneshot, fluff, humor, childhood friends to lovers)You lost track of the days that you were in love with Kita. He was the wielder of cold-logic and held the bluntest of words at times, but he showed his own special brand of care. What you hadn’t expected was for him to especially care about you.[COMPLETED]
A stranger you know well ✨by @love-amihan (oneshot, angst) It's your wedding day and you get closure(kinda) with your ex.[COMPLETED]
a place to call home ✨✨by @nariism (oneshot, childhood rivals to lovers, one bed trope) "be kind, shinsuke." that's what yumie always told her grandson. and he would live by those words—even if it meant sleeping on the floor every weekend.[COMPLETED]
Lavender ✨by sansos/@snailsos (oneshot, fluff) Every decision, every action, every step that you took served to distance you from your past. Yet you still clung on to the lavender bookmark that bound you back to it.[COMPLETED]
If Memory Serves Pt 1,  Pt 2 ✨✨by @seokiloquy (oneshot, humor) your mom sent you to farm.[COMPLETED]
lover be good to me ✨by flintstrike (soulmae au, hurt/comfort, slowburn)You meet Kita Shinsuke on a rainy summer day, with a sea of hydrangeas swirling at your feet. You know him instantly, as only a soulmate can. He seems like a good man. Like a good soulmate.[COMPLETED]
Again by @yourstarvic (oneshot, fluff, past lovers, )You and Kita meet up again and decide to make a promise.[COMPLETED]
Grant her wish by @caxsthetic (oneshot, fluff) He never expected you to be there in his life, someone who was chaotic and may change his routine. But then, maybe he needed you after all.[COMPLETED]
kita shinsuke loves his grandmother by @augustinewrites(oneshot, fluff) His grandmother keeps pestering him to date you.[COMPLETED]
GOLDEN DAYS by @sukirichi (oneshot)what it’s like dating Inarizaki’s golden boy.[COMPLETED]
Enemies ✨by @loveephia (oneshot, kinda enemies to lovers, tooth rooting fluff)in which you can’t believe that someone like kita exists, and you hate him for being so perfect.[COMPLETED]
a sea of flowers in bloom ✨✨by sunmoonstarsrain (fluff, humor, angst with happy ending)"Take a holiday", your best friend said, "somewhere in the countryside, i know just the place". You probably shouldn't have trusted her. Not when she sent you to Kita Shinsuke's rice farm (aka the home of a god).[COMPLETED]
Slowly Falling In Love by mochi_puff(arranged marriage, fluff, slowburn)You and Kita Shinsuke got wed through an arranged marriage. This is a slice-of-life, slowburn fic of the two of you.[COMPLETED]
In Due Time ✨by deltachye (oneshot, wedding fluff) You meet at a wedding, and you know it’s a bit hasty, but your Pinterest board titled “Wedding Inspo” could really be put to use right about now.[COMPLETED]
 Dancing in the Morning Sun ✨by Channelei(oneshot, humor, fluff) Kita wakes up in his childhood home to the chaos that is his wife and his grandmother dancing together at 6:15am.[COMPLETED]
won't go home without you by @i-need-entertainment (oneshot, angst, fluff) You and Shinsuke have a fight.[COMPLETED]
a multitude of happy deviations✨ by @eggtoasties (oneshot, fluff) When Kita comes to practice with lipgloss on his mouth, chaos ensues.[COMPLETED]
Season + Weather by ejqz (fluff, light angst)Kita Shinsuke adored his grandmother. When she suffered health complications, Kita knew it was time to leave both Osaka and you to return to the countryside. After the winter chill comes the bearing of spring. Then comes the summer of cicadas, and finally the fields of neverending gold.[COMPLETED]
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incognitobobcat · 5 months
Headcanon Tomáš
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Photo Source: @jojogreg8441 on Twitter
Name: Tomáš Vrbada
Birthday: July 11, 1993
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Prague, Czech Republic
Languages: Czech, English, Chinese (dialect unknown), learning Japanese
Fighting Style: Ninjitsu and Pencak Silat
Weapon: Karambit
Religion: formerly Catholic
Favorite Colors: Silver and light shades of blue
Favorite Foods: Svíčková, Řízek, Rajská omáčka, Madam Bo’s cooking, homecooked meals, Gyoza, and food from the Osaka night markets (ie. Kuromon), enjoys food in general
Favorite Beverages: Water, Pilsner, milkshakes, and some juices
Favorite Pastimes: movies and tv shows, music, walks in nature, traveling, enjoying various foods from restaurants and night markets
Favorite Actor: Johnny Cage
Favorite Movie Genres: Action, adventure, suspense, psychological thrillers, comedy, and whatever else from other genres that appeal to him.
Favorite Music: Contemporary music, alternative metal, classical and soothing instrumental music.
Favorite Dating/Hangout Spots: Osaka night markets, cozy and casual and cozy restaurants, and romantic and peaceful natural spots.
Personality: He is stern, intimidating, and quiet on the outside. He is able to command the respect from his subordinates. He is assertive in a firm and confident way. As a trained assassin under two established clans, he is true to his oaths and never backs down from kombat. He is loyal, courageous and deadly in his profession. As a person, he is kind, gentle, soft-spoken, eager to help and caretake others. He is intelligent and kind. He enjoys favorite past times with people he likes to hang out with and a woman he’s interested. He can be funny and is a good actor.
Ideal Woman: Tomáš likes a soft and gentle personality who can really connect with him on an emotional level. He values kindness, compassion, and empathy. He needs a partner who can give him the emotional safety and space to be vulnerable. Being a giver himself, he loves it when a woman graciously and enthusiastically accepts his gifts and chivalrous gestures. He also wants a woman who can handle his constant need for reassurance and appreciation, so constant attention and physical touch are very important to him.
Turnoffs In A Woman He Dates: Abrasive, angry, negative, careless with how she words things (straightforwardness is a gray area as it varies from individual to individual), blunt to harsh, overall oné who isn’t “feminine” in behavior. Fiercely independent women are frustrating for him to deal with. He may not be aware of this: even though he has fought alongside strong women who are fierce warriors, he has traditional views of how his woman should be and prefers her to be meek and dependent on him, as it feeds his masculine ego and need to look after someone who is weaker.
Deepest fears: To expand on the last point mentioned above, Tomas’ need to look after someone weaker stems from his past traumas of losing loved ones. He has a fear of abandonment. Subconsciously, this is his way of being in control of what he views as his and those who he sees are in need of his help. This brings him alot of gratification and allows him to feel like he is in control, sometimes in an intrusive way.
Furthermore, When Tomas feels he is not being seen and recognized for his acts of kindness, this will further fuel his fear. When someone can do for themselves what he desires to do for them, he interprets this as a message that he is no longer needed, and therefore discarded.
Turn Off For A Potential Partner: Once Tomas has decided that you are the woman that he wants because you check all of his boxes and meet his needs, he will physically and emotionally latch onto his partner. He would want to be with her as much as he can. Tomas is a very physically affectionate person and will want to cuddle, hold hands and make out as much as possible. He loves frequently having sex as a way to pour himself into his partner and bond with her, and it helps him de-stress, so he will make sure that he gets this as much as possible. This may drain the woman, especially when she is tired or not in the mood.
If the woman isn’t on the same level as Tomas is regarding falling in love at his pace or is more reserved regarding his physical and emotional needs, is not ready to open up about the details of her life, or cannot be emotionally present for reasons ranging from business to tiredness to being with girlfriends, he can get frustrated, insecure, and extremely jealous, to which he will verbally express this making him come across as whiny. If she is careful with her body and not want to have sex during certain times of the month out of fear of unwanted pregnancy, Tomas may eventually accuse her of making excuses to not want to be intimate. In his mind, there must be something wrong with him or she may be falling out of love that she’s distancing herself from him. Repeated reassurances may fall on deaf ears as he may shut down and walk away, or argue her points in such a way to make her feel guilty. The woman may feel obligated to give in to soothe his fears and build resentment over time or she may have to end the relationship.
Tomas expects his partner to be able to pick up on what he is feeling and can’t shut down when his partner doesn’t. Because he fears abandonment, he can be emotionally selfish where he will emotionally manipulate his partner with guilt trips on how much he has done for her, her not appreciating him, and playing the victim to get reassurance and physical affection from her. This may make the woman feel like her efforts are not good enough, which affects her self-esteem, she may feel abused and and be emotionally drained to the point of apathy. Her pulling away from him will further trigger his fears and Tomas may cry and beg, promising to change. If she chooses to stay, things may get comfortable for the old habits to come back. If she walks away, Tomas may double down on his efforts, making it even harder for her to leave.
These behaviours only manifest behind closed doors when you are his person. Outside of that, things are normal to untrained eyes.
Healthy Tomas: If he is healthy and secure in himself and his partner, Tomas is the most giving to her beyond the physical. He will make her feel like she is his priority and she will feel emotionally safe and contained by him. He is empathetic and is attuned to her moods and needs. He also knows when he needs his space and can communicate clearly with his partner, and vice versa. He is also able to walk away from a toxic relationship or once he feels that a relationship has run its course while holding on to the good memories. Tomas is respectful of his partner’s refusal to be intimate for her reasons and will make sure that her needs are taken care of when she is tired or stressed while putting his feelings aside. He is a great friend and lover, and wants to build a family with his future wife when she is the one. He will make an excellent father and husband and would die to protect his family.
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torhues · 2 years
kenma kozume.
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"so there's someone i like," kenma speaks and from a distance— literally from the other corner of his room— you can hear an exaggerated sigh escape kuroo's lips.
he flips his book close, eyes shut as he exhales deeply with patience running down visibly from his face. "oh god, not again,"
"shut up," kenma retorts, there's a soft blush on his cheeks, a menacing glow in kuroo's eyes, a surprised grimace on your face. they make a good tale to tell. "anyway, there's someone i like and i don't know what to do about it,"
"usually, people confess, instead of being an idiot," the captain says it as a matter of fact, more of an advice although, it sounds like a heavy remark directed to his friend.
on other days, kuroo would gladly drop all his businesses and be at one to offer some love advice to his friend. however, today, or probably from the past few months, he would rather be busy sweeping the gym floors than help his friend, and the reason his simple— it's exhausting.
"tetsu, if you can't say something nice then consider keeping your mouth close," the above addressed man mimics your words with a dramatic expression, making you roll your eyes at his actions. honestly, you couldn't be bothered, you have better things to worry about. "yes, kenma, what about your crush?"
"i don't know," kenma shrugs.
"okay," you nod, pretending to think of some life-saving love life questionnaire to help him reach a conclusion. "are they a complete stranger or someone you know already?"
"we've been friends since middle school," in a distance, you hear kuroo sighs again. he has picked up his book yet again, snickering every once a while, mumbling under his breath. you're aware he hasn't turned a single page in past then minutes for someone who's a fast reader, and you know he's doing anything but reading.
"oh my god, that's cute," you revert your focus back at kenma, a smile that doesn't seem to leave your lips even though your heart feels heavy. "so, when did you become aware of your feelings?"
"three years ago," he replies, a hint of hesitation in his voice and if he's scared of disclosing a precious secret. "almost a few months after we met,"
"people get married and have two kids in three years, kenma," another comment from kuroo, another sigh from kenma that makes him look like a ticking time bomb. you wouldn't care about it, but usually, kenma isn't someone so restless. he isn't someone to dig nails into his fist, to tap his foot on the floor relentlessly, to stutter between words, or to get too lost between his own thoughts. kenma, normally, is a straight forward guy with a simple goal— playing genshin and enjoying everyday drama on genshin twitter.
but he is different today. "i will kill him if he doesn't shut up,"
"do you think they reciprocate?" you ask another question in an attempt to divert his attention for kuroo, the one who wasn't invited to the afternoon friend group therapy show at kenma's ( the group as in your and kenma, who cry about science and alhaitham ) kuroo wasn't even supposed to be in the city. he should've been in osaka at his aunt's for someone's wedding, being the centre of attention because the 'ladies' love him for being so well-mannered and talented.
"i don't know, i hope they do," kenma takes a pause, as if he's uncertain of his words, and you can't do anything because one can never be too sure of how someone else feels. "i can't remember the last time we spend a day without each other. we have movie nights almost every weekend, share the deepest of secrets, i can name a lot of such things. i think we're more than friends, not sure of what we are, but i don't want to be just friends, so yeah, i really hope they feel the same,"
now, you'd be lying if you say that his explanation doesn't sound familiar, but again you don't want to make assumptions. maybe, it's hanae from, his classmate. you met her once in middle school through kenma since they were assigned as project partners for history. it could be anyone, someone from other school, anyone who went to the same middle school as the two of you. considering how perfect kenma is, you aren't possibly the only one to harbour feelings for him.
"y'know, i'd love to meet this person," there's a hint of dejection evident in your voice. perhaps, his descriptions about his crush gave you a slight idea of how kenma loves, and how his feelings aren't reciprocated towards you. you could grab your stuff and leave, but liking someone, in your eyes, has always been about giving into their happiness, no matter how much it hurts you in return.
"trust me, you know them already," kuroo strikes again and this time, you're kind of glad because one, it makes you feel better, dragging your mind out of whatever depressing pool of thought it was drowning into, and two, you couldn't wait to know to who kenma's crush is.
kenma snickers. "how about you focus on chemistry?"
"c'mon, kenma, tell me their name?"
"it's a secret,"
"no it's not, he's just scared," kuroo retorts.
"kuroo, i will tell miss nakamoto how you were the one who added that chunk of sodium in water and almost set the whole lab on fire," you could physically feel kenma plotting some really villainous move in his head, which probably also includes having kuroo benched for around three days. and the best part is, kenma doesn't need make an excuse because you know kuroo has done shit that could get him benched, if someone snitched on him, that is.
"ignore him," you say bitterly, but it's more of an attempt to get kenma's attention back to you. "anyway, give me some hints if you can't tell me the name,"
"um, they're pretty," you thank him in your head for giving you such useful information that you feel like you can track them down from several miles away. "we go to the same school and, are even in the same club. they always attend our matches and used to be in the student council before quitting this year,"
silence conquers the room as you take a moment to think. now, it does sound too familiar to be a coincidence, but again, you don't want to make assumptions. like, you're not stupid enough to think he's talking about you and jump to conclusions, ultimately making a fool of yourself. on the other hand, you can practically feel kuroo looking towards you with hopeful eyes, and you don't know the reason why.
you nod just before kenma was about to panic out of nervousness. "okay, i think i have some candidates,"
"must be nice being this stupid," now, you're sure you would aid kenma in killing kuroo. you can be the one to dispose the body, or his lawyer who will defend him— kenma apologist, to be exact— one to help him flee the country just when japan's police force will be out for him. perhaps, that's one way to stay next to kenma. if not lovers, then partners in crime.
it strikes you that you don't know what you're thinking, but it's doesn't make any sense.
"will be nicer if you just shut your goddamn mouth up," kenma hisses under this breath, and you think he looks like an angry cat, which is cute, but that's for another day. he turns to look at you to pleading eyes, almost as if he's begging you to spare his life. "just let it be, i'll tell you when the time comes,"
"and by that time, your crush will be married and have three kids while expecting one more," kenma is seeing red, you bet. perhaps, the volleyball team will lose a player today, and you can't do anything because sometimes, kuroo literally asks for it. it amuses you how he's one of the smartest students in school and yet so dumb, it makes you feel better about yourself.
"kuroo plea—"
kuroo interjects before kenma could even complete his sentence. "no, kenma, you both are making my head hurt,"
"now what is so stressful to you about kenma having a crush?" you
"that, he's dropping so many hints but someone has to be fucking blind," another series of silence, kuroo feels hopeful again. maybe this time, you would get the hint, and actually, you got the hint, you know it could be you but also, you're confident it's not you. not that you don't feel confident about yourself, but actually, it's because kenma has barely shown any interest in you, apart from everything that he has mentioned earlier.
you look at kuroo, and then at kenma, who's busy avoiding eye contact and fiddling with the hem of his shirt. you know he's probably trying to come up with more excuses and more ways to end kuroo. or perhaps, he's just nervous because you'd be the second person to know about his crush, next to kuroo. you could be wrong, so you leave your thoughts at that. "so, who is the crush?"
"the heck, yn, it's you !" and since then, kuroo has been skipping school for three days now because of the ( big ) red swelling on his forehead thanks to the notebook kenma projected at him.
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osakanone · 6 months
Nothing I say is non-fiction; It simply hasn't happened yet. *
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{\_/} Hi, I'm [H]Osaka, ( • . •) ask me a question / >♥️ 𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝗠𝗘, 𝗜'𝗠 𝗔 𝗥𝗔𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗧 ░
Equal parts software shoggoth to seven constant rabbits in a trenchcoat, robot-obsessive, machinefucker, human-factors engineering and I can be trusted around nuclear technology. I effortpost walls of autistic special interest on demand
I also make things:
Game Projects
Project Force: 6dof aerodynamic high speed robot action [ongoing] Inspired by Armored Core For Answer, Freespace 2, Zone of the Enders 2 & Ace Combat 3, this game aims to merge their elements into a high speed mech sim.
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Writing on mecha
The evolution of the walking thing called “mecha"  (original)
Chapter 0: Establishing terminology & Concepts
Part 1: Defining "the mechaness" of something: the 8 principles of mecha Part 2: Feisability: Mecha aren't realistic, but not for the reason you think
Chapter 1: A pathway from today to tomorrow How does "mecha" come into existence/why would you want one?
Part 1: An evolution from ground vehicles of today Part 2: Skating, to walking, to running, to flight Part 3: “Why transform in the vacuum of space?”
Chapter 2: Cockpit & Software Design Control Theory The principles which become my game design
Part 4: On Mecha Control Theory: Considerations Part 4a: On Mecha Control Theory II: OKAWARA Part 4b: On Mecha Control Theory III: TOMINO  Part 4c: On Mecha Control Theory III: NAGANO
The World of Armored Core
An exploration of the world of Armored Core, using research into real phenomenon and engineering systems to infer how the world may itself function
Kojima particle physics (part 1): What are they? Kojima particle physics (part 2): The Human Consequences NEXT cockpit design (part 1): AMS and Lynx NEXT Cockpit Design (Part 2): G-force Tolerance Technocrat is SpaceX, and the legacy of Musk’s father (lmao)
How To Domesticate Your Pilot [ongoing]
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A husbandry guide for handlers, consisting of opinions and thoughts from various trainers and operators, as well as pilots. Includes practices, procedures, articles, stories and snippets.
I'm currently testing the waters with snippets and will likely be posting it out of order. I am extremely hungry for any and all possible feedback
If anybody knows the original source of the image of the eyes (which I first saw in a youtube ad) I'd love to know. I very much would like to commission them.
Inspired by mechposting
Chapter 3: Do not Abuse Your Wolves (Psychological patterning) Part 1: Action patterning (Initial Phases) Part 2: Action Patterning (Risks)
On visual mecha design: My personal thoughts on the assemblies of shape, form in the context of motion, action and function 1. Does anybody else have physical characteristics they find the most appealing? 2. Thoughts on self-altering dynamic form, and proportion designs
I'm not great at it, but I do enjoy doing it
1. The eroticism of the machine: Megastructures 2. Crew Attire for piloting a giant robot (includes #mechposting patch list) 3. Crew attire for things other than piloting a giant robot 4. Beyond pilebunker: The Grind-blade and the legacy of Overweapons 5. FLAT/Touchscreens are an act of hate: I will teach you love 6. You do not need to pick between a big hammer or daggers if you are a robot
Irreverent incorrect nonsense
Loud writing you don't need to read
"I experience depression as a failure of resource allocation systems" Fool!: Your nostalgia isn't real: Your past has been stolen from you! Why Linux diehards are morons, and so are we Lame? Bitch please: Clubbing deserves to go extinct Feeling used: The eternal disappointment of the Sawano Drop Cycles of Nostalgia: Nobody is going to be nostalgic for Corporate Memphis
​Sex-positivity, associations, critical thinking & deradicalization 🇸​​🇮​​🇨​​🇰​​🇧​​🇪​​🇦​​🇹​​🇸​ ​🇹​​🇴​ ​🇸​​🇪​​🇪​​🇰​ ​🇦​​🇳​​🇩​ ​🇩​​🇪​​🇸​​🇹​​🇷​​🇴​​🇾​ ​🇹​​🇴​: A #mechposting playlist [ongoing] Left Hand/Right hand [gone]-- Mechposting vibes soundwall Pixelart: A very silly computer design that makes me smile Sounds for violence: Mecha games vs FPS games
Cohost account
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black-swan-slaps · 1 year
Top 10 Sus Jikook Moments
There are way too many moments to possibly list, but my friend and I thought it would be fun to compile a list of sus jikook moments. 
10. 2021 Jimin Birthday Live
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Cute and flustered Jimin calling Jungkook? Jungkook coming immediately to spend time with his boyfriend? Hobi calling out why Jimin was in Jungkook’s studio? So many questions.
9. 2015 Award Show Back Hug
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Let’s be real, there are plenty of questionable back hug moments, but this one is particularly interesting. The fact that it was so early in their relationship. The fact that it took place at a public award show. The way Jungkook held onto Jimin and how they swayed together. The questionable looks from the other members. I see you jikook, I see you.
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Honorable back hug mention is the BE live and the way Jungkook caged Jimin for an incredibly long time with their matching hair. Exuding boyfriend energy to the max.
8. Cute Feet During PJ Run
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Honestly, this is just one of my favorite moments that makes me feel giddy. How comfortable they are resting on one another. The way they’re playing with their feet. Jimin’s surprised laugh when Jungkook plays along. And let’s not forget the special photo of Jungkook spooning Jimin.
7. “Let me give you a hug” Dance Practice
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Am I the only one who has watched this clip over and over? We get to see how even during work they are always having fun together. But how can we not swoon over Jungkook’s smitten face as Jimin fails to lift him, and the way his smile grows brighter when he lifts Jimin like it’s nothing. Jimin tries to lift him one more time, but fails and instead hugs Jungkook and nuzzles into his neck ever so slightly. 
6. Jungkook’s Snow Gift
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We should all know this moment. Bon Voyage season 4 in New Zealand. This is the beginning of Jungkook really doing whatever the hell he wants, and he disappears one morning to go on a mountain hike and returns with a chunk of snow, much to everyone’s confusion. He specifically waits for Jimin to wake up and excitedly shows and gives it to him. Jimin is, understandably confused, but we all understand the intent.
5. Malta Room Sharing
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I’ll be honest, finding out about this speculation was what thrust me into the world of jikook. (It doesn’t seem to exist anymore, but I had wandered across an analysis video a few years ago). Obviously, we don’t know anything for sure, but there are enough clues here, as well as in many other occasions, that make it possible jikook were room sharing.
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(And let’s not forget their cute Malta date)
4. Osaka Live
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Similar vibe to number 5, but cranked up to 100. I don’t need to go in depth into this, because we all know, but my two cents is that Jimin was in that room. (Just as he hid in Jungkook’s room during the 2019 NJ live). What were they doing in a dark hotel room with sensual music playing? Eating bread, of course.
3. GCF in Tokyo
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Enough said.
2. MAMA 2018
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What I would give to hear everything the man sitting next to them heard. Something was truly in the air that day. They were all over each other and incredibly lovey dovey. While we can’t know for sure what they actually said to each other, the look in Jungkook’s eyes speaks volumes.
1. Rose Bowl
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Are we surprised this is my number 1? There are so many moments that exist, but all jikookers come back to this one. There are so many questions about why. Why nibble the ear? Why confess his love? Why give a kiss? (We all know why). But the emotions are palpable, as they would be at the end of a high intensity concert. Jimin was emotional, and Jungkook went to console Jimin, as we know he usually does. Hanging onto Jimin’s back isn’t out of the ordinary, but Jungkook took it a step further. And put Jimin’s ear in his mouth. My assumption is that he was saying something, but ultimately decided actions would speak louder than words. To be clear, he says something first, pulls back, and then goes back in, catches Jimin’s ear, and then delivers a clear kiss to Jimin’s head. There’s no mistaking it. Jungkook was taking care of his baby. 
Honorable Mentions:
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Rainy day fight
“I was with Jungkook [at 4AM on his birthday]”
That award show moment where Jungkook is singing a love song to Jimin and Jin is staring at them lovingly. (There is a video somewhere, but I can’t find it. Please, someone find it. I think it’s from the melon music awards)
Jungkook waking Jimin up on In the Soop season 2.
Jimin breaking Jungkook’s mosquito net on In the Soop season 1. (And the spooning that occurred the next day.) 
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Black Swan Lift
Honestly, there are too many moments to mention. Please share your top sus moments!
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cachu302 · 5 months
Gotchard and love languages
Watching Gotchard (and being probably one of the very few fans of the show) got me in the mood to do some more character insight and character study. I really enjoy watching how the characters interact with one another, which is easily one of the main strengths of the main writer, Hasegawa. In particular, the smaller moments and scenes stand out to me more than the bigger plot points, though more so for the students than the adults.
Crap, I sound like Kyuun.
Let’s start with the Osaka alchemist, Renge. Renge initially sticks out as a receiving gifts kind of person. She’s very upfront about possessions, seeming very comfortable with asking Houtaro to trade two of her on hand Chemies (Energyl and Sasukemaru, the bois!). When Minato moves to mind wipe his students, Renge’s immediate action after escaping is to start discarding her prized alchemy equipment, as Sabimaru points out. Renge felt happy receiving her alchemist tools, because it meant that she could start making an effort to help her family’s financial situation. But now those tools become a reminder of the state of the academy under Geryon’s control.
Around the time everyone resolves to keep collecting (and saving) the Chemies, Renge’s love language shifts to quality time. Some part of her has realized that she’s happier spending time with Sabimaru, Houtaro, and Rinne, more so than when she was all in on learning how to be a big-shot alchemist. Really, all four members of the Kitchen ICHINOSE Alliance seem to gravitate more towards quality time after they meet Daybreak Houtaro. Beyond that, however, Renge’s character moments become more focused on her bond with the others: how she and Sabimaru planned out extracting and transmuting Zukyunpire’s essence as a counter against the Abyssalis sisters as a way of supporting their Kamen Rider junior students. The Ninetail arc in her grandmother’s hometown really sells how Renge is focusing on spending time with her loved ones. Even when the Kyūbi Malgam unearths the hot springs, Renge focuses on how her grandmother’s town is safe, and that she’s still going to be able to visit her, rather than be like, “My Nana’s hometown can make money!”
In contrast to Renge, Sabimaru starts out as a quality time kind of guy. Given that he’s poor at communication without the help of Isaac, it’s a bit surprising to see that just being around his new junior, Houtaro, is enough to get him excited about Chemy hunting. It’s not about hunting for the Chemies that gets to him, it’s more about how he can now spend time with others who share his interests. And that extends to the Chemies as well. Aside from Houtaro, Sabimaru is easily the next best friend to the Chemies, with how he’s seen playing with them while Houtaro and Rinne are away on their school trip. When he’s invited to the Ichinose Christmas celebration, he bonds with Kajiki about the idea that Santa is an alien. Now he has another friend outside of the academy that he can share interests in.
His brief stint as Dread also further reinforces his need for quality time. The way Sabimaru acts while captured by the Sisters, and his reluctance to fight, despite being strong armed to do so (so much so he breaks his arm trying to resist), it’s clear he misses his classmates. His friends. And when Houtaro saves him with the power of UFO-X, a Chemy he’s been fascinated with, he’s elated. He’s home, he’s back with his friends, he can spend time with them again, he’s not going to die as a pawn of the Sisters. Sabimaru is definitely going to double down on quality time with his friends.
Spanner is a bit difficult to pin down, mainly because he’s a jackass so elusive. Despite that, it feels like Spanner responds more to physical touch, which is ironic, since he keeps everyone at arm’s length. Obviously, he doesn’t make many moves to get to know the rest of the gang, especially Houtaro, but it’s more telling when the only one he really lets in is his mother Kyoka. Kyoka is the only one who is shown to be allowed to invade Spanner’s personal space. When Houtaro offers him a handshake, he brushes him off. When he and Houtaro are duking it out over possession of the Gotchardriver, he’s keeping Houtaro at a distance, only striking him with the bokuto. When he takes over Houtaro’s call to Sabimaru, he basically rips Sabi’s phone from his hands (rude). Even Rinne, who we see he’s making an effort to be cordial to, he avoids contact with. When Bolt has her dangling in the air, Spanner ignores her and goes straight for him.
When his parents are revived, it’s one of the few times Spanner is visibly happy. Full smile and everything, not the arrogant smirk he gives the younger students (Houtaro). While he doesn’t physically interact with them, the implications of his time as Kyoka’s ward really start to sink in. Without his parents to offer him guidance, Spanner will lose himself to his black flames. The flashbacks of his adjustment to living with Kyoka show her hugging him, patting his shoulder in congratulations and encouragement, physically interacting with him. He’s not completely happy with her, but his is better than if he were to be left alone. And especially after he returns as Kamen Rider Valvarad, the first thing Kyoka does? She side-hugs him. Spanner, despite the torment and despairing realization he’ll never see his parents again, is content.
Atropos, Clotho, and Lachesis
All three of the Abyssalis sisters start as receivers of words of affirmation, especially from Geryon. Leading up to his appearance, everything is for HIS plans. They don’t really have any other purpose than to start development on the Dreadriver. However, the creation of Dread isn’t as important to them as gaining Geryon’s approval.
Clotho is the simplest of the sisters, at least at first. Receiving the belly warmer power-up to her is evident that she’s received Geryon’s approval. And that seems to be all she needs. Grabbing the Gotchardriver from Houtaro would grant him access to the Door of Darkness, and further their plans. The process of doing so would easily net her more approval, so she steps up her game to seize power. But then Geryon gets yeeted into the shadow realm disappears, leaving her without purpose. Houtaro’s questioning of her purpose, her Gotcha, makes her realize that she craves approval, but also that she wants to keep her sisters, her family, intact. She craves quality time with Lachesis and Atropos, but her pride and rivalry with Houtaro prevents her from admitting so. And with her recent power up, who would need quality time when she can easily crush her rival?
Atropos is very clear cut from the start. She’s easily Geryon’s favorite, so out the gate she’s the only one receiving praise, apologies, and validation. Her specialty in escalating the situation easily wins her most of Geryon’s approval, so she’s content with keeping the situation as uniform as possible. Unlike Clotho, who basically wallows in uncertainty after his disappearance, Atropos doubles down on the scheming and escalating the situation, imagining herself winning more of Geryon’s affection, likely as a coping mechanism. The incident with Tsukumo could also be her attempt to deprive Rinne of her love language, as revenge for the disappearance of her own parent.
Unlike her sisters, Lachesis has rarely received Geryon’s approval. She’s the only one who doubts his leadership and methods. When Clotho tries to overclock the Dreadriver to take down Gotchard at the likely cost of her own life, Lachesis is visibly scared and worried for her sister, realizing that his plans don’t account for the sisters’ well-being. Upon Geryon’s arrival, he basically HIJACKS her body to be used for the Orochi Malgam, and leaves her defeated and alone, if not for Clotho coming to retrieve her. When Geryon creates the Cerberus Malgam, he doesn’t even bat an eye when Lachesis is thrown aside and injured, and only shows concern for Atropos, leaving the youngest sister bitter and envious. And then the tipping point comes when Geryon targets Spanner. Now Lachesis, having been given the short stick multiple times, bears witness to how truly relentless and unforgiving Geryon truly is. Is she going to be tortured like Spanner? Suddenly validation doesn’t seem so enticing when she’s at the risk of being torn apart in exchange.
Now Lachesis understands the hollowness of Geryon’s approval. Why should she try to receive validation when it’s clear he never cared for her in the first place? Her misgivings are further cemented when her own sisters are ordered to eliminate her. Clotho is hesitant, but Atropos is all in. Now she’s been abandoned, so what else can she do? She flees. Joins up with the Alchemists’ Academy as a ward of Kyoka. Lachesis is not happy, and the only love language she’s ever known now seems hollower than ever.
I won’t go much into Rinne’s analysis since I did that in my last post. But at the very least, it’s obvious that Rinne is recipient to words of affirmation, just like the sisters. Her self-esteem is lower than that of her peers, though that may be the result of her self-isolation and full focus into her studies and alchemy, so it stands to reason that just hearing encouragement from another person (Houtaro) would be enough to make her feel seen, loved, and happy. Like mentioned above, Atropos capitalizes on this with Tsukumo by creating a scenario where Rinne would be unable to receive affirmation from her greatest connection, Houtaro, though this isn’t the case, since Houtaro absolutely trusts Rinne no matter what. In #4, just hearing Houtaro say that he believes her is enough to convince Rinne to escape the labyrinth. Houtaro believes her, believes in her, and is willing to let her know that as much as he can.
A side tangent: as seen in #14, as well as outright stated by Clotho in #27, the Gotchardriver gains power through cheers, encouragement, and belief. As such, it’s probable that the Alchemis Driver works similarly, only the effect is much more noticeable. Before Minato arrives to encourage Rinne, she’s getting easily overwhelmed by the Mammoth Malgam, enough so that her transformation fails. As soon as her teacher arrives and tells her to, “Fight like yourself,” she’s able to overpower the Malagm right back. And with enough encouragement, Majade is able to synergize herself easily with Platinum Gotchard.
The Gotcha boy himself. Houtaro is definitely one of the happier characters on the show, always surrounded by his friends and loved ones, whether they be Chemy or human. So it would stand to reason he’d be the happiest receiving words of affirmation or spending quality time with others. Yes, that’s true, but Houtaro seems to be at his brightest whenever he’s engaging in acts of service. For him, the simple act of helping someone is enough to make him happy. Receiving affirmation and quality time is also important, but to him, they’re more like smaller goals that help him reach the overall larger picture goal. Fighting against Malgams and freeing the Chemies will definitely make the Chemies happy that they are understood and have someone who is so willing to just be their friend, instead of seeing them as tools or freaks of nature. And if there’s someone who’s connected to the Chemy incident of the week? Houtaro makes it his goal to help them as well. Think of Mr. Asahi, who gave up on pro wrestling, only to be able to live his dream again thanks to Houtaro’s intervention. What about Riku, the boy with an overbearing parent? If eliminating the malice in his father’s heart can help resolving things and bring a happy end to all parties, then Houtaro is all for it. A classmate who wants to revive the drama club? Houtaro is willing to take part in the play just to get more students to join. Who cares if they find his acting hokey, or if Rinne s l a p s him in the middle of the show? As long as Mikuriya’s satisfied, then that’s great! Even at the cost of his well-being (fighting monsters) or striving for his Gotcha, Houtaro aims to make people happy.
Because isn’t that what Kamen Riders do?
His cooking skills also point to him favoring acts of service as a love language. Here, he is expressing his appreciation, his acknowledgment, what have you, of the recipient. Of course, since his choice of ingredients is… unique, the response of disgust and/or dismissal (or insults, in Spanner’s case) would be seen as a refusal or a downplay of his act of service. Rinne’s comment of “Something’s off,” followed by his outburst of “No Gotcha!” shows that he’s upset the other person didn’t understand his feelings. Of course, being Houtaro, it’s not enough to make him give up, and instead, he resolves to better next time. And the next time. So on and so forth. Until his feelings are properly conveyed.
TLDR, I love the character interactions in this show, and I’ve spent so much time thinking about it.
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dellalalakang · 2 years
triple n: sunoo cut
masterlist | main masterlist
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italics dialogue = english
how della lost no nut november
contains: mutual masturbation, playful death threats (pls it’s just besties being besties)
"Do you wanna have some ramyeon in my room?" Sunoo asked Della when they were packing up after the concert.
"With Riki?" of course not- Sunoo has ulterior motives.
"No, he wants to do a live later. Probably gonna use Heeseung-hyung's room."
"Ahh okay then. I'll just drop my things off and meet you there," step one; get her alone. Done.
"Woahh, not bad at all," Della looked around the room with raised eyebrows. "Did you clean things up or was it actually this tidy?" she sat down on one of the beds. "It smells really nice too," step two; set the room. Done.
A bit of cleaning, sprayed cologne everywhere, played some nice background music, dimmed the lights. Perfect
"I cleaned things up a bit, but not much at all," he prepared the cup noodles. "And it's the new perfume I bought. Smells so good, right?"
"It really does."
Sunoo had a game plan. He did not want to join in on the dumb triple N challenge like the others, but that did not mean that he didn't make a challenge for himself.
He is not losing his virginity just yet, but he is going to be the one to make Della lose 3N.
"I have some of this if you wanted to give it a try," he took out a can from the fridge. "It's really popular here. Alcohol's at 3% and it's really sweet. It'll taste just like soda."
"Like beer?" she went to stand next to him. "I don't like beer or soda, baby."
"Yeah, but-"
"I'll give it a try. Don't worry," step three; loosen her up a bit. Done.
"Are these sweatpants new? I've never seen you wear them before," she eyed his grey sweatpants.
'Oh right, I forgot about these. Jake said Della loves when we wear these.'
'He told me that there's a trick to create seduction effects with these. Just wearing them isn't enough,' Sunoo recalled.
"Oh I borrowed them from Niki. I'm thinking of getting a pair," she nodded her head slowly.
"You should. Suits you well," forgotten step four which was supposed to be step two; wear grey sweatpants and follow Jake's tip. Done.
"Finished! Do you wanna put something on the TV while we eat?" Sunoo placed the noodles and drinks on the table.
"I'm good. The music's nice," everything is going right so far. "A toast to Osaka?" she raised her can.
"Toast!" he clinked his with hers.
For awhile, nothing much happened afterwards. They chatted while enjoying their food (and Della's tiny sips of her drink) but that was it. It was pretty much like two best friends hanging out instead of a couple.
So Sunoo had to escalate it.
"I just realised your nails are back," he reached to grab her right hand. "How'd they grow so fast?"
"Ah, these two are fake. See?" she showed him the proof. "Got them done just before we came here."
"It's so pretty," he said in his deep voice while stroking the hand lightly.
He could feel her eyes on him, but she remained silent, as if she was admiring him. Step five; get her to get in a makeout mood. Done.
He then slowly raised his eyes to make eye contact without changing his position. The action made Della look away when her cheeks started to tint (even more).
Step six; just fucking go for it.
He grabbed her chin to bring her in for a kiss. Just something slow and soft that leaves room for escalation.
One of her hands went up to Sunoo's cheek and tilted her head to the side. She could feel her heart doing flips when she heard him sigh.
She moved on top of his lap, adding tongue into the mix and hugging him close. There wasn't any grinding involved, but she could definitely feel something poking down there.
"Can I suck you off?" she rested their foreheads together.
"Yeah, but-" he paused a bit to swallow. "I wanna make you feel good, too," he held onto her thighs and carried her to his bed. "Can we?"
Suddenly the fact that it was November completely flew out of Della's mind.
"Of course," and that's how her shorts and panties disappeared.
Sunoo turned the two around so that she was the one on top, and loosened the drawstring of his pants. Della had her lips attached to his neck whilst her hands tried to push down his bottoms. She didn't go far, so he had to remove the rest himself.
"Mmm," her left hand immediately brought itself to the semi-hard-on. She could feel him get more erect as she slowly started pumping. She could feel herself getting wetter, and his beautiful moans only worsened it. 
Della is incredibly fucking horny, she needs stimulation now.
"Sunoo," she almost sounded pathetic, trying to grind onto his bare thigh.
"I'm right here- come here," he breathed out. His hand travelled behind her to reach her heat. He couldn't reach in enough to finger her properly, but he could easily rub her folds.
"Ahh," she let out a high-pitched moan, resting her head on his chest. She adjusted her position so he could actually reach the clit. "Fuck! Right there!" and as always, he could locate himself with ease.
"Go a little faster, darling," he groaned out. "Fuckk, there we go," he whined and used his free hand to pull her in for a kiss.
"Sunoo-ya," she pulled away with a gasp. "More, please."
If he could, he would've kept them in the same position, but since Della wants penetration, he would have to be on top. 
There was a time when they tried mutual masturbation in that exact position, and it did not turn out well.
So that's exactly what he did; he flipped them over again. Wasting no time, he immediately enters two fingers into her wet entrance.
"Sunoo ahh!" she threw her head back and unconsciously pumped faster. Her mouth let out moans after moans, unable to shut up for even a second. "You feel so fucking good!" of course, she never forgets to praise her baby.
Della's head was empty. She could not comprehend how mutual masturbation could feel that good. It felt as if it was her first time.
Suddenly she gave a loud gasp (and one that sober Della would be embarrassed about). The familiar knot in her lower abdomen was building up incredibly quickly, and she knew that she was going to cum any second.
"Are you close?" Sunoo breathed out. If Della's eyes had stayed open, she would have caught the smirk on his face. 
"Yes- please!" her free hand went to cover her mouth.
"Go ahead, you don't need my permission," he leaned down to plant kisses on her neck's sweet spot.
"SHIT! Ahh!" she held his head in place and squeezed her eyes shut. Her pumping hand was getting sloppier but she was trained enough to not stop or accidentally squeeze too hard. "Sunooo!" she cried out as she reached her high.
"Good girl," Sunoo said in a low voice, slowing down and lifting his head up to kiss her lips. He removed his hand to continue playing with her clit lightly. "I'm close too, keep pumping."
Della was still panting hard, but her brain cleared up enough to focus on giving an amazing handjob.
"Agh fuck!" now Sunoo was the one who was slowing down. He was nearing his orgasm, and it was coming fast. "You're so fucking good at this- ahh," his chuckle was cut off by a whine.
"Are you close, darling?" Della grabbed his working hand and rested it on her collarbone. "Relax, let me take care of you."
"So close, Lala. Any second now," his head floated above her chest to hide his face. "FUCK! Shit! I'm cumming!"
"There you go, darling. Good boy," she caressed his hair as ropes of cum spurted on her stomach. "Thank you," he lifted his head up so they could connect their lips.
"Thank you too, darling," he pulled away with a smile. "Let's clean u-" Della's phone suddenly started ringing before Sunoo could finish his sentence. "Go pick that up. I'll clean you up," he gave one last peck and stood up to grab some tissues.
Incoming call: Hubby ❤️
"Hello? Jaeyun?" Della immediately put the call on speaker to not leave Sunoo out, especially after what they just did.
"Uh- Della, where are you?" Jake's voice filled the room. Straight away, Della knew that he was not alone.
"The hotel room.. Why?"
"I'm with Heeseung-hyung, Jay and Sunghoon. We had a little discussion and came to an agreement," Sunoo and eyed each other as the former continued to clean up the mess he made on her abdomen.
"Mhmm?" Sunoo held back a laugh. He knows exactly what face his hyungs are making. 'They're down bad.'
"We decided that our triple N will be a competition on who can get you to lose first," and that's when it hit Della. "'Cause to us, it's just more rewarding," SHE FUCKING LOST NO NUT NOVEMBER.
Her eyes shifted to Sunoo's face in panic, only to find the guy smiling innocently.
'You fucking bitch,' she mouthed, making him look away to avoid laughing out loud.
"Hello?" Jake questioned.
"Jakey, are you on speaker?" Della looked into Sunoo's eyes with rage.
"Yeah, we can hear you," Jay spoke up. 
"Guys... How do I put this..." she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Prepare to get yelled at. "I... lost..."
"WHAT?!" she looked at Sunoo again while mouthing a 'fuck you.'
"Alone?!" Heeseung's voice boomed.
"Uhh..." Sunoo couldn't contain his giggles anymore, leaning against Della's chest.
"Sorry hyungs," he grinned.
"WITH SUNOO?!" "KIM SUNOO?!" "WHAT?!" "SUNOO-YA?!" all four hyuppas said altogether.
"I'm sorry guys but it just sort of... happened.." Della tried to explain. How can she get out of this? "I didn't even realised that I los-"
"Della. My room. Right fucking now," Sunghoon cut off in a dark voice before hanging up.
"KIM SUNOO, YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE?!" Della slammed her phone on the empty bed-space next to her. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" she sent multiple playful hits on his back but kept him on her chest.
"I won 3N!" Sunoo just couldn't stop giggling. "Thank you, darling!" he cuddled into her. "And please don't die tonight! I hope my girlfriend stays in one piece!"
"I'm going to kill you!" she playfully choked him. "I can't believe I lost just like that and with someone who didn't even participate!"
"YAY! I'M THE KING OF NOVEMBER!" Sunoo cheered, unbothered with the hands on his neck.
"RIP Kang Della. Born in Seoul, 2003. Died in Osaka, 2022."
requested: — triple n nsfw ver (part 3/4) — sunoo's triple n cut
taglist: @duolingofanaccount @lalalalawon @clar-iii @deafeningballoonpeach
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roselyn-writing · 10 months
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Harumi Hasashi & Emma Liang HC.
Hello, Dearies! I’ve decided to make Emma Liang and Harumi Rose college students to make them different and unique as possible. Also, Abilities/Powers HC, and why did Harumi get red foxes as pets?
🌻 Harumi was walking in the forest. She saw a band of poachers who wanted to steal the foxes and sell them on the black market.
🌻 Harumi immediately sprang into action and beat the poachers senseless with her magic and martial arts. She didn’t kill them though, she only left them unconscious and adopted the red foxes.
🦊🦊🦊🦊The red foxes followed Harumi to the Shirai Ryu clan As if telling her they owed her their lives and they became her friends.
🦊🦊🦊🦊The foxes include two females and two males, Harumi named the two females Kitsu and Akiko, And the two males Hisoka & Jiro.
🌻 When Harumi entered the Shirai Ryu with foxes, Everyone gasped in shock, Her mother wasn’t shocked or anything she knew Harumi loved foxes.
🔥Hanzo was shocked like the rest too, He was even upset, But he came to accept them as a part of the Shirai Ryu.
🦊🦊🦊🦊 The foxes were quiet and friendly. They weren’t mischievous or aggressive. Or anything. Just Like Harumi hoped them to be.
🌻 Harumi built them a lovely, cozy house for them in her room. And the foxes love it.
🌻⭐️ After Harumi & Emma graduated from their high schools. They immediately applied for college and luckily they were accepted into it.
🌻⭐️ Both Emma and Harumi celebrated this occasion with their families, The Celebration took place in Shirai Ryu Clan, It was hosted by Aliyaa and Selviya
🌻⭐️ Before Harumi and Emma left, Harumi informed her mother to take care of the foxes and Aliyaa nodded.
🌻⭐️ Harumi & Emma packed their stuff to go to Osaka College, The nearest and most prestigious college.
🌻⭐️ Before leaving for college, Their families bid them goodbye, Harumi and Emma went to college after that.
🔥🖤Hanzo and Aliyaa miss Harumi dearly as Kuai Liang and Selviya miss Emma.
🌻⭐️Luckily, Harumi & Emma happen to be in the same dorm too, They are roommates now.
🌻⭐️ Harumi wants to be a history teacher while Emma wants to learn Japanese.
🌻⭐️ In the first week of college, Harumi and Emma become the popular girls in college, Every boy wants to date them.
🌻⭐️Harumi and Emma are always elegant and fashionable girls. They even take part in college parties and activities, and they are super active and beneficial in doing so, Thus, They were dubbed ‘Bee Queens’ by the male students.
🌻⭐️Emma and Harumi are straight A’s students.
🌻⭐️ Both Harumi and Emma are elegant women, Strong, Smart, and Beautiful.
🌻⭐️Harumi & Emma always stay in contact with their parents via Zoom.
🌻⭐️Emma had trouble learning Japanese so Harumi always helped her, In return, Emma teaches Harumi Chinese and Cantonese. Emma is very influential in Chinese and Cantonese.
🌻⭐️ Harumi and Emma are in the same classes too.
🌻⭐️ On holidays, Harumi & Emma go shopping.
🌻⭐️ Emma once told Harumi a weird guy was watching them, Harumi immediately brushed this matter aside and told Emma to pay no mind to him and to stay vigilant when going outside.
🌻⭐️Emma listens to Harumi and stays vigilant when going outside, But her intuition tells her to be careful and stay away from that guy.
🌻⭐️ Emma and Harumi practiced magic since they were young girls and they mastered it. Harumi mastered her fire abilities while Emma mastered her Cryomancy and Celestial magic.
⚫️ The weird guy who had been watching them was none other than Reiko. He wants to collect the kamidogus, He found out the identities of those two women, And he has a malicious plan to achieve his goal.
⚫️ Reiko knew that Harumi was the daughter of Hanzo & Aliyaa, While Emma was the daughter of Kuai Liang and Selviya.
⚫️ He also noted they are no easy prey, They mastered magic and martial arts, So, He would capture them where they least expected it
⚫️ Reiko is a cunning jerk, He shapeshifted himself into a faculty member of the college, And started to teach in Harumi and Emma's class. His professor's identity is Mr. Furukawa.
⚫️He noted this would be the perfect plan to earn their trust and trap them.
⚫️Reiko also noticed that Harumi and Emma are one of the 7 elements, Harumi represents Fire, while Emma represents the Light, The other elements are unknown but he will find them, He also noticed that Harumi is blessed by Amaterasu: The deity of fire and light.
⚫️Reiko is doing an excellent work as their professor. He was teaching the class in his unique way.
- All the students in the college love Professor Furukawa/Reiko. Unfortunately, Harumi and Emma too.
⚫️Reiko is an excellent schemer, So he didn’t try to get close to Harumi and Emma, He earned their trust and that’s enough.
⚫️In Reiko’s office; He has an ancient map of elements that will lead him to the Kamidogus.
🌻Harumi once dreamed of a strange man, A Man with fair skin, a bulky build, weird black markings on his eyes, and black hair with slicked back faux hairstyle. He wore spiky shoulder pads, His chest is semi-naked with only leather straps with a skeleton logo and it's linked to his shoulder pads. The man looked menacing and evil.
🌻Harumi woke up with a scream, scaring Emma in the process.
“Harumi! What’s wrong?” Emma asked with a concerned tone as she came to Harumi.
🌻Harumi wiped the sweat from her brow, she immediately drank a glass of cold water.
“I… I had a scary dream.” Harumi mumbled. Her tone broke. She cannot forget the white rheumy lifeless eyes of Reiko’s.
She knew who is Reiko. And they need to be vigilant and aware.
“Emma!” Harumi suddenly called. “Remember when you said you saw a guy watching us?”
- Emma immediately nodded. “Yeah, I do and he disappeared out of a sudden,” Emma said, while crossing her arms.
🌻Harumi is shocked. She seemed terrified but she calmed herself and pulled herself.
“Emma! That’s Reiko!” Harumi declared her tone was obnoxious and urgent.
“What!” Emma blurted loudly. “No way!”
Harumi nodded. “It’s him,” Harumi muttered.
“We need to be careful, then,” Emma said in a serious tone.
“We definitely need to,” Harumi uttered with urgency. Yet Harumi and Emma don’t know where Reiko is. They are trying to find him and stop him.
⚫️ Reiko knew that Harumi had psychic abilities because of her mother, Aliyaa, He knew Harumi was vigilant and careful. So, He needed to be careful and delicate in his mission.
⚫️However, Reiko used his magic to shapeshift between his real identity and fake one. He masterfully tricked Harumi and Emma and earned their trust.
⚫️Reiko still didn’t reveal himself to Harumi and Emma. He will do it at the right time.
🌻Harumi and Emma enjoy Mr Furukawa’s class so much. He has a charismatic character and he can get everyone's attention immediately.
⚫️🌻 Unfortunately, Reiko took a liking to Harumi and he vowed he’d never harm her or kill her. He will keep her safe and teach her all he knows.
⚫️No one knows why Reiko is after the elementals. Or what are his goals in acquiring them? It is a secret he only knows.
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iirulancorrino · 1 year
Movies that attempt something different, that recognize that less can indeed be more, are thus easily taken to task. “It’s so subjective!” and “It omits a crucial P.O.V.!” are assumed to be substantive criticisms rather than essentially value-neutral statements. We are sometimes told, in matters of art and storytelling, that depiction is not endorsement; we are not reminded nearly as often that omission is not erasure. But because viewers of course cannot be trusted to know any history or muster any empathy on their own — and if anything unites those who criticize “Oppenheimer” on representational grounds, it’s their reflexive assumption of the audience’s stupidity — anything that isn’t explicitly shown onscreen is denigrated as a dodge or an oversight, rather than a carefully considered decision. A film like “Oppenheimer” offers a welcome challenge to these assumptions. Like nearly all Nolan’s movies, from “Memento” to “Dunkirk,” it’s a crafty exercise in radical subjectivity and narrative misdirection, in which the most significant subjects — lost memories, lost time, lost loves — often are invisible and all the more powerful for it. We can certainly imagine a version of “Oppenheimer” that tossed in a few startling but desultory minutes of Japanese destruction footage. Such a version might have flirted with kitsch, but it might well have satisfied the representational completists in the audience. It also would have reduced Hiroshima and Nagasaki to a piddling afterthought; Nolan treats them instead as a profound absence, an indictment by silence. That’s true even in one of the movie’s most powerful and contested sequences. Not long after news of Hiroshima’s destruction arrives, Oppenheimer gives a would-be-triumphant speech to a euphoric Los Alamos crowd, only for his words to turn to dust in his mouth. For a moment, Nolan abandons realism altogether — but not, crucially, Oppenheimer’s perspective — to embrace a hallucinatory horror-movie expressionism. A piercing scream erupts in the crowd; a woman’s face crumples and flutters, like a paper mask about to disintegrate. The crowd is there and then suddenly, with much sonic rumbling, image blurring and an obliterating flash of white light, it is not. For “Oppenheimer’s” detractors, this sequence constitutes its most grievous act of erasure: Even in the movie’s one evocation of nuclear disaster, the true victims have been obscured and whitewashed. The absence of Japanese faces and bodies in these visions is indeed striking. It’s also consistent with Nolan’s strict representational parameters, and it produces a tension, even a contradiction, that the movie wants us to recognize and wrestle with. Is Oppenheimer trying (and failing) to imagine the hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians murdered by the weapon he devised? Or is he envisioning some hypothetical doomsday scenario still to come? I think the answer is a blur of both, and also something more: In this moment, one of the movie’s most abstract, Nolan advances a longer view of his protagonist’s history and his future. Oppenheimer’s blindness to Japanese victims and survivors foreshadows his own stubborn inability to confront the consequences of his actions in years to come. He will speak out against nuclear weaponry, but he will never apologize for the atomic bombings of Japan — not even when he visits Tokyo and Osaka in 1960 and is questioned by a reporter about his perspective now. “I do not think coming to Japan changed my sense of anguish about my part in this whole piece of history,” he will respond. “Nor has it fully made me regret my responsibility for the technical success of the enterprise.” Talk about compartmentalization. That episode, by the way, doesn’t find its way into “Oppenheimer,” which knows better than to offer itself up as the last word on anything. To the end, Nolan trusts us to seek out and think about history for ourselves. If we elect not to, that’s on us.
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