#Love comes in many forms and we're all annoying so it's okay
lvrdrafts · 10 months
Rescued by Love Part 1
★ Summary: Your brother Steve always hated you after your mother's death and when he finally gets the family's empire he is ready to sell you off to some toxic marriage but will the knight and shining armor save you or make it worse?
★ Pairing: Bucky x f!Reader
★ Warnings: Arranged Marriage
★ Word Count: 2,000+
★ Genre: Angst/ Fluff
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From the moment you took your first breath, you carried the weight of a past you didn't fully understand. It was a past overshadowed by the loss of your mother – a loss that your older brother, Steve, held against you.
As far back as you can remember, there was always a palpable tension in the air whenever you were around Steve. His eyes held a mixture of resentment and sorrow, a constant reminder of the day your mother's life slipped away while giving birth to you. A day that, in his eyes, marked the beginning of his own torment.
Your father, desperate to mend the frayed threads of your family, tried tirelessly to bridge the gap between you two. He believed that time and shared experiences could heal the wounds that festered beneath the surface. But no matter his efforts, Steve's heart remained encased in ice, his bitterness toward you seemingly unbreakable.
15 years later...
The air was alive with the beat of the music and the laughter among the people at the lively party. Steve and Bucky stood by the refreshments table, each holding a drink and engaged in a casual conversation
"So, have you talked to Sarah lately?" Bucky asked, leaning against the table. Steve shrugged, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Yeah, we caught up yesterday. She's doing okay, just busy with school and all."
Bucky chuckled, nudging Steve playfully. "You know, I think she's got a crush on you." Steve's cheeks flushed slightly, and he rolled his eyes. "Come on, Bucky. We've been friends forever. It's not like that."
As they continued chatting, you stood at a distance, watching them with a mix of envy and loneliness. You'd always felt like an outsider, never quite fitting in with the crowd.
Seeing Steve and Bucky laughing together only accentuated your isolation. Summoning up your courage, you decided to approach them. You took a deep breath and walked over, hoping to join the conversation and maybe finally feel like you belonged somewhere.
"Hey, guys," you greeted softly, a small smile on your face. Steve and Bucky turned their attention toward you, their expressions changing ever so slightly. Steve's smile faded, and his brows furrowed as if he was annoyed by your presence. Bucky knew how this would end and a part of him felt bad.
"What do you want?" Steve snapped, you'd heard that tone so many times. But still, you were taken aback by his sharpness, and you stumbled over your words.
"I just thought... I mean, I don't really know anyone here, no one really wants to talk to me... and I thought maybe I could join you guys."
Bucky shot Steve a sidelong glance, his eyes silently questioning the change in his friend's demeanor. Steve's lips twisted into a bitter smile.
"We're not in the mood for your company. Just go find someone else to annoy." Bucky shot Steve a look, clearly taken aback by his friend's harsh tone. "Steve, come on."
Ignoring Bucky's protest, you felt a lump forming in your throat. "Please I promise I won't bother you and-and I—"
Cutting you off, Steve's frustration boiled over. "Well, maybe you should've thought twice before showing up. People like you shouldn't be at parties like this."
Your heart plummeted, a mix of hurt and humiliation washing over you. Swallowing hard, you turned and hurriedly walked away, tears stinging your eyes. You found a quiet corner where you could be alone and tried to hide your face as you wiped away your tears.
As you huddled there, Bucky's voice reached your ears. "Was that really necessary, Steve?" Steve's response was cold and unapologetic.
"Yeah, it was. She's always been nothing but trouble, if it wasn't for her I would have still had my mother."
Bucky sighed, a mixture of disappointment and frustration in his voice. "You still didn't have to be so harsh. She's just a kid who wants some friends. You don't have to be an ass about it."
Steve shrugged, a stubborn set to his jaw. "She needs to know her place."
7 years later...
The corridors of the mansion stretched out before you, each step echoing the weight of my uncertainty. Ever since your father had succumbed to Alzheimer's and the grip of illness, Steve had ascended as the new head of your family's sprawling mafia empire.
It was a shift that had altered the dynamics of your life in ways you couldn't have imagined. With hesitant determination, you made my way toward Steve's office, a heaviness in my chest that seemed to grow with each passing moment.
Even if he didn't love you, you were still determined to try even if it would take a million years so like every day you brought him lunch even though you knew he was probably going to reject it.
As you approached the slightly afar door, fragments of conversation reached my ears, stealing my breath away. "...marrying her off to Jason Storm," Steve's voice cut through the air, a sentence that hit like a sledgehammer to your heart.
Jason Storm – a name that carried a reputation that curdled your stomach. A man who was known for his cruelty, a vicious cycle of abusing his wives. The realization struck you like a bolt of lightning – your life, your choices, was being manipulated for the sake of getting rid of you.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you stumbled away from the door, your world crumbling around you. The bitterness of the truth tasted like betrayal, a sharp reminder that in this world of shadows and secrets, your well-being mattered little in the grand scheme of things.
You found yourself outside, the cool air doing little to quell the turmoil within you. The weight of your emotions was suffocating, and the façade you had tried to maintain for so long was crumbling. Your sobs echoed through the empty corridor as you leaned against the wall, your heart aching for the love and compassion you had always hoped to find within your own family.
Amidst the darkness of my despair, a voice cut through the haze – a voice you recognized as James Barnes, a name that held a sense of familiarity and warmth. "You can't do this, Steve." Bucky's words were fierce, laden with conviction.
His presence was a surprise, a glimmer of hope in the darkness that had enveloped you. You wiped your tears away as you listened intently, your heart pounding in your chest. "Why not?" Steve's voice was tinged with a coldness that had become all too familiar. "Because it's wrong, Steve. You can't marry her off to a man like Jason Storm. You know what he does to his wives,"
Bucky's words were like a lifeline, a lifeline that you had never expected to find. Steve's retort was sharp, but Bucky's resolve didn't waver. "You want to marry her, then?" At that moment, you felt a spark of something deep within you, a flicker of hope that perhaps someone was willing to stand up for you, to see you as more than just a pawn in a dangerous game.
Bucky's voice held a determination that cut through the tension. "No, that's not what I meant." And then the words that would change everything hung in the air – words that carried a mix of motives that I couldn't fully comprehend.
"Actually, I will," Bucky declared. But in Bucky's heart, he didn't want to marry you, but marrying you would be a disguise for his parents to stop nagging him while he was off with whores.
As the weight of the conversation continued to hang heavy in the air, the office door swung open, revealing Steve and Bucky. You sat there, tears glistening in your eyes, vulnerable in your moment of despair. Steve's scowl deepened as his eyes met yours, and without a word, he turned and walked away, leaving you to wrestle with your emotions alone. Bucky; however, spared you a quick smile before quickly following Steve.
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fictionwomenlover · 8 months
Arlecchino x Y/N. Y/N uses she/her pronouns!!
"Y/n, it seems like you don't understand." Arlecchino clenched her teeth. "Lust is all that love is. I have nothing to commit for. I don't have time to squander on showing you "love" since I am too busy taking care of my children and my subordinates. You are no longer necessary to me, I am exhausted, and I have already obtained what I've desired from you. This is where we're ending it." All Y/N can do is look at her in agony, unable to speak since her lips is unable to form words. With her expression emotionless, Arlecchino doesn't even feel bad about fooling Y/n and giving her false hope despite the fact that Y/N placed her faith in her... supposed lover.
"Arlecchino…Really? Really???" On the corner of y/n's eyes, thick tears began to form. "What in the world was I thinking? I should have paid more attention to Childe when he said that you often sleep with other women. I wrongly thought he was making a joke."
"Well, he's most definitely not." Arlecchino said, leaning against a wall, crossing her arms, and smirking a little. "They understand not to hang around for too long in my presence, though, as it's a one-time event. I wish you were the same. I thought that ending things would be ideal for us both because you've been really annoying lately as well. You were obviously just a fuck partner." Arlecchino said, trying not to gulp while staring dead into Y/N's eyes.
Many questions lingered in Y/N's mind. "so why would you stay with me for a year if you wanted nothing to do with me and only saw me as a fuck partner in the first place?"
"Oh, I just didn't want to upset your sensitive self."
Tears fell and began to trickle down her cheeks. She was on the edge of losing it, but Arlecchino might make fun of her if she did. She then composed herself and spoke.
"Okay, we're ending it here then," y/n sighed. "I appreciate you taking up my time, Arlecchino. Perhaps you could find a woman to satisfy your lust or...whatever." Y/n then left the house, making no attempt to come back ever again.
After a while, Arlecchino broke her mask, her face now dejected. In fact, none of what she stated was true. Since she can't give Y/N enough time or communicate much with her lover, Arlecchino has always believed that she is always harming her. She made it clear to Y/N that she wanted to break up, but because Y/N constantly provided her chances, the harbinger decided that lying ruthlessly would be the best course of action. "I apologize, y/n. It's better this way, I think. In order for you to be happier… so I could quit fretting and always second-guessing myself if I'm a good partner for you."
After two weeks, Arlecchino would still see Y/n on the streets of Fontaine, but the Harbinger would just turn away from her even if Y/n was still glancing in Arlecchino's direction. Another instance in which they crossed paths was when Arlecchino went for a stroll with her "children" to the fresh markets and happened to run into a young woman, who happened to be y/n. Y/n was taken aback, made an effort to remain composed, and offered an apology, but the taller white haired woman snapped. "Why must I see your face everywhere," she grumbled. "Please quit bumping into me, it's really annoying." On the inside, though, Arlecchino was at least glad that she could glimpse her former flame again for a little while before turning away.
She was doing a good job of avoiding and covering her face with a mask on, the fine harbinger thought, until one day one of her "children", Lyney, muttered to himself, "I miss mother." Even though Arlecchino was devastated to hear that, she understood that the two of them would benefit from the separation.
One day in the evening, Arlecchino was strolling along a route by the court building in the evening when she noticed bloodstains in the water close to the sidewalks. "Whoever killed someone and then thought it would be a good idea to hide their body here...?" The Knave mumbled to herself. After making sure it was evident that no one was observing her, she turned to approach it. Her heart was racing unnaturally quickly, and she had no idea why she was so anxious. That is, until she notices the bracelet on the wrist of the corpse. "That is..." the expensive sapphire jewelry she got y/n on their sixth month anniversary. As soon as she got closer to examine the corpse, the Harbinger felt numb and only stared at it with full shock.
"No," the knave said, shaking her head. "No, this… I simply happened to run across you a few days ago. This, this could not be…" She was holding her dead girlfriend tenderly in her arms and tears were streaming out of Y/N's eyes as her cold body lays still. After gazing at her body for a while, Arlecchino gave it a gentle embrace and began to cry as she realized that Y/N had died believing that the taller woman had only ever used her body and had never loved her as a whole.
"..wake up… GET BACK TO ME, Y/N." The harbinger shook the icy body and yelled. "Forgive me… I have always loved you and I still do. I...I was lying, I never cheated on you, you always have had my heart, Y/N. Could you please get back to me...?" Holding the young woman she has always loved, Arlecchino broke down in tears, staring up at the rainy sky and chanting "I'm sorry, Y/n", "Forgive me", "Please come back".
After a while, walking in the pouring rain, the knave carried the body with her, weighed down with guilt. "I should have stayed," she spoke to herself. "I'm so stupid to leave you to grieve alone; I can't do anything without you. I'll never be able to forgive myself for this, Y/N... I should have put in more effort for us. My darling, I hope you understand how irreplaceable you are."
Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to part ways after all.
Author's note : HIII EVERYONE I haven't wrote a fanfiction for so long </3 I'm ngl I'm still a bit shitty in English Grammar so I'm very sorry if some of the paragraphs don't make sense at all :( I had a headache reading my own blog post LMFAO
but anyways I really hope you guys enjoy!! I've been focusing a lot with life as well lately, I'm trying to earn some money online so wish me luckkk <33
(I wrote an Arlecchino fanfic down because im so obsessed with her now like I literally came back to genshin because of her AAAA)
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stitching-in-time · 11 days
Voyager rewatch s2 ep23: The Thaw
I'll come right out and say it, this is one of the dumbest episodes of Star Trek I've ever seen. Seriously, why do we dunk on Threshold or Move Along Home when this exists??
The opening scene with Tom and Harry hanging out and chatting in Harry's quarters is the most interesting thing that happens in the whole episode- we learn that sound travels easily through walls in the crew quarters, which must have caused a lot of drama on the ship that probably would have been juicier than half the plots of actual episodes lol.
This episode wants so desperately to be psychological horror, but this circus, that’s supposed to be so menacing, is just like, mildly wacky?? And every time they try to kill someone, whatever device they use is painted literal Barbie pink, so it's a little hard to be terrified when the threat being posed is 'oh no! we're caught in a virtual reality simulation with Barbie's Dream Guillotine!' lmao
And the PLOT HOLES! PLOT HOLES EVERYWHERE!! Why does the clown kill off the people if he needs them to survive?! He won’t let them go, but he’ll kill them willy-nilly?? What?? That doesn't make any sense. And if the people know they’re in virtual reality, why would being virtually guillotined scare them at all, let alone enough to give them heart attacks??? And why do they not just kill the clown?!? Why don’t the Voyager people just kill the clown?!? He’s not a real person, he’s a computer program, you’re not even killing an actual life form- problem solved!!!  (Also, the evil clown is supposed to read people's minds, and says that Harry misses Libby, but the first scene had Harry telling Tom he's been seeing the lieutenant Tom's been trying to date for six months- clearly he doesn't miss Libby that bad lol. And clearly Tom got over Kes pretty quickly too! It's like Star Trek: High School on that ship!)
We do learn that Harry Kim's parents are apparently civilian doctors, so that's kinda interesting I guess. (I felt very sorry for the baby they uesd for baby Harry though- poor kid seemed terrified of all the weird masks and makeup everyone was wearing. This episode is scary if you're a two year old, but if you're older than that, not so much.)
And why is the evil clown Michael McKean?! Hiring a comedian, and a well known one at that, to play a character who's supposed to be scary, is... a choice. Mostly he was just annoying more than anything else. (And I do like Michael McKean in comedy roles. In fact, I just watched the movie 'Earth Girls Are Easy' the other day, where he played a surf bum, so it was even harder to take him seriously with that movie in mind- although, I will say, that movie is a great example of how to make someting so over-the-top bad that it's actually good- this ep did not even come close to achieving that, unfortunately.) I just.... I have so. many. questions.
The ONLY scary thing in this entire episode is Captain Janeway at the end. When she does that lowered voice, with the simmering wrath underneath, and then the gleeful triumph of watching some idiot realize they just got played?? Ugh. MA'AM. WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE THIS HOT?!
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It’s like wow, okay bad guys, she’s gonna end you, and you will probably die in some kind of strange state of beatific awe at the sheer majestic honor of having your ass handed to you by this badass queen. I love her so much!! Anyway, I give this episode zero stars from a story standpoint, but ALL THE STARS for Captain Janeway’s hotness and badassery in the final scene.
Tl;dr: A complete dud on every level, only worth watching for the fun of the first and last scenes.
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ablobwhowrites · 2 years
splat comforts: a long day
splat comforts: a long day
(non yandere) head canons of the Splatoon idols or other characters that might come in this series making food after you had a long day and I will make a yandere version don't worry:) and sorry if I used the same color Tumblr don't give me much options and yes I'm working on your guys request and adding some new yandere's to the field. But you can request this series call 'splat comforts' and request it to be yandere or non yandere so yeah👍
Callie can cook but ...she can't really pay attention very well as she gets easily distracted so she goes to marie to cook as Callie has many games for you and her to play, and has Marie join as you too play doom eternal and lay in bed when there's no songs needing to be recorded or sung so Marie and Callie just lay in bed as you sleep after a good meal and a good game
Marie kinda takes care of everything after you called her about the bad day, so she went to the store and to crusty sean to get some snacks for you to enjoy while watching movie. And gets dinner ready and when you two eat she listens to you vent about stuff that happens, you too rant about your days as it's a healthy thing to listen to your partners about things that happened, then when it's night she puts in movies and borrows the games that Callie borrowed form her but forgot to give back. And just cuddle as a movie plays in the background then Callie ends up in the cuddle session because either she couldn't find a stuffed animal she like to sleep with or just wants to cuddle.
Pearl knows how to cook, she cooks for you and marina cause when you joined their relationship she kinda thought it was her responsibility to cook cause marina deals with music and publishing costs and you deal with other stuff to earn extra money and pearl kinda calls Marie to see if she can borrow a cook book and stuff then it just ends up with Marie coming over to show pearl how to cook. Pearl is shockingly good at baking as she sees marina always eyeing sweets in splatsville shops and how you kinda pick up mixing powder and look at cookies, cakes, cupcakes and candy. Pearl may not know how to make candy but she can definitely bakes. Marina comes home first and likes to take pictures of pearl mid cooking and not the food when it's done cause pearl gets annoyed when the food is hot but it gets cold cause of the pictures. Pearl asks marina if she can help with a little thing when you come back from work and when you come back you see food hot a ready on the coffee table with a movie ready to be played and pearl in pj's with marina
Marina knows a little about cooking but pearl mainly does the cooking as marina does have a lot on her plate too, and after dinner was ready you came in tired but smelling pearls food you decide to eat then go to bed for the next day and marina decided to go out and get some stuff at the splatsville mall getting some games, clothes and movies. Coming home you'd see that pearl or any of her food ready on the table but just thinking they had a concert and we're tired so taking off your coat and shoes walking to your shared bedroom and shocked to see a little fort on the bed as a movie about to begin with pearl and marina in pj's about to eat with one plate of food not touched and ready to eat, while after eating and watching movies the three of you fall asleep cuddling as tomorrow marina called in your work for a sick day
Frye, shiver, big man (disclaimer big man isn't in a romantic relationship with shiver or Frye but is their as kinda a emotional and friend support and big man likes to be their with his gay friends but I don't write for female reader, only gender neutral and male okay?)
frye makes traditional foods and loves cooking as she gets some foods from other countries as she loves to travel and making the food makes her feel like she's traveling all over again, and seeing you stress as you come back home Frye immediately asks what’s wrong and when she heard your whole day she became sad at how hard you’ve been working even though she is a idol in splatsville she understands you wanting to help out a little so she gets her lover shiver to help with your self care week and big man in on it too. Shiver orders some spa and other thing that are needed for a self care week they go into the bedroom and making the bed as comfortable as possible before you get home setting up things in the bathroom to either a shower or a full blown bath as they like to prepare for both and gets in comfortable clothes as do Frye and big man just puts on fuzzy socks with a little nightcap but depends . Big man do as he might...can't cook but doesn't stop him from trying but Frye got the cooking down as shiver alright has the self care preparations down to a T, so big man waits till you get home kinda helps you with your stuff and sense he's big, fyre tells big man to kinda distract you as Frye gets the plates off food and stuff up into the room and big man is good at it then fyre kinda gives the signal and big man just scoops you up and carries you to the room and the four of you kinda just have a fun time watching movies and doing shivers face mask and after y'all lay down on big man and big man puts his big fins as a big blanket to keep him and the three of you warm
(IM SO SORRY BROS, IVE BEEN SO BUSY BUT IM WORKING ON THE REQUESTS AND OF YOU STILL GOT SOME PLEASE SEND THEM FOR ME TO DO LATER CAUSE MY WRITING ADDICTION...an I'll do thsi as. A series of y'all want just request for certain ones if you want -from blobs)
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yeoyeos · 2 years
Wooyoung as a boyfriend [smut,fluff]
warnings: fluff nd smut are separated so you have choices,woo bites but we're not surprised,switch!woo,bondage,impact play,choking
lmk if i missed anything
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fluff -
he bites
he's not shy at all
he will bite you 2 days after you meet him 
he may seem a little annoying at first but you'll warm up to him 
he's charming 
he does nice things for you when he's not annoying you 
you'll come to learn that he bites as a form of affection 
the best at surprises 
surprise dates 
surprise parties
surprise anniversaries for the first time he bit you 
he'd be saying "i love you" before y'all even get together 
always calling you baby and honey 
he's a lunatic 
who will fight you 
tackles you all the time so be prepared
also screams really loudly in your ears lmao
but it'll end with both of you in a weird position cuddling 
playing games or watching spongebob 
either/or i kid you not 
if you get hurt physically, even if it's a scratch 
he'll act like you're getting a heart attack 
he'll take care of you like a child 
probably even give you a juice box and carry you around all day  
if you get hurt emotionally he'll be there 
a literal shoulder to cry on 
he'd rest you on his shoulder and link your arms while you cry
holding a tissue box too
orders food and binges a mini series with you
after a while he'd threaten whoever did this to you 
if it's a death he'd probably threaten god or something 
and try to make you laugh to distract you for as long as possible 
won't leave your side unless he knows you're okay 
refuses to be too emotional in front of you 
doesn't want you to think he's a cry baby
but once you assure him it's okay the flood gates break 
he's crying about his issues and about how much he loves you 
he'd end up falling asleep from experiencing too many emotions at once
so you just sleep wherever you are cuz he's definitely on top of you and you can't move 
doesn't get jealous easily 
only if you so much as glance at any other passing being  
m telling you he's always asking you if you love san more than him 
cuz when he brings san over to hang out with him both of you spend time together than with him
that's what he believes at least 
it's all jokes but be pretends to be serious so you can give him
reassuring kisses 
you will have to tell him he's cute 
and when he's dressed up for photo shoots etc. tell him he's sexy 
he loves that sm and he deserves it tbh 
praise him for his singing and dance skills and he'll melt  
poke and kiss his little mole on his face pls <3
smut -
switch sub lean 
we all know this 
brattiest mf to ever walk this earth  
WILL give you hell 
you have to be REAL good at brat taming to deal with this motherfucker 
loves bondage and impact play 
like tie him up and overstim him and he's good to go tbh 
once you crack him he begs 
begs for dear life 
has an urge to be fucked 
but the other 37% of the time he's domming is  
like he goes all in
he's a brat while domming too
he's not giving you what you want 
his resolve while domming is really good tbh 
will tease you for an entire hour and not do shit for 2 days 
he wants you to beg 
beg and beg and beg
until you break
and the he'd give you what you want 
choking included always 
his dream is to be tied up to a chair and blindfolded with a vibrator on or in him 
he wants to do the same to you tbh 
his experiences are your experiences 
who's that 
he's out like a bat during the day  
like there's no stopping that 
unless he went super hard on you 
THEN he'd run a bath and stuff 
but if not then you're left to your own devices bro😭
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ateez masterlist
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laythestar · 1 year
We're just having a good time darling
Author's note: Hii! English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.
Words: 423.
You were shaking with rage.
  It was all Sirius Black fault, I mean, he thought it was a great idea to prank the slytherins and somehow you were tossed in this mess. And because of that Professor McGonagall gave you and him detention for three weeks.
  The worst of all was the fact that Potter didn’t even get detention, somehow making the Professor think that he didn’t have any involvement with the said prank. Making you want to choke him with your own hands, because it was obviously a lie, but in the end Professor McGonagall believed him.
   So now you were cleaning the cauldrons from the potions class with the insufferable Sirius Orion Black.
“Come on, it’s not that bad. I don’t even know why you’re so mad.” Sirius said smiling,
 You rolled your eyes and continued to clean the cauldron, ignoring him.
“Are you really going to ignore me, darlin’?”
“Don’t call me darling.” You answered dryly.
“She talks!” He exclaimed, laughing.
  You ignored him, it made you think why so many girls were so in love with a guy so annoying like Sirius. I mean, he was always pranking everyone along with his friends and getting a lot of detentions. 
“So darlin’, what are you gonna do on the weekend?” Sirius asked, looking at you with interest at the same time he was cleaning one of the cauldrons.
“It’s none of your business.” You answered looking at him.
  Normally you didn’t respond to people with rudeness, but he was the reason you were in the detention. You; who never pulled pranks on anyone, who preferred to be with your group of friends over to cause mischief. 
“Come on, don’t be like that, look, I’m sorry okay?” He said coming closer to you. “I didn’t mean to involve you in my prank, and if I could make you not have to be in detention I would.”
 He sound so sincere, making you sigh and nod your head at him.
“I accept your apologies. But please, don’t involve me in this the next time you pull a prank.” You said and Sirius smiled.
“Well, what do you think about me taking you to hogsmeade on the weekend?” He asked taking your hand in his.
“I don’t know…”
“Think of this as a form to apologize to you.” He insisted. “Pretty please?”
  You chuckle at his antics. “Alright, I will go with you.”
“Yes! You would love!” He exclaimed.
  Something in you told that you wouldn’t regret going out with Sirius Orion Black.
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pecanwriter · 8 months
Very Uncool Love Story (MPREG, WG story)
Themes: M/M MPREG romance between a fat librarian and a disabled punk musician
Words: 2863
Part: 1/?
Connected to this drawing, although we're a long way away from this happening!
Larry let out a groan, dropping his hands helplessly at his sides. He stared down at his protruding gut accusingly. No matter how often he attended the gym or watched what he ate, ever since he turned thirty-five his waistline seemed to be expanding simply from his existence alone. In the last two years since he crossed the thirty-five threshold, his so-called waist had positively turned into a pot belly. Okay, he had to be honest with himself, since Cyberpunk 2077 came out he neglected his gym attendance and it definitely contributed to the further expansion of his blubber. And so now, to his dismay, his good dress trousers didn’t fit anymore. He let out another groan, realising that he had no choice but to go to one of the places every self-proclaimed nerd hated more than anything; the shopping centre. The worst part was that since the birthday party for his brother-in-law was happening at six, he had no time to procrastinate.
Squirting some toothpaste onto his brush he looked at himself in the mirror and grimaced. The beard he attempted to grow in order to hide his slowly forming double chin was coming in more patchy than he would’ve liked, but on the bright side, he was surprised to discover there was still more ash blonde in his beard than grey, unlike the hair on his head. Larry was mildly annoyed that he was genetically cursed both with a pot belly and premature greyness. He started getting grey in his mid-twenties, which was the beginning of the end he did not anticipate in time to start dyeing his hair to cover it up. Now, after so many years, it would just look stupid. And so Larry didn’t have much choice but to embrace the image of a grey-haired, fat librarian. He supposed it could’ve been worse, although at that moment he struggled to think how.
“Okay, Marshall, you can do this,” Larry muttered to himself, staring into his own green eyes in the rearview mirror for a moment. Gathering as much strength as he could, he finally got out his car where it was parked in the shopping centre parking lot.
Why are there so many people in the shopping centres at all times? How is that possible? Larry flinched as someone barged past him, laughing on the phone obnoxiously loudly. One of the best aspects of working at the library was that it was always blessedly quiet. Not only that, he was allowed to actually shush people! And they couldn’t do anything about it! Another person shouldered past him, nearly knocking his glasses off his nose. Fixing them in place Larry dived towards the shopping centre map to find the cheapest clothing store possible; he wasn’t about to spend a fortune on something his fat ass would undoubtedly outgrow soon. Besides, the less money spent on clothes, the more money for him to invest in video games.
“Can I help you?” A shopping assistant asked with one of those smiles that could have been real or completely fake and there was no way to tell which.
“I’m looking for dress trousers,” Larry answered, instantly nervous under the scrutiny of the younger man.
“Let me see if we can find something in your size.” He said, and Larry involuntarily flinched.
After an ordeal longer than he would’ve liked Larry emerged from the shop exhausted, but with a new pair of trousers with a size tag he never expected to be searching for. That’s what ageing does to you, he guessed. Ageing and Cyberpunk 2077, he reminded himself sourly. He almost jumped out of his skin as buzzing in his pocket tore him out of his revelry.
“Yes?” “Larry, tell me you remember about Tom’s birthday party.” His sister said. “I remember!” “Don’t you lie to me, brother!”
“I’m not lying!” He sputtered “I even got a new outfit for the party.” “Wow, I’m impressed. Did you get a gift?” “Uh…” “Lawrence Marshall!” She groaned.
“I will get one!” “He was talking about one of those new heavy metal albums he wanted. I don’t remember which band it was… Slayer? Judas Priest? I really don’t remember, but it came out this month, go to the CD store and ask someone!” “Ask someone…? A CD…? Arianna, wait…!” He let out a sigh as the phone indicated the call was ended by the caller.
Once again, feeling even more defeated than he did when he first came into the shopping centre, he went to look for the map to find a CD store in this monstrosity.
Larry took in a deep breath as he stared at the black sign that read “Music Emporium” in an aggressively pointy font and with burning wings on each side of it. That was a bit of an overkill, wasn’t it? Wings and fire? Couldn’t it just be one or the other? Taking a deep breath Larry entered the store.
There was some classic rock playing inside, but thankfully it wasn’t too loud. The shop was rather dim, in fact, it was positively dark and Larry wondered how anyone could see what they were buying. There was nobody inside and Larry was very thankful because never before had he been so painfully aware of being, and looking, like a librarian.
When he meant the shop was empty, he didn’t only mean customers, there was literally no one there. He assumed the shop clerk was somewhere around, maybe restocking something, or maybe they were in the back. But he wasn’t about to call out, God no. He wandered around nervously and when he spotted a sign shouting “NEW RELEASES” in big orange letters he almost flew to it, hoping he would be able to find the CD on his own and buy it without ever revealing to the shop clerk how out of his depth he actually was. He looked at the rows of different CDs and felt immediately lost. How was he supposed to find a CD without knowing anything about it other than the release month? When people asked him for books they didn’t remember the titles of he had so many ways to narrow the search down. Keywords, genre, plot, similar books… How did you search for a CD? He guessed you could sing something from it, but if it was a completely new one then you wouldn’t even know any songs from it, would you? “Why didn’t you call for me?” An unfamiliar voice with a heavy Scottish accent accused and Larry was startled enough to drop the CD he was holding. “Great, that’s amazing.” The man spat, placing something against one of the shelves to go down to the floor. Larry realised it was a crutch. “No, no, I got it!” Larry frantically dropped to the floor, picking up the CD. “You’re…” He started, but the man cut him off. “What? A cripple? Yeah, man, cripples can be music experts too, crazy, huh?” “No, I wanted to say that you’re the shop clerk,” He awkwardly held the CD out to the man “Here, it’s not broken.” “Hm.” The man humphed, taking the CD from him and bringing it closer to his right eye to examine it. That was an unusual thing to do, but Larry immediately recognized the movement. The man either had limited vision or could only see out of one eye. Larry stopped to look at the man as he examined the CD. He was younger than him, maybe late twenties, maybe younger. He was very very light-skinned, almost translucent and his hair was pure white too, shaved on the sides and the short part in the middle was brushed back on gel or something similar. The effect was slightly messy, but Larry was sure it was a very carefully curated look. His ears were gleaming with a multitude of piercings and he was wearing make-up, namely black coal around his eyes and dark, shiny lipstick… Larry couldn’t help but keep examining this man, finding the complicated outfit somewhat fascinating and, once again, vaguely reminiscent of Cyberpunk 2077. He had a necklace with a guitar pick woven into it and was wearing a ragged black tank top that was incredibly snug, showing off a large portion of his abdomen. A very, very flat abdomen, Larry couldn’t help but notice. The man was very slim, positively skinny. His hip bones were sticking out where the denim rested on them and he could see a tattoo peeking out on the side. It wasn’t the only one, in fact, both of his arms were covered and one of the tattoos was expanding to his chest, disappearing under the tank top. Even for an omega, he was extraordinarily handsome. A little sharp around the edges, perhaps, but gorgeous.
“It doesn’t seem broken, lucky you.” The man said in his clear voice, placing the CD down in its place perfectly. “So what do you need?” “I… I’m not sure.” “Browsing then?” “Not exactly, I…” “Yeah?” “I’m looking for a gift, I don’t really know a lot about heavy metal…” “Oh boy.” The man rolled his eyes and Larry was almost sure the left one didn’t roll exactly along the same trajectory as the right. “I’m sorry, it’s for my brother-in-law and…” “Fine, fine, whatever. So do you know the band?” “Not exactly…” “What does that mean?” The man cocked an eyebrow. He was very, very attractive, Larry’s unhelpful mind provided, and he had to resist the urge to facepalm.
“It’s either… Slayer or Judas Priest.” Larry soldiered on despite the man’s lips pursing “It came out this month!” The incredibly attractive shop clerk sighed and then reached for a CD, planting it in Larry’s chest. Larry was unsure if he was planning to do that or if he wanted to hand it to him but misjudged the distance between them.
“Here, Slayer. Judas Priest doesn’t have any new albums.”
“T-thank you.” he managed to say, uncomfortably aware that this very attractive, very skinny and very cool man just accidentally touched his flabby, uncool, librarian chest.
"Let me ring you up then. Unless you wanted something else…?"
"Oh no, nothing else!" Larry said urgently and the man laughed a ringing, beautiful laugh.
Larry blushed violently. What was wrong with him? Feeling his face burning, Larry followed the cleck to the till, observing the man’s careful gait as he leaned heavily on his crutch, but in a practised manner that suggested it was either a long-term or a permanent injury.
"Thank you for your business." The man said and with a slight smirk he added "We hope you will visit Music Emporium again soon!"
"I will." He said reflexively, flinching at the obvious lie and hoping the darkness of the shop concealed his blush.
The man laughed his beautiful ringing laugh again and Larry felt like he still heard it even after driving away to face the birthday party.
"Hey, little brother." Arianna wrapped her arms around his neck and then backed away slightly to touch his face. Her face was bright with a smile and her eyes gleamed with it. Unlike the shop clerk's, both of Arianna's unseeing eyes moved completely normally. Larry frowned. Why was he thinking about that omega again? “When will you shave this ridiculous beard?” Arianna asked, frowning.
“I’m not! I like it!” He lied, trying to disentangle himself from his sister’s arms. “Hey, uncle!” Jonas ran into him, jumping excitedly. “Hello, nephew!” He ruffled the boy’s hair. “Here.” He pulled out a library book, handing it to the boy who “ooh”-ed excitedly. “Dinosaurs? I’m gonna go read it!” He said, already running off “Thanks, uncle!” “Miriam, say hello to your uncle!” Arianna hissed at her daughter, who was just passing through the hall, her 17-year-old angst on full display in her band T-shirt, ragged jeans and messy hair covering half of her face.
“Hey uncle.” she deadpanned, not even looking up. “God, give me strength,” Arianna muttered. “Okay, I have to finish some stuff in the kitchen, go join the party!” Larry did so, like the obedient younger brother he was.
“You have got to be kidding me, Samuel! Over my dead fucking body! You are a child!” Tom shouted at his oldest son as Larry’s mother and Tom's parents sat uncomfortably in their seats. Sam’s boyfriend Aarul was holding his hand tightly, but flinching at every word Tom shouted at his son. Tom’s sister Moira and her husband Mark kept whispering to each other. From what Larry knew about them he assumed Mark was trying to keep Moira from interrupting.
“I’m not a child, I’m 23 years old, father!” Sam protested “I’m graduating this year, I will get a full-time job then and…” “You’re too young for this!” “Tom!” Moira finally managed to get out from under Mark’s calming spell. “You’re wife is 46 years old. According to, you know, the undeniable logic of math, she gave birth to this here child when she was 23.” “I don’t care, it was a different time!” “Stop shouting, let him live his life, he’s a smart boy.” Tom’s father, Jon, said, waving a hand at him. “What’s happening here?” Larry asked and everyone’s head snapped to look at him. “Larry!” They all exclaimed in a greeting. “You’re nephew is getting married!” Moira exclaimed. “Oh yeah? That’s great, Sam. Aarul.” Larry smiled, squeezing both of the boy’s shoulders and then taking a seat.
“No, Larry, it’s not GREAT.” Tom, the birthday boy, hissed, his thin narrow face twisted in anger. “He’s too young!” “And Aarul is pregnant.” Moira added in a theatrical whisper, which set the table to shouting again as Larry flinched, glad the attention was once again redirected from him. He looked at Sam. He, unfortunately, took a lot after the Marshall side of the family; ash blonde hair, very average-looking face, which couldn’t be called handsome even when he had youth working for him. He was slim and muscular, but from experience, Larry knew that was not going to last forever either. Sam gave him a small smile when he caught his eye. Larry looked at Aarul in turn; he was petite, with dark hair and skin of a South Indian, his thick black hair curled framing his heart-shaped face. He looked at Larry shyly with his big, brown eyes and smiled gently after lowering his eyes to the table again. Aarul was a lovely boy, he made Sam happy and Larry knew him to be hard-working and considerate. Sam was responsible and determined and never tried to hide the fact he thought of Aarul as his one and only. Larry truly didn’t see a problem, they were old enough to make decisions like this and as Moira already pointed out - Arianna and Tom had children and married even earlier than these two.
“Stop it this instant!” Arianna called from the door, holding the cake in front of her as Miriam trailed after her, making sure her blind mother didn’t trip with the cake but also at the same time somehow still managing to text. “Leave the boys alone.” “Arianna…” Tom growled, but his wife totted. “No, stop it, I said. This is a birthday party and there will be no more arguing.” She proclaimed and everyone dutifully kept their mouths shut.
“Good cake.” Mark observed as they were all eating, still in silence that was almost as thick as the cream on the cake. “Who wants more, this cake needs to be gone today, or it will get soggy!” Arianna announced, cutting the rest of the cake up with deliberate, learned motions that once again reminded Larry of the music shop clerk. “So, any takers? Moira? Larry?” “Don’t feed him cake, he’s fat enough!” his mother snapped. “You gained weight again, Larry.” she accused. “Mum, leave him alone!” Arianna hissed. “You’re no better, lady.” his mother snapped, looking critically at Arianna’s ample hips.
“Can we all just stop insulting each other for five minutes?” Tom’s father hissed. “Some of us would like to ENJOY spending time with our family.” “Let’s open gifts!” Jonas said, bouncing in his seat, completely oblivious to the tense atmosphere around him. “Dad, open your gifts!”
With his face still twisted in a vague image of displeasure, Tom obliged, reaching for the small pile of gifts. “Thanks, Dad,” Tom said, raising the bottle of whiskey in acknowledgement as his father nodded. “Fishbait? Because…?” Tom looked at his sister. “Because old men love to fish.” The woman proclaimed with a serious face and then burst out laughing. “Great. Thanks.” Tom rolled his eyes, putting the fish bait waiting and reaching for Larry’s gift. “A Slayer CD…” Tom pursed his lips. “Oh no, it’s the wrong CD,” Larry said feeling the blush blooming on his face again and praying the beard covered it. “No, it’s a good CD!” Tom rushed to explain “Only… I already own this.” He grimaced. So did Larry. “Dang. I’m sorry, I will exchange it for something else.” “Thanks, Larry.” “No problem..” Larry murmured, surprised to realise he was actually excited to go back to that music store. What the hell was wrong with him?
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sucantslay · 3 months
A little talk about Midori Takamine & Relax Paradise analysis.
It always Kanata this, Chiaki that, Shinobu those, Tetora there.
ES already have so many songs, so of course it won't be hard to find one that fits well with Midori, and that is what we have for today:
Midori is this depressing and sometimes has enough to not give a sh*t with the people around him kinda character.
But that is not everything. I want you to understand that Midori is the one having the bravest change from the old era to now.
I mean, even if he accidentally gets into Yumenosaki or into RYUSEITAI, he's still a great character if you get a good look at him.
While all the other RYUSEITAI have this energetic energy, Midori just, not really that type of guy, even so, he's trying his very best to follow everyone in the Unit.
In the main story ( in game ) he does seem to be easy to annoy and would scold Chiaki most of the time for his "too much energetic" action, but in heart, we all know that he loves his RYUSEITAI fellow and scold them because he was worries that they might get into trouble.
Like, he is the reliable person in the room here!
In the anime, he leads in an introverted way but getting to the game, he was able to have a little growth, he still needs time, but he's becoming a better person for RYUSEITAI.
And I was so happy after all that time of Midori trying to follow the energy of other RYUSEITAI members, we got: "Relax Paradise"
Which is 100% a Midori song, and the vibe, the beat! OMG IT SOUND SO HAPPY!
After all that effort of him, now we got to see the RYUSEITAI enjoying themself in Midori world, as a sign of: "It ok! We got your back! You can be yourself whenever you're with us!"
The lyrics are so cute, like Midori lost in a sweet dream. The fact that he loves cute stuffed animals and mascot characters, especially odd-looking ones is showing all over the song.
Also, when you think of a jungle, you think of an adventure or some brutal journey to find treasure, but in this song, they just tell you to chill out.
Like, come here, we got the healing, don't need no worries, we're happy today!
The song also mention other RYUSEITAI and how Midori feels about being with them:
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I love the line because it show us that the RYUSEITAI are also being included, NO BOYS GOT LEFT OUT!
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Uhm, I have a feeling that these line aren't just talking about some mascot that have an odd-looking. We know he love them very much but this may or may not point to other RYUSEITAI members.
"Suddenly met" - "Character with a loose form"
He accidentally join RYUSEITAI, which is not in a very good condition at that moment.
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He was jealous and questioning at what they've got, they maybe problematic but they're happy to let them be the hero they want to.
And the next line, he was talking about how they suddenly speak to him ( the odd-looking mascot ). It also about how all the other members just pull him in the conversation even if he trying to run away.
He thought he was more of a no body but suddenly gotten attention by a weird Unit.
And not just that, seeing his low self-esteem they didn't push him away but trying their best to give him the courage he need.
"Hey ~ you~" (Kanata line)
"Please don't be so depressed." (Shinobu line)
"Let just take it easy." (Kanata & Shinobu)
"If you really want to get out of stress town" (Tetora & Chiaki)
"Healing" (Kanata line)
"Finding" (Shinobu line)
"Let's have a relaxing adventure." (All)
"With you too!" (Midori line) 
"Let's just relax!" (All)
And some of the next line is just Midori finally decided to chill the frick out. Understand that joining into is Unit was not so bad:
"It's okay to loose! (That nice!)" (All)
"It feels so warm and soft (Yeah!)"(All)
It feel warm and soft like he's hugging the mascot, but also is the warm and soft he feel for being together with the RYUSEITAI.
And the next line! OMG!!! He wishes to stay with them, is this so cute!!!
"Can you always" (Shinobu & Chiaki)
"Warm me up" (Kanata & Tetora)
"Hug me!" (All)
And he started to worries for them like his own family!!!
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kahsnajapzzjsnsksksk *Mash key*
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He started to open his eyes about the world outside, and learn that it was not so bad to relax and not trying to overthink and accidentally turn every little thing into his enemies:
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Then, he came with the conclusion that, even if there are weird people in this world, they're nothing evil at all:
"The jungle where love is gathers, is connected to all kinds of people..." (Midori line)
Then, the mascots once again, talk to him:
"Hey, you really are special" (Shinobi line)
"Come on and tell me" (Chiaki line)
Midori find himself in them, relied on them, trusted them,as they gave him the courage to continue this journey to paradise:
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"Yes I can't tell you when was that" (Kanata line)
"Deep in my chest" (Tetora line)
"Give me the courage" (Midori line)
"One day we met and said "I love you!"" (All)
Knowing that Midori usually shy when talking about his truth feeling, it just showing how much he love RYUSEITAI but don't really want to say it out loud.
And the ending are just Midori found his own place in RYUSEITAI and becoming a braver person for them and for he himself.
Like, there a ninja? An fish like person? and a hero...? Don't be silly. But after accompany them for long enough, he was like: "Frick that! I love everyone here!"
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Also, a funny thing about his "I don't really care". Because in game, Midori goes for that "I don't have a sh*t" way of don't really care, BUT did you know that he's first time he set himself free and not to overthink is when he was so panic he just decided to "SCREW ALL OF THIS!"
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That it for today! Happy RYUSEITAI trip! ( They all happily come home to me ) Mehehe, lucky ~
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m3lan13may · 1 year
( Basically just MK from the show LEGO Monkie kid and Serial Designation N from Murder Droness )
Just for an explanation, RoboNoodles is a crack ship I had made with a friend of mines and we just thought it would be funny if we made an entire fan fic about it!!!
DISCLAIMER: This fan fic will be SFW and this is only part 1, there will be more parts so don't worry !
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N and Uzi landed in the middle of the dessert while MK and his gang were out on an adventure for something. N was in his landing pod with Uzi. Uzi brought out an umbrella since she was so considerate of her new murdering bsf that would fucking die in the sun like a vampire. "Hey N, you alright?" Uzi said as she looked back at N to make sure he was okay as she gave him the umbrella. "Yeah, I'm fine! Thanks a lot Uzi!" N replied back to her. MK and his gang landed in the dessert sand on their flying ship and they saw the landing pod from a few miles away. Uzi and N didn't see the ship at first til they started walking closer towards it not fully realizing it. "Hey MK, whats that?" Mei said while pointing towards N and Uzi who were slowly getting closer. "I don't know-" MK said in slight confusion, looking towards the two silhouettes of Uzi and N. Uzi looked ahead again then continued walking with N a tad bit anxious despite being an angsty teen.
MK's gang, N and Uzi finally made it in front of each other and they all just stared at each other in silence til Tang screamed "AHHHHHHHH!!! KILLER ROBOTSSS!!!" He immediately hid behind Pigsy and the others scared. N just looked at MK and his gang, slowly starting to feel a connection to MK as they both looked each other in the eyes. A slight blush formed on N's screen as he continued to look MK in the eyes. "Uh- h-hi!-" N said quickly getting in his saluting position. "I'm Serial Designation N!" He said nervously while Uzi was just examining MK and his gang, not knowing what they were but they didn't look human. She gave Tang a death stare with a bit of a grin. "Uzi, I'm an ANGSTY TEEN!" Uzi said with a small and menacing smirk, she continued to scare Tang HORRIFYINGLY. "Well, Ive never seen anything like you guys-" MK said but was immediately cut off as Mei immediately starting to get in Uzi and N's personal space- "Woah! Are you guys like- drones or something! That's really cool!!! And why are you holding an umbrella? Where did you two come from? HOW DID YOU COME FROMMM!!?" Gosh, Mei had so many questions especially since this was her first time getting in contact with real AI. "Yea, I'm N- the disassembly drone! And this is Uzi, a worker drone. We're not from this planet as I'm sure you can tell!!" He said slightly nervously. "Woah, COOL!!!" Mei said as she got up out of their faces now realizing that she was being kind of hyper. "Is this some sort of trap?" Pigsy said while crossing his arms, squinting his eyes at Uzi and N. "No? Well... MAYBE." Uzi said menacingly making Tang shiver even more. Pigsy just looked at Uzi with a mean glare, how dare she scare his husband! "Right, well, lets get going now!" Pigsy said in a rushing tone but still serious. MK and N just continued eye contact, N's circuits starting to heat up. MK on the other hand was also blushing as he looked into N's beautiful robotic holes of light. "Hey- MK, you okay?" Mei said as she tried to break the strong love and eye contact between MK and N.
Uzi just rolls her eyes then tries to stop them too, getting annoyed at N. "N, come on! We have business to attend toooo!!" She said as she started to push N away from MK but it was really no use as N started to twitch a bit, Uzi could feel N's metal heat up despite him being under shade. "Come on N! Snap out of it!' She said angrily as she looked back at MK's gang "Nice chatting with you guys but it's time me and my murder buddy gotta go so-" She smacked N in the face and it luckily made him come back "HUH- WOAH- WUT" N quickly snapped back to his senses, now out of that trance of staring into MK's gorgeous shining orbs of beauty, and so did MK. "UHM.. Okay! Cya around!" MK waved to them, still blushing.
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exp123mon · 9 months
Digimon Frontier episode thoughts yay
08 - Save Everyone! You Must Evolve, Tsunomon -I'm glad we see Junpei and Izumi having their own adventure, I thought we might've just had them at Forest Terminal (or the next area t least) and meet back up with Takuya and the others. -OMG BABIES BABIES BABIES LITERALLY SO MANY DIGIMON BABIES AND TEACHER TOGEMON -Getting some of Izumi's backstory. So she actually DID live in Italy for a while. It's not just a character quirk when she speaks Italian. (I mean I guess it's still a quirk but not just like a "lolrandom" quirk) -"I don't want to be alone but I don't want to go out of my way to socialise either." damn girl stop being relatable haha -Tsunomon can evolve to Gabumon but then evolve back. Interesting. I guess evolution is seen as more of a "transformation" in general in Frontier. I mean it makes sense for the kids but the fact that it's extended to the Digimon is interesting too. Wonder if this will be a plot point like in Tamers or if it's just a different interpretaton of the Digimon world. (Or has this already been brought up and I forgot haha) -The kids are all back together! I really enjoyed this episode. It was nice having a more character driven conflict after all the literal fighty fight conflicts we've had so far. Plus we're really getting to see the kids interacting and growing a bit at this point.
09 - The Enemy is Chakmon?! The Mysterious TV Forest -Guy with Fire Digimon Spirit struggles to light fire. -MEAT APPLES. Honestly Digimon always has food that I really want to try, it's so weird. -TV Forest is a cool idea. Getting glimpses of the human world when the moons are covered. Is this partially how Digimon learned about the human world? Who knows. Tomoki though TT_TT -Oh so there are two TYPES of Spirits. Obviously from the intro (and how Digimon works generally) I knew the kids would have more forms/Spirits. I love that each episode seems to be giving new info like this, whether directly or indirectly. -I'm starting to like Koji or at least how they're handling him. Like, yeah, some people do just prefer their own company. It's not a judgment on others. It's not bad. He's fine, he's literally just hanging. It's nice. -Bakumon. EVIL. -The scene of Wolfmon up against a tree and it's Chakmon facing him off was funny like "oh no!! a cute bear!! haha how silly" then Chakmon pulls a gun on him and I'm like "okay, Sir, please calm down" -Chakmon being the ice elemental fella but also being able to like, turn into slush and stuff is a really cool idea. Usually ice elemental things are just "snowstorm" and/or "icicles" it's nice seeing some creativity with it. -Okay not gonna lie, Izumi being the only girl in the group AND being constantly saved/knocked out is pretty fucking annoying. Digimon was always pretty good at not being sexist (especially as an anime based on a "boy's toy") but at this point I'm already like "bruh please stop" it's not even NECESSARY most of the time (like when she first evolved and Woodmon bonked her noggin out cold. At least with Tsunomon/Gabumon it tied into the story a little plus she was in danger because she chose to take a risk, but… UGH). This is honestly my only complaint about the series so far (and although annoying it's FAR from series-ruining levels of bad lol especially when it comes to anime and sexism). It's not like she's even the dainty, waifish type and it's a flaw she's going to work on by becoming braver and more independant as the series goes on. I know I'm just shy of a fifth of the way through the story but it's enough of a pattern at this point where I'm like "ugh". Anyway I won't rant too much (lol too late) since this is more a complaint with the series generally than this specific episode. -Takuya is A GOOD BOY. "OOooh your friends are EvIl DfEat THEM!!" "no" haha you tell 'em I wish more characters just... didn't fall for mindwash bullshit like that -But yeah, another good episode! Stuff happened, it was interesting and entertaining. We got a little bit more insight into the characters. And when Koji was like "hmph you savage" HE WAS JUST TEASING and he and Takuya do a little fist bump. Like THEYRE FRIENDS. He's edgy loner but he's also not JUST edgy loner. We end on the mysterious voice from Koji's device…
10 - Can't Control the Beast Spirit?! Garmmon Evolves! -Okay just before the episode even starts I'm like "oh I know Garmmon!" then remember I'm thinking of SMT's Garm haha -GOTSUMON!! I love getting to see more little Digimon villages and stuff. -Grottomon's back, ruh-roh. -Aww, Gotsumon protected Koji instead of going for the shiny stone. -ROLLER DOG. -The Gotsumon in this ep was such a bro dude haha. Imagine spending (years??) of your life searching for magic stones to unlock a secret sacred power to overthrow some bad guys and then some rando kid just swoops in and gets it instead of you and just… you take it on the chin like a total champ. -Honestly not much to say. Just another solid episode. I DO hope Grottomon doesn't just KEEP showing up eternally, but it's not like he's Team Rocket geting blasted off every episode. He's only showing up every so often. Plus I expect we'll get more Beast Spirits and having the kids learn to control them before he's finally defeated.
11 - Defeat Me! The Legendary Warrior Vritramon Runs Wild -"Curse those meddling kids. Well, better summon Satan!" - Grottomon, probably -The Digimon fortune tellers were all pretty funny. Especially Sepikmon counting the stars haha. I wonder what kind of fortune teller Gekomon is in the dub. "Funny Soda Fortune Teller" "Got a Tummyache from Too Many Milkshakes Fortune Teller" -now Tomoki's Spirit is also stolen! I like that Grottomon is actually having some kind of impact ont the heroes and isn't just… showing up just to be sort-of-but-not-totally-beaten every episode. That's always an annoying kind of recurring villain. -Koji evolves to Garmmon after Takuya is taken over by Vritramon. Probably going to learn how to better control his Beast Spirit during the fight. I really like that these new Spirits are a STRUGGLE for the kids. It's not just "and now you get the bigger, better, stronger Spirit, have fun!" -CLIFFHANGER GO -this episode felt more straightforward and shorter than the recent ones, maybe because there was actually a bit more fighting and stuff?
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Donbrothers, Episode 35!
Ohhhhh boy! Just got off the train from Oishi-Na Town! Time to visit my friend Tsubasa in Donbura County Jail. And uh... well, my good buddy Jirou is in immense pain so, I wanna check on him too. Going all over the place today, huh? Please stand behind the white line! We're departing on a train ride towards pain!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Well, at least you're not having a massive rampage, right Tsuyoshi?
-It's OUR power, boys!
-"Kijino, you're really making an annoying racket stirring your coffee like that."
-"Hey man, chill, you don't gotta yell at him like that-"
-"Jesus Christ, what's gotten into you"
Lies high as the palms
Bananas within reach
Monkey gets free lunch!"
-How many takes do you think it took to get that rant right?
-Ohhhhhh, Shinichi jbk;hjg
-Hello Auntie Yuriko.
-"He's hot" OH MY GOD how does Haruka rein you in?
-Ohhhhh, there's something with Auntie Yuriko isn't there
-"Ah fuck, he has a girlfriend already"
-...I get really bad vibes off of auntie Yuriko.
-Miho Spotted.
-Oh no
-Aaaand, we're in jail!
-Jail time with the homie.
-"So like... do you want 500000 yen?"
-"Nah, you... you can keep it, I don't really need that kinda money."
-Free doggy!
-Kito, please stop that, I'm pretty sure fraternizing with suspects under interrogation is a violation of the law.
-Ah, who am I kidding, that's not gonna stop her.
-Ohhhhhhhhh, she hit you with the whammy.
-"Go investigate your girlfriend! If you get us results, we'll let you go free!"
-Murasame's just sitting there, huh?
-Yeah just seal him up a little, he'll be fine
-Oh hey, Rumi-chan, right? You're Jirou's ladyfriend.
-Alright, my boy's getting focus!
-Natsumi rehearsal!
-Very solid delivery
-Oh... hello Sononi! There's a really funny case of some poor kid unable to confess his love happening in Oishi-Na Town if you wanna come with me next time!
-"Oh, that boy's gonna die. Old Yeller's got nothing on this dog tragedy. I'll be sure to hand his friends a posthumous Newberry medal."
-Having a midlife crisis so soon?
-Hmm... what is that thing... he seems to be a physics major, so... perhaps he's one of the more science-y sentai. That's a red bird of prey for his face. Yellow beast with tusks... or fangs? And those blue... rubbery shoulders he's got... Ohhhhh, I get it now! This guy must be our Liveman rep.
-A toast~! For the most~!
-Hello Jin!
-Just send him away like that, huh?
-"Ahhhhh, so you're the guy who made him a psycho. Good job, dingus."
-Hmm... found a new form of dimensional travel, huh? Do you think perhaps they cut through the CooKingdom?
-"Menkai wa wata."
-Natsumi? Ohhhhhhh, a crane.
-Y'know Momoi, I think whenever somebody acts even slightly weird around you, you should assume
-"Are you okay, Pheasant Guy?"
-Sloooooow motion!
-Party Time!
-Too fast, too strong!
-Ohhhh, Avatar Change!
-Now transforming! Get your ass on the dance floor behind the white line!
-Aaaaaaaaalll aboard!
-Hyper ToQ Momo-gou! Hyper ToQ Momo-gou!
-Gotta admit, I'm actually kind of a fan of this idea that Momoi's so up in his own hype that he just... slaps his own super form onto another Sentai's Red.
-Alright, Jirou!
-Stop sniffing your girlfriend and lie down!
-...yeah, like that, thank you for listening.
-Got a ToQ Blaster and the Rail Slasher, badass.
-Awww, I wanted to see more.
-Darkness of youth!
-Ore koso only one da.
-Youth stuff!
-Let's fly!
-Take that power!
-Matsuri da matsuri da!
-Donbros Utopia!
-Yeah, good luck with that, Mister! Have fun!
-Juto Suck
-"Nooooo :("
-And he just got eaten!
-Oh God, where is this
-That poor Anoni lady :(
-Ohhhhhh this is the lion's den.
-Jesus fucking Christ, what on earth is happening
-Why is this so horrifying
-Inoue? Tasaki? Shirakura-P? Anybody?
-What the fuck guys, what is happening?
-Ohhhhhhhh that's not good.
-That's not good at all.
-Ramen! Deliciousmile~!
-Oh, that poor chef, he's going through this again.
-That's not our dog, that's a really fucked up cat!
-Uh... hang tight, Tsubasa! We'll save you!
-Next episode that is, Happy Halloween buddy!
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hoeforalbedo · 2 years
Oo I wanna get in on your event please! I’m a big fan but I usually just lurk on your writing
Character- Kaeya (Genshin Impact)
Zodiac- Sagittarius
Initial- D (I know this looks like an Initial D joke but I promise that’s my initial, I just have the one)
Deck- Asmodeus
About me- I’m known as the “scary dog” of my friend group. Whenever any of my friends gets hurt, they come to me because they know I can get them effective revenge. It doesn’t matter if I get hurt along the way as long as no one hurts my friends. That’s not to say I go around attacking people and angsting though. I’m a chill person, I’ve just got a lot of rage inside. I usually tend to crack a lot of jokes when I’m with my friends, both in the form of pranks and telling jokes. I don’t like meeting new people a lot because I get nervous around strangers (which unfortunately usually looks like I’m angry, I have a little RBF), so I usually stick to hanging out with people I’m comfortable with.
(I just hit enter once idk why it’s like 4 lines down) I feel like since I picked the sexual deck that I should give you at least a taste of kinks I like but if that doesn’t matter then just skip this part. I like primal play, biting, hunting/being hunted (both ends), bloodplay, fear play, and CNC.
A/N: woah wait- I have fans!!??? I am so thankful omg- Well I hope I wrote this well into your expectations and you can tell me if you want me to add anything else. Lord Asmodeus was so excited to do this one!! The cards speaks for itself so here's what you got.
"I want to taste you again, like a secret or a sin."
"Are you flirting or starting a fight?"
"The deeper you dig the darker it gets."
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, cursing, tell me if I missed any.
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The last line can go many ways but in this sense I feel that it's a warning to people to back the fuck away. They shouldn't go searching for something without being on guard for what they will witness.
Kaeya is definitely one of those people who likes to test other people's limits and he especially likes to get under your skin. Let's say you are part of the Knights of Favonius. Nothing gets you more angered than to see him take one of your knights only to bring them back injured. You always make sure to take good care of your team but Kaeya treats them indifferently.
"Relax, sweetheart. We're knights. It's normal for us to get hurt."
He's absolutely so lenient and doesn't give a fuck if the world is ending. He purposely annoys you and he plays as if he unintentionally does it.
Now besides mere annoyances, there's not much reason that you hate him. He's just there and his mere attitude and carelessness irks you. Not to say you are nowhere near close to the way he acts. Sure you can be carefree and careless at times but you know when it's time to get serious.
Even if you hate him with a passion, why is it you can't stop thinking of him? Why is it that sometimes you want to kiss him and make him shut up for once. "I want to slap that sexy smirk off your face."
"Whoa there, darling. I can't seem to tell if you're flirting or starting a fight."
"How about you use that damn brain of yours," You retort and suddenly your hands are all over him, kissing him as if your life depends on it.
"I didn't lock the door," He whispers as he strips you of your clothing.
"You don't seem to care either," You say between deep breaths. Once all clothes are off and gone, you are both back to ravaging each other like savage beasts. It's funny how hatred can turn to lust. The lust can make you turn into a fool and suddenly you're begging for Kaeya's cock. Never has he imagined to live the day and it'd forever be ingrained in him.
"I love seeing you so desperate but if you want it so bad, then I'm in control. Okay, sweetheart?" His pet names never seize to make you flustered and for once you nod obediently. He has you bent over your desk, the look of your ass being enough to make his cock throb. "Are you sure you want to skip the fore-"
"Kaeya just please-" And maybe you shouldn't have skipped the foreplay for the stretch is so big and so good. You bite your bottom lip as the corners of your eyes tear up. How can you hate him if he feels so good?
Each thrust made your mind all fuzzy. The only thing you can focus on is the feeling of his dick deliciously plunging into your whole. It feels like you're going to go insane with how good it feels. You hate him even more for making you feel so good.
Even after your rendezvous, you couldn't stop thinking about the taste of pleasure that only he can give you. Admittedly, Kaeya is also addicted, not just by the way you feel but also by the way you willingly broke down your walls just to have a feel of him. He needed to see more and so at the latest of nights, he sneaked away to find you and have you once more.
"I want to taste you again, like a secret or a sin." You can't help but feel that having such feelings for him is forbidden. The hate you have for him runs deep in you but the way he feels is all too heavenly. Divine even.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
Hey I see ur thing about zombies and I would like to share this TikTok about a girl writing a zombie screenplay about the true origin and mythology of zombies, which is quite different than anything that exists in the media
ahhh thank you for sharing!! i'm on my computer let me see if i can put it as a link here
but yes to quickly summarize for anyone who can't watch the video - the original zombi comes from Haitian folklore, and rather than being a cannibalistic, bloodthirsty monster it was a reanimated corpse forced to continue to work even after death. the zombi as a cultural figure representing the horror of slavery was extremely important both during the Haitian revolution and in postcolonial Haiti.
and because i can't shut up about zombies i'm gonna ramble a little about zombie history but i'm gonna put it under a cut to try and be slightly less annoying lmao
okay so i referenced this in my last post about zombies but the transformation of the zombie into the cultural figure most people know it as today was a process that took place over the 20th century and is deeply entwined with colonialism. like, the U.S. occupied Haiti in what essentially amounted to a neocolonial project (bc the u.s. loves neocolonialism) from 1915-1934, and that's how america was first introduced to the mythology of the zombi. and then in White Zombie the Halperin brothers took the Haitian myth of the zombi and stripped it out of the cultural context of slavery and turned it into a narrative of the Good White Heteronormative American Couple vs the Evil Foreign Voodoo Doctor. and it was that movie where the "zombie" was introduced to an american audience.
and so for a while the zombie maintained its roots of like, being a reanimated corpse that is controlled by a living being wielding some form of dark magic. and then in 1968 we get Night of the Living Dead, and the thing is--the monsters in that movie weren't zombies when it was first released. Romero introduced america to a horde of cannibalistic corpses, created by radiation from an exploded space probe, and it wasn't until after the movie was released and became popular that people began to conflate romero's living dead with the bastardized version of the zombie that already existed in american media. romero himself didn't actually embrace the term zombie until ten years later, when Dawn of the Dead was released in 1978, and so that's when this new imagining of the zombie really began to coalesce, completely detached from its cultural origins in slavery and now transfigured into a bogeyman for any cultural "Other" that americans were being told to be afraid of at any given time.
and so really the only shared link between american zombies and haitian zombis was
reanimated dead bodies
ego death - no soul/identity/human consciousness
and the thing is, even those two links have been broken down over the past four decades. like, now the only link that seems to hold true across zombie media is cannabilsm, which wasn't even part of the original zombi folklore.
and like. another thing is. zombies as a monster have historically been very much bound up in colonialism and xenophobia and have been used, in many ways, to reinforce fear of the cultural Other. like, so much zombie media is deeply steeped in nationalism, in heteronormativity, in xenophobia, etc. etc., and part of that is just horror--horror as a genre, for all its potential to undermine societal norms, can just as easily be used to reinforce dominant systems of power by playing into fears about marginalized groups. but this is part of why the shift in zombie narratives over the past...idk. 10ish years? interests me so much. because now we're finally starting to see some zombie media that says any goddamn thing that isn't just "the point of Fight Zombie is to Rebuild New Society that looks just like Old Society because that is what makes us Human." and we're finally starting to get some zombie media that critiques dominant power systems instead of just playing into their hands, which is something that the original myth of the zombi did that was just completely stripped away in the colonial introduction of the zombie to american media.
anyway! i think i'm completely losing my train of thought at this point and just following my brain as it hops into different rabbit holes, but in conclusion -- yes, the origins of the zombie are frequently erased and that is not a good thing!! horror is such a fraught genre and to really understand the monsters we see and the ways they change throughout history we have to understand where they come from!
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arminsumi · 7 months
★ Nanami Kento is on a dating app
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★ Pairings : fem reader / Nanami Kento
★ Synopsis : Gojo and his students make Nanami a dating profile without him knowing. And he passes on all the profiles except yours, which catches his interest. So the two of you go on a dinner date and hit it off.
★ Content : fluff, humor
★ Warnings : 🔞 MDNI/18+, smutty/suggestive, light angst
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"Okay, what else can we add?" Yuji asked.
"He's friends with the handsome Gojo Satoru." Gojo said, peering into the phone.
"—Friends with the handsome Gojo Satoru. Okay. Got it. How tall is Nanamin again? Gotta have height, it's important."
Gojo thought for a moment, "Six and a half feet."
"Okay! Aaand voilà; Nanami Kento is now online." Yuji finished up Nanami's profile.
Yuji and Gojo high-fived to celebrate their efforts.
Megumi looked up from his own phone, "He's gonna kill the both of you once he finds out about this. You know he's allergic to his phone."
"Hush, Megumi, you helped us commit this crime. You added the "bad at texting" part didn't you?" Gojo said.
"What — you added that!? I was just stating a fact, you idiots!" Megumi cringed.
What was the meaning of this? Well.
Yuji, Megumi and Gojo were worried about Nanami's recent gloom. He'd just called it quits with his wife a year ago, and only now was he really starting to feel the impact of heartbreak. Though he remained pretty stoic about it, Gojo picked up on his gloominess.
They decided that he needed to start dating again, to get out into the world and meet potential soulmates, so that maybe he could realize there are plenty of fish in the sea. Of course, none of them had been married. They didn't really understand that he couldn't just "go out and try again" after being married to someone for 5 years.
Gojo had come up with the idea of secretly making Nanami a profile on a dating app.
Oh boy, when Nanami found out...
"Satoru what the fu—"
"—You have sooo many requests just look through 'em at least! Promise me you'll go on at least one date, okay? ATTA BOY!"
"You're seriously annoying." Nanami sighed.
So he looked through the profiles of people who sent him requests. He frowned so intensely that frown lines formed on his aging skin.
He kept deleting request after request, barely paying more than two seconds of interest to the icons let alone the profiles. Nanami was thinking judgmentally about each profile.
Then his thumb stopped moving. He stared and paid attention to your icon when it showed up.
He read your profile.
Bio : I like reading. Dilf-enjoyer. Need a beach vacation that lasts the rest of my life. 🥲 My friends forced me to make a profile.
Then he looked at your profile icon closer, zooming in on your face. You weren't smiling in the picture.
Gojo peered over and opened his big mouth;
"Ah, not her — she looks like a party pooper with that kinda frown."
A frown. He accepted your request. Gojo seemed totally confused.
Your phone buzzed.
Kento : Hello. How are you. Sorry about the weird profile description. My annoying friend Gojo and his students made this profile without my knowledge.
You scrunch your face in confusion and laugh. You've just finished your nightly routine and stroked lotion on your freshly shaven legs when you receive this message from Nanami.
He waits, tapping his foot on the cold kitchen floor as he drinks a glass of wine — languidly and sophisticatedly.
You : haha it's no problem. why did you accept my request?
Kento : I don't know. I liked the fact you were frowning in your profile picture. It resonated with me.
You : 😂 oh thanks. love that
Kento : What about you? Why did you send me a request?
You : your description was a perfect match so my friend sent the request.
Kento : Same friend who made you make this profile?
You : yeah 😭 to be fair tho... we do match. we're practically made for each other.
Kento : Yup. "Aspiring dilf" and "dilf-enjoyer". Legendary romance in the making.
You and Nanami kept talking... huh. Go figure.
An hour and a half went by without Nanami even realizing — he was texting, something he genuinely hated doing and only ever did out of necessity for work. And usually he ignored messages from friends, especially that idiot Gojo.
But Nanami wandered around his penthouse, texting you, chuckling to himself and smiling at your texts until his dimples and smile lines showed up.
You : alright then. see you tomorrow at 5:30 pm yes? you can cancel if you change your mind or don't feel well.
Kento : Yes sure. Same to you. Don't feel pressured.
You both said goodnights... but then talked a little more.
Then another hour later, Nanami finally got into bed.
He slipped into the silky, satin sheets after completing his nightly routine. His was a little different to yours — he had no interest in skincare so that part was entirely neglected. You'd talked to him about your routine.
Nanami thought as he stared at the ceiling; maybe she can introduce me to some magic products that take away these dark circles.
Usually when he falls asleep, he thinks about all the problems in his life and all the pending, imminent work that he has to complete the next day. Even if it was the weekend coming, or a holiday, nothing cured his need to work. Gojo called him a workaholic, but that wasn't entirely true. Deep down, Nanami really just needed that big vacation.
And the date with you was like a type of vacation.
Now, listen, when he first saw you standing there waiting for him in the slight drizzle, his gentleman guilt ate him up.
"I'm so sorry. The traffic wouldn't budge." he apologized immediately. "Get inside, you'll get sick."
This man was by far the biggest gentleman you'd ever met. Before even saying hello, he already showed care by steering you out of the rain.
You sat across from him, and easing into the conversation was awkward — because he tried to break the ice by asking you which books you enjoyed reading, and you replied honestly.
"I uh... so do you know this app?" you pulled out your phone, giggling, "I read on here. Usually smut."
"What's smut?" he asked.
You burst out laughing, thinking it was the funniest thing in the world to tell this to someone you'd just met. He got your humor, although it confused him — what's smut? You didn't explain. He figured it out for himself.
Well, the ice was certainly broken.
The two of you talked over a bottle of wine. The night deepened. You felt a bit out of place in this fancy restaurant. No other men had taken you to such an exquisite place before.
"What music do you listen to?" you asked conversationally.
"Uh," he thought for a moment, "Lots of Billie Holiday. Does that make me sound like an old man?" he chuckled awkwardly.
"Not at all." you replied.
"I just like relaxing to that music." he said.
"What else? Any music that isn't from the dinosaur age?" you asked.
There's a slightly flirty edge in your voice that he picks up on. He doesn't know what to do. He tries to sound flirty back.
"Hey now don't be rude... I'm still in my twenties."
"In your twenties... and you enjoy dinosaur music." you teased.
You pulled out his first smile of the night. His smile lines and subtle dimples showed up.
He got the hang of flirting. It had been a while, so it took some easing into. He hadn't been romantic since... well. You know.
"So, you're divorced?" you asked sensitively.
"Yeah. Have been for a year now." he nods.
He started circling his thumb on the rim of his wine glass. He couldn't meet your gaze — your eyes made him feel entranced.
"Do you mind if I pry?" you asked. "I just want to know why it didn't work out. I mean, personally, I'm scared of marriage and I don't think I'll ever tie the knot with anyone."
Nanami chuckled, "Scared of marriage? I understand. If I could offer you any advice for getting ready to marry... I'd say choose your men like you'd choose wine." he advised.
Then he continued, "Anyways, she cheated on me. I mean, I saw it coming and I could have ended it sooner so I don't know why I held on for so long and talked it out with her. I think I just wanted to believe that the one I loved wasn't a bad person. But she was."
"Oh. That's heavy. Are you doing okay?" you asked.
Nanami finally looked up at you and made lingering eye contact.
"Nothing wine can't fix — kidding. I'm doing my best. I mean, truthfully, if it weren't for my work to keep me busy I think I'd just sulk around the house in my slippers." he said.
"You shouldn't sulk in your slippers, you should sink your feet into sand." you said. "Get that vacation in Malaysia."
His mouth spread into a dimply smile at this.
"Well, if I go on vacation, I feel it would be right to bring you with. As attractive as you look with a frown, I'd like to see you smiling." he said.
Your cheeks warmed up. "Gee, I'd love to go on a vacation with you... but I've only just met you. What if you're a serial killer?"
He chuckled, "I work a nine to five job and listen to Billie Holiday. Does that spell "serial killer" to you?" he asked rhetorically.
"Maybe." you joked, "I'm sure lots of serial killers work nine to five jobs and listen to Billie Holiday."
He laughed again. You admired his dimples. Suddenly, you remembered something funny about his profile.
"So, what about that "aspiring dilf" part of your bio?" you asked humorously.
"Oh, are you intrigued by that?" he flirted, "I'm sure it was my friend Gojo who added that. I swear, I mentioned to him just once that I wanted to have a family, and he interpreted me as an... "aspiring dilf"."
Your lips curled into a smirking smile that made Nanami's stomach muscles tense up.
"Well if it counts, I like the process of baby making. Don't know about having a huge family, though." you said.
Nanami blinked and became completely flustered by what you had said. He was taking a sip of wine and nearly choked on it.
"Good to know." he replied. "Can't say I feel the same about the process of baby making, though."
"Why is that?" you asked.
You and Nanami talked about sex over dessert. He distractedly nibbled on his tiramisu.
"... my first times for everything were really awkward. Not bad. Just jarringly awkward. And then with my wife, she seemed a bit disappointed in me for not being sexually inclined. Probably part of the reason she went off with my co-worker, you know."
You listened to him, and he was thrilled to feel so at ease. It was just the first date and yet he could be so raw with you.
"Well, my first time was awful." you reminisced, then went on to talk about your first times.
Nanami nodded slowly, then spoke up, "Maybe you just needed a more experienced man to take care of you properly."
You squeezed your thighs together tighter and felt your skin flush hot.
"Maybe. Do you know a guy?" you joked flirtatiously.
Nanami smiled bashfully. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be too forward there."
"Not at all. I'd love to try with an experienced man who knows how to treat me right." you murmured.
You leaned over the table, looking up into his eyes.
Nanami reciprocated your sultriness. His heart was beating faster, and he stopped eating his tiramisu.
"... how do you want to be treated?" he asked.
"... well, I'd love a strong gentleman to grab me by the hair... and give me his babies."
Nanami's breath hitched. He had a tent forming in his pants, his cock was squished against his inner thigh getting longer as it got harder.
"... I think I can do that." he replied breathlessly.
He felt a small shiver when you brought your hand up to his cheek to caress it. Just that small touch sparked so much inside him.
By the time he paid the bill, his boner was calming down. But when you said goodbye to him and caught your taxi, you did something that made his cock stiffen again.
You got on your tiptoes and planted an appreciative kiss on his dimple.
"Thank you for showing me a good time." you murmured into his ear.
He swallowed hard, "Of course... thank you for being good company."
"Mhm. Look forward to keeping you company again."
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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naturecall · 10 months
I'm Strix and this my (main) blog. The character portrayed here is an original who has lived rent-free in my head for 10+ years. Rhiannon has many verses that she has been adapted to including but not limited to: Marvel, ASOIAF/Fire & Blood, The Last of Us, and Dragon Age.
Writers that are at least 18+. 21+ would be ideal. Minors will be will be blocked!
Engagement. I do expect to have some form of communication with my writing partners. We don't have to be up each other's bums 24/7/365 but I'd like to chat on occasion. We do not have to be mutuals to write/talk! This hobby requires communication.
Honesty. It's totally fine if you aren't interested in doing a plot I've brought up. I would rather you actually be engaged in whatever we're writing together. Things that are one-sided are never fun.
Respect. I work full time and I'm married. I also suffer from depression and generalized anxiety. I also have ADHD on top of that. Real life will always come first. Replies will generally take time. If it's been a while, you can give me a poke but please don't badger me.
FANTASY! I've been hyperfocused on the high fantasy genre for some time now; that's not likely to change anytime soon. Some of my favorite fantasy fandoms include: Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls, ASOIAF, and D&D. (Shockingly enough, I'm really not into LOTR or WoW.)
SCI-FI! More superhero/superpower-forward stuff, like Marvel and DC. I do like Star Wars and whatnot but it'd have to be a plot I'm 100% into to get me motivated.
SHIPS! I'm a slut for ships, okay. I'm always down for it. If you're shy about bringing it up to me, don't be; chances are I probably ship it too.
SMUT! Duh. I'm totally down for a trip to pound town, if you know what I mean. With or without plot. I'm not easily triggered, so almost anything goes. Anything deemed "sensitive" will be labeled and tagged accordingly.
FUN. This is a hobby! We all should be having a good time here.
🎭 DRAMA. This is in regards to OOC drama, of course! I'm not interested in engaging in pettiness on here. That includes anon-hate! If you have issues with me or anything I do on here, I'd rather deal with it head on. It's far more productive. Also there is that awesome feature this hellsite has provided for us called the 'unfollow' button.
Pestering. I know I covered this earlier but I'm reiterating it here! I'm a slow roleplayer most days. If you want constant attention/activity, this is not the place for you.
Blog Policing. Just DON'T. It's annoying and rude. You are responsible for the content you consume. I will do my absolute best to tag any and all sensitive content on here. It's fine to inform me if I've overlooked something, though.
Quid Pro Quo. I will not do the whole "if you play X, I'll play Y" thing. If I don't have a character listed on my blogs, I'm likely not interested in writing for them.
Forcing Ships. This is self-explanatory.
Real Life Romance. I'm married and have been for a while. I'm good. LOL. I'd love to forge more friendships, though!
Follow-for-Follow. I would rather you not follow me back just because I followed you! If you follow me, I will assume you are genuinely interested in writing with me and I will expect some form of engagement from/with you within at least a week or two. If not, I will likely softblock you.
A Song of Ice and Fire / Fire & Blood
Detective Comics
Dragon Age
Dungeons & Dragons
The Elder Scrolls
The Last of Us
@naturecall (main)
@ofmoonglade (oc mermaids/merlings)
@ofireandblood (hotd/got)
@womenofmarvel (marvel)
@goldenugs (dragon age)
@felinempathy (catwoman)
@machinewhisperer (aloy)
@theshadowdancer (oc noire)
@arcanologie (oc)
@nathaira (tav of bg3)
@nocteflorens (supernatural/occult multimuse)
0 notes
eternal-aurath · 2 years
Az's Sonic Self-Insert AU Introduction | Part 1
So in-line with making an MHA masterpost to explain those massive AUs that I've had for a while, I'm making one for my Sonic AU too. Which will be even more complicated because I've had Eternal for over 10 years and have been working with this particular version for about 7.
So without further ado, I shall put it all under the cut! This one's gonna be a LOT longer, because I have way more art on-hand than I did for MHA. Over 10 years worth of it, actually.
Alright, so I lied. This AU doesn't actually start with Eternal, technically. It starts with my very first Sonicsona from over 10 years ago, Violet.
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Yes, this design was an eyesore, but bare with me. She was my original Sonicsona whom I kinda made by mistake, but damn did she open the doors. I used her for a long time, before scrapping her for reasons unknown, and making Eternal.
I later decided to bring her back as just an OC, and she's become a central part to the AU.
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^ This is her current design, give or take some clothes.
Now, onto Eternal. He's one of those inserts I've had long enough that he was originally a girl for many years. However, even when referring to these old designs, we're gonna use he/him for my comfort.
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Eternal's original design was. An eyesore to say the least. Blue fur, blue eyes, blue clothes... I did not know color theory and I didn't know any color other than BLUE. Ignore the purple character on the left, that was an "anti" form for this Eternal who legit never got used outside of this picture.
Now lucky y'all I actually don't have much more art of this version from back in the day (That's all packed away in a cringe archive), but I do have a few more recent redraws of the design. Because sometimes I get nostalgic for where Eternal started.
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After this, it becomes complicated. I cycled designs for Eternal a lot. I could never get him feeling quite right. For a long time I've sought this balance between feeling like he looks like me, whilst also having an appropriately fun Sonic style design, and also feeling like he represents what I want to be; A me who isn't afraid. Also he was shipped with Sonic.
I also just like a shitton of different aesthetics and couldn't PICK ONE. So E went through a Lot of designs. Therefore bare with me and my potentially terrible memory.
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I think this is one of the oldest that I still have. There were some others between this and the blue hedgehog one, but do they matter? Not really. This one is where the Eternal we know now really began. This design is in-line with Nyx's original design (My Sly Cooper insert. Well, the first one). Putting this somewhere around 2015.
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Then it transitioned into this hedgehog design. I just really love the aesthetic of the hedgehog designs, okay? Lol. And as you can probably notice, I started shipping him with Shadow. This was legit a complete accident, but Shadow has somehow claimed the top spot as my most important F/O to date. Many have come close and perhaps share his tier, but he's still got a very unique spot all his own. This was in 2016, and this is where I designated Eternal to have psychokinesis. Call me unoriginal but it's literally one of my favorite powers ever.
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And then I guess I got annoyed with him being entirely dark brown, and did this design. Still actually love the hair on this one.
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And then I wanted to be more "original" and not have a hedgehog design, so I tried echidna. It didn't last long because I like my fursonas having ears, I learned. Also yes, he had a hammer weapon that was inspired by Skyrim. It did not fit the Sonic aesthetic. This design and it's outfits actually set up A LOT of Eternal's aesthetic now, though.
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I then did this hedgecat design. Which then transitioned back into just being a cat. I did kinda stick with for a little while at that point, at the least. Also props to me in the first pic for actually drawing him holding my phone lol
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And then this design came to be. In terms of physical features, this is the design that built a lot of Eternal now. He was a fox/lynx hybrid at this point. And the colors went back to matching Nyx. I used this design quite a lot, and I think this is the design he had when I started cracking down with actually writing the fic.
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And then I made him orange. Because I can. And because I got bored with brown. The one issue I had with this design was properly drawing where his orange head ended and his brown/other color hair began. Could never quite get that right.
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And then it turned into this design. Which has also become like a cornerstone of E's current design. This was the design in play when I came out and Eternal officially became a he.
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And this was the first drawing of him afterwards. I joked to my best friend that I always had trouble drawing boobs and chest fluff, and always thought that one of them needed to go. Turns out it was the chesticles!
And then I got bored with brown again. I missed taking advantage of how colorful Sonic characters are allowed to be. I missed expressing myself via an unusually colored animal. I missed having fun with my designs.
So, to ring in the new year of 2021 (Sort of), I started redesigning him again. The first design made specifically to be a guy.
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A lot of fiddling happened. A boy do I mean A Lot. I fussed over colors a ridiculous amount. Because E is ridiculously important to me, and I needed him to feel just right. In the end...
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This is where he stands now. I'm in love with this design more than I have ever loved any of his designs before. This is The One and I'm so ridiculously happy with it.
However... There's more to it, because Eternal actually has two versions. Pre-06 retcon, and Post-06 retcon. I just refer to it as Pre- and Post-retcon/reboot. And in Pre-reboot I gave him a slightly different design. I want to represent my transition through him, because his old designs kind of are a timeline of Me.
So I've let pre-retcon E have a design more similar to older ones while still adding new elements to make it still feel like Eternal as he is now.
I'm still ironing out those design details though, and I have reached the 30 image post limit, so this will be part 1 of this masterpost. Part 2 will get into the actual story and whatnot.
If you've somehow read this entire autobiography about my Sonicsonas, I applaud you immensely.
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