#Lucas haters too
w4z1zi · 5 months
Posting those here too because I can
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I love you non toxic resident evil fans 💞💞💞💞
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marztapatan · 24 days
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It rains over this dead garden
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winwintea · 26 days
Lucas was a womanizer maybe, but not a sexual deviant.
anon pls correct me, but i don't think ive called him a sexual deviant?? i was simply saying that i'm neutral on the lucas situation, i don't really want to have an opinion on it 😭 especially with all the rumors surrounding the situation that still haven't really really been confirmed by the law as true or false.
like i listened to renegade when it came out but i don't stan him either
i mean atp he's looking more innocent than taeil, with sm still keeping him as an artist, and most nct members still following him lol
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slasherscream · 3 months
i would love to know which of the crazy ass boys gang would indulge a partner who watches reality tv? whose getting just as invested and angry and who is standing to the side saying it’s dumb and fake? (i know it’s kevin)
❥ who grins and bares it so they can bond with you ❥
Billy Loomis - This is just a bonding activity for Billy. It’s not awful. Nor is it the most fun thing in the world. It’s just one of those tiny moments that relationships are built off. The small bids for connection that build intimacy. You don’t bitch when he wants to watch Psycho for the sixth time in two months. He doesn’t bitch when you turn on trashy TV. He pulls you close, so that you’re sitting in his lap, or laid up against him, and pays enough attention to ask you the odd question or two to clarify what’s going on if he gets lost. What do you mean they switch couples?? When did they start doing that? Last week… oh I bet Luca was pissed. 
David Mccall - David is obnoxious because he pretends to be the type who is upset when you watch without him. He’ll come home, glance at the TV and gasp dramatically: Baby! Why are you watching our show without me?! How far along are you? You watched an entire episode? You know better than that, baby! You gotta rewind it, hold on, I’ll order us some pizza. Can’t believe you’d watch behind my back! This is a ridiculous pantomime that you may or may not pick up on. Mileage varies as always. David couldn’t care less about the reality TV shows you watch. But he likes the way you giggle as you rewind it for him. Or the way you light up when you’re discussing it with him. You used to spend way too much time talking with your friends about this stupid crap. Now you talk to him. Who gives a shit about whatever mindless little thing you’re watching. What David enjoys is your undivided attention. 
Jason Dean/JD - JD also sees this as a bonding activity and bid for connection… However, JD is a born hater. He bonds by talking shit. He’s not necessarily trying to be a bummer about the things you enjoy. He’s just a certified yapper when it comes to shit-talking. If he thinks something is stupid he just can’t sit in silence. This is his most underdeveloped life skill. He’s got ten minutes of quiet in him max. If he does manage to bite his tongue his face gives him away anyways. So what was the point? Will say something pretentious like: “Why are we watching people play out a badly scripted version of their lives through a screen when we could be out living ours, right now? Let’s hop on my bike and just ride, darling! Live a little!” Sir, I just worked an eight hour shift. I need to see someone who doesn’t deserve a rose get sent home in tears. Read the room. Get a grip. 
❥ who is pissed off/devastated when you watch it without them ❥
Sebastian Valmont - What can he say? Sebastian likes to watch people experience psychological torment. He’s trying to turn on the first seasons of “America’s Next Top Model" and watch a girl get sent home in tears after the judges convinced her to shave her head bald to look more fierce.This is the type of quality reality TV that makes Sebastian laugh. Watching people go through their darkest moments in front of a camera that highlights the creases in their cheap makeup is how he likes to spend the occasional date night. You had to put him onto reality tv shows, but now he’s hooked. He probably watches more reality TV than you do. If we’re being honest. You think this might be how he gets to still live out his glory days of being an unrepentant asshole. Sometimes he sighs a little too wistfully when someone is being a monster. 
Jordan Li - Jordan enjoys anything you do together. Even if they hate a particular activity, at least they’re spending time with you. Still, there are reality TV shows that Jordan really likes, such as: home improvement shows, “Say Yes to the Dress'', “Face Off”, “American Ninja Warrior”, and “RuPaul's Drag Race”. And then there are shows that Jordan puts on a brave face about. Things like “Love Island” and “Jersey Shore”. Jordan gets queasy just scrolling past them. There was a time before they became one of Brink’s favorites that their parents kept pushing them to try and be an entertainment Supe. No one is taking you that seriously, anyways! Maybe you’ll do better in the reality TV circuit. It’s unlikely Jordan will ever get stuck in projects like that now. They’ve proven they can be a heavy hitter. Proven that they’re strong enough to not need to sell themselves as cheap, easily-digestible, entertainment. Still, they don’t like thinking of the alternate world where they’re having to sit in front of a camera and do twenty retakes of “authentic” confessional room venting.
Stu Macher - He likes reality TV and doesn’t care who knows. Hooray! A shared interest… except watching these shows with him will piss you the fuck off. He has dog-shit opinions about everything. You will never be rooting for the same people. You will never agree on who handled a situation better. He’s always rooting for the asshole, it seems. You don’t even think he’s doing it to be contrary or to make you mad. He’s genuinely on their side (most of the time… he does enjoy making you mad.) Watching reality TV with Stu makes you want to kill him. It also makes you look at him funny. Why are you always siding with the bastards? You don’t think Ekin-Su needed to apologize? Stu, are you out of your fucking mind?
Josh Washington - You’re gonna try to tell me that the twins weren’t making him paint toenails while they pulled all nighters of “The Bachelor”? Sure, okay, if you’d like to believe that. And his inner circle consists of Emily and Jess? Please. He’s been watching trashy TV for years. He’s watched a little of everything. He is so well acquainted with the dark underbelly of reality TV that it would roll over for a tummy rub from him. It knows his scent. He can easily keep track of the names, faces, and plots. Who’s fucking who. Who hates who. Who’s forming secret alliances. You’ll probably be more lost than Josh ever gets. He’s a day one. He’s an OG. 
❥ who is pissed off to even be hearing about it second-hand ❥
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - He has better shit to do than watch reality TV show crap all day, and so do you. These are the kinds of harsh words that will be waiting for you if you try and get him to watch anything fun with you. Ask him one too many times and, like a parent who is annoyed that you are bothering him, he will begin to fill up any moment of free time the two of you have with activities. No, babe, we can’t watch “90 Day Fiance.” Why? Because we’ve got to run the marathon for kids with cancer and then we’ve got dinner with the mayor after that. You two are gonna be booked and busy. You were obviously bored. Now you won’t have time to even think!
Kevin Khatchadourian - Please don’t remind him so blatantly of his own intellectual superiority over you (he’s an asshole.) He gets the ick of the century when you try and tell him what happened during one of your little…programs. If you have the audacity to take it a step further and ask him to watch with you? He’s rendered speechless. Since when is this relationship a safe space? He doesn’t enjoy well-written, heart-stopping, incredible genre-defining movies and television. And yet, somehow, you’re so delusional you think he’s gonna sit through reality television with you? Don’t piss him off. He doesn’t even bother responding. Enjoy the view of his back as he walks away!
❥ secret fourth worse thing ❥
Nathan Prescott - Nathan is once again in a category of his own, which you might call: too nosy to not get into it, but doesn't want you to know he enjoys it. He made fun of you when you first started to watch reality TV. He can’t go back on his word now. If you were cuddling on the couch he’d have his face turned into your stomach and dramatically roll his eyes at your absentminded head rubbing. Could we focus on what’s important please? But then the plots started thickening and the heated exchanges started to pique his interest. He knew he was cooked when he started recognizing names, who was booed up with who… wait that disloyal prick hooked up with who this week?! He tells you to just replay the episode because you’re explaining it shitty and you obviously want him to watch it and talk to you about it. It isn’t for his benefit at all. Turn the subtitles on, god dammit.
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A/N: this was really fun! how did you know i've been watching reality TV shows lately?? if you enjoyed these headcanons consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or an anon! a writers fuel is engagement. xoxoxo
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skywalkr-nberrie · 1 month
Calling Anakin “manipulative” or “creepy” for his lines in AOTC is actually crazy to me, because George Lucas didn’t say he based their romance off the early 30’s soap opera style movies, for y’all to lose the point this hard. The inspirations he drew for Anakin and Padmé’s love story are naturally more enhanced in theatrics, are dramatically crafted, and purposefully performative. What did you expect? A post-modern style cringe love story?
Haters with these opinions are the kind of weirdos who make fun of and have 0 appreciation for classical stories like Shakespearean, Roman, and Greek tragedies. Offering up a lot of bad takes without ever truly grasping the essence of what these above mentioned stories are all about and they think they’re real smart.
Anakin saying “I’m haunted by the kiss, that you should’ve never have given me.” isn’t him blaming Padmé for kissing him or letting him kiss her. What he’s saying is that he can’t ever come back from repressing his emotions and feelings about her because now he’s had a taste of what it feels like to BE WITH HER. He’s confessing his undying love for her, and his intentions isn’t the manipulate her or make her feel “guilty” for “leading him on”. And if it translated that way to you, than I’d argue, that that’s more concerning. Btw, Padmé herself was in awe of when Anakin said this to her.
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Not to mention that Anakin DREW BACK from pursuing Padmé, because he understood that she wasn’t going to oblige whether it would’ve been because she didn’t want too out of duty or if it was something else. Anakin doesn’t bring it up again until Padmé herself does. Basically admitting that she can’t live without him anymore, and she’s been dying a little everyday pretending like she simply go back to her duties and forget him.
And calling Anakin “immature” for his feelings and the way he talks to Padmé is also a severely incorrect way to consume their love story and not because Padmé completely is swooned by Anakin’s words, but because the narrative itself makes it clear that Anakin is very self aware of what his feelings are and his words come naturally to him. He’s not speaking out of immature, irrational, and brainless hormonal nonsense. He’s calm, collected, and simply expressing his yearning and longing for the girl he’s loved for 10 years. Never at any point are we supposed to think of him as “immature” especially not in that moment either. Padmé even makes note of it in the AOTC novel, that there’s “nothing of a child left in him” and that’s he’s now, completely a man. (That’s no hint that Anakin was behaving “imMaTuReLy”)
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darklinaforever · 1 month
The idea that Star Wars has become shit since Disney bought it makes me laugh.
As a reminder, Lucas made shitty changes to the original trilogy and basically got rid of the original versions so we would never have access to them again and it's disgusting.
The prelogy is far from being a masterpiece. Star Wars 7 and 8 are, sorry, generally better than the entire trilogy and even if Revenge of the Sith is very good, it doesn't make up for the overall catastrophe or the acting of the actors, which is frankly not crazy... Without forgetting the shit writing of some dialogue...
In the extended universe already there are excellent stories as well as bad ones, that doesn't change what the extended universe has already served us, Disney involved or not.
But in cinema and television, sorry, but we had excellent things.
In movies we have Rogue One, Star Wars 7, Star Wars 8. And the Solo movie was far from bad, however, I blame it for its ending with Dark Mole because if you don't know the extended universe, seriously wtf ? And since we only know what happens to Q'ira in the extended universe, I consider the Solo film to be part of the extended universe rather than the main story told in the cinema (which makes sense when you think about it because the film is called in addition to solo, a star wars story).
In terms of shows made under Disney we have Obi Wan Kenobi which is excellent.
The Acolyte which, contrary to what the haters say, is very good and is far from ruining Star Wars, on the contrary, it applies its biggest theme very well !
Ashoka is not bad too, seeing how it develops and the ending it will have especially.
The Mandalorian was very good in its beginnings even if... let's be honest, it's a bit of a failure since they said to themselves that mixing this story with the Book of Boba Fett was a good idea... Clearly the worst show star wars live action under disney in my opinion and or precisely it is the episodes dedicated to the Mandalorian which saves it, but normally, a priori it has nothing to do there! Without forgetting the fact of absolutely having wanted to involve Luc in this independent story in the Star Wars universe ?! Holy shit...
Anyway, saying that Star Wars is ruined right now needs to stop kidding.
Have people forgotten all the stupid things that happened with the Star Wars universe before it was under Disney ?
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 9 months
rating luxiem and noctyx by how good they would be at taking care of bugs
my name is unit 4402 and i’m typing this on my phone. autocorrect’s suggested emojis are going to go crazy wish me luck
tags: ambiguous relationship, can be read as platonic or romantic, gender neutral reader, fluff, humor, bugs and spiders
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🖋 Ike Eveland: 4/10
he’s neutral about most bugs. he’ll pick up critters like beetles and caterpillars with his hands and set them outside
gets grossed out by the nastier bugs though. won’t touch ‘em himself, they’re lucky if he can gather himself enough to get a paper and cup. otherwise it’s swatter time with gritted teeth and barely mustered courage
certified spider hater. absolutely terrified of them get out of here!!!
he'll use a swatter, pesticides, everything. but he’s so afraid of how they disappear when he’s not looking
you’ll have to keep an eye on it while he finds the pesticide or vice versa
if he’s unfortunate enough to be the one to kill it you’ll have to hype him up, calm his nerves, and then tell him it’s okay once the deed is done
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🦁 Luca Kaneshiro -100/10
this guy… easily the worst of both units at bug duty. you might just have to take the bullet
he gets sketched out by even the cute ones like butterflies and ladybugs if he looks at them for too long. there’s no way he could even take a moth with a level head
he even reacts to all of them the same. “AAAAH! T-t-there’s a [BUG NAME] in [room name]!”
even so he tries to be nice to them with a cup and paper, or some other method to get them out of his space
unfortunately australian wildlife has prepared him so smaller bugs are still scary but he’ll be a big scared scary mafia boss and take action
and everyone says they’ll leave the house as a joke if they can’t find the spider but it’s luca. there is a solid chance that he will invite you to stay with him in one of the kaneshiro vacation homes for about three days. that’s enough time for the bugs to leave, right?
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👟 Shu Yamino: 10/10
oh! a bug!
is rather delighted at bug!
honestly if it’s a cool bug he might just take a video of it doing its thing and give it a personality!
he has a out-of-sight, out-of-mind philosophy with bugs. he’s fine with just about anything as long as they aren't annoying
harmful pests will get swatted tho ofc
everything else, he’s fine with bringing outside himself without much fanfare
some of them are a little creepy but he tries to rationalize it. they’re just tiny animals and he’s a big strong sorcerer, it’s fine. what are they gonna do, infest him to death?
…he’s going to spray the house down later just to be sure.
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👹 Vox Akuma: 9/10
a wild card. and also VERY emotionally invested in any bugs that come his way whether that’s good or bad
if they manage to sneak up on him he’ll probably yell “WOAH” or curse out of surprise, then figure out whether he should be scared or not
surprisingly fine with the nastiest of them. he actually loves worms, centipedes and similar critters, and he’ll even admire them if they stumble into his territory
“look reader this is me if i were a worm. would you still love me if i was a worm 🥺” “vox please just get that thing outside”
spiders have a 50-50 survival chance. he’ll kill small spiders but bring the big ones outside because the big ones are like full Animals to him and slaughtering animals is not something he can bring himself to do (tiny ones don’t count)
are scorpions bugs? do they count? either way that’s his one objection. he wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole if he had the choice, but if you’re really that scared, then he’ll put on a brave face and hide his fear
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🎭 Alban Knox: 2/10
if he’s going to take care of a bug you need to make peace with the fact that he will whine the entire time
not a cute fun whine either. he’ll complain the entire time that it’s gross and nasty and ewww yuck ugh!
and that’s just for beetles and caterpillars
show him a spider or something else just as creepy and he will actually scream
and yell as he fumbles around to take care of it
and yell as he eventually grabs it with his hands (he’s panicking a little too hard to get a tool)
and yell as he tries to open the door and throw it outside
this is assuming he doesn’t find a slipper nearby. if he has a tissue or something he’ll smash the bug over and over until it’s pulverized
and he’ll STILL be yelling while he does that
the job gets done but at what cost
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🐑 Fulgur Ovid: 6/10
he’s not a 6/10 because he dislikes bugs. he’s neutral towards them, not really creeped out by them but not a fan either
he’s a 6/10 because he’s a dick about taking care of them for you
here’s how it usually goes: you summon him to save you from a creepy crawly. he’ll inspect it and go “really, you’re scared of that little thing? look at it closer, it’s just a bug”
and once he quits fooling around he just swipes it up. his fingers are solid steel which allows for Precise Bug Snatching
but he’ll act unsure and go “i think i got it. here, reader, look inside my hand and tell me if you see it”
or even the dreaded move where he pretends he’s bringing the bug closer to you so you have to see it
and THEN once he’s outside he’ll open his hands and go “wait i think i lost it” just to get a rise out of you until he confirms yes, it’s safe and out of the house
if you’re legitimately terrified then he doesn’t even bother with the jokes. just point out the bug and close your eyes, and he’ll be washing his hands while you stare back at a smudge on the wall before you can even get out a sentence
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🔗 Sonny Brisko: 8/10
somehow both a gentle soul and a complete menace
he's very matter-of-fact when you point them out. "it's just a little jumping spider, no big deal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
in fact he's almost adorable with how he quietly talks to the bugs and coaxes them to crawl on his hand so he can get them out of your way
and then he prods and begs you to take a picture of the bug bc it's a cool little guy
surprisingly knowledgeable and can identify bugs easily, so once he's got one in his hands he'll show it to you and tell you some facts about it
which is very sweet except for the fact that it's still a nasty bug and you want it out of your face!
he'll lightly tease you over being so scared of a little bug while he takes them outside. and if it's a pest-eater like a spider he'll hide it in a dark corner out of your sight
overall very kind to bugs and thinks they're friendly
which is why it throws you so hard that sometimes after he coos over them he just FUCKING SMASHES THEM IN HIS PALM?
also when the bug is taken care of he'll sneak behind you and lightly tap his fingers up your arm like a creepy-crawly and then laugh when you get scared. what a shithead
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🔮 Uki Violeta: 15/10
the very essence of "i'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with ME"
it's like watching a cat hunt an unaware mouse. he's so quick about it
and he's so good at it too?? he'll find the bug, swat it, and throw the remains away in less than a minute on a good day
doesn't even act like it's a big deal either, he just goes back to what he was doing before you asked for help
he uses tissues or shoes on the big ones like roaches, but anything small, he's surprisingly good at crushing them with his bare hands. this is especially funny when he has acrylics on bc those nails never get dirty nor in the way
spiders get the relocation pass, and he'll insist they stay inside, just out of sight
non-zero chance if you complain about it, he'll go on a lecture about how spiders are how you prevent other pests from invading the house
honestly you only see this side of uki once. the bugs are too scared to show their faces after this stint
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✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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codename-adler · 2 months
i neeeeeeeeed to know more abt your trojan ocs anytime you wanna share
heehee i got a special pookie for ya jo 🫶 (trojans ocs roster here)
06: Mateo Solano (22) USC Trojans Goalkeeper
here comes theeeeee... Bitch™
don't got a gif for him sorry
i also now realize i accidently gave him Seth's number... wow. but believe me, Mateo's sm worse. i love mi princesita Seth. i don't even like Mateo. (jk. but like, he sucks a whole lot before he gets his redemption arc. interpret that however you want.)
he's one of the seniors of the team, he's 5'9 and fucking bitter about it, he studies Spanish because he is a lazy mf who has no plan but to go Pro (fortunately he will)
106% fuckboi energy fr he's insufferable
at the start of the new season (when Jean joins) he is still crabby about Laila having rejected him when he asked her out after their loss to the Foxes (in my universe/wip, Lailalvarez are not together yet bc i want to explore their relationship from the beginnings :) )
Mateo isn't really interested in Laila anyway, though, and he doesn't know why 1) it still stings and 2) he even asked in the first place (perhaps because they are the golden goalie duo of USC, perhaps because she is better than him and has broken records, perhaps because of something else...)
he's also such a bitchy asshole to Jean, because Jean is a beast on the court and Mateo is jealous
he's single and a v because he is waiting for marriage and the right girl (siiiiiiiiike!) (still fuckboi aura tho he's that extra)
comes from a very religious household and he is a practicing believer
he doesn't really have any friends on the team (sad) because he is so prickly and bitchy, but everyone is still kind and open to him because he is very reliable on the court, in the goal, and he does not second-guess or question authority, he's very good at following orders and instructions, always aiming for the best
and though it's good for everyone that he stays in goal because of his problematic attitude that would get the Trojans carded if their opponents heard him talk, the power of bitch he possesses is also a great asset, as he easily makes any enemy player lose their temper with his saccharine remarks paired with a Colgate smile
now! the plot twist!
Mateo is what you would get if internalized homophobia + comphet had two legs and an attitude problem
he is as homophobic as Seth and Aaron were, and even more if I dare say, and though he's never outwardly a hater and never uses slurs (at least he holds back on that for Jesus), he's such a bitch about homosexuality... it makes him so angry and queasy, he'll be rude af to you, he'll leave the room fuming, not participate in conversations, that kind of thing. he tries very hard to forget about Jeremy, to overlook it, and he's not like Lucas, questioning Jeremy's decision because of his sexuality, but it's so much better when Jeremy is single... (ik how this sounds, but believe me when i say he does not have a repressed crush on Jeremy, or Jean. that's just his Exy inferiority complex.)
thing is, it becomes incredibly difficult for him to ignore all of that gayness when Laila and Alvarez get together (oh), when Levi suddenly drops Angie to get closer with their assistant coach, when Jeremy clearly has a huge thing for Jean, the Drivers come out with their own gay thang, when Coach Rhemann himself gets his shit together with his long-lost broody ex... Mateo is literally surrounded by homos.
and sure, the wlw stuff never really bothered him, didn't get the appeal (and why do you think Mateo!!!), but with almost all of his authority figures dabbling in the gay, Mateo is kind of a caged animal, and he's bound to lose control and do some very stupid things, like start fights, get benched, punch a wall or 2...
oh, and there's Yanko too.
infuriating ginger man that won't leave him the fuck alone. mountain man of steal who is somehow always right, and chill. the designated Mateo-handler, apparently, because Jeremy had to delegate that hot potato to someone with less... undesirable traits to Mateo (i'm not sure yet how the rest of the team handles his outbursts bc he's not open about why he has them, not very vocal, but there's definitely a specific thing wrong at play here whenever they happen, and maybe Jeremy has an inkling, idk, tbd)
so it really comes out of NOWHERE. nobody, NOBODY has a fucking clue. least of all Mateo. then suddenly Yanko has had enough and pushes Mateo into a wall, and kisses him, very publicly, and Mateo kisses back.
there's a whole lot that goes on behind the scenes before that first fiery PDA, and after that it all goes downhill for a while before balance is found again. anyhoo. enemies-to-lovers ftw ✊
Mateo's family is very loving and supporting of him btw <3
and that's all for now for the resident pendejo of the Trojans, Mateo Solano 👿
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prettyrealm · 6 months
lucas reputation reading
this reading is a paid commission, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3
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female idols:
most female idols basically think he’s a thief in every sense of the word. let’s say he sees you smoking a cigarette, he can definitely afford his own and maybe even has his own, but he’s gonna bum one off of you anyway - a huge beggar. they think he’ll even “steal” your energy (energy vampire) because he can be a huge trauma dumper. they see him as a player that always has a new girlfriend. they see him as super energetic and social. they think he’s someone who is full of excuses, like he always has some made up reasoning as to why he can’t just complete one simple task himself. they think he’s a really horny guy that hits on anyone, it’s to the point where some may think he’d sleep with almost any woman in the industry so it’s not even special or flattering to be hit on by him. they think he tells a lot of sob stories and he has a lot excuses and may even use his trauma dumping/sob stories as a way to flirt or pull girls (forcing girls to talk and sympathize with him). they think he larps as a “nice guy” to also flirt like, “people don’t ever want to give me a chance even though i’m great and never do anything wrong 🥺” (“don’t i get a hug” vibes)
male idols:
male idols for the most part seem to admire lucas and his closer friend group (& I get that he has A LOT of friends actually) really feel he’s hard done by, lucas is a really big ”bro code” person (bros before hoes) and he’ll really be there for his guy friends like no other, he’s male idols “do anything” bestie. if you need him to come over last minute he will, you ask him for help he’ll do it no questions asked, if you need him to lie for you he’s way ahead of you etc., they also think he has a good memory and they like that about him, if they tell him things he’ll actually remember it. he gets along with men really easily to the point that your personality doesn’t really even matter, as long as you follow typical “bro code” rules you should get along with him pretty well. he’s really there for his male friends and displayed true loyalty to a lot of male idols. gay men in the industry also seem to have an affinity for lucas, finding him charming and attractive. I think he’s good at getting a long with men to the point where if a male idol is gay or bi it’s really easy for them to catch feelings for him. lucas isn’t the distant type and he’s very easy to talk to and get along with.
most staff really like lucas, he’s really nice to them and open to listening to them. he may even be really conversational and ask them opinions on things in his personal life (“should I buy this?” “what do you think?” “how do you feel about this?”), he’s really good at treating them as if they’re his friends. he’s especially nice to female staff, to the point where they could almost think he’s a feminist. he has very good manners with them and may take care of them well - extremely chivalrous, he does a lot for staff as well (like letting them take his card or putting things on his tab - if a staff member needs to go get him something from the convenience store he’s like, “and make sure to get yourself something too”). the people that work with him right now also feel really bad for him and don’t think what he’s going through is fair - they genuinely see it as all just haters trying to bring him down. staff genuinely love working with him, if they’re working with 10 different idols and 15 different groups throughout the week, their favorite time and what they look forward to most will always be working with lucas.
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My experience with Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii after dark/KiramekiCookie
I have to get this out of my system because I'm deadass tired of watching this person wander around as if they're innocent when they aren't, and I'm also annoyed because of people not noticing what this person does behind the scenes because it now takes one quick Google Search using the prompt "Luca Wii Sports" to go down the rabbit hole. This is about HoneyStarlightz/Lumii.
Lemme begin with the minor stuff. So you know how Lumii has a massive grudge against me because of most of, if not all the stuff I drew in my DeviantArt account? Almost everything there was drawn when I was a FUCKING MINOR. I am 20 years old as we speak, and most of the drawings Lumii mentions happened BEFORE MY 18TH BIRTHDAY on the 1st of December, 2021, and I'll admit, during most of that time, I was a dumbass, immature, and an edgelord. I then stopped posting anything bloody and/or revealing but continued to post harmless drawings before my 18th birthday happened. October 11th of last year was when I stopped posting on that account all together because I found out that DeviantArt was blaming Hamas and Hamas only for the Palestinian deaths and making it as if the Israel military didn't do a thing to innocent lives in Palestine after Hamas attacked.
Next, we have them making me look like an asshole for shipping Luca with Abby (The one shipart I made of the two apparently traumatized them). Back when I was 17, I decided to draw Abby and Luca, two Miis I'm not a fan of, nor close to, as a couple because I thought shipping the two was a good idea. I then posted the finished product on the 23rd of January, 2021. The drawing was not meant to traumatize anyone. It was JUST. SHIP. ART. OF. ABBY. &. LUCA. The only bad thing about that drawing was that I shoved my opinion of the two Miis down people's throats in the description by asking how the hell do people like them because to me, they're just not fun to play against at all, and even then, it was drawn three to four years ago, and I don't even ship the two anymore. I ship Abby with Wii U Barbara now. Mate, I didn't even know Lumii EXISTED back then, let alone know they had a massive love for Luca.
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Next, there's the clear as day hipocrisy that people have yet to notice somehow. So you know how Lumii has "Opinion Bashers" on their DNI list, right? On that same list, they also have people that hate, despise, even dislike Luca, instantly making them a hypocrite because they said they don't want to interact with people who just cannot tolerate others having a different opinion while also saying that if you think Luca is not a good Mii, you're instantly on their shit list. Also, they said no exceptions, meaning you can be the nicest person in the world, but if you dislike Luca, go fuck yourself.
I have several friends that like Luca a lot, some of which are here on Tumblr. I do not like Luca. We get along perfectly fine. I don't understand why they feel like Luca haters and Luca lovers can't co-exist when they clearly can. Just don't be an ass to others when it comes to what you think of the character, mate.
Lastly, we have the fact that they cannot take criticism. They said criticism is prohibited on their DeviantArt profile, which means that you can say anything positive about their art, but if you say anything negative, then nope. Get out. Oh, I'm so sorry I gave you a harmless critique that was just saying what I didn't like and how you can improve. I apologize.
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Seriously tho, how sensitive can you be to the point where you prohibit people from critiquing your work? Or is it that they can't criticize you? Or is it both?
Now we go to the bigger stuff, starting with the TRANSPHOBIA ACCUSATIONS and obvious delusion. They said, and I quote "please shut the fuck up for calling him "Lucapoopa", "Boring", "Annoying", "Scum" and "Tedious" for the love of fucking god, he's fucking overhated and y'all are too harsh and transphobic at him, fucking hell".
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Luca is not canonically trans. Don't even say he is because of unused data because I did my research, and the only unused data he has is facial hair related. Don't get me wrong, Luca being trans is a HC that I'm completely fine with. If you want to headcanon him as trans, fine by me. Trans rights all the way, mate. Don't fucking call people transphobic just for disliking Luca tho! Luca is not canonically trans, and even if he was, bold of Lumii to assume that someone that hates Luca hates him because he's trans. He appears as an opponent in three games and there's a chance that he might piss you off in all three.
How delusional do you have to be to see someone hate a character that isn't trans outside of your HC and go "Oh, they're transphobic"?
Next, there's fullblown insensitivity. I decided to check on DeviantArt for something, and I get a DM from someone. We had a chat about Lumii, and in that chat, they showed this...
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Can you spot the insensitive part? Here, I'll make it easier for ya.
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I'm completely fine with people giving dark backstories to Miis in their HC, but there's a line, and you crossed it. Can we not do rape related headcanons, please? I feel like that should go without saying because, oh, I dunno, that shit is OBVIOUSLY IN BAD TASTE!
Lastly, there's something I cannot show here because if I do, I'm going to get in trouble... It has to do with porn...
Lumii has a total of three accounts that I bumped into while looking at Luca images on Google that have porn of Miis on them. They have a Newgrounds account (KiramekiCookie), which has two drawings of Luca porn, a Bluesky account (Lumii after dark), which has twelve, and a Twitter/X account with the same name, which not only has porn of Luca, but of other Miis too... AND THERE'S AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF IT, MOST OF IT BEING LUCA PORN! TELL ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED WITH OUT TELLING ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED!
I make YOU uncomfortable, Lumii? I make YOU uncomfortable?! You drew Luca laying eggs, you drew a worrying amount of Luca porn, and yet you have the AUDACITY to say I make YOU uncomfortable when you're obviously worse, you fucking hypocrite?! You drew art that is bound to make several people uncomfortable the moment they see it on the THREE ACCOUNTS you have, you falsely accuse people of transphobia, you obssess over Luca an unhealthy and uncomfortable amount, and yet I'M the one in the wrong because I drew ship art of Luca and Abby and art that has blood on it years ago?! I don't get your logic!
BTW, for those who say that this could've been resolved privately, it couldn't because Lumii has blocked me on DeviantArt, and they also blocked me on an old Tumblr account of theirs too, meaning that talking to them was out of the fucking question. They CLEARLY did not want to talk it out. They just wanted to avoid me entirely while also antagonize me for shit I did years ago that wasn't even that bad compared to the crap they did.
Lumii, if you manage to see this, which I know you will because I know you have a Discord and I know someone's gonna send a screenshot to you on there... All of this could've been avoided had you just been a better person.
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citadelofmythoughts · 5 months
Whenever I see people speak of "Monty's vision", I think of George Lucas and the SW prequels
Lucas was following his ideas and doing what he wanted to do with the prequels, his "vision", so to speak, and people hated it, but when you really read between the lines of those complaints you can see that a lot of it is its not what I wanted!!" (especially concerning Anakin, it is very much clear prequel haters wanted from him what Adam stans wanted, cool edgy badass)
And now it's happening all over again, people are extolling Lucas' ideas for the sequels, but those are just ideas, we all know damn well had Lucas' sequels been made the same people would rabidly hate them too
Yup, that's what it always boils down to.
This show/movie/comic isn't what YOU specifically wanted so it's terrible and awful and it's betraying it's roots...whatever those may be.
If you don't like something, have the fucking courage to move on to something else.
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Lumax vs Milevn
One thing that I absolutely love about contrasting Lumax and Milevn is that they followed such similar paths up to a point at which they diverge. And that point of divergence is EVERYTHING.
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For starters, Lucas and Mike start off as each others' love interests biggest haters. They try to shut El and Max out of the party respectively.
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Next, Lucas and Mike are the only ones who treat Max and El with full respect and acceptance right off the bat. They develop a closer bond than the others, Max and El confiding in Lucas in Mike more than they do the others.
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This one's obvious...
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And then we get into the absolute ridiculousness of season 3. The girls break up with their boyfriends, laugh about it, the boys bemoan. It's all humor. It's the epitome of youth. Teenage drama.
Sidebar: I hated both of these ships when I first watched this show. I could not get over the ick factor I felt watching children kissing. I kept being like EVERYONE STOP! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG FOR THIS! Am I really meant to LIKE this??? IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE ROMANTIC???
*cough* Anyway, that was my first impression. So the fact that I am a hardcore Lumax shipper now really demonstrates just how phenomenally that story was told in season four. Bringing us to the divergence.
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Breaking up versus staying together. I'm not even going to talk about El lying to Mike for six months in this post. This is just about the breakup.
Breaking up Max and Lucas for real (as opposed to how she used to break up with him every so often for the fun of it) while simultaneously entering these characters into high school allowed them to evolve separately from one another and confront more adult struggles. Max distances from her friends as a consequence of trauma and Lucas distances in an attempt to fit in. The conversation between Lucas and Mike
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shows how much Mike is taking for granted. Lucas's desire to belong is due to his experiences with bullying and we have canonically seen that for Lucas, this was rooted in racism. Maybe he joined the basketball team because he's just good at basketball, but I think it's worth mentioning that he joined a team with at least three other black boys on it. I'm not going to write a whole article about Lucas's struggles with racism here, but my point is that what Lucas went through with Billy probably had some lasting effects on him just like it did on Max.
So both characters struggled with finding out what they wanted and who really mattered in season 4 and ultimately, this led them back to one another.
On the other end, we have Milkdud doing the exact opposite. Lumax is physically near one another but broken up. Mildew is physically apart but still together. They struggled alone and pretended things were the same between them, not allowing themselves the opportunity to reassess.
THIS STEP WAS NECESSARY. Maybe that's just opinion, but they are not the same people in season 4 as they were in season 2, especially since a lot of the trauma of season 3 has forced them to mature quicker than they otherwise would have.
These relationships parallel one another in seasons 1/2 to demonstrate how boy-meets-girl might play out. How a crush can evolve into a friend and into a relationship. Then in season 3, they parallel to show how shallow the relationships BOTH are at this stage. How inconsequential young romance is in the grand scheme of things. And they diverge in season 4 to show us that trying to continue on as though you are still the same people in the same relationship as you were when you were kids is not going to grow your relationship into a healthy and mature one.
Personally I think Mike is gay, but IF HE'S NOT, Mike and El could have strengthened their relationship had they allowed themselves distance from one another. I didn't ship Byler yet when season 4 came out. Had Milelevator been executed differently, I fully believe I could have shipped them. Lumax is proof of that. The fact that I don't is a consequence of the INTENTIONAL differences between the ways these two relationships were written.
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scrollonso · 7 days
i'm horrified for cota as a homo so this is how i think the grid feels about gay ppl
the marquez's i feel are fine with homos bc they literally have weiner dogs and no homophobic person has a weiner dog, yk??? (HOMOPHOBIC DOG IS LITERALLY OWNED BY TWO HOMOS.)
no way marco is homophobic. rivoluzione romantica's whole thing is LOVE. and sex but still. I DONT FEEL LIKE HED JUDGE PPL LIKE THAT? and his sister laura is so cunty theres no way he'd judge me.
pedro's young, i feel like he'd be more open minded then most bc of that?? idk are my standards too high? I DONT WANT THESE RIDERS TO JUDGE ME OR BE GROSSED OUT BY ME. but i feel like he's an ally
aleix is on the thinnest ice ever bc yes he's a dad so u'd expect him to like love his kids no matter what blah blah blah but with how much he hangs around jorge?? its like a 60/40
i feel like domi isn't a judger like that so even if pecco used to be she'd shut that down so quick, same with most wags bc i refuse to admit pretty girls can be haters ☹️
luca just looks like an ally. if he hates gay ppl i'll be genuinely shocked bc he looks like someone you'd see just chilling at a pride parade for fun
i have a headache im done thinking
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farawaysoph-ie · 5 months
The Sunshine Court Incoherent Whatever (pt.1)
Okay. Okay.
I just finished The Sunshine Court and 1) Jean Moreau what have you done to me? 2) Jean Moreau what have(n't) they done to you?
I started this, then went and re-read tkm (bc the obsession was always latent and never gone), so I could compare both Neil and Jean pov and well, suffice to say I'm not okay and I feel too much.
Thank you Nora Sakavic, it was painful and amazing.
I have a long train ride so I might as well bring back my incoherent whatever after *checks the notes* 4 years :')
As always this will be so full of spoilers.
(Unrelated spoiler: the train ride wasn't enough)
Let's start with the general:
After loving Neil maybe too much the shift to Jean took awhile to adjust to but now I'm ready to fight at least three mafia families, every single hater (fictional or otherwise) and the FBI for him
Jeremy Knox was everything, but like everyone on here, what are you hiding Jeremy?? What's going on??
Cat and Laila, my beloved ™️ the care these two effortlessly gave made me cry
This whole book was a serious trigger for me, but I'm in too deep with this series, imagine me like that Simpsons meme, I did it for my new french son
Characters, thoughts:
I said before the Ravens were a cult, but I hadn't really understood that statement. Every time Jean spoke of them it hit deeper and deeper how messed up and unfair it all was.
Boy am I happy that Riko is dead, like I didn't really wish anyone the fate of being shot by an unfeeling older brother, until Jean's pov hit me like a high speed train.
Andrew spoke exactly one word in this, still was iconic and a scene stealer, how in character for him
I forgot how much I always want to slap Kevin Day when he's trying his best to be annoying, it's because I love him, I swear! (But seriously his relationship with Jean is so complex and well executed I will think about it for a very long while)
I didn't give much thought to Renee and Jean relationship in tkm, but it broke my heart here, it's when I started to actually tear up, I love them so much rainbows, a cool evening breeze. I can't.
"Tell me something"
"Where are you now?"
The whole dynamic of the Cat&Laila& sometimesJeremy's apartment
Cat teaching Jean how to cook + motorbike ride (open roads)
Laila taking him to shopping
Jeremy wanting to make Jean Moreau the Person his success story
Neil dragging Jean towards survival without giving him a choice, again and again: he sent Renee as gentle bait, closed a deal in his name with a mafia boss, promised him he would win against Riko in his name too, promised him again Riko was dead, ordered a hit on his rapist, offered to delay the talk with the FBI, linked his sister to his name, to survival and to what he deserved. I NEED more interactions between them, I am not above begging.
I have to get a better idea on the other Trojans, but for now the policule was cute, I need more Cody and less Lucas. Like I can understand where he was coming from? But he needs to shut up now, you made your mess man, now go play Exy like you were supposed to.
I miss the Foxes :'(
Wymack! I almost forgot everyone's favourite dad-coach: he showed up, brought alcohol, got more tired, delivered care to yet another traumatized child, spent a whole day on airplanes to bring him to Los Angeles, left him money for clothes&co. bc he's not doing this again, answered his call when he was having The Breakdown. Best dad-coach ever in the history of dad-coaches.
Plot things:
Jean at the beginning was so scared and in so much pain it took a while to get a clear picture of him as a person
Still loved all his salty comments and insults, he couldn't help himself
Renee sitting with him and caring with Abby and Wymack :')
Jean being afraid of going back and of not going back to Evermore, hating the ones that got to leave
The self harm and all the people in this that fought him to keep his hands from his neck, his scars, himself
"I am Jean Moreau. My place is at Evermore. I will endure."
Jean not believing in Wymack care, waiting for the act to end and the other shoe to drop
The disbelief at Kevin being away from the court and him admitting he went at knifepoint (and meaning it literally), sometimes this was a comedy
Wymack, Jean, and the burning of houses
Jean's opinion of the Foxes going from those mediocre fools to those mediocre madmen to the madmen that actually beat Riko Moriyama
Wymack putting Jean's phone in the freezer and hating computers
“That man is years overdue for a high-speed, head-on collision.” couldn't have said it better, but Neil was already on it at that point
"Jean knew better than to look for anger in his stare; the best Kevin could manage was bottomless guilt."
“It was my only chance,” Kevin said. “I knew you wouldn’t come with me.” “My place is at Evermore,” Jean agreed, “but you did not have to slit my throat on the way out.”
“Your blind loyalty to those clowns is exhausting.” “Some of them you like,” Kevin reminded him. “Don’t you dare,”
Nathaniel "Hello Jean" Wesninski vs Jean "Go away" Moreau
This whole conversation went very differently compared to tkm: like there Neil came, dropped a metaphorical bomb, glossed over the explanation and went away trying to convince Andrew they are something
Jean was ambushed by two of his most complicated acquaintances (???) and their "pet goalkeeper" (god I need Andrew's reaction to this "nickname", but I guess no one will ever say this to his face, Neil would be too busy fighting you at the suggestion to ever repeat it), had his worldwiew turned upside down with no chance of having a say in the matter, then was left alone with Kevin Day and the aftermath.
So yes two different conversation; also I kinda forgot of the deal about Neil and his smile
“Everyone who has tried to tame him has failed.”
All for the game: a summary
There was no getting away; there was only getting through.
Jean Moreau who (hasn't) hurt you, part some of too many
What really makes it messed up is that on one hand there was Riko and his mad cruelty and on the other there was an entire team of bystanders At Best: some people were an active part and then pretended, no sympathy for them; others decided to ignore the truth to survive and get what they wanted, which I can understand but I guess they still didn't have the decency to shut up when Jean got away. The anger that crawled through my skin when the smear campaign and the notebook/postcards/magnets thing happened. You should have stayed silent until the end you fucks.
“Do it, then. It wouldn’t take much; we all know I have brittle bones.”
Jeremy pov kinda gave you whiplash, with him waking up super early, helping homeless men, but then you start noticing all the things he avoids almost effortlessly and like, what are you hiding sunshine man??
What actually broke me about his povs was him noticing all these details about Jean, and then misinterpreting them, bc whatever he's been through Jean has had it 100 times worse and this doesn't even factor in Jeremy world. I'm pretty sure he'll get the whole truth in the end and I'm scared of what it'll do to him.
Also Jean being like Ravens always had to keep secrets and then spilling most of them almost unprompted, let's laugh in order not to cry
“He hasn’t played a clean game in years,” Kevin admitted, “but he knows how to follow orders. If you tell him to submit, he will.” “Literally the most awkward way you could’ve worded it,” Jeremy said.
This will keep coming back, Kevin please. (He 100% ships it, one of us)
The Foxes catching the too tired Trojans and Jeremy being like, you are all approved (I need the two teams to interact now)
Also the Trojans being like how are they still standing, Neil how are you still running??
Someone pointed out they wanted Neil to interact with Jeans closest teammates bc if he is a madman by Jean standards, what would normal people make of him? To which yes, but also guys consider this: Neil said to Cat and Laila that they were terrifying after the semifinal, he took a step back when Jeremy opened the door and silently invited him in. I need Neil and the floozies to interact so Neil can experience real fear.
Mafia bosses have nothing on wholesome people, the true weakness of one Neil Josten
Jean immediately hanging up on Jeremy will never not be funny
When you get to the title of the book and it's Jean insulting people <3
I will Never, NEVER, get over the "nineteen". Never.
I love Abby but when she told that bit about fighting back, It Hurt. She probably didn't really mean it and didn't know everything bc how are you supposed to keep fighting when you are fifteen, alone and forsaken in a place that is built to break you? As it has been pointed out, Neil had rebellion beaten into him by a mother that chose him and ran; Jean had a sister that he hoped to protect and parents that sold him away like property. Five months were actually a long time.
Dobson keeps being iconic, I don't know what to think about the I don't know how exy works bit: I mean I've been obsessing with this and still don't know how exy works (plz don't hate me), but at the same time it was such a power move and got Jean to talk
“Of course it’d be you, you tedious malcontent.” “Good morning to you, too.” Nathaniel held up an oversized bandage.
You see why I need more of their interactions, right?
Nathaniel was different; he always would be. He wasn’t a Raven, but he was, same as Jean. He was Jean’s misplaced forever partner, an unfulfilled promise Jean had stopped believing in years ago.
You can now be forever partners while you tear down your families :)
I think that I'm stuck on the two of them bc while Kevin broke a promise to save himself (to which no hate, when dealing with madmen like Riko you have to save yourself) and still couldn't, not completely, Neil was a promise made and broken by other people. Jean hates him bc they were supposed to share a destiny and all the misery, but I think very deep down he knows that if Nathaniel had come to the Nest they would still be nursing wounds and appeasing a tyrant. Neil is the one that stood against Riko when Kevin wanted to hide, the one that gave him courage by example, the one that dragged Jean away from the Ravens, both for selfish reasons (taking down Riko) and better ones (paying him back for saving his life a the Nest).
But still
“You are only here now because you are an abominable cockroach,”
Funny how Neil forgot to tell us about the breakdown about Kevin's tattoo, he was probably thinking about the match. Junkie.
The cheese drawer guys, ???
To this day I still can't decide what was more iconic: Kevin Day switching playing hand halfway through the game and pretty much scoring everything until the last second, Neil being so fast that it made up for him being a shitty defender, Andrew crossing the court to keep Neil from being murdered (I'm biased, but still iconic moments all of them)
Experiencing this match from Jean's pov was amazing writing, like the countdown of the last ten seconds, the Riko-Neil bit without volume but from a different angle (I didn't really realize everyone was able to see the King attempting murder live on TV, but hey perspective)
Run, Jean thought. He didn't know if he was thinking it at Andrew or Nathaniel. Run.
"That wasn't a miracle," Jean typed out. "That was the Foxes."
When Jean found about Riko though :'(
The shudder that wracked his chest should have been revulsion, but it fell dangerously short. This didn't feel like joy or relief; it only felt like loss. [...] Who was he without them?"
I loved that he woke up to Renee and Neil though, the rainbow and the witness
Renee always hitting the point, this wonderful girl
"Maybe you're mourning the wreckage he made of your life. You're allowed to grieve what he took from you."
"It's impressive, isn't it? How easily these monsters die in the end."
Neil Abram Josten said I'm done letting monsters ruin my life and my people, he actually promised.
When he called him Neil guys, tears
Also I found peculiar that when thinking about the room he destroyed Jean calls it "Neil's dorm room", not Kevin's who he's known for actually longer. It's what makes me think that they have a chance at not being misplaced forever anymore.
Renee either hits you with hidden wisdom of the universe or with practical and brutal advice, and we love her for that
The two of them, the Two Of THEEEEEEEEM
Jean noticed how Andrew and Neil moved like they were caught in each other's gravity, in each other's space more than they were out of it, cigarette smoke and matching armbands and lingering looks when one fell out of orbit for too long.
Just leaving this here.
The airport bit :'(
"Men like Wymack didn't exist. They couldn't; they shouldn't."
Enter Jeremy Knox and his yo-yo in the middle of said airport. Flawless.
This man was put on Earth to test Jean, at least that's what he will keep thinking from here on
The rest of this book is Jean having conversations with people and not understanding them, bc he's been living for five (seven) years in a cult. It is an escalation pretty painful to watch, I think the Trojans are all of us :'(
Question: will Jean end up teaching Jeremy French? Will Jeremy learn by himself? I think I'd probably prefer the latter
Cat, the mess, the music, the tour, I love her so much
Jeremy "he's a little off" Knox, he was trying
Barkbark von Barkenstein
Jean Moreau and the real world (bubble tea? you have to shop for stuff? you sign things yourself? you leave campus? someone help this disoriented french bean)
"Something had gone horribly wrong at Evermore"
oh Jeremy
Watching Jeremy regret almost all his questions :'(
“Three fractured ribs. Sprained LCL. Twisted ankle. Broken nose. That’s most of it.” That’s most of it.
Laila, who pushed and got angry for Jean and didn't back down despite him lashing out, my beloved
You look like a Ken doll." + "This isn't blond."
"Not Grayson.[...] Please." that one made me sick, the writing made me feel even only a part of what Jean was feeling and it was enough to feel sick
The water :'(
Jean just leaving when confronted with Laila and Jeremy in swimsuits was very bi of him
Lucas coming in looking like a well know nightmare and the Ravens dropping like flies
I didn't ask.
It's not like I didn't know, right? But I still died inside
Zane and the betrayal
Jeremy didn’t let him get away with it. “That’s not the issue and you know it. I don’t want to crowd you.” “You are not them,” Jean said. “Kevin would not have sent me here if you were.”
Jean taking one look at the doctor sent by the coaches and going nope, Dobson will be definitely better
Jeremy seeing the nightmares and the scars and not being able to do much:(
A hand on his chin startled him into looking up. When he met Jean’s eyes, Jean only said, “Focus on what’s important.” “I am,” Jeremy said. Jean opened his mouth, closed it again, and let go of Jeremy without a word. Jeremy snagged his arm when he started to turn away. “Who did this to you?”
I'm sorry did he just
“It’s not about size, anyway.” “Defensive,” Jean said, tugging his glove straps with his teeth. Jeremy straightened in indignation. “I don’t have anything to be defensive about.” Jean lost his grip and bit his lip, and Jeremy hurried on before either of them could think too much about that double entendre.
“Say ‘yes, Jeremy’.” He had the distinct impression Jean wanted to roll his eyes. “Yes, Jeremy.” Jeremy forgot everything else he could have said in favor of staring. It was the first time he’d heard Jean say his name.
Are you seeing this? Yes? Good, let's go on
“If I ever make you uncomfortable or make you feel unsafe, will you promise to tell me? If you don’t trust me enough to tell me what’s wrong and why, at least trust me enough to tell me that something is wrong. I can’t fix things if I don’t know there’s a problem. As your captain and your partner, don’t I at least deserve the chance to not be a villain in your story?”
The pool bit :'( and after when they tell there are no pools at Evermore. Riko is so lucky to already be dead :)
You’re forcing us to hurt you without giving us any say in the matter.”
Watching Jean trying to navigate his interactions with the Trojans was painful, frustrating but also hopeful. This boy has been hurt so much and so often, he doesn't get what normal looks like anymore. But the Trojans don't let him get away with it (even if it breaks their heart and the coaches will probably get a lot of grey hair from this)
"Your safety and happiness will always be more important than our season.” “You are naïve.” “Maybe you’ll define success by how we do this season, but I’m not obligated to do the same. You are going to be my success story: Jean Moreau the person, not Jean Moreau of the perfect Court. You take care of one, and I’ll take care of the other.” “That is not how it works.” “Is there a rule against it?” “There is no merit to it. This is all I am.” Jeremy ignored that and asked again, “Is there a rule against it?”
Jeremy gay panicking and the photo of Renee
The floozy line!
Every time Jeremy goes "our coaches" or "our teammates" all I can think in my head is "someone will die" "of fun!!!!"
Jean wondering if the Trojans have something against recruiting tall players xD
“Thank you for worrying about them. You’re a good man, Jean Moreau.” “A ridiculous sentiment,” he said. “I mean it,”
This man didn't even second guess himself, he had to ask because he knew and it didn't even occur to him to be silent. Excuse me sir? Shut up you are a good man
“I assumed the Trojans were idiots,” Jean said. “Now I think you are all insane.” “It’s a step up,” Cody said. “I’ll take it.”
The practices, the scars pt2
“It is all I am, Coach.”
“We did not want outsiders at Evermore.” “Except Neil,” Cat said. “Neil was a special case,” Jean allowed.
You’re hurting me.” “It has been toward for five years,” Jean said, looking past Jeremy at the scrimmage that was still going on without them. “It is not that easy to undo.” Jeremy frowned at him and echoed, “Five? You were only with the Ravens for three.” “I moved into Evermore two years before I enrolled,” Jean said, and hauled Jeremy to one side. The stray ball that had been coming for them ricocheted off his chest instead of Jeremy’s back, and Jean scooped it up on the rebound with a quick snap of his wrist. He hurled it across the court toward Cody one-handed before finally letting go of Jeremy. “I will try harder.”
The notebooks breakdown hurt so bad bc Cat and Laila being angry for him (they are all of us), Jeremy trying to mediate bc he's been there, he pushed and Jean broke and he doesn't want to hurt him, and Jean who confesses his secrets without meaning to, just to realize and panic. What a recipe for a disaster.
“How dare they blame you for anything after what they did to you. How dare you grieve them.” It hit like a sucker punch, but Jean’s frustrated rejoinder was worse: “They don’t know.”
They don't know, but they could guess. They could smell the blood. They joked about his brittle bones. He was sixteen. I'm not sorry for the mercy I don't have after finishing this book
Jeremy could only watch in wretched silence as Jean tried to walk himself back from the edge. He cast his phone aside in favor of catching Jean’s face in his hands, and the way Jean flinched at his touch was almost his undoing. “Hey,” he said quietly. “Hey. Jean. Look at me.” Jean refused, and Jeremy grasped desperately for anything that could bring Jean back to him. He seized on the only thing he could and threw Jean’s words back at him: “You are Jean Moreau. Your place is here with me, with us. I’m your captain. You’re my partner. We’re supposed to be doing this together, aren’t we? Stop leaving me behind. Look at me.” It wouldn’t work, but it did. Jean opened his eyes to meet Jeremy’s stare. “I told you not to ask me about him.”
I had seen the quote before reading but no one told me what followed ç.ç
He felt a tremor in Jean’s hands, and for a blinding moment he was sure Jean would lean into the safety of this silent confession. But Jean only sucked in a slow breath and said, “Now I am not safe with you, captain.” Letting go of Jean was the hardest thing Jeremy had ever done. Everything in him railed against this, and for a moment he regretted giving Jean a way out.
I was not crying, I swear.
“I’m sorry,” Jeremy said, because he didn’t have the strength for small talk or a softer approach right now. “Did Riko break your hand?”
That was one heavy conversation and it's just the start (Jeremy is Not Fine™️)
He is not used to having a voice, and he has never had power. I cannot promise he will ever talk to you.” “I will wait as long as it takes,” Jeremy said.
Still best boy
And maybe in many ways he still was, but a martyr could still be a monster when the cameras weren’t rolling.
Boy do I have news for you (do you think Jeremy will know that Riko didn't kill himself? Does it matter? I think not knowing this particular detail would be fine, I still don't really know how much this sunshine boy can take (more than I expected but still))
Did I mention that I really love the apartment trio? Cat and Laila agreeing to silence but still being angry (drag them girls, draaaaag them), the dinner and movie and Jean not getting up to leave
Did I mention Lucas is free to shut up and play? :) Because I get that you are angry, but 1) it's not your decision to make, we don't need your conspiracy theories 2) it's not Jean problem, he has enough of them leave him alone
“Ask him why he’s so sure the rumors are true. Ask him what his part in it was. If you’re going to believe him just because he’s blood, then at least make him tell you the truth.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas demanded.
And Jean still deciding not to lie, he may be an asshole but almost everyone he has known didn't deserve him
Also I don't know where Lucas got the audacity? You think there is something the justifies breaking a player's ribs?? What is wrong with you, you are part of the sunshine court
The dread when asking if Grayson was home
The bike ride :')
Now that they were settled, he expected an interrogation or a reason for this unscheduled trip out. When she failed to explain herself, Jean finally asked, “Why are we here?” “I love it here,” [...] “I don’t know. I just felt like some fresh air would do you good. There’s nothing like a ride to get you out of your head and into the moment, you know?” Jean considered that for a minute. “Thank you.”
Jean waited until he was out of earshot. “I don’t understand.” “Trust us,” Jeremy said tiredly. “Neither do we.”
Jean vs the Trojans, a summary
The monster shows up and it was a mess and Jean has never had a break, literally never
Which was extremely literal bc Lucas wanted to talk and then Neil shows up
I need a separate post for the last pages bc I started this 24 h ago and I want to do it justice. So part 2 coming.
Edit: I misspelled Jean's surname *facepalms and goes to hide*
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Sooo Tokyo debunker posted on their Twitter about ep 4
Maybe it’ll have something to do with either
1. Wanting to be human/normal again?
2. Maybe something about what he gave up for his wish/pact
3. His debt with Romeo? (Even though Luca paid for most of it)
Any predictions or hopes for this ep?
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Kaito? My silly boy? I suppose I should have expected him to appear given that he is debt to Romeo and while I am glad to see him again... if anything happens to him we will have to blow the whole school up. agreed? agreed.
I think it probably has to do with his debt more than anything, his homescreen lines imply that he's always hard up for cash and not very good at managing his impulse buys, though a lot of it just seems to be from a want to do normal things with friends. He seems genuinely quite lonely. I won't rule out that it has something to do with wanting to be human again, but I think we'll find that a lot of general admission students have been going missing too and they're already human. So the likely answer is just money.
We get involved to save Peekaboo because Taiga kidnapped him, probably as collateral for a debt Haru has. If anything happens to him we should be allowed to help Towa destroy their dorm.
Taiga doesn't remember shooting us in the prologue and probably doesn't care too much about it. I'm not too sure what to make of him but his intro line asking if we think he could have done anything different makes me think he could be a bit sweet on MC. Maybe. Sort of. Like eventually. I just hope he's a different flavor of hater than Leo and if I could be truly selfish I would want to see them fight. He gives big "kidnapped by the mafia" energy and as someone who never has touched or wrote any of those fics, I am prepared to enter my watpad era for you guys. I'll just probably start with Floyd because I have been having thoughts.
Tohma will continue being a sneaky slut. Does he have any connections in Sinostra? Does he want them? He mentions a spy in Book 2 and I feel in my spine that he might be suspicious of Haku. I certainly am, his intentions towards the school seem like they could be less than pure, even if he does seem to like MC.
Luca will be acting a fool if Kaito goes missing because protecting his people is important to him, but Jin won't let him do anything.
Leo will continue to cause problems on purpose and it will further strain his relationship with Sho. It will have something to do with Subaru and Hotarubi, possibly as a set up for the fifth book which will probably be about their dorm.
There seems to be a trend of MC's friends from the previous book having some stuff to say and this might be pure fucking crack but does anyone else get the sense that Taiga and Haru could be related? They've got different last names but are both bad with money and the same genre of ginger. Also don't think I've forgotten that Haru was a transfer to Jabberwock, I've got a slight suspicion that transfer was from Sinostra.
While I am doing lines, Obscuary, the dorm that's missing it's other characters right, I think the janitor we and Haru interact with is their dorm leader because he kind of looks like the guy facing away from the camera in the loading screen. Why he's working as a janitor and not wearing his uniform? No clue but Rui does have a line about taking out trash in on of his random campus encounters but again. This is pure speculation on my part. I do think he'll show up again in this book though. Maybe he's another one of Tohma's boy toys idk
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sapshorelines · 6 months
REQUESTED BY @lovekaikim (Tumblr was being wonky and it wouldnt let me reply to the inbox, sorry about that)
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You have recently debuted in SM entertainment and Lucas was pretty much hyped for your debut. So he decides to be the best bro and throw a party for you.
(Platonic relationship, general fluff/crack, mentions of alcohol, kinda OOC,) (Not proof read | 1.2k words)
AUTHORS NOTE: Yes I can indeed write for Lucas! I am still going to add more stuff that I can write of. But yes, I am fine with writing Lucas!
!! NOTE !! None of my works represent any IRL people. These works are purely meant for entertainment purpose and shouldn't be taken seriously. Do not steal any of my works and reupload them to other medias
Today was finally the day. You were pretty much hyped for your debut as well as those who helped your works. Everything was on schedule and ready to be released.
You're currently in your dorm room on your laptop looking at the screen so intensely, waiting till the clock strikes the next hour. You sat there ass your leg starts to bounce in anxiety, you've come all this way to finally shine and show the world what you can do.
You must've blanked out for a few minutes in your own world of thoughts, because once you've regain reality back, the MV had been posted. Of course you've filmed a reaction of the final product before hand, which that will be released in a few days. But you mainly want to see what your fan's will say about this.
You smile in excitement as you would click on the video to watch the MV, you pretty much have a big ego at the moment. Who wouldn't?
As you were watching the MV, the people who are in charge of posting things to any socials are already posting your other works to other platforms to share.
Once you've finished watching the MV again, you decided to wait a bit before reading any feedback and such from fans. You closed the laptop and decided to make your way to the balcony of your dorm…
The three knocks at the door scared the ever living shit out of you. You recognize those knocks, 'What could he possibly want?' you thought as you let out a small chuckle as you make your way to the front door of your dorm.
You then open the door to see Lucas, pretty much your best bro, both of your trained together as he was in NCT. He stood there with the biggest smile on his face, but you can tell he was out of breath, he probably ran over here.
"M/n, your music video… ITS SO GOOD!" He says as he brings you into a hug. You gotta admit, his hugs were amazing but sometimes he just hugs a bit to tight.
"You like it?" You chuckle sarcastically a you embrace the hug back.
"Yeah! It was amazing man!" You can probably tell he's already your number one fan.
You smile as you back away from his hug, "Well I am glad you like it."
"Say, do you wanna throw a party?" He suggested to you. You thought for a second, you never had any ideas of a party or anything. Lets say parties weren't a thing for you but you can at least tolerate them.
"Uhm, I guess? I wasn't planning on having a big one." You say awkwardly to him. He knows that you weren't a big fan of parties, but this is big news for you!
"It doesn't need to be a whole lot of people, It can just be me and you."
"You're not wrong." You agreed to his suggestion.
"Alright! Come to my dorm later today, we can throw a party there!"
"Sure thing." You smiled. "Well then, I best get ready to get things ready, I'll see you later bro!" He says as he gives you a head pat and runs off.
Hours passed and you were reading feedback from fans, most if not all were positive and everyone pretty much liked it. Of course there was the haters but that didn't really phase you too much, you shouldn't let a few comments let your day down.
You were sitting on your couch as you were on your laptop. Then, your phone dinged, you got a notification from Lucas. Looks like he was done with setting up for a party.
[LUCAS] [party is done dude!! come on over to my dorm!!]
You smile a bit as you closed your laptop and grabbed your necessary thing you needed. Of course you brushed your hair and all so you don't look like a producer who's been locked up in a studio for four days.
You then made your way to Lucas's dorm, it was a bit of a walk but you soon arrive, knocking on the door. You waited a few seconds for the door to open, which it was soon open by Lucas of course.
"M/n! You came!" He smiles, he then grabs your arm and drags you into his dorm. You took a moment to take in everything.
The place was decorated with your typical things you'd see at a birthday party, but this was just a debut party. But look! He also invited a few other idols over to celebrate that you also are friends with! (It can be anyone within SM!)
They greeted you and congratulated you for your debut. They were also liking the debut as well! The place was also filled with food and drinks, looks like Lucas really wants to celebrate your debut.
"You sure you're ok with us destroying the place?" You chuckled, "Yeah, Its not a big deal." He smiles. "Now, are we ready to celebrate?" He says to all of the people within the room, and everyone was ready.
As the hours passed within the party, everyone who was there had a blast. Everyone was pretty much agreed on doing different drinking games as well as eating food that was cooked by Lucas.
One of the games was a dance off and if you lose, you had to take a shot. The group danced to various songs in chaotic manners, sometimes freestyling it.
After hours of chaotic drinking games, the other idols left to head back to their dorms. Leaving just you and Lucas.
Both of you are drunk off your asses and decided to play one more game, rock paper scissors.
"You'll lose."
"Nuh uh." You say.
"Fuck do you mean 'nuh uh'?"
Both of you started to giggle, then saying rock paper scissors…
Lucas wins.
"Fuck!" You yelled, then filling up a shot glass as Lucas was laughing like a goof ball. You then take a shot, you're pretty much wasted at this point.
You both went on for a few more rounds, Lucas ended up winning. "M/nnnn~, I'm getting tireddd.." Lucas says, you can tell this man is drunk as well too.
"Sameee…" You pretty much agree to him as you collapsed on the couch, starting to feel sleepy as hell.
You started to drift asleep, but as you were you can feel Lucas putting a Pillow under your head and a blanket over you. "Goodnight M/n~…" he says as he gives you a drunk smooch on your forehead and pats you on the head.
Lucas would end up sleeping on the other couch because he was so wasted. Looks like both of you are gonna be going though the worst hangovers in the morning as well as a mess to clean up.
--- F I N ---
Your eyes fluttered open as you were hit with the blinding lights of the sun. But before you can do anything you were hit with the most painful headache ever. You looked around and see that you were still in Lucas's dorm, having no memory of what happen last night. But you do remember a party happening.
You reached out for your phone and saw a bunch of notifications from the other idols that were there and they sent a bunch of videos and photos of the party. "bruh…"
Lets say things were wild as fuck last night.
I hope you've enjoyed my first ever fic! I am also to critique's so feel free to leave any suggestions on how I can improve!
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