#peter walken
rallamajoop · 7 months
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The Complete Guide to Eye Colour In Resident Evil 7
An addendum to my guide to eye colour in RE8: here's everyone from RE7 too! Getting close-ups of these was way harder than for RE8, because RE7 does not come with a model viewer, so I'm stuck using in-game screenshots and promotional images.
Once again, we'll start with the cheat-sheet version:
The whole Baker family: Blue (except when...) Mia: Brown (FOR NOW) Eveline: Green Alan: Hazel/green Deputy OneSceneWonder: Brown Chris: Hazel/brown (FOR NOW) Clancy, Andre and Peter: Brown Ethan: Still hazel
But it can never just be that simple, can it? So, further notes below.
The Baker Family
The Baker family all have blue-grey eyes. In fact, post-infection, they all have the exact same blue eyes (see top line in comparisons below). You could maybe put this down to genetics for Zoe and Lucas, but when Jack and Marguerite have the same eyes as each other too, that's when you start wondering just how many backwater-hillbilly-stereotypes are in play here.
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Mind you, they do have slightly different eyes in the pre-mould flashback that is the Daughters DLC, which you can see in the second row above. All are brighter blues, pre-infection, and Jack gets smaller pupils while Lucas gets a slightly larger iris (Zoe gets nothing, as she's the viewpoint PC and we're not redoing her face if you're not going to see it). So maybe we can hope there's some genetic diversity in the Baker-clan (renders of their eyes in their actual faces also look a little more distinct, but maybe that's a lighting thing). Either way, the Bakers = blue eyes! Got it!
And then we meet Uncle Joe in the other DLC who... has hazel eyes?
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IDEK, maybe Uncle Joe's real dad was a different mailman.
Once we get deeper into mould-monster territory though, things do get a little more interesting.
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Both Marguerite and Lucas appear with much creepier whitened eyes later in the game ‒ Marguerite's during her boss-fight transformation. Lucas, however, remains steadfastly human-shaped throughout the main campaign, but his eyes are whitened in his video message to Ethan, and in his (pre-monstrous transformation) DLC appearances too. Jack, by contrast, doesn't seem to get new eye textures even after blowing off the top of his own head, or in the boss fight that follows (monster!Jack from the fight in the boat house has completely different eyes, of course, and more of them). Mia, too, has her own set of creepy-alternate-mould-monster-eyes, but they're completely different again.
So what's the internal logic here? I could speculate that Lucas' eyes-only transformation is a sign he's in control of himself in a way Jack and Marguerite aren't, but it doesn't quite add up. If anything, those eyes make more sense as something Lucas was given because we never see him transform like Marguerite, or blow pieces of himself away like Jack: Lucas may look human, but the eyes are there to remind us he's not. There'll always be some details that end up being more about effective storytelling than cohesive lore.
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Interestingly, though they don't appear in the game, there are also promotional pics of all four members of the Baker family with glowing white/silver eyes, which are definitely a supernatural feature. It's tempting to try and associate the effect with Rose's glowing eyes from the Shadows of Rose DLC, or perhaps even the general pale-grey-eyes of Miranda and the Lords (more on both in my post on eyes in RE8). But that's territory that really needs its own post or we'll be here all day.
Clancy, Andre and Peter
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These are the three ill-fated crew of the Sewer Gators tape you'll encounter early in the game. You may notice Peter (rightmost in the pic above) seems to have even more dilated pupils than the majority of the cast. Amusing as it might be to theorise that he's just on drugs or something, I think there is an explanation: the closest shot we see of his face (and the first shot of the tape) is a close-up into a camera while the team is outside in the dark. His pupils would naturally be dilated in this sort of environment.
So why aren't Andre's dilated too? Well, the closest look we get at his eyes (also pictured) are the final shot of the tape, where he's already dead, and his eyes are covered by a red film. Medical plausibility aside, dilated pupils presumably didn't add to the effect here, so Andre gets regular pupils.
Speaking of assets, there is actually one photo of the three of them in the game, from the pamphlet you can find in their van at the start. You can even almost make out Clancy's face!
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Clancy's own eyes are their whole own kettle of worms, but we'll get to that below.
Chris Redfield
Is an odd one: I can't share an eye-texture asset for Chris, because he doesn't actually have a character model at all in the main RE7 title. And explaining that one is gonna take some context.
While RE8 renders nearly all cutscenes using in-game models, RE7 stores far more of its major cutscenes pre-rendered in .wmv format. The opening is pre-rendered, video messages from Mia and Lucas are pre-rendered ‒ even the big moment when Eveline blows out the windows of the tanker and throws Mia into the river is pre-rendered. Not all cutscenes work this way, but basically anything that would require loading a lot of assets that aren't needed in gameplay (eg. the view of the river and tanker for outside) seems to have been pre-rendered as a video instead.
And since Chris' only scene in all of RE7 is in the pre-rendered ending sequence, he doesn't have a model at all (or at least, I couldn't find it). We do see Chris in openings and endings of the Not a Hero DLC as well, and the End of Zoe ‒ but these too are just .wmv files, presumably for all the same reasons.
Now, obviously, Chris is also playable in the DLC, so he does have a character model there. But we still don't get eye textures for him for a couple of reasons: firstly, he wears a face-concealing mask that only comes off for opening/ending cutscenes. But even without it, we might just hit other weirdness surrounding player character models...
As I've already noted, both Chris and Mia get completely different new blue eyes in RE8, but back in RE7, Capcom seemed a little more aware that brown or hazel eyes were a real thing regular white people do have sometimes.
A note on player-character models
Although we mostly just see the hands of whoever we're playing as (usually Ethan), gameplay still uses a full-body model, presumably to aid in rendering dynamic shadows, and give enemies something to cover in blood. Things get weird around the character's head, which isn't actually visible so it can't get in the way of the camera floating inside it, but will still cast shadows and still has textures associated with it (though usually in much lower resolution than other models we'll actually get to see). There are three playable characters in RE7 proper: Ethan, Mia, and Clancy (from the video tapes) ‒ each with their own model and textures.
Ethan and Mia also have more detailed 3rd person models, since we see plenty of Mia playing as Ethan, and a little of Ethan playing as Mia (if only from behind).
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Why does this matter? Well, distinct as the three PCs are otherwise, their player models all have the same eyes ‒ top row above shows Ethan, Mia and Clancy, in that order. And they look nothing like Ethan's and Mia's eyes have ever looked elsewhere, which you can see in the comparison below.
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I mention this mostly because it's pretty easy to find Ethan's player-model in the game files, note those generic-hazel eye textures with it, and go, "hey, you got his eyes wrong!" But these aren't the same eyes that come with his higher-res texture, or the ones that were copied over into RE8. In fact, the existence of the player-character-default-eye-texture back in RE7 is one of the reasons why I do tend to take full-res Ethan's eyes as 'canon', even though we never see them in either game: someone took the time to repaint Ethan's eyes for his full-res model, and make them distinct from the low-res default used for everyone in 1st person mode. That at least suggests there was some real, intentional effort put into deciding what colour eyes Ethan was supposed to have.
This does leave poor Clancy in more ambiguous territory, however: as he's never seen by any other character, he has no high-res model, and thus no eyes but the default-hazel that Mia and Ethan are rendered with in that mode too. So is this to be taken as Clancy's official eye colour? It may as well be, I suppose. We see so little of Clancy in any form that I was genuinely surprised to find out his he's actually got a player model which is completely distinct from anyone else in the game, with curly greying hair, a neckbeard, and a baseball cap worn backwards.
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Render by nightsatkendalls over on deviantart.
I do not have the skills to produce a render of this quality myself, but I can tell you that the cap he's wearing has the logo for the RE Engine on the front (the in-house game engine behind all the modern RE titles, and many other Capcom games).
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You'll never see it in game, of course ‒ you'd need both a freecam mod and a mod to make his head visible. But it's there as a weird little easter-egg nonetheless.
Eveline is perhaps the only character whose model may not have been updated at all for RE8, but given she's only a hallucination or ghost, that stands to reason. In RE7 though, she also appears as her aged 'grandma' self, who pops up around the house in her wheelchair looking spacey. Grandma-Eveline has two different eye texture assets ‒ one far more washed out than the other. There's next to no good official pictures of her, but fortunately, since she doesn't move around or attack you, she was one of the very few characters I was able to get a decent close-up shot off with the free camera mod. And inasmuch as you're ever in a position to look her in the eye in game, only the faded version of her eyes ever seems to show up. Is the clearer version actually used somewhere I didn't catch? I have no idea.
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What really stands out about granny-Eveline's eyes, though, is that they don't look anything like her child-self's eyes do. Child-Eveline is basically the only character in either game with distinctly green eyes. But Granny's are hazel, and not even a particularly similar shade of hazel.
In fact, they look far more like the generic-default hazel of the player character textures than they do like her younger self. Close-up comparisons below.
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You could speculate that it was deliberate that Granny-Eveline's eyes don't look anything like kid-Eveline's eyes to avoid tipping off the player that they're one and the same ‒ but realistically, no-one without free camera mods is ever going to get a good enough look at either of them to notice. And it's kind of a shame they didn't just take young-Eveline's eyes and apply the same kind of distortions they seem to have applied to the generic-hazel template to age them up ‒ that would've been a lovely, creepy little detail to find in these textures. But no, generic old hazel it is.
Then again, whatever the real logic at play, the fact Granny-Eveline's eyes are effectively a faded, distorted version of the very same eyes the player themselves never does get to see in the mirror is a pretty creepy idea itself. And intentional or not, that's what I've got to leave you with.
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w4z1zi · 8 months
Happy birthday resident evil 7,happy birthday Baker family, happy birthday Mia winters, happy birthday Mia's husband, happy birthday sewer gators, happy birthday molded buddies, happy birthday Marguerite's babies, happy birthday dulvey, happy birthday happy birthday tape, happy birthday annoying boat section, happy birthday Evie!
Got a light?
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stefbaker · 11 months
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kl0wny · 1 year
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My honest reaction to that information
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Clancy: “Andre, look, our pizza came with a mini table! How cool is that?”
Andre: “Yes, that is very cool.”
Clancy: “Peter, look, our pizza came with a mini table! How cool is that?”
Peter: “Actually, that is a support used to keep the box from touching the top of the pizza.”
Clancy: …
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Thoughts on Christopher Walken’s Captain Hook?
Whooooooo boy…. 😬 There’s a reason I don’t talk much about Walken’s Hook on this blog and that reason is that he might very well be my least favorite version of Hook. (Leaving aside Peter and the Starcatchers’ Black Stache, but they just totally missed the point of Hook there with their disgusting, bawdy, dense caricature of a man. Black Stache is not, never has been, and never will be Hook. But I digress.) Anyway, I have several problems with Walken’s Hook, some of which I think can just be chalked up to poor casting choice and some of which where the blame falls entirely on Walken’s performance.
First off, Walken has a VERY distinctive New York accent, which…just doesn’t work for Hook. Hook is supposed to sound like a posh English professor from London, not Rizzo the con man from Midnight Cowboy. True, people fake accents all the time in Hollywood, but Walken is one of those people who is immediately recognizable by his particular sound, so I don’t know why they would have chosen him to play ANY English character.
Second, Walken is too old for the role. Yes, Hook is supposed to be an adult who seems old to Peter, but typically, he is cast as someone who is maybe 30-40-ish. Some people headcanon him being a little younger at around his 20s while others (myself included) place him around 50-something. And it’s also true that other older actors have played Hook in the past. Cyril Ritchard was around 62 at the time he played Hook in the 1960 filmed version of the stage play. But Walken was 71 at the time he played the Hook. That’s like…grandpa age. And at least Ritchard’s Hook seemed to still be having fun. Walken’s Hook is just…lifeless…
And that’s another issue in and of itself… I don’t know what the deal was that day, but Walken’s game was off. I can accept a physically older Hook if he does the role well, but Walken was just…not into it at all. He was so…flat and emotionless. He didn’t seem intimidating or sympathetic or funny or…anything, really. He didn’t even seem too worried about the crocodile…just…sort of mildly concerned. And he kept forgetting and stumbling over his lines…multiple times. It was pretty obvious at some points that the other pirates—most notably Smee (played by Christian Borle, who also ironically played Black Stache on stage…) had to keep not-so-subtly reminding him what came next. Maybe he wasn’t feeling well that day and was on some heavy medication. Maybe he had experienced some personal tragedy that was distracting him. Or maybe he just had too much to drink. Whatever it was, he came off as being half asleep or drunk the entire time, and it was extremely off-putting. By the time the crocodile showed up near the end, I was like, “C’mon and put the guy out of his misery already! Please get him off the stage.” I think that’s the only time I’ve ever WANTED the crocodile to get Hook. That’s how bad it was.
So yeah…. Not a fan…
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camyfilms · 9 months
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That's when you know you've found somebody special. When you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably enjoy the silence.
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duranduratulsa · 3 days
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Up next on my 90's Fest Movie 🎬 🎞 🎥 🎦 📽 marathon...Pulp Fiction (1994) on glorious vintage VHS 📼! #movie #movies #drama #actionadventure #pulpfiction #quentintarantino #johntravolta #samuelljackson #umathurman #brucewillis #TimRoth #christopherwalken #HarveyKeitel #VingRhames #ericstoltz #amandaplummer #stevebuscemi #RosannaArquette #FrankWhaley #petergreene #AlexisArquette #juliasweeney #dickmiller #ripdickmiller #vintage ##VHS #90s #90sfest #durandurantulsas4thannual90sfest
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Nick of Time 1995
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w4z1zi · 5 months
Posting those here too because I can
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I love you non toxic resident evil fans 💞💞💞💞
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creativecuquilu · 1 year
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Tumblr now allows me to post 30 pics, so here are sixteen more Doctor Who nitpicks!
I feel like writing down another weird story via captions with this...
Hope you like them!
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ladypyewacket · 1 year
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This week I've started to work in my proyect DwGaW (English title).
I know that it will be a long way, but I'm very happy to have started to take my first steps. After all, this is only a first draft. And you already know that the first draft does not contain the final idea.
In the images appear the actors that I would have in my mind if DwGaW were a movie from the 70s. I think the last three are very well chosen.
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Day 25: Christopher Walken
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Let's pretend this never existed….
More links/images in Keep Reading…
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Christopher Walken makes a horrible Hook. Then even put Christian Borle (of Peter and the Starcatchers…who won a Tony Award) as Mr. Smee/Mr. Darling. Left-handed Hook, wrong hairstyle, and color…. the only thing good is eye color.
So I pretend this doesn't exist…I mean, Jude Law can't be as bad as this one…or the next one.
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ladyaislinn-dark · 8 months
zum Video
peter gundry meets tim burton | vampire masquerade waltz... mad movie mix this is a small mash up from some of his movie heroes,... a tribute to my favorite director and filmmaker - with amazing music by Peter Gundry
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randomitemdrop · 6 months
Trick or trivia
Happy Halloween! I do enjoy trivia of many types, but one of my favorite genres is what I call the Berenstein Timeline: unmade shows and movies, versions of classic movies where studios and producers made different decisions, some better, some much worse. All of these are real projects that were, on some level, considered (there are some recurring names)
"Heat Vision & Jack", a 90s pastiche of 70s-80s action shows starring Jack Black as an astronaut on the run from the law and Owen Wilson as his talking motorcycle
"Jurassic Park" directed by Tim Burton with Johnny Depp as Alan Grant, Jim Carrey as Ian Malcolm, and Vincent Price as John Hammond
the 90s "Batman" directed by Ivan Reitman; Bill Murray and Eddie Murphy were going to star but couldn't decide which of them would be Batman and which would be Robin
Back in the 1970s the American network was getting good numbers showing heavily-edited reruns of "Monty Python's Flying Circus", so they tried to sell the Pythons on the next logical step: an animated Saturday morning cartoon
"Edward Scissorhands" still directed by Burton but starring Tom Cruise or maybe Michael Jackson
"Return of the Jedi" directed by David Lynch; Harrison Ford was considering not coming back for the third movie and so when he came out of the carbonite there was a chance he would have been Christopher Walken
Guillermo del Toro's "At the Mountains of Madness". Also "the Hobbit" and lots of other things, he seems to have a lot of unmade projects
the 2010s "Star Trek" movie directed by Quentin Tarantino, where the edgy reboot crew visits the Gangster Planet from that one stupid episode of the original series
Everybody knows about the unmade "Superman Lives" starring Nicolas Cage in the title role, but did you know it was going to be directed by Tim Burton and include Christopher Walken as Brainiac, who would have been a green head on spider legs
Harold Ramis didn't particularly want to act on camera, so when they were casting "Ghostbusters" Egon could have been Christopher Walken, Christopher Lloyd, Jeff Goldblum, or John Lithgow. Supposedly the movie was originally intended to be a relatively serious exploration of Dan Akroyd's very real interest in paranormal investigation, although this clashes a bit with the fact that Peter Venkman was originally going to be played by John Belushi and Winston Zeddmore was written for Eddie Murphy who backed out when the character's backstory and most of his lines were cut
John Waters' animated series "Uncle John" on 90s MTV
the original version of "Bill & Ted's Time Van" starring Pauly Shore and Sean Penn
"Red Dragon" (the original Hannibal Lecter novel) directed by David Lynch starring John Lithgow as Hannibal Lecter and Mel Gibson as Will Graham
the 1970s "Dr. Strange" TV series
the 1990s Disney animated "John Carter of Mars"
the 1990s Warner Bros animated "King Tut" musical with songs by Prince
the serious horror version of "Beetlejuice"
Drew Barrymore's 2000s remake of "Barbarella"
the Dungeons & Dragons movie James Cameron was going to make until TSR left the table over merchandising disputes, forcing Cameron to go work on some dumb movie about the Titanic
American "Doctor Who" movie starring Michael Jackson
Canadian "Doctor Who" cartoon by Nelvana starring a Doctor based intensely off of either Jeff Goldblum or Christopher Lloyd
"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" directed by Terry Gilliam
"Good Omens" directed by Terry Gilliam and starring Johnny Depp and Robin Williams
"The Black Cauldron" using character and background designs by Nightmare-era Tim Burton
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camyfilms · 1 year
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Shift your hunting ground for a few years and everyone forgets how the law works. Well, let me remind you. A man-cub becomes man, and man is forbidden!
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