#Lucien Week 2023
praetorqueenreyna · 8 months
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"Autumn Court males have fire in their blood—and they fuck like it, too."
For Lucien Week Day 6: Romance. Because no matter who you ship Lucien with, you know they appreciate that fire dick.
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artinelysian · 8 months
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I had so much fun doing this piece of my favourite fox for Lucien Week!
I tried out a different art process, new art style, and I’ve been trying my best to improve my anatomy! Overall super happy with how this turned out!
Total time: 2 hr 25 min
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positivewitch · 8 months
Elain x Lucien
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@lucienweekofficial Day 6 - Romance
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foxybananaaaz · 8 months
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3k Words
If you have not yet read any of the other parts, please click the Title Page to go to the start.
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Lucien Week Day Six :: Romance.
From past to present, do you see Lucien with a romantic partner? @lucienweekofficial
Let's start this part, a little... different.
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Elain Archeron had been spending far too much time on her own over the past few months. Save for dinners, or when she would go visit with Lucien in the Day Court, which was more often than anyone at home knew, or would like, had they known.
She was constantly treated as a child, as though she could not hold her own, could not decide things, and needed help.
With Lucien, she felt free. She felt as though she could take on the world. She got the feeling he would let her take his life if situations got so dire. With Lucien, things were simple but also incredibly complicated.
Was the reason her feelings were changing, because of the bond, or were they changing all on their own? They were friends, and while she saw how he would wish for more, she also saw him fight those wishes, those thoughts, the urges the bond made him feel, want. Lucien fought against his instincts, to make her comfortable.
The thread that tied them did not glow, but her heart did feel as though it skipped a beat, while her stomach had the fluttering feeling she had only felt at the beginning of her courtship with Greyson.
Elain was finding that she was finalising her decision she had been considering for a few weeks now. One that would not be taken well, or even easily amongst her sisters, or their family. But it was a decision she was making on her own.
She remembered something Lucien had said a what felt like forever ago, "My Lady, whenever you wish for me to visit, all you need to do is give a little tug, and I will be right there by your side before you know it." And so, without hesitation, without thinking about it, without realizing that it was the middle of the night, and before she really could stop herself at all, Elain took hold of that thread, and gave it a gentle, but firm tug.
She had made up her mind. Her only concern was if there would be a rejection.
*** *** ***
Lucien was on his bed, unable to sleep. He was trying to block out the sound of his mother and Helion reuniting. Again. Every night. For the fifth week in a row. He knew Helion had a reputation, that as much was common knowledge. But his mother?
Clearly, she'd have had to, having seven sons, but still. He didn't want to think about it, let alone be forced to listen to it.
When he felt the first one, he groaned, thinking the reuniting pair was now affecting the house itself. Until he felt it again, and he could not mistake what it was. Nearly crying in relief when he realized what it was.
Finally having an excuse to leave, Lucien wrote a quick note, not knowing how long he would be, and left the house and made it out the gate before winnowing away.
He landed at the edge of the property, and started to make his way up the walk, already seeing Elain waiting there for him, a dazzling smile on his face, causing Lucien to stumble a step. His stumble only caused Elain to giggle into her hand, which he heard clearly. An entirely new sound, one he had to fight to stay standing, and finish his way to her.
When Lucien finally reached his mate, his friend, he was shocked how she pulled him in for a hug right away. Elain usually avoided contact, not wanting to set the bond off more than necessary. Yet here she was, being the one to initiate the contact with a hug. Lucien wouldn't complain, but he sure was confused as he hugged her back.
When Elain did pull back, she kept a hand on his arm with a smile. Lucien just stood there, at a loss for words, dumbstruck. But he had to restrain himself. The two of them were friends. He could not give into these instincts that were so hard to control that the mating bond put forth.
Elain spoke then, mentioning how she did not belong here, at the Night Court. How she needed to get out. She paused there as if she hoped Lucien would pick up on the hint.
The only thing Lucien did pick up on, though, was how Elain mentioned she didn't belong in the Night Court. Which was what caused him to leave.
Lucien quickly explained to Elain that she should not exile herself from her family, that it was not worth losing her family over. Though he grew confused as he saw Elain shake her head.
Lucien listened closely as Elain repeated herself, saying how she did not belong here and did not fit in to the Night Court. There was a certain emphasis on the word night, a small amount, but it was there.
That's when it clicked with Lucien, and his eyes widened. The metal eye looked his mate over as if to make sure there were no spells or glamour on her. When none was found, Lucien spoke.
"You want ... to come to the Day Court?" Lucien asked, as if he were clarifying, to make sure he understood correctly.
Elain simply nodded and informed him that her sisters would not react kindly. That the High Lord would react with anger. They would fight to keep her here because it was a big decision, and they should discuss it amongst themselves, leaving Elain out of it.
Luciens anger rose. He had suspicions that she did not get choices or a say here, but to have it confirmed with what she had just said. To know that his mate was stuck, without the chance to even make a decision on some of the simplest things, infuriated not just the instincts the mate bond gave him, but also who he was to his core, after witnessing his mother trapped his whole life.
To know Feyre also would allow this after she escaped Tamlin for doing the same thing to her. She knew what having very little to no choice was like. How could she do this or allow this to happen to her own sister?
Lucien forced himself to calm down enough to not frighten or concern his mate. "My Lady, if you feel like you need to move, if you wish to go somewhere else, you are going to. I will make sure of that. Go to the Day Court ... go onto my patio," Lucien added, remembering the reuniting that was going on. "I'll go in to pack for you."
Elain simply shook her head, explaining how there was no need to, that she had been bringing over all her important items over the past few weeks, tucking them in a box she had brought, and put in Luciens cupboards. "I've known for a while that I don't belong here. I've known for a while that I want to live with you and your parents in the Day Court. If you all would allow it."
Elain then took Luciens' hand, and the moment their hands touched, the two were back in Luciens' room. It was like no winnowing he had ever felt before.
Elain then pulled Lucien behind her as she walked towards an area of Helions' house that he hadn't been to before.
"Would you dance with me?" Elain had asked Lucien as they reached a room, and she opened the doors to what looked like a ballroom. "I'm not as good as Nesta, I didn't get all the lessons, but I can dance party dances, and it's been so long, I do miss it." Elain finished as she stepped inside, bringing Lucien along as she was still holding his hand.
Lucien stood there, unknowing how he could deny her request, but he couldn't deny it even if he wished to. Elain looked so eager, and her request was such a simple one. How couldn't he agree? How could someone deny her when she was looking at them, with such hopeful excitement in her beautiful eyes, the colour of a young fawns coat.
So he agreed, though he was nowhere near dressed appropriately for any form of dancing. But no one would be watching, so it shouldn't matter too much.
Elain finally let go of Luciens' hand, which was immediately cold and feeling empty, so she could go turn on some music quietly before running back over, finishing with a curtsey.
Unable to stop the smile of pure joy that spread across his face, Lucien returned Elains curtsey with a deep bow, and when he straightened up, he saw Elain smiling widely as well. Though he could have sworn her cheeks were slightly more coloured than a few seconds before.
And so, the two began dancing, losing themselves to the music.
It wasn't until they finished their seventh dance, pressed together, that they had to stop. The two of them were tired, having both been up all night, and just danced through seven songs.
They may have finished dancing, yet neither of them moved to separate from the other. Both smiling and breathing hard, looking to the other, as though they had not had fun like that in their whole lives.
Still, neither of them moving. The two continued to look the other in the eyes. Their smiles slowly faded, but their gazes grew more intense.
"Lucien, I-" Elain began softly, quietly.
"Well, I am genuinely sorry because I can't tell you enough how much I truly hate to break this up, but we have company"
Lucien and Elain both jumped apart as if the other burned them, turning towards the door, the intruder, the voice that wasn't supposed to be there.
Lucien saw his mother standing there with Helion, along with-
Elain grabbed Luciens hand. Her hand was shaking ever so slightly, and this was the only indicator of her fear. Lucien squeezed her hand gently, offering her comfort the same way she was showing him her fear.
Lucien recognized her fear as he saw Rhysand, Feyre, and the Viper.
"Rhysand and Feyre claim that we have taken a high status member of their Court." Helion spoke with a dismissive air to his tone, as if he could tell which way this would go. But Lucien knew the tone would turn dangerous if the conversation turned to even the smallest amount of violence on his lands.
"We did not take her. We freed her. Just as Rhysand freed Feyre when he had his cousin retrieve her from the Spring Court, while Tamlin and I were away." Lucien responded, with a disinterested tone himself.
"Freed? And you would compare the two situations?" Rhysand asked in disbelief.
"Elain?" Feyre had called out to her sister.
When Elain did not speak, Lucien continued. "Yes, freed. Elain told me that she was not free to make her own decisions. That everything she does has to go through the groups approval. It is similar to what Feyre went through after we came out of the mountain. Tamlin refused to let her do what she wanted and would constantly make decisions for her." Lucien explained, seeing realization dawn in Feyres eyes as she remembered what Lucien was talking about.
"I also grew up, watching my whole life, as a female had her choices and freedom removed from her. The whole Court loved her, but they didn't see the pain she was in." Lucien spoke, looking towards his mother. "No one saw the amount pain she was in. Even those who loved her the most."
Lucien then looked back to their guests. "So no, We didn't take her. From our standpoint, and from what she has told us, we freed her."
"She is a high-ranking member of my court." Rhysand responded, not backing down.
"She is my mate." Lucien returned, looking down at Elain. He knew this would be the winning card. He went into this, not wanting to use it, but he was left with no choice.
"She's our sister." The viper spat, fury in her eyes.
Lucien looked towards Nesta and then Feyre. Feyre at least seemed to understand what Lucien meant. "There seems to be a key difference between the fae and human lands you are unaware of yet." Lucien spoke, his tone taking a more apologetic tone as he looked down at Elain. He knew she wouldn't like this next part, even if he worded it the least offensive way he could.
"Being my mate, there is a certain ... claim that I have that even you, as her sister, do not have." He gently squeezed Elains hand, trying to let her know that they were only words to him. Only words to get her to stay, it it was what she truly wanted.
"Even Feyre, as Tamlins Fiancé, as she was not yet married to him when Rhysand announced that he and Feyre were mates, Tamlin could react, sure. But if he tried to take her back, it would have caused a war." Lucien explained. "Mates are rare and are treasured when they do occur."
"Elain?" Feyre tried again. And finally, Elain spoke up.
"I have been planning to come here for the past few weeks. I do not fit in in the Night Court. I asked Lucien to bring me here, if it would be alright if I came here. I was planning to ask Helion in the morning." Elain explained, her hand shaking more, yet her posture and her voice did not betray her. "This is my choice." Elain finished before walking off, dragging Lucien behind her, refusing to let him go.
Lucien heard Helion behind them, sounding as if he were ending the discussion. "Well, you heard her. It is her choice to be here. I'm not going to strip her of her choice. And Lucien is right. She is his mate. You can't exactly change that. Now, unless you plan on visiting socially, forgive me as I ask you to-" and Lucien couldn't hear the rest of what Helion said, as he and Elain were too far away.
"Elain, about what I said, at the end there, please understand I didn't mean it. I'd never lay cl-" Lucien started until he was interrupted.
Lucien was interrupted by Elain grabbing the back of his head, and pulling it down to reach as she kissed him.
Frozen, for just about a second and a half, Lucien finally pulled himself together and moved to place his hands on either side of Elains face and return her kiss.
After he started to kiss her back, Elain let the back of his head go, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and rose up on her toes so Lucien wasn't bending down so low.
The small thread that tied the two of them together glowed golden and bright. It pulsed, it sang, it thrived, and it came alive. Their very souls started dancing together just like they had been an hour before. Gravity ceased to exist as it felt like they were floating a foot off the ground. They weren't only brightly golden on the inside, as the sunrise was aimed directly at them, painting their bodies golden as well.
The kiss lasted less than a minute, but it felt like it lasted a glorious eternity. Lucien didn't want to pull back, but he needed to. Being caught off guard, he didn't have the breath to continue any longer.
So Lucien pulled back and looked towards Elain, the most beautiful creature he had ever seen in his life. How had he gotten so lucky to end up with her as his mate?
"I hope you know that that will make it impossible to fight off the instincts and stay just friends." Lucien spoke first, looking into his mates eyes, with nothing but adoration and awe.
Smiling, Elain reached up, giving Lucien another quick kiss before responding herself. "Did you not get the hint? I don't want to stay just friends." Elains smile only widened before hugging Lucien.
Elains hug felt like home.
Lucien felt, well, he felt his heart swell. He felt wanted in a different way from all those months ago when Helion had told him that he would never be exiled from the Day Court. The two were friends, but that statement from Elain felt like more.
Lucien, as a rule, rarely let himself hope. Because his hopes were always crushed right in front of him. But he hoped for the Day Court and Helion, and he hasn't been let down yet. Could he allow himself to hope for this?
In the back of his mind, he could hear the words pulsing.
Mate. Mate. Mate.
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To read the next part, press its title, In The Afternoon
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This is not Inner Circle hate. It is taking canon information about Elain from Silver Flames(Nesta and Cassians thoughts on how the Night Court doesn't suit her, and Nesta, Azriel and Rhysand making decisions on Elains behalf), and ... slightly tweaking it to fit the narrative here.
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jmoonjones · 11 months
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Even their ear tips are blushing!
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bakingheartzz · 4 months
no but something that i’ve been thinking is that elain and lucian give off more persephone and hades vibes than azriel and her.
before you roll your eyes listen out why—
ok so we all relate hades to azriel because of the shadows, but he has absolutely no hades personality. in every myth hades is intelligent and calculating like a certain redhead. also he is super respectful towards his wife (in greek mythology world he is technically the best husband so don’t come for me 💀) and yk who else is super respectful towards his mate? lucian.
i might be super wrong but what inspired this thinking was this gorgeous art by @itswibell-art
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daevastanner · 11 months
Say the Word
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“Say the Word”
By Daevastanner
An Elucien one-shot inspired by the Elucien comic art by @artcraawl commissioned by @amandapearls for @elucienweekofficial
Read it on Ao3
Elain’s fingers gingerly brushed the leaves of her poppies, assessing their current state - soft, supple, and smooth around the edges. 
Not entirely satisfied with what her touch could decipher, she ducked her head and  narrowed her eyes at their color. Not a hint of brown or curling around the edges, the stems were full and firm. This greenhouse had done a world of good for those flowers she would’ve had to otherwise sacrifice to the winter elements. To think that she had once told Lucien she didn’t need anything so grand, to think she’d almost rejected this most recent gift from her mate. 
Straightening and admiring the flowers, she smiled. She should know better by now. Lucien’s gifts were always perfect. 
Long arms wound around her waist, full lips brushed her ear. Elain smiled but continued to fiddle with the poppies before her.
Hot breath tickled the shell of her ear, nearly sending a shiver down her spine. “Hello, beautiful.” A warm chest molded against her back. “I don’t mean to disturb you because you look so content tending to your plants, but…” Slowly a nose was buried in her hair, inhaling her scent as though attempting to memorize it, “...I’ve missed you.” 
Elain let her hands fall from the flowers, coming to rest over the long fingers crossed over her abdomen. As usual, Lucien’s hands were uncommonly warm. Uncommonly, but pleasantly. 
Her head tilted back against his shoulder and she shut her eyes, letting the golden evening light from outside warm her face. “I’ve missed you too. I hardly ever get to see you anymore. I feel like you’re always gone.” 
Lucien pulled her closer, inclining his head and pressing a kiss to her jaw. “I’ll always come running if you ever need me.” Another kiss that was so burning, Elain’s lips parted in a gasp. “Just say the word.” 
Elain’s eyes flew open, cool night air filling her lungs as she was met with the sight of her bedroom here in the river house. The expanse of bed beside her was vacant, an observation that made something in her cleave. She covered her face with her hands, still laying on her side. 
Looking at the window, Elain judged that it was well after midnight but nowhere near dawn. If she tried very, very hard, she could squeeze in a few more hours of rest and hopefully eliminate the odds of having purple smudges under her eyes for Nesta and Cassian’s ceremony.
Her hot skin and ever-tightening chest said otherwise. 
Elain sat upright, threw off the duvet and swung her legs over the side of the bed, planting her feet on the cool wooden floor in hopes of grounding herself. Her fingers dug into the mattress, squeezing the fabric as she attempted to steady her breathing, but to no avail. 
She needed air. Fresh air. The scent of begonias and daffodils.
Mouth set in a grim slash, Elain stood and crossed to her vanity, retrieving her long, silk dressing gown from her stool and drawing it on. She fastened the tie around her waist, preserving her modesty should she run into another restless resident of the river house, and exited her bedroom, stepping out into the moonlit hallway. 
The river house was silent, save for the sound of her own feet padding across the carpet, then down the stairs and towards the kitchens. She didn’t encounter a single soul, as she maneuvered around the various boxes containing decor and supplies for Nesta’s ceremony. Even Feyre and Rhysand seemed to be getting a decent night’s sleep for once. 
Arriving at the glass paned-doors leading out to the garden patio, Elain loosed a sigh of relief as she stepped outdoors and let the cool night mist bathe her cheeks. She closed her eyes as she shut the door noiselessly behind her, inhaling the chilled night air and letting it fill her lungs. The tightness in her chest loosened, her burning skin cooled, the fragrant scent of flowers permeated her senses.
Flowers and… cinnamon. Crackling embers. 
Elain opened her eyes, suddenly wide awake. She peered across the garden, silvery in the light of the moon, scanning between the meticulously groomed bushes and hedges for any sign of him. Absently, her feet moved her forward and around the towering column of laurel. 
She found him sitting on the marble bench facing a bed of roses, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. He wore baggy sleeping trousers and a loose tunic open widely at the neck as though he hadn’t bothered with the laces after throwing it on. His long, red hair was pushed behind his shoulders, cascading in lush ripples down his back. Her mate truly was a breathtaking sight. There was no disputing that.
At that moment, Lucien’s head lifted at some unheard sound, turning in her direction. Brows raised, his metal eye whirred as it fixed on her. 
Elain dipped her head, mastering herself. “I apologize for the intrusion. I– I needed some air.” 
“It’s no intrusion,” Lucien replied, rising to his feet. “This is your garden. It is I who is the intruder, lady.” 
Perhaps it was the easy measure of his voice. Maybe it was the apprehensive smile tugging at the corner of his full lips. It could have been the gentle glimmer in his russet eye that reminded her so much of the dream that had brought her out here in the first place. Whatever ‘it’ was, Elain felt entirely at ease… and a little bit bold. 
She gestured to the marble bench with a manicured hand, then slowly approached. “Neither of us is intruding.” She lowered herself to sit, crossing her ankles and folding her fingers in her lap. “You are our guest and this is my garden.”
Lucien stared down at her, his expression blank, arms hanging at his sides. Elain offered him a timid smile and nodded at the vacant spot beside her. “Sit,” she said simply.
Lucien’s eye swept the garden, but with some caution, he sat next to Elain. It didn’t escape her notice the fair amount of space he put between them, not that it bothered her. 
For a moment they sat in companionable silence, nothing but the night breeze whispering through the garden leaves to fill the air around them. 
It was Lucien, whose gaze remained fixed on the flower-bed, who broke the quiet. “What brings you out here so late?” 
I dreamt of you. Of us. Of what we could be. 
But instead, she only said, “I couldn’t sleep.” 
He made a sympathetic sound beside her and out of the corner of her eye, she could see him rub his jaw with a long fingered hand. “Nerves about the ceremony tomorrow?”
Truthfully, Elain had no ‘nerves’ about the ceremony. The only negative emotion she felt in regards to Nesta’s big day was the niggling reminder that at one point, Elain had been the first of her sisters promised to be married and as of tomorrow,  she would be the last one left alone. Not that she’d ever admit her quiet resentment for her relationship status aloud. She was enjoying her freedom, her independence, that was true. 
Still, a part of her felt the longing for companionship that was only natural of living beings – whether they be mortal or fae.
She would give Lucien a fragment of the truth. “I’ll admit… I was nervous to see you.”
He finally met her gaze, amusement tipping up the corner of his mouth. “What cause have you to have nerves around me?” 
A blush heated her cheeks and she lowered her voice. “Do you remember last Winter Solstice?” 
Lucien nodded, bidding her to continue as he matched her conspiratorial posture and leaned in closer. 
“I kissed Azriel,” she grimaced. 
It may come as a surprise to others, but not to Elain, that Lucien’s lips turned down at the corners in approval, almost as though he were impressed. “When you said you wanted to explore your options you certainly aimed high…”
Elain laughed softly. “Nothing came of it, of course, but it was… nice.”
Lucien’s expression softened, his voice turning somber. “Well, there is no call for nerves. We’re past this, lady. We set our terms long ago. We’re both free to explore whatever we wish.”
Elain noted that he left out the latter half of their deal. That they were free to pursue whatever they wished until she said otherwise. When Elain said the word, they would begin to pursue what she had seen in her vision. The one she had told him about when he’d visited Velaris after the war with Hybern. It was all up to her. 
He had been so gracious. So patient. The ego she saw in other males was not present in Lucien. He didn’t need to boast that Elain had seen her choose him. He didn’t need to proclaim that it was only a matter of time until she accepted the bond. Instead, he quietly allowed her to pursue the life she’d never had a chance to live, and waited for his turn. 
“You never told me, by the way,” Lucien murmured, “what exactly you saw in your vision of us.”
Elain fidgeted, giving him a coy smile. “I told you what you need to know.”
“Well, what if I said I wished for specifics?” he pried, and the flicker of mischief in his eyes made Elain’s stomach clench pleasurably.
She played his courtier’s game and found that she enjoyed it, looking up at him through her lashes with a come-hither-smile, “Then I’d remind you that you are a patient male and can wait a while longer.” 
 He laughed, a breathless sound that made him look so very handsome. It was amazing how much he looked like sunshine in the dead of night with his hair and his eyes and his warm laughter. 
So briefly that if she’d have blinked, she would’ve missed it, Lucien’s gaze darted to her lips then back up again. Her heart hammered against her ribs as she observed their posture. The both of them leaning forward, head’s inclined and voices lowered – a prime position for kissing if there ever was one. And in private too. 
But to her surprise, Lucien straightened, pulling away, that glimmer of amusement didn’t leave his eye. “You know the conditions, lady. Not before you say so.”
Elain mirrored him, drawing in a deep breath through her nose to calm her racing pulse. 
Then, with that same smile that warmed her chest and sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach, Lucien said, “Just say the word.” 
Elain’s mouth went dry. She heard the echo of her dream ringing in her ears. The echo of that happily-ever-after just out of reach. 
Swallowing hard, Elain gave her mate a grateful smile. Sometimes she wondered if he could read her mind, like Feyre or Rhysand. Sometimes she wondered if the Cauldron was truly so clinical in its pairings, because for whatever reason, Lucien seemed to know her body and soul. Never, however, did she wonder about him. Not since they’d met when she’d tumbled out of the Cauldron and first heard his heart. No matter what anyone thought they perceived, no matter what anyone assumed, she’d always been certain about Lucien. Even when she hadn’t known it. Even when it had scared her. 
Exhaling, Elain rose, smoothing the silk of her dressing robe and drawing it tighter around her. “I’ll try to sleep again I think,” she murmured. 
“I think I’ll remain a bit longer,” Lucien sighed, leaning his elbows on his knees once more. “I’ll be careful not to disturb Nyx when I return. I’d hate to ruin one of Feyre’s few uninterrupted nights.”  
Elain winced. “On the topic of my sister… It’s best you don’t mention that I was out here. I don’t want anyone worrying about me on Nesta’s day.” 
He looked up at her, smirking. “You know better than to ask a favor of a faerie without offering something in return, lady.”
For whatever reason, the first ‘offering’ that came to mind was a picture of her on her knees… She quickly squashed the image, and straightened her shoulders, assuming the stance of a haughty courtier. “Very well. What is it you require in exchange for your silence?” 
He tilted his head, his mane of red hair shifting on his back. With equal arrogance, he replied, “One dance tomorrow night.” 
“Hm,” Elain hummed, eyeing him with exaggerated suspicion. “I must consider this.”
“A dance is not so grand a price,” the emissary grinned.
“True, were you a man, I would agree,” Elain began. “However you are a faerie, so I must clarify: Am I to dance until my feet bleed?”
“And ruin whatever delicate slippers you intend to wear?” he asked, arching a brow. “Never.”
“Until I lose my senses?” 
“And deprive myself of your pleasant conversation? Of course not.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Then I’m to dance until I die?” 
Lucien blanched. “That would spoil the whole party. No, no, no. I ask for one dance, to one song.”
Elain held his gaze, extending the silence as long as she dared. Only when the edge of his lip twitched did she answer. “One dance. One song,” she mused feigning thoughtfulness. Then, a few of his heartbeats later, “Very well.” 
Only when her back was turned to him did Elain permit herself a smile.
Returning to her room, Elain cracked the window, hopeful that the night breeze may allow some of Lucien’s scent to permeate the room. When the endeavor proved unsuccessful, she locked her bedroom door then crossed to her dresser. 
Kneeling, she opened the bottom drawer, and retrieved the old, pine green coat. She rose then, shutting the drawer with her foot. Then Elain brought the fabric to her nose and inhaled the scent of cinnamon and embers. The muscles in her shoulders relaxed, a sense of calm falling over her, heavy as velvet.
Shrugging out of her silk robe, Elain drew on the male coat, as she often did on sleepless nights. 
Sure enough, the moment she crawled back into the bed, she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. Lucien’s coat wrapping her in a comforting embrace.
This plan was already proving far more difficult than he’d anticipated. Elain was a vision tonight. 
She donned a dusty pink gown that highlighted the curve of her waist and the newfound swells of her breasts and hips. He hadn’t noticed these new, glorious curves she was suddenly in possession of last Solstice or even last night in the garden. 
Oh, how easily she’d believed him when he’d feigned surprise that she had kissed Azriel on Solstice. He’d known. Not because the shadowsinger’s scent lingered on her and not because he’d witnessed it, but because the High Lord of Night had thoroughly admonished his Spymaster for doing so. So loudly Lucien’s fae hearing had picked up on it from the guest wing. To his eternal amusement, Rhysand had seemed convinced that Lucien intended to challenge Azriel to a Blood Duel for Elain’s hand. 
He hadn’t corrected the High Lord when he’d seen him the next morning. After all, Lucien firmly believed there was no such thing as a bad rumor if it increased the intrigue of your character. Not to mention, he wasn’t supposed to have heard that heated conversation between the two Illyrian males. 
But how could he not have? He had been restless with Elain’s presence just down the hall (not unlike yesterday evening) with nothing to do but eavesdrop on the random noises around the river house. Including Elain’s hurried footsteps up and down the stairs not once, not twice, but four times that Solstice night. 
From across the reception hall, Elain met Lucien’s gaze. A sea of dancing bodies separated them, moving in time to the beautiful ballad of the string quartet. 
A perfect hostess, Elain had spent most of the after-party conversing with various guests while Nesta and Cassian made their rounds, accepting congratulations on their mating. 
Elain blinked at Lucien now, brown eyes sparkling in the fae-light that hung in strings overhead, bathing the guests of the temple in a golden glow. Lucien blinked back at her, then let his gaze wander lazily all over the temple. 
To the wide open doors that led to the patio where tables were set for those who wished to dine and mingle, then to the eastern side of the temple where those who wished to drink congregated around the enchanted tower of champagne flutes that would never run empty. 
Finally, he dragged his attention back to her, keeping his expression bored. 
Her brows drew together in question, as she studied him. He fought the urge to preen as her large eyes drank in his form. He’d worn his deep green suit with golden embroidery, well aware of the way it lengthened his legs and broadened his shoulders. He’d fastened his hair back at the sides, very cognizant of how it put the elegant features of his face on full display, making him appear hewn from bronze rather than flesh and blood. 
She was a fine match for him. More than enticing. 
But he was not blind to the fact that he was equally as desirable to her. Not as her eyes snagged on his mouth and not as he scented her arousal all the way across the room. 
Shaking herself from her daze, Elain nodded subtly towards the dance floor. 
Lucien only canted his head in response.
Her pretty pink lips parted as the realization donned on her. Lucien would not approach. He would not ask her to dance. She must ask him. In front of everyone. 
Color bloomed in her cheeks and Lucien fought the tugging at the corner of his lip. Instead he leveled her with a look that reminded her just who she had struck a bargain with. A faerie.
He’d decided on this approach, not solely for his amusement, but also to ensure their boundaries remained the same as ever. Elain must always make the first move. Must always take the first step. He would not initiate until she told him he could do so. 
Elain lifted the skirt of her dress and maneuvered her way through the crowd, across the room. He nearly laughed when she broke through the bodies and closed the distance between them with her chin raised in haughty indignance. 
“Elain,” he said, dipping his head. “What a pleasure running into you here.” 
“At my sister’s mating ceremony?” Elain asked flatly. 
“Ah, I forget the relation,” shrugged Lucien innocently. “You’re far more fetching than she is.”
“Don’t compliment me by insulting my sister, it’s rude.” 
“I would never dare insult Nesta Archeron,” he winked, and Elain cracked a smile, seemingly in spite of herself. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company, lady?” 
Elain cut him with a knowing look. “I owe you a dance, remember?” 
Satisfaction bloomed in his chest. “Ah, so you do.” As the string quartet wound down their current song, Lucien offered Elain his arm. “Well, I’m happy to oblige.” 
He didn’t so much as glance her way as they glided towards the dance floor, but he did hear her snort softly beside him. The gruff irritation from someone as delicate as Elain was equal parts endearing and amusing. 
As the string quartet slowly began to strike up the next song, the dancing bodies converged, seeking out their partners once more. In one fluid movement, Lucien spun Elain to face him, lacing their fingers on one side and laying a broad palm on the small of her back. Elain wasted no time in placing her free hand on his other shoulder, meeting his measured gaze with an equally unruffled look. Where Feyre and Rhysand physically sparred, he did not envy them. He more enjoyed the battle of courtier wits between himself and Elain. 
The violin played a gentle, lilting melody and together, they swayed to the rhythm with the other dancing couples. He wondered if she could hear his heart hammering, if she could scent his anticipation. He had waited ages for this moment. The moment where Elain would come to him. Where they would converse, not as two fated mates who were bound by divine intervention, but as two individuals with a tender interest in one another. Flirting. 
He lowered his voice, casting a quick glance to the champagne table. “Have you noticed the shadowsinger tonight? He’s been giving that priestess some particularly longing looks.”
Elain scoffed. “I’m not surprised.” She inclined her head, then added softly, “I believe he was particularly nervous about tonight. You see the necklace she’s wearing?” 
Lucien spared a subtle look over at the ginger priestess, his metal eye whirring and focusing in on the rose pendant that dangled from her neck. “I do.” 
“Mm, what if I told you that that necklace was first gifted by Azriel,” Elain began, then her eyes glinted wickedly, “to me.” 
Lucien’s brows shot into his hairline, his gaze snapped back to his mate. “You can’t be serious.” 
Elain nodded, her lips pressed in a flat line in a clear effort to suppress laughter. “He gave it to me at Solstice when we kissed. Rhys called him away, so I went up to bed and…” she lowered her voice to a whisper again, “and had a vision of some unknown female in a teal gown wearing the very same necklace.”
Lucien stole another surreptitious glance at the priestess, who sure enough, wore a teal gown. When he looked back at Elain her expression was somber. A pang of sympathy turned his stomach. “I… I offer my sympathies that the shadowsinger did not return your affections.” 
To his surprise, Elain arched a brow,  pink lips in a caustic smile. “You mistake me. I don’t mourn the shadowsinger’s affections. I mourn that he would assume I would cause a scene tonight at seeing another female, one who I understand has had a remarkably difficult life, wearing a gift I returned to him in the first place.”
The words tumbled from Lucien’s lips before he could stop himself. “He does not know you. Not truly.”
Something in Elain’s gaze softened, her sad smile growing more sincere. The sudden shift made Lucien feel nervous as a prospective bridegroom. He cleared his throat, willing his palms not to sweat.
Elain’s eyes sparkling with mirth. “What about you? We’ve talked a fair bit about my pursuits. I’d like to discuss yours. I’m sure they are sordid and far more scandalous than a stolen kiss six months ago.”
Lucien laughed at that, a full bodied sound that surprised him. “If you’re certain it won’t offend your delicate sensibilities, Jurian and Vassa have invited me to their bed. Several times.”
Elain’s eyes flashed, her cheeks going crimson once more. The slender column of her throat bobbed as she processed his question, then replied hesitantly, “Well? Did you… accept?” 
Eyes locked,  Lucien dipped his head, his lips just inches from hers. “A gentleman never tells, lady,” he whispered.
Elain held his stare, “I see.” She tilted her head up, her mouth now dangerously close to his, “Where is this gentleman you speak of?” 
He laughed quietly. “You wound me.” 
She was so near he could taste her on his tongue. Jasmine and honey. When her eyes fell to his lips, he felt the air stolen from his lungs. 
Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.
It was her move. 
Slowly, Elain’s eyelids began to droop, and in answer, Lucien’s heart threatened to break through his ribs. His grip on her waist tightened possessively, tugging her closer…
Then the song ended. 
The one song for his one dance was over.
And like the perfect courtiers they were, Elain and Lucien parted on instinct,  abandoning all notions of their almost kiss. Both parties averted their eyes as they attempted to gather themselves. Lucien bowed. Elain curtsied. It was over.
He suddenly felt entirely too warm, disappointment coursing through him and hollowing out his chest. 
She can’t see. Don’t let her see.
He would not have her initiate their relationship out of pity – out of sympathy. 
Mustering all his resolve, he gave Elain the most charming smile he could manage, and left the dance floor, heading straight for the patio doors. 
Stepping out of the temple and into the balmy, summer night, Lucien maneuvered around the various tables occupied by the remaining guests and onto the vacant river house lawn. He wrung his hands subtly at his sides, trying to forget the intoxicating feeling of her skin against his, of the curve of her waist beneath his palm. He had been a fool to indulge in his attraction to her. It would only make the wait all the more difficult. 
A fool.
He was such a fool–
Halting in his tracks as he neared the river house, Lucien slowly turned towards the voice that called his name. 
Elain Archeron stood several paces away on the river house lawn, apparently having followed him. She closed the remaining distance between them, her skirts in her hands as she apparently had made an effort not only to find him, but to… to join him. 
“Were you retiring?” she asked, letting her skirts fall to drag over the dewy, dark grass.
At a loss for words, Lucien shook his head in response, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
A smile that looked somewhat relieved, lit her face. “Oh, good. I was going to ask if you’d like a tour of my garden.”
“O-oh,” was all he could manage around the spark of hope in his chest. 
She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her expression now somewhat bashful, “And maybe… maybe answer a few of those questions you had. About the specifics of what I’ve seen.” 
Sometimes Lucien wondered if she could read his mind, just like Rhys and Feyre. Sometimes he wondered if the Cauldron paired souls, not just bodies. How else could Elain be re-enacting the very dream that had sent him into her garden last night? The dream where they stood among rose bushes and she recalled to him what their mating ceremony would look like, where they would lay their roots, the cadence of their children’s voices. 
But that was far too much information to place on her shoulders. Perhaps one day, he would tell her of the dream he had that night. The one that had brought them together in this garden and had given him the excuse to ask her for a dance. The dance that led them right back here. 
“Well? Would that agree with you?” Elain asked, tilting her head.
Lucien nodded emphatically, offering her his arm. “Yes, I should think so.” 
Her voice was bright. “Good.” She accepted his arm and started to guide him towards the moonlit garden. “You may ask your first question.” 
Unwilling to miss a good opportunity for banter, Lucien asked, “Have you seen how much of our future funds are spent on your gardening? I’d like a figure in mind so I can conserve my spending.”
Elain’s laughter was a song he knew he’d play in his mind for days to come. Over and over again until she said the word.
Then he’d come running.
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Still Beautiful, Still Mine
Tamlin Week, Day 3: Found Family/Possessive
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I made this for @praetorqueenreyna, my co-mod for @tamlinweek2023​, who has become a good friend and my biggest cheerleader for getting back into art after so many years. She asked me if I would sketch something with Tamlin and Lucien, and I decided to take it further by adding color and making it today’s submission.
In this depiction, Tamlin is gently brushing back Lucien’s hair, which he has been trying to hide behind ever since Amarantha took his eye and scarred his face. To be loved and accepted and even desired in spite of such horrific circumstances is something that resonated deeply with me.
I hope you like it. ❤️
Please do not repost. (Note: an exception has been made for the Official Tamlin Week Instagram page.)
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tamlinweek · 1 year
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praetorqueenreyna · 1 year
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I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you.
For Tamlin Week Day 3: Possessive. Tamlin and Lucien are married and obsessed with each other, thank you and goodnight.
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artinelysian · 11 months
Elucien Week Day 1: Mates
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I had wanted to do more for this prompt with flowers and lighting but after 1 hand took 3.5 hours to just sketch out, I kind of gave up😭 I still hope you all enjoy it and I tried my best to still incorporate parts of Elain and Lucien in with the colours💜
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shi-daisy · 9 months
Together we Rest
Eris Week let's gooooo!!!! I feel do bad I couldn't do more during Neris week and considering WaveWave Week is around the corner I have my hands full but still I needed show love to the prettiest redhead around and his brothers (SJM name em!) So here we have some brotherly fluff taking place in my fanfic AU (This is a self ad, go read A Court of Threads & Daisies)
Eris Week- Day 1- Family
Together we Rest
First he slept alone whenever possible on cold sheets and blocking the yelling and pleading. Eris wasn't fond of hearing his parents arguing but ever since he was a young child he'd grown accustomed to that noise. It quickly became background noise.
Then they had Nemesis. And if he thought being the only heir was bad he hated having his precarious position be dangled over his and his brother's head constantly by Beron was not helping.
For a time he hated his sibling. Always loud, crying, losing his mind, it was too much to deal with, and their family situation didn't help the matters. Until one night the fighting began again and Eris just started at the ceiling as he lay in bed.
"Eris, can I stay with you?"
He looked so small and pale, like a tangle of fire orange curls with tiny legs and blood red eyes. Even at his worse he couldn't deny the young boy's request. So he made room in the bed and let Nemesis climb in, the boy shivered even as he slept, but Eris held him close and they both finally rested.
Then came Gideon, larger than then both and with a hellish temper, yet when night came and no once could sleep he'd let his younger brothers join him and they all cuddled close together. It was the only time he could recall seeing Gideon smile, that was his only happy memory of the third prince that had been gone for a while now. He liked to think that perhaps in death he smiled more.
The situation repeated with the brunette and amber eyed twins, Tybalt and Arryn who wore the same face yet were two sides of the same coin. One would grow in to a quiet archer that wanted nothing more than to be a tailor. The other wanted to sail the seas, amd ironically met his end in Spring, the only foreign land he visited in life. Maybe he sailed a galleon in death, at least that's what Eris hoped. The twins had been the quietest of them all, and sleep motionless most nights, though he did remember feeling Tybalt holding his hand subconsciously in slumber when noise got louder and their mother's voice caused the tailor to wince in pain.
Cedric was the sixth. A silent prodigy alchemist content to be ignored by the world and ignore it right back as he toiled away in his lab. The redhead should've been born in a lab coat with thick glasses because since he could speak and walked that is all he wore and became. Yet even for his disgust toward physical contact he'd joined them in their makeshift pile to protect himself from their reality. Often times he'd wake up first and bring them food before Beron ever knew where they all truly slept and how Eris was the one giving them what he never could.
Finally there was Lucien. He and Nemesis knew full well that they were half brothers only. That this child who unlike any of them had received the grace and protection of their mother, was the only one of them fathered by the man she truly loved. Nemesis had resented him for it, at least for a time before the resentment was directed at Lady Imogen. Eris never could, even if he acted cold and uncaring, he knew that the poor baby boy would suffer more than rest of them. Beron would make sure of that.
The screaming started and they all came in order. Nemesis, Gideon, Tybalt, Arryn and Cedric, but now the line didn't end with Cedric and he could hear the scared wails of a baby in the next room.
Eris didn't listen to protests as he walked out, picked up baby Lucien and went back to his room. Just by placing his head on his chest, Lucien stoped crying, looking up at his eldest brother and cooing.
"No! You can't be serious! He shouldn't get to stay!" Gideon protested loudly, almost causing Lucien to start crying again.
"Like it or not, he stays. He's stuck in this family with us, he deserves peace too."
Nemesis rolled his eyes. "I'm fine with having him here but if he needs a diaper change either you or Cedric do it!"
The scientist scoffed. "Why me?!"
"You mix weird shit in the lab how's baby crap any worse?"
"Fuck you."
They all started laughing as they settled in. Eris was careful to keep Lucien steady and secure upon his chest. He'd have to sleep as still as the twins, but it didn't matter if him and all his brothers were safe.
Hearing baby Lucien coo in his sleep was all the confirmation he needed to drift away himself.
Time and growing older kept them from continuing this ritual as a sort of comfort. Then Jesminda died, and then Arryn and Gideon died, Lucien renounced them so harshly he'd only seen the man on a handful of occasions until the war settled and the connected again. They all had brushes with death, heartbreak, and were still dealing with Beron's looming threats.
Eris put on two candles in front of his fallen brother's portraits. He'd let then burn until morning, hoping that today on the anniversary of their death they'd be safe wherever they were, be it the afterlife or reincarnated.
"Hurry up, I'm sleepy."
He nearly jumped when Nemesis yawned as he wacked the door open. Even after all these years he kept the messy hair and had dark circles under his red eyes. Cedric followed, chosing to keep his long orange hair in a pony tail and his glasses by the nightstand. Finally Tybalt came in, and bowed before the portraits rather than settle in the bed inmediatly.
"I hate that there's less of us, and that we're missing Lucien." Tybalt commented
"Bitch baby is fine, he's with Tamlin you don't need to worry, Ty." Nemesis told him as he turned to his side and got ready to sleep.
"Don't call our brother that. Just because he's well does not mean we shouldn't miss him. At least now we don't have to worry about the noise waking him." Cedric chastaised.
Yes the noise. Noise that ceased as Beron was now in a comatose state and Imogen resided in the Day Court with Helion. There was no reason for them to keep sleeping in a pile desperately trying to keep away their shared nightmare.
Or maybe there was, as even if they were adults freed from Beron's shackles, albeit temporarily, they were the only ones who understood full well what that hell was like. No one else would ever know why they sometimes woke in the middle of the night crying and waiting for the others to provide a comforting hug, even if by morning it would all be forgotten and they had to resume their competition for their father's worthless favor.
Eris settled in again, hugging Nemesis, taking Tybalt's hand and making sure Cedric was comfortable in his far off corner of the gigantic bed.
"Good Night." He said, and they all answered.
He drifted off thinking about Lucien and hoping he too was sleeping well. For all the animosity and fights and even blood between them all, Eris had concluded that more than their parents or their distant cousins, his four remaining siblings were more of a family than anyone else. And come what may during the looming war, he wouldn't dare lose a single one of them again.
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foxybananaaaz · 8 months
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2k Words
If you have not yet read any of the other parts, please click the Title Page to go to the start.
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Lucien Week, Day Five :: Family.
From the family he left behind in Autumn, to his friends in the Spring and Night Court, and the human's he's chosen to live with (and the father he may or may not know about in Day), Lucien's blood and chosen family are scattered throughout Prythian. @lucienweekofficial
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Lucien left after four hours, fearful he may already be too late, though he couldn't exactly leave earlier, not after Helion had announced him his son, his Heir. But after four hours, the excitement died down enough that Lucien winnowed out and to the Border of Summer Court and Autumn Court.
Finding a squirrel, he sighed in relief. Crouching down, making sure none of his body tipped into the Autumn Court at all, he spoke to the squirrel, knowing them to be far more than just ordinary squirrels found amongst other courts.
"My name is Lucien Vanserra, seventh and youngest son of the High Lord Beron. I need you to go get Eris Vanserra, first and oldest son of the High Lord Beron. Quickly though, as fast as you can. Have him meet me here." Lucien spoke, praying to the Mother and Cauldron both that the news had not reached the Autumn Court yet, as invoking his title he had since birth would not work with the woodland creatures, and they would not take orders from anyone but the High Lords family.
The squirrel, on its hind legs, tilted its head, looking at Lucien, before running off East. He hoped that was a good sign, and the squirrel kept East. All he could do was wait.
One of the benefits from being emissary for Tamlin was that he could be in any court, almost any court, he corrected as he looked towards the colourful trees. The benefit of being emissary for Tamlin was that he could now be in most of the courts without raising alarms, as he had made friendships and business relationships in them all. So he had no concerns standing in the Summer Court as he waited.
After half an hour, Eris arrived, confusion on his face. If his reason for being here were not so dire, he would tease his eldest brother for finally having information Eris did not. But now was not the time. He was here for an important reason, bordering on, if not already, an emergency.
Before Eris could ask his brother why he insisted on meeting, and so dangerously close to the Autumn Court where one wrong, frantic step, and their other brothers would not hesitate to take him to the Forrest House, Lucien spoke.
Lucien spoke, informing Eris that he had to get their mother out, and she had to leave today, within the hour, preferably. Lucien stood there, watching his eyebrows raise, even more confusion on his face, as he explained how he had plans in motion to make it happen, but he needed at the very least three more days to succeed barely, the whole week to succeed perfectly.
Lucien shook his head before explaining. "My f-" Lucien stopped himself. It didn't feel right yet. The timing did not feel right. Starting again, Lucien explained that Helion was growing rather annoyed with all the rumours and had told an entire courtyard of people in the Day Court about who he was.
"I was lucky to make it here in time before the news got here. Before the woodland creatures got the news, otherwise I would not have got the squirrel to get a message to you." Lucien finished explaining.
A glance towards his brother, he could see the restrained anger. Anger that he had to throw a months worth of planning out the window and come up with something on the spot. Pacing, Lucien saw his brother thinking before he stopped.
Eris then explained how he would bring his mother out for a walk to visit his hounds about twice a week. He could bring her out, go behind the shed, and winnow her to Lucien in the Day Court.
Lucien shook his head. "The Day Court is the first place father will look. Followed by the Night Court." Lucien explained. Now his turn to think. It took less than a minute when the idea hit him. He turned to his brother, telling him to bring their mother to Jurian and Vassa, and explain the situation. He knew his friends would not turn his mother away. "He won't look for her in the Human Lands."
And with that, Lucien and Eris bid farewell, and Lucien watched as his eldest brother winnowed away. Waiting no more than five minutes, Lucien winnowed to the Night Court to let Rhysand and Feyre know to expect a visit from his father, or at least one of his father's officials. And to expect his father to place spies around in case his mother were to show up.
It had been a month since Lucien had been announced son of Day, and had seen Eris. When he had finally returned from the Night Court after his meeting with his brother, Helion, annoyed, yet concerned, demanded to know where Lucien had been and why he just left.
After Lucien had finally told Helion that Eris knew who he was, and had for a few weeks, and had been working on a plan to get their mother out of the Autumn Court so she would be safe when the news inevitably came out, Lucien noticed the immediate regret on Helions face.
Lucien quickly reassured the male, though, letting him know that he and Eris had come up with a last-minute plan, and his mother was free and safe. That she was in a place Beron would not look to find her. He did not include, though, that he had no way of knowing if his mother actually did make it to his human friends house safely or not.
He kept telling himself that Eris was great at these sorts of things. If anyone could manage to get their mother out safely, it was him. Their mother was safe. Living with humans, yes. But she was safe.
But it had been a month, a whole month with nothing having happened yet. He was growing concerned. When his fath- When Beron kept quiet after things so large as this, it was usually never good. Why hadn't he done anything yet.
If Lucien were Beron, he would have taken this as an act of war. Would have seen this as Helion stealing his son, holding him captive, against his will. Despite Lucien being Berons' least favourite, he would have used this to finally have the war against Helion he's been wanting for centuries. So why hasn't his father made a move?
"No one's come to see my sister or Rhysand." Lucien heard from behind him. Turning around, Lucien made his way towards his friend and hugged her. To hell with the bond and the glowing charged reaction it gave to the hug. To hell with her hesitation to the bond even. Lucien hadn't seen anyone in a month and had been alone with his thoughts, his worries. He was too afraid to go anywhere, too afraid to step outside even, in case he was followed.
"Lucien," Elain said, his name almost a plea from her lips. Concern in her tone. And shockingly, she hugged him back. The bond was charged, and it glowed bright, and fluttered and swirled, flew around in his chest. It was the most alive it had ever been.
He was ignoring it all, though, and it seemed as though Elain was too. Lucien couldn't care less about their bond right now or what it was wanting. Right now, he was soaking up as much comfort as he could. All the fear from the last month had crashed down in him the second he heard her voice.
Suddenly, his head was lifted up, and he was looking at his mate, his friends face, looking her in her brown fawn eyes as she told him that none of his fathers men had been by to see them.
"But Eris' men have."
That sentence caught Lucien off guard, and he pulled back from the embrace fully to get a good look at Elain, trying to figure out what she meant.
"Don't you remember? I told you the day you came over that everything would be alright, even if it didn't seem like it?" Elain asked, though Lucien truly did not remember.
It was then that Helion walked in with a piece of paper in his hand that bore the sigil of the Autumn Court. He greeted Elain, as though it was perfectly normal to see her with Lucien, alone in his room, before he turned to Lucien, telling him that it seemed their reasons to worry has come to an end.
His confusion must have been written on his face, as Helion then handed the letter over for Lucien to read.
To the High Lords, and Lady, of Prythian.
Allow me to start this letter out by stating that the former High Lord Beron is unfortunately no longer with us. He has indeed died.
Next, the latest rumour you have heard of my youngest brother Lucien is true. He was not my father's son. But this fact does not strip him of the fire of the Autumn Court pulsing through his veins. My mother is still his mother. I am still his brother.
Lucien has both the fire of the Autumn Court, as well as the light of the Day Court running through his veins, and with him, the fued between our courts can come to an end.
My father died, out of defence for my mother. I tried to get her to safety but did not get to in time. I was forced to kill my father to protect my mother. After he died, I felt the High Lords magic pass on to me.
I am the new High Lord of the Autumn Court. I will not run this court as my father did. I aim to rebuild the relationships amongst my court and yours. Please accept the gift given, alongside this letter, as an apology for all the hardships my father has given over his years as High Lord.
I look forward to working alongside each of you.
Eris Vanserra.
Lucien finished reading the letter and looked towards Elain and the Helion. Who would read this, and how much of Prythian would see this news confirmed had they not already heard it by word of mouth?
"These letters only go out to the High Lords of Prythian. So only the seven - the eight of us have seen it, and after the two of you, that makes ten. It will remain that way." Helion answered Luciens questions as though he could see them written on his face.
Lucien then found himself looking towards Elain while whispering to himself, not wanting to believe it, as it didn't feel true yet. "He's really gone."
Elain simply nodded. With a small smile, she repeated her words from before. "Everything will be alright, even if it doesn't seem like it."
Elain then took Lucien by the arm, leading him out of his room, towards the main door. Her insistence and rush to get there was confusing him, but when they got to the door, Elain opened it, just in time to see his brother standing on the other end, hand raised as if he were about to knock.
Lucien couldn't help the smirk at the look of shock on his brothers face, clearly not used to Elain just knowing things. But to be fair, Lucien still wasn't fully used to it either.
The smirk didn't last long, though, because behind Eris was a female. A female Lucien had not seen since his time under the mountain. A female he had not spoken to in even longer. A female he would instantly recognize no matter how long it had been.
Elain, having let go of Luciens' arm for this reason, and Eris having stepped out of the way, Lucien stepped towards the female, almost in a daze.
Lucien hadn't heard Helion enter the room or the reaction the male had upon the scene in front of him. His whole focus was on the female standing in front of him. Even the bond, which was begging for the physical contact again, was not strong enough to tear Luciens' attention away from the female.
It wasn't until the female lifted her hand up to Luciens' cheek that he realized he had started crying. She rubbed tears out of the way before pulling Lucien into a hug.
After many, many, many years of being forced apart, forbidden to speak to each other under the mountain, a mother and her son were finally reunited.
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To read the next part, press its title, Coming Together
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I could not sleep due to my migraine, so I worked on this. Well, I hope you enjoy this part!
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shadowqueenjude · 9 months
I finally saw somebody post this and this just proves my point that Lucien is my fav character. It shocks me how so much of this fandom glosses over what rice cake did. I can't believe SJM actually made Feyre end up with this sex offender. Tbh pre-ACOMAF Feyre and Lucien would've made a great pair. Post-ACOWAR Elain and Lucien make a great pair. Eris Vanserra and Nesta make a great pair. But SJM really made the Archeron sisters all attracted to the freaking bat boys like GIRL WHAT???!!! Who would you choose? The big, grumpy-ass warriors with no personality and can't hold their own in a courtroom or the smooth-talking, sassy, sarcastic, guys who YOU KNOW will treat their women like queens and can balance a thousand roles and still dress immaculately??? And who also btw have fire in their veins and fuck like it too. Just saying.
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nimhmistsong · 10 months
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Mollymauk Week Art! (Late)
Prompts - Gala Outfits/Threeleaf
3 fucking months of on and off drawing this piece. Figuring out what Gala outfits even generally look like, and deciding what themes they would share which ended up being birds and lace. Behold, Gala Bird Themed outfits for all our threeleaves!
Lucien - The Brown Necked Raven Dress, right tit out!
Kingsley - The Macaw Lingerie outfit, left tit out
Mollymauk - The Peacock Suit&Pants, both tits out!
@mollymaukweek enjoy this my darling!
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beau-gar · 1 year
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