#Luger Amulet
motherstone · 1 month
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Based on this expression meme that I unfortunately lost the post link to 😵 Drew this for fun.
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nigh-temptation · 2 months
Okay, these are some VERY quick 5-min sketches so bear with me here (I know I say that a lot, but I spend a lot of time thinking about the designs, not drawing them)
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Anyways, Luger is now known as Lugźer Bagoslavi, cousin of Oj Książę Tręlis (Prince Trellis).
He is around 40 years old, and holds a high position within the military.
His wife Wele Bagoslavi is also someone of considerable power. She is one of the Bidma, the Czar’s personal guard, known as “sun witches” by the human countries.
They have a daughter, Želi, who is 16. Him having a family makes his turn to the “light” shall we say, have more of an impact. He is just one example of many elves who are fighting in the war for their familys’ sake. He’s also bought into a lot of the propaganda his uncle spews.
Stones in Gulfeńn are a lot more common, since it is where most of them were made (that’s why Silas was so revered, he was able to make his very own stone without the need of the motherstone, and then proceeded to not share how with anyone).
So when Lugźer climbed the social ladder to General, he was given one to compensate his rank.
When Emily beats him and kills his stone, it send a shockwave of pure power through him, rendering his legs useless. This way Tręlis can still find him in need of help, without him turning into an entirely different character.
(I’ve sort of based his personality off of my own dad because they both love to cook, and idk I want my Luger to be apart of the sassy man apocalypse)
One last thing, his colors are green, red, and yellow. I’ll get back to using colored pencils in a bit when I have the energy.
I’ll gladly answer questions btw, it helps me have a jumping off point for explaining things!
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swim-swimm · 2 years
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i miss his bitchy era
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time2andspace · 1 year
how the hell did the king keep Luger and Trellis from knowing they were brothers post memory swipe? Did he never claim Luger as an heir to the throne and thus no one knew he was his son for sure? Did he decide to forbid any servant or member of the castle staff or the army from mentioning it? Your sons are both major political figures how the hell did you manage to keep either of them from knowing after you stole their memories???
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet Re-read: book 2
Hi it’s me again. We will be doing book 2 I hope you enjoy it.
The Elf king not only is he mad at Trellis for not bringing Emily to him, but also Sybrian being dead and Emily not killing him.
I think I know why Luger is so tough on Trellis, but wait until the next post.
Navin must amazed that Cogsley ask him to pilot the house.
Ikol sending the Elf army to capture Emily as well as him waning her to prepare for battle, so that he can control her more easily.
I wonder how Silas got passport’s for the kids.
Silas must have asked Leon to protect and train her, that’s why stop that elf soldier from going after them.
Ikol having the Elf king ordering the elves to take land form the farmers so that a revolution can happen and when it’s done his people can take the land for them selves.
Leon is smart by calling him self a bounty hunter so the elf’s won’t suspect a thing.
What was so obvious that the guy was turning into a slug Doctor Weston?
I think that Ikol did some thing to Silas memory’s to prevent Misikit from learning that Leon is a good guy, probably when Silas was transferring his memory’s to him.
Luger seeing up a cannon to destroy the hospital so that the resistance can stop the elf king, all part of Ikol’s plan.
Misikit going with Leon and Emily because he still not trust Leon.
Emily jumping way high is foreshadowing for something in book 8.
“So easy, isn’t it?” Ikol been trying to take control of Emily since book 2.
Ikol must be the one that preventing Emily from removing the stone not the magic form the stone
Silas must have help make the resistance with the true purpose destroying the real enamy.
Father Adler must have saw the future in which Silas great-grandchildren to bring peace to Alledia.
You have no idea how powerful she will be Luger.
Ikol killing Emily serve two purpose. To eliminations Emily if she doesn't him and try to control her more easily.
Emily doesn’t know how to use a sword that’s why she use a stick.
I think Leon is right that in the end Emily will be helping everyone.
I wonder how the bugs got in the seed.
Ikol is happy that Emily is using the stone so he can try and control her.
I think I know why the elves don’t like the smell of fish, but wait until we do book 6.
It’s nice that Cogsley has a hobby.
I think the stones took control over the stonekeepers it was an experiment by Ikol to try and control them.
I think the elf king was the prefect host for Ikol. That’s why his stone came back.
That was an interesting test that Emily took.
Emily getting more powerful and more as the book’s go on.
I think I know why the Elf king sends his men to get   the healing fruits of the Gadoba tree’s to heal his body and to get the elf army angry at trees so that they will kill them so that the Gadoba trees can’t reviled the real invasion.
Emily trusting her friends and family is some thing Ikol will never understand. She only doing it for her family.
Emily is much more stronger then you think Ikol.
I think that Ikol made Luger lose control over his stone to force Emily to do the same to stop him.
Navin to the rescue.
Using the stone’s power on the house and having Navin fight Luger with the house was some thing Ikol did not expect.
Your mom is ok Emily.
I wonder how Emily got the impression that she can’t go home.
I’m a bit curious what Navin told there mom.
Silas must have made his machine’s to rebuild them themselves to some extent.
This is your new life Karen get use to it.
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aloraaki3 · 7 months
Open theory Form, Amulet addition
Why do you guys think the Elf King chose to keep Trellis as his successor and not Luger?
You can put your answer anywhere, I just wanna hear some thoughts. Or you can talk about why Luger should have been declared successor instead!
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agux6996 · 2 years
Anyone can talk about this picture from Amulet's book 9?
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The computer shows Luger with Aly (or Emily's mom) and in the last picture Emily (probably):
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Any theory about what's happening there?
For example, in my case I see like columns or something like that. The last picture of the page shows Emily (red hair and brown suit) turning her back on us but my question is what's the thing she has in her right. A spacial door with lights maybe? Remember that she was going to came back for her family which is in the space, maybe it could be that, a spaceship. And if it is Max? Look at the black high hair and the shape of his body :v
Tell me what do you think about this :)
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theferalsquirrel · 8 months
And so I continue this spiral of Amulet re-designing insanity with re-designing Navin.
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I'm gonna be real, here. Navin has never had a good design. (Actually, now that I think about it, I think Trellis was the only character who's initial design was legitimately fire, but I digress). I didn't totally know what to do with him until I remembered that he's a ten-year-old boy, and at book eight I think he's twelve. So I decided to take that into account and give him the asymmetrical socks, ripped shorts and sleeveless jacket. He's meant to be the more tech-savvy of the group, so I wanted to give him goggles like we see on the cover of book three. I wanted to really make him look like someone who'll spend his time with robots and ships, rather than a child who was haphazardly thrown into the story (which is kinda what happens in the canon story, but again, I digress).
Not sure who else I'd do a re-design for. Possibly Luger, but I dunno.
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chesterleprince · 1 month
Am I Seeking Death?
Ravaging like mavericks,
so adamant, like adamantium.
You're ravishing, like you vanished with Valium.
Calamitous, the cavity you left in me,
enamouring, your callousness, I nest in thee.
Actually, a savage and you're mastery.
With lashes, see me for what I am, a thief.
Stab a stake through me and see me crawling aimlessly.
From anciency, till modern coffin,
loving dangerously,
craving our make-believe.
Laid in the reaper's bed.
Am I seeking Death?
Never achieve my rest.
Can only leave if I feel your lips,
just a seamless kiss,
but I miss my misses in mist.
I jest and listlessly lisp.
The last I hear, just a wisp of the littlest kiss.
learning from her guise,
I fervently deny her eyes.
if you read this I am probably dead.
side eying ptolemys debt,
I'm monstrously deaf.
honestly, honesty is horrible,
horus see me cautiosly, I caught her rope,
look like I saw a ghost.
in nooks hide,
and crannies more to cope,
and lastly my horoscope says "You're all outta hope".
masterfully salvage my heart shaped cavity?
Just wrote that callously.
feel like the lamb inside of this battery.
bruised and battered,
you soothe where matters ,
obtuse with banter.
if I wont move, am I jared?
and if I wont lose, am I samson?
but I lost and I'm soft,
causing all of you coughs.
with psalms I'm horribly crossed.
a sawed off guard,
her loss all's not.
I mark her softly,
she is hardly fostered.
fast moss that allah will conquer,
feeling mollied, awe struck,
probably brought up,
sadly sauntered.
rallied collered,
in trollies travel.
always brief in my brevity,
believe in your equity.
callously, I'm carried in calamities.
hellishly, she's harry in her hilarity.
masterfully mattered, malice met her monotony.
mirage is siddartha,
in god I am honored.
I dont feel deserving,
the rope burn is so hurtful,
I hope, kneel and preach ernest.
"so mesmerizing your highness",
said the lion, enticing.
superfluous your hermit king,
hurt the pith and splurge on sins,
unearth the sith or burn this bitch.
a pleathora of sephoras.
they slowly rise,
open eyes,
sold your soul to poltergeist.
golden globes, the roamer dies.
copious coping its lothian,
loathing it.
lording the boring glamour and glory,
abhorrend the whore is stabbed up and gory.
derelicts doubt,
damning the drought,
damaged and doused.
dabble in rally rousal.
canopy is shifting stupor,
calamities laughingly lose us,
can he see the manatee's luger.
humanities cage,
famine is ramming up wraiths.
lagging and lagging its samson in dames.
emeralds, amulets,
set in stone, galloping.
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Amulet + Tumblr Text Posts (2/4)
I’ve been hoarding these for literal YEARS but I might as well throw them out to y’all, hello
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motherstone · 11 months
can I just say. I just genuinely dislike Amulet's lack of agency and tension in the plot
I'm writing this out here in a super rambling way bc I can't organize my thoughts and I may forget if I don't get it out now,
but like,
it really was a terrible idea to introduce the plot point that Trellis's and Luger's memories were erased. That just straight up obliterated any chances to give us a reason to be invested in their motivations when it's clear there are no experiences backing those motivations, considering they don't, y'know. EXIST.
I'd be able to swallow it better if Trellis has like, trauma-related memory issues. Like that's my to go in my head.
Another is that I deeply dislike that these two are blood related, bc that like, implies Trellis's compassion towards Luger was bc of their subconscious "filial" bond, instead of Trellis's choice. Not to mention, it just confuses too many people on how tf the line of succession work, and also it never made any sense anyways, and rereading it?? The way kazu revealed it was TERRIBLE. It's not just unnecessary, it was revealed in the most excruciatingly incompetent way of writing possible. I'm shocked that didn't end up getting edited to be better or a the very least removed that dialogue
another is that Emily's actions have no bearings on the plot. Or at the very least, a lot that seemed crucial?? DOESN'T HAVE ANY FUCKING CONSEQUENCES PERIOD. Be it on her, on her way of thinking or how other people perceive her!! It never evolves, if it does, it's baseless!!! Are you telling me she just lost the most powerful magical artifact to enemy hands bc she was tricked and bc she prioritized her family over like, the countless of lives she stands for as a member of the Resistance, and all she gets is a SLAP ON THE WRIST??? No fear or lack of self confidence or paranoia or self-blame? No reprimand or anger or blame from any ally, just complete understanding and support from everyone?? And somehow she gains even more determination and confidence???? Based on what?? "because I have to be" GIRL WHAT?????
another is Emily's main motivation being her family but like. GIRL where is the protectiveness? the worry?? Navin got separated in book 6 and just bc he's with Aly THAT'S FINE WITH YOU?? the faith is touching yes but based on what grounds?? My older sister is the most competent and responsible person I know and I still worry myself sick if she takes too long to come home from school and that's all you have to say, about your brother who went missing in an underground city infested w body stealing spirits in the MIDDLE OF WAY/BATTLEFIELD??? And it's not like Karen was any better about her kids wellbeing like UGH, the series suffers from the sheer lack of buildup to back up all this.
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dais-hime · 3 years
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Does anyone else remember the Amulet series? I used to read it in elementary school, and I always felt like Trellis was familiar somehow. Turns out, he and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender have a lot in common.
Both have shitty dads who give them a scar on their left eye...
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...and siblings who are favored by the father and abuse the princes for their “failures”.
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But on the bright side, both start off hunting the main protagonists, but then end up joining forces with the heroes to take down the villains.
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coconutcreambun · 2 years
Falling Failing for you
Pairing: Prince Trellis x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Summary: A few months before the hunt for Emily Hayes, a rogue stone keeper was detected to be roaming about. The Elf King has sent his son, Prince Trellis, to find them; but yet again, he fails his mission and takes matters into his own hands.
ABBR: Y/n (your name)
A/N: Just humouring a friend w this fic, this character is from an old (completed) series by Kazu Kibuishi called Amulet (worth the read!!)
Trellis trudged on walking through the bog, the sounds of sloshing water and animal cries drowned out by the rush of adrenaline in his ears as he reminisced about his mission.
A dim castle, full of elves part for their prince as he enters the throne room. The kings right hand man, Luger, sneers at the sight. The prince kneels before the king.
“There have been sightings of a new stone keeper, and he threatens the rule of our kingdoms,” boomed the masked king. “He could be of great use as a pawn if we could get our hands on his stone.”
Trellis’ eyes did not meet the mask on his fathers face. Instead, he waited, listening patiently for his next orders, frowning slightly at the pause in the kings voice.
“Find the stone keeper… and bring him to me, dead or alive,” he ordered.
“Yes father,” replied Trellis.
“Don’t fail me,” threatened the king.
“Where is the keeper now?” he asked to himself, looking down at his chest where a stone rested on a rope around his neck.
His amulet shone a soft blue, as it replied in whispers, “go up the stream, where the trees part is a field, there lies what you seek.”
Grunting, Trellis made his way up until the foliage started to disappear.
Where it was previously dark and muddy, now all he could see was clear skies and a vast open field of flowers. The horizon met with a cliff that caressed the sun as it rose, it’s light yellow hues framing the figure of a human girl.
His amulet began to glow, hovering in the direction of the girl.
“The stone keeper awaits your presence” it said.
“It’s just a girl” replied Trellis. His voice was laced in confusion. You looked harmless, how could you pose a threat to the Elves?
Seemingly unaware of what was going to happen, you sat down in the field. Your hair flying in the wind as the flowers danced around you.
You looked so fragile, compared to Trellis’ build, you didn’t look like you could put up a fight. It made him hesitate.
Drawing his sword, he cautiously took a few steps towards you. You whipped your head around towards him. You didn’t look surprised at all. Instead, you had a sad smile on your face, accepting his presence.
Trellis froze as he watched you get up and dust yourself off. Meeting his gaze you pursed your lips.
“I just thought, y’know, if I was gonna die, I’d at least want to be somewhere nice,” you said softly.
He took a step forward, almost towering over you. You looked so meek. He didn’t understand how you could possibly take down the Elves, let alone him.
“I’m not here to kill you,” he said. Distrust was apparent on your features. “Rather, I’d like your help to take down my father, the Elf King,” he said.
You scoffed, “sorry, but I’d rather not”. Taking a step back you distanced yourself from him.
You knew who he was, and you thought you knew why he came here. Why would the prince do such a thing? It’d be an act of treason!
There’s no way any of this was true, or so you thought.
Just as the sun reached its peak, the wind stopped briefly. A dark shadow cast upon Trellis’s face as it engulfed the ground around him.
Your eyes widened as you turned around, a powerful gust blowing your hair back.
“DUCK!” you yelled before grabbing Trellis by the hand and crouching.
A pack of flying beasts were making their way above the two of you, searching for food. There were about fifty, but their speed made it hard to count. All you could hear was the rustling of leaves and clicking of talons as they lunged towards the two of you.
Ignoring the thumping of your heart, you turn to the man next to you, “look, I can ward them off but I can’t focus on protecting you Mister Prince,” you said with a huff.
“I’ve got my own back, so don’t have me lugging your weight around” he scoffed.
Giving him a playful smirk, you get up. Sighing, you release the tension in your shoulders as you feel the magic from your amulet leave you.
You can hear the prince getting up to help you, but all you could do was focus your energy on the beasts circling above the two of you.
Grabbing a large branch off the ground, you slam it down, one end touching the grass, the other pointing towards the sky.
A blinding light shot out of the top of the branch, causing you to close your eyes, relaxing completely.
Trellis used his hand to shade his eyes as he watched you in awe. Even in battle you looked so peaceful. You wove your magic like a long lost friend, so kind and soft, unlike his rough and angry nature.
The warmth from your spell had him lulling to relax his body as well, closing his eyes just as you had a moment ago. Your strength came from how you wielded you magic. It was so clear to him now. You were different.
As the light started to disappear, he felt himself yearning for the warmth you released as your magic returned to you. Dropping the stick you had used as a staff, ash fell around the two of you.
“You incinerated the beasts,” he said in shock as he looked around.
Your hand twitched, “are you alright Mister Prince?” you asked, ignoring his comment.
He grunted in response, as he propped his arm up on his knee, still seated in the grass.
You awkwardly stood there, looking down at him as he studied your face. As you caught his gaze, he couldn’t help the blush that started to form as he averted your eyes.
Sitting down beside him, you couldn’t hold the giggles that bubbled up.
“You’re Strange Mister Prince,” you chuckled.
“Please stop calling me that, my name is Trellis,” he groaned.
Combing your hand through your hair, you smiled at him.
“Well, Trellis it’s a pleasure to meet you.
It was when you smiled at him, that he realized, no— knew, that he didn’t want to risk it. He’ll find another stone keeper to help him. Not you.
He would rather fail his mission for you.
A/N: does this fandom even exist
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nigh-temptation · 3 years
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Handsome Luger
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winterfox26b · 7 months
Amulet RE-read: book 7
It’s interesting how Emily gets ready for the day.
If you take a look at page 12 panel 3, the book that Trellis is reading is called memory walk.
Max must have trusted Emily with the location of Algos island.
A bit of foreshadowing from Cogsley.
I don’t know why Cogsley didn’t remember that Enzo and Rico were not on the ship.
I wonder how the submarine docks?
General Pil should have known that Navin was going to do that.
Pil should have expected that Riva would send people to find them.
I think that Ikol is the one bringing Emily to the camp.
I think that the war was supposed to start later but because the Cielis guard found the ship the war was started early.
Gabilan is right that Ikol is choosing Stonekeepers for there weakness.
I believe that the ship will activate if Ikol would win.
Ikol must have put the new information in the cube.
Ikol did not want young Trellis from knowing that truth.
Ikol probably is the one making the computer not find Emily and Trellis.
They look like chess pieces because that’s how Ikol sees them.
If you take a look at page 136 panel 4 you will see chess pieces on the gas pump mirror.
If you remember the first post you will know that the car’s engine die but the barrier was not damaged.
Emily’s Inerself knows something is not right.
I wonder how Earth was discovered by the space program.
Makes sense that the elf king tried to dismantle the space program since he is being control by an alien force.
Riva must have told the Cielis about the resistance bace in space so that Karen, Misikit and Leon can go there to help.
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thefreakishmuffin · 3 years
Played with an incorrect quotes generator using characters from Amulet and these are some of the results!
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