#Luzu and Phil could go into the
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Nothing in particular prompted this, I just want to hear other people's thoughts.
(I don't know the Brazilian dudes well enough yet to add them to any particular category - with the exception of Cellbit who would definitely be in "Gets in", so please tell me where you think they'd go)
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ramons-elevator · 1 year
Bad mentioned on his stream that all the dead eggs lives impacted how different we treat the eggs on the server and I realized that EVERY egg death changed history on the server and how we treat the eggs.
Juanaflippa- Obviously her second death made everyone very weary with the beds (and the admins bc i believe they made the beds harder to break). But her third death with sweeping edge and how everyone needs to be careful around the eggs with swords.
Tilin - Their death kinda goes hand in Juanaflippa about how NOT TO USE SWORDS around the eggs. But also Charlie went into eggxcile because of Tilins death and that snowballed into Gegg. Also helped with Luzu’s character and how he switched to Arin and with the computer/Code.
Chayanne- Technically chayanne lost their first life to neglect BUT the nightmare Phil, chayanne, and Tallulah had i believe introduced ‘nightmares’. Also it made the admins disable some born in chaos mobs and made Philza even more paranoid about the island than he already was.
Bobby - his death was the first permadeath we had since the trio died. It hurt a lot and made Forever realize that his death could have been prevented. Thus making Forever build the Ninho and make everyone very cautious of everything.
Ramon - same with Chayanne’s were his first death was to a Blaze but his nightmare was significant. It made the admins make solid ground rules about certain things and make sure everyone knows the rules about reinforced bases.
Leo- Her death with whales made everyone realized how fucking beefy and super dangerous the whales are. Also that you shouldnt just AFK anywhere. That you should try to be in a safe place before AFKing.
Dapper - His first death was SUPER significant. It made people realize that the code is learning and adapting. Thus made Bad, Forever, Cellbit, and Etoiles go to Luzus computer and explode it. Which lead to Forever getting pieces of the computer and getting the motivation to try to bargain with it. Which lead to Cellbits betrayal and enderchests getting banned. It also gave the most insane book by Cucurcho which is “Perfect for you or for me?”
Richarlyson- His first day nightmare gave us that the eggs have first day immunity. Then his actual death showed us that uhh fuck bulls and that Mike blames himself for Richas death to this day. Also gave us Imortalyson and kinda Richarlyson’s mindset of ‘fuck it we ball’. All he has ever known is one life.
Trumpet - THE MOST IMPORTANT DEATH ON THE FUCKING SERVER HOLY SHIT. Yes Trumpet died from neglect but his death lead to the Theory Bros. For those who dont know, Bad went to Maxs house to comfort him about Trumpets death and one of the ways he tried to get Maxs mind off of Trumpets death is talk about how weird the island is. Thus Bad and Max theorizing about the island and the rest is history. Also it lead to Max and Bad interacting more and kinda making Max talk to more people around the island.
Tallulah - Her nightmare with Phil and Chayanne has significance as stated above. But her death with the Code is significant because it was the first time Forever saw an egg’s death. It deeply upset him and made him a lot more serious about the eggs. Also again made Philza more paranoid.
Pomme- She hasnt died yet but her nightmare I would say is pretty significant. Kinda with Ramons nightmare, it helped give the players, admins, and audience some more rules on things and what the admins can/cant do. It also made everyone realize “Holy shit theres a weapon that does 50000 damage and will one shot you and destroy your armor” which is terrifying on its own.
Everything is so significant on this fucking island and every egg is extra significant to this island. No death is taken in vain. They truly shaped the island and everything we know about it
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hwaddist · 8 months
i gonna be so real and honest here and say that some of you do not know how to read:
QSMP2024 is still the same damn server with the same damn lore and they are STILL ON THE SAME DAMN ISLAND
Phil pointed out yesterday how they were 200k blocks away, today Luzu tried using the waystones but they were deactivated because the waystones in the og spawn and surrounding areas are still there, when Cucurucho was going around talking to the islanders he asked “how are you liking THIS PART of the island”
there wasnt no lore restart nor this is a new server, the lore is still there, but this is day TWO of this new era of fucking course theres no lore, bad even said that today on stream that “there could be lore at any point.” the eggs even have immunity!
yes! it was kinda shitty that Richas and Pomme went without Phil to rescue Cellbit and Baghera but maybe, just maybe, you guys should remember that this people have lives outside of the server and maybe phil couldn’t make it to the recording of the video!
Willy pointed out today that the reason he stopped logging in when he first joined the server was because everyone else was already way too OP with literal castles and armor so tough they would barely get scratched by mobs when he barely had diamond armor, so he got discouraged and didn’t logged on again. Now that everyone is back at being balanced he wants to log in again! Maybe even tell Vegetta to log in again!!
edit but also general minecraft knowledge: they probably traveled so far out to get new world generation because they jumped from 1.18 to 1.20 (from what i can see because the spawn wouldn’t generate stuff like deep dark don’t generate on already loaded chunks), so that is why they are 200k+ blocks out. also the create mod didnt got taken out, its just disabled at the moment because the admins probably dont want another tubchunk.
you guys SERIOUSLY need to stop doomposting and trust in the admins and in Quackity.
UPDATE: Baghera has talked about having planning issues and thats why they had to cancel the rescue mission with Phil!
and Fit said that his lore is STILL ONGOING
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bee-can-art · 1 year
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It's taken me two weeks but I finally finished all of my qsmp egg human designs!!!
I have a lot to say about the design choices I made, so I'll put those under the read more if you want to hear my headcanons!!
• Click for better quality (17/07/2023)
Some general headcanons:
• In order of shortest to tallest it goes: Bobby, Richalyson, Gegg, Tallulah, Tilín, Trump, JuanaFlippa, Pomme, Chayanne, Leonarda, Ramón, and Dapper.
• All of the eggs when found were wearing the same white vest/t-shirt and black shorts combination; along with their unique accessories. Any clothes that they're currently wearing, were gifted to them by the player characters.
• All of the eggs are the same age, and are all related (pretty sure that's canon tho).
• The eggs take on physical features from their parents, as an survival instinct. This includes basics such as hair and eye colour. But also includes things such as height and hair type.
• Eggs who's parents are avian/have bird-like features (such as wings), will adapt to have the same wing type as them. This also applies to other eggs, who are taken care of by avian players (see: Tallulah has dragon wings, but is growing black and golden feathers on them).
• The lower half of the eggs are dragon-esque; with scaley legs and clawed feet. The colour of their scales and number of toes that they posses are fixed and cannot be changed. Their ears and horn are a unique shape and colour, depending on the egg. The horns will continue to grow into adulthood.
They also have more naturally sharpened nails (like claws (but not sharp enough to hurt)).
• Wears one of Wilbur's yellow sweaters, the sleeves often hanging over her hands. The red dress she wears is actually meant to be a pinafor, which is a staple part of a primary school uniform, here in the UK. They're most commonly grey, which I originally coloured it but it didn't look right, so I changed it.
• Has a freckle under her right eye (to her) that matches Wilbur, but also has a reverse freckle pattern of Quackity (I'm a tntduo-er (sue me)).
• Due to being cared for by Phil, she has begun growing small, black feathers on her wings. She also has a few golden ones, which started appering whilst trying to get Quackity to confess to Wilbur.
• Takes after Phil the most, due to Missa's absence. This includes his wings becoming feathered crow ones, growing feathers on his face and tail, and has a hair and an eye colour to match Phil's. He also has a matching mole.
• Sometimes wears a helmet made from a large eggshell, painted to look like a skull (a nod to Missa and the fact that the eggs are... well, eggs). The skull on his t-shirt is also a nod to Missa (but he defo got it from Phil).
• His duck floaty has been replaced by a yellow hoodie, tied around his waist.
• Remember how I said that the clothes they wear were given to them by their parents? I like the idea (and think it's very in-character for him) that Quackity basically said, "I don't have any clothes for you, so just wear this until I find some", giving Tilín one of his jackets, and then they Tilín passed away before he could get him something else.
• He and Tallulah are the same height (again, I'm a tntduo-er (yes I am aware that Tilín's other parent has been confirmed to be Luzu, but this is my post so SHUSH). Also, similar to Tallulah, they have the same freckle pattern as Quackity, and an opposite placed freckle (under their left eye) to Wilbur.
• Has golden wings and feathers on face. Doesn't has a tail, due to low placement of their wings.
• Wears one of Slime's white t-shirts with the three red hearts. Also owns a pair of Mariana's red gloves (not included in the drawing).
• Her wings have small holes in them, due to going to hell and coming back again.
• Gun.
• Her hair colour is closest to Slimecicle's, but it's unknown why her eyes are green (not brown like Mariana or blue like Slime).
• The smallest of all the eggs.
• From Jaiden he has her wings, bang and hair sprout pattern and colour. From Roier he has his multiple eyes (bc spider), eye colour, and wears one of his bandanas like him.
(I forgot to include the paint stains on his clothes, but he has those too).
• Has small, rainbow mushrooms growing from their horns.
• From Foolish she has wings of gold (yes, you heard me. Leo's wings aren't like Tilín's with golden feathers, but are literally made from gold (yes she can still fly with them)). From Vegetta they have his hair and eye colour.
• Was given one of Dan's turtlenecks and jackets, which were never replaced because, 1) Dan went "missing", 2) he [Trump] died before getting anything else.
(On another note, it was so wild for me to draw that jacket. I used to be a HUGE DanTDM fan, and the last time I drew fanart relating to him was in 2016/17)).
• Took after Maxo in hair and eye colour.
• The tallest egg (bc qBBH is one tall motherfucker). • Obviously, all of his features come from BBH, including the shape of his horns and the shape of his tail.
(if you were to put Dapper and BBH next to each other, Dapper would literally just look like a tiny BBH).
• Her beret isn't all black like her egg model, but looks like a red apple.
• Has split-coloured scales (one side blue, the other red) to match the placement of the markings on her egg model.
• Has golden duck wings to match Baghera. I went back and forth on whether to give her those or the butterfly wings she wears in-game. But I like the idea that those are more simialr to those fancy-dress type ones you can buy.
• The bottom of her dress has an apple stiched onto it.
• Second tallest egg.
• Yes he has hair under the hat (I haven't made him bald, don't worry). The hat itself is a nod to Spreen, who is his other parent but hasn't logged on in a while. His general outfit is also mean to have belonged to Spreen, as his Minecraft skin is just a bear in Steve's clothes.
I changed the pants, and added a white shirt and monocle because I like the idea that he's a bit of a fancy boy.
• The moustache on his egg model is represented in his hair, which you can see sticking out from under the hat (bc, like Chayanne, I had no idea how to get it to work in a logical sense).
• The second shortest egg.
• I'll be completely honest, I have no idea where the prosthetic leg headcanon came from for him, but I liked it so I included it. The leg I gave him is a running blade, as he is a fairly active kid.
• His hair covers his eyes, but underneath they are brown.
(Yes I'm including Gegg, shush)
• His whole body is green goop. This is how qSlime would also look, but it's easier for him to have his skin appear human, when at his "correct" size. When he [Slime] becomes over emotional/damged, his skin becomes more slime like.
Gegg is qSlime's way of coping with both his own daughter's loss and also his own self image. Because of this, he is always in a state of hurt, and this is refelected in Gegg's physical appearance.
• Has sticks sticking out of him, as well as visible bones, rocks, and other debris within his body. They get stuck in his him, in moments where he has a hard time controling the stickiness/consistency of his body.
• Doesn't have horns, wings, or a tail like the other eggs. Instead, he wears a pair of green, fancy-dress, dragon wings. It's obvious to other players/eggs- because they're on the outside of his clothes- but no points it out.
• Jorts.
• His t-shirt says "gegg" upside down, because he wrote it on himself, whilst wearing the shirt.
• No nose. His eyes also hover inconsistently over where his hair should cover them. His glasses are also just qSlime's.
• Gegg for president.
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Here's the full lineup, for anyone who read alllll of that :D
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
Okay am I crazy or something because why do I see people referring to qQuackity as qWilbur’s husband like genuinely seriously despite:
Quackity not marrying Actual Wilbur and instead marrying Photo Wilbur
Quackity marrying Photo Wilbur during Festa Junina, which is known for its fake weddings
Wilbur hearing about the wedding when he came back and going “Well, I don’t feel married”
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Quackity’s feelings toward Wilbur regarding the ‘marriage’ basically being him projecting after Tilin’s death and while watching everyone around him find happiness where he could not, specifically Roier and Cellbit and possibly because Roier had just lost his own child but didn’t seem to be having all these problems Quackity had
Like if you go back and watch Q’s streams from this time, he even subtly admits that he doesn’t love Wilbur when he spoke to SOFIA
Wilbur wasn’t even his first choice! Etoiles was!
Wilbur not even knowing if he loves Quackity. He feels Emotions towards him, but he’s always refused to look any deeper because of his Issues (similar Issues to those he has regarding Tallulah, which is that he’s always going to be away on tour and can’t be there to love and care for his family the way they deserve to be loved)
And, lest we all forget, Quackity still might not entirely remember who Wilbur is because of his amnesia. (Granted, a lot of that seems to have been fixed by Spooky Cucurucho in Hell, but we don’t know the extent.)
So, with all this in mind, why do I see people getting legitimately upset when someone doesn’t include Quackity in Wilbur’s family as his husband?
And we’ve got to keep in mind that Wilbur’s only canon family is Phil, who he adopted as his father on the train, Tallulah, his daughter, and Chayanne, his half-brother. Techno and Tommy are family irl (because irl Wilbur Soot collects found family members like they’re Pokémon cards.)
So why do I see stuff like this?
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ElQuackity isn’t a canon brother, Q is quite possibly ElQ’s clone (or something like that.) Tilin always seemed to prefer the idea of Luzu being their father, and people have got to remember that Luzu IS canonically Tilin’s other parent. Pepito doesn’t even know Wilbur exists. And what about Quackity’s other son, Richarlyson? (Oh, wait, never mind, Richas is Brazilian, and a lot of the English fandom does Not like associating Quackity with the Brazilians on the server.)
Honestly, this all gives the same vibes as “Omg Wilbur can teach Q how to read again and they can live happily ever after with their ONLY CHILD Tallulah 🥰” and “Wilbur would know Quackity was replaced by ElQ immediately and he’d rescue Quackity because they’re in love and married” when that ignores actual canon dynamics
Anyway, this is all to say that you can ship what you want, but don’t let your fanon get in the way of everything else. Fanon is fine, but don’t get pissy when people say it isn’t canon, and please stop messing with the wiki to make it canon because it isn’t. And don’t harass people saying it isn’t canon, that’s fucked up
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cateyeswrites · 5 months
Stardew (murder) Valley
Summer Year 1 
TW: Wilbur is mentioned but he is not in the story! also mention of cannibalism
This is a small self indulgent Stardew valley AU with a twist of mistery and thriller! So far this is the outline for the story and more of an introduction to the characters and the settings
Quackity and Tilin 
New in isla Quesadilla town 
Quackity inherited the farm from El Quackity who died a couple of weeks ago
Quackity and Wilbur are exes however Quackity never knew that Wilbur was from the small town originally 
Luzu and Quackity broke up because they didn't know if Luzu was Tilin’s father or not 
Quackity ran before Luzu could convince him to do the test, afraid of the result.
Quackity is fascinated by the mines in Isla Quesadilla, a small part of him believes it’s magic while the other just likes the fact that he can get money fast from there. 
Quackity and Tilin arrive at an old house and so much hard work to be done
Tilin is 5 and a half 
Quackity is 23 
Phil and Missa
They have Chayanne and Tallulah under their care
Phil’s wife passed away even tho people claim they still see her walking through the town at times or walking beside the couple and kids 
Phill and Kristen grew up with their three kids in Quesadilla Island, Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy. 
When the new scientist, Missa, arrives in town, it is Phill who welcomes him and offers him a room in his house, he quickly falls for the dorky scientist and Kristen takes no more than a day to fall for him too. 
A couple of years later, when their youngest gets sick, Kristin also decides to investigate the magic in the town with Missa. One day Kristin goes alone and gets lost but there she meets a small creature who promises to help her kid if she makes a deal with him and helps him overview the other side. 
That day Kristin went home, played with her kids, and passed away tucked between her two loves 
Lady Death was born that night.
Missa is interested in the cosmic and magical nature of the caverns and lakes of Quesadilla Island usually during his day he will spend the morning with the children and help Phill around the potato farm, during the night he researches the caves and makes tests in the waters of the lakes, with the company of a very sweet lady death.
Tommy moves away after graduating, Techno decides to follow only to give Phill and Missa some sense of peace. 
Sometime after Tommy leaves Missa and Phill decide to Adopt a kid, they have the space, and the parenting experience and they want to help a kid who needs it. 
Chayanne arrives exactly three months later, a spunky 7-year-old who brightens their days 
Two weeks after that a small 5-year-old girl is at their doorsteps; Hey Dad and Missa, this is Tallulah, my daughter. Please take care of her while I am gone. THANKS!
Roier and Jaiden 
Rier runs the tavern in the town 
He and Jaiden have a house where they stay with their son Bobby and Roiers son Pepito.
Jaiden runs an art school in town and does activities for the kids in town 
Jaiden has a daughter she co-parents, Empanada who lives with her other moms Tina and Baggi 
Roier and Jaiden have been friends since college, on their last year they found a baby on the side of their apartment building.  
They decide to keep the baby and formally adopt it as theirs. 
They name him Bobby.
After they graduate they decide to go live in the small town near the City, Isla Quesadilla. A small town where they can raise their child without criticism and peacefully.
Jaden opens her art school and Roier starts working in the tavern after a year of working there, the owner ready to retire gives the reins to Roier.
Roier is currently dating the sheriff who has a boy the same age as Bobby. 
Bobby is 3 and a half years old
Celbit and Pac 
Celbit used to be a big-shot detective alongside his partner Pac. 
There was a serial killer who would murder people, that was their main case at the time.
One night they were patrolling an alley when Pac is taken out with a blow to the head, unfortunately, he isn’t knocked out and he can hear fighting and wrestling, it isn’t until he feels someone take a bit out of his leg that it clicks why they can’t seem to find the dude, since he eat his victims and dispose of the bones that they would find months later.
When Pac wakes up Celbit is right there looking guilty at the side of his bed, he is so wrapped up talking to him that he doesn’t realize something is missing—his leg. 
After the incident, Celbit quits the police force and moves away to Isla Quesadilla where his child Richarlyson is being raised by his friend Mike, Richa’s other dad. 
Mike, Pac, Celbit, and Felps found Richas 4 years ago while working on a case of human trafficking, and when they couldn’t find his family they decided to all five of them to adopt him.
After Felps dies during a case, Mike quits his job and takes Richas with him to a small town that Celbit finds his way to, after Pac’s accident.
Celbit becomes the sheriff of the town and head of the station.
Celbit then meets Roier whom he falls in love embarrassingly quickly. 
Celbit and Richas semi-move in within less than a year but still keep things in the house they shared with Mike.
Roier is the only one ever to learn Celbits dark secret.
Besides Felps.
When Pac hears that there is trouble in Isla quesadilla and people are starting to disappear, the same type of people the Canibal would take in the city, he pacs his things and heads to the small town ready to catch the bastard.
A 19-year-old college student who is a bit of a genius.
He is doing a project where he helps farmers create a more productive watering system and testing other gadgets to help farming.
He is currently living at Fit’s Inn.
One day he finds a 9-year-old digging through the trash. The only name she gave him was Sunny.
He decides to take care of her and hides her from Fit. 
Fit finds out very quickly about Sunny.
Fit ends up agreeing to Sunny stay and he helps him to take care of her 
Tubbo struggles to understand how children work but at least Fit and Ramon are there 
Fit and pac 
Fit and Ramon are the only people living at the inn except for the tourists and scientists who come once in a while for special events.
Fit is not the type of person who you would imagine owning a cozy Inn but he also during the nights goes to mine alongside Missa and now Quackity as their protection from the bizarre things that are down there.
Fit has the best coffee in town so everyone treats his breakfast hour as a coffee shop and you can find a lot of people just stopping by for a cup of coffee or breakfast with the family. 
Fit was in the army and served a couple of terms before a horrible incident where he was the only survivor after that he left the army, bought the inn, and became content with his mundane life.
Ramon was surprised but one he embraced with a huge smile and open arms, however, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t hard.
Ramon is currently 7.
Pac moves into the inn and sets up an office in the room next to his.
Pac is immediately smitten with the cute innkeeper 
Fit can’t understand why he feels the way he does about Pac but he also has panicked flirt with him to distract him when Sunny escapes from Tubbos room 
Ramon demands a second father after the first accidental flirt with Pac
Tina and Bagi 
Tina and Bagi own the convenience store in the town 
Everyone shits on Bagi for being closed on Wednesday but that is obligatory wife-and-daughter time.
Tina has a small tea shop inside the convenience store. 
They both are Empanadas mom’s who co-parent with Jaiden 
Empanada lives with them most of the time but she sees her mom Jaiden all the time and spends weekends with her.
Empanada is 7.
Foolish lives in his home with his daughter Leonarda who is currently 9 years old
He is the builder of the town, do you need something fixed in your house or a new building? He is your guy
He is married to Veguetta who travels a lot 
He is Bobby’s grandad, don’t ask questions about it. 
Everyone loves Foolish but man what a gossip he is.
He is the mayor of the town 
He is most definitely seeing someone just that people can’t figure out who it is
He has a son named Dapper who is 9 years old
He kinda also is the go-to babysitter people will just drop the kids at his office or his house and he will be happy to take care of them.
So far this is everything I have on this Au hopefully I will be able to start posting the actual chapter soon but I was so excited to share this with you guys! feel free to contribute to this au with your own writing! I would love to see it!
And thank you to @peninkwrites for literally being the best and the person who I can always turn to when I have insane ideas like this! *mwah*
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lusi-raul · 1 year
I like qsmp so much because no matter which stream you watch, it seems that each one feels as equally important to the lore and contributes equally to it. Even if they have their own storylines, each one seems equally important and it gets weaved seamlessly into the whole of the lore within the sever. Phil for example is one of the people with the least interest in the lore for people still logging in the server but his character is very present in the lore. Heck even some of the people whose not in the server anymore has lore. Luzu’s computer self (i think?) and Spreen’s deadbeat dad character plays an important part to Fit and Ramon’s character traits sometimes. Like Spreen was the main reason why Ramon was so out of touch and hates poor people.
Maybe if qsmp members who are not into rp can just exist within the server without people forcing them to role play, maybe they will still log in. Guys, we don’t need them to role play. I feel like in this server they can just play regular minecraft and the story will write itself for them and their character will be molded without them trying like Phil. Look at Philza, he was just fishing when they were rescuing Bobby and nobody blamed him for it. Let’s give that same accommodation to other streamers and understand that not everyone has to like rp or eggs. Also people need to respect people’s boundaries. If a CC doesn’t like to be shipped with anyone we need to respect that. Also having people who disregards the lore in the server can make for an interesting story. Maybe if Spreen was not pressured to take the rp seriously then maybe he could have formed a great relationship with Ramon by just treating him like another player and not his son.
Look how hilarious Empires S1 became when it turned into a running joke that Smallishbeans cares jack shit about the lore. He mostly just wants to build his mega base in his own corner of the server and everyone left him alone and it became something the community found funny and interesting. It carried on to empires S2 where Joel made people shout “LORE!” for absolutely anything happening just to spite people who called him out on not playing into the lore the previous season.
I’m just concerned that although it’s cute and fluffy now how the community adores the eggs and the storytelling aspect of the server, it might create a mob of hostile and hateful people to go after a cc or admin that was responsible for the death of one or if someone ruins the rp. At the end of the day they are playing a video game, in reality these eggs are not real so don’t throw real hatred if ever a cc or admin does something wrong to the eggs or in the story they are telling to the point of attacking them irl. I love the eggs so much as well. Everyday I still have hope the dead eggs will come back but it’s good to be grounded on the fact that these aren’t real people. The people playing them are. I have just been loving how the CCs interact with each other and how the story is going that I don’t want it to end prematurely due to people taking it way too seriously.
I don’t follow most of the people who are currently inactive or have left the server but I still miss them specially Slimariana. No matter the reason why they left I still hope they come back. I hope they come back along with the “dead” eggs and if they do I hope that the community is nothing but welcoming towards their return.
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hey y'all remember soul eater? i just randomly remembered soul eater existed and then my brain got taken over by cubitos about it. if you don't remember soul eater, the important thing to know is that some people can shapeshift into magical weapons wielded by partners called meisters. technically anyone can become a meister, but it is a thing you do have to train to do while being a weapon is something you're born with. anyway, this first post is just characters' first impressions of each other and i'll make another post with more secrets and truths if ppl are interested (i was gonna make it this one but this post is getting Long)
First Residents
FitMC and Spreen
Spreen is a cocky and extremely well trained meister who is used to working with his brother Missa or his Good Pal Roier who are both relatively laid back and used to his shenanigans. He absolutely deserves to be cocky given how absurdly skilled he is, but he clashes badly with fiercely independent, reserved, and paranoid grenade launcher Fit of 2b2t. Fit sees Spreen as an entitled brat and they simply do not vibe with each other well enough for Spreen to wield him.
Fit will let Ramón wield him fairly freely because it's important for kids to learn these things early, but prefers to handle any situation where Ramón might actually be in danger by himself.
Quackity Luzu and Wilbur
Quackity is a single chainsaw in search of a meister. Luzu and Wilbur are both meisters not in search of weapons. Luzu has his own shit going on with an AI taking over his body sometimes so he's mostly out of the picture. Wilbur was trained as a meister by his father but isn't all that interested in the job and just wants to play music. Besides, he has skinny little noodle arms and chainsaws are heavy and hard to wield.
Neither Tilín and Talluluh have ever received any formal meister training.
Philza and Missa
Phil is an old and skilled meister in need of a new weapon. Missa is a macuahuitl of pretty middling experience. He's certainly not incompetent and he and Phil are capable of working together well enough, but it's hard to get to know each other well enough to truly bond when Missa isn't around very often. Still, they probably have the most effective combat record out of any of the Federation assigned partnerships.
Chayanne is also a macuahuitl and the only weapon among the eggs. He is far more eager to learn the craft than either of his parents are for him to learn.
Slime and Mariana
Slime and Mariana are probably the Least effective duo in combat. They're both weapons, for one thing. Mariana is an extraordinarily powerful gauntlet and Slime is a 9mm glock. Mariana has at least a bare minimum of meister training, but neither of them are actually like. Any good at it. Or very good at being weapons for that matter. Or in tune with each others' wavelengths enough to wield each other. At least they're trying.
Juanaflippa could dual wield her papas on the rare occasions she could get them to both show up for her.
Roier and Jaiden
These two are another weapon4weapon pair but much stabler than Slime and Mariana. Jaiden is a scythe but she's always had an interest in learning how to be a meister. Roier has learned a trick or two from Spreen that he's willing to pass along and he's got enough experience as a weapon on his own to cover for her if she messes up. He's a backsword and he's learned how to wield himself and gotten pretty good at it, especially since Spreen betrayed him.
Bobby preferred his guns to wielding either of his parents and never got any formal meister training either.
DanTDM and Maximus
Maxo knows that he's a meister and that SOFIA isn't a weapon. That's all he can say for sure. He never knew Dan or Trump well enough to say.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Whatever he knows, he won't give a straight answer about it. Everyone is pretty sure his counterpart is probably Skeppy.
Dapper has been seen to wield an array of different red and black or cyan colored weapons when Bad isn't around, but so far Bad has always had an alibi and there's no solid proof Skeppy even exists.
Foolish and Vegetta
A pair of outliers. Foolish is an ex-meister long since turned pacifist and Vegetta exclusively wields weapons that don't shapeshift into humans. He says it's because he has no time for weapon drama <- the most dramatic bitch on the island.
Leo is very skilled with many weapons, but again, not the kind that shapeshift into people.
The Brazilians
Mike and Pac
One of the strongest partnerships on the island, these two have been fighting together forever. Pac is Mike's egg, but also his trusty rifle. Mike is a decent sniper, but mostly Pac just gets waved in peoples' faces when Mike is mad about something. Pac can reload himself absurdly fast, but also will frequently just jam himself and refuse to fire if Mike is making decisions he doesn't agree with.
Cellbit Forever and Felps
Felps is the rare meister who will dual wield weapons who don't come paired already. He spent years with Cellbit, a main gauche dagger, and the pair of them got along fine. A lot of what he did was keep Cellbit's bloodlust in check, but it worked. Then they added Forever, a rapier, to their little trio and Cellbit found his comfortable place as a parrying dagger defending Felps with Forever on the offensive.
A baby meister in training, Richas is learning the most from Felps since Mike has been keeping his distance since the bull incident. At least he was before Felps went missing.
The French
Kameto is a self wielding guillotine perfectly capable of handling himself, so wherever he's gotten himself off to, he's probably fine.
Antoine and Baghera
Antoine and Baghera are easily the least experienced pair on the island, but they make up for that with their sharp intelligence and the fact that they have excellent mentors. Antoine is a poleaxe with Baghera as his meister.
Etoiles and Aypierre
Etoiles and Aypierre aren't the most experienced pair on the island, but they're close to the most experienced working with each other and definitely the most dangerous. They were mentoring Antoine and Baghera when the plane crashed. Etoiles is a bec de corbin so he has a lot of relevant experience for Antoine. He is also extremely independent and capable of wielding himself to the point where he sometimes gets mistaken for a shapeshifting weapon. Between that and Pierre using non-magic weapons like Vegetta, they both spend more time apart than together.
Pomme is going to be a meister someday, but for now, Etoiles is just teaching her how to the individual weapons that make up him and Antoine since he can defend her better on her own than by trying to have her wield him.
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
What kinda ultimates do you think the members of QSMP would have?
to absolutely No One’s surprise i have, in fact, thought about this extensively. so here are all the ones i’ve decided on
jaiden is, obviously, the ultimate animator. not only is it true to her, it Also matches up with sdr2’s backstory as to how despair spread (as stupid as i think that explanation was). if they’re in a simulation, it would make sense for a danganronpa au that they were put there for the same reason that the 77th class was to return them to their pre-remnant states. (additionally, i think the explanation for the new arrivals would be that the brazilians, french, etc weren’t captured with the original cast and found later, hence why they weren’t added in at the beginning)
roier calls himself the ultimate spider-man. no one knows his actual talent because he’s ADAMANT on that being it, but they’re pretty sure it’s something akin to ultimate traceur (parkourist) or ultimate stuntman/stunt double.
arin is the ultimate AI, kind of in the same sense of alter ego. except instead of inhabiting a computer, he’s taken residence in luzu
charlie is the ultimate gymnast OR ultimate acrobat. i’m leaning towards acrobat as to not have Too many titles match those of the actual games. inspired by him being el backflipo :]
i think it’d be funny if mariana was the ultimate superhero based on his skin alone. what does that title even mean? fuck if i know! but it’s funny
foolish is, ofc, the ultimate builder.
similarly obvious is phil being the ultimate survivalist
and wilbur being the ultimate musician
bad is currently the ultimate caretaker! i say currently because considering his backstory partially consists of killing thousands with cellbit in the hunger games, i think he originally had a much darker title. not ultimate assassin like maki necessarily, but something akin to it. unlike maki, his new title isn’t any sort of cover-up, and just genuinely what he’s turned to nowadays
i’m not too sure on fit yet, but i definitely want to make him something sports/body-building related because of his gym. maybe ultimate bodybuilder or coach? he’s in that field Somewhere
someone joked about ultimate yandere for forever and ADMITTEDLY i did toy with the idea. as funny as it is, i think he’d more accurately be the ultimate terraformer/landscaper, considering his past clearing of a mountain and current clearing of an entire desert. maybe ultimate yandere could be a secret title, like junko’s ultimate analyst or the ultimate hope title?
pac and mike definitely have matching ultimates in the science field somewhere, considering they’re currently building their laboratory/factory! i’m not sure what exactly yet tho, just that they’re somewhere around there
and lastly, cellbit is the ultimate cryptanalyst/code breaker! he’s individually devoted himself to any and all mysteries, but his biggest strength is by far code-breaking.
that’s all i got so far! i don’t know enough about the other members/don’t have enough to go off of to give them titles sadly :( additionally, rubius doesn’t get his own ultimate because he’s one of the “helpers” (like monokuma, monomi, the cubs, etc)
bonus: the eggs get their own ultimates too :] going off the lil ultimate system being strictly named after classes
tallulah is the lil ultimate music (based on her flute)
bobby is the lil ultimate art (based on his room being full of his + his family’s paintings)
dapper is the lil ultimate woodshop (based on his interest in create!)
richarlyson is the lil ultimate p.e. (based on him wearing a futebol jersey)
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dnalt-d2 · 8 months
QSMP Prison Day 3: Finale
This was…An interesting day
I'm still not sure what to make of it, so this is mostly just gonna be a run-down on what happened, with a few less analyses than I usually do. Maybe I'll go more in-depth on stuff later if I manage to think of anything
We had WAY too much happen today, and I'm not sure I can get through it all, or if I even saw it all (I'm going through the event twitter to make sure I get anything relevant)
Like how upon waking up, the prison was almost completely overrun by mobs, nearly all of which were wearing prison jumpsuits for some reason. Even the spiders for some reason???
There were the interviews that all the guards started conducting, asking very strange questions. Like "Where would you like to go after you die? What would you like your last meal to be? Who will you miss the most/least?" Very strange questions indeed.
We had the resolution to the Ghostbit/Abueloier subplot, with Phil and Slime exorcising Ghostbit, though Phil wasn't sure that was the correct move
Then of course, we had the breakout
The first thing they needed to do was get the water-breathing turtle helmets required for the escape, and the guard that had them was VERY suspicious. In that he CLEARLY knew that the prisoners were planning on escaping, but gave them the helmets anyway, making them do strange tasks in return (Like killing someone, or stealing something) And not everyone got them anyway lol, so Quacki had to give them some normal turtle helmets. But regardless, it's strange that the guard was just letting them escape
This could mean that this guard was either disgruntled in some way, not caring if they escaped, or undercover, helping to facilitate the escape (And having fun the whole way lol) Either that, or even the Federation expected the Islanders to all escape, and let this happen. Which means they all played into the Fed's hands. (Obviously meta-wise it was meant to happen, but in this case, I mean canonically)
Speaking of Quacki, btw, she seems to have been adopted by Phil after he murdered her. So that's fun
There's also the matter of those weird vans that were there. We don't know what the deal with those were, or what they were really intended for. It seems strange that they'd be there to transport the prisoners, but only the Islanders and not the Eggs. And that they were basically hollow, with nothing inside. Almost like they were never meant to be used
Then they finally actually got out of the prison, activating a red button via a Create puzzle, then saw a video showing two faceless Fed Workers, one of which got sucked into a Nether Portal??? And Phil said that could've been the two Cucuruchos, with the one being sucked in having turned into the evil Cucurucho. Or as I call him, Cucurubro. And that actually makes a lot of sense to me. We saw what happened to other people who entered the Nether for extended periods of time, so it makes sense that this is the case. Though I can't help but wonder where Osito Bimbo fits into that. Maybe the wacky younger sibling?? Idk
Either way, something activated and caused some sort of Island reset, with the Server shutting down for 4 days. What does the reset mean? Who has the nine keys required for it? And who were the people shown being logged off before it all went down?? What happened to Arin/Luzu after being lassoed into the horizon by the Code Monster??
Also what was that Crucifixion gonna be if it actually happened? Would Saint Felps truly have died for our sins once again??
These are all great questions
Anyways, can't wait to go into hibernation until like Saturday. I imagine BBH and Tubbo will be doing the same, since we all know they have a debilitating addiction to this Minecraft server
It's kinda unfortunate that none of my theories were correct, but oh well. There's a reason I'm not a theorist after all lmao. It's better to put it out there and get it wrong than not try it at all, you know??? But like Quackity said, there's no use getting upset about something that was never confirmed
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beelzebubsis · 1 year
Why (i think) the pairing for the eggs would of always been Bad & Wilbur and Quackity & Luzu
The whole point of the egg event was to get the english and spanish speaking streamers to talk and communicate to showcase the new global translations, which was why they were paired off to one spanish and one english speaker. 
However with Quackity and Luzu, they are both fluent in english and spanish so if they were paired off to english speaking streamers, such as Wilbur and Bad, they would of just ended up only using english and the translation mod would of been kind of useless. Not only that but this would of meant that there would of been 4 streams only using english which wouldn't of been fair to the spanish fans of Quackity and Luzu.
So the solution to this, in terms of balancing the amount content for spanish and english fans, would of been 2 spanish streams and 2 english streams. Quackity and Luzu speaking spanish and Wilbur and Bad speaking english.
I’ve checked this against most of the pairs. While a lot of the spanish streamers know english to an extent, they still speak more spanish and used the translation mod a lot during the first day. I checked Spreen/Max/Roier and they did speak english sometimes but used the mod more. To precis this is hindsight, the pairing would of been picked before the admins would know how they would act so assuming the fluent ccs who has done content with english content creators before would speak more english makes sense.
This also makes sense when considering the competency and experience in Minecraft against the different streamers. I love Wilbur and Quackity but my guys aren't the best when it comes to the craft. Wilbur only really uses Minecraft as a vehicle to roleplay, and has even bragged on stream to Phil that he hasn't gone mining once on the QSMP server, and it took Quackity 14 swings of a diamond sword (most of which missed) to kill an unarmoured weaponless qsmp worker. So it would make sense for the pairs to be one experienced and one not. 
This is kind of evident when compared to the other parents with the exception of Vegetta and Foolish both being builders, so they would have a common interest, Spreen and Fit, who are both good but have different Minecraft experiences with 2b2t and pvp, and Max and Dan who both have experience in modded minecraft, again common interest. (Please correct me if any of this is wrong, a lot of these are what I’ve gathered from recent streams and what I could find on quick search results).
So it would only make sense for Quackity to be with Bad or Luzu to make a balanced set of parents and as previously mentioned, being paired with Luzu would help balance the amount of spanish content for fans.
Moreover the spanish community are big fans of the Quackity and Luzu pairing so this would make them a popular pair. Also Wilbur knew very early on during qsmp planning that he wouldn't be readily available due to his band and has told Quackity as such when he was invited. So his absence was predicted which makes pairing him with Bad, the person whose streamed everyday since the egg were introduced a good choice. (This doesn't take into account the other absent parents but a lot of those were just creators becoming busy were as the tour was planned way in advance).
So these are my thoughts on the reasons behind the parent’s pairings. A big part of why I wanted to post this was because I kept seeing people saying that Wilbur HAD to be Tilin’s father because he's english and Quackity speaks spanish. But with Luzu having Tilin’s other matching ticket and Dapper confirming last night that Wilbur WAS going to be his other parent, I wanted to talk more about why it would make sense from the admins perspective for these pairs. (I’m more than open to criticism if I’ve gotten anything wrong or misunderstood something in the post so feel free to correct me in reblogs or tags :D)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
new file added to au’s I will probably never write but are fun to rotate in the brain microwave:
qsmp pacific rim au
instead of kaiju, you have alien creatures that shift and warp their giant forms and sometimes look like literal binary code to people although no one can agree quite on what one looks like. they just know it when they see it. and you also have the federation running the jaeger program with our good ol friend cucurucho overseeing it all
ft. pilot pairings like
Jaiden and Roier who have always been a great duo until the son they've been coparenting was critically injured in a recent attack
Forever struggling to find someone he’s drift compatible with until a French pilot named Baghera gets transferred to the base
Charlie and Mariana who were a great pilot team until their daughter Juanaflippa was killed in a binary entity attack on the base itself, and the two both went off the rails the next time they tried piloting. long story short they both freaked out and accidentally took out a support beam, killing Tilin and a few other workers. it was deemed to be partly a glitch through the drift system and not entirely their fault, but they were both banned from piloting for the forseeable future
Quackity and Luzu were supposed to be a pilot duo, but Luzu went missing before they could ever get in the jaeger and hasn't been seen in months. Then Quackity's child Tílin was killed unintentionally by Charlie and Mariana's breakdown, and since then he's been deemed too unstable to pilot. Somehow Wilbur, a random computer tech who isn't trained to be a pilot, is the only person they've found that's also drift compatible with Quackity. But again, Quackity isn't allowed to pilot atm, and Wilbur has no interest in getting in the giant robot death machine. He has a daughter to take care of after all.
Phil has been a pilot longer than most and at the moment is piloting with Missa, who is much newer to piloting
Tazercraft are a very well-renowned pilot duo worldwide largely because of how high their drift compatibility is
but there's not just pilots! (also this is getting long so gonna put this under the cut)
cellbit is a biologist that studies the entities, but after he gets transferred to the base he starts getting suspicious of what's going on 'upstairs' with the federation itself
baghera is the only pilot in the french group. the rest of the guys are the engineers for her jaeger
felps, who was a biologist alongside cellbit, also went missing shortly after arriving on the base. people think both he and luzu are deserters but cellbit keeps insisting felps wouldn't just leave like that
maxo is a software engineer who is supposed to focus on the jaeger drift system but he also keeps dabbling with an AI he built himself in secret
bad is kind of like HR/social services for the base, and therefore it's kind of his job to babysit everyone's kids if they're busy with other stuff and will also usher them to a safe room during any attacks
foolish and vegetta are both jaeger engineers who met on the base and very quickly fell for each other. they're like the romcom portion of the whole thing
fit is a geologist trying to figure out where the fuck the entities are coming from
and of course there's the kids
there were a lot of kids made orphans by the initial attacks on major cities. there's an 'educational' program the federation has set up to allow a few kids orphaned through these attacks to live at the shatterdome and learn the ins and outs of jaegers when they're young as unofficial prep for the jaeger academy
because of this many people on the base did not intend to adopt kids they just kind of. bonded and eventually took them in.
for bobby, jaiden and roier were already copilots so when jaiden started bonding with this kid she met in the shatterdome roier soon followed thanks to the drift sharing
juanaflippa thought charlie and mariana were the coolest pilot team around and she just kept following them until charlie was like "is it unethical to teach a child how to shoot a gun? Idc I'm gonna do it anyway" and that sealed the bond
juanaflippa and trump both died in the same entity attack on the shatterdome
phil had wilbur long before the first entity attacks ever started, but during his time at the shatterdome phil quickly took a liking to chayanne and put in a request to adopt him. once he and missa start piloting together, missa gets parental feelings for chayanne seeing him through phil's memories and the two just unintentionally become coparents
part of why wilbur refuses to be a pilot is because he grew up with his dad as a pilot and knows how terrifying it is as a kid. he also never intended on having a kid at least until the entities were defeated because who would want to bring a kid into a world like that, but then he met a shy orphan girl at the shatterdome named tallulah and he was a goner.
people are very surprised when they learn bad and dapper are not biologically related. the two act exactly alike but no, dapper was an orphan bad ended up getting really really close to
when the shatterdome was still trying to find luzu quackity felt very listless since he didn't have a copilot and couldn't do anything. he ended up spending time with tilin, although he was always hesitant to label himself as a father. when tilin died though he was heartbroken
baghera is a more recent transfer to the shatterdome and stumbles across pomme on her first day. the little girl says one thing in french and baghera is like "oh my god she's mine" while the rest of her engineering crew are like "who is this random child why are you carrying her" (but they all end up warming up to her pretty quickly)
okay this ended up being way longer than I meant it to be god why is pacific rim so fun to rotate in the brain microwave
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vienoreal · 1 year
Hello hello I am a random and nervous anon who will probably never interact with you again but. I would like. to hear your thoughts. on the minecraft diaries au u mentioned hjbskjdnfksfd i remember watching through that series like 1000000 times back in the day lol
i have a lot of ideas for it and so many thoughts
1st variant of Minecraft Diaries x QSMP crossover.
qMariana is Aphmau, Juanaflippa is Levin and qCharlie is Laurance
Mariana just kinda appeared outta nowhere and Juanita got left at his door and as the Lord of the Quesadilla Village he just fuckin' had to keep her until he found her mother
on said adventure he meets this very pretty guy who for reason has really long green hair and pieces of slime on him like HUH? AND HE'S FLIRTING WITH HIM?? AND HE COMES OVER TO VOUCH FOR HIS INNOCENCE ALONG WITH HIS OWN KNIGHT FOOLISH?
okay and now he has a fucking Wyvern and offered to give him a ride? fuck yesss, but honestly even if he wants to jump this man's bones like every other bitch but he has a kid to take care of! and a village! also Foolish is kinda hot and Charlie is a knight for another village
Mariana just looks like his normal self, some people question the outfit but he doesn't really know either
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Charlie's outfit is exactly like Laurance's, but his hair is Green because his childhood friend, aka. Wilbur Soot, and who he considers his brother, dyed his hair and disappeared before he could change it back
Charlie ended up having to take care of Tallulah, Wilbur's daughter. Phil, the new Lord of Meteli also takes care of her and his other son, Chayanne. Missa is his guard.
Quackity takes Sasha's role, having died and turning into a Shadow Knight. Tilín disappeared after his death and Charlie is still working on trying to find them.
when Mariana goes to save the Chicken Shaman, aka. Maximus, Charlie sacrifices himself to save them, hoping for Maximus to turn Wilbur back to himself
he gets raptured and turned into a Shadow Knight, where he sees Quackity as Sasha, Luzu as Gene and someone else (i have yet to figure out who should be Vylad. )
Mariana is honestly fucking devastated that Charlie is in the Nether with no help and no way to come back, until he sees him while on a trip with Juanita. Charlie wanted to reach out to Mariana and hug him and kiss him, but he couldn't. the rage imbued in him by the Shadow Lord making it also impossible from pulling out his sword and gutting Mariana, the last Lord he served. but seeing little Juana there, staring at him with big bright eyes and a smile, reminded him of Tilín and Tallulah. it broke his heart and he fled, afraid of hurting the poor child.
when Mariana later finds Charlie, blind, hurt and nearly on death's door with the wyvern, Cucurucho (yes Cucurucho bc qCharlie's interactions with it are funny and adorable and sad) suddenly turned dark and disappearing
Wilbur, now turned normal thanks to the combined efforts of Vegetta (Zoey) and Cellbit (Kawaii-Chan), came to visit and Mariana left to give them space, but thennnnnnn
the High Priest, Rubius, is outside his tattered house which was blown up by Leo (Zenix) while he was on his adventure for the mother of Juanita. threatening Charlie
yaddi yaddi yada, story goes as normal y'know, except arguments and love between Charlie and Mariana and jealousy with Charlie over Foolish and Mariana
now misc facts about this version of this AU go! -> Charlie is a slime elemental and human hybrid. Mariana is still Lady Irene and i guess a reincarnation? Aaron doesn't exist in this version. Tilín takes Malachi's role, having died and become a ghost with the same fear powers, but Charlie takes them in instead of Mariana. Roier is Dante. Donna and Logan are Forever and Bad respectively. Jaiden is Kiki, and Fit is Brendan. Emmalyn's role is taken up by Baghera. Lucinda is Etoiles and Nicole is Melissa. yes. no, it doesn't make sense. yes, i know.
2nd variant of the AU!!
their roles are just reversed. that's it. Charlie is Aphmau, Mariana is Laurance.
3rd variant of the crossover
Charlie is Logan, Mariana is Donna and Juanaflippa is Yip. but make everything else and everyone else normal Minecraft Diaries or other QSMP members i honestly don't know
Charlie, instead of being greedy and mean, is very friendly and weird and quite diabolical, a slime hybrid. when he gets turned into a werewolf, it messes with his slime and instead transforms him into and eldritch mix of werewolf, slime and demon with too many limbs, too many eyes and teeth and claws, too much fur and goop and,,,, tentacles? goo goobie bitches
Mariana is a nurse who got moved into the "Babe House", and after seeing the hot buff merchant, he's very much into it and wants to become a sugar baby, but instead falls in love and gets married. mission failed successfully?
their relationship is very much playfighting and joke arguments that seem a bit too real for others. they are madly in love and have done el sexo de grande multiple times. even with Charlie in monster form. Charlie gets ruts btw– *gets shot*
when they get kidnapped, Charlie fights tooth and nail to keep Mariana safe, at the expense of his health. he's near death when rescued by the Lord, and frantic in going back to Mariana
Flippa, the lone survivor of the murder of her tribe, later found by Charlie, instead of the Lord of his village. he takes her in and treats her just like he would his own biological daughter
then when he sees Mariana again, reencuentro el sexo de grande
when they go back home, Charlie goes back to his job and dotes on his brand new daughter and his bitch wife like no other, it's sickening how much he adores his family
and during the war, Charlie stays behind to fight, wreaking havoc against his opponents. and during the 15 year time-skip, he waits for Mariana patiently, sitting at the docks like dog waiting for its owner. when he comes back with Flippa, Charlie almost tackles them into the ocean with how happy he was, crying with Flippa about missing each other and kissing Mariana breathless
the Backflippo family is one of the few who stayed at the village. Charlie is one of the few people who are capable of fighting off the bandits easily, along with the help of Juanaflippa, but he has to he away to keep getting more resources and food to keep everything ok and running
Mariana starts a garden at the wish of Juanita, giving them to Charlie to sell and Juana to make crowns of and press them. he farms as well and makes sure everyone stays healthy, rasing Juanita while Charlie is off doing business and exchanging letters with him almost every single day, sending them talking about their days and how they're doing while away
they're so in love your honor
Juana is very hyper and very energetic, practically hounding Charlie to play and teach her how to be a werewolf every time he's home. whenever that happens Mariana takes a big big nap and enjoys whatever gift Charlie brought back
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i'm so normal guys, trust me
hope you liked these ms paint drawings HSBDJDHHDGSGVS
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
what if. hear me out. what if it was possible for the binary entity to be circumvented by letting it kill a player with the correct letter. like. hear me out:
the binary entity shows up. oh no!! it's an R!! forever yeets richas to the safe room in ten seconds flat, but the entity has shown to be persistent. it won't stop until richas or ramon is dead. but wait, what's this? IN COMES RRRRRRRROIER WITH THE STEEL CHAIR. the entity kills him, oh shit!! AND THEN IT FUCKS OFF FOR ANOTHER WEEK.
we know the entity is here to kill somebody that starts with its letter. it's hinting at its target. but see imagine if that wasn't a HINT. imagine a world where that was its ENTIRE INSTRUCTION. "go, binary monster, kill a player that STARTS WITH C." could mean it's after chayanne and won't stop until the little warrior is dead. COULD MEAN IT WILL KILL SOMEONE WITH A C AND LEAVE. COULD MEAN CELLBIT COULD TAKE THAT HIT AND THE ENTITY. LEAVES.
entity's coming for dapper? hey dan, can you log in for like an hour and die please <3 or antoine "damezzanine" stands in his front lawn until he gets twoshot and dies in a mound of shit.
entity's after leo? no problem, somebody get luzu on the horn.
oh it's gunning for pomme?? forever's got phil on the phone immediately after hitting the panic button and pac is standing on top of the christ statue setting off fireworks.
tallulah? no worries, pac and mike together makes tazercraft and if not i figure either one of them could convince the entity their legal name is "tazer". if unsuccessful, turn to dan "the diamond minecart"
guarantee you if this was ever actually a viable strategy forever would waste 0 time in insisting his name is "rorever". welcome to the server "dadboyhalo". god i wish this could work can you IMAGINE
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
hi, I've been offline for a few days and haven't been able to keep up with qsmp lore, have I missed anything big?
Okay so I mostly just keep up with english streamers, so I might be missing something. However, as I understand it, the big things are an increasing growth in federation worker lore, and the presence of black concrete messages.
Tubbo has been talking to a Federation worker he named Fred, and has also been breaking into Federation offices, and Bad has been surgically alternating kindness and torture with a captured federation worker (Ron Lemons). Through this, we've learned that there are ranks of federation worker from basically completely expendable on up to Cucurucho, and the workers also say they don't have any memory of before they came to the island, they just do what they're told. The workers insist that they know nothing or almost nothing about the eggs disappearance, though we recently got a repeat of the "eggs were fleeing bigger horrors" story.
Tubbo has figured out, he thinks, that Bad has kidnapped a worker, but was unable to properly pin him down with this because Bad is a slipery motherfudger. Baghera knows that Bad has kidnapped a worker and is both covering for Bad so he doesn't get caught and is trying to release the worker, and Forever believes Tubbo that Bad is a kidnapper, leading to a devolution in the forever/bad relationship where they both care about each other so much but to Bad Forever is a federation plant who keeps accusing him of stuff (untrustworthy), and to Forever Bad is a loose canon who won't work with him or trust him and can't be trusted to not be violent, and increasingly there is no one on his side while even more people keep expecting him to 'fix things" because president. We've got a toxic twin suns dynamic happening with 4halo, but whatever ship name foolish and bad have, they've been bonding over having no morals.
Meanwhile, black concrete has been turning up at places the eggs felt safe, along with coloured signs that profess to be from the eggs. They're written in such a way that the parents do believe that the eggs wrote them. The eggs have been asking them to find them, that something big and scary was coming, though there are still no clues that the parents have to run down. I think the black concrete has shown up from Leo, ramon, tallulah, and Chayanne? I could be wrong there, I'm just working from memory. Parents are taking it well, Phil canonically logged off next to the concrete for a week with the word that he was going to stay next to the concrete waiting for the next message, so he could get any hint of how the eggs were and how they're communicating.
Also, Mike came back from his kidnapping acting weird, negative, and unlike himself. He kept saying he would kill the eggs or that the eggs didn't love their parents, etc.
ALSO a really big weird structure unlike anything we've ever seen showed up at Luzu's house, not with federation block protection, with mysterious messages inside.
ALSO ALSO Phil escaped from the bird cage, but in a confusing way where he thought he was just dreaming the cage, but somehow cucurucho was inside his dream. He thinks it was just a weird lucid dream, but there are hints that it somehow happened in real life, or that the border between dreams and real life are strangely malleable and somehow the Federation still has control on the dream side.
I think that's everything that I'm aware of.
Oh but meta-knowelege a lot of the streamers are going to Brazil, so expect IRL instagram content and minimal streaming.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
hii! i havent been able to keep up with the lore since the theory bros and stuff. could you give a quick rundown of everything involving the eggs, binary monster cucurucho and stuff? (i didn't know who else to ask)
I'll do my best! :D
SO I'm actually going to start by talking about Arin, who is the consciousness that sometimes inhabits q!Luzu's body.
Arin says he is not an AI, but he is from "another world", and, most importantly, he can see code. He knew when the eggs arrived because of the change in code.
Arin is actively being hunted by the Binary Guys. He's also building a machine to connect his world and the qsmp so he can try and bring Tilin back to life, and that's important because that machine is one of the things that the Theory Bros are looking into.
And now, the Theory Bros.
The Theory Bros are made up of q!Bad, q!Maximus, q!Foolish, and now q!Cellbit, who is fucking smart, btw. There are also some new members who are just kinda hanging out? Like q!Phil, who is the babysitter, and q!Roier, who is just kinda hanging out tbh, and now English q!Quackity, who is notably separate from Hispanic q!Quackity.
The group was originally founded by Bad, Maximus, and Foolish shortly after Trump Egg's death, and now it's developed into a society dedicated to solving the mystery of the island and, most importantly, escaping the island.
They didn't get super far until recently when the Brazilians showed up, because it turns out that Cellbit is like a professional ARG maker and solver. His character is also just a little bit insane I think, but that's not super important.
They have a bunch of secret bases set up, and Foolish has. His living room.
But every time they've gotten anywhere, something has happened to keep them from making progress. Sometimes it's the Binary Monsters, sometimes it's Cucurucho, sometimes it's their own arguments. And sometimes? Sometimes it's the eggs.
The Eggs.
The Eggs all showed up as part of an event that started in like mid-April if I remember correctly. Basically, the island was split into a bunch of pairs- one English speaker and one Spanish speaker- and they were supposed to take care of an egg. Whoever kept their egg the happiest would get a reward when the eggs' mother, a Fucking Dragon, showed up. Whoever's eggs had died would be horribly punished.
This is fine, but it gets interesting not even a week into the event when Cucurucho tells q!Roier not to touch his egg and not to trust it. Roier has not, to my knowledge, mentioned this to anyone because he's a secretive bastard.
And then some eggs died and there was a funeral. The dead parents got to say a goodbye to their eggs in a room under the cemetery. Angel Rubius (suspicious) was there, as was Cucurucho, and the whole thing was sponsored by the QSMP Federation. At said funeral, the "dead" Trump (the Egg) said that "they" are scary, not mentioning anybody by name, but him saying that and then immediately getting shut up kinda set Maximus off on his theory stuff full-force.
Since then, the eggs have been really kinda sus, some more than others. Leonarda said that her best friend was Cucurucho, and she's also kinda been on a whole 'hey dad don't look too deep into anything' kick recently. And then there was a secret Federation torture tunnel beneath Richarlyson's house, and then there is the sudden and spontaneous appearances of both Tallulah and Richarlyson. And then there are the Weird Things.
Because the eggs were supposed to die a few weeks ago. A hijacked island announcement said as much, and then, on the day of their supposed deaths, the eggs disappeared and came back with cracks in them. Since then, they have been increasingly attacked by the Binary Monsters, and that's weird.
The Binary Monsters
So the Binary Monsters first showed up on a Philza stream from April. He and Fit killed one, and then we didn't see one again until Luzu's reappearance on the server after a hiatus. During that stream, Arin reappeared, and so did the Binary Monsters.
Since then, the Monsters have showed up attacking vulnerable eggs. They seem to go after eggs alone with one parent- case in point being Philza in a stream recently when he was alone with the eggs and then a Monster killing Bobby while he was alone with Roier in the middle of nowhere.
The Binary Monsters have Binary Names! :D They seem to be naming themselves after... things? One of them had a name that translated to '777', which was interesting because it was the one attacking Foolish and Leonarda right outside of Vegetta's house right after Vegetta had logged off.
Cellbit has the theory that the eggs and the Binary Monsters are related. He also has the theory that the Binary Monsters and Cucurucho are related.
We all know Cucurucho, also known as Osito Bimbo, also known as the QSMP Census Bureau Creature. It uses it/its pronouns, and so that is what I will be using.
Cucurucho has been hanging around since day one of the server. It does Census Bureau Things. It also flirts with Roier sometimes.
But starting at around the time the eggs showed up, Cucurucho has been a bit more distant. By that, I mean that it's been stalking people in the background of their streams, teleporting around and following them and scaring the shit out of them. It's been paying close attention to the Theory Bros, especially q!Max and q!Cellbit, though it is also Leonarda's friend. It watches q!Slime sleep sometimes, which is normal behavior for sure.
It has a good time watching people suffer. It laughs when players are in pain. Sometimes it even blows bubbles. I may be biased, but I love it.
The other night, Cucurucho showed up to get Cellbit to stop building a villager farm (which is illegal on the server.) It then proceeded to chase him down a Torture Hallway, laugh when he died, laugh when he saw his corpse and freaked out, and then they had a question and answering session.
To summarize the various q and a sessions from the past few weeks: Cucurucho doesn't know what the Binary Monsters are, and it is ambiguously part of the Federation. Its purpose seems to be to make sure people are happy. When asked who's keeping everyone on the island, it responded with 'quack', and then it mentioned a 'host' in a later interrogation. It doesn't like the eggs very much, but as long as the island's inhabitants are happy, then it doesn't mind them (the eggs.)
TLDR; Weird shit is happening on the island, but don't worry, because it's all going to be fine :)
I obviously don't know everything because I can't watch every stream and I do only speak English, but I hope this recap helps a little! :D
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