beadyeyes · 6 months
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Medieval Monk Bear (x)
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kyuutekyu · 11 months
Wimbledon's most beloved... 🎾 🏆
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jewishdainix · 7 months
Still going insane over "my dream was dead in my arms". Like that truely was The Line
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catmanbowser · 2 years
hello i would just like to say you have some of the most tims ever (specifically 1. in the honorary timbart one (the EARRINGS the EXPRESSION) and 2. timkon kith (PONYTAIL) and 3. in "he kept it" (annoying mullet man (positive) also let tim be kinda jacked sometimes he's a VIGILANTE) in unrelated news this is also an appreciation zone for your cassies shes so cassie
HI HELLO WAAAAHHHHH THANK YOU ANONEE THATS REALLY SWEET OF YOU [sniff sobs] im so sos o happy u like how i draw them teehee
I just….theyre my eepers yknow. This so aww…..im holding u in my hands and im framing your ask in my brain ;;w;;
Have a thanks from tim and cassie themselves <3
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doppel-doodles · 1 month
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homuncvlus · 5 months
"Everyone has a future... except for him"
Why don't you just kill me will you
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ko0l-k1dd0 · 6 months
Sometimes I stay up extra late at night and look outside, I stare at what little stars are out in the light polluted sky and I cry
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I cry for Chris chambers, i imagine him and gordie tucked under that pine tree as Chris cries because he just wants to go somewhere where nobody knows him. I cry because yeah, maybe he did steal the milk money, but he gave it back, and apparently that wasn’t enough.
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I cry because Chris wanted gordie to have a good life so bad. He “wished to hell” that he was gordies father to make sure that gordie had this good life.
And yet he didn’t have a good life. Chris chambers did not have a good life. He was so good
So kind
So gentle
And yet he did not have a good life.
People just kept hurting him.
His dad, ace, the guy in line.
No matter how hard he tried to be gentle trouble always followed him.
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I cry because I want someone to love chris so badly. I want someone to hold him close and tell him that it wasn’t his fault. That he was a good kid. He’s good. So so good.
There’s a sound on TikTok that’s something along the lines of “I could have parented him” and k have never felt that so much about another character Than i do chris.
He deserves love. I want to love him
I sit by my window and stare at the night sky and picture the embers of a dying fire, the soft snores of teenage boys on a grand coming of age adventure and chris chambers protecting the group, taking watch with a gun in his hands.
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I want to scoop him up like a mother would to her son and kiss his forehead.
Tuck him into bed, and tell him to rest well because he deserves that much.
A gentle boy deserves that kind of affection.
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bookishcookiesstuff · 9 months
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sweetracha · 9 months
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So...someone want to explain????
I'm just here answering my ask and being silly.
Then I see this?!?!?!
Huh??? Who she? Because she ain't me!
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casgirlsam · 10 months
watching one piece for the first time and I'm absolutely dehydrating myself watching the water 7 arc
Zoro being worried about everyone! WORRIED SANJI IS GOING TO DIE
usopp loving the going merry so much, loving her as fiercely as he loves his humanoid friends, that he'd rather take on his super powered friend, his captain, to protect her
Franky and Iceburg and their whole adopted family
Sanji using his hands in battle but only because theyre in a kitchen and the opponent's weapon is food because his hands are for loving and nurturing and creating, not for violence
usopp dropping his silly secret identity facade to tell Robin there ain't no way in hell they're going to let her sacrifice herself
I hate this show has everything I love in it T-T
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crochetingidiot · 8 months
Meg and apollo are reunited!!!
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sun-roach · 8 months
NESS darling sweetie baby don't forget I love you 🤍🤍🤍 🦕 (pretend it is a plesio)
Have some 🦕🧡 presented by Ghost and catSoap
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prettykittytanjiro · 5 months
I don't understand what's with me and late night/early morning contemplation.
Be warned- there's a lot of dream stuff here.
Maybe it's that I'm seeing him every other month in my dreams, and then proceed to forget it until the next week when it finally hits, and it's making me go crazy- to an extreme extent.
It's so..ironic. The days he just pops up in my dreams, it's one of the days I couldn't give much thought to him- but I do get all the work done.
It's this really...specific pattern, you know?
• I need to have done atleast some significant work
• I need to have not thought ab shifting or all that within the course of that day (or maybe two days)
• I need to go to bed with the goal to sleep- and nothing else.
And every time I see him, it's always on a day I couldn't acknowledge his presence as much as I wanted to.
Half the time I see him, I don't remember what he looks like, and more than fifth of the times I remember what he talks to me about.
I do remember two dreams where I remember what I had heard.
The first dream, I had been a bystander, as he sat in this beautiful swing, on a full moon night, talking to this woman who sat at his feet. He was talking to her about something to do with his love for her, and about devotion- how he'd accept no matter what- or something along those lines.
Goddamit, they both looked so amazing.
And the second-
The second, it wasn't exactly him I saw, but it was rather..his elder brother? Don't know what that was about- it was a first, tho.
I was sitting in the backseat of the car, by myself, I could see him, and someone else was driving (out of view).
The conversation is the one I remember most vividly.
"Gods, it feels weird to call (_(my nickname for him)) krishna." I had said, looking at a comic of said person I found in the seat pocket.
"You need to learn to get used to it, and accept it." He was looking towards the path.
"But... it's intimidating."
"you'll get used to it, don't worry. But you first must accept." He looked back.
"But am I really worthy- of calling him that?"
"It's his name. You'll learn. He takes in everyone, albeit it takes time for some others." He had said dismissively, looking back front.
I remember by that point, I was crying- and I woke up to see I WAS actually crying. I had tried to calm myself down, and fall asleep.
It then sunk in the next morning when I woke up that I had seen him.
Their conversations for this are still stuck to me to this day- I still don't know why.
...oh well, one day. ¯⁠\⁠(⁠°⁠_⁠o⁠)⁠/⁠¯
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themedsaintworkin · 1 year
Some authors think it’s fun to make people cry 😭
I’m talking to you @villiansimpqueen you know what you did and you better fix it cause I swear if there’s not a happy ending I will find you and I will kill you 🙂
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lololololchips · 2 months
honestly this fandom is so lucky to have you your posts are just so GOOD
i love u fr
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