the-wraiths-wife · 1 year
I write a fanfiction about Kaz having a sister in Wattpad, named Adjala Brekker. And I just got the craziest idea. Kaz is always the baby sitter for Adjala's kids so why not write headcannons?
So I just made a few headcannons about Kaz babysitting his niece Jordan, and his two nephews Johannes and Kaz jr.
( Everytime you see a mom approved, it means the kids' mother approves of the activity )
1. "Uncle Kaz's House of Schemes": Kaz turns babysitting into a series of elaborate games and puzzles for the kids. It's like a mini heist every time they visit, complete with clues and riddles to keep them entertained. (Mum approved)
2. Kaz's version of "nap time" is "quiet planning time": When it's time for the kids to take a nap, Kaz uses this opportunity to quietly plan his next big scheme. He's convinced they're the perfect cover for his brainstorming sessions. (Mum approved)
3. Candy heist training: Kaz teaches the kids the fine art of candy heists, complete with disguises, diversion tactics, and a secret candy stash. They're the most resourceful trick-or-treaters in Ketterdam. (Mum not approved)
4. The "Ingenious Bedtime Routine": Kaz has a knack for getting kids to bed without fuss. His secret? He tells them thrilling stories about his heists until they're too excited to stay awake. (Mum approved)
5. Tiny suits and dresses: Kaz insists that the kids wear tiny suits and dresses, just like him, when they go out together. It's a comical sight seeing them dressed as miniature versions of him. (Hehe definitely mum approved)
6. Teaching the art of negotiation: Kaz imparts his negotiating skills to the kids, coaching them on how to haggle with street vendors for the best deals on toys and treats. They quickly become savvy little traders. They negotiate with daddy alot too, and their daddy always falls for this (Their dad hates this, so mum approved)
7. The "Kaz Jr. Inheritance Fund": Kaz secretly sets up a savings account for each of the kids, earmarking it as their "inheritance." He insists they learn about managing their finances from an early age. (Uncle Jes and Mumma approved)
8. "The Kaz Bunker" (my fav) : In the event of a "Kaz-sized emergency," he's built a secret bunker (a well-fortified blanket fort) in the living room. It's the perfect hiding spot for epic pillow fights and strategizing. (There's photo evidence -Inej) [mum approved - Kaz's sister]
9. Poker night (ft. Uncle jes, Daddy and uncle Wy) : Kaz introduces the kids to poker night, using candies as chips. It's all in good fun until Jesper's uncanny ability to bluff leaves Kaz Jr and Johannes with an empty stash of candy, while Jordie has a whole lot to herself. Wylan always gives his candy to Kaz jr in the end. Elijah (the kids' dad) sits their and sticks his tongue out to his brother in-law whenever he wins, only to me met by the Lethal Brekker sibling glower. (The mother doesn't aprove of this, their dad does tho)
10. Lessons in lockpicking (childproof, of course): Kaz teaches the kids the basics of lockpicking, with a set of child-friendly locks and tools. They think it's just a game, but it's secretly a life skill. (The parents don't aprove since candy is always being stolen from the kitchen)
11. Kaz and naps : when the kids' parents get back from date night of smth, they see uncle Kaz and the kids in the Kaz Bunker fort, or all of them on the ground, surrounded my toys and Kaz is laying flat on his stomach and Kaz jr is snoozing on top of him and Jordan and Johannes are snoozing in the corner. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how the bastard of the barrel gets his sleep. (Inej has photo evidence) [Daddy and mumma approved]
12: Lifeskills (ft. Uncle Matty, aunty 'nej and aunty Ninny) : so Kaz gets his gang together to preach Lifeskills to his nephews and niece. Uncle Matty adores the mini demjins. Aunty 'nej takes them in sea trips (Aunty ninny brings the snacks) [ pappa and mumma approved]
13. Shark stare classes 101: in which Kaz teaches his little trainees the signature bombastic side eye and shark like stare, along with the lethal Brekker glower, which always has the kids' dad running for the HILLS, cuz they look like his scary wife and terrifying brother in law. (Daddy and Mumma approved ladies and gentlemen)
A fanfic for this :
I'm tagging a few of the biggest SoC enthusiasts I know : @she-posts-nerdy-stuff @ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes @marsconer
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aphroditestummyrolls · 8 months
Writer’s choice of Time For A Spare Prayer or Engagement Series 🤌
Darling! Have some engagement series! ❤️❤️❤️ it’s been a while since I wrote something happy
“Something—“ a conspiratorial voice came up close at his side, sliding into the booth, “is up with you.”
Wylan did his best not to jump, turning to look over at Nina’s sparkling eyes and Matthias’s furrowed brow as if nothing at all was the matter. But, it couldn’t have been less true. Well, nothing was wrong, but something was very much up with him. And he was clearly doing a terrible job of feigning relaxation.
“Who told you that?”
Hopefully not Jes, he worried his lip. Jes was the only one that Wylan was determined not to worry tonight. It would ruin the surprise.
At least, it would ruin the surprise if Wylan could muster up the courage to do what he meant to do in the first place.
Nina was unimpressed by his cagey fidgeting. “I could hear your heartbeat from around the block.”
“It’s true. She said you and Jes were on your way five full minutes before you walked in the door.” Matthias nodded, not so secretly preening at his girlfriend’s power. “You are tightly wound tonight.”
Wylan wished he had the energy to spare them an eyeroll, but he was too wrapped up in the night— his plans, his lover, his friends, and all of them being back at The Crow Club again. The club floor was full of dregs and crows and pirates that knew him at his smallest and most afraid. Jesper was leaning up against the bar with Inej and Mal just a moment ago; Tolya and Tamar were drinking Rotty under the table with some elaborate drinking game; and here he was. Sitting in a cosy booth with interrogating eyes on him.
He was too happy to even feign irritation. And, if you can find the right moment tonight, you’ll only be happier.
If he says yes.
“I…” his heart was like a hummingbird in his chest, whizzing around against his ribs as he thumbed at the small velvet box in his pocket. It felt heavier than it ought to as he set it on the table. “I’m going to ask Jesper to marry me. Tonight. Possibly, if—“
“If? If, if, if— Wylan, why in the name of all the saints would he say no?” Nina swatted at the air like the idea was a pesky fly, but her grin was absolutely gleeful as she opened the small box and took a peek at the ring. “Oh, Wylan. That’s lovely— if for no other reason, Jes would say yes just for the ring.”
“But,” Matthias cut in, “he will say yes because he loves you. That much is obvious— you suit each other so well. You have a beautiful life together, and Djel will bless you.”
Wylan couldn’t help the grin on his face. Maybe it was just from trying to picture the ascetic, traditionalist deity of Fjerda blessing the ultra modern union of a hedonist like Jesper Fahey, but Wylan supposed it was the thought that counted. Matthias blessed them. And that was what mattered.
Whichever of his thoughts were showing on his face, Nina clocked them immediately. “We’re so happy for you, Darling. He loves you madly, trust me— no one knows a heartbeat better than me.” She winked.
“Promise you’ll do it by the end of the night?”
Oh, Ghezen.
“I…” Nina handed back the ring box with a look that brooked no argument. And it felt… warm. It was bright and dazzling as the sensation fizzed through his veins, like champagne in springtime— suddenly, he was so excited that he could scarcely get the words out. “I promise.”
Thanks for playing! ❤️
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divinerivals · 10 months
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dasiesanddarkness · 24 days
im sorry but i will never be over the fact that from the time his mother died all the way to like halfway through soc Wylan had no one. his father was abusive, he never formed any connections with the servants or other merchant kids, and his relationship with Alys was strained because she was so close to his age and married to his father. and then his father tried to kill him, and so he runs away from the only place that could ever have been considered a home and joins the Dregs, where everyone treats him like he's useless and a burden. even at the beginning of soc, everyone's kinda shitty to him (even Inej).
Matthias had family in the druskellë, even if they were incredibly hateful and prejudiced. Nina had family at the Little Palace and then with Inej and Jesper. Kaz had family with Inej and Jesper (though he'd never admit it). Inej had family with Jesper and Nina and Kaz. Jesper had family with Inej and Nina and Kaz and the other Dregs. but Wylan was alone.
his father tried to kill him, and he had no one to fall back on. no one to hug him and tell him it would all be okay, no one to laugh or smile or cry with. he was entirely alone.
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ineffablejaymee · 2 years
nina: *risking her life to get her lover out of a barbaric prison
matthias: *forced to live in said barbaric prison for a crime he didnt commit
kaz: *reliving his childhood trauma while attempting to punish the man responsible for it
inej: *risking her life, and freedom to help him while people hunt her like an animal and want to put her back in the place that enslaved her
meanwhile jesper: Are you walking away from me for a dramatic effect????
wylan: *walking away for a dramatic fucking effect
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mattodore · 2 months
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theo and his attack dog
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rukelea-soldier · 3 months
Oh, what’s my favourite romance series?
This one.
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swiftiecrow · 11 months
"I'll never let anyone hurt you"
"I have been made to protect you. Only in death will I be kept from this oath."
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thecrxwclub · 2 years
Jesper: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Kaz and Inej’s conversation?
Matthias: I’m in the laundry basket.
Nina: I’m in the washing machine.
Wylan: I’m in the closet.
Nina: We accept you Wylan <3
Wylan: No, I’m literally in the closet.
Jesper: Love is love <3
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queenoffoliage · 2 months
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Part 3 of Louis getting precedingly more cursed somehow, S32 E3 concept art edition
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midnightcrows · 1 year
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WIP crop, full is horizontal
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the-wraiths-wife · 3 months
Forget Wylan and Matthias, Inej and Matthias would be besties.
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zeephryy · 15 days
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Reknown and refined Alchemist vs their gooby ahh farmer partner
Textless version below!
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lunarthecorvus · 11 months
I would love to see Aditi's reaction to Colm unofficially adopted 5 criminal children, I can picture her laughing and smiling at her husband and I can just see Colm looking at his criminal children with a disapproving face but deep down she knows he's enjoying himself.
I kinda wanna cry now.... I would kill to see this in fanart form.
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theloverislost · 4 months
projecting my issues onto six of crows characters is the only way i cope
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starfallkaz · 1 year
Posts I found that remind me of The Crows
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