What the Percy Jackson and Olympians characters would give as birthday gifts
Percy- A homemade baked good. That boy loves birthdays, and he loves baking; you will not convince me of anything else. He’s bringing something with far too much sugar and a truly concerning amount of blue dye. Most often his gift is blue cookies his mom helped him bake.
Annabeth- That girl is spending weeks agonizing over what to get. She needs it to be perfect, and she has to know you’ll love it. Which you will because she managed to track down something you mentioned 7 months ago that you think about constantly. It’s usually a very practical gift, but it is exactly what you need. One year it’s new headphones, another it's a brighter lamp; it's always something you want but can’t convince yourself is a priority.
Hazel- Hazel is making you a homemade card and a personalized drawing. She puts in so much effort, and it’s truly a beautiful gift. The minute she hands it to you, her eyes are shining, and she’s fighting back the biggest grin as she waits for your reaction. It will almost definitely be an intricate drawing of your favorite memory with her.
Frank- His gift is a small handmade trinket that took him a lot longer to make than he’d be willing to admit. It’s intricate and exactly your style. He looks a bit embarrassed and nervous as you open it, but then he's smiling and excitedly explaining exactly why he wanted to make it for you. It’s something like a wooden carving of your favorite animal or a new cover for your weapon. 
Leo- You never know what you’re going to get from him, but you do know it will leave you laughing so hard your sides hurt. It’s also a handmade gift, but it’s less personalized and more something Leo thinks is cool and he knows you’ll also like. The fact it may be a fire hazard is just a part of the charm. His gift is a small animatronic toy that can and will turn into a dangerous weapon.
Jason- He listens a lot more than you give him credit for. He will always end up giving you something super meaningful that will remind you of how much he cares. It’s not an extravagant gift; it’s something you’ll use a lot or will see constantly and smile to yourself as you’re reminded of the memory. It’s a weighted blanket for late nights or a new version stuffed animal you loved but lost.
Piper- Her gifts are always incredibly chaotic, but you realize there is a lot of thought put into them. She’s got a good memory and will pick something very specific that you mentioned off-handedly once. You don’t need it, but life will be a bit more fun with it than without. A ridiculous, bendy straw to drink from bed or a blanket that looks like food—truly,  you will never be prepared for what you get.
Thalia- She tries to be nonchalant, but she’s got a sly smile, and you can see how excited she is to give you a gift. It’s almost guaranteed to be a weapon, but it will be absolutely perfect for what you need. You can tell she spent a long time picking something out for you specifically, but she’s going to play it off like she just happened to come across it. 
Nico- Whatever he gives you will surprise you, that’s for certain. A lot of people joke that he’s bringing some basic dark gift, but that excited 10-year-old boy is still just as much a part of him, however. His gift is something you’ll be able to do with friends and something that will keep spirits high and laughter going. Often it is a card game that you can tuck away and take with you; he knows what it’s like to feel alone on a quest.
Will- He’s giving you a free pass to not be scolded the next time you end up in the infirmary. You need it. Kidding…mostly. He’s getting you something semi-specific from the mortal world that you can share with friends. Sometimes it goes with Nico’s gift, but it’s also something completely his own. A set of movie CDs, a giant container of popcorn (he’s not as stuck up on health as everyone likes to tease)
Grover- Enchiladas. It’s not even a question or hypothetical that guy is bringing over at least 20 cheese enchiladas from his favorite restaurant. You’ll be lucky if they last more than 10 minutes. They’re incredible, and even if you’ve had them 20 times you’re eating, them like the ambrosia of the god
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hellishqueer · 4 months
i don't see enough people talk about that one art of falin that ryoko kui drew with the short hair and her tiddies out
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th1rt33n · 7 months
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drew some very serious emotes for me n my friend's ffxiv server
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mikurinkuwu · 1 month
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rin is a menace to society (but specially to len)
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tpwrtrmnky · 1 month
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[ID: Four panel comic with crudely drawn stick people.
Panel 1: A blue person with sunglasses and dog ears is talking to an orange person with dog ears.
Blue: "Ah, young Orange."
Orange: "I, uh, aren't you younger than-"
Blue: "I understand that you have approached me to discuss an issue. As is the doctrine of our anarcho-caninist commune, we shall conduct this meeting in expository form, speaking as if intent on being observed by an unknown third party in need of being spoonfed everything we, as individuals, are already aware of."
Orange: "Wait-"
Blue: "Let us begin by stating our medical histories: I am on gel that makes you blue and have had dog ear implants."
Orange: "I uh. I know. You told me yesterday."
Blue: "It is your turn. State it!"
Orange: "…You can look at me and tell that I'm-"
Blue: "You cannot rely on the third party knowing how you became orange!"
Orange: "…Gel. It's gel."
Panel 2: An extremely tall, hot pink person with fluffy bits around their chest and extremities, as well as floppy dog ears and a bandana worn as a mask, interjects into the conversation between the two.
Hot Pink: "I sense that this discussion is at risk of becoming an argument. Let us recite the Acknowledgment of Legitimacy, as per the doctrine."
Blue and Hot Pink: "We recognise that opinions are held by individuals and do not represent everyone of their chromatic alignment. We understand that if any individual is found to be in the wrong, it does not delegitimize their identity, only their viewpoint."
Orange: "I uh. Does anyone not believe this? Who are we disagreeing with here?"
Hot Pink: "I am on injections that make you hot pink and have taken topical fluffy fur gel. Now we may proceed."
Panel 3: Zoom in on Hot Pink and Blue as they continue spoonfeeding unnecessary exposition to you, the reader.
Blue: "Before proceeding we must also clarify that the doctrine is an idiosyncracy of our commune, and not reflective of wider anarchist nor caninist movements."
Hot Pink: "Indeed. Furthermore, I would like to establish that we exist in the context of the past affecting the present, as individuals with personal histories that affect our present state, and have established this doctrine in response to said history."
Orange: "I- how- what history- are you explaining that the past exists??
Who is this for?
How did you decide to talk like this?"
Panel 4: A green person with a tail and long, pointy dog ears appears opposite of Orange to make it all make sense.
Green: "You bring up an excellent question. I am on a combination of pills that make you green and pills that block my naturally occurring red, which I do not personally consider a medical condition but which is often pathologized as such. Before proceeding and getting to the point we must go over the historical context in which this conversation is taking place."
Orange: "Wait, no, I know history, please-"
Green: "Caninism, as formulated by Barx in the 1800s…"
End ID.]
Bonus panel:
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[ID 2: Presumably sometime later, the green dogperson is still talking.
Green: "You see, the Expository Doctrine is primarily a performance art critique of the tendency to demand that media explains everything to the viewer, and how pandering to this demand causes dialogue to be unnatural, stilted and unnecessarily verbose."
Orange: "I know. You say this every day."
Green: "Indeed, part of the performance serves to emphasize how in a serial but episodic medium, such mandatory exposition quickly becomes frustrating and repetitive!"
End ID 2.]
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radzina · 9 months
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saw (2004) gingerbread house = )
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vroomvroomwee · 11 months
Remember when Billie Piper poured her entire heart out in delivering the "I love you" line with a massive emphasis on the "lo" like she's saying something that doesn't need to be said because everyone already knows. I don't think I've heard a reiteration that has her type of enunciation. The way she's delivering the vowels like she's saying something that's heavier and more meaningful than all the stars in the galaxy. Like she's saying something forbidden. Like she's saying something she knows she can only say now, right now, right this minute. Otherwise, she would never get the chance again. Like something that's destroying her from the inside and bringing it out in the open would be the final blow. Like saying it would kill her, but not saying it would have the same effect. It's been bottled up for so long. So long. That it's clawing out of her throat and drawing blood along the way. Like the words themselves making their way through and resounding in the wind are weakening her muscles and crumbling her already vulnerable and fragile heart.
And do you also remember how we, as the audience, never hear the Doctor say those words back? Not once. Even though it's obvious in every interaction, in every look they share, in every minute they spend together. It doesn't need saying... so powerful is their love that it physically can't be put into words. We don't hear it because the word "love" is too weak to do their story justice. The word we never hear from him... But what we do get to hear from her has the power to shatter entire universes.
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dawnofiight · 2 months
Projecting my dreadhead beliefs onto Milo
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whysosiriushuh · 8 months
Rosekiller orange peel theory:
Evan: Barty?
Barty: yeah
Evan: can you peel this orange for me?
Barty: oh sure *peels the fruit*
Evan:*internally kicking feet and giggling* oh...
Barty *holds out a slice for him to bite*
Barty:*squeezes the orange on his face*
Evan: ...
Barty: ...
Regulus, witness to the scene: honestly, what were you expecting
Barty:*licks the juice from Evan's face*
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ultimatefarter3000 · 10 months
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oh he butch as hell
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gammija · 5 months
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for this @jonsimsandcats day im fondly remembering 'the dream of the giant, murderous tunnel-cat'
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tywvin · 1 month
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— @paletmblr event xxxiv: usernames
When your enemies defy you, you must serve them steel and fire. When they go to their knees, however, you must help them back to their feet. Elsewise no man will ever bend the knee to you. And any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king at all. Aerys never understood that, but you will. When I've won your war for you, we will restore the king's peace and the king's justice.
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skyspersonalhell · 4 months
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Look at my sons. Pride is not the word i'm looking for 🎶
I made them myself with help from my sweet grandmother who doesn't know what minecraft is. Everyone clap and cheer or i'm blowing up this entire building (/ref)
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kaboomthepossum · 3 months
There 😌 are no 🙅 Pan-Asian supermarkets 🏬down ⬇️ in hell 👿 So you 👈🏼 can't ❌ buy 🛍️ Golden 🏅 Boy 💁‍♂️ peanuts 🥜 There are no 😕 Pan-Asian 🌏supermarkets 🛒 down 👇 in hell 👹🔥 So you 👉 can't 👎 buy 🛍️ Golden 🏆Boy 🧒 peanuts 🥜 , yeah ‼️
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I'll be real an unexpected broken phone incident occurred and I'm low on funds to feed my bad habits shit in the dark but any penny helps hahaha
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procrastiel · 6 months
just woke up and guess what I’m thinking about
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