#MC hphm
MC: We've got to face it, we've changed. Well, not you Merula, you're still sadistic and self-centred.
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detherun · 3 months
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父と息子 2
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He definitely cares about what happens to MC
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otakulexi13 · 11 months
Idk why but i just love this
I mean look
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Colby n MC being parents to a baby dragon
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Looke like Fisher has a thing with a ravenclaw girl 👀(also jealous that his brother is hanging out with us )
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Poor colby doesn't want to part with his dragon child
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jasmineeeuwu · 2 years
24. Mc wearing a gala dress For the MC Drawing challenge!
Here you are!! Felicia wore this in the Yule Ball!!!not to mention that she was embarrased to wear a gala dress but Andre really knew how to get to design something very beautiful for her ;)
And yep, her partner was Ben. But it doesn't mean that at the end she danced all the night with him u-u
I got inspired from Yachiyo Nanami's dress :D sorry I was late, but school stuff is eating me alive ;_; hehe well... hope you like it!!
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I have decided to uninstall the game. I doubt anyone will care but I'm putting it out there just in case. I liked the game a lot and the fandom on here is quite lovely, but quite frankly, I am done with it.
It's not the issue of plot (though I do have plenty of complains), but the endless advertisements and achievements and all the shit that constantly pops up - it simply lags my game too much. It takes ages to turn on and usually glitches terribly untill my phone shuts it down. I have opened the game literally twice in the span of two years, and as much as I miss it sometimes and I'd love to continue playing, I'm simply unable to. At this point it's only taking up space on my phone.
I might still post some leftover screenshots that I have, which is quite a lot, but as it is, Natalie will remain frozen in year 5 chapter 3. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to the game, but for the foreseeable future, I want to say a farewell to the community. It was a lovely ride.
I'll miss my girl and Merula, I'll miss Rowan, I'll miss all the other kids. I'll always treasure the creativity this game gave me.
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hogwarts9 · 10 months
Pros and cons of Aishwarya and Anika?
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She is a loyal lover to her companion
Always enjoy simple things with them
Study dates are super romantic
Private dance performances
Let's have first taste of her food
Break her heart badly , let's just say nagins are super vengeful
Gets too stressed with being a general, princess and finding the vaults
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A sweet lover who enjoys physical affection
Will listen to all you say
Enjoys simple things which are meaningful
Anything you forget , she can help you remember
Being blind can cause some difficulties
Sometimes scared of love cause her mother threatened to use her like for a puppet if she married into a wealthy family
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marmotish · 4 months
“I want that one!”
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Rowan likes adopting little freaks.
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crowlipso · 1 year
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Making them related is so entertaining, I love HPHM, I played it since the game's first released and I'm still stuck in year 5.
Litany trying her best, alright?
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Pansy: You know, Draco gives Y/n flowers every day. I wish you'd do that too.
Theo: Okay.
*Later, the same day*
Theo: *gives Y/n flowers*
Y/n: ???
Pansy: ???
Theo: I don't know, I'm confused as well
Draco: Do that again and I will end you.
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Merula: MC, if I make you breakfast in bed, a simple “thank you” will suffice. None of this “how did you get into my dorm” business. It’s real rude.
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detherun · 3 months
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It was an honor to see me wear the Slytherin Uniform at Hogwarts Mystery these 4 years, it's time to pass the torch to him.
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Bro nothing about this game is normal✨
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khamoise · 7 months
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She's pomegranate.
This is kind of the continuation from my previous post!
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jasmineeeuwu · 2 years
De numero 1 y 31 de Felicia. Si te cuesta trabajar de dibujar entonces solo 31. 😊💛
Este fue un poco difícil pero con el 1 me eché un volado que me acabó dando una idea para un AU ^^ En mi cabeza sería donde ella se enfrente a Talbott (ya siendo auror), aun sigo armand esta historia pero si tienen preguntas pueden dejarlas en la cajita :3 Iba a ser un boceto simple pero fue más grande mi emoción por saber cómo se veria que hasta lo terminé coloreando OwO espero y te guste :3
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31. En mi historia, Felicia y Rowan solían estudiar juntas los primeros 3 años, y de vez en cuando Feli invitaba a Tonks pero ella se terminaba durmiendo jsjsjs
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Poor Penny :(((
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She doesn't deserve this
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Natalie is just such a great friend wtf
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