#MC x yooha
theoceanspanwaves · 4 years
Wannabe Challenge Headcanons (First Time--Yooha)
Because I am a thirsty degenerate I’m back again to write out how I see MC’s first time with each of the Wannabe Challenge guys would go. In these headcanons, they’ve already established themselves as a couple (either secretly or publicly) and kissed and what not, but no further.
I will probably accidentally spoil some stuff from the His Story and what have you. So read at your own risk idk. 
Let’s be real though. We’re all so thirsty we don’t care if there’s spoilers, so let’s crack on.
- unlike our boy Taehee, Yooha ain’t planned shit
- Yooha doesn’t plan, Yooha does
- rooming with Taehee has thrown a wrench in Yooha’s doings many times, so it’s been hard for you two to...well...do it
- Yooha is no blushing virgin, so he was ready to make things physical before you were. He’s been trying to get in your pants since you called him out of his scroll, so he’s a little eager
- he also isn’t afraid to shove your relationship in Taehee’s face to the point that you had to have a talking-to with him about it before Taehee straight murders him
- therefore, you agreed that when you were ready to take the relationship further you’d let him know and you two would take it from there
- and one night, after reading a particularly steamy chapter in the novel you’re reviewing for your Wannabe followers, you realize you’re ready
- Biho and Hansol are no big deal since they share a room, but you purposely wait until Taehee and Yooha have gone to bed and shoot Yooha a text to tell you when Taehee has fallen asleep. when he texts you (confused) that Taehee’s breathing is even and deep, it’s time
- you take a deep breath, arrange yourself on your bed, and then whisper his name -- Yooha. he materializes on your back, surprised
- his surprise deepens to shock and then unbridled excitement when he realizes you’re wearing your favorite silk bathrobe...with nothing underneath
- after making sure the door is locked he wastes no time in stripping off his shirt and all but tackling you to the bed. his tails are out in full force because he’s so excited and turned on he can’t spare the energy to hide them
- once he’s bared your skin fully and taken a moment to marvel, he asks if you’re sure. he even stops wagging his tails so you won’t be charmed into saying yes because by the gods he’s a respectful fox
- holy fuck you are sure that you want him and you are even more sure seeing the way the moonlight through your window hits his skin
- neither one of you has protection on hand but then this absolute pos fox reaches up and pulls out the condoms he’d stashed in your air vent weeks ago just in case this exact scenario happened
- you’re too impressed to be mad tbh
- you thought you’d be nervous but boy takes you on a ride too exquisite to be nervous. he’s gentle but insistent, working your body to a fever pitch, pushing you over the edge, and then goddamn smirking about it
- you’re almost mad (is this all a game to him?) but as he gets close to his own finish his facade fades away and words you blush to remember come falling out of his mouth like his damn fox orb--you’re his master and he loves you, he never wants to be without you, your body is even better than he dreamed but it doesn’t even matter because it’s you it’s you it’s you and fuck he loves you
- when you’re both finished you lay panting, staring at the ceiling and hoping no one else could hear what just happened
- well, you hope no one else heard. Yooha hopes they did hear. Yooha wants everyone to know 
- he’ll probably post about it on Wannabe if you don’t stop him
- the relationship doesn’t change between you at all; he’s still as annoying as ever but now you get nightly texts telling you when Taehee has fallen asleep
- he figures you’ll sleep better anyway if he wears you out 
- he’s not wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
It's me
If there was an OM × WC crossover, who would get a long with who?
I actually love this idea. Also, while I was brainstorming ideas, it kinda helped me understand Hansol's character in a weird way so...
A couple warnings. I'll be writing this as if the mc from both obey me and wannabe challenge are the same. Also, I'm just assuming this crossover would take place in the devildom. Anyways, onto the headcanons
Obey Me! x Wannabe Challenge: Who gets along with who
Yooha & Belphie
The two troublemakers of the families are bound to get along.
When Belphie is awake, the two of them can often be found just messing around together.
Yooha is a proud member of the Anti-Lucifer League because Lucifer reminds him of a certain goblin.
The A-LL can now be found planning pranks against Taehee as well as Lucifer.
Yooha & Asmo
Just a couple of flirts.
They often compete on who can flirt the most with you. Asmo always wins, but it's usually a pretty close draw.
Asmo loves when Yooha calls you master, he will try to call you that too. Asmo, if you're trying to make Yooha hit you, that's how you do it.
They're drinking buddies, but instead of beer and sports, they drink fine wine and do skincare.
As the only full-time model in the WC household, Yooha's gotta keep his skin looking great.
Taehee & Lucifer
I see these two as frenemies more than anything.
They have mutual respect for each other, as they're both the most responsible out of their respective groups.
Taehee, however, is not keen on Lucifer's punishments towards his brothers.
I mean Mammon just stole some money, that doesn't warrant him being hanged from the rafters.
Taehee is now trying to implement more empathetic punishments towards the boys (whether they be demon, fox, or goblin) and help them to overcome their mistakes instead of just beating them up for them.
Lucifer's pride takes a massive hit whenever Taehee steps on his toes like that, but at the end of the day, Lucifer does care for his brothers. If Taehee brings actual improvements to them, he won't complain.
Even if they dislike each other a bit, they need to stick by each other in order to retain their sanity, as these two crazy households can be a bit much, especially when put together.
Taehee & Barbatos
Our chefs 🥺
Taehee admits he could learn a thing or two from Barbatos cooking-wise.
Taehee always tries to add medicinal herbs to his dishes. While he's coming from a well-meaning place, the dishes often don't turn out the best.
Barbatos teaches him how to still use these herbs in dishes while making them taste good.
Taehee, Barbatos, and Luke are often found in a kitchen together, preparing a nice meal while Asmo distracts Solomon and Belphie distracts Beel to keep them away.
Hansol & Beel
Beel's earnesty reminds Hansol of Biho, so he has the undeniable urge to protect Beel.
Beel may be at least a hundred pounds of pure muscle heavier than Hansol, be a good foot taller than him, and thousands of years older, but Hansol still insists on calling Beel a baby this very much annoys Belphie
Beel, like Biho, doesn't mind, and he even finds Hansol endearing.
Plus, Hansol can call Biho whatever he wants as long as he keeps sharing those yummy human world chocolates with him.
Hansol & Luke
Luke reminds Hansol of his own little brother.
He's a short, golden-haired boy with a passion for art cooking is an art, okay
Hansol feels terrible for how he treated his own little brother, so, subconsciously, he sees Luke as a way to atone for his sins.
Everything he did wrong with his brother, he tries to do right with Luke.
Hansol praises Luke for his cooking abilities and gives Luke all the attention he wants.
Even though Luke outwardly scoffs when Hansol calls him a baby, he secretly sees Hansol as a big brother.
Biho & Satan
Just a couple of book worms being nerds together.
They have a little book club and they want you to join.
Biho is definitely teaching Satan calligraphy.
While Satans anger can be a bit overwhelming to Biho, Biho's calming presence actually does wonders with Satan.
Beel doesn't understand how Satan can be so mean to his own brothers, sometimes especially Lucifer.
Will show his seldom seen anger if Satan and the A-LL ever pull a prank on Taehee, because Biho loves Taehee.
But, thanks to Biho's good nature, Satan tones down on the pranks even against Lucifer, much to everyone's surprise.
Biho & Beel
Like mentioned in Hansol's, Biho and Beel are both very earnest, kind, family-loving boys, so Beel and Biho would 100% get along.
Plus, redheads unite
In the same way Beel reminds Hansol of Biho, Biho reminds Beel of Belphie.
Biho is still a young goblin and despite the Devildom's lack of sunshine, he still finds himself falling asleep during the day.
Beel will carry a sleeping Biho up to his room every time he falls asleep in some weird place.
Beel, Belphie, and Biho the b-boy trio if you will are often found napping in a big cuddle pile together, bonus points if you join.
Honorable mentions
Yooha & Mammon, models unite.
Yooha and Diavolo, if Yooha can't gain power through the gods, he might as well gain it through the demon prince himself. Diavolo humors him.
Taehee & Solomon, Taehee will try to teach Solomon to cook, it never ends well.
Hansol & Mammon, will be boastful about themselves together.
Hansol & Simeon, Co-parent Luke
Hansol & Levi, gaming buddies
Biho & Belphie, napping buddies.
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Fanfic masterlist
Reader fics. Oneshots. NSFW is explicit (18+). Medium spice is kissing and suggestive (15+)
William x Reader (smutterific, NSFW)
Sol x Reader (soft dom, NSFW)
Sol x Reader (jealous & tipsy, NSFW)
Pocky Game headcanons
MC getting head headcanons (NSFW)
Wannabe Challenge
Yooha x Reader (hurt/comfort, medium spice)
Yooha x Reader (nervous MC, NSFW)
Yooha x Reader (fluff & kisses)
Taehee x Reader (jealousy, medium spice)
Taewook x Reader (dubcon, NSFW)
Biho x Reader (jealousy & kissing)
Currently closed to requests but my ask box is always open for flailing and simping.
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my-soul-sings · 4 years
Fandom: Wannabe Challenge Characters: Yooha x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (last part coming soon)
Based on this prompt, but modified for an AU where MC and Yooha meet under different circumstances.  
The original prompt:
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a werewolf?” the human shouted.
“When we first met, I said I was a dog person.”
“Oh my God.”
It had been a full year since you started dating him, that sly, silver-haired man with a cheeky, lopsided grin. It was a little hard to believe, considering your first impression of him.
You had seen many guys like him before: extremely handsome, the kind of man who could have girls swooning just by casting a mere glance their way. He looked like the textbook playboy, someone who would be nothing but trouble.
But as desensitised as you were to the charms of male models like him, even you weren’t immune to his allure. You had met him for the first time in the studio for a couple-themed photoshoot, and the smirk he threw your way when you first entered the dressing room had promptly snatched the breath from your lungs.
“Hey,” he had called, “my name’s Yooha. What’s yours?” He had extended his hand to shake yours, momentarily forgetting that he was stuck in a chair, in the middle of having his hair styled for the shoot. His hand was left dangling awkwardly a couple inches shy of you, before he withdrew it and rested it in his lap.
You had introduced yourself with a polite smile, fighting the urge to stare a little too long at a complete stranger, albeit a gorgeous one. And then he had called your name in that smooth, baritone voice, as if he were practising the feel of the syllables of your name on his tongue. The warm greeting made your cheeks flush a little.
And you mentally kicked yourself for it.
Admittedly, it had been hard to control your heart rate and to focus on the shoot that day, especially with the photographer requesting for many intimate poses that mostly involved hugging him, him hugging you, or having your faces mere inches apart. And it most certainly didn’t help that he had beautiful steel grey eyes, handsome features, a perfectly chiseled body that you could make out from his tight-fitting clothes...
...or a devilish smirk that grew a tiny bit wider when you involuntarily gasped at him suddenly bringing his face close to you in a near kiss. (The photographer had been overjoyed to catch that candid reaction on camera too.)
Aside from that little hiccup of yours, the shoot ended quite uneventfully, and the photographer had been satisfied with the photos taken. You had been eager to hightail it out of there to avoid embarrassing yourself any further, but your hasty exit was interrupted by a certain model calling your name from behind.
“Good work today,” he had grinned, the puppy-like expression melting your insides in an instant. You were grateful for the makeup that was still on your face, or your red cheeks would have caused you grief for the second time that day. “Wanna grab some coffee? I know a good place near here. My treat.”
Alarm bells went off in your head. He was probably the type to just mess around, casually flirt with girls and then ghost them after having had his fun. Not the kind of guy you would want to get involved with.
“So? What do you think?” he prodded when you didn’t answer. Not because you didn’t want to, but because you were struggling to string words into a coherent sentence. It was hard to do that when he was staring so intensely at you.
“I-I don’t know,” you’d finally stammered, “I’m not a coffee person...” Yeah. Getting involved with guys like him was never a good idea. Besides, he had an odd, almost mysterious vibe about him, and you couldn’t quite place your finger on why exactly.
“Hmm. Then what about tea? Oh wait, actually...” he glanced at his watch, “it’s almost time for dinner. How about we grab an early bite?”
You had hesitated in your response again, but then you made the mistake of meeting his eyes. Those beautiful, enchanting eyes...
That was how it all began. One dinner multiplied into ten more meals with him, and before long you had found yourself falling for the man who was nothing like your first impression of him.
He was sweet, thoughtful, gentlemanly, and you had hit it off instantly. You watched the same shows, you were both dog people, you both hated pineapple on pizza, and as it turned out, he seemed to have a much more serious, long-term view on relationships than you initially expected.
And so one thing lead to another. Before long you started dating officially, and today marked your anniversary.
He had planned the perfect date. From the outdoor picnic by the river to the dinner at a restaurant you both liked, to the beautiful necklace he prepared as a gift, you couldn’t think of anything that could possibly make this day go wrong. He had appreciated the gift you’d given him too — a silver earring that you had thought would go well with the colour of his hair and eyes.
Everything was perfect. Absolutely, one hundred percent perfect.
Until it happened.
He had sent you home, and you invited him up to stay a little longer, share a glass of wine and maybe cuddle on the couch while watching a movie. You had both gotten a little tipsy, one thing led to another and quite quickly the movie was forgotten. His lips were on yours, and little by little you felt the weight of his body pinning you down to the soft couch.
"I love you,” he had whispered to you, his warm breath fanning across your burning cheeks, before dipping into capture your lips in his. He kissed you deeply, lovingly, and you could taste the wine on his tongue. 
You had gotten lost in his touch, allowing him to tip your chin up to deepen the kiss, run his fingers through your hair while his other hand began to roam underneath your shirt.
And liquid courage—curse it—had you pressing your palms against the broad planes of his back, feeling his muscles tense at the cold touch of your fingertips. You mirrored his actions, gently curling your fingers in his soft hair, while your other hand also began dipping downwards...
And then you felt it. 
Something hairy... bushy... soft... Like fur.
Your hand jumped back and you gasped, breaking the kiss and Yooha’s eyes widened in shock as he straightened up almost immediately.
“S-Sorry, did I do something bad?” 
He was so sweet, and you were about to reassure him that everything was fine— you had probably imagined something and that he could continue...
Until you saw it:
Eight, white bushy tails sprouting from his backside. 
You had sworn you’d only drank three glasses of wine. There was no way you were this drunk. But even after blinking your eyes and rubbing them, the tails didn’t go away. 
Strangely enough, the first thought that occurred to you was: those tails were so pretty. And fluffy. Like clouds. And you wanted to touch them.
“Hey. What’s wrong? What are you looking at?” 
His voice interrupted your train of thought, and when you met his gaze, you felt your mind begin to go blank. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from his. This was the man you had come to love, and today was your anniversary. Did you really want to screw it up by telling him that you thought you had just seen a bunch of tails come out from his butt?
“Yooha, I-” 
But the tails were quick to remind you again of their existence, when you felt something furry brush against your thigh.
Instinctively, you let out a shriek. In his face, to boot.
He leaped back with speed you hadn’t witnessed before, while you backed up to the other end of the couch. From a greater distance now you were able to clearly see everything. The eight white tails were there in full view, and when Yooha backed up against the couch and his hand landed on one of his tails, you noticed the way he stiffened, his face contorting in horror.
“Y-Yooha, what’s that?” you asked in a shaky voice, hoping that this was some kind of way overdue Halloween prank that he had come up with all of a sudden. 
He didn’t answer, which only unnerved you even more. Usually he would come up with a playful response, and you were really expecting him to burst into laughter for falling for his prank.
Anytime now...
“Yooha?” you called again, and in response he closed his eyes in resignation, releasing a deep, heavy sigh. 
“Well... I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” he muttered, standing up and stepping closer to you. He froze in his tracks when he noticed you shrink back, as if afraid of him. But you shouldn’t be afraid. This was Yooha, your boyfriend...  who apparently wasn’t... human?
"So... I’m a seonho,” he said bluntly, scratching the back of his head with a perplexed expression on his face. As if that explained anything at all. 
You paused, waiting for him to continue, but he didn’t. Irritated, you snapped, “What the hell is a seonho?”
“A special fox. I was born with an ability to use magic and after 500 years of training I was able to take on the form of a human.”
Your mind whirled with this insane piece of information. If this was a prank, it wasn’t in the least bit funny. You searched his face for any traces of mirth in his eyes, as there usually was even when he did his best to put up a convincing act in front of you. 
Unfortunately, there was none. And he seemed dead serious, either about the nonsense he was spouting was real, or taking this prank all the way to the very end.
“You... expect me to believe this?” you asked, gesturing to his figure.
He merely raised a brow, and his tails started waving about like happy dog tails. “Want to touch to see if they’re real?”
You were about to decline, but seeing them again now, you felt yourself grow increasingly mesmerised... and giddy... Your mind began to cloud over with the thought of touching and petting those soft, pretty pretty tails... and before long your hands were outstretched, your body inching closer to him to tangle your fingers in the fluffy white fur.
Soft. That was all you could think as you ran your fingers along the smooth hairs. It was the softest thing you had ever touched. And for some reason you felt happy... sort of like you were drunk and floating. Your head felt light, and you felt any and all your worries start to fizzle away like bubbles. 
“Like them?” You heard Yooha’s voice drift into your ears, the lilting tone making you want to giggle.
“Okay, but you shouldn’t touch too much. They have a bit of a hypnotic effect on humans, and I want to explain this properly to you.” Dismay filled you when you felt his hand on your wrist, pulling you away from him. 
The giddy feeling began to fade with the distance he put between the both of you. And then soon you regained your rationality and stared at him, dumbfounded and speechless.
A fox... He was a fox... with eight tails... and he said... five hundred years? How old-
“Woah woah, don’t freak out, relax, I’ll explain everything.” 
Don’t freak out? Relax? 
How were you supposed to “relax” when you had just found out your boyfriend wasn’t freaking human?
Something in you snapped. You couldn’t believe the absolute nerve of him to look and sound so casual about something like this. 
“You’re a fox?” Anger found its way into your voice. “You’re not human? And you didn’t think this was something you should have told me about earlier?” Your words grew into a shout, and you watched as he visibly winced at the volume.
“Well... to be fair... I kind of did tell you. When we first met.” 
“What?” There was no way. You would have known if he had told you something as outrageous as this. 
He nodded vigorously, indignant. “Remember when we first met? I said I was a dog person.”
You took a while to process this. A dog person... He had shared that when you first had dinner with him, and then you two began to fawn over dog pictures.
When he said he was a dog person, it certainly didn’t cross your mind in the slightest that he was himself a-
“...Oh my god.”
“Hey, just calm down and-”
“No! I will not calm down! You do not get to tell me to calm down! How the hell did you think that counted? Telling me you’re a ‘dog person’ has a completely different meaning from telling me that you’re a fox!” You were going into full meltdown mode.
“Okay! Sorry, I get it!” He had two hands raised in surrender, while his eight tails drooped like withered petals. “I was just scared that you would-”
“Reject you? Get scared and run away?”
“Well- yeah!” He was starting to get pissed too, which only egged you on even more. He was angry? You were the only one with the right to get angry in this situation! How dare he! 
“Argh! Then why now? Why tell me now?” 
“I didn’t mean to! They just- they just came out! We were doing this and that and then they just kind of slipped out without me realising-”
“You don’t just casually forget that you have tails! Eight of them!” 
“What do you want to do then? Break up?”
His words rang in the tense air, and the counter that you had ready on the tip of your tongue promptly died. 
Both of you stared at each other in shock. Yooha’s lips were parted, a mix of regret and horror twisting his features. 
He dropped his gaze first, biting down on his lip. His bangs covered his eyes from your view, and your pupils darted to his fists that were clenched tightly by his sides. 
How laughable. It was your anniversary, and it had been the perfect day too.
You plopped down onto the sofa, suddenly feeling drained. You needed time to process all this. There was just... too much. It was all too overwhelming, and you were starting to feel suffocated by the tension in the air. 
Before you could suggest it, he spoke first. “I should go.” 
You should have made him stay. Talked this out. There were so many questions you had to ask him: who he was, why he lied to you, where he had come from...
Why he loved you.
But in that moment, you couldn’t bring yourself to speak. There was only a hollow silence as you heard his heavy footsteps across the floor, before your front door opened and shut behind him, leaving you alone in the emptiness of your apartment. 
A/N: weeellllllll this was not as funny as i envisioned it to be.
will be back with a part 2 hoho :) 
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theoceanspanwaves · 4 years
Wannabe Challenge Headcanons (First Time--Biho)
Back again to write out how I see MC’s first time with each of the Wannabe Challenge guys would go. In these headcanons, they’ve already established themselves as a couple (either secretly or publicly) and kissed and what not, but no further.
- Biho is a little like Taehee in that your first time is gonna happen somewhere very relaxing and magical, like a lovely little bed and breakfast near the ocean
- Biho is not like Taehee in that he was not planning to bang the holy heck out of you on this trip. he’s just a cinnamon roll that wanted you to have a nice weekend
- don’t get him wrong though; he’s not mad it ends up the way it does. he just didn’t expect it
- Biho has never pressured you or even probed the boundaries of your comfort zone as far as physical intimacy goes. tbh if you never had sex and he spent the rest of his life watching you read books and holding your hand he’d be fine with it 
- you are not fine with that, however. how could you be? come on. 
- you’ve never wanted to see someone come undone as much as you want to see Biho 
- he brings you to a charming little B&B on the coast for your birthday and it’s amazing. this boy knows what you like and he has moved heaven and hell to make things as good as if you’d written out a wish list
- he got you two rooms because of course he did; he’s a goddamn gentleman
- fuck that
- you lure him into your room the second night with the promise of snacks and the latest episode of Blue Planet. You have snacks and the show, of course, but you also have a naughty little lingerie set you bought a week before your trip
- halfway through an episode about tuna migration patterns you slip into the loo and strip; the lingerie is a soft little cream-colored confection with tiny puff balls on the end of the string ties
- you watch his face when you step into view and it does. not. disappoint
- you’re used to a myriad of subtle emotions on his face--worry, joy, disappointment, a sort of long-suffering when you touch Yooha, Taehee, or Hansol
- his emotions are a mystery to anyone who doesn’t know him, but you have learned to look at them the way an artist looks at shades of blue; each one is a beacon, a story
- so when his face stays neutral at the sight of your skimpy apparel, you are undaunted; you see the darkening of his eyes, the way his pupils dilate, the way his adam’s apple bobs just a bit as he swallows instinctively
- he’s turned on. but more than anything, he’s wondering what game you’re playing and what you want
- you want him. the end
- he’s not going to so much as look at you impurely you until you make it undeniably clear what you are after
- so you make it undeniably clear
- the TV and its scenes of swirling fish are forgotten as you very, very carefully lower yourself onto his lap. his consent is important, too, and you watch for any signs of hesitation as you approach
- Kang Biho, you say. Kang Biho. I picked these clothes out...just for you
- Biho’s weakness is being singled out as the one, special, only object of your affections
- his hands float up to touch the softness of your waist, and they tremble
- you lean forward, nestling your nose into his red hair and speaking into his ear: Kang Biho. I want you, and only you, to have all of me
- well shit, that’s all you had to say
- he reaches up, sets aside his glasses, gently grasps your wrist, and flips you so you’re under his warm, gentle weight
- his face is like nothing you’ve ever seen; there’s a bottomless hunger in his eyes that sends a tingle all the way to your core
- once he has assurance that you and he want the same thing, he’s unquenchable. the stillest waters run the deepest, after all
- his hands search every inch of your skin; his lips worship a course from your neck to your breasts and stomach and back up
- you brought the protection, of course; he wouldn’t dare to presume
- he’s wonderfully expressive as you make love; this usually silent boy moans and whispers words of adoration with every thrust
- he ensures you finish first, but he’s not far behind
- there’s cuddling galore and the most tender of aftercare
- the relationship between you deepens after this weekend, and Biho becomes a little more possessive. he’s always been concerned with your happiness and a little jealous of your time, but now he openly stops Yooha from touching you and Hansol from clinging
- Biho hasn’t had many things in his life to call his own, but you...he never wants to let you go and he has no intentions of giving you over to anyone. after all, he’s the only one he trusts to take proper care of you
- he won’t visit you at night unless invited
- you come up with a secret code that you text him when you are up for a nighttime visitor
- he pretends to be dozing off when Hansol questions him about where he goes every night
- when Hansol continues to push, he just starts putting him to sleep at a certain time
- you and Biho cuddle uninterrupted in each other’s arms, Hansol becomes more well-rested than he’s ever been
- it’s a win for everyone
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Tumblr media
Yooha x Reader | fluff | kissing 
A fic for nonny who asked for Yooha and MC caught in the rain! This is as fluffy as Yooha’s tails with some thorough kissing. 
You meet Yooha at the convenience store counter with your can of iced tea and stop in surprise. Yooha has half a dozen cold drinks clutched to his chest and his eyes are glowing. 
“Lemon tea. Raspberry kombucha. Sparkling peach. The human world is wonderful, master.”
The attendant gives you both a strange look. You force a laugh and quickly put all the drinks on the counter and pay for them.
Outside, Yooha goes through his bag of drinks like a kid on Christmas morning. “I don’t know which one to have first.”
You smile to yourself as you sip your green tea. Yooha would hate to hear you say it, but sometimes he’s just like a puppy. Other times, when it’s a sunny day and he drapes his long body over the sofa and dozes for hours, he’s more like a cat.
“I’ll have the sparkling peach,” he says, and pulls the tab. He stops walking as he drinks it, an expression of bliss on his face.
The day, which has been so sunny as the two of you have strolled around the neighbourhood, has grown overcast. It darkens further as a heavy cloud passes over the sun.
“Uh, foxy? Perhaps we should head home.”
Yooha takes another deep swallow and gazes at the can. “Even the packaging is amazing. Look at these peaches. They’re drawn with such artistry.”
Fat raindrops patter on the pavement and the top of your head. You grab Yooha’s hand. “Come on! We need to run.”
Between your sandals and Yooha’s bag of clanking drinks, you can’t run very fast. Soon your both soaking wet with your hair sticking to your forehead and your clasped hands wet with rain. 
His strong hand holds yours all the way to the apartment, and he doesn’t let go until you’re inside the front door.  
Yooha scrunches up his eyes and shakes himself all over, starting from his head and shoulders, and then right down his body.
“Yooha!” you squeal, putting your hands up and laughing as water sprays all over you.
Yooha opens his eyes. “What? Oh, sorry.”
He grins disarmingly at you. When you come back with a towel, he takes it from you. “Let me do that.” 
Gently, he pats your hair down and dabs at your face. He’s standing close and you take the rare opportunity to drink in the sight of him, something you don’t allow yourself to do too often in case the others see. 
Or Yooha notices.
“Do you ever miss being a fox?” you ask, mesmerised by his grey eyes.
He looks down at you with his head on one side. “But I am a fox.”
You don’t know what to say to that. It makes you feel weird that you sometimes catch yourself admiring how good he looks, and yet he insists he’s a fox. 
“Master? Do you not like that I’m a fox?”
You chew the corner of your lip for a moment. “You…you said a few times that you, uh, like me. That you’re into me.”
He smiles and throws the towel aside. “You’ve never brought that up before. Yes, I am.”
“But then…”
“You want me to kiss you?” Yooha wraps his arms around you and draws you against him.
You push against his chest and turn your face away, blushing furiously. “You really are a fox spirit. Human men aren’t so forward.”
“They’re not?”
“No. Human dating is more like playing games.”
“Oh, I can play games.” Quickly, he leans forward and nips your earlobe with his teeth, making you squeak again.
“Not those sorts of games! Things like, if you take three hours to reply to a text message, then I’ll take six. Never revealing that you’re interested in someone. Trying to get their attention by flirting with other people.”
Yooha snorts with derision. “Those games don’t sound like fun to me. Humans are strange.”
You gaze up at him, the ethereally beautiful but very strong and solid man with entrancing cheekbones and mischief sparkling in his grey eyes.
“You’re strange,” you whisper, as his mouth draws closer to yours.
The brush of his lips is soft and questioning. Your chin drifts up, surrendering your mouth to his. He says he’s a fox, but to you he looks human. Gorgeous and human. You can’t help but love every second of him touching you, as strange as it is.
On the other hand, your other housemates are night goblins who are currently asleep in the other rooms. Nothing about this is normal. Maybe kissing a fox isn’t the strangest thing about your life right now.
He walks you slowly back until your back is pressed against the wall and his hand is planted by your head. So soft, so gentle as he kisses you, but with fox-like determination to keep you here now he’s got you here.
He tastes delicious, and it’s got nothing to do with the peach tea.
“We barely know each other,” you point out in a whisper, licking your lips.
He shakes his head slowly. “That’s not true. I heard your voice for so long while I was trapped within that scroll. I thought over and over again, say my name. Yooha. Yooha. I want to be with her. I ached to be with you.”
You recall all those weeks with the scroll hanging on the wall and the image of the entrancing man in a hanbok gazing out at you. His eyes gave you a fluttery feeling even then.
But that’s silly. You can’t fall in love with a painting of a man.
Yooha’s hand cups the back of your neck and draws your chin up to him, reminding you that he’s not trapped in a painting any longer, but instead he’s here, a living, breathing man.
He kisses like he’s tasting you, his tongue lapping against yours and then changing the angle of his mouth. Keeping you guessing. Keeping you gasping.  
You open your eyes and see his tails fluttering behind him, and you smile against his mouth. “Are your tails wagging because you’re happy?”
“Hey, I’m a fox, not a dog. I just want my woman to see me as I really am.”
“All the legends say to beware of fox spirits. That they only want to seduce and eat you up.”
He snaps his teeth. “That’s right. Especially beautiful women who taste like honey and rain.”
Your hands slide around his neck, your heart pounding wildly. You feel so safe here, protected from the world by his body and cherished by his kisses, but somehow you can’t believe that it’s real. Or that it will last. “But what about when you don’t want to be here anymore? Or when you can’t? I’ll miss you so much.”
Yooha blinks in surprise. “Leave? Why would I leave my master?”
“I don’t know. Many reasons, probably. You might ascend to heaven.”
He shakes his head. “I won’t go to heaven. I’ve been a careless fox toward humans. I was trapped in that scroll for punishment, and now I continue my penance by serving you.”
You draw away from him in surprise. “I’m your punishment? That’s awful.”
He shakes his head and brings you back into his arms. “All my life, I wanted only to ascend and become a celestial fox. Now, I’m learning to be selfless and love humans, like spirits should.” He draws his fingers down a lock of your hair, studying your face. “One human especially, master.”
You don’t know what to say. Of all four of the men you’re living with, Yooha is the strangest of all. The goblins can at least think like humans, but Yooha acts purely on instinct. Desire. Need.
“And you chose me?”
“Yes,” he breathes. “Always you, from the moment I heard your voice.”
His honesty is so hard to take. No one’s ever told you how they feel about you. No one’s ever wanted you so much. 
“You’re really weird, Yooha,” you whisper, your fingers twisting the collar of his shirt.
He smiles again. “Thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me?”
“Because…” he mumurs, planting slow, plush kisses on your mouth, “you tell me I’m weird as I kiss you, and hold you, and brush the rain droplets from your hair. Being human is weird, but I’m happy I’m learning how with you, master.”
You stand together in the shadowy hall for a long time while the rain patters against the windows, not speaking, but worlds of mean passing from your lips to his, and back again.  
Thank you for reading! You can send requests for fics to my ask box. At the moment I’m writing for Wannabe Challenge and LoveUnholyc. Find all my finished fics here.
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From the start of chapter five... The game is pushing Taehee x MC so hard and I can only imagine that it’s because as soon as Yooha is released from that scroll, Yooha is going to be 10,000% committed claiming MC as his.
And he and Taehee are going to lowkey and highkey hate and try to outmanoeuvre each other.
I can’t wait 👀🍿
Sorry Taehee I’m in love with a fox trapped in a scroll
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my-soul-sings · 4 years
Fandom: Wannabe Challenge  Characters: Yooha x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (last part coming soon)
Summary: An AU where MC and Yooha meet under different circumstances. 
The original prompt:
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a werewolf?” the human shouted.
“When we first met, I said I was a dog person.”
“Oh my God.”
It had been a week since... that happened. He had left you a string of messages, pleading for you to talk to him, but you had ignored them, as well as the subsequent calls that came. 
You needed more time to process this. In fact, you’d prefer it if you could just forget everything and not have it dwelling on your mind anymore. 
But the more you tried to forget and push all stray thoughts of him away, the more you realised just how much space he had come to occupy in your life. Traces of him were everywhere: in the extra toothbrush in your bathroom if he stayed over. A bunch of his clothes in the laundry basket. The small kitchen cabinet that was reserved only for his best bottles of wine. 
Even when you tried to distract yourself with things, reminders of him popped up in every corner. While working you’d remember the photoshoots you did together with him. The cold night breeze made you miss the smell of his cologne lingering on his scarf that he would wrap around your neck. And that bakery nearby sold his favourite persimmon bread. 
There was just no escape. All you wanted was to breathe, to stop feeling this suffocating constriction in your chest every time his smile surfaced in your mind. 
You missed him.
But you didn’t want to meet him, let alone talk. What could you say? That it was alright that he was a seon-ho? That it didn’t matter that he had basically lied to you for a whole year about something so important? That you were totally fine dating a guy who was a few hundred years old? Even though he looked like he was in his twenties and was the most handsome man you’d ever seen? 
...Then there was the question of whether you could even see a future with him anymore. You could never come up with an answer. 
Or maybe you knew what it was already, and simply didn’t want to admit it. 
You sighed, feeling a stab of physical pain to your chest. It sucked feeling like this—heartache was the worst.
You took a big gulp of beer, the gassy drink burning your throat. The breeze was cold and you shivered in your seat on the wooden bench outside the convenience store that you frequented. Somehow you always found yourself here on the tough days. A few cans of cold beers would make you feel better, you’d sleep it off and then you’d wake up, ready to deal with whatever came at you.
With some shame, you realised that it was already the third night in a row that you had come here.
Just drink. Stop thinking. A long exhale dragged past your lips as you swallowed another large mouthful of beer. The bitterness on your tongue was oddly comforting. 
You were about to chug the rest of it down when you felt a hand wrap around yours to snatch the near-empty can away from you. 
“Hey!” you yelled, ready to pummel whoever it was who thought they could just steal your drink. They could get their own beer if they wanted one, the store was right there.
But when you turned around, your voice caught in your throat, and your entire body went rigid. 
Yooha. You’d recognise him anywhere — you had even dreamt of him the past few nights. Although those dreams had been tainted by the tails that still haunted your memory.
You wondered briefly if you were still dreaming, or maybe even hallucinating. Maybe you’d drunk too much. But then you heard your name on his lips, and it made your mind snap to its senses. 
He was the last person you wanted to see right then. Or maybe it was the opposite. You couldn’t tell from the way your heart clenched and pounded painfully against your ribs. It had only been a week and yet it felt like years since you last saw him. He looked frustrated, exasperated, maybe even pissed. You couldn’t tell, your vision was getting a bit wonky. In fact, he seemed to be turning upside down... heh... 
“I told you not to drink so much if you can’t handle it. What if you pass out on the streets? At least call me if you’re drinking so I can watch over you.” You felt his warm breath by your ear, and his arms wrapped around your body in a tight embrace. The alcohol was making you sleepy and it felt nice to rest your head in the crook of his neck, just like you were used to. 
You had missed this. Missed him.
“Yooha...” His name came out in a muffled murmur against his cotton shirt. 
You felt his chest rise and fall as he released a long sigh. “What am I supposed to do with you...” 
You felt him begin to drag you away, but you were lucid enough to remember you still had two cans of beer to finish. 
With a huff, you placed two hands on his chest and pushed him away with strength you didn’t even know you could muster. He seemed equally shocked, stumbling back a few steps and struggling to keep his balance.
“Leave me alone,” you said, plopping back down on the bench and opening a new can of beer. You were about to take a swig when the can was swiftly snatched away from you again.
“Stop,” he said, tugging on your arm. “Let’s just go home.”
“No. I don’t want to.” Shrugging his arm away, you made a sloppy attempt to swipe the can from him, but he easily dodged it out of your reach. Too freaking tall. Stupid model height. 
"Please,” he said. You tilted your head, a little perplexed. Yooha rarely said ‘please’. Not in this tone, anyway. Usually he was just fooling around, or giving you a smirk while saying it because he knew you would cave and say ‘yes’ to him. 
Now, he looked uncertain. Searching your eyes for any hints to your thoughts because he didn’t know what to expect. Hell, you didn’t know how to respond either. 
Did you want to talk? No. But at the same time did you really, really want to hug him? Yes. 
The mental tug-of-war played out in your head as you pondered what you should do. Listen and go with him? Or stay here and continue avoiding your problems like you had been doing for the past week?
You probably took too long. Yooha had never been the most patient person. 
With a surprised yelp, you felt yourself being yanked upwards, until your feet could no longer feel the ground.
Your fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, and you began flailing your limbs, using your fists to hit him wherever you could reach. “Yooha! Put me down!” you shouted.
“I will, once I bring you home.” 
“I can walk on my own! Just put me down!” 
“You’re just going to run away from me again. How long more are you going to avoid me for?”
“I-” You stopped short, unable to think of a comeback. Curse you and your inability to lie when you were drunk; the alcohol was seriously interfering with your brain. 
“Just... put me down,” you said. Why was he acting like this? Like he cared? “I’m heavy,” was the only decent excuse you could think of. 
“What are you talking about? You’re light as a feather,” was his reply, bouncing you twice in his arms with ease to prove his point. “Just stay still, we’ll be at your place soon enough.” 
“Seriously, it’s embarrassing.”
“No one’s out here at this time of night, it’s fine. Besides...” his voice lowered to a barely audible mumble that you thought you misheard, “I've been wanting to hold you like this for the past week.”
Well, if Yooha was anything, he was stubborn. It was clear there was no winning this argument, especially when you didn’t have the energy left in you to struggle and fight your way out of his hold. 
So you quietly wrapped your arms around his neck and rested your heavy head on his shoulder, allowing him to carry you the rest of the way home. 
You could smell his cologne... it was nice. And he was really warm too. 
A short nap sounded good for now. You could think about what to say later, when morning came. 
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Just dropping by here to ask if you’d do a nsfw sol x reader/mc and not sure if the Yooha one you’re working on is nsfw?? 😭 please and thank you omg
The Yooha one is nsfw 😈
And yes I will definitely be writing some smutty Sol x reader in the near future!
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