#MC: Office Deception
friedricebunny · 2 years
Yknow I keep restraining myself from calling mc Kana (my set name for her in game) but then rn I was just like wait lol why so if you see more kanas peppered in my liar posts later that's why
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astrologyaware777 · 1 year
Solar return
Death indications
Chart of the sister, fathers death
Pluto in the 8th, square Saturn, trine mars, trine Venus
( Pluto showing a a year for death & transformation, Saturn is showing the loss and Venus is the lord of the 9th) -9th house is the father
Death of Father that year
Mars in 4th showing the accident that impacted the family (car crash -sister, mother & father)
Ruler of the 8th in the 1st house & note ruler of the 8th is Mercury & he died in a car crash and mercury is movement
Moon is in several harsh aspects while the Sun is only square Neptune & trine MC
Sun is square Neptune so it doesn’t actually look like much is happening BUTTT
Neptune is square moon, sun, sextile Venus, opposite mars , mars square jupiter etc.
Everything connects, you’ll see it play out 🕸️
Saturn in the 9th
Loss of father
Saturn sextile mars, (showing the action) trine Uranus, (sudden) square Pluto , opposite NN -death&destiny
Neptune in the 2nd
Illusions to self worth starting this year sextile Venus, Pluto trine Chiron
(Venus is lord of 8th and Pluto is the death and Chiron is the wound)
So his values and worth of self were killed that night & a huge wound was created (Chiron)
Little asteroid Stellium in the 3rd
Mercury,NN, sun, Lilith, Juno, ceres
Juno his dad was one of his soulmates, Mercury in 3rd, Lilith is see here as grandma
Lilith at 15 degrees
3-15-27° Gemini degree
Two, double, sibling, hands, local, small, town, neighborhood, neighbor, group, birds, tea, vehicle, friends, geometric patterns, documents
15 = Assassination, murder/kill but can be a car accident if in Gemini
(Car crash around local neighbourhood - on way home, driving at night, sibling in backseat)
Now the sisters Lilith is in the 12th house
10-22° Capricorn degree
Public office, public official, public facing, coal, slow, delay, decay, cold, fear, depression, control
(Grandma went into a huge depression, avoid public facing but still had to publicly face all their friends)
22 = Destruction, passing away of loved one, grief, to kill or be killed, large road
(Public death, lots of fear surrounding death, (mother was cold as ice and dad was the rock and the loving one they lost)
He died on a road(public)
Nessus at 24 degrees
12-24° Pisces degree
Swim, near water, disguised, missing, rain, flood, out of focus, fog, foreign, unclear, secret, soulish, hospital, drugs, alcohol, oil, Pornography, painter, prison
(Both were drinking that night but her level was suspected to be HIGHER & never it was never tested )
Out of focus - cause of crash was because opposing vehicles lights were too bright
(They crashed next to a lake, drinking involved, mom rushed to hospital , mother avoided prison cuz she said HE was driving)
Chiron in 6th
Wound effecting daily life, work and life wound related to being highly critical of oneself
Saturn at 0 degrees
Chiron at 16 degrees
Cancer degree
Mother, motherly, home, public, crowd, water, property, family, nurturing, feminine, emotion, household
(Mother psychically wounded in crash very badly)
the father
IC at 7 degrees Cancer
Conditions at end of life is IC
7 is a Libra degree and spouse (mother of kids) was driving
Sign cancer, near home and again mother driving
The mother
Mars at 22 degrees Libra
- her spouse died ^ &
22 is loss of loved one and Libra is of course the spouse (Venus)
Nessus in the 10th
Trine Uranus , mercury and square sun
The night of the crash they went to a business event and the dad was not known for usually drinking but she was
In her lunar return she has NEPTUNE IN THE 12th…
His transits for the day of crash were
Neptune sextile moon, mercury and trine Jupiter
In grandmas natal she has Neptune square asc, trine Chiron, trine dejanira
Grandmas chart indicates she had deceptive tendencies Neptune square asc and wound linked to this this also playing the victim card here with dejanira
The police wanted to book her for manslaughter
I could pick apart these for hours but hey I got shit to do
Take care
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daringdaisy · 27 days
(This is a long ass post😭)
Context:Basically Divergent is this dystopian society where the society collapsed. People formed groups depending on what they thought ended society as they know it. Each group has a certain job in society
⚗️Erudite⚗️:If ya blamed ignorance for society faults, you’re Erudite. They values themselves in being intelligent, wise, astuteness, curious, and pursuit of knowledge. They always wear blue, most wear glasses, and they’re represented by a blue eye. Weakness is vanity. They’re usually teachers, scientists, mathematicians, and anything that requires intelligence.
🪨Abnegation🪨:If you blamed selfishness, you’re Abnegation. They value being selfless, helpful, humble, simplicity, and seeing everyone as an equal. They wear grey, simple, baggy clothes. They represented by a hand reaching out for another. Weakness is they’re easily submissive and stifling. Usually government leaders or works in the government.
🔥Dauntless🔥:If you blamed fear and cowardice, you’re Dauntless. They value bravery, strength, intimidation, courage, boldness, and fearlessness. They wear black or dark red clothes, piercing, and tattoos. They represented by a flame. Weakness is their idiocy and cruelty. Usually protects the city as soldiers or police officers.
🌿Amity🌿:If you blamed aggression and war, you’re amity. They value friendliness, kindness, peace, trust, forgiveness, and self-sufficiency. They wear loose red or yellow clothes, and sometimes green or brown. They are usually farmers. Symbol is a tree. Weakness is they’re passive and unassertive.
⚖️Candor⚖️:If you blamed deception, you’re Candor. They value honesty, justice, trust, and order. They usually wear black and white business clothes. They usually have some type of job in the justice system. They’re represented by a scale. Their weakness is they are inconsiderate
❌Fractionless❌:These are the peeps that failed their initiation, didn’t agree with their fraction beliefs, or you simply don’t fit in any of the five fractions
➰Divergent➰:Basically this is where you don’t fit into one single faction. You have traits from different fractions. This isn’t a fraction though, it’s more like a trait that someone has.
What Lackadaisy characters would be if they were in the Divergent Universe
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🎭Rocky🎭(divergent): Erudite, Dauntless, or frictionless
⚗️Erudite⚗️:Let’s all be for real right now, Rocky acts like a dumbass but is a smartass. We’ve seen that Rocky is interested in science, has an advanced vocabulary, adapts quickly and uses the situation to his advantage, and is quite intelligent in an academic sense. He also rocks the color blue on a daily basis. This would make him a perfect fit into this fraction, but his idiocy and recklessness is what holds him back. I see two ways on how Rocky might view this lifestyle, boring/predictable or enjoyable and exciting(im betting on the first option though). Either way, he would definitely respect or like Erudite for what it is.
🔥Dauntless🔥: Rocky would adore this fraction in my opinion. He laughs in the face of danger and death, is a daredevil, is rarely ever scared, is always bold, can be cruel, and just everything the Dauntless values. He would love the thrill and life that comes with being part of Dauntless. The only thing that’s holding him back is his lack of physical strength. While he does have the personality for it, the Dauntless value combat and physical strength, which Rocky has none of. On that note though, Tris(MC of Divergent)was also in the same spot as Rocky, but overcame this shortcoming, and became one of the best Dauntless members. With Rocky’s perseverance, I can see him overcoming it if he wants to
❌Fractionless❌:He either failed his initiation or just didn’t want to fit into the social norm. Even though he would fit well into Erudite and Dauntless, he would want more outside of the role he’s meant to play. Being fractionless is like being apart of a group though. It’s just a bunch of misfits that can be themselves. He would have a place where people would accept for him because they were also rejected by society.
➰Divergent➰:He’s a wild card. He won’t conform to just one fractions’ ideas and beliefs, it’s simply against his nature.
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🧡Freckle🧡(divergent): Amity, Abnegation, and Candor
🌿Amity🌿:I know that he has a sadistic side, but he doesn’t necessarily want it. Knowing him as a character, he would rather not harm anyone. We see that he feels guilty and ashamed after killing those pig farmers. He would rather go the more peaceful path if he could. He’s a good-natured person, or at least tries to be. At least he’s trying. I think he would enjoy the ideas and lifestyle of this fraction. This is more of a selfish headcannon, but I really do see him liking this fraction.
🪨Abnegation🪨:Freckle would fit perfectly in this fraction in my humble opinion. He’s humble, helpful to those in need, reserved, respectful to mostly everyone, he’s not afraid to put others before himself, and honestly lives a simple life if you don’t into consideration his night job. Not sure if he would like the grey clothing but I think he’s open to new things
⚖️Candor⚖️:Freckle is horrible at lying or at least dislikes it. Y’all saw how painful it was for him to lie to his mama? Him training to be a police officer made him value justice a lot more than others. We see Freckle questioning Rocky about his ‘justice’ when Rocky is trying to get back at the pig farmers. Another thing is he’s trustworthy in a way. You can always count on him(ignoring his felonies).
➰Divergent➰:You can’t fit him into one single fraction. It’s really not that complicated
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♟️Mordecai♟️(Divergent):Candor, Erudite, and Dauntless
⚖️Candor⚖️:He may not be the most honest person, but he‘a blunt and would probably believe politeness is just deception in pretty packaging. He also values justice a lot in a way. He’s literally investigating Atlas’ death even though this puts his life in danger. If that’s not a good example, I don’t know what is. Another thing, he loves order. I don’t think I need to explain this one at all to be honest. Point is, he would respect Candor for their beliefs and perhaps join them
⚗️Erudite⚗️:He’s studios, serious, intelligent, astute, logical, and has an insatiable thirst for knowledge. He’s literally the prime example of what Erudite represents and who they want to be. He would enjoy the fact that people can actually keep up with him for once and won’t stand out so much as he usually does.
🔥Dauntless🔥:He’s rarely scared, really intimidating, brave, dedicated, skilled at combat, mentally and physically strong, and can often be cruel. He would fit into Dauntless, but would be disgusted by their idiocy and reckless behavior
➰Divergent➰: Pretty self-explanatory, you can’t fit him into a single fraction.
I hope y’all enjoyed this cause this was lowkey kinda painful to do. I mean I had fun doing this cause it combing two of my interests, but it was hard deciding which fraction they would be(and I suck at explaining). One of the biggest flaws of the fractions is that you can’t fit a character/human into a single category. We’re complicated beings that can vary wildly. When I debating which characters I should put here, I personally thought that some characters, like Zib, didn’t fit in any of them. I could just put fractionless, but that lowkey feels lazy.
I wouldn’t mind doing a part two though if y’all want it. I’ll go back to the drawing board and see what I come up with. Feel free to share your own thoughts and opinions on this.
Thanks for taking the time to humor me and have a wonderful day/night!
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tessa-liam · 1 year
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Smoke and Mirrors 
Chap. 3: What’s Important 
Book: The Royal Romance Finale AU 
Series Premise: Hidden in the shadows, poised to challenge the status quo are enemies of the state. The loyalties and honesty of family and of friends will be tested. ‘Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.” 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi’ 
2nd Pairings: Leo Rys x Amalas (past, Olivia Nevrakis x Amalas)           Drake Walker x F!OC Delaney Leigh 
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Delaney Leigh, Interpol Director Ryerson, Criminal Intelligence Officer Cossoy 
Rating: M *Series Warnings: NSFW material, sexual innuendo, adult language/swearing 
Category: Alternate Universe/on-going series/angst/fluff 
Words: 2197, Read: 10 minutes 
Smoke and Mirrors
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Chapter 3: What's Important
Chapter Summary: Don’t ever forget what’s most important. The ones we love. 
Music Inspiration: Who We Love by Sam Smith, Ed Sheeren 
A/N: My submission for Week #18 Prompts, Prompt #3- “Why are you like this?”> “It’s part of my charm.” @choicesflashfics @choicesficwriterscreations 
A/N2: Not beta'd, please excuse all errors.
Previous Chapter: I Will Fight for You, Masterlist 
Royal Chambers 
Liam's Thoughts/POV 
Thinking back to yesterday... 
The traitor was found, named, and arrested. Bastien... 
Interpol Director Ryerson and his team uncovered an elaborate web of deception that was set in motion by my father, all those years ago. 
Bastien was complicit at every turn; with insider information. With access to everything. To anyone. 
Once my father was gone, who did he answer to? 
It was supposed to be me, his monarch. But it wasn’t. 
Finally, getting sloppy, he was caught orchestrating the jailbreak of a prisoner by the royal guard’s second in command, Bastien’s top lieutenant. Who, to his credit, in turn disclosed his concerns to his friend Drake. Drake, loyal to the crown, revealed the breach to the Royal Council. 
Bastien has been charged with treason; now named a criminal being held in confinement in a jail cell in France.  
A criminal, that past Kings would have executed by their own hand for the crime committed, treason. 
It didn’t stop there. 
After the realization of the betrayal, by a man sworn to protect him, and his family, there was the added bonus of the discovery of a possible sister. 
Tossing and turning, sleep evaded his night.  
As Liam stared into darkness his mind kept replaying the events of the day over and over again. The memories of Director Ryerson’s words, “Her name is Lena Eleanor Rys,” and “apprehended by the Royal Guard, that was later released by Bastien Lykel”, on repeat. 
Heavy is the head that wears the crown. 
His mind would not let his body sleep. 
He looked down at his wife, his queen, curled into his side, peacefully asleep. 
A woman that took the revelations in stride. Sure, she was livid about Bastien’s treachery...but, she wasn’t surprised.  
Riley knew, all too well, that Bastien followed the command of his monarch, without question.  
So instead of getting emotional, she turned her anger into resolve; determined to find answers. 
She is my inspiration. My partner in everything. 
Kissing the top of her head, he carefully moved her arm as he sat up. 
Liam left his chambers with plans of going down to the gym to work out and de-stress. Moving down the hall, he passed by Ellie’s chamber. Peering through the small opening of her door, he saw Chance sleeping at the foot of her bed. Her guard, stationed outside her door, bowed to Liam as he continued down the hall. 
Across from the Royal east wing, Leo sat on his terrace in the west wing of the palace, long into the night, also unable to sleep. He’d spent most of it watching the stars and thinking about what he and his brother had learned from the Interpol director. 
...and thought about how much he wanted to personally punish Bastien for his duplicity and deception.  
It was strange to think that they had a possible sister. It felt like some kind of twisted fairy tale. One thing was for sure...his father was a selfish and cruel man. How could he do something like this? Why did he knowingly want to hurt Liam with deception?  
What did his father do to make life so miserable for his own mother to leave him behind? Sure, the court members were vipers. But his father had all the power to protect and shield her. 
He thought back to when he first met Queen Eleanor, his stepmother. 
She was so sweet and kind. She was always smiling and happy even though she was married to my bastard father. She genuinely made me feel wanted and part of the family. True to form, Constantine didn’t protect Liam’s mother either.
lost my mother and my stepmother. 
Leo raised his glass, finishing the last of the scotch, when his laptop chimed signaling an incoming video chat.   
“Hey baby!” Leo said as soon as the video came up. 
“Hello there handsome,” Queen Amalas smiled at him. 
Leo returned the smile, “I have missed you.” 
Amalas sighed, “I have missed you too. When are you coming home to me?” 
“Soon. I need to be here a while longer. Once my brother has everything in place with the new head of the Royal guard, I will join in the search for our half-sister in Monterisso.” 
“...and then, you are all mine. No more distractions will separate us?” 
Amalas somberly asked. 
"Why are you like this?", Leo asked pointedly. “I am not used to you being so ‘clingy’.” 
Amalas looked into the camera and sighed. “I don’t know. After everything I have gone through with Olivia, I don’t want to be a secret, or an afterthought anymore.”  
“Baby, I promise you that you are in my thoughts constantly. I would give anything to be with you right now in person.” Leo smiled genuinely. 
“I miss you terribly,” Amalas confessed. “How do you always know the right things to say?” 
“It’s part of my charm.” Leo winks and suggestively says, “get lots of rest baby, because when I get to your palace, I will wear you out in the best way possible.” 
It was 5:30 am, when Liam returned to his chambers after completing an intense workout. Moving into the bathroom, he stripped out of his shorts and turned on the shower. 
Standing underneath the shower stream of hot water, Liam felt his body begin to relax as a sense of relief washed over him. His eyes closed and he let out a sigh, feeling like all the tension had now been released from his muscles.  
Not hearing Riley enter the shower behind him, he was pleasantly surprised to feel a pair of hands move over his back, massaging in slow soothing strokes. She moved her hands down to his ass squeezing and kneading with firm pressure before moving around to his front brushing against his hardening shaft. 
Liam groaned, “Riley, love...this water is too hot for you and the babieser.” He gently grasped her hands and turned to face her, blocking the flow of water. 
Riley reached up to stroke his cheek, resting her head on his chest. 
“I love you Liam, so much.” She felt him smile against her palm and then his kiss pressed her palm. 
“...and I love you,” he whispered in her ear. 
“We need to get out of this steam.” Liam gently turned Riley around to leave the shower. Taking his hand, she led him into the bedroom. 
“You know,” she said as they walked, “I don’t think we have time for a morning sex session.” 
“No?” he feigned surprise. “Are you sure about that?” Liam teased. 
Riley smirked, shaking her head as she pulled him down to sit on the edge of the bed. Stepping between his legs, Riley knelt down in front of him. Looking up at him through her lashes, "this Is a little something to tide you over till after the meeting, Your Majesty.” 
Liam quirked his brow, “oh, really?” 
“Yes, I want you all to myself this evening so that we can really enjoy each other when everyone is gone, uninterrupted,” she purred. 
King’s Study, Royal Council 
Drake was the second member to arrive at the Royal council meeting. He walked in with a smile and took his seat next to Hana at the boardroom table. He noticed that she seemed to be nervous and was curious to find out why. 
“Good morning, Hana. It’s great to see you here.” 
“Hello Drake, thank you.  Can I ask you something?”  
“Sure, what’s up?”  
“Is Neville a part of this council?” 
Drake grinned, “Do you really think that Riley would give him any voice and make him a member? Why do you ask?” 
Before she could answer, Director Ryerson and Officer Cossoy entered followed by Leo and Rashad. As the remaining council members took their seats, Hana whispered, “Neville found out that I am back in Cordonia, and wants to meet with me.” 
“Oh, what a desperate motherfu...,” Drake chuckled. “Give me the word and I’ll kick his ass for you.” 
Hana grinned, “thank you. I hope it doesn’t come to that.” 
Riley entered next, followed by Liam, each taking their seats at the head of the long table. 
As the royal guard closed the doors, The Interpol officers began the meeting to present the status of the investigations, and to answer any questions. 
After the long 3 hour presentation ended, Liam stood to formally thank the Interpol officers for the update and asked the council members to remain. 
Liam continued, “we need to plan a trip to Monterisso.” 
Sitting at the dining table, Ellie waited patiently for her nanny to spread butter on her brioche roll. The wait staff bowed to Riley as she entered the room. “Mmmm...something smells so good,” Riley said as she took her place alongside her daughter, unfolding a cloth napkin on her lap. 
“I do not know what it is, but I would like some please,” Ellie asked excitedly. 
“Daddy will be here soon, sweetheart.” Riley said with a smile and kissed her little girl’s forehead. “Tell me about your day, what were your lessons about?”  
Before she could answer, she heard Liam greet the chef in the hall. 
“Daddy! Ellie exclaims. 
“Well, hello, my princess.” Liam bent down to kiss her cheek. 
“I learned about spelling words, and we read stories today.” 
Liam kissed Riley on the lips next and moved to his chair, 
“Ewww, Daddy!” Liam let out a deep laugh. 
“When you are married one day, you will like kisses.” Riley laughed at Liam’s expression to that comment. 
“That won’t happen for a long, long time, princess.” Liam shot Riley a look, and she chuckled. 
Under the table, Riley ran her foot up Liam’s leg. He sat back smiling at his wife.  
“You are in so much trouble Ri...just wait till later." His voice barely a whisper.  
“Ellie, what would you say to going on a trip to visit Micaela?” Riley asked, changing the subject.  
“Oh yes, mommy!” Ellie happily clapped her hands.  
Riley sat at her dressing table, brushing her long chestnut hair. Anticipating Liam to join her soon, she felt her heartbeat quicken when she heard his voice speaking to the guard posted outside their chambers. 
She rose from her stool, to check her reflection one more time and walked out onto the balcony. The night air was crisp, and she shivered as a cool breeze blew her hair. She leaned against the railing overlooking the garden below. 
“There you are.... You are so beautiful.” He pulled her into his arms for a kiss that left her breathless. Liam pressed himself closer against her body, feeling her curves beneath the thin silk of her chemise. He could feel his desire rising as he looked down at her, admiring the softness of her skin and the peaks of her nipples under the silk. He moved her straps down her shoulders, and lowered his head slowly and took one of her breasts in his mouth, sucking on it gently. Riley moaned softly as his warm tongue brushed over her sensitive nipple.  
“Oh God!” she cried out in surprise when she felt him slip his hand between her legs and yank her chemise down between her legs. Riley gripped Liam’s biceps as he slid his fingers along her wet pussy lips. He slipped two fingers into her and began to pump them in and out. Riley whimpered in pleasure, grinding her hips against his hand as she succumbed to her orgasm. 
Liam was now rock hard and throbbing as he spun Riley around to take her from behind. It didn’t take long for Liam to find his release. 
Climbing into bed, both sated, they fell into a deep, restful slumber wrapped together. 
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed ⚘️
@txemrn @ao719 @peonierose @queenmiarys @703cowbarn @mom2000aggie @malblk21 @indiana-jr @winkyluxhumanoid @rubiwalker @kingliam2019 @marietrinmimi @imashybish @angelasscribbles @isha26 @cordonianredruby @hopelessromanticmonie @tinkie1973 @belencha77 @honey358luv @jared2612 @urfaveaesthetic101 @xpandass420x @kyra75 @late-to-the-fandom @3pawandme @sammiiieeevaaans @lsvdw-blog @blueaster-blog1 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @miss-america-erica @princess-geek @karahalloway @cathx91 @walkerdrakewalker @squid-princess-teach-swallow @thesvnsins @surrenderronnie1 @delmissesryan @iaminlovewithtrr @deepestphantomstranger @fuinseoga @hotkingu @busywoman @twinkleallnight
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obsessedasusual · 2 years
Lonely No More - Three
Bishop Losa xOC Series
Series Summary: There was never a dull moment, being the only Reyes sister. But between overbearing brothers, being the family peacekeeper, and countless disaster dates, Amalia finds herself wishing she had someone to unwind with after a hectic day. Funnily enough, Bishop Losa wishes for the same thing.
Series Warnings: Swearing, mentions/allusions to sex, alcohol
Note: 2k - well hello there! Finally got around to editing chapter three and I love it. It’s so cliche… but we love that here!!
Previous Part
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Amalia enjoyed going on dates.
A few years ago, she had actually been engaged. That romance fizzled out however, and Amalia believed it was because her fiancé hadn’t put in any effort on his end, always declining when she suggested that they went out. It also didn’t help that he was sleeping with a woman from work. At least we hadn’t paid any deposits for the wedding. Amalia often thanked her mother for that one, thinking it had been her spirit looking out for her daughter that led to the deception being uncovered.
Since her breakup, she had made an effort to go on dates. She didn’t always find someone worth pursuing, she’d had exactly one seven-month long relationship since her fiancé, but she had met some great people along the way, often staying in contact as friends when they’d mutually realised there was never going to be a romance between them.
Unfortunately that wasn’t the case with her current date. It was the cute blonde from a couple of weeks ago. The first date had gone surprisingly well and so she had accepted the invitation for a second. With work being so busy however she hadn’t been able to commit until tonight, two and a half weeks later.
Josh was 35, an accountant, a homeowner, loved Mumford and Sons, preferred chocolate to vanilla and really disliked the local MC. Like a lot.
“They just don’t seem to have any consideration for the public. They drive around like they own the town, rev their bikes all through the Main Street, it’s impossible to get any work done when they drive by, I’m sure you understand in your office,” he paused to take a breath and a sip of his rum and coke, the worst drink combination imaginable according to Amalia, “I mean really. Wannabes that lack any cognitive thinking abilities.”
If Josh had bothered to pause and ask her a question every once and a while, he may have learnt that Amalia was in fact the sibling of two of those wannabes, and chosen a different topic to rant away on.
They were having a relatively pleasant time beforehand, until one of the aforementioned ‘wannabes’ had gone past on their bike. It was Riz, judging by the hair that flew from under the helmet, one of the most polite men she had ever met, but she wasn’t about to voice that observation.
As Josh continued his obnoxious ranting and raving, Amalia subtly glanced at her watch, 7:13. The sun had already set, being dark out, she wondered if she could make her escape soon. They’d been here a while, although she had only finished half her meal, but surely she could think of an excuse?
Her date soon excused himself for the bathroom and Amalia found herself sighing in relief. Finally. She took a long sip of her mint milkshake and revelled in the coolness down her throat, almost choking when a voice interrupted her thoughts,
“He seems nice.”
Turning quickly in her side of the booth she looked behind her to find none other than the wannabe president, sat in the booth behind her, his back to hers, though he was now also turned awkwardly to face her.
It seemed that somehow in the midst of Josh’s constant moaning and boring conversation, they had completely missed the roar of a Harley pulling up outside, and the heavy boots walking through the diner to sit right behind them.
“Oh god,” Amalia looked at him with sorrowful eyes, “How much of that did you hear?”
Bishop let out a chuckle, “Enough to know you won’t be bringing around to the clubhouse anytime soon.”
Amalia gave him an embarrassed smile, “Apparently the second date is when you know if you want to carry on with someone or not. And I absolutely do not.”
“Why’s that? Still no ring?” He teased recalling their conversation from a fortnight ago. She let out a short giggle and nodded, holding up her left hand, void of a ring.
“Something like that.”
“So you’re gonna wait til dessert then make your escape?”
“Actually, he was my ride, so I’m kind of stuck.” Amalia admitted, although she knew she had a number of contacts in her phone that would act as her Uber for the evening if she needed.
Bishop squinted at her, trying to work the situation out in his head. She was clearly uncomfortable, and he didn’t feel right leaving her with the blond if that was the case, “You can come with me. Order shouldn’t be far away then we’ll go, you good with riding?”
Amalia was surprised at the offer, she knew Bishop to an extent was pretty old-fashioned, and guessed that included saving a damsel in distress.
“Are you sure, Bishop? I don’t wanna cause any issues for yo-”
Bishop cut her off with a wave of the hand, “Sweetheart, I’m not fucking leaving you here with that asshole. I can deal with him.”
Before she could respond, Josh sat back down in front of her, eyeing the biker curiously, “Everything okay here?”
Amalia had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at his question, knowing it was mostly, kind of, genuine. Instead she nodded, nervously picking at her food, “Yeah everythings good. Um, I actually don’t feel very well. I think it was the milkshake, so I’m um… I’m gonna head home I think.”
She vaguely registered the man behind her standing up to get his order while her date stared at her quizzingly, as if he didn’t quite believe her.
“Maybe you should eat some more, it might help you feel better,” he offered.
“Or maybe she needs to go home and rest, c’mon, querida.” Bishop’s deep voice was a stark contrast to that of the accountant opposite her. Amalia wordlessly gathered her things and went to stand to leave, stopping when she felt Josh’s hand grab hers.
“Who the hell are you? I’m not letting her leave with a random biker we don’t know.”
Bishop stared down at him threateningly and Amalia decided then was a good time to speak up, “It’s okay. I know him. He’s a friend.”
Josh stared at her in shock, “You’re friends with that gang?” Amalia pulled her hand away and this time stood with no interruptions.
“Is that a problem?” Bishop butted in, protectively wrapping his arm around Amalia’s waist.
Josh was apparently too shocked to make a further comment and just stared at the two. Bishop turned to leave, arm still around Amalia which caused her to turn too, she left Josh with a, “Um… bye.” and left the diner with the biker.
She muttered to Bishop as he led her to his bike, “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” noting that they had to walk past the window by the booth where she had sat, which meant that Bishop would’ve clocked her before he even entered the diner.
“I got you. querida.”
He removed his arm from her waist to grab the helmet hanging off the handle bars to hand to her to put on while he tucked his takeout safely away in his saddle bags. Bishop turned back to her and took her by surprise, hooking two of his fingers between her chin and the helmet strap to check it was tight enough. He nodded his satisfaction and got on the bike, Amalia grinned at the sound of the Harley, having always loved the roar they gave, and climbed on behind him, linking her hands where they met around his waist.
“You good?” he asked over the rumble, taking off when she confirmed.
Amalia loved being on the bike. She didn’t get to ride very often, occasionally with her brothers, and a couple of times with Coco when she’d needed a last minute lift somewhere but that was the extent of it. So she allowed herself to enjoy this ride with the President.
Bishop was going slower than he usually did, he didn’t know how comfortable she was on the back of a bike and didn’t want to frighten her by moving too fast. And maybe, just maybe, he was enjoying the feeling of having a beautiful woman on his bike, arms around his waist. It had been years since he had found himself in that position, so sue him if he wanted to hold onto the feeling a little longer.
It was a few minutes before Amalia realised she hadn’t even told him her address and yet he was taking all the right turns.
She took the opportunity to question this when they slowed at a stop sign, “How do you know where I live?”
She felt him laugh and bring a hand down to her leg to give a playful squeeze, “I’ve been stalking you.” He took off before she could question further.
It was only a few more minutes until Bishop turned onto her street and finally, into her driveway. He held the bike steady while she clumsily climbed off causing Bishop to laugh and try to help her get her footing before she face planted.
He shut the bike off and sat comfortably, waiting for her Amalia to make her way inside.
“Thanks for tonight, Bishop, seriously. I owe you one.” she found herself feeling shy all of a sudden, handing back the helmet, unable to meet Bishop’s gaze.
He took a second to take her in, “You gonna be okay?” Feeling himself grin when she nodded, lifting her head to meet his eyes.
They let the silence wash over them for a beat before Amalia suddenly remembered the poor man still hadn’t had his dinner, “Shit I’m sorry. Do you wanna come in and eat? Your food’ll be cold by the time you get home.”
Bishop couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him when he looked down the street.
“I guess this is the part where I tell you that we’re pretty much neighbours.”
Amalia cocked her head in confusion, “We’re not neighbours?”
He pointed down the street to the end intersection, “I live on the next street over, Bridgeman.” Quietly enjoying the way Amalia’s jaw dropped slightly.
“Are you serious? How did I not know that?”
Bishop shrugged in response, “Guess you’re not very observant, I’ve even rode by a few times when you’ve been outside.”
Ohh, she thought. The roaring of a bike could often be heard on this street and surrounds. Amalia figured it was one of her brothers doing a drive by to check in. It had been Bishop, that was how he knew where she lived.
“Well, I’ll be sure to come knocking when I need to borrow a cup of sugar.”
Again, Bishop found himself chuckling at her, “Querida, if either of us is going to find ourselves short of household essentials, I think it’s a safe bet that it’d be me.” Bishop was pretty good at keeping his household up and running, but with being so busy with the club, sometimes it fell to the backburner and the grocery shopping wasn’t done as well as it should be.
“Anytime you need flour or milk, you know where to find me.” she smirked.
“Have a good night, sweetheart.”
“You too, Bish.” At that, he started his bike, backed down the driveway, gave one last nod to the Reyes sister and began the 30 second journey home.
‘How the fuck did I not know that?’ She thought to herself, making her way inside.
Somehow knowing that Bishop was just down the road, made her feel a whole lot safer.
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digital-corruption · 2 years
Unrecognisable Part 27
<<You are making a big mistake with this parole hearing. Richard Roger deceived and manipulated everyone around him to tell his story and avoid the hard truth that he was directly responsible for Amy Bell Lewis as a result of his own stubborn arrogance. He terrorised Hannah Donfort, Jessica Hawkins, and MC while under the guise of being their confidant - his deception knowing no bounds. When caught in his lie, he set fire with accelerant to a set of mines well known for being volatile. There was no way he didn't know that the explosion would cause grievous harm to anyone caught by it. This time it was the person pictured in those hospital records. Next time who will be engulfed by the flames of his own reckless arrogance? There is no way I am going to accept the fact that you are looking to release such a destructive individual back into society early when he has not seen even a moderate amount of punishment. Quit wasting our time with this useless hearing and send him back to face his full sentence. You may choose to overlook his dangerous misdeeds, but I won't. Don't forget that.>>
Alan turned me around forcefully while Jake spoke with his distorted voice over the loudspeaker, “Tell him to stop!”
“There is no stopping him!” I grinned. "They challenged him, and he responded! What do you expect?"
“MC! I was prepared to overlook your presence here today, but if this continues, I will be forced to arrest you!” Alan warned. “You need to stop this! Now!”
"No! I won't let anyone silence him! He exists! He lives! He suffers! His name is Jake and he deserves to be heard!" I yelled. "His voice matters!"
"MC, put your hands on your head," Alan gritted his teeth.
I smiled as I put both hands on my head, "But before you arrest me, Alan, you better have a solid excuse to hold me..."
"Ah, but he's watching," Alan whispered in my ear, then pushed on my shoulder to force me down on my knees. "Let's see if he values you more than his tirade."
<<Alan Bloomgate, I am in possession of your accounts and passwords. You would do well to not test me.>>
"Threatening a police officer is a severe crime, Jake!" Alan called out.
<<Detaining an individual who has committed no crime other than speaking her mind while outside your jurisdiction will not be ignored, detective. Everything is currently being recorded. Think of the public outcry. I am sure you do not want a riot on your hands.>>
"You can't fool me, Jake. I know she's wanted internationally," Alan argued.
<<You and I both know that to be merely a ruse. MC is innocent. She played no part in any of my activities. Please do not force my hand, detective. I have hacked into the prison's multimedia system, and I can do far worse. Let her go.>>
"You will stand down and end your interference in the parole hearing of Richard Roger," Alan demanded. "If you two pull this shit again, I will arrest her for aiding and abetting."
<<You will let her go; I will do as I wish in response. Do not think for a moment I won't be watching as she leaves the property. I have already broken into the cell system. If anyone should so much as approach her, the inmates will riot.>>
"You would hold the prison hostage for her?" Alan scoffed.
<<I would bring down a whole lot more than one prison for her.>>
My heart skipped a beat. It was such a Jake way of declaring his love, to create total anarchy for me. The scary thing was though, I couldn’t tell whether he was bluffing or not. And I sure as hell didn’t want a prison riot just for me. However, the allure of his power was intoxicating and left me speechless.
"That's a severe crime to be adding to your record, Jake," Alan warned.
<<It won't even make a dent.>>
Alan stepped away from me, "Don’t ever let me catch you in Duskwood."
<<As if you could catch me, detective. If countless international law enforcement has tried and failed, what makes you think you even have a chance?>>
I got up slowly, feeling the entire room's eyes on me. I picked up my bag and walked out of the room under the intense gaze of Jake's digital red eyes. In the corridor the guards watched me with disdain, but not one dared to touch me. Suddenly Dan and Jessy came up beside me and walked with me past the security door that was held open for us.
"What are you doing?" I exclaimed.
"Making sure no one tries to get creative," Dan replied.
"You shouldn't associate yourselves with me!" I argued.
"No way, you're one of us, remember?" Jessy smiled.
"You are, hacker boy still hasn't earned his membership card," Dan clarified.
"Ignore him," Jessy rolled her eyes. "How are you getting out of here anyway?"
"I don't actually know. I came by bus," I admitted as we stepped outside.
"You mean he's not going to pick you up on his steed?" Dan mocked as we went out towards the road.
"It appears not," I shrugged. "I was kind of hoping so since you mentioned it just now."
"I bet he needs to stay near the computer," Jessy pointed out. "Dan, it looks like it's up to you."
"Guys, no!" I refused. "It’s too dangerous!"
"So?" Dan looked at me perplexed.
"Come on!" Jessy grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the parking lot.
"If anything happens, we'll just say Jake threatened us, ok?" Dan persuaded.
"Even though we know you guys are the good guys," Jessy beamed.
"Hey, let’s not get ahead of ourselves," Dan frowned. "I like MC and that's as far as my trust goes."
"These people that are after us… they're not afraid to shoot innocents to get to us," I mumbled. "I don't want you in the crossfire."
"Hmph, maybe you haven't heard. I shot a legend," Dan boasted as he unlocked his car.
I couldn’t help but laugh, "Ok, fine, you convinced me."
"Good," Dan smirked. "Now get in."
"Hmm, where are we going to go?" Jessy questioned as she got into the front passenger seat. "Going back to Duskwood sounds like a bad idea. Alan will be watching MC like a hawk."
"No, I need to disappear. Drop me off in the city," I asked while I slid across the back seat to sit in the middle.
"What, so you can go back to living on the streets?" Dan frowned as he adjusted the rear view mirror.
"I'll have you know we had a roof over our heads for several days," I pointed out.
"I've got a crazy idea!" Jessy grinned.
Dan turned over the engine and his car roared to life, "You know I get nervous when you say that."
"Let's go visit Angela!" Jessy suggested. "I am sure she'll let you use her shower!"
"Why do I feel like you guys are telling me I stink?" I asked.
"No offense, but you smell like a barn," Dan commented.
I paused for a moment before responding, "That's actually fair. I did sleep in one last night."
"Ok, Dan start driving, I'm going to call Angela," Jessy rummaged through her purse.
"Oh yeah, she's going to be real happy to see us," Dan said sarcastically as he reversed out of the parking spot. "I look forward to this conversation."
I relaxed in the seat as Dan started driving away from the prison, "You know, I really missed you guys."
We went past a roadblock with armed guards that watched us with looks of annoyance on their faces.
"I was going to say 'Of course, you did. It's never a dull moment with us around.' But now I think you have us beat," Jessy mused.
Dan scoffed, "This is still nowhere near the craziest thing we’ve ever done.”
“I didn’t know it was a challenge,” I teased.
Dan gripped the steering wheel a little tighter, “It is now!”
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moonstone-vibe · 1 year
Special Interrogation Group From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
@wearebackbagels @rosescruensixxam
Found this on Wikipedia but there are several articles out there and one says that Essner might have survived... ? Also, they didn’t go together to Derna and Bruckner didn’t shoot Essner, so we can ship them in peace :)))
The Special Interrogation Group (SIG)[a] was a unit of the British Army during World War II, formed largely of German-speaking Jewish volunteers from Mandatory Palestine. Disguised as soldiers of the German Afrika Korps, members of the SIG undertook commando and sabotage operations against Axis forces during the Western Desert Campaign.[1][2][3]
The inspiration for the SIG belonged to Captain Herbert Cecil Buck, MC of the 3rd Bn., 1st Punjab Regiment and later the Scots Guards,[4] an Oxford scholar and German linguist. He had been captured in January 1942, but had soon managed to break free and had then escaped back across Libya to Egypt, partly using German uniforms and vehicles. He was surprised by the ease of his deception and felt that, with greater planning and preparation, the concept could be used more offensively, to assist raiding parties attack key targets behind enemy lines. His plan was approved and, in March 1942, he was appointed the commander of this new unit, the SIG.
In March 1942, Col. Terence Airey, Military Intelligence Research at the War Office in London wrote that "a Special German Group as a sub-unit of M[iddle] E[ast] Commando... with the cover name 'Special Interrogation Group', to be used for infiltration behind the German lines in the Western Desert, under 8th Army... the strength of the Special Group would be approximately that of a platoon... The personnel are fluent German linguists... mainly Palestinian (Jews) of German origin. Many of them have had war experience with No. 51 Commando..."[5]
Some personnel was also recruited directly from the Palmach, Haganah and the Irgun. Other recruits came from the Free Czechoslovak Forces, the French Foreign Legion and German-speaking Jewish troops. The SIG was a part of D Squadron, First Special Service Regiment. Its strength varied between 20 and 38, according to various sources.[5]
According to ex-SIG member Maurice "Tiffen" Monju Tiefenbrunner, their first training base was located near Suez.[5] The SIG were trained in desert navigation, unarmed combat, handling of German weapons and explosives. They were given fake German identities and were taught German marching songs and current German slang. For their missions, they were supplied with German pay books, cigarettes, chocolates and love letters from fictitious sweethearts in Germany. Walter Essner and Herbert Brueckner, two non-Jewish Germans, had been conscripted from a POW camp to train the SIG. Before the war, both had been members of the French Foreign Legion who had been captured in November 1941 serving in the 361st Infantry Regiment of the Afrika Korps and were subsequently recruited by the British Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre (CSDIC) as double agents.
Operations and betrayal[edit]
The SIG drove captured German vehicles behind German lines near Bardia, set up roadblocks and carried out acts of sabotage. Dressed as Feldgendarmerie (German military police), they stopped and questioned German transports, gathering important military intelligence. On 3 June 1942 the SIG was assigned its first assault operation. They were to assist the Special Air Service, led by Lt. Col. David Stirling in destroying Luftwaffe airfields which were threatening the Malta convoys. These airfields were located 100 miles west of Tobruk at Derna and Martuba in the Italian colony of Libya. During the raid, on the night of 13/14 June, Herbert Brueckner managed to run away by faking an engine problem of the truck he was driving and betrayed the Derna party, nearly all of whom were killed or captured.[1] Essner, closely guarded by Tiefenbrunner throughout the raid, was handed over to the Military Police and later shot while trying to escape.[6]
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wonwoosthetic · 2 years
Do u have any enemies to lovers book rec? :) hahaha
Book recs, my favourite thing ever🤭🤗
Making this list, I realised that I haven’t read many enemies to lovers stories bc I’m SO picky when it comes to them😭😫, but here we go:
when we talk about enemies to lovers, we cannot forget about the blueprint of every other enemies to lovers ever written. The classic. The legend: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Some say it might be overrated, but I don’t think so. Yes, the writing is… oh well, but it’s still a fantastic story👏🏼♥️
as most of my more recent reads have all been recommended by TikTok: The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I’m putting this in because a lot of people LOVE it. I… liked it. I’m not the biggest fan of fantasy. I tried to get into it, but it’s just not my thing. It’s a cute story for someone who likes “softer” easy to read books🤗
(careful: smut, like… A LOT) a good enemies to lovers needs some smut in my opinion, so here we go: Something Like Hate by Harloe Rae. LISTEN. The cover: not it. Thank god I read it on my phone bc you would’ve never seen me with a cover like that out on the streets. It’s an office enemies to lovers, quite fast paced I’d say but still well-written. Cliché and classic but the smut is VERY good.
A book I finished two days ago and ABSOLUTELY LOVED: The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas. Another TikTok recommendation, so I didn’t think I’d like it very much, but my god. Expectations TOPED. AARON BLACKFORD IS MY HUSBAND AND MINE ONLY ISTG, this man😫😫😫😫 The “enemies to lovers” wasn’t THAT noticeable tbh though… it was more of like… fake dating to lovers with the mc disliking him. BUT STILL HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
I don’t know how much “enemies to lovers” it was but my god: The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood BLEW MY MIND. I wish there were more smut scenes, but the rest of the book made up for it. Amazing. Show stopping. Phenomenal. A great book and I can’t wait to read more of Ali Hazelwood.
Books I got recommended that I’m now going to read next:
To Hate Adam Connor by Ella Maise
Stanton Adore by T.L. Swan
Dare To Love by Lylah James
Love On The Brain by Ali Hazelwood (IT COMES OUT IN AUGUST😫😫 I CAN’T WAIT)
I also REALLY want to read the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi but like I said I’m not really into Fantasy or Sci-Fi so idk😭 can anyone tell me just HOW much sci-fi it is?😓
For anyone else that has good enemies to lovers book recommendations, please send them to me through my inbox or comments!🤗♥️ thank youu
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calderskillday · 2 years
A COURT OF FEY & FLOWERS EPISODE 8 liveblog!!!!!!!
it's catchup time babeyyyy let's go
emily's giggle is the most adorable thing
i LOVE that emily is so in on the green hunter hahaha this is so fun
"the ventriloquist dummy is doing a bit about it"
oh my god lou's rumour and the way he has squak start it 😭😭😭
every single lords of the wing aside is just SO GOOD
lmao grabalba 😭😭
"can i knock one out cause it's insane" oh lou what do you have up your sleeve
you're tired?? i'm the one who's dying!!
i am obsessed with the way the letters spawn scenes gahhh
ohhhhh this could get interesting..... the flash to omar and back to surena when chirp mentions the unseelie court......
"spectacularly deceptive and slippery"
how do you lie without becoming sleepy 🥺🥺🥺🥺
waaaahhhh chirp and binx talking about magic on the mortal plane 🥺
literally squealing over the invisible wedding ring 😭😭😭
emily saying that chirp's gonna come back to find wuvvy in 40 years when her wife dies hahahaha so true
lou's moan as aabria says the letter was ripped up 😭😭😭
"but for you, yes" OH MY RUEWUVVY HEART
gahhhh the lords of the wing are so fucking unhinged <3
lmao squak mad-libbing his letter to apollo
omg rue being offered a spot in the chorus???
emily and lou LOSING it over the potential of being offered the job of MC hahahahaha
omg the table's reactions yesssss
god suntar's whole vibe is so hot
oh my god the editing??? seeing everybody's heads turn when suntar says strawberries.....???? hoooo boy
"come on, grabalba!!"
oh hob 🥺🥺
what matters the amenability of a soldier 😭😭😭
literally screaming
brennan and surena are COMEDIC GENIUS
i am literally holding my breath oh my god
god emily and lou are truly some of the best improvisers just...ever
"my mind just got dressed down" "mmhmm, mmhmm, mmhmm" "ah yes ventriloquist dummy" WHY ARE THEY LIKE THIS
andhera's "what the FUCK" HAHAHAHA
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friedricebunny · 1 year
Me: yeah not really sure when I'm gonna come back to office deception tbh after the hell I went thru to finish 8th liar
Someone: hey btw mc and may kiss in May's love ending
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mittis-anna-marie · 1 year
A News Article I deem to be Fake
Dutch man who fathered at least 550 kids banned from donating sperm
The man, known as Jonathan M, was accused of deliberately lying to prospective parents (Picture: Shutterstock)
Available at:
 What is ‘Fake News’?
The Oxford Dictionary definition of ‘Fake’
 “In earliest use: an activity or action, typically one characterized by dishonesty or deception. Later (from the mid to late 19th century) usually more specifically: a stratagem, a trick, a dodge; a method of swindling, a con; an act of tampering with or falsifying something.”
‘News’ is defined as:
“new information about something that has happened recently.”
The Article discusses the man known only as Jonathan M and his deception towards prospective parents.
“Provided Sperm to multiple fertility clinics”
Why is this doubtful?
 The ‘n-EPR’ – National Electronic Patient Records would have highlighted this deception sooner. 
The Article states:
“National guidelines in the Netherlands permit donors to father a maximum of 25 children with up to 12 mothers.”
With The enforcement of ‘EPR’ being globalized, it seems unbelievable that Jonathan M’s patient history would not have been recorded. 
Understanding health care providers' reluctance to adopt a national electronic patient record: an empirical and legal analysis
Zwaanswijk M, Ploem MC, Wiesman FJ, Verheij RA, Friele RD, Gevers JK. Understanding health care providers' reluctance to adopt a national electronic patient record: an empirical and legal analysis. Med Law. 2013 Mar;32(1):13-31. PMID: 23781762.
Published by the National Library of Medicine – March 2013
Available at:
The article offers a brief of a study composed by (Zwaanswijk et al, 2010) 
This study highlights the concerns with ‘n-EPR’ in the Dutch healthcare system. 
With seventeen steak holders interviewed, to gain understanding of health care providers’ perceptions of problems.
The results suggest that the main concerns are issues with confidentiality and reliability.
The article states:
“their overall adoption remains low and meets resistance from involved parties”. 
Supporting Evidence:
The Dutch way: What the Netherlands can teach us about digitisation
By Leontina Postelnicu
Available at:
The article features a statement given by Pieter Helmons, chief pharmacy informatics officer at Dutch hospital St Jansdal
“We have a huge problem with nursing staff, we have a huge problem with pharmacy technicians, just to get [hire] them. So information, information technology, it is essential to remain viable.”
Looking at the Features:
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The man, known as Jonathan M, was accused of deliberately lying to prospective parents (Picture: Shutterstock)
The image itself only presents the back of supposed Jonathan M’s head. 
Usually if a perpetrator is discussed in the news, their face is shown for public awareness.
In the article, there is reference to the Judge’s statement:
“[This] has or could possibly have negative psychosocial consequences for the children.”
If we consider the psychological harm this may have on families and children – it seems odd that Jonathan M remains anonymous.  
This is a cropped image. 
With today’s technology, this could easily have been photoshopped.
For Example, I found these images under the search:
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With countless tools at our fingertips, and advances in technology – manipulation of information, discourse and events has never been easier. 
0 notes
I literally just got into Liar! (Though I'm only planning on playing office deception tbh) and I just gotta say tysm for all of the content you're providing 😭 I've been spoiled on the entirety of the Office plotline (I read the tvtropes page which was actually what made me want to play it), but I was wondering if you remembered whether any of the ends were particularly disturbing (I only finished liar 2 so far) bc I kinda get easily affected by media 😭 again I gotta say tysm for doing this
Aww that's so sweet. Off the top of my head the bad end for Liar 3 was pretty bad for the MC and Liar 7 MC gets abducted
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amoc94 · 3 years
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My Yandere BTS Fanfic Recommendation.
Read the warning carefully. As with any yandere story, expect some gory scenes, non consensual / dubious consensual sex, some dark kinks. (Everything under the term, you know the risk).
Minors DNI 🔞
If you hope for more stories from those authors, please do something to support them. By giving shout out, comments, and reblog their works. It's how tumblr works, people.
Damn, been a while since I updated this list. Now finally got the time to read again.
For non yandere recommendation, check full Navi here.
1. Allurement , Yandere Namjoon. Series of Drabbles, Slick and deceptive yandere CEO Namjoon.
2. Beloved, long oneshot. Yandere King Min Yoongi - My all time favorite, if you like asian historical dark romance, you'll love this.
3. Excitus Acta Probat, oneshot. Soft Yandere, Mafia Yoongi, feat. OT7.
4. The Tarot Series, A Collection of yandere oneshots based on Tarot Card.
5. Charming, oneshot. Cinderella AU, obsessive Prince Park Jimin. This is very beautiful the way the author describe the scenes and everything.
6. Ultimatum, miniseries. Yandere Sugar Daddy Taehyung, feat. Jimin.
7. Case Closed, miniseries. Yandere Detective Namjoon.
8. Boys Don't Cry, miniseries. Yandere husband Yoongi, feat. Hoseok.
9. Beastly Gods, oneshot. Yandere hybrid Taehyung, feat OT7.
10. Level of Restraint, long oneshot. Office AU, Yandere Jimin and Namjoon. BDSM undertone.
11. Something Wicked, series. Yandere CEO Seokjin.
12. Let The Villain Win, oneshot. Yandere thriller writer Namjoon.
13. Baby Mine, oneshot. Yandere mafia Yoongi with OC.
14. Poison Apple, mini series. Yandere Taehyung feat. Yoongi. This is not for the faint heart. Proceed with caution. Hard non con.
15. A Dangerous Game, Yandere Mob boss Namjoon x reader. Long series, there is sequel. Hard non con in one of the chapters.
16. Solar Eclipse, long oneshot. Yandere Hoseok, time travel / after life AU.
17. The Stranger, long oneshot. Yandere Doctor Seokjin.
18. Persephone, long oneshot. Yandere mafia leader Namjoon.
19. Bad Guy, ongoing series. Mafia boss Seokjin. This one is not really yandere, per se, but the way Seokjin loves the MC is quite you know...obsessive.
20. Addiction, long oneshot, yandere student Jungkook x reader. He was insanely lusting over you and just how much he was willing to pay for it?
21. See No Evil, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Namjoon.
22. Nightcall, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung, mafia au.
23. Lovesick, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung is your sister's ex-boyfriend.
24. Trigger Happy, oneshot. Yandere mob Jungkook, undercover agent reader.
25. Visitation of a Lover, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Jin.
26. Until I Saw You, oneshot. Yandere mob Namjoon.
27. Fucked Up, yandere OT7. Polyamorous - Idol AU. This is actually a series, look in the author's masterlist. The full version is in author's AO3. (Beware tho, the long version is just like the title says, pretty fucked up, lol.)
28. Illicit Photography, series with a sequel. Soft yandere Jungkook with reader as his teacher.
29. Promise, long oneshot. Yandere boyfriend Jimin.
30. Break My Mind's Eye, series. Jungkook as mob boss x fashion designer OC, yandere undertone.
31. Every Breath You Take , oneshot. Stalker Jungkook x reader, feat. Namjoon & Hoseok.
32. Butterfly, oneshot. Your stepson, Yoongi, fucks you in the kitchen while your husband eats breakfast. 
33. Actually, The Devil Wears Gucci, oneshot. Wicked CEO Taehyung with assistant reader.
34. Positive, quite long oneshot. Yandere richman Yoongi, waitress reader is pregnant.
35. Forbidden Fruit, long oneshot. Jhope as mafia member, reader has inability to feel fear.
36. Predator, oneshot. Vampire Jungkook stalked on reader. I felt goosebumps reading this, nothing too gory tho.
37. Brother Knows Best, ongoing short story. Yandere Jungkook, reader is his step sister.
38. Tea For Two, oneshot. Yandere Prince Namjoon x reader, arranged marriage AU.
39. Falling for A Lounge Singer, oneshot. Yandere mafia Taehyung, reader is a singer.
40. Black Swan, long one shot. Swan Prince Jimin x reader as a Princess. I'm not usually fond of story about faeries, this one is an exception. Hard to describe this, along with the hair that stood on my nape and that tingling feeling of fear and excitement while reading this. A truly masterpiece.
41. Making of A Lover, yandere Jungkook with his assistant reader. It's short but darkly entertaining.
42. Expectation x Reality, oneshot. Jungkook x reader, Taehyung x reader. Some hard dub con. With plot twist. 🤭
43. Delphinium, long oneshot, King Taehyung x queen reader. Soft yandere, angst. Beautiful with, ... again, plot twist.😈
44. In The Pain Of The Roses, long one shot, yandere king Yoongi x princess reader. Beautiful, poetic narrative. Read the tag warning, because it's really dark.
45. Anti Hero, long oneshot, yandere Yoongi x idol reader. Not many yandere story in idol universe, this one is not only one of the few, but also oh so so good.
46. Broken, oneshot. Seokjin x reader. Some dub con borderline to non con. Proceed with caution, because it's quite dark. I read this like a year ago, but everytime I read it again, it never failed to give me a shiver. It's on AO3.
47. Infatuation, series of one-shots. Light reading, darkly entertaining. Always fun to reread. It's on AO3.
48. Cardio, long oneshot. Personal trainer Jungkook x rich wife reader. Infidelity, angst, thriller. Very well written. On AO3.
49. War Lords, miniseries. Namjoon x Detective reader x Hoseok, both men were crime lords. Heavy angst, very well written. Totally NSFW! You probably soak your panties in front of your colleagues or classmates if you do read it during work.🤣
50. Deviant Affairs, long one-shot. Jimin was your stepbrother who was crazy in love with you.
51. Motive, long one shot. College AU. Jungkook x reader x another girl. Angst, thriller, love triangle. It will keep you on edge dragged by your curiosity before 💣💣 boom! There it go, the plot twist.😂
52. Still With You, one-shot. King Jungkook x servant reader.
53. The Mansion, long one-shot. Jimin x another man's wife reader. Very good, give you those old house horror scenes vibe.
54. Énouement, long one-shot. Doctor Taehyung x trophy wife reader. It's a part of interconnected stories with other members. Look at the author's masterlist. This is the one that I like the most.
55. Polarity, miniseries. Yandere Jungkook x reader. Infidelity around bestfriend relationship entangled with twisted obsession. It's really good!♥️
56. Arte Factum, long oneshot. Yandere android Jimin x reader. Jimin is a sub here.
57. Knight in Bloody Armor, club owner Hoseok x reader. Ongoing series. Very well written and chilling. It's on AO3, and you need to log in to be able to read it.
58. House of Serpents, ongoing series. OT7 x high class escort reader in organized crime AU. A shitload twisted men with twisted sex flavor. I have no words to say other than it put me on variety of different emotions until its latest chapter, and I have love and hate relationship with all of the men here. Polyamorous dynamic, heavy BDSM vibe. It's very well written on AO3. As always, read the warning.
59. Love Pages, long oneshot. Yandere Jimin x slight yandere reader, inspired by "Death Note".
60. Kill to Kiss You, long oneshot. Jungkook as mob boss x escort reader. I got cold hands and feet reading this. Chilling and put you on edge till the end.
61. Lesson Learnt, miniseries. CEO JK x ex gf reader. My ultimate weakness, BTS members as CEO with power and obsession. This one is pretty dark, read all the warning.
62. Code Red, one shot. Doctor Jimin x patient reader.
63. Saving You, short oneshot. Yandere husband Tae x reader.
64. Single Side Line, mini series. Yandere tennis player Tae x reader as ball girl. There are two alternate endings.
65. A Thriller Film, movie director Jungkook × reader as his stylist. It's well written and chilling.
66. Killing Me Softly, yandere OT7 x reader. Polyamorous AU but quite realistic thus give you chill to imagine what you would feel if this indeed is real.
67. Daffodil Dreams, yandere patient Taehyung, MC is his therapist. There are two parts - Dreams and Nightmare. Chilling and hair-raising.
68. Cruel Intentions, yandere mobster JK x reader in South Korea setting, my favorite AU. Love it❤️
69. Mindless, patient Hoseok x psychiatrist reader. Oneshot.
70. Roses, oneshot. Yandere dynamic between JK x reader. Just, wow.
71. Sinner, oneshot. Yandere fugitive Jungkook x detective reader. I reread like ... 6 times? That's just how good it is😙
72. The Broken Vow, attorney JK x reader as his ex wife. This one is so well written, leave you with mixed emotion, love and hate at the same time. Just ❤️
73. Cabin in The Woods, Jungkook as werewolf, reader as his mate and prisoner? Lol. Stockholm syndrome. I can't hate him here. Somehow he indeed protected her.
74. Cathexis, three parter, Jimin x reader. Based on Firestarter movie. 'There was no way in hell he would let anything happen to you and he would raise literal hell to make sure you were never hurt. If anyone tried to take you from him he’d burn the entire world down'.
75. Snatched, two parter ongoing. Yandere harpy Taehyung x nurse reader. Dystopian AU, dark and chilling. Very well written.
76. Obsesión, oneshot. Yandere pro rugby player Jungkook x sport journalist POC reader.
77. Code of Conduct, long series. Finally got the time to indulge in another long series. Just ♥️
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@sweetwolfcupcake @bang-tan-bitches @flowesona @bangtans-apollo @lemonjoonah @chaoticpuff17 @jooniyah @deepdarkdelights @sweetbunnykook @worldwidemochiguy @jingabitch @jkeuphoriadreamland @flowerwrites06 @junqkook @yandere-society @smileyoongle @nomnomsik @persephoneyss @chummywchimmy @ddaenqu @lovetalkhendery @chinkbihh @jessikahathaway @darkestcorners @99liners @yanderebts @jimlingss @smasmashie @bebejungkook @taechaos @girlmeetsliv3 @sombreboy @explicit-tae @lolabangtan @jungk0oksthighs @roses-ruby @lleldey @girl8890 @bahbah-bee @thvlouvre @go1denjeon
Let me know if I mistyped the tag list on author's name.
I still have a long list fics to read, need to catch up later.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
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"I'm Your Least Favorite?!"
(Feat. The Demon Brothers) (mild angst)
(also just realized I read this as "MC's least favorite" only oop-)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
How in the hELL-
Lucifer doesn't say it out loud, but he has one hell of a superiority complex. There's no one he trusts more in this world than himself and his own abilities, so how could you not see that as well??
Clearly he's not making himself seem by you. It looks like he'll have to take a more direct approach...
Then again, he knows he's often looked at as an intimidating guy, so maybe he should be softer on you??? Gah, but his ego won't let him-
Please excuse Lucifer while he holes himself up in his office like a conspiracy theorist trying to figure out how to win you over
"WHAT?! How can I be yer least favorite when I'm year FIRST?!?!!"
Angry reacts only >:'(
Though the anger is just masking his hella hurt feelings. It's not like he isn't used to being someone's least favorite but it hurts the most when it comes from you.
Outright ignores you for the first couple of days. Keeps acting all pissy, leaves at odd hours to gamble, and comes back without a cent to his name.
But once he gets out of that rut, he's determined to make you see what you're missing out on! Also expect the sudden appearance of a TON of gifts mysteriously showing up in your room everyday-
Yeah.... he saw that one coming from a mile away... After all, who could ever fall for a yucky otaku?
But hearing you ACTUALLY say it is enough to break his wee sea serpent heart. It's one thing for him to deny affection, but another to actually know someone doesn't like him.
Acts all irritable about it. "So what if a dumb normie doesn't like me? I have Henry and Ruri-chan! I don't need anyone!"
That's just a front to mask how upset he really is. Now it's rare for you to see him out of his room, and he's stopped inviting you over altogether. Why would you wanna hang out with him anyone?
In his brain, least favorite = most hated, so he thinks it's best to just stay away from you.
The only indication of his surprise is the way his eyes widen a little, but he honestly doesn't seem that bothered
But we all know Satan is a master of deception and his looks can be deceiving
He's so upset he can hardly stand it, and all that hurt turns into anger that he's taking out on everyone in the house
And his brothers don't even THINK about going into his room. They might not make it out alive- (jk but they'll be uhhh severely wounded)
Also has stopped acknowledging you. It's not because he's mad at you or hates you, but he literally can't stand to be around you right now. Just give him a 100 years to cool his head, okay?
????come again???
Literally has only been showering you with his definition of affection and love, so how can you NOT be charmed??
Sure, his powers don't affect you at all, but he's being honest about his feelings when he says he loves you! He's never had so much trouble getting someone to respond to him.
It's annoying having to try so hard, and even more when you make it known that you don't like him. Why are you being so mean??
Asmo isn't the type to chase after someone who proves too much of a challenge (which is rare for him). But when it comes to you, he's determined to try over and over again until you love him.
Why was he your least favorite?? Beel may be a little bit of a muscle head, but his feelings were hurt.
Was it because he ate so much? Was he not leaving enough for you? Or not paying enough attention to you? Was he too big and scary? Maybe if he stoops down a bit, it'll help?
Beel is used to being avoided. He's got a one-track mind, can be blunt with his words, has a cold, neutral expression and he's HUGE. That's probably a lot for a human to handle, right?
So he starts hurrying off when he sees you around. He doesn't want to scare you. But he also wants to make peace, so maybe leaving snacks around for you will help smooth things along? He sure hopes so...
Ah. Well, that's not really a surprise. After everything he did to you? He's be surprised if you didn't have a grudge against him.
And he plays it off like he doesn't care. Sure, he feels that he deserves the most time with you since he spent so long locked away, but he won't force unwanted affections on you.
It hurts. It's annoying. It's frustrating.
Belphie isn't the best at expressing his genuine feelings, much less the ones he has for you, so he can't wrap his mind around how to handle the situation. So what does he do?
What he's best at: he sleeps. Even more than he normally does, until it's almost concerning. Why think about unpleasant things when he can just sleep and let his mind wander elsewhere? It hurts too much to think about it.
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echoslammin · 7 years
10 Reasons Why You Should Play Liar! Uncover the Truth
So, this game has been on my mind a lot as of late. I started it playing early this year, and even though I’ve long since cleared the main story, I still can’t stop logging back in for more. It’s available on Google Play and Itunes 
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1. More than romance - In Liar! (known as Doubt! in Japan), you play as an MC who, after successfully exposing her boyfriend as a cheater, is on the hunt for Mr. Right. In order to find him, you attend a matchmaking party and end up meeting ten potential candidates, all of whom seem to be total husband material at first glance. Unfortunately, as your sassy fortuneteller friend informs you, all is not as it seems, and nine out of the ten have major Issues. Liar! is as much a mystery as it is a romance story, and it’s up to you to find out what these guys are hiding.
2. MC is awesome - Liar’s MC is the feistiest I’ve ever seen in a dating sim, and she takes crap from absolutely no one. As a character, she’s got her own quirks and flaws, and this gets played for laughs quite a lot. (Her obsession with takoyaki and Octokitty is beyond real). 
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3. Fun characters + everyone has a face and a personality - It’s not often that you get to have a well-characterized supporting cast in your otome games. MCs coworkers and friends add a lot of spice to this game and are usually the ones to clue you in on the potential liars. Plus, virtually every character you meet in the story has their own sprite, complete with eyes. It's nice that you get a chance to see the other people in MC’s life, not just the ten guys.
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4. Diverse Range of Eye Candy - The game features ten potential love interests, all with very different personalities. Nine of these guys have a skeleton in the closet, but a few of them still come out looking fairly decent even after they've been exposed. And from what I've seen, fans are pretty divided over whether Mr. Right really was the best match for MC, so you won't be alone if you ended up preferring one of the Liars.
5. Great value - You can read the entire main story of Liar! for free with the use of daily tickets, and with patience, you can acquire almost all of the extra content. I’ve finished both main stories with all endings unlocked and have gotten all the Lovers’ Routes + Epilogues plus pretty much every Liar File I’ve been interested in. And I still haven’t spent any real money on this game.
6. Catchy soundtrack - I really did not expect a free romance app I downloaded on a whim to have such memorable music! From the snappy accusation theme to the wistful orgel melody that plays during reflection scenes, Liar! is full of great tracks. I’ve even caught one of my non-gamer friends humming the Flirt Time jingle when they thought I wasn’t around. XD  
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7. Shocking swerves - While trying to figure out everyone’s dirty little secret, MC comes across some pretty wild stuff in these guys’ backstories. Prepare to have your illusions shattered. Additionally, the sequel game contains a twist that I would never have seen coming in a million years.
8. Sweet voice acting – In a recent update, Voltage introduced voice acted lines for all of the Liars’ Accusation scenes, which means you get to hear them beg for mercy as you nail them with evidence! Some of the VAs you may have heard of include Kenji Nojima (Seung-gil from Yuri!!! on Ice, Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon Crystal), Showtaro Morikubo (Shikamaru from Naruto), and Daisuke Kishio (Fuyuhiko from Dangan Ronpa 2).
9. Hilarious events - There are seasonal events in addition to the main story that will keep you busy even after you’ve technically finished the game. These all have their own side stories featuring a few of the guys and are really entertaining in their own right. They’re AUs in the sense that the LIs are all still assumed to be decent and their lies are never addressed, so it’s both painful and funny to see MC cuddle up to some of the worst scumbags.  
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10. Sequel that is every bit as good as the original - Liar! Office Deception takes place in the same universe as Uncover the Truth but features a completely different MC and a whole new cast. This time, MC is an office worker at an advertising agency who gets put in charge of a team composed of the potential Liars after getting on the bad side of a backstabbing co-worker whose father is in management.  In this set of Liars – which happens to include several ladies –  there’s one that’s supposedly MC’s “Perfect Partner” while each of the other nine has a serious problem that’s holding the team back.  It would take a whole other list to express all the things I like about the sequel, and I can definitely say that I enjoyed it just as much as the first game, if not more so.
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booksblanketsandtea · 2 years
GTA RP - Where to Start? A Character/Streamer Rec List.
Because of the huge scope of GTA RP, it can be daunting to get into. So I thought I’d write up a rec list for few different characters that I personally enjoy watching - there are literally hundreds more out there, but (in no particular order) here are some of my favourite characters and streamers to watch - I’d recommend that, if you’re looking to get into GTA RP, you give them a shot. Captain Jeffrey Bundy - played by OccamsSabre Bundy is a Captain in the LSPD. He’s intelligent, capable, and is one of the wittiest people in Los Santos: his deadpan delivery is a delight. He specialises in investigative work (especially serial killers and stalkers) and also works in the police department’s canine unit. He has a dog called Ted. Yes, really.  Ash Ketchup - played by Ash Ash is a deceptively sweet ‘girl next door’ who owns one of the most popular cafes in Los Santos. Her long term boyfriend is Benji Ramos, an ex-south-side gangster; together the two of them are a formidable team and have recently put together their own crew, Seaside. Despite her innocent veneer Ash is full of mischief and isn’t afraid to stand up for herself or others.  TJ Walker - played by DocWizard For two years TJ was an officer in the LSPD - but at the end of January he became one of the only people in the history of Los Santos to quit the police force and become a criminal. This came about after a dramatic, month long arc that culminated in TJ shooting another officer as part of a blooding-in initiation to his adoptive father’s motor-club, the BBMC. TJ is tactical, dramatic, intelligent, and a bit goofy - he’s adjusting to his new life as a criminal and is trying his best to do his criminal family proud. His arc going from cop to criminal is one of the best I’ve seen.  Undersheriff Matt Rhodes & Ryan Parker - played by CurvyElephant Known as ‘petty and thorough’ by the criminals of Los Santos, Matt Rhodes is eminently capable at his job but is a bit less capable when it comes to dealing with his family life; whether it’s forgetting his anniversary with his husband Richard or being a bit emotionally stunted when dealing with their adopted sons Cody and Flop. CurvyElephant’s other main character is Ryan Parker - a car thief, mechanic, farmer, and pizzeria worker who is working a heap of jobs to pay off a small loan he took (of a million dollars) to buy his dream car. Recently divorced from his long-term husband Reed, a member of the Lost MC, Ryan still maintains close ties to the motorcycle gang. Corporal Tessa Lamb - played by Nakkida Tessa runs the driving school in the city of Los Santos. A Ranger, she is an animal lover and is very knowledgeable about the local wildlife found in San Andreas. Tessa is widely respected across the city as she always rises to the challenge in front of her. Though she is known for her gentle manner and skills in de-escalation, when faced with animal cruelty, people threatening her loved ones, or men asking her out on dates? She can be absolutely ruthless.  Barry Benson - played by BazzaGazza Barry is the Vice Prime Minister of the Bondi Boys & Babes Motorclub (or the BBMC). Alongside his husband, Irwin Dundee (played by Whippy), he leads the BBMC in their ongoing criminal antics. Barry is an adrenaline junkie, a loving father, an exasperated husband, and a proud leader. He’s also incredibly forgetful, a bit ridiculous, and a skilled driver and shooter. The Australian combines hilarious comedic timing with consequence driven roleplay.  Yuno Sykk - played by Sykkuno Sometimes known as ‘Cheatcode’ Yuno is one of the best hackers in the city. Kind hearted and soft spoken, Yuno has a penchant for causing a bit of chaos by stirring the pot. Yuno is a member of the Cleanbois - a criminal organisation known for wild bank heists and business enterprises. Yuno tries to be friends with absolutely everyone he meets, and it often gets him into trouble. 
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