myartsing · 2 years
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Shoutout to technos iconic halloween mcc skin! Vampire pig 🐽
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mcc-updates · 2 years
MCC tweeted!
With next event around the corner, we're reminiscing on our fave event plays - like @GrianMC's Dreamslayer knighting in MCC 9🪓👑
Got a fave MCC moment? - tell us in the replies!
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riacte · 9 months
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One of the funniest things about this pic is that no one gave a shit when Martyn came. Not even Martyn himself. Pearl was trolling them in the same spot Martyn was and the Blue Bats were laughing. There were also several other people (I remember Wilbur) which the Bats made a remark about.
But when Martyn came and stood behind False? Dead fucking silence. Nobody cared. Nobody moved. And Martyn was even standing there for like 30 seconds. (I guess False did care considering she took a pic💀)
Not even Martyn himself commented on it because his team was talking about the lordships. Martyn decided he had to go afk to search for lordships, and for whatever reason, he decided he had to do it in that exact spot. Researching lordships next to your future lord, eh?
This was so out of pocket because Ren and Martyn didn’t really know each other then (they’d met at Grian’s wedding though). A hand to hold until the end or whatever they say.
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sycs-world · 1 year
Tonton "How are the Hermits in MCC? | Evolution (MCC 9)" di YouTube
For those people who missed MCC9 and want to know more about hermits in MCC, please watch this video...
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mellozheist · 2 years
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Does anyone heard of Lord Grian Dreamslayer? =)
Inspired by 
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duck-era-lexi · 2 years
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3 ppl and a weird green blob
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quartz-rott · 2 years
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Sketch and colours of Mcc 9 :] thought it was fitting since Mcc is today
Here is the donation link to sarcoma foundation of America - https://href.li/?https://www.curesarcoma.org
And this ends drawing techno every week this month, I’ll still 100% draw techno still just without the sarcoma link because I feel like people don’t really want to be reminded of it when they look at a funny Minecraft pig drawing 
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rizzlejam · 2 years
feeling nostalgic for MCC 9 Blue Bats and Pink Parrots, just all the times hermits won in MCC really, or got close to it
like the mcc9 pink parrots having the lord thing and lord grian dreamslayer.
how everyone predicted blue bats to come 6th and then they clutched in sg and reverse sweeped in dodgebolt.
mcc11 lime liches was a bop to watch, fav moment was when they all surrounded scott with the Bdubs skin, 10/10
mcc12 because Cub got so close to winning it was heartbreaking
mcc13 for obvi reasons, it was such a good team, also 10/10
mcc17 is probably my favourite or 2nd fav, orange destroying in build mart, grian popping off in sky battle, comeing 2nd in sg, and Grian winning the finale in a 1v3 againt FruitNinja!?!? that nearly gave me a heart attack, i remember vividly sitting on my chair telling myself there was no way Grian was winning this and not to give myself false hope, AND THEN HE WINS IT!?!? istg, the adrenaline rush was worse than when my mum asked to see my search history.
I’m feeling emotional.
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ani-craft · 8 months
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just-jellyfish · 4 months
Using the Wayback Machine to watch How the Blue Bats Won MCC 9 just to feel something again
Ren, False, Fruit, and Hbomb you will always be famous to me
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chrisrin · 2 years
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“Mumbo Jumbo, archival assistant, recording case file 0171221, statement of H. Bomb, regarding the actions of a friend during a game of tag.”
The nineteenth of my book cover mock-ups for @sixteenth-days ‘From the Archives’ fic series.
Read the fic here! 
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mccbrackets · 1 year
Shoutout to MCC9 blue bats, I knew they were gonna be in there but being all of the first four nominations was a bit of a surprise
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riacte · 6 months
Martyn calling Ren’s TCG card “cool as fuck”, “wanted it badly”, "now I’ve seen it, I want it more” [og tweets 1 and 2]
Martyn when he didn’t get Ren’s TCG card: "I’m grieving right now, don’t do this to me"
Martyn doing demon / imp roleplay in Ren's chat but it got deleted [Martyn's response to an ask with transcript of his sent message]
Ren names an axolotl "Martyn"
Ren calls Martyn “someone he can be foolish with”
Martyn liking the above post on Tumblr
Martyn reacting to Secret Life memes. “He’s lost and lonely without Ren” Martyn: why did you have to go for the jugular?
Ren says the ear butter at Blue River Raceway “is a special batch from the vineyards of Marteen"
Ren names his cat in a new hardcore world "Marteen" [Bonus clips of him hunting down the cat 1 and 2]
Ren about Martyn: "He's one of my favourite new people that I've met in the last five years" + calls him "a legend"
Ren saying Martyn’s voice is “music to my ears” and "sometimes puts on Martyn's vods before going to sleep"
Ren mentions going to sleep and dreaming of Martyn’s “beautiful, beautiful eyes”
Umm. So that just happened. Right at the end of 2023.
HOUSEKEEPING TIME: I'm considering making an All Stars unhinged Renchanting moments poll featuring the nine winners + Last Life burning tower scene. (Altar scene is forever banned because we know it would sweep.) I've been collecting opinions (via a poll) here! For previous polls + winners, check my pinned. Feel free to reblog to spread the word (and for the chaos lol)!
I've been thinking of holding it immediately after this poll ends so we can have URMP AS (Unhinged Renchanting Moment Polls All Stars) cross from 2023 to 2024 as a manifestation of more Renchanting in the coming year <3
I hope the clips work because collecting them was a little tedious so tell me if they don't work! And thank you Ani for all your help <3 <3 would not be possible without you o7 teamwork makes the poll work!
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massivewaffle · 2 years
Every MCC “support” player should watch Rendog’s Survival Games perspective from MCC9. It’s genuinely the PERFECT way to play support for a team. He’s watching behind the group, letting the three stronger players go ahead so he can go through all the graves they leave behind, rifling through any chests they run past and picking up arrows, food and armor. 
He feeds that forward to them, grabbing potions and giving it out to the group while he plays clean up the whole time and ends up also getting two kills. MCC Blue Bats are my favorite ever team and of course they never would have made that impact without Fruits kills, but Fruit wouldn’t have also gotten those kills without Ren feeding him speed pots and arrows the entire game. 
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duck-era-lexi · 2 years
fruitberries not on lime feels so wrong
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literaphobe · 2 years
tubbo won his first round ever of hole in the wall this kid is so crazy
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