#MF is a cool villain there's a lot to like about him and to make him really threatening
legendary-guest · 7 months
Thinking about how Monkey Fist and DNAmy got to where they got to in the show. Special thanks to @danglovely's post about the subject for helping connect the dots and turning the gears in my head. More than a professional relationship, as stated. Here's my take. It's long!
The step to alter Monty Fiske's hands and feet was years in the making. Searching for someone who would do something so experimental and insane took a lot of time, all the while hiding his growing obsession and madness from the public and academic colleagues alike. When he finally found Amy, it was a huge relief, and he was overcome with so much joy, with genuine appreciation.
Amy, recently exiled from the scientific community, was greatly flattered by Monty's sheer enthusiasm and willingness to be altered. He knew exactly what he wanted and was so knowledgeable about primates. In fact, he knew a lot about her and her research. Really, it was more of a collaboration. No one at the scientific institutes ever wanted to collaborate with Amy, on her projects and fields of expertise. O, Lord Fiske….
Amy calls the procedure radical genetic mutation in the episode Partners. Aspects of fanon think it's surgery. Just wanted to address this here before continuing. The infamous hobbling scene from the movie Misery (spoilers + grievous, non-bloody violence, if that matters) is how I imagine the preparation for this 'procedure' went. Monty is conscious, he wants to be awake for every step of the transformation, to really feel it, experience it, to remember it. He fairly yells Amy's praises as she does this. (Yes, I would love to think she says, "God, I love you." just as Annie does in the movie. Unaware that she has even said it, perhaps. He doesn't hear it over his screaming).
You know what, Monty might even be the one yelling "I love you!" - that's way funnier. Yes, let's keep that. Yes, you are right to think this is analogous to another activity, dear reader.
Surgery, genetic mutation, whatever happens, he's lucid for it and endures it very well. Amy takes care of him, dotes on him. He's such a good patient, so polite. Always saying please and thank you. He never swears, not even when he's in immense pain. A real, proper gentleman. O, and the way he looks at her with his striking blue eyes and his heavy, British (simian?) brow giving him this air of mystery. Smiling at her all the time, talking about how grateful and happy he is, how she is fulfilling his lifelong dream. The poor woman is about to faint herself! His British accent and eloquence don't help either!
They continue to get to know each other during his recovery. Amy has him do basic physical tests and exercises to get used to his new appendages. She continues to be impressed by his knowledge of primate anatomy. They practically finish each other's sentences on the matter. A lot of bashful turning away and tender smiles between them.
Amy feels comfortable enough to share her Cuddle Buddy collection with him. She's somewhere between shy and enthusiastic when introducing him to it. He's said all these nice things, to her, about her, and he's so educated and goes on so many grand adventures. Her collecting hobby, her passion, seems silly in comparison.
Let's throw this in here - I reckon he holds her hand with his monkey hand. That's sweet. He smiles at her.
Monty calls one of her Cuddle Buddies cute. Amy knows she's in-love with him now. She also knows the way he looks at her isn't just politeness for politeness' sake…
Lord Fiske is utterly elated, on Cloud Nine the entire time he's staying with Amy. Her cooking is good, her abode is well-kept, she is hospitable, she's intelligent and interested in what he has to say and knows so much herself. It's…comfortable, here. Though, he knows, this is all just the icing on the cake. The first step to his ultimate goal has been made. He allows himself to enjoy it wholly, savour it.
Finally, they part, exchanging good-byes. It's a little sad, they've both enjoyed their time together (for different, or perhaps, not all that different, reasons).
Ever the gentleman, Lord Fiske takes one of Amy's hands in his (simian) one, and kisses it gently. A proper good-bye. Amy is stunned. He takes his leave with a smile and a nod.
Amy cannot stop thinking about him. At all. Even when that really handsome teacher came around, with that gangly teen and his pet naked mole rat. And then Kimmie! Ugh, her lab…well. At least she has Monty to think about.
She still can't stop thinking about him when that cute (and charming) Dr. Drakken (though, not a doctor, he is very intelligent, he's definitely been to college, at least) comes along and asks to collaborate. O, he's so sweet. He thinks she can't see him smile when she's not looking directly at him. He should smile more often! Though, that green lady, his not girlfriend, seems to enjoy hovering around him a lot…. When he gets down on one knee and looks the most vulnerable and smitten she's seen him in their short time together, she knows what she must do. He handled it better than she thought he would, even when he screamed his sidekick's name (not girlfriend) as if he were in mortal danger.
Monkey Fist finds his thoughts straying from his destiny, every now and again. Back to Amy Hall. Back to her home. Back to the dinners they shared. Holding her hand, so small in his now…. It wouldn't hurt to incorporate her into some of his ritual praying. No, not at all. And why not? After all, she'd helped him in such a big way! He could have never become Monkey Fist without her. What a curious thing to think about. He finds himself burning a lot of incense and reverently holding her picture (which he printed off of the official Cuddle Buddy Fan Club website; professionally, of course) over the months.
Unable to bear being apart from the one she loves, and who she knows loves her, too, Amy makes contact with him. Probably whilst Monkey Fist is in the middle of some plan, so she is sure to catch him at a terrible time. She didn't call, she didn't send a letter, or even an e-mail, she just showed up.
Monkey Fist doesn't know what to think when she starts blathering on about how much she has missed him (well, it's not like he didn't also - NO, NO HE DIDN'T MISS HER!), and about monkeys, and the surgery, and Cuddle Buddies, and true love - true love? She can't be serious….
"O, Monty!" she cries, before flinging herself into his arms, holding him tight (was she always this strong? She did help him about, but this was ridiculous!), causing him to stumble back. Heck, maybe they even fall to the ground, her on top of him. (Thank you, romance tropes. Hope someone enjoys this).
He doesn't have time for this! He shoves her off, maybe a little more harshly than he intended, but she doesn't seem to be put off by it. In fact, she just keeps smiling at him, and batting her eyelashes! What's gotten into her? She didn't act anything like this when he was staying with her!
More of this nonsense occurs, I reckon. She's even found him in weird places, like in the middle of Cambodia. She's just…there. How did she KNOW? How did she FIND HIM?
She finally tells him, maybe the third time she 'meets' him, that she was sure that he loved her. Why, he even screamed at the top of his lungs that he loved her! Monkey Fist is stunned. No. That didn't happen.
He gets all uppity, maybe even red in the face (blushing. Amy is delighted, she's never seen this side of him before!). That wasn't what he was really thinking, or feeling, for that matter! It was just a side effect of whatever she drugged him up with!
She just continues to smile at him. He starts feeling unease, real unease. She tells him, knowingly, a little coyly, that she didn't give him any medicine for the procedure. He specifically requested no pain killers, or drugs, of any kind. She repeats to him, verbatim, what he'd told her about wanting to experience the entirety of the operation, even its ugliest moments.
Well, Montgomery, you've really done it now, haven't you? Told an incredibly intelligent, persistent, obsessive, and frankly, insane woman you loved her as she was shattering your joints. You wonder how you got yourself into this mess. O, right. Ultimate Monkey Master. Maybe Bates had a point. Or your mother. Okay, not her, but maybe Bates.
And that's that! That's how we get to Gorilla Fist!
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wikitpowers · 6 months
things i want to happen in twp:
lots (and i mean lots) of carstairs-gray-herondale family time moments - give me family walks, picnics, parent-teacher nights, family cookie baking, jessa training their kiddos
ty to be the first kiss initiator (+ angry, passionate kiss!!!!!!)
DRU TO BE THE BIGGEST MF BADASS (i wanna see this woman fucking up some demons, talking back to teachers at the academy, making ash's life h e l l before they admit their feelings)
lucifer to be fucking terrifying and the best villain
dru finding out about ash keeping the drawing of her all these years (we love a simp)
tessa and jem helping kit w/ his powers!!!
ash and kit as besties (like they have bff friendship bracelets)
kit asking julian for his blessing of kitty (because i think that would be fucking adoroble and jules would be so happy for his brother im)
TO SEE THULE!KIT (if he sacrifices himself, i will literally bawl)
ty to give kit a blackthorn heirloom to show his commitment
MANY scenes in faerie (it’s such a cool location!)
to have sebastian come back from the dead as green-eyed jonathan and for him to protect ash, clary and jace like a maniac
THAIS AND ANUSH AND JAIME POVS (i'm begging, cassie) + rio, mumbai & mexico city institutes showed!
jace and kit relationship development with jace being the cool big bro (i also need to see jace ruffling kit's hair don't ask why)
ty's classical music playlist to be revealed...
insane enemies-to-lovers vibes from morgenthorn (and i mean insane)
herongraystairs reunion to not be too painful please *tears in my eyes* (but ik it will be)
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voltrixz · 3 months
Favorite blorbo and why ? You must tell me your lore
I cant narrow it down to just one so you'll be hearing about my current top 4 (putting the rambles under a read more because erm. THIS SHIT IS LONG AS FUCK, I RAMBLED SO MUCH...)
Auditor (Madness combat): LOVE LOVE SHADOWY CHARACTERS WITH GLOWING EYES. AND EXTRA BONUS POINTS IF THEY HAVE ELEMENTAL RELATED POWERS. And well Auditor is very funny to me. Essentially a major antag but he like rarely shows up, hes just in his dinky office drinking soda (canonically has a sweet tooth and HEHE). Also said to be canonically not the brightest which like this mf has a whole agency dedicated to kill ONE guy and still fails. Also struggles with hand to hand combat, like what is is their problem. This guy is basically a god and this whole thing is their one job yet HE SUCKS AT IT!!!!!!!! And they're such a show-off and so dramatic about it and AGRHRHRHRHR strange guy. I like him a lot.
Phobos (Madness Combat): What is his problem. Like geniuely. This guy is so ?????? LIke he was the leader of the biggest cities in Nevada, had people full under his control. And he was willing to drive the whole city and Nevada into pure destruction to achieve his selfish goals born out of his MASSIVE EGO and self entitlement and his belief of him being a god. Yet he failed. But HE HAD A BACK UP PLAN, HE WAS PREPARED AND HE STILL GETS HIS ASS KICKED. Like this guy. He'd be as pathehic as Auditor but like. his influence over Nexus City and the narrative is SO GAHRHRHJ, rlly interesting guy. He is very often played off as a joke but like. gneiuly such an interesting guy that forever changed the course of the narrative.
Electro (TSSM): i mean. I mentioned liking characters with elemental related powers and well. "Volt" is literally in my name so you can take a guess on which elemental power I rlly like. (ELECTRICITY!!!!! I LOVE ELECTRICITY RELATED CHARACTERS/THINGS!!!!) And also AGRHRHR what a guy. WHAT A GUY I TELL YOU!!!!!! Gets his life completely turned upside down by a workplace accident. Freaks out and lashes out (understandable I would have killed a man) and its only downhill from there because this guy cannot make a good decision for the life of him and he is TERRIBLE at managing his frustrations. He is also terrible at handling any kind of relationships, the ultimate fumbler. The fact we first see him as just a your average typical guy but as he descents further and further into villiany it kinda makes you question about who he was before. BECAUSE THE SUPER INTERESTING THING IS OUT OF ALL THE VILLAINS IN TSSM, HE IS THE ONE WHO WE SEE THE LEAST BEFORE HIS TRANSFORMATION. super interesting to me. Also his design fuckin rocks. And hes trans coded as hell, so double win (hes just like me fr...) Also i both need him and need TO BE HIM. but yeah.
Shocker (TSSM): I need him so bad. WHO SAID THAT. WHO SAID THAT. ok but like. He's a cowboy and hes a hired merc. And he's given a dumb looking suit when doing so at some point. He literally comes up with his villain name by using A FUCKIN PUN/QUIP WHEN HE FIRST MEETS SPIDERMAN. I hope he gets hit by a truck. LIE. Idk hes a very ??? guy to me. Because unlike the other villain he has a no personal vendetta against Spiderman, he was just hired to take him down and well thats his job and hes dedicated to it so thats what he does. Also hes wayy more comfortable with quips and such, and AGRHRH despite appearing the more rational and level headed of the villains, he has RLLYYYY bad temper and hates hits at his ego (which spiderman and his boss's right hand man do ) Also hes the one who's way more involved in the criminal underground and AGRHRHHR its so interesting to piece together his relationships within that underground. Also he has a bar and he plays pool, very cool. Also he hates working with the other villains (the rest of the s6) and would rather work with the enforcers (his orignal team) since he sees all of them as amateurs and only sticks around because his boss told him too like AGRHR he hates their asses... LIKE AGHRHR idk hes such a guy. Hes so different from the rest of the villains and yet. agrhrhrhr agrhrh. A lot of story and dynamic potiental there. AGRHRH
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rainchyna · 2 years
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𓆩♡𓆪 episode four: BLURRED LINES.
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IT'S ON FULL SWING NOW MFS!! sherri debuts!! this barely has anything going on but y/n is officially booked and busy like the real champ she is 😌 mhm, a lot of shawn and y/n moments !! SURVIVOR SERIES IS IN A MONTH ‼️ which will be around episode nine i believe, a lot to go through but hang on it'll be really cool i think!! on my vince russo shit im booking the whole ppv [villainous hand rubbing] 😼 the main event will be something else. gotta do something real special for the kids 😮‍💨
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"you know what we should do?" you ask, Vince and Taker look at each other puzzled, then back at you. "what?" Vince asks with a slight shrug. "we should fight!" you smile, "like the good little wrestlers we are!".
Vince looks intrigued, while Taker mumbles something about him not being 'little'. "what do you mean?" Vince asks, you lean back and a sly smirk settled on your face. "well, I thought of this like two seconds ago, but, what if we take this little situation into the ring?" you begin.
"the best storylines are those that make the fans question if it's real or not, right?" you ask. Vince silently nods and Taker slowly begins turning towards you.
"we'll keep everything the way it is, but just tweak it a bit. picture this" you sit up and both men follow suit. "new girl comes, she wins the championship immediately, some people are happy for her and some are not. biggest figure backstage questions her capabilities as champ and she accuses him of being jealous because that she didn't have to work for it" you say.
"but that's exactly what happened" Taker raises an eyebrow.
"yeah, hold on though, it gets better! uh, uhm" you go quite for a moment, thinking about what else you can bring into this potential angle. "okay! the people backstage are torn and split into two groups, your group being the ones who are envious, and my group those who support me and think it's a good way of building a new star. then RAW's writers can build something from there then maybe the groups face off?" you half ask.
you lean back into your chair again, "I don't know man, I thought of this right in front of you" you explain.
"we may not be on the greatest terms right now, but that's... pretty good" Taker says, you look at him with half a smile and he rolls his eyes, looking away. "it's decent! don't let it get your head" he mumbles.
Vince is looking between you two as your argument from earlier turns into playful banter. his current women's champion and his personal best creation.
"you know.." Vince said, "Survivor Series is coming up soon". you and Taker look at each other, "... are you considering this pitch?" Taker asks, Vince hums.
"if I can get the writers to put it together before the last week of July, hell if they can get something done today, maybe this can be a hit..." he trails off. "like a promo?" you ask, he hums again. Vince look at you again.
his current women's champion and his personal best creation.
he saw money.
this doesn't sound bad.
Vince silently zones out for a couple minutes, thinking of what he can do with this idea as you and Taker settle into the slightly uncomfortable silence that came with the left over of the conversation.
"look, I'm actually considering making this happen. but I need you two to remain civil" Vince sighed. you and Taker side eye each other, you sigh as well. "as long he doesn't question, degrade of berate me whatsoever" you say, "and as long as you don't try to fight me again, or threaten my career" Taker responds.
"hmmm, I don't know about that" you look away, Vince loudly sighs. "fine!" you blurt.
you shake The Underaker's hand.
"wait, you threated his career?!" Vince shrieks.
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later that week. 1:07 pm, dressing room .
'I don't know man, bleaching my hair sounds like it'll be worth it for like one week' you think to yourself. you look back at the dressing room's door waiting for one of the stylists to come in. you wanted do something different with your hair, but blonde highlights weren't cutting it for you.
"what if I look good as a blonde?" you ask out loud, you twirl your hair between your fingers as you look at the mirror in front of you.
"you won't look good as a blonde" Shawn pipes in. oh, yeah, you forgot he was here too. he's waiting on a haircut.
"says who, Michaels?" you narrow your eyes at him, "this professional blond" he points to himself. "uhm, yes I would" you say. "nope."
if you weren't going to bleach your hair then, you're doing it now. just to prove a point.
"and you think you look good with blond hair?" you ask, "I'm fucking sexy, baby" he smirks, and you fake gag. "don't call me that" you groan. "I'm not your baby."
"you could be my baby" he says, flashing his pretty boy smile. ugh, you fake gag again. this was another thing he does that annoyed you.
all the flirting, and the stupid playboy shit he'd try to pull on you? absolutely not. one of the main reasons you couldn't bring yourself to like Shawn when you first met was how hard he'd try to jump on your bones.
and he hadn't even known you for that long then!
he was used to having girls throw themselves left and right at him after a corny pick up line and some shameless sexually charged conversations, but his 'sexy boy' fuckery wasn't working on you. and he didn't like it.
"I don't want anything to do with you" you retort, he huffs. "what's wrong with me?" he asks and pout rests on his lips. you roll your eyes, "if I answer you, we'd be here all day" you say. "pfft" he laughs, "as if". you roll your eyes again.
"you're the most annoying, conniving, absolute fucking asshole, rudest, most brattiest-"
"you want me so bad" he laid back on his chair, and you could feel your eye twitch. “fuckin’ hell” you sigh, resting your head in the palm of your hand.
thankfully, someone walks in. it wasn’t a stylist though.
“Sherri?!” you and Shawn ask at the same before glaring at each other. the brunette smiles at you both, pulling you into a hug, both of you fighting for who gets to hold her more.
“aw, both my babies in one room” she smiles. “i’m not a baby anymore!” Shawn says flexing his biceps. “of course you’re not” Sherri says kissing his cheek.
“y/n, my angel” she smiles once more as she pats your hair. “congratulations on your title win, I’m so proud of you”.
“man, I missed you so much” you sigh pulling her into another hug. “hey! you’re giving her more attention than me!” Shawn frowns, you lay your head on Sherri’s shoulder and stick your tongue at him. he glares at you.
“I see you two still don’t like each other” she laughs, you roll your eyes and Shawn groans. “she’s annoying” he flops back into his seat, “me?!” you gasp. “yes, you!” he points.
“he’s lying!”
“she’s lying!”
“okay you two, knock it off” she says standing between you, “jeez, I wonder what it was like without me” she mutters. “hell.” you both answer before glaring at each other.
“so” Sherri began as she sat in the empty seat between you and Shawn, “’heard the locker room hates you, y/n” and you groan, “don’t even get me started”.
“I’d expect that from Shawn, not from you”
“what’s that supposed to mean?!”
<<3:19 pm>>
you decided to bleach your hair, Sherri successfully convinced you to get some highlights. Shawn was still the room, but he had fallen asleep while getting his haircut, if he could stay quite like this all the time you wouldn’t mind existing on the same planet as him.
you ended up getting some highlights in the back of your head, but bleaching the front part. the stylist even gave you some curtain bangs to frame your face. you really liked your new look, plus you needed something to refresh your look a bit, so you didn’t look the same as when you were in Japan.
"I told you you'd look good!" Sherri smiled, "mhm" you run your hand through your freshly curled hair. "n-no she doesn't" Shawn mumbles, you both look at him. half asleep and rubbing his eyes.
"you just woke up, and the first thing you do is lie?" you ask. "nah, it's the truth" he snorts, you glare at him then you sigh. "when is the stylist coming? I need my hair cut" he whined.
"she came already, did it when you where asleep" Sherri responded. Shawn began checking himself out and playing with his hair in the mirror.
"I told you I was sexy" he raises his eyebrows at you and Sherri laughs, "literally get me out of here" you groan as you get up, back cracking after sitting for so long.
you walk out into the corridor and begin walking towards your locker room, the place was bit quite but nothing too out of the ordinary. "hey!" you call out, Lita was coming out of locker room. "hey- woah look at you!" she exclaims, you flip your hair. "wait, blonde hair looks so good on you" she says fluffing your hair, "I've been saying!"
"where have you two been?" you look in front of you, and Chyna was walking up to you. "oh, you look so hot" she says taking a closer look at your new hair, "I know! ugh, I'm the sexy one!" you groan. "I mean no one is debating that" Chyna said, "that rascal Michaels is" you say as the three of you walk towards your locker.
"wait, what?" Lita asks
"long story short, I was- uhm" you're cut off when you're met by Vince and Taker in your looker room, sitting on the couch. Pat Patterson was there too, you were confused. "c-can I help you? y'all?" you ask slowly walking in. "yeah!" Vince said, "you two should stay" he said referring to Chyna and Lita who you backing out of the room. "you're involved as well"
all three of you share confused looks as you enter the room, closing the door behind you. "you're first promo is printed!" Pat chirped, and your eyes widened. "already?" you ask sitting on a chair across from them. "I was as shocked as you are, it's been like what? four hours?" Taker said.
"wait, what promo?" Chyna asked
"we're going to carry on with the angle, and for tonight you're just going to issue a challenge to The Undertaker. we're currently writing the story as it goes. if it doesn't go well, you'll end it the week before Survivor Series, but goes well, you'll end it at Survivor Series" Pat explained.
"Survivor Series?" Lita asked
"wait so, apart from the challenge, what does this promo serve?" you ask, "like you said, feuds that make the fans question the reality of it are the best. so basically, you're gonna go through what happened backstage, then Taker interrupts you, you go back and forth a bit, then you challenge him" Vince says.
"hold on! guys? can someone explain, what promo and what challenge are you talking about?" Chyna asked, "what does that have to do with Survivor Series?" Lita asked, "and why are we involved?" Chyna added.
"oh, boy" Taker sighed
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10:20 pm, dressing room ;; RAW <Live>
“why are you always here when I’m here?” Shawn asks, you side eye him. you continue to re-curl your hair, “I was here first, you came after me” you roll your eyes.
he groans loudly. apart from bitching and moaning, he’s just sitting there. he came to fix his hair for the show and stayed for some reason, now he’s just annoying you.
“what’s that?” he asks, you look at him, “what?” you asks. Shawn points to your mouth, oh. “a lollipop” you answer, you unplug the curling iron and grab and can of hair spray.
“what flavor?” he asks, you stop spraying your hair and look at him for a moment, “grape” you continue spraying your hair. “you like grape candy?” the way he worded it made it sound like grape candy was the worst. “yeah? what’s wrong with it?” you ask.
you brush your hair out and play with it a bit, “I don’t think it tastes nice” Shawn answered. you roll your eyes again, they’re going to fall out of their sockets some day. “they taste really good” you say sitting on a chair behind you.
this conversation felt a lot more civil than the ones you two usually have.
“gimme that” he says, before you can react Shawn had pulled the candy away from you. “hey!” you gasp. “give me that back!”
maybe not.
he’s laughing at you, with the candy high up in his raised arm. “I wanna know if it tastes nice too!” he giggled. “get your own!” you squeal.
too late, he placed it in his mouth.
“why would you do that?!” you grunt. he now rolls his eyes, he grabs both your arms, pulling them behind your back leaving you pressed against his chest.
“relax pretty girl, I just want a taste” he smirks. ugh, you try wiggling away from him but he was holding you tightly. “you know” he began.
“you can be as sweet as this candy, if you stop playing hard to get” he moves closer to your face and you look away, Shawn chuckles.
“how many times do I need to tell you, I don’t want anything to do with you?” you spat. he laughs again, what’s so funny about this?
Shawn takes the lollipop out of his mouth, he lets go of you. “give me that back!” you swat the candy away from him, “keep it” he shrugs, you noticed that his tongue was the same shade of dark purple as yours.
“i didn’t like anyways” he flops back into his seat, “you’re so fucking annoying” you mutter. you look at your poor lollipop for a second.
“don’t you want it?” Shawn asked, “I do” you answer. “then eat it” he challenged, “I will!”
“you sure don’t look like it, I’ll take if you don’t like it” he sighs, “I thought you didn’t like it?” you look at him. “I don’t” he smiles. “then what the fuck are you-”
knock! knock! knock!
a staff member enters, “thank god, a decent person” you murmur. “y/n your segment is in twenty minutes!” she notifies you. “got it!” you respond.
“wait, you’re working tonight?” Shawn sits up, you side eye him. “you think I did all of this for no reason?” you point to your hair and makeup. “hm, with who?” he asks again.
“wouldn’t you like to know?” you ask putting on lipgloss, “just tell me!” he whines. “The Undertaker, damn”
wait, you’re working with The Undertaker?
he hasn’t done that yet and he’s been with company for years, you’re doing on your second day at the job?!
Shawn hums, and sinks into his chair while you sing your theme on your way out.
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10:40 pm, RAW.
you were sat on the middle rope legs crossed and microphone in hand, as you wait for the crowd to stop cheering your name. you couldn’t help but smile at them.
you get up and raise your championship making them cheer loudly. “okay” you begin and quite down a bit. “if you watched the last installment of Raw, you’d know that I won the women’s championship. but if you’re the person who wants to know everything that happens, you definitely saw the headlines on the wrestling columns last week” you walk towards the opposite side of the ropes.
“you probably read about me getting into an altercation with ‘leading figure’ for the locker rooms, now I’m not denying that. it did happen” and being the messy fans that love fights they cheered.
“that wasn’t unprovoked however, he was the one who started!” the crowd audibly gasped at the ‘he’. you got in a fight with a man?! how scandalous.
“this fucking guy, question my worth, questioned me as a champion, said that I wouldn’t know anything about being a champion, and threatened to get me fired!” you explained.
the crowd began booing, and they booed loudly. “I know!” you say.
“you guys are probably wondering who it is now, right?” you ask and crowd boos again.
“it’s The-”
the place goes dark and Taker’s music hits.
and the crowd was equally confused and excited.
he slowly got into the ring as a ring side staff member handed him a microphone.
the crowd was already split, one of the most prominent wrestlers and one of their favorites. and you had proven to be capable of putting a great match and you’re able to cut convincing promos, they didn’t know who to get behind.
“until you won that championship, I respected you.” Taker spoke. “good to know that there’s someone as the women’s champion, the problem is, many women would fight their way up to get were you currently are. you didn’t do anything, you just arrived and go it, and-”
“do I need to remind you how much I’ve already accomplished?” you interrupted.
“listen, I’m not saying you haven’t done well enough, I’m saying we haven’t seen enough from you for anyone to get behind you as a champion” he say.
“have you guys seen my matches before I worked here?” you ask and the crowd cheers for you, “my reigns as champion before I worked here?” they cheer again. you turn to The Undertaker, “they’ve definitely seen enough, they know I’m enough” you state.
“well I haven’t seen enough” Taker says and the boos began again. you roll your eyes and walk towards him. “do you realize how stupid you sound?” you ask.
“why does it matter to you that I became a champion quickly?” you spat. “are you jealous?”
and all the could be heard was ‘ooo’s from the audience.
“why the hell would I be jealous?” he asked, “because I won the championship on my first day, and it took you a long time”.
kayfabe was in the trash, it’s been for a long, long time. but right now, the crowd couldn’t tell if this was something that happened backstage being written into the ring, if it’s just a feud to get you more over or some backstage politics gone wrong.
“if it’s about me proving myself as champion, I’ll do that, everyday if that’s what it takes. but if it’s about respect, then you’ll never have mine.” you say,
“then prove yourself!” Taker bellows, “I don’t think you’re good enough to be champion!”
“oh really?” you ask as you get in his face, “one hundred percent”.
ring side staff are quick to pull you away from each other while the crowd loses their mind. they have already picked you as their babyface, this whole promo made The Undertaker sound like a jealous, insecure person who’s afraid to get replaced as the top wrestler in the company.
“listen! I will prove myself, and I don’t care if you respect me after it or not. and to you guys” you point to the crowd.
“we will fight! Taker, I challenge you right fucking here, right fucking now! doesn’t matter how it will go or when it’ll happen, I am asking for a fight. but until then, I declare war!”
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vlkodddlak · 2 years
For shockwave!
15. Does this tf character ever make anything creative (e.g. writing, drawing, sculpturing)? If so, do they show other people what they’ve made?
16. What do you think this tf character’s opinions regarding humankind is?
THANK U FOR ASKING!! your ask game is super cool!!
im gonna go with tfp shockwave cause he's my fave. my version of him isnt that scary and evil he's just kind of a guy who likes to play around with science and engineering, doesnt know basic safety, and is bad at socializing. he's still kind of a cartoon type villain tho
15. ohh he's creative for sure. it's not always that obvious, but i do like to think that shockwave likes to create things for fun sometimes. about 98% of the stuff he works on are projects that will help the decepticon cause, but he does occassionally get a spark of creativity and decides to make something for himself. it's not art in a traditional sense, like poetry, music, etc, but it's enough to count as art (in my opinion)
the 'art' he creates may include stuff like: 1) creating little gadgets that have no practical use, they just look cool
2) playing with chemicals just to get some interesting reaction. like putting some liquids together just cause it makes them change colors in a pretty way or something
3) adding decorative designs to his creations, again, simply for the esthetics
ok ok i know these sound silly, but when you think about the fact that shockwave is a serious, 'logical' character and not someone artsy, these little actions DO count as creative! think about it!!
he NEVER shows others, tho. it's not that he's insecure about his craft, it's simply not something that he wants to share. i wouldnt say that the creative things he does are personal (he probably doesnt see any artistic value in his little projects, it's just for fun after all) but his art comes from feelings and thoughts deep within him that even he doesn't like to admit (like idk... the fact that he can be happy and enjoy something? no one should know that! 😡). basically, he's not comfortable showing his creativity to others, unless it's someone he knows for a long time and absolutely trusts, which isnt a lot of people...sigh hes so weird
16. oh he couldn't care less. like, fr. i mean if the decepticons want to transform Earth and eradicate all life including humans then he'll just... go along with it yknow? his main focus is helping megatron, it's all he really cares about....BUT! i do think that there's a chance he COULD develop some sort of care for humanity? i can't say it confidently, but i do think he would be able to connect with humans through his favorite things - science and technology!
human technology is WAY behind cybertronian one, but shockwave might find himself curious about it! well, to be specific, he would find interest in HOW humans came to their discoveries and research. humans are such a small, young species after all! how come they've done and discovered so much in so little time? (this is all relatively speaking lol)
of course, over time he would be interested in more than just human technology. he would also look into human history, art, language...probably anything regarding humans. if he's focused on something, he is focused A LOT. shockwave human hyperfixation real
eventually his slight interest for human science would turn into fascination and later... appreciation? maybe? it would take him a pretty long time and he would definitely need someone or something (preferably a human friend) to convince him to even look into human stuff, since he doesnt view humanity as anything important from the start... but yea! i like to think that this big purple mf would go from "humans small and weak and stupid and unimportant" to "humans small and weak...and kinda cool"
ahhh i can't believe i wrote so much omg.... embarrassing! 😞😞anyway yea shockwave is my fucking fictional fidget toy, whenever i'm bored i poke him and squish him in my brain
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juiceboxman · 2 years
Watched Black Adam
It was Ok. Pacing was alright, editing was a bit all over the place, tone was flippant, performances could have used better direction at times and the music choice was just...ugh
Main things I didn’t like
1) Thought the Rock could have been a bit more smug throughout the whole thing, would have added to Black Adam’s ego, made him more interesting
2) Black Adam’s “not a hero” kind of stuff falls flat when he’s not really a villain either, his anti-hero status is kinda...eh, especially when you consider this takes place in a world where Batman literally brands mfs and runs them over with his car- like its just not that compelling
3) There’s no real arc for Adam, he doesn’t learn any lesson. He doesn’t identify himself as a hero, or a villain. He kinda familiarises himself with the modern world and thats about it. He doesn’t learn that sometimes violence isn’t the right answer, doesn’t learn that with great power comes great responsibility- there’s no real journey for the character. It honestly just felt like the rock spent 2 hours making himself look super cool and its just- not enough. You also have to remember that a lot of kids are watching this and they just see this dude powerhouse through entire armies and the only lesson is that “might equals right” like is that the shit you want to teach kids? I don’t know. Like it could have been a story about him coming to terms with being a leader, coming to understand the value of peaceful co-operation and conversation to avoid conflict- but it just wasn’t 
4) Villain sucked, was very uncompelling
5) Dialogue is clunky and they made some creative choices that were just...why? Like they done that Sergio Leone reference mid fight scene and its just like...why? Like it doesn’t fit what so ever
Things I liked
1) Justice Society were pretty cool. Dr Fate was great. really loved Hawkman- loved Atom Smasher and Cyclone, thought they were great together- very cute pair as well
2) Some of Black Adams kills were really sweet, really surprising they got away with it considering its 12A
3) Black Adam suit looks pretty dope
4) Cinematograghy is very nice
5) SUPERMAN wish he was in it more
6) Amanda Waller, love to see Amanda Waller- even briefly
But yeah, this movie is sadly very forgettable. Very mediocre, which can be expected when its been rewirrten a dozen times, been stuck in development hell for almost a decade and soooo many other issues. Its the kind of movie I walked away from and on the way home I though of six better different plotlines. Blac Adam should have just been the main badguy in Shazam, but the Rock wanted to be the lead in a movie- so we get this
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jules-of-the-sea · 2 years
I would love to see a Blorbo ranking for your blorbos from Les Mis, if you are willing to share :)
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so i made a character tierlist, i dont actually hate thenardier but its funny to hate him. for side characters: m mabeuf would be guy!!!, fauchlevent would be eh (although the graveyard scene was funny), and marius's relations would all be in eh/mildly annoying because i have no strong feelings about them.
you did say blorbo ranking though and i have no idea what exactly that entails so im just going to do everything i can think of. so heres a list of everyone on the tierlist and a few thoughts on each of them
enjolras 12/10 love of my life, top kin, red <3, hes literally just a guy god i wish i was him its all i ever want hes so !!!!!
grantaire 10/10 love him, probably more like me than enj lmao, jaded, alcoholic, cynic, ao3 always makes him an artist but i dont remember them saying that in the book??? maybe i missed it though, it did say that he knows all the best spots in paris though so thats pretty cool
feuilly 10/10 self taught king, he makes fans, he wants to deliver the world and i support him. we all need a feuilly in our lives
combeferre 10/10 (these ratings are a little redundant at this point) fan interpretation always makes him a bookworm nerdy guy (which i have also done) which i understand bc in the book hugo talks abt how he wants to learn everything and he loves progress and education, but honestly i feel like hes a lot warmer and more social than people characterize him. like they talk about how compassionate he is and how he focuses on the actual people in the revolution more than the movement as a whole
gavroche literally just a little guy, hes got his two children in his wooden elephant what more could a street urchin want
courfeyrac party guy, literally tholomyes but if he wasnt a dick, love him for it. actually thinking abt it, tholomyes was a poet right?? and hugo compares him w courf so,,, poet courf???
bossuet unlucky, actually named lesgle, bald, in a poly relationship w joly and musichetta
eponine bro she was not that close with marius in the book, and i dont think she even knew the amis. its fun to pretend she did though. also the musical makes marius actually care that she dies which is sweet i guess. also i love every queer eponine interpretation.
jehan jean provaire, medieval enthusiast, just a little guy i guess. trans/nb jehan is one of my favorite things actually
joly happy guy, apparently nicknamed jolly because of that, doctor(?), likes self diagnosing, must suck being a germaphobe in 1832
bahorel tbh i forgot like everything the book said abt him. im pretty sure he was the guy who saved marius from being kicked out of law school though?? and also visibly expresses disgust when he passes by law school??? king.
javert single-minded policeman, love the themes and internal struggle, javerts soliloquy and stars are some of my favorite songs in the musical
jean valjean all around a good guy, white bread personality but like,, nice. so i guess hes more like the pre-made pound cake you can get at the store. certified girlboss tho
cosette pretty? i like the cottagecore interpretations but also shes literally just a lonely child from 1832 so i guess its just by default. she seems like the type of girl who would be a pleasure to have in class
fantine sad lady, cosettes mom, i wish she had just gotten cosette back from the thenardiers when she had her job but oh well.
marius annoying little bitch boy mf i swear to god he deserves very little of what he gets. also isnt he like 10 years older than both cosette and eponine??? 1832 moment i guess. anyways hes not that bad but its funny to hate on him.
madame thenardier me when child abuse, kinda a girlboss in the musical but in the book shes just kinda there
monsieur thenardier little rat bitch man, fuck that guy, but also hes literally a cartoon villain and its funny
also the tierlist is made in mspaint, i would have found pictures for everyone but a lot of them arent in the 2012 movie long enough for anyone (me) to know whos who so. crunchy mspaint version
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vegetablejester · 3 months
I also have some thoughts on Dawntrail, spoilers down below.
So I'm rather mixed to be honest, some parts I think were really well done and cool while others felt a bit rushed and disconnected. For my first compliment at least, they did do a really good job at representation and exploring culture from what I understand too from others talking about it from said cultures. I hope they keep this up in the future as remembering how badly Gyr Abania gets shafted constantly makes my blood boil.
Lvl 90-95 95-100 though feel like two halves of an expac or patch quests though. Its very weirdly cut in half like patch quests normally would be after an expac. But at the same time having the rite of succession be drawn out would probably become a drag eventually. One of my biggest issues however has to be the villains of the expac and their motivation. We have Bakool Ja Ja as the red herring villain first who gets redeemed. I don't mind this, what bothers me is how his character was written beforehand and how some of the shit he does just doesn't make any sense. Why did he free the Valigarmanda? He doesn't give any good reason other than he just can and will. Having him maybe boast he can do it because he's a blessed sibling and getting too high up his ass and losing with us cleaning up the mess would have fit better. If his motivation is to impress his father and stop more blessed siblings from being born by them being able to leave the forest, show it better. It all just kind of happens once we get to the last trial almost out of no-where.
Zoraal Ja annoys me the most though. Because we have little to no idea why he's such a war-monger to begin with. He has this idea that everyone's gotten soft after being in peace for 80 years, then fucking show that softness maybe and how it could be bad. Even if he did win the rite, what's this mf gonna do in a city that doesn't have a port to build boats gonna do against the motherfucking LOMISAN NAVY. The closest we go an idea to why he acts the way he does it is because he's bitter about being Gulool Ja Ja's only trueborn son and having pressure and thinking he automatically deserves to rule because of that. I would have found it interesting if maybe he was bitter over his mother dying due to the strenuous birth of a child like him or Gulool Ja Ja wasn't perfect in raising him and teaching him. His motivations just kind of feel lazy out of nowhere tbh.
And then there's Sphene. So Living Memory and Alexandria have things i like a lot. It's really cool to see more stuff about other reflections and also FF9 hehe. But I felt like what she did was very easy sort of shouldered off like "Oh sorry she was just programmed that way teehee but don't worry she's good again now before she diessss" Like no fuck off. 14 cant get good female villains down ever since Yotsuyu who remained bitter yet slightly regretful as she died. She never asked for redemption, and I would have liked to see Sphene stick to her shit even as she died like, Wuk Lamat cant say shit about understanding her pain. We were told how many people died in the attack, 50. How many people have died in Sphene's kingdom and lifetime? To have a whole fucking society built around erasing the memory of people who die to avoid grief and a whole area dedicated to using those memories to recreate them after life? It's not exactly comparable tbh.
I will say I do like the idea of Living Memory after Ultima Thule. Ultima Thule was about the stubbornness of pushing on and continuing to live against all odds because so many are still out there alive and living so the area becomes more full as you progress. While in Living Memory, everyone is already dead. We're just here to turn the lights off in the house. It becomes more empty and dead mall like as we progress instead because its breaking the cycle and ending the prolonged existence after death because there's no more life left to live. Next to that Sphene had built herself a sinking ship, too much empathy to let those who die to keep the memories alive are added to the Memory Zone, but that then mean more aether is needed and more reflections to drain of souls and aether until there's nothing left. It would have collapsed eventually and it was better we did it now than later.
Those are just some of my thoughts so far though.
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passionesolja · 4 months
Yapping about Eternal Days of Night Act 1
This is an Act/Arc from Junius B, which is a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure analog horror I’ve been watching. It’s pretty cool. Very unique for an analog horror. I kinda think of it as Part 6.5. It’s set in the later-ish 2020s, in the ireneverse. It’s about Passione. Post Purple Haze Feedback too. Not flawless (which is normal lol) but I can tell a lot of thought and care went into it. Blah blah Blah.
Spoilers below
Obviously some real 4D chess is going on. In the semi-finale, Ondulata tells Armani “yeah, Dionne isn’t loyal to Passione, she’s loyal to Malavita”. Malavita has been around since the very early episodes and he’s this mf from Diavolo’s Passione who’s managed to stay around through everything. He’s not a good person at all. Like Gëek High is the Eldritch horror that haunts Dionne but Malavita imo represents the more grounded and realistic horror that goes on in Junius B’s story
Dude grimey, opportunistic, and manipulative. Like we know for a fact that he got Dionne into Passione, got them addicted to cocaine, and that he and Dionne got some kind of toxic relationship going on. Its not like the two love each other, it’s like one night stand things. I think that Malavita is a good example of the mentally conceivable terror. Like I can’t picture and Eldritch horror ass Stand like Gëek High, but I can 100% understand a Mf like Malavita.
An older, experienced mobster mf who has power over Dionne even if Dionne doesn’t realize it or feel like he does. Like the story isn’t grotesque with it but it’s established that during Dionne’s early career in Passione, he used sex, partying, violence, and drugs to keep Dionne dependent on him and in the gang. BUT, it’s also established in the finale that Malavita isn’t some Passione loyalist, he’s been feeding information to an northern Italian gang for years. Seemingly since Giovanna took over. Why? He not happy that Passione dropped out of the drug trade and some others. That’s it. Bro don’t want to be a gang leader or anything apparently
He also knew about Ozzy Brando being in the Eternal Days of Night cult but never told Dionne about it. So to me that says that he’s intentionally trying to be messy as hell and puppet master some shit. Like he’s the one who wanted Dionne in Passione to begin with and has been stringing this mf along since they met. We don’t even know what bro’s Stand do and I think that adds some kind of mystique to him. Bro isn’t terrifying because of his Stand, he’s terrifying because there’re a million mfs who move like him irl
I think that Malavita is a fantastic underlying villain because he isn’t this scary ass entity, or some form of trauma. Malavita doesn’t seem like he has any goals outside of making money and getting a lil bit of power. He’s just a small minded mf. Dionne is like 28 years old in Eternal Days of Night, has been knowing Malavita since 25-26 and its wild because they fw Malavita.
Imo he’s an interesting minor antagonist because as an audience member I’m like “oh this guy isn’t at all good for Dionne and has motives” but Dionne is like “me and bestie🤗/shady guy I’m also using but am getting used more by him”. I don’t think Dionne is a victim, D3 likes the coke lifestyle, clubbing, sex, and violence that Malavita offers them but they’re also not told everything
Shit like this is why I love Junius B but also why I can understand why it isn’t popped off yet. Because this shit is more eerie to grown mfs instead of kids who want fnaf horror and monsters
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barbiegirldream · 8 months
i only got into mha recently and i love dabihawks cause i think theyre fucking hilarious in the exact ways youre describing but i swear yours are like the only takes ive read that are any good its driving me crazy. ive tried reading fanfics about them and ive found some good ones but the characterization of both of them in a lot of fics irritates me so bad cause they erase all of hawks's convictions about his ideals and theyll soften dabi and make him give too much of a fuck especially about his family it's crazy like that mf said it wouldve been good for him if natsuo died cause it wouldve hurt endeavor. like i read one that was like "dabi never actually killed anyone he just faked it all so he could seem evil" to try to like absolve him of being actually a villain and make him into an antihero type of character and also made his canon backstory worse for no reason after acknowledging the canon one and then being like "this is actually a lie endeavor told people to make him look better" (as if his canon backstory makes endeavor look any good) like just commit to writing characters who are fucked in the head and do fucked shit
soooo many people try to like make their backstories worse. And in ways that make no sense. Like having the commission actively hinder Hawks from reaching his full potential. And I promise human trafficking a child and training him to be a spy/killer is bad enough no extra torture inclusions needed. and I get for like Dabi his past was always a bit mysterious so some older fics were just making stab in the dark guesses about it. But now that know for example Endeavor looked everywhere for his son on that mountain but All For One kidnapped him that should be putting things into perspective. And also ignore that Dabi's inherently the opposite of Shoto. Shoto wanted nothing more than Endeavor to stop looking at him all Dabi wanted was his attention. During the final fight all his family using their ice to cool him down he's like they're all looking at me :D like he's delusional as fuck. But I could see a world where they tame him like a wild horse and get him to only bite them sometimes. For me the unbelievable part is always Dabi in fics caring about the league when the very act of letting Hawks in the building means he can't.
Hawks on the other hand his convictions about goodness and crime were ingrained in him fixing a hole in the trash filled infested shed he was locked in and getting kicked in the back for it. Hawks is a fixed character just with enough complexities that people had to guess what it is he was fixed on for so long.
It's also I think very fascinating to take Touya who was while absolutely abused a spoiled brat that turned into a murderer and put him next to Hawks who was never loved and never wanted and came out deciding he would save lives and be a hero.
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #13 act 6 p4
still in these conversations where the kids reveal their true feelings about each other except not TO each other but to someone else. this dirk one is so true though roxy has been the goat of their session and the one fucking thing holding them all together. god i love roxy
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wow so cool they all ascended at the same time! surely nothing bad will happen immediately after
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theyre finally arriving. holy shit . theyre COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW. JOHN AND JADE
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yeah ok so jade showed up and her and jane immediately got turned evil
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this is a CLASSIC dave/karkat mess around. if you know, you KNOW . shit had me ROFLing.
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holy davesprite . i havent seen this mf since like RIGHT AFTER cascade. literally its been eons
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TRUEE i think its a strider lalonde thing they looove to go on and on about random bullshit
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hey its these bozos what up yall
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waitt theyre being friendly to each other? breath players CAN get along!!! this is huge news. especially for me.
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this actually would be a hard ass shirt fr i need that shit
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this is the reaction i get when i bring up minestuck to my friends... and im like guys please its actually fun i promise... .(im lying)
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yo its the fan trolls what uppppp
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okay nice meeting you
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this is all very silly :D
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YES!!!!!!!! OKAYYYY TAVROS!!! stand up for yourself girl you are serving like crazy right now. i think maybe this is more meaningful than when he tried to kill her, cause that was just a too little too late type of thing where he wouldnt have actually accomplished anything by succeeding, and also had no chance of doing so. BUT realizing his CONFIDENCE and his FREEDOM actually is meaningful and it will accomplish things later on!!! :D YAY TAVROS
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insane behavior
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i think i agree with john here, i dont think it is out of line for him to hesitate in giving you the life ring. you dont have to be a good person to be a hero. but you do have to do... heroic things? like, ever? maybe once in your fucking life? when is the last time ANYTHING you did could be considered "heroic?" when you were alive, all you did was make everyone around you suffer. they had to kill you just to make sure you didnt doom them all. when youre dead, sure youre hunting down a weapon to kill the big bad monster, but you dont even seem to care about the millions of troll lives you are mind controlling against their will to be bait for your big mission. who the hell are you trying to save? the heroes that are alive in this story literally NEVER encounter the version of the villain that you are trying to stop. whats more, this big plan to use the your ghost army FAILS because the one who was doing basically ALL the legwork mind controlling most of the ghosts ditches you, and the only reason you still have an army by the end is because the guy you fucking bullied the whole time when you were alive (and a lot of the time you were dead) BAILS you out by ACTUALLY being a hero and a genuinely good person that doesnt need to MIND CONTROL PEOPLE to get them to follow him. look. i understand everything you are saying. about not having time to deal with the morals and ethics of what you are trying to accomplish. because the ends justify the means. but the thing is that NONE of it matters. YOUR PLAN FAILS. YOU GIVE UP and have an actual SATISFYING character arc. then it gets retconned and the main version of you goes back to being Worse. and then her plan...? succeeds? i guess? if succeeding means literally EVERY ghost in the army gets obliterated, the secret weapon deploying the four beta kids who are almost all killed by LE, and randomly davepeta being the one to throw him as well as themself into a blackhole. i guess if that counts as success, then congrats. you didnt even get to see that happen though, because you got ejected from the fight frame one. HOPE IT WAS WORTH IT!
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anyway... what was i doing. oh yeah look at this. this is a bit sad
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okay this is pretty real. even if it is nonsensical, and maybe a little bit problematic?
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me talking about myself three images ago
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i like this panel. poor john cannot find his friends
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this is a very cool panel as well
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my worst nightmare
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fucking scary ass motherfucker please get a grip. also brown contacts .
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well. things are pretty bad right now! jade is evil jane is evil everyone is on random planets with no memory of how they got there john is missing. if i didnt know any better this might seem like the beginning of something really bad . but what do i know. anyway catch you on the next one. or catch me? joff i will see you next time. ok joff bye joff
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vigilvntes · 3 years
I was wondering how Adrian would do when she tell him about her exs. Maybe her ex was super hero or villian? P.S. I love your fanfictions, they bring me so much joy.
ahhh thankyou so much im so glad you enjoy them!!! <33 so uh i have a few thoughts about this
first of all i would just like to preface this by saying that in my mind adrian is one jealous, possessive mf. constantly needs to know that you love him and that you want him, and only him. i don't think he would MIND talking about exes but jealously would rear it's ugly head more often than not and he'd get super possessive and needy and maybe even a little moody (like i just know l he'd sit there with a sad frown like a kid who's just been told he can't have ice cream before dinner)
BUT if your ex was a superhero and supervillain i think he'd want to know more, whether it be because he's intrigued or because he wants to scope out whether they're better than him (which you've probably told him time and time again that they're not, because if they were then you'd still be with them)
be prepared for him to dunk on them like . everyday. and god forbid chris ever finds out that you dated a superhero because the two of them together would be INSUFFERABLE 💀 they'd be cracking jokes left right and centre about your ex.
"could (superhero ex) do this?" "i bet (superhero ex) never did this for you"
i just know he'd have to bring it up during sex too especially straight after you tell him?? "i bet (superhero ex) never fucked you this good, huh?"
"......is he bigger than me?" (i'm sorry i just know he'd have to ask)
i think although he would be incredibly jealous of the fact you dated a hero before him, he'd definitely still be incredibly interested in any stories you have about them. like he'd want to know if you knew anything about their missions or any personal details about their lives and i just KNOW he'd want to be introduced to them too once he gets over the initial jealously just because he thinks it'd be cool as FUCK. although he dunks on heroes with chris, he's definitely a secret fanboy.
if you dated a villain i think he'd definitely also think that's cool as fuck depending on how they treated you??? if they treat you well then he'd want to know just because like . how can they do all of these awful things but treat you like gold and you'd definitely have to hold your tongue and stop yourself from being like "you literally go out and murder people for graffitiing but come home and beg me to snuggle with you and run my fingers through your hair???"
if they treat you badly (hero or villain) he would definitely have a lot to say about it. it'd make him really angry, just the thought of anyone treating you badly makes him incredibly fucking angry. if you even mentioned one bad thing they did to you i can guarantee he'd be heading straight for his vigilante suit. you'd have to physically stop him from going out and tracking them down. like he would definitely try and take on a whole group of heroes or supervillains for you
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miniimapp · 2 years
ASSASSIN*TOWN AU - Character Deep Dive
Gen ;; Teens and up - Headcanons
Warnings ;; Murder ig
Proofread + edited ;; Never lol
Auth. Note ;; BOO BITCH IT'S ME !!
I literally cannot leave posting anything any longer but the HS post is taking so long and I just can't so have so assassin*town lore bitches :/
Aaron T
T loves to make a game out of his targets
Playing with his food kinda mf
Definitely the type to sit down and go on some big villain speech tangent to his target as they're tied up and gagged or whatever
"It's nothing personal, dude. Gotta make money somehow, y'know?" comes up a lot
He loves to make his presence known to his target
Some may think it's weird that he enjoys his victims targets screams and pleads for mercy but trust him, it's simply acquired taste.
Once he's got your file and he's skimmed it once, T is off.
He's coming to getcha ass
Please remain calm during this process, keeping your arms and legs within their binding to ensure a confused T and an extended expiry date
T got into the business when he was struggling for money
He had nowhere to turn and so he became a hitman for a certain company
Now, though, he works for anyone who offers good money
T never really found a way out of this line of work and after all this time he's a little scared to try anything else
Throwing knives are his life-ender of choice, he especially likes to juggle them and freak people out
He can do this because he went through a "i'm running away and joining a circus and becoming a knife thrower because that's cool also i'm going to eat mcdonalds every day and you can't tell me what to do because i'll be in the circus" phase
You know that phase that we all go through
The one that we come out of with the skill of knife juggling and throwing
Yeah, see, i knew you'd relate !!
T mainly takes cases that require a very public death
Not that he kills in public
No, I mean that the new about this death needs to be loud and send a message
This kinds of missions require a bold and...unique style which T possesses
Although T has his own preferred style he definitely likes getting tips or hearing about others
Since Tae Young's is the complete opposite of his he really likes to learn about his
T definitely tries to takes aspects of all the other's methods and try them out to see if he finds them better
The biggest Robaire v Z instigator you've ever seen istg
T will purposely make shit up to piss one of them off and pin everything on the other
And everyone definitely knows this
But neither can pass the excuse to beat the other up
Lovingly of course
Middle child energy all day every day
But Papa Jesse™ does not overlook him
Which T is eternally grateful for
It's nice to be acknowledged and viewed as an important member of their little group
And Jesse is always there to include him and hype him up
Fun fact: T absolutely loves raspberry jam doughnuts !!
Jesse prefers to watch over his target before striking
He'll get your file memorised and then he tries to get more personal info
Over the years Jesse's been working he's figured out the best and his favourite way of getting intel is organically, in person
Mans is so old
Because he's very charming and overall outgoing it's easy for him to worm his way into his targets lives
Jesse tends to get assignments were a careful, strategic kill is needed
He is very delicate with his work
Tip-toeing around, very careful not to rock the boat
And obviously he's had years to hone his skills
When Jesse takes missions he basically shuts off his emotions
In this line of work emotions are frowned upon and truly don't get you anywhere
Empathy is a useless trait and boy does Jesse know it
Because of his chosen method he's gotten mildly attached to targets when he'd first started out
Jesse learned the hard way to not challenge the system he'd found himself in
Play their game and no one gets hurt
You want to give your kids a good life, don't you??
Jesse's preferred weapon is a gun
A fairly quick method that doesn't require him to hang around after
Jesse doesn't necessarily enjoy any part of his process but he does find it interesting figuring each target out - what makes them tick, what buttons to push and what to stay away from
He's interested in the psychology of each and every one of his targets
Jesse initially got into this line of work for his kids
His partner left them on his doorstep and he just panicked
Jesse was barely able to support himself, how the fuck was he meant to support two kids
This is how
As the most seasoned assassin Jesse tends to look out for those with less experience and gives them tips
He doesn't see others as competition
There's no competition in a race no one wants to win, after all
Jesse definitely took Z and Tae Young under his wing the most but he looks out for all the boys and hope to be a good role model for them
Jesse usually keeps the boys away from his kids as he wants to keep the two sides of his life separate
Though on occasion the boys do get to play cool uncles and run around with the kids for a bit
He's very insecure about how good of a parent he is to his kids - Jesse's constantly worrying that he's going to corrupt them or ruin their lives by getting sent to jail or something
At his lowest points he's considered giving his kids up but at the end of the day he loves his kids more than anything and could never give them up - not unless they were in danger
Fun fact: Jesse favourite kind of jewelry is earrings and he especially loves dangly earrings
Aaron T
This man can be creepy af ngl
You will never see him coming
This bitch is silent and no sounds will be coming out of him until he's got his target on lock
He hates when people beg him and scream
Like please,,
He realises you don't want to die
No one particularly wants to die via assassin but suck it up
Deal with it, it's happening now
Z gets headaches and migraines super easily
So when people are screaming it just makes him want to shut them the fuck up even faster
Z got into the business by accident
He's been working in the industry the second longest, just after Jesse
He was young and naive
Initially Z was meant to be a bodyguard of sorts
And he was for a little while
But once he was sucked into the company he could not leave
Kinda sad but mans is being manipulated fr
Z mainly takes on people who oppose the company he works for
But there's always that one person who just doesn't make any sense
But oh well, money's money right ??
Z's weapon of choice is anything with a blade tbh but he's known to use a dagger
Z is probably the most sympathetic assassin out of them all
Don't get me wrong he's not kind, good or even nice
He really just doesn't like watching people in pain
For an assassin he's pretty squeamish
He tries his best to give every target a quick death
One that's as painless as possible
Deep inside (where he's repressed the shit out of his emotions) Z really wishes he could leave this way of life and do anything else
He probably became an assassin at the youngest age
Z definitely wanted to prove his independence by getting a job and just got unlucky
Z is incredibly grateful for Jesse
After having spent so long in the business with no support having a mentor-figure was a godsend
Robaire somehow always gets Z into competitions over their kill count that week
They get T to keep a tally
Z finds T really refreshing, after having spent so long being uniform within the industry because that's all he knew to have someone just do whatever the fuck he feels like is kinda mind-blowing
Tae's cuteness may make people melt but Z's stoic shows of affection make all the boys simply implode
Fun fact: Z hates rollercoasters with a fucking passion, especially ones that go upside down
Robaire prefers to watch his target for a while
A couple weeks to a month usually
He keeps a firm distance from his targets and only watches over them
Robaire believes getting close to your target is idiotic when it's your literal job to make them extinct
Ahem looking at Jesse and Tae Young
Okay but while he doesn't personally agree with these methods he can acknowledge the results they bring both assassins
And he just really admires Jesse but don't tell him that
Robaire really plans out the best course of action for each of his targets
Double then triple checks the file whilst making the plan
Not that he needs to - he's got it memorised
But just in case
Robaire is someone who would do anything for his family
Even commit murder to pay back a debt
He never enjoyed his job, he despised it in fact but it was all for his family and fuck if there isn't a better cause than that...
Robaire got into the business through a family debt
His cousin was the one meant to work to return the debt on behalf of his uncle
But instead Robaire was offered last minute instead
Being who he is Robaire accepted because at the time he had no idea about his cousin and thought he was the only one who could repay the debt
And of course he'd do anything to help his family
It took years after learning the truth
And some all-nighters filled with reassurance and advice from Jesse
That Robaire finally let himself be angry at his family
He finally let himself mourn the loss of his freedom to a debt that he wasn't supposed to be paying back
At his core Robaire is just tired and missing his family
He just wants love - is that too much to ask ??
*Cue the rest of 4*TOWN starring as Robaire's chosen family !! :DD*
When they aren't squabbling or competing Robaire and Z are bonding over their shared trauma as all rivals should
They relate to each other in the way they were both coerced into the business a way too young of an age
They both find that their rivalry keeps their mind off things so even if from the outside it looks bad they both know just how good their relationship with each other is
Jesse fills a father/uncle role for Robaire
He's someone to look up to and admire
But he's also someone Robaire can come to in a time of need and curl up against as they fall asleep together
One day randomly Tae Young started giving Robaire homemade bead friendship bracelets
Robaire gave him one in return and it became almost a tradition
now they make bead bracelets together on off days bc awww
Fun fact: Robaire loves the Paddington movies - something about a small bear finding a family with humans in London tickles him and makes him go all soft
Tae Young
If silent but deadly was a person
In and out in a matter of minutes
Though he will stay behind just to make sure you stay dead
Tae's a bit of a worrier
He's scared he's going to mess up and get into trouble
He has a bit of trouble with authority figures
(No I'm not projecting)
You'd think he'd be the kindest assassin but not really
When Tae Young was first starting out he definitely cried a little bit when completing missions
He's found ways around that though
Tae realised killing people with his own two hands just wasn't working out for him
So his demise-determiner of choice is poison
Depending on the instructions within a targets file Tae will switch out slow-acting poisons for faster ones, untraceable poisons for obvious ones, and so on
His preferred method is similar to Jesse's in that he will make appearances in your life
Expect him to be a familiar and friendly face you see fairly often
But Tae's role in his target's life will never develop from there
He likes to gather intel in person, like Jesse, but he won't use only that method as it's impractical and would take months to learn anything below surface level unless he posed as a therapist or something
Leave that shit to people with too much time on their hands like Jesse
After Tae Young's gathered whatever info he needs he gets right into the main part of the mission - the assassination
If given a choice Tae personally prefers fast-acting, untraceable poisons but any will do
Tae Young got into the business a bit differently to the other boys
You see Tae was introduced into this way of life through his family, like Robaire, not because of a debt or anything like that
It's because his whole family are, have been or have some connection to assassins
The family business with a dark side if you will
Tae doesn't love his job but he figures it could be worse
He makes a fair bit of money and he has the freedom to do most things on his own terms and reject a mission if it violates his boundaries
Plus he the free time to volunteer at animal shelters so in his mind there isn't really anything better suited for him out there
But coming from a family of assassins Tae Young has access to a lot of resources the others don't have
Of course he shares what he can though
Tae Young loves to try and trick T by giving him phony tips "from his family" just to see him try them out
And he does
Time !!
And T always comes back with a weird story about how he somehow managed to make Tae's ridiculous advice work for him
One day Tae Young will successfully trick him...one day !!
A huge hobby of Tae's is pestering Jesse
"Jesseeeeee,, can we see the kidsss ??"
"Jesseeeeee,, can you get me a dog ??"
"Jesseeeeee,, what about a cat ??"
"But Jesseeeeee,, I really want ice cream !! Can we pleaaassseee go get some ??"
And because Jesse is a 10/10 older male figure in all the boys lives (and because no one can resist Tae's puppy dog eyes) he usually gets what he wants
Tae Young and Z definitely have quiet time together
Whether they nap, do a puzzle, watch a movie or show, doesn't matter because it's quiet bonding away from the noise (Aaron T)
And Tae loves to paint Z's nails
He tries out new nail art on Z
Z proudly shows it off - he even gets fingerless gloves just so he can show off Tae's nail art even when he's on missions - it makes Tae smile every time he sees it
Fun fact: Though Tae loves animals big and small he does have a fucking ginormous small fear of cows (yes i am projecting, don't laugh, cows are frightening af try me-)
Okay and that's all for our latest lore dump, hopefully the next post will be the HS theatre headcanons but who knows at this point lmao
Hope you enjoyed <3
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nobodies-png · 2 years
Did you play the kh dark road update? If you did what are your thoughts about it?
 I DIDN’T PLAY BUT I WAS WATCHING DAMO’S LIVESTREAM THE MOMENT THE UPDATE DROPPED </3 honestly the reason I’ve gone inactive is because I’ve done nothing but work on wayfinder charm designs for the scala squad and the upperclassmen, you don’t uNDERSTAND IM OBSESSED 
but but but, here’s some thoughts under the cut ! as usual, warning for spoilers ahead and lots and lots of text bc I’m a blabbermouth
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ok so, I’ll start in order so it’s easier for me to keep track of
the disney worlds being more relevant AND helpful to the story
I’ve seen so many people say this and they’re so fuckin right, cause disney worlds used to be just fun places where SOMETIMES things related to the plot might happen. at best, a certain disney sidekick and their movie helped develop the main gang/plot but no one really thinks “hey KH2 atlantica really helped Sora grow as a person and was super important to the overaching plot huh”. like, sure, not EVERYTHING has to be plot heavy or super relevant, especially in a game aimed for kids but christ I literally erased all of KH2′s lion king from my brain bc the only thing worth remembering there is “look sora is a cute lion!”   
it just feels nice because in other games, all these bad guys WERE meant to be THE hottest shit in the world, the scariest mfs you would ever face, but they essentially had nothing other than a fun boss battle and boom bye. nomura kinda spent a few games kicking maleficent’s dead body trying to make her relevant again.
so seeing the Scala squad actually make use of the magic mirror’s abilities MORE THAN ONCE was actually fucking revolutionary for me like, yeah of COURSE you would go back to THE magic mirror that so far has been doing nothing but answer any question you’ve given him. of course it’s cool when MALEFICENT KILLS BALDR’S SISTER because she hasn’t been directly relevant in anything since. what. KH1 or KH2. I liked that Hades, as the GOD OF THE DEAD, actually has the power to BRING PEOPLE BACK IF HE WANTED, if only for a bit LIKE. WOW!!! THEY *ARE* IMPORTANT AND POWERFUL PEOPLE
characters being more than just good vs bad guys. the morality and mentality of light vs darkness being more nuanced. 
the main issue a lot of ppl had with Xehanort and Eraqus is that they were rlly painted as strictly bad vs good, but only Eraqus was allowed ??? some semblance of respect in the games ??? even if he fucked up A LOT. because he was, in the end “a good guy”. and Xehanort was just this villain bordering on cartoony with the funny wiggly fingers no one fucking understood but that you were meant to forgive in KH3 despite everything he did, which felt very undeserved
BUT HERE IN DARK ROAD you get to see more of everyone and their clashing ideologies and morals, which is even sadder in retrospect when you see that they’re extremely close and genuinely cared about each other and their world. Xehanort wants change, Eraqus wants to remain the same, Vor is conflicted because she’s right in the middle, the upperclassmen are willing to do horrible things for the greater good, baldr is. well. going thru it 24/7, etc.
Eraqus being so fucking stubborn and determined to eradicate darkness because to him, darkness is inherently evil, MEETING SOMEONE who thinks the same AND is willing to go a STEP FURTHER to help was SO good to me, like Vidar really showed up and did that
just like Xehanort, someone who knows change is part of life and believes darkness could be controlled if you’re strong enough, who has been an outsider everywhere he’s been, MEETING BALDR, WHO IS AN EXTREME VERSION OF HIM GONE WRONG TOO. its good, its very good, i like it
THEY ALSO TALK ABT THE THING I’VE BEEN WAITING SO MANY YEARS TO BE BROUGHT UP ??? ABOUT HOW DARKNESS AND LIGHT ARE EXTREMELY OBJECTIVE CONCEPTS AND UNIQUE TO EACH PERSON - the constant discussions between Eraqus and Xehanort about where darkness comes from exactly, if it’s inherent to a person’s heart or if it’s an outside force corrupting them and so on are genuinely very interesting to me. because there ARE people who are genuinely corrupted and shitty, but there’s also people who go through horrible shit and are consumed by their trauma and negative feelings. you’re not just “a bad person” just because you suddenly have darkness inside you. you’re not just a “good person” just because you side with light either.  everyone is fucked bc they all have to make do with the things they know and what they think is right while darkness is out to get their asses
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its not that simple, but with a single push anyone can go joker mode basically, it’s just fucking stupid to think anyone can be pure absolute light. DDD even touches this when it comes to Sora being perfect too, but he’s just as liable to falling into darkness if pushed enough, HELL, ANTI SORA  IS A REMINDER OF THAT
sure, KH3 did drop some vague shit about Elsa being at the verge of falling to darkness BECAUSE she believed her powers were harmful and thus they became part of the darkness. sure, KH3 also had Aqua falling to darkness after all this time, but you don’t see why or how, she’s just THERE for shock effect and eh. ehhh.
alternatively, the lack of upperclassment content makes me sad........... I wanted to see them banter and see a bit more of their personalities individually
I love their designs, man......I wanted to see more of them...... just look at them... look at this fella...hes just layin down, sleepin, chillin
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look at them... Vala took off her glasses to sleep, you barely even get to fuckin see these two bc Vidar’s dialogue box gets in the way but they rlly did that little detail... 
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Also the ninja, Vali, not talking and being sneaky bc he’s a ninja and his only dialogue happening during the fight against Baldr.... I JUST - LOOK AT HIM HES SO COOL AUGHHHH 
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like all fucking upperclassmen are so cool and strong like the part where Baldr summons a bunch of heartless before going to the tower and they’re all surrouned bUT THE UPPERCLASSMEN KILL EVERYTHING IN A FUCKING SECOND ????? 
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Vidar and Hoder are also really interesting characters from the scenes they’ve had. I think about the moment at the tower during the final confrontation against Baldr, when Hoder shows up to talk to him and because they’re so close, they know exactly what’s happening and block each other’s attacks. And when they reach out and they have the same expression. AND WHEN ODIN ASKS XEHANORT TO RID BALDR OF DARKNESS, HODER DOES IT BC SHE KNOWS XEHANORT IS HESITATING BUT SHE DOESNT BC THATS HER BROTHER. SHE KNOWS ITS BETTER LIKE THIS
also also, all the little details, tie-ins and foreshadowing too
I like how they explain that death is not commonly called, well. “Death”. because these people don’t die normally, they replace the word “die” with “disappear” because that’s literally what happens to people who die. BUT that also makes me really curious about the graves? What’s exactly the point of tombstones and shit if there’s nobody buried there, like it’s probably just so you can see HOW many people died and feel the weight of Scala ad Caelum’s story but idk, I would’ve liked some unique way of commemorating the death that fits the way they die. 
DDD mentions that all the worlds operate on their unique timeframes and that they’re essentially looping over and over, but the restart happens at random. here in dark road we get to see the worlds BEFORE the restart, hence why Agrabah is empty, and the explanation for the constant swarms of heartless which I thought was a nice touch lol
this mention of the Final World which makes me think about THIS post right here saying that one of the stars in KH3 could be Hoder herself
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then we see the conversation between current old man Xehanort and Vanitas about how Vanitas is most likely the remaining Darkness hiding which is A Lot To Think About given the fact that Vanitas has Sora’s face and Sora is hinted to be the next proper Child of Destiny (EVEN THOUGH I STILL THINK IT’S RIKU BUT ANYWAY) like yeah yeah, Vanitas looks like that because Sora and Ventus’ hearts connected very early on but how ironic is that ???? 
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THEN that convo between Xehanort and Eraqus about how many lives they’d want and Xehanort has the balls to say 14 and then days later Nomura drops a fucking drawing of Xehanort in (possibly) Quadratum? yeah. yeah I’m eating that up
oh right, also Eraqus’ entire quirky trait about running away and shit? I thought that would come up eventually as in, he actually ran away and people died because of that choice but I guess not lmfao, that was kinda eh considering how many times it’s brought up in the beginning 
ALSO the fact that their keyblades is a more fancy version of the starlight from KHux really got to me like, yeah. YEAH..... This really is Ephemer’s legacy.....
AND the fact that during Vor and Baldr’s scene at the tower, in every flashback you see EVERYONE fading away in light minus Bragi. Plus some of Bragi’s dialogue like his reason to become a keyblade master, it really is good foreshadowing 
also Odin saying this :
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to the guy who was supposed to be the child of destiny like yeah man, destiny sure fucking SUCKS. yall really fucking got this guy to be a sacrificial lamb huh
Baldr as a vessel for Darkness and his entire mass murder scene was pretty cool ngl
Again, I really like the scene where you get to see in a fucking row all the days he spent in his room grieving and mourning and spiraling, like. You know that one post that says “producers : you guys cant show anything showing death or blood.  writers : ok *makes up a fater worse than death*” yeah............... the absolute irony of being possessed by the entity that orchestrated your own sister’s death AND your own demise is very very good 
It’s a bit on the nose that he was meant to get absolutely fucked in the story since he’s been missing from pretty much everything and he has. well. White hair and a sister. That can only mean ONE thing and it’s tragedy.
THIS detail went too fast for me to notice but while rewatching the video I caught it and ??? BRO ??? I THOUGHT VALA TRIPPED BUT SHE SHOVES VOR OUT OF THE WAY TO SAVE HER
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also really lets be honest, the counting is so extra and so good. the little quips and jabs like “OH DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN EVERYTHING TO YOU?” and shit were also really funny to me like yeah, absolutely, please show me the flashbacks and explain what happened bc this is Kingdom Hearts and you fucking bet I need the extra info
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I like how Eraqus insists that they can STILL save him while Xehanort was ready to fucking kill this guy and that moment of hesitation was all the darkness needed to give ANOTHER fucking speech about shit - a speech that works perfectly because he’s casting so much doubt in Xehanort’s heart by making it all about “it’s us and then there’s THEM” and kind of being like “yeah, the second your emotional support boytoy Eraqus dies, it’s fucking over for your sanity bro, I’ve been there”
and the entire explanation as to how constantly insisting that darkness is inherently bad has led to people like Baldr go absolutely unhinged because they start to believe THEY are bad, despite having done NOTHING to prove that, which relates to Terra’s entire journey and Ansem the Wise’s resentment towards Nobodies and consequent treatment of ppl like Namine, Xion or Roxas who CLEARLY felt things, were developing unique personalities but because they weren’t inherent light, then they weren’t worth the chance 
so basically every goddamn old man who has become a teacher in this entire saga of games is a shithead lmfao. Eraqus doesn’t get to see this conversation between Hoder and Baldr, so of course he clings to that belief of Darkness = evil evil evil, especially with the shit Xehanort is going to start pulling right after this but like
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man. look at them. 
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also this ? THIS? yeah. I love the entire chain thing coming back, I also love seeing the gazing eye and waving at it knowing MoM is writing all this shit down
Vor. Just Vor. I rlly like Vor now
The second I saw her I disliked her because she’s small and cutesy and in media like this those are red flags to me because. All small cutesy characters usually end un being marketable annoying sidekicks with high pitched voices that I can’t fucking stand
BUT I really liked how Vor was present and important throughout the entire thing, acting as a mediator for Xehanort and Eraqus of sorts and also being the middle ground/indecisive person, because ofc not everyone can have super strong morals or want to radicalize the world. She felt like a nice balance and well, I guess everything in KH has to come in sets of three 
I didn’t understand this part during her death at first, I really thought she fucking meant she belonged in the afterlife or death as punishment for leaving her friends behind and I was like holy shit thats sad as fuck, bUT LMFAO SHE MEANT SHE BELONGED WITH HER FRIENDS AFTER ALL IM DUMB AS BRICKS SORRY VOR
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Eraqus in this specific frame, that’s all. He looks very polite, I like him, please look at him
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anyway that was just to bait you all into reading this part and remember the line Xehanort drops about how Eraqus has done nothing but cry every goddamn night since everyone died and that he’s heard all of it. that was VERY good too I loved that and all the fanart it’s spawning from that, it’s HEARTBREAKING to think about, especially when Eraqus is trying to get Xehanort to laugh as if he hadn’t spent the whole week crying his heart out
and then Baldr’s entire speech about how Xehanort is different, that he’s not like Eraqus and that eventually, once Eraqus leaves or disappears, it’ll be fucking over for Xehanort bc all he’s done is chase after him desperately just casually being destroyed by Eraqus being his funnyman silly self, reinforcing their friendship and that if Xehanort ever falls to darkness, he’ll be there to pull him out
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anyway i really hope that the entire bloodlines arc in missing link doesn’t reveal them as cousins or something because. they’re my emotional support divorcees, they got literally everything - childhood friends, trauma, scarring each other emotionally and physically for life, keeping in touch for the sake of their kids, another divorce, absolute pure death and then a second marriage while ascending to the heavens, its amazing
THE Luxu reveal lives rent free in my fucking head you don’t understand, I love this man to bits
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everyone used to be so fucking afraid of their favorite characters being part Xehanort or getting norted, now everyone is at the risk of being Luxu and it’s so funny to me as a Xigbar enjoyer
The KHux player not being Xehanort confirmation is pretty sad but eh. The child of destiny thing and the bloodlines are interesting at least
I really really really liked the idea of Nomura trolling the fanbase who is very vocal and tired of Xehanort being everywhere by making the player ACTUALLY xehanort. it also made sense, Xehanort’s obsession with finding the people in his dreams, because those people were ACTUALLY his friends in his previous life, him being a superempath who leeches people’s memories and feelings is kinda eh in this specific context because I don’t feel it justifies all the shit he does to find Ephemer, Ventus, etc
but baby nort is very cute and I like that we get to be his grandparent and mentor for awhile, probably being the reason he’s also very interested in the outside worlds due to him being stranded here AND all the stories we most likely told him about everything. and I also like that he was pretty much set up to fail the second we died, doomed characters are very fun
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I guess this confirms that Skuld’s descendant is Xehanort’s mother since he does mention his mom looks like “the girl from his dreams” aka Skuld herself. So that would mean Ephemer and Skuld’s bloodlines becoming one too, which is interesting, I cant wait for missing link..........
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jjkyaoi · 4 years
hi, hello, welcome to a short ass explanation about my opinions on some dsmp characters because i’m bored. and because you didn’t have a choice of what content you were gonna consum when you hit the follow button =)
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- mf this is an inniter blog 🧍🏼. were you expecting negative shit? honestly though he’s probably got one of my favorite character arcs in this entire smp
- “he’s a little shit” yes? and? he’s my little shit and i’d give the world for him.
- literally i’d give my entire soul being just to give this mf some sort of break. he has the worst luck. constantly. and for what?
- anyway can we talk about his character development? man went from a selfish, naive child who wouldn’t ever— ever open up to his own mistakes, to a worn out war soldier who’s trying his best to fix his mistakes / become a better person, which includes owning up to them. he’s fuckin,,.. i cant even. i love him. mwah. 10/10.
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- ah, there he is. that motherfucker. what a tool.
- hey, let’s say— can you hear that in the distance? yeah, it’s the sound of all the fucking minor’s he’s manipulated. damn, there’s a lot of ‘em, huh? you’d wonder why..,,,.
- he’s got a neat character arc, i guess, and he’s interesting as a villain, but there isn’t anything that’s stopping me from beating this mf up. i’ve never felt such rage towards a minecraft roleplay character of all things; he is a child manipulator that only does it for fun / the chaos of it all.
- okay tell me that motherfucker doesn’t look punchable. don’t you just wanna punch him—?
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- *cough* *cough* he’s done nothing wrong *cough* *cough*
- there’s so much bottled up rage in this body like,..,, i can smell it. i can smell it on him. there’s so much held back violence and i just wanna,,.. MM.
- okay but like motherfucker’s been the victim of these people’s wars since day one 🧍🏼 getting publicly executed? being forced to exile his own best friend? his home country being destroyed? he’s been nothing but a target for these people and i’m :(
- anyway, uh, tubbo goes apeshit arc when? literally when? i’m waiting—
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- uh,,..,,, he’s done nothing—,,...,,, he’s done nothing wrong?
- honestly, whenever he opens up his mouth when he’s being serious it’s just facts, and yet nobody listens to him, and that’s Tiring.
- easily one of the most interesting character storylines on this smp right now. there’s so many twists and turns to this and there’s so much we don’t know about his character— so much i’m ready to find out. i’ve never been on the edge of my seat more
- uh,..,,,, motherfucker are you alright? like dude genuinely get therapy—
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- beginning to write this, i can feel my daddy issues begin to boil.
- he’s a complicated character for me, because i understand where exactly he’s coming from & i sympathize with him, but god damn if he didn’t fuck up his family and god damn if i won’t forever hold a grudge to the way he tossed tommy & wilbur aside.
- he’s trying his best,,,... and i sort of respect it
- y’know, it’s really saying something when you say you prefer the fanon version of a character over the canon one, &—
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- sir, i’m torn between wishing you the best and writing a long ass essay about how your reasoning for things is Very questionable
- honestly, i think he’s a neat character to have even if he’s literally just a cartoon villain /lh.
- there’s a lot i could say about how he chooses to go about anarchy, and his reasoning behind wanting l’manberg gone is something i agree w/ but the way he goes about it is a way i don’t necessarily agree with. there’s a lot of feelings i have about him.
- no matter what i think, that “i am a person” will haunt me for years
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- once you look past the fact that he blew up his nation & traumatized his family, he’s a nice little lad!!
- i appreciate that he’s trying his best to be better, and yes i would like some blue
- his character is really just something that’s so bittersweet and yet so interesting at the same time? every seen that has him in it just has this hint of something melancholy; he simultaneously has the mindset of a child and yet. not. it’s interesting
- anyway, glattbur anyone? what the fuck 🧍🏼
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- he’s one of the only characters where i see going apeshit, & i’m like “go off little man”
- half the time you’re like “is he possessed or is he just like that”
- genuinely though, his character arc is another one of my favorites; he’s got so much power and potential and he genuinely means the best, but he makes wacky decisions w/ somewhat good intentions in mind, and that’s what i vibe w/. chaotic good anyone?
- he’s not entirely a hero, and yet he’s not a villain. and that’s? so fucking cool
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thebrightsessions · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Ian McQuown
Ian is an LA based actor and producer known for the YouTube comedy group, Extremely Decent, as well as a voice actor in the popular audio dramas: The Bright Sessions, The AM Archives, StarTripper!! & Deck The Halls! His credits inclue American Housewife, Trial & Error, Better Things, and For All Mankind. Ian took the time to answer some questions for us. Check it out:
You’ve worked on multiple podcasts -- what drew you to the medium?
Well, to be honest, Lauren drew me to it because TBS was my first narrative podcast. We met at a Rocky Horror Picture Show show. Anna Lore is our mutual friend and I think Anna is just talented as all get out, so anything she’s involved I want to be in. And, I don’t know, it was just one of those lucky breaks you get where a door opens and takes you to all these cool places you never anticipated.
On podcasting though, I really appreciate how much more possible it is to tell engaging stories without the boundaries of having to afford a set and a camera and insurance and etc etc etc. Like, I grew up with Star Wars, The Matrix, Cowboy Bebop— so when I imagine the stories I like, I’m usually picturing other worlds, space ships, people with super powers and those types of stories used to have a lot higher barrier to entry to make than they do now, which is just awesome.
If you could give a character from The Bright Sessions a spinoff series, who would you choose and what would the series be called?
I mean, no surprises here, but I’d love to see Damien’s early years. And I’d be super clever and call it something like... Damien: The Early Years. I'm dying for that content a little bit actually: Damien, before he became such a bad guy. Maybe a love story that doesn’t work out and leaves him really scarred? Villains so bad they created a villain instead of a victim—  that moment where we see the two roads Damien has to choose between and it totally shreds us when he makes the choice we all know he’s going to make, I mean, come ON you can see that, right? It’d be like the Star Wars prequels but without all the youngling killing and “NOOOOOOOO”’s and I want it.
Can you share a fun story or anecdote from the making of The Bright Sessions?
Haha, ok well it’s not really anything of note BUT: I remember Lauren had this area rug in her room, which as you probably know is where we would record, and it was this really nice, I think, red sort of floral rug that took up pretty much all the floor space because it was covering up the older apartment rug-floor underneath it. And it was, as I said, really cool, except it wasn’t a rug on a wood floor, right? It was a rug on a rug so it was a bit taller than the people who designed the room had planned for— the result of which was that you’d walk in and the room had this really awesome little vibe with this cute rug, and it was all very cozy, unless you looked directly behind you at the corner where the door had just spent ages scraping the surface of it, catching the corner, tearing little pieces out. And I may be getting apocryphal at this point, but I feel like by the time I had started coming around Lauren had straight up duct taped it to the floor, which really didn’t help the problem. And, I don’t know—again it’s not really anything momentous—but I just remember giving Lauren a particular amount of shit about it one day and us all having a really good laugh. And I really love that— there are jobs where you show up, keep your head down, do your work and leave, but then there are jobs like The Bright Sessions where you all get to become friends, and even if you don’t see each other for a while you sort of just get to pick up where you left off. And then those jobs turn into other jobs and you get to keep hanging out with your friends and peers and just making stuff you like— I’m a big fan of that.
If your life was a choose your own adventure, what decisions would viewers have to make on an average day?
OKAY, you wake up...
Water your garden before it gets to be 110 today, you cannot skip this step. You may however:
A) Stay out in the garden for longer if you get inspired and check if the tomatoes and peppers are ripe for picking.
Great! Now let’s make breakfast:
A) Make eggs, toast, fried tomatoes, and hash browns? 
B) Make (A) But also with Bacon? 
C) Make a smoothie?
D) There’s no time today, run to Whole Foods and get their incredibly priced $6 Egg, Bacon Cheese Breakfast burrito.
Awesome! You’ve eaten and now you can think. What work do you have to do?
A) Prep your audition, dummy! It’s due this afternoon, go fix your hair. 
B) You have a zoom meeting with actor friends at 11 to play around with some new material, put on a hat.
C) There is nothing you have to work on so stare at your computer and wonder if there’s new project you could be working on. Try to find that project, leave your hair as it.
Wow! You really had a great (insert previous choice here), let’s get you a coffee and take a TV break. What should we watch?!
A) That new show you haven’t seen yet because you need to watch everything so you know how to work on it should you get an audition for it.
B) Harley Quinn (your favorite new cartoon).
C) Teenage Bounty Hunters.
D) Farscape.
E) Nope, you just got an audition for tomorrow, everything is off the table, start working on it (Level Complete).
Lunch Time!!!
A) Turkey sandwich with pickles from the garden?
B) Trader Joe’s Margherita Pizza with basil and peppers from the garden?
C) Are we going to start another loaf of sourdough you basic mf?
D) Yes we probably are, but also (A) and (B).
Cool! I’ve eaten lunch. Now what?
A) You haven’t finished that work from this morning. Riiiight.
B)…More Harley Quinn…?
C) Let’s make pasta from scratch!
D) Let’s make ribs! From…ribs!
F) You just got an audition for tomorrow, everything is off the table, start working on it. (Level Complete).
Bangarang! You probably chose to start cooking dinner immediately after eating lunch. You ate it (and it rocked), what now?
A) You just got an audition for tomorrow, everything is off the table, start working on it. (Level Complete)
B) DnD with squad.
C) Go on a run, dude— you’re getting a Jaba chin….
D) Bring on the chin! Let’s watch TV until 2am! Here are your options:
A) Harley Quinn (your new favorite cartoon)
B) Teenage Bounty Hunters
C) Farscape
D) Put The Office on in the background and clean your house.
Level Complete.
As you can see I’m a very food-focused person. Also, I’m going to be real, that is truly what most of my days look like and I’m low-key a little mortified that ’taking a shower’ wasn’t a game option... 
Can you share your favorite piece of Bright Sessions / AM Archives fan art?
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I love all the fan art that people make for my characters but this one from Franartz has always been really special to me. It’s so GQ, I just love it — and some of my favorite early AG moments are with Damien, who looks a little like he stepped out of a Gorrilaz album here— big fan. I’m a little obsessed with fan art actually, I save everything I come across— there’s a freckled red-headed series of Owen by TheFigureInTheCorner that makes me really happy. Seeing that my work has inspired someone else to make something of their own is really what’s up, you know? It makes me think about all the art and entertainment that has touched me over the years and I get a lot of joy from being a part of that cycle.
Thanks for taking the time, Ian! Give I Can Die When I'm Done a relisten right here.
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