baeshijima · 1 year
my dad noticed the jing yuan pics on my wall
and yes i told him it was for good luck and he went "good luck? oh, yeah, you're gonna need it." and i have never agreed more
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wellbafineline · 4 years
a very styles christmas
a/n Im aware this is the most cheesy title that i could’ve picked for this fic but pls forgive me this is the only thing i could think of 
I don’t really have much to say about this one but I want to wish a happy holidays and a merry christmas to everyone who celebrates - hope you enjoy this fiancé  harry one shot 
word count: 2.4k - ish
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It felt as if you and Harry had only just gotten home when you started to pull the luggage out of the hallway cupboard again, you're not exactly excited to start packing for another trip, you always complained to Harry when you were trudging around your shared room that it was the worst part of any trip, to which he always chuckles and calls you dramatic but your point still stands in your eyes. 
You placed the two suitcases neatly next to each other at the foot of your and Harry’s shared bed, deciding to wait for him to get home before tackling that challenge of what to pack for the two weeks that you both were spending up north in Cheshire at his mums for Christmas. 
Just as you sat on the bed, reaching to check your phone Harry trudged back into your shared room still wrapped up in his coat and hat having just been loading the car in the cold London winter with the various gifts for family you needed to bring with you, the last of what needed to be loaded into the car staring back at you from the foot of the bed. 
‘No gonna pack themselves are they?’ Harry sighed, shrugging off his coat and throwing it on the chair that you so fondly had named the ‘chaos chair’ which usually housed a pile of washing that neither of you ever really put away just taking items of clothing till it reappeared after the next laundry cycle.
‘Wish they would, hate this bit, never know what to pack to take to your mums.’ Harry had now started to move around the room picking up some jumpers and sweatpants to put into his case. 
‘’M only bringing comfy stuff, if this weather keeps up doubt we’ll make it much further than the pub round the corner from mums’ He nodded towards your bedroom window where in true English Christmas weather the rain was bucketing down and wasn't looking like it was giving up any time soon. 
‘Now come on,’ he twists the t-shirt he was holding trying to swat at your bum where you were now standing by the window ‘want to make a move soon, hopefully get there before mum and Gem have broken into the Christmas wine supply, so we need to get a move on.’ 
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
It was about an hour and a half in your three hour drive from London to cheshire. You and Harry had just finished loading up his range rover with all of the presents and luggage that you two would need for two weeks up north in time that you could get the worst parts of the drive over with without there being too much of a traffic jam. 
‘Love,’ Harry shakes your shoulder lightly as he pulls the car to a halt into the car park, ‘dozed off on me there been out for about the last half an hour’
‘Mmm, no, was jus’ resting my eyes promise, want me to run in get some bits’ nodding your head towards the service station in front of you. You and Harry had driven up to his mums more times than you could count in the three years that you’d been together, always taking the same route, Harry insisting that it was the quickest but you joked that it was the only way that he could take where he wouldn’t get lost on the winding country roads. But either way you had become quite fond of the small service station that was just outside of Birmingham on the M6.
‘Yeah, can just get us a coffee please.’ He asks leaning over to put a kiss on your cheek before you grabbed your bag and made your way out of the car, pulling your coat tight around you, the weather having not gotten much better since the two of you left London earlier in the day. 
Although the service was pretty quiet with only two or three people lined up at the Costa Coffee and a woman browsing the WHSmith in the corner, you knew that it was Harry’s time off, so you always volunteered to go for the two of you. Not that he didn't love meeting people but driving up to his mums for christmas seemed like something he prefers to keep private, especially with you news, the two of you didnt want it plastered across social media before you had the chance to tell those closest to you.
Having gotten everything you think you’ll need for the remainder of your drive, just waiting for the barista to call your name to collect the coffee that you feel as though you desperately need now, even if you insist you weren’t asleep, as you wait you twist the new ring on your left hand, a habit that you picked up relatively quickly after getting the piece of jewellery.
It hadn’t been a flashy proposal, no room full of a thousand candles, no plane flying over head asking the big question, it was just you and Harry in your home, if he was being honest it wasn't even planned, Harry saw you making tea for the both of you after returning from a day of interviews and couldn’t describe anything that he was feeling except he felt calm and he knew he wanted to feel like that, with you, forever. And so the ring that had been burning a hole in his handbag now resided on your ring finger and had for the past week unbeknownst to any of his family members. You had caved and face-timed your mum that night but Harry had insisted on surprising his mum with her future daughter-in-law for Christmas, telling you ‘you’ll be the best present she could've asked for this year. You’ll well beat the spa weekend Gem’s got her.’
Your name being called pulled you from your reminiscent day dream as you collected your two coffees and made your way back to Harry waiting in the car.
‘Mum said Gem hasn’t even left yet so we’ve got loads of time, think we’ll be the first ones there.’ He tells you as you pass him his coffee and get settled back into the car for the rest of the drive. 
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
Harry was right, you were the first ones there, a stark change from previous years where you two were pulling into Anne’s driveway when the only lights on the street were the occasional decorative light and Anne's living room where she was waiting up for you two. But this year you were the only car in the drive as Harry pulled off the main road to pull into the space next to his mum’s car. 
As soon as she heard your car, Anne was swinging the front door open to welcome you, no doubt she’d been up all day preparing for you and the others to arrive, her favourite time of year being when she gets all her babies under the same roof again. 
 Harry parked the car, and you were quick to jump out going to help unload the ridiculous amount of stuff that you’d brought with you for the two weeks you were staying up north. You took the two suitcases wobbling slightly as you hauled them into the entry way as Anne helped Harry with the bags of presents.
 As they made their way toward you into the house Anne drops her bag of presents at the door pulling you into a tight hug. 
‘You two can’t stay away for so long next time, even if you have to drag my son up here by his hair.’ she told you pulling away from the tight embrace. 
‘Right you two go get settled upstairs, all the rooms are set up, and I'll sort these out by the tree’ She says motioning to the bags of presents that had been abandoned on the floor during your reunion embrace.  
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
Anne had moved since Harry was a child, but she had made sure that both her kids still had their own rooms no matter how old they were or how long they’d been out of the house. Harrys being in the corner of the second floor of the house, looking out into the garden which in typical english fashion was sort of frozen over from rain and frost and sort of coated in snow. The walls of Harry’s room were a dark navy blue with the bed pushed to the window where Harry had already laid himself across.
‘Get up lazy bones.’ You teased throwing a sweatshirt from the case open in front of you at him. 
‘M up ‘m up, promise.’ he groaned sitting up on the bed looking at you now. ‘Have we decided how we’re gonna tell her yet.’ He asks referencing the rock on your left hand. 
‘Thought that was your thing to plan, haven't done your homework Styles’ you teased ‘Guess i thought i’d take my chances, Styles.’ He threw back at you ‘’sides she's gonna flip anyway we tell her, been on me for months to do it.’
‘I’m not a Styles yet, not for another few months anyway.’ 
‘Good as one now, unless you're planning on running away at the altar on me? Are ya?’
‘Course not.’ You assure him. ‘Now come here, need to help unpack.’
‘No, you c’mere don't need to pack, need to lay down, at least till Gem gets here an’ then we can tell ‘em together’ His hands grabbing for you to join him on the bed where he's now positioned himself closest to the wall, perfect for you to slide in.
You cave, making your way over to him on the bed, placing his arm over your waist and keeping hold of his hand. Harry sighs into your hair from where his chin now rests on you head, you know you shouldn’t really be napping but when you start to hear Harry’s quiet snores you start to close your eyes too. 
•··° • ·*  · · ★ . ✦   * *  .  
You’re both awoken to the sound of who you presume is Gemma pulling into the driveway and talking to Anne in the entryway as you and Harry had hours before. Harry is the first to move, prompting you to sit up too, both of you taking a moment to rub your eyes but eventually silently moving to go downstairs to greet the rest of the family. 
Gemma and Anne were both sat at the kitchen table having a cup of tea when you and Harry joined them. 
‘There you are! Both of you were dead to the world when I went up before to check how the unpacking was going’ Anne laughed as Harry gave his sister a hug and went to sit next to Anne and you sat next to Gemma. Anne getting up to get you both a drink, knowing that Harry wouldn’t drink his but getting him one anyway, too while you caught up with Gemma. 
So far no one had noticed the ring on your finger, when Anne returns to the table with your two mugs and a plate of Christmas themed biscuits, you place your elbow on the table and lean your head onto your left hand, now this catches Anne’s attention almost shouting ‘Is this what I think it is’ as she grabs your hand to have a closer look. 
You and Harry don't really have the words so just nod while both grinning and Anne and Gemma, still both squealing over the ring and repeating congratulations as you hold your hand out to show them both a closer look at the ring. 
You sat back in your seat as Gemma turned to Harry finally pressing him for details of how he popped the question as you know he’ll talk about it for hours if given the chance, so you let him repeat the story this time just smiling and occasionally adding your perspective to it.
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wizkiddx · 3 years
I lovelovelovelove ur writing. Was thinking if u could do one where readers relationship w tom exposed bcos someone recognises her but she isnt famous? And its all backwards and caught out sort of thing
thanks for being so kind! also I feel like me narrator-y voice has gone WAY too far, what do u guys think? I won't be offended promise I just think it sounds so fucking annoying rn
Tom Holland x reader
summary: you run into possibly the most infuriating family members the one time u and ur boy are showing PDA
warnings = none I think :)
It was a late late evening, on the last train of the night towards manchester, the British countryside plunged into darkness that appeared as a blank, black canvas out the rounded-rectangular windows. 
And although the serene surroundings were calming, the regular and rhythmic movement of the carriage on the tracks - you were more on edge. Your relationship with Tom had yet to be revealed to the world - though you’d travelled as part of his extended entourage before under the guise of a ‘family friend’. So now it just being you, Tom, Harry, Andrew and Rachel - you felt more exposed. Of course, you were incredibly grateful that Tom had planned this weekend away for the two of you (after a work commitment, hence the presence of his manger, makeup artist and Harry). But it was scary.
Coming out of Euston station, the earlier time meant the train had been more of a hive of activity. Kids running up and down the aisle, inevitably recognising Tom and then asking for a photo. Enough that you’d had to move a few seats down the carriage, so no one would associate you travelling with the a-lister. 
But after you’d past Birmingham and the clocks past eleven pm, everything had quietened down and Tom convinced you to come and sit next to him on the table of four.  Andrew and Rachel were taking use of their little duo seat across for you to catch up on some well needed beauty sleep. They’d all been working with Tom doing promo for his most recent movie in London so it’d been pretty 24/7.
That left you, with all the energy, contrasting greatly with the two flagging Holland boys. 
“Lets play heads up!” You announced to the much less enthusiastic faces round the tables. 
“You can’t play that quietly and the whole carriage dont want to listen to you screeching.” Harry rolled his eyes whilst slightly ripping into you, then picking up his phone - thinking that would shut you up.
“I can play quietly!” You huffed, looking for Tom for backing… which never came. He didn’t even need to try and defend himself before you whacked his chest in false-annoyance. 
“ It’s not a bad thing, just passion.” Tom murmured, desperately attempting to sweet talk your round - which of course, was not going to happen. 
“No way! I’ll prove it to you!” 
“Nonono darling, look I’m tired.” He straight refused, wrappings his arms round your shoulders to try and cage you in. He ended up with his back pressed against the window and your back against his chest. “Lemme just relax with my best girl.”  You huffed in reply, worming round in his clutch before eventually giving up and relaxing your head onto his collar bone. For the reasons previously mentioned, you did not for a second believe he was serious with this PDA. Just sitting next to each other was risky enough,  now he was very clearly hugging you in a public place. Arching your neck back, you were shocked he already had his eyes shut - looking perfectly contented and relaxed. 
“T, are you serious?” You whispered, making him crack one eye open with a questioning look. Instantly he knew what you meant, I mean, it was him that was most worried about people finding out about you - for your sake. His horror stories of previous relationships hadn’t helped, to the point now only your mum dad and siblings knew about your relationship to Tom - mainly for the sole reason your nan was the biggest gossip in the world and could NOT be trusted. 
“Course love, it’ll be fine no ones around and I got my cap on. No one will notice us.”
Foolproof. Or so you both thought. 
And honestly for an hour or so you relished in the fact that in a public space, your boyfriend was showing you physical affection. It was exciting, which meant as Tom’s arms grew lax round you as he slumped slightly in the chair your energy only increased. No one else was being any use either - Harry had his head in his arms on the table and similarly neither Rachel nor Andrew were conscious enough to keep you company. Finally you settled on playing a game on your phone whilst also ever so softly wiggling round on Tom’s chest, purely because you enjoyed the little huffs and the way he’d squeeze you tighter as he snoozed. 
You were engrossed in shitty little iPhone game when a person who was walking down the aisle slowed down, drawing your attention away from the phone. And then your heart literally dropped because you instantly recognised your uncle and cousin, who was 12. Worse though, they had most definitely clocked you. 
Of all people, your uncle and boy cousin too. Possible the best (or worst depending on your point of view) at winding you up, at messing  with you, for genuinely causing all chaos and mischief with you. They were most certainly not going to be discrete. They’d rib you till your dying day. 
“Y/n?” Your uncle spoke first, noticing the that the group you with all seemed to be asleep, so at least trying to be a bit sensitive. Not that it mattered on Tom’s part though, you instantly bolted up and away from him, making him groan as he slowly woke up. 
“Er yeh, I-um  fancy seeing you guys here. Why were you in London?” Because yes half your family did live in manchester - a fact you felt slightly guilty about, considering you couldn’t fit in a quick and explainable reason as to  why you were in that area of the UK during a ‘pop in’. So you’d chosen to keep the whole trip a secret too.
“We’ve been at the footie, could ask you the same question.” Your uncle smirked, noticing toward Tom, who now was blinking his eyes heavily - looking with furrowed brows between the two of you. 
Because yes, the cap had been great to stop people recognising Tom. Neither of you were to expect it’d be you that’d be YOU stopped by someone who noticed you. 
“Oh um… well er this is my friend Tom, he’s got a work thing in manchester so thought I’d tag along. What was the score?” Yes you described your boyfriend of 9 months as a friend, when it was clear to everyone you were more than that. Though frankly, you still felt sick introducing him as ‘boyfriend’ - that itself was cringe as hell. The reference to football was an in-vain attempt to distract them with the most-boring-sport-in-the-world talk. If only Tom had kept his mouth shut. 
“Sorry mate” His voice was a little hoarse, making him force a cough before stretching his hand out. “I’m Tom”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Ritchie and this is Matt” Your uncle motioned to his twelve year old son who was smiling politely but his expression seemed to drop as he made eye contact with Tom. Blissfully unaware, Tom shook Ritchies hand your a soft smile. 
“How do you guys-“
“I’m her uncle. Tell you what, didn’t imagine bumping into my niece on the 11:30 train to manchester.” 
Tom’s face fell and he froze. You’d both been caught out. Massively. It couldn’t get worse, till it did. 
“Y/n is that Spiderman?” Because yes, Matt was prime Marvel fanboy age. And yes, of course his favourite hero was Spiderman. And yes, this would probably be the most exciting day of his life. And the most embarrassing of yours. 
It was at this point Harry was sufficiently disturbed, enough to make him sit upright whilst also backing away into the corner of the booth, watching from afar.
“I-uh” You didnt really want to say it, for the sake of that meant he was revealing this secret you’d guarded with your life. But at the same time, you had this overwhelming sense of pride for Tom because “yeh, yes he is spiderman.” Matt started jumping up and down like an overexcited boyband fan which made you laugh, heart swelling as Tom chuckled along beside you.
Yes by no means was this ideal. And yes you were now forced to tell your family (so ultimately the world) about your relationship. Maybe that wasn’t so bad though?
hope u enjoyed + thank you for reading <333
tagging: @hollandfanficlove @hallecarey1
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Us Against the world
Part 4/?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
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As the two two red heads stared at the intruders, unable to form a coherent sentence you walked over to them “I’m here for DA” you lied with ease “Granger asked me to help teach a while ago, I’ve decided to accept.”
Harry looked you over spectically “...oh” clearly uneasy by the fact a Y/N Y/L/N was there, however, before he could add anything, Hermione beamed
“Amazing, its time that more people signed up. Y/N you’re a great addition to this, with your skills & knowledge- im glad you’re here.” she walked over to you and handed you a piece of parchment with the rules and a golden coin.
Y/N smiled at the younger girl, happy that she believed her. Hermione secretly admired Y/N, albeit a little scared of her, but she was in awe of how she took no shit from anyone, was still top of her classes & defied the idealisations her parents tried to enforce on her.
“‘Mione, I’m not sure about this” came the awful drone of Potters voice, causing you to look up from the piece of parchment you were reading. “She’s... well we dont know her” he tried to come up with something to get you to leave.
Your eyes narrowed at the scarred boy “Why? Because I’m in Slytherin and you have a prejudice against me?” You walked over to him, now standing infront of him “or because my parents are Death Eaters? Come on, those are good reasons to kick me out right Potter?”
“Y/N” Fred mumbled, looking at you sympathetically, chosing to ignore him, you carried on with a bitter laugh
“Or is it because you think you’re the only one Voldemort has taken something from huh?” Everyone winced at the mention of his name “because as I recall it- it was my best friend lying cold on the ground last year, not yours!” Harry looked at you, clearly uncomfortable, he had forgotten the fact that the Hufflepuff was someone you were close to. Sighing, you continued “Now the cat’s out of the bag, why dont you keep your mouth shut when I’m the one thats helping you in your little Army, and when I believed you when you said that he was back, when in all honesty-” you laugh again “I could have just put the blame on you for Cedrics death.”
With the air tense, you went back to the table you were sitting at earlier to messily scrawl your name on a piece of parchment & read the rest of the rules. Once you were out of earshot, the three Gryffindors began to mutter hastily while Fred was sending wary glances your way, to make sure the altercation hadn’t completely upset you.
“Harry, you couldve went at it a little better” Hermione glared pointily at the boy, who groaned
“I know, I’m aware, but I dont trust her” he eyed the girl
That was when Ron decided to butt in “you can trust her.” Causing his two friends to look at him in shock
“You’re terrified of Y/L/N why the sudden change?” Harry asked
Ron scrambled his brain for an answer “Fred fancies her init, might aswell let him drool here where we can see what a fool he makes of himself.” He laughed uneasily, trying to get his friends to believe him.
Fred elbowed him in the ribs “shut up Ron, or ill show them your baby photos where mum used to make you wear frilly dresses.”
The two obviously believed Ron, knowing about the ‘fake’ not really fake crush Fred had on you. After another set of hushed whispers, the four turned to look at you, Potter being the first to speak.
“So uh... you can be part of DA” with an elbow from Hermione he also added “I’m sorry about earlier.”
You looked up and smiled “Good. There wouldn’t be much you could do even if you didnt let me stay, I signed my name.” You held up the piece of parchment & went over to hand it back to Hermione who mouthed ‘how?’ “Oh, i swiped it from your bag when you were discussing how little you trust me.” Noticing Potter’s eyes widen you laughed “Oh dont worry, I dont trust you either.”
Once others from DA had arrived, they all sent questioning looks your way, some scared that there was a Slytherin there, others annoyed. Overall it was not the most welcoming experience. You observed the spells being shown & practiced, confused as to why they weren’t more advanced- you were sure you knew better spells in your third year.
“Why are you teaching them a disarming charm that any first year knows?” You directed the question more to the room than any particular person, however, it caused the whole room to abruptly stop what they were doing and face you. Potter turned around with a half annoyed half confused look on his face
“What I’m saying is, if you want to be able to defend yourselves against Death Eaters, you’ll need stronger spells than expelliarmus.” You scoff “They’re well aware of wandless magic, many being skilled in non verbal spells. A simple charm wont do you any good in a duel.” You said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world
“Oh and you’d know all about Death Eaters wouldnt you” snickered some ravenclaw student at the back of the room, causing you to snap your head his way
“Yes I would, I would also know where they keep their spell books on dark magic and curses, making it all too easy to hex you.” You said in a harsh tone, causing there to be an uproar of protests as to why you were there. You rolled your eyes at the commotion and got up from your chair and walked over towards the duelling area.
“None of you may like what im saying, but if you even had one braincell you’d be aware that I’m telling the truth. It would be wise of you to listen to me and begin learning advanced magic. There used to be a plethora of books on it in the restricted secrion of the library.”
“And how are we supposed to get that genius? Umbridge took all of those books out.” Someone scoffed, causing you to smirk
“Not all.” And with a wave of your hand, several books appeared infront of you, hovering in the air. Many students gasped at the non verbal wandless magic you just produced “I managed to steal these before she looked through the records. You’re welcome to use them to teach your Army.” You handed the books to Hermione who had a mix of shock and glee on her face.
As you left her & Potter to look through the books, the rest of the students chattered excitedly at what just happened, their opinions on you slightly altering. The realisation hit them that you were there to help and not sabotage. While you were grinning at the scene you caused, Fred quietly sunk next to you.
“That was brilliant Y/N”
You glanced at him “Careful Weasley, or people will think you like me.” You said nodding towards his twin brother and younger sister
“It’s fine, I said I was gonna come and speak to you about how you mastered wandless magic & helplessly flirt with you till you tell me to piss off.”
You laugh “I’m not hearing any flirting.”
“Well im not hearing you tell me to piss off.” He retorted, causing you to chuckle again “But seriously, how did you learn to do that?”
You frown lightly at the memories of why you learned that “I knew it’d come in handy one day. I wasnt allowed to use spells back home, so i had to find alternatives. I’m sure once Potter gets over his fear of sharing the spotlight I’ll be able to teach it to you.”
Before Fred could reply, Hermione beconed you back over to the middle
“Ive never seen these spells in any other textbook…” she frowned slightly, not wanting to admit it “..i guess I’m not completely sure on how to do them. Where did you get these copies?” She queried motioning to the loose papers that also showed up
“I made those spells.” You said proudly with a glint in your eyes, the whole room came to a hush
“Im...sorry? You made them?” She exclaimed in joy to which you nod. “Theres no point teaching those to you just yet. You need to learn your dissarming spell first.” You hiss, directing it at Potter
“We know how to do that already, teach us the spells from your books!” Shouted a 6th year hufflepuff girl, she was backed up by loud cheers of agreement.
It was true, since the start of DA, Harry had been going through spells that they had already learned, thats not to say that the people didnt know how to do them, they just grew tired of them. They wanted to learn something new.
“I suppose if this will help against Death Eaters...” Harry mumbled to himself before sending a curt nod your way.
You sigh and pick up one of the books, flipping through the pages to find an appropriate spell to teach them, once settling on a simple enough spell for your class you command them to get away from the middle as you demonstrate. Once you finished explaining the properties of the spell, you conjure one of the human like dolls to appear in front of you and demonstrate. “Expulso Maxima”
With a big gush of wind, lighting emerged from the tip of your wand, sending the doll backwards into a wall, smoke billowed from the top of it as it lay crumpled on the floor.
“This is better used when the weather is already shit, the spell will get energy from a storm on the brink of lightning. However, it is still usable in fine weather. The spell mimics a lightining explosion, causing the reciever of it to be stunned and lose consciousness. Dont worry, you cant kill with this- it only mimics lightning.”
When you turned back around at the class, they stared at you in awe, never had they seen magic even a tenth as strong as that. It terrified yet intrigued them as to how on earth Y/N knew this. Of course she would never reveal that she would often have to practice these spells in duels against her parents, who demanded perfection, who demanded resistance.
For the next ten minutes Y/N would watch each and everyone try and fail to peform the spell. With a frustrated groan a fifth year Gryffindor pushed the doll, causing it to clatter on the floor
“Its useless, none of us can do it Y/L/N!”
You roll your eyes and stare at the boy with narrowed eyes “pick it up”
“Pick. It. Up.” You repeat, annoyance evident in your voice. The boy hastily returned the doll to its rightful place, eyeing you warily “Now think of something that angers you. Something that the mere thought of would make your blood boil. Harm coming to your loved ones, losing a quidditch match, ruining a new top for all I care. Anything.”
He tried again, swish, jab, “Expulso Maxima” and still nothing but a miniscule gust of wind. You let out a small breath, before looking around the class at the anxiously awaiting students.
Hermione looked from you to the class, before interjecting “Maybe harnessing bad emotions isnt what we should be doing right now-“
You raise your hand to silence her and turn your head back to the boy before slowly continuing “Being made a mockery by your peers.” He looks at you shocked “think of the fact how humiliated it makes you feel to not be able to produce the spell, how angry that your own classmates dont think you capable enough to make such a spell work-“
“Think of the how if you cant produce it here, now, how on earth will you produce it when facing premeditated death. Simply because you cant do the spell correctly.”
“I dont think-“
You got closer to the boy, seeing that his grip on the wand hardened, you continued to edge him on “Think about how that Death Eater would laugh at you, torment you, before uttering the killing curse, simply because you cannot master a spell Longbottom. How they would stand over your pathetic body, laughing-“
With an abrupt shout, swish jab a gush of wind and finally lightning was produced from the tip of the wand, however, this was aimed at you, not the doll.
Tags: @nxstalgicnxbxdy @bluebellwoods
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smileyparkersmiley · 5 years
jealousy looks good on you, t.h
a/n: Hey guys and thank you so much for the support on the last post, I’m glad you seemed to enjoy it. I have wanted to write a jealous Tom fic for a while and I hope you all enjoy this one as well. Remember my requests are open if there is anything specific you want me to write about for either Tom or Peter I would love to give it a go!
words: 1.9k
genre: jealous tom and fluff throughout
I like to think of myself as a simple woman, I like to say that I don't need a lot of things to make me happy, and right now all I needed was my boyfriend, some salty popcorn and a Netflix film. But tonight thats not on the agenda as its Toms mums birthday, she was turning 51 and Dom was throwing her a little surprise party, and when I say little I mean not so little. Tom managed to fly over from LA as there was a gap in his schedule in-between his press tours for Onward so he's able to surprise his mum on her birthday. He's here for the whole week and I’m happy to have him home as it’s been about a month since I've last seen him, and the withdrawal symptoms were kicking in.
As much as I adore Toms mum Nicki, I couldn't help but feel selfish and want to keep Tom all to myself for the night considering his flight only landed this afternoon and I only got a few hours alone with him before I will have to share him with countless strangers. Tom as well being extremely tired from his flight just wanted to sleep and cuddle up on the sofa which is what our afternoon consisted of until I dragged him upstairs to have a shower and freshen up for the main event.
‘Come on love go and freshen yourself up I don't think your mum would appreciate you stinking up her house after being on a 10 hour flight’ I tease, whilst tugging on his hand to get his body up the stairs to get ready, the last thing we need is to be late.
He pulls his bodyweight up and is standing directly in front of me now with a gentle grip on both of my hands
‘If it means everyone has to leave and its just me and you then I might just take that risk and skip the shower all together’ He smirks, I slap his arm gently scolding him
‘You’re so cheesy, now get your arse up the stars’
Toms shower was running and I could hear him singing away to a song I couldn't quite figure out because he doesn't like people hearing him sing, thats why he sings in the shower he thinks his voice goes unheard, however, though its muffled its still enough to cause a smile to creep onto my lips as a think about how much I’ve missed hearing him around the flat these past few weeks and how grateful I am that he's home.
The shower switches off and I pick up my outfit and a couple pieces of jewellery that I’ve chosen to compliment the look into mine and Toms shared bathroom, he's out of the shower I’m sure he won't mind me coming in to get showered, it's not like I haven't seen anything before.
I’ve had my shower and gotten dressed I haven't seen Tom dressed and I’m not too sure what he's planning on wearing, I was half way through my makeup when the bathroom door opens suddenly.
‘Oh wow, it feels like every time I lay my eyes on you you get more and more beautiful’
Toms eyes were wide and were sweetly scanning my body up and down in admiration taking his time to cherish every part of my body. My cheeks immediately flushed and I got nervous, no matter how long me and Tom have been together I will never get used to his compliments and the way he looks at me. He could sense my vulnerability in this moment and came over and pressed a kiss to my cheek, which only increased the blood flow to my cheeks even more. I looked at him in the mirror and it was my turn to admire. He was wearing black well fitted jeans with a white shirt and was holding a leather jacket in his arms which I'm assuming he's come to ask for my opinion on wearing it. He's so close I can smell his cologne, a scent I didnt realise I missed so much until it was taken away from me, his arms and chest fit well in his shirt which he has grown into slightly and his short hair was perfectly gelled and I was finding it hard to resist the urge to run my hands through it.
Tom noticed I was staring and his cheeks were now matching with mine, he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder and watches me in the mirror, I lean into his touch.
‘Can I help you?’ I ask as he continues to just look at me with interest despite me doing anything interesting in the slightest.
‘Carry on doing your makeup I love watching you, its just so interesting to me’
I don't completely understand his thought processes but I nod and carry on as I was making him smile whilst watching me blend my neutral eyeshadow. He watches me blend that eye and removes me from his hold and goes to leave the bathroom, I stop him just before as I take a light grip on his hand, he looks at his hand then up at me
‘I forgot to say, thank you and you too look very beautiful tonight’ I tell him and see his eyes light up at my compliment.
‘Thank you darling’ and with that he places a light peck on my lips leaving me to continue getting ready, with enough adrenaline coursing through my blood to keep me on a high for the whole evening.
We arrive at the party, there were lots of people here scratch 50 people there were at least 70 easily, the Hollands knew a lot of people. Me and Tom went and said hello to his brothers, his dad and Harrison and we did the rounds of ‘how are you?’ and ‘I saw your latest film it was amazing’ a lot of the conversation just involved polite smiles and nods from me and Tom talking about his adventures on movie sets and film premieres.
Toms mum arrived, and was indeed very surprised and when her eyes landed on Tom the poor woman burst into tears as she scooped her eldest son up in a large hug as she was glad that he was able to get away from work to celebrate with her.
Me and Tom had a lovely conversation with her as she told us that she had a normal day at work and that Dominic said that he was going to take her out for dinner just them two because no one else was able to make it.
‘Its so lovely to see you too y/n, how have you been what have you been getting up to then?’
The conversation continued for a while until she was eventually pulled away by many of her friends who wanted to speak to her so me and Tom moved on.
Tom was having a conversation with a couple who I believed were friends of him mums when I noticed his glass was empty and was probably in need of another drink
‘Tom I’ll go and grab us another drink, I’ll be back in a moment’ Tom says thanks and hands me his glass with one hand and removes his grip from around my waist with the other.
I meander through the large groups of people to get to the bar where I order me and Tom new drinks, when this man who was in his early 20s approached me and sparked up a conversation. I was a bit taken aback at first but he seemed really nice and interesting. I love Toms work and I am incredibly proud of everything he does however it is nice to have a conversation be focused on you and what you do and not just your famous boyfriends films.
He told me his name was Jake and that his mum was a good friend of Nicki's and works with her thats why he was here, we must have stood by the bar for a while without realising as I saw Tom approaching with a confused look spread across his face.
As soon as he reaches my side his arm attaches itself to my hip again and he introduces himself to Jake.
‘Hi, I don't think that we have met before, I’m Tom y/ns girlfriend’ He holds out a hand to shake Jakes
‘Oh hey man I’m Jake’ Jake shakes Toms hand and looks down at his drink awkwardly as he doesn't know how to play his next moves. Tom turns himself now to look down at me
‘y/n, Harrison wants to come and have a catch up’ He then turns himself towards Jake
‘Do you mind if we just’ He gestures to somewhere behind him not bothering to see if Harrison is actually over there
I could sense the tension that Tom was creating, I know jealousy when I see it and especially if its on Tom, he wears his heart on his sleeve and you can read his emotions like a book, and I couldn't decide whether this look suited him or not.
‘No go ahead of course, I think my mum wants me to go over to her as well anyway so’ He awkwardly picks up his jacket from the stool he was sitting on and his drink
‘It was really nice talking to you y/n’ His eyes flash quickly at Tom and then to me but they don't linger for too long, he turns and walks away with no hesitation. That situation escalated quickly and Toms jealous side has emerged and theres no doubt that its going away too quickly.
‘So what did Harrison want to talk to us about?’ I play dumb knowing full well that Harrison didnt want to talk to us about anything, in fact we already spent an hour talking to him when we got here.
‘Oh yeah Harrison’ He says but he isn't looking at me he's looking straight ahead, his jaw is tightening and his brows are frowned, I’ve decided jealousy does look good on him, very good indeed.
‘Lets not stay for too much longer its getting late and I’m really tired’ He says turning to me softening slightly when he catches my eyes.
“yeah that sounds good to me, and Tom?’ I start to look forward to the prospect of cuddling Tom tonight, something I missed from the second he left, my body now craves to be intertwined with his at the thought of it.
‘Yeah?’ His brows now raised
‘You do know There was no flirting going on between me and Jake earlier we were literally just talking right?’ Tom doesn't look convinced however.
‘y/n he was clearly flirting with you, I saw the way he was looking at you and how he was touching his hair trying to make you swoon’ Toms eyes immediately went darker almost as something inside of him switched, he used his arms as he spoke because he was getting frustrated and his hair was starting to become floppy as a result of the gel loosing its touch. In short he was making it very difficult not to pounce on him there and then.
I grabbed on the the collar of his shirt to pull him closer to me, I whisper sensually in his ear.
‘Jealously looks good on you Tom, now take me home so I can do something about it’
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d-noona · 5 years
The Make Over
SUMMARY: When Y/N L/N transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Y/N to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Auth Note: It's good to be back.
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Chapter 07 - Fairy God Mommy
After that nothing could have made Y/N happy, not even when Mrs. Jung returned with her still apologetic mother in tow. Amazingly, Y/M/N was thrilled by the idea of becoming Mrs Jung's cleaner, then estatic when Hoseok explained his refinancing offer.
"Isn't that wonderful news Y/N?" Her mother exclaimed. "Now we wont have to have a stranger in the house. And you'll have money for yourself for a change."
Y/N smiled and said yes, it was wonderful. She smiled all through lunch and laughed when the four of them moved Mrs Jung's living room furniture to new spots, then have to move everything back again to their original places when the end result did not please Mrs Jung's creative eye.
No one would have guessed how wretched Y/N felt. She was a past master at hiding her feelings, especially around Hoseok. But her heart grew heavier as the hours passed. By afternoon tea, she was exhausted with the emotional strain of pretending to be bright and breezy when inside she was shattered. Hoseok's getting back with Tinashe the following Sunday was the final straw.
His eagerness for their reconciliation had been palpable, his body language reeking of sexual frustration as he'd spoken of his time away from Tinashe. He could not wait to jump back into bed with her. Y/N could no longer fool herself. Any attention he'd been giving her had been the result of his boredom, not because of any suddenly selfless maturity.
"You won't forget about the refinancing," she reminded him stiffly when it came time for them to leave.
"Not at all. In fact, your mom is going to provide me the relevant papers this very afternoon. I'll collect them shortly, Y/M/N, and have Sejin get onto it first thing this week, then I'll bring up whatever needs to be signed next Saturday." As Hoseok elaborates what he plans to have his secretary do.
"You coming home next Saturday, are you?" Y/N asked with a weary resignation. Normally, the thought of Hobi being around thrilled her to pieces. Now there was no pleasure in the news, only the cynical thought that of course he was coming home. Had nothing better to do till Sunday, did he?
"Yes, I've been invited to speak at a local business awards dinner on Saturday night. I'm also presenting the prizes" he says.
"How nice." Y/N answers blandly.
"Why dont you take Y/N, Hoseok?" His mother suggested. "The invitation says "and partner"."
Hoseok's instant frown was enough to turn Y/N off the idea, despite her stupid heart giving one last feeble leap. His eyes turned her way then travelled slowly over her. She could actually see his brain ticking away. Dear old Y/N doesn't look half bad now. She wouldn't be an embarrassment to take, not like she would have been a week ago.
"Would you like to go?" He asked her. "It's a black tie, so you'll need a dinner dress."
Y/N steeled herself to do the one thing she'd thought she would never do. Reject the man she loved. "Thank you Hobi," she said with superb indifference, "but I have other plans for next Saturday night."
His brown eyes instantly clouded a small stab of triumph lifted her spirits momentarily, quickly followed by a much stab of despair. Tears threatened and she just had to get out of there. Panic had her glancing around for her mother. "Ready to go home Mum?" She asked, determined to keep up the false gaiety to the bitter end. "I have quite a bit to do before the working week starts tomorrow."
"My working week starts tomorrow too, doesn't it Mrs Jung?" Y/M/N returned happily.
"Indeed it does."
"Thank you so much," Y/M/N went on, clasping her neighbor's hands with her own with rather touching gratitude. "For lunch. And...and everything."
Mrs Jung smiled and patted Y/M/N's hands. "It's I who's grateful. I've found myself a wonderful cleaner and a new friend as well. See you in the morning Mrs Y/L/N."
"And I'll be seeing you later Mrs Y/L/N!" Hoseok called out as Y/N shepherded her mother out of the house. "To get those papers."
"What nice people they are," Y/M/N said on the short way home. "And wasn't it kind of Hoseok to help us out with that money business?"
"Yes, it was." Y/N admitted, but tight-lipped.
A silence descended between the two women as they made their way inside, but Y/N could feel her mother watching her.
"Why didn't you say yes when Hoseok asked you to go out with him?" Y/M/N asked once they were safely alone in the kitchen. "It...it wasn't because of what I said earlier, was it? About not being...well...pretty enough for him? Because that's not true, Y/N. You're plenty pretty enough. And he really likes you. I can see that now. He could hardly take his eyes off you all over lunch, and then later he..."
"Oh Mum, please," Y/N begged. "You don't have to lie. You were right the first time."
"No, darling. I wasn't. I was wrong. Very wrong. And I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself. I was feeling sorry for myself, and I was afraid. Yes, afraid." She repeated when Y/N's eyes widened. "Afraid some man would snap you up, looking as you do now, and I'd be left all alone in this world."
"But today opened my eyes there's Mrs Jung, a widow like myself, but she doesn't sit around feeling sorry for herself. Besides her writing, she plays golf and bingo and bridge. And she doesn't tie that boy of hers to her apron-strings, either. I can see its up to me to make something of my life for myself. I know becoming a cleaner isnt much but at least I'm good at it, and it's a start. I might even go to that hair dresser of yours with some of my cleaning money and become a blonde!"
"Oh Mum!" Y/N exclaimed, a burst of very real joy dragging her heart back out of the doldrums. "You've no idea how happy you made me, hearing you say that."
"Do you forgive me for saying those awful things to you, my dear? I didnt mean them, you know."
Y/N couldnt help but relent. "Of course, I forgive you," she said gently. "I love you Mom."
"Oh Y/N," her mother crued, and threw her arms around her daughter.
Unfortunately , it was not the best of time for Y/N to be hugged. Her mother's display of affection tipped her over the edge on which she'd been balancing for several hours, splintering the brittle control which she'd been holding in her misery. Her shoulders began to shake as sobs racked her whole body. "Oh my daughter," her mother groaned, and hugged her even more tightly. "Dont cry, darling. Please dont cry. Oh, you make me feel terrible. If only I hadnt said those awful things, you would have probably gone out with Hoseok when he asked you. It's my fault!"
"No, it isn't," Y/N sniffled when she at last pulled out of her mother's arms. "Hoseok only asked me out because Tinashe's trying to prove some point or other and she's refused to have anything to do with him for a month. But come next Sunday they'll be back together again, as thick as thieves. Who knows? If she plays her cards right he might even ask her to marry him."
"What rubbish!" Her mother pronounced firmly, startling Hyeonji. "Hoseok is not in love with that flashy bit of goods. No man in love with one girl looks at another girl as he looked at you today."
Y/N was dumbfounded. "But I...I didn't notice him looking at me in a special way..."
"Then you're as blind as he is, my girl. You made a big mistake refusing to go out with him next Saturday night. Now listen here; when he comes over to pick up those papers, you tell him you've changed your mind and you'd like to go after all."
"But...but..." Y/N stammered.
"NO buts. You said he's not getting back with that Tinashe till Sunday. Make the most of what time you have!" Y/M/N pushed Y/N with both her arms on her waist.
"I was just going to say I dont have anything to wear," Y/N smiled weakly.
"Well, that's easily fixed."
"How? Hoseok's accountant can't get us anymore money immediately. And I'm not taking the cleaning money you earn, Mom. No way. One hundred dollars wouldnt be nearly enough anyway," she added with a sad sigh. "A dinner dress, complete with shoes and bag doesn't come cheap these days."
"Would five hundred dollars do?"
"Five hundred! But where?... I mean..." Y/N suprised at her mother.
Y/M/N smiled her pleasure at her daughter's surprise. "You're not the only one who has rainy-day money stashed away, my girl. Come this way."
Y/N followed, fascinated, while her mother led her upstairs and into the master bedroom where she proceeded to lift up the matress and draw out a battered brown paper envelope. She opened the flap and tipped the contents out onto the patchworl quilt. Notes of all sizes fluttered down, mostly fives, tens and twenties.
"I used to hide this is an empty washing powder box in the laundry when your father was alive. But now its safe enough out here. I know there's at least five hundred dollars, maybe more." She gathered the money up and pressed them into Y/N's hands. "I want you to buy yourself a dress which will knock Hoseok's eyes out!"
Y/N hated the wild rush of elation ehich flooded her heart, for she feared she was setting herself up for a disaster of monumental proportions. No matter what her mother said and no matter what dress she brought, how could she seriously compete with Tinashe? It was like comparing a nice little house wine with a top brand french champagne. Tinashe's extravagant self fizzed sparkled. She was special-occassion lady whereas she, was the common, everyday, value for money variety.
When Hoseok looked at her he only ever saw a familiar face. And everyone knew what familiarity bred. Contempt. Never chemistry.
Or was that how he'd seen her in the past? Dared she hoped that her new look had evoked a new appreciation? Y/N had told the truth when she'd said she hadn't notice Hoseok looking at her differently today. But after his news about Tinashe she'd been too upset to notice anything, and had avoided Hoseok's eyes as much as possible.
Could her mother's observations possibly be correct, or was she just trying to make her daughter feel better? She'd been guilty over her earlier less than generous remarks. Y/N didn't want to keep her hopes up. And yet, something was stirring within her soul. Something she'd never felt before. Sometjing rather wicked.
Tinashe had called her a sly piece. Maybe she was right, Hyeonji thought with a steeling of her spirit. Because I am not going to go quietly, Tinashe, darling. Neither am I going to let you have Hoseok back without a fight. Come Saturday night, I'm going to use every female trick in the book.
The trouble was...she hadn't read that particular book yet. She would have to depend on her feminine instinct. The front doorbell ringing startled both of them. "That'll be Hoseok," Y/M/N said urgently. "Now drop that money and go down and talk to him while I get those papers he wants. Tell him you've changed your mind about Saturday night, and ask him what time he wants you ready by. Be cool, though. Not overly eager."
Y/N shocked at her mother "Mum, you sneaky thing!"
"Well there is no point in being easy. Any girl who looks as good as you do can play a little hard to get. Besides, men never want what they think they can have, gratis. They like a bit of a challenge."
Y/N went down stairs shaking her head. Who would have believed that within her own shy reserved mother lurked the makings of a femme fatale? Heaven knew what would happen if the Y/L/N widow became a blonde!
Y/N summoned up a pleasant smile to answer the door, resolving to watch this time for any sign that Hoseok looked at her differently in any way.
"Hello there again," she said. "Mum wont be a minute with those papers. Look, about next Saturday night Hobi, that was rude of me to dismiss your very nice invitation out of hand. I know what its like to go to these things alone..."
She didnt actually, because she's never been to an awards dinner. But Y/N had never lacked imagination. Just think of all those times Hobi had made love to her in her mind. Unfortunately, she began thinking of one those times right at this moment. It was her favorite scenario where Hoseok was concerned. He would bring her home to this door after a serious date and there would be much kissing and panting on the front porch. When she finally unlocked the door, he would push her inside, then scoop her up into his arms and carry her upstairs to her room where a three-foot bed was no barrier to true love.
Her mouth dried as she thought of their naked bodies blended tightly, writhing together. Her brown eyes glittered as they began unconsiously to rove over the object of her desire. Before they reach his waist, Y/N swallowed then cleared her throat. "Er...could I possibly change my mind and say yes?"
He stiffened. He actually stiffened. Why?
"Is there a problem with that?" She asked airily, even while her heart was thudding. He stood there frowning at her. The atmosphere on that doorstep was suddenly charged with a quite alien tension. Y/N didnt know what to make of it except that she found herself holding her breath.
"Hobi?" She choked out.
He seemed to have to shake himself to answer her. "No." He muttered. "No problem. I'll look forward to it."
Y/N had to be careful not to let all her breath out of her lungs in a rush. "Fine," she said with a small smile. "Well, where is this dinner and what time should I be ready?"
"Its being held down at the League's Club, in the Admiral's Quarters. The dinner starts at eight. Pre-drinks at seven thirty. I'll pick you up at...say...seven?"
Y/N nodded "I'll be ready. And thanks again for helping us with the finance business."
"My pleasure." He answered.
But it didn't look as if it was his pleasure. Not at all. He hadn't smiled once since she'd opened the door. Y/N could not make head or tail of his mood, except that it was obvious he had mixed feelings about taking her to that dinner.
She prayed his reluctance was because he'd begun to feel things for her which he found confusing, and not because Tinashe might get jealous if she ever found out. Her mother's arrival at that point steered the conversation to a less stressful grounds. Hoseok left a couple of minutes later and as Y/M/N closed the front door she threw Hyeonji a questioning glance. "Well? What happened? You both seemed tense when I came down."
Y/N shrugged. "I don't really know. I told him I changed my mind abiut the dinner, and he agreed to take me, but not with great enthusiasm. To be honest, I think it worried the heck out of him."
"Well that's better than indifference, Y/N."
Nodding her head Y/N agreed "That's what I was thinking."
Y/M/N patted her daughter's back "Only time will tell."
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
This World Is Ours P6 Of ?
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"yeah we are playing ladies first" he says "and gentelmen just before" I add he just smirks "can't argue with that logic" he says while pulling of his shirt and tossing it away not that it really made any differnce to me "your turn y/n" I then pull my skirt as high as it will go before it's revealing my underwear I can see he's watching me like a hawk but I dont mind becuase I can see on his face he's allready stuggleing as soon as I'm done I just look at him expectently he sits for a little while I presume thinking of what to do next till I speek up "are you gonna do anything or are you allready out of idea's" "no I not out of idea's baby girl" he says in a sly voice crap the voice and that nickname now I'm worried but there was not much else he could do I calm my head and keep my breathing steady so he isnt aware of the fact it's sort of working I think for a second then reaslie exactly what to do "my turn" I say before sliping my hand under my shirt and doing a rather skilled thing as removing my bra without removing my shirt he watched me with wide eye's as I drag the bra out and hold it up then let it fall to the floor as I smirk at him I can see by his face if he's not about to snap it isnt far off he's definatly cracking he has to shut his eyes for a second to calm himself down a bit but before I've really paid any attention boom crap he's done it the troursers are donw ever so slightly and the lines are there and there obvious I can't help but stare and there is nothing I can do now I'm cracking to I can't stand it one more sly word or calling me by that name again and I'm over I even have to choke down a whine that threatens to leap out of my mouth but I sit calmly let out a breath even thoguht it comes out jagged and sharp and he smirks even more obviously knowing full well why "you can give up at any time y/n" he says "not on your life" I say still trying to sound confident but I knew what I was going to do I pick up my bra and cleverly put it back on under my shirt then it's off with the shirt leaving me in just my bra , skirt and underwear but I'm not finished I start twisting and moving my bra around with my hands like I'm fixing it I'm not looking at him but I can hear the almost chocked moan in his thout from here as he stares I just giggle and stick my tonuge out at him like a child but from what I can tell he's to deep I thoguht to respond I can see any second he's over plus he's used up almost every option he had wich is good becuase I'm not sure if theres more I can do not if I can't touch him if I could this would be much easiler but I'm positive if we could touch this game would have been over five seconds after it started then while I was zoned out for one simple second sort of stareing at him he's undoing his trousers peroperly and sliding them down not much but enought to make clear his boxers and his erection I am stareing I wasnt sure it was posible to stare at a boy this much for this long and not get bored how the hell did I sleep in the same room as this boy for months and not even notice what was down there how I dont understand it how when we where seventeen did I see it all and didnt really think about it and now I'm at this point felling any second I'm gonna either smash completly or explode but he's not finished his turn yet I'm almost confused at what I'm seeing the only real way to descripe it would be doing what I was yesterday but to himself and groaning oh god this is one difficult game all of a sudden as soon as he took his hand away from himself I just sat there not sure what I was now gonna do one more word and that was it and right on que as if he could read my mind "your turn baby girl" he says in the slyest voice I have ever heard and yep I'm gone but I can still fake it I sit still a bit bewildered but I can stay I have defiantly snapped the only thing going across my mind was that I needed to get my hands on him and fast I didnt just want him I needed him but I can keep my guard up for long enoguh to end this game my next move would have to be ground breaking something I know would smash him to bits then it hit me fake it I then licked my lips and leaned back on the sofa so my head was on the arm rest I pull my skirt down to the knee lenght it's ment to be then sliped my hand under the waist band of the skirt I'm not going to do anything I'm just going to fake it becuase I know faking it is enoguh I slightly move my rist so it looks like I'm doing something then with supriseing realisum I moan and groun making it obvious what I'm ment to be doing I even arch my back a couple of times opening my mouth and shutting my eyes I can only just see when I open my eyes he's gone I can see it in his face he's gone becuase he can't keep his eyes of me for a second and he can't shut his mouth and I think he's makeing more noice then I am as soon as I think he's had enoguh I remove my hand from my skirt and stay laid back I even pretent to lick my fingers before sitting up slowly leting out a breath I can see it can't take it before I've really got back to how I was before he on top of me he obviosuly jumped onto me laying me back down there hardly and inch between us at all "well I guess that means I win then" I say smriking at him "I guess it does babygirl but this isnt over is it" he say's oh god I pray to god he calls me that forever now but I dont really need to answer I just wrap my arms around his neck as we both pull in for the most passion filled snog in history full of tention neither of us going to take out hands of each other for a second I think even if someone walked in right now we wouldnt stop within a few seconds his hands are on my thighs edgeing closer to you know where I can't take it that game snapped up both theres no stoping us now so I just put my hand to his pants dont even flirt just staright up hand staight there I know he doesnt mind because he's moaning into my mouth as I move my hand  till I break away anoyed at myself he looks down at me a little anoyed I know what he thinks that I'm just going to teaste when I catch my breath "bedroom now" I say between jagged breaths he just smirks and crawls off of me then stands I almost dont have the strengh to but I dont have to within seconds he's picked me up and I'm over his shoulder we're both laughing but before we can reach out bedroom door we can here someone a familiar voice comeing down the corriodr it sounded like his mother he drops me to the floor quickly both of us trying to find away to cover this up before she gets into the flat he quickly does up his pants I run of into our room I mean I'm basicly in my underwear theres no way I'm covering that up I quickly slip on a top and pull my skirt down as far as posible then run back and see lilly Thomas's mother lucky we where heading to our room anyway that would have been difficult to explain if she found us on the sofa she looks at us both I dont think she suspects anything but she doesnt look like she interly belives we werent doing anything "Thomas why dont you have a shirt on" she asks "I uh- just got out the shower mum" he says she looks a bit curious but I'm sure she doesnt think we where doing anything "right okay well put some clothes on you stupid boy, your father will be home in a minuet" she said well thats why she doesnt look very happy "why I thoguht dad was working till next month on a long shift" Thomas replys "he was but we have been called to the watchers I'm not sure why but I'm sure we'll find out so we have to go there in a bit" she explains "and how long will you uh be" he says I can tell from his voice he's obviously fired up and would very much like his mother to leave and leave quickly but I'm in agreement with that to be honest "why" she asks us both "no real reason just currious is all" he answers "well, not that long we both just have to change then head of" she replys "okay"Thomas replys obviously not that happy about it I can tell he would much rather her walk out again and him get his hands back on me again "I'm going for a shower tell your father when he gets here where I am and to change thank you Thomas" she says as she walks of into the bathroom as soon as we hear her lock the door he turns to me and pins me against the wall snogging me again its horrible becuase I know I can't do anything becuase neither of us would like to get caught by his parents it was like a teasting snog becuse we both wanted it could go somewhere we just knew we couldnt it didnt stop us both from letting our hands roam around each other that it untill we hear the door again and we both quickly knock it off and step away from each other as andrwes steps in the door "after noon kids" he says to us both not sure why he's started calling us that recently he looks me up and down then looks to Thomas a little bit confused "uh Thomas quick word in the kitchen" Thomas then nodds and walks of into the kitchen area with his dad but I can still hear them "Thomas have I missed something" his father asks "no,no,no why" Thomas replys quickly "well I dont want to pry but why is one of your shirts and one of her's on the floor by the sofa" andrwes say's I look over crap we didnt think about that but we did the best we could given the time we had to not make it obvious thats what we are doing "I just had a- shower and she had one earlier- and I uh moved the washing basket and they fell out" he answers I will atmit for on the spot that is a good alibi "really yeah okay and uh well I dont know if you think it's obvious or not Thomas but you uh have an erection" his father said to him in a wishper "no-no-no I dont" he stuttered in reply "Thomas it's obvioius do you now mind telling me whats going on" "we were doing somthing and mum walked in" "I thoguht you two went all like that with each other" "that was saturday this is monday big changes have been made" "like?" "like" Thomas said pointing to our bedroom andwers then walked over to our room and looked in the door "oh one bed now for you two then well just for the love of god dont tell your mother , and if I was you I would atleast try to sort that proplem out " "I would but mum turned up" he said walking back over and putting his arm back around me "alright," andwers said "just asking if it was the sofa how far was it" he whispered to us both "second base" I say "oh god definatly dont tell your mother ever even if your very drunk never tell your mother" he says walking of into his room as soon as we both know the doors shut we're at it again in some small ways it was horrible like this to the extent I pull away only seconds into it he looks at me slightly confused "what" "I'm sorry Thomas I can't do this" "what" "I can't do it when I know your parents are here, and I hate this teaser snogging it does nothing in my opinion" "oh but babygirl" he complained "no Thomas I know we're both got snapped in the game but we can't now the moemnts gone" "ow stupid mother" he says to the door of the bathroom "WHAT WAS THAT Thomas" I here his mother shout "nothing mum" he says back
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yoramkelmer · 5 years
Hogwarts Overexposed Chapter 2: An Old Friend Part 1
So, it´s been a while, but so many things have happened, but now I´m finally done with my masters thesis. Now let´s go back into the travesty that is the Hogwarts Exposed Saga. 
When we last left off, the Sues had portkeyed to Fort Lauderdale, only to be apprehended by a gang of rapists. Yeah. 
But, as if knowing what to expect, each boy leapt toward a different girl on the count of three, knocking his respective target to the hard asphalt covered ground. Art had targeted Jamie and held her menacingly against the ground, his knife at her throat. "If you try anything like that again, I'll slit you in two from your skinny neck right down to your cunt. Get the message?" I´m kinda surprised that Jamie Sue wasnt able to fight back, given that she is so powerful. 
"Art, something is weird about these girls," Phil said, holding out Caitlin's wand to Art. "These three were all carrying sticks like this in holsters attached to their leg." "Where is your little stick Miss Big Tits? "Art asked as, without warning, he lifted Jamie's skirt above her waist. Momentarily he froze; then as he rubbed his fingers over her mound said, "You and I are going to have lots of fun."
Just in case you forgot that this is Hogwarts Exposed.  "Guys, check out this bitch!" Art yelled as he forced Jamie to her feet, her skirt still gathered to her waist. "No panties and not even a trace of stubble anywhere on her pussy or ass."
I hate this fic.  "These two don't either," yelled Phil and Pete. "This one is a smooth as a baby," voiced Lance.
A smooth what? Kim stared at the severely pockmarked Lance. Other than knocking her to the ground, he hadn't touched her and had no way of knowing what he had just declared.
That doesnt mean anything.  "Gentlemen, we are about to have a party," Art declared, "but not here. Let's take these ladies across the street to the parking garage where we can see them better." "What about the sticks they were carrying?" Phil inquired. "Just toss them," Art instructed. "They're probably some new type of stunner or spray. I don't intend to fuck up my night with them. You guys lead the way with your lady friends. "And ladies… don't try anything. I'll have my knife at 'Miss Big Tits' back the entire time. One mistake on your part and she'll be making a visit to the morgue."
In case you haven´t noticed, all of Neils bad guys sound the same. 
Meanwhile, the others portkey to Fort Lauderdale as well and can´t find the girls, except for their wands. 
Emily had never felt so scared and vulnerable in her entire life. As they crossed the street, a number of automobiles sped by, but the drivers evidently were in too much of a rush to notice the terror on her face. A taxi slowed down, but Art waved the driver on. When they reached the garage, Phil yanked open a metal door leading upstairs. Caitlin screamed, as his hand reached out and prodded her butt. He shoved her face first into the cement steps. "Scream again bitch and you've had it," he threatened.
Isnt Caitlin supposed to have these superior Sue Powers due to her being a Hyperempath, that can make her torture everyone with her mind as she pleases?
Why isnt she using that now? "For Christ's sake, leave her alone," Lance said. "Let's just grab their dough and get the hell out of here before someone tips off the cops!"
In case you haven´t noticed, Lance is Neil´s self insert Mary Sue here, the token good guy of the rapist gang.  "You are a fucking fag!" Pete declared, ripping off Emily's skirt with one hard yank. "This looks like prime stuff to me. No way am I going anywhere before I fuck this hairless little bitch. Besides, shit for brains, do you see any pocketbooks?" "You got that right. Look at these boobs!" Art said, ripping Jamie's top off as easily as if it were made of tissue paper. "You don't think I'm going to pass up the opportunity to suck on these babies, do you?"
I have a feeling that Neil is speaking through Art as well.  "Don't worry," Lance whispered in Kim's ear, "I won't hurt you."
That doesnt sound creepy at all in a situation like this. Not.  "But what about them?" Kim begged softly, her eyes glistening. "They're my friends. Please don't let this happen." Lance looked helplessly at Kim, as she stared at Caitlin, who lay motionless on the stairs, blood trickling from a gash on her forehead where her head had made contact with the rigid cement.
Caitlin, use your Sue Powers dammit.  Pete brandished a fifth of whiskey and after taking a swallow shoved it in Emily's face, slopping it all over her. "Stop wasting that stuff," Art yelled. "What's the matter, think you're too good to party with me?" Pete grabbed Emily by the back of the neck. "Open your mouth," he hissed. Digging his fingers into her neck, he pulled her head back. Finally she gave in and opened her mouth. He poured the whiskey slopping it in her face and forcing her to swallow. Emily gagged, but resisted heaving. "You're a sloppy little bitch," he said, ripping her shirt open and wiping her face with it. "Damn, I can't wait to stick my shaft in your little gold mine. FUCK YOU NEIL Phil, hold her for me." Cut for more creepy rape build up. 
"Jesus, she's pissing on herself," Pete said, drawing his hand away, but only momentarily. The vision actually seemed to be exciting him as he quickly unzipped his pants. His penis in his hand, he started to lower himself on Emily.
Neil has some really creepy fetish with peeing, if you haven´t noticed. And it´s getting worse in a few chapters on..... Then, just as his body was about to make contact with Emily's, he let out a terrifying scream and grabbed his head with both hands. Blood was covering both sides of his face and his body was writhing in agony.
Why did it take so long for Caitlin to use her Sue Powers again?  "What the fuck!?" Art yelled, no longer paying attention to his captive, Jamie. "What just fuckin' happened?" Jamie now had the opportunity she had been waiting for. She hastily removed her wand from the invisible sheath she had been given by Mr. Ollivander for saving his shop. Why didnt she do this immediately when the rape gang appeared in the first place?  "STUPEFY! STUPEFY! STUPEFY!" she yelled in quick succession as she pointed her wand and shot red beams of light at Art, Phil and Pete in turn. But when she turned to Lance, Kim stepped in her path.
What is it that makes Lance so different from the others?
* * * * * *
The others try to find the girls, and suddenly Hermiones gets to make hyperempathic contact with Caitlin. 
"Their okay," she finally said. "It was touch and go for a bit, but everything is under control now."
I repeat: it would not have gotten this ugly if Caitlin had used her Sue Powers on them earlier!  Harry, Ron and Sam stared at her. "Caitlin?" Sam finally asked. "Did she just contact you telepathically?" Hermione, nodded. "Her Sue powers are unbelievable when she concentrates on using them. There is a parking garage across the street. They're on the top floor. We should try to get there before the magical reversal people arrive." They hurried to the mouth of the alley and then practically ran across the street and up the stairs of the garage. When they reached the roof, they momentarily all froze as they absorbed the sight before them. Kim was standing talking animatedly to a youth who was wearing what appeared to be a gang jacket. This is the first actual descrition we get of them. Three other youths, dressed similarly, were lying unconscious and tied securely. Jamie, Caitlin and Emily seemed to be reassuring each other, their clothes either partially on and torn or not on at all. "MUM! DAD!" Emily shouted as she ran toward them. "IT WAS AWFUL!"
But given that this is Hogwarts Exposed, not really surprising. 
And in general, rape is not a thing that should be used for angst or shock value in fiction - it´s just wrong! 
"Mum, I know it was wrong," Caitlin cried. "You warned me about using my Hyperempathic powers to injure, but I had no choice. He was about to rape her! I couldn't let that happen… she's my sister… I love her.
Caitlin, this was pretty much a situation of self defense, and you could have avoided most of the rest if you used your Sue Powers earlier.  "They all thought I was unconscious, but I wasn't. I was concentrating, trying to reach you, but you hadn't arrived yet. He had getting ready to… oh god, you know… then I remembered the knife they were using. I visualized it slashing his face on both sides, and immediately he was screaming and blood was gushing from the slashes I had given him through my thoughts." Hermione looked toward the boys to see which had been slashed. "He healed as soon as I stopped visualizing hurting him," Caitlin explained.
Apparently Caitlin is such a pure Sue that she couldnt even kill the guy who was raping her sister.  Hermione put her arm around Caitlin. "I know what you think you did was horrible, but listen. You have been given a gift, a powerful gift that is capable of both saving lives and taking them. Your choice to only hurt him when you could have just as easily killed him shows get strength of character. Your Dad and I are both very proud of you. Use your Mary Sue Powers wisely, my Child!" "I imagine that is your handiwork?" Harry asked Jamie as he studied the unconscious and bound gang members. Jamie nodded her head. "Once Caitlin had them distracted, it was easy to get to my wand. Muggles don't stand a chance against magic."
The last sentence sounds kinda creepy.  "That is why under normal circumstances it should never be used against them. I think, however, that in this case the use was certainly justified. What about him?" Harry asked, indicating the boy talking to Kim. "He seems different from the others," Jamie answered. "He didn't touch Kim and even tried to talk the others into letting us go."
And now we move to the most disgusting aspect of this completely pointless sub plot - the portrayal of Lance as the main victim of this entire thing!  Lance was speaking in a soft voice to Kim. "I've never been with a girl, even on a date or anything. Girls won't have anything to do with me. I can't help my face; it's so ugly. But I wouldn't ever want a girl that didn't want me. Do you think a girl like you would ever want to go out with me?"
Why the fuck are they talking about this, just right after attempted mass rape? "Yes," Kim said. "If you were nice to her, and protected her, a girl would want to go out with you."
Shut up Kim -_-  Lance stared at Kim for a minute, trying to decide if she meant it, or was just lying to make him feel better. What possessed her to do it, she'd never know, but Kim kissed him, and then ran to talk to Caitlin leaving the boy standing dumbfounded.
Neil´s wish fulfillment  After a few minutes of conversation with Harry and Hermione, Kim returned to Lance with Caitlin by her side. "Lance, my friend Caitlin has Sue powers that are uncommon even among our people," Kim said. "I've asked her to try something, something that could change your life. Will you trust us?" "Yeah," the youth said without hesitation. "I trust you." "I've never tried to do anything like this," Caitlin said. "I have to touch you; actually run my hands across your face. It won't hurt. Whether I'm successful or not, it won't hurt."
So....she´s turning him into a frog? Lance nodded his head. He wasn't sure what these girls had in mind. He was still trying to deal with the information that witches actually existed and that Kim and her friends actually were.
And yeah, they won´t wipe his mind afterwards.  Caitlin began to run her fingers and palms against Lance's skin, akin to a sculptor working with clay. She missed not a spot as her fingers caressed his nose, ears, checks and neck, every part of his head. Then for the briefest time, hideous scares and pockmarks invaded her face. Subsequently, as fast as they came, they were gone.
So she turns him beautiful with her Sue Powers. Because Beauty equals Goodness. 
"I think you'll find the girls quite eager to kiss you now," Kim said, gazing at Lance with appreciation. "Be careful though in your choices. You, better than anyone, should know that outer appearances don't necessarily portray the person within."
Barf.  "What did you do?" Lance questioned. "She gave you a second chance," Harry said. "One of the prime excuses you had for falling into the company of these scoundrels no longer exists. Leave now while you still can, with the memory of what has transpired intact. Remember what has happened, but tell no one, else you will be considered by them a liar and a fool. Now get out of here."
Easily forgiven. 
I hate this fic.  Lance looked in turn at Harry, then Caitlin and finally Kim. "I wish I were a part of your world," he said smiling. "I'll never forget you," he added as he turned and ran down the stairs.
I wonder if Neil ever planned on having this cardboard stand return as a possible love interest for Kim. 
Because he certainly never appears again or is ever mentioned again after this chapter.  The boy had barely disappeared from sight when two loud pops, announcing the arrival of members of the American Improper Use of Magic office disturbed the early morning quiet. "What the hell happened here!?"
* * * * * *
The American Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, once they arrived, had been quick to put everything back into its proper order. The three gang members had their memories adjusted, and were portkeyed to the scene of a staged robbery, where they were taken into custody and charged by Muggle police. Obviously, under the circumstances, it was impossible to charge them with the crimes they had actually committed against the girls, but this way they would at least serve deserved jail time.
Well, yeah. 
Cut for more boring talk, including Harry talking about cancelling the trip, only for the Sues to object. 
"I actually prayed to die rather than have them touch me," Jamie sobbed. "I didn't want to leave the shower after I finally got in. I felt like I could never wash the stench of him off my body. But now I realize I have to put it behind me. It's over. Concentrating on it will only soil the future and continue giving our attackers power over us."
Neil, this isnt how trauma works -_-  "Never pray to die," Caitlin said, hugging Jamie. "That summer when Hooch attacked me and I was abandoned in the woods, I prayed for a fast death. God knew better and didn't answer my prayer. Now I have you, all of you." She looked from one to the other. "I have horrible memories in my past, but my present with all of you makes them bearable. You can never forget atrocious things like what happened today, but you have to go on and savour the positive things life offers."
Caitlin only ONCE acted like a girl who was raped by another woman, and that was when a naked Jamie dragged on her. After that, nope, she never acted like that again, exept for that one “agony of the stick” scene that never was mentioned before and never got mentioned again afterwards.  Kim had sat quietly as everyone commented. Then as tears burst from her eyes, she spoke. "Maybe what happened today was for a greater purpose. I'd like to think it was to give a person a second chance at life. I'm hopeful that because of us, Lance's life will change.
Yeah, yeah yeah, after a gang tried to mass rape you all, Lance is surely the main victim here. I hate this fic.  "People can affect other people's lives, you know. You've all affected mine." She looked from person to person, her eyes finally stopping on Emily. "Before, I met you, I tried to kill myself three times. I was getting better at it. I think if I had tried one more time, I might have succeeded. But you stuck your nose into my life and turned it upside down, or maybe in my case, right side up."
Well, the Mirror of Ytidun said so.  Caitlin, Emily and Jamie stared thunderstruck at Kim, as did Harry and Hermione. She had never before revealed this information about herself to them. "Ruffians like we met today are no different than terrorists," Kim stated. "They are cowards that strike the innocent and defenseless. We can't let our lives be directed by such lowlifes."
Again, this is not how trauma works! 
This section ends with this:
"We're also hungry," Emily announced. "Do you think this place has room service?"
* * * * * *
Although certainly not able to remove the morning's experience from their minds, the girls all left the hotel with a determination that they would not allow it to ruin the holiday they had looked so forward. As they squeezed into two cabs for the short trip to the dock, Hermione shushed Emily when she suggested that perhaps her Mum should put an enlargement charm on the interior. When they passed the parking garage, Caitlin and Jamie exchanged nervous looks and reached for each other's hand, sure that Emily and Kim in the other cab were sharing similar feelings.
This is the last time the whole incident is mentioned. Afterwards, the Sues act as if it never happened, and as said earlier, Lance is also never mentioned again. 
And I wonder, why the hell was this portion in this fic in the first place?
What was the purpose on it? What effects is this going to have on the rest of the fic? 
I guess it was used for the same reason why Caitlin and Hermione were molested by Madam Hooch - pure sensationalism. 
"Why did those two blokes look at us so strangely?" Ron asked as the two cabs pulled away.
Foreshadowing.  "Think about it," Sam said. "The drivers were Muggles and they just transported ten people to a dock to go on a cruise." "Yeah! So what's the problem?" Ron asked. "I think they were rather confused by the fact that we had no luggage for a ten day cruise." Sam answered. "Oh my!" exclaimed Hermione. "I should have thought about that." She looked carefully around. "Harry, you and Ron best enlarge our luggage before we board the ship. It might be a nudist cruise, but I'm sure it will seem very strange if we appear to have no luggage."
Occasionally you forget that this is supposed to be a Harry Potter fanfiction, more so than with My Immortal, of all things.  "Is that our ship?" Kim asked wide-eyed. "It's beautiful." "That's it," Harry said. "The Sun Princess. It is ten years old, but as beautiful as the day it was launched."
He used the name of an actual ship.  "It is pretty," Emily agreed, "and extremely big. I can envision getting lost very easily."
Cut for more boring, they check in, and the section is including a throwaway character named Bill.
As Bill guided them to the lift, Jamie pulled Hermione aside. "Just two of us to a room? Does that mean that Alex and I would have had our own room together for ten days if he had decided to come?" Hermione gave Jamie an 'I'm sorry' smile and nodded her head. Jamie shook her head. "I'm going to kill him. When I see Alex Ward in September, I'm going to literally kill him." She didn't mean it, but was just frustrated that they had missed this wonderful opportunity to be together.
We never get to know why Alex didnt get to come, and as we never actually see Jamie go after Alex, this was just very pointless. 
So, the Sues are then having lunch, and then we get introduced to Kims actual love interest:
Between bites, Kim was checking out a very handsome boy who had just joined the serving line. "We're here to have fun, right?" she said. "Let's make a pact that anything that happens the next ten days stays on the ship."
Kim is around 13. You´d be forgiven for forgetting this, given the way they all talk.  "Sounds to me like someone intends to cheat on Randy," Caitlin said kiddingly.
You forgot that Kim and Randy were a thing? You´re not the only one, given how forgettable and pointless Randy is in the first place.  "Not so much cheat as have fun," Kim explained. "Randy would most likely get upset if he even knew I talked to another boy."
Again, we know next to nothing about Randy, except that his name is Randy and that he hangs out with Matt, whose character gets assasinated later in this fic.  "Yeah!" Caitlin agreed. "Matt's the same way. He's really special to me, but he can be rather possessive at times."
This is the first time in the entire Saga that this is established. Neil, there is something called show, don´t tell!  "Does that mean that we're four single underage girls on the prowl for a good time this week?" Emily asked. "Make that three girls," Jamie corrected. "And be careful how good a time you have. Remember you guys are all underage."
For once, I agree with Jamie. Yeah, I can´t believe I actually typed this.  "Gee Sis! Get a grip," Emily said. "I didn't mean anything like that. I just meant swimming, dancing, fooling around. After what happened this morning, I'm sure none of us are thinking about sex."
And then it´s never even hinted at again. 
Also, you most likely already noticed how Emily is the one of the Sues that basically only talks about sex - yet in a few chapters it is suddenly established that she doesn´t know how children are made. 
I hate this fic.  "You got that right," Caitlin said, and Kim agreed.
So, I can´t bear any of this any more today. 
But lets return to the framing device:
���Ha, that was rather easy!”, said Ebony after she had eliminated Ariana Black and all her cheerleaders. Suddenly Gerard Way appeared in front of her. 
“So, I finished up this preppy poser!” said Ebony, “where do you want me to go now?” Gerard then opened up another portal. “The place I want you to go now and defeat the Sues is very dangerous. It is a world so terrible, not even you can comprehend what is happening.” 
Ebony then jumped sexily into the portal. 
She then found herself in a very colorful and cheerful place. It was a very colorful city, and “CWC” was written on everything, even the roofs. 
Ebony wanted to vomit. 
0 notes
viralhottopics · 7 years
Not so haute: six writers on their biggest fashion mistakes
From tights on the beach to head-to-toe taffeta, writers reveal the outfits they regret
Kenya Hunt My version of day-to-night dressing was a night-time look worn all day
Despite working at a fashion magazine, Ive made a few sartorial mistakes. I comfort myself with the sentiment of an Instagram edict I saw: If youve never looked a little dumb, youre not having fun.
Id count the moment I met my husband as an off day, so it pains me no end that the clothes I wore have become a part of our marital lore. In his mind, the outfit is key to a story that must be retold, again and again: She wore a shiny shirt, tight jeans, big, gold hoop earrings, tall boots and a giant white furry jacket. And I said, I need to know this woman.
This visual loudness the metallics, the big proportions, the shaggy texture was my everyday look back in my late 20s, when I was living and working in New York. I dressed this way to please no one other than myself. I relished being able finally to buy and wear the labels I read about in magazines, but could never find in my suburban childhood home in Virginia.
My version of day-to-night dressing was basically a night-time look worn all day ready for whatever fun might happen later. Id think nothing of a morning commute in glittery Miu Miu heels or a gold Chlo sequin skirt. (To be fair, it was the era of high heels, flashy coats and skirts that were either very big and long, or very short.) No matter what the prevailing trend, Ive always had a soft spot for the razzle. For further proof, see this old image of me in Milan, in bright colour and print, layered on top of more colour and print.
Now, my wardrobe stands on a foundation of grey, navy and black, mostly because it suits my lifestyle and the London weather. I limit the flamboyance to my accessories (a bright shoe, big earring, bold handbag) or show it through shape, such as an enormous puffer jacket. Its just that now I choose pragmatic black rather than hot pink.
Theres a real joy that comes with loud dressing, because it requires a certain kind of go-to-hell spirit. Ive come to indulge this in a more restrained way, but I dont regret the mistakes. If I did, Id have divorced my husband a long time ago, for telling that story so very, very often.
Kenya Hunt is fashion features director of Elle.
Ruth Lewy: To think that this was my coolest look
Ruth Lewy, aged 20, with Dizzee Rascal.
It was May 2006 and I was coming to the end of my first year of university. I had just received my first proper student journalism commission: an interview with Dizzee Rascal. I borrowed a Dictaphone and hastily scrawled down three pages of uninventive questions (What is the best thing youve ever got for free?).
Now the important bit: my look. I loved Dizzee; I knew his two albums back to front and had mastered all the words to Fix Up, Look Sharp. What was I going to wear?
To think, looking back, that this was my very best outfit. My coolest look. Not one floral print top but two, a T-shirt layered over a shirt. Not one necklace, but two. (Made with beads collected while InterRailing around Europe. I know.) My curly hair was slicked back with Brylcreem. Off I went, looking like Laura Ashleys long-lost daughter.
He was courteous, holding eye contact and answering all my inane questions with grace. (The best thing he ever got for free? A lifetimes supply of trainers.) I stood up and shook his hand, and he invited me to his afterparty. The next student journalist sat down and went straight in with a question about homophobic lyrics and issues of representation in pop music, and I thought, Ohhhh, thats what journalism is.
The evening took a strange turn. My friends and I crowded into a bar on the high street, where Dizzee had a roped-off section at the back. It didnt take him long to zone in on my gorgeous friend L, persuading her to leave with him. We were agog.
Twenty minutes later, she was back, laughing her head off at the way he had clumsily propositioned her. She chose us over him.
What do I see when I look at this picture? I feel embarrassed at my choices. But Im also glad I spent my 20s dressing like a weirdo: it demonstrates a self-confidence that I dont think I appreciated at the time. These days, you could still file most of my clothes under eclectic, but Im much more careful, uninventive even. Now I tend to wear only one necklace at a time.
My interview never appeared in the end; the other journalist broke the embargo (she went on to write for the Daily Mail: go figure). I was left with only this blurry picture, a reminder of my youthful enthusiasm for floral prints, and an uncanny impression of Dizzee Rascals best chat-up line.
Ruth Lewy is assistant editor of Guardian Weekend.
Nosheen Iqbal: Everyone else on the beach was 89% naked
Nosheen Iqbal in Tuscany, aged 21.
I was a skittish 21-year-old in the mid noughties and I had, against my will, ended up on a Tuscan beach. It was the height of summer, but I was wearing thick black tights, thicker black skirt, black scarf and witchy pumps . Everyone else was dressed in 89% naked and the entire beach was rammed. Id been sent on a work trip with four other journalists who were, as far as I was concerned, super-old (fortysomething) and, I hoped, probably willing to buy my stubborn refusal to strip as some cool youth thing. (They didnt.) I made an attempt to style it out by looking casually moody, staring out to sea behind sunglasses, pretending not to notice my shoes sinking in the sand, legs looking like inky black stumps.
Why dont you take off your tights?
What about if
A couple of key things: the seaside was not on my itinerary and I hadnt packed for it. I didnt (and dont) own swimwear or a bikini, and I didnt (and dont) know how to swim.
Being Muslim is barely an excuse to look as daft as I did; there are chic ways to be modest by the sea childhood memories of Karachis Clifton beach were proof, where lawn cotton tunic and trousers were everyones friend. But being Muslim, plus an average level of body dysmorphia, was my bikini body ready get-out card. I knew there had to be more comfortable ways to be in public than permanently sucking my stomach in wearing what is, essentially, waterproof underwear. But 100-denier hosiery was definitely not the answer.
The general advice to give a shy 21-year-old should always be, Its not as bad as you think, to allay their disproportionate embarrassment. Except, in this case, the cringe levels are fully warranted; I havent been to a hot, sunny beach since.
Nosheen Iqbal is a commissioning editor for G2.
Morwenna Ferrier: I cant remember why I decided to cut off my hair
Morwenna Ferrier in Aldeburgh in her early 20s.
Other outfits have been more challenging. The mother-of-pearl bustier I wore to my graduation, say. Or, recently, the T-shirt printed with Valerie Solanass Scum manifesto I wore to meet a friends baby. But the outfit I am wearing here, worn on a walk along Aldeburgh beach in Suffolk, is the one I most regret.
It started a few months earlier when, in my early 20s, I decided to cut off my hair. I cant remember why. I imagine I fancied a change and, in fairness, I liked it. But then, I looked like a boy in a dress. I reacted by phasing out dresses and instead wearing drainpipes, striped T-shirts and headscarves. None of this was good. In the photo, Im wearing tight cropped trousers under the dress.
I had spent my late teens in dresses, grungy or flowery, with self-cut hems. It was a more innocent time, when I didnt really care what I wore. But the haircut triggered an anxiety.
What is it I regret? Back then it was the haircut; now, its that I ever worried about looking like a boy. I clearly hadnt been paying attention in those Judith Butler seminars; maybe I was still too attached to the binary. As my hair grew out, I started to care for the first time about how I looked. At 24, late in life, I became self-conscious.
Morwenna Ferrier is the Guardians online fashion editor.
Pam Lucas: I looked like a turkey at Christmas
Pam Lucas at a family party, aged 39.
As a single parent in the 80s, I was dirt poor. I didnt have the opportunity to make fashion faux pas because I didnt have any money. We shopped in jumble sales, and we had fun.
My family was invited to a party to celebrate my aunt and uncles golden wedding anniversary. I didnt know them that well, but my mum wanted me to impress them by looking modern. In the 80s, that meant puffy sleeves and big shoulders. My mother came with me to buy the outfit from BHS , so I had to comply. I was 39 at the time.
It was a beautiful colour between purple and lilac but I didnt like the synthetic fabric. It was watermarked all over and had a flared, taffeta skirt and a little jacket with a peplum. I looked like a turkey at Christmas, but it was such a fab party, I soon forgot how uncomfortable I felt.
In a way the outfit is a testament to my relationship with my mother. I was a grownup, with a child of my own, but she was still trying to keep hold of the mum bit of herself.
Pam Lucas is a model and appears regularly in All Ages.
Tshepo Mokoena: I settled on a vague hippy child look
Tshepo Mokoena at 19.
It would be nice if we could start over. To spare me, and others my age, a fair bit of niggling shame, by wiping all early photos from our Facebook accounts. Anyone who set up a profile between 2004 and 2009 now lugs around the digital baggage of horrible pictures of misspent youth and terrible outfits.
Case in point: this delight of a photo. I was 19, killing time between the second and third years of uni in Brighton. In a few weeks, my housemate and I would set off on an impulsive charity volunteering trip to Kerala because and I still cringe wed watched Wes Andersons The Darjeeling Limited.
Until my early 20s, my aesthetic consisted of not knowing when to edit. At 18, I would layer at least three beaded necklaces, two chunky bracelets, about 17 bangles and seven rings, for no good reason.
I attended secondary school in Harare, Zimbabwe, largely insulated from fashion, more concerned with my whizzing hormones than the latest velour tracksuit. I settled on a vague hippy child look at 15 and filled my wardrobe with earthy prints, flared denim and jewellery picked up in local markets. By 19, I looked like a substitute art teacher.
If youre old enough to have only private, analogue photography from your youth, or young enough to have crafted a near-fictional version of yourself online, youre spared the permanent reminder of your mistakes: 1,287 grim images owned by Mark Zuckerberg. I implore other twentysomethings to join me in calling for a digital purge. Its time.
Tshepo Mokoena is the editor of Noisey.
Read more: http://bit.ly/2oSS1JN
from Not so haute: six writers on their biggest fashion mistakes
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