#Ma brother thought something horrible happened and came to help just to see me on the floor all miserable with ma grapes
bellflower-goat · 1 year
0 notes
discopig · 3 years
That Other Girl (Thomas Shelby x Reader) [Part 3/3]
Part 1 | Part 2
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 2,244
It had been a week since your argument with Tommy, and you hated admitting it, but you missed him. As much as Tommy was a busy man, and a lot of your time spent with him involved him doing some sort of work while you kept him company, you still spent every day together, and this was the longest you’d ever been without speaking to each other throughout your 6 year relationship, and it was hitting you hard. You found that time moved extremely slow, and seeing as you weren’t on good terms with Tommy, you didn’t really get the chance to hang around the Shelby household, so the loneliness was starting to become overbearing.
You decided to distract yourself by going back in to work at the Garrison, and as much as you would have liked to avoid Grace and Tommy for as long as possible, you still had bills to pay and didn’t like the idea of the customers you’d grown to know over the years, getting used to Grace and you not being there. She had already turned Tommy into an idiot, you weren’t going to let her stop your earnings as well.
You walked into the Garrison to find Harry behind the bar polishing the glasses, Grace nowhere to be seen. 
“Well look who it is” Harry smiled at you, “ready to get back to work eh?”
You couldn’t help the smile forming on your face as you’d missed Harry and work
“You bet I am, my ankle’s not all there yet but I’ll take it easy”
You joined him behind the bar and started sorting out the liquor bottles that were all over the place from the previous night. You had been working for about half an hour when the door to the Garrison opened and Grace walked in, her eyes going solemn as she spotted you.
“You’re back to work I see” she spoke, tying her apron and joining you behind the bar
You wanted to pull her hair out, but you figured it wasn’t her fault Tommy had taken an interest to her, especially as she’s knew to Birmingham and might not have known of your relationship, but you still didn’t like her as you couldn’t shake off your suspicions of her having something to do with that  copper
“Yes I am, slowly trying to get back into it, my ankle really screwed with the balance of things”, you could tell she wasn’t really paying attention to you.
“Thomas talked about you, you know?”, you went rigid at the sound of Tommy’s name, especially coming from her mouth, “He hasn’t been doing good without you, shows up every evening and drinks bottle after bottle. Had to lock him out once, he almost broke the door down” she rolled her eyes at the thought.
You felt worry creep up inside your veins, as angry as you were at Tommy, you still cared for him and couldn’t find it within you to throw away years of your feelings from him because of your argument, but when you looked up from the bottle you were holding, at Grace, the worry seemed to fade away as you realised he had just been spending time with her while you hadn’t heard from him
“He tell you what happened?” You asked, wanting to know just how much he might’ve shared
“No he didn’t tell me anything, just said you two had a fight, lots of rambling about how he was gonna lose you, how he fucked up. I felt sorry for him but then I figured I don’t know what he did, and maybe he deserves whatever’s going through his head”
You nodded slowly at her words
“He came by a lot when you were out with your ankle”
“What did you talk about?” You had assumed that if Tommy refused to tell you, maybe she would
“About life I guess, I’d tell him about my life back in Ireland and he’d tell me about all sorts, ranting about work, his brothers, nightmares” she replied, “he spoke a bit about you, your family” she stated the last part with an edge of disgust, you sat in silence, lost in her words, “I don’t think you’re good for him”, you snapped out of your daze.
“Excuse me?” You asked, astonished
“You and your little posh family, you’re not like him, your roots are different and I can tell he’s getting tired of it.” You almost had to hold your jaw shut  to stop it from dropping to the floor. What was it with people bringing up your family? You had been in Birmingham for years, and most people wouldn’t be able to tell you were any different from those born and raised in the city, if not for your slightly differing accent. 
You were frustrated she brought up your family as Tommy had yesterday, but then it clicked that she must’ve been the one to feed him all those ideas about you being some posh brat while Tommy was shit-faced drunk, and you were pissed. Not only at her, but at Tommy as well for being stupid enough to even acknowledge anything she said about you
“Listen here you freak”, you glared at her “I don’t know what you’re doing in this city, and why you think you have the right to speak on who I am and my relationship, but you best believe I will find out, and when I do, I’ll have no issue kicking you out myself. First out of my bar, and then out of my fuckin’ city, you hear me? I’d kick you out right now if I could” you spat.
Grace stood there silent, and you returned to sorting out the bottles, trying to control your anger and not knock Grace out with a bottle of very expensive whiskey
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You had decided you’d had enough of being lonely, and dragged John out of the house to go to the new museum that had opened a few weeks back. John wasn’t thrilled, museums not being his thing, but he was happy to spend time with you, cracking his highly inappropriate jokes every 2 seconds.
“Tommy’s been doing horrible you know that angel?” 
You couldn’t help but scoff at his words
“Please no Tommy talk for today, I just want to enjoy the museum.” You tried to brush him off, but you couldn’t help but worry for Tommy.
You were strolling around the museum, John’s arm lazily thrown over your shoulder, looking at different paintings and sculptures, when you spotted a familiar head of blonde hair in front of you, standing next to a man. You quickly pushed John behind the wall next to you, and slightly peaked your head out to spy on her
“Psst, John, who’s that man standing next to Grace?” You had never seen him before, and your first thought was her father, but then you remembered what she told you about him
John peaked his head out above you, and squinted his eyes to get a better look at the man, who as if on queue turned his head back to look around the museum suspiciously, as though he was searching the area, forcing you and John to quickly fall back behind the wall to hide yourselves
“Holy shit” John whispered, taking his hat off and running his fingers through his hair, his expression a mix of being deep in thought, and being dumbfounded
“What? What is it John?” You asked, eyes jumping all over his face trying to make sense of the situation
“That’s the copper. Campbell.” 
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You were sitting next to John at a family meeting, Tommy’s eyes boring into you as you avoided his gaze. It was the first time you’d seen him since your argument, as he’d seemingly been avoiding the Garrison, and consequentially, you. You were feeling a bit better about the whole situation now that your suspicions had been confirmed, but you weren’t quite ready to confront Tommy about it. 
The meeting went on for a little over an hour, Tommy groggily heading it. Just as everyone was about to leave, seeing as the meeting had come to an end, John spoke up
“Y/N was right” 
Everyone looked between you and John, confused
“Grace is working with Campbell.”
You saw Polly’s smug expression from the corner of your eye. Of course she knew
“What? How do you know?” Arthur asked, Tommy was still silent, a dazed look on his face
“We were at the museum”, you saw a spark of hurt in Tommy’s eyes at the mention of you and John going somewhere together while you had been away from each other, “and we saw her talking to the copper, they were all suspicious and everything Arthur, you had to have seen them, looking around the place like a pair of guilty kids hiding from their ma” John scoffed “I’m regretting giving her all those tips now...” You smacked his arm
Everyone awkwardly stared at Tommy, but his eyes were locked onto yours
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It was the middle of the night when you suddenly heard banging on your front door, waking you up from your peaceful slumber. You groggily trudged towards the door, as you rubbed your eyes to try and keep yourself awake, however all the energy seemed to rush back into your body when you opened the door and saw Tommy standing outside, his tired blue eyes piercing into your y/e/c ones.
“Can I come in?” He croaked out
You didn’t know if it was the hour of the night, or the sight of him, tired, at the door, but you didn’t have it in you to send him away, so you stepped to the side to let him in, his eyes roaming over your apartment as though he was there for the first time, even though it was basically his second home.
“Would you like some tea?” You asked, worried he might be cold from standing outside
“Yes please”
You led him to your kitchen where he sat on one of your dining room chairs, you noticed he sat in the same one he always sits in, right opposite the stove, so he could watch you cook. You boiled the tea in silence, before pouring it into the mug he had brought over once and never taken back. It was a simple white mug that Finn had scribbled on with crayon when he was smaller, the crayon never seeming to wash off no matter how many times you scrubbed the mug. The both of you sat in silence, sipping your tea until Tommy spoke up
“I’m sorry Y/N” He looked at you with sorry eyes
“Thomas...” You began
“Please don’t call me that” He pleaded
“But it’s your name. What am I supposed to call you?”
“Tommy. I’m Tommy. You always call me Tommy, don’t change that.”
You stared down into your mug, not being able to meet his eye
“I fucked up Y/N, I was in a bad place and I know it’s no excuse but I was so tired and it just seemed so easy to walk in there and fill my system with as much alcohol as possible”
“You believed what she said about me being some stuck up cunt, you didn’t listen to me when I told you she wasn’t to be trusted” as angry as you were, you were mostly sad. Sad your relationship with Tommy had come to this point
“I know Y/N, and I know I fucked up and I know I made a huge mistake I’ll never forgive myself for, but I love you, I love you so much and I can’t live without you. Just this one week without you has broken me and you don’t know how much it hurt me to see you and not be able to hold you, not have you by my side. To know that I wronged you.”
You were staring into his eyes, trying your hardest not to cry
“You’re only saying this because John confirmed she was working for the copper...” you meekly replied, not believing your own words
“No. I was going to speak to you after the meeting because I’d finally gotten the chance to see you. That other girl hadn’t even crossed my mind once”, his voice was firm and you could tell he was determined to have you forgive him
“Tommy... I don’t-”
“Y/N please, give me another chance, I don’t want to lose you because of something so stupid, because I’m so stupid. Please Y/N I can’t live without you” You noticed a tear run down his cheek and struggled to control your own emotions. You loved him and it broke your heart to see him so upset.
You got up from your seat, panic glossing over Tommy’s eyes before you walked up to him and hugged him, his head resting on your stomach with your arms holding his head close to you
“It’s okay, I forgive you, just don’t cry, please. It doesn’t suit you” You smiled down at him, your hand holding the side of his face as you used your thumb to wipe away the tear on his cheek, Tommy leaning into your touch
“And you really are stupid”, you half cried, half laughed “promise me you’ll never do that again” you held out your pink to him
He smiled up at you and took your pinky with his own 
“I promise.”
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AAAAAAH this is the end guys! I decided to give it a happy ending because fuck it why not! This is my first completed series and I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I went a bit crazy with the ending and I hope it’s not too cringe or disappointing, I just couldn’t stop myself. I was thinking about making a version where the reader ends up with John instead (because I love John), so let me know if you would be interested in that
Requested tags: @namelesslosers​
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I wrote a little ironfalcon & sarahbucky fic! Thank you to @warmachinesocks for sensitivity reading it for me, I really appreciate the help!
This fic is also on ao3 but tumblr hates links so no links for you
The first thing Bucky sees when he walks through the door of Sarah’s house—Sarah’s house! He gets to stay with Sarah!—is Tony Stark washing the dishes. He stops in the doorway, not sure why he’s so surprised to see Stark there—he’d known that Stark had retired somewhere quiet after the battle with Thanos—but he definitely is. He hesitates, not sure if he can—or should—say something. Sure, he and Tony had talked things out after the battle, cleared the air between them, but he’d assumed that was based on them never having to see each other again.
“It’s rude to lurk in doorways,” Tony says, before he can think of anything to say.
“Uh,” Bucky says intelligently. Then, “What are you doing here?” He winces. His ma would absolutely have something to say about how rude he’s being if she could hear him.
Fortunately, Tony just chuckles and says, “I live here. What are you doing here, Freezer Pop?”
“You live here?” Bucky asks.
“Yes,” Sam says from behind him, startling him enough that he jumps. “Now get out of the way, Barnes. You’re blocking the door.”
Bucky steps inside, clutching his overnight bag in front of him like the shield he hadn’t thought he would need. Sarah and the boys are right behind Sam, and Bucky gives her a shy smile. She smiles back at him before ducking her head, and now that she’s turned away, Bucky looks back at Sam, who has made a beeline straight for Tony.
“Hey sweetheart,” Sam says in the softest voice Bucky has ever heard from him.
Tony leans over to kiss Sam’s cheek. “Hey, honey. How’s the boat?”
“Looking good,” Sarah says. “No thanks to you.” Bucky starts to get a little worried, but Sarah is grinning as she says it and Tony’s expression is one of mock outrage so he relaxes again.
“Excuse you,” Tony says in a faux-offended voice, “I was busy for five years.”
“Yeah, taking care of my boys and being an Avenger, so you’ve said many times. But what, you forgot about my poor boat?”
“Hey, I did offer to help pay for the repairs.”
Sarah’s face softens and she walks over to rub Tony’s metal shoulder, uncovered by the sleeveless shirt he’s wearing. “And that was sweet of you,” she says. “But I could told you I could—”
“—take care of it,” Tony finishes. “Yeah, you said.”
Sam rejoins Bucky by the door and tugs his bag from Bucky’s limp hand. “Come on,” he says, jerking his head toward the living room. “They’re gonna be at it for a while. I’ll show you where you can put your stuff.”
As they’re heading into the living room, Bucky quietly asks, “So how long have you and Stark—”
“Don’t let him hear you call him that,” Sam interrupts. “Just call him Tony, he hates Stark or Mr. Stark or anything else like that. And since 2005. We met working on the EXO-7 project. He was my technician. Got married right after he came back from Afghanistan.”
He remembers Steve telling him about Sam taking the plea deal after the Avengers split. Steve hadn’t been able to understand it, but he thinks about how they’d all understood Clint and Scott taking the same deal for their families and wonders if it was something like that.
“And how did you handle the—uh—”
Sam gives him a flat look. “With a lot of communication and a little bit of make-up sex,” he says. “When you’ve been together as long as we have, that’s something you learn.”
“What, that make-up sex helps?”
“That communication is important. And trust me, it can feel like pulling teeth, trying to get Tony to talk, but it’s worth it.” He plops down on the couch and motions for Bucky to sit down next to him, waiting until Bucky does before he continues, “Speaking of communication, a couple things about Sarah since you’re clearly going to ignore the Bro Code.”
“The Bro Code?”
“Yeah, don’t date sisters of friends, that kind of thing.”
“I don’t think that was a thing in the forties.”
“I’m pretty sure it was.”
“No, I think I’d remember that.”
“Steve didn’t have a sister, why would you remember that? Besides, your memory is as good as swiss cheese, and don’t think I missed you not arguing with me about that friend thing. Anyway, the Bro Code, since you’re ignoring it—”
From where they’re sitting, Bucky can see Sarah in the kitchen, putting away leftovers that someone had brought them while they’d been working. She looks real pretty with the evening sunlight lighting her from behind, making her glow like an angel. Bucky smiles a little, thinking about the way she’d laughed at his horrible jokes.
“Seriously man,” Sam interrupts. “Smitten-with-a-capital-s. Now look, Sarah’s had it rough these last few months. Blipped just like you and me, only she had to come back to a rundown boat and her boys all grown up. Tony did what he could around here, but he was grieving too and he had the duties of being an Avenger on top of taking care of AJ and Cass. He forgot about taking care of the boat and Sarah’s paying for it now. She’s been hurt a lot, so if your intention is something quick and then leaving her just like her husband, it’s not just me you’ll have to answer to. It’s Tony too, and the whole town on top of us. We look out for each other around this area.”
“Yeah, I got that today when the whole town showed up to help out.”
Sam grins and shakes his head, seemingly awed that he and Sarah would inspire enough loyalty for people to come help them. Bucky doesn’t get it. Both Wilson siblings are absolutely incredible. Hell, only a few weeks ago, he himself thought he’d be happy if he never had to deal with Sam ever again and now he’s staying at the man’s family home.
“My point is—” Sam begins.
“Samuel Thomas Wilson, I know you’re not giving that man a shovel talk,” Sarah interjects, coming into the living room, drying her hands on a dish towel. “You’re gonna scare him off, same as you did to all my boyfriends back in high school.”
Sam holds his hands up. “I’m just making sure he knows to treat you right.”
“Believe me, the poor man knows. Besides, I don’t need you to do that. I’m more than capable of making sure he treats me right all by myself.”
Bucky thinks about what that might mean and shivers pleasurably.
“Look at him, you broke the poor guy’s brain,” Tony complains. “AJ and Cass Wilson, can the two of you set the table?”
“Aww Uncle Tony, do we have to?” AJ complains.
“Hmm, how about you set the table or I’ll sell all your toys.”
“You wouldn’t do that,” AJ says, but gets up anyway and joins his brother in the kitchen.
“I might if you keep challenging me,” Tony shoots back, but there’s no heat to his voice and AJ is still grinning as he grabs plates out of the cupboard so Bucky turns back to Sam and Sarah, who have gotten quieter now that they’ve got an audience beyond just him.
“—want to see you taken care of the way you should be,” Sam is saying.
Sarah’s face softens. “Thanks. I don’t need it—”
“—but you should be anyway. After all you’ve done for our family, you deserve it.”
They both glance at Bucky, who smiles quickly to try to assure them that he’s a great option for Sarah. He’d heard some of the things the townspeople were saying about her while they were working on the boat today: she’s an impressive woman and all he wants to do right now is to prove that he’s worthy of her.
“Well,” Sam says eventually. “I guess there are worse people you could go for.”
“Gee, thanks, Sam,” Bucky says flatly.
“No problem, man.” He looks back at Sarah. “Fine, I’ll lay off of him. But the first time he hurts you—”
“—you’ll let me handle it like the grown-up I am?” Sarah finishes firmly, hands on her hips. She seems to decide that the conversation is clearly over because she heads back into the kitchen, swatting Tony away from the sauce on the stovetop with a wooden spoon.
Sam deflates. “Yeah, okay,” he calls after her. “I’ll let you handle it.”
“Hey, I get it,” Bucky offers quietly. “I had sisters too and they hated it when I got involved with their relationships.”
“She deserves the best. And I really hope that you can be the one to give it to her. I saw how she looked at you. I haven’t seen her look like that since high school.” There’s a pensive look in his eyes, his hands clasped together in front of him. “I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing that look.”
“I like her too,” Bucky tries to assure him. “I don’t want to hurt her.” He hesitates, then adds, “I don’t want to hurt anyone. Except maybe Walker.”
Sam laughs. “You and me both.”
“I’ll toast to that,” Tony says cheerfully, coming back into the living room. “Sarah says it’s dinner time.”
Dinner is a loud affair, full of the boys talking about what they’ve been up to with their friends, Sam and Sarah bickering about repairs that need to happen on the boat, Tony and Bucky comparing their prosthetics (Tony’s arm is Stark Tech and he’s curious about how it compares to Bucky’s Wakandan one), and Sam, Tony, and Bucky discussing what’s going to happen with Walker now that the shield’s been taken away from him.
“I don’t think this is over,” Tony says, and Bucky agrees with him, remembering how much more determined Steve had gotten every time an opportunity had been taken away from him, but Sam is less sure.
“He’s grieving. I don’t think he’s in any state to be trying to take the shield back,” Sam argues.
“Grieving men can be unpredictable. You said he didn’t catch Karli, that’s got to be weighing on him,” Tony replies. He eyes the shield in its leather case, leaning up against the wall. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt because he decides the shield is still his. Him with that serum, it concerns me. You don’t have that kind of advantage.”
“I don’t want that kind of advantage,” Sam says, surprising Bucky. He’d known Sam is leery of the serum, not nearly as bad as Zemo but still uncomfortable with it. Tony doesn’t seem surprised though, just nods understandably.
“I know,” he agrees. “But I still worry.”
Bucky interjects, “Hopefully the suit the Wakandans made will help even the playing field some.”
Tony blinks.
“You got a new suit?” Sarah asks.
“And I didn’t make it?” Tony asks.
“I haven’t seen it yet,” Sam says, “but yes. Bucky asked for a favor after Walker destroyed the old one.”
“Hmph,” Tony says grumpily, softening only when Sam leans over to kiss his cheek. “Well, I guess I can’t blame you. Shuri’s tech is incredible. The things that girl can do with vibranium… blows that shield out of the water.”
“Is she still refusing to let you take a look at T’Challa’s suit?”
“They’re very protective of it,” Bucky says.
“And I don’t blame them,” Tony says quickly. “It would just be nice.” He glances at Sam pleadingly, who laughs.
“I’m not gonna let you take a look at it either.”
Tony grumbles wordlessly, but doesn’t complain any further, instead turning to Sarah to ask her about something with the boat. Bucky eagerly joins in, interested in hearing more about Sarah’s life. It’s so different from his, even before the war. He wants to learn everything he can, both about the boat and about her.
By the time dinner is over, he’s stuffed, something that rarely happens. The serum means he has a higher metabolism than the average person, which also means that he’s typically hungrier, and when he’d been with HYDRA, they hadn’t worried about making sure their Asset was well-fed. He offers to help the boys clear the dishes, hoping that will impress Sarah. She smiles at him, but heads out to the porch. The sun is setting over the bayou, and Bucky can just barely make her out through the glare from the sun.
He watches her a little wistfully until Tony comes up beside him and passes him two glasses of sweet tea. “What’s this for?” he asks.
Tony jerks his head toward the door. “She likes to watch the fireflies.”
Sam passes him with an armful of plates on his way to the dishwasher. “Better make sure you grab some bug spray. The mosquitoes are vicious at this time of day.”
“I heal fast,” he says confusedly.
“But it’ll show you’re thinking of her,” Sam says as Tony grabs a can from under the sink and slaps it into Bucky’s empty hand. “Go on, we’ve got this.”
“You’re sure?”
Sam and Tony share a wordless glance. Bucky can’t quite tell what they’re thinking. “Yeah,” Sam says after a moment. “Really, man, get out there.”
So Bucky gets.
Sarah glances up at him when he steps out onto the porch, smiles, and then moves aside on the swing for him to join her. “Let me guess, Tony told you to come out,” she says dryly.
“How’d you know?”
“He likes to think of himself as a matchmaker.”
Bucky hesitates in passing her one of the glasses. “Is that a problem?”
She takes the glass out of his hand, deliberately brushing her fingers against his. “Only if you think it is.”
In answer, Bucky hands her the bug spray too. Her smile broadens.
“Thanks,” she says. “You ever watched fireflies before?”
He shakes his head. “We didn’t have them in New York.”
“That’s a shame. They’re one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”
They’re silent for a moment, both sipping from their glasses. Then Sarah says, “You can put your arm around me, you know.”
Bucky glances at her quickly and then slowly puts his arm around her shoulders. She leans into him, warm and perfect and slotting just right beside him. It’s nice, he thinks, and he leans his head on top of hers. She makes a pleased sound and snuggles just a little bit closer. He lets out a long sigh, feeling the tension drain out of him as the first few fireflies twinkle in the gathering dusk.
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Hi!! Can I order spaghetti (msby) with mashed potatoes and green beans split between me and atsumu?
YES AHHHHH thank you for giving me my first haikyuu ask!!!! This was so much fun to write and think about!
A/n: I wrote this with some ideas I got from @cestcirque and her smau (which you absolutely must check out!) for this soulmate au, when you look into the eyes of your soulmate your world changes from black and whites to bursting with color. This is also post time skip so Atsumu is a wonderful black jackal
Pairing: Miya Atsumu x photographer!fem!reader
once again I got carried away what else did you expect from me
Warnings: 18+, smut, daddy calling, biting, slight edging, oral (fem receiving), fingering, vaginal penetration, relatively tame!
Enjoy your meal
With sweat dripping down his face, Miya Atsumu was bursting with energy. It was down to the final point of the match and he was itching to win. It’s already been over a month since Hinata joined MSBY and their chemistry on the court has been proven a formidable force. First against the Adlers, and now with his former high school teammates team, EJP. His eyes are alight with a fire and desire to win. He can feel the rush of winning cloud over him as he keeps his eye on his teammates, setting the ball perfectly to the man everyone describes as an orange haired ball of sunshine in order to score the final set point. The yell of victory leaves his throat before he can process everything. His eyes scans the crowd of fans that have come to watch him, being excited but also a pang of emptiness hits him.
If only he could see the colors everyone talks about around him. 
Everything is greyscale for the man, who he’s been told has a strange yellow hue to his hair. Atsumu didn’t know what the color would look like but liked how it would be marked as different and easy to see when you get to see color. He resents the fact that his twin Osamu laughs freely at his hair color. The normal haired twin, to him, had met his soulmate in one of his business classes and demanded a facetime with his twin. Atsumu was angry at first, but on the inside was happy his brother had met his soulmate and his life bursting with color. 
Surely, he’d meet his soon right?
Atsumu is pulled from his thoughts when Bokuto wraps his arm around his shoulder to pull him into a hug and briefly chat.
“Hey hey hey! Why didn’t you set it to me at the end, huh? You can’t keep giving Hinata all the glory!”
“They were expectin’ ya. I couldn’t Bo. ‘Sides, we won that’s all that matters.”
The flash of cameras after games were very common. With different sports magazines and editors showing up to cover the game, it was something the team was used to. As per usual, a camera-person came up to him and Bokuto, completely ignoring who was taking the picture focusing on the lens. Once his eyes meet the lens, he puts on his signature smile and puts a thumbs up with his teammate for the photo op.
It had all happened so fast. 
You had been called to fill in at the last minute to take photos for the MSBY Black Jackals volleyball game. You didn’t think anything of it other than doing a favor for a friend. And this was an incredible opportunity for you, an amazing way to expand your sprouting portfolio. In this world of soulmates you live in, it was unheard of. Your pictures and photos always came out with the utmost care and perfection, despite not being able to see any of the colors to truly work the right lighting and angles. Even though touching and editing required the use of being able to see colors, somehow your eyes went beyond that and captured everything in a natural way that everyone could understand the message and point of all your photos.  
It was absolutely exquisite and breathtaking.
You had never been to a volleyball game before and you were hit with how exciting it was. The energy from the players and the fast fed into your blood as you began and continued to capture pictures of the game. It wasn’t just a regular game, it was an experience and you figured it was different for everyone. And as you felt that, you knew you wanted to capture it.
It was in moments like these you envied those around you who were able to see color. You yearned for the day you would be able to see all the colors that your peers and employers have paraded you for. Hopefully when you finally meet the one, you’ll be able to do your job even better. 
Before you knew it, the game had ended and you were doing what all the other photographers were doing by taking pictures of the tired and sweaty players as they interact with each other and their fans. You slowly walk toward the court, fixing and switching your lenses for up close pictures. You happen to place your camera right at your eye, seeing two players not looking your way yet as they were engaged in their own private conversation. Once you get their attention, you make eye contact with both before snapping the picture.
You had almost dropped your camera, lucky for the strap around your neck holding it together. You don’t even check your camera, knowing the picture came out horrible. But as you hold the black camera in your hands with your jaw slack-
Wait, black? That’s right it’s black.
And one of the two players in front of you had a matched expression on his face.
Atsumu should have asked his brother what it would be like when he meets his soulmate in order to prepare himself. He’s seriously kicking himself now as the bright white lights bounce of the beige and tan floor of the wooden court. He looks down to see his black and white jersey, the streaks of red and green on certain parts of the floor, the blues, yellows, and whites of the volleyball...
And the all encasing beauty that was you. 
Everything about you was stunning, he wasn’t sure where to look next. However his thoughts were interrupted by a boisterous yell next to him.
“Hey ‘Tsumu! Why’d you stop?”
The blond haired man turns to his friend and gives him a new look over. “Did ya know yer hair is two diff’rent colors?”
Bokuto freezes and attempts to look up at his hair and smiles widely. “Yeah! Yukie keeps it nice for me and- No way! Where are they?”
The owl like man quickly shakes his head back and forth throughout the crowd looking for his teammates soulmate is! He’s interrupted with a tap on the shoulder from the man in question.
Atsumu points to where you’re still starstruck, taking in everything around you.
You felt as if time had lost all meaning as the colors all around you began to come to life, being as lively and vibrant as everyone above you had described. You had zero expectations of ever meeting your soulmate, let alone at a randomly assigned job. You’re unaware of what your body is doing, but your feet are moving across the plane as you walk closer to the man who’s staring at you in a way you’d always hoped to be gazed at.
He’s taller than you thought he’d be up close, but you can smell his musk and sweat and you’re not turned off like you’d always been. The way his bright yellow hair matches his personality, from what you’ve seen, on the court makes your heart melt. It’s almost like everything about him is perfect. The way his eyes are tired but full of vitality isn’t lost on you, and he seems to see the same thing in yours. 
Atsumu for once is at a loss for words. There’s so many ways he had pictured this going but surely not like this. He opens his mouth to speak, but his eyes catch a gathering crowd. 
“Aw, shoot. There’s for sure gonna be a crowd comin’. Meet me after by the exit? I promise I’ll make it quick...”
He chuckles and places one hand on his hip and the other in his hair. “Heh, cute name for a cutie like ya self. Name’s Atsumu. Wait for me will ya?”
You merely nod and watch him smirk at you before he meets up with his teammates to celebrate their win. You’re left standing there trying to process what just happened as he turns around one more time to wink at you. If you could melt, you would. You gather your yourself, pick up your camera and try to stealthily avoid any reporters and the like. Since this was your first volleyball match, you had no idea the power just being in the presence of Miya Atsumu held.
Fan girls and other photographers began to swarm you as you attempted to blend in the crowd. All these women had beautiful hair, beautiful complexions; you couldn’t wait to start taking photos in color. Not the right thought to have as you’re getting bombarded but what can you do?
Luckily you’re swept away by another photographer who saw your pain and helped you out. You thanked her and followed her to where the media had access. She wished you luck as she led you to where Atsumu wanted you to meet him.
About 30 minutes later, he comes out with a few of his teammates, laughing gleefully and somehow that made your heart flutter. How did you get paired up with a man like this? The soulmate gods must have really been looking out for you.
Once his beautiful deep eyes meet yours, his gaze softens as he walks toward you. His teammates tell him goodbye and that they’ll message him later. As he approaches you, he has to pinch himself to realize that this is real and it’s happening to him.
He speaks up first again, eager to hear your voice again. “Hiya.”
You giggle at his intro. To him, it sounded like heaven opened up and the angels were singing all around him. He gets to have this laugh to himself? Call himself blessed. 
“I never thought I’d actually meet ma soulmate. And yet, here ya are.”
He extends his hand out to you and you take it, noticing how warm and calloused it is against yours. There’s no way life could be this perfect. You rub your thumb on the back of his palm and stare into his eyes.
“Here we are.”
You’d think you’d be used to hosting events for his teammates at your shared place after almost a couple years of being together. but something always surprises you. This time, it turned out fate was working in mysterious ways today. On the way to your place, Hinata had met his soulmate and brought them to the gathering! Needless to say they were overwhelmed but in a good way. Sakusa was slightly concerned over the presence of someone new whom he didn’t know very well, but tolerated it for his friend’s happiness.
You’ve just finished washing the dishes as Atsumu dries whatever is left. You wipe your brow and sigh heavily. Your boyfriend looks over to you and smirks. 
“Whatcha thinkin’ bout baby?”
You smirk at him before leaning your head on his shoulder, “just, life I guess.”
The young man sighs contentedly, places the dried dishes in the rack, and kisses your forehead. “Care to elaborate? Or am I gonna have to tickle the info outta ya?”
You hear the smirk in his tone as he wraps his arms around your waist, pinching and tickling your sides. Your laugh bubbles in the air as you squeal and squirm against Atsumu’s grip. His tout body keeps you against him, holding you tight so you can’t escape his embrace. “’Tsumu! I give, I give!”
“Nuh uh babycakes,” he growls in your ear, “I’m not done with ya.”
You laugh harder as you feel him lift you off the ground, turn you around, and sit you on the counter. With his hands firmly on your waist, he surprises you with a small yet passionate kiss on the lips. Your hands fall onto his neck and face to pull him closer to you. 
You pull away and notice him bite his lip. “What was that for?” You don’t miss the way his eyes glaze over as you question him. 
“I just love ya so much. I never thought life would be s’ fulfilling once I got some color into it. Thought it was all mumbo jumbo, whatever.” He places his body in between your legs, letting your breaths intermingle. “Ya love my team, my friends, my family, and most importantly,” he trails off brushing your noses together. 
“Ya love me.” 
“You’re such a sap.”
“Hah?! But that’s why ya love me, right?”
You keep teasing him as you continue to touch along his broad shoulders. “Nah, I’m mostly in it for the money.” You peck his nose and grin at his pouting features.
“Aw c’mon (Y/n)! Yer making almost as much as me with all yer photos,” he argues back, missing your teasing tone. You can’t help but laugh at the pout your soulmate is giving you. It’s almost too easy to fake argue with him to get him riled up. 
You lay your head on his shoulder and can’t hold back your laughs. “Baby,” you coo, “you know I’m teasing you right?”
Since you can’t see his face, you don’t see the ever growing smirk as he nods into you. The blond tightens his grip on your hips, pulling you into his crotch so your neck is free for him to attack with his lips. He starts to kiss and suck lightly on your open neck, catching you off guard.
“Oh I know baby,” he lightly grinds his clothed erection against you, “I was just messin’ with ya.”
You lift your head in fake anger, but it dissolves when the lust in his eyes matches yours. He steals your lips before you could protest or bite back a response. The burning desire within you begins to rise as you feel his cock against your core, causing you to moan lowly into his mouth. 
“Mmm, feel my cock baby? Feels good, yeah? Been wantin to touch ya all evenin’.” He then brings your legs to wrap around his waist and continues to kiss you seductively. You feel his tongue swipe at your bottom lip before entering your mouth. His deep groan into went straight to your core and you move your hips into him. Atsumu lifts an eyebrow before pulling away, loving the connection of saliva between your lips. 
“I can already feel how wet ya are fer me, baby. Ya really want daddy that bad, huh?”
You can’t help but shiver at his voice when he says daddy to you and wiggle your hips, knowing what you’re in for. A whine leaves your lips as you pull him into your chest to feel him against you and so you can whisper in his ear how much you want him, your daddy.
Atsumu bites his lip and rolls his hips into yours at hearing and feeling your breath on his ear. He then promptly lifts you up, rest thing his lips to yours as his hands grope and fondle your ass. You can’t help but shift around as he carries you to your shared bedroom, seeking friction in any capacity. Atsumu chuckles darkly feeling you struggle against him, breaking the kiss to suck on your neck. If there was something he loved more than volleyball or you, it was leaving marks and traces of him all over you. Satisfied with the mark he left he growls out,
“I can’t wait to fuckin’ destroy you, princess.”
With that, you’re dropped onto the bed, awaiting orders from your love. His whole aura switched from teasing and playful in the kitchen to a sexual dom and you were living for it. 
“Take off yer shirt off, I wanna see all of ya.”
You lick your lips and nod, slowly removing your shirt and making a show of it. You don’t miss the way he bites his lip and whispers out a low “fuck” as you undress. You leave your bra on knowing that’s one of Atsumu’s favorite things to take off of you. You place your hands on the hem of your leggings and look to him, as if to ask him if it’s okay. He nods and you slowly remove them from your body, leaving you in your bra and thong ready for him on the bed.
The tall blond stalks toward the bed and situates himself in-between your legs. He brings his lips to your inner thigh, his brown eyes on you to watch for your reactions. His lips trail up the sensitive skin, kissing and biting as he gets closer to your awaiting heat. But he doesn’t give you what you want, not yet. He hears you whine as he moves to your other thigh and repeats the same actions. He can feel the heat your pussy is emanating, already seeing your juices leak out.
You whimper out, “fuck, please just do it!”
He sniffs, enjoying your smell as he slowly pushes your thong to the side. “Please what baby? Ya gotta use yer words.”
You hips roll as his fingertips graze over where you want him the most. You hate his teasing nature, but you love the reward you get after. “P-please just put your tongue in me!”
Atsumu snickers before enticingly putting his tongue into your slit, making you gasp out and grab at his hair. He hums happily as he laps at you greedily. His tongue swirls inside of you in the best way. Your hips move off the mattress as your voice lets curses and whines escape. 
“Nuh uh baby girl. Ya gotta stay still fer daddy.” At that you feel a weight on your pelvis, realizing its his arm to hold you steady. With you unable to move, the need for release bubbles faster. Your breathing gets deeper and your voice rises an octave. Atsumu was always a king with his tongue, and for some reason tonight he was pulling out all the stops. Once you think you can catch your breath, he sucks hard on your clit and inserts a finger into you.
“Haah, fuck daddy!”
He laughs into your cunt and you moan at the vibrations. His tongue directly on your clit is making you see stars. He slyly inserts a second finger, already feeling you clench and tighten around him. That won’t do. He can’t have you cumming on just his fingers, but he does need to prep you. Before putting a third finger in, he sucks on your swollen nub to have you screaming in pleasure. His fingers scissor and stretch you out and it takes everything in him to not add a fourth. He knows you two haven’t discussed it so he knew to table it for another time.
“Shit, I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum. Please daddy can I cum?”
That makes him take his eyes off his fingers and to look at you directly and ceases his actions. He slowly pulls his fingers out of you and crawls on top of you. “Suck,” he commands and you do as you’re told. You’re a little miffed at not being able to cum as your pussy clenches at nothing while you suck his fingers. You know you’re doing a good job when you hear him groan and lose eye contact with you. You get into the valleys of his fingers and he moans, “yeah ya like daddy’s fingers? I know ya do. Now kiss me.”
He tilts your head up and you meet his lips in a sloppy kiss, tasting yourself again but on his lips. You feel him align his warm dick with your slick entrance and whine into the kiss. You break away from the kiss to tap his shoulder. 
“Wait ‘Tsumu,” you pant, “condom?”
He stops everything before frantically reaching for the nightstand. Atsumu knows he can get carried away when he’s in the moment, so he knows that when he gets tapped on the shoulder he’s forgotten something or needs to slow down. 
“Ah sorry, baby.” His voice sinks as he sucks his teeth feeling the rubber cover his dick. “Are we okay ta keep goin’?” 
You smile and nod at him, placing your hands on his chest in reassurance. He meets your smile and kisses your lips softly. “You ready ta take daddy’s hard cock?”
“Fuck,” you moan, “just fuck me already-Ah!”
He didn’t need anymore goading as he slides himself inside you. Your walls tighten around him and he has to control himself from wanting to pound into you. He waits for you to adjust to him before he pulls out almost all the way before your hips meet again.
“Ya feel so good, princess. Ya like the way daddy fucks ya?”
You nod aimlessly. “Yes! Please, I want more!”
His smile is evil as he grabs one of your legs and hoists it on his shoulder. “Be careful what ya wish fer,” he growls before snapping his hips forward. The two of you whine and moan together, unable to hear the sound of your juices and his hips squelching. “Aw fuck, baby ya feel too good.” He’s got one hand on your leg to hold it against his chest and the other rests lazily on your hip. He continues to fuck you into the mattress, your hands holding onto the head board behind you. Atsumu catches this and is displeased. He abruptly stops and places your leg down and around his waist, doing the same to your other leg, You look at him confused, “why, what are you doing?”
“I didn’t like the way you were grabbin’ the headboard, so you’re gonna grab onta me.”
With that he keeps pounding into you, now with your arms around his back. He’s never admitted it, but he loves the way you scratch and grip at his back when you two have sex. It drives him wild. “That’s it, baby. Hold on ta daddy as he fucks ya.”
Your garble out something as you hold him harder, realizing a free hand had escaped your upper body and has snaked its way to your clit. He begins to rub small and fast circles on the swollen nub, grinning at your reactions. He’s never sure which part he loves best: the way your voice gets incredibly lewd or how tight you get around him. This time he thinks it’s both. He continues to rub at your clit vigorously while pounding you all the same.
Sweat clings to each of your bodies as the rush of release is evident. Your eyebrows are scrunched tightly as you feel your orgasm coming. With a shaky breath you whimper, “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum. Please lemme cum daddy. I’ve been so good!” 
His hips rut into you as he chases his own release. “Yeah ya have. Been such a good girl fer me. Fuck baby ya feel amazin’! I’m gonna cum so hard. Cum with me baby girl.” His body moves faster the closer he gets to climax. Your legs are shaking and your toes curled as you feel the coil within you come undone.
You scream out, “I’m cumming baby, I’m cum-ah fuck!”
You tighten around him, causing him to curse and whine as he loses his rhythm. “Shit baby girl, I hnng,” he feels the condom fill with his seed as he humps the both of you through your orgasms. His grip on you loosens as he comes down from his high, rubbing them with comfort. He stays on top of you but not pressing down into you. The afterglow the two of you bask in is always something he looks forward to. His breathing returns to normal after a couple minutes of the two of you just laying with each other. 
“Fuck ‘Tsumu,” you croak out, “that was s-so good. Could you pull out?”
Atsumu lazily nods and slowly pulls out of you, not wanting to cause you any pain. Once he’s out, he gets off the bed and takes off the condom, tying it up and placing it in the trash can. He returns to the bed to place a kiss on your forehead before whispering, “You were so good ta me. Lemme grab us some water and towels, yeah? Do ya want a shower or a bath?”
You groan and roll to your side. “Some water.”
“Baby, I know, but a bath or shower?”
“I can barely move, Atsumu, what do you think?”
He chuckles before leaving the room and announcing, “I’ll get tha bath started.” He’s gone for a few minutes, but returns with two water bottles and a towel as you hear the bathtub being filled with water. He sits down next to you and places the bottles down. He opens one and hands it to you. You thank him and drink down about half of the bottle. He drinks from his own and uses his empty hand to trace the curve of your face. 
“Hey (Y/n)”
You lift your eyebrow at him, giving him your attention.
“Ya know I love ya, right?”
You hum and nod, sitting up to wrap your arms around his shoulders and give his cheek a kiss. “I love you so much, Atsumu. No one is gonna break our bond okay? We’re soulmates.”
He takes one of your hands into his gently, leaning into your touch. “I know I’m not here a lot cause of volleyball. But I do love ya. Yer my baby girl.”
You chuckle lightly and kiss his cheek again. “Sap.”
“Ya know ya love it. Now let’s go take a bath, yeah?”
The diner is closed
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trashy-slashy · 4 years
yooo do you write for soulmate AUs? because like... the sinclair brothers finding their soulmates and that's what spares them from getting killed tho
I have such a soft spot for Soulmate AU’s and for these boys! I’m so excited for this prompt ee
Bo heard stories as a child about soulmates. That touching the person who you were meant for would burn, a searing pain that would mark you both, sealing your fates together. He talked about it with Vincent, mulling over what sort of soulmate they would like. “You don’t get to pick” Vincent would grumble, earning himself a pout from his twin. “I know, I’m just wonderin’”. But then came dinner. Bo hid. He knew what his father would do. “There you are you lil’ fucker” He snarled, slamming open the closet door. Bo screamed, thrashing against his grip. “Stop it boy! It will only get worse!” The chair. The restraints. Tears flowed down Bo’s face, his mother tutting at his behaviour. “You are never gonna find a soulmate Bo, you’re a monster.”
Bo never thought about it after that. Never even the possibility. He was a monster. At least he had Vincent. Every hitchhiker he picked off the road made Ambrose a little less lonely, for a little while. Bo forgot how to feel human for a long time. He forgot how to feel anything. He supported and loved his brother, the way Mama used to, but his heart wasn’t in it. He chased and maimed his victims, hoping to feel something. Nothing worked.
When you showed up in Ambrose, Bo sighed. “Here we go again.” He threw his cigarette to the floor, crushing the flame with his heel. “Hey darlin’, you lost?” You smiled nervously at him. Bo smirked, running his fingers through his hair. This one would be too easy.
Bo toyed with you, letting you wear yourself out, darting all over Ambrose in an attempt to find help. He could have killed you hours ago, but chasing you was more interesting than doing nothing. “I’m not gonna hurt ya sweetheart” You had your back pressed against one of the buildings, wishing the wall would swallow you up. The sky had turned dark an hour or so ago, giving you some cover between the houses. You glanced around frantically, desperating trying to hear what direction your attacker was coming from.
Bo spotted you a while ago, but wandered past anyway, letting you think you were safe. It was always so much sweeter when they still had a fragment of hope. He heard you scuttle around the back of the house, sneaking around to cut you off. “Found you-“ Bo sprang at you, his fingers wrapping around your throat. As soon as he touched you he yelped, retracting to cradle his singed hand. “What the fuck did you do!?” He snarled, vein pulsing in his head. You froze entirely, a deer in the headlights. “I... you...” You began, the burning sensation dulling from where his hand had been. Bo grew angrier at your useless mutterings, producing a blade from his pocket to press it against your throat.
“You little...” The weapon clattered to the floor when the realisation hit him. It had been so long since he even thought about soulmates, he forgot they existed. His handprint marred your neck, claiming you as his own. “No, this ain’t right.” He shook his head in denial, backing out of the alley. “FUCK!” His fist collided with brick, busting open his knuckles. This was a cruel trick, probably Lester thinking it was hilarious to try and make him completely lose it. Yeah, that must be it. He had no soulmate. Just him and Vinnie. Bo turned back towards you, each breath racking his shoulders.
“I don’t think this was ideal for me either.” You laughed nervously, keeping stock of the situation. Bo was deathly still. Feeling a little braver, you shuffled towards him. “You’re fake.” He barked defensively. Your heart went out to your soulmate, watching the torment flash across his eyes, every muscle in his body pulled tight, ready to run. You were close enough to feel his breath on your face. Something ethereal tugged at your hands, the appendages moving of their own volition. “Am I?” Without thinking, your fingers wound around his wrists, biting your lip as fire scorched your palms. You expected him to lash out, not let you burn your marks into his skin. The flesh felt mottled under your touch, reforming and melding around your palms. Bo let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, suddenly exhausted from his outburst, every bolted down emotion bubbling out of control. You smiled as his chin rested on your head. “Bo.” He muttered into your hair. Bo was terrified, but damn it if he didn’t want to stay like this a little longer.
Soulmates were just something that happened. Not to Vincent, but to normal people. He never brought it up, knowing that Bo had bad memories surrounding the concept. He’d had to kick Lester a few times for not shutting up about the pretty girls on the highway. Vincent always hoped he had some chance, but between his deformities and lifestyle it wasn’t really possible. Instead he threw himself into his art, doodling ideas of what his soulmate would look like, staring into the eyes of his sculptures. ‘It could have been you’.
There hadn’t been any reports of people touching their soulmates after they died. It wasn’t really a common occurence after all. Everytime Bo threw him a fresh body, Vincent was always hesitant to touch them. His brother had forgotten, but he hadn’t. As he grew lonelier, Vincent found himself spilling hot wax on himself, relishing the sting, wishing he could feel it on someone else’s skin.
“Vinnie, I got two, give me a hand would ya’?” Bo poked his head around the corner, disturbing Vincent’s concentration. He jerked his head in response. Vincent knew the drill. Bo would go, act charming, lure their prey into the house... so they could recreate Mama’s vision. Waiting patiently, Vincent patrolled his underground cavern, listening for his cue to strike.
You tumbled down the trapdoor, howling when you landed on your leg unnaturally, the sound of bones snapping reverberated off the walls “Please, stop!” Vincent had chased you through the house, dropping down after you. He sighed at the state of your leg; an extra job before he could turn you into a beautiful model. You sobbed pitifully, clutching at your thigh. Vincent lifted you up effortlessly, throwing you over his shoulder. You thrashed pointlessly, whimpering as each step sent a jolt of pain down your leg. “Please...” Your back connected with what seemed like a medical bench as the masked man manhandled you as he pleased. You gulped. There was no escape with your injury. Shears glided towards your throat, your shirt falling to ribbons below you. Vincent retrieved a large syringe, splaying his hand on your stomach to steady you.
His skin was on fire. Surely his imagination? Vincent recoiled, eye blowing wide as he saw the perfect indentation of his hand on your belly. It couldn’t be... You gasped at the sensation, propping yourself up to check the mark. “We’re... soulmates?” Vincent stepped back from you, trembling. He didn’t expect it to ever happen. And now that it was... he panicked. You wouldn’t love him, you’d just been fleeing in terror, you’d broken your fucking leg trying to get away from him. Bo wouldn’t let you stay, he didn’t believe in soulmates after all. Maybe he could fix this, salvage it. He had to try.
Vincent dropped the serum on the side, dropping to his knees beside you. If he ever had a reason to be alive, you were it. But what about his face? You would surely be horrified. “I’m sorry” He wheezed, looking down at the floor. Death would surely be preferable to a lifetime with him. “Can I see?” You gestured to his mask, curious to see your soulmates real face. Something pulled you to this place, and yes, being shit scared and breaking your leg wasn’t ideal but damned if you didn’t trust in the soulmate system. There was a reason you two were connected and despite everything, you weren’t going to throw that away.
Vincent hated taking off his mask. Even around Bo. He saw the side glances, the looks of disgust. His twin loved him, but that didn’t make him any less of a freak. But the way you looked at him, your eyes so warm and kind. He sighed, avoiding your gaze as he freed himself from the wax barricade.
He waited for you to scream, to gasp, something that proved how repulsive he was. What he didn’t expect was your palms cupping his cheeks ever so gently, the invisible flames licking at scarred flesh. You whimpered at the burning in your hands, blood running down your chin as your teeth sunk into your lip. Vincent pressed his head against yours, fingers weaving into your hair to lock you against him. You were real. You were his. And he’d never been happier.
The most optimisitic of all the Sinclair’s, Lester had a bad habit of trying to touch literally everyone. Everything he knew was from magazine’s he’d ransackes from the twins’ victims, considering that Bo wasn’t a believer and Vinnie wasn’t much for conversation.
When he found you trawling the highway, Lester jovially offered you a lift to Ambrose. “Ma brother’s got a phone you can use I bet” He beamed, chatting away as he took you down the beaten path. “What brings you out here then Missy?” You sighed. It wasn’t a particularly pleasant topic and you didn’t really want to bother him with your worries.
“Almost there, d’ya mind givin’ me a hand?” You bent over the hub of the truck, unaware of Lester oogling at your ass. He smirked to himself, trying to subtly brush against you and failing, horribly. “Hey, asshole!” Your hand connected with his face, the crack reverberating through the trees. Your hand turned to fire in your hands, clutching at it pointlessly to try and stifle the pain.
“I was only tryna-“ Lester turned into a puppy when he saw your hand burning, the initial sting of the slap turning into the warm sensation of a soulmate’s mark. “You’re my soulmate!” He jumped on the spot, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. “I knew it, I knew I had one!” You groaned underneath him. This was going to be exhausting. “Ma name’s Lester, you gotta come meet ma brother’s Bo and Vinnie-“ He trailed off when he saw you leaning against the car, your arms crossed. “Oh I’m sorry darlin’ I get a bit excited”
“I can see that.” You giggled, running your eyes up and down him. “Why’d I have to get some nasty pervert though?” Lester pouted like a child until he realised you were being sarcastic. “Oh real funny, I was gonna give you the world but I guess I’ll keep it to myself now” Despite the gruff demanour and constant waft of roadkill, you could tell he was an absolute sweetheart. You extended your hand towards him, waggling your fingers. He entwined his hand with yours grunting at the foreign sensation. You pressed a kiss to Lester’s cheek, squeezing his hand. “Now that’s simply not true, is it?”
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prismatales · 4 years
Bitter Memories
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First of all I'd like to thank @bnhabookclub for allowing me to join their server, thanks to them I got the chance to meet so much wonderful people that helped me out with this request. I'd like to thank @honeytama and @samanthaa-leanne for beta-reading this for me as well! You guys were some great help!
Now time for some sibling bonding between The birdbrain and his baby chick!
Your lungs felt like they were burning with each step you took, blood pressure reaching a terrifying level from the adrenaline running through your veins in a desperate attempt to reach a certain room.
The only command your brain seemed to understand was to look for HIM.
If there was something you absolutely despised was hospitals, the smell of medicine that overwhelmed your nostrils was despicable, hearing the wails of people as they lost a loved one always sent shivers through anyone's spine.
You rushed to the main desk, slamming both hands in front of the receptionist before asking for Takami Keigo's room, at first she only gave you a look, believing you were nothing more than a fangirl who happened to find out the winged hero had arrived to the hospital due to his injuries from the last mission. 
Imagine her surprise when you showed her an ID with the same last name as the current number two hero, that seemed to do the trick as she swiftly began tapping away on her computer with nothing but embarrassment on her face at the idea she almost told one of the hero's relatives to scram.
She didn't bother to say anything as she saw you running away to see him as soon as you were told in which room he was recovering.
The sound of your own heartbeat felt so loud and heavy against your ears it could almost be heard by anyone who happened to get close, the few nurses, doctors and patients that happened to pass by only say a blur passing them like a gust of wind. 
Nothing mattered to you in that moment but a single goal, to find your older brother. 
Hawks may be a pain in the ass most of the time who's always teasing you or trying to scare away any guy who happened to look in your direction for more than two minutes. 
He may have abandoned you with that pair of alcoholics you had the unfortunate luck of call "parents".
He may have left you behind all those years to become a hero.
But in the end he was still your older brother, the same dork that kept trying and trying to spend time with his little sister, even despite the may times his calls were ignored and sent over to voicemail. The same guy who got nothing but corn chips as birthday and christmas gifts and posted it on his twitter account with a smile at his sister's antics.
The same guy who had your back during that mission where you got severely injured, and that almost cost you the one thing that allowed Takami Y/N to follow the path of a hero...your wings.
Doors kept going and going one after another in a seemingly endless row as you ran around the halls.
426! That was the number! The words "Takami Keigo" written neatly underneath.
You stood in place for a minute....gasping for air and feeling like someone had rubbed sandpaper inside your throat from how parched it felt, but that didn't matter in that moment, the only thing that really mattered was knowing your brother would be alright.
Knocking gently on the door before stepping inside didn't prepare you for the sight laid in front of your eyes.
There in a hospital bed sat your brother looking outside through the window, bandages littered almost his whole body as well as a good portion of his face from the way the left side of his face was also bandaged.
But what really knocked out all of your breath and caused bile to rapidly rise up your throat was the one thing that made people recognize Keigo as one of the best heroes all across Japan, the lack of those beautiful vermilion wings that grew on his back felt like a bucket of iced water had been thrown on your back.
His head, which had been tilted up while admiring the world through the other side of the window, slowly turned back towards you, seeing the left side of his face, including his eye covered in bandages didn't help soothing the growing pit inside your stomach.
Keigo's eyes no longer held that characteristic mischievous energy of his, but they still had faint traces of that comforting warmth he always held for those he held close to him.
Somehow hearing him call out your name instead of that annoying nickname you absolutely despised and he always used just for the sake of riling you up made a huge wave of pain crash into your very soul like a tsunami, never in life did you ever thought there would come a day where not hearing Keigo calling out for his "baby chick" would end up feeling this horribly painful.
Running up towards him caught Keigo off guard, more so when he felt the warmth of your body envelope his upper half and the way your whole body trembled like nothing but a mere leaf in the middle of a storm, somehow it made something inside him break, hands wrapping around your own shoulders to return the embrace before burying his face down.
In that moment Keigo realized just how touch starved he really is, all because of all those years of ruthless and rigorous training his younger self had to endure to become not a hero, but a weapon for a broken system.
"...Was it worth it Y/N?" He murmured sadly in the collar of your sweater, that voice was not Keigo's, but that of a broken man who's life had lost its whole meaning in a matter of hours, after all...that's exactly what happened to him when Dabi burned down his wings to nothing but ashes.
Keigo's words were confusing, but even though you tried to pull away to take a look at him the hold he had on you wouldn't budge.
"What do you mean Keigo?"
His whole body began trembling, for a second it almost seemed like he was the younger brother, the one seeking for the protection one could only get from someone as close as an older sibling.
"I know what you had to endure because of me" each word Keigo muttered made his voice slowly start breaking bit by bit.
"Having to grow up surrounded by trash bags and beer bottles scattered all over the floor, endure all of the yelling and the fighting..." You only held him tighter into your own body, knowing what exactly he was referring to in the first place.
"And after our old man was arrested and Ma left?...you had to deal with that asshole all by yourself 'cause nobody else believed you"
"What are you talking about birdbrain? are you high on morphine or something?" you had a suspicion of where this was going and tried to find a way to change the subject, but Keigo didn't budge one bit.
"Aika, that darned foster sister of yours, I know how much she enjoyed to bother you and make you cry...How she always said your whole family abandoned you"
Of course he knew about that...How the only child of that foster family disliked you, hating the idea of having to share her parents with someone that wasn't even related to them.
Every time Keigo would come to visit she'd try to get his attention, having similar ages made her develop a crush on your brother, and when his visits became less frequent she made it her goal to make your life miserable, spewing cold harsh lies about Keigo getting tired of coming to see you, in the beginning her words would only end up being ignored.
However bit by bit the cruel whispers slowly began digging deep inside your heart, despite knowing she only said those thing to hurt you. It was more painful having to wait for Keigo's visit while sitting outside, sometimes even for hours just to realize he didn't show up that day. 
Even though you tried hard not to, slowly her words began corrupting the image you had of Keigo, until eventually you started becoming bitter towards him. 
It went on for years, and every time you tried telling on her with your foster parents they only brushed it off thinking it was only an exaggeration, Aika was cunning after all and only did this when your parents were not around, or would whisper those cruel words lowly enough for only you to hear.
Aika didn't see it coming when after a fall out with one of her friends, said girl told everything to Hawks after being rescued by the hero during a villain attack, her friend knew you were related to said man because Aika always complained about her annoying foster sister to anybody nearby, much to their annoyance.
Neither she or her family expect the number two hero himself to come into their home shortly shortly after you moved into the dorms, much less with proof and witnesses of everything she had said and done to his sister over the years, saying her parents were upset was putting it low, they were livid to find out what their "sweet" daughter had been doing for years.
The shame when they realized all those claims were true was suffocating, neither of them could even see the hero eye to eye as he gave the young woman a cold harsh glare, all she could do was grit her teeth in rage and shame knowing she had been caught. 
"How did you find out?" Just hearing the name Aika was almost enough to make you want to cry, you'd never forgive that girl as long as you lived...
"I found out through some of her friends, you should have seen their faces when I arrived at their home and confronted her" He chuckled dryly, still bitter at the idea that girl kept bothering you endlessly even after you got accepted into UA.
"You don't have to worry about her anymore baby chick" His hold became softer, and so did the pressure inside your chest when that little nickname came out of his mouth, had he seen the pained smile on your face his brother instincts would have probably kicked in into high alert.
"Just tell me you didn't threaten them" Keigo pulls away to give you an offended look that quickly morphed into a teasing smile.
"What do you take me for? Some kind of monster?" His hands ruffles your hair "I just had a talk with them, besides her parents did more than enough if I do say so myself, you should have seen her face when they took away her car keys, some spoiled brat you had to deal with over the years" 
You huffed in agreement, remembering how she always kept whining to your foster parents to give her money so she could go shopping with her friends, and the glare she sent in your direction if they ever told her to take you along for the day.
"You know, having to deal with our parents and her made me stronger, I may have resented you for a long time Keigo...but I can't really say that I actually hated you in the first place"
His expression changed in an instant, eyebrows furrowed in frustration over the fact you kept trying to lighten the subject.
"Y/N, you were a child, you didn't need to be strong, you needed to be safe and I failed to do the one thing your brother should have done all those years ago, protect his little sister"
The room went silent for a minute, neither you or Keigo said anything else for a while, he knew he was right, you knew he was right, but it's not like you could turn back time to fix everything that went downhill all those years ago...
"I failed you Y/N, but lord help me if I'm not going to make it up to you for everything. Whenever you need help with something, no matter what it is, homework, internships, hiding a body" The last one was obviously a joke by the sound of his voice "just come looking for your big brother"
It was like a switch had been flipped inside your head, all those years of pent up frustration directed towards Keigo disappeared in an instant, even if you tried to force yourself to feel mad it was impossible.
Not like you had anything to be mad about anymore...
"Then...I want to do the same for you birdbrain" Your eyes traveled to the bandages adorning his back, and he knew in that instant where the conversation was heading. Hesitating filled your thought for a minute before mustering enough courage to ask him about it.
"What did the doctors say...about your wings?" 
He didn't answer for some time, and it worried you that somehow the question may have made him upset, but then he finally replied with a tired look on his face.
"They...don't think my wings may grow back again" He sounded lost, and in a way he was, it was because of his quirk that the hero commission took interest in him to begin with, the same reason they took him in to train as one of their best heroes to exist, the very same reason he had left you behind in the first place.
Hawks was their best agent... but now he was Hawks no more, he was just Takami Keigo, nothing more than just another civilian to them, someone that had to be protected from villains. 
The only purpose they had for him was completely gone.
"Is there anything they can try? Maybe Recovery girl can do something about it?" You couldn't let this go so casually, there had to be way to help him out.
"I'm sorry baby chick...but I guess...this is the end for Hawks" His retort was heartbreaking, everything he had worked so hard for was gone in a matter of hours, and there was nothing you could do about it...
There may not be a way to help him out, but there was definitely no way you'd let his legacy die in vain.
"If there's nothing else to help bring them back..." Slowly you started speaking, voice full of determination made Keigo look back at you in surprise once you continued with your speech.
"...Then let me be your wings..."
There might be no way to bring his wings back, but that didn't mean Hawks was gone for good.
You made him a promise you intended to keep no matter what.
No longer after that day filled with pain and tears...years later when a new generation of heroes rose up to protect the world...A new Hawks fleed high through the skies with nothing but a single purpose, her one and only goal was hard, but nothing could bring her down.
To defeat those who brought pain upon this world and protect those people in dire need of help.
If there was something Takami Y/N knew better than anybody was to be strong, and she would use that very same strength she maintained over the years to keep her family's legacy alive.
@t-amajiki @undead0relived @shoobirino @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @mysticalite @bnhabookclub
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
There's always a little bit of time
Series: Wizards tales of arcadia
Pairing: Hisirdoux Casperan x Male reader
Part1/ ?
Word count:5,234
Summary: After a few Years out of the state for College. Claire's older brother comes back to Arcadia. Only to face the changes from the home town he grew up in, and the thinking time bomb that awaits for him and his new friends. Through out the way determine to help out a Punk wirzard and his Feline helper. They both end up discovering the only time they have left, they want to spend it with each other until the very end.
A/n: heads up, I'm mainly writing this for myself and my own enjoyment. And why not share it with the rest of y'all. I just love Douxie more than anything LOL
"How far away are you?"
Claire's cheerful voice bounce back into your earphones. After a few years away, you were finally coming back home to Arcadia from College. The view of the buildings you grew up with bringing you back nostalgia as you lean back on your spot from in the taxi. You couldn't help but grin even, buzzing with adrenaline as you tap your hand against your lap. "Not far now, I'm passing your school! Hoho Oh man, it looks the same. So around 10 minutes?" You could laugh at her scream of joy as you heard from the other line her fast footstep.
The idea of seeing your Little sister again had you excited. Weirdly enough, the bickering and fights and Chanclas threw at each other have been long forgotten. The idea of seeing your family once again was the only thing in your mind. And as you watch your taxi slowly approach the front of your house and saw the three figures standing on the porch, almost had your heart pumping out of your chest with a strong feeling of happiness. Not even letting the taxi driver say his farewell, you shoved a hand full of a tip in his hand as you jump out of the car with your bags on your shoulders
Bright smiles from your parents and sister as you jogged towards them. The rough sound of the bags falling as you extended your arms open towards Claire as she jumped at you for a bear hug. Both your Dad following along as he spun both of you in his arms as if you two were still little kids, Breaking into a fit of laughter together. "Ayh que fea, you look" it was the first thing that came out of your mouth as you look down at your sister.
"Hey! Really Y/n? that's the first thing you're going to say to me after being gone for so long?" Claire quickly protested. "Ayh Mijo, it's been so, long look, at you- did you dye your hair?" Your Dad caught himself up. Groaning loudly as your head fell back, Claire only laughs as you all let go of the embrace. Ignoring your Dad, you headed straight to your mother with open arms as she holds your little brother. "Hola ma, y little Enrique! Wow, he's so big" You gave her a side hug as and a kiss on the cheek as you pinch your little brother's nose. Her teary eyes quickly caught you off. "Aw ma, come on, The mayor shouldn't be crying-" you wince as she fanned her face.
"I know I know it's just, looked at you! My little boy is back home-"
"Mom please?"
It didn't take much of a few more tears here and there before you all went inside. The lively energy of the house was something you didn't know you needed from being far away from home. To the delicious smell of your Father's cooking, to your sister booming you with questions about college. Everything felt right at home once again. "I leave for a few years and, you're already copping me? The white streak in your hair looks rad," You pointed out as you sat down on the couch. Claire's smile fell slightly for a second as she pushed her hair back. "You wish heh, a lot...of things happened while you were away Y/n" there were such mixed feelings once she said that, your eyes following her hands as she played with them. You pushed her shoulder with your own.
"Hey, I know high school is horrible, but I'm here now for the long part. I was real entertain by your so-called magical adventures with that boyfriend of yours. Dad wouldn't stop calling me about it. What you put on his Arepas?" You joked at the memory, Claire's reaction the complete opposite as she jumps slightly from her spot on the couch. "What? Did he tell you? How much?" She grabbed your shoulders and shook you in distress. "I told them to wait! I wanted to show you firrsst ugh" she stretches her face as she fell back on the couch. You couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.
"What? The boyfriend part? You actually thought Dad and Mom were NOT going to tell me? Come on Claire, They both told me they hated him at first. Now they say his some-sort of a knight? It was hilarious. I think they were reading into those fake News of Arcadia," Feeling her froze in place, you looked up at her with a questionable expression. It was weird to see her overreact like this. "Right, boyfriend! Yeah, Jim, haha.., his great" she smiles at you brightly, squinting your eyes at her, you lean forward. "I smell secrets... What's up with your Romeo Claire? Is he acting weird? Do I need to give him a brotherly greeting?" Rubbing your knuckles together as you gave her a grin, she waved her arms around once again.
"Nonono Jim's great! He really is and, I know you'll get along with him just fine but, it's just that..." A deep sigh left her as she pushed her hair back. "I'll...show you tomorrow when everyone's around. This is serious and, I don't want to freak you out, okay? It's nothing bad!" She finishes up reassuring once your expression drops again. "Oh jeez Claire...uh okay, okay, uh sure. Anything that's going on, I can't handle it! I won't freak out if you don't," you pushed your shoulder against her's again. Both of you smile slightly at this. But the sudden worry didn't pass with whatever was going on with your family, especially your sister.
It wasn't like you didn't notice while being away. Of course, you did. You felt it every night as you study for terms. But right now you were back home to your home town. Where everything seemed so different but the same as always. The two of you stood in silence again as you watched t.v. Eyes focusing on the low-quality show as night soon followed. Parents upstairs with your younger brother, Finally deciding to go back to your old room and sleep the days trip off, once both of you got tired of watching the same telenovela the past hours. Saying your lazy good night's your, mind kept on wondering what was waiting up ahead now that you were back. What was the worry that your family and sister weren't telling you yet? That was all soon forgotten as you drifted off to sleep. You were greeted by your pillow, surroundings still the same as you left them years ago when you left. The soft smell of candles that your mom left on days before still lingering. It felt good to be back home, but the feeling of something greater up ahead came back to your mind.
"God, I feel like crying at this," you hummed loud as you took another sip of your coffee. Your mother laughed as she took her cup in her hand. "It's just Coffee Y/n" she gathers her things as she prepares to leave for work. Enrique sat next to you in his little chair. "Si Pero, like it's your Coffee Mom, it's not the same trust me" you place a hand on your chest as she rolled her eyes at you. "Thank you, honey, also for looking after Enrique. Claire will be back after school. I feel bad for leaving you with him just when you got back-" "Mami, it's fine, he is my little brother. I will take care of him all you need since I'm free now. And I'll take him out with me right, Enrique? Aventuras con tu Hermano? Yeaah, you want adventures with me" you wiggled your hand on his stomach, erupting in a fit of laughter you mother took one final sigh as she hugged you.
"Thank you, I will see you later, take care," you hummed once she gave you one final hug. Looking between the door closing behind her, you look back at Enrique. A small staring contest as he blabbers at you. "You know what? Great idea Enrique, We should totally go out," It felt stupid if you stay put in the house doing nothing at all. With so many things supposedly going on in Arcadia nowadays, there was no way you were going to keep missing what everyone kept bragging about to you while you left. So preparing everything in hand for Enrique, it took a lot of figuring out as you place him in the Car seat. Grateful that your old man left you his car for the time being.
"Alright, you seem set to-" a loud thumping sound fell behind you. Jumping at the sound, you turn around. A box had fallen, The sound of your heartbeat against your chest almost had you panting at the scare as you went to pick it up. "Weird...how did this even fell?" You stare at where it was. It was like something pushed it off the counter. It was pretty heavy as it is. "Okay weird..." You mumble once again to yourself as you set the box down and went back into the car, Not noticing the pair of eyes that watched you from behind the shelves. Watching you drove off into the Street. NotEnrique was still peculiar in too when Claire was going to let him bug you once she tells you everything.
The drive down the City felt quiet as you watched people pass by, Choosing to stop in the nearby park to walk around and see what's new. Enrique seemed excited to be out with you, the whole time blabbering as you push his baby cart. A few people here and there from the neighborhood say their hellos once they recognize you. 'the Mayor's son is back' or a 'y/n it's nice to see you back in town' It felt strange but good to see the same folk that you grew up with again. Things have changed that was for sure too, A lot of reconstruction from disasters, new shops here and there. The sound of your stomach slowly brought you back, cringing as Enrique look up at you. "Sorry, Enrique, maybe I should have eaten dad's breakfast," you sigh, stopping in your tracks as your eyes landed on a nearby Cafe. 
Making your way over, you felt your face heat up as you recognize some people here and there, their faces more surprise to you seeing you with a child might be giving the wrong idea. It was embarrassing to say as you waited in line, Grabbing your phone to distract yourself as the line move slowly. The day was going quicker than expected, your mind going back to whatever Claire needed to tell you. Multiple things came to mind, but you brush it off. Claire was always a good kid. Even if you two pick on each other, you would know if it was horrible. Still, you couldn't figure it out and, it was driving you insane internally the more you thought about it. You huff as you lean your head on the cart before standing up straight. It was your turn on the counter to order.
You push the cart forward, smiling at the lady as you looked up at the menu for a moment. "Hey, ill have...uh-" you caught yourself off as a stack of cups fell beside you. "Oh, fuzz buckets," you heard someone said as you looked down at the male who bent down to pick them up. "Douxie, really? Again?" The girl at the counter said in a disappointed tone. Crouching down, you help him pick the cups up.
"My bad, they were all too close, oh thank you-" he quiet down as he looked up at you. Hand grabbing the cups you held for him. "No problem Man," you simply said as you help him finish, his yellowish eyes still on you as you handed the last remaining cups. You eyed him from the side as he kept staring at you and down at Enrique with almost a puzzle look. The girl at the counter clearing her throat.
"Douxie, you're holding up the line..." His head shoots up as he looked back at her then at you. "Oh, right! Ha, my bad!" He says with a small nervous laugh as he went off behind the counter. A chuckle left your throat. That was a weirdly cute reaction. "So uh yeah, I'll just get a cup of coffee and a number 6," you ordered once you sat down at a table and placed Enrique in a buster sit in front of you. When you started to look around again, Your own e/c wandered over to the guy who dropped the cups. He had a punkish style, for sure, he was into music at a simple glance. His black hair had dye indigo tips. One thing was for sure, He was a looker. You weren't one to denied when someone was actually attractive. Even though he had such a black sense of style, you felt such a tranquility feeling emitting from him. It was weird, to say the least. 
"Pffft-" eyes went over to Enrique. A handful of his shoe in his mouth. "Wh- Enrique, what are you doing?" You blurted out laughing, fighting back between him and putting his leg down. You took a small video of it to send it to Clair or Mom. Every time you put his leg down, he pulls it back up. "Dude, what are you doing??" He just blabbers back at you. Someone else chuckle brought your attention to look over. It was the same guy from earlier with your order. "Foods here?" He simply said with a smile to you. You smiled back slightly as he places the food down in front of you. It all looked delicious, "thanks," "not a problem," he turns around to leave before slowly turning over to you again. His fist pressing against his palm as you looked up to the ceiling before at you. "Hey, uh, weird question?"
"Depends how weird it is," you said back, smiling again at his sudden interest. He chuckled back at your statement, "Well, are you Claire's older brother by any chance? I can be assuming since you're with Enrique or, or you're just the Babysitter," he lifted his hands in defense. You raised a brow at him. How did he know that? You expected any older person to mention you because of your Mother. But from your sister? You imagine at least someone younger. This guy is clearly around your age. "Heh, yeah, I'm her brother, how do you know my little sis?" You lean on the table with a hand supporting your head as you look at him. Suspicions on your tone, he seemed to catch up as he rubbed his neck. He seemed so calm about it. 
"Oh, meet her back in the school while I was putting fliers for the battle of the bands. She's really good at the bass. She told me you teach her how to play? You must be a good teacher" you press your lips together, heat raises to your face for a moment. "Yeah, I thought her here and there, most of the things she learn on her own," you fidget with your cup of coffee. 
"you in a band?" you asked with a raised brow at him. 
"yep, play the bass and other instruments here and there," he responded. 
You open your mouth to speak again, "I'm Y/n by the way.  I don't know how much Claire told you," you chuckled off the sudden nerves. Why were you nervous? You didn't know, it wasn't like you haven't talked to new people all the time in college.
"Douxie, and don't worry, nothing so bad. You were the only thing she was talking about these past few days. Never seen anyone so excited to see their sibling." You chuckle again, "uh yeah, it's been a few years since I left, so I imagine with how she is," you motion to the chair next to you. Thinking he might be getting tired of just standing in one place. You thought he was going to deny the invitation. Since he did seem like he was still working, but instead, he grabbed the chair, turn it, and sat down. "I imagine I was gonna meet you later today, not in the middle of dropping every cup in the store" you both laugh, he went over to look at Enrique. "Claire is happy to see you back, you know? she's was real nervous,"
You sigh at this, "yeah, and I still don't know why. Though, I thought it was about her boyfriend but looks like it's not. Do you know what it is? It just haves me worry for her" Douxie stood still as Enrique grabbed his finger. "Uh...well I do know, but I think she should be the one to tell you or well show you first" you groan again as you head drop back. "Awe comes on man, it can not be that serious for her and like everyone to hide it. What is she hiding a body?" You waved your hands. Douxie waved a hand as he lowers your own. "Okay, okay, what do you know about the weird news of our City?" You gave him a puzzled look as he smiles at you in return, amusement was written all over in his eyes. 
It was weird, the sudden light feeling in your chest. He was so calming in a way you didn't know how to explain. Now that you think about it, you almost miss his accent. "News? You mean the so-called end of the world that happened, in where creatures came out of the ground and aliens appear type of News?" You scoff, He only gave you a little nod. "What? You're not trying to tell me that really happen, are you?" You squinted your eyes at him. He waved a hand at you, "Hey, hey, I know it sounds crazy, but if I were to prove it. Would you believe it?" You press your lips together again.
Okay, maybe this was weirder, prove it? Sounded like a cryptic fanatic, but still... "Only if it involves my sis, or are you just trying to ask me out?" You raised a brow at him. He seemed shocked for a second before brushing it off with another smile. "Maybe, one of the two or both. But mainly so you don't faint when we get all together annnnndd, so you don't get embarrassed, " he grins as he extended his hand. "You can think about it while you finish or you know. Freak out later" he shrugged, now you were looking at him more intently. 
Going with a stranger right at the bat once you got back home might not be the best decision you had ever made. But you needed to know what was going on with your family. So you agree, like any mad man who had nothing else to lose. Both of you agree to meet up later, once he was done with work and when both your parents were back at home to look after Enrique. Something felt off not seeing Claire right at the bat after school, she would be home by now, but she texted she was getting everyone ready. Or everything ready, for the big surprise, as she suddenly put it. It has to be special if she's taking so much time for it. So here you were now outside a library where Douxie told you to meet up. A part of you wanted to ask yourself why you even agree to this. Was he just going to show you a theory room of cryptics? It wasn't like you weren't into those things, you love it actually,  but right now, it didn't felt like the right time for you to geek out. Taking a deep inhale as you step in, hands in your pockets as you looked around. It was empty.
"Douxie?" You called out as you walk around. Books everywhere, you ran your finger on the cover of an old one that lay on a table. Whatever language it was, you didn't understand a lick of it. Eyes trail up until you were meet with bright yellow ones staring back at you. You let out a curse under your breath as you looked at the cat in surprise.
" Oh jeez, since when are you there little guy?" You place a hand on your chest, trying to ease your heart as you approach it. The feline walks around, avoiding your touch.
"May I help you?" You look around the shop. There wasn't anyone there, but you swore you heard someone.
"Hello?" You blurt out again, "Uh, Douxie?" Okay, a part of you was starting to regret how creepy things were getting. Maybe you were overthinking it.
"Oh, of course, you'll be looking for him, he's in the back," the voice came from in front of you. Turning your head slowly you stare down at the black feline. Now noticing it was... wearing glasses? No way did it just talk.
"Di...did you just talk?..." You whisper out as you stood up straight.
"Of course- oooh... oh no" The cat seemed to regret his choices on speaking now, watching you slowly back away.
"Okay, maybe drinking so much coffee has finally gotten to m-" you jump slightly as two hands hold into your shoulders.
"Y/n?" You looked back at golden eyes staring at you worried.
"Douxie, I think I finally lost it with the coffee-" you blurt out with a nervous laugh.
In return, he just looked down at the cat in front of you two.
"Archie, I warned you Claire's brother was stopping by first!" He scolded the cat, who just seemed to wince as he walked around again.
"Yes, but you can't blame me for not knowing it was him, everyone is used to this-"
"Oh, Virgen Santa, he is still talking. You're talking to him, how is he talking? Did I hit my head? and you two are a dream?" You blurt out rubbing your temples as you backed away.
"Y/n, you need to calm down. Remember when I told you about proving you about the weird things? Well, Archie over there is not even the tip of the iceberg" Douxie scratch his neck as he pointed at the cat again.
Now it was your turn to stay quiet and still as you look at him. Then back at the cat who stares back at you. You inhale deeply as they both waited for you to take a moment.
"Okay...so talking cat....this is what Claire is making a fuss about, or are all those weird stories are something about ten times bigger in where I might have my jaw on the floor?" You mumble out..
Douxie opens his mouth before closing it, eyes trailing all over the place as he started to count.
"Uhhh yep, it will just get even more jaw-breaking when Claire tells her story of her adventures" Douxie motion for you to follow him.
A part of you question why you even follow him, how could this get even more insane. Your brain was all over the place, as you remember the News and pictures online. Another part of you wanted to doubt everything still.
"Adventures? Oh god, please don't tell me my sister somehow got caught in weird alien adventures," you groan as you followed him up the second floor. Eyes looking back at the cat every second as if it were to try and eat you.
"Complete opposite, more of Magic and less of the alien part,"
"Say what now?" You blurt out.
Douxie stops in front of you, extending his hand. Looking down at it, you took it slowly with a raised brow. The sound of ticking was greeted to your ears, as you watched the bracelet in his wrist illuminate, a blue light surrounded his arm. Your eyes meet with his again, It was all a sight to see. It was like all that energy was coming from him as bits of his hair flew up. It was tranquil, like a quiet river. You felt completely mesmerized by him. 
"Magic is a basic element that has been on this planet for centuries, Arcadia luckily is a hot zone for creatures and the supernatural. It just so happens that your sister and her friends ended up saving this planet more than once with it." Your eyes were blown wide as things started floated around the room.
"I know this is a lot to take Y/n, but Claire doesn't want to scare you away. She's has done amazing things! And she realllllllly wants to share it with you. And as her teacher, I thought, I'll give a little hand to show you first" you were still blown away with everything. The things that were floated around slowly descended back down on the table and shelves. You look down at both your hands. They were so much bigger than yours.
"W..wha- okay holy cow, give me like a second" you pushed your hair back. Your heart was beating against your ears with adrenaline. You pulled your hand away as you walked around the room before standing in front of him. Douxie stares down at with a nervous smile. Archie, watching everything from his spot where he sat down. Who knew what overcame the wizard to show you before his sister did. He didn't know and didn't want to ask himself where and why the sudden urge took over.
"Okay...magic..is a thing okay that is stupidly cool and I feel like a kid reading his books, but I need to ask, what are you? And you said, teacher? Teaching my sister what? Magic?? You telling me Claire knows how to do magic???" You got closer and closer to him as you spoke. Nose almost touching even as you pin him behind a bookshelf with questions.
Douxies' face didn't fail to go a light pink as he put his hands on your shoulders. Looking to the side to clear his throat, he felt his chest twist at your amazed expression, that he felt like he almost blackout at your question.
"Okay, so I'm a wizard and yes, and yes two both question," he pulled himself not to tilt his head as you look down at the floor.
"Ah...okay, uh, that's crazy but amazing. Also, holy cow again and holy cow and, she didn't call me? She's so gonna get it! How do you do all of that though, is it with that thing in your wrist-" you couldn't help you own curiosity and excitement. Hands darting to grab his own as question fell from your lips like a mantra.
Douxie looks back at Archie, who was just as wide eye as him. You were taking it better than expected, the freak out was short. But Douxie couldn't help but smile ever so slightly at you. In curiosity to learn the unknown, you and Claire had it the same. You didn't even notice that it was a full-on 20 minutes of you rambling and Douxie listening to you. Not once, bothered on how your hand flicker with his bracelet. And how gentle and light it felt against his hand and fingers.
"And can you li-.....oh...oh damn it did I went into a rambling parade?" You blurt out once you notice the sun was starting to set.
"Yeah, but it's fine, I expected you to ask questions. It's the norm of thins things," He laughs it off, both of you feeling heat reach your ears once you finally let go of his hand.
"Sorry about that hah, I still can't believe Claire didn't tell me Like this is insane!" you threw your hands to the air.
"It's gonna get even more insane once you meet some of our friends, trust me," Douxie reassure you. The weird feeling was back, something like that would have you freak out more, But for some reason, it just didn't, like it didn't felt like much of a surprise somehow deep down.
"Can't wait....So...it's the cat, like your-" you trail off slightly, the idea of how this could get more insane was something your mind was still trying to deal with.
"Archie? he's my familiar" both look over at the cat that head raises to look at the two.
"Oh, he's your little assistant," you smile cheekily. He gave you an insulting scoff in return.
"Wizard Associate, thank you very much, Mister Nuñez," Archie corrected as he hops from where he stood.
"Ah, sorry?" You laugh slightly, both of you leaning from a bookshelf.
It fell silent for a moment as you stare up to the ceiling.
"You okay Y/n?" Douxie asked.
"Yeah, just thinking about how crazy my day went and wondering how crazier is going to get now that everything I heard might be true. And what would have happened if I was actually here..." You hummed slightly as you titled your head to look over at Douxie.
"You're pretty cool Douxie, hey if I do end up fainting to whatever my sister shows me, do NOT let her draw on my face or take pictures" you pointed at him with squinted eyes. He places a hand on his chest as he lifted the other one.
"Hey, I promise that I will try and stop her. Claire is way sneaky that you think," Douxie said as if he remembers something horrible before cringing at the thought.
"I know, one time she put glue on my shoes," you groan loudly as you let your head rollback.
Douxie laughs "What? Didn't think she'll be the type of kid".
"Oh, trust me, she was horrible, but I guess so was I," you shrugged off as you chuckle slightly. Douxie crosses his arms as he sighs. You look back at him, catching him staring down at you. Both of you didn't say anything or look away for that brief moment.
The sound of your phone going off alerted both of you, looking down at your new message. It was Claire telling you to come over to where high schoolers used to go for bond fires in an hour. You look out to the nearby window. The sun was going down quickly.
"I guess that's her sign that she's ready for me to see her magical secret" you stretch your arms as you put your phone away.
"Yep, you mind if I take a trip with ya? Since we'll she sent me the text, that's she's ready...and we'll we are going to the same place..." he trails off. Archie rolled his eyes at him as he jumps behind Douxie.
"He doesn't have a car" Archie added as he went between Douxies legs. Your smile dared to grow at Douxies' sudden flustered expression.
"His bike is very much broken down-"
"Hey it's fine, I don't mind. You can come with" you bump shoulders with him, trying to give him a reassuring smile as you walked down the stairs. Douxie closely following behind as both of you made it outside. Guess it was time to see what type of friends Claire has made while you were away.
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marwritesgood · 5 years
Renewal | O. Diaz
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Pairing: Oscar x Martinez!Reader
Timeframe: Chapter 17 (Altered)
Summary: In which the Reader has her baby shower.
masterlist // part one
A/N: Consider this a part two to ‘Collateral’.
After my wound healed, and I was able to pick up a laundry basket without wincing in pain, I decided to stay living at home with my family. I was eventually going to move back to my apartment, and share it with Spooky, where we would raise our baby, but for the time being I chose to stay at home.
On the plus side, this meant having my mother and grandmother taking care of me, no matter how much I insisted of cooking my own dinner. On the other hand, this meant I had my siblings around to annoy the living crap out of me 24/7.
“Y/n, come here!”
“Ugh, what is it Mario?” I groaned from having to get out of my bed and head to the kitchen, where Mario was sorting through out ancient box of party decorations.
“Ma asked me to hang up the decorations,” he explained, as he rummaged through the box, pulling out all of the decorations that were still in good shape. “But I have no idea how she wants it done, and I know you do, so can you help me?”
“You want me to setup my own baby shower?” I retorted. It was disappointing, yet unsurprising that he needed my help doing the one task our mother gave him.
“I thought you didn’t want to call it a baby shower?”
“That’s because the only reason I agreed to do this was for the gifts.”
My mother and Ruby were the ones who forced the idea on me. I personally found the whole idea of it tacky, and unnecessary, but when Ruby told me each guest would have to come bearing a gift, I reluctantly gave in.
“Look, are you gonna help me or not?”
“Fine,” I sighed, before joining him in rummaging through the box.
After we pulled out the streamers, as well as a banner my mother especially bought for the event, Mario went to look for tacks, or anything we could use to hang everything up. I decided to take that as an opportunity to take a seat on the couch and rest my feet.
The moment quickly ended when Ruby and Jamal arrived home.
“You’re being paranoid.”
“I am being perfectly reasonable,” Jamal fired back at Ruby, who head straight to the kitchen for a drink, before slowly walking back to the living room area. “Think about it. Every since we found the money, bad stuff keeps happening.”
“Guys,” I groaned, sitting up and putting my feet back on the ground. “I have a small, yet very aggressive, human inside of me right now. Can you please be a little quieter?”
“Sorry, Y/n,” they replied in unison. As I leaned back and rested my head on the sofa, Ruby noticed the decorations were out and did not wait a moment before giving his opinion. “I cannot believe mom’s using the same decorations... And they misspelled ‘shower’ on the banner!”
“Hey, if you wanna takeover and be event planner, go right ahead,” I muttered, with my eyes still closed. “Ma is having Mario put the decorations up, and he didn’t even know what a streamer was until I showed him... At least with you I know I won’t have to do anything.”
The boy was practically jumping.
“It would be my honour,” Ruby stated dramatically. I could always count on him to escalate small things to another level. “Consider it me fulfilling my first of many duties as an uncle... as the tío she can always count on.”
“Whatever you want,” I droned.
“Jamal?” Ruby looked over to his friend, who was helping himself to a bowl of corn chips. “Call the squad over here. We have a baby shower to plan.”
“Oh god,” I groaned, realising what I had just signed myself up for.
After I assigned Ruby as event planner, he and his friends managed to find an entire new set of decorations using a small amount of the cleaned Rollerworld money. I was surprised, considering how difficult of a time they were having cleaning the money, and how obsessed they were with getting their fair share, but the decision was apparently unanimous. Then, before I knew it, it was the night before the baby shower and Ruby had gone full blown crazy.
“Monse, you call that folding? I’ve seen prettier napkins at McDonald’s.”
Against their better judgements Monse, Jamal and Jasmine agreed to staying the night at my place to help set everything up for the baby shower. According to Ruby, my only job was to sit and relax. Everyone else, on the other hand, had a long list of tasks and a rigid schedule Ruby was expecting them to abide to. One of Jasmine’s tasks was to figure out what I planned on wearing, and convince me to go with the colour scheme Ruby had envisioned.
“I was planning on wearing this,” I stated, before placing my mustard-yellow maternity-friendly sundress on the coffee table for Jasmine to see.
“Right, okay, I see what you’re trying to do,” she said positively. “But, you see, Ruby suggested that maybe you wear your red dress instead. Think about it, it’ll go with the whole theme we got going on, compliment your complexion. Yeah?”
“Alright,” I sighed, knowing that even if I tried to argue with Ruby on this, he would somehow find a way to convince me to go with the red dress. After putting my yellow dress I away, I went back to the living room area to see how the setting up was coming along. “How’s the setting up coming along?”
“I love you, Y/n,” Monse began, looking up from her napkin-folding station at the dining table. “And I love your baby. But I swear to God, if Ruby criticises my folding technique one more time-”
“Monse, this napkin is wrinkly!”
After Ruby did exactly what I feared he would, I watched Monse close her eyes briefly, and take a deep breath in. After slowly exhaling, she abruptly tried to  run out from her seat at the table, and strangle Ruby, but I quickly held my hands out and stopped her.
“Woah, okay,” I muttered, quickly realising how tense everyone was, Ruby and Monse in particular. “Maybe a little break will do you guys some good... Okay, everyone stop what you’re doing, have a seat on the couch and relax. I’ll order some pizza for us, okay? My shout.”
Everyone, even Ruby, did as I said, and seemed to be relieved because of it. I slipped into the kitchen and ordered pizza from my phone, before pouring myself a glass of lemonade. As I took a sip from my cup, Cesar came in.
After New Years, I convinced my mum to let Cesar stay with us while Monse’s dad moved in and out of town. Despite her resentment towards him, it only took reminding her that Cesar was family to Ruby and I for her to agree to let him crash on our couch until Mario goes back at the stat of his semester.
“Cesar? You okay?”
“Are you sure you want me there tomorrow, Y/n?” He asked nervously, after a moment of prolonged silence. As he scratched the back of his head, I put my glass of lemonade down and looked him directly in the eye.
“Are you kidding me?” I said softly. “Of course I want you at my baby shower, Cesar. It wouldn’t be complete without all of my baby’s tío under one roof. I even promised Jamal he’d be a tío.”
“And I’m gonna hold you against that promise,” Jamal shouted from the living room. I could have sworn he had super-hearing abilities.
“It’s just... I know you told my brother not to come, because you wanted me there.”
“Ruby told you?” He nodded, and I made a mental note to confront my brother about that. “Look, okay... Yes, that is why I told Spooky not to come, but I told him it’s not a big thing, and he was totally cool with sitting this one out. Plus, it’s my baby shower, so it’s my call... And I want you there tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” he smiled. “I’ll be there.”
“Plus, my cousin sent me a crib I need to set up, and Mario and Ruby are horrible with using tools and following instructions.”
My baby shower had gone by fast. By the end of it, Ruby and his friends stayed back to clean everything up, which my mother really appreciated, as it meant she could take her time catching up with her cousins. Mario was putting the twins to bed, and Cesar was helping me go through all the gifts people brought.
“I can’t believe my cousin bought my daughter this onesie.”
“She’ll look so cute in it,” Cesar commented, smiling as I held it up for him to see. “I wish I could see how she’d look in it.”
“Well, my due date is in a few months now,” I began, chuckling as I folded the onesie and placed it with the rest of the clothes my relative bought for my daughter. “So soon enough you’ll have a little girl calling you tio.”
“Yeah...” Cesar seemed to be distant. Ever since he came back from his shift at Jamal’s dad’s restaurant, he seemed a lot more gloomy than ever.
“Cesar? Is everything okay?”
In true Diaz fashion, he tried to remain stoic; tried to continue doing what he was doing as if my question didn’t affect him, but I knew better. I knew there was something serious he was hiding.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” I placed my hand on his shoulder and shifted closer to him, lowering my voice so he knew whatever he would say I would keep confidential. “I mean it, Cesar. Tell me what’s going on... please.”
There is an air of silence for a prolonged moment. Cesar inhales sharply, before breaking his stoicism and crinkling his brows together, with tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
“Their gonna kill me Y/n,” he whispered, voice cracking as he said my name.
After Ruby’s drunken outburst that led to a group of Santos breaking the truce, we knew it was only a matter of time before Latrelle would come back to finish what he tried to do at Olivia’s quinceanera. I just didn’t think it would happen so soon.
Before I can even begin to think of something to say, there is a loud knock on my door. I glance at Cesar for just a moment, before standing up to answer the door. However, when I open it, there is no one to be found. All there is left is a painfully familiar item on my mother’s welcome mat.
A bullet. The same kind I had to get surgically removed from my shoulder.
“Y/n?” Cesar whispered in concern, from where he had been sitting. I turn around, so he can see the bullet in between my index finger and thumb, alongside the look of horror on my face.
“We need to go,” I said sharply, giving Cesar all but five second to get up and follow me. I didn’t care that the person who delivered that bullet would have only been a few blocks away. I needed to get this sorted now. Because two people I care deeply about were being threatened- my unborn child, and my pseudo-baby brother.
Therefore, now it was personal.
Despite the fact that my feet had been consistently sore ever since I entered my second trimester, Cesar and I walked all the way to Oscar’s place, and for the first time the pain in my feet was easy to ignore. Once we were two houses away from the Santos crib, I told Cesar to lay low while I talked to his brother.
“Spooky,” I called out, as I walked towards their front porch. I only had to wait a second or two before he came out and greeted me with a smile and a kiss on my temple. It was no wonder why the other guys kept making jokes about him being whipped.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“It’s a long story... but just promise me you won’t be mad.”
“Y/n...” his smile faded so quickly, turning into an almost-glare.
“Please,” I said softly, placing my hands on the sides of his arms, partly to butter him up but mostly to keep him restrained.
“Okay,” he replied, tone still harsh, but you take what you can get with Spooky. “I won’t be mad... now tell me what you did.”
I look down for a moment and try to find a way to articulate the situation in the best way. In a way that would keep Oscar from wanting to knock Cesar out and reprimand me for keeping secrets from him. However, I couldn’t come up with a way to verbally explain, so I opted for a more visual method.
“You can come out now,” I shouted.
As Cesar slowly appeared, stopping at the Santos front lawn, there was a short moment where Oscar remained completely frozen. This moment, however, was very short-lived, because after rubbing his facial hair, he quickly turned back to Cesar and tried to run at him, only for me to block his way.
“What the hell is this?!”
“You said you wouldn’t be mad,” I retorted, trying to reason with him, but it wasn’t working.
“So what we hide shit from each other now? Is that what this is, Y/n?”
“He needed a place to crash, and I knew you’d be like this if I told you.”
“You know fucking well why,” he shouted, making me take a step back. Oscar never scared me, but this was truly uncharted territory perhaps for the both of us. “She show you the scar on her shoulder, Cesar? She ever tell you about nightmares she gets from that night? You ever thought about the people you’ve hurt, or are you just happy to freeload off someone again-”
“-Hey, stop it!” I yelled, pushing Spooky away from Cesar, who he was mere inches away from shoving at this point. Spooky breath heavily, as he catches his breath from yelling so profusely at this brother. All the while, Cesar stood still, ready to take whatever beating Oscar was about to give him.
“I told you this was a bad idea.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Spooky shouted, before spitting in Cesar’s direction.
“Spooky, can you just listen?... Please?” He doesn’t look me in the eye, but he does remain silent, which was enough cue for me to continue explaining myself. “I wouldn’t have come here now if it wasn’t urgent... They’re tryna finish the job... They wanna kill him.”
For a moment it seemed like Oscar was about to give in. It was his natural instinct to protect his brother, so I knew telling him of the danger Cesar was in would make him ease up, but he still wasn’t gonna help him.
“He made this mess, it’s time he takes responsibility for what he’s done... you can’t protect him.”
“No... but you can,” I replied, looking at the father of my child pleadingly. Oscar scoffs and pulls away from my grasp, before turning to the house and making his way back inside. “No- Oscar, baby please...”
Right before he reaches their porch, I pull the bullet from my back pocket and make one last attempt at talking sense into him.
“They came to my house tonight.”
He stopped immediately, before turning back around and walking towards me. This time his expression had washed over with concern, a look I had become incredibly familiar with since becoming his girlfriend, and even more so after becoming his babymama.
I held out the bullet, so Oscar could see it, and as he examined it his eyes only darkened. With a clenched fist and flared nostrils, he shifted his eyes between Cesar and I several times, before patting the pocket of his pants. He always kept his gun on one side and his car keys on the other.
“Both of you. Get in the car.”
Cesar and I did so quickly, understanding the magnitude of the situation. I knew that in due time Oscar would have come around to helping Cesar. However, we didn’t have that kind of time, so I also knew I had to do what I needed to make sure he was on board now.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you home,” he replied shortly, and I knew then that whatever he was about to do was something he wouldn’t tell me until it was done. That’s how it worked when it came to stuff involving Santos. And, despite what he told Cesar in December, he was still very much a Santos. “I’ll call the guys. Make sure at least a few of them are on lookout out here. You ever wanna leave to go anywhere, you call me, okay? I’ll get someone to follow you, make sure you got protection.”
“Yeah, but-”
“I’ll handle it, baby,” he answered, before I could even ask my question. Even when recovering from a fight, he was always on my wavelength. “I promise... They won’t get away with this shit... Imma make sure of it.”
He stops in front of my house, and lifts my hand up, pressing a soft kiss on the back of it before caressing the side of my face. I always hated moments like these. Saying goodbye right before shit goes down. Last time a moment like this occurred, Oscar ended up being locked up for over two years.
Before opening my door, I glanced back at Cesar and then at Spooky. My Spooky.
“You text me the second it’s done, okay?” I whispered, trying not to tear up. Pregnancy hormones and gang violence was not a good combination. “And I swear to God, if anything happens to either of you, I will-”
“Hey,” Spooky whispered, gently rubbing his thumb against the apple of my cheek. “You think I’m gonna let anything keep me from coming home to you?”
“I love you,” I said, nodding as I began to process Oscar’s confidence. I look back at Cesar and gently squeeze his hand. “Both of you.”
And as I walked back into my house, and heard the sound of Spooky’s engine fade as they drove off, I promised I would tell this story to my daughter once she was of an appropriate age. People can say all they want about me, about Spooky and Cesar, and about the Santos in Freeridge. 
But, when push comes to shove, these men will move heaven and earth to protect their people and their community.
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marina-roslinka · 4 years
This is my first time writing something like this, so it's a little bit sht, but I'm posting it anyway since I promised it to you guys. 
Michael, Trevor, and my rant.
The first thing I want to say about those characters is that I believe they meant to be together, they cannot exist without each other. Yes, I know it sounds like cheesy line from romantic novel. But before you roll your eyes, let me explain.
Let’s remember their signature colors: blue and orange. You see, I think they play a big part in understanding them as individuals and as a relationship and their dynamics. You can read about the color analysis here if you like to.
I personally want to look at it from a little different perspective. To be more precise about elements Fire and Water: Trevor represents fire and Michael is water of course.
Those two men have a different understanding of what life is supposed to be and what it means to be alive. Trevor being a fire element is always trying to rile up Michael, making him angry and emotional like himself.
Michael on the other hand obviously thinks that Trevor is too much, that he needs to calm down and too bright, too hot, that eventually, he will burn not only himself but also everyone else around.
We see examples of that a few times throughout the game. For example when he tried to convince Trevor to change his current lifestyle and “grow up” and it’s not good for him.
“M: Alright man, here we go. Tough love time. T: I'll take it tough, I'll take it sissy, I'll take it any way you're giving it. M: When you gonna get it together, bro? Most guys as they get older, they pull their foot off the gas. T: You always did like to judge people. M: I ain't judging, I'm trying to help. T: Help with what? You think I need help 'cause my lifestyle is worse than everyone elses? M: The speed, the horniness, the killings. T: You kill, and you satisfy your urges - only you think you're above everything. Tough love time! M: Fine. Fine! You think what you like. But you know I care, and you know I tried.”
Going back to the whole "They can't exist without each other" thing.
Too much fire you will burn. Too much cold, you will freeze. This is the exact reason why I think that they need each other. To create a balance. Again, you can clearly see this in the story. Michael is depressed, sad and bored out of his mind by the pool.
Trevor is crazier than ever with no direction and no purpose. Just pure chaos.
“T: Mas o menos. Michael didn’t have a nerve back then. I didn’t have a direction”
It’s obviously not perfect since they both are fucked up people.
You can describe Michael's attitude towards Trevor with the same example. You can love fire for numerous reasons, right? You can look at and feel calm, feel warm or maybe it helps you to reflect on yourself. However, fire is also very dangerous. It can be unpredictable. One spark can light the fire and it may not even possible to stop it.
But Michael is able to.
Throughout the game Michael said and done things that made Trevor very angry. Like, other people would have been dead angry. He can make him change his mind or even stop him from killing someone. Because, as I said, he represents water.
This is why I believe that Michael’s fear of Trevor is not usual. He is afraid of those big sparks that out of his control like when he betrayed him for example. He was afraid Trevor would find him and kill him. Part of him believes he deserves it because of all the guilt. Trevor is the face of karma and he came back to collect the debt.
However, thirty seconds in the car since they left the house he felt that everything is ok and that he is not in any danger so he had no problem with insulting and overall being an asshole to Trevor right away.
Unfortunately things not that easy and simple as always. They can be good for each other just as bad. Fire can be dangerous to water and water can be dangerous to fire. (This is why Trevor doesn’t like to take showers xD) It reminds me of all those scenes when they get angry at each other, but stepping away so they won’t hurt one other.
I am going to leave Fire/Water here, just keep it in mind for the rest of analysis or whatever this is. I’ve never done it :D
Now for the ultimate question. Do I think they love each other or they hate each other?
Well… Just as their history together it's complicated.
The very moment Trevor pulled the trigger of his flare gun with no hesitation, Michael definitely knew that Trevor is a dangerous person. Then he definitely knew Trevor has serious mental issues.
Why did he stick with Trevor before and even after? Well, the most obvious answer is that he just cares about him. They instantly clicked together or as Lamar said “Love at first sight”.
The other thing that played a part in Michael’s affection at the start is that Trevor is like a shining loud toy for Michael's brain. I see M as someone who grasps at every opportunity to experience intense emotions. Trevor is like a walking time bomb that won’t explode around you. It also perhaps made Michael feel special. It’s not healthy but happens to people nonetheless.
I believe that Michael does love Trevor, but he also hates the things that he does and Michael hates himself for still loving someone like Trevor.
“Why do I love him why do I care for him, I'm not supposed to. He is a horrible person. He is a monster. What is wrong with me?”
The other thing is very common for people to have desire to help another person who's hurting. No matter how much messed up they are we still can feel sorry and I'm sure Michael felt the same and still feels the same. This also leads to his frustration about Trevor.
“Why can't you be normal? I had a hard childhood but I didn't turn out that bad”
He’s also repressing his feelings because of internalized homophobia. In addition, it's just frustration on top of frustration on and on.
Michael hates himself for many things he's done. When Trevor came back he got so overwhelmed that all of this just start boiling inside of him. And when you can handle it he just surrenders to the common emotion – anger.
(It seems to me that fans expect Michael to figure out why Trevor is doing this, why he says that what real feelings are behind the words and actions. You know, be the wise one. )
At first glance it may seem that Michael does not care about T and I can see why. Since the game does it like we see Trevor as the one who tells the truth and Michael as the one who lies. Especially on the first playthrough you can easily fall for this little manipulation. Because of this we perceive Michael as a liar. I mean, yeah, he uses lies as a defense mechanism. Therefore, it’s natural for us (and Trevor) not to believe him when he said “I care. I missed you”.
Trevor is a liar too. Yes, I know, shocker.
The most common thing I see people say about Trevor is that he is a loyal person. All because of this rule about “brothers”. Nope. Maybe he likes to say that, but in reality he is not.
Take Brad as an example. Bless him.
Trevor talked about how he planned to stop working with Michael, but pushed him away because he thought he would leave him. If you hang out with Lamar, T admits he was literally going to kill Brad. Not like Michael of course. He wasn’t gonna stab him in the back. Just stab him in the face I guess.
Trevor didn't kill Michael, not because of some creed. It’s just because he still loves him and cares about him. In the core of everything it’s just love.
Trevor is obviously a dick to Michael because he's hurt so much. Can you imagine how painful it was, to lose the only person you loved and loved you back? Then to find out they betrayed you. Like, Trevor literally thought, Michael was using him from the start. Though, he doesn't hate M, like he said so many times. Trevor hates himself for being this way, for being not good enough, for Michael to choose him. Again and again.
“M: I don’t know, man, I’ve made such a mess of things. Constantly…my whole life. Chase things. Get them. Hate them. Chase things, get them, hate them…”
I feel like often people don’t even consider Michael's feelings or mental issues. Trevor also says very hurtful words to M. Yes, he understands the reason behind Trevor’s anger, but this doesn’t negate the fact those words hurt a lot. I mean, he was even offended by the fact T didn’t hug him. As usual, he cannot cope with feeling of guilt and everything again comes down to aggression.
I also want to remind, that despite the killings, Michael didn’t abandon Trevor. He was even letting him to see his children. Also name Tracey is suspiciously similar to name Trevor. Isn't it a display of love? Can you imagine how many times Michael forgave T for doing something crazy?
Well, Michael was just afraid of Trevor hurting him or his family if he tells T they’re done.
Trust me, if M didn’t give a shit about his best friend, he would’ve just killed him.
However, Michael and Trevor's relationship before Ludendorff wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
I personally think there were four main reasons:
    1. He was just tired of living the way he did.     2. Safety of his family.       3. The FBI breathed down their backs and suggested him a ticket to freedom.
 In fear of losing Michael Trevor pushed him even more. Most likely thought their relationships could only last if they were connected by the partnership. An example of this is Trevor’s negative reaction to Michael's words that he wants to be done with robberies and make movies.
  “T: I could feel like I was losing you, so I pushed you harder. I thought that how to keep you in the game and I didn’t want to lose you. I’ve said it already, haven’t I?”
 4. As ironic as it may be, in the desire not to lose Michael, Trevor himself turned out to be the last drop, for his best friend’s decision.
Conclusion: they should stop being dumb-dumbs and be honest about how they really feel.
And therapy. A lot of therapy. 
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🌻 tell me whatever you'd like, i would love to listen <33
After ages of thinking, i decided i want to nerd about Bojack horseman.
You don't need to read all of this essay, just the chance to actually PUT these thoughts somewhere makes me happy <3
*rubs hands*
I am trash at wording so don't be surprised if this is poorly redacted.
Bojack is by far the most relatable character in the show, for me at least. It's funny how this series teached me how to make relatability via struggles. I've never seen such an accurate representation of depression, and some episodes hit real close to home- for example, the "Stupid piece of sh-t" monologue at the beginning of the episode of the same name. They don't dramatize it, like OTHER SHOWS DO- (Yes 13ReasonsWhy I'm looking at you), and paint an accurate picture of how this illness holds Bojack back from being the better person he wants to be. His relationship with his mom was... Interesting to say the least.
The old Sugarman Place episode was haunting. Showing how the abuse from Beatrice's father shaped her into the person she ended up being. And how the cycle of abuse painfully repeats for generations. Her brother's death, her having to deal with his mother's grief and depression alone since her asshole dad didn't do sh-t to help the family move on after Crackerjack's death, and her mother's eventual and tragic lobotomy.
Just,,, Jesus this show.
Another thing I love about it, is how it made me understand that it was okay to emphasize with Beatrice, but one needed to understand that it didn't justify all the horrible abuse SHE put on Bojack, forever hammering in his head the "Don't stop dancing" motto.
Now, back to Bojack cuz BOY this is going to be a long essay.
The moment i knew this show was special was in season 2's "Escape from LA" another 'fuck-your-mind-up-and-move-on' episode. The things Bojack did were so terrible that- I mean i couldn't believe it. I was thinking all along "Nah, he wouldn't do it, he's the protagonist, he can't be THAT bad-"
The mf almost sleeps with a 17-year-old and the show slaps you in the face with the realization that THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED-
Something that makes me laugh are the consequences, not because they're stupid or anything like that. But were painfully accurate.
I think my mind was as anxious as Bojack's. Once the ACTUAL truth about his involvement in Sarah Lynn's death, and the cycles of abuse of power in his relationships came to the public eye, came what I expected: people actively shutting him out, insulting him, giving him those horrid judging looks,,, urgh- i felt that. (That second interview that revealed everything could have gone better, but it also could have gone worse. They didn't even explore the Escape from LA incident, or Gina's strangling in Bojack's opioid lash out.)
But yeah, once after the events of The view from halfway down (THAT I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO COVER CUZ OH GOD I WON'T FINISH) things start,,, looking up? Sure, Bojack gets arrested for trespassing (even though he affirms that he thinks it was for a but if everything) and he spends a good time there with the other inmates, they participate in plays, and even Bojack himself admits that he would go as a volunteer once he was out of jail.
I thought the consequences were going to be WAY worse, but when you look back at it you go: "Huh, well that wasn't that bad-"
Now, the final episode.
I LOVE the relationship between BJ and Mr. Peanut butter. The lad finally decides to dedicate time to himself and to not to worry about his marriages. You just gotta love this dog.
Then, Princess Caroline.
Her entire character arc about being a mother and finally letting go of his codependency on Bojack was magical.
Seeing the roots of her impulsive "i have to take care of everything" attitude through the 6 seasons allowed me to see her grow, change. Seeing her triumph and fail (very painfully sometimes, man).
In the final scene with her it's so wonderful to see Bojack cheering on her, and Princess Caroline openly admitting she won't work with him anymore. And both just, dancing peacefully to the vals, accepting that their relationship is over with such big smiles... *Sobs*
God. This. SHOW.
And now, good boy Todd.
I kind of relate to him too, and it gives me hope to see him being so independent after everything.
After Bojack ruined his Rock Opera so he wouldn't leave, after he also rescued him from that Improv cult, after all of the good, and ALSO the bad. He leaves.
He goes to make his new life, with his girlfriend, in a new apartment, and now in a good relationship with his mom. It's so wholesome I love Todd sm-
And even after actively pushing back from Bojack, he's still there to support him and cheer him up, even backing off so he doesn't get pulled into that again.
His words in his final scene always stuck with me "It was nice while it lasted right?"
And now,,,, Diane.
Holy cow where do I even start.
I do agree with most fans about how she wasn't "as good" in the first season, and how that changed in season 6, where we see her in a more domestic environment.
Now, I always loved Diane. I emphasized a lot with her struggles of being a writer (those episodes made ma laugh), not appreciating the little things we have, and wanting to do great things but- not- quite reaching it.
I always found interesting how she never let go of Bojack until it was "too late"
They always brought up the worse in each other, two people with the same unhealthy coping mechanisms isn't exactly a good combination.
I teared up when she moved out with Guy and actually learned to trust the feeling of safety, after a whole life of being used to abuse, that was everything that made sense to her. But it didn't have to stay like that. It was hard for her to start taking her antidepressants again but she did and she got better! (Shame Bojack pushed her into breaking point-)
The last scene, of her, of Bojack, of the entire series, I always rewatch "Nice while it lasted" for this scene only.
She confronts him on how he called her before he almost drowned in a pool. She thought he was dead, she thought it was her fault for not saving him. But as Bojack said "It was never her job". But he always made her feel like it was.
Oof... You can't actually fix that, can you?
Diane's "You can be grateful for the people around you, even if they weren't meant to be in your life forever" hit me like a truck. It actually helped me to learn to cut ties, that it was okay to be grateful, to not forgive horrible things, to move on and wish the other person the very best.
And then they sit, staring at the night sky, Catherine Feeny's Mr. Blue starts playing.
And I am bawling my eyes out.
That moment of silence, when there's nothing to say, when you both understand that this is it, and there's nothing else to do than to admire the night.
And lastly, thank you so much for this opportunity Jace, i love you so much <3
This series has helped me a lot (like you have <33) and I'm just so happy to share my nerdiness of this show <3
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kalimagik · 4 years
Trouble in Paradise
(Pt. 1)
Tom Holland x reader x Harrison Osterfield
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: Some Language 
A/N: So here is part 1 of my Tom Holland mini series for my 100 followers celebration weekend! I wrote this a while ago and wasn’t too sure about it, but I hope you like it! If you enjoy reading, like, reblog, comment, or even follow! Happy Reading <3<3<3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Y/N looked at the beautiful ocean that laid before her as she soaked in the sun and the sound of the waves. She loved the smell of the Hawaiian air. She really could not believe that she was in this beautiful place right now. Maybe taking her best friend up on his offer to her to go with his family and some friends on a Hawaiian vacation as a break wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Paddy called to her as he ran across the sand, “Come quick! Tom said that he has a surprise for us! But, will you help me find Harrison first?”
Y/N smiled at the young red head, who was about the same age as her little brother, “Of course! What do you think he’s got for us?” She stood up from the sand and reached for the young boy’s hand.
“I don’t know…but, it’s Tom and we’re on vacation, so it should be a good one, right?”
Y/N laughed along as they trekked down the beach to find Y/N’s other best friend, Harrison. They didn’t have to go far, he was in and out of the water with his boogie board, catching the waves that he could.
“HAZ! Come on out! Paddy says that Tom has a surprise for us all!” Y/N called out, hands cupped to her mouth.
As she watched her friend swim towards shore, Y/N’s mind wandered to what Tom’s surprise could possibly be. He had already surprised everyone with this wonderful trip, put together an entire itinerary, and reserved the most beautiful resort house that Y/N had ever seen. A few years prior, she could not have ever imagined going on a trip like this, but after befriending Tom and Harrison during her study abroad in England, life was a whirlwind.
“Here’s your towel, you water monkey,” Y/N giggled as she threw Harrison his towel.
“Thanks, kid!” Harrison beamed.
“Oh, knock it off! I’m literally less than a year younger than you! Don’t give me that!” Since she’d met the two boys, the majority of the jokes were about how she was a year younger than them and couldn’t even drink when she went home after her study abroad year.
Since their house was on the beach, the walk inside was not long at all, but Y/N already missed being on the beach.
“Tom! Why did you make me leave the cute girls I was talking to?” Harry asked as he sat on the couch, grumpily.
“Well guys…I was super excited to share this trip with everyone closest to me…”
Y/N’s heart leapt a little in her chest. As cliché as it is, she had fallen for the curly haired, brown eyed boy over their years of friendship. It was really his fault though. The moment she went back to the U.S. for school, he was checking up on her every day. He would text her good morning (even though he was hours ahead), he would facetime her when she was super stressed about her exams and papers, and he had even surprised her at school a few times. It was as if he was begging for her to fall in love.
Waiting for Tom’s big announcement, Y/N sat down next to Harry while Harrison flopped on the other side.
“…sooo, I decided to convince someone else special to me to join us!”
“Could it be Zendaya joining us?” Y/N hoped.
“Babe, come on out!”
As a girl Y/N had never seen before stepped out of the hallway, Y/N felt herself sink into the couch cushions even more. Even though she had never told Tom about her feelings, she had always hoped that he felt the same way. Hell, when she was drunk at 1 AM U.S.A. time, Tom would still answer her texts and facetimes, she kinda thought that he would’ve figured it out by this point.
Y/N felt Harrison glance over at her, he wasn’t as blind as Tom was.
“Hi everyone,” the girl smiled.
“Oh, hi Jamie!” Paddy exclaimed, breaking the silence.
“Hi Paddy! Hi Sam and Harry,” she said. Her high pitched voice getting higher with each hello. It made Y/N nauseous.  
Apparently everyone else had heard of Jamie before, but Y/N guessed that this is what she gets for not living in London still.
“Y/N,” Tom said, snapping her out of her head, “this is Jamie, my girlfriend. Jamie, this is Y/N, one of my best friends!”
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” Jamie smiled holding out her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you too!” Y/N said, quickly putting on a smile and taking the girl’s hand as nicely as possible, but as soon as the attention was off her, she managed to sink back into the background.
Nikki and Dom came out to greet Tom’s girlfriend as well, that gave Y/N the chance to sneak back off to the beach.
“Hey! Y/N! Wait up!” Harrison called.
Y/N didn’t want to slow down at the moment, she didn’t know what she was feeling and knew that if Haz talked to her, she would let all of the things that she didn’t want to feel out.
“Y/N/N! Common!”
Y/N could feel the tears building up and was not ready to let them shed. Luckily, she had her bathing suit on, so she just ripped off her cover-up and ran into the water. Not until she was through the wave breaking point did Y/N realize that Harrison was still calling after her. But once she turned around, she then realized that Haz was actually swimming after her.
“Haz, go back inside. You’re going to cause a scene running after me!”
“Don’t be silly, darling. They are too wrapped up in each other to notice that the two non-family members are missing,” he said trying to diffuse the situation. “Now, wipe those tears off of your face.”
“What tears? This is just the salt water!” Y/N lied, giggling a little bit in the process.
“Well do you wanna talk about the water streaming down your face?”
“No,” Y/N said stubbornly.
“Want me to say the reasons I think there is water on your face and why you ran out of there while you just nod your head because I am right?”
“Then, I think that you have water on your face, water that isn’t tears, because you felt blindsided by Tom bringing a girl to Hawaii after we’ve already been here for a few days, especially since you didn’t even know that there was a girl to begin with. Not to mention that you still have feelings for him even though you’ve told me time and time again that you don’t and that even if you did, you were over them by now?”
Y/N didn’t want to admit that her other best friend was spot on, so she just ducked under water, her safe haven.
“Y/N! Common love. I’ll be here with you for the rest of the time. We can avoid them as much as possible too!”
“Don’t you think everyone will find that suspicious?” Y/N tilted her head.
“Well, I think us sitting here in the water while I hold you is looking even more suspicious. Hello everybody!” Harrison lifted his arm up to wave to those on the shore.
Y/N could feel the blush coming up to her face as she timidly waved. Following Harrison towards the Holland family and, well, Jamie, felt even more embarrassing.
“What are you two doing out there?” Sam laughed as the sand reappeared under Y/N’s feet.
“I had dared Y/N earlier that she couldn’t go further than me in the water, but when she started to struggle, I had to obviously save her…”
“HEY!” Y/N protested, “I do not have issues swimming in the water!”
“You two were looking pretty cozy,” Nikki winked, “Haz, I’ve always wanted for you to find a nice girl and I liked Y/N from the day I met her.”
“Oh, no, no, no, Mrs. Holland, that’s not what was happening!” Y/N protested.
“What? Am I that repulsive?” Harrison jokingly scoffed.
“No. It’s not that either. Uhh, ummm, yeah. I just couldn’t stay out of the water for too long! That’s why we’re here right?” Y/N tried to buy herself some time.
“That’s a great point!” Tom brought up, obviously oblivious to the entire situation. “Jamie? Is your swimsuit nearby? As you can see, everyone has been in the ocean already this morning! Let’s go, babe!”
Y/N watched as Tom led Jamie back towards the beach house, Dom and Nikki following behind, leaving just Y/N, Harrison, the twins, and Paddy on the beach.
“So, is there something that you two really want to tell us?” Harry teased.
“No! Really guys!” Y/N tried to interject, but that wasn’t before she heard Paddy say a little something.
“Harrison, I’ve always seen the way you look at Y/N, but I didn’t know she liked you back!”
“Pads, who said anything about me liking Y/N? Huh?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “I feel like I hear whispers about it all the time, but everyone stops talking whenever I come into the room and ask if she’s coming to visit and that’s why you’re all talking about her!”
Y/N had nothing to say to that, but just looked over at Harrison, who moved quickly to put a hand over Paddy’s mouth.
“Paddy…shut it!” Sam tried to mumble, but Y/N could obviously hear him.
“Y/N? Can I talk to you for a minute again?”
“Uh, huh…” Y/N managed to get out as Harrison took her hand and led her away from the other Holland boys.
“Haz? What was that about?” Y/N asked as Haz sat down beneath a palm tree.
“I can explain. I think… Paddy doesn’t really know what he’s talking out. He’s just a kid. Ya know?”
“Haz?” Y/N asked giving him her wide, E/C eyes.
“Okay, okay, okay. Maybe while you’ve been pining over Tom, I sort of started pining over you…but I realized a while ago that I’d much rather be your friend and be supportive of you completely instead of making myself crazy over the fact that you like Tom more than me…”
“I am so sorry, Haz! I must’ve been so insensitive to you. I feel horribly…”
“No, don’t. It’s really okay! I couldn’t tell you how I felt, so I decided to get over it instead of holding onto it…” Haz trailed off.
Y/N followed his eye line to see Tom and Jamie walking hand-in-hand over to them. She sat back further into the crook of the palm tree as if that would keep the couple from coming over.
“Hey guys! What are you doing over here?”
“Paddy was just talking about stuff that he didn’t actually know, so I had to explain it. I’ll tell you later,” Haz said, waving it off. He did manage to look at Y/N, who sent him an apologetic yet thankful simile back.
“Okay! Well, Jamie and I were just wondering if you wanted to play some two-on-two volleyball! And let me tell you a secret, Jamie is an EXCELLENT player!”
“Great! Now it’s going to be ‘us’ and ‘we’ and ‘the two of us’ for the rest of the trip!” Y/N thought to herself. “Sure!” she found herself saying and then regretting instantly. However, as she stood up, she felt a competitive fire start up inside her and was ready to show her athletic ability off, well hopefully…
“Oh my god! Tom! I am soooo sorry!” Y/N continuously said as the four entered the beach house to get ice for Tom’s split lip.
Y/N had spiked a ball, heading right for Jamie, that Tom got in front of and let’s just say, the ball definitely won.
“It’s really okay, Y/N! Honestly, I didn’t know that you could put that much power behind a ball! It was awesome!” Tom laughed, holding the cloth covered ice to his lip.
“Yeah Y/N/N, who knew someone so short and young was able to hit that hard!” Haz joked, narrowing his eyes at Y/N, knowing of the internal fire that she had.
“Babe, are you okay? Let me take a look at it,” Jamie tried to reach down to fuss over Tom’s busted lip.
“No, no, no. I’m fine! I can handle a busted lip. Plus, I’ll have to come up with a great story. Can’t have people thinking that I am able to get beaten up by a girl!” Tom laughed, still holding the ice to his lip. “It’s a good thing that I blocked that, this could’ve been you, Jamie!”
Y/N bit her lip thinking about how bad that would’ve looked. She wasn’t purposefully trying to hit anyone…The ball just somehow took all of her competitiveness after her and Harrison almost started to fall behind. Not to mention, anytime they would score a point, Tom and Jamie would hang all over each other and even start kissing, so who can really blame Y/N for getting a tad bit angry? That’s gross to look at all the time.
“Why don’t you two head off and I can stay here and take care of this baby,” Jamie cooed as she went to pull Tom up towards his and Harrison’s shared room.
“Oh, Y/N! By the way, is it okay if Jamie shares your room? Since the rest are boys and I already have Haz as my roommate, I figured she could just crash with you!”
“Oh, umm, yeah. That’s fine. I don’t mind,” Y/N said, feeling a little caught off guard.
“We’ll leave you two now,” Haz quickly jumped in, pulling Y/N away before she could say anything she would regret. “Let’s go swimming for a bit, maybe boogie boarding?”
Haz led Y/N back out to the warm sand. They walked past the rest of the Holland family and towards the activities counter of the resort.
“You going to be okay?” Haz asked softly. “We can go learn how to hula, swim with dolphins, or even learn to surf! I could even offer to Tom to let Jamie stay in with him and I’ll stay with you. We’ve all had sleepovers before…Primarily in your super tiny dorm room, so it wouldn’t be weird.”
“Haz,” Y/N said sternly, “You don’t have to do anything for me. I will be fine. I can handle myself. You don’t have to protect me.” With that, Y/N tried to walk away from Haz while holding her composure.
“Y/N! Common!”
She did not want to listen. She wanted to be as far away from that resort house as she possibly could be. She did not want to stop for the boy running after. She did not want to hear anymore cutsie giggling from Tom and Jamie. And most of all, she did NOT want to feel her heart break into a million pieces, so she had to get away from there.
“Hello, I’d like to take a boat tour around the island. When we got here, they said that those were offered?” Y/N asked the concierge, holding the tears back.
“Yes, ma’am. We have one leaving in the next 15 minutes. Does that work for you?” the lady at the desk asked.
“That is perfect. Thank you. How many other people are on this tour?”
“There are about 8 others signed-up now. After you, we only have one more spot.”
“I’ll take that spot!” Harrison said slapping his hands onto the counter.
“Alright, sir. You have been added. The both of you can head through those doors, to the left, and down the path. Enjoy your boat tour,” the lady smiled as she handed Harrison and Y/N their tickets to get on the boat.
Y/N took one ticket and quickly went in the direction the lady pointed out. Harrison quickly grabbed the other ticket and went to catch up to the girl that didn’t want him around.
“Y/N! Wait up!”
“Haz! I told you not to bother!”
Harrison finally had Y/N in his reach and turned her around to face him. He could see the tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. “Love, why are you trying to hide this all from me. You know that I know and can tell exactly what you are feeling. Just let me help. Please?”
Harrison stood there and prayed that the girl he knew he would never stop loving would just let him in. He knew she would never return his feelings, but he couldn’t bear seeing her so sad.
“Haz. Have you ever watched someone that has been so important to you for what seems like most of your life just not even look at you the way that you look at them, but never wanted to feel to begin with?”
Y/N at that moment had completely forgotten about Haz saying he used to have feelings for her and was really just rambling what had been going on in her mind.
“Haz, I figured that by going on this trip, I would be spending so much time with him and I’d finally have the courage to tell him how I feel…how I’ve been feeling…”
She couldn’t hold them back anymore. The tears just started to silently roll down her cheeks.
“Common Haz. We are going to miss this boat.”
Y/N pulled out of Harrison’s grip, wiped her tears, and started walking again. Harrison on the other hand had to stand for a minute as he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Why couldn’t she move on from this boy? How could Haz let him have this kind of power over her?
“Haz? Are you coming?” Y/N called softly. As much as she had begged him to leave her alone, she really was happy that he was still being a best friend and being there for her.
“Yeah, I’m coming, love,” Harrison said as he jogged to close the gap.
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For prompts: We dated in high school but then you moved away but now you’re back in town
i’m sorry i got carried away.
There was something familiar about the woman waiting in line. Something Steve couldn’t quite make out. Maybe it was the curve of her body or those almond-shaped eyes that are tugging on a memory long tucked away. No, it’s defiantly those eyes. He knew those eyes anywhere.
They were the same shade of dark brown, with flecks of hazel and honey swirling in them. He knew how they looked when the sunlight would hit them, how they looked when she was furious when she was upset when she was beyond happy. He knew every emotion that she’d been able to give without saying a word through those eyes.
He’d loved those eyes. They filled his sketchbooks, even now two years after high school. He still loved her.
As the crowd cleared with their baked goods and hot coffee, Steve was finally able to draw himself up to full 6’0 height and smile down at her.
Her. Peggy.
Oh. She wasn’t alone.
His smile faltered at the sight of a little blonde boy clinging to the backside of her leg. He looked to be almost two years old, if Steve had to put an age to him. He looked just like Peggy with her nose and dimples. He had the brightest pair of blue eyes.
“Hello there,” he breathed to the shy, little boy, giving a wave of his hand that only caused the boy’s face to flush and hide. He turned to look up at the boy’s mother, his heart lurching in his throat. “And hello to you.”
Peggy’s laugh is just as he remembered, bright, and full of life. She reached over the counter to hug Steve, pressing a fond kiss to his cheek. “Hello to you.” She looked nervous as she dipped down to pick the boy up and put him on her hip. “You look amazing, Steven. This place…told you it would pick up.”
She knew Steve had a desire to work in his ma’s bakery after he graduated. He had an amazing hand when it came to decorating cakes and cupcakes. He loved to experiment and made beautiful baklava and cinnamon rolls that still lingered on her mind with a taste for them.
“Yeah,” Steve chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck and looking around at the busy place. He could hear his ma in the back, Bucky was out delivering their daily orders. Sam had just left after opening for them. “Yeah, you’re always right. Who's this?”
He felt too awkward. They’d dated in high school until she left just after graduation to return home in order to help her mother with taking care of her brother who’d suffered a career-ending injury with the military. He loved Peggy. He just never got to tell her that and seeing her here before him, it made him want to gush but become aware she had a child now, it seems. She was most likely married or at least dating, knowing her.
“Michael,” the little one said proudly, curling his h’s the way Peggy did when she was excited. “My name’s Michael and I’m two.” He held up three fingers, making Steve laugh. “And mummy and I just moved here cause she said she missed News Yorky.”
Oh God, that was adorable. Steve found himself smitten with the little boy.
“You’ve had a son?” He turned his eyes to Peggy, nodding his head at Michael, not really good with kids.
Peggy looked almost nervous as she held the little boy close to her chest, eyes fluttering towards the door. “Can we…talk?”
Michael sat in the little corner Steve had designed and painted for kids to enjoy themselves while their parents drank coffee and talked. He could hear the little boy humming loudly and playing with the art supplies. He turned to look at him and back to Peggy who’d nervously wrapped her hands around the blue coffee mug.
“When I left, I was distraught. Saying goodbye to you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I was broken up about having to say goodbye to you and my brother. I didn’t know his condition. I didn’t know what happened and no one would tell me a thing until I got home because of the secrecy of the matter.”
Steve’s broad hand slowly laid over her own, rubbing the pad of his thumb against her wrist. “You did what you had to do, I don’t blame you. I only wish we stayed in contact.”
“I do too. I got so busy with Micheal and my mother and my career, I-I…” She sighed and closed her eyes, her fingertips curling around the mug to the point Steve thought she was going to break it. “At the time, I thought it was stress…missing my cycle, the sickness. Having to see your brother like that, I-I…”
Steve frowned as she stuttered. This was hard for her, but this was Peggy. Strong, confident Peggy. He unwrapped her hands and took both of them into his own. “Peggy,” he’d never sounded so serious before. “Were you…hurt?”
Her eyes snapped to his and she frowned, opening and closing her mouth. “What? No, Steven, I was pregnant!”
His hands dropped hers and he sat back, staring at her.
Peggy didn’t need to say yes. He knew. Steve knew in his heart that she wouldn’t lie about this. No one should. And he could see it in the way Michael held the pencil with his right hand, the way he looked when he was concentrating on scribbling on the paper.
“Why didn’t you call?!” Steve furiously whispered, turning to look back at her. She almost looked close to tears, but he couldn’t help the betrayal he felt. The hurt. “Why didn’t you tell me?! An email. A text. Fuck, Pegs, even a letter!”
She sat there, looking impossibly small. Blinking harshly and Steve’s throat was tightening. He could feel his heart-shattering. When she didn’t reply, he continued, “I would’ve been there for you! I would’ve been by your side through it all! I would’ve supported you! Done everything I could! I would’ve moved there to be with you. I love you and you couldn’t even tell me that you were pregnant with my child?!”
If Peggy had an answer, Steve didn’t hear it. He was storming into the back of the bakery to clear his head. He needed to think. He felt incredibly guilty for yelling at Peggy but he was right in these feelings. He was betrayed. He was hurting. He had a goddamn child that he didn’t know of, who grew up so far not knowing him, and thought of him as a stranger and why?
Why hadn’t she told him? Did she not feel the same way? Was he that horrible of a boyfriend in high school that she didn’t trust him? Was she ashamed that her boyfriend had been American? The father of her son was some Yank?
A string of curses in Galiec left his lips as he rolled a piece of fondant out on the table, his hands shaking. What had he done so wrong that he’d not been allowed to be there for the birth of his son?
“Youse can’t say those words. Bad words. Stave?
The soft voice caused Steve to look up from where he was still bending over the metal table. He could feel the tears running down his cheeks, trying to dry his face off. For half a second, he thought it was Peggy but no…no, it was her son.
His son.
Back in this kitchen, where he wasn’t allowed.
Had Peggy taught him Gaelic? It was important to him, to cling to that part of his identity that his mother had taught him. That he loved his heritage and wanted to share it. She taught him that?
“Hey, buddy, whatcha doing back here? You can’t be back here.” He knelt down to look at the kid, seeing now how Michael had his freckles and his hair. Oh and that smile, that was his ma’s smile right there.
The boy thrusts a drawing at Steve’s chest with a bright smile. It was what he’d assume was the outside of his bakery, with its pretty fairy lights and potted plants. “I made dis. For you! Cause you’se got a pretty place and yummy cupcakes.”
His lips twitched into a smile as he rubbed his fingertips over the crayon. “It’s beautiful, buddy. Tell you what, I’ll put it up on the counter for everyone to see. Here, let’s get you back to your ma.” He picked up a sugar cookie, still warm, and passed it to the boy in trade for the paper.
Steve was a little stunned to see Peggy talking to his mother. His mother loved Peggy and said she was the daughter she never had. Her leaving had hurt his ma just as much as it had him. He was a little more stunned at seeing the sun setting. How long had he been back there crying and cursing?
“Look, mummy! Look!” Michael waved the multi-colored cookie at Peggy as he ran over to her, climbing into her lap.
“I see, Michael. Did you thank Steve?” The boy’s head nodded, shoving a bite of the cookie into his mouth. Her eyes slowly looked up to Steve before dropping back down. She whispered something to Michael and then Sarah before slipping Michael into her vacant seat.
Crossing over to Steve, she stood with a foot between them, looking up. Her eyes were rimmed pink, a telling show she was crying. Peggy hated to cry, especially in public.
“I fucked up. I can admit that. I have no grand story to tell you. I have no excuse beyond my own failure and my own fears.” She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes, her hands clenched behind her back to stable her emotions. Steve knew that sign. “When I realized I was pregnant, I panicked. My mother panicked. My brother panicked. My mother was a traditionalist and forbid me any contact with you. I allowed her to get into my head. I allowed her to control me in times of panic. I wanted you. I loved you. Hell, Steven, I love you. I should’ve come straight back home but I did not know what to do. Between Michael being dependent on me, my mother being dependent, and-and your career here. I couldn’t ruin any of that and I’m sorry. That’s all I can say. It takes away none of the damage I’ve done and I will forever be apologizing for that. I am not asking your forgiveness because I do not deserve it. I am not telling you to go bond with a-a boy whose a stranger to you and vise versa because you deserve to make that choice, I am-”
Steve cut her off, mid-sentence by closing the distance and capturing her mouth in his. By no doubt he was hurt, crushed, betrayed, still crying even but he couldn’t hear Peggy tear herself apart one more time.
“You talk too much, English,” he teased her, cupping her face. She opened her mouth and he shook his head. “Don’t. Am I hurt, betrayed, crushed? Whatever the hell you want to use, yes. God, yes I am. I won’t lie about that. But you have a child, you have my son and you went through all of that alone. You should’ve contacted me but you didn’t and now we both have to go through the consequences of that together. We have to work on that together. But I can understand why you didn’t with your mother…”
He sighed out of his nose and pressed their foreheads together, aware Peggy was crying at this point. Fuck, so was he. “I love you and never stopped and want to continue to love you. I want to get to know my son and…and…work on this. On us.” He pulled Peggy’s hand to his chest and squeezed it gently. “Let me take you to dinner – both of you.”
Peggy let out a blubbering sob and pressed her face into Steve’s chest. She sobbed to the point Steve’s entire weight was supporting hers, her arms wrapped around his waist and his around her shoulders. He rocked her side to side, kissing her temple. “I love you,” she whispered. “I love you and I will forever be making this up to you, Steve.”
Yes, Steve was hurt. Absolutely betrayed. This wouldn’t heal overnight either, but he was relieved. He knew how manipulative Peggy’s mother could be, always controlling her daughter and her desires and reflecting them onto her. She threw a fit when Peggy moved to Brooklyn and lived with the Rogers family for years for an international program. She was finally home, away from her clutches, and he could help take care of his son. Get to know his son. This would a while to heal from but Steve would. They’d heal together and find a perfect balance between them.
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gayllamafromspace · 4 years
Embrace Your Chaos
(Tissaia De Vries/Reader)
Chapter 1: Doubt Can Be Dangerous
"You are all conduits of chaos, the magical force controlled by mages..." the Rectoress begins. It is the first day of our lives in Aretuza, all of us were taken from our homes, because we are, as Rectoress said, "conduits of chaos," whatever the fuck that means. I was perfectly fine with my ordinary life. Daughter of a Lord, not a very well known one, but a lord nonetheless. I'm (Y/N) and the only thing important about me were my relations to my father and the money to my name. That is apparently until I performed some sort of magic, which I personally don't believe.
From what my younger brother told me, I allegedly "made the ouchie on his knee go bye-bye." All I did was kiss it and hold him until he fell asleep (ma had him brought to his room because he "could not walk", but I know that was horse shit), I mean really. Kissing boo-boos doesn't make them better, I'm sure it just wasn't as bad as he thought and it healed up quickly on it's own. Of course, somehow this "Rectoress of Aretuza" found out about my brother's story, and came to my father's estate. My father, being the backboneless lout he is sent me off without the blink of an eye. Didn't even make her pay for me, like most men would. I can't help but think that, if my mother had been home that day, maybe I would still be at home…
"(Y/N), are you not grateful for your opportunity here? Because you seem to care nothing for the opportunity you've been given." The Rectoress says, pulling me from my thoughts. I look at her blankly, opting to show no emotion. From my peripheral vision I can see that the eyes of seven other girls are on me. The Rectoress impatiently raps her fingers on the podium in front of her.
"Are you a mute? Or are you too daft to know when you're being spoken too?" She remarked, irritation evident in her voice. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out.
"I am not mute, and I know that you are talking to me." I say, she raises a brow clearly expecting more. I comply, assuming that if I don't I'll probably be turned into a toad or something.
"I was simply wondering why I am here, I clearly don't belong here. If magic, of any kind, really does exist, it's very unlikely that I would be able to do it" I continued, a bit of sass working its way into my tone, completely involuntarily. The Rectoress only laughs, bitterly and cold. She walks from behind her podium and comes to stand before mine, getting too close for comfort.
"If you doubt your power, then you doubt the judgement of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers. Such an offense is ignorant for anyone to partake in…. If you're so sure that we are wrong, why don't you prove it." She says, almost too happy to put me on display. No doubt she is hoping I will embarrass myself with refusal. Most of these girls would. Me being me, I give her a cocky smile step away from her. I can see what I think is a flash of shock in her eyes.
"Alright, Rectoress, what will you have me do?" I say slyly, using a trick I learned from observing my father's court. When you want to get your point across, be confident in your actions - if not cocky. People love confidence. False or not.
"Well… your brother seems to think that you used magic to heal his scraped knee." the rectoress grabs a random girl from the circle, a girl at about my height and age, maybe older.
"You will heal this one." In a quick movement, the Rectoress grabs a sharp stone from off of one of the seven podiums and drags it across the young girl's flesh, creating a relatively deep and nasty gash on her forearm. When the rectoress let go of the girl she pushed her towards me and turned away as if the screaming and crying of the girl meant nothing.
"You have one week (Y/N), if she dies because of your inability to use chaos, consider your argument won. Leave us." the Rectoress announces, with a dismissive tone. I bare my teeth and try my damnedest to stifle my anger. 'How can someone be so cruel? This girl did nothing to deserve this…' I think to myself as I escort the young mage to my room, applying pressure to gash on her arm. Her wailing and screams of pain chills me to the bone. She thrashes about a bit, which only makes it harder for me.
"I'm sorry…" I whisper to her. "We're almost there."
When we arrive to my room, I can already tell that she's lost too much blood. 'How am I supposed to save her within a week if she's doomed to bleed out on the first day!' I think frantically, ripping some fabric from my dress and tying it tightly around her wound, she screams even louder, causing everything in my room to shake. I bite my lip, ignoring the pain in my ears from the shrill sound. Upon finishing the last knot and take a step back, breathing heavily. Feeling like I've been struck in the chest, I watch as the girl cries and coughs painfully.
"I… I'm sorry…" I say, not knowing what to do. All I really can do right now is hope that her bleeding slows and that she calms down enough to let me try and heal her. She looks at me, in a dazed and tired way, her eyes are still pricked with tears ready to fall. But behind them, I can see a burning hatred, it's almost as if I can feel the fire from her gaze. Those icy eyes… how much hate have they held before looking at me…. I blink a few times, trying to clear my head, and kneel down beside her.
"I know you hate me for this, and I truly am sorry, but if you're going to live, you have to work with me." I say, she continues to glare at me, but gives the slightest of nods. I hold back a breath of relief and avert my gaze to the wall. I don't know how much more I can stand looking into those eyes. She makes me want to slit my own throat for doing this to her. It's all my fault. If I had just listened when I was supposed to, if only I hadn't challenged the Rectoress. This girl would be fine, she would be in the lesson, devoid of all pain… no threat of death looming over her head.
I begin to cry, I plead and apologize for what I've done to her.
"I-i… I am so sorry… I never wanted- hic- this to happen… I didn't know… I'm glad you hate me… I d-deserve to be hated. I don't know if I can save you, I-" I ramble and sob, until she places her other hand over my mouth, and says to me in a pained and venomous tone,
"Stop your whining you idiot. I'd rather bleed out right now then deal with your sad little self-deprecating monologue…" she takes a deep breath, baring her teeth. "... if you are going to help me, you better do it fast. I will help you… at least I was actually paying attention to what our Rectoress was saying."
I look at her, at a loss for words, So close to death, and she's still pushing on. With such bold determination, I nod in agreement.
"What do I need to do?" I ask her pleadingly. She blinks slowly, clearly trying her hardest not to fall asleep.
"For starters, you could help me to lay down, this position isn't the most comfortable." She says heavily. As quickly, and gently as I can, I lie her down, placing her head gently on my pillow and elevating her slightly. I look at her to see if she this is sufficient and she nods.
"Now what? How do I stop the bleeding?" I ask after looking down at her arm and seeing that she has bled through the fabric and it's starting to soak into the sheets of my bed.
"Tie another piece of fabric above the wound, it will slow it down…" her eyes lull slightly and she appears to be close to going unconscious.
"NO no nonono! You are NOT falling asleep, stay awake damn it!" I yell at her while fiddling with my dress and trying to get another strip of fabric. The girl widens her eyes and looks over to me deliriously, clearly out if it. She won't be anymore help… it's up to me.
"Okay okay… stay awake please!" I exclaim, frantically tying the new strip of fabric on her upper arm as tightly as possible, trying to slow the circulation of blood to her arm. The girl hisses in pain and turns her head to the side. Quickly, I step away from her and and pace frantically.
These people believe that I healed my brother, and the Rectores thinks I could do it again, but his injury was just a small scrape, if I even did heal him, healing a deep gash would be a thousand times harder to do. All I need to do right now is think of how I can help her without wasting my time on magic… I need to replace her bandage, it'll do no good to keep the current one on. I go over to the bedside table and search for a soft cloth, or even something cotton on the off chance. All that I found were a few wash rags.
It'll have to do. I take her former bandage off and set it to the side, moving quickly, I soak one of the wash rags with water and squeeze some of it out. I return to the young mage's side and dab at the wound, which elicits a whimper from her. Thankfully it's stopped bleeding so horribly and is much easier to clean now. Once I've cleared away as much dry blood and germs as I could, I fold another cloth and press it into place, being sure to apply enough pressure so that in case she does start bleeding out again, it won't be as bad. After soaking and cleaning the old fabric to the best of my abilities, I bind the wash rag to her wound with it.
With a deep breath, I take a seat in the chair residing in the corner of the room. She should be fine for the time being, I'll have time to think. 'How did I heal my brother, if I did so in the first place.' I think to myself. 'It's not like it was a conscious thing, all I did was kiss his knee and hold him. I didn't like him being hurt, I wanted him to get better, even if it was a tiny scrape' I pause for a moment in my thinking. I had wanted my brother get feel better, desired it. What if it was my desire to heal him, just me trying to to actually do magic. My eyes widen. I was wrong, I may actually have this "chaos" that the Rectoress was talking about, she seems to know quite a bit about what she's talking about, and seeing as how she was so confident in hurting the girl, I think she may know that I'll be able to heal her.
But how? I didn't pay attention to her lesson, how could I possibly heal her without knowing how. Well, when I healed my brother, it was all desire. I want to heal this girl, very badly, but what if it's not just desire, what if it's my bind with them? My brothers loves me, and I love him, but this girl hates me, I am the reason she's in this mess. And if I can't heal her, then wait happens? Do I suffer just like her, do I go back home? If she dies, her life is in my hands, everything she could never do, never he, would be my fault. I will ruin her life, simply because I didn't want to believe I belonged here. It's truly a shame, she's such a lovely girl, she has a dominant spark in her too. So rare in today's world, where women are seen and not heard, sometimes not even seen.
I look over to her once more, she's fallen asleep, but she should be fine. None of her blood has leaked through her new bandages, and she's starting to get her coloring back. Minus of course her arm, it's so pale, I'll need to loosen the bind stopping her blood, or she loose it. I get up and take off the turkit. I should probably sleep... making my way back over to the chair, I sit down and get comfortable. I just hope she lasts until morning.
Slowly, I fall asleep. Eyes heavy and body weak, it's not long before I'm drug into a slumber.
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ethelphantom · 5 years
Aroma Mocha
So, I'm still kinda sorry about the previous fic, but maybe this coffee shop AU for day 20 makes up for it. 5k of pure humour and fluff, angst nowhere to be seen, I swear. Seriously, I give you my word, you will not need to cry tears of sadness here. Maybe scream at your screen because these two are idiots but like it's still just humour and fluff so.... But yeah. Have fun! Also remember that if you want to be tagged to my Daminette December still, just hit me up! (Or possibly this AU, if I decide to continue it because it was so fun to write.)
This is Maribat -- don’t like; don’t read.
Damian walked (if you asked anyone else, they would have told you he stormed in rather than calmly walked) into the shop with a scowl on his face, mostly to escape from the horrible weather outside. The bell chimed above his head as he pushed the door open, and immediately he could sense the air in the shop was both sweet and bitter as it enveloped him.
“Hello and welcome to Aroma Mocha! What can I get for you today, sir?” the young woman behind the counter said, a wide smile on her face. Damian could definitely see why it was called the Aroma Mocha, the entire space was filled with different aromas. Somehow, none of them clashed with each other.
“Hi… I’d like to have a mochaccino, please,” he decided rather quickly, quite sure that was what his brother had called the coffee he got Damian last time they were in a coffee shop.
“Sure! Name?”
“Great! You want to drink it here or are you going to take it with you?”
Damian noted the strong French accent the woman had. She’d probably moved here only lately. Maybe if she seemed to struggle with English at all, he’d change to French for her.
“I’ll have it here, thanks.”
“Alright. That would be five dollars, please.”
Damian took out his wallet and gave her the amount she asked for, putting the same amount of money to the tips jar on the counter. She flashed a bright smile at him, and he really wasn’t sure whether it was the most annoying or the most wonderful thing he’d seen all day. Perhaps it was both.
“Great. You can either wait here ot find yourself a table, I’ll call your name soon, monsieur.”
And there was the first slip-up with languages. Goodness. It’s not like it never happened to him, but it was regardless a little frustrating. He decided he was going to pay attention to her English and change to French if it continued for too long.
(Spoiler alert, he never did.)
After a few minutes of waiting and going through his new notifications, the woman was back.
“A mochaccino for… Daemon!”, the barista called and set the cup on the counter before she went back to her job.
And did she really just call him “Daemon”? No, that was unlikely. Maybe it was just her accent that made him hear thi— aaaaannnd she totally said Daemon. That was the name written on the cup.
Well, that was fine. Maybe she just heard something wrong. It’s not like she did it out of spite or anything. Besides, the coffee was quite good, so that compensated for it.
A few days later, he came back to Aroma Mocha. He’d all of a sudden found himself craving the mochachino the barista had made — though Damian would never admit that to any soul, especially not a living one and perhaps not even a dead one — and hoped she was there to make him more of it.
“Oh hi, welcome back! What can I get you this time?” the young woman said, spinning around to see who had entered the shop. She seemed to recognise him immediately.
“I’d like the same kind of mochaccino as last time, please. Again, my name is Damian,” he said, his tone rather cold. He was irritated from having to deal with his brothers for the entire day and right now, even the idea of getting called by the wrong name was more than a little annoying. If he was taking it out a little on the barista, well, it didn't matter to him.
A strained (and yet somehow bright — Damian was sure any normal person would consider it a genuine one) smile on her face, the barista replied, “Yes, of course, sir.”
He nearly missed the flashing smirk on her face, gone as soon as it had appeared. If Damian had been someone else and not as used to having to pay attention to the shifts in others’ expressions, if he wasn’t sure he’d seen it on her face, he would have likely convinced himself he was just seeing things. But, as it was, he knew it had been there, even if only for the mere second. Well, maybe it didn’t mean anything.
“A coffee for Daymein!”
And yes, there was definitely a wrong name on the cup, but as no one else made a move to get it either, he decided it was his. Once again, the drink was heavenly. The woman’s ability to spell his name was not.
But, two was still just a coincidence. He didn’t pay much mind to it aside from his light annoyance.
Third time was definitely a pattern.
He was getting more and more irritated. He’d been to the coffee shop thrice now, and every time the same barista got his name wrong. Even so, he was too stubborn to leave since she made excellent coffee (though Drake wouldn’t agree with him on that, he said it was rather a milkshake than actual coffee), and besides, now that she’d done it already three times, Damian was determined to make sure she called him by his actual name at least once. He would not leave before that, not even if it took him months.
“So, the same as last time? Or do you want to try something else this time?” the barista asked, smiling at him like she always did. Damian checked her name from the name tag. “Mari,” it said.
“Well, what would you recommend, Marie?” he asked, revelling in the offended look he got from her. What was bad was that seconds later it turned into a smirk and there was mischievous laughter in her eyes, and Damian was sure that meant he was in it now.
“Do you prefer the sugary, less coffee-like things more, or would you like to try an actual coffee for once?” she asked, her tone teasing. Drake would probably love her and get along with her faster than he could say coffee. Yeah, he was not going to let them meet. Mari arched her eyebrow, her stance clearly challenging him. Well, who was he to turn down a challenge? No real Wayne and no true Al Ghul would ever turn down a challenge, no way.
“I would like to have more of an actual coffee, as you called it, miss.”
“Would you rather get an americano or a long black? Or perhaps something else?”
He was certain she made sure he would catch on the way she mentioned the — long black, was it? — coffee earlier, daring him to try. He wouldn’t back down now, no way.
“A long black sounds good.”
“Great, I’ll have your drink prepared as soon as possible.”
A guy with blue hair took over the counter as she whispered something to him and started making the coffee. The guy looked over to him with a nearly unnoticeable smirk on his face before he turned to the new customer, his tone sweet but strong. The girl ordering the drink nearly swooned.
“A long black for Damodar ,” she called.
Oh it was on.
This time Damian had to admit the victory was Mari’s as he nearly spit out his coffee, hating every second of it. He was simply unable to not drink it as he could feel her shooting glances and gloating grins disguised as sweet smiles his way every now and then. He had no other choice.
When he came in for the fourth time, he decided to take the same drink, simply asking for an even stronger version of it. Marinette raised her brow, surprised and suspicious of him. He was sure she knew how it had affected him the previous time, but there was no way he was admitting he couldn’t stand it. Maybe he would just dumb a whole lot of sugar in there when she wasn’t looking so he could handle it better.
“Et mademoiselle Marilène , for the record, my name’s Damian.”
Her eye twitched even as she kept on smiling. “I’m sorry, D’occasion, what was that you were saying? I couldn’t hear you properly because you spoke so quietly.”
Damian couldn’t remember the last time he got as strong of an urge to turn on his heel and march away as he did right then and there. He didn’t, though, as he was not ready to admit victory to the girl now, if ever. If it meant he was going to keep coming there until she quit her job or called him by the correct name, he was not going to give up. It wasn’t like he didn’t have the money to keep doing so anyway.
The fifth time Damian asked for a new drink.
“Oh, pretty boy couldn’t take his drink after all? Luka, tu me dois 10 euros, j'ai gagné.”
The blue haired man groaned though there was still a smile on his face. “D’accord, Ma-Ma-Marinette.”
So both of them were French. How great.
Damian ended up cutting off the two of them and tried to make himself sound like he really hadn’t minded the strong, disgusting coffee, all the while noting the way the other barista had called Mari. Maybe he could use it one day? “I would simply like to try something new. Anything else you’d like to suggest?”
Mari smiled, a knowing glint dancing in her eyes. “Well, since you clearly didn’t enjoy strong black coffee, I’m gonna propose you try vienna. It is still strong, but it has whipped cream in it so it smoothes out the taste a little. How’s that sound?”
Damian bit back from commenting on her grammar (it was difficult, but he managed, somehow) as he considered her suggestion. It did sound more enjoyable than the previous one anyway. “Alright, I’ll take that.”  
The woman looked victorious as he accepted her suggestion before she went to make his coffee. She also seemed so thoughtful he was sure she was trying to come up with a new name to call him. This time he was prepared though. As she picked up a pen, he opened his mouth, “I’m sure you have a hard time spelling my name, seeing as you aren’t from around here, but I can help you. It’s spelled D-A-M-I-A-N. Damian. Should be very simple and easy even with your brain, miss barista.”
So, maybe he was being an asshole, but this woman had misspelled his name enough many times to justify it, alright. If she was offended, she managed to conceal it very well.
“A vienna for Dandin,”, she called out a few minutes later.
It was his turn to be offended. She was holding out the drink instead of leaving it on the counter this time, and as he took it from her, she leaned forwards and whispered so quietly even he could only barely hear, “payback, you crétin.” He couldn’t even say anything back anymore, his pride wouldn’t allow him. Besides, maybe he deserved it.
Yeah, but even so, he was not letting it go.
It went on and on, and she came up with a lot of new names while at it. Somehow, she’d even gotten the man with hair dyed blue in it, as the few times Mari hadn’t been there and this Luka had, he’d called out Dandy, Danail and Damijan. At least those were closer to his actual name.
That once when he’d told her his name was Damian Wayne and managed to got all of the attention of the cafe, she’d simply laughed and written Devin Wayne on his cup, muttering something about a “Lila”... or was it a “liar”? He hadn’t been able to tell (he did make a mental note to investigate it later, though). Instead, he’d come fuming back to the manor and thrown one of their less valuable mugs against a wall. Alfred hadn’t been happy or impressed but let him go soon after he had cleaned up his mess.
Then there was that one time when his family insisted on coming with him because of how much time he liked to spend in the cafe at Aroma Mocha at this point.
(“If you, who couldn’t stand actual coffee like a month and a half ago are now craving so much coffee that you go to that coffee shop like every day and even then end up stealing my coffee, I have to know what they serve you there,” Drake had decided and then called the rest of the family over, informing them of his plan. They agreed in a blink and went to dress up. He didn’t stand a chance for a second.)
As soon as they entered, Mari smiled at them with the smile she’d worn on her face when they first met, only letting Damian see behind that mask, only letting him know how she truly felt at the moment. He scowled. She was winning and she knew it.
And she knew that he knew it as well.
“Hello and welcome to Aroma Mocha! It’s nice to see new faces come with older every once in a while! Is this your family, Dames?” she asked with an overly sweet tone and tilted her head to the side, smiling all the while.
“Oohh, is she the reason you just keep coming here?”, Grayson asked while Todd was staring at him with eyes wide before voicing everyone’s thought of “ Dames?!” out loud in disbelief. The only one that looked more shocked about it than Todd was his father. It was understandable — no one else could call him by any nicknames, but somehow this small French girl was able to do that without losing the use of both or at least one of her wrists right then and there.
He was never going to hear the end of this.
“Shut up. I didn’t ask any of you to come.”
“What can I get you all?”
As they listed off their orders (Cass got a mocha by pointing at it on the menu, a triple espresso for Tim (at that point she had wondered out loud whether he was actually related to “Dames” or not as he couldn’t drink that much espresso even if he tried — and he had tried, alright — to which she’d been immediately told they were adopted siblings, Tim being the adopted one), Duke ordered a freddo, Jason wanted a ca phe sua da, Dick asked for a galao, his father requested to get a ristretto, Stephanie wanted an iced americano and ended up joking something about Captain America, an iced coffee with salted caramel for Barbara, and Alfred, well. Alfred told Mari he would like to have an Irish coffee after he took one look at the idiots that were the Wayne family), Damian stayed in the back, grumbling and arms crossed over his chest.  
“Alright, are you all going to pay for your respective drinks, do you pay in groups or will one of you pay for all of them?”, she asked, ready with the debit card device in her hand.
“But— Damian didn’t order yet?”
The woman looked at Damian and arched her eyebrow, waiting for him to explain. It needed to come from him, they both knew that, as she was still a barista and the worker here. Sighing, Damian resigned to his fate and told his family what it was about. “Marielle and I at some point ended up going with her just making something for me based on how I’ve liked the previous ones until I decide something was what I wanted more of. It probably happened after the sixth time I changed what I wanted.”
Damian smirked as Mari frowned and looked offended. What reassured him she still was definitely in the game (and unlikely to complain to his family at any point) was the snicker he could hear as she was writing one of the names to a cup. Likely his.
“Well, I guess that’s fine then. I’ll pay for all of them”, his father said and took out his card, ready to pay. Once he was done, she waved her colleague (this time it was an Asian young woman with black hair and a neutral expression on her face instead of the blue-haired guy — unfortunately, she too spoke French, which meant he had to endure even more of them now) to help her. Understandable, as they had ordered a lot. Neither seemed to either care about who they were or they didn’t even recognise them. He wasn’t sure which option was more amusing.
And surely, when they were calling them to get their drinks, Mari left his drink the last and made sure he was looking at her in the eye as she called his name. “A raf coffee with extra milk to Dennis!”
The receipt in Damian’s hands crumbled as he heard the name. No matter how horrible the other names had been, this one took the cake. He couldn’t believe she’d thought that Dennis of all the names would fit him in the least. It wasn’t even close to his own name. And, of course, as his luck would have it, none of the other names were misspelled, and they were all written with elegant calligraphy except for his, that was simply written well enough for him to know she had done it again. Totally on purpose.
(Damian wasn’t sure whether the first time they had met she had actually simply heard his name wrong or if she’d already decided back then that she would call him with any names she could come up with. Considering it had been quite the while since, he decided it was probably that she’d gotten better at spelling names unfamiliar to her.)
The flabbergasted expressions on his family’s faces were delightful to see though. They had been talking about how sweet the girl was and how nice it was of her to make their cups look so nice (all of them also had a small doodle on them, courtesy of his barista — wait, his? — as the other woman had given them to Mari for her to scribble something on them), only for them to hear her call Damian “Dennis”.
And he didn’t get mad at her, he didn’t yell at her, he didn’t even correct her. He only scowled and with a grunt, went to get his coffee (Mari winked at him. Goddamnit. Judging by his Grayson’s knowing smile, they had also seen that). The drink was amazing once again, though.
“What… what did you do to the girl if she calls you that?”, Barbara asked after a beat of silence.
Leave it to his family to take the side of a girl they’ve met for the first time over their family member of many years.
“I didn’t do anything to he—”, he insisted but got cut off by Brown who shook her head in disappointment.
“Damian, you’re like a little brother to me and all, but I can’t believe you’d offend a girl so horribly that she calls you by the wrong name on purpose. You didn’t even protest, so you must understand you did something to her as well.”
Damian groaned and swore he was never coming back here with his family again.
It continued on and on.
“How does a cafe affogato sound?”, she asked without lifting her eyes when he arrived one day. How she knew it was him without looking, he wasn’t sure, but that was fine. He was getting used to it.
“Sure, Marybell.”
“What ice cream?”
“Whatever you think fits the best.”
Somehow, their routine of Damian ordering a coffee Mari chose for him and then her writing down a wrong name once again had become comfortable even though he still tried to get her to write his real name on the cup at least once. He needed that victory since Mari had won so many times. Well, she won most of the time, if he was being honest. By that point he knew that he would still keep coming by even if he did win for once.
“A cafe affogato for Deneb!”
“Thanks, Marine.”
“Hey, you got close to my name for once.”
“Damn it.”
And then there was that one day when she’d called him “Dami”. Upon arriving home, he’d stormed in, bringing the attention of everyone in the manor in the vicinity to him.
“I can’t believe her!”
“What did Teacup do now?”
“She— Wait, Grayson, what do you mean Teacup?”
“I became friends with her a while back. She’s cool. Bakes way better than anyone her age should. Loves and values designing more than her own life. Anyway, continue your story.”
Damian spluttered (and he could swear that was the most mortifying moment in his life even after years to come) before composing himself. “She called me Dami today. Dami!”
“You— you sound way too scandalised about this. What’s the problem? It’s way closer to your name than, say, Dennis, and sounds like a nice nickname in general”, Drake said, chugging down his (umpteenth cup of) coffee as he walked past (only god knows how many he’d already had). “Also I agree with Dick, Cupcake’s great. She makes the best coffee — sorry Alfred,” he said, smiling sheepishly.
“That is quite alright, Master Tim. Her skills at making it are truly limitless.”
Drake beamed at him. Beamed.
“You’re only friends with her because she knows how to brew good coffee.”
“That is so not true, Duke!”
“Oh yeah, Pixie Pop’s definitely the best,” Todd declared from where he was sitting and reading yet another book.
“Are all of you friends with her?”
“Yep”, Brown told him, suddenly appearing from behind him and then promptly plopping down on the couch next to Todd. “We all decided to get to know her after that encounter in the shop. But do explain why her calling you Dami is so horrible? Like Tim said, it’s closer to your actual name than many of the others she’s called you, shouldn’t you be happy? Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to get her to do for ages now?”
“But that’s precisely the problem!”
Everyone and everything around him stopped, slowly turning to face him.
“She never misses an opportunity to call me by some random name that is only remotely close to my own, yet she didn’t take it. There must be something wrong with her! Maybe she’s sick or someone must have truly offended her or she’s dying or—”
A beat.
“Are you fucking serious? You interrupted a perfectly good book because you were worried about Pixie Pop? God, Demon Spawn, I’m glad you’ve finally developed a crush on someone and as long as you don’t hurt her, go off and ask her out, but this is Jon’s job. He’s your best friend. You can fret about your crush to him.”
“A crush?”
“A crush, Damian. You like her. Romantically,” Dick explained on the behalf of Todd.
“No I don’t— Oh my god I like Mari why did none of you tell me?”
“We just did!”
Mari was back to calling him weird names the next day. Damian breathed out a sigh of relief. She was alright.
(And Jon had had a field day when Damian had called him because finally his best friend was crushing on someone and he couldn’t wait to try and help him come up with plans to woo said crush.)
One day he had stepped into Aroma Mocha barely awake and simply went straight to a table and nearly fallen asleep there. He had even forgotten to order a coffee. Three minutes later, someone walked up to him and placed a coffee in front of him along with a cupcake. Damian lifted his eyes to the stranger, ready to tell them to fuck off and go away, only for him to meet the eyes of Mari above him.
“I didn’t… order these?” It came out more as a question than a statement, much to Damian’s dismay. Oh well.
“I know, Dalimil, but you need to get something to stay here. Also you look like you got run over by a bus and like you haven’t slept in three weeks, worse than Tim usually does, which is precisely why here’s a salted caramel cupcake and a chai latte with added caffeine in it.” Her voice remained stern as she pushed the cup closer to him. “You’re welcome, by the way, Damir.”
“I’ll come pay soon—”
“No you won’t. It’s on me, because that’s what friends do. You can give me good tips some day to make up for it though if you want to.”
That sounded nice.
Damian made sure he gave Mari three times the amount of money he had to pay for his coffee the next time he came by as tips. She had stared at him like she’d seen a ghost but to her credit, she never said anything about it or tried to refuse it.
After another few weeks, Damian finally gave up on getting his favourite (when had that happened anyway?) barista to spell his name correctly. If he only got her to spell some name correctly he gave her, that would be good enough. He’d once told her his name was Han Solo (in his defense, Dick had made the entire family watch all of the Star Wars movies in two days and that was the first name he could think of), and well, she had most definitely not disappointed and once again had twisted the name.
Mari had ended up writing ‘Handsome Squidward on his cup. Damian had barely managed to groan before he shaking his head fondly at her. He’d been far too tired to be able to react more strongly. Once again she had ended up putting extra caffeine shots in his coffee. Damian was no longer sure whether he was addicted to the caffeine or seeing Mari — or perhaps both. ‘Both’ was a likelier correct answer.
“Soo, what’s it today? You’ve gone through just about everything in our menu by now. Do you want to have something you’ve already tasted before or do you want me to still find a new thing I think you might like?”
“Maybe something you think I may like. Thank you, Mary.”
He noticed the fond smile on her face right away, though it took a few seconds to actually register. For once, he couldn’t see mischief in her eyes, nor did she look like she was planning on some grand scheme like she usually did. It was nice, he decided, seeing her like this.
(They both knew it was just for show at this point.)
Damian considered it for a second. He wanted her to spell the name — any name — he gave her correctly at least once, but it took him a moment to come up with one. While he enjoyed their routine of calling one another by weird, incorrect names, but he still needed that damned victory at least this one time. After that, he wouldn’t care.
She couldn’t misspell that one unless she decided to mess with him even more and use a completely different name — after all, only a handful of people would dare to even accidentally disrespect Batman in Gotham, and she didn’t seem to be one to do so.
Mari rolled her eyes and told him to go wait for his drink. He did.
“A special coffee for Batman,” she called, trying to contain her laughter. Damian decided it was kind of adorable. At least she used the name he’d given her for once. Victory.
“Here you go, Mister ‘Yes I definitely am Batman himself, I even wear the correct ever present scowl on my face, there’s no way I’m not him’. I hope you enjoy it,” she said chuckling and handed him his drink. She was warm as their hands brushed against each other and Damian could have almost sworn that there was a spark between them at the touch.
“I am fairly sure I will, Miss ‘I can never make a bad coffee unless it’s black and I try to make you suffer as much as possible on purpose’. Thank you very much.”
Damian went to sit down and drank it, finding it was better than anything he’d tasted before. This was what he wanted to have more of. It was just sweet enough to make him want more, but not too sweet so he could easily have a dessert alongside it if he wanted to. It also tasted more like coffee than the mochaccino he had started with had tasted like. Bitter, but not enough to make him gag.
In short, he absolutely loved it.
Then he noticed scribbles on the cup from the corner of his eye. Damian turned it around in his hands and flushed red as he read the text written on it.
Damian W. <3
Call/text me *** ***-**** xoxo
— Marinette
To put it simply, he was irritated. Not only had she not written down the name he’d given her again, but she had also written his actual name which was something he’d been trying to make her do for months now. To make it more complicated, yes, he was irritated but also absolutely smitten with her.
And god if he wasn’t ecstatic to find out she liked him back.
So, seeing as Damian liked her a lot even if he was frustrated with her and it was her that took initiative, he took his phone out of his pocket and texted the number he gave her. It didn’t take long before his phone went off and he got a reply. A quick glance at her confirmed she was on her phone and smiling at it.
DW: Hello. (12.18 pm)
MDC: heya ! i’m glad you decided to message me ! (12.20 pm)
DW: Of course I did. You’re my friend and I also like you. (12.21 pm)
DW: Although I doubt you should be on your phone during work. (12.21 pm)
MDC: your fault for texting me during work (12.24 pm)
MDC: anyway (12.24)
DW: Your fault for giving me your number and not telling me when your shift ends. (12.25 pm)
MDC: ANYWAY (12.25 pm)
MDC: did you like the coffee I made you ? (12.26 pm)
DW: Yes, I did. What was that? I would like to have it again, although not right now, since I just finished it. (12.27 pm)
MDC: I made it specially for you. can’t find it on the menu. I’m glad to hear you liked it ! (12.36 pm)
DW: I am honored that you decided to do that. I truly appreciate it, Angel. (12.37 pm)
DW: Or should I call you Marinette? Or Mari? Please tell me I am not making you uncomfortable. (12.39 pm)
MDC: dw about it ! you can call me whatever you want as long as I get to call you mine ! (12.42 pm)
MDC: wai t what (12.42 pm)
MDC: hey anyway I had an actual reason to give you my number (12.43 pm)
MDC: date today at 6 ? we could meet up here once my shift’s done and over with (12.46 pm)
Damian looked over to the counter, only to find Marinette already looking at him — and, with a smile (that damned smile that was too adorable for her own good), she winked at him. She was going to be the death of him if she kept on being like this.
Smiling, he turned back to his phone and started typing.
DW: A date sounds great. I’ll see you at 6, then, Angel. (12.51 pm)
Dandin -- dimwit, buffoon, idiot D'occasion -- second-hand, used Tu me dois 10 euros, j'ai gagné -- You owe me ten euros, I won D'accord -- Alright
@ladysblackcat @daminett4life @tinyterror333 @annabellabrookes @7-sage-7 @theyellowfeverexperience @thethirdwheelfriend @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @kris-pines04 @daminette-december2019 @bluerosette23
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thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
I love?? Sniper's mom?? Familial stuff just kills me in the best way. Could you do something with Spy and Scout from before Spy had left his family 👉👈 ?
im gonna just hope that you’re familiar enough with the Running Blind canon that you have any fuckin idea who the brothers are because they make a pretty steady amount of appearance in this. i call spy by my head canon for his first name (Marcel) since he wouldn’t be called spy until he joined the team, and uhhh one or two other details in this are slightly off-base for the RB canon but like don’t worry about it i don't think it’ll come up
(no warnings)
“Ma chou-fleur,” he greeted, sweeping her in with one arm and planting a kiss on her cheek.
“Marcel!” Ma chided, smacking him on the arm with a dish towel, practically jumping out of her skin. “You scared me! When did you get home?!”
“A few minutes ago,” he replied, smirking, sidestepping to give her access to the dishes she was cleaning off. “I see I missed breakfast.”
“Pot’s on the stove,” she said, ticking her head in the direction of said pot, which at a glance seemed to be full of oatmeal. “Oh, could you—?”
He was already on it, moving to lift the baby from the high chair to carry him against his hip. “Mon lapin, look at you, you’re old enough now that you don’t make such a mess,” he joked, picking up a napkin from the table and wiping off the corner of his mouth before moving to set him down by the couch where he had apparently been playing with blocks at some point. He immediately set to trying to climb the couch as best as his little legs could handle.
“Oh, did I tell you?” Ma asked over the sound of running water and an argument happening elsewhere in the apartment. “Jeremy’s walking now!”
“Already?” he asked, looking down at him with surprise. “He was trying last I saw, not making it very far.”
“Tony’s been helping him,” she laughed, washing off and setting aside the last dish and starting to work on the glasses.
“Ma, where’s my backpack?” called Jack, pulling on his jacket by the door and casting around.
“Ask your dad,” she called back, gesturing with her dish towel for emphasis.
“Not my dad,” Jack mumbled, brushing past him to kick around the couch.
“I know,” Marcel said, a little defensive. He glanced around. “Under the table.”
Jack didn’t say thanks, just picking up the backpack and moving out the door.
“Don’t forget your brother!” Ma called before he could shut it.
“Hurry up!” Jack called into the apartment, and Henry darted through the door after him a second later, one shoe only half-on, his hair a mess. Henry hardly had time to call a goodbye to them before the door shut heavily behind them.
Marcel sighed, and Ma gave him a sympathetic glance. The moment was cut short a little bit as another of the boys came into the living room and spotted him.
“Dad, when did you get home—?” Archie started asking, eyes lighting up.
“Je ne parles pas anglais,” Marcel said, raising an eyebrow at him.
Archie frowned, thought hard. “Uh. Quand... es, tu... rentré... à le mansion, papa?” he asked slowly.
“La maison,” he corrected lightly.
“La maison,” Archie repeated back.
“Bien!” he praised, smiling wide. “And only a few minutes ago.” He paused. “Are you going to come hug me or not? Make up your mind.”
Archie darted over to hug him tightly around the middle, and he returned it as best he could with the height difference.
“Why are you home early?” Ma asked, towelling off her hands, the last of the dishes rinsed.
“Business went very smoothly, I was able to book a flight for early this morning rather than late tonight,” he replied, and the glance between the two of them was enough to fill in the rest of the blanks. “The boys are all doing good?”
“Twins caught a cold,” Ma replied, wincing a little.
“Oh no!” he exclaimed, expression falling.
“Means I cancelled the babysitter and called for a day off,” she continued.
“Oh no?” he said next, raising an eyebrow at her and smiling a little.
“Don’t be gross,” Archie mumbled from his midsection.
“There is absolutely nothing gross about my being in love with my wife and enjoying spending time with her and my family,” Marcel said lightly, patting him on the head.
Archie grumbled about that, and he laughed. Ma shook her head and the both of them.
“Ah, but I nearly forgot!” Marcel said, and glanced off. “Collin!”
A pause. “What?” Collin called back hesitantly from the boys’ collective room.
“Get out here,” he called next, rolling his eyes a little.
A very considerable pause before Collin peeked out the door and looked at him. “Yeah?” he asked, expression already guilty. Archie pointedly went to go pay attention to the baby, helping him stack some blocks.
“Mon poulet, you would not happen to know what happened to my cufflinks, would you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
Collin didn’t maintain eye contact. “...No,” he tried.
“Oh. Well, perhaps you can go look for them wherever it was that you happened to “find” them last time they went missing,” he asked even more pointedly. “Maybe they ended up there again somehow.”
Collin nodded and disappeared again quickly.
“You know he keeps taking them because he misses you,” Ma said, voice hushed.
“Ma petite chou-chou, he keeps taking the one thing I only have one set of,” he replied. “If he stole ties like you do, it would be less of a problem.”
“I dunno what you’re talkin’ about,” she said flatly, and that got him to smile at least.
The sound of blocks falling. “Uh,” Archie said. “Oops.”
A pause of a second or two before Jeremy started crying.
Marcel was there in a moment, scooping him up to hold him. “Oh no!” he exclaimed, just as dramatic, tone full of just as much dismay as the crying baby, pressing comforting kisses to the side of his head. “Catastrophe! Calatime! Mon dieu, how could this happen?!”
Jeremy seemed distressed, holding his hand up close to his face protectively. There was a tiny knick where a block had fallen on the back of his tiny hand.
“Crushed by debris, horrible injury,” Marcel tutted, and pressed a few kisses to the injury in question. “Mon lapin, we have no choice but to amputate. Hopefully you will do well being left-handed.”
Jeremy seemed to be calming down quickly as he both realized that maybe he was actually okay and also that his dad agreed that the situation seemed kind of scary for a minute.
“Unless it seems alright? Perhaps you were really okay?” he asked pointedly, raising his eyebrows. “Maybe the world is not ending? The arm can be saved?”
Jeremy started to suck on his thumb, reached with his other hand to grab hold of his jacket.
“Ah, you’re just an actor,” Marcel teased, beeped his nose, shook his head when he giggled in response.
“Archie, sweetheart, could you help me out and dry the dishes while I check on your brothers?” Ma asked, two wet towels in hand as she moved towards the boys’ room.
“Okay,” Archie agreed, and Marcel continued to hold the baby for a few seconds before deciding to go say hello to the rest of the boys, putting him back down to play with his blocks.
The baby was not having any of it, making little noises of distress and not letting go of his jacket. “Mon lapin, yes, I love you too, but I do not want to take you in to see your brothers and get sick,” he chided. “You should stay out here.”
The baby made further distressed noises.
“How about I bring your brother to see you, he can teach you to walk some more, oui?” he tried. “Would you like to play with Tony?”
He seemed to be thinking very hard about that concept, but did not let go of his jacket.
“Okay,” he sighed, straightening up, still holding the baby. “Okay. We can both go. You’ve convinced me.”
“Losing an argument with a baby, I see,” Archie deadpanned from the sink.
“I want you to know that the amount of cheesy and romantic I can be with your mother is a sliding scale that only goes up,” Marcel drawled.
“Nevermind,” Archie said.
“That’s what I thought.”
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 26: To All My Children
// Story Masterlist //
Fandom: The Originals
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x OFC
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @queenmj10​ @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter Summary: Maleny succumbs to a spell that allows her to relive her time as Iris Velden, the body in which she gave birth to her son. At the end, she shares her memories with Klaus, though admits that there's a part of the story she feels she can't remember, and two then promise that they will bring their son home. But what Maleny couldn't remember will end up coming for them later on.
Because Maleny has been switched bodies once again, her temporary face claim is Adriana Louvier.
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Iris Velden walked alongside Klaus in the courtyard of the Velden residence during the middle of the day. There was no one around for the attractions were inside for one of the family's daily celebrations.
Iris giggled as Klaus spoke of his younger siblings who apparently drove him mad. It was part of the reason for him being outside. He had gotten into some sort of argument with one of them and preferred to be alone.
"I must say I never heard anyone talk about their family that way," she looked at him.
"Because no one has a family like I do," Klaus said as if it were obvious. Then again, she thought he was just another human being. She truly had no idea the complications within his family.
"Well, my brother does often anger me," Iris shrugged, "but I suppose it's never been enough to get me really angry like you say you have. Still, I should like to help you distract yourself from your family troubles," she reached for Klaus' hand.
Klaus stopped walking and turned to face her, "Do you have an ideas?"
Iris blushed and looked down, "Well, I was thinking...just...spend time together…" she looked up to see his response but was met with a pair of lips pressed against hers. With a giggle, she broke the kiss and looked up at him, "I was not going to suggest something like that."
Klaus tilted her chin up, his eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips, "Then let me suggest it…" he leaned down for another kiss.
"You think we can break her out soon?" Amarrah was questionably flickering her gaze from the unconscious Maleny on Klaus' bed to Freya who stood beside her.
"No," Freya regretted to admit, and as soon as she did, Klaus (who'd been standing beside Maleny) turned on the two women.
"You did this!" he furiously stalked up to Freya, "And you need to fix it!"
Freya wished she could do so and win back her brother's good side, but she could not as the spell didn't permit her so. She shook her head, "I can't. Maleny has entered a dream induced coma-" but seeing the explanation was only making him act worse she quickly added, "But she will wake up! No later than tonight she will be up and she will be okay. Her mind is just releasing all those subdued memories - the best we can do is let it be exposed."
Before Klaus could come up with another gruesome threat he'd been throwing Freya's way, they all heard a loud crash coming from another room. The three went out to the corridor and realizing the noise was from Hope's nursery, Klaus sped towards there. Rebekah stood over Hope's crib inside a rattled up nursery while Hayley was recuperating from a clear attack.
"Rebekah! What are you doing?" he lunged for her, meaning to bring her down not to hurt her.
However, Eva cast a pain infliction that forced him on his knees. Hayley ran back to fight but with the same spell she was brought down and forced to choke. With the pain, Klaus forcibly brought out his wolf claws and gnashed Eva's thigh with them. Eva screamed and dropped the spell. Knowing she would not win then, she made a dash for the open window and jumped out for a clean escape. Slowly regaining their strength, Klaus and Hayley got to their feet and checked on Hope. The baby was sat in her crib, completely at ease and calm.
"We need to do something," Hayley told Klaus in a heavy pant. Clearly Rebekah was no longer in control of Eva Sinclair's body and it was only a matter of time until she returned to cause more chaos.
~ 0 ~
"I don't understand how this happened," Amarrah sat on the edge of Maleny's bed and gazed upon her friend, not even surprised something like this had happened to her.
Freya kept her distance for she knew Klaus would come back and push her far away if she was closer to Maleny than his liking allowed. She crossed her arms and rubbed her face, "Maleny wanted to remember more of her son, so she asked me to perform a spell. I warned her of the side affects and she said it was fine. I never thought it would actually happen."
Amarrah didn't display the same anger Klaus did towards Freya. She only sighed and patted Maleny's hand, "Maleny would, of course, take the chance if it meant she could remember her long lost son. I'm not mad with you, Freya, I'm mad at the luck she has. To not even remember she had a son…"
Freya had long been examining Amarrah - the moment the woman walked in with a French accent actually. She stepped closer, but still not too much. "You're one of them, aren't you?" Amarrah looked up, confused with the brief accusation. "You're a descendant of the Collin bloodline?"
Amarrah nodded. "Yes, and I suppose the story of a man and a woman dropping off Maleny's body to my oh-so-many-times grandmother was you and Nicolas?"
"Yes," Freya lightly smiled. "Thank you for taking care of her - Nicolas will be very happy to know your family has taken care of her all this time."
"We really have," Amarrah smiled and looked down at Maleny again. "Ever since I could remember, the story of the sleeping girl in the attic was told to my cousins and I. We were told that long ago, she was left at our care because evil witches had put her into a sleep curse. It was our duty to make sure no harm ever came her way so long as she was still asleep. I guess none of us ever really thought about what would happen when she woke up..."
"Where is she!?" they heard the voice of Alton from outside. Amarrah's face dropped even further when she realized Alton was going to be matching Klaus' horrible mood. This was, after all, his girlfriend's body Maleny was taking over.
Minutes later, Alton came into Maleny's room and ran straight for the brunette. "Yamilet!"
Iris was coming out of her bedroom chamber when she heard distinct shouts coming from Rebekah and Klaus. While she didn't make out all the words, she did hear Klaus threatening Rebekah which concluded with a louder shout from Rebekah followed by angry stomps going away. When Iris was sure there was no one left to see she made way for Klaus' room. He was just returning when she arrived.
"What's happened?" she whispered for fear of being overheard by someone, "I heard shouts and…" Klaus didn't let her finish and instead brought her inside his bedroom.
"Rebekah is making bad decisions as usual," was his brief response as he closed the door.
Iris had come to learn poor Rebekah was always judged by her siblings too wrongly because they didn't understand her. Crossing her arms, she gave Klaus a sharp look, "And just what exactly has Rebekah done to earn so many of your shouts?"
"She's in this phase of apparently loving someone and she cannot see it is completely wrong!"
Iris chuckled, confusing him, "Oops, I suppose this would be my cue to leave as well, then?"
Klaus' anger simmer upon hearing her words, unable to return the playful banter, "Things are different with you, love," he walked up to her and cupped her face, "You are nor treacherous nor a liar."
The smile widening on Iris' face assured Klaus he had chosen well with her, "I am glad to be on your good list. But perhaps if you listened to Rebekah's words then you could try to understand her."
"Rebekah has a way with words that leaves me wanting to cut them off," Klaus rolled his eyes and dropped his hands from her face.
"Well, someone has to listen to her…"
"Someone did - Maleny had the patience we all lacked with Rebekah." Klaus blurted before realizing. When he did, he felt the pang in his heart scold him for bringing her up.
Iris warmly looked at him, understanding his guilt. It would happen on occasions now, slowly less and less but it was still strong enough to make him feel guilty for it. She reached for his arm, gently making him look at her, "It's fine," she whispered calmly, "Bringing her up is not some sort of sin, you know."
"I know," Klaus gave a small nod, "But it's…"
"Complex?" she finished and received another nod in response, "Well of course it's complex. It's a first love, my dear. Those are always difficult. But it is possible to move on from when proposed. Remember, under the stars?"
'Under the Stars' had come to turn into something deeply important for Klaus as his newfound relationship with Iris developed. It told him, it reminded him, that Maleny Rowan, albeit deceased, was now in peace. She was the stars that lit up the dark skies that led him where he wanted to go. And under those stars, he would always love her, and they would, in turn, want him to be happy - as best as he could in his situation.
Klaus gave in with a sheepish smile, "Under the stars," he agreed in a quiet whisper.
"FREYA!" Klaus' loud shout startled the blonde witch along with Amarrah. However, upon entering the room he was met with hostility from Alton who had remained by Maleny's side.
"This is why you had me leave with the pack for the bayou!?" he angrily stalked towards Klaus, but the hybrid remained unphased, "So yet another member of your family could hurt her!?"
"Um, Alton…" Amarrah's shaky voice made no effect on the wolf man. Freya knew at the moment it was better to keep her mouth shut.
Klaus was near the brink of his patience and so he calmly instructed Alton, "Take a step back and listen to what I have to say."
"We are done," Alton shook his head, "From day one I should have taken Yamilet's body to the bayou where I would protect her until the spell was broken. I am taking her with me-"
"You are not taking Maleny anywhere," Klaus cut him off, though calm his words were laced with a dangerous warning of a challenge, "And if you should try then it will be no one's fault but your own when I tell dear old Yamilet - when she wakes up - that her boyfriend had his heart yanked out of his body."
The threat wasn't taken lightly by Alton - it infuriated him more the situation was being taken so calmly, "For someone who claims to oh-so-love this woman," he extended an arm back to Maleny, "You sure seem to let your family harm her more than anyone else. In fact, you also keep hurting her."
Patience was gone and replaced by the usual murderous instincts. Klaus had grabbed Alton by the neck and pushed him against a wall, "So then, what exactly will I tell Yamilet first when she regains control? How you died or how I chucked your body out into the street?"
"Klaus, stop!" Amarrah exclaimed and went to try to get the hybrid to back off. But of course her strength was of no use.
"Don't act like it's not true!" Alton snapped, continuing with his accusations against Klaus, "I know your story, Maleny told me. How do you live with yourself knowing that you not only hurt her but now - because of you and your family - your own son was taken and turned into a slave."
"STOP!" Amarrah screamed in horror as Klaus flung Alton out of the room, the man crashing against the rails and promptly falling to the floor.
Klaus walked out of the room with all intentions of ripping the man's heart out of his body, "I never did like you," he muttered as he made way for Alton.
"ENOUGH!" it was Freya who ended the quarrel with pain infliction spells that forced both men to back down, "Now I may have done wrong but it was all Maleny's choice," she angrily told both, "and I know she wouldn't like it if she woke up to see both of you dead."
"You are the last person to speak about this," Klaus got to his feet, glowering at her for her spell.
"And yet I am but of one of the two people who could help you with Rebekah," Freya stood her ground and stepped forwards, "Now I may have indirectly caused this but Maleny will remember her son and that will make her happy. Isn't that what matters in the end?"
"I want her awake!" Klaus frantically came at her, not to attack but to turn her to the room where Maleny laid asleep, "That is what matters to me!"
Freya sighed, understanding his pain. She looked at him softly, "I promise you by tonight she will wake. Allow me to help with Rebekah in the meantime, please?"
"Alton and I can stay with Mal," Amarrah offered for extra comfort, "And I promise he will behave himself," she added with a small glare towards Alton, daring him to say otherwise. "Maleny will stay right here."
With one last glance at Maleny, Klaus agreed with a small sigh. However his threatening mood took over his face when directed towards Freya, "If she does not wake by tonight I will make sure your suffering is tenfolds than what ever it is Dahlia had put you under."
"Understood," Freya nodded and motioned for Klaus to lead the way.
Amarrah waited until the two siblings were gone before she went for Alton, "You really ought to stop picking fights," she sighed as she helped the wolf man to his feet, "Especially with Originals and one that has such a short temper."
"He needed to hear it," Alton grumbled, gently shaking off her hands and entering Maleny's bedroom, "It's his fault."
"Weeeeell," Amarrah began in a sing-song manner, "technically this isn't his fault," Alton turned on her menacingly, "I know Klaus has many...many faults," she made a face when she got to thinking about it, "but this one isn't one of them. Finn cast the spell because Mal pissed him off. And the Dahlia curse? That was on Esther Mikaelson. This is not Klaus' fault and you shouldn't blame him because you miss Yamilet. Don't forget he kind of lost Mal too in this."
Alton rolled his eyes and made way for Maleny, "At least he can talk to his girlfriend. Yamilet is lost in her own body and I can only watch as someone else walks and talks in it."
Amarrah felt sympathy for the man, able to half understand his anger directed at the Mikaelsons, "Yamilet will come back, I promise you that. But in the meantime you have to understand that everyone here is always trying to protect Mal."
"I can understand that," Alton nodded and looked at the French witch, "but they have to understand they're not the safest people she should be around with. They are a warzone."
On that, Amarrah remained silent.
~ 0 ~
Cami found Vincent in Rousseau's helping himself to plenty of bourbon. She was both glad she found him for Rebekah's sake but annoyed she found him in the state he was in. She agreed with Elijah to split and conquer for Rebekah - he, Hayley and Gia would go back to Josephine for a hopeful extension on the ultimatum given to them, Marcel would continue trying to track Eva down and she would try to get Vincent to help them.
"It's a bit early for that, don't you think?" she pointed to the glass Vincent held.
The man sighed, "You know why I'm sitting here day-drinking in the Quarter all by my lonesome? Because I'm pretty much done and through with the vamps, wolves, and witches of this town. And, from some of the looks I've been getting, they're through with me, too. So, if I'm sitting here, they don't see me, and if I drink... after a while, I don't see them, either."
Cami raised an eyebrow before tapping the photo of Eva that laid on the table, "And how many is it gonna take before she disappears?" Vincent reached to take the photo but Cami pulled it away, "You need to know that she is back and on the loose, and we need to find her before the witches do so that we can save my friend, who is trapped inside of her," and before Vincent could get a word out she added, "and simply because you choose to turn your back on us does not mean I will accept it. I don't take 'no' for an answer so…"
Cami made a motion for Vincent to get moving and or talking. With a roll of his eyes, Vincent began talking, "If Eva is back then, you need to let the witches put that body down! Eva will use up your friend, just like she did the others."
The last part caught Cami's attention, "Others? What does that mean…?"
"The first of the kids went missing two years ago. Feels like a lifetime. I was, uh, clocking in: college, work, coven. Felt like a normal life. But, um, had this woman. Met when we were sixteen years old, did our first bit of magic together... it was so insanely intense. And then the children began to disappear. First was a little girl named Amelie Dupree from Algiers. Then, Lou-Anne Hughes from the 9th, Nicholas Alseis from the Tremé. All young kids, all witch prodigies...phew... vanished into thin air. So, I put together a posse of guys from each of the covens, but the killer cloaked the kids so quickly, our locator spells was useless."
"Eva did all that?" Cami gaped at the horrors the woman was able to do.
"I was able to slap a locator spell on one of the kids right after he got snatched, and I got nothing at first. And then a car, and then a face... But that face, man- it was Eva. The love of my life. So, I caught her, confronted her... and then I saw the truth. She kept pleading with me... "Vince! Just three more little girls, Vince! Just three!"
"But...why did she need three more exactly?"
"To complete the Rite of Nines. Eva thought if she sacrificed a witch from each of the nine covens, it would create a new witch order in New Orleans. She would have been more powerful than any Elder. Any Harvest girl."
"Wait, wait, wait- but why kids?"
"Because their magic is untapped. It's pure. And, they're a hell of a lot easier to subdue."
"I never found those kids. They died; unconsecrated, unable to be with our ancestors," Vincent bitterly admitted, "Used as a source for Eva's magic."
"Okay then," Cami nodded, "So, help me find her before she takes any more lives, including Rebekah's. Help me stop her."
Vincent didn't answer right away, for he was torn with the heavy decision that now rested over his shoulders.
~ 0 ~
Freya was more than irritated to be walking with her wrists shackled with the magic-disabling manacles from the O'Connell's dark objects room. Klaus had snuck them up on her right before they left the compound and never explained why.
"I fail to see the need for these. I'm not your enemy," she told Klaus while the two walked down an aisle in the cemetery, "What happened to Maleny was an accident."
"Oh, they're not to protect me, love," Klaus rolled his eyes and yanked her into a main room of a tomb, gesturing over to a corner, "They're to protect her, the one who knows more about mind-invasion and body-jumping than all of us put together," he chucked two blood bags into the room.
Curious to see who he had locked up in there, Freya stepped forwards. She saw a hand reach out for the blood bags. As Freya studied the conditions of the woman she began to realize it was Esther.
"No!" Freya cried in horror and turned to leave but Klaus was blocking the way, "No! Stop!"
Klaus grabbed her by the shoulders, completely at ease as he turned her to Esther, "Mother? Freya. Freya? Mother," he introduced.
Esther, while still weak and almost desiccated, was in disbelief at the sight of Freya, "It... can't be."
Freya angrily turned to Klaus, "Is this some sort of punishment?"
"Esther is now a vampire," Klaus began to explain as he left her to go to Esther, "and as such, she's vulnerable to my compulsion," he grabbed Esther by the face and compelled her, "You will answer me truthfully," and right after he forced Esther up and dragged her to where Freya stood, "Now, at least everything that comes out of her wretched mouth will be honest. We're going to raid her mind for the spell to get Rebekah back and - since you have proven useless in your promise to Maleny - she's going to tell us the spell to get Mal back in her own body."
~ 0 ~
In an abandoned warehouse was Eva where she frantically applied some remedy for the horrible injury Klaus had done to her earlier. Just when she felt the remedy take effect, she found herself pinned against a wall by Marcel who snuck up the magic-cancelling shackles on her.
"Oh-ho-ho-ho! Not really keen on another witch headache!" he smirked, remarking of their earlier incident.
"Dark objects?" Eva looked at the shackles around her wrists, "How did a damn vamp find me?"
"That would be us," Cami entered the place along with Vincent, both looking not too pleased to be there.
Vincent, of course, wanted nothing to do with Eva but in the end his morality for the innocence had won him out. So, there he was. Cami's irritation originated from Elijah. After Vincent agreed to help, Cami phoned in Elijah with the news only to be then instructed to head on home while Marcel took care of things. Cami knew Elijah was trying to pull the 'trying-to-protect-you' crap Klaus always did with Maleny and she was not going to let it happen. They argued and argued over it until someone snatched the phone and compromised for the both. Hayley had declared Marcel would accompany Cami and that was that.
"Release Rebekah!" Marcel angrily got to the point and shook Eva violently.
Eva remained at ease, wearing a wide smirk across her face, "Best not damage the package, or you may never see her again. Or your little adopted witch Davina."
At that, Marcel and Cami exchanged glances of shock.
Eva wickedly laughed, "Oh, some friends you are! I've been feeding off of her for days, and you didn't even know she was gone?"
Marcel could not contain himself and slammed the woman against a table, "WHERE IS SHE!?"
Cami sped up and pushed him back before he truly hurt Eva, "Stop!"
But Marcel went against her and tried walking back to Eva, forcing Cami to use all her strength and keep him back, "I'll just torture you until you give me what I need!" he shouted at Eva.
"Torture ain't gonna do it, man!" Vincent pointed out, "Half the witches in this city went after her, she ain't say a thing."
"He's right, Marcel," Cami finally pushed the man away, "We have to come up with something better that doesn't involve hurting the body Rebekah may remain in."
"Then what do you suggest!?" Marcel couldn't help glare at her. Apparently, not only were they fighting for Rebekah, they were also fighting to get Davina back.
"Let me talk to her," Vincent's idea left Marcel and Cami surprised and frankly a little suspicious. Still, with time running out there wasn't much to debate about.
"I would have liked to travel. Yes, that is my biggest desire," Iris was remarking as she and Klaus walked down a corridor for Iris' room, "but clearly that is not going to happen in this lifetime."
With a curious look, Klaus questioned, "And why do you say that?"
"Because I am a woman," Iris gestured to herself with a chuckle, "And unwed. Without a husband to travel with I have no hopes in leaving this place."
"Such optimism for a young lady," Klaus joked, coming to a stop in front of Iris' bedroom door.
Iris gave a light shrug of her shoulders and mischievously looked at him, "Well, unless some sort of gentleman - say a certain someone in front of me - marries me," she innocently said as her fingers danced on his shoulders, "then I shall remain here for the rest of my life."
"Such straightforwardness, how can someone not marry you?" Klaus went on with her play. He stepped closer, backing her against the door, and putting a hand on her waist.
Iris pretended to pout, "I know. I am a complete delight."
"Fortunately I'm here to make you feel loved," Klaus said before placing a kiss on her lips that turned into many more.
Iris giggled and managed to break the kiss for a moment, "Ooh, am I ever so lucky."
"You are so," Klaus smirked and continued to kiss her.
Iris melted in his arms and felt like the entire world was slipping away from her. At the sudden moan that escaped from her lips Klaus pulled away and smirked at her bright pink cheeks.
Iris was not about to let him tease her about it. She wanted something different from him and she proposed to get it, "Not a word," she whispered before grabbing his face and passionately kissing him again. Before either could realize, Klaus had opened the door to Iris' room and backed her inside, promptly shutting it behind them.
Back in the tomb where Klaus kept Esther, things were still rocky with Esther processing the fact Freya lived and Freya practically wanting to shred Esther to pieces.
"My beautiful girl. My first born!" Esther tried reaching for Freya but was met with incredible hostility.
"Touch me, and I will use these chains to strangle you!" Freya snapped and raised her shackled wrists to show she was serious.
"Yes, now that we have the pleasantries out the way, let's begin, shall we?" Klaus did not hide well his impatience with the two women, "It appears that your delightful sister Dahlia is on her way to New Orleans, hell-bent on stealing my child - well, second child apparently. I need Rebekah back in her original body so she can help me destroy her."
Esther was left speechless for a minute or two while she processed just what she had heard, "Child? Second child? Dahlia?"
Klaus rolled his eyes in annoyance but briefly broke it down for the woman, "Oh, I suppose it is difficult keeping up on current events whilst rotting inside a tomb. Very well. The short version? My second child is alive. And, somehow, in one of her past bodies, Maleny gave birth to my actual first born who was successfully taken by Dahlia in that period. But due to his escape, as well as Freya's, Dahlia is now on her way to steal my second born for revenge and power. And, on the other side, the previous tenant of Rebekah's body has seized control and isn't keen on giving it up," towards the end Klaus felt almost the need to take a big breath. That was a lot of problems, enough for a lifetime.
Esther was gaping at all she had heard, "But…"
"Oh, I'm not finished," Klaus wagged a finger at her, "Young Freya here, although powerful, lacks the spell to put Rebekah back in her true body. And that's where you come in. I need you to be a dear and dig deep into that ex-witch mind of yours," he pulled out a folded pack of paper from his jackets pocket and forced it onto Esther's hand, "Give me the spell that puts Rebekah back. And, since your son Finn decided to play a nasty game with Maleny, I need the spell to put her back into her own body as well. He's locked her into a new body with this mark," he unfolded the paper and tapped on the symbol that Maleny bored on her body, drawn by Amarrah who'd been studying it for such a time now.
Esther glanced at Freya silently and immediately saw it was all true. While being branded as evil and sadistic she did always want to help her children, and even Maleny who wasn't hers. She never intended on actually hurting them. Grumbling, she nodded and began with the task of the spells.
Time seemed to pass so very slow, and with the impatience Klaus had he stood right beside her ushering her to hurry up. "What is taking so long?" he rolled his eyes, "You didn't tarry when you attempted to kill my child!"
Esther stopped and looked up, apparently hurt, "I took no joy in that! I knew if your daughter lived, Dahlia would come, not only for her, but for all of you if you stood in her way. And however you may despise me, I would not wish that upon you."
"How touching!"
"Isn't it?" Freya had to agree with Klaus' sarcasm, "I always wondered what maternal compassion sounded like. Of course, I wouldn't know, since you sold me into slavery at the age of five!"
"When I made that bargain with my sister, I had no idea what it meant to be a mother!" argued Esther, "I thought if I had a dozen children, I would not miss the one. And then, you were born. You were beautiful. You had a light about you that put a smile on the face of the hardest man I had ever known. And when Dahlia took you, I thought that same light might warm her embittered heart. That you might lead a good life."
"A good life?" Freya had a good scoff and stomped up to Esther, "You were my mother! You should have come for me!"
"Yes. I should have," Esther said calmly before her tone took a sudden cold turn, "But, it would have been a mistake," her eyes flickered to Klaus, "The same mistake you will be making if you let this girl help you."
"For God's sake, speak plainly!" Klaus motioned with a hand to hurry up.
"The light I saw in Freya as a child, it's gone. While she was mine for five years, Dahlia was her mentor for a thousand. And, like her mentor, she will offer to solve your problems, but for a price."
Freya felt like she could literally strangle Esther, "There is no price! I know the…" she went for it to attack her but Klaus yanked her back by the arm.
"No violence until she's finished writing the spells, please!" Klaus snapped, "Honestly, it's all temper and no timing with this one," he joked to Esther, "for one, am glad you gave her away so that I could be born. You should think of me as an upgrade!"
Freya heavily sighed in irritation, wondering if this was typical sibling arguments. After a couple minutes more, Esther declared she was finished with the spells. Freya took a look at the spells to get a clear view of what would be needed.
"Mal's spell is fine but to place Rebekah back in her body requires an enormous amount of power," she looked up at Esther incredulously.
Esther remained at ease, "Which you have."
"And that power needs to be anchored, or I'll be lost inside Eva's mind along with Rebekah. Unlike your magic, mine isn't anchored to any one place. Because of you, I have no home."
"Perhaps," Esther shrugged and glanced at Klaus, "But, there is no other spell."
"Unless…" Freya began to think, "You," she turned to Klaus, "I can use you as my anchor. I'll channel your power while I breach Eva's mind."
For once, it appeared Klaus and Esther were on the same page of suspicious.
"And there it is. The price," Esther said, "If she channels you, she will have access to your mind, past and present. She will know everything about you."
"All of my strategies and all of my secrets laid bare to give to Dahlia," Klaus realized during his small pace back and forth, "You must think I'm a fool, Freya."
Freya rolled her eyes, "I am not acting with double reasons. You have me looking at Maleny's spell-"
"Don't confuse that, love," Klaus cut her right off, "Amarrah Collins will be performing that spell. There is no way in hell I would ever allow you to do it."
Freya took on an indignant aura after that, "Maleny has been the only friend I ever made, I would never harm her. And as for Rebekah, she is my sister and the only family who's shown me a bit of kindness. Rest assured I will not double cross you."
But that was not enough to convince Klaus.
Iris kicked and shouted to be let free as two older men practically dragged her through the forest. In front of them were two women, middle aged, and in the back two more men.
"Let me go! Let me go right now!"
One of the women in front laughed and glanced over her shoulder, "You can kick and scream all you want but it's not going to happen. It took us a while to determine whether or not you were actually Maleny, and now we're not letting you go for anything."
"What? Maleny?" Iris was thoroughly confused, and beyond terrified of these strangers. She had been on her way to find a trusted witch to determine or not if she was actually...well, with child. She had her suspicions but she didn't want it to get out before determining if it was even true. But she should have known better than to flee home during the night. She was ambushed by the two men and was now in front of several more strangers.
Iris was brought into a small village and promptly thrown near a fire in the center. She clutched her stomach and glared up at the group that was crowding around her. She breathed in rapidly, waiting for someone to explain what the hell was going on.
"Maleny Rowan, what a pleasure to meet you," an elderly woman made her way to the front of the crowd. She chuckled as Iris' brows furrowed together in confusion, "The spell has not allowed you to remember yet. That's a good thing. It's better this way."
"What is going on?" Iris' voice shook with fear as she looked around her spot. Everyone was staring at her like she was some grand prize - even the children looked in awe. "H-how do you know that name?"
"Our spell worked," the elderly woman declared to the group and bent down in front of Iris, yanking her golden chained necklace forwards for the others to see, "The mark is the chain, owned by the original body. This is how we will identify her in the next generations. Understood?"
"Yes," the group answered together.
"I-I don't understand, what's happening?" Iris got to her feet and kept a well distant from her and the woman, "I am Iris Velden and I order you to take me back to my-"
But the woman laughed, as did many others in the crowd. The elderly woman sobered first and put a hand on Iris' arm, "My dear, you are never going back there. It is time for you to live up to your word and die for our coven."
Iris' eyes widened and immediately she tried to run but the crowd blocked her way. She whirled back around to the woman, "Please," she swallowed hard, "I have no idea what you are talking about. My father, he's...he has power, and…"
"Our power does not come in the form or wealth, child," the elderly woman said calmly, "It comes from you and your death."
"But you cannot kill me," Iris' voice shook again, her eyes filling with tears while her arms wrapped around her stomach, "Please, I am with child," the news left the crowd and the woman stunned, "If you hurt me you will hurt my baby and I...I don't want that. Please, let me go."
The elderly woman got over her shock and walked up to Iris, grabbing her by the chin, "Your lies will not get you anywhere," her dark voice implied things would go bad in a very short time if Iris didn't do anything.
"Please," Iris resorted to beg on her knees for her child's life, "you have to believe me. My baby is very young, but he is inside and he is just starting to live. His father doesn't even know he exists."
"Father?" the elderly woman glanced at the crowd for an opinion.
"Maybe she hasn't met him yet," a young woman spoke up and walked up to the elder. The elder seemed to consider the idea and while she did, the young woman turned to Iris, "Who do you claim the father is?"
Iris knew she wasn't even sure about the pregnancy but at the moment it was apparently the only way she might be able to save her life. And furthermore, she saw no point in keeping the identity of the child's father a secret, "He's, um, he is a visitor in my father's residence. His name is Klaus Mikaelson."
"She lies," the elder declared instantaneously, "The man cannot possibly procreate."
"He has," Iris snapped, "I didn't know how to tell him and now he may possibly never know."
"Is it possible it has already happened?" the elder was now rethinking things.
"The fertility spell may have worked after all," the elder continued on like nothing. "And as such, we should not waste the opportunity to have more power. Your sacrifice will happen, but…after the child is born, if there truly is a child to begin with."
"You are all mad," Iris began to insult, clutching her stomach once more.
Eunice had begun to come around on the idea by the wide smile breaking across her face, "Gentlemen," she called, "take Miss Rowan into my cottage. We have a lot to discover from the child - starting with is existence."
"N-n-n-n-no!" Iris began to shout as the two men who had carried her in were now coming for her again, "Stay back! Stay away from me!" but her shouts were of no use as they grabbed her again and dragged her towards Eunice's cottage.
Hope was placed on Maleny's beside beside the sleeping brunette and as if wanting her to wake up, Hope yelped every now and then and clapped her small hand on Maleny's arm. Beside the edge of the bed was Hayley who was staring at Maleny with her arms crossed and a grim, yet overly concerned, face.
"She'll wake soon, baby girl," she whispered to Hope and glanced at Amarrah and Alton who had remained in the room as they had promised earlier, "It surprises me how Hope knows it's Mal in there," she gave a light smile as her daughter continued to do everything in her power to wake Maleny up, "In such a little time she's managed to get Hope's affections."
"That's Mal for you," Amarrah clapped her hands together and walked closer to Hayley, "When I was a little girl and I first discovered that we harbored a woman in our attic that had been sleeping for centuries, I was terrified. I knew it was our responsibility to protect her, but...I was like six so...yeah, I was a bit scared. And then one day, one of my cousins dared me to go into the attic. I so scared I kept shaking," Hayley and Alton smiled in amusement as they listened in, "But when I opened the coffin and saw Mal unconscious, I realized there was nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, I was afraid for her."
"Why?" Alton asked, even Hayley curious of the answer.
"I knew the stories of the girl in the coffin, how she was always living in lies and never being herself. I was afraid of what she could be experiencing at the moment," Amarrah sighed deeply, "I was so scared of where she could be and if she was okay. The sleeping girl in the coffin-I always wondered if I would get to see her awake in my lifetime."
"You did," Hayley gently clapped a hand on Amarrah's arm.
"But for so little time," Amarrah pointed out and moved to sit down on the edge of the bed, right beside Hope, "Ever since she woke up, Mal has never had a good moment. I'm her friend and I just don't like seeing her in these conditions."
Hope continued to yelp and let her head drop onto Maleny's shoulder, babbling to her oh-so-many things. At the same moment, Klaus and Freya entered the room.
"I see you have the wolves ready for Eva's return," Klaus remarked off-handedly while coming straight to Amarrah.
"Elijah said to gather them up," Hayley sighed, "but he's not exactly quite up for the fight since Cami ended up getting hurt when Eva escaped with Vincent."
"Ah yes," Klaus wasn't so surprised to hear about that.
Even though it was a petty injury - a neck snapping - it was enough to have Elijah ballistic of the idea of Cami still going out with Marcel to look for Eva. That was why he went out for Cami himself to the location where apparently Eva kept the missing children in. Vincent had called them in with the location, also admitting and apologizing for his rather abrupt plan of pretending to go with Eva's doings.
Klaus pulled out Esther's papers with the spells and held them to Amarrah who took them in confusion and gave them a mere glance, "What are these?" she raised an eyebrow.
"One of them is to get Rebekah back in control of Eva Sinclair's body," Klaus tapped one of the papers, "And the other is the spell to return Maleny to her original body."
Amarrah's mouth dropped open as she quickly looked at the spell for Maleny, "You found the spell!?"
"Yes, and since time is of the essence I need you to do Rebekah's first."
Amarrah's eyes flickered to Freya who, although no longer wore the shackles, looked pretty angry this was being asked to someone else. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" she asked Klaus, "I mean, you have a sister."
"The spell requires an anchor," Freya spoke up, "and it appears my dear ole brother doesn't have the trust in me to be my anchor."
"Because you don't have a home," Amarrah realized the problem and looked at Rebekah's spell again, "I can do it. I can draw on my family's power."
"That's all that matters," Freya said, giving her a lighthearted smile, "Someone needs to save Rebekah."
"Okay," Amarrah nodded and turned to Klaus, "We can do it."
"What are we supposed to do, then?" Hayley asked then, gesturing to herself, Alton and Freya.
"Stay with Maleny, of course," Klaus answered as if it were obvious. With a grin he walked over to Maleny's bed, reaching to tickle Hope beside the brunette, the baby promptly giggling in response. He then passed a hand down Maleny's hair, "Hang on, Mal. I got the spell," he whispered to her, "You'll be back in your body very soon now."
"Klaus," Amarrah cleared her throat, sheepishly waving a hand to grab his attention, "We have to go. Rebekah is literally running out of time."
Klaus nodded and straightened up, turning to head out. As he and Amarrah left the room, Alton stopped them.
"You mean that?" he demanded of Klaus, and if it weren't because Klaus too was content with the results they were going to receive he would've snapped the man's neck there and then.
"Yes, my mother gave us the spell needed to place Mal back in her own body and thus release Yamilet."
Alton's face changed into a brilliant joy and once Klaus and Amarrah had left, he rushed to Maleny, "Yamilet, you're coming back! Do you hear that? You're coming back to me again…" But while he was cheering and even Hayley and Freya were relieved to hear the good news, Maleny/Yamilet were far from hearing it.
Iris stood before a window inside a cottage, staring out to the dark sky filled with its many stars. She held in her hand the wooden stars craft Klaus had made so long ago. She sighed and rubbed her now swollen, pregnant stomach. It had been months since she'd seen him, her family and home. And now that she understood and even remembered some, she knew she would never see that residence again. Iris Velden had completely ceased to exist in her mind.
Maleny Rowan was alive. She was her.
"Under these stars," she remembered her ironic words. How could life be so cruel to make her say those words to the man she had loved for years and years.
"What is that?" a young woman stood behind Maleny, having come out of another room in the cottage. She was the owner of the cottage where Maleny was to reside during her pregnancy.
"A gift," Maleny answered briefly, hugging the wooden craft closer to her, making the woman laugh.
"I won't steal it," she went to a table where several herbs laid, "It can make a nice gift for your child when it is born."
Maleny rubbed her stomach and turned to her, "I wish to sleep. I have no intention on sticking to this conversation as if were friends or even acquaintances."
The girl, Laura, sighed and turned from the table, "Listen, Iris-"
"Maleny," she fiercely corrected. "My name is Maleny Rowan and I despise you and your stupid coven."
"You are the one that made this deal with us-"
"Because you lied to me about it!" Maleny shouted, once again getting angry this was being blamed on her, "Your ancestor told me a lie! She said I would live forever, and that I would be with my love."
"And you were," Laura gestured to her stomach, "and that is a consequence."
"This is some miracle," Maleny snapped, "But this was a miracle in some wicked story your ancestory had pulled. I do not want to live this way."
"Well, that is not up to you anymore," Laura declared coldly and made to leave the cottage when Maleny called out, her voice turned softer and meek.
"If I am to live this way...then I only plead you not force my child into this same cycle," her tear-filled eyes made Laura shift uncomfortably, "I made the deal, not my child."
"That is not up to me," Laura said after a moment, though did feel guilt for it. Maleny moved to take a seat on a chair, her feet now more fragile as she grew closer to her due date. Laura's guilt did not allow for her to leave. Instead, she found herself clearing her throat and asking, rather awkwardly, "So, um...have you thought of any names yet for the child?"
Maleny raised her gaze to the woman, confused of the question. Over the course of her pregnancy not one person had cared enough to ask how she was doing nor how she felt. Perhaps for that reason she had decided to answer Laura's question.
"I am not sure," she rubbed her stomach, "If it is a boy, then...I was thinking of Nicolas."
"Why that one?"
"Because it sounds like his father's name. And if shortened, it will be exactly like his," Maleny began to smile at the idea, "Nick?"
Laura smiled lightly, "That's a nice name, then. It has a lot of meaning. What about a girl?"
Maleny's smile widened. "Marlenie. We always wanted a 'Marlenie'. But, I just really hope the baby does not inherit his temper."
"Is it that bad?"
Maleny scoffed, "Imagine the worst temper possible and then chuck it out the window because it will never measure to Klaus'. God help my baby if he does inherit that."
Laura chuckled, for a minute forgetting who she was talking to, "My mom used to say that I had my father's impulsivity and that is why I would never get married."
"Used to?" Maleny had picked up on the key words and her stomach churned as she assumed what that meant.
Laura sighed, "I lost my mother when I was a little girl, unfortunately. My dad's off in a battle so I'm here on my own."
Maleny could feel a small empathy for the woman, having practically lived in the same conditions, "I lost my mother when I was girl too. And, even though my dad was still around it felt like he wasn't. He absolutely hated me."
"Why?" Laura frowned.
"Because I was born a girl and my mother didn't stick around to bear him a son. So, I was more like a slave to him than a daughter."
"I am very sorry about that," Laura honestly said and Maleny knew it, "I don't feel very lonely out here, though. Our coven is united."
Maleny made a face, wanting to say 'of course, united over my looming death' but she felt Laura was being kind enough for a minute and she wanted to keep it that way. "I didn't feel very lonely either," she admitted with a small smile, "I had the Mikaelsons with me and they were enough."
"Enough for you to get yourself cursed," Laura blurted and gasped once she realized.
"I didn't get cursed because of them," Maleny corrected calmly, "I did what I did because I wanted to secure myself a good future with Klaus. But he, just like the rest of his family, is not to blame for what I got myself into. Just like this little one," she rubbed her stomach, "does not deserve to get pushed into the life that awaits me," realizing where Maleny was headed with in the conversation, Laura shifted and tried to leave but Maleny was quick in her talk, "Laura, please. Kill me if you must but let my child live. Let him live until he is old enough to leave and find his father. Don't curse him because of my choices."
Laura stared at the woman for a long while, and in that while Maleny began to weep again, her hand clutching the wooden starcraft in her hand as if her life depended on it.
Amarrah cursed herself for ever thinking this was a good idea. The amount of power the spell required to get Rebekah back was taking a toll on her body and if it weren't for the two Originals practically keeping her on her feet she was sure she would have passed out a long time ago. She had conducted the spell needed and had sent in Marcel and Vincent to help Rebekah fight Eva off and regain control of Eva's body. However, there seemed to be a fight inside and it was only making it harder for Amarrah to keep the spell going.
Inside, the war was waging at terrible costs. Eva had knocked out Marcel across the room and was almost to the point of killing Vincent herself when she felt a stab on her back. It had been done by a young aged Rebekah who remained stoned-faced as Eva fell over Vincent and gasped for air.
The force of the spell pushed everyone away from each other and onto the floor. Vincent and Marcel woke up with loud gasps.
"Please tell me that worked," Amarrah raised her head with a heavy pant.
"You're the witch," Cami said, not too far from her, "you tell us."
"Oh...right…" Amarrah blinked and glanced over to Eva where Marcel was already carefully checking her.
They all started hearing several noises and so Cami went to find its source. She was relieved to see it was Davina waking up from her slumber on behalf of Eva's plan.
"Where am I?" the young teen looked around, barely remembering anything. After a couple minutes, more of the other children were beginnign to wake up along with Josephine who had been taken at the last minute by Eva and Vincent.
"You're okay," Cami laughed and gave her hug, "Oh thank God!"
"What the hell happened?" Davina struggled to stand on her feet for a minute but eventually got it down, "I remember Rebekah coming in and then…"
"Best not to think about it too much," Cami made a face then patted the girl's arm before taking her back to where the others were.
Klaus and Elijah were looking over Eva who had yet to wake up. Concerned, Klaus glanced to Amarrah, "Why isn't she waking?" unsure herself, Amarrah gave a big shrug.
"I did everything the spell needed me to," she promised him and raised her hands in solemn swear.
Thankfully, 'Eva' gasped awake then and looked around, exclaiming words only said by Rebekah Mikaelson herself, "Bloody hell!"
"Mummy! Mummy!" cried a young boy of a mere five years old. He was cheering for himself as he picked up his small wooden craft and hurried to where his mother was, "Mummy, look what I did!"
Maleny was helping Laura prepare some sort of spell when the boy arrived and tugged on her dress for her to look down. She chuckled and mishapen craft he held, "And what is that supposed to be, Nicolas?"
"Like the stars!" he happily replied and waved it in the air, "Like the one daddy made!"
"I think you could compete with him, you know," Maleny knelt down in front of him, "He used to make a lot of these but I don't think they were ever as good as yours."
Nicolas crinkled his nose and declared, "You are lying, Mummy," he accused, "But I don't care because I'm going to get better and then I will compete with daddy and win him!"
Maleny chuckled again, "Of course you will, sweetheart."
"Do you think maybe Ma-"
"Maleny?" Laura whispered suddenly, causing Maleny to glance at the woman, "Don't you think it's time to tell him that-"
Maleny knew where Laura was heading and tried to hurry Nicolas towards the doors, "Nicolas, go outside and play with your-"
"Maleny," Laura said again, "Six years of age is coming and you know what that means. It's time to reveal the truth."
Maleny knew exactly what that meant. And knowing what was to come of her made her eyes fill with tears again, the only thing stopping her from bursting into sobs was her son still happily babbling on to himself about his wooden creation.
Back in the compound, Rebekah was explaining to Klaus and Amarrah the reason for her choosing to stay in Eva's body - she needed to help resurrect Kol. Along with that existed the fact the children used in the spell by Eva were still linked to the body and if Rebekah were to leave it they would all die, including Davina.
"Are you sure that's what you want?" Amarrah couldn't help ask three times in a row, "Because I assure you I can do the spell."
Rebekah smiled and shook her head, "I need to help get Kol back and being in this body can help me do it. Is that a problem?" she asked, more for Klaus than anyone else.
"Of course not," he replied rather fast, "Keep your promise to Kol."
Rebekah rolled her eyes, almost amused at his impatience. They all knew what he was waiting for and it was frankly novelty to see him excited for something that didn't involve the death of someone.
"I should warn you that I can't do the spell until Maleny has woken up from her dream coma," Amarrah told Klaus, as if reading his mind she smirked, "So quit waiting for that to happen tonight."
"Simply because you are friends with Maleny does not mean I won't hesitate to hurt you," Klaus replied with, narrowing his eyes at the unaffected woman.
"Actually it kind of does - hurt friend," she gestured to herself, "means mad Maleny, and made Maleny equals shouting at Klaus which really has no happy ending you see."
Rebekah watched the exchange of sarcasm with a chuckle. She grabbed Amarrah's arm and gently pulled her away from Klaus, "C'mon, we have a lot to work on since you're going to help me practice this magic stuff."
"I am?" Amarrah made a face as she started to walk away with her.
"Did I forget to mention to that?"
"Uh, yeah!"
"Well there you have it!"
Klaus rolled his eyes at the two and headed out of the lounge room, intending on staying with Maleny for the night until she woke up. He bumped into Hayley instead just outside in the corridor.
"I can't find Freya," Hayley announced as soon as she saw it was Klaus, "She disappeared over an hour ago."
"Let her," Klaus shrugged and started for Maleny's room when Hayley called again.
"You know, if you're going to want her to help us you're going to have to be a little nicer."
"I reserve that notion for people I deem likable and I've yet to decide on her status."
Hayley rolled her eyes and walked up to him, "That woman is here to help us. If she wanted to do more harm she would not have stayed here to look after your comatose girlfriend," and at that small insult Klaus nearly lost it but Hayley was guilty enough to retract from it, "I'm sorry - you know what I meant. You need to trust a little more to get people on our side. You lost one kid, you wanna lose the second one?" she knew those were harsh words but it was the only way to get the message through to someone like him.
However, Klaus didn't reply due to familiar noises not too far away from him and Hayley.
"Klaus?" Maleny stood just at the doorway of her room, looking fragile and weary. Her mind was buzzing with new memories and new feelings while her body screamed for her to go lie down again. But, there was one thing that overpowered it all, and as Klaus quickly returned to help her, she voiced it outloud, "I saw him," she breathed and clung onto Klaus like her life depended on it, "I saw Nicolas…"
~ 0 ~
"Mal, you really ought to get back to bed," Klaus told the brunette as she took a seat in the lounge's couch.
Though clearly needing more rest, Maleny had refused to go back to her room, claiming she was tired of being there. She looked at him with a smirk, "If I had a dollar for every time you used that one on me in my lifetimes I'd be rich enough to own the Quarter."
"And that's how I know you're getting back to normal," Klaus dismissed the comment with a roll of his eyes and joined her on the couch.
As soon as he did, Maleny turned to him with that big smile of hers, "Klaus, I saw him. I saw our son. He was…" she couldn't find the word to describe Nicholas as much as she wanted to, "...beautiful," she settled for.
The revelation still seemed to put Klaus on edge. The idea of having a son with Maleny was more than shocking enough, but now to have clear proof of it was something else. But for Maleny the stage of shock had passed with all that she saw. In her excitement she got up and started to describe what she saw of Nicolas, "He looks like you! He has your hair, your eyes and your crafting skills - well that last one was in developmental stages cos he was - oh," in her excitement she had overused what little strength she had left and stumbled.
"Mal," Klaus has gotten up fast and caught her by the waist, "this is why you need to go to your room and rest."
Maleny shook her head in refusal, "You have to hear more. Please?" she insisted softly, looking up at him with pleading blue eyes that reminded him who was really in charge there unfortunately.
With a deep sigh, he settled them back on the couch, refusing to let her go for another of those excitement moments that could very well have her falling to the ground. It didn't look like she minded too much sitting on his lap as she comfortably snuggled closer to him and rested her head over his chest.
"You should have seen him," she said again, her voice laced with the tiredness she was refusing to fall under, "I only saw certain memories up until he was five. But he was amazing."
"Tell me then," Klaus suggested, wishing he could see for himself those images. Since they were barely resurfacing in her mind they wouldn't be too clear to view. Besides, her mind was probably weary already after so many new memories had resurfaced.
"He was incredibly smart," began Maleny.
"Well, he clearly had somewhere to get it from," Klaus cleared his throat and earned a whack on the chest, making him laugh.
"Nicolas was a little copy of you when you were a boy, I remember it. He wanted to show everyone his little crafts. When he got a tantrum, which were often, he would turn into this fierce little boy."
"I...don't know where he could have gotten that from," Klaus feigned innocence as he looked around the room.
"You cannot deny he is your son,' Maleny playfully joked, "Not with that awful temper binding you two together. But it was okay, because it reminded me of you during that time. Thanks to a brief friend I made, the witches only allowed me six years of his life to before I was to be killed."
Klaus held her tighter, the bile of guilt rising within, "I'm sorry for not being there."
Maleny looked up at him, not at all sad, "I don't care. I'm happy right now, I got to see Nicolas and now I know I want him back faster than ever. I want to see how he's grown - I want him here with his little sister, and with his family where he belongs."
Taking her hand into his, Klaus said, "And he will come back to us, I promise. I know I make those promises and rarely come through but this time it will happen. You will see your son again, Mal."
Maleny smiled, "I know it. I don't know why you always act like you fail me so much. Partially it's my fault for never keeping my nose out of trouble."
"Well, that would make things a lot simpler I can't deny…"
Maleny chuckled and once again looked up at him, "But that wouldn't be me, and you don't want that other me, right?"
Klaus gave her a long look, and while the face he was looking at wasn't hers, he still felt beguiled by her beautiful features of within, "I want my Mal who never listens to me."
"And I want my bad-tempered hybrid," she replied back and as seconds ticked by Klaus watched her smiles fade and a distant look take over her eyes.
"What is it, Mal?"
Maleny looked away from him as she felt another memory try to come through but she lost it just as fast as it had come up, "It's just...I feel like there's something important I didn't get to see – like there was something else to the story."
"Like what?" Klaus took that as a red alert. Anything not remembered had proven to be dangerous or at the very least agitating for them later on.
"I don't know," Maleny sadly said, "But I just know it's important…"
For the moment, Klaus would let it slide. He rubbed her arm up and down and kissed her hair, "Perhaps it will come to you later."
"Perhaps…" Maleny whispered and rested her head on his shoulder, choosing to relish in their moment instead. She was actually very tired, but she didn't want to be anywhere Klaus wasn't at. Besides, the memory would probably resurface later on. And if it didn't, it probably wasn't that important.
She was wrong.
Early 11th century.
A grand party was being celebrated in the Velden residence for one of the nobles. Everything was going as planned with the celebration until one of the double doors was flung open by a guard who was thrown inside. The music stopped and the guests looked upon the guard who was definitely dead on the ground. It appeared he had blood oozing from his neck. Just like that came two more guards that shared the same injuries.
"Mmm," the nobles heard coming from the doors.
"Who's there?" One of the Velden nobles demanded as guards from the room came to the opened door, "I demand you show yourself."
"Wow, that is delicious," they heard a young English woman's voice and a couple seconds later she walked in holding a guard by the neck.
The sight of her was appalling yet no one dared to move. Her fangs were displayed for all to see, and the trail of blood led down to her neck and parts of her tattered dress.
"Nobles always do have a better taste," she declared. She let the guard drop to the floor and opened her arms in a very familiar way, "Well, don't let the celebration stop - I do like to be honored."
"What in heavens sake are you?" the same noble from before asked.
"One very special woman, sir," the woman could almost promise. As her tongue licked off the blood from her fangs, her hand pushed back strands of her long, black hair, "I believe you know my mother? She was one of you, you know - Iris Velden?" She watched with satisfaction as the crowd went in awe and confusion. "And my, my it has taken me a long time to find you all. But now that I am here, I expect to be welcomed. If not, well…" she pretended to flick something off her nail, "...that's one catastrophe I won't be happy to cause."
"Iris Velden disappeared more than 10 years ago," the noble declared, still meaning to be brave but it was crumbling quick.
"Oh yes, and for very awful reasons," the woman wickedly smiled, "But I am here because if I cannot find my brother nor my father, then I shall have to make a home for myself in the meantime. This will be my home now," she walked forwards, "My name is Marlenie Velden - well," she smiled to herself in thought, "That shall be my name to the outsiders. In here," she gestured to the room, "You will address me by my true name: Marlenie Mikaelson."
Author's Note:
THIS was the second twist I was waiting so badly to release! Haaaa, did you guys think that one was coming? Twins? Well, even if not, I present to you the Mikaelson twins - Nicolas & Marlenie ;). (Marlenie being pronounced as Mar-leh-nee'. The middle 'e' is a short 'eh' sound!
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