#Madam Scribner
da-floof · 1 year
Garreth and Leander both used to take Divination until Professor Onai made a genuine prophecy.
PROFESSOR ONAI: A Weasley and a Prewett shall copulate-a family of seven they shall make- Weasley will lay his seed deep and shall work hard to make ends meet, 6 boys and a girl Prewett shall produce but one of two boys shall meet the noose… oh my what happened-Mr Weasley are you alright?-where are you going?! Mr Prewett why are you crying?!
GARRETH-Barging into the staff room: AUNT MATILDAAAAAA! Professor Onai said I’m going to make babies with LEANDER! Breaks down in tears.
PROFESSOR WEASLEY-in the middle of a staff meeting: 😳
PROFESSOR BLACK: Excellent! Keeping the blood pure! 10 points to Gryffindor!-when’s the wedding?
GARRETH: Cries harder
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humanoidalien27 · 1 year
Because I was asked for the animagus short. 😂
I don't mention what animagi they are because it would be spoilery for my other story. But I carefully picked ones that matched their personalities.
I hope you enjoyed this short.
The lazy day
It was an exceptionally warm day, you were laying in the sun with Ominis, almost asleep.
By the soft snores, he was long passed asleep with his tail curled around you.
To anyone passing by, you'd look like two animals sleeping in a clearing close to beast's class. Well hidden though, just in case a student decided to wander too close.
"I must admit, this was actually a pretty good idea," you said, mostly to yourself.
Ominis swished his ear towards you. "It does make lazy days better. No one can find you easily unless-"
Sebastian and Anne raced towards you, both happily laughing.
"What did you two now?" Ominis asked, his head pointed in their direction.
"Come on!" Anne yelled zipping by, closely followed by Sebastian.
"But I was warm," you complained, earning a chuckle.
That was before you heard someone racing towards you. The flapping noises made your ears flatten backwards.
You two quickly climbed to your feet and bolted after the twins, hoping no one caught a glimpse of you.
The twins were up by the owlery, overlooking the school, panting heavily as you and Ominis approached.
"What did you two do?" You asked, looking in the direction they were.
Chaos was unfolding as Madam Scribner looked around furiously, her attack books nearby, dumbfounded.
"You went into the restricted section again?" You hissed, getting Ominis to sigh.
"Just to steal the right books," Anne replied while laughing. "We're luring her to the right spot."
Your eyes drifted up to the ramparts, seeing Peeves hurtle something at her, which covered the librarian in green slop.
"How did you get Peeves to help you?"
Ominis chuckled, shaking his head.
"He's still sour about her yelling at him in the library yesterday," Anne answered, half bouncing in place. "So, we offered to lure her to a certain spot."
"Wait, you did this for Peeves?" Ominis asked.
"He'd think twice before turning us in, right?"
"Now, you're wishing on a star Sebastian. The most you did was give him a target. He has a whole school worth of those."
He stretched as if to shrug. "Well, we do know the books can't follow you if you turn into an animal. That'll be helpful."
Anne snickered as Ominis sighed.
"I wonder if you'll ever grow out of this."
It was pretty trying, especially when they promised you a day of relaxation.
"That attitude right there is the reason you didn't get a fun animagus form," Sebastian replied, narrowing his eyes.
"I think theirs suit them." All of you jumped as Natty and Poppy came close, laughing at your reactions. "You'd think we didn't know about you, with that response."
"No, Anne and Sebastian just helped Peeves slop the librarian," you replied, getting them to look over your shoulder.
Their exasperated expressions mirrored yours and Ominis's.
"We should get off this hill before someone looks up. We don't exactly fit well together in the animal kingdom."
You nodded, moving after everyone. "Didn't you have a date with Garreth?"
Poppy half squealed. "I'm excited to hear all about it. You two are good together. Just like them."
You looked over seeing her looking at you and Ominis.
"Weasley is basically a destructive weapon. Anne could do way better."
All of you snickered as Anne glared at her brother.
"So, are we going to tell him about our animagus days once you two start officially dating?" Natty asked, smiling at Sebastian's eye roll.
"We'll see. He and I haven't even gone on our first date yet."
A loud explosion from somewhere in the castle, made all of you jump, your sharp ears picking it up.
"Oh, I think Weasley'll have better things to do tonight."
"Sebastian!" Natty and Poppy grumbled together.
"What did you do?" Anne asked, jumping on her brother's back and ended up rolling down the rest of the hill.
Natty and Poppy quickly raced after them, laughing the whole way.
Ominis sighed softly. "They're a handful."
Smirking, you looked his way. "You sound like a dad looking at his cubs."
Natty was watching as Poppy jumped on Sebastian's side to help Anne pin him down.
"I feel like one half the time," he admitted, his voice betraying how he enjoyed seeing it. "If our kids are like them, I may need to retire early."
You almost stumbled. "Our kids?"
He fell quiet and hurried after the group, making you chuckle.
It was nice to know he was thinking about a future with you. It made you hopeful and happy to look forward to it.
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seedsinmygarden · 9 months
Peter Green, the Nerd
“I don’t stare, I observe. Your sweater is inside out, by the way.”
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Basic Information
Identifying Gender/Species: Cisgender Human Male, he/him pronouns.
Birthdate: December 3rd, 1874 (Sagittarius)
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Wand: Notched design, Dusty Pink color. Beech wood, dragon heartstring core, 11”, supple flexibility.
Pets?: A female black cat with blue eyes named Persephone.
Height and Body Type: Slightly tall at 5’11, and doesn’t grow much more past that. Not many muscles but he’s not really scrawny either, giving him a rectangle body type.
Hair: Well-combed dirty blond hair that remains straight. A little longer than most— he doesn’t get a haircut often.
Eyes: Green eyes with brown specks, like a dyed green leather book. He does wear glasses, a pair of black circular ones— his vision isn’t horrible, but the glasses certainly help.
Scars and Other Marks: None, really. Semi-tan skin from always living on the coastal town.
Clothing: Most often just the Ravenclaw uniform or really anything Ravenclaw related. He doesn’t have a lot of clothes from home, really, and he doesn’t really go clothes shopping. He just has what he has. However, one thing he does treasure is his mother’s scarf. It no longer smells like her after years, but he still holds onto it for the sentimential value it holds.
Not really shy, just quiet. Prefers to sit silently rather than chat, but doesn’t mind if someone comes up and starts chatting with him (as long as he’s not busy with something important).
Book nerd. Book smart. The Hermione Granger of the 1892 graduating class. Jack of all trades, master of none, better than a master of one.
He wavers with Cassius, Amit, Cressida, and the other braniacs. He doesn’t care where his rank is, he’s not competitive about it.
Takes no shit. He won’t hesitate to put someone in their place if he felt they deserved it.
Prefers brain over brawn. He’ll use his words— and boy is he good with his words! He’s got a sharper tongue than anyone in the school, including the professors. He knows exactly what to say, when to say, and how to say it.
Home Life
Birthplace: A coastal village in Wales.
Birth Parents: Robert and Charlotte Green
Adopted?: Yes.
Adoptive Parents: Kit and Cassandra Gray
Siblings?: None.
Other Guardian Figures: None.
Places of Residence: Born and raised in that Wales coastal village, but Hogwarts quickly became a home he would hold close to his heart, even if he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s perfectly content just being within those walls.
Hogwarts Life
House: Ravenclaw
Quidditch?: Nope. He feels he doesn’t have the athleticism, but he is still involved as Ravenclaw’s commentator.
Clubs: Runs the Hogwarts Herald student newspaper. Will occasionally attend meetings for Tommy’s Game Club, but isn’t involved to the point he’s an official part of the club.
Other Activites: Studies plenty. Most of his time is spent reading, however, and he’s often found in the library for it.
Romance?: Sure. He’s not really into it, but if there’s a cute guy… yeah, why not? He’ll entertain the idea, but he knows not to take it too far if he truly isn’t interested.
Patronus: To be learned.
Animagus: To be learned.
Boggart: To be learned.
Amortentia: To be learned.
Mother died in childbirth, and his father died in a work accident when he was very young. The only blood family he had left was his aunt and uncle, aunt being his mom’s sister. The two weren’t close, so Peter didn’t exactly have a happy family relationship with them.
Not to say it wasn’t bad either! They were basically just people living under the same roof. There was no good relationship, no bad, just amicable. His aunt and uncle cared for him as one would care for a child, but they didn’t care enough to want to bond or actively spend time.
Peter is the ONLY KID that Madam Scribner remotely likes.
He’s a nice boy, he keeps quiet, he’ll even occasionally help her put returned books away and help other students when they’re looking for a book. Kind of became the unofficial librarian’s assistant.
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animasola86 · 7 months
Do you want to go to the library with me?
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rypnami · 10 months
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love him during the library quest cutscenes 💚
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foxglovevibes · 10 months
MC, coming sit sit beside a despondent Amit in the library: everything alright Amit?
Amit, sighing: no, I lost my telescope. 😔
MC: oh! do you remember where you last had it?
Amit, giving them a smile as he leans down to pick up a small transfigured set of three doors with gobbledygook words written on each: actually. . . they're behind one of these three doors. why don't you pick one? 😃
MC, torn between being frustrated and appreciating the effort before settling on being the former: . . .are you trying to distract me with gobbledygook? it's unbelieveable. I don't need gobbledygook in my school life, when apparently just being friends with a really lovely goblin is enough to ruin my personal life!
Amit: 😮
Imelda, sighing loudly from the table next to them: come on, MC, whatever the goblin thing is isn't the problem. that argument you and Sallow had has been keeping you apart. you two just need to bone.
Amit: 😳
MC, slowly turning their head like a possessed owl towards Imelda: what did you say?
Amit, visibly beginning to sweat: don't say it again-
Imelda, smirking: I said you two need to bone.
Amit: 😖
MC, rising up from their seat with an almost apocalyptic look on their beet red face: how. . . DARE you, Imelda, tHAT IS SO INAPPROPRIATE-
~ five minutes later ~
MC, shouting at the top of their lungs and completely ignoring Scribner screeching at them to be quiet: BONE?
Imelda: 😒
Amit: 👀
~ ten minutes later ~
MC, ranting + raving and so singlemindedly focused on Imelda that they don't notice the crowd their rampage has accrued: what happens in my bedroom, Imelda, is NONE of your business-
~ twenty-one minutes later ~
MC, looling completely unhinged at this point: BONE!?
Amit: 😰
Imelda: 🥱
~ forty minutes later ~
MC, to Imelda while being dragged out of the library by Scribner: don't EVER speak to me like that again-
Amit, emotionally drained and exhausted as he turned to look at Imelda: why did you do that?
Imelda, shrugging her shoulders: MC and Sallow were pent up. now they know. problem solved.
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msgrieves · 2 months
𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅
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summary : tom riddle decides to give you a lesson in herbology when you seem to be slacking 💞
warnings : smut, in public (a library), she/her pronouns used, dumbification, handgag??, fingering, lowercase intended!!
ೃ⁀➷ this is my first time writing a fic/smut so be warned for cringe; fyi i chose to make the reader's last name carrow!!; written in 3rd person because i can't bring myself to write in 2nd person rn 😣😣; no use of y/n
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lonely, she felt. amidst the solitude of the library she felt lonely. all signs of life had long left, leaving her alone with merely her own consciousness and the heavy snores emitting from madam scribner's dribbling mouth.
she felt like she was going crazy, rereading over the same article over and over again, fruitlessly scavenging for any information she hadn't picked up through her last fifty searches. in the pindrop silence she heard a cough, nearly sending her into a heart attack; glancing up from her disordered desk she met the protruding gaze of tom riddle,
"miss carrow, are you aware the library closed over twenty minutes ago?"
his expression mocked her, as if she was unaware of such primary rules. of course the library had closed long ago, she'd been checking her rustic pocket watch every five minutes in fear of a professor waltzing in and catching her. she feigned a tone of innocent obliviousness:
"oh sorry tom, i seemed to have lost track of time, i best be on my way now."
she hastily shuffled out of her seat, slotting assortments into her rugged leather satchel and slinging it over her shoulder in a hurry.
"not so fast.." riddle tutted at her condescendingly.
he took a sharp inhale, glancing at his dress shoes before back up her, taking a small step back.
"how come you're out so late?"
the dreaded question.
she'd hoped to escape him before he had the chance to completely humiliate her: give her a good scolding.
"..studying" she answered, vague.
a questioning look arose on his face.
"studying?" he repeated, his voice mocking hers.a simple nod would do.
"for what?"
an incredibly useless subject she took only because she wanted as many qualifications as possible.
he scoffed, he'd certainly shown up in a pissy mood. there was an uncomfortable pause, him looking her over before opening his mouth again.
"you're free to go."
her eyes widened, her tongue unable to stop herself from saying:
"would you like a detention then?"
"..no" she shook her head, quickly.
"then leave, now." he repeated, this time firmer than before.
well this was shocking. he'd allowed her to leave freely. normally it'd take an entire hour of him berating her before even considering letting her return to her dorm - usually accompanied with a week's worth of detentions, just because he could.
she didn't pass the oppurtunity, scurrying out before he had the chance to rethink his decision. she didn't question why he let her off the hook. she was simply thankful he did.
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a day had passed. it was now sunday night. she had the huge herbology test in only a few hours. she couldn't score anything below outstanding, otherwise her parents would be upset with her, professor beery would be dissapointed, and riddle would get one over on her but that mattered very little to her considering the worser consequences.
again she sat at her little table tucked away in the corner of the library. the incompetent librarian snoring away as per usual.
she took a break from her relentless studying, idly volunteering her help by sorting jumbled books which the first years had so carelessly tossed around.
she strolled a lap of the lavish library, sorting out obvious messes of disordered books before returning to her desk, finding riddle occupying her seat.
without needing to announce herself, he spoke up, somehow just knowing she was there.
"you've got this all wrong."
a focused look fixed upon his face as he flicked through the endless notes she'd written over the past week on the various plants professor beery had instructed the class to research.
"excuse you?" she scoffed in annoyance, striding largly over to him and harshly snatching the worn notebook from his hands.
who did he think he was? searching through her personal belongings?
"your notes. they're all wrong." he repeated, a blank look on his face as he fixated his gaze on her now, leaving her stomach a fluttering mess which she chose to ignore in fear of what could be revealed about her stemming from it.
"you shouldn't've even been snooping through my stuff. get up." she urged, waiting for him to move so she could reclaim her seat.
"but they were wrong-"
"-i don't care, get up."
his jaw clenched and he inhaled sharply, standing up nevertheless as she resat in her wooden chair. he pulled another over, inviting himself to join.
"i think you're forgetting whose in charge here."
he gave her a daunting glare, sitting down next to her. in all fairness as head boy he had the ability to send her back to her dorm right now, seeing as she was out past curfew, again.
"now.." he took a breath "do you need my help?"
he sounded empathetic. shocking for someone like him, who despite his charming reputation she knew to be one carless soul.
"no, i do not need your help-"
"-i think you do." he replied, his blunt tone not budging.
he brought his chair closer to her, gently taking the notes from her hands and spreading them on the table in front.
before, him going out of his way to help her seemed like a distant fantasy. what on earth was his motive behind this?
"read over your notes for me."
he placed a strong hand on her shoulder, patting it harshly as if it were an easing, friendly gesture, but instead it caused her to stiffen and shrink further into her seat.
"the entire thing?"
"would you like a detention?"
he kept using that stupid threat. it worked every time though. she took a deep breath, biting back her anger.
"first of all you've spelt it wrong."
he interrupted abruptly, bringing his hand from her shoulder to point it at the word written in a messy scrawling at the top of the parchment, then residing it down on her thigh. she tensed up, unsure of how exactly should she react.. should she push him off? she wasn't quite sure how she felt just yet.
with his right hand he borrowed her quill, scratching out the incorrect spelling to rewrite it as 'lovage' in a smaller font just above her old writing.
"continue" he hummed, now drawing light circles with his thumb onto her upper thigh.
her breath hitched, she tried to steady its pace, restarting her reading.
"lovage.. similar to broccoli-"
his hand made a sudden dip to explore her inner thigh.
"celery." he corrected, not arrogantly.
strange. he was being helpful, not mocking her for being wrong.
"celery." she repeated affirmatively, "its common use-"
merlin this man wouldn't shut up and let her talk.
"start from the beginning. once your done you can return to your dorm.. depending on how well i think you've done."
how well he thinks she's done?? in what world is that fair. she scowled at him, giving him a distasteful look, though he was too focused on the notes in front of the two of them to notice.
she took a deep breath,
"lovage." she repeated, rather dramatically.
his fingers began tracing higher up her thigh, slipping up her skirt and beginning to toy with the elastic hem of her undergarments beneath the desk.
"similar to celery, its common usages are-"
her sentence was cut by a breathy moan, where in gods green earth did that come from.
he'd traced lower down to her cunt, his fingers precise and sure.
"restart." he sighed exasperatedly, as if nothing out of the ordinary was occuring.
for merlin sake, he was nearly fingering her under the table- and she let him??
she groaned, in annoyance of his persistance, in annoyance of his fingers hovering so teasingly over where she needed him most.
"lovage. similar to celery. its common usages are for befuddlement draughts,"
"and what else?"
"what do you mean 'what else'??- the book only sAI-"
his index had slipped between her already moistened folds, applying the lightest pressure to her clit as he dipped the tip of it into her hole, she stiffled an unholy noise from seeping out from between her lips.
"quiet. madam scribner's still asleep." he warned, holding back a cocky grin.
what a sick freak. fingering her in a fucking library?? what was he thinking?
she covered her mouth at the attempt of another moan pushing through with his movements unceasing, abiding silently despite the protests inside her head.
she shook her head after a moment, her brows furrowed.
"i can't do this."
"sure you can dear."
"no, no, no i genuinely can't-"
she couldn't. not with someone she hated so much but was so attracted to? all it did was fuck with her feelings.
"keep reading."
she gulped dryly, trying to restart but without warning he'd slipped a first finger into her. she covered her mouth with her hand again, muffling the lewd noises from the innocent ears of the librarian a few metres away. sure the distance between them and madam scribner was large but it was only them there. if she woke up, there was no hiding.
deep breaths.
"lovage, similar to cE-lery, its common usages are for befuddlement draughts,"
her voice cracked as he swiped her clit with his thumb.
"well actually any confusing draughts." he interjected.
she groaned loudly in frustration with him interrupting and with the pressure he fiddled her with. he now clasped his own hand around her mouth, shushing her.
"that's all you need to know for this plant, don't worry about the rest dear." he eased, her taking his word for it seeing as she just wanted him to end this torture already.
he pushed in another finger, her slouching down on the chair as much as she could to push him deeper inside her.
he waited a second, slowly beginning to slide them in and out, careful as to not make excessive amounts of noise with the obscenely slick sounds envolping the silent room. the rough ends curled up, fingers exploring her insides with expertise.
she could've came on just two fingers alone.
"tell me, what was the name of the plant again?" he questioned quietly, his pace fastening by the second.she was limp now, lost in his touch. this was becoming clearer now. it was just his sick and perverted way of humiliating her.
"..huh, m'sorry..?" she asked, nearly sounding drunk as her eyes gazed up at his again.
"name of the plant dear," he uttered, looking her into her soul as he was reminded of how easily he would sway the morals of others simply by using his less.. dignified skills along with his good looks.
"lavage," she answered, confident as she didn't think over her answer.
"haven't you been listening? or has me simply slipping a finger or two into you made you this dumb?" he cooed, his words lined with a condescending type of mocking.
"oh, fuck- lovage i meant-"
she was quick to correct herself, earning a swipe at her clit as he began to pay more attention to it.
he sighed, as if this was an inconvenience to him - if so why was he doing this?
"and it's similar to?"
merlin, she didn't need an entire herbology lesson whilst he was messing around with her insides.
she was met with an ever deeper push of his fingers, hitting a spongey area deep inside her, one she didn't even think was possible for him to reach with his fingers alone.
she was confused to say the least, his motive was rather unclear.
he tutted and abruptly pulled out his fingers, wiping them on the inside of the fabric as he slipped them out of her panties, smearing the remainder of her juices that he unsucessfully wiped away onto her thigh, making the sheer tights she wore glossier.
she squirmed, an uncomfortable tensing in her abdomen having being left to suffer.
"why- why d'you stop?" she murmered, her thighs rubbing together to mimic the previous sensation but not even being able to come close to the pleasure of it.
"i need to work harder to knock my teachings out of your pretty little head."
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ೃ⁀➷ sorry for the abrupt ending i just wanted to get something out, lmk if you want a part two !!
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thenerdykneazle · 6 months
Amorous Tension
Summary: Poppy is quite sure her best friend has feelings for our favourite heir of Slytherin. MC is quite sure she doesn't, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. When Ominis asks MC to help him study for an upcoming potions exam, she jumps at the chance. TL;DR: Two idiots in love brew amortentia together.
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who created the audio version of this story. Listen to the first part here and the second here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Warnings: the mildest of hand kinks, kissing, a surprising amount of schoolwork, stressing about exams, failure to communicate
Word count: 4185
You tapped your quill anxiously on the edge of your parchment, forming an ever-growing blot of ink in the margin. You were re-reading a paragraph in Flesh-Eating Trees of the World on a South American anteater-eating shrub. The words made as little of an impression in your mind as they had the first time.
A hand settled on top of yours, startling you.
“You’re going to put a hole in the table if you keep that up. And I doubt Madam Scribner would be pleased,” Poppy said teasingly.
You sighed, setting down the quill before dropping your head onto the table. “I’m going to fail. I know nothing. Less than nothing, even. Garlick is going to laugh me out of the greenhouse,” you said hopelessly.
Poppy rubbed your back comfortingly. “No, she’s not,” she assured you.
You let out a frustrated groan. “I’m never learning the difference between Jacaranda muscipula and Delonix geogalinivorae. They’re both just bloodthirsty ferns.”
A smooth voice came from behind you. “Jacaranda muscipula is native to South America, and its diet consists largely of deer mice. Delonix geogalinivorae is found in Madagascar and feeds exclusively on tenrecs.”
Your head shot up off the table. “Ominis,” you said in a higher pitch than you’d intended. You twisted in your chair to see your aristocratic classmate standing there looking effortlessly flawless.
“Hello, MC, Poppy,” he said with a pleasant smile. “I take it you’re dreading Garlick’s exam as much as Sebastian is.”
You scrunched your nose. “More, probably,” you said dismally.
“Well, I had come to see if you might be able to help me study for Sharp’s exam on Monday,” he said. “I could help you with herbology after. Of course, I’d be happy to help even if you don’t have time for potions practice.”
You gaped at him. He was asking you for help? Amit and Sebastian both had top grades in potions. You’d taken to it quite well, but the two boys had several more years of experience than you did. Garreth knew every ingredient and recipe inside and out, though he almost never stuck to the instructions – you could see why Ominis wouldn’t have asked him for help.
Your stomach leapt at the idea of spending time at the bench – just you and Ominis, brushing elbows at the cosy workspace. It was always dizzying being in such close proximity – the effect of his expensive cologne, surely.
Poppy would probably argue differently. She’d just been pestering you just that morning about your alleged feelings for the sarcastic Slytherin.
“You’re the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, MC,” Poppy said, rolling her eyes as you walked to the Great Hall.
Garreth had just been talking to you out in the courtyard about needing to acquire Thornback Matriarch venom for a new potion he was working on. You had told him he’d probably be better equipped than you were at charming the ladies into giving him what he wanted.
“I think you’re jealous and just need to ask the Gryffindor out, already,” you argued, shooting her a quelling look. “I was just being funny.”
“Mhmm,” she replied sceptically. “Well, I think it’s funny how I’ve seen you flirt with Garreth, Leander, Sebastian, Amit, and even Imelda, but when a certain serpent with stormy eyes and chiselled cheekbones comes around, you turn into a frightened little puffskein. You go all ruddy-faced and start stammering.”
She was poorly suppressing a smirk as she looked at you.
You scoffed. “I do not stammer!”
“Yeah, and I don’t fancy Garreth,” she replied sarcastically. “Admit it, you’ve got a crush on Ominis.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you asserted, glaring at her.
She raised a hand to her lips to stifle a giggle. “Then why’s your face match Garreth’s luscious locks right now?”
“Oh, shut it!” you said, increasing your pace so that Poppy fell behind.
She just laughed at you. “You’re only proving my point, you know!” she called after you.
Poppy elbowed you sharply between your ribs. You’d gone far too long without replying. “Ow!” you hissed at her.
Ominis had a nervous look on his face. “Sorry?” he asked.
“Oh, no, that wasn’t at you,” you said quickly. “I mean, I’d love to study with you.”
His expression immediately brightened. “Wonderful! When are you free?” he said.
“How about now?” you suggested as you began to pack up your things.
“Oh, I don’t want to interrupt,” Ominis said.
“No, it’s fine,” you insisted. You shot Poppy a reproachful look. “I’m suddenly feeling unsafe here in the library.”
Poppy stuck her tongue out at you. “Yes, I need to go help Professor Howin feed the thestrals, anyway. You two have fun,” she said much too giddily.
You sent her one more glare as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “So, shall we use the Room of Requirement?” you asked Ominis.
“That sounds perfect!” he replied brightly.
You led Ominis out of the library and started the long climb up to the 7th floor of the astronomy tower. You were glad to stretch your legs after sitting in the library for so long.
“I don’t know how you can keep those carnivorous trees straight in your head,” you commented as you strode down a long corridor. “They look exactly the same to me when they’re not in bloom.”
“Do they?” he replied, sounding intrigued.
For a moment, you wanted to sink through the floor. Obviously, the fact that the two trees looked alike was of little consequence to him. “Sorry, I wasn’t even thinking.”
Ominis chuckled. “It’s all right,” he said, clearly amused. “It’s strange to think that they seem so similar to you. They feel quite different. The jacaranda tree has very rough bark, and the geogalinivore has waxy leaves. Plus, it has a sweet smell – sort of like oranges.”
“That’s actually very helpful. Thank you,” you said.
He smiled softly at you. You couldn’t help but notice how one of the beauty marks on his left cheek disappeared into his dimple when he smiled. “I’m glad to be of service,” he replied.
You could feel your face flush, though you had no reason to be blushing. You were relieved when you reached the 7th floor and the door to the Room of Requirement appeared. You cleared your throat. “Right, well, we’re h-here,” you said, cringing at yourself for tripping over the words.
Ominis held the door open for you as you entered the Room of Requirement. “I appreciate you helping me practice. Sharp’s class was hard enough when I knew what I’d be expected to brew. Having to prepare to make any one of four potions has been quite stressful.”
“It is a bit ridiculous,” you agreed as you started pulling ingredients out of your cabinet.
“Honestly! It’s hard enough keeping the ingredients for one potion straight – let alone for the Elixir to Induce Euphoria, Draught of Living Death, Veritaserum, and Amortentia,” he said.
“It is a lot,” you said. “Where should we start?”
“Hm…Well, I don’t think I would be very productive after testing potions for sleep or euphoria. We’d best leave those for later,” he replied. “What do you think? Amortentia or Veritaserum?”
“Amortentia’s easy enough to test. We can tell if it’s right just by how it looks and smells. Let’s start with that,” you suggested.
Ominis smirked. “You just don’t want me getting you to spill all your secrets,” he teased.
You chuckled. “You’re right; I don’t,” you agreed honestly. You weren’t exactly a secretive person ever since you didn’t have to hide your ancient magic anymore. However, the thought of not being ableto hide anything if you wanted to was terrifying.
“Amortentia it is, then!” Ominis said. “It’s the one I’m best at, anyway.”
He lit the flame to heat the cauldron before beginning to grind the moonstone with a mortar and pestle.
“So, what does Amortentia smell like to you?” he asked, chatting as he worked.
“I’m not sure,” you admitted as you leaned a hip against the bench.
“What do you mean you’re not sure? Were you holding your breath when we brewed it last week?” he teased. He cracked two ashwinder eggs into the cauldron before adding the powdered moonstone and stirring it together.
“No! I just…Well, I guess it’s that it doesn’t smell like anything to me,” you admitted.
“You must be joking. Surely you smelled something,” he replied incredulously.
“Just the usual musky dungeon,” you joked. “I thought I’d just brewed it wrong at first, but yours didn’t smell like anything to me, either.”
His brows drew together. “That is curious. I know I made mine right, because it…Well, it worked for me,” he said, his cheeks colouring a bit. “Do you just not find anyone attractive, then?” he added casually as he began cutting the thorns off of some rose stems.
“I don’t know. I mean, I used to think I did, but…now I’m not so sure,” you replied. “I don’t know what could be wrong with me to not smell anything if I did like someone.”
“I’m certain there’s nothing wrong with you, MC,” Ominis replied.
You sighed. “I hope not,” you replied before biting your bottom lip anxiously. “I thought maybe everyone was lying about smelling different things, and it’s really just an odourless potion. But I checked three different texts in the library, and they all said the same thing Professor Sharp did about the smell being unique to what each person finds attractive.”
“It’s definitely not odourless,” Ominis replied with a smirk. He shook his head as if to snap himself out of something before clearing his throat. He turned his attention back to the potion.
He added the thorns to the cauldron before beginning on the petals. You watched his hands as he plucked the petals off the stems, stacked them neatly, and rolled them together before slicing them into thin, even strips. He was quite skilled in his technique. Despite sharing a bench in potions all year, you’d never really noticed how fluidly he worked. There was an almost entrancing nature to the graceful movements.
“So, what does it smell like to you?” you inquired as you forced yourself to stop staring at the veins winding over his wrists and across the backs of his hands out to his slender fingers. You had always thought there was something nice about his hands.
“Oh, there is no way I’m admitting that,” he replied.
“But I told you when you asked,” you argued.
He rolled his eyes at you. “Nothing doesn’t count as an answer.”
“But it’s the truth! I can’t help that I didn’t smell anything,” you argued.
“I’m still not telling,” he insisted. He added the rose petals to the potion. His brow furrowed as his fingers skimmed over the fronts of several bottles. “Which is the pearl dust?”
“Third from the right,” you said before letting out a laugh as a realisation struck you.
“What?” he asked a bit defensively. “Did I grab the wrong one?” He shook the sealed bottle by his ear to listen to its contents shift within.
“No, that’s the pearl dust. I just…” You giggled again, and his scowl deepened. “I just realised that’s the last ingredient and the first thing I’ve helped you with. Seems like you barely need me here.”
He relaxed almost instantly, even laughing a bit himself. “Well, it’s much easier to brew here,” he explained. “I know which ingredients are which when they’re in my own containers – and even most of yours at this point – but almost all of Sharp’s bottles are identical. I have to figure out what’s in each one every time I pick it up. Sometimes it takes four or five tries to find what I’m looking for. It wastes so much time.”
“That sounds extremely frustrating,” you said sympathetically.
“It is,” he lamented as he added a spoonful of pearl dust to the cauldron. He stirred it clockwise three times before lowering the flame. “There! It should just need to simmer for a bit, and then we’ll see how it turned out.”
“I’m sure it’s perfect,” you said as you settled into a high-backed chair, kicking your feet up on the ottoman in front of it.
“I appreciate your confidence in me,” he said. “You know, I was even worse at potions when I was younger. I tried summoning the ingredients to myself in the early years, and it was usually a disaster. In first year, we had to brew a burn salve during our exams, and I simply could not find the dittany, even after sifting through all the ingredients on my bench three times. I gave up and summoned it, and it knocked over all the bottles in front of it on its way to me. They rolled all over the bench, and I had nearly plunged my hand straight into my cauldron trying to put them back in order. During another exam, I tried to summon flobberworm mucus, and all the bottles of the stuff came flying towards me at the same time.” He laughed. “It was all over me, my bench, the floor. Amit nearly slipped in it trying to come over and help. Professor Sharp was livid, but I think he felt too badly for me to give me detention.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, as well. “Oh, I’d have died on the spot!” you said.
“I nearly did. It was utterly horrifying,” he said. “I pretended to be sick for three days after that because I couldn’t stand the thought of facing everyone. I even had Sebastian bring me food so that I didn’t have to go out to the Great Hall. But I’ve learned to bounce back from my Blind Boy Moments quite quickly since.”
“Could Sharp not just label the ingredients for you?” you asked.
Ominis scoffed. “No, he insists that every good potions student should be able to identify the ingredients on their own,” he said, exasperated. “He wouldn’t even let me come in beforehand to label them myself because other students might see them. He also won’t let me use my own containers because it’s all got to be ‘standardised’ so it’s fair.”
“Well, that’s quite the opposite of fair! He’s putting you at a disadvantage,” you said. You could feel yourself getting angry on Ominis’s behalf.
“I am perfectly capable of identifying the ingredients. Just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean I’m incompetent,” he said bitterly.
You were taken aback as his ire turned toward you. “I wasn’t trying to imply that you are, Ominis, I swear!” you said earnestly. “It just seems unreasonable that he won’t accommodate you at all. It’s so frustrating. I have an uncle who’s blind. He wasn’t born that way – he had an accident. And he’s a Muggle. So…it’s a bit different, obviously. But he’s worked in kitchens all his life. When he first went blind, he couldn’t cook anymore. But his boss’s wife, Marjorie, was blind, too. She taught him how to navigate the kitchen again without being able to see. They made adjustments to things so he could keep working there.”
“You have a blind uncle?” he asked, seeming shocked.
“Almost all my life. He married my aunt when I was just a baby,” you explained. “He cooks even better than a house-elf, too! Don’t tell Feenky I said that, though. Or Deek, for that matter.”
“I can’t believe you have a blind uncle,” Ominis said, still stunned.
“Really?” you asked. “Why not?”
He shrugged. “I’ve never met another blind person,” he said.
“Never?” you said, surprised.
“Not once,” he confirmed. “My parents weren’t exactly looking to find me a support group. It’s exceptionally rare in the wizarding world, anyway. So, they sort of just kept me hidden away until school. They hadn’t even expected I’d get a letter even though I clearly had magic. It wasn’t until I figured out how to navigate by wand that they stopped treating me like a doll instead of a child. Even my Aunt Noctua was rather overbearing. No one ever believed I could do something myself until I showed them I could.”
“I can’t imagine how difficult it was going through all of that on your own,” you said.
Ominis gave a haughty huff. “Yes, well, I think I’ve done all right for myself,” he said firmly, crossing his arms protectively over his chest.
“You’ve done more than all right, I’d say,” you argued. “Which reminds me, you still have to tutor me in herbology after this.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry; I haven’t forgotten,” he said.
“You’d better not have,” you said sternly. Your severe expression didn’t last, though. You couldn’t help but smile around him. “Wait, so, if you didn’t have anyone to help you figure things out, did you invent the spell that lets you read books?”
“Ah, well, I suppose I wasn’t entirely on my own. Sebastian found that spell in an old tome in the library. Some languorous 17th-century scholar grew weary of having to keep his eyes open whilst reading,” he replied. “It worked quite well in my favour.”
“If there’s one thing Sebastian excels at, it’s research,” you replied.
“Yes, and it’s been both a blessing and a curse in my life,” he said irritably.
“I feel the same,” you said wearily.
Ominis spun back toward the potions station. “It smells like the potion’s ready,” he announced.
You got up and walked over to inspect it. “Mother-of-pearl sheen. Perfect spirals of steam. Excellent work, indeed, Ominis.”
He blushed at your praise. “Any essence of musky dungeon emanating from it?” he joked.
You laughed. You leaned over the cauldron and breathed in deeply to play along. “Oh,” you said, caught off guard by the smell. “Yeah, actually. It…” You took in another breath. It was masked beneath the cologne Ominis was wearing, but you could distinctly smell the cool, earthy scent that permeated the lower levels of the castle. “It does.”
“Merlin, MC! You don’t have a crush on Professor Sharp, do you?” he asked, aghast.
“Gods, no!” you replied immediately. “It’s not the dungeons, anyway. It’s different. But…familiar.”
You tried to smell it again, but it was still too hard to tell. You hadn’t realised earlier just how strong Ominis’s cologne was that day. Usually, you found the scent rather pleasant, but, currently, it was making it extremely difficult to smell anything else. You grabbed a phial and poured some of the potion into it. “I can’t tell what it is. I need to smell it in fresh air.”
“Are you trying to tell me that I smell foul?” Ominis demanded as you walked away from him.
“No, not at all,” you said before taking another sniff of the potion. “It’s just that your–”
Your voice died in your throat as two realisations struck you simultaneously. The first was that the earthy scent you had identified was the exact smell of the Undercroft. The second was that you still smelled Ominis’s cologne just as strongly even though you were on the opposite side of the room from him. The phial slipped from your hand and shattered on the wood floor.
“Are you all right?” Ominis asked, rushing over to you in a panic. “Did the potion burn you? I heard glass break. Did you get cut?”
He took both of your hands in his to feel for any injuries. The tips of his fingers brushed gently over your skin, and it sent a shiver up your spine.
“Sorry, no, I’m fine. I just–I hadn’t realised…something,” you said. You heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. Poppy had been right. You did fancy Ominis.
Ominis released one of your hands to raise his to your cheek. “Are you certain that you’re okay, MC?” he asked.
Your skin burned hot under his touch. “Y-yes, of course. I was just surprised when I placed the smell,” you said.
He tilted his head in interest. “Oh? What is it?” he asked.
You bit into your lower lip, keeping yourself silent as you wavered on whether to confess. He did seem to be rather doting at the moment. You wondered if he might return your affections.
“Perhaps I should’ve brewed the Veritaserum first, after all,” Ominis joked. “Maybe then I could finally get you to tell me what you smell.”
You laughed. “That’s not necessary. I just…Well, I’m pretty sure it’s, um…the Undercroft,” you said. Your nerves increased with every word, but you felt a flood of relief after getting them all out.
“Oh,” Ominis said uncomfortably. His whole body went rigid before his hands dropped away from you. “I…I see.”
“Ominis, I…” you started, trying and failing to figure out how to take the words back. You imagined the mortification you were experiencing was similar to how he had felt standing covered in flobberworm mucus in front of his peers.
“Well, I suppose I should still tell you what I smell, since you told me what you do,” he said sombrely. “Though, I can’t imagine it will be all that surprising.” He took a steadying breath. “It smells like old parchment, like those dusty pages Professor Weasley had you collecting last year. And I smell the mallowsweet you always carry around with you. And your shampoo. I always smell it when you hug me or fall asleep with your head on my shoulder.” He cleared his throat. “So…there you have it.”
“Are you upset about this?” you asked, bewildered by his tense reaction.
He forced a laugh. “What? No, of course not!” he insisted, but it wasn’t quite convincing. “I’m happy for you.”
“Happy for me?” you repeated, even more confused.
“Both of you, I mean,” he clarified, giving you a pained smile. “Although I’ve never asked Sebastian about his feelings toward you, with the way he flirts with you, I’m sure he reciprocates.”
“You think I fancy Sebastian?” you asked.
“Well, he’s the one who showed you the Undercroft,” he replied simply.
“Ominis, you’re the one he learned about it from. You’re the one I hang out with there. It’s rosewood and jasmine from your cologne that I smell in that bloody potion!” you said.
His brows knit together in confusion. “I thought you just smelled the Undercroft?” he said.
“Well, that’s what I thought when I was standing next to you – and in class last week,” you said. “You were right there, so I didn’t realise the smell of you was coming from the cauldron instead of…you know…you.”
His features went slack. “Oh…” he said awkwardly.
“Yeah…” you replied similarly.
“I’m a massive idiot,” he said, shaking his head at himself.
You smiled. “Yeah,” you said. “We kind of both are, aren’t we?”
“It would appear so,” he agreed. He laughed as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Well, this has certainly been an illuminating study session.”
You melted into him instantly. “Indeed, it has.”
“You smell wonderful, you know,” he said as he nuzzled his nose against yours.
You giggled in response. “You smell quite nice, as well,” you replied.
“I taste even better,” he said cheekily.
Your gaze immediately dropped to his lips. “Is that so?” you asked, your voice coming out husky.
“I can prove it if you’d like,” he said. His breath fanned over your lips as he spoke.
“Yes, I think you should,” you replied. “For…educational purposes.”
Ominis’s lips brushed against yours almost tentatively before he leaned in to interlock them. His heat sank into your body as he held you firmly against his chest. You snaked your arms up behind his neck as you kissed him back. Being held by Ominis – and kissed by him – felt right. You wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever. If you could’ve, you would have fused into him so you never had to be apart again.
You didn’t know how long it was before Ominis broke the kiss, but you knew it was too soon. “I still have to return the favour for you helping me with potions,” he said.
“Yes, right. The herbology,” you replied, still breathless from the kiss. You had forgotten about those bloody shrubs altogether.
“Actually, I was thinking we should work on divination, instead,” he said innocently, but there was a hint of a smirk on his lips.
You arched a brow at him. “Oh?” you asked. “Are you even taking divination?”
“No. I can’t exactly read tea leaves or look in a crystal ball,” he stated. The smirk spread on his lips. “But if I could, I’d see me in your future.”
You laughed. “You’ve been spending too much time with Sebastian,” you chided. “His terrible jokes are rubbing off on you.”
“You’re absolutely right, darling!” he said with a false gravity to the words. “I’d like to fix that as soon as possible by spending more time with you, instead.”
“I’d like that,” you said, unable to stop beaming at him.
“Me, too. Especially if it involves kissing you again,” he said.
You blushed. “I think that could be arranged,” you replied.
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fierymiasma · 1 year
✼ Drowning in Jealousy ✼ // Ominis x f!MC
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Summary/Request: The hero of Hogwarts has been recently attracting a lot of unwanted attention from other boys. Jealous Ominis makes sure to remind his pretty little dove who she belongs to.
Requested by @slytherinpride94 Thank you so much 💗
Tags: NSFW, Smut, Jealous Ominis, Dominis, Choking, Hair Pulling, you have been warned
Words: 2.5k
|| Masterlist || AO3 ||
"Will you just leave me alone, for once?" a familiar feminine voice asked.
Ominis froze in his steps.  The hero of Hogwarts was in their usual afternoon study spot in the library.  Notes she had copied down for Ominis already laid on the table before her.
Except, instead of the empty seat reserved for Ominis, there was someone in his place.
Ominis's wand revealed Porter, one of the 7th year boys who was always particularly rude towards pretty girls.
Unfortunately for her, Ominis's girlfriend was no exception.
The 7th year boy sitting in Ominis's seat leaned over, crowding her personal space.  "I came to ask you about that date again, do you remember?"
Her knuckles tightened on her quill.  "With your charm, how could I possibly forget?" she drawled sarcastically, not looking up from her Potions essay.  "I don't like to repeat myself.  I'm with Ominis." 
"C'mon, it's not like the guy can even see." The troll of a man persisted.  "He can't even see how pretty you are.  You're wasted on someone like him."
Ominis wasn't a jealous person.  Sebastian was jealous.  Ominis, well, Ominis was above such petty things.
So he wasn't quite sure what prompted him to interrupt their conversation, sliding in between his girlfriend and the offending idiot bothering her.
"Excuse me, I believe, she said she's not interested."  Ominis sneered.  "You must have troll brains up in that rather empty head of yours.  Figures, probably matches your face anyhow."
The other boy's face turned a blotchy red.  "I don't believe I was talking to you, Gaunt."  The other boy spat.  "It's a damn pity that she's seeing someone like you.  Knowing your family, you probably imperio-ed her into -"
Before Ominis could withdraw his wand from his sleeve, the other boy flew back, knocking over several chairs in the process.  Ominis frowned.  He didn't hear any spells.  It sounded like a fist colliding very hard with someone's face.  Pulling out his wand, it's familiar red glow illustrated the scene before him.
His usually gentle dove had finally stood up from her seat.  She was furious, knuckles now blooming with red.  The shock from her punch tingled up her arm.
Madam Scribner was going to come rounding the corner at any second.  Hand on the back of her waist, Ominis guided his tiny, furious girlfriend towards the library exit.  "Come, my love.  These gits aren't worth getting ourselves into trouble."
Ominis's touch was all that it took for her anger to deflate.  Gathering her belongings, she let Ominis escort her from the scene of the crime.  Though his lover's short temper might have been appeased, Ominis's wicked jealousy sure hadn't.  There was a small tremor in the tips of his fingers right where his hand was on the small of her back. 
How dare they? Ominis's arm tensed around her protectively.  How dare those boys try to make their claim on a woman when she was so clearly disinterested?  For shame, harassing someone like that.  Lost inside his swirling mind, he wasn't even aware of where he was leading her to until the telltale door of the Room of Requirement spun to life. 
His wand scanned the large space around him.  Good, they were alone here. 
"Ominis, why have you brought me here?  Are you alright?  Don't listen to Porter.  He's a moonmi-"
"Are you hurt, my love?" Ominis interrupted a bit harshly.  His trembling fingers running gently over her sore knuckles.
She blinked.  "Um, no, I don't think -"
It was all Ominis needed to hear before something in him snapped.  He buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her rich scent before placing possessive kisses against it.  Her muscles loosened in surprise.  She instantly melted into him.  Her peaceful pleasure didn't last long before Ominis pulled her by her hair exposing her neck even more as he left dark marks in his wake. 
 "O-Ominis."  She was surprised at the rough treatment.
"You're mine."  His voice was soft yet firm.  It left no room for doubt. 
She could only let out a whimper in response. 
"Say it." He demanded, lips trailing up her neck towards her ear.  His hot breath tickled the nape of her neck.  Ominis bit her earlobe.  "Say that you're mine."
Shivering at the goosebumps erupting on her skin, she nodded feverishly.  "Yours, Ominis.  I'm yours." 
She could feel his lips curled into a smile against her jaw.  "Good girl."
Merlin, it was pathetic how wet she was from his words alone.
Ominis was unrelenting.  "Clothes, off.  Don't make me wait, dove."
Frenetic hands frantically undid her blouse buttons.  She feverishly stripped as fast as possible as Ominis accio'ed a bed closer to where the couple stood.
Uncharacteristically inpatient, Ominis turned to the still-undressing girl.  He was unable to wait.  Greedy hands mapped her body.  Her blouse now gone but bra and skirt were still in place.
Ominis would need to rectify that.  Trailing his hand up to her neck, he boldly wanted to try something dark that had been hidden in the back of his mind.
His large cold hand wrapped around her pretty throat, squeezing gently and experimentally.  His fingers dug into her skin, somehow dominating yet so careful around his flower.
She moaned, eyes fluttering shut.
A cruel smirk made its way on Ominis's face.  "Only I can see you like this, do you hear me?"
She tried to nod but Ominis's firm hand held her in place.  She mewled.
Satisfied with her answer, Ominis hand tightened around her neck before pushing his girl onto the bed behind her.  She fell, legs knocked apart, begging to be opened.  His other hand trailed down her body, marveling at the smooth, familiar curves of her body.  His fingers dancing along the band of her skirt before dipping underneath.
She leaned into his touch, desperate for more.
Ominis brain was a whirling storm.  She was his.  No one else's.  He could feel his girl completely soaking through her undergarments for him.  The wetness was shamelessly leaking through the material.  His fingers pressed firmly against the heat, drawing out a breathy gasp.
"You're so gorgeous, no one in all of Hogwarts can resist you."  His words were almost unrecognizable even to himself, deeper and more raspy.  "You've been such a good girl for me.  I'm going to make you forget everyone else but me."
Ominis had always treated her so delicately in bed, worshiping her.  He always whispered pretty compliments into her skin.  Never before had she had experienced anything like this. 
Letting go of her throat, he roughly hitched up her modest skirt to her stomach, eliciting a sound of alarm from his girl.  Her soaked undergarments still hid her essence away from him.  He growled.  Quickly pulling out his wand, he pointed it at her, vanishing her bra and underwear away, hopefully never to be worn again.
She squeaked in alarm, now completely exposed.  Her legs closing instantly, a bit embarrassed at how naked she was compared to Ominis, still fully dressed.
Her movements earned her a growl. Ominis fell to his knees, parting her quivering legs to make room for himself.  His face was so dangerously close to her wet center, she could feel Ominis's hot breath tickle her inner thighs.
"Fuck." He whispered to himself.  His arousal pulsed dangerously in his tight pants.  His mouth closed over her core, relishing in the thick arousal he tasted here.  His tongue dipped inside her, teasing her of things yet to come.  Throwing one of her legs over his shoulder, he dove deeper into her, worshiping her.
Her thighs tightened around his ears in a viper's hold around him, pulling him closer to her wet center.  Ominis couldn't breathe, gasping for air against her wet folds.  She was a siren, drowning her latest's victim between her thighs, and Ominis couldn't be more pleased to volunteer.
She hips began to move of their own accord, grinding against his wicked mouth.  Her eyes were shut in pure arousal.  Ominis's tongue sped up, occasionally pausing to suck her sensitive, swollen clit.  His firm hands gripped her before pulling her forward, half off the bed.
She's never felt such tense fire in her belly like this before.  Ominis could hear the pathetic stuttering whimpers that he was drawing out of his dove.  Her hands flew down to tightly pull in the strands of his hair.  A telltale tremble raced down her whole body.
"O-Ominis, I'm-"
Suffocating in her, he pulled her closer to his mouth, tongue working faster in response.
"D-don't stop!  Ah…!  Yesyesyes-"  Something tight snapped in her gut as she came over his face.  She felt dizzy and boneless, unsure if she was going to pass out from the way the very end of her nerves tingled.
"Please." She begged breathlessly, unsure exactly what she was asking. 
A growl ripped itself from his chest, as he stood up.  He surged forward, lips claiming her neck again, leaving bruising marks in her perfect skin.  His other hand reached for his trousers, fumbling them open to relieve the tight pressure around his cock. 
Throwing her arms around his back, she pulled him closer.  She never wanted to let go.  A hot blunt tip rubbed itself along her sensitive slit.  She gasped, still recovering from the aftershock of her organism.  Hips moving of their own accord, she tried to grind down onto him, begging for Ominis to take her. 
Ominis stilled.  His hands found her waist, holding her in place and preventing her from sinking down onto him.  "What would people think if they saw you like this? If they saw how the hero of Hogwarts was such an absolute slut."
She was delirious with want, only moaning in reply.
She could feel his smile widen against her collarbone.  "It's too bad they can't see you like this because you're mine.  No one else can have you."
Pulling her closer to him, he forced the full length of his cock into her in one smooth motion. She gasped, her walls trembled around his cock, still so sensitive.  Ominis never was like this, in all the time they've been together.  He's always been gentle, slow, methodical in his approach.
She liked this new side of him.  
His hips snapped forward relentlessly not giving her a moment's of rest.  Her eyes teared with pleasure as her nails left indents in the back of his shirt. The stark difference between a fully clothed Ominis and her completely naked self sent shivers down her spine. Her walls fluttered around his cock at every thrust, clamping down whenever Ominis brushed against her sensitive spot.  He was completely gone at this point.  His normally perfectly gelled hair fell out of place.  Strands of light blond hair cascaded in front of his eyes. 
"Mine.  You're mine."  He rasped, sucking on her neck. 
"I'm yours." she agreed eagerly.  His pounding was relentless.  His cock brushing up against that bundle of nerves that made her see white.
"I'm the only one who can see you like this."  Ominis reminded her.  His thrusts got deeper and harsher.  "Not Sebastian.  Not Garreth.  Not even fucking Porter."
She could feel his cock brush against a certain bundle of nerves, and she gasped in agreement.  It did not go unnoticed by Ominis.  Pulling her hips off the beg, he aimed for that spot with merciless precision in every stroke.
A man like Ominis could go mad just listening to the symphony of whimpers and moans from his dove.  The wet skin slapping each other, the sound of the bed rocking against the floors of the Room of requirement.  Ominis hissed, feeling the familiar warm coil tightening in his stomach.  His thrusts became more erratic and harsh.
It was too much.  She still hadn't recovered from earlier.  "F-fuck, O-ominis.  I-I'm so close."  she whined.  Her thighs trembled, on the precipice of another orgasm.  
Ominis chuckled against her neck,  His fingers moving to her clit, circling around it.
"O-Ominis." she begged. "P-please."
"Cum for me." he demanded roughly.
She moaned before finally reaching her climax.  Ominis's fingers still punishingly rubbing her clit as the tight walls around his cock spasmed.  His hips had not stopped, still brutally pumping his cock into her. 
"Good girl." he praised breathlessly.  He was so close. The knot that was building inside him completely unraveled.  As he bottomed out, he released inside of her.  His cock pulsed inside her velvety warmth. 
The feverish delirium abetted, leaving only cold embarrassment. How barbaric he treated her.  Pulling out of her, turned himself back into his pants.  He was raised better than this. Ominis ran thin fingers over her skin, hoping that his rough handling of her had not left bruises. 
With his wand, he tidied his girlfriend up, vanishing any bodily fluids and conjuring up a clean wet cloth for her.  Since they've been together he had always treated his dove with the delicate doting that she deserved.  So harsh and ugly were the challenges she faced both with Ranrok and within Hogwarts, did she not deserve some modicum of soft reprieve?
Ominis cringed as he laid besides her on the bed.  He had a clear mind now able to think back at the way his bruising grip tightened around her soft thighs as he licked her slit.  His fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her roughly against him.
He threw an arm around his face, embarrassed.  Ominis had acted on his baser instincts, and for what?  Because he got jealous over some stupid boys?  Ugh, he was no better than those trolls.
She shifted right besides him, basking in a warm after-glow.  She could already see the beginnings purplish bloom of finger-shaped bruises on her hips.  Delicately pressing on them, she was pleasantly happy to see that the memory of tonight would be etched into her very skin.
Ominis was too quiet next to her.  Turning to her other side, she say a very familiar pinched expression of Ominis's self-loathing.  She huffed.  Silly boy.  Probably distraught at how "un-gentlemanly" he was. 
Unbothered by her lack of clothing, she rolled on top of him, sitting on his hard stomach.  She was delighted at the shocked look of his face when he could feel her naked thighs slide along his bare skin.  He could probably feel how warm her center was.  Leaning over him, her undone hair cascaded down her shoulders, covering the two of them in a thick curtain.  The tips of her hair tickled his face.  Ominis could feel her warm breath as her lips hovered dangerously close to his.
"Let's do this again sometime."
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lara-kaminari · 2 months
- 11 year old Sebastian accidentally calls Madame Scribner 'mom' when he tries, along with Anne, to get into the restricted section to see what's inside.
- 15 year old Sebastian accidentally calls Madame Scribner 'Mom' when he has a panic attack in the library.
He has made himself small so that no one will see him. Hiding under some bookcases. He crosses his arms over his legs and closes his eyes. The Aurors will come looking for him. Solomon is dead. Anne is gone.
Anne is gone.
The woman who looks back at him is perhaps his mother. Mom is back. She'll fix it. Mom is here. Mom will tell Anne to come back.
Agnes Scribner can only look at the child. Just a child.
Just a child.
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
Selfless {Sebastian Sallow x GN!Reader}
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Introduction: Follow up to Pretty Thoughts. (I tried to write in a way you could follow what’s going on without needing to read the last part though, so jump in if you’d like!) Sebastian isn’t waiting for your permission to help you with your assignments anymore. He knows what he wants, and he’s going after it. Takes place after MC meets Anne and before Seb’s final quest. Your Hogwarts house is up to you.
Word Count: ~ 1,700
Warnings: Kissing
Author’s Note: If he wanted to, he would is the fanfic lesson of the day. This one’s a bit shorter than my others, but I feel like so much more happened! I finished up this one quicker than I thought, so I’m going to be sneaky and edit here and there if I see any typos (my worst nightmare). Hope everyone’s having a good day 🙂
Songs (if interested):
Run Away to Mars - TALK
Greek Tragedy - The Wombats
Mr. Rager - Kid Cudi
The World - TeZATalks
Sebastian was lounging on a couch in the Slytherin common room, one hand behind his head, the other rubbing at his lips. He was trying to remember the feel of your mouth on his when you had kissed him in the library. He knew a memory wasn’t the most reliable thing, but he could have sworn he felt your tongue at one point. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance remembering the part where the two of you had to pull apart because you heard Madam Scribner approaching.
He was going to try to get another kiss in after the two of you would have left the library together. But something shifted in your mood and you ran off without him. He had been confuzzled about it ever since. It couldn’t have been that he was a bad kisser, he didn’t think the two of you would have stopped if you didn’t have to worry about getting caught.
He had tried to catch you before you left the castle that morning, but you were nowhere to be found. He was learning fast that it wasn’t going to be easy making you his. He needed to step it up, because you were a slippery one. Just when he thought he had you in the palm of his hand, you were gone.
He decided to stop moping and take action. He shot up off the couch and went to find a few people who he was thankful were easier to find.
When Sebastian arrived back on campus, he was covered in scrapes and bruises, and he absolutely reeked of dirt and sweat. Merlin’s beard, was this what you did nearly every day? He needed to toughen up if he wanted to keep up with you. 
After going to find Poppy and Natty, he had asked them about everything they had planned on helping you with. He told them he would take over, lying and saying he had similar assignments. He built up quite the list: Horklumps that could only be found in caves filled with ginormous spiders, ashwinder eggs he had to find hiking in the rockiest of places, and even bogeys he had managed to knock out a troll for. The professors had no hesitancy throwing you in the deep end, did they?
He was almost worried he bit off more than he could chew, but he had managed to complete the list, making the fatigue he felt oddly satisfying.
Despite being aware of his untidy state, he headed towards the dining hall. He thanked his lucky stars he had made it back before dinner time ended. He needed to get food in him or he would faint.
A majority of the students were gone, having already gotten their fill. He began making his way to find a seat, enchanted bag in hand. But among the few students left in the dining hall, he caught sight of you. Luck was officially on his side that day, he didn’t think he would have found you at all that weekend. He headed your way, wanting to walk faster but the soreness in his legs wouldn’t allow him. 
He plopped the bag on the table, startling you. He didn’t wait for you to say anything and slumped down in the empty spot next to you, too tired to lift his legs over the bench. He leaned his elbows back on the table and let his head fall back.
After allowing himself a brief moment to finally do nothing but sit that day, he met your questioning gaze and he gestured to the bag with his chin. “Hope this helps.”
You squinted your eyes at him, trying to work out what he was talking about. 
“Go on. Open it.”
You grabbed the bag and peeked inside. It didn’t take long for you to realize it had a charm to fit what looked like a dozen large jars. Getting a closer look, you realized they were full of items you needed for your latest assignments.
“Sebastian...” A proud smile tugged at his lips at the pleasant surprise in your voice. He leaned his head back again, another wave of exhaustion hitting him.
“I told you I wanted to help you.”
“This is... amazing. I -...” You were at a loss for words, shaking your head in disbelief. “I owe you, Sebastian. Please, let me know how I can repay you.”
He glanced back at you, raising a brow. “What are you going on about? You don’t owe me a thing.”
Something warm and fuzzy formed in your chest. This was not the Sebastian you first met. What ever happened to the Slytherin who was so eager to have people in his debt?
“Then why would you - …?”
“Do you need me to spell it out for you?” He smirked.
You looked back down into the bag, hiding the smirk of your own that formed. “Please do.”
He loosely took your hand in his. He would have grabbed it with a firmer hold if he could, but his forearms were aching too much. “You make me nervous too.”
You looked up to return his gaze and your heart fluttered. 
“I’d do anything you’d ask of me.” The way he said it while looking deep into your eyes, as if he needed you to understand he meant it, made you want to melt. He gave your hand a quick squeeze. “Please don’t run off.”
Finding your voice, you assured with a whisper, “I won’t.” You squeezed his hand back.
He smiled, relief overwhelming him. “Now that we’ve got that settled,” he gave your hand a quick kiss. Releasing it, he swung his legs over the bench to face the mouth watering platters. “I hate to ask, but could you help me get some of the food onto my plate. I think my arms are going to fall off.”
The two of you laughed and you happily obliged.
“Food really does taste better after a day like this.” Sebastian sighed, dreamily thinking back on how the first bite of many had made him want to cry.
“It does. I don’t know how I’ll survive when we don’t have Hogwarts cooking to come home to.” You replied as the two of you made your way to the Slytherin common room. You were going to drop him off and then head out to do your astronomy assignment. Once again, Sebastian had offered to come with, but seeing how he was practically asleep on his feet, you pleaded for him to get washed up and straight to bed.
Standing outside of the Slytherin common room, Sebastian let out a long exhale, thinking about how close to his bed he was. Oh how he wanted to collapse onto it. He looked to you. “I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow.”
“You will.” You smiled at him.
He smiled back and turned to make his way into the common room.
“Sebastian, wait.” You grabbed for his hand with the gentlest touch. He stopped walking and faced you again.
“I know you’re tired, but...” You drifted off as you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. 
Though he was exhausted, he mustered up all the energy he could to kiss you back, hoping he would catch some kind of a second wind. 
He tasted earthy and salty from the dirt and sweat that covered him. The hand that cupped your neck felt extra rough and callused then, but you didn’t care. Thinking about everything he had done for you that day, you wanted more of him. Your tongue just barely licked his bottom lip and it sent a shiver up his spine.
Truth be told, you always went a little mad when he was disheveled and sweaty like this. Whenever he needed to take off his robes and roll up his sleeves, it made you weak. He especially caught your eye after dueling matches, he would be worn out with clothes and hair disordered. You always ached to stroke his hair back into place.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. He reciprocated by wrapping his arms around your lower back. He wanted to lift you off the ground but his muscles painfully screamed in protest. So he settled for just biting at your bottom lip instead, eliciting a light moan from you.
You weren’t masters of kissing yet. Still learning the ropes, the two of you could only do what felt right in the moment, be it little nips or licks here and there. Neither of you seemed to mind, however.
The echoing sounds of students chattering and making their way down the stairs stopped your kiss. He sighed into your neck, still holding you close. “We need to find better places to do this.” And with one final kiss to your jaw he pulled away.
“Probably for the best, you need to get some rest.” You told him, straightening your shirt.
“Don’t need to tell me twice.” His eyelids were heavy, and you thought it was the most precious you’d ever seen him. 
“You’re adorable.” You told him with a cheeky smile you couldn’t hide.
“Oh, please never call me that again.” He rubbed roughly at his eyes, too sleepy to be that annoyed with your words.
You took subtle glances to see if anyone around you was looking your way. When you felt you were in the clear, you snuck a peck to his cheek, surprising him. “See you at breakfast.” And off you went.
He watched after you. You gave him quite the reward for his actions that day, he ought to do stuff like this more often.
Someone behind him gagged. “My word!” Sebastian, startled, turned to see Ominis with a face contorted in pure disgust. “You smell putrid!”
Sebastian could only nod in agreement. “I’m aware. Now, help me into the common room, will you? I think I’m about to collapse.”
Ominis scoffed “I am going nowhere near you.” He began towards the common room without him.
“Ominis, please, I’m not joking.”
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cuffmeinblack · 2 months
A Library Defiled
Garreth Weasley x f!reader
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Summary: An tense encounter in the library shatters the barrier between friends and lovers. Tags: explicit | fingering | semi-public sex | friends to lovers 1.7k words
A/n: Just a quick smutty drabble from me but it's been a while since I wrote anything for Weasley Wednesday! I was inspired by this art which sent me slightly insane yesterday (help, he's so fucking tall).
The gold embossed spine winked down at your from its perch, far out of reach amongst the teetering heights of the stacks. Your instinct was to grab your wand and cast a quick summoning charm, but that idea fizzled out with a quick glance at your surroundings. The signs that Madam Scribner had hung earlier that year usually went ignored, but the stern librarian was only feet away now, shuffling through a cart of returned books. Forbidding the use of magic in a magical school was preposterous, though you could quite easily see Professor Black agreeing with her madness. No doubt it had been in response to that business with Cressida and her damned flying diary. 
You rolled your eyes before standing on tiptoes, fingers merely inches away from your prize, and yet it was to no avail. That extra height eluded you. The thought occurred to you to start climbing the shelves until the very book you needed was snatched from above.
“Wait, I-...”
“Is this what you wanted?”
You needn't have turned to discern who'd spoken—his voice was as familiar as his densely freckled face—but you fixed your face with a suitably irritated expression. You came face to face with his chin, having to crane your neck to meet the towering redhead’s eyes. Garreth held the book out for you with a smile that looked far too self satisfied for your liking.
“Yes, it is. Well done for being so tall,” you replied, casting another mutinous glance at the librarian. “How does she expect us to get anything down without using magic?”
“I think she'd be happy for nobody to touch the books ever again. However, I'm always happy to help a damsel in distress.” You could practically feel the implied flirtatious wink.
Shadow eclipsed your face, an arm braced against the shelf beside you. Your heart stuttered, arms clutching the book tightly to your chest like a shield in case the organ burst from your ribcage. The reaction he elicited wasn't new or unexpected—in fact, he played into it as much as he could these days. He knew how to stand, how to speak and what to say to send your heart racing, hoping that one day you would end the torturous game you played and let him fulfill those desires you both knew you held. The chase was fun but your patience and self restraint grew thinner with each passing day.
“Is that what I am?” you asked. Your voice quivered as you felt him envelop your back, his warmth seeping through your shirt. He ran hot like a furnace. You'd forgotten how to use your limbs, how to think; every sense was acutely aware and attuned to his movements. 
“You looked pretty distressed before I got here,” he chuckled, his mouth so very close to your ear. His fingers flexed against the wood, warm breath slipping down your collar. Another inch and his lips might brush your skin.
Garreth knew when to stop. This invisible boundary you'd drawn lay somewhere on the hair's breadth between your bodies. You still felt everything—the steady rise and fall of his chest, the copper curls that barely ghosted your forehead and his gaze lingering on your neck. 
Sweeping the hair away from that spot, you heard him inhale, dizzy from the slightest show of skin; not quite an invitation, only an enticement. If he insisted on teasing, you would repay him for his efforts. When he stepped closer you knew it had been foolish.
There was no more room between you anymore, only his muscled chest and the hint of softness at his midsection. “Are you going to let me leave or keep me pinned here forever?” you asked, hoping that the answer might be ‘yes’.
“I'm not stopping you.” He shoved his free hand into his pocket. He was quite correct—there to your right, was a route of escape. You could turn and leave, but your legs had suddenly atrophied. And then Garreth dipped his head further. To an outsider it might look as if he were whispering conspiratorially in your ear, his billowing robes and broad shoulders masking just how tightly your bodies pressed against each other. “You can go, or you can stop pretending not to want this,” he said.
“And what is this, exactly?”
Garreth shifted his weight ever so slightly, enough for you to feel an unmistakable twitch in his trousers. Cheeks blazing, you inhaled sharply whilst suppressing a whimper, clutching the book so tightly you thought the spine might crumble.
“You drive me crazy,” he replied with what could only be described as longing lacing his voice. Garreth wasn't the type of person to manipulate others; you knew he was being sincere. “Just give me a chance to love you.”
You finally looked at him then, shocked to hear that word slipping from his lips. He didn't seem to have noticed, or perhaps he held no shame in laying his heart on the line for you then. His eyes were full and earnest, unwavering as they held your gaze. In response to your shocked silence he asked, “Did you think I just wanted to sleep with you?” 
“Maybe,” you muttered. Despite every rational thought imploring you not to, your eyes dropped to his lips, and his own quirked into a smile at his victory. When he kissed you, he finally let go of the shelf to tilt your chin to meet him. The hand in his pocket came to encircle your waist, swivelling you around to face him. The book you'd held as a shield that signified the final barrier between your coupling fell to the floor with a thud as you gave into him completely. 
Your heart pounded so fiercely you didn't hear Madam Scriber shouting or the students whistling—there was only Garreth and his gentle touch and soft lips, tongues swirling in an endless caress. The battle had been long-fought but your surrender had made winners of you both. The whimper you'd forced down threatened to escape the tighter he held you, the longer his tongue teased your lower lip. 
Perhaps it had been a blessing when the librarian broke her own rule and blasted a hex at the pair of you, rendering you speechless and unable to move. Saving you from further embarrassment had been a steep price to pay and had made Madam Scribner enemy number one.
A month later, you found yourself in that very same spot again, except this time it was under the cover of darkness. Tonight you would exact your revenge on Madam Scribner by defiling her precious library. The room was still and blissfully quiet except for the rustle of fabric and lustful moans that spilled from your own mouth. Garreth's lips were just as sweet as that fateful day one month prior, his hand braced again on the shelf next to you—but this time his slick fingers teased your clit with precision as you pressed against his chest. 
Your head fell back on his shoulder, back arching into his touch as the circles grew faster and tighter. You whimpered unbidden, met by a breathy chuckle in your ear before Garreth's mouth returned to your neck. You guessed there would be purple bruises there tomorrow, by the way your skin now tingled and stung so deliciously.
“Fuck, Garreth…” Stars perforated your vision as every drop of blood rushed south, preparing for a mind-shattering orgasm only minutes after your arrival. Everything was so intense, so passionate with Garreth; years of tension finally culminating in the moments you joined bodies.
“That's it, let it go,” he whispered in your ear, silky smooth and commanding. “Come for me.”
You gripped his hair as those final slippery strokes sent you over the edge, coming hard with a loud moan that echoed along the rows of books. If they could talk, they'd have quite the tale to tell. Your thighs clenched around his hand, hips grinding against his fingers. His cock was already nudging against your behind whilst you writhed in the throes of pleasure.
“I can’t wait to be inside you. Fuck, you’re so wet.” Another nudge from his stiff length, his arm abandoning the shelf to hold you tight against him. You’d barely caught your breath before Garreth was tilting you forward, angling your hips just right as he slid between your folds. “This is exactly what I wanted to do to you that day, you know.” His voice had become gravelly, laced with want. His cock twitched eagerly at your entrance.
“I wanted it, too,” you sighed, gripping the shelf in front of you hard as books shifted and dust invaded your nostrils, yet nothing could overpower the heady aroma of musk that had you salivating at the thought of Garreth’s dripping cock. “Please…”
Garreth entered you in one swift motion, stretching you until you were blissfully full. He groaned and nipped at your ear, sending shivers down your spine before retreating and plunging back inside. Harder, faster, deeper; he fucked you until the books fell all around you and coherent sentences were a thing of the past. 
All you knew was him, and his name sighed to the heavens as he pulled your hair and bared your throat. The sting of your skin felt like promises, made to linger. He was everything, and he was yours.
Garreth’s long fingers trailed your collarbone under the open fabric of your shirt before wrapping around your throat. Calloused fingertips grazed your pulse and the corner of your jaw. You were close again; tension coiled so tight it almost hurt. He must have felt your body twitch, your muscles contract—he responded with a shuddering groan, his hips grinding relentlessly against your behind as he met his own release. 
Your climax followed soon after, every pulsing wave around his cock filling you further and further until you were dripping, happy and satiated.
The dim light of the cavernous room made for quite the relaxing atmosphere, and your eyes blinked slowly at the ceiling as you came down from your high. You could have curled up there and slept, warm and safe in Garreth’s arms. 
He was busy nuzzling against the crook of your neck when he finally sighed contentedly. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart.”
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animasola86 · 10 months
The Ghost under the Table
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x gn!reader
Word count: 2.3k // [READ ON AO3]
Warnings: nsfw! mdni! public oral sex (m!receiving)
Synopsis: a bj in the library (just a more explicit smut writing exercise really)
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Last warning: there will be smut under the cut! Read at your own risk. I was not holding back this time! (Enjoy!)
“What are you doing down there?” you heard him whisper.
He sounded equal parts surprised and irritated – and you snickered to yourself as you crept closer, hidden under the Disillusionment charm, before you settled right between his legs under the table in this corner of the library.
Of course he had noticed you, he had taught you that spell almost two years ago to the dot, he knew what to look for. Or perhaps he had smelled you. He'd told you before that your scent was making him weak – his words, not yours, because at first you found the idea of you smelling a certain way a little weird and would frequently check with an inconspicuous sniff to your clothes. But apparently he had the nose of a dog, and whenever you would try to sneak up on him for a surprise hug, he'd already know you were coming.
And today, as you decided to surprise him with something else, he also already knew you were there. You sighed deeply, but quietly, because he was still the only one knowing you were hidden under the table.
“Surprise?” you whisper-laughed and put your hands on his thighs as you looked up at him. He obviously couldn't see your eyes, and he didn't even try to as he focused more on his surroundings now. You could see a tiny splash of red on his cheeks, and you smirked at the sight.
After two years of dating and making out in the weirdest of places and most certainly also in public, he still felt at least a little apprehensive when it came to your displays of affections. Or perhaps it was the library setting that made him wary. Madam Scribner still had her eyes out for him – and you now as well as you certainly tried to make out in the library before, but were rudely interrupted by Peeves – just like you were two years ago on your first excursion into the Restricted Section together, minus the making out part.
As you were now crouched under the table, albeit hidden under the Disillusionment charm, you became quite aware of how quiet it was in this haven of knowledge. There were a few other students about, but all of them were so concentrated on their reading and studying that even the slightest creak of the wooden floor boards beneath you echoed rather loudly through the room.
And that made it all the more exciting for you.
You watched Sebastian squirm a little under your invisible touch. “Are you... sure about this?” he asked in a low voice, still looking around.
“Yes. I woke up feeling naughty today,” you whispered back and leaned closer to his crotch. “Will you let me?”
“Was I ever able to stop you before?” he hissed back, and you saw a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You moved your hands up his thighs and squeezed them lightly in response. You saw and heard him inhale sharply.
“Try to hold it in, Sallow,” you teased quietly, and he threw a dark but amused glance into your direction before his eyes focused on the book that lay open in front of him.
You made quick work of the buttons of his breeches, and your fingers eagerly freed the object of your desire from its constraints. He was already quite excited to see you, and you smiled to yourself as you let your fingertips graze over his warm skin. You felt him shudder under your touch and looked up quickly. He was biting his lip, really trying to keep it down.
Fortunately the library desks were wide enough and as he was sitting in one of middle seats, there was no way someone would see what was going on underneath the table. Unless Peeves came floating through the ground... but that would be the worst case scenario, and you wouldn't cloud your mind with those. You were fixated on that deliciously tender piece of flesh and skin and muscles (though of course you never thought too much about its anatomical properties, more on what it was able to make you feel).
Your fingers closed around his base gently while your eyes stayed on his reddening face the whole time. You moved even closer towards his crotch, really nestling between his legs now, your shoulders pressing against his thighs. While you kept one hand on his growing erection, you let your other hand slide beneath his shirt, feeling the muscles of his stomach tensing up when you did so.
You inhaled deeply and licked your lips, then started to move your hand up and down his length slowly, lightly squeezing and teasing him. By now he had given up on trying to study while you worked on him, and he leaned back in his chair, relaxing under your touch, his hands wrapped around the armrests almost a little too tightly. With this new angle, he was now watching you, or rather watching how his cock was massaged by invisible hands. His brown eyes were almost black and caused you to shiver pleasantly.
He certainly had a knack for looking very dramatic, especially when he was looking down, and when there was even the tiniest hint of a smirk playing around his lips like there was now, you could already feel your legs trembling. Fortunately you were on your knees already and settled safely between his legs, so swooning was out of the question.
You watched him, chewing on your lips, and kept working your hand up and down those inches that you knew had given you so much pleasure in the past. Today you wanted to give back. You'd tasted him before, of course, countless times, but this setting seemed new and exciting, and the thrill of being caught or even heard was making your own body shake in excitement.
Inhaling deeply, taking in his scent, you leaned closer now, and as your fingers tightened around him, you brought your lips to his tip and gave it a soft and gentle peck. You felt him twitch lightly. Your eyes remained on his face as you parted your lips and planted more kisses on his sensitive skin, kissing all around his tip and then down the shaft, gently sucking on the slightly protruding veins. You felt him harden under your touches and continued your journey with a smile on your lips.
Your hand moved lower and your fingers curled around his balls, gently squeezing and massaging the warm skin. You felt him intake a shuddering breath as your mouth kept exploring his slowly growing girth. If you weren't in the quiet library, you knew he'd be way more vocal by now. But he was doing a really good job at keeping it down. You knew for a fact that if it were the other way around, you'd be a whimpering mess already.
As you moved your mouth over him, your free hand remained pressed against his stomach, feeling the shudders of his body right beneath your palm, even more so when you let your tongue in on the action. At first you just teased him, poking the tip of your tongue against his warm skin here and there, until you wanted to have a real taste and swiped it from his base all the way up to his tip, where you swirled it around as if he was the tastiest lollipop you've ever tasted (spoiler alert: he was).
You looked up at him and saw that his gaze was even darker and his cheeks were thoroughly flushed, but other than that he didn't show any sign of what he was experiencing at the moment. Although the knuckles of his hands were turning white as he gripped the chair tighter. You smiled to yourself and continued what you were doing as you slowly lapped at his hardening flesh.
As you raised yourself on your knees a little, you tilted your head down and slowly closed your lips around his tip, flicking your tongue against it playfully. You could already taste his excitement as his precum coated his skin, and you took a few more laps at him, humming softly against him as you did so. Another twitch ran through his body. Your eyes darted up, and you saw that he had closed his eyes and was breathing a little heavier now. Still quiet and contained, but surely not unaffected by your touches.
You hollowed your cheeks and gave his tip a soft suck, before you opened your mouth wide enough to take him in. Your own body shivered in anticipation as you lowered yourself onto him, your tongue firmly beneath him as you guided him in further and further, inch by inch, your lips tight around his girth, and you had to close your eyes as he started to occupy more than just your thoughts at this point. You let out a quiet whimper as his crown hit the back of your throat, and you felt your nose almost buried in his dark hairs.
You held him there for a moment in which you focused on the reactions of his body, and the restrained shudder that vibrated through his core made you lean back slowly, eyes flying open again and moving up to his face, and he was staring down at you intensely, pressing his lips together as he held back a moan.
You moved back all the way and let him slip out of your mouth with a wet pop. You swallowed your saliva and breathed deeply, before moving back in right away, repeating your movements until he was again fully submerged in your mouth – and then you started to slowly bob your head up and down.
He was breathing loudly through his nose while you kept your steady rhythm, hollowing your cheeks with every upwards motion and pressing your tongue against his length when you pushed him back in. He was getting harder and harder, and your lips strained around him.
With your eyes closed you couldn't see him any more, but you sure as hell felt him. His legs were twitching around you, clenching against your shoulders, keeping you right there between them. His body was shuddering and the muscles in his stomach tightened under your palm. He was fighting the sensations with all he had, probably all red and tense, gripping the chair – until you felt his hand in your hair, and he was really grabbing you, holding you in place, pushing you down onto him hard until he hit the back of your throat, and you let out a surprised whimper that was certainly way too loud for this quiet setting.
He immediately let go again, and you relaxed, moving your head back as you looked up at him. He was breathing heavily, his lips parted, his eyes moving around the room, before they looked into your direction again. You were but a trick of the light under the Disillusionment charm but it still felt as if he knew exactly where to look – and his dark stare gave you shivers all over. You moved your hands to press them left and right of his cock and continued your up and down bobbing, slowly increasing your pace.
You could taste him already. Inhaling deeply through your nose, you closed your eyes and kept your rhythm, until you felt him stiffening up. His hand was on your head again, and he held you tightly in place as he started bucking his hips into your mouth. You held back whimpers, clawing your fingers into his skin as you tried to stay steady on your knees. Tears burned behind your eyelids as he kept hitting the back of your throat forcefully.
And then he froze, his entire body going rigid, and a tiny, suppressed moan escaped him as his length twitched inside your mouth, pumping feverishly – spilling his seed, emptying everything he had into your mouth and down your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut at the sensation, gripping his thighs in support. Eventually he let go of your head and leaned back again, breathing hard, while his cock slipped out of your mouth, leaving a trail of cum strands on your tongue, lips and chin.
He filled you up good, and it took you several hard swallows to get it all down, before you started licking your lips and wiped the rest off your face with the back of your hand. You were breathing just as hard as he was, your heart pounding inside your chest. It took you a few moments to regain your composure and as you watched him, he had slumped down in the chair a little, his eyes closed, chest rising and falling fast – with a wide smirk on his lips.
When you moved in and licked the rest of his release off his length, his eyes flew open, and he watched you with a tilted head. You smiled an invisible smile. Once he was cleaned up, you gently put him back behind the constraints of his clothes, buttoning his breeches with shaking fingers until it looked as if nothing happened.
“Thank you, friendly ghost,” you heard him whisper quietly as his hand found your cheek under the table and caressed it softly. You leaned into his touch and then turned your head to place a kiss on his palm before you slowly moved back from between his legs and out of his reach again, smirking to yourself.
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Like our mc here, I woke up feeling naughty today and just had to write this scene. And I did so with the help of the amazing smut thesaurus by @prurientpuddlejumper - as a non-native English speaker it's always fun to add to my vocabulary and this guide (and also The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut Fic) helped me so much. Can only recommend when you struggle to find words to describe anything really!
Also there is another part to this where the roles are reversed: PART 2 - The Sweet Revenge!
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The Ghost under the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
The Ghosts on the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
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Pictures credit:
(I have to be honest, I've saved so many screenshots of lover boy here and if there's no copyright on it, I really have no idea who I "borrowed" it from, so please forgive me and accept a list of my favorite screenshot providers of this fandom! <3 If you recognize your screen and are not on the list, please tell me, I'll add you right away!)
@dingdongdick @phinik @hogwartslegacypics @deathlysallows @purindaimaou @sinty2ek @shadesofgaunt
Thank you for your continuous services to fuelling our Sebastian obsession! I salute you!
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M/c hears Ominis grunting and moaning slightly by lifting something for someone and it makes them slightly turned on. Ominis notices you breathing a little heavy and asks you what's wrong.
OMG I love this, anything where Ominis is vocal is my *chef's kiss* favorite. I hope you don't mind that I wrote it as a female MC, you didn't specify and that's just my go to. This doesn't get too spicy but I hope you enjoy!
Sexual Themes - Minors do not interact
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"Thank you Ominis, just one more." You could hear Amit say in the library that afternoon.
You looked up from your parchment and saw Amit struggling on one of the ladders to the higher bookshelves, Ominis down below, passing him books. Your eyes lingered on Ominis, the ever tall and perfectly groomed Slytherin boy, who had been the secret object of your desires lately. Even though you were close friends with both him and Sebastian, you kept it at that, but you supposed your little crush started in History of Magic class. It was the only class you had alone with Ominis. Professor Binns was droning on about his ever so popular goblin rebellion topic and you could feel your eyelids getting heavier by the minute, that's when you felt something warm bump into your side which startled you and the person it belonged to back to reality, it was Ominis, who usually fell asleep in this class. He was jolted awake so fast that he latched onto your thigh accidentally to steady himself. It sent a shiver up your body at how his large hand gripped you roughly and your mind immediately flooded with lewd images.
Back in reality, you hear Amit again, "Be careful with that last one Gaunt, 'Theory of Space and Gravity', it's uhh very heavy."
"And I suppose we can't just use 'Levioso'?" Ominis quipped. His usual snark, ever present.
"Madame Scribner's rules; doesn't want books being flown around again, she says it messed up her whole organization process."
"Very well, just a moment." he reached down, feeling for the old leatherbound book and...heaved. Your eyes shot open as Ominis grunted as he struggled. Suddenly something akin to a lightning bolt was traveling from your brain straight down to the area between your legs, igniting something in you.
"D-do you need assistance?" Amit nervously asked.
"N-No ugghhh," he moaned out and you believe your panties just flooded. "Nearly got it."
You could feel your face heat up as Ominis wiped his brow that dripped with sweat after finally handing the book up to Amit, who nearly fell off the ladder. Then he made his way over to your table and you internally screamed.
"Ah, hello Y/N. Getting some homework done?"
You were thankful he couldn't see your face as you were sure it was beet red at that point. You managed to choke out an "Mmhmm", but your breathing was definitely ragged.
"Is something the matter?" Taking a step closer and you were sure your heart might explode. "Your breathing, it's heavy. Are you feeling well?" He brought a hand up to feel your forehead and you nearly shot out of your seat.
"Y-yes! I'm fine, sorry, I uhh have to uhh head back to the common room!" You tried to book it but he grabbed your arm to stop you before you could.
"Well, you feel warm. Please, allow me to walk you back." He offered. Of course, always a gentleman. "We wouldn't want your fever to get worse."
"Well, if it isn't my trusted companions!" A beaming, freckled face came into view, it was Sebastian Sallow.
"Ah, Sebastian, we were just heading back to the common room, Y/N here, isn't feeling very well." Ominis explained. "A fever, I believe."
Sebastian looked her over and could see her blushing face and the way her thighs were practically clamped together and chuckled. "A fever eh? Ominis...I'll let it slide because you can't see her but -" you were furiously shaking your head at him, 'No!'
"Ok, ok...relax" Sebastian put his hands up, still grinning. Ominis looked confused, you internally sighed and started making your way towards the library exit. What you didn't catch was Sebastian whispering in Ominis' ear and you only whipped back around when you heard him gasp.
"Y/N are you...aroused?!?" a blush creeping across his face, and at that you took off and you didn't think your fully upgraded broom from Spintwitches could fly faster.
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sweetiebean00 · 2 months
Of Nifflers and Magic
"Excuse me? Ominis?"  
Ominis lifted his wand from where it had been skimming the pages of one of his homework assignments. The quill dropped carefully beside the sheet as he tilted his head up to the voice that spoke. It was soft, quiet and rather meek. But not unrecognizable. Breathing in the scent of parchments and ink, he played the notes of the voice over. Coming to a stop to the new fifth year Sebastian had taken under his wing, the last time he spoke to her had been when Ominis found her coming out of the Undercroft. She had spoken quick, sharp even, a protective surge probably welling inside her to save Sebastian from his wrath. She was a Hufflepuff, loyalty was strong in them.
"I- I am sorry for attempting to lie to you, about the Undercroft, but I had made a promise and am not keen on breaking my word on anything." He blinked, that was not what he was expecting. Before he could speak, she continued on. "I am also sorry for taking so long to come to you and say that properly or formally, however I have also come because I know not who else would be able to help."
"You have Sebastian at your side, could you not ask him?"
It wasn't sharp, it wasn't meant to be rude. The sound of shifting fabric filled the silence, and he got the impression she was shifting on her feet. Sebastian was an excellent wizard, if he hadn't been a Slytherin, Ominis would've had him pegged as a Ravenclaw.
"I- well, I can't." She swallowed, his brows raised but before he could question she was speaking in a rush. Her voice raising in pitch. "I can't ask him this and I can't really explain it, but it is about Sebastian, and well, you are really smart, and I was wondering if you could pretty please help me?"
"Are you wanting to court him?" 
It wouldn’t be the first time one of the many girls in their school had sought out Ominis to help with courting, confessions, and other such things. Unlike Anne who would either scare them off or use them to prank Sebastian, he didn’t help nor hinder them. Merely suggesting they go and talk to him themselves. Even if it always ended the same way, usually with Sebastian enjoying some time with them before one or both of them moved on.
His question earned a snort so loud it earned a very harsh shush from Madam Scribner. Ominis had no doubt the old librarian was scowling and keeping a watchful eye on them in the corner of her precious library. He waited, the silence thick as they waited for the librarian to go back to whatever it was she had been up to originally. Despite the stares he could feel gathered from the other students around them that had chosen to hide away in the library for Merlin knew what reasons.
If Ominis hadn’t known better, he’d think she was intimidated by him. That his reputation, his last name, had scared the socks off her feet. Except, he had felt the strength of her glare that night outside the Undercroft. He hadn’t needed sight to see the ferocious gleam of daggers that she sent his way, that if looks could kill he’d long since been dead. He felt it, the animosity, the protective way she had stepped between him and that damn door to send words so sharp they could’ve cut him to bits to protect his best friend. The bite to her voice, the cold timbre of apathy? He didn’t know her well, but he knew one thing for certain. There was no chance she was scared of him.
"Merlin no, he's just one of my first friends and is very protective. He figures hanging around me helps deter some unwanted peers." She breathed a laugh, before swallowing thickly. "It is about him, but uh, I can't ask him either. And before you think it's part of that… thing -it's not that either."
Ominis released a breath through his nose, his gut twisting the more she rambled. He had never thought the bright, walking ray of wild sunshine to be a nervous rambler. He could hear her fidgeting the longer he went without responding, the soft scruff and tap of her shoes against the hardwood. Her tie tapping against her chest as she no doubt pulled at the collar of her shirt, the soft thud of her braid hitting her back. He wouldn't be getting any answers to explain here, that much was clear. And despite everything, that was still his best friend. This is a... new student surrounded by peers who have already made their friends and grown up together, a person his best friend had taken in under his arm much like Sebastian had done for Ominis with Anne once. Slowly, as her words never once stopped, Ominis had gathered everything. Vanishing it all with a flick of his wand to be summoned later when he had the time to focus on his History of Magic homework.
"I will help, lead the way." Ominis paused, mind racing as a rock sank into his stomach. What... What was her name? Did he ever actually get it? Did he ever actually introduce himself?
She grinned, the rambling cut off with a breath of relief. At least he hoped it of was relief. She seemed to wait until his wand was out, the tip lighting up to help guide him through the castle. The walk was quiet, tense, and he was not expecting her to be quiet the entirety of the walk. How often he hears her voice as he wanders the halls, she was always doing something. Talking with her friends, to the portraits, humming to herself or just making some general noise if she wasn't getting up to something she wasn't. Although he hadn't witnessed her being sneaky as a secondhand person, but to be fair, she stood no chance of hiding from him that night outside the Undercroft. He remembers Sebastian earning a detention with Scribner for sneaking in with the girl, but had always assumed his friend had been his chivalric and self-sacrificing type because she had attracted Peeves attention. Now he was wondering what had really happened that night. 
"I don't believe we ever properly met each other," Ominis said after a moment, hearing her steps stumble as she tripped on her own foot. In the blink of an eye, he had her arm in his hand. Catching her in time to keep her upright. "I'm Ominis, Ominis Gaunt."
"Sebastian talks of you often," She said, her tone lighter. Soft, and he had a feeling she was smiling. "I'm Celia, Celia Clyde."
"Tis a pleasure, now," He breathed a heavy sigh, earning a giggle from his traveling companion as they traversed the stairs. "What exactly has Sebastian gotten himself into this time?"
"Oh! That!" The sound of fabric rustled once more as the silence seemed to stretch. "Well, you see, it's actually rather interesting, but-"
"You're stalling, and rambling again." He snorted at her squeak, "Not that I mind, but I would rather know what I am going to be walking into."
"Yeah that-that's fair." She sighed, her steps slowing beside him as they climbed the last step. "Okay, we were dueling. I had learned a new spell and I'm rather ruddy with... this type of magic, and had been practicing it on barrels and other things. Sebastian however, said the best way to improve was to duel and use it."
Ominis could feel the start of a migraine with the way this was going, because of fucking course that was Sebastian's idea. With his free hand, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Breathing in deeply only to sigh. 
“Of course he did, that idiot, I swear all he thinks about is dueling, finding a cure, and researching.”
She snorted a laugh that sounded more tense than amused, but she got points in his book for trying. 
"Yes well, it was this or he was going to hunt down a couple of students it would be best he didn't hunt down."
"Hunt down?" Ominis reiterated, "Just what would cause such a thing?"
"It's... a long story, for another time." She huffed a breath, tugging on his sleeve as they walked the hall to stop in front of a blank wall. "We dueled, it worked, except now... well, this is where you come in."
The sound of stone crumbling and moving filled the hallway, and he lifted his wand to get a better picture in his mind as the completely blank and empty wall in Hogwarts... turned into a door. He blinked, but then she was walking to the door and pushing it open. The hold on his sleeve guiding him in before the door shut behind him. The Room of Requirements, no wonder she was never found in the Undercroft, Sebastian had been pitchin a fit for weeks now. Claiming Ominis had scared her off, but he wouldn't go there either if he had a sentient room.
"Because we are stuck with this otherwise, and I’d rather not." 
He frowned, about to question what she had been talking about when he heard the highest, squeakist chirp-like grumble in his entire life. He grimaced, it was almost as if someone was trying to strangle or step on a cat. Or a rat was trying to sing, but was wailing instead. The sound pierced his ears, a migraine forming behind his eyes.
"Sebastian!" At the sound of her voice, it went silent. Only for furious chirping and grumbling to respond, "You put that down right now! You are not dying! Ominis is here to help-!"
More chirping.
"Is Sebastian-?"
"A niffler?" Celia huffed, the sound of struggle growing louder before she was stomping about the room. "Yes. I'm rather shite at transfiguration magic, and he wanted to try- ow! You don't need a wiggenweld!"
"So let me see if I understand correctly." Ominis pointed his wand at Sebastian, the image in his mind showing the silhouette of Celia’s short figure snatching Sebastian out of her potion's cauldron. "You've transfigured Sebastian into a niffler. And... can't turn him back?"
Furious chirping was followed by a heavy sigh, "Not particularly, no. I tried but he wouldn't stop chirping and well-"
She was interrupted by yet more chirping as the sound of water splashing made him snort at her long-suffering sigh. Despite the dire situation, he couldn't the grin on his lips. This was one way for Sebastian to actually learn more about dueling, and it did teach him a lesson. Dueling wasn't the answer to every spell-casting related problem. Walking from the doorway, Ominis hummed in thought. While he could transfigure Sebastian back, this was a learning moment for her. What better way to learn than try again?
"Maybe your intent wasn't clear?" She was silent, even Sebastian went silent at the question. Allowing himself to be snatched out of the cauldron once more as she carried him to the center of the room to meet Omnis in the middle. "Here, Sebastian, behave. Celia, set him down and really mean the spell to turn him into his true form. If it doesn't work, I'll take care of him and we can give you proper practice that won't lead to... this."
"You want me... to try again?" 
Ominis nodded, only for the silence to be broken by Sebastian throwing the most dramatic tantrum Ominis had seen of a niffler or Sebastian in general. He was grumbling and chirping up a storm. Ominis rolled his eyes, snatching Sebastian from her careful hands and placing him on the floor. He held him by the scruff of his neck, voice steady and calm.
"Don't move or I will cast arresto momentum and leave you like that for a few more days." Sebastian released an indignant chirp, but when Ominis released him he didn't move. "There, try again."
Celia took a breath and held it, he could practically feel her nerves. He heard the air whooshing around her wand, heard her mutter the words clearly under her breath. Then she was casting, and the last thing he heard was terrified chirping. A moment of silence, then all Ominis could hear was the sound of hair ruffling, and a long, low hum. A very unhappy, low hum.
"Oh no."
"Did you just turn him-"
"-into a puffskein? Yep." She popped the p, and he snorted. Earning a nervous chuckle from her. "Well, at least we know I won the duel since he can't fight back, right?"
Ominis couldn't help it, laughing so hard his stomach hurt as her own giggles joined him in the room of requirement. All the while that low hum remained and Ominis could almost hear Sebastian's cursing, his whines as he begged Ominis to please just help him. For them to stop laughing. With the flick of his wand, Ominis transfigured Sebastian back into himself. 
"Oh, thank Merlin, I thought I was going to have to live in your vivariums for a moment there!"
Celia laughed harder, and while Ominis wasn't sure what a vivarium was, it did amuse him further. He couldn't hear Sebastian over their laughter, but when his loud and boisterous laugh joined in. Ominis felt peace, felt ease for the first time since Anne got cursed and Sebastian started looking for a cure on his own. Mayhaps, the new fifth year wasn't walking trouble like he had thought.
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Sebastian, MC & Ominis in the library all being quiet.
Sebastian: *sneezes loudly*
Scribner from her desk: SHHHH!!
Sebastian: *looks over at her in irritated confusion before looking back at his work, mumbling under his breath* I sneezed for fuck sake..Stupid cranky bitch, get off my back.
MC: *tries not to laugh*
Ominis: *also tries not to but ends up letting out a snort of laughter*
Sebastian: *getting set off by Ominis's laugh and starts to chuckle, getting louder*
All three of them: *chortling loudly at the table*
Scribner: Will you three keep it down! This is a library!
All three: Sorry Madam Scribner...
Ominis: *under his breath imitating Sebastian* Stupid cranky bitch.
MC: *whispering with tears in eyes from laughing* Stop.
Sebastian: Ominis don't *quiet chuckle*
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