#Proffesor Black
da-floof · 2 years
Garreth and Leander both used to take Divination until Professor Onai made a genuine prophecy.
PROFESSOR ONAI: A Weasley and a Prewett shall copulate-a family of seven they shall make- Weasley will lay his seed deep and shall work hard to make ends meet, 6 boys and a girl Prewett shall produce but one of two boys shall meet the noose… oh my what happened-Mr Weasley are you alright?-where are you going?! Mr Prewett why are you crying?!
GARRETH-Barging into the staff room: AUNT MATILDAAAAAA! Professor Onai said I’m going to make babies with LEANDER! Breaks down in tears.
PROFESSOR WEASLEY-in the middle of a staff meeting: 😳
PROFESSOR BLACK: Excellent! Keeping the blood pure! 10 points to Gryffindor!-when’s the wedding?
GARRETH: Cries harder
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loloisloco · 14 days
ive always and always will use characters name when referring to most people. Not their superhero/villain name but their name. I don't know why but if I say "iron man" it doesn't feel like I'm referring to the person it feels like I'm referring to the suit, the hero, the figure who is put on a pedestal instead of the man. I didn't realise that this may be uncommon, at least with people I communicate with until people get confused who I'm talking about unless they also love whoever im referring to. It's Erik, not Magneto, it's Tony not Iron Man, it's Steve not Captain America, it's Nat, not Black Widow. Yes they are also those people but when I refer to them as that it makes it feel like I'm saying that's all they are, that's their whole identity.
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swdefcult · 4 months
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mightymarvelmemes · 5 months
Mighty Marvel Movie Poll! Round 1!
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X-Men: The First Marvel Movie
Avengers: The First MCU movie
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entropiasgift · 9 months
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Moranna: La Dama de Emoth o Tata Allswell.
Los niños de todo Kaelkoth saben quién es ella, aunque luego cuando llegan a adultos se les suele olvidar y la convierten simplemente en una historia que pueden usar a su favor.
Porque en los cuentos que cuentan los adultos, ella es la Tata Allswell, la bruja que llega por las noches cuando todos duermen y se lleva con ella a los niños que se portan mal y desobedecen a sus padres.
La verdad no es tan simple como en los cuentos, pero el fondo es el mismo: Allswell no tiene reparos en hacer desaparecer a los niños "maleducados" de sus camas, aunque desde su punto de vista, los que son malos son los padres, no los niños.
Las historias dicen que al llevarse a los niños los convierte en monstruos terribles que luego quedan atados a ella, pero eso tampoco es verdad. Es el mundo el que hace monstruos, y también el que luego los mata sólo por ser como son, así que ella se los lleva lejos, los oculta... Y trata de enseñarles a existir en un mundo que los odia.
A ella también la odiaron hasta el punto de casi matarla, así que entiende lo que se siente. Quizá por eso su corazón pertenece a los desamparados, a los pisoteados, a los corazones rotos, a las almas en pena, a los niños que temen a las manos de sus padres... Todos aquellos que necesitan refugio lo pueden encontrar con Allswell.
Nadie sabe exactamente dónde está su casa, pero la puerta suele aparecer en los bosques en forma de una cabaña en mitad de la nada, o en una casa de apariencia abandonada en la que no habías reparado antes en alguna callejuela de tu ciudad; y se dice que tan sólo los ojos de aquellos que lloran más amargamente pueden encontrar su morada.
En realidad, los Nocheterna saben encontrarla en Emoth, una montaña de las Tierras Sombrías, y se cree (o al menos ellos creen), que ese es su verdadero hogar, y a donde lleva a sus niños para ocultarlos del mundo. El resto de puertas que aparecen y desaparecen por el resto de Kaelkoth son simples ilusiones, portales que ella usa para moverse a su antojo.
No se la llega a considerar una Vesta Oscura porque su alma (si es que la tiene) sigue siendo muy suya, y tampoco hay registros de que ningún miembro de la Caballería haya intentado alguna vez meterse en su cama; así que si alguna vez ha pasado, el caballero en cuestión no ha vivido para contarlo.
Eso sí, no es extraño que algunos de sus hijos e hijas se afilien a Lúnnera al crecer y entren a formar parte de sus filas, así que de alguna forma sí que se le concede cierta reverencia en ese sentido, pese a que ni siquiera Lúnnera parece estar segura de qué grado de afinidad tiene Moranna con su causa.
Es Ukthus el que la protege. O al menos, son las bestias las que patrullan Emoth y parecen cuidarla para que ella y sus niños no tengan nada que temer.
Quizá los únicos que se la solían tomar más en serio eran los Cazadores de Monstruos, porque varios de ellos acabaron con sus cabezas decorando los dinteles de las puertas de su morada como represalia por atacar a sus hijos; aunque hace mucho que nadie consulta el tomo dedicado a ella y a sus actividades en la Fortaleza.
Una de las últimas entradas (de hace unas siete décadas o así), señala que Moranna tiene especial debilidad por los Sinluz; y el autor se pregunta si tras sus acciones aparentemente erráticas y desorganizadas no habrá algún tipo de plan o de intención oculta que él esperaba poder desentrañar pronto... ¡JA!
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sincerlypadfoot · 2 months
Hiiii!! I haven’t been on here in a little while, sorry for the unfinished fics, if there is any that you’d want finished that was left on a cliffhanger message me and I can finish it.
I just wanted to let you guys know that I did start writing my own novel!! It’s not finished quite yet but a work in progress. I’ve enjoyed writing my whole life and when I started writing fanfics it brought such a joy that it was what I wanted to do, writing brought out the side in me where I didn’t worry about my problems or stresses, it was just me and the words.
I’ve made a little tiktok about my book, if any of you are interested, I’ll try and be more active on here as the time goes, maybe keep this page updated with my book. Again if there’s any fic that was left unfinished and on a cliffhanger and you’d wanna see more of it, message me or comment on it and I can finish it without a problem❤️❤️ I’ll leave a picture of my tiktok if you’d like to check out my book.
Thank you for all the support this page has received!!!❤️
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
I think you'd like this story: "Stand tall ( BUCKY X READER )" by Missmarveled on Wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/story/346796823?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Missmarveled
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
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HLVRAI AU Elesa and Laventon! they r besties <333
Elesa in this au is verry pathetic but in a competent way, and Laventon is still as pathetic as ever <3 i love him <333
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romanticbat · 1 year
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Of course! Also I don't know if you readed the rules but I don't accept more than 3 characters so I picked 3 of the one you listed (I choosed Carmen, Julia and Maelstrom for this (I also did an extra with Black Sheep/ student Carmen))
Carmen Sandiego, Julia Argent and Gunnar Maelstrom with Anxious! Teacher!Reader
Notes: C/N is for Code Name, this could include spoilers of season 2/3/ finals of season 1
Carmen Sandiego
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- So, a new instructor at V.I.L.E? interesing
- She was in a caper for ruining vile's plans again
- It was a valuable piece of a mineral that was hard to find, she knew thanks to Player than a instructor was coming to the caper
- But she got surprised when she saw one of her old classmates at the side of a completly new face
- She quikly assumed you were a new instructor, she could tell by your clothes and how the other was following your orders orders which you strangely didn't say with that much security...
- you knew her because of the other vile instructors and operators and the moment you recognised her, you become a little panicked out
- what the rest of the faculty could think of you if you lossed the opportunity for catch Carmen Sandiego? What woul you students think of you if that happend?
- it was obvious for Carmen that you were anxious and when the operator that was with you got distracted by Ivy and Zack, she started a conversation with you
- "so you're the replace for Shadowsan? You don't seem quite secure of your job in VILE now" all started with that and then somehow you got less anxious thanks to it, she was friendly, nothing like the caper-ruiner everyone maked you think
- maybe she could make you change to the Red side...
Julia Argent
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- You were a little more longer giving classes in the university that Julia, actually you two got to know eachother thanks to that
- she was nerveous to do classes, you were nerveous to classes, you two understanded eachother well
- Julia and you became friends fastly, you two supported eachother and had confidence in eachother
- and maybe that was why you became aware of she working in ACME more fastly that one could expect
- well, it was more a slip but anyway, let's go back to the main subject
- She often helped you with preparing your classes, even with all the drama in her life
- Julia listened to you, acting like one of your students so maybe you could be less anxious the next time you did your classes
- She's really supporting with you, she someties listen to your classes so she can tell you which things you did great and maybe have a conversation theme
Professor Gunnar Maelstrom
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- He knows
- He knew from the first time you started giving classes
- Maelstrom saw you giving classes the first day, all of telled him that you were insecure, anxious, even
- you sure were passionate about your subject!, but there was something stopping you
- and he was gonna find the source of that something
- it turned into routine enter to his office, answer a few questions he maded to you, see the strange pictures with black ink and then go
- he was gonna make sure you start show more confidence in yourself so you could be better as instructor
- it was that or reacomodate your mindset with Bellum's machinary, after all, you were enough useful and intelligent to be in that table, he wouldn't like that VILE lossed someone as important like you
Black Sheep (extra)
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- You were something like a substitute in VILE, making classes to the young criminals when Bellum was busy making some experiment or machine (that was like 80% of the time)
- Black Sheep knew you since she was a child, she saw your classes and how did you care about your students, trying to do the best for them
- She wished that someday she became one of them, not only for you but because she was excited for become a student
- You were there when Black sheep talked with the VILE faculty to enter as a student, even when you didn't vote in that, she knew you supported her
- She had her first classes with Bellum but when you showed in the classroom one time she was excited
- excited to listen of what you knew, but when you started to talk she was worried, why you sounded insecure of what you were saying?
- She quickly became aware of what was gonna happening to you, and tried to help with that
- she tried to put most of her attention in your classes, maybe know that there was someone who appreciated and liked what you did was gonna help?
- or maybe make less trouble in your classes
- Black sheep knew what you were going through and did her best supporting
- until she discovered what you were working at, of course she still appreciated you, but she wasn't going to stay in that place for you or no one, maybe you could follow her way in a future
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hifi-walkman · 2 years
Just got a DS lite today, and after looking into it, I can now confidently say, that of the 98.36 million units sold, that 98 million of them were the pink model... It'$ not really my look, but I can make it work. I'll probably do a shell replacement and do some art on the outside or something.
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gabrielsellesty · 2 years
I love Severus Snape because his black fashion is new trend for me ✨✨💙
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godessanonymous · 8 months
DR3 - Light as a feather
Request: No.
Genre: Smut
Triggers: Sex, Age gap(implied) yes this is filthy but oh well :>
Summary: A stressed out student and her hot proffesor try to relive some of that stress.
Not proofread - 3k words
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You walked down the empty hall of the big old university building slowly; it was already late. No other students in sight anymore. A young good-looking professor had been giving lectures for your course for a while now. The tension was undeniable, glances exchanged after class, unnecessary Smalltalk being made, suggestive words being thrown into conversations. His classes were nothing but average, yet you still made sure you attended each and every single one of them. God you felt a little dirty for wanting your teacher.
You were equally nervous as excited as you continued the journey down the hall towards the big oak door of his usual lecture hall. Why did he want to speak to you? And why did this meeting have to be so late? You mind ran wild with the opportunities this talk could pose. A date? More than that? you stopped your train of thoughts. This was inappropriate.
You reached the door. Unsure what to do you knocked. Steps approached the door. The handle clicked down and the door swung open. You were met with the smile on Mr. Ricciardo’s face.
“Evening, please come in.” He said holding the door open for you to enter the room. The door clicks shut behind you.
“So I saw you were reading the book I recommended to you.” He said walking over to his desk, leaning against the edge of it. “How have you been liking it.” His eyes were focused on you. It was almost unsettling.
“Its good, I haven’t gotten that far into it yet, school is very demanding at the moment, loads of work to do.” You answered, unsure where this was going. “ That is understandable.”
“How have you been coping with all that stress? Seeing friends? Or perhaps a partner?” You were shocked, this was very straight forward. And unprofessional. Were you fantasies not too far off all this time? “Uh- I don’t no. I know how to cope with stress if that’s what you’re worried about.” You say, the slight shake in your voice almost going unnoticed. Almost. He had picked up on it. You were nervous.
“Hmm, I see. Perhaps I can still help you with that.” Excuse you?! Were your ears playing tricks on you? Surely this wasn’t what he meant right? The smirk on the man’s face proved otherwise. He really did just say that. “I wanna test something today, you’re always doing so good in class. The perfect student. The classic good girl. I want to prove that theory. Do me a favor, take out the book. Start where you left off. Read.” He spoke. His voice is getting a little lower than before. What was he asking you to do? Where could this lead?
The excitement was unbearable, but you couldn’t help but feel guilty. This wasn’t right. If someone were to see this, it would set an end to both of you guys’ careers before yours had even properly begun.
Under his waiting eyes you slowly slid your backpack off your shoulder. It hit the floor with a quiet thud. The sound of the zipper opening was almost deafening in the silence of the big hall.
You took the book into your hands, opening the page with your flower bookmark in it with shaky fingers. The words almost didn’t leave your mouth, suddenly so dry you could barely make a sound.
You started “Chapter Nine: The Ruins…”.
With your quiet voice filling the silence of the lecture hall, your professor left his place at the desk to slowly, very slowly walk toward you. Almost reaching the book held out in front of you, he stepped to your side, making a slow circle around your narrow figure. You stumbled over your words. Your usually so fluent flow of reading stuttering under the presence of the black-haired man.
One of his large hands grazing the side of your waist just barely, making you stop reading completely. “Did I tell you to stop, hm?” he chuckled into your ear. His breath was hot on your skin, yet it sent shivers down your spine. You picked up the sentence you failed at just a second ago.
Your voice now even quieter than before. His tall presence behind you splitting your attention from the small letters. His hand now fully settled on your hip making you suck in a deep breath. His body behind you being mere inches away from pressing up against yours.
“Tell me I am misjudging this, tell me to stop and I will.” He whispers into your ear making you shiver once again. You were too deep in now, fully playing along with whatever, he was planning.
You didn’t say anything. He took that as confirmation to keep going, a second hand laying on your body now. Resting up against your ass. His body getting even closer to yours and his lips just barely grazing your exposed right shoulder.
Feeling your compliance, he began placing full kisses up your shoulder toward your neck up, until right behind your ear. His hands never stopped moving from here on. Exploring the front of your body, slipping under the white university issued button up, dancing across your now exposed skin.
They were light yet thoughtful. Moving his body closer to yours in one swift motion. One of his hands moved up to your bra, but he didn’t do anything just yet, just resting it there.
You got lost in the feeling of his lips starting to get more demanding now the kisses getting more intense. Even sucking a small mark into the skin right below your ear.
Before you really knew what was happening, he grabbed your hips spinning you around to face him, you yelped at the sudden movement, your head spinning a little bit.
But there was no room for thought as his lips crashed into yours with a boldness and hunger that quickly took your breath away.
A small moan slipped your lips, the intense kiss being everything you dreamed of and more.
Body resting against yours Daniel took small steps toward his big desk, guiding your backwards with small steps until your ass hit the wooden edge of the desk. He broke the kiss leaving you both to gasp for air.
“So pretty.” he mumbled before turning his attention to the shirt still covering way more of your chest than he liked. With swift fingers he opened every single button, pushing the light fabric off your shoulders and somewhere into the blur that the rest of the room was.
All you had eyes for was him. His pink lips and the hunger in his dark eyes.
He was thinking, and everything pause for a second. The book was still in your hand, you somehow managed to hold onto it while your other hand had gripped the dark curly of the Australian for support throughout the make out.
“Turn around. Bend over the desk.” He ordered. The tone of his voice left no room for protest. “Don’t move.” So you stood there, your upper body resting on the dark wood of the desk. It was cold against your exposed skin, the thin bra not protecting the shivers from reaching your nipples.
“First piece of evidence to support my theory. You’re good at doing what you’re told. Good girl.”
The sentence sent shivers down your spine. You were a sucker for praise.
Daniel walked around the desk, slowly. Until he reached a drawer. It slid open with a tiny squeak.
You watched him pull out a big feather and another object you couldn’t quite make out. It left you confused.
He was quickly back behind you hand resting up against your aching lower half. His hand slipped under your skirt. Brushing over your thigh wandering up ever so slowly. You let out a small whimper.
He finally moved up. Fingers brushing up against the damp spot between your legs, your panties annoyingly in the way of direct contact. He made his way up your slit and pressed them ono your clit. You couldn’t help but let out a small noise.
“Hm, already so wet. You thought about this before, haven’t you? Well so have I.” He spoke in a deep tone, only making you ache more. His fingers quickly hooked the band of your underwear sliding it down your legs in a swift motion.
The second it hit the ground a small tap on your thigh ordered you to spread your legs a little bit. Your body acted on its own, no need for any conscious movement.
The fabric of your skirt now bunched up around your hips you waited, anticipated his next move. But nothing happened. There was just silence for a moment. Just as you wanted to ask what was going on his voice filled the air again.
“Well, I want to know how the story continues. Keep reading to me.”
You couldn’t believe your ears for a second. Keep reading? You were bent over his desk, body exposed, why would you read.
Noticing your hesitation he gripped your hips, bending over to whisper in your ear. “I’m not going to ask again.”
You propped yourself onto your elbows, sliding the book in front of you. His hands tracing your curves you opened the page back up you had started reading earlier.
You breathed out the first words shakily. What was happening.
Just as you finished reading the first sentence you were stopped, and surprised by a feather light sensation against your pussy. It made you gasp, the need for touch down there still prominent.
“Come on. Keep reading.” Daniel chuckled. Damn it that was the game he way playing? It was crazy.
And you fucking loved it.
Breath hitching again you kept reading, slowly. Doing your best to shift your focus and not let the teasing at your entrance distract you. You failed miserably.
“No baby, not there. Read it from the start. If you can get through this entire page without stopping maybe ill do a little more than… this.” He said brushing the feather across the skin of your back.
As you started to read again, Daniel continued the teasing. You couldn’t even get through he first paragraph. You needed more friction. The slight movements of the white feathers did not do nearly enough for how needy you were.
It took you all your willpower to make it through the first paragraph of the page. Daniel behind you was tracing his fingers across the middle of your back, resting it on your ass every now and then, while placing kisses on your body.
You were on fire. This was a terrible game.
You kept reading. Having to physically keep your legs apart. Not to shut them in a attempt at some friction.
You were about in the middle of the second paragraph as the touching of the soft white torture device stopped all of a sudden. You were startled by the absence of it for a second. You kept reading. The end is getting closer. More than halfway through the page now.
Your progress was quickly demolished as two fingers came down on your clit, moving slow circles around it.
You could feel the start of that familiar knot feeling in your stomach almost immediately. “Oops, you were doing so well. Come on, start from the top.”
You let out a frustrated groan before you started to read again.
You managed to get back to where you were. If he were to step up the intensity now, you’d be gone once again. You kept reading.
8 lines left.
5 lines left.
And that’s when he decided to ruin you again.
You were in the middle of a word when his fingers suddenly left your already overly sensitive nub and moved to tease your entrance. Not giving you a warning before moving just one finger in.
Not all the way. Just barely around the entrance, moving in slow circles. A needy moan escaped your lips as you finally felt him where you wanted you.
“Aw kitty, so needy. Ill give you a deal, start from the beginning of the third paragraph and if you make it through now ill finally give you what you want.” He spoke.
Overeager to finally get more you started up again.
He again didn’t do anything more until you were almost at the end. Right before you could start the last sentence he shoved deep inside of you, immediately adding another finger.
His fingers were big, filling you nicely. Curling up inside you to hit a sweet spot.
You tried to keep going through gritty teeth feeling that you weren’t to far from your orgasm. You failed, you head dropping into your hands and grinding back against the vicious hands of your teacher.
“No, no honey. Not like this, do that again.” He growled making you whine. His other hand placing on your lower back pressing you against the table taking your ability to move your body onto him.
“you can do that for me right? You’d do anything to please me.” He said again making your squirm underneath him.
He kept up a torturous rhythm, a pace barely not enough to get you right to the edge but rather leaving it just in sight but not able to be reached.
You read again, this time you made it. A moan left you body as the last word slipped off your tongue.
“Look at you, so good.”
His pace quickened. Moving you closer and closer. Your body fell forward onto the desk. Quiet pleas coming from your throat as your legs started shaking. “Please may i-“ you squeezed out.
“Come on hold it. Ill count.” You could practically hear the smug smile across his lips as the words slipped over them. And then he started his countdown, taking all the time he wanted. Starting all the way at ten.
You were so impossibly close. You physically had to hold back your high. It almost hurt. Whimpers left your mouth and a single tear made its way down your cheek.
And that was all the queue you needed as stars crossed your vision. The knot in your body snapped, sending shockwaves all throughout. Daniel didn’t stop for a second, moving through your high dragging it out as long as he possibly could.
You were a mess, puddle at the mercy of his guidance.
“That’s right, make a mess.” He growled.
You were breathing heavily. Not even fully down from the state of bliss he had just sent you to.
He pulled you up, so you were facing him. The big desk supporting your shaking legs. You were pulled into a hungry kiss. His tongue making his way into your mouth taking control of the heated action.
“Second piece of evidence, Good girls only come when they are given permission.”
His hands grabbed your as cheeks as he lifted you up carrying you around the desk to his big leather chair.
He sat down, you were now situated on his lap.
“Take what you need baby.”
You didn’t have to be told twice as you made quick work of his shirt, pulling it over his head. You stopped to admire the permanent artwork displayed on his muscular chest. You traced them with your fingers and placed soft kisses around the neck of the god like man underneath you.
You swiftly got up to remove his pants and boxers freeing his hard cock. He was so turned on.
You ran your hand down to his length and collected a bead of pre-cum of his tip. He was big, you could take him but your sensitive pussy had something coming.
Before you could take it any further he reached behind you toward the desk and you heard the rip of a wrapper before he pulled the condom over himself.
After getting a approving look You crawled back onto him hovering above him for a second before slowly sinking yourself down.
You threw your head back in pleasure. He felt so good. Moving into you, hitting just the right places. Neither of you could hold bac the animalistic noises sparked by the pleasure.
He hit so deep inside you thought you could feel him in your stomach. Taking a second to adjust to his size you stopped. You could already feel another orgasm building.
You started moving your hips. Spelling out his name with your movements. The movement itself was already very stimulating.
Adding to it you moved up and down a bit. You could feel him twitch telling you he is close.
Your movements intensified chasing the release for the both of you. “Omg baby yes. “ He moaned.
Seconds later you came in unison, riding each others highs out till the very end. Collapsing into a heap of limbs. Breathless and sweaty.
“Good fucking girl, you are so amazing.” He said resting his head against yours.
“God Daniel, this was the hottest thing I have ever done.”
“Was? Baby I’m not done with you yet.” - Thank you for reading. Please feel free to send me requests i need ideas :>
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tamales78 · 5 months
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Series: Teacher!Slenderman X OC!Reader
Chapter 4
Smut 18+
Warning: Teacher X Student relationship, College Teacher &Student, Mention & use of drugs, smut 18+, reader is 21, alcohol use,
Summary: Amelia is used to being a straight-A student since middle school. Her English teacher Professor Slender grades her an F after finding out she used AI. How will she be able to keep her good grades? And have the English teacher do her favors?
"Professor." He angrily cuts Amelia out, as she closes the door behind her.
"You think I'm stupid, eh? I was taking it easy on you and this is what you fucking do?!"
"I-I'm so, so, sorry. I-I was tired, I came from a party, and I...I just thought it would be no problem! It was just three paragraphs."
"You know my rules, Amelia. A hint of AI and I give a zero. This dropped down your grade." He growled at hers.
"P-Please, Slender. Give me a chance to retake it! I'll do it properly this time."
"There is no next time, Amelia! No retakes! You're meant to set a good example, Amelia! I actually was surprised you were the only one to cheat." He glared at her taking the papers from his suitcase.
"Please, Slender!" Amelia begged Slender as she moved closer to him.
However, he simply opened his computer and ignored him.
"You're a dick!" She yells out turning away, however, a slender hand wraps itself around her neck pulling Amelia back to her teacher.
"I'm a dick? I practically gifted you this A, only for you to throw it out of the window."
Amelia gulped as he pulled her closer.
"You could've stayed home and done my fucking assessment, yet you instead decided to go out to a party. Not my fault you're a lazy..." Slender looks away from her stopping himself from saying what was in his mind.
"A lazy, what? Proffesor." Amelia asks earning Slender's attention.
He looks at the student in front of him and slowly leans her closer till her breasts were pressing to his chest. Now she was playing a game, he knew she was simply doing it to get the upper hand.
"Stop playing this fucking game, Amelia." He whispered into her ear.
"What game, professor?"
Slender shakes his head turning away, but stops in his tracks when Amelia slowly leans forward till they are centimeters apart.
"Don't," Slender growled slowly adding more pressure to her.
"Don't what, professor?" She smirks before Slender presses his lips to hers, causing her to drop the coffee to the floor.
Moans fill the kiss as Slender lets go of her neck, and instead pins her to his desk. Both of them, completely ignoring the brown liquid and plastic cup on the floor.
Her hands traveled to his neck pulling him closer, as his hands drifted from her neck to the plaid skirt she had on. The spot between her legs slowly dripped wet, wetting her black panties as his hands traveled between her legs.
"Fuck," Amelia moaned when Slender's fingers finally touched the wet spot.
"Tell me to stop, and I'll listen."
Amelia shakes her head opening her legs enough for Slender to move her wet panties aside, so he could eat her out. As his tongue lapped her wetness, Amelia's hands traveled to her blouse unbuttoning the fabric and displaying her matching lacey black bra.
"Shit, Professor!" Amelia whined feeling Slender suck on her clit.
Slowly the knot grew as Slender kept on playing with Amelia, and the fabric of her panties. As she feels the knot about to burst Slender pulls away drawing an annoyed whine from his student.
"Only good students get to cum." He grinned licking her juices from his lips.
"Please, Professor!"
"Please, what?" He taunts her, slowly undoing his belt and unzipping his pants.
"Please, let me cum, Professor." She whines to her professor.
Slender nods coating his cock with her juices, and looks up at the clock over his whiteboard.
"30 minutes till the bell rings. Think you can finish before that?"
"I don't know. How good are you?" She smirks earning a harsh thrust from her English teacher.
"I'm pretty good compared to other boys you may have fucked." He chuckles thrusting into her roughly to the wooden desk.
With his arm, he shoves all the papers to the desk and pins her to the desk, as his pace quickened and deepened. A groan leaves him as her gummy walls slowly began tightening around his dick as it hammered her core.
As the pleasure grew, Amelia held onto the desk afraid to be moved forward due to the massive force Slender was using. Her teeth plunged to her lip, drawing her professor as blood dripped.
"Faster, Slendie!" She moaned looking up at the clock.
"Shit!" He groaned looking up at the clock and finding they had less than 12 minutes to finish and clean up.
"I'm going to go rougher, okay?" He groaned pulling Amelia to sit up at the desk.
"Can you bounce?" He asked holding onto her thighs.
She nods holding onto his neck, as the pace quickened and the pleasure grew.
"F-Fuck! Slendie!" Amelia moaned out loud making Slender slam his lips so she would be silenced.
"Shut up, woman." He groaned as she finally snapped and came hard wetting his cock.
"Fuck!" Slender cursed holding onto his student and finishing inside of her.
"Fuck," Amelia mentally whined feeling her naked core dripping with the cum of the man in front of the class, as he explained the story they would be analyzing.
"Any questions?" Slender asked only for everyone to shake their heads as they failed to notice the bulge in his left pocket holding Amelia's panties.
"Meanwhile, please take notes on the slides I posted," Slender announced eyeing Amelia as she eyed him from her seat.
Boy, would she have something fun and interested to talk to jane other than what happened at the party. She completely ignored the notes in front of her, continuing to look at her teacher. Slender began passing around giving everyone a note telling them their grade.
He hands Amelia the paper, lightly grazing her hand as she got handed the paper with a small note.
I'll keep the panties as extra credit'
And at the bottom of the note his phone number with a address which only assumed was his.
A small smile plastered across her face, as Slender grinned back at her and sat down to grade. However, he was unable to focus on the assessments, as the woman in front of him kept eyeing him.
He thanked whoever was looking at him when the bell rang, and everyone began leaving his class.
"Bye, Professor," Amelia smiled softly passing by her teacher's desk-the same desk where he buried deep inside her 5 minutes before he called a janitor to clean up the spilled latte.
"Bye, Amelia."
"Wait, so...Nina told Jeff and he told her..?"
"Mhm," Amelia nodded happily as she ate her sandwich.
"Girl, why are you happy? Nina right now hates our guts!"
"It's not the cause of that!" Amelia laughed looking around them before handing Jane the note Slender gave her.
Jane gasped astounded at the many contents of the note, and looked up at a grinning Amelia.
"Girl! Oh, Lord! Amelia, you didn't!"
Amelia nods leaning and giving her friend further details of her time with the English professor.
"Oh god! No, he didn't!" Jane whispers and shouts astounded Slender didn't use a condom or anything.
"Do you have birth control?!" She asks panicked fearing for a pregnancy.
"Of course I do! You really think I would let him do that, and risk getting knocked up?"
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kingaegond · 10 months
Michael Gavey x The girl with agoraphobia (part 1)
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Part 1:
-Do you mean shallow?
The red envelope was flushed under her single room door. Fuck not again. Not another one.
She opened the red envelope, inside, an expensive cream paper with the following message:
'You know where.
You know when.
You are invited.
Show up ;)'
She put the paper back into the envelope and put the red envelope next to the black one and the blue one and the green and the yellow one...
She had lost track of Felix's invitations. To be completely honest, she didn't know why she kept getting invited, I mean she knew but still.
Her dad and Felix's mum Elspeth had gone to the same school and knew eachother since very young, that before Elspeth went to uni and got married, and before her father got into his political career.
It was probably Elspeth idea to invite her, she just didn't know why Felix went along with it, he could just lie and tell his mum he send the invite. Why actually invite her? She caught herself overthinking. Of course, something so simple as an invitation and her head was already spinning with thoughts.
She went to the bathroom to wash her hands and get herself ready for the day. After that, she got into Math class just a few minutes late, her overthinking had made her late. She sat at the back as far from the others as she could and on the other side of the classroom, also at the back was the guy with his hand raised: Michael Gavey. Fuck, how did he know all the answers so quick?
The class went on and she almost fell sleep, boring as it was. She was a politics major and she couldn't care less about politics. It was just what her father wanted for her so she just went along with it. Perhaps I should find somehing I actually like. She was, again, overthinking, when someone's face completely clouded her vision: Gavey. Such blue eyes, if only I could get your glasses so I could see them well.
-Hey, hey.
-Yes... what?
-We're a pair, for the paper?
Her face blank.
-The proffesor said the 2 in the back?
-Ah sure
-Well, if you don't mind I can just do it and put your name on it. It will be faster.
She felt a little aggravated by his proposal, but one less thing on her plate couldn't hurt.
-Hmm. If you're sure, cool. Just tell me if you need any help i guess.
With that, she quickly picked up her backpack and went outside the class. Michael Gavey was left a bit dumbfounded.
At night, she was thinking about going to the party. Well we both know how that went the las time. As in 5 years ago. Get over it hun!. Nah we shouldn't risk it. Who needed people when you had such many voices in your head?
To avoid them, to avoid herself, she went to the library.
Surely, no one would be in the library on a friday night, much less on a Felix's Friday Festivity.
Sitting there, with a dark red swether, Michael Gavey sat near the window reading something.
Ok, I just wanted to be alone.
She went to another aisle in the library and sat alone near a window, finally at peace. She left her backpack on a chair and went to get a book she had been wanting to read.
Shit it's too tall! Fuck!
She tried to find the small wodden stair but it was nowhere to be found so she just tried to climb the bookshelves and get the book.
Shit! Ouch!
She fell with no serious injuries, perhaps a bruised ego for the lack of completition of such unimportant task and then.
-Are you ok?- Michael's voice was softer, almost a whisper, even though there were no souls on the library apart from the two of them.
-Umm, yeah.
-Wait, you're bleeding.
Sure enough, there was a small gash on her arm.
-Do you wanna go to the infirmary? Do you want me to take you there?- he said very slowly.
-I didn't hit my head you know, just... I mean it's probably empty. Perhaps even the nurse is at Felix's party or something- A small laught scaped her lips.
-Were you invited?
She was figuring out how to tell him that she...
-It's alright. I haven't either... - He continued answering his own question- Who wants to be with them anyway? Vacuous cunts...
-You mean shallow?
-Hmm, yeah. Are you sure you don't want to go to the infirmary?
-Actually, there's somewhere I want to go.
I will go and tell Felix to stop sending me invitations. Yes! It sounds like a good idea!
Perhaps she had hit her head after all.
She stoop up.
-Care to join?
The injury had made her particularly talkative and particularly active.
Michael didn't know where she wanted to take him, but something inside him wanted to say yes. Perhaps morbid curiosity. Perhaps something else. But just like a few moments ago, he had convinced himself to help her, he had convinced himself to join her now.
-Where are we going?
-Felix's- she said with a wicked smile.
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Potent love. [S.S & O.G]
Warnings: A little angst, but fluffy + steamy ending. Not explicitly smut, more of a make-out session,but Dom!Ominis, Sub!reader and Switch!Sebastian.
Synopsis (suggested): Sebastian and Ominis x reader where the reader smells them both in the amortentia potion, and ends up avoiding them in fear of being rejected.
Word count: 3.4k
Poly!Sebastian x gn!reader x Ominis
A/N: Not proofread. A little more angst than I intended it to be, but it's still cute. I hope @danielle-marie (who requested this) enjoys it, as it's my first request hehe.
"Today." Professor Sharp started, his monotonous voice cutting through the chatter of students. "We will be brewing the amortentia potion. Can anybody tell me what such a potion is used for?" He asks quietly, limping out from behind his desk to stare the class down with an icy glare. You look away, Sharp's intimidating demeanour sending a chill right down to your bones. You knew he was a just and fair professor, kind in his own way, but it was hard not to be a little scared of him and his stern exterior- especially taking into account how many powerful wizards he'd taken down during his time as an auror. Just as you were about to open your mouth to answer his question, another voice spoke. "It's a love potion, sir. Used to cause the drinker to fall in love." You looked over to Ominis with a smile, glad to see him participating in a class you knew he didn't particularly enjoy.
"Correct, Mr. Gaunt. 10 points to Slytherin." Proffesor Sharp said with an impressed nod, before turning to the chalk board behind him and waving his wand. With the flick of his wrist, words began to appear upon the black surface- information about the amortentia potion and the necessary instructions to brew it. "However, amortentia does not precisely create love. Love is an emotion so complex it is impossible to manufacture or force. Amortentia merely causes an intense infatuation. It is banned upon Hogwarts grounds for a reason. The power of obsession is not to be trifled with, it can cause darkness in people that most wouldn't think possible- in fact, I dare say that it may be one of the most powerful concoctions known to the wizarding world."
You flipped open your potions text book, skimming through a few pages until you found the page on amortentia. It was complicated- and you weren't exactly the best at potions as it was. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard footsteps behind you, and it took a good ounce of effort not to whip your wand out then and there. After a year of being hunted by poachers and goblins alike, you had a hard time remembering that not everyone behind you was a threat. "(Y/N)?" You heard the familiar, low rumble of Sebastian's voice behind you. "I left my potions textbook in the common room...do you think I could work with you on this?" He asks with a sheepish, shy grin, a red blush growing on his freckled cheeks. You notice him swinging his hands by his sides, a nervous habit you knew he'd had after a year of being friends with him. You let out a small, light-hearted sigh, shaking your head with a smile. "Be more careful next time, okay? Sharp won't be too happy with you if you make a habit of losing your things." You speak, stepping to the side slightly to make more room for him at your potions table. Perhaps having Sebastian's help wouldn't be so bad- he was pretty good at potions, after all.
After a short run down from Professor Sharp on the instructions of brewing amortentia, you began to set out all the things you'd need. Ashwinder eggs, pearl dust, a fwooper feather and a few other things. "Okay. I think we're all ready!" Sebastian said, clapping his hands together with a smile as he looked down at your potions table. Ominis was working on the table beside you both- potions class was one of his least favourites, as it wasn't really possible for him to use his wand to navigate. So, he'd gained the habit of working closely to you and Sebastian, whom he trusted with his life, in case anything were to go wrong. He trusted the both of you to tell him if he was about to mess up- because in potions, a small mistake could be the difference between life and death. After all, potions was a precise art and it was difficult sometimes to be precise when you couldn't see.
You got to work filling your cauldron with a base of water from the black lake, stirring in a small amount of pearl dust- so far so good, it had already begun to take on the pearlescent sheen that was characteristic of amortentia. You heard Sebastian click his tongue from next to you, and saw him wave his wand. A fire roared to life under your cauldron, the flames licking up the sides softly. "Now now, (Y/N), how do you expect to brew a potion without the cauldron bubbling, hm? Perhaps your mind is elsewhere today?" He teased softly, unaware that he was quite right with his little joking assumption. You weren't really focused today, all that seemed to plague your mind was thoughts of your best friends. Sebastian and his effortless charm that made you flustered beyond words. Ominis and his subtle care and tenderness that made your heart race out of your chest. "Quiet, Sallow." You deflected quickly, shooting him a playful glare. He was about to say something in retaliation, only to stop short when he was stared down by Professor Sharp.
Sebastian cleared his throat awkwardly. "Okay- stir clockwise for 5 whole minutes.." he trailed off with a groan, but began to stir the potion with his wand nonetheless. While he did that, you got to work. Placing a graphorn horn into the mortar and pestle, you began to crush the tough material. It was a bit of a struggle, and you could only get it into small chunks, while it was supposed to be a fine powder. Sebastian was busy stiring the cauldron, so he wouldn't be much help right now. Just as you were about to give up hope and cast reducto to reduce the horn to powder yourself, another voice spoke up behind you. "You won't do much to that horn by just crushing it. You have to grind it." Ominis spoke kindly, coming up behind you and hovering his hands over yours. "May I?" He enquires softly, which made you smile. Ominis was always so considerate. You nod, and he places his hands over yours, guiding your hands to perform a grinding and pulverising motion. Your face flushed at the proximity, the feeling of his chest pressed against your back, his hands closing over yours and his fingers a hairs breadth away from interlocking with yours. You watched as he skilfully crushed the graphorn horn into a powder, wondering how he did it so well without being able to see what he was doing.
When he finished and stepped back, you felt your heart skip a beat- perhaps relief that he'd stepped away and allowed you to breathe again? Or maybe dissapointment that he was no longer so close to you. "T-thank you, Ominis." You speak quickly, trying to act like you're not freaking out internally. He returns to his table with a gentle nod, and you could swear you saw a flush across his pale cheeks. As you turn and place the mortar and pestle back on your table, you accidentally brush up against Sebastian. The action causes him to jolt in surprise, and knock the ashwinder egg off of the desk. You bend down to get it, but in one swift motion, Sebastian has one hand across your shoulder, holding you up, and the other cupping the egg. Just how good were his reflexes? "Careful. If this broke, we'd end up with a magical fire on our hands- and Professor Sharp really wouldn't like me then." He smirks, his face so close to yours that you could feel his warm breath. In that moment, you weren't sure if the heat that was pulsing through your entire body was because of Sebastian or the egg he was holding that radiated warmth.
You quickly shift out of Sebastian's grasp, placing the ashwinder egg back on the potions table, inside a small nest that you'd conjured to keep it from rolling away or falling again. If either Sebastian or Ominis speak again, you don't hear it, too busy dicing up a mandrake root for the potion. As you put the ground graphorn horn and mandrake into the cauldron, it begins to take shape. It is a faint purple, shiny spots dancing in the liquid, and a swirling, spiraling steam begins to emit from it. The faint scent of ancient magic lingers in the air, causing you to sigh happily. You'd never sniffed amortentia, but knew it always smelled of what your favourite scents were. Adding the last ingredient and casting a small charm on the cauldron, it burst up in a cloud of bright pink smoke. Large hearts were floating up above the potion, mingling in with the smoke and steam. "Well done. 10 points to your house, (L/N)." You heard Professor Sharp's approving tone behind you, bringing a proud smile to your lips.
Class was dismissed, and you packed up your things and slung your book bag over your shoulder, gazing over the classroom for your two best friends. Sebastian and Ominis were talking to eachother idly, walking off to their next classes. You jogged up to them, jovially placing an arm around both of their shoulders, practically inserting yourself between the both of them. "Ah, (Y/N), there you are. Look what I snagged." He says with a grin, shaking a small vial of bright pink liquid between his fingers. You gasp, playfully smacking him over the head. "Hey! I did most of the work making that, it's only fair you give it to me." You huff playfully, snatching it from his hand. Ominis only smiles and shakes his head, a deep chuckle coming from his throat. "I've never smelled it before- hang on, I wanna see what it's like." You say, twisting the small golden cork off of the bottle and bringing it up to your nose. You were immediately hit with a whiff of ancient magic, an acrid but still pleasing scent that almost seemed to crackle with electricity and sent jolts through your body. Laced amongst that, was a mossy and damp, but musky and pleasant hint. One that immediately had your eyes widen the size of saucers. It was the same smell that clung to Sebastian- it had since that night in the catacombs, and although it was initially unpleasant had now become one of your favourite, comforting smells. Also unmistakable, was the hit of smoky yet floral, expensive musk of Ominis' cologne. Some luxurious French brand you couldn't even pronounce. Surely this was a trick- you had to be smelling it because of your close proximity, not because you were secretly in love with them or something. "I have to go." You shoved the potion back to Sebastian, leaving the classroom in a rush without another word.
You'd spent the next couple of days avoiding Ominis and Sebastian wherever you possibly could. Hiding away in your dorm, not sitting at the Slytherin table during feasts like you usually would, making excuses whenever they asked to talk with you. You felt really bad and even a little lost without them, but it was better than what you'd convinced yourself the alternative was- them finding out about your feelings and being disgusted with you or ruining what you had. In classes, multiple teachers had asked if you were feeling okay, noticing that you weren't with your best friends as you usually were. You'd been paired with Ominis in astronomy, and skilfully avoided any questions he asked you by outright ignoring him. You saw how disheartened he looked, how his face dropped as he quickly gave up trying to talk with you.
Right now, you were sitting outside of your common room, revising your herbology homework in peace. The scratching of your quill against parchment, and the crackling of the hearth burning next to you lulling you into a sense of security and familiarity. You were humming a faint tune to yourself, only bought out of it as you spotted feet paused right in front of you. As you looked up, your eyes met a very pissed looking Sebastian and a hesitant Ominis, eyes fixed to the ground even though he couldn't see. "Alright, what's up?" Sebastian hissed, his arms crossed over his chest. "You've been avoiding us for 3 days straight, and you've hurt Ominis' feelings!" He growls out with such anger that it actually makes you shiver. Your face falls at this information, breath hitching in your throat. "What?" You choked out, looking over at Ominis with saddened eyes. You hadn't meant to hurt either of them, and it broke your heart to know that you had.
"Ominis, Sebastian, I-" you began, placing the parchment you were working on over the desk, and standing up slowly. Your nails were digging in so hard to your palms that you felt blood begin to bead from the indents. You hung your head, biting your lip as you thought of what to say. When you looked back up again, Ominis was gazing at you with his typical calm demeanour, and Sebastian was looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue. "I'm sorry." Was all you were able to choke out, trying to fight back tears that picked at your eyes. "I just...the other day, during potions. I smelled the both of you in the amortentia- and I guess I panicked. Suppose I didn't know what to do, because I'm so damn scared of being rejected and ruining what we have- and, it's not like I could have the both of you, anyway." You hadn't even realised that you'd been rambling or that there were tears streaming down your face until Ominis had his lips against yours, his hand cupping your cheek and wiping away your tears.
When he pulled away, you looked like a deer in headlights. Body stiff and a shocked, flustered look on your face. "(Y/N) (L/N), you absolute git!" Sebastian laughed loudly, pretty much running into you and hugging you so forcefully that you were pushed right up against the wall. "Shut up. Ominis and I have been smitten with you since fifth year, how have you not noticed?" You pushed him away, looking up at the taller with an incredulous expression. "Wait, you what?" Your voice was raised, but not angry. "It's quite true, I assure you. Sebastian and I look at you like a mooncalf looks at a full moon." He chuckles quietly, and you sigh in relief. You're so glad that you didn't cause any irreparable damage in your relationship with the two, although you still felt horrible for hurting Ominis' feelings.
"My turn." Sebastian spoke simply, pulling you into his chest and leaning down to kiss you. His kisses were more rough than Ominis', fiery and passionate but not aggressive- even as he held you, his grasp was gentle and tender, a nice contrast to his feverish kissing. When he pulled away, a string of saliva connected both of your lips, and your faces were both bright red. Ominis was off standing to the side, his face equally as warm- he wasn't really hiding the fact he was enjoying the prospect of his two friends kissing. You knew that Sebastian and Ominis had both liked eachother- they'd both confided in you at separate times, and you'd done what you could for them. It hadn't crossed your mind that they'd also liked you too.
"I say we go somewhere more private, yes?" Ominis rumbled into your ear, his voice more husky than usual. You felt his warm hand slip into yours, and Sebastian followed suit, his hand finding purchase on your other. Now, you were sandwiched between two pretty Slytherin boys, and you couldn't think straight. "I agree." Sebastian nodded with a smirk, beginning to walk. You let the two guide you, unsure of their plans- although you weren't complaining either way. You got a few odd looks from some students as they watched the three of you walk hand-in-hand, but most people wisely looked away. The three of you were notorious after last years events, and most people were too intimidated of you, Seb and ominis and thankfully steered clear. As you climbed up the stairs of the astronomy tower, you realised that the boys were taking you to the room of requirement.
"This is your idea of private?" You giggled, about to speak again when you were roughly shoved against the wall by a pair of strong hands. "As long as you're quiet, no one will be any the wiser." Ominis laughed, his hands running over your hips as Sebastian's lips collided with yours. The sounds of yours and Sebastian's lips gliding over eachother's were almost lewd and caused a heat to pool in the bottom of your stomach. You felt Ominis slip between you and the wall, caging you between himself and Sebastian. The taller pulled away from your lips, leaning his forehead against yours as Ominis' hands found their way to your ass. You felt him roughly grasp at your flesh, kissing his way down your neck as Sebastian kept his hands on either side of your head. The feelings were overwhelming your senses in the best of ways, a mix of a gasp and a moan ripping it's way from your throat.
Sebastian pulled away completely, as did Ominis- you were about to complain, until Ominis took control and shoved Sebastian against the wall just as the latter had done to you moments ago. It took them mere seconds to begin kissing eachother, Sebastian's hands intertwined in Ominis' usually slicked back hair. It was an insanely hot sight, Sebastian, who usually tried to act tough, coming undone under the hands of his best friend slash boyfriend. Your breaths were coming out laboured, heat blossoming all over your body. When the two pulled away from eachother, their lips were swollen and red from kissing, wet with eachothers saliva and their hair tussled messily. It was truly a gorgeous sight to behold, the boys you loved making out with eachother.
Sebastian looked at you, obviously breathless and red, and extremely shy. Ominis didn't even need to see to know that he'd made a flustered mess of both of you, a proud grin on his lips. You sat down on the cold floor, grateful that it cooled your flushed, sweaty skin. You slipped your robes off, rolling up your sleeves. It was only now, as your adrenaline began to subside, that you noticed the sting in your hands, and the blood thickly dripping down your palms. Oh, had you dug your nails in that deeply? Sebastian sat down next to you, clicking his tongue as he noticed the wounds- they weren't deep or serious, but they hurt a bit. "Tsk, how'd you manage that?" He asked softly, taking your hands into his and examining the wounds. He hummed, taking out a small vial of wiggenweld potion from his pocket- you and Ominis had convinced him to carry at least one with him at all times because of all the duels he got into.
Ominis sat on your other side, waving his wand and conjuring a pot of tea in front of you. You felt Sebastian's calloused fingers tracing over your hands, then a sting that made you jolt back into Ominis' lap. "Ouch, sorry-!" Sebastian winced, but you shook your head, grateful for the help as you watched the small wounds slowly heal up until your hands were as good as new. "No, it's okay. Thank you. Both of you." You whispered shyly, taking your hands back and fiddling with your fingers. The three of you sat in comfortable silence, the close proximity making you feel safe and cozy. The crackle of the hearth and the chatter of the beasts from your vivarium was enough to eventually lull your tired body to sleep. Unbeknownst to your now sleeping form, Sebastian and Ominis were smiling down at you, chattering quietly.
"Sebastian?" Ominis spoke quietly after a short while of silence. The other hummed in response.
"I think I really love them." There was silence, and Ominis could immediately tell that Sebastian was pouting deeply- it was almost scary, his ability to tell what was going on despite his lack of vision.
"Oh, don't be jealous, you prat. I love you, too." He softly shoved the other boy, but then leaned over your sleeping form to kiss Sebastian.
"I love you both, too."
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