ffullstopsims1 · 5 months
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Simlogical & Madoria & HoneyB doors with lock
I made few Madoria and HoneyB's doors in Simlogical lock door version.
Download link: 4key Madoria red & white wood doors: Dropbox Simfileshare
4key HoneyB white glass door: Dropbox Simfileshare
You also can find their works right here:
http://www.madoria.com/index.html --- Madoria
http://simscave.mustbedestroyed.org/index.php?board=305.0 --- HoneyB
https://simlogical.com/sl/downloadpages/downloads.htm --- Simlogical
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an-aura-about-you · 1 year
you ever have a fanfic you know you're not gonna write but the ideas keep bouncing around in your head so you gotta do an infodump somewhere?
that's what we're doing today so here we go: TMA fic I'll never write in which Somewhere Else is Lunar (during the events of Lunar 2)
(or "gee Leo, how come you get to hunt down two destroyers?")
-ngl I've been thinking about this ever since I started reading clutching a map of dreams, which is a fantastic Final Fantasy X fusion au and y'all should go read it even if you don't know a thing about ffx because the characterization and action is superb
-I likewise have some cherished RPGs from my youth and one in particular clicks with this like no other
-I'd start it out some time before canon gets going, but not too far out. just far enough that we've got a little bit of time for the boys to acclimate to the world they've found themselves in before the action starts.
-start with Jon, who wakes up and is surprised to do so. holy shit, he made it! they made it! wait where's Martin? wait is he in some kind of carriage?
-turns out Jon was found by the caravan that sets up the carnival in the Madoria Plains. This Causes Some Concern, at least until he realizes he's not restrained in any way and nobody's setting off Stranger Vibes.
-also Jon feels???? way better than he probably should have considering he just got stabbed???? and that's how he learns that magic (aka RPG mechanics) are in play
-(debating on whether he grows his ribs back or not. I'm inclined to say they did just because That Shit's Funny.)
-first big hurdle actually comes from learning Lunar is Lunar and not Earth. first time he goes outside and sees the Blue Star he nearly has a breakdown then and there. (that is the Earth that is the Earth in the sky I am looking at the Earth which means I'm NOT on Earth what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck)
-eventually he does manage to adjust and make friends with the musicians. operating on The Mechanisms were Jon's Band in Uni rules, he's able to contribute that way.
-he and Jean become sibling-like friends. (she's like, "Hey, I'm not the newest member anymore!") neither learns the full scope of the other's past until considerably later, though. (Once they do, they're like, "Hey, both of us were orphans that found our family later!")
-he discovers that he's retained some of his powers as an avatar of Beholding but under Lunar's magic system rules, as well as develop some new abilities such as making himself invisible. he's relieved that he has more control over whether he compels information out of others.
-(he's not entirely sure how he feels about Althena, but he would rather choose her over the Ceaseless Watcher as far as sources of power go.)
-so Jon's there with the caravan when our intrepid party of heroes show up having adjusted as well as one can over the course of, say, a few months.
-holy shit Lucia has the Lonely coming off of her in waves. Jon is seriously concerned that she might become a catalyst for some Forsaken ritual.
-Jon finds that baby dragons are utterly adorable and is grateful that he's not prone to baby-talk around cats and things that look like cats, thus earning Ruby's respect.
-after Jean leaves with the party, Jon decides to take his leave on his own, now confident enough in his abilities on Lunar to try to find Martin.
-except when everyone goes to town, they find some wanted posters. one for Lucia and her party, and one for Jon.
-"wtf why is Leo calling Jon a destroyer????" vs "how tf did he know I'm a destroyer?????"
-Jon gets captured by Leo and jailed in the Dragonship Destiny a couple of times as well as an attempt at Lemina's Magic Mansion and an encounter with Ghaleon, the last of these setting off all kinds of alarm bells because Ghaleon Very Much Should Be Dead. ("Is he connected to Terminus?")
-the last time Jon's captured by Leo, he breaks out of his cell and tries to escape at Azado, but That Doesn't Work Out What With The City Being On Fire. (fuck this reeks of Desolation)
-but also oh hey Jean, Lemina, and Lucia are tied up on the deck of the Dragonship Destiny what's up guys? oh cool, Leo went with Hiro, Ronfar, and Ruby to take care of the fire, that will give us time to escape.
-This doesn't get very far because it's not long after that when Mauri shows up for her confrontation. Then Leo and the rest of the party join in. AND THEY HAVE MARTIN WITH THEM!
-Jon is ecstatic! Whatever fight they have with Obvious Desolation Avatar Mauri, they can manage it now that he's found Martin! Except that Martin seems to know Leo? AND Mauri???? And HE was the one who told Althena's Guard that Jon is a destroyer???????
-Jon's got a lot to think about on the way to Pentagulia.
-But also they've got some time on a boat so it's time for stories to come out. (including Ronfar and Jon both being puzzled about how their SOs know each other and other members of the party thinking they have to explain homosexuality to Lucia but she's just confused about why they're bothering to explain this when no one's thought to explain heterosexuality to her.)
-this also means Jon's finally up to speed with what the player would know at this point: entity called Zophar trying to destroy Lunar, Lucia's here to stop him, the campaign Zophar engineered against Lucia, what's the deal with Althena's Chosen (with the additional sting of them informing Jon that Martin was wearing the garb of one of their priests)
-at some point there's a talk between Jon and Lucia and he ends up understanding what's at stake far better than Lucia anticipated he would. it's a nice little friendship moment.
-They arrive at Pentagulia and it's time to split up the party for everyone to make their appointments with their plot threads, which means Jon's semi-tagging along with Ronfar as they go to the Red Tower to confront Martin and Mauri respectively. It goes about as well as people who know the game expect it to, with Martin speaking to Jon as if everything is normal, that this is the way things have always been for them, and that nothing has changed between them. (but there was one moment with a break when Jon, as a last resort, compels Martin to tell him what's happening. In lieu of any actual answers, Martin gives him a horrified look and begs him to leave while he still can.)
-once that plot matter is wrapped up in the canon way (with Jon being courteous enough to not comment on how Mystere is obviously Leo), it's time to regroup and try a different approach. in this time, Jon receives a letter from Martin.
-let's back up to before the story begins one more time
-Martin wakes up in Raculi. only the problem is he was already up and moving when he comes to.
-turns out he was found by the Chosen and cleansed (that is, made to drink Zophar's blood) before he came to. and now he's working as an assistant to Lady Mauri
-he wakes up in time to hear himself tell Mauri about Jon and how he's already destroyed one world, fighting to stop himself but physically unable to.
-from this point on, Martin's been a prisoner in his own body, watching as he helps Mauri "cleanse" the sinful with fire and blood, struggling to get his body back under his own control. but it's no use. he's a vessel for Zophar.
-he writes down as much of this as he can in the letter to Jon in the brief moments he can actually control his hands, finishing it by telling Jon that he's sorry, he loves him, but should they meet again Jon should mercy kill him because otherwise he might not be able to stop his body from killing Jon.
-(the reason Martin's able to write and send it at all is because Zophar delights in that kind of torment)
-there would also be a scene with Jon discussing these things with Leo, who is more certain about taking fatal action if need be, and through compulsion Leo admits he is terrified at the idea of striking down Mauri because, even though they aren't as close as they were and she's done horrible things, she's still his sister and he still loves her.
-Jon goes to Raculi with Leo because Leo was ready to kill both Mauri and Martin, and Jon isn't sure if he can actually go through with it but tells Leo that if Martin must die then Jon should honor Martin's implied wish that it be by his hand.
-in a one-on-one fight that proves challenging since Martin is armed with a flail, Jon ends up non-fatally incapacitating Martin while the party fights Mauri's Id. by the time the fight is over, the effects of Zophar's blood wear off and Martin is back in control of himself. cue proper tearful reunion.
-with Mauri also free from the influence of Zophar's blood, she apologizes to Martin for what she did to him. having been in the same situation, Martin understands and forgives her.
-the three of them, Jon, Martin, and Mauri, all stay in Raculi as the party moves on to mount their attack against Zophar. when Zophar starts getting the upper hand, Jon is reasonably concerned it will become another Fear Apocalypse because everything about what he's told indicates that Zophar and the Fears are one and the same.
-in a fit of impulsiveness, Jon proposes to Martin in this time. ("I've already seen one apocalypse with you! I don't want to go through another with the regret of leaving that undone!") Mauri finds a couple of old bracelets of hers to stand in as wedding bands and marries them then and there.
-when the world is inevitably saved with the power of humanity, Jon and Martin get a nice little house in Dalton so they can be close to both where the carnival likes to set up and Raculi where Mauri and Ronfar live. (also there's a hot spring nearby, which, yeah, when you hit the age Jon and Martin are, you want to live by something like that)
-they go out on the occasional adventure, a much more peaceful prospect now that they no longer have the threat of Zophar or the Fears looming over them.
-Jon eventually brings Martin to meet everyone in the carnival, who properly give Jon shit for running off and getting married without telling them and tell Martin about all the pining Jon did for him.
-when they catch wind of Hiro wanting to go to the Blue Star to reunite with Lucia, they're like, "That's crazy but in good conscience we should encourage you because she's Lonely AF and her being the only person on the Blue Star isn't helping with that."
-and they all live happily ever after the end!
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smallbraintime · 1 year
I had an idea. Mha prompt time.
At the ripe old age of 4 one Izuku Madoria finds a suport competition and there is a category he can compete in "Early youth robotics competition ages 4–6 prize (Rare All Might merch)" and Midoria studied joined and won the category. Katsuki was given the plush Izuku won in the support competition it had a mysterious stain and smelled like victory.
Midoria didn't realize that he wanted to become a suport hero until the sludge villain. Midoria used a cartoon style grappling hook that was supposed to be trial ran that day to pull Bakugo out of the sludge villain. And Midoria realized that his inventions saved people while the heroes were berating him for being stupid.
If yall got anymore ideas feel free to share
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livingnwonderland · 3 years
Damn watching season three of MHA if Deku isn’t gay for Bakugo idk what reality is
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everything-fangirl · 4 years
I drew Deku 🥰🥰🥰 he's so cute
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butch-snufkin · 5 years
me: ok time to sleep now
my brain: what if..... madeline bassett and honoria glossop were a butch/femme couple 
me, sobbing: shit u right 
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simspresso · 8 years
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Island Spa Door $150 > Door Tool
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y'all i need a favor,my parents took my phone off me because they want me to study but i cant cause i was in the middle of  reading this rly good  fanfic on my phone and i literally can not focus without finish it.i cant find the phone anywhere and if i ring it my parents will know but the tumblr notifications is on so if you could blow up my phone by rebloging this or leaving asks or messages idc just blow up my phone so i can find it.
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hitsugayarose · 3 years
Hello everybody I wanted to let everybody know that I am moderating several different role plays all on discord if you are interested in joining please DM me. We have what we call the roll play fun house where pretty much every fandom is involved (DM for more details on that one). Naruto rp, Pokémon rp, legend of Zelda/ Skyrim/ monster hunters rp, avatar the last air bender/legend of Korra, and dragon ball Z. Each of these are very heavily changed to fit the dynamics and are there fire AU’s later on today I will edit this post with a list of characters who are TAKEN and can not be played but this will give you an idea of who can be played. OC’s are also welcome as we have many in the rp’s already.
Role play funhouse TAKEN characters:
My hero academia:
All might/Toshinori Yagi
Izuku Madoria
Aizawa/eraser head
Katsuki Bakugo
Kirishima Ejiro
Denki Kanamri
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic
Momo Yarozu/Creatie
Shoto Todoroki
Tamaki amajiki
Fat gum
Mei Hatsume
Tenya Iida
Ochako Uraraka
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
Tony stark
Bruce banner
Stephen strange
Steve Rogers
Azure lane:
DC Heroes:
Dick Grayson
M’gann m’orzz
Bruce Wayne
Kara Danvers
Diana prince
Barry Allen
Jesse McCree
One piece:
Seven deadly sins:
Final Fantasy:
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Darth Vader
Obi-Wan Konobi
Master Plo
Captain Rex
Commander Cody
These are all the characters who are TAKEN in the fun house rp.
Naruto rp:
Rock lee
Might guy
These are the characters who are taken in the rp.
These are the TAKEN characters.
Dragon ball Z:
These are the TAKEN characters.
Kingdoms of old:
Legend of Zelda:
These are the TAKEN characters.
Avatar the last air bender:
Alright that’s the last one! These are the TAKEN characters so please contact me for anything else you have questions on!
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doc-alister · 5 years
MHA AU where Stain gets One For All from Madoria's blood and returns as the ultimate Anti-Allmight!
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nostalgiasimsthings · 6 years
Gifts I’ve Shared at Other Sites
Just a few of the gifts I’ve shared with others over the last couple of years. :)
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Available at Madoria’s World.
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Available at the 2016 CTO Advent Event Page.
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Both sets available at TerraLuna (registration required).
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ventureswithbooks · 3 years
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“In another life, I’d get down on my knees and beg you to come back. Might beg you not to go in the first place.” - Dark Skies . . 🌟QOTD: you’ve been sprinkled with fairy dust and can enter your current read as any character, who are you? . . Hello friends and happy Wednesday! We are half way through the week and I couldn’t be more excited!! I didn’t get a chance to read these last two days but I’m hoping tonight I can finish Gilded Serpent!! If I were to pick a character to be I’d definitely pick Lydia!! She is my absolute favorite and also Killian...need I say more?!? Less than a week now till Gilded Serpents is out in the world!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! . . #GildedSerpentCountdown - Madoria: Best book w/ water element #CourtofReading - Favorite Villain #TumbleoverBooks - brutal betrayals . . #darkskies #daniellejensen #torteen #torbooks #librariesofig #bookishcommunity #bibliophilelife #youngadultbooks #readersofig #lovetoreadbooks #booksofinsta #readingforfun #bookloversofinstagram #bookstagrammers #bookstagramcommunity #bibliophiles #bookwormlife #bookbloggersofinstagram #bookstagrammademedoit #bookreader #rainbowbookshelves https://www.instagram.com/p/CN7hjHLrQC5/?igshid=aa3cioaw014o
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whatsloser · 5 years
Ok so we’ve all seen this
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So as a band nerd who stares at people and mentally assigns them their instruments all the time, I decided to give my headcannons and explain how I got them lol
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In order
Aoyama- The French Horn is too obvious. He would want an instrument that is unique and usually only one or two in the orcastra. The Oboe fits him pretty well but I could see him as a Harpist too.
Mina- She gives off a Clarinet or Alto Saxophone vibe but I could also see her as a Trumpet or Percussion.
Tsuyu- She plays the Flute AND the Piccolo.
Tenya- A Clarinet. Period
Uraraka- I really could see her with a Bass Clarinet but she also give off such Tenor Saxophone vibes
Ojiro- A Trombone guy at heart
Deki- Dumb Trumpet or Trombone energy RADIATES off this guy.
Kirishima- Percussion. He would like the little ‘toys’ of percussion.
Koji- A delicate Violin for a delicate baby boy.
Satou- French Horn suites him very well but I’m soft for big guys with tiny instruments (plus I think he would also be a good flautist).
Shoji- Defiantly a big instrument kind of guy. A Bari Saxophone or Tuba would fit him well
Jero- I made her a conductor like Madoria cause you know she’s all up in music anyways, it just seems fitting (but she would major in percussion 100%).
Sero- The stoner Percussion or Trumpet dude. Likes the percussion toys and the loud instruments but sucks at the keyboards.
Tokoyami- 100% Percussion dweeb. Probably plays the marimba, xylophone, or glockenspiel (the key boards) or maybe the tubular bells
Todoroki- IN PROMO. Idk when I first saw it I was completely against the thought of him being a Trumpet but the more I think about it the more it suited him.
Hagakure- Alto Saxophone idk how I got to that but I know it’s right
Bakugo- IN THE PROMO. Percussion. Defiantly likes playing the loud stuff ( snare, slapstick(!), cymbols, gong, tambourine) and doesn’t like the ones used in/on people’s mouths (like whistles)
Madoria-IN PROMO. It’s cute!!! (majors in Percussion or Trumpet)
Mineta- Flute because he would join hoping the the flute section would be filled with girls (or as I told my friends he could be dead cause the thought of that is music to my ears)
Momo- Can probably play all the instruments pretty well but majors in the Harp or Violin. Could maybe be a Floutist as well.
I would love to hear why you agree/disagree!
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everything-fangirl · 4 years
Can you guys send me some stuff you'd like to read about? I wanna write more fanfiction but I have such a writer's block right now lol look in the tags to see my ships and if you have any ideas let me know!! I will definitely give you credit for the idea!!
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omg-we-really-doo · 6 years
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That’s a car, he, he has to have carried the car on top of the pile. There’s two cars, I , I don’t understand.
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cullenski · 7 years
Important post because title
You may have noticed that I haven’t posted anything about my writing in a while. Truth is, lots of things happened and life just plain got in the way. However, I’ve got my collective stuff together, my mental health is now back up and I actually started having ideas and feeling like writing again. So, don’t worry if you’ve been missing it because I’m baaaaaack!
So, what’s the news? Well, I’ve started up again on the next chapter of The Wolfpack, and am starting to think about the big finale. Trust me when I say it’s going to be big, exciting and feature at least one cat. Or six. I’ve also got a special series of one-shots lined up for pride month with these guys, as well as some fanfic. I’m also proud to announce that I’m writing a prequel to the Wolfpack (you can thank the defenders trailer for that one).
Steam-Powered Lightning will also be getting new chapters, with a big bad, cute moments and a finale that will be epic and feature a metric tonne of adrenaline. If you think the series hasn’t delivered so far, then you ain’t seen nothing yet.
The Madoria Expedition will also be getting a conclusion, I know I have neglected it in favour of others, but rest assured that you will find out how it all ends.
So, stick with me, and you’ll be, in a world of pure imagination.....
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