#Maggie's fic
lavenderprose · 4 months
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Archie (Our Flag Means Death)/Oluwande Boodhari/Ching Shih | Zheng Yi Sao/Jim Jimenez (background) Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), Oluwande Boodhari Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Road Trips, Strangers to Lovers, Past Blackbeard | Edward Teach/"Calico" Jack Rackham, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Crew of the Revenge as Family (Our Flag Means Death) Summary:
Stede Bonnet, a middle aged man who has decided to live full time in a van but whom is definitely not having a midlife crisis, is entrusted with the task of transporting the estranged brother of his friend Izzy Hands across an ocean in time for Christmas. All does not go to plan.
“How long have you been doing this for?” Ed asked, his gaze focused. “Three years, give or take,” said Stede. “Four if you count from when I bought the van, but it took me a year or so to fix it up to the point that I could live in it full-time.” “And you’ve always been by yourself?” Ed asked. “Oh, yes. That seemed like the best idea at the time. Figured it was better for everybody that I get out of sight, at least for a little while. And I liked the idea of not having to ask anybody else’s opinion about where I went, what I did." “Do you get tired of being alone?” Ed murmured. His breath floated in a mist between them. “Sometimes,” Stede admitted. “It can be lonely to be alone.”
Hello! The fic is done! Please take it!
I’ll be posting the two remaining chapters over the course of the next week or so; they’re finished and just need editing. Please enjoy!
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tossawary · 4 months
There's a really quick joke in BTAS that genuinely got me. It's in the episode "Eternal Youth", where Alfred and his girlfriend(?) Maggie Page go to a health spa being run by a mysterious woman named Demeter. Of course, this turns out to be Poison Ivy.
And when Batman has to go to this spa to save Alfred and Maggie, and he's confronted by Poison Ivy as she reveals herself, he says (I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember exactly) something like, "Only you, Poison Ivy, would name yourself after the Greek goddess of plants."
Poison Ivy has two henchwomen in this episode (who unfortunately never show up again) calling themselves Lily and Violet, also present. And either Lily or Violet responds, with something like, "Ooh, someone graduated high school literature."
And then the confrontation continues, but that joke fucking got me, because that IS a common level of mystery-crafting in comics and also this show specifically. Superheroes apparently have to know their Greek and Roman mythology (not just because of Wonder Woman's rogues) because there's a high chance a villain is going to pretentiously name some project by looking up mythology in an encyclopedia.
It also makes me think that it must be REAL easy for the Gotham rogues to frame each other for anything, which is sure to cause grudges and fights between them if it gets found out. Everyone has conveniently themed themselves! Maybe it fools Batman sometimes and maybe it doesn't!
"Aha, a green envelope with a purple question mark! It must be the Riddler again," says Robin. "When did he get out?"
But Batman just inspects the card and says, "Wrong type of paper. Wrong shade of green. Nygma is picky about the quality of his printing. Someone picked this card up from the greeting card section of the local pharmacy."
"Oh, huh, you're right," Robin replies. "Holy marketing mistake, Batman, why do they even sell these?"
"I wish they wouldn't."
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avelera · 2 months
Sometimes in genre fiction stories, you’ve got magical characters talking about their magical lives in public or wearing their superhero costumes out in the regular world.
Often times, the magical characters feel they need to hide or whisper about things like magic or immortality or fighting demons or like pretend they’re going to a convention to explain their superhero costume.
These are often lovely and charming scenes but let me be clear:
Nobody in a major city would give a fuck.
Just as one example of many, I was literally in line for a book signing in NYC and a man walked by stark ass naked wearing only body paint and basically after the initial surprise, no one did or said anything about it.
The amount of crazy you encounter on any given day walking around a major city makes you basically immune to surprise or taking any kind of action about weird shit happening around you.
If I heard someone talking about their magical powers next to me at a cafe back when I lived in NYC, I’d assume either 1) they’re rehearsing for a play, 2) playing/discussing D&D, and/or most importantly 3) it’s none of my fucking business.
I’m always curious what exactly people think would actually happen in the real world if a supernatural or magical character was overheard by someone who wasn’t actively hunting them or who wished them harm.
If you overheard a time traveler or an immortal or magical person in general candidly speaking about their life at the table next to you, what would you actually do about it?
Would you call the police?
Tell the whole world you just sat next to a real magical person and your evidence is that you overheard their conversation?
Report them to their nemesis? How would you even find them??
Seriously, besides telling your friends about the weird conversation you overheard at lunch or the strange looking person you saw, what exactly would a normal person do even if they really did overhear someone like a time traveler speaking candidly about their travels for anyone to hear?
I ask because I see so many stories set in a superhero or urban fantasy setting worrying about being NOTICED. Noticed by WHO? With what result?? What do you actually worry is going to happen? What would any average person actually do besides shrug and go back to whatever they were doing?
I’d accept that maybe in a smaller town you could become a topic of conversation and even widespread notice.
But let me assure you, friends, in any major city, no one would fucking notice much less say anything about any level of weird shit they saw. The whole point of a big city is that everyone basically ignores the weird shit happening around them at any given point.
So let the fairies and ghosts and time travelers of your fantasy story relax. If they’re in a big city, they could literally fly around downtown with rainbows shooting out their ass and the only comment they’d probably get is from people wondering what movie is being filmed nearby.
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dangerpronebuddie · 28 days
Does Sprouts Sell Engagement Rings? 2k
"You're in love with me," Buck says, his voice growing more certain as he takes a step closer, abandoning the basket and the chunky peanut butter. Eddie's head snaps up. He stares at Buck, wide eyed and terrified. "What?" "Eddie, why did you put chunky peanut butter in the cart when I'm the only one that likes it?" Buck asks. Before Eddie can answer, their radios crackle to life. "I need help on aisle eight," Ravi says, sounding a little frantic, but that's honestly normal. Buck ignores him, and takes Eddie's hand when he reaches up to key his own radio. "Why?" Buck asks again. Eddie's shoulders drop. "Because I am in love with you." (Or, Buck notices how much Eddie notices, and neither one notices that Ravi needs some help) (He's fine, I promise!)
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kennarose1108 · 11 months
My World (Negan Smith x Reader !DAUGHTER OF RICK!)
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You had been with Negan and his group for the last ten months and you knew Negan wasn't the cleanest man on earth. You knew he was doing things... Horrific things to people but you try to turn a blind eye to it. Negan was the best thing that had happened to you since the apocalypse happened. You were alone up until Negan found you on the verge of starving to death.
And over the months your and Negan's relationship had blossomed into something unexpected. He was a lot older than you. You were twenty-six years old and Negan was forty-five... I mean hell he was older than your father would be... Your father...
You were in college when the apocalypse broke out and you prayed your family was okay. After a while, you finally made it back to your family's home to find it completely ransacked and everybody was missing. You went to the hospital where you heard your father was staying after his accident but you didn't even attempt to go inside as it was completely guarded by the dead.
But everything seemed to be okay now... You stayed out of Negan's business as much as you could but today was different. "I need you to go," Negan says. "Why? You have Simon and all your men why do you need me?" You ask while crossing your arms over your chest.
"We made a deal with these people but they're on the more dangerous side than most people we've dealt with. We need everybody." He explains and you sigh deeply. "I don't want to be involved with your 'business deals' Negan. You know how I feel about it." You say with a shrug. "And I don't believe these people willingly made a deal with you either." You say while raising your eyebrows and he chuckles slightly. "Alright, you got me there." He says while standing up from his seat. "These people killed a whole outpost of men for their supplies so we gave them an option of... We raid their shit and we let them live." He shrugs. "No harm, no foul." He says while grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. "I just want everybody there in case shit hits the fan. We need to defend ourselves." Negan explains.
"Mhm... What's the actual reason you want me to go? Because we both know I'm only good at killing the dead ones... Not the live ones." You say while squinting your eyes at him. He stares at you for a moment before sighing deeply with a smirk. "You see right through me every time.." He chuckles. "...You're going to be here all by yourself. I don't want you to be alone if something happens here. At least I know if you came with me I can protect you." He says while leaning his forehead against yours.
You clenched your jaw and slightly glared at him before groaning out a 'fine'. He smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Let's get going then."
When you made it out to the trucks Negan ordered you to stay inside of the car until the gates were open. When you made it to the place called Alexandria you sat in the truck with one of Negan's men. You weren't paying attention entirely until the man dropped a heavy gun in your lap. You had no idea how to use it so it was clear it was given to you for threatening purposes. "It's safe now." The man says. You nodded and took a step out of the truck, the man following your steps on the other side.
You were looking down at the ground as you took a few steps. You finally looked up and looked at the people around the gate. There was a woman who looked hardcore and angry and a man who looked confused and kinda wimpy... Then your eyes landed on another man. Your eyes widened as your brain processed what you were seeing, hoping it wasn't another hallucination that you saw so much when you were dehydrated.
But you weren't dehydrated and this wasn't a hallucination. Your lips parted as a soft gasp escaped your lips. The gun you were holding onto fell from your hands and that's when you finally got the man's attention. Your body shook as he gave you a look of confusion into a look of disbelief, the same look you gave him. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as your body shook from the feeling of adrenalin and pure shock coursing through your veins.
Negan looked at you and then at him, confused about what was going on, and that's when you let out a shaky breath, "Dad?" You mumble. "Oh my god.." He whispered. You let out a shaky chuckle as tears finally fell from your eyes. "DAD!" You yelled as you ran full force towards him. Your arms swung open and wrapped around his neck as his arms slung tightly around your body. Your legs shook as you were barely able to keep yourself upright... If it wasn't for his tight grip on you, you would've fallen to the floor. You cried into his shoulder and held onto him tightly before pulling away. "I thought you were dead." You managed to choke out.
Negan stared at you both in disbelief and horror. He also felt stupid for not putting two and two together since you both had the same last name. "Is Carl...?" He nodded. "He's alive." You sigh in relief as a smile appears on your face. "And mom?" You ask. He just stares at you. Your smile slowly fades as you cover your mouth with your hand in disbelief. You let out a shaky 'oh' as you pulled away.
Your father's eyes flicked from you to Negan before looking back at you. "You're with him?" He asks. You nod your head as you wipe a tear that fell from your eyes. "How 'bout you go around Alexandria and look for your brother? Me and your dad have some things to discuss." Negan says while getting behind you and grabbing your shoulders and giving Rick a teasing smile. "Yeah... Yeah, that's a good idea." Rick says while glaring at Negan. You walked away from Negan's grip and you walked around the streets, getting the occasional glare from some of the people that live in Alexandria which made you frown.
But as you walked your eyes fell on a boy walking down the steps from his porch. You squinted your eyes and tried to make out the face of the person. It was hard to tell at first since he had a patch over his eye but you’d recognized that face anywhere.
You smiled and yelled out his name. He looked around for a moment before turning in your direction, his eyes falling onto yours. You smiled as his face turned from confusion to disbelief. With adrenaline coursing through your veins you ran towards him full force. He did the same and you both met in between and practically collapsed into each other. You both kept each other on your feet as you hugged each other tightly. After a minute you pulled away and cupped his face, tears going down both of your faces. “You’ve grown so much.” You chuckle. “I thought you were dead,” Carl says with a slight gasp. “Can’t get rid of me that easily little brother.” You say with a chuckle. You look at the patch on his eye and you slightly frown. “What happened?” You ask your thumb lightly brushing against the edge of it.
“I was shot,” Carl explains. Your eyes widen and you laugh. “You were shot in the face and you survived?! Holy shit I wish Dad informed me how much of a badass you were before I found you.” He chuckles. His eyes then glance to the ground and his smile disappears, he seems to be lost in thought. His eyes flicked back up to you and he sighed. “I have to show you something,” Carl says while backing off and walking back towards the house he came out of.
You follow him into the house and up the stairs. Carl stops in front of a door that was off to the side and he slowly opens it. Your eyes travel to the inside of the room until you see a little girl in a crib. You take a few steps inside and slightly gasp. “Who’s this?” You ask while walking towards her. “That’s Judith. Our sister.” Your head snapped towards him and your eyes widen. “Is that how mom…” He didn’t say anything which was an answer in itself. You nodded and looked back at the little girl. You chuckle and lifted her out of the crib and held her against your body. “Oh my… You are gorgeous.” You say while admiring her little face. But the moment was ruined by the sound of doors slamming open and people talking loudly downstairs. “Hide her.” Carl orders. You quickly put Judith down and left the room with Carl, shutting the door right on time as Simon came running up the steps.
He eyed you and Carl and you both kept your composure. “Everything good up here?” He asks. “Yes. Everything’s fine.” You say with a slight smile. He glanced at the door next to you both and gave you another weird look. “What’s in there?” Simon asks while nodding to the door. “Nothing. The room is empty. Carl was giving me a tour of his home and he offered to let me stay in this room when they get it furnished.” You say with a stern tone of voice.
“Hm... You should talk to Negan about that.” You wanted to argue back and say you were a grown woman and didn’t need his permission but you decided it would be best to keep your mouth shut in this situation. “Come on Carl. Let’s go downstairs.” You say while putting your arm around Carl’s shoulders and pulling him forward, not keeping your eyes off Simon until you went past him. When you made it downstairs Carl was staring in horror at the people in his home taking pretty much everything. “They’re taking all of our medicine,” Carl says. “We hid them here because they said they’d only take half,” Carl says while pulling away from you. “Carl-“ “No!” Carl yelled while grabbing a gun and going after them. “Carl DON’T-!” But it was too late.
A gunshot rang through the air causing you to jump. You quickly ran into the room and luckily everyone was okay, but Carl had a gun to one of Negan’s men. “Put them back, or the next one goes in you.” Carl threatens. “Kid… What do you think happens next?” The man laughed. “Carl.” You managed to get yourself in between the gun and the man and you were trying to calm him down. “Get out of the way.” “Carl don’t.” You warned. “Move.” “If you don’t put the gun down the punishment will be-“ You stopped yourself as you saw your dad running into the room, you knew Negan wasn’t too far behind so you kept your mouth shut.
Your father tried talking the same sense to Carl as Negan walked in. His eyes darted between the gun and you and he knew he had to intervene. Negan walked over to you both and stood next to you and got into Carl's line of sight. Negan chuckles. "Really kid?" He says with a smirk.
"You should go... Before you find out how dangerous we all are." Carl warns. You swallowed the lump in your throat and gave him a pleading look. "Well pardon me, young man, excuse the shit out of my goddamn French but... Did you just threaten me?" Negan asks. "Look I get threatening Davie here... But I can't have it, not him, not me-" "Carl just put it down-" "Don't be rude Rick we are having a conversation here." Your father and Negan argue back and forth. You continue to stare at Carl with pleading eyes as you knew if Carl pushed his limits or broke a rule no amount of begging would stop Negan... Not even for you. "Now boy... Where were we?" He asks.
"Oh yeah! Your giant man-sized balls. No threatening us. Listen I like you... I don't want to go hard proving a point here, especially in front of the lady here, and you don't want that. I said half your shit and half is what I say it is." Negan says in more of a more serious tone of voice. "I'm serious. Do you want me to prove how serious... Again?" Negan warns.
Carl stares at him then looks at you. You shook your head slightly and he sighed deeply. He moved his hand so the handle of the gun was facing you. Your trembling hands slowly grabbed the gun from his hands and held it to your side.
Negan turned to your father and started ranting to him and you grabbed Carl's shoulders. "What the hell is wrong with you?" You whisper to him. "They were taking our stuff," Carl argued. "You can always get that shit back! He'll kill you or someone else here and you can't get back." You hissed at him. "And you.." Negan turned to you both. You turned your head to him and saw him staring at you. He lifted his hand and wiggled his pointer and middle finger towards you telling you to give him the gun. You handed him the gun and he put it in his pocket.
"Rick go and get that stuff together for me will ya? And you... Come with me." He says while not moving his gaze from yours. You nodded and followed him out of the home. You followed him down the street and in between some houses. He then suddenly spun around and grabbed your arms softly. "I don't want you doing that shit again," Negan says sternly. "I knew he wasn't going to shoot me." You argued. Negan shook his head and sighed deeply. "I do not care. There is no damn reason for you to EVER stand in front of a gun. Ever." He says with a shake of his head. "Scared the hell out of me." He says while placing a kiss on your temple.
"I'm sorry.." You say with a frown. "Don't be sorry. I know you were trying to de-escalate the situation and I respect that... I just don't want you to get hurt." He says while cupping your face with his hands. "He's my brother. He wouldn't have hurt me." "I can't take that chance." He shakes his head. "I don't care if there's a 99% chance or a 0.01% chance. It's not an option." He says. “Understand?” He asks. You nodded and he smiled.
He kissed you on the cheek and pulled you in for a hug. You both stayed like that for a moment before Negan pulled away, giving you a tight squeeze before letting you move away from him. “Let’s go darlin’,” Negan says while lightly placing his hand on your lower back and leading you along.
You walked with Negan until you met up with your father and some of Negan’s men in front of a small bunker. The door to the bunker slowly opens to show a woman. “I… Figured you were coming.” She says nervously. “Show him where the guns are, Olivia.” Your father says. She nodded and you all walked inside. “You run the show in here?” Negan asks. “I just keep track of it all, the rations, the guns,” She explains. “Good. Smart. Don’t let me stop you. Arat, boys... Show ‘em the goods.” He smirks as everyone walks off. “Wait, wait, wait.” Negan stops your father.
“While they’re at it, I just want to point out to you that I’m not taking a scrap of your food. Slim pickin’s in here.” Negan says while pointing out the little to no food on the shelves. “And I can’t be the only one to notice that you got a fuckin’ fat lady in charge of keeping track of rations can I?” Negan says and you turn to him, “Negan.” You smack his arm and he puts his hands up. “Am I wrong?” He asks. “Yes. Don’t be an asshole.” You roll your eyes. He chuckles and slightly leans into Rick, “She keeps me on my toes.” Rick glares at him and he slightly leans back.
Negan looks at Rick, then at you, then at Rick again. “Y’know I just realized… We’re family now aren’t we?” You closed your eyes and cringed. “I mean… Should I call you dad or something?” Negan asks while slowly dragging his arm over your shoulder and pulling you close to his side.
Rick’s eyes flicked over to you and you swallowed another ball in your throat and you let out a deep sigh. “Right?” Negan asks. “Stop.” You whisper to him while giving him a pleading look. He wanted to keep going just to poke the bear some more but he didn’t want to continue if you were uncomfortable. He cared more for your feelings than his ego. “…Either way, you starve to death, I don’t get shit, so for now, you get to keep all the food. How ‘bout that?” Negan says, still keeping his arm around your shoulders.
Negan and Rick stare at each other for a few moments. A very awkward few moments. “What do you want me to say?” “I don’t know, Rick. How about a thank you.” Negan says while moving away from you and getting into your father’s face. “You think that might be in order? Or is that too much to ask?!” Negan yells. “Jesus stop!” You grab Negan’s arm and push him away from your father.
“Haven’t you done enough?” “All I’m asking for is a thank you.” You scoff. “I think we both know they have nothing to be thanking you for.” You shake your head at him before walking out of the bunker and down the streets of Alexandria. You stopped in front of Rick and Carl’s home and you sat on the steps, rethinking everything.
You placed your elbow on your knee and rested your forehead in your hand. You sat like that for a while before a familiar figure walked into your view. They stood there for a moment before slowly sitting next to you on the steps. “You angry with me?” He asks. You sigh and close your eyes. “What do you think?” You say with an annoyed tone of voice. “Why?” You turn to glare at him. “Why? Are you kidding me?” You say. “Is it because of Rick?” Negan asks. “Jesus no!” You yell. “…Well it doesn’t help.” You say while looking forward. “You know I don’t like being a part of this shit. I don’t like seeing this side of you... Especially since I know you did something bad to these people.” You say with your voice slightly cracking as tears filled in your eyes. You shake your head, not wanting to ask this question but you feel you have no choice.
“What did you do? I’m going to hear it from somebody so it might as well be from you.” He stares at you, he didn’t want you to find out. “I killed two of their people in front of them. One of them had a wife and she was sick. She witnessed it all… She didn’t make it.” Your mouth flew agape and your body tensed.
“Oh my god… And you expect a ‘thank you’ from these people!?” You stand on your feet and glare at him. “You say people are a resource and need to be protected but it’s all a lie!” You shout. “It’s not a lie.” He stands up to meet your level but instead, he just towers over you, making you feel inferior to him.
“People are a resource and need to be protected but rules need to be set and if they are broken there are punishments.” He argues. “And killing people in the answer?” You scoff. “You’re torturing these poor people and for what? Surviving?” “Killing off my men. That’s what.” He hisses while stepping forward and getting in your face. “Not like your men didn’t deserve it anyways. Most of them are criminals, rapists, or killers. But I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it?” You say while slowly looking at him up and down. Negan was seething, nobody spoke to him like this and he was getting pissed. “Watch your mouth.” “Or what? You’ll kill me?” You chuckled. “You don’t got the balls.” You hissed. It took all his might to not snap and lash out at you but he realized that it wouldn’t fix anything and you had every right to be angry.
But that doesn’t mean he won’t be any less angry with your words. “I have done everything for you. I have fought for you, I have killed for you, I put food in your belly and a roof over your head. I deserve goddamn respect.” He said in a low and threatening tone of voice. You shake your head. “I never asked you to save me.” You say, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“What did you expect me to do? Leave you there to die?” “You should’ve. It would’ve been easier for the both of us.” You snapped back. Negan leans back and stares at you in disbelief.
You didn’t mean what you said, you were thankful Negan saved your life. You remember the day he found you. You were in a gas station and you had been sitting there for about a day or two just waiting to die. Your face was pale and you were practically skin and bones. You were sitting in the backroom in the dark when you heard a roar of an engine and footsteps entering the building. You didn’t have the energy to get up and find them and your throat was too dry to call out for help, so you sat there until the door opened and the light of a flashlight crawled up your body and landed on your face. You cringed and looked away from the light. The person who was shining a light called a name and another pair of footsteps entered the room. That was when the person shining the light lowered it and you made eye contact with the man who walked in the room. “Holy shit... Are you alive?” He chuckled, getting closer to you.
His smile disappeared when he saw how sick you looked. He walked over to you and knelt at your level. “I’m Negan.” He says. You gave him a slightly confused look and Negan sighs. “Simon. Go get some water.” He orders while still staring down at you.
Simon quickly came back into the room with a water bottle and handed him the bottle. He opened it and he snaked his hand behind your neck and lifted you. You slightly groan as he pulls your head forward in front of the bottle. Your lips touched the bottle and slowly gulped down the water. If you weren’t so dehydrated there was a good chance you would’ve cried.
When you needed a break you moved your head back and leaned back against the wall. “Y/N.” You mumbled. “What?” Negan asks as you barely let out a whisper. “…My name is Y/N Grimes.” You say while shifting around. “How long have you been here?” Negan asks. “A couple of days…” You say before letting out a hoarse cough. Negan lifts the bottle back to your lips and you take a few more gulps. “Is there anyone else around here?” He asks. You shake your head, “No. I’ve been alone since the beginning of the apocalypse.” You explain. His eyes widen and he scoffs with a smirk. “No shit? Wow. Good for you for lasting so long.” He says with a wide smile.
“Yeah… It gets lonely though.” You say while lifting the corner of your lips to smile slightly. Negan stared at you for another minute before mumbling an ‘alright’ and closing the water bottle and handing it back to Simon. He stands up slightly and begins to put his hands under your knees and behind your back. “What… What are you doing?” You ask. “I’m going to take you back to my camp. We have a doctor and food and water..” He explains. “…Why? You don’t know me.” You ask. “People are a resource. They need to be protected… And you won't survive much longer if I leave you here.” He explains. You nodded and he continued to pick you up.
You groaned as your body ached. Your muscles were so tense from sitting there for so long that just a slight movement caused your whole body to ache in pain. “We’ll get you patched up... It’ll be okay.”
And here you are… Many months later arguing with the man who saved your life. He stared down at you and he clenched his jaw. You could see on his face he wasn’t angry anymore, he was hurt. You didn’t expect it to hurt him in all honesty because Negan has been told a lot worse than what you said. But it did hurt him... And he didn’t know what to do about it. He sighed and looked around for a moment. “Head over to the truck.. We’re going to be leaving in a few minutes.” Was the only thing he managed to get out. Without looking at you he walks down the steps of the porch and down the street.
You stifled a sob and wiped the tears that had fallen down your face. After you pulled yourself together you walked over to the truck and saw David in the face of a young girl. “Say please again, little girl.” He chuckles. The girl lets out a ‘please’ and he smirks. “Yeah. One more time.” He says while running his finger down her cheek.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You yell out as you storm over to him. His head shoots towards you and you shove him away from the girl. “Who do you think you are?” David asks as he gets in your face. “Someone who will gladly put some fucker out of their misery.” You snapped back. “Now piss off.” You hissed. He glared at you and tried to walk away but you stopped him. You put our hand out, telling him to give you the item the girl wanted. He grumbled something under his breath and shoved the item in your hand. David walked away and you turned to the girl. “I’m sorry that happened…” You whisper as you handed her back the balloons. You squeezed her shoulder before walking off and following the truck.
“Get in the truck Y/N. Me and daddy dearest here gotta talk.” Negan says without looking at you. You glared at him and you were about to oblige his orders and get in the truck but you stopped yourself. You turned on your heel and walked over to your father and swung your arms over his shoulders. You both hugged each other tightly before Carl found his way under your arm and hugged you and your father as well.
When you finally pulled away you rested one hand on your father’s shoulder and the other on the side of Carl’s face. You gave them a soft smile as tears filled in all of your eyes. “I’ll be back. I promise.” You say in a low tone of voice as you run your thumb over Carl’s cheek to wipe away the tear that fell from his eye.
You give them another small smile before turning and walking away. Negan watched you closely as you walked past him, wiping your tears in the process. You sat in the van and stared down at the ground, trying not to cry anymore in the process. During the minutes of you sitting there, you looked over and saw Negan taunting your father. You balled your fists up and sighed in annoyance. You wanted to get out of the car and yell at Negan but you didn’t have the energy. You heard Negan chuckle as finally peeled himself away from your father and he got in the van next to you, Lucille in his hands. You looked down at your hands and furrowed your eyebrows. You didn’t want to even look at Negan... But you knew he was looking at you.
He made occasional glances at you in an obvious manner. He wanted your attention and in all honesty, he wanted you to feel slightly bad for what you said to him. But you never looked at him. Not even when you made it to the sanctuary and walked past him to get inside.
You ignored everybody and headed to your shared bedroom. When you finally made it to the bedroom that’s when you realized that the sun was setting and you sighed in relief. You were exhausted and you wanted nothing more than to fall into your bed and sleep the day away. You sat on the edge of the bed and buried your face in your hands. You sat for a while until you heard your bedroom door opening and closing. You glance up and saw Negan leaning against the doorframe and staring at you.
You wipe the tears that had fallen from your eyes and look to the side. Negan stares at you for a few more seconds before sighing and lightly smiling to himself, clearly thinking of a memory.
“Y’know… I remember the first time I saw you.” He says. “You were so frail and sick looking.” He says while slowly walking towards you. “I was worried if I touched you, you would shatter like a piece of glass.” He continues walking towards you. You look up at up and look at him through your hair. “But I knew you were a fighter. And even if I had left you there you would’ve fought yourself back to survival.” He says while kneeling in front of you. “Who would’ve thought you would fight yourself into my heart.” He says with a soft smile and gently tucking your hair behind your ear.
You look down at him with tears in your eyes and a frown on your face. “There’s no way I could’ve left you there because..” He sighs before continuing. “I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.” He says while resting his hand against your cheek and wiping the tears that had fallen.
“Look… You and I are not easy people to deal with. And together it’s even more difficult... But I wouldn’t change a thing.” He says while shaking his head, a soft smile on his lips. A small cry came out of my mouth and I close my eyes, "I-I didn't mean what I said... I didn't... I'm glad you found me I...* You say, your words stuttering a bit. "I know... I know baby..." Negan whispered while moving his hand up to wipe the tears off your cheeks.
"I just... I hate seeing this side of you, and knowing you're doing this to my family..." You say before taking a deep and shaky breath. "It hurts..." You mutter, just barely over a whisper. Negan frowns, "I know... But I have to be cruel to keep them in line." Negan says. You shake my head, "No... No, you don't." You say. Negan sighs, "Baby. Listen to me." Negan says while grabbing your cheeks between his hands, "I promise you... I won't hurt your family. I take my promises seriously and you know that." Negan says.
You nod and sniffle, "...Okay." I mumble. "Alright... Now come here...* Negan says while putting his arms out to you. You get off the bed and onto the floor in front of him and hug his torso tightly. He hugs you back tightly and lovingly. Negan would keep his promise... He wouldn't hurt your family, but everyone else in Alexandria was up for grabs... One thing Negan knew how to do...
Was how to manipulate.
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mermianar · 1 year
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when you just want to hunt welsh kings but all your bffs want to do is make out
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onceuponapuffin · 2 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 7!!!
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It will not surprise you at all, dear Reader, to learn that Aziraphale keeps very little in his kitchen cupboards. There is no stove or oven, and the only thing in the fridge is milk (for his tea no doubt). When you start opening cupboards, you find one pack of custard creams, and a second one of chocolate digestives. Well, it will have to do. You find yourself a small plate and fill it half and half before heading back into the shop just in time to say goodbye to Anathema and Newt.
As they leave, you turn to the supernatural entities in the room.
“So,” You say, “If we’re going to the States, then we have a few problems. First, I don’t have my passport or any ID at all, so airport security is going to be fun. Second, I have no money. Third, I’m gonna need a Walmart or something because I don’t even have a toothbrush, my dudes. Fourth, these,” You indicate the cookies, “are fine for a snack, but overall they’re not gonna cut it.”
“You just leave the airport security to us,” Aziraphale replies. You make a note that he glided right past ‘my dudes,’ they’re getting used to you already. Dammit. “As for the rest of it,” Aziraphale continues, “I suppose a trip to Tesco’s is in order.”
Crowley produces a shiny black credit card from nowhere and hands it to you. “We’ll take the Bentley,” he says. He starts to stand, but you shake your head.
“Nuh-uh, you both stay here,” You say. Crowley raises his eyebrow.
“You realize we can take care of ourselves,” he says, “We’ve been doing it for a few millennia.”
“I’m not talking about that,” You say, “Look, what we’re going into is really dangerous. And I know that your pattern is to just wait to talk about things until you’re in the clear, but that’s not a good idea anymore. I mean, I get that I’m not exactly an expert, but I read just as much as you do and I’ve heard a million stories by this point in my life, and in NONE of them do people ever say ‘I’m so glad I never told them how I feel’ - you know? It’s always ‘I wish I would have’ or ‘I should have told them every day.’ So Muriel and I will go ask Maggie to take us to Tesco, and you two need to talk. Please. While it’s safe, while you have the chance, before things get dangerous and possibly deadly.”
Crowley and Aziraphale are silent. You notice that they aren’t looking at each other. Well, you’ve done your best. Now you need to trust them.
At this point, dear Reader, you are probably thinking to yourself ‘well I would snoop and spy on them while they talk! I want to watch them make out!’ But here is the thing – in this world they are real people, not characters. It’s one thing to say that you would creep on them from the other side of this fiction, but when they’re very real and looking at you in person, things are a little different. For one thing, you realize that real people deserve things like boundaries and privacy, especially for sensitive conversations.
And so, you take Muriel over to Maggie’s shop, where you explain that Mr. Fell has sent the two of you on an errand and you need to stop for dinner somewhere and have no idea where anything is. You flash her the credit card and say ‘It’s all on me,’ and she conveniently agrees with a look on her face that says something like ‘least they could do after all that shit they put us through.’
So the three of you go for dinner at the nearest Weatherspoons, where you and Maggie eat while Muriel watches in morbid fascination. Then you all take the bus to Tesco where you buy yourself a small wardrobe, and manage to coax Muriel into some light blue jeans and an argyle jumper so they look a little less like the Beacon of Gondor. You quickly find out that Muriel has an adorable fascination with fuzzy socks, novelty mugs, and coloured pencils. Of course, you enable their fascinations with a happy heart, and as an afterthought, you grab them a small pot of orange daisies from the flower section. It will give them something alive to tend to while you’re gone. Muriel appreciates the thought. All in all, it’s a long but good time.
You don’t know about the talk, and you’re worried about asking when you get back.
You and I, dear Reader, not actually being in that world, are allowed certain privileges.
The bookshop is silent for a long time. Both of them are thinking, digesting, processing. Feelings are hard to feel, and harder to put into words. Especially when it has been made clear, twice now in the span of a number of hours, that you absolutely need to put them into words.
It isn’t until after Crowley notices you, Muriel, and Maggie heading down the street that he stands up and begins to pace. A few more minutes pass before he speaks.
“So...uhm...are you going to go first or should I?”
“Are we...are we actually going to do this? Have this talk I mean?” Aziraphale has been shelving books to try and take the edge off. Now he puts down the book in his hands and absent-mindedly fidgets with his ring.
“Well, I mean we don’t have to,” Crowley says, aiming for non-chalance and missing ever-so-slightly, “No one can actually make us.”
“Yes, except it feels very much like everyone is trying to.”
“Trying is the key word there.”
“That’s true enough I suppose.”
The silence returns and stretches. It is anything but comfortable. The air is full of words that they have been told they should say, words that perhaps they want to say, but words that have been dammed up with fear and uncertainty for so long now that they’ve become very hard to un-stick. After a while, Aziraphale clears his throat and speaks.
“I, erm, I suppose you had better go first.”
“Me, right, okay.” Crowley clears his throat now and stops his pacing near the desk. He looks down at the scattered papers and books, the pens and photos and newspaper clippings. The assorted clutter of Aziraphale’s life. Looking away makes it easier to start. He takes a breath. “Um..right...well...we’ve known each other a long time. We’ve been on this planet a long time – you and me, I mean. I’ve always been able to rely on you, and you’ve always relied on me,” another breath, “We’re a team, yeah? A group of the two of us. And...erm...we pretend that we aren’t. Always have. Safer that way I guess.” He looks up at Aziraphale. The angel isn’t looking at him, but he nods anyway to show that he’s listening. Crowley continues. “And I mean...I’ve tried not to think about it much before but...but it would be nice, I mean, UGH” He takes off his sunglasses and rubs a hand over his eyes as though he can massage the words and make them easier to say. “I mean, I would like to spend...mmm….I would like to spend the rest not pretending anymore. Be an us. I mean,” suddenly the dam breaks, and Crowley finds the words come tumbling out, “If Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, we can. We don’t need Heaven or Hell, they’re both toxic. We can be an us, on our side. You and me. What do you say?” He looks at Aziraphale without reservation now. His angel looks back at him, eyes wide. When he does speak, it’s with a smile and a small nod of acknowledgment rather than agreement.
“That was very well done Crowley,” he says. This isn’t an answer.
“Nnyeah, thanks. Your turn though.”
“Right, I suppose it is.” Aziraphale takes a moment to gather himself. After hearing Crowley be so open about this, he feels more resolved himself to do this properly. He faces Crowley and folds his hands to keep himself grounded. “Crowley,” he begins, “I...I wish that this conversation were happening under better circumstances. Although it’s been pointed out that ideal circumstances aren’t a promise that we can wait around for. Well, the thing is that I would like the same thing. Very much in fact. My biggest concern by far is for your safety because, well, frankly I don’t see the point in saving the world again if you’re not around to enjoy it with me. An us, as you said. You and me.” He smiles. Crowley smiles.
“Guess we’d better save the world together then. And try not to die.”
“Yes, quite.”
“Yes, Crowley?”
“You’re my angel. No one else.”
“And you, my wiley serpent. No one else.”
The shop bell dings.
“We’re baaaaaack!” You sing as you waltz through the door, shopping bags in hand. Muriel follows after you, carefully carrying their daisies. “Did you miss us?”
When you eventually get the courage to ask them about their talk later, you get a “ngk” from Crowley, and a “We’ve said all that needs to be said, for now.” from Aziraphale. And that, you suppose, will have to do.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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tizniz · 2 months
WIP Wednesday 🌙
Tagged by @theotherbuckley & @daffi-990
I wrote a cute little Buck/Eddie/Tommy story, called First Choice, that I am hoping to post soon (after I write a different BuddieTommy story first...) but here's a lil something from it:
“Hey.” Buck says softly, but it’s enough to make Tommy pause, him and Eddie both shifting their attention to him. He smiles at them both, placing one hand over the hand Eddie is using to hold his forgotten fork in and reaching across the table to take the one Tommy has lowered there. “I’m happy.” His voice shakes a little, and there’s a blurriness to his eyes, but Buck stays steady in his words. “I’m really happy.” “Oh, baby.” Eddie exhales, leaning over to press his forehead to Buck’s temple, tilting his head to kiss the corner of Buck’s mouth. “I’m happy too.” “The happiest.” Tommy assures, squeezing tightly onto Buck’s hand. “Thanks for choosing me.” Buck admits, not knowing why tonight he’s saying this but needing to nonetheless.
NP tagging: @hippolotamus, @actualalligator, @actuallyitsellie, @bidisasterevankinard, @spotsandsocks, @fortheloveofbuddie, @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, @jesuisici33, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @exhuastedpigeon, @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming, @monsterrae1, @epicbuddieficrecs, @elvensorceress, @eddiebuckley-diaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @spagheddiediaz, @wildlife4life, @evanbegins, @devirnis, @loveyouanyway, @perfectlysunny02, @smilingbuckley, @watchyourbuck, @loserdiaz, @excuseme-greentea, @wikiangela, @sunshinediaz, @scknight05, @dangerpronebuddie, @kitteneddiediaz, @incorrect9-1-1, @underwaterninja13, @bigfootsmom 🩵
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hairymoths · 1 year
My friend made a fic n im so sane n normal so i made it a comic
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lavenderprose · 4 months
Hello, all!
Second chapter of the fic has been posted. Last chapter should be posted late this week or early next :)
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
side characters that are invited to the ot3 wedding, in no particular order:
nana hardison
jim sterling
archie (blegh. we accept him for parker’s sake)
todd mcsweeten
the rest of the hardison family
tara cole
billy spencer
astrid pickford
jacob stone (eliot’s twin)
alex walker (eliot’s other twin) (they are triplets)
kai and ernesto (alex’s partners)
maggie collins
jack hurley
actually, any leverage international member that wants to come and is available (I’m thinking lee tae joon’s crew)
cassandra and ezekiel (ezekiel is on thin ice. he and parker have a thief rivalry that has been going on for years. frenemies!!!)
paul orozco
colonel vance
mikel dyan
olivia sterling
shelly (from the boys night out job)
edit: people I have been told I forgot
agent taggert
cheryl from the mile high job (she and hardison continued to be WoW buddies. she is bisexual because I said so and is a queer gaming elder to breanna that breanna totally doesn’t have a crush on)
patrick bonanno
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avelera · 2 months
Avelera's Dreamling Fic Status Update:
Keeping Sanctuary (subscribe for updates here) - Giving Sanctuary Sequel follows Dream and Hob from the events of the altered meeting in 1689 up to the modern era. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1689 meeting?) Current word count: ~7,000 words across several chapters. Realistic progress update: 1/10 complete total, Ch. 1 is about 1/5 complete.
(The rest are below the cut!)
Come live with me and be my love - Dream and Hob fall in love during the Regency Era when Dream loses a bet to Desire. Shenanigans ensue. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1789 meeting?) Ch. 16 is at 2,500 words, probably about 1/3 done. Current plan is to wrap up Part 1 in the next few chapters then create a part 2 which finishes out their "1 year of marriage" on a month by month basis instead of following them day to day like Part 1 done. Probably won't be a separate fic though, just a change of format.
This Rough Magic - My take on "Hob rescues Dream from Burgess" with a twist that Hob ends up on Burgess's radar himself when he picked up some occult magic skills in the hopes of contacting Dream after 1889 and apologizing. Now he has to pretend to be friends with Burgess in order to get them both out of there, because Burgess thinks Hob can help force Dream to give him immortality. (aka, What if they hooked up after the 1889 meeting?) Ch. 9 is about 800 words in. Story is still very much in progress I just have a lot of WIPs, as you can see.
Joke's On You (I'm Into That) - The 1589 meeting goes very different when Hob proposes to Dream, who is so offended that he just can't let the matter go. A very angry, very horny competition kicks off between them. (Aka, what if they hooked up in 1589 when they were both at their absolute worst as people?) I have literally 40,000 words written for the rest of this fic. The problem is, there's big gaps in that first draft I have to fill in and scenes that need to be added. This might be my favorite WIP but it's also the hardest to write with all the smut scenes so it'll arrive whenever I can manage, I'm afraid.
Banana Daiquiris Ch. 2 - Comic-canon compliant (mostly) - Dream fakes his death to go on a vacation with Hob and Destruction. They end up in Tahiti. Destruction plays matchmaker. Hob doesn't know whether to thank Destruction or strangle him. Current word count 6,000 words. I've been playing around with adding on to this fic for ages. One of these days, I'll pull it all together.
Great Triumphs and Tragedies - aka, "Dream Accidentally Cursed Hob with a Normal Life" Fic - Dream learns that from 1689 on, Hob's life has been safe. Too safe. Improbably safe. Nothing bad or extraordinary or even terribly special has happened to him since Dream began to consider Hob his friend. He knows this because during his imprisonment, Hob's life became exciting again and suddenly went back to normal the day Dream was freed. Hob is not convinced that Dream is the reason for this, Dream disagrees. They talk about it. And fight about it. And some things that they've probably needed to talk about for a long time finally get said. (aka, sometimes the author just needs to write their weird headcanon into a 20,000 word fic that's almost entirely dialogue). Current word count: 19,000 words and about 80-90% finished. I'm hoping that posting what I've got will help push me through the final stretch.
And for fics that haven't been posted anywhere yet (you can subscribe on my Ao3 author page for alerts about them):
Hob Amesia Fic - Dream and Hob are dating officially now in the 21st century when Hob gets hit with what seems to be a memory loss curse, shaving off 100 years of his life each day until Dream finds a cure. This effectively grants Dream a walk down memory lane as he is reacquainted with the Hob of each era and, in the process, learns how much longer Hob cared for him than Dream ever realized. Current word count: 35,000 words. Currently writing 1489 (1889-1589 are done) and I might re-write the opening. It genuinely kills me not to have this one posted lol.
"Fairy God Marlowe" - 1589 fixit fic where Hob and Kit Marlowe strike up a conversation while Dream and Shaxberd are talking. Hob and Marlowe talk about plays, and faith, and salvation, and queer love, and what it means to live forever. Hob gets a second chance at a first impression. Current word count: ~5,000 words. Sadly, it's all dialogue in script format. I'd need to convert it into prose to publish which would be a slog. So it's a bit shelved until I find the energy to do so. No, I will not post it in script format, I'm allergic to the thought.
I've got a few other concepts kicking around, but these are the ones that actually have (*does a quick calculation*) over 100,000 words written that I haven't had the chance to post yet?? And it's driving me insane????
Anyway, I should probably pin this post for those curious lol. Feel free to ask me any follow-up questions, I love talking about WIPs even as they ruin my life!
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dangerpronebuddie · 10 days
Tease Tidbit Tuesday!!
Tagged by @wikiangela @theotherbuckley @tizniz who all shared absolutely BRILLIANT stuff y'all should show some love 🩷🩵
The writing beans are on vacation without me ರ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ರ so I haven't gotten much of anything done at. all. But! Thanks to Nolan (*forehead kiss*) I've gone back to my sub Eddie fic!! The beginning needs to be adjusted a little- anything before this snippet is... meh. So while I fix that and hopefully get to the good stuff 😏 have one of my favorite moments:
"I'd take you apart," he whispers, leaning into Eddie's space. "Tease you until you're shaking with pleasure only I can give you." Heat sparks in Eddie's chest as Buck's gaze rakes over him. He's been checked out before, it's not even uncommon, but from Buck it's… different. The space Eddie had noticed earlier is gone, replaced by Buck’s knee on the cushion, letting him lean closer. Eddie doesn't dare look away. He doesn't dare breathe. Buck can't be serious. It's all talk. For all he knows, Buck's going to lean back and laugh about the whole thing and they'll go back to their movie. But Buck keeps his gaze locked on Eddie, his pupils blown wide, his eyes darkening. He leans closer, so he's looming over Eddie, a hand on the armrest behind Eddie's back. The movement makes Eddie lean back, only slightly. He's torn between making space in case this is a joke, and closing the gap between them. Tentatively, he trails his hand up Buck's arm, to his shoulder. The smallest smirk graces Buck's lips. Normally, Eddie doesn't notice just how big Buck is. Eddie thinks he should feel boxed in. But he doesn't. He trusts Buck implicitly. All he can feel is excitement, if a little nervousness. It's not like they've been in this position before. "The only decision you have to make," Buck practically purrs, tilting his head with a smirk, "is whether or not you want it." His eyes flick to Eddie's mouth. Eddie finds himself doing the same, his gaze focused on plump pink lips. If they do this, there's no turning back. At least not for Eddie. He doesn't know if Buck's suggesting a one time thing. At the moment, he doesn't care. He leans up and closes the distance between them, slotting their lips together.
(tags under the cut. As always, please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@inell @exhuastedpigeon @spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @thekristen999
@actuallyitsellie @daniwib @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny
@misshiss727 @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@smallandalmosthonest @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter
@nonspeakingkiku @eddiedisasterdiaz and anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
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kennarose1108 · 11 months
My World (Negan Smith x Reader !DAUGHTER OF RICK) !PART 2!
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You were walking with Negan as they were taking the stuff they got from Alexandria out. You went to go and grab some stuff but Negan grabs your hand, "Nuh-uh..." Negan says while shaking his head. "What? I'm just trying to help." You say. "I don't want you lifting a finger. I mean, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my girlfriend do all the heavy lifting?" Negan says with a smirk. You roll your eyes at him, "You're such a jerk, y'know that?" You say with a soft chuckle. Negan was about to continue to the joke but it was interrupted.
A ring of gunshots filled the air and on instinct, Negan grabbed you and pulled you close to him and pushed you against one of the trucks. He had his whole body covering you in case the bullets came flying this way. When the gunshots stopped Negan pulled away slightly to look over his shoulder to see one of his men dead about ten feet away from you both. Your eyes widen and your breath is shaky as you hear Carl's voice.
Negan chuckles, "Stay here." He orders before pulling away. You don't speak as Negan walks over to the crowd, whistling as he does so. "Damn. You are adorable." Negan says while walking behind his men and grabbing one to use as a human shield. "Did you pick that gun 'cause it looks cool?" Negan asks with a grin. You slowly step forward and stand next to the truck so you can get a view of what's going on. You gasp as you see Carl pointing a gun at Negan.
"You totally did, right?" Negan asks. "Kid, I ain't gonna lie you scare the shit outta me," Negan says with a chuckle. One of Negan's men then lunged at Carl and Carl shot him down. I scream as this happens and Dwight lunges at him and knocks him to the floor, grabbing the gun and pointing it at him.
"NO!" You scream while running towards Dwight and trying to get the gun out of his hands. He shoves you back and points the gun at you on instinct. You stumble back and stare at him with wide eyes. "Dwight. Back off." Negan says while stepping forward. Dwight lowers the gun and looks back at Carl. Dwight notices his knife and takes it off of him.
Negan steps towards Dwight, his face close to the side of Dwight's face. "I hope I never see you aim a gun at her again." Negan hisses. Dwight's breath is shaky as he stares down at Carl, fear written all over his face. "I don't care what the situation is... You aim a gun at her again and I'll bash your brains in. Understand?" Negan asks with a smirk. Dwight slowly nods. "Good... Now apologize." Negan whispers to him. Dwight's gaze slowly meets yours and he sighs, "I'm sorry..." Dwight whispers. "What was that? Say it louder, I don't think she heard you." Negan asks with a huge grin.
"I'm sorry," Dwight says louder. "Good... Very good," Negan says in a low tone of voice, a grin still on his face. "Now help poor Carl up while I handle this..." Negan says. Negan then looks at you, a fire in his eyes that makes your blood run cold. "You. Come with me. Now." Negan hisses while walking past Carl and walking over to you. He grabs your arm and pulls you along with him. His grip was firm but gentle as he pushed you along with him.
He pulled you with him until everyone was out of sight. He pushed you against one of the trucks and put his hands on each side of your head, caging you in. "What the hell did I tell you about guns? Hm?" Negan asks with a small scowl. You stared up at him as you take a deep breath. His eyebrows raised as you didn't answer, "I said 'Don't ever stand in front of a gun' and what do you do?" Negan asks before scoffing with a smirk. "You try to rip a gun out of Dwighty boy's hands and nearly get yourself killed." He says angrily. "Now I don't know if some kind of sisterly maternal instinct triggered in your brain or if you had a goddamn death wish but I better never..." Negan says before pointing his gloved hand at you inches away from your face before continuing, "EVER... See you do anything like this shit again. I better not tell you a third time because if it comes to that I will lock you in this place. Don't test me." Negan warns. You stare up at him with your chin quivering, "He pointed a gun at my brother." I say with a whisper.
"...He pointed a gun at you. His instinct was to point a gun at you and you are goddamn lucky his instinct wasn't to fire it." Negan says in a low and menacing tone of voice as he moves his hand back to the side of your head. You swallow the lump in your throat, "I was just trying to protect him..." I mutter. "I'm trying to protect YOU," Negan says angrily while grabbing your shoulders and shaking you slightly. "You could've been killed, don't you get that?" Negan says, narrowing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows.
"If you get killed or hurt on my watch I don't know what I'd do," Negan says in a lone tone of voice. A soft tear rolls down your cheek and Negan sighs. He moves his hand to softly wipe the tear off your cheek, "I'm not saying this to upset you." Negan says. "I'm saying this because I care about you. I don't want to see you hurt or killed." Negan says, his tone softer now.
He holds your cheek in his hand before leaning in closer to you, his face now barely an inch away from yours. "Promise me... Promise you won't do anything like that again... Because next time... I won't go so easy on you." Negan whispers, his gaze burning holes into your skull. Your breath is shaky and your legs tremble as he made you feel weak in the knees as he was so close to you. "I... I promise." You whisper. Negan grins, "Good girl..." He mutters. He then closes the gap between you two and softly kisses you.
The kiss was gentle and passionate and it was obvious Negan was enjoying it. One of his hands snaked around your waist and pulled you closer against him while his other hand remained on your cheek. You could feel him smirking against your lips as he kissed you. The kiss got a bit rougher, he wanted more… So much more.
He then pulled away, your lips making a small pop as he does so. "Mmm... Every time I kiss you I just can't seem to get enough." He says while licking his bottom lip. "You taste as sweet as sugar..." Negan says with a chuckle. You chuckle too, "You taste like cigars..." You say. "Hm... Is that a bad thing?" Negan asks. "No... I kinda like it." You say with a smirk.
Negan grins, "Ohhh... You make me want to take you right here." Negan says while gripping your waist tightly. "But I gotta deal with your pain in the ass of a brother," Negan says before leaning in and kissing you on the forehead. "But just know... I am hard as a rock right now." Negan says with a chuckle. You smirk at him. "Now... I want you to go into our bedroom and stay there. I'm not asking, I am telling you. Okay?" Negan says while pointing at you again. I nod and he smirks. "Good... Run along." Negan says while stepping aside. As you walk past him he turns to face you and slaps you on your behind as you walk off.
You jump and turn to face him and rub your stinging butt cheek as you walk off. You grin and chuckle.
When you got to your room you sat on your bed and grabbed the book on your nightstand. You read your book for a while until you heard the door opening. You turned your head and saw Negan walking inside. When he saw you he grinned and put his arms out like he was showing you off, "My my… What a sight." Negan says. You squint your eyes and smile at him, a bit confused about what he was implying. Negan then walked over to you, "You are gorgeous." He says while resting his hand on the side of your face and kissing the top of your head.
You smile at him, "Your sister is gorgeous..." Negan says while stepping to the side, showing Carl in the room with you both. Your smile fades as you stare at him. Carl stares back at you and Negan looked between you both. Negan chuckles, "Don't you agree?" Negan asks Carl. Carl looks at Negan and stares at him for a moment before nodding.
Negan chuckles again before walking over to one of the sofas in the room. "Sit," Negan says to Carl and pointing at the sofa across from him as he sits down. You move to get off the bed but Negan, without looking at you, holds his hand up to stop you. You sit at the edge of the bed with a worried expression on your face. Carl listens and moves over to the sofa and sits down.
"I want to get to know you a little better, Carl," Negan says. "Why?" Carl asks. "Work it out. You're smart. In fact, I'm gonna tell you just how smart you are, in case you don't already know." Negan says with a smirk.
Carl glances at you, "Is it because you're with my sister?" Carl asks. Negan chuckles, "Well... Half of it." Negan says with a small shrug. "But you see, I'd expect a kid your age to be moping around, not doing a damn thing, except crying about missing the prom. But you... You go on a mission. You find me, you kill two of my men, and you're smart enough to know that I'm not gonna let this slide." Negan says, his voice going lower at the end and his smile fading slightly. A shiver went down your spine at his words... "But... I promised your sister I wouldn't harm a hair on your pretty little head. Plus, I like you, Carl." Negan says before chuckling and groaning slightly.
"Ah, I can't... I can't do it. It's like talking to a birthday present. You got to take that crap off your face. I want to see what grandma got me." Negan says in an excited tone of voice. You slightly glared at Negan and let out a deep breath... You were about to intervene but Carl spoke up before you could.
"No," Carl says. Negan didn't hesitate before speaking, "Two men!" Negan shouted, his voice getting angrier and more harsh. "Two... Men. Punishment." Negan says in a low and threatening tone of voice. He then smirks, "Do you really want to piss me off?" Negan says, his eyes still blazing with anger. "I want to keep my promise to your sister. Don't make me break it." Negan says harshly. Your breath is shaky and your entire body is tense as you see this unfold. Your heart breaks as you see poor Carl's chin quivering.
"Negan please-" You spoke but you stopped as he put his hand up again. Carl slowly reaches up and takes off his hat before going to his bandages. As Carl slowly took off his bandages Negan chuckles, "Almost there." He says while rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
When the bandage was off Carl kept it hidden with his hair. "Get that hair out of your face. Let me see." Negan orders. Carl flinched slightly when he said that, making your heart break even more. Carl moves his hair out of the way to show the gaping hole in his face. You covered your hand with your mouth as you saw his disfigured face...
"Christ! That is disgusting. No wonder you cover that up." Negan says with a huge grin. You glared at Negan before putting your attention back to Carl. You saw his lip quivering as he held back tears and that made tears well up in your own eyes... You hated seeing Carl so vulnerable and broken. "Have you seen it? I mean, have you looked in the mirror? That is gross as hell." Negan continued. You lowered your hand from your mouth and tears fell from your eyes. You hated this. You just wanted it to stop.
"I can see your socket," Negan says before chuckling. "I want to touch it. Oh, come on. Can I touch it?" Negan says. You glared at him again with teary eyes, you couldn't be a witness to this anymore, you had to intervene. "Enough. He's just a kid, he doesn't deserve this." You hiss. You see Carl lower his head as his lip and chin continued to quiver. You got up, not caring what Negan wanted anymore, and went to Carl. You wrapped your arms around his head and held his head close to your torso. Your hand was against his cheek, the side with the wound, and you rubbed your thumb against his cheek while your other hand was in his hair.
Negan's smile dropped and he leaned back slightly, watching you both as Carl's hands clung to your arm, seeking to find some comfort and safety from these cruel acts. Negan sighs before speaking, "Damn..." He mutters. "Holy hell, kid. Look..." Negan pauses before continuing, "I just... It's easy to forget that you're... Just a kid." Negan says truthfully.
Carl sniffles and he rubs his cheek against your torso, his tears wetting your shirt a bit but you didn't mind. "And I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. I...* Negan says before sighing. "I was just screwing around," Negan says. You turned your gaze back to him, your face wet with tears and you gave him a harsh and hateful glare which made Negan flinch slightly, "You took it too far." You say angrily. "Just forget it..." Carl says while pulling away from you.
"Negan." You say, wanting his attention. His eyes landed back onto yours, "Take him home. He's had enough shit for one day." You say with your eyebrows furrowed and one of your hands on Carl's shoulder. "Y/N-" Negan speaks but you stop him. "I'm not asking, I'm telling you." You say, one of your eyebrows perking up as you repeated his words from earlier.
Negan stared up at you before smirking, "Fine. I gotta talk to Daddy Rick anyway." Negan says while standing up. Carl stands up with him before they both move to the door. "I'm going with you." You say. Negan spins around to look at you, "The hell you are." Negan says angrily. "I'm going whether you like it or not." You say while glaring up at him.
Negan glared back down at you before scoffing, "Alright. But I better not hear any bitching from you because whatever you see or hear while we're there..." He says while stepping toward you and getting close to your face. "Is on you..." He says in a low whisper. You continue to glare at him, the air thick and tense around you both. You then nodded. "Then let's go," Negan says.
When you made it to Alexandria Negan walked you and Carl to Rick and Carl's home. When we went up the steps and onto the porch Negan banged his bat against the door, waiting for Rick to open up...
But Rick didn't open up. Instead, the woman who was in the bunker opened the door. Negan leaned back and grinned before walking in. I walked in behind him and stood next to him as Carl spoke with the woman.
"Great, great, great, great, great, great!" Negan cheered. Negan licked his bottom lip before looking at the woman, "Where's Rick?" Negan asks. The woman began to stutter and Negan cut her off, "Doooon't care... Where's Rick?" Negan says in an almost sing-song type of voice. "Um, out scavenging for you." She says nervously. "Cool. I'll wait." Negan says with a grin.
"Um... He went out pretty far. They might not be back today." The woman says. "We're running really low on everything. We're practically starving here." The woman says. You watched Negan's eyes widen with the grin still on his face and he leans back a bit. You close your eyes and sight deeply, you knew what was coming. Negan never knew how to keep his mouth shut.
"Starving?" Your shoulders slumped and you held the bridge of your nose with your index and thumb as you felt annoyance and frustration creep up into your body. Negan then points at her and looks at her up and down, "You?" Negan asks. "By 'practically,' you mean 'not really.'" Negan says with air quotes. You facepalmed your hand into your face and sigh again. The woman stared at him for a moment before breaking out into a sob. She turned away from Negan as she cried. Negan shook his head and turned towards you and Carl as you lifted your hand away from your face. Negan chuckled, "Really?" Negan muttered as he stepped towards you both. You crossed your arms over your chest and narrowed your eyes at him, "You people seriously don't have a sense of humor." Negan says to Carl. You smacked Negan against his chest, "Stop being a douchebag. Apologize to her." You ordered. Negan sighed before turning back to her, "Excuse me." He says while stepping forward.
"What's your name again?" Negan asks. "Olivia." The woman says with hints of anger, frustration, and sadness in her voice. "Right. Olivia." Negan says before touching her arm. She turned to face him, "I am sorry for having been so rude to you just now." Negan says.
"And um... My lady friend here has been saying I shouldn't be so douchey and uh... I wanna be better for her." Negan says. You rolled your eyes when he said 'lady friend'. "So... I'm sorry," Negan says again. Olivia glances at you and then back at Negan before she nods. Negan then turns to you and has his arms out while leaning back, "Happy?" Negan asks. You just stare at him with your eyebrows furrowed and your arms still crossed over your chest. Negan turns back to Olivia, "She's not always this stuck up." Negan whispers to her but you still heard it.
Negan then chuckles, "All right, well, I'm just gonna put my feet up and wait for my stuff to get here." Negan says before turning away. "Olivia." He turns back to Olivia, "Would you be a lamb and make us a little lemonade? Now, I know I left you all some of that good powdered stuff." Negan says. "Well, I'm supposed to be with-" She was interrupted. "Make it." Negan orders, his voice harsher and it made her flinch. "Make it. Take your time. Make it good." Negan says in a softer and quieter tone of voice.
Olivia quickly runs out of the home and you sigh again. Negan then walked over to you and got close to your face, "That better?" He asks. You turned your head to meet his gaze. "Still douchey." You say with a small smirk. Negan grins at you before turning his attention to Carl, "All right, kid! Take me on the grand tour." Negan says. Carl showed him the home, and Negan checked out the water pressure and the comforts of the home.
Carl then showed him Rick's room and Negan chuckled before turning to you, "Y'know... We could always kick the kid out and screw on your dad's bed. Like rebellious teens." Negan suggests while lifting his eyebrows, not even being bothered he said that out loud in front of Carl.
You clicked your tongue and raised your eyebrows at him, not saying a word. "No? Not your thing? Alright." Negan says while putting his hands up in defense. "Moving on..." Negan mumbled with a smirk before leaving the room. You rolled your eyes and followed him. The tour was going as you expected... Which was just Negan screwing around the house... But then he got to a door in the home and your heart dropped.
"How about this one?" Negan asks. "Oh, i-it's just the water heater," Carl says. Negan looked at you both and could see the panic on your faces, "Are you serious, kid? Come on." Negan says before grabbing the door handle.
Negan opened the door and he stopped in his tracks. "Oh-ho, my..." Negan mumbles as he sees Judith standing in her crib. You and Carl glanced at each other nervously. Negan handed Lucille to Carl before stepping towards Judith. "Look at this little angel," Negan says. He got closer to her before lifting her out of her crib and holding her against him. He chuckled as he bounced her around before looking at you.
"Did you know about this?" Negan asks. You swallowed the lump in your throat and shifted around nervously. "Of course you did..." Negan smirks. He looks at Judith before looking back at you, "She looks like you." Negan says before turning his attention back to Judith.
"Let's go outside and get a breath of fresh air hm...?" Negan says to her before walking out of the room. You and Carl follow him outside and he took off his jacket and laid it on one of the chairs before sitting down. Carl sat next to him and you leaned against the wall of the house. Negan held Judith close to his chest and rested his chin on top of her head, "Oh, this little girl is precious." Negan says with a content sigh. Even though you were still a bit nervous you couldn't help but feel your heart flutter as you saw Negan be so gentle with Judith... You stared at the two with love in your eyes.
"Oh, I like it here," Negan says. "I might just have to stay here." He says while pulling Judith back a bit so she was facing him. Her little eyes looked around her surroundings and her eyes finally made it to you. Her eyes widen at you. Her little hands then reached out to you and she whimpered. Your mouth parts and you suck in a breath as you see her reach out to you. "Oh... Seems like somebody wants you." Negan says. Judith bounces a bit on Negan's knee and lets out little cries as she was a bit desperate to get into your hold... You had only met Judith once before this and already she loved you so much... It's almost as if she knew exactly who you were from the start.
Negan stands up and walks towards you. Judith pushes herself towards you and you gently take her into your arms. Her arms wrapped around your neck and she rested her cheek against your shoulder as you held her close and rubbed her back. Negan admired you both for a moment, he felt the same fluttering feeling in his heart as you when you saw them together.
"Oh... This is just beautiful." Negan says while placing one of his hands on your shoulder and the other on Judith's back. "Mmmm... This is makin' me feel things I've never felt before." Negan says while pulling you two into a hug. What Negan said was true, the feeling he had in his body was something he hadn't felt before. Was this what it felt like to want kids? Be in love? Or both? He was confused about it but he liked it. It was a good feeling.
You rested your cheek against his shoulder and closed your eyes... It was moments like these that you cherished with Negan. He was usually scary and a dick most of the time... But soft moments like these melted your heart. Negan gave you a tight squeeze before pulling away, placing a soft kiss on your head as he does so.
"Y/N. Can I talk to you... Privately." Carl asks. You mumble a 'yeah' and hand Judith back to Negan. Judith let out small whimpers and almost a cry when you handed her back to Negan. It was obvious she wanted to be in your arms some more. You followed Carl into the home, Negan's eyes burning a hole into the back of your head. You followed Carl until he spun around, making you jump slightly. "What the hell are you doing?" Carl asks. You stare at him confused, "What?" You mutter.
"Why are you with him? Seeing you with him like that makes me sick." Carl seethes. You sigh and look around the room. "I love him." You answer, sounding like a lovesick fool. "But why? He's a horrible person." Carl says. You sigh again, "You don't know him like I do." Carl scoffs. "I don't need to because I know this version of him. You're so blind Y/N." Carl says. "Carl. Enough." You say with a huff. "Is it some kind of Stockholm syndrome shit or something?!" Carl shouts. "Jesus, no! He didn't kidnap me Carl he saved my life." Carl's eyes widen. "...What?" Carl mutters. You take a deep breath, trying to find a way to explain this to Carl. "I was alone... For the longest time when the apocalypse started. I eventually ran out of food and energy to go and get food. I started to waste away." You say and Carl stares at you intensely. "Right before death... He found me. He saved me, nursed me back to health, fed me, took care of me... We just happened to fall in love down the road. It wasn't planned. I wasn't forced. It just happened." You explained. Carl just stares at you before looking down at the ground. "Listen to me, little brother..." You say while walking over to him and gently grabbing his shoulders. Carl's eye looked back into yours. "He didn't force me into anything... I can leave whenever I want." You say in a low tone of voice. "Then why don't you?" Carl asks with his voice cracking with emotion. You couldn't lie to him... But how could you tell him the truth? You knew he'd be crushed...
You took in a deep breath before speaking, "Because I don't want to." You say your voice barely above a whisper. Carl shakes his head slightly, "Why?" He asks. "I love him. I... I hate the way he sometimes. He listens to me to an extent but when his mind is made up he rarely ever changes his mind... If ever." You say. "But he's never hurt me... He would never hurt me, I know that. You just gotta know that too..." You say, trying to reassure him. "I'm safe. Whether I'm with you and Dad or if I'm with him... Either way, I'm safe." You say while squeezing his shoulders gently.
"How do you know he loves you? How do you know he'll keep you safe?" Carl asks. "Carl. I've been with him for a long time now. He has only treated me with love and respect. Now, I admire how much you worry about me. But you don't need to worry... He'd never hurt me." You repeat.
Carl closes his eye and sighs. He then nods and you smile. "Alright... Let's go back outside." You say before turning away and walking back to the porch. When you both made it outside both of your hearts dropped when you saw Negan and Judith were missing.
"Shit... A-Are they back in the house? Did you hear them come back inside?" You ask frantically, your voice stuttering a bit as you spoke. "I... I don't know." Carl says nervously. "Alright um... You check around the house I'll check inside." You order, Carl nods in response. You head back instead and start calling his name, "Negan? Negan!" You called out, looking throughout the home. You walked over to the bathroom door but before you could open it Negan did it for you and he stepped out of the bathroom, Judith in his arms. "You called?" He says with a smirk. You sighed in relief and your body relaxed. "I shaved... You like?" He says while raising his eyebrows. You narrowed your eyes at him and tilted your head before reaching up and rubbing your knuckles against his bare face.
Ever since you've known him you've never seen him clean shaven and somehow he still looked just as handsome as before... Some men didn't look so good without their facial hair, and some didn't look good with facial hair. But the fact Negan looked good both ways left you in awe. You smile softly at him, "You look handsome." You say. He smiles down at you, "Thank you, baby." He says before leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"So... That conversation sounded heated. Was it about me?" Negan says with a huge grin and raises his eyebrows. You smirk, "Maybe." You say while touching Judith's hair. "Hmm... Now... Did I hear that you love somebody? I wonder who you were talking about." Negan says with a teasing smirk. "Were you listening to our conversation?" You ask with a small chuckle. "Well, darlin' it was kinda hard to ignore when you both were yelling at each other," Negan says. "Alright... Fair." You say. "So you love me huh?" Negan says with a grin. You roll your eyes with a smirk, "You know I do." You mutter. Negan inches a bit closer, "I want to hear you say it." He mutters.
You glare at him, "...I love you." You say. Negan hums, "Mmm... Every time I hear you say it I just fall more in love with you." Negan says. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Negan says teasingly and you roll your eyes with a groan, "Ugh... Shut up." You say with a small laugh and you push his shoulder slightly.
"Alright, enough of the corny stuff. Let's go back to Carl okay?" You say while turning away but Negan grabs your hand, "No, no, no... Wait a minute. Come here..." Negan says while pulling you closer to him. When you were close enough Negan bent down to kiss your lips gently. As he kissed you Carl came rushing into the room, he was still looking for Judith in a panic. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw Judith in Negan's arms but then his face turned one of anger and disgust when he saw what you and Negan were doing.
You didn't notice Carl had come into the room... But Negan did. As he kissed you he opened his eyes to look at Carl. His eyes were narrowed slightly and he glared daggers at Carl. He was practically marking his territory and Carl knew it. Negan enjoyed openly claiming you as his at the sanctuary, he liked the uncomfortable stares from everyone around them, especially from the men...
But this was a different type of claiming. He loved claiming you in front of Rick or Carl. He liked seeing them squirm and glare at him because he knew he was getting under their skin.
Negan then pulled away and smirked at the blush on your cheeks.
"Alright now pretty girl... How about you take this one while me and Carl get dinner started hm?" Negan says while handing Judith off to you. You nodded and glanced at Carl before walking off into the living room. You sat on one of the couches and bounced Judith on your knee. You saw she was itching her eye and she looked very tired. You noticed the binky on the table and you reached over to grab it, "Here sweetheart... Why don't you take a nap hm? It's been a long day." You say while placing the binky in her mouth. You leaned back on the sofa and rested her head against your chest, above your heart.
You couldn't help but think back to the very first time you held Carl.
You were eleven and your aunt Evie was bringing you to the hospital to see your mother and your new baby brother. You were nervous when you stood out of the hospital room, waiting to see what was going on... Then your father opened the room door to greet you.
"Hey, sweetheart..." Your father says before kneeling to your level and grabbing your arms gently. "Are you ready to meet your baby brother?" He asks. You nervously nodded and he smiled at you before standing up and stepping aside. When you slowly walked into the room you saw a curtain on the side of your mom's bed. You slowly stepped forward, your father inching close behind you. You then stepped past the curtain and your mother smiled at you, "Hey hun..." She says with a happy grin. "How's my girl?" She asked. You were about to answer but then... You saw him. The little boy on your mother's chest. Your eyes widened and your mother followed your gaze.
"Would you like to hold him?" She asks. You nodded and your father told you to sit down on one of the chairs in the room. You sat down and watched closely as he took the boy away from your mother's arms and slowly walked over to you. He told you how to hold your arms out so he could rest against you. "Hold him against your heart. Babies love the sound of the heart beating." Your mother explained to you. Your father mumbled 'Cradle the neck' as he handed the boy off to you. You took him into your arms and held him against your chest, right above your heart. The boy snuggled close to your chest and continued to sleep.
"His name's Carl." Your father said to you. As you held him you couldn't help but think about how precious he was... You felt a maternal bond with this boy instantly.
Even now you still felt that bond. You felt the overwhelming urge to protect Carl at all costs. To love him, to cherish him, to take care of him. Like a mother would. But Carl was older now. He can take care of himself... But... There was someone else you felt that urge for.
You may not have been there since the beginning... But you felt the same maternal bond with her that you did with Carl.
As these thoughts entered your mind you hadn't even realized Judith was sleeping peacefully against you. You took in a deep breath and relaxed for a few minutes. You wanted to savor this moment for as long as you could. You knew you had to leave Judith eventually, which made you sad. You wish you could be with her more but it just wasn't meant to be...
In the middle of your thoughts, you began to smell something... Good. You hadn't been in a homey environment with something that smelled good in a long time. You slowly got up, trying your best not to wake Judith, and walked into the kitchen. You saw food on the island in the kitchen with Olivia making the lemonade Negan asked for. You turned your head to see Negan sitting down at the dining room table. He turned his head and smiled, "Ah, there you are. You sit next to me darlin'." He says, gesturing to the seat to the right of him.
You walk over to the dining room table and sit down at the seat he gestured to. "She's asleep?" Negan asks while nodding his head towards Judith who was still against you. You nodded and he smiled, "She truly is precious isn't she?" Negan asks. You smile and nod.
When dinner was over a bit of ruckus was going on outside. You honestly didn't even care what was going on because you were just glad that awkward dinner was over with. Negan went outside to see what was going on while you, Carl, and Olivia stayed inside. "I'll put her in her crib," Olivia mutters while taking sleeping Judith from your arms.
As she left you were left alone with Carl you both sat in a awkward silence. Your fingertips tapped against the wood of the table before Carl broke the silence. "...Mom loved you." Carl blurted out. Your eyes met his and your body froze... How could you respond to that?
"I don't think there was a day that went by where she didn't miss you... I don't think there was a day that any of us didn't miss you." Carl says while staring at you intensely. Tears filled your eyes, "Carl... Please... I need to know what happened to her." You begged. Carl stared at you for a minute before his gaze fell to the floor. He took a deep breath, "...It was the day Judith was born. She was in labor and she was having issues..." Carl says before taking another deep breath. "She was bleeding out and she died of blood loss..." Carl explains.
You slowly nodded at his words, your gaze fell to the floor also as you thought this was the end of the story. "I had to shoot her so she wouldn't turn." You gasp and your eyes shoot back to his face. A tear slipped from your eye and you let out a shaky breath.
"Carl-" He interrupted you. "I don't want your pity. I'm sick of everyone looking at me like a sad kid without their mommy." Carl says while rolling his eyes.
You stand up and go over to his seat and kneel on the floor next to his chair. "I'm not looking at you like a sad kid without their mommy Carl..." You say while placing your hand gently on his shoulder. He looks at you with his eyes glazed over with tears, "I'm looking at you like my brother who's in pain..." You say before sighing. "...Listen Carl. I know I'm not mom. But I want to be there for you... For Dad and Judith..." You say while squeezing his shoulder reassuringly.
You watched as Carl's face turned from a look of grief to almost anger. He shrugged her hand off his shoulder and glared at you with tears still in his eyes. "How can you? You're with him. You can't be there for us when you're still with him. You chose your path." Carl says angrily. Your eyes widen at his words and your breath hitched, "Carl..." You mutter. You were about to say more but the sound of a crowd outside caught your attention. It caught Carl's attention too and he got up from his seat... He mainly wanted to get away so he didn't have to be a part of this conversation anymore.
You both walked outside onto the porch and saw Negan playing pool with a man and the people of Alexandria watching. Olivia came out not long before you and Carl did and you all watched them playing pool.
The man glanced over at you before looking back at Negan. "You got yourself a pretty one. Hard to believe she came from Rick." The man says while knocking a ball into one of the holes. You watched Negan's face from across the pool table... You knew that face. Negan smirked, his eyes squinted and you could see flickers of different emotions in his eyes. He put on a poker face as usual when he was pissed off... But you could see it on his face and in his eyes.
Anger and possessiveness flashed over his face before it went back to the smugness you always saw on his face. You gulped... This wasn't going to end well. "Y'know... I am my mother's son. I can be the leader she was. That's what this place needs. That's what you need." The man says while turning to Negan.
"So... I should put you in charge, that's what you're saying?" Negan asks. "We'd be much better off." The man says with a smug smirk. Negan took a sip of his drink before setting it on the pool table. They continued to play pool for a moment, the idea lingering in Negan's mind before he spoke. "You know, I'm thinking, Spencer. I'm thinking how Rick threatened to kill me, how he clearly hates my guts." Negan says while leaning back a bit.
"But he is out there right now, gathering shit for me to make sure I don't hurt any of the fine people that lived here." The more Negan spoke the more anxiety rose into your body. Carl looked at your face, seeing the panic and fear in your eyes as you gripped the wood on the porch.
"He is swallowing his hate and getting shit done," Negan says with a chuckle. "That takes guts," Negan says before leaning down and shooting another ball into a hole. He then places down the pool cue onto the table, "And then there's you..." Negan started. You sucked in a shaky breath... Oh god... Something bad was coming.
"...The guy who waited for Rick to be gone so he could sneak over and talk to me to get me to do his dirty work, so he could take Rick's place," Negan says while inching closer to the man. "So I got to ask, if you wanna take over, why not just kill Rick yourself and just take over?" Negan says, now barely a few inches away from the man.
The man began to stutter, trying the best way to defend himself... But Negan stopped him. "You know what I'm thinking? 'Cause I have a guess." His voice got low and threatening and it made your body tremble.
Oh god... Negan... Please don't do whatever you're about to do.
"it's because you got no..." His voice was barely above a whisper.
Then it happened. You gasped loudly and you jumped as he plunged a knife into the man's abdomen. But oh god... If it wasn't bad enough Negan just had to take it to the next level. Negan slashed the knife across his abdomen, the man's guts now spewing out of his body. A loud cry came out of your lips and you stumbled back a bit.
The man fell to his knees before he toppled over, blood gushing out of his body. You had never seen something so horrific... Especially by the hands of your lover. He never let you see the gruesome stuff... He always made sure you were out of sight when he did something like this. But he wasn't thinking. He just acted.
Tears fell from your eyes as your body shook in fear. Negan taunted the group, taunted the dying man on the floor. Soft cries came out of your mouth as you stifled a sob. Negan grabbed Lucille and aimed it at the group, "Anyone want to finish the game?" Negan asks, a huge grin on his face.
"C'mon. Anybody? Anybody?" Negan repeated. You saw the terror and anger on everyone's faces... But no one had anger more on their face than the woman in the front of the crowd. "C'mon... I was winning!" Negan says with a smug grin.
Then, without missing another beat, a gunshot rang in the air. You watched as the woman in the front of the crowd aimed a gun and shot it at Negan. You let out a blood-curdling scream as you lunged forward to the railing of the porch, your eyes darting over to where Negan was. You were expecting to see his body on the floor, a gunshot wound in his skull... But instead, you saw him standing in the same spot before he looked at Lucille.
"Shit! What the shit?!" Negan yelled out angrily. In the blink of an eye, Arat had the woman to the ground, pinning her down with a knife to her throat. "SHIT!" Negan yelled as he stomped over to the woman. "You just- You tried to kill me?!" Negan shouted. "You shot Lucille!" Negan yells, waving around Lucille like a madman.
"She got in the way." The woman taunts. Negan walked around angrily, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before looking back down to the ground to look at the bullet that had been shot. Your knees felt weak as your body trembled with adrenaline and fear. You felt like you were going to pass out...
Negan picked up the bullet, "What is this?" Negan asks, moving the bullet around in the air. "What is this?" He repeated. "This little bad boy you made from scratch?" Negan asks, his eyes still burning with red-hot fury.
"You may be stupid, darlin', but you showed some real ingenuity here. Arat, move that knife up on that girl's face." Negan orders. Arat did just that, she pressed her knife against the girl's face. "Lucille's beautiful, smooth surface is never gonna look the same, so why should yours?!" Negan yells. You jumped as he yelled, you had never seen him so angry before.
"Unless... Unless you tell me who made this." Negan says. "It was me. I made it." She says. Negan chuckles, "You see, now I just think you're lying. And you are lying to me NOW?!" Negan yelled. You jumped again, the adrenaline now leaving your body and leaving you in fear. The tears started to fall again as you watched this unfold. "Such a shame. Arat's gonna have to cut up that pretty face. One more try." Negan says. You wanted to beg Negan to make this stop, that this was enough and that this was inhumane... But this Negan scared you. This Negan you didn't want to infuriate more. So, like a coward, you kept your mouth shut. "It was me." The girl seethes while Arat drove her knife down her face, leaving a small scar.
Negan chuckles, "Oh! You are such a badass!" Negan says with a grin. "Fine. Have it your way." Negan says.
'No... No more of this Negan please.' You thought to yourself. "Arat..." Negan started. Oh god no...
"Kill somebody."
Your eyes widened as Arat took out her gun. The girl screamed, begging for her to stop, saying she made it... But in a blink of an eye, Arat turned her head in your direction and pointed her gun. The sound of a bullet hitting the air rung in your ears once more but much closer this time... You screamed out in fear as you thought it was coming to you. You dropped down and fell against the pillar on the porch. Blood splatted onto your face and your eyes bugged out as you saw the dead body in front of you... She killed Olivia. Why? Why did she kill Olivia? What was the point of it?
Carl dropped to Olivia's side and looked her over. She had a gunshot wound in her bottom cheek and she was very obviously dead. Your breaths were ragged and your body shook in terror. Carl noticed this, he noticed your fear. He recognized this. He felt the same way when he saw his first dead body... The first time someone died in front of him. He quickly knelt in front of you and touched your arms.
"Y/N?" He mumbled. Carl's voice sounded so distant, so far. Your vision felt blurry and your ears rang, muffling out the world around you. You felt like you couldn't breathe, you felt like your world was crumbling around you.
"Y/N listen to me..." Carl muttered. "Breathe..." He says. But you weren't listening, your eyes were still locked onto the dead body in front of you. He followed your gaze before looking back at you, "Don't look at it." Carl says while gently grabbing your chin and forcing your face towards his direction. Your eyes finally met his, "Breathe... Take deep breaths." Carl orders before taking some deep breaths himself to show you how to do it.
"I know this is scary... I've been there... We all have. But you're in shock, and I need you to come back to reality." He says. Your body shook and you did your best to mirror his breathing...
When your breath finally turned back to somewhat normal your vision cleared and your ears stopped ringing... Then, the adrenaline stopped. Your face crumbled into a look of grief and fear as you let out a small sob. "It's okay..." Carl muttered as he rubbed your arm gently. "Here... Let's stand up okay? Keep your eyes off of it." Carl says while gently grabbing your hands. He pulled you up onto your feet and you looked at her body. Another sob came out of your mouth as the tears fell, "No... Don't look." Carl ordered. You turned your gaze back to the road but then your eyes fell onto another body.
God... They were everywhere. It was like a bloodbath.
Before your body forced another sob out of you, you saw your father now with Negan. Negan, hearing your sob, looked up at you from the road. He didn't want you to witness any more of this... You've been through enough today.
Negan sighs before turning back to Rick, "I'm gonna be relieving you from your bullet maker, Rick that and whatever you left for me at the front gate." Negan says. "And however much you scavenged, it's not good enough, because you're still in a serious, serious hole after today," Negan says with a glare. "Let's move out!" Negan yelled. He then turned his attention to Arat, "Arat... Go get her." Negan ordered, nodding his head in your direction. Arat walked over to you and pulled you from Carl. You were now letting out loud sobs as everything was so overwhelming to you.
As Arat pulled you down from the porch Negan watched. His heart broke seeing you in such pain... He hated seeing the look of fear on your face, the look of grief, and the look of confusion as to why this had to happen. He watched as Arat walked away with you before turning back to Rick.
"Y'know... I hated doing that. Especially in front of her." Negan says before stepping close to Rick, "Don't make me do this in front of her again. You hear me?" Negan says in a low tone of voice. He stared intensely at Rick, waiting for an answer. Rick slowly nodded. Negan smirked, "Until next time." He says before leaving, Lucille on his shoulder as he walked off.
You cried throughout the entire ride home. When you made it back to the sanctuary Arat dragged you to your shared bedroom with Negan and shut the door behind you. You let out loud sobs and you looked around the room in utter confusion. You didn't know this feeling, you didn't understand this feeling, you hated this feeling. You didn't know how to control this feeling.
In your spiral, you grabbed a vase in the room and threw it onto the floor with a scream of anguish leaving your lips as you do so. The vase shattered on the floor... But it didn't make you feel better. You didn't know what to do...
You walked over to one of the sofas and sat down, huddling yourself into a little ball and resting your head and arms on the armrest. You sobbed into the sofa loudly... Trying your best to relieve this feeling.
Meanwhile, Negan was feeling like shit. He didn't know how to speak to you after this. Hell, he didn't know how to look you in the eye after this. He had to start slow. He got himself cleaned up first. He made sure all the blood on him was wiped off before he walked over to the bedroom.
Before he opened the door he hesitated and listened for a moment, his hand lingering on the doorknob. He could hear your cries, even from out here. He sighed deeply and rubbed the bridge of his nose for a moment. He built up some courage before slowly opening the door. His eyes scanned the room for a moment before it made contact with your body. He felt his chest ache as he looked at you. You looked so vulnerable... So sad... So broken.
He stepped into the room and quietly shut the door behind him. As he stepped forward he noticed the broken vase on the floor. He sighed before stepping around it, he didn't want to alert you of his presence just yet.
He walked to the coffee table in front of you and sat down on it so he was close to you. He watched you for a moment, his eyes soft and his lips frowned. He then reached out to you, "Baby-" He mutter but he stopped as you flinched away from his touch. His heart nearly shattered when you did that. He pulled his hand away and sighed deeply, "I... I told you you shouldn't have come... The things I do out there I-" He spoke but you stopped him. "Don't you dare blame this on me" You say while lifting your head from the armrest to glare at him with your face smudged with tears and snot. He noticed the crimson red spots on your face that mixed with the fluids on your face from the shootout with Olivia.
He sighed again, "I'm not blaming you... But darlin' I told you not to come today. I knew it wasn't going to end well and I didn't want you to witness it." He says while shaking his head, his eyes falling to the floor.
You turned your gaze to the armrest and your face softened as another cry came out of your mouth, "I didn't want to believe it... I didn't want to believe what everyone said... I didn't want to believe you were a monster." You say with a sniffle. Negan flinched at your words. He never wanted you to see this side of him, how was he ever going to fix this?
"And now I feel like a monster too..." You say before breaking out into another sob. Negan turned his gaze back to you, his eyes filled with sadness and confusion. "What? Why do you feel like that?" He asks. You shake your head and take a deep breath before speaking, "Because... Because the two dead bodies I saw today isn't even the part that terrified me the most..." More tears fell from your eyes as you spoke, "It was the part when that woman pointed that gun at you. When I heard the gunshot I thought it was over... I thought I lost you... I thought you died." You say while a small cry, "I thought you left me..." You then broke out into another sob.
Negan sucked in a large breath, "Oh... Oh, babygirl no, no..." He said quietly while gently grabbing you and pulling you into his lap. He cradled you in his arms as you cried, "I'm here baby... I'm not going to leave you." He whispers in your ear as he gently rocked you back and forth, he was trying you soothe you the best way he could.
"And feeling that way doesn't make you a monster... You're just afraid." He says. You snaked your hands around his torso and clung to him as you continued to cry. "I'm sorry you had to witness that... Darlin, I'm so so sorry you went through this today." He mutters into your ear. "I can't promise something like this won't happen again... Because if I did then I'd be lying to you, and I'd never lie to you." He says while pulling you back slightly so he could cup your cheeks between his hands.
"But I promise I won't do anything like this in front of you, okay?" He asks. You sniffled and nodded. "B... But you also promised not to hurt anyone..." You mumbled. "I promised I wouldn't hurt your family. I never promised I wasn't going to hurt anyone else." Negan says. You sighed and your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you realized he played you.
He manipulated you, but you didn't have the energy to argue with him. You just closed your eyes and tried your best to not cry anymore. He then leaned in and kissed your eyes. His thumbs wiped away the rest of the blood on your face before he pulled away. "You don't need to be afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you. Ever. I swear that on my life." He says, his hands still gently holding onto your face.
"I... I'm not afraid of you Negan. I'm just afraid of this whole situation..." You say truthfully. "I know... And I'm sorry." He repeats. He didn't know what else to say. Truth be told he wasn't good with this type of thing.
Now he just had to say what was left in his heart, "I love you." He says. He looked at you with sad eyes, hoping you still loved him and that you'd say it back. You sighed and rested your hands on his hands that were still on your face, "...I love you too." You say while looking into his eyes. He smiled at you before pulling you back against him, your cheek now against his shoulder. He sighed in relief, the smile still on his face.
You enjoyed each other's embrace for a moment as you knew it wasn't going to last forever... You both knew hard times were coming... But as long as you both stuck by each other, you felt like you could get through anything.
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 18 days
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I'll Still Feel the Same Around You by crinkle-eyed-boo (2.4K, E)
He finds himself wishing that the bedsheet would slip down a few more inches so he could get a good look at Harry’s perfectly pert– Louis’ breath hitches as his cock stirs, suddenly very interested in this train of thought.  Oh.  Oh.  The answer to all of Louis’ troubles is so fucking obvious he can’t believe he didn’t think of it until now.  Nothing puts him to sleep like a good orgasm. 
Louis finds the cure for his insomnia in the form of his husband.
A @wankersday fic
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darylsfavoritegirl · 5 months
Hey guys!
Summary: This takes place in Alexandria era. There is a welcoming party thrown for the new group. Daryl doesn't come because of his complicated relationship with Y/n but once he stops by the party, he sees Y/n being all flirty and nasty with Spencer lol and Daryl gets superrr jeaolus only for him and y/n to end up arguing like crazyyy and kinda make a scene at the party (?). Daryl and y/n are like friends with benefits??? but it's complicated :/ and this is like a moment where Daryl realizes y/n is more than somebody he happens to share a bed with now and then.
Also they are not DATING. they're just fucking now and then with no strings attached. no emotions involved (atleast that's what they agreed to without ever talking) so this isn't cheating!!!
Warnings: mentions of rape. Spencer being an asshole and trying to take advantage of drunk Y/n. Daryl punching Spencer. Suggestive content. Lemme know if there is more!
this is more of a fancy welcoming party than that of in the show. they aren't gonna show up with jeans and stuff!
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Y/n ran her fingers through her body, looking at the her reflection on the mirror with dilated pupils; not being able to take her eyes off of herself. She got all dolled up, her hair and make up done. She was wearing an alluring, ostentatious dress that was hugging her curves flawlessly which was given to her from a lovely woman in Alexandria. Y/n's head was slightly tilted as she kept eyeing herself.
"Ugh I can't even remember the last time I wore a dress." Rosita complained. Y/n looked over at her and gently grinned.
"I know right." Y/n said "Me neither." she added.
Y/n kept leering at her reflection when her eyes caught Maggie entering the room with a charming dress and a pleasant smile on her face. Y/n turned to her and slowly reached for her purse that was on the nightstand.
"Y'all ready?" Maggie queried.
"Almost." Rosita responded back with an enthusiastic undertone. It was true they went through hell to get where they are at this moment. They all knew that. They were all suffering in agony. These thoughts kept pondering Y/n's head when she heard the door being shut loudly from downstairs.
"Daryl's home." Maggie uttered while cautiously leering at Y/n. Nobody exactly knew what went down between them but it was clear as day that something did. They were distant from eachother, barely even talking. Everyone knew they weren't romantic in any sense but some kind of relationship beyond just friends or teammates formed itself between them back in the prison. They were top secret. Even the ones that know what they once were, couldn't dare to talk about it; like Maggie.
"He is not coming to the party?" Rosita mumbled under her breath to kill the peculiar silence.
"I don't think so." Maggie huffed after taking a deep breath, her eyes still roaming Y/n's movements. She took a deep breath again
"You should come downstairs if you're all done. We will be goin' in 10-15 minutes." She spoke after she checked y/n for the last time.
She left the room. Rosita looked over at y/n for a brief moment. She barely knew anyone but she could sense there was something wrong, though, she remained silent.
"Uhh, I need to go to bathroom for something. I'll meet you downstairs." She said in a hurry as she grabbed her purse and made her way to the bathroom.
Y/n sighed audibly. She felt as if her track of thought was transparent and they could sense everything. She didn't know if Daryl was still downstairs and hoped that he wouldn't be. She gazed at her reflection for a brief moment and left the room.
Y/n saw Daryl as she stepped in downstairs. He was in the kitchen, a beer bottle on the kitchen counter. His hair was messy and greasy. His hands were on the kitchen counter. He was looking at the door, his back facing Y/n. He turned his head lightly as soon as he felt someone's presence. Y/n couldn't help but leer at his eyes exactly like he did. He may have checked Y/n from head to toe for a second or so, not showing any kind of affection nor admiration in his eyes or his body language. He made his way to the couch, put the beer bottle on the coffee table and started cleaning his filthy arrows with the cloth that was always in his jean pockets.
Y/n was almost feeling embarrased being infront of him like this. A sexy mini black dress, her hair and make-up done. She was incompetently trying to cover her legs with the purse. She was normally wearing even shorter shorts due to humid and the heat of the south and it wasn't like Daryl hadn't already seen every inch of her body but this, for some reason, felt different. A part of her sinked in sorrow because Y/n knew she couldn't have an intimate night tonight like many other nights with Daryl. "He is acting foolish." She got hot inside of her head. When was she ever gonna wear a dress like this and look like this again? And yet, there he was, missing such a fancy oppurtinity that he could've participated with her, show up with her. Hell, maybe that would keep jerks like Spencer away. It was play pretend. She knew that. The people that took them knew that, however shamming the old world wasn't immoral. Y/n didn't mind the elegance of the event, she cared for Daryl beyond that even if she didn't want to admit it but there was no harm for these type of things here and there. She was almost arguing with herself inside of her head. Y/n could feel herself getting sweaty already in that 6 inch dress. Thankfully, her saviors have been Glenn and Rick that ringed the door bell. She almost ran to the door, Daryl followed her with his eyes but turned back to working on his crossbow right after. Rosita and Maggie came downstairs as Y/n welcomed Rick and Glenn inside. They were gonna meet the others in the party. Glenn rushed over to Maggie, gave her a soft kiss on the lips. Rick couldn't help but look at the ladies with enchanted eyes
"You all look gorgeous tonight." He uttered confidently. There was no denying that he could be flirty.
He leered at Daryl and his smile faded away quickly.
"Your not comin' to the party?" he huffed. One could tell he already knew the answer by his tone. Everyone, including Y/n turned to Daryl. He shrugged his shoulders" 'M fine." He said then took a sip of his beer "Might stop ba later." he grunted.
"You better." Rick spoke in a daring tone as he frowned lightly. Daryl made a "Mhmm." sound and looked at his beer bottle for a moment and went back to continue the tense eye contact they had already formed. Daryl didn't seem bothered at all, not breaking the eye contact with Rick.
Daryl's eyes locked on Y/n's for a brief second before he got up, grabbed his beer and crossbow and went upstairs.
"And I thought I did a good speech about first impressions." Rick huffed under his breath, not hiding his frustration even a little.
Glenn looked at him with a knowing look as they lead the ladies to the door.
At the party, Y/n started helping with the beverages. She gave a proud look to Rosita as she came closer to her.
"Reminds me of old days you know." Y/n spoke as she watched Rosita coming closer.
"What do you mean?" Rosita asked.
Y/n was tipsy. She lightly hit her forehead with her fingers
"You don't know right? I was a barmaiden before all this." Y/n shouted as it could be hard for Rosita to hear her because of loud music. She never loved the job but anyone would miss anything from the past nowadays.
"That's good." Rosita expressed, with a fond smile on her face. She was only growing to love y/n's energy more.
Y/n didn't have to prepare beverages, she wasn't asked to. She only did it because it was taking her off of Daryl. Rosita sat one of the stools infront of her. She was watching people have fun when she saw Spencer approach them from the corner of her eyes.
Spencer approached y/n with a ludicrous smile bearing his face. Y/n instantly stopped what she was doing and looked at him with seductive eyes. She got drunk enough to not care about anything, anyone and after all her thing with Daryl have only been about sexual intercourse, nothing more. For the moment, that felt like a done deal too. No could blame her for wanting look for more. Rosita kept watching them for a minute or so when she decided to leave those two alone.
It was evident that Spencer was a bit intoxicated too if not as much as Y/n. He offered her hand to y/n for her to get out of the bar, she gently accepted his hand. Spencer placed his hands on y/n's waist as she looked at him with tempting eyes.
"You look gorgeous tonight." Spencer spoke. His voice was sloppy, even a little bit alcohol could make him talk funny. On the other hand, Y/n was too wasted to see that. She kept looking at his eyes with those seductive eyes of her. She didn't need to speak. Her eyes would do the job for her most of the time.
"You wanna dance?" Y/n whispered into Spencer's ear. She almost fell into his arms because she had to be on her tiptoes to reach him. He caught y/n and laughed it off.
"Yeah. S-sure." He said in a hectic tone. Spencer held y/n hand and led her to a corner. Y/n couldn't care less how far she'd go. She looked into Spencer's eyes with a fierce, alluring look before placing her hands on his chest. Spencer smirking lightly as he replaced his hands on her waist. They danced in that position for a moment, getting closer with each passing second and snuggling into one another. Their bodies were touching eachother passionately. They could feel eachother's breaths on their skin. Y/n wrapped her hands around Spencer more and went further with her sensual actions. Spencer could feel himself getting dizzy both because of alcohol and how far Y/n was going and grinding herself against him. He would whisper into her hear.
"You're so beautiful."
"Yeah just like that."
Y/n couldn't hear him, she was using him in a sense. She just went further and further with her suggestive moves that would drive any man out there crazy. They were lucky everybody was dancing, otherwise everyone would talk about them and give them disapproved looks. On the other hand, Spencer was fantasizing about taking Y/n to his place, spend a fabulous night. Y/n was wasted anyway, Spencer relieved himself. He wasn't gonna get ignored by her like always. Even at that point, he couldn't believe Y/n was all over him, grinding her ass against him so harshly yet so gently.
"Oh no." Maggie uttered silently as she pulled her arms that were grabbing Glenn on the shoulder softly. She scowled. Glenn took a deep breath, his annoyance growing thicker.
"For the millionth time Maggie, let Y/n have her fun. She is a grown woman." He sighed, obviously giving up. Glenn made out there was no way he could stop Maggie worrying about Y/n.
"No." Maggie said in concern. She softly pointed a spot behind Glenn with her head, her uneasy eyes widening a little bit more with each second. Glenn's eyes followed her gaze and he fixed his leer at Daryl and mildly huffed under his breath
"Fuck. He's been moody all week, right?"
"And he was drinking when we left." Maggie uttered.
They were both perturbed about what might happen.
"Look we step in if something happens, OK?" Glenn gently said to Maggie, trying his best to give her assurance.
"No need to get him all worked up." Glenn was trying to persuade Maggie to stay out of it unless a scene broke out at the party. Maggie nodded, slowly wrapping her hands around Glenn and smiling at once.
Daryl sat down on one of the stools that were lined up front of the bar, looking around to find a familiar face. He sighed at the failure of finding no one that he knew. This party wasn't for him. It reminded him the days where Merle and his friends would force him go downtown to hang out aimlessly in nightclubs, bars; hitting on every single girl that would catch their eyes regardless if they had someone with them. He hadn't really meet anyone yet. He was going on runs without any prearrangments and without letting anybody know, all alone. He asked for a scotch. His mind was busy. He thought guzzling one beer after another and working on his crossbow would engage his mind nevertheless, that failed.
He took a sip from his drink when he narrowed his eyes slightly at something. He thought he must've been hallucinating or mistake her for someone but it was clear as day. Y/n was dancing with Spencer and it was safe to say that it wasn't a cute, typical dance. They were all over eachother as if their bodies were glued. Y/n's hair was tangled and messy from the heat or who knows, from how long she had been dancing. She wasn't breaking the tense eye contact with Spencer. She was touching his face and giggling erotically at the same time. She would turn now and then and grind her entire body harshly against Spencer's for a brief moment in a seductive way. Her already-mini dress would fold everytime she did that. Spencer's hand would run through the front of her thighs. He would stroke Y/n's arms, hair, waist, anything. He would touch and caress every part of Y/n's body and Y/n didn't seem to mind.
Daryl's mind twitched at this scene. He didn't move. He wasn't fully drunk but his mind was growing more and more lethargic. He couldn't think clear. He felt a sense of jeaolusy, but did he have a right to feel that way? He had been avoiding her for weeks and so had she. Did he lose her completely? Did he ever have her entirely to himself? Was she trying to take revenge? Did it look like revenge or was she actually enjoying this? Didn't Y/n once say she liked the attention she was receiving from men when she was working as a barmaiden? Didn't she like to play with them like toys only for them to tip her more?
A heavy feeling of insecurity washed all over Daryl. It was crystal clear that Y/n was bewitching, almost way too bewitching. It wasn't like he never appreciated her beauty. The days he would wake up next to her and watch her chest going up and down lighly and admiring her beauty were countless. Maybe he should've made it more plain. He couldn't. A lump in his throat formed itself when he would think of the wall between them that he created. He couldn't be more. He didn't even know if he wanted to. He never had to worry about someone else back in the prison. There was only them and no one else. Spencer have been boldly flirting with Y/n ever since they got here. Daryl never could've foreseen that it would end like this. Y/n never responded back to Spencer after all.
Daryl's knuckles were turning whiter around his drink everytime he would fix his eyes on them. The sensation of jeaolusy and insecurity were no longer there. He was furious, bitter. All he wanted to do was to punch Spencer in the face. His glare growing more stern with each second, yet he couldn't get himself to get up and go over there. He was breathing fire. He examined Y/n's face, movements. He wanted to despise her but he horribly failed. He could just sit there and torture himself with this view, perhaps he deserved it. He notioned he deserved to torment himself with any way he could. Though he never would've want the torturer to be someone he deeply cared about in deep down. His eyes were hurting.
"Wanna go to my place?" Spencer whispered into Y/n's ear. "This place is getting boring." He added. Y/n gazed at him with puppy eyes before responding "Sure." She was wasted. She could barely even walk. Spencer smirked at her. It was not a pure smirk.
Daryl's eyes darted away to other people in the party for a second and went back to staring Spencer. He has acknowledged Spencer's intentions. He left his drink on the long thin table, he got up and slowly started walking towards them. He couldn't understand why Y/n hadn't see him until then. He knew what he had to do. He was gonna convince Y/n to come with him one way or another.
He got closer to them, he firmly grabbed Y/n by the hand and drew her to himself. She almost fell over him. "Daryl." she said in a tone above whisper. He stared into Spencer eyes in a stern manner and turned back to y/n
"Yer comin' with me." He stated. Y/n pulled her hand to herself and howled
"The hell I'm not." She was drunk yet strong.
"He was 'bout to leave with me man." Spencer spoke in a haggard tone. His tone indicated that he was irascible. Spencer's hand took place between Daryl and Y/n implying that Daryl couldn't touch her.
"She 's drunk, don' ya see that " Daryl grunted. He kept looking at Spencer, waiting for a respond.
"She can rest at my place." He grinned ludicrously.
Daryl could feel his blood boiling. He felt as if this Spencer guy was only trying to get under his skin. "And yer gon' let her sleep just like tha' " He huffed in a sarcastic fashion. He couldn't even believe he was still speaking with him. He looked over Y/n.
"Come on y/n. wer leavin' "
Y/n was sleepy. She clattered a "Mmm" sound as she let herself lean onto Daryl. She couldn't even focus on one thing anymore. Daryl held her by the waist and started making his way to the entrance when Spencer cut him.
"And your gonna let that mess sleep, huh?"
He pointed at Y/n by raising his eyebrows. That ludicrous smirk hadn't faded a bit. He was crossing the line. He was being stupid.
"Don't you think I haven't noticed the way you look at her."
Daryl kept looking at him without saying a word. He then spoke, gritting his teeth.
"Yea wanna do this here man?" He was giving Spencer one last chance so that he doesn't get beaten up. Spencer once again looked foolish, not understanding what he could've meant by that. Daryl was waiting for a response, he never got it but Spencer was not getting out of the way neither.
Y/n wasn't that sleepy at that point. She noticed Daryl's hands on her and freed herself from his grip and simply sat on one of the stools. She grabbed her hand to her head, whimpering in pain while she slowly massaged her temples.
Spencer looked at her with a knowing look. That was it. That was the last straw. Daryl looked over Y/n for a moment before jumping Spencer and punching him on the face with all his power. Spencer fell down and immediatly covered his face with his hand, his blood started oozing from his nose to the floor. He tumbled into some of the people there as he fell, which all screamed consecutively to the scene infront of their eyes. He had a huge ego built in himself that he didn't believe anyone would dare to touch Deanna's son, especially in a place like this; in an event like this. He leered at Daryl with confounded eyes.
Y/n turned to her back after hearing everyone scream. Her gaze shifted to Daryl after she saw Spencer lying on the floor with blood oozing everywhere. Y/n didn't say a word, neither did Daryl. However she had an uneasy look on her face. Daryl looked at her with stern eyes, not saying anything. He couldn't believe she was still where she was, not moving; not coming next to him. He was virtually disheartened.
"Fuck this." He grunted before looking at Spencer for the last time. He walked out from the scene. Y/n's eyes followed his every move when Rick arrived
"What happened?" He asked with curious eyes.
Y/n got up from the stool and sighed
"Daryl happened." She took one last glare to Spencer who was looking at y/n aswell. Y/n couldn't make out what his gaze meant. He wasn't angry, disappointed nor shocked.
Rick tried to grab her by the arm however she left the area somehow.
She scurried out. Her eyes scrutinizing the whole yard looking for Daryl. Y/n walked in a rush for a while when she saw him near the perimeter where people were taking patrols. He turned to her. He was enraged. Y/n had never seen him like this before. He was slightly trembling like he had just crashed into something. He tried to control his panting as he cried out
"If yer here to blame me, don't."
Y/n was taken aback by his cold manner. His "don't" sounded as if he was pleading. Yet she didn't step back. Maybe it was the intoxication, maybe it was the bottled up emotions she had been keeping inside of her for weeks but she didn't step back.
"Who else is there to blame besides you, Daryl" she uttered.
"You started off by ruining everyone's mood back at the house to punch Spencer on the face in the middle of a party." She shouted.
Some of the guards were staring down at them, looking fed up with the noisy party music, people throwing up here and there and now these two.
"A party that was thrown for us." Y/n added. She wasn't lightening the harsh, accusing tone in her voice even a little.
"I don' give a dam' 'bout the party." He uttered, swinging his arm at Y/n.
"You may not care," Y/n said, her voice started to tremble
"But the others do." She ended her sentence.
"It actually matters for some of us to survive in some place that's safe and liveable."
"Hell with all of 'em." He spoke.
There was a brief silence before he grunted
"Funny yea still think this 's all 'bout this damn place." His voice was slightly tall.
"Ya didn't see how he was droolin' all over ya." He looked at y/n. He was still, however his mood lied heavily on Y/n's words.
"Fuck you and Spencer. I was having fun." She emphasized on her words. Her frustration was growing bigger
"Ya callin' that fun? Grindin' yer body against some dude?"
"Yes, I call that fun Daryl. Have a problem with that?" She sighed at his sight.
Daryl stayed silent. He knew y/n was trying to get a reaction out of him. Both of them caught their breaths when Daryl spoke
"Yer so clueless, aren't ya?"
"Yer doin' it on purpose." He laughed it off while shaking his head. Y/n couldn't find something to say. She focused on her breathing, tried to calm herself down. Her heart was beating like it was trying to get out of her chest. She could hear her pulse's banging in her ears.
"He wouldva raped yea 'n yea wouldn't even know."
Y/n narrowed her eyes keenly at his statement.
"You ar- y-you." She was stuttering. She didn't know what to say. She just looked at Daryl. Her eyes got watery, she sobered up right there. Daryl fought back thinking she had something more to say in contrast.
"What? Yea thought he was fixin' to take yea in his place to feed yea a bowl of steamin' soup?" He grunted. He didn't care if he was being bitter. He didn't care if it would cause him to lose y/n entirely. He just knew he had to speak on what he saw tonight. Their eyes were still locked up on eachother when Daryl's eyes shifted something else behind Y/n. Y/n followed his gaze only to see Rick and Maggie coming towards them. The rest of their people were lined up infront of the door, watching them.
"Enough." Rick shouted as he got closer.
Both of their eyes were fixated on Rick.
hey guys!! omg the duties i been ignoring to write these are crazy (no complains whatsoever im into this lol) i initially planned writing this even longer and a bit different (daryl practically dragging y/n to the house and y/n puking etc and it would end in a soft way?? like them cuddling and kissing etc and they would acknowledge eachothers povs etc but it would be a whole damn novel by itself and ive been impatient posting this so idk maybe a sequel??) also ive noticed its impossible to avoid daryl getting ooc now and then.. i yield... sometimes he is gonna feel ooc.. and there is nothing i can do🥹🥹
lemme know your thoughts!! love yall
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