#Magic Sword Master of Holy Sword School
gofigureee · 7 months
The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy Regina Mercedes wearing HISHOKU bunny costume 1/6 Scale Figure
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leon-swedfinqs · 11 months
Good Omens D&D AU Master Post - Character Breakdown
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Aziraphale (Alias: Ezra P. Fell)
Human Cleric
Aziraphale grew up in what is essentially a religious cult that worships the goddess Ecliel, the goddess that birthed the universe and brought life to earth. She is the original bringer, the original light. The church believes that humans are part of her original creation, a world of everything pure. Magic is seen as supplementary, or impure, as it goes against the original plan of the universe that Ecliel created since it can be used to manipulate and change it. Members of this church are marked by their halos, an object imbued with a charm to make them impossible to remove without a magic source more powerful than its creation. It emits a constant soft glow. Aziraphale has an innate sense of magic, which is fueled by his pure faith in Ecliel and the life she brings. He hid his magic, using it sparingly in his youth. As he got older, it became harder and harder to contain his magic and hide his spells, due to the fact that they would occasionally produce residuum, and he was forced to hide it in the storage rooms of the church. Once the older bishops found the residuum, they did a sweep to find the magic user to dispose of them. Due to his nervousness, his fellow brother Gabriel became suspicious of him and lashed out with his sword demanding a duel to test his faith and loyalty. Under the pressure and fear, Aziraphale’s sword ignited in holy flame, giving him an opening to escape and run away from the church and go into hiding. He became a wandering low level cleric, struggling to learn spells on his own and make money, before he struck immense luck landing a high paying job. However, it came with a price: a partner he had to collaborate with.
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Anthony J. Crowley (Previously known as Raphael)
Tiefling Rogue
Anthony, back when she went by Raphael, was a top student at an exclusive arcane academy. This academy specialized in the sacred art of zodiac elemental magic. There are those born with an innate connection to a particular zodiac, and those with this connection can utilize the constellation’s power to cast spells that mix traditional arcane magic with the elements. Raphael had an innate connection to the fire signs, and spent years studying the stars and practicing spells. She noticed, however, that her power fluctuations ran off of a different calendar from her peers. This curiosity lead her to discover a new potential zodiac: Ophiucus, or the Serpent Bearer. Her mentor, Lucifer (the holder of Aries), caught wind of her discovery. The introduction of a new zodiac would lead to a power dynamic shift, creating a domino effect that knocks all of the other holders down in their power. In order to assert his dominance over her, Lucifer challenged Raphael to a magic duel to prove that Aries will always be the most powerful fire sign. Raphael nearly lost the fight, her base level and experience being significantly lower than the near immortal Lucifer, and out of desperation made a minor connection to Ophiucus to draw power from him. This brief connection overwhelmed her, causing the spell to backlash and set the whole stage, the whole school on fire. Raphael fled, cutting the connection from Ophiucus as she went into hiding. She changed her name to Anthony, and swore away magic as he took up the art of being a rogue. The connection left him with small snake like features (slitted yellow eyes and scales scattered across his skin), which made it difficult to get patrons to trust him. He struck gold one day, getting a high paying job that came with a significant price: he had to work with a partner.
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Anathema Device
High Elf Divination Witch
Anathema comes from a prestigious family blood line known for their divination magic. Starting back with her great great great grandmother Agnes Nutter, the Devices became known for their foresight and predictions for the future. As an academic, Anathema has spent all of her life studying the different branches of unknown magic and the histories of the smaller gods that are worshipped. Hired as a tutor for Adam Young, to help him guide his desire to learn magic (and his uncanny ability to cast elemental-based magic, one of the more unusual types), Anathema starts getting visions into her future. A weary pair interwoven by fate, grand battles with her at the front lines, and fire. So much fire.
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Newton Pulsifer
Half-Orc Artificer
Newton was never really for the extraordinary. He lived a simple life in his small village, tinkering with machines and making his own strange creations. As he got older, he struggled to hold any sort of job, especially one that involved magic. This is due to his unnaturally ability to dispel any casting by trying to cast his own magic. And sometimes magic gets dispelled just by standing near the caster. Desperate for some work, he takes up a sketchy job from a man named Sergeant Shadwell: his bosses are looking for a serpent and a saint, who were just recently spotted to be traveling with a witch.
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Adam Young
A boy who embodies chaos, Adam Young is a spry young half-elf who loves to play games with his friends and pester his parents with question after question. As he reached age 11, his father would find Adam sitting in his windowsill, gazing up at the stars. It wasn’t long before he started to display proficiency in magic, a strange type that mixed typical conjuring with elements (the fire he kept producing made his poor mother nervous). In order to control and properly teach him, the Youngs hired Ms. Device to tutor and train his new abilities.
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Human Bard
A member of the same church as Aziraphale, Muriel is one of the most cheerful voices in the choir. With a deep love of music, Muriel spends most of their time (when not training or going out to preach with their siblings) practicing songs that will be performed at the next service. Yet to be “ordained” with their halos, Muriel is desperate to lend a helping hand so that they may be seen as worthy of rising higher and joining the rest of their siblings. Due to this slight desperation, Muriel was picked to go on an essential mission for the church: find their banished magic user and see if he was even still alive. If so, gather information. Anything they can grasp. They need him under surveillance as the time was coming soon.
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swashbucklery · 11 months
What do you think of Baylan and Shin's relationship?
Oh anon to be honest like - bewildered? I don't know.
Like, I am currently rewatching, and I guess Baylan's Whole Plan kind of makes sense? But also. . .it doesn't? He wanted to stand on a giant statue of whatever like part of the Force Holy Trinity or something (?) and that was going to lead him to power to save the Jedi, maybe? Or solve the cycle of birth and death? Or stop all wars? WHATEVER, DAVE.
(But also - the ~significance~ of the statues in ep 8 is only clear if you have watched a minimum of 3 recap youtube videos or a shitton of animated series episodes so does it count? Like if I'm going on the TV they explained in the actual TV show - traditionally the way one watches tv - he just went all the way to Peridea to go for a nice hike, and good for him I guess?? Best hike ever??)
So IDK that i have a lot of strong opinions about Baylan directly, except that I'm frustrated by how little the show tells us about what his whole deal is. When it comes to his relationship with Shin, I think - like not to put too fine a point on it but I think pedagogically the whole Jedi master-apprentice thing seems to have a lot to answer for, just broadly as a system of learning. I know we're supposed to be like Ah Yes, Masters Are Great Teachers but just because the narrative says it like.
Okay, so you, a weirdo who can hear the vibrations of the universe and can use it to punch people but don't, live a solitary lifestyle where you have eschewed all temptations and do sword practice two hours a day. You are given a random magic orphan. And you're supposed to just. . .try your best to make them precisely as weird as you are. Except you are living in a society with constant war, so half of your supervisors were like. . .evil, or murdered, or adopted the weird sword people lifestyle because of deep society-upheaving trauma. Also you're admittedly not great with kids or doing anything but meditating and sword practice. Also, if you do a bad job this weird orphan might turn into a mass murderer???
That relationship is inherently weird.
It just is. I know it's the backbone of Star Wars, I'm not saying it's bad, I'm not saying Star Wars is bad, but I think that accepting the Jedi Pedagogy wholeheartedly without a little bit of light mockery just isn't possible.
What I think is more interesting is how that relationship, in its weird little glory, affects Shin. Because we see like - whatever that dynamic, whether Baylan is good or bad at Weird Not-Sith Not-Jedi School, she is determined to be an A student. She gets frustrated when she loses. She's hungry. She's proud to be a good Padawan and has a lot of curiosity about what it would feel like to have more - more connections, more people to train with, more power.
And so Baylan and Shin's relationship is really interesting to me as a tool to highlight those desires of Shin's, and as a way of exploring who she might be as a person when she's not having homoerotically-charged duels.
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wavvie · 10 months
🔺🥯😞 for nelia and ilanius, obviously, and one other of your choosing !!!
🔺does your oc know how to use any weapons?
Nelia - Nelia depends solely on her magic in lue of a weapon. Her knowledge of weapons is really just "sharp end goes in enemy, don't get hit with enemies sharp end," though I can't blame her. Her unique ability lets her tap into the source of all magic, meaning very strong spells, without paying the price of using such spells. Where others must be granted that access, Nelia gets a free pass to take as she pleases. However, she still has limitations and rules she must follow. She can't just rain fire on a city just because she feels like it.
Ilanius - Ilanius is well versed in weapons. His stepfather raised him pretty much as his son, giving him an extensive education. Ilanius is often duel-wielding short swords but knows how to use various swords, cross-bows, and a bow and arrow. Ilanius also was born with magic, though to no avail has he been able to control it. Many have tried to teach him the art of mastering chaos. So, in theory, he could attempt to use that as a weapon, though his opponent would likely best him while he was casting.
Otho - Otho, much like Nelia, knows what end to stick them with, and that is all. Though he loves to tell people he studied to become a bard at the College of Winter's Edge. Winter's Edge is not a Bard College; it's known for being a school that mainly teaches necromancy, illusion, and transmutation. Though most laugh off his claim, there's more truth in it than many would think.
🥯 what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
Nelia - If Nelia is near civilization she'll eat whatever the locals recommend. If she's traveling with someone, they usually will catch and cook something and share it with her under some sort of agreement. If she's traveling alone, she usually fends off hunger with anything she can forage. Hunting with magic makes anything caught pretty much unedible, and she lacks the patience for traps.
Ilanius - Ilanius will eat whatever he can catch if he's in between cities. If he's near civilization, he usually eats poached eggs on some sort of bread and if he can afford it he'll have bacon too.
Narsi - As a Lady in a wealthy family Narsi typically eats honied portage with fresh berries, a small plate of bread with different cheeses, and smoked ham/fish depending on the season.
😞 does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
Nelia - Whether intentionally or not, Nelia tends to scare people away. She claims she likes it that way, but girlie lies through her teeth. In minor interactions such with merchants, inn keeps, and barmaids many walk away from the interaction pleasantly surprised she wasn't all as bad as she seemed. Mama didn't raise her to forget her manners.
Ilanius - People flock to Ilanius like a moth to light; he easily earns people's trust. That being said, he'll compliment you to your face only to talk shit about you behind your back, though usually it's well deserved... usually. Ilanius is very charming and easily liked, and that's what makes him so dangerous. I'm not saying he's a bad person, but maybe watch that valuable family heirloom he's nonchalantly eyeing.
Yaenfiera - Once upon a time, Yaen inspired love and respect everywhere she went. Now? One mention of her name and people spit. If she dared show her face? Well, no violence occurs -she was anointed by the divines to speak on their behalf; you can't just go punching holy figures- but horrendous words are thrown her way. I guess that's what happens when you start a war (albeit she didn't draw first blood, but Ivaenia had every legal right to declare war and break the 500-year war treaty, among other treaties), only to bounce when your people need you.
ask me more?
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siren-serenity · 1 year
if you've read my 'about me' section, you probably might know that i love reading manwha/manga! the apps i primarily use are from tapas and webtoon so you might have/have not heard of some of these works. without further ado, let's get started!
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↳˳;; ❝ 𝐓𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐒 ᵕ̈೫˚∗
romance ⋆·˚ ༘ * beware the villainess! ⋆·˚ ༘ * the villainess is a marionette ⋆·˚ ༘ * villainesses have more fun ⋆·˚ ༘ * i shall master this family ⋆·˚ ༘ * the male lead's little lion daughter (a/n: although it is under the romance section, it's currently non-romantic! it states it in the description, which made me put it here) ⋆·˚ ༘ * my boss's special request ⋆·˚ ༘ * the siren: becoming the villain's family ⋆·˚ ༘ * revenge on the real one ⋆·˚ ༘ * marriage of convenience ⋆·˚ ༘ * villains are destined to die ⋆·˚ ༘ * what it means to be you (a/n: caution! heavy mentions of depression and suicide, but the plotline is very interesting!) ⋆·˚ ༘ * cassmire: the loyal sword ⋆·˚ ༘ * writing my male lead's happily ever after ⋆·˚ ༘ * just leave me be ⋆·˚ ༘ * the perks of being a villainess
action ⋆·˚ ༘ * solo leveling (a/n: it's getting an anime adaptation yall!!) ⋆·˚ ༘ * the novel's extra ⋆·˚ ༘ * gourmet gaming ⋆·˚ ༘ * second try idol ⋆·˚ ༘ * rookie chef with the magic touch
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↳˳;; ❝ 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐍 ᵕ̈೫˚∗
romance ⋆·˚ ༘ * the remarried empress ⋆·˚ ༘ * secretary out-of-order ⋆·˚ ༘ * marry my husband ⋆·˚ ༘ * daytime star ⋆·˚ ༘ * serena ⋆·˚ ༘ * leveling up my husband to the max ⋆·˚ ༘ * maybe meant to be (a/n: ML, please just get contacts...i'm begging you) ⋆·˚ ༘ * operation: true love ⋆·˚ ༘ * your throne (a/n: two badass FL is all i can ask for :)) ⋆·˚ ༘ * for my derelict favorite ⋆·˚ ༘ * sixth sense kiss ⋆·˚ ༘ * my in-laws are obsessed with me ⋆·˚ ༘ * i thought my time was up!
action ⋆·˚ ༘ * omniscient reader (a/n: literally my #1 on webtoon! bro i'm addicted to the art and the storyline like hello please grant me those magical abilities tq) ⋆·˚ ༘ * the greatest estate developer (a/n: the mc is so funny like pls- his expressions lmao!! every other second the guy's like: "money, money, money, must be funny, in the rich man's world") ⋆·˚ ༘ * get schooled (honestly i loved this series so much that i binged all 100+ episodes in two days! it finished it's first season and i love each and every arc. the art was magnificient. the character development was amazing. i love it so much!!) ⋆·˚ ༘ * teenage mercenary (10/10 for real!! ijin is so badass, i love the entire concept and 006 can marry me. oh, and 005 can willingly have me as her puppet. i binged all 110+ episodes in two days also! right before exams- sue me, but goddamn i love the series) ⋆·˚ ༘ * lookism (holy shit this was a rollercoaster of emotions idk how i'm going to recover from it- ITS SO GOOD LIKE I JUST WANT MORE!! 400+ EPISODES CAN'T HOLD ME BACK I NEED MOREE)
horror ⋆·˚ ༘ * melvina's therapy (a/n: personally, i'm not into horror but i read a couple of chapters of this and loved it! the art is amazing, everything has so many intricate details that the author literally has to put a message at the end of each 'mini-story' to show the readers little easter eggs they sneaked in and i'm always like: wth??) ⋆·˚ ༘ * surviving romance (a/n: the art is so beautiful!! the plot is tso heartwrenchingly sad, funny, and gorgeous all at once! i binged read all 80+ chapters in two days hahaha)
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132 Thoughts I Had While Watching: The School For Good and Evil (2022)
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Jesper, what are you doing here, and why is there two of you? 
And where is your accent? 
One of you is evil and one is goo - oh, the title makes sense now. 
“I prefer chaos.” I mean we all love a bit, buddy, but you’re going too far. 
And bad guy fell off a cliff and died a tragic death, the end. 
Look at this ballroom. 
Hey, it’s Lydia from Beetlejuice! 
That cottage is so pretty, I wanna live there so bad. 
Agatha makes me feel so much more confident with my Merida hair. 
She has a cat named Reaper, and lives by a graveyard? That’s adorable. 
“Hey, Ugly.” Dude, have you looked in a mirror? 
Deville’s? Like Cruella Deville? 
I love how people can call this girl a witch while she pets a baby goat. 
It’s spelt Deuville? Why does that look prettier? 
Wait, Cinderella exists in this universe? 
“It’s a place that cannot be found, except by those who know where it is.” 
“I want much more than this provincial life,” ~ Sophie, definitely. 
You’re going out into the woods late at night? Are you crazy?! 
Yep, girl is delulu. (That’s apparently a word now.) 
That bird kinda gives me Alice in Wonderland vibes. 
Wait, they got the schools mixed up? Princess and the Pauper, anyone? 
How To Lose a Girl in Five Seconds: Tell her her hair looks like cake. 
So this is basically Descendants? 
“It’s cleaner than my own hand, trust me.” ~ an actual quote. 
Okay, but why does the Never school look cooler? 
The Groom Room? Oh, I get it you groom yourself to look pretty. 
You know, I don’t blame Agatha, some clothes can be itchy. 
I thought Hort would be Diaval’s son. Not Captain Hook’s. 
If you don’t know who that is, go watch Maleficent, please. 
Sword and dance routine? Get it? Instead of song and -- nevermind. 
“The brave prince charming approaches!” ~ Sophie, maybe
Actually, he’s King Arthur’s son. 
Yep, this is basically Descendants. 
Fire for the fire god. 
Agatha, you need some confidence. 
Laurence Fishburne? I swear you’re EVERYWHERE. 
“Cool, I get a whole room to myself.” ~ Agatha, maybe. 
We even have the daughter of the Sheriff of Nottingham?? 
Agatha, you should have known the statues would come to life. 
Wait, I thought Evil Jesper was dead? 
Oh, it’s some weird hallucination thingy. 
There’s evil and there’s threatening to drop someone from a building. 
Learn to tell the difference.
Find the school master and plead their case, yup sounds SUPER easy. 
“You know we can hear you narrating, you weirdo!” ~ An actual quote. 
The narrator is a pen? 
True love’s kiss can break the spell. 
There’s an ugly class and beauty class? 
You fail if no one asks you to the ball? Guess that counts me out. 
Hold on, is that Michelle Yeoh? THIS CAST IS AWESOME! 
Gregor Charming is kinda cute. 
Poor guy is queasy around blood? I mean.... same. 
Why’s Sophie’s vanity kind of annoying? 
There’re people living in the trees! 
See? Tedros loves to hear her talk about cats? 
Did he say “open the effing door?” or am I going crazy. 
Gregor, you need a dash of good luck. 
Gnome humour is funny, guys, admit it! 
Gregor, NO!!!!!!!!!!! You were the only character I liked in this movie. 
Hort grew one chest hair in magic class. Good for you, buddy. 
Girl is wacko! 
Oh, but Evil Jesper comes in surrounded by bees to save the day. 
“Sophie, you’re not allowed to kill anyone until after graduation.” 
Bees are my greatest fear, so uh, I’d be outta there in ten milleseconds. 
This centuries old guy is weirdly into Sophie and I’m not sure I like that. 
Wish Fish? It sounds cool, but I don’t trust it for some reason. 
I kinda want the mean girls to fail. I know that’s not nice, but.....
Agatha wishes for hope and a person comes out of the lake? 
It’s because of a girl that all the wishes are granted? 
Professor, she just saw her friend die, that’s what’s wrong with her! 
Bad professor cut Sophie’s hair? I mean, not the worst that could happen. 
Girl, calm down. At least you aren’t dead. 
Rafal, dude, you gotta chill, friend. (Yeah, that’s Evil Jesper’s name) 
She wants to kiss Tedros, but I think he likes Agatha. 
Gonna admit, that dip was smooth. 
A finger glow? A finger prick? LIKE SLEEPING BEAUTY! 
Looks like it hurts. I’ll skip, thanks. 
Sophie looks good with the glow up not gonna lie
Sophie, Tedros is Aggie’s man. You’ve got golden retriever boy. 
Aggie used her power to help her friend. She deserves better. 
Everybody Loves Tedros, except for the other Nevers. 
An Ever and a Never together? OH, THE HORROR! 
Hold on, why are they all mad? Wouldn’t this unite the schools? 
Never heard of a trial by tail before, or is it tale? 
The trial begins at sundown instead of midnight? Nice switch. 
Sending them into the forbidden forest? M’kay. 
“With the power of the finger glow, I save you!” ~ Tedros, maybe. 
Is that a mace-wielding pumpkin-headed grim reaper? 
The princess is going to save the prince? Interesting twist! 
Pumpkin man just exploded. That’s gonna be messy! 
Agatha saved them and this is the thanks she gets? 
Agatha is the only one with any sense around here. 
 She wrote Sophie a letter, too. :’( 
He’s centuries old and she’s seventeen at the oldest. 
Rafal and the Evil Professor were a thing? 
Agatha is the most devoted friend in the world. 
 I turned my back for one second and Sophie’s a witch??? 
Honey, we’ve all experienced heartbreak, but this is too much. 
The Never Ball looks cool, to be honest. 
I’m sorry, Sophie, I can’t take you seriously right now. 
Okay, she changed back, but now she’s crazy. 
You attacked them first. 
Have I mentioned this soundtrack is freaking epic?! 
This is the best scene in the whole movie. 
Since when does Sophie have shape-shifting powers? 
Oh, he just shapeshifted into him after murdering him. 
That’s where you’re wrong, my guy. I’m chaos! 
Wait, he kissed Sophie?? I should have seen it coming but... 
“My love?” Dude, what? SHE’S LIKE.... Seventeen, right?? 
Tedros and Aggie are separating??? Nooooo! 
Well at least she and Sophie will be together. 
It says they’re siblings in the book. DARN IT!!!!!
Staying for the ending credits visual and songs. 
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transskywardsword · 1 year
Spider Meet Fly/Fly Meet Spider - Chapter Thirteen: Sonia is Caught By Treachery
read the full story on ao3 here
Link fidgeted in front of the floor length mirror, pulling on the jewelry braided into his hair. Sonia slapped his hand away.
“I’m not finished.”
“I look fine.” He signed, the whine clear in the movement of his hands, and Sonia swatted him again.
“You’ve said so yourself, the Celebration of the Heroines is the most important holiday in the Gerudo calendar. We’re going to show our respect.”
“Through fancy clothes?” Link signed, pouting, and Sonia laughed.
“Oh, trust me, I could put you in fancy clothes. This is far from that.”
The headdress she’d presented an hour ago sat proudly on Link’s head. Luga had offered to install it herself, but Sonia had insisted, saying she regretted how little time alone she and Link had had since little Zelda’s birth. At only a few days old, she was beyond tiny, and had taken more of a liking to her father than Sonia, which had Rauru over the moon. Sonia insisted that Zelda was too young to have a favorite, but she always smiled when she said that, not truly minding that her daughter seemed to prefer pulling on Rauru’s ears than she did playing with her mother’s curls. Link reached up and ran a hand down the horn standing proudly on his forehead. He’d be lying if he said the charged headdress didn’t remind him distinctly of Farosh. The glittering horn resembled the dragon’s own horn down to the last detail, and the beaded topaz throughout glowed like lightning in a heavy storm, even without light illuminating it. They crackled under his fingers when he touched them, a jolt of static that set his hair on end. Gold hung from it in delicate chains, and the earrings Sonia had provided reminded him of dragon scales—if he didn’t know any better, he’d suspect they were made from the holy material.
“Face me more,” Sonia said, gripping his chin. “I want your face paint to be perfect.”
The electric yellow paint was cold on his skin as she painted three teardrops below each eye. She frowned before licking her thumb and wiping the tears away. She tilted his head this way and that, squinting down at him, and Link went cross eyed watching her hover so close to him.
“Hm… three or one? What do you think—no, wait, don’t move! I think… I think four. Then we’ll match!” She smiled brightly, tapping under her eye on her own white tattoo teardrops. The tattoos were mesmerizing to look at, bright and stark against her dark skin, and Link thought they carried an otherworldly light to them, almost glowing when under the sun and seeming to shimmer even in the dark. He wouldn’t be surprised if they were magic.
His eyes lingered on the Triforces tattooed on her skin; they were the only references to the Triforce he’d seen at all since he’d arrived, and it piqued his curiosity each time he saw it, thought now more than ever. While Ganondorf was grumbling over festivals, Link had been researching dragons, the Depths, and the Master Sword, both in history and myth. Sonia had recommended a collection of biographies of great Hylians who had led her people far before a unified continent and Hyrulian kingdom was even an idea on the wind, and it was in that book that the Golden Power was first mentioned by name. Link devoured the book before turning back to others he’d previously read on the Chosen Hero, trying to slot the Triforce into those stories. It had proven to be a serious challenge; he was never the best with his letters, not after his childhood education had been neglected in exchange for learning the art of the blade, his father removing him from the school house as a pre-teen and never sending him back, and while he could have asked Soia or Rauru or even Mineru for help, the thought of mentioning his difficulties with reading were mortifying. So, instead, with Ganonodrf already nearby writing his play, Link leaned on him for help, praying all the while that the man didn’t notice that Link was doing it.
Link thought he’d pulled it off rather well, all things considered, and now all that was left was to put together the confusing swirl of knowledge he now had surrounding the Chosen Hero, Fi, and Triforce into a solidified plan that could heal Fi and get him home. He planned to ask Rauru at first, but the Zonai really did know very little of Hylian history, leaving Link to instead ask Sonia for help.
Sonia hummed as she brushed the paintbrush across his skin, first under the left eye, then the right, before washing the brush and dipping it in the paint again. She pursed her lips as she leaned closer and painted a stripe down the middle of Link’s lips, swiping away a droplet of paint before it could drip on his chin.
“There,” she said. “So handsome.”
Link turned to the mirror and ran a hand through his hair. He had been meaning to cut it back before all of this happened, and now, with the charged headdress proudly braided into his hair, its length and thickness was even more clear. He curled a strand around his index finger. It was even longer than Zelda’s now, wasn’t it?
He took in the person reflected in the floor length looking glass before him. Luga had scrubbed him clean earlier, anointing him with sweet smelling oils and perfumes. He’d lost muscle mass here in the past, the gloom sickness still not quite gone, and it unnerved him. He was used to being strong, even with his lean physique, and weakness did not look good on him. The charged shirt and trousers had been dressed up, more jewelry hanging off the fabric than before, topaz and diamonds catching the light and twinkling beautifully with each movement. Link felt… otherworldly. He could remember being almost, though not quite, as dressed up before when accompanying Zelda to a ball. He had traded the Champion’s tunic for the uniform of the royal guard that he technically belonged to, the white leather buckles tight around his thighs and cap balanced delicately on his head. He’d felt like a fool, and Zelda had doubled over laughing at the sight of him, much to his embarrassment. Now though, looking in the mirror, he felt larger than life. He felt magical, invincible despite the delicate jewelry and fabric. He felt as grand as Farosh herself.
The thought suddenly stopped him. He’d spoken to Rauru after his discovery of the location of the three dragons, and the Zonai king had agreed about the importance of tracking them down deep in the Depths.
“That sword—it is a matter of life and death for your people,” He had said, “and could be your key home. I understand that reforging it is vital, and I shall offer all the resources I can spare to make that happen.”
Link had thought for one mortifying moment that he might cry, and Rauru had smiled. “It is what friends are for, after all,” he said, and Link had blinked away the wetness furiously.
It was the baby. Little Zelda was rubbing off on him. He’d been debating what to use for her name. He didn’t think, despite their fluency, that Sonia and Rauru quite understood the importance of sign names, but he knew he wanted to gift one to the baby before he left.
Because he could be leaving soon. With the Master Sword reforged, who knew what could come next? The thought bubbled excitedly in his chest more often than not for the past two days as Ganondorf finished his ceremonial play. Which he would not let Link read, much to his annoyance.
“You’ll see it performed soon,” Ganondorf would grunt as Link pestered until finally Link had given up on getting to see it. Ganondorf was right—the party would start soon, and Link could see all of it in its awkward splendor.
“Are we done?” Link signed as Sonia stepped back. She looked breathtaking in her gown. Silks of green and gold enveloped her, the usual geometric designs from the tabard of her day dress even more intricate as they spiraled across her many skirts and flowing, draped fabrics. They told a story, each design a collection of glyphs showing a different part of the continent’s history, from the Chosen Hero and the Spirit Maiden, to the arrival of the Zonai from the sky, to the union of the Rito, Zora, and Gorons, to the story of her and Rauru’s wedding. Two figures carved from Zonaite-- clearly her and Rauru-- embraced on the cloth across her breast. In between the lovers, right where their chests met, hung her secret stone, serving as the heart of the marriage. Sundelions had been braided into her hair, and her tiara gleamed in the light, diamonds and Zonite woven together in an intricate geometric design. If Link didn’t know any better, he would have called her Hylia incarnate.
“Yes,” She said, bumping his shoulder, “but if you mess up your face paint I’ll never forgive you.”
Link rolled his eyes. “Of course, your Majesty.”
There came a knock on the door, and Sonia called for them to come in. Luga poked her head in, eyes covered.
“You can look, Luga.” Sonia said, a chuckle in her voice, and Luga shook her head.
“Nope! Not till you and his Majesty are together. I want to first look at you both together!”
Sonia laughed properly. “You put too much faith in my husband’s fashion ability.”
“Nonsense! I’m sure he’ll be breath taking.”
Sonia offered an arm to the servant. “Shall we go find that husband of mine then?”
Luga groped blindly for the arm until Sonia gently guided her hand to her elbow and pulled the girl close.
“What about you, Sir Link? Are you ready for the party?” Luga asked, and Sonia smiled, patting her hand.
“He looks just lovely.”
“I can imagine! I can smell the ozone from here.”
Link tried to subtly sniff his shirt and Sonia snorted. “You smell fine,” she said, and Link flushed.
Slowly, taking care to keep Luga, with her excited babbling and bouncy steps, from walking into a wall, Sonia led her and Link down the halls from Link’s guest suite to the royal suite.
“You know, Link, it’s amazing to think that a few weeks ago, the idea of seeing a Gerudo ceremony in person would be laughable,” Sonia said, turning a corner. “The Gerudo have always been isolationists, even at their own detriment, and to have them here, the continent unified and their people welcomed across all borders within it, from the cold of Hebra to the scorching heat of Eldin, or the rains of Lanayru... it is breathtaking to think about. You know, I offered to show Twinrova to the main meeting hall to see the murals there that show locations all across Hyrule—they seemed to be the type to enjoy traveling. They refused my offer, unfortunately.”
Link hmmed. “I think they and Gan had a fight. They have been avoiding him, and he them.”
Sonia raised an eyebrow. “Gan?”
“Only in jest. And if you tell him I called him that—well, I’m afraid my next actions would be treason.”
“Woe is me, slain before I had the chance to see Naboris’ drunk dancing.”
“You’d deserve it.” Link signed with a grin, and Sonia laughed.
“You think so?”
“What would my lovely wife deserve?”
Link and Sonia came to a stop, Luga almost falling, as Rauru stepped from the suite before them, shutting the door with a soft click. Sonia let out a soft sigh. Link could understand why—Link had seen Rauru in regal robes, in sparring gear, in simple, but elegant, shawls, but never showing so much… well, so much skin. The Zonai’s chest was covered only by a sheer, gossamer shawl, biceps and toned stomach easily visible through it, and geometric paint designs covered every inch of skin below his neck. Elegant chains of diamond and Zonaite spiraled up and down his arms. He matched his wife perfectly, and Link was, for the first time, aware of just how attractive Rauru might be to the right person.
Sonia reached forward and cupped his furry cheek, and the Zonai man smiled softly.
“You look divine.” He murmured, “A goddess among men.”
“Am I allowed to be jealous that the world gets to see you like that?” Sonia almost purred, and Link flushed, quickly looking away. Rauru laughed, leaning down and whispering something in his wife’s ear, who threw her head back and let out a boisterous laugh.
“You flirt!”
“The flirt is going to be Naboris once she sees you in that dress.”
Sonia ran her fingers through Rauru’s beard. “Let her relax some and it may be more than flirting.”
Rauru caught her hand and brought her palm to his lips, raising an eyebrow. Sonia had to stand on her tippy toes, and it couldn’t have been comfortable, but Sonia giggled as Rauru released her hand, taking his instead and lacing their fingers together.
“Shall we?”
“Wait!” Luga said, finally opening her eyes. “Wait, wait, stand still let me take you in—oh Gods, you look lovely Queen Sonia. Like a dream. And your Majesty, oh my goodness! Did you do the paint yourself? It looks so symmetrical. I am truly impressed. You are truly two halves of a whole. You’ll blow them all away.”
Sonia patted Luga’s cheek, who flushed bright red. “You’re too kind to us, Miss Luga. Now, go, find some friends, have fun at the party.”
“But there’s so much to do! I need to refill the oils at the baths, and clean the linens, and—”
“Relax. Be merry. That’s an order.”
Luga snapped to attention. “Y—yes ma’am!” She squeaked out, bouncing on her toes, and Sonia waved her off, leaning her head on her husband’s arm as the servant girl bounded down the hall.
 Sonia turned to Link, and Rauru nodded.
“The headdress suites him," He said. "I knew it would. The Lightning Dragon and her Goddess… I’ve felt for some time that there is a connection here with you, Link, to the divine—the electricity of your sword, the power of light in your lungs; it speaks of great things.”
Link rose his hands, then stopped, rose them again, then held them still. Rauru frowned.
“Is everything alright?”
Link took a deep breath. It was now or never.
“May we move out of the hallway?” He signed, hands soft, and Rauru gave a confused nod, pulling them back into the suite. The myths and history surrounding light powers and the Triforce he'd found in the library had been surprisingly unspecific, and the details were fuzzy with time. It was funny, that somehow his Zelda had a greater knowledge of the divine than the people far closer to the time period that the creation of the Hylian race occurred in. The story of the Chosen Hero was both complex and simple: Hylia, a war, a man chosen by the divine who used his own internal light and the powers around him to forge a sword and strike down the demon king, sealing him away in the very sword that destroyed him. Link, supposedly, if the beliefs of the royal family in his time were to be believed, carried that same hero’s spirit, same hero’s courage, and drive. But Link wasn’t that Chosen Hero. He wasn’t divine. He wasn’t like Zelda, didn’t have Hylia flowing through his bones. He had no connection to light or light power. It didn’t make sense for him to have light power, except through… Well, through Farore and her piece of the Triforce, something he had long given up on and made peace with never having.
“What,” he started slowly, “do you know of the Triforce?”
“Honestly?” Rauru replied, “Little. The Zonai never concerned themselves much with Hylian stories.”
“The Chosen Hero bore it,” Sonia said, “… the hero whose sword you bare. It was gift from the Golden Goddesses, protected by Hylia and the Chosen Hero.”
“I don’t—I don’t know if I have it. Zelda—my Zelda—bares a third of it: the Triforce of Wisdom. Supposedly, the Hero bears the Triforce of Courage, but I have proven to be an unfortunate choice of hero,”
Sonia opened her mouth to protest, but Link raised a hand.
“Let me finish. I always assumed that my failure, my death, meant that I was unworthy. I never felt holy or divine. But if this stone is reacting to power within me, light within me…”
“You think the light is from this Triforce?” Rauru asked gently, letting go of his wife’s hand to run his fingers through his beard. Link was beginning to think it was a nervous habit.
“I don’t know. I don’t—I’m just thinking out loud. But if the Triforce is the source of my power, and the stone is channeling my power from the Triforce…”
“It would explain how your stone was strong enough to carry you through time despite your lack of experience or control. The explosion you caused in the garden—that spoke of great power, one I wouldn’t expect from a new magic user.”
 “Then maybe it was the Triforce who sent me here. The Chosen Hero forged the Master Sword with the breath of the three elemental dragons, yes, but also with his own Golden Power. The Triforce knew that I wouldn’t be able to safely fix Fi in the future. With the mummy loose, it would be too dangerous. But here, in the past, there is nothing stopping me from focusing on fixing her. With the secret stone, I can channel my power and, with the dragons, heal the Master Sword. Then maybe… I don’t know, the Triforce sends me back, somehow? I haven’t exactly figured that part out.”
Rauru was silent for a long time, face guarded. “I think… I think this is something you should discuss with Mineru as well. She knows the most about stones. And, beloved, you know more about Hylian myth than anyone in this palace. All of you together… you might be able to puzzle this out. I think you might be onto something, Link, but I’m afraid that I only know so much of Hylian religion. Mineru has never put much stock in it either. There is little knowledge between us, but with Sonia… our knowledge of the stones, and her knowledge of your history could lead to a well balanced team.”
“I wish my Zelda was here…” Link signed. The headdress suddenly felt impossibly heavy. “She knows so much about everything, especially the Gods. Unfortunately.” The last word was bitter, heavy with the years Zelda spent on her knees, begging in freezing spring waters, praying and praying until she could recite every prayer in her sleep, could describe every god or goddess or spirit so long as they were somehow connected to Hylia and her Golden Power.
Rauru cocked his head at the last comment but said nothing. Somewhere deeper in the castle, a horn blew and Rauru huffed.
“The play is starting. Ganondorf will be livid if we miss it after all this planning of his.” He said. He reached forwards and squeezed Link’s hand. “We’ll figure this out. I promise. Together, we can do it. I know we can.”
Link gave him a soft smile, squeezing Rauru’s hand back.
Rauru straightened, cleared his throat, and offered an elbow to each Hylian. “Then let us be off.”
Link tried to be excited as they moved forwards, but it was hard to be with the thoughts of the Triforce still lingering in his mind. He didn’t know how to channel light through a fucking stone, let alone the goddessdamned Triforce. So, he got to the dragons and used their fire to reforge Fi. Then what? He utilized the Triforce to finish fixing her—if he even had it, and that was a big if—but how? With the stone? With some emotionally delivered power, like Zelda?
The need to have her here, that yearning and desperate desire, was back, and Link struggled to swallow the lump in his throat. It was okay; they’d figure this out. Mineru, Rauru and Sonia. Between Mineru’s knowledge of the stones, Rauru’s experience with light power, and Sonia’s knowledge of Hylian history, they would be ready. The mummy wouldn’t know what hit it, and he would be home with Zelda sooner than later.
Rauru hustled them into the main hall, where a massive group of people, from the Rito to the Zora to the Goron to the Gerudo, sat on the floor, as was tradition, that they might feel the vibrations of the drums through their feet. Rauru took the seat reserved for the three of them in the back, Ruta, Medoh, Rudania, and Naboris all already present, with Twinrova skulking by their aunt. It was the first Link had seen of them in ages, and they vibrated with negative energy. What was their problem? The Celebration of the Heroines was a time of honor, of festivity! It was a joyous occasion! Beside them, back stiff and face dark, sat Ganondorf.
Link turned his attention to the center of the great hall, where eight women in black, red, and green began to sing. Link realized with pleasant surprise that the harmony was in two languages: Gerudo and Hylian, overlapping into a beautiful chorus of sound. A sign of cultural exchange and unity, Link thought with a smile. A few seats down, Ganondorf looked into the crowd but didn’t seem to be seeing it, and Link frowned. He gave a little wave close to his chest, and Ganondorf noticed from the corner of his eye.
“Okay?” Link signed, and Ganondorf didn’t reply, turning back to the women in the center of the hall. Beside him, Twinrova snickered, and Link’s frown deepened.
“At first—” One Gerudo sang, the woman behind her echoing her words in Hylian.
“At first—”
“There was only Din, the Great Sand Goddess whose breath contained the beginnings of everything to come—”
“There was only Din, the Great Sand Goddess whose breath contained the beginnings of everything to come—"
“He’s done a wonderful job,” Sonia whispered in Link’s ear, and he nodded. Ganondorf had done a phenomenal one, and it would surely be remembered from years to come as a vital day in Hylian history. A Gerudo celebration in Hylian halls, Gerudo and Zonai sitting knee to knee and shoulder to shoulder—it would not be soon forgotten.
The blue sister of Twinrova leaned over to her brother and whispered something in his ear, her eyes flashing to Link for a moment, bright and leering, and Naboris swatted her on the shoulder.
“Focus. Gossip later,” she said, and Twinrova rolled their eyes. Ganondorf glared at them, and the glee in their eyes only grew. It unsettled Link, and he found his hand drifting to Fi and the secret stone at his side.
I’ll reforge you soon, he promised her, and she fluttered under his fingertips, warm and comforting, heartbeat weak but still alive. I’ll find the dragons and channel the stone or Triforce or whatever and get you home. Get both of us home.
Zelda would be so jealous she was missing the first Celebration of the Heroines to be celebrated on Hylian soil. Link could already picture her pout and crossed arms, nose turned up as he described the world he saw back at Hyrule’s creation. He wished he had the Sheikah slate or Purah pad so that he could take photos to show her, especially ones of Sonia and Rauru. The first king and queen of Hyrule—she would be ecstatic to meet them, drilling into them with a million and one questions. And getting to meet the leaders of the other races, with their names as the source of her beloved Sheikah Beasts, would surely have her heart leaping over the moon in excitement. For the millionth time, he wished she was here, that she could see this all with her own eyes instead of his words.
He missed her. He wondered what she would think of the Celebration play. She was never good at sitting still for too long, but she’d be honored to hear words written by a male Gerudo king himself, instead of one of Riju’s advisors like last year.
The drums rose in speed and volume, signifying the battle between the light creature and Din, and Link watched with awe at the spinning linens and colors as the women danced in a mock battle, clapping when the light creature fell with a dramatic cry and boom of drums. Naboris clapped loudest of them all, dark face lit up with pride. She was mesmerizing in her glittering gold jewelry, the normal white of her clothes lined in gold and topaz, her green lip replaced with sparkling, electric yellow paint, her eyes lined in white kohl. Twinrova had not dressed up, much to Link’s surprise, their casual clothing almost insulting considering the sheer importance of the festival.
Naboris didn’t hold a candle to Ganondorf. His face paint was immaculate, his hair in elegant, scarlet braids, the diadem on his forehead sparkling in the light. At his side was his magatama blade, the first Link had seen of it since he returned it to the Gerudo chief. The Gerudo’s hand rested on the hilt, fingers glittering with rings, and watched the play with dark eyes. He looked… disquieted. Uneasy. Something was wrong. Link wanted to slip down the line of guests and prod him, ask what had him so gloomy, but the drums were picking up again, a special trill of wood on stretched sandseal skin as each dancer wished ‘Din’ goodbye and took up their place a Heroine, pantomiming each of the Eight’s mighty adventures. Twinrova glanced his way and caught his eye.
Their eyes crinkled, the only visible part of their face, yet Link could feel their grin, predatory and vicious. He wrapped his hand on Fi’s hilt, which had grown hot. She chimed, warning of danger, and began to glow, softly at first, then burningly bright, shining even through the scabbard, and the smell of ozone and crackle of electricity began to fill the room.
Link jumped to his feet, signing a quick apology in response to Ganondorf’s raised brow before walking as quickly as he could from the room without stampeding over everyone. He hurried to the first empty corridor he could find, being sure to shut the door to the main hall behind him—Fi just grew hotter, nearly screaming now at his hip, and Link winced at her heat as he drew the sword.
“What the fuck, Fi?” He whispered, but his sword simply continued to chime and flash wildly. Electricity crackled up and down the blade, the hilt vibrating in his hand, and he shushed her softly, trying wildly to think of some way to calm her. She’d never acted like this before, even when facing the Calamity.
Behind them, the main hall roared with applause. The play was over. He’d missed the ending. Well, damn. Ganondorf would never let him live that down, would he?
“Come on, Fi…” He whispered, running a soothing hand over the blade. He was suddenly very grateful for Mineru’s thought to add lightning resistance to his arm as lightning shot up his prosthetic where he touched the blade, from his fingertips to his teeth, leaving his mouth tasting burnt and coppery. He yelped, dropping her with a clatter, pressing his prosthetic to his chest. How could something that wasn’t his to begin with hurt? It wasn’t like he could even feel shit with this arm, just pressure, not the warmth of a soft touch or the cool of a breeze, just the pressure and textures around him.
If he wouldn’t be able to feel the heat of Zelda’s hand then he shouldn’t be able to feel the burning power of Fi, damn it!
He could hear the start of music, of laughter, smell rich foods even through the door—so the party had officially started. He was missing it. Thanks, Fi. He thought with a bitter scowl, before leaning down to prod her with a prosthetic finger. She crackled, a jolt going up his hand and he swore, shaking out his arm. He pulled the scabbard from his belt and slowly slid Fi in with his boot.
“Link?” A soft voice came from the doorway. The door shut with a heavy sound as Sonia stepped into the hall. “Are you alright?”
“F-I-N-E” He signed over his shoulder, and reached for Fi, careful only to touch the scabbard. He could still feel her humming through the metal, and she glowed brightly, once, twice, three time, so bright it burned to look at her, before fading out. Spots flickered across his vision, and Fi let out one last, mournful chime before going dark.
“… Oh my.” Sonia breathed, kneeling beside him. Fi had scorched the stone around her, leaving cracks across the marble, dust fluttering up at her gentle breath. Link snorted.
“Oh my. Yeah.” He signed, rocking back on his heels and burying his face in his hands.
“It’s alright, darling,” Sonia said softly, reaching out and rubbing his back in soft, gentle circles. “We’ll fix this. After everything settles, we’ll go underground and find the dragon spirits and all will be well.”
Link snorted. “You make it sound so simple,” he whispered, and Sonia bumped his shoulder.
“Even the hardest of tasks can be made simple with friends.” She said, and Link finally looked up.
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
Sonia stood and cleared her throat.
“Actually, Link, I’ve been meaning to show you something.”
“Really? Well, after the party—”
“Link… we should go now. I’ve been preparing it for so long, and I don’t know long the party will go, and heavens’ knows how long Zelda will stay asleep afterwards. It will take but a moment.”
Link frowned. “Then let me tell Ganondorf. He’ll be peeved if I miss any more—”
Sonia cupped his face. “He’s a chief, Link, a king. He’s a big boy.”
Link snorted. “Sometimes I’m not so sure.”
Link slid his shawl off, wrapping it around Fi and her scabbard to be able to safely hold her, then stood. Sonia’s smile was small, soft, but bright, and she offered Link an elbow. He took it.
They walked in silence. Link enjoyed the respite from words, signed or otherwise, listening instead to Sonia’s gentle breaths and the thump of muted music from downstairs. He hoped this wouldn’t take too long; as much as he loved spending time with Sonia, he had been looking forward to the celebration ever since Ganondorf agreed to it and he would hate to miss any more of it.
Sonia moved with less of her usual grace, her gait sluggish and back stiff. Zelda, as adorable as the baby was, must have the queen beyond weary. Link debated offering her the chance to sit and take a break, but Sonia seemed determined to get them to their destination quickly.
They moved up, scaling a spiraling staircase with wide windows that opened to the gardens below, but the view from the windows was nothing compared to that from the roof. Link gasped as Sonia held open the door.
He could no longer hear music. The party was far, far behind them, but the party was quickly forgotten as Link took in the view. There seemed to be more stars in the past than there was in his Hyrule, though how he did not know. Sonia gestured for him to move to the edge, and Link did so, resting his palms on the stone railing and looking down. The drop stretched and stretched and stretched, and Link suddenly found himself yearning for his paraglider that he might be able to jump and take flight, becoming one with the wind and clouds and stars.
“Alright, Sonia. I’ll admit the view is beautiful, but what is it you needed to show me so badly?” Link said, his voice hanging near silently in the air, even in the quiet of the night.
Behind him, Sonia was still.
“You know,” Sonia said, voice cold. “You are far too trusting.”
Link spun, just in time to see the Gerudo scimitar be flung his direction with deadly, pin point aim. Yet, before he even had time to dive out of the way, it froze. The blade hung perfectly still in the air, glowing a bright gold. Behind Sonia, arm outstretched, stone aglow at her breast, was another Sonia. Now that Link could see the two side by side, the flaws and cracks in the first was clear. Whatever she—whatever it—was, it was not Sonia.
“Oh, my. I must say, it’s a bit strange to hear myself say such a thing. I would like to think it is quite out of character. But then, you aren’t me, aren’t you, puppet?”
Puppet Sonia snarled and Sonia’s laugh was unaffected, unafraid. “Did you really think I hadn’t realized your deceit, Ganondorf? What a coward, sending magic to do what he himself cannot.” Sonia flicked her wrist and the blade dropped, though the light in her stone did not fade. Puppet Sonia’s beautiful, imperfect face twisted into a sneer and she laughed, going limp as a marionette whose stings had been cut, hanging there grotesquely before melting away into red goo.
“Stay back,” Link said as Sonia stepped closer to the red remanence, “that stuff is dangerous.”
“Are you alright?” Sonia asked, cupping Link’s face and tilting it this way and that. Link nodded.
“Fine. I’m fine. But you said—surely, he couldn’t—do really think that Ganondorf—?”
“Positive.” Sonia said darkly, pulling Link into a tight hug.
Link opened his mouth to tell her to let go, that they didn’t have the time for affection, when he was stopped by the sound of clapping. Link shoved Sonia behind him, hand going to Fi’s hilt. Blocking the door to back downstairs, stood two plainly dressed figures of blue and red, their faces hidden in gold, one’s arms crossed lazily while the other stood with her hip cocked, clapping, her movements slow and mocking. Twinrova.
“Her royal idiot and the sand rat finally figure it out.” They said in chorus, and Link could feel their smiles under their masks. Sonia straightened, holding out a glowing hand.
“Let us pass.”
“’Fraid we can’t do that, your Majesty.”
Sonia lifted her chin. “Fine. Then I shall make you.”
Sonia surged forward, and before the woman could even move, Fi was in Link’s hand, singing at the chance to be held, to be brandished, to draw blood. The blue Twinrova ran to meet him, her Gerudo longsword’s massive reach proving to be a problem against the Master Sword’s unfortunate new length. Link spun, dipping around her swings, tuning out Twinrova’s taunting voice as she whispered vicious, cruel words.
“Don’t worry. We’ll be merciful. We’ll take you out first so you don’t have to see your king follow. It’s a pity you didn’t get a knife in the back from the puppet—that’d be much, much kinder than what we’re going to do to you.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Link could see Sonia doing… something with her stone, jerking the other Twinrova’s arms this way and that, forcing her to hold positions and rewind, spinning her around via the manipulation of time itself. Link didn’t understand at all how she was doing it, but she was doing it well.
Link could hear footsteps, heavy and steady, and knew any minute now Rauru would be here, ready to put an end to the insurrection before it started. The thundering footfall grew louder and Link turned to see Rauru—
It was not the Zonai.
His jeweled fingers glittered, the green, black, and red robes fluttering softly in the slight breeze, not a red braid out of place. On his forehead, Ganondorf’s diadem was perfectly center, but the diamond that had once sat in its center was gone, leaving a gaping, open hole, ripe for the filling.
“Ganondorf, what the fuck is going—”
Ganondorf drew his blade, but he did not point it at his sisters, and Link’s gut filled with bitter cold as he realized Sonia had been right.
Link turned, abandoning Twinrova, and charged, Fi raised, ignoring the pain as her electricity rippled through his prosthetic. His blade met Ganondorf’s chest, only for it to slice through gloom. One Ganondorf, then two, then five, suddenly melted into existence, circling Sonia and Link tighter and tighter.
“How could you?” Link screamed, voice catching. The Phantom Ganons said nothing. “I trusted you! I vouched for you! I gave you chance after chance!”
He swung, Fi cutting through a limb here, a gut there, finding nothing but gloom and red. Was Ganondorf even fucking here? Behind him, Twinrova had drawn out Sonia, taking up all her attention, but the woman seemed capable of holding her own. A Phantom charged, and Link barely made it out of the way. He flipped back, but with so many opponents, it was near impossible to get the timing right for a flurry rush.
“You really think,” the Phantoms echoed, “that I would let this kingdom steamroll my people? Abuse the continent?”
A jab, a dodge, a slice that cut through gloom and nothing else, a lunge and roll under a blade, again, again, again, till sweat poured down Link’s face into his eyes. He couldn’t keep doing this. There was too many, too much.
“You’re a traitor!” Link spat, and the Phantoms laughed.
“Your king will bring nothing but destruction to this land. I am a savior.”
Link grit his teeth through the pain of Fi’s unstable magic racing up his arms, giving up on form and structure and lashing out blindly instead. Finally, finally, his sword met flesh.
Before him, Ganondorf looked down at the thin line of blood through the slash across his chest. His face darkened as he laughed, wiping it away. He raised his blade.
“I see now,” he rumbled, “why you failed against your Calamity. You are weak. You were then, and you are now.”
Link grimaced. He tried to move his blade, but with Fi screaming in his hand, pain searing up the prosthetic into flesh and bone as it met his shoulder, his movements were sporadic and sloppy, and the anger that had fueled him was quickly being replaced by exhaustion.
There were just too many. There was just too much. He—he wasn’t getting out of this, was he?
Link didn’t process it at first. He almost swung at Sonia, not realizing the hands on him were from a friend and not a foe, but it wouldn’t have mattered if he had. Not with Ganondorf’s speed, not with Sonia throwing him back as he failed to raise Fi in time to block the man, prosthetic spluttering and sparking—not as Ganondorf’s blade cut from navel to breast, letting out a spray out red and heat. The lovers carved at Sonia’s chest were split clean in two, the secret stone between them clattering to the floor. Link lay on the ground where Sonia had thrown him, frozen as Ganondorf leaned down. He picked up the stone.
It was so small in his massive hands.
Link hauled himself to his feet and scrambled to her. Her dress had been split from stomach to neckline—as had her skin, cut from her belly all the way up her neck, red, hot, and slick, blood gushing forth. Link pressed down on her chest, but he wasn’t stupid. There was no saving this, no going back from that. Her eyes found his as she gripped his hands.
“You’re gonna be okay, I swear it, I—”
“Link…” She took one of his hands and slid it away from the wound, from the fat that still lingered on her stomach from pregnancy. He could feel something slimy and hot, and shuddered as he tried to pretend he didn’t know he was touching intestines. Instead, Sonia pulled Link’s hand towards Fi’s electrified hilt, eyes wide with pain, but not fear. “You must… protect…”
“Hylians have always been weak.” Twinrova said from behind him, and Link searched desperately for the earlier rage, but found nothing but numbness. He needed to get up. He needed to get up. He needed—
Something sharp pressed to the back on his neck from where he sat curled over Sonia’s wheezing body. If the sound was coming from her mouth or from her punctured lungs, Link wasn’t sure.
“You’ve done your best.” Ganondorf’s voice was surprisingly soft. “And I shall grant you a swift warrior’s death. It is simply the nature of the world. I shall save this continent, and your sacrifice will not be forgotten.”
Link needed to move. He needed to get out of here, take Sonia and run but… but he was tired. And he’d been fighting for so long, ever since he was old enough to hold that damn sword.
What would Zelda think, never getting to see him again? Zelda, Sidon, Teba, Riju, Paya… would they miss him?
Fi’s voice echoed in Link’s head. Sonia’s face was crimson below him.
Your job here is unfinished.
There are things you must yet do.
Get up!
Fi’s voice pounded behind his eyes, her usual metallic chime melding with a soft, rich, feminine voice that Link knew to well.
You are the light—our light—that must shine on Hyrule. Zelda whispered, her voice somehow far away and perfectly close. You cannot fail! Courage need not be remembered for it is never—
Link rolled, just as the sword came down. There was a horrible squelch as Ganondorf’s blade hit Sonia’s body instead of where Link had just been laying over it, and Sonia gave out a horrific screech before going still.
The door to the roof flew open, Rauru and Naboris emerging.
“What—” Naboris spat, eyes wide with horror as she took in the bloody sight, “the fuck have you done?”
Ganondorf’s gaze narrowed.
“What you were too cowardly to do.” He said, though if Link didn’t know any better, he’d say the man’s gaze softened with something pained as his eyes lingered on his aunt. Naboris unsheathed her twin swords.
“Can we kill her?” Twinrova shouted to their brother as they circled their aunt. Ganondorf grit his teeth.
He raised the stone, and Rauru’s breath caught at the sight of it, eyes finally finding his wife. The Zonai screamed, a horrible, bleeding sound that ripped through Link as he rushed to his wife’s side. Ganondorf paid him no mind. The stone seemed to beat in Ganondorf’s hand, some grotesque heartbeat as he placed it to the empty diadem.
All way quiet for a nanosecond, no sound but Link’s heartbeat, before the dark sky reddened and sound exploded around him—screaming wails pouring from the very skies like vile rain, along with red filth. Link’s eyes widened. He’d never seen so much gloom in his life, his skin burning as it rained down on the roof. Gloom seeped from the ground, pooling around them, sloshing across the ground like waves before a storm and hovering in the air as the sky became scarlet.
The moon swelled, bloody and red.
Ganondorf screamed. He doubled over, and Link couldn’t help the split second of an urge he felt to go to him, to make sure his friend wasn’t in pain. Ganondorf panted, curling around himself as the gloom thickened, and let out a horrible, gut wrenching, inhuman sound.
When Ganondorf straightened, Link almost didn’t recognize him. His warm brown skin was grey, his forehead sprouting still-growing horns, his hair slithering behind him like fiery snakes. Suddenly, it clicked. The flaming hair, the elegant, gloom covered clothes, and bastardized Gerudo diadem on his head— Link’s stomach dropped as he put together the pieces.
The mummy.
Link thought he might vomit, then and there.
Gloom poured down on them. Link could feel it sap at his strength as Rauru cradled Sonia beside him. Ganondorf alone was untouched by the filth, seeming almost to feed on it.
That wasn’t Ganondorf. Not anymore. Link wasn’t sure what the fuck it was, but that creature was something utterly inhuman.
“You’re too late, your Majesty” Ganondorf rumbled, his voice ringing in Link’s ears despite how far away he stood. His smile was chilling, triumphant and proud as he addressed Rauru. “You took for granted the godlike powers in your hands—do you now see the potential you squandered? As for her—” Ganondorf gestured flippantly to Sonia, as if he hadn’t been eating elbow to elbow with her that morning, as if he hadn’t held her child. “She is merely the first victim of your arrogance. I had planned to take the boy from you, but she did well enough. You tried to control me, Rauru, to control all the continent, and you shall die knowing you have failed!”
Link struggled to his feet. Exhaustion pulled on him, but his grip on Fi’s hilt had never felt stronger. Ganondorf chuckled.
“Really, Link?”
Link spat at his feet.
“Very well. Fight me, and loose pitifully, but do not look away when I strike you down, sand rat. You must witness the arrival of a King, and the birth of his new world.”
Link grit his teeth.
Eyes on your enemy, Zelda, Fi, and someone distinctly holy he didn’t recognize, spoke into his very brain, their voices overlapping into a brilliantly divine song. You must not fail.
Link raised Fi. He no longer felt her spasm in his grasp, and if it did, it would not have mattered anyways.
He would not fail.
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experimentjr · 2 years
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THE MAIN PROTAGONIST IS AMONG US!!! It’s time for Scarlet post!!!
Scarlet is the main character of this story. She is a Dhampir meaning she is half Human and half Vampire. She has all the powers of a Vampire but none of the weaknesses. She has the best of both worlds when it comes to Humans and Vampires. She dreams of being a Hunter one day. Her Swords is named Blut. It's the ancient sword of the Vampire Royal Family. It's said to be always bloodthirsty, using the blood of enemies to heal its wielder and to strengthen them the more victims the blade makes. Scarlet sometimes hunts animals for food but that's more of a hobby.
Personality: Scarlet is an ambitious and brave young Dhampir. She tends to be the leader of her friend group despite her arguments with Mara. She's a positive person who tries to look on the bright side but can and will fight back if she feels like she or her friends are being mistreated. Like all Vampires, she tends to hiss at anyone being hostile towards her or her friends to intimidate them.
Backstory: Scarlet is the daughter of the Vampire Queen Camilla and a Famous Hunter. Her father had a plan to seduce Camilla and kill her in her sleep. This half worked as they ended up sleeping together but she caught him in the act. After a struggle, Scarlet's father barely managed to escape. Nine Months later Camilla appeared at the Hunter Organisation headquarters looking for Scarlet's father. She murdered any Hunter who got in her way. When she found him she introduced Scarlet to him and said she was his child. She gave her to him and vanished. Scarlet's father didn't care for her and put her up for adoption. Scarlet was later adopted by a woman named Cassy in Hunter City, with whom she has lived almost her entire life. Abilities: While all her abilities are weaker than a Vampire's, she can still do all the things a Vampire can do:
-Can drink blood or eat food;
-Increased straight;
-Increased Speed;
-Can use some mild blood magic;
-Increased agility;
-Increased stamina;
-Increased senses;
-Increased reflexes;
-Increased endurance;
-Healing Factor; Weaknesses:
-She is slightly affected by the weaknesses but they don't do much more than cause mild discomfort for her.
-She can go out in the sun, she does get sunburned more easily but she won't be killed by the sun.
-She can eat garlic, though she does have a mild allergic reaction to it, it's nothing on the level of what a Vampire gets.
-She can tough silver with little issues. Most Vampires get a burning sensation when they touch Sliver but Scarlet doesn't.
-She is not affected by Holy Water as much. She gets nothing more than some mild discomfort. Relationships:
Cassy: She is her adoptive mother. Scarlet is fully aware that she is Cassy's by adoption they just don't make a big deal out of it. Scarlet refers to Cassy by her name rather than the title mom. Scarlet knows that Cassy isn't a good role model but doesn't mind. She knows Cassy loves her deeply and she loves Cassy as well. Cassy respects Scarlet's privacy and lets her do her own thing.
Mara: She is Scarlet's second best friend and frienemy. Scarlet often gets annoyed with Mara's pride and arrogance. They often argue and compete against each other but, deep down, they do care about each other and stand by each other. Scarlet thinks they probably wouldn't be friends without Toby. She sees Mara's magic as a valuable asset. Scarlet knows that Mara originally only became friends with her to spite Delara but has grown to see her as a real "friend."
Toby: He is Scarlet's best friend. He's one of the only people she gets along with and likes. They both bone over being Cryptids and being social outcasts. She thinks Toby is a sweet kind boy who enjoys how friendly he is. She wants to help Toby get out of his shell and help him master his wolf form. Scarlet is ok with Toby having 2 best friends. Delara: She is the school bully who picks on Scarlet and her friends. Scarlet gets picked on her the most and they often fight. Delara calls Scarlet a Leech since she's half Vampire. She hates Scarlet on a very personal level as she blames her for her father's death, which Scarlet is unaware of. She thinks that Delara is just a bully.
Camilla: Scarlet has had some contact with Camilla but nothing more than a birthday card or sometimes a gift. Scarlet's sword was actually a birthday gift from Camilla. Scarlet has never written Camilla back as she's afraid of her and sees her as a monster (which she is). Getting a birthday card from her is something she dreads every year.
Scarlet's Father: Scarlet has never even met her father. She knows who he is but she has never met or heard from him in any way, shape or form. Scarlet has no real interest in meeting her father. As far as she cares he might as well not even exist.
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shattered-starsxx · 5 months
Buffy Summers,
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Full Name: Buffy Anne Summers Nicknames: Anne, Belinda, Joan, Buffster, B, Bunny, Goldilocks, Slayaaa. Date Of Birth: January 19th, 1981 Times she died: June 2, 1997 ( bitten & drowned by The Master, revived by Xander ). May 22, 2001 ( resurrected by magic & pulled out of heaven by her friends - October 9, 2001 ) Place Of Birth: Los Angeles, California. Current residence: Los Angeles, California. Past residence: Sunnydale | Chicago | London Gender: Female Species: Human, Slayer. Orientation: Pansexual greyromantic
Face claim: Olivia Taylor Dudley Cursed immortality au: Emily Rose
Past relationships: Angel, Riley Finn, Malika ( first girlfriend, 2001 - 2003 - deceased, died when the crater imploded Sunnydale. ) Height & Weight: 5'3", 122 pounds. Hair & Eyes: brown ( dyed golden dirty / bronze creamy or cool ash blonde ) & blue. Measurements: 38-26-36 inches body type: voluptuous, athletic. sizes: 10 ( dress ) | 8.5 ( shoes ) favorite colors: mauve, lilac. Piercings: two in each ear. Tattoo(s): claddagh ring ( upper back, on the left side with a crack in the heart ), a series of purple outlined fleur de lis ( all the way down her right arm in a spiral to her wrist ). Occupation: Part time consulting detective for LAPD's supernatural investigations unit. Part time security for The Magic Box #2.
Parents: Hank ( father, estranged ) & Joyce ( mother, deceased. ) Education: Hemery High School ( kicked out ), Sunnydale High School ( graduated ), UC Sunnydale ( dropped out junior year ). languages: English ( native ), French ( fluent ), Latin. Religion: Kemetism practitioner, specifically Kemetic Orthodoxy. ( link one, link two. ) Affiliations: Scooby Gang, Summers family, Watchers Council, UC Sunnydale, Angel Investigations, Slayer Organization, Magic Council. fighting style: kickboxing, boxing and street-fighting. hobbies: ice skating, journaling. Vehicle: 2018 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 SuperLow. Weapons of choice: single shot bolt action crossbow ( complete with wrist gauntlets to hold the tetrodotoxin dipped arrow heads ), mʔ ( scythe ), stakes, holy water, short sword, sacramental bread / wafers, crucifixes. ( stored in an refurbished steamer trunk that has a removable organizer drawer on the top to hide the contents. )
about buffy's glasses: They're not like regular eyeglasses, although in appearance they certainly seem to be. They're actually Schufftein glasses ( hellboy reference! ), making it easier for her to see the true form of things that are otherwise hidden to the naked eye / mere mortals. faeries, wesen ( when woged ), hellhounds, Shadowhunters ( when using the glamor rune ). ( added fact: Buffy does not wear the glasses 24/7, nor are they always with her when she's out and about. Due to being a rare and highly valued item, they're protected by magic and will only appear to her should she need them. If stolen ? They will immediately return to her or to where they're hidden. )
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Physical combat: As with every Slayer, Buffy possessed a natural proficiency with virtually all forms of weaponry and unarmed combat styles, and in addition to this she had years of combat training to hone in her skills using various martial arts (particularly jiu jitsu and aikido). Buffy tended towards a more improvisational approach to fighting, utilizing her emotions and anything in her environment that could help best her enemy. Her insistence to "go with the flow" during fights was sometimes looked down upon by others who considered her technique too "sloppy," but Buffy believed this gave her the upper hand. Even without her Slayer powers, Buffy retained her fighting skills and years of training; when temporarily stripped of her powers in the Supernatural Crisis Act, she was able to take on a human MMA fighter and defeat him.
Senses: Slayers possessed a heightened awareness of their surroundings, allowing them, with experience, to know the position of an attacker and fight them blindfolded or in the dark. As example of this, Buffy was able to pinpoint the position of invisible Marcie Ross by standing silently for a few seconds before landing a perfect punch; throw a ball at Giles after being spun while blindfolded; and sensed a trio of invisible demons quietly entering the room, alerted just in time to turn around and block an attack. However, Buffy never fully developed the Slayer power to sense supernatural activity, not knowing Angel and Willow were vampires until they revealed their demonic visage. Buffy normally relying on her wits to discern demons and vampires from humans, such as dated clothing indicating an immortal creature.
Psychic link: This link collected the memories of all past Slayers, experiences helped hone their skills and aid them in future battles. It allowed communication between coexisting Slayers through dreams, as Buffy and Faith shared several dreams when Faith was in a coma, providing the first cryptic reference to Dawn's arrival and Buffy's own death. Prophetic dreams: This ability allowed Buffy to foresee events such as various of her foes for her first year in Sunnydale, Angel losing his soul, Jenny Calendar's deception, the arrival of the Gentlemen, and the deaths of the Potentials Slayers by the Harbingers of Death.
Intellect: Although she was sometimes considered a dumb blonde by herself and others, Buffy frequently showed herself to be quite intelligent, possessing strong leadership skills and having a natural flair for tactical planning. Prominent examples of Buffy's intelligence included her near-perfect S.A.T. score, her defeat of Zachary Kralik by using his dependency on anti-psychotic medication against him, her quick deduction of the Buffybot's true nature, her rapid deduction of Riley's affiliation to the Initiative based on weeks of evidence, and her immediate realization of Katrina Silber's true murderer upon hearing her name at the police station. Mystical protection: After becoming the leader to the activated Slayers, Xander commented that Buffy had some degree of mystical protection over her then, at least while she slept. To that end, her protection meant even daggers split apart so as not to pierce her skin.
Mystical link with Willow: After years in their friendship and alliance, Buffy was able to initiate a telepathic conversation with Willow. Their connection was strong to the point that even when unconscious, Willow could channel an amount of her power at will through Buffy, allowing her to conjure up a shield and a fist-enhancing gauntlet made out of green magical energy.
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!!: Canon Divergent #01 - Dawn is not acknowledged as her sister. When she arrived in season five it was solely as something to be protected by the Scooby Gang in the guise of a human. !!: Canon Divergent #02 - When Sunnydale got swallowed by the crater, those remaining got on the bus and headed to Los Angeles to help out Angel Investigations in their final battle against the legion of hell.
still has the cross necklace that angel gave her, however she no longer wears it ( keeps it in a little sealed baggy for safe keeping ). before leaving sunnydale, she got herself another one along with a ring that bears a cross too ( as an added measure when fighting vampires ). - after “bad eggs”; buffy no longer will eat eggs – scrambled, fried, as an omelet, etc etc, — she also has an aversion to scorpions as well. ( just eggs by their lonesome where she has to visibly see them, otherwise? she’s fine. ) the eggs make her physically sick and she will stomp the hell out of any scorpion, should she encounter it. ( alas that leaves her out of ever having pho. ) - after the incident with having to work at the Doublemeat Palace, buffy also no longer will eat hamburgers, cheeseburgers or even plant based impossible burgers. all of it ( just like eggs ! ) makes her physically sick. ( she can eat sausage patties and vegetables on their own. ) - buffy sold the house six months after joyce passed away in 2001, for a while she lived in the back room at the magic shop before getting an apartment with dawn and willow near UC Sunnydale. ( the potential slayers were trained in the back room of the magic shop, some would sleep there on the training mats as well until giles had the storage space above the magic shop refurbished into a living space for the remaining potential slayers to call home. ) - buffy still has nightmares about what happened with Adam & The Initiative ( along with her trauma from having to crawl out of her own grave ). - remember when angel gave buffy the claddagh ring? well, she gave it back after that visit to los angeles because they weren’t together anymore & she CLAIMED to not want any further past attachments. well, she was hiding a secret from him. buffy has a claddagh ring tattoo on her upper back, on the left side with a crack in the heart. - buffy still has trauma from having to crawl out of her coffin, she no longer sleeps under blankets or with the door closed as a result of it. as a matter of fact, for many years after coming back ? she’s attended group meetings at the nearest church for those who have ptsd from traumatic events in their life. - giles opened up a second magic box in downtown los angeles months after the final battle. willow some of the new slayers work there, as does buffy who is part time security. willow and dawn also teach magic classes to witches who show actual potential with mentoring from giles. - willow & giles are also in the long haul hunt to locate & train descendants of the Svear priestesses in order to reform the powerful cult and hope to make them allies. - as of 2018, buffy has been taking several life skills classes – whether it’s online through skill share or in person at the local high school. ( she did consider going back to college but since sunnydale was swallowed into a crater, she’d never be able to get her transcripts. )
- added February 8th 2023 - With Giles restarting the Watcher's Council, and there being a smaller ( but slowly growing in allies / local assistance ) on Oahu? slayers will begin to get a daily allowance/per diem when the funding is large enough. the council will also be paying for plane tickets, rental vehicles, hospital bills, room/board and clothing *again* once the funding is big enough. ( on oahu they're trying to renovate a home big enough to potentially house a few slayers who decide to visit or stay, probably put bunk beds in each room depending. )
— buffy wasn't ever really IN LOVE with riley, there was chemistry yes but the connection wasn't the same. the events with The Initiative also made her less and less inclined to want to be intimate / vulnerable with him so when they broke up? she was far from upset, more indifferent about it. — never won fiesta queen ( which is similar to may queen at Sunnydale high ) — spike was the last victim to the scythe while the Slayers were down in the depths, fighting off the hellmouth legion. ( to eradicate any remaining evil – chemical bombs had been set off as they were driving out of town to get to safety. so, her sunnydale is an irradiated zone and sealed off by the government. the crater still happened. ) — after angel left sunnydale & buffy saw him / came to los angeles that one time ? ( where he became human because of that demon & time got reversed so he could stop it. ) their connection hasn't been the same since, even less so after he helped faith out ( and they fought about it ). she no longer has any romantic feelings / a deep seeded connection to him, however she doesn't hate him either. she's grown a lot in their time apart, learned to love herself and realized that wishing she could've changed the past was holding her back. – she is a Kemetism practitioner, specifically Kemetic Orthodoxy. ( link one, link two. )
added November 2nd 2022: buffy loves foreign films. this stems from that one time where her, will and xander were watching that old hindi/Bollywood movie ( episode reference - reptile boy ). much to the annoyance of dawn, buffy will also change the language ( dubbing it ) of any movie they own on DVD ( made in english first ) if she can. or she mutes the movie and changes the subtitles to another language.
added November 3rd 2022: since about her brief stint in college, buffy takes vitamins. women's dailies, d3, tumeric and ginger, b12, vitamin a, calcium, and iron. despite the fact that a slayer's genetics are different than others ( her healing fast after angel fed from her in graduation part i ), she's not as young as she used to be and it's still important to maintain her best physical condition.
( added December 16th 2022 ): After Joyce passed away, Buffy definitely withdrew / became a little more hesitant when hugging ANYONE. Even her friends. It wasn't something any of them did, and they know that ... it was just - there's a hole that was left after losing her mom and she was someone that Buffy could always run to for comfort. And then one day, she couldn’t anymore. So, it's been a challenge for her.
( added December 19th 2022 ): buffy enjoys spicy asian food. specifically korean, thai, and vietnamese food. if something is not spicy enough for her, she adds two teaspoons of thai chili oil.
— Buffy has a collection of bath bombs, bath salts, various essential oils, & face masks she keeps on a shelf in a basket in her bathroom. — There's also a diffuser in her bedroom along with diffuser sticks. Seated on the bureau / chest of dresser drawers in the corner. — her foot massager tub is kept under the sink, or sometimes on a little stool in the bathroom. she will use mainly Epsom salt or sometimes bath salts, depends on her mood. – Speaking of mood ! Buffy has another shelf in the bathroom that houses candles or an incense burner, which she uses also depends on her mood. – Several playlists are used for when she's needing to calm down after having a hard day / night. — Journaling always happens for about an hour or two post feel better bath, usually with a cup of chai tea that Willow will make for her. — Buffy also meditates / still does Tai Chi in the very early mornings ( in her bedroom or in the living room with incense burning — in the living room if Dawn & Willow aren't home but neither girl minds truthfully ).
added, september 4th: Buffy will often go walking after a really bad fight ( vs. the supernatural ) or if she can't sleep while it's raining out. She tends to get looked at a little funny because she'll wear rain boots to keep her feet dry, but still get soaked in the process. There's been a few times where she's had cuts and bruises forming or fully visible and people stop her to ask if she's okay. Her response? "I'm breathing, this will all heal soon." And keeps walking.
added, september 5th: the reformed Watchers Council has two headquarters now. One in Los Angeles which is the chapter that Giles is in charge of and in one Hawaii, specifically on the island of Oahu. Every three to four months, Giles leaves LA for a couple of weeks to discuss in person with the head of the council ( currently unnamed ) there what paranormal occurrences are happening. Giles has mentioned a few times before that they're also looking to add two more new council chapters. One in Europe and one in Russia. Buffy's eyeglasses - They're not like regular eyeglasses, although in appearance they certainly seem to be. They're actually Schufftein glasses ( hellboy reference! ), making it easier for her to see the true form of things that are otherwise hidden to the naked eye / mere mortals. faeries, wesen ( when woged ), hellhounds, Shadowhunters ( when using the glamor rune ). ( added fact: Buffy does not wear the glasses 24/7, nor are they always with her when she's out and about. Due to being a rare and highly valued item, they're protected by magic and will only appear to her should she need them. If stolen ? They will immediately return to her or to where they're hidden. )
added, April 5th 2033: buffy has a minimalist cuff forged out of cold iron. giles had it made for her and gave it to her when she came back from london. ( since 2013. ) ( disclaimer: cold iron is deadly towards fae folk. at least when used as a forged weapon. in this instance, buffy wearing it means she cannot be influenced by faerie magic. )
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Name: Engelfrid ( “The angel of peace,” from the Anglo-Saxon engel (angel) and the Germanic fridu (peace). ) Designation: Buffy's assigned Envoy for The Powers That Be. Species: Seraphim Gender: Male Face claim: Neil Brown Jr. ( secondary face claim: Zeeko Zaki - 10/02/2023 ) Location: Nomad, goes wherever Buffy ends up. important headcanon: Engelfrid is Buffy's direct contact with TPTB. He's how she ends up with all the background information/resources needed ( references, new identity, clean background, etc ). link 001: × link 002: × link 003: ×
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In the spring of 2001, Buffy Summers leapt to her death to once again save the world from dark devastation when the portal had been opened with Dawn's blood. Her friends mourned the loss, buried her and when things started to get utterly confusing with the "buffybot"? Willow decided it was time to bring her back from the dead – the problem was, the infinite POWERS THAT BE had chosen that first. Without Buffy needing to crawl out of her own grave. She just — well, her consciousness anyway — had to pick a new body. She also had to agree to ONE NEW TERM: that every twenty-seven years she would sequester herself in a small town so that anyone with prior knowledge of her existence outside the town would be too old or have forgotten her. It has to be the SAME town every single time too, an envoy from the PTB will show up a week ahead of time ( May 22nd being her death day ) to make sure she gets to the small town - Leavenworth, Washington. ( June 2023 update! ) originally the terms of the agreement with TPTB was to never to return to California, however six years ago ( 2017 ) they changed their minds. Buffy is no longer in her previous body so her old friends would never recognize her to begin with.
Because of her continued sacrifice to always save the world, the powers that be granted Buffy the curse of immortality. Stuck forever to watch anyone she starts to remotely care about to age and eventually pass away. Despite being immortal now, she is still THE SLAYER from the original line – potentials spread out across the world, either being found by a watcher or learning to fight on their own against the forces of darkness.
Buffy's whereabouts after rising from the dead ( so to speak ) are currently unknown. Just that she's alive and working for the local police department as a freelance consultant about "strange and unusual cases". That envoy provides her with fake references, work backgrounds, whatever else she might need while helping to purge the forces of evil from the world once more. Presently, she goes by the name of Olivia Rose and speaks with a faint Irish accent, telling people she was born in Cork.
( future plot plans, 12/27/2023 ) —- while either in town or out of town, Buffy's home in Leavenworth will implode on itself and create a mystic portal, leaving only a tailsman behind that she can find. Said portal will siphon energy from those who pass by, not a lot — just enough to make a person tired ( a whole group of people however wouldn’t feel anything ). Building up power over time and EVENTUALLY rooting itself deeply into the spot, so that monsters could start to come through from anywhere ( from any lore imaginable. )
Additional information: Absolute Immortality: Cannot age. Immune to all diseases, toxins and drugs and anything related to life and death. All wounds and injuries heal instantly. Immortality applies to not only the body but mind and soul as well, rendering the user truly "absolute". Power is absolute, so it can never be removed, nor can the user's existence from timelines. Only Omnipotent Beings can truly kill or even Affect users of this Type of immortality. face claim: Emily Rose
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tragcdysewn · 6 months
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was that gong jun? oh no no, that was just shen qingqiu, a canon character from scum villain’s self saving system. they are twenty four years old, use he/him, and are aware that they are not actually from washington dc. too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here:
about two years now, he's still not entirely convinced this isn't a bonus chapter of the book he lives in, but his physical age is about twenty six
what is your character’s job:
peak lord money transferred over, so he doesn't really need to work, but he teaches young students at the salvatore school
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom:
initially, he was pulled from the battle at cang qiong mountain, but now is pulled from the extras, where he's happily married
has any magic affected your character:
like i said, he was temporarily missing memories, and the system is pretty much completely silent, not that he trusts that at all
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know:
originally born as shen yuan in modern day beijing, he was the third son of a rich, affluent family, who got away with lazing about on his father's dime while his brothers took over the family business. he attended beijing university, but bounced between majors because he was entirely unsure what he wanted out of life
most of his time was spent reading trashy web novels and blowing too much money on extras and merch for them, despite constantly trashing them. his favorite most hated, was a novel called proud immortal demon way, about a half demon cultivator named luo binghe
he was obsessed with this book, and commented on every chapter to flame it and the author, and finally finished all ten million words of it just before his death. while it's unknown how proud immortal demon way ended, it enraged him, and he died of food poisoning, his final words being 'dumbfuck author, dumbfuck novel!'
his dying curse activated an entity known only as the system, which transmigrated him into the main villain of proud immortal demon way, luo binghe's abusive former master, shen qingqiu, who was fated to be torn limb from limb and left barely alive by the protagonist
he takes this remarkably well, mostly just freaking out about his fated death, and decides he simply won't abuse binghe, and he'll be fine. he has to work to unlock the ability to act ooc, but he does, and begins to treat binghe much better, until an unavoidable plot event forces him to push binghe into the endless abyss, seemingly undoing all his efforts
knowing binghe will return in five years, he takes precautions to be able to escape. during these plans, he learns that a martial brother of his is not only a fellow transmigrator, but the author of the novel itself, also planted in a character fated to a brutal death. they ally, and even become friends while attempting to escape their fates
unfortunately, binghe returns early, and qingqiu panics, thinking he intends to murder him. he does end up framed for some horrific crimes, and assumes that it's binghe's doing. he escapes, and commits suicide in front of binghe to save him from the corruption of his cursed sword, knowing he'll wake up in the backup body he'd planted years earlier
he does wake, but it takes five years, and he discovers that, in that time, binghe has kept his body, attempting to resurrect him using the holy mausoleum. another of qingqiu's martial brothers, however, manages to steal his body back, leading binghe to seige the sect, which results in qingqiu revealing himself and going with binghe, who he's begun to realize has romantic feelings for him, to stop the carnage
he is then kidnapped by binghe's father, tianlang-jun, in an attempt to get to his son. binghe and qingqiu manage to escape, and honestly so much more miscommunication happens after this, they take every opportunity to clear up their shit and spit on it, but it ends with binghe being fully corrupted by his sword, and working with his father to merge the human and demon realms
qingqiu makes some really questionable choices that i refuse to get into on here, feel free to google it or ask me in dms, but it basically boils down to him realizing he loves binghe and choosing to die to save him. the system then gives him a second life due to changing the story for the better, and he runs off with binghe to get married immediately
they have a happy married life, and work through their issues... kind of. qingqiu does still regularly claim he's heterosexual in spite of being a man married to a man, but that is irrelevant. binghe doesn't seem to mind, so who cares?
in dc, he's struggling with the system not controlling his every move. he can't help but wonder if there's going to eventually be consequences, because there's no way, in his mind, he could be free for good from the system
he also always carries a hand fan, because it's a great way to conceal your emotions when you are the most emotive dude to ever exist, and he does not want to be perceived
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hxnarii · 2 years
So heres me talking about the fate stay night protaganist
His parents were killed at the end of the 3rd(iirc) holy grail war because of some fire, kiritsugu saved him and with just that. He was happy.
In the hospital kiritsugu asked shirou if he wanted to come to the church with kotomine or come with him. Of course he'd choose his savior
He taught shirou magecraft enough to save him, but also enough to not kill him, he told him that if he wanted to save people then he wouldn't be like the other mages— but shirou didn't admire mages he admired his old man kiritsugu
Living on his own with taiga as his caretaker, but let's be real shirou does most of the caretaking himself, he's been working part time jobs training his magecraft everyday
Shirou reality marble is like a machine, but he has the freedom to do everything he wants. The sword were more like how many times he had too kill himself to save another
Even if he saw what was set in stone in the future for him, HE STILL CHOOSED TO BELIEVE HIS BELIEFS and accepted every thing that fate brings
In the ubw route
Rin was consulting him for his self destructive behaviour and tells him that he should really focus on himself more.
In school Rin was horrified how shirou showed no attachment at seeing several dead bodies , making a indication that his emotionally disconnected
In the HF route he disbands his alliance with Rin for sakura, in a psychological level sakura is also as traumatized as shirou she tried to keep those traumatic events for all herself which maybe why out of all the routes he decided to throw this ideals in this route away
Even kirei told him that "If u let her alive, she will kill a lot people you know that? "
"You ok with that?"
He was OKAY with that aslong he could keep sakura happy
When he got archers arm , Rin also realised that he was messed up in the head he denied it but he can't really keep running forever
If he had to go to the past he would be stuck in the endless nightmare like saber
When he realised that kotomine wished for the fire to happen again from 10 years ago
kotomine wasone of the main contributer to the way shirou is
But kotomine and shirou didn't hold a grudge against each other. As seen in the kirei vs shirou fight we SEE that shirou actually liked kirei, compared to the kotomime vs kiritsugu
When shirou was willing to give up his life illya came to transfer his soul to a puppet
By using the 3rd magic
This puppet was made by toko aozaki from Kara no kyokai the most skilled puppet master
If illya completed the 3rd magic he would be a God, technically. And he would have unlimited mana because it would ALWAYS be flowinv to him
Anyway that's all for today thank u for listening to my shirou emiya rambles
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ashitakaxsan · 4 years
It gets my Interest,it looks like “My next Life As A Villainess:All Roades Lead To Doom”,but it’s not a copy.It’s really original plot:
“ Leonis, the Undead King, is being attacked by the six heroes after allying with the Goddess of Rebellion. Seeing his imminent defeat, he seals himself away for a thousand years. However, when he awakens he is no longer the undead king but instead a ten-year-old boy! To make things more complicated, the young girl who rescues him – Riselia Ray Crystalia – thinks he is a refugee from the Voids, evil monsters that have wiped out three quarters of humanity and take on the aspects of mythological creatures. When they are attacked, Leonis discovers his powers are reduced, and Riselia takes a mortal blow meant for him. After dispatching the creatures he uses his necromancy to bring her back to life. With their fates entwined, she takes him back to one of humanity's last bastions where she is enrolled as a Holy Sword to defend humanity against the Voids. Leonis must learn about the circumstances of this new world without revealing his own true nature in the process”.
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The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
I have been mentally down and writing poorly for a few weeks now, and even my friend was like “oof, yeah don’t post this yet. It needs work” and thankfully has been stopping me from making rash decisions like randomly posting fics to AO3 on a whim.
The WIP below (even though it needs more editing) is the beginning of the new fic I’m going to post next. I’m finally back to the pirates too, which is making progress, but is just slow going because I’m making sure I’m not forgetting plots (which I already have so I am not rushing the chapter but it is in progress finally!).
It’s a Pre-Calamity AU with heavy emphasis on the AU. It’s basically Zelda being forced to train with Link for her safety. Antagonistic-but-not-enemies, to friends, to lovers trope. I want to call it Dance With Me because it’s not really about dancing (I like the other meanings of the phrase), but my friend says it sucks as a title and now I’m rethinking 😂 I’m doing so well! 
When Princess Zelda was seventeen years old, she’d been fully prepared to die.
Ancient prophecies had foretold a Great Calamity that would sweep the land of Hyrule into a great blight and destroy it all unless those chosen by destiny could stop it.
Zelda had been one of those who’d been blessed by the Goddess’s alleged favor: Hylia’s spirit and magic coursed within her.
But the wielder of the Master Sword hadn’t been found in time.
Four champions stayed by the Divine Beasts: Urbosa, Revali, Daruk, and Mipha. And for a year, the five of them waited while King Rhoam of Hyrule went on a mad search for the Chosen Hero and for the location of the Master Sword itself.
Zelda had spent that time relentlessly pursuing the Goddess’ power; she passed out in the holy springs, prostrated herself before Goddess statues for hours at a time, devoted every waking second she had to prayer. But despite her greatest efforts, her attempts were fruitless.
But perhaps the Goddess were showing their favor after all, because despite every prophecy, despite every prediction, wall carving, and palm reading, the Calamity never came, and Zelda was spared a horrific death at the hands of darkness incarnate.
One year after the predicted date, the Champions felt like they could finally move away from the Beasts, ever watchful, but able to maintain some of their daily lives. Zelda stopped spending day and night in freezing water and instead moved to the Temple of Time where the weather was bearable, and the distance was well within reach of the Castle while still spending most of her time in holy grounds.
Two years after the predicted date, the Champions began to lead normal lives again, freely leaving their domains, though they were still ready to return at a moment’s notice. Zelda began to spend more time in the library, sifting through ancient tombs and personal diaries of past monarchs, hoping her answer lied in pages rather than prayer.
Three years after the predicted date, the Champions were harder to find on a day-to-day basis. But Zelda remained steadfast and relentless with her nose in books and her knees in the spring’s water. The Sheikah had to pull her out several times. They had to force her into recovery.
But by the fourth year, the Beasts had gathered dust, and Zelda had utterly given up, instead helping Purah and Robbie with their ancient tech and Guardian research, which—despite the lack of the Calamity—still had other practical applications.
It seemed that everything had been built up for no reason, that there was no Calamity after all.
So, it was only when they’d all gotten comfortable that the Yiga Clan, a cult devoted to the demon lord Ganon, began their relentless assault on Princess Zelda, heir to the Goddess’ devastating sealing powers.
The entirety of that year had been spent with Zelda running from attack after attack, losing her guards, losing Sheikah. She was sent back to the castle where Purah set up protective wards around her room that ran off ancient tech, and she continued working on them so they might be able to encompass the entire castle.
King Rhoam’s royal command had been that Zelda could not touch any Sheikah tech. She couldn’t look at Guardians, or ask about runes and wards. So, Zelda returned to her studies once more until her eyes burned from sitting over tombs in the candlelight.
She had to admit, she’d become proficient in her royal duties, following her father to almost everything she was permitted in. What she wasn’t, he’d fill her in on after.
At this point, a vast majority of Hyrule believed the peace was a sign that the Calamity was never going to arrive. The other school of thought, which Zelda subscribed to, was that the Calamity should be feared far more than ever, its unpredictability keeping the other half of the kingdom in a deeply rooted state of caution and suspense ever since.
Though Zelda had asked her father to let her leave the protection of the Castle more often for experiences outside of prayer, his answer was always the same: “I lost your mother to those cultists; I will not lose you as well.”
“I just want to swim in Lake Hylia,” she’d tried once. “The days have gotten unbearable. Please, father? I’ll take an entire company of guards with me.”
“I’m sorry, Zelda. No. You may go to a spring of your choice. The waters there will likely be a cool temperature. Perhaps try the Spring of Wisdom.”
Zelda was 21, though she felt as though one hundred years had passed. She was tired, bone weary with an exhaustion that had set in so deep, she spent a decent amount of her days simply sleeping. When she was awake, she stared at her hand, waiting for magic to miraculously hit her in the face. Perhaps if she stared long enough, the Goddess would take pity on her patheticness.
The days when she’d been sent out to pray were now her favorites. She’d found ways to coerce her guards into taking longer routes, stopping for longer breaks.
That’s what happened on the day her father had reached his breaking point regarding the attacks on her life.
She returned to the castle shaken and sore, but his tight arms held her as his body shook with relief. He sank to his knees and held her in his arms the way he’d done the day her mother died, and he realized he needed nothing more than to hold his child in his arms to remember that the world was still spinning as long as she was alive.
He’d told her that when he’d said goodnight to her, standing in the doorway of her room with poorly concealed heartache written all over his sagging body.
“I’m really fine,” Zelda said for the fourth time that hour. She sat on top of her long, blue satin sheets, sliding a bit as she tried to adjust her leg. Something about being curled into herself in some way helped make her feel comfortable as she smiled to ease her father’s mind.
“Okay. Well, I’m going to stop by in the morning, if that’s alright.”
“Sure,” she said, shrugging as if she were entirely unaffected by everything she’d been through. She was good at that façade after five years of stares and whispers.
“Okay. Goodnight. May the Goddess watch over you.”
That was how Zelda found herself in the library before the crack of dawn, perched on a ladder in the top shelves of the restricted section. She had access, of course, but she was reading an untranslated a Sheikah tomb from a former handmaiden of the Princess of Hyrule before her ascent to the throne. That Princess had practically bled power, and Zelda hoped her handmaid noted something of interest.
She tucked the book under her arm and climbed down, crossing the library that was filled with several lifetimes worth of books, and stopped in the government documents. Her eyes trailed the spines for a familiar one with territories clearly outlined. She went to the language section to grab a reference book for Ancient Sheikah. Though she was mostly fluent in that, among several other languages, the ancient variations on words occasionally tripped her up. So she set back up to her room with her pile of books, ready to be confined by her father for her safety once again.
Zelda nodded to several of the guards she passed as they stood at their post. Despite the castle being one of the safest places in Hyrule thanks to all the tech, guards were still positioned in the most well-traveled places on their patrols, while two guards stood at her door and her father’s.
Biting her lip, Zelda craned her neck around her pile to try to find the doorknob, fumbling her hand around blindly, just barely able to turn the handle. And because the Goddess never wanted to cooperate with her, she dropped two of the books, though she managed to cling to the relic with tight fingers. The other two fell right onto her guard’s foot.
“I’m so sorry!” Zelda muttered, bending to pick them up.
The guard was beside her, nearly banging heads with her as he grabbed the heavy translation tomb. Thankfully for her, he flinched away in time; he was wearing a helmet that covered most of his head, and she didn’t want to be on the receiving end of that metal. “Don’t apologize,” the guard said softly, picking up the other book for her. “Would you like me to…” He gestured vaguely to her room.
“Oh, no thank you. Just stack them on top of this one.” He did, and she took a step inside before backing up. “Actually, would you mind getting the antechamber door for me, please?”
He stepped inside and pushed the second door open before backing up respectfully.
“Thank you so much,” she said, about to use her foot to close the door when she looked back. “And again, I am sorry I dropped a heavy book on your foot.”
He bowed his head and stepped back out, so she closed the door and set her books down.
Her father came into her room early, as promised.
“Zelda,” he said with a strained greeting. The corner of his lip twitched, like his muscles had become tired under the strain of holding it up for so long, and his eyes held no joy, no spark. It was forced chipperness, and Zelda picked up on it immediately.  “May I sit?”
“Of course.”
She sat on a chest at the foot of her bed, and he pulled the chair away from the desk to face her. “Well, let’s not beat around the bush. There have been many attempts on your life, but I have felt none so potently as yesterday’s. When they told me you’d been attacked, all I could remember was the news of your mother. And then when you were brought in…” he ran a hand along a bruise on her cheek that she didn’t realize she had until she felt a flare of pain cause her to flinch. “You are my precious daughter, and I love you. I never want to see you harmed. That said, others do. It’s becoming impossible for you to safely leave the castle.”
Zelda braced herself. This was where he confined her to her room or to the palace grounds for the foreseeable future. She folded her hands over her lap so he couldn’t see the shaking grow more visible.
“You’ve been unable to protect yourself with your powers, so we must resort to other means. You’re to learn to defend yourself, starting immediately. We still need you at the springs, so I cannot command you to stay here. You still are a priestess of Hylia. So, given your setbacks, you’ll need to learn.”
Zelda’s mouth dropped open as she let the words process through her mind. “I’m sorry, what?”
“We’ll hopefully have a sword in your hand soon enough, but you’ll be able to defend yourself from these cultists.”
“A sword?”
“It’s too dangerous. We’ve lost too many guards. And you can’t fight as it is. This is the best option.”
“No!” she said, much louder than intended. “Fight the Yiga?” She shuddered just at the word.
“Zelda, we need you to live. Hyrule needs you to succeed, and to succeed, you must survive.”
Standing up didn’t make it any easier to breathe, as Zelda had hoped. “You think I haven’t tried?” Tears threatened her eyes as her voice cracked on her last word. As if years of her life sacrificed to unreturned devotion wasn’t enough for her. For him. For all of Hyrule. She’d tried, she’d bargained, she’d offered up her comfort, her breath, her mind, her years, her time. She was one person. What was left for her to do?
“Do you think I just stand there and watch my knights get murdered? Do I just drop to my knees and pray? Is that what you think I do?”
“No! You’re right, father. I’ll lead the Yiga right to the Goddess Spring that you need me to go to again just so I can brandish a sword and strike one down with my prowess! Because, Goddess knows that my Knights have an easy enough time with the Yiga, so it should be a cinch for me!” The sarcasm oozed from her in an unintentional venom drip.
“You’re telling me that I’ve failed! You’re telling me to give up and grab a stupid sword! Give me some armor next time I go to the Temple of Time! I don’t need my priestess garb. I have my sword! Because it will absolutely save me!”
“Zelda, please.”
“Please,” she scoffed, finally feeling a hot tear on her cheek. “You’re telling me I’m going to die! Five years ago, I was ready. I knew I’d failed, but I stood vigil waiting for the Calamity to give my life in the final hope that it might stop Ganon! But now, I was blessed with time, and still I can’t do it! I can’t access her powers. So you want me to fail one more time by using a sword to defend myself? This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard, and I was there when Lady Styla proposed that sham of a fashion show to lift spirits.”
“That’s irrelevant, Zelda.”
From the look on his face, she could tell he was not budging. She tried another tactic. “I-I shouldn’t be near a sword anyway! What if I stabbed myself by accident? Then there’s no way I’ll ever unlock mother’s power. I’ll be dead with or without the Yiga! I already dropped a book on my guard today! That could have been my foot with a knife! And before you tell me that there have been warrior queens and princesses throughout the history of Hyrule, that’s because they never met me. I’m not a fighter! I read books all day! I take notes. I can bore the Calamity to death with a detailed review of the territory lines in Northern Akkala! That might be more effective than a sword, at least.”
“Zelda, you’re not thinking of the big picture…”
“But if I don’t unlock the power because of some silly distraction like learning how to fight, then the world will fall to the Calamity. My time will now need to be spent in that wretched training area with all kinds of sweaty men. Do you want your precious daughter exposed to such a sight? Worse yet, what if I like it and decide to spend all my days there with… shirtless men!” She grimaced and blushed all at once.  
“This is the most absurd argument I’ve ever heard. You leave me no choice but to make that a command from your king rather than a request from your father. Because as much as I love you, I also am obligated to keep you safe.”
“Obligated?” her voice cracked again, losing some of her rambling thunder. “I’m an obligation? Is that how you see your daughter?”
She gasped when he let the silence answer for him.
“You start your training now. Your instructor has already been informed and will be ready for you.”
“Who?” she asked, glancing at the four guards at her door. Two hers, two her father’s. They were all hearing her shame. How long until everyone knew?
“He’s the most renowned swordsman in all of Hyrule, one of our best fighters, and he’s about your age, so he should be someone you can get along with.”
“The best fighter in all of Hyrule is only 22? No wonder the Yiga are everywhere, if those are our standards.”
“Be kind, Zelda.”
“Is that another order, My King?”
He sighed and crossed the room, stopping at her door. “One more thing. While you’re there, I’ve given him permission to overrule you if you command him not to train you. You will learn to stay safe, whether you want to or not. Now change and go. He’s expecting you now.” He turned his head to her guards. “Make sure she goes to the training yard, and if she refuses, come fetch me.”
As soon as he was gone, she slammed her door and sagged into the wood.
She did consider hiding out, but she knew her father would simply bring the soldier into her room to train if he had to. At this point, with the number of times the Yiga had come after her, she wouldn’t have really blamed her father if he’d locked her in a door-less room and dropped this instructor in through a hole in the ceiling until she learned to protect herself.  Truthfully, the idea itself—in theory—wasn’t the worst. Except for the fact that the Yiga were deadly warriors who trained to kill for most of their lives and slaughtered companies of trained Hylian knights.
Grabbing her most comfortable pants to train in, Zelda slowed as she remembered the event that had started this all.
The Great Tabanthan Bridge crossed the long expanse of the Tanagar Canyon, and she was always careful of the crossing. The fall alone would not only kill someone, but it’d likely flatten them clean out from a drop of that height. So, crossing it was not something that was taken lightly on a good day.
Being that far out there was entirely her fault to begin with.
She’d desired to visit the Temple to Hylia that was at the edge of the gorge, but she’d opted to lead everyone along the scenic route to enjoy some of her free time outside of the castle. The guards had protested briefly, but Zelda was adamant about a scenic detour.
What she hadn’t been able to predict or expect, no matter how much research she did, was that the Yiga were there, lying in wait for her and her guards.
She’d been bucked clean off her stubborn horse, and she’d been left on the great bridge as three Yiga ran for her. Though she’d gone to run, she was caught by one who appeared in front of her in a puff of smoke.
Trying to fight them off of her had been like the great struggle of praying for the Goddess’ powers: utterly futile, and a waste of time.  
Half of her attempts to shake them had been by holding the rope handle of the bridge and throwing herself precariously close so they’d have to follow.
The soldiers eventually reached her and fended the Yiga off, but they’d also recounted the entire incident to her father in horrific detail: how she was winded by the time she’d run halfway across the bridge, how she nearly fell off the great, how she couldn’t fight any of them off and had been overwhelmed, and how her weak strength had caused two large wounds in her palms from where she’d tried to push a blade away from her at one point.
Glancing down at her now-healed hands—thanks to the castle medics—Zelda pulled on her boots and tugged up the laces tight. She wasn’t weak. She just wasn’t… physically domineering. But put any puzzle, any riddle, any impossibility in front of her and she’d find the solution. That’s not weakness. That’s strength. She is strong… just not traditionally.
Her shirt was loose, and she tied up her hair before looking at herself in the mirror for a long time, finally noticing the bruise she’d sustained. She was going to hate this almost as much, if not more, than she hated horseback riding.
Resigned to her fate, Zelda trudged slowly toward the training yard, hoping to be late enough to at least remind everyone that she didn’t want to be there.
Glancing at the sun, she’d determined that she managed to be at least fifteen minutes late. Not bad. She could do worse next time.
The yard was empty of the usual hustle and bustle that went on, and she imagined that her father must have ordered it be kept clear for her private sessions. But it was also clear of an instructor.
She stood in the middle of the training yard and fisted her hands tightly as she looked around. No one. Her eyes narrowed at the empty space, searching for some sign of trickery. But the only others there were the two guards she had brought with her.
“Is this some sort of a joke?” Zelda asked, placing her hands on her hips. “Hello?”
There was no answer.
Shrugging happily to herself, she was ready to leave, but one look at her guards standing near the entrance reminded her of her father’s orders to fetch him if she didn’t go; either she stayed here long enough to prove that she made the attempt, or she’d be embarrassingly dragged back down by her father’s guards, humiliated as they would keep hold of her arms to ensure she followed them right back here. Her father would make sure she was here, no matter what.  
Crossing her arms, Zelda walked around. She rarely went to the training yards unless she was up in the parapets, so being down in the dirt and grass felt like she was in an entirely new world. One she didn’t belong in.
There were training dummies lined up against a wall and a worn dirt track in a wide circle around the outskirts of the otherwise square area. There was a bench. There were weapons on a rack.
And that was it.
She looked at the footprints etched in the dirt, kneeling down to read the story told by the shoe treads. There was a large step forward, and then several overlapping smaller ones as the wearer clearly stumbled back. Then a single skid mark as they were forced back. And then the imprint of a body where they’d fallen.
If Zelda were here under any other circumstances, she’d have smiled and tried to find all the stories in the dirt, but instead, she stood back up and sighed, craning her neck towards the barracks just past the archway. No one was outside, and no one was coming.
“Okay,” she muttered to herself, prepared to leave. But her eye caught on a weapon rack, and she glanced one more time at the barracks before heading to the largest spear. She held it, pretending she was one of her knights. Goddess, if a Yiga came at her, she’d die. Fear first, and then clumsiness, because who could control this glorified stick well enough to kill a Yiga?
She shuddered and put it back.
“You can get there eventually,” someone said.
She spun around to see one of her two guards walking towards her. He removed his helmet, shaking out his blonde hair. Zelda watched in confusion as he set the helmet down on a post and pulled a blue band off his wrist to tie his long hair back.
“But only if you’re not fifteen minutes late on purpose,” he said, not looking up at her. “Princess,” he added with a bow of his head.
Her mouth dropped slightly and her cheeks warmed at the light scolding. “I beg your pardon?” she asked, almost doubting if she’d heard him correctly.
She scoffed at his audacity, recognizing the bright blue eyes of the guard she’d dropped her book on. Did he think that a conversation with her this morning gave a guard the right to chastise her?
He held out his hand, and she instinctively handed the spear back, though in hindsight she wished that she’d hit him with it instead. She’d been too stunned. He returned it to it’s place, and walked across the entirety of the training yard without so much as looking at her.
Her feet tumbled after him as she mentally and physically struggled to keep up. What was happening? Why wasn’t he answering her? Why was he even talking to her? Who was this man?
“Hey!” she finally called. He stopped and turned.
That’s when he looked up for the first time, his downcast blue eyes lifting off the dirt and settling on her green ones.
Pride swelled in her when she saw them waver, because clearly her voice had rattled him in some way. He clearly didn’t like looking her in the eye either. His eyes kept darting off of hers, and he had to keep forcing them back. Her own eyes narrowed, trying to understand this guard. “Who are you?”
“Your instructor.” 
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0gasstationcoffee · 3 years
LWA rewatch episode 24
·      It’s been a while but we’re back and AAHHHHHH
·      It’s a fucking showdown
·      Croix with her emotion cubes surrounding Chariot
·      “Let your emotions show. Are they bright red anger? Deep blue sadness? Or maybe they’ll be pitch black despair.” Croix just created the ultimate mood rings but also RUDE
·      I love when they use wandless magic like Chariot just dispersed the cubes by saying a spell without a wand
·      God she’s sexy
·      “Trying to steal my magic is a waste of time.” Careful Chariot baby you’re already down your ability to fly
·      “If I control my emotions, then you can’t use the fuel spirit to absorb them.” They’ve fallen so far but ngl it was kinda hot how she said that
·      Croix telling Chariot her talent for magic truly is the real deal. I’m glad someone mentioned it because Chariot is like ridiculously powerful? Just so fucking powerful. Yeah she had difficulties in school but that could be for a number of reasons because Chariot is a damn master witch
·      Chariot saying she was inspired by Croix’s magic aww sad
·      Chariot: You don’t even believe in [magic]. Oof Chariot hitting where it hurts, good for you girl
·      Croix’s attempts to enhance magic with science would be a lot better received if she wasn’t standing in front of a GIANT EVIL NOIR ROD
·      Chariot is fighting with pure magic from the lightsaber and Croix is attacking her with magic science roombas this show is nuts and I love it
·      She just whipped off her teacher uniform in a split second and now we’re back to skin tight Chariot!!!!
·      It’s actually the lightsaber sound lmao
·      “I’m guessing you were exposed to the Wagandea pollen. If you can’t fly, you can’t win.” HUSH YOUR DAMN MOUTH
·      Holy shit the platform Chariot was on just flipped up and SHE GOT LAUNCHED
·      Ain’t no stopping her she just flipped in the air and launched herself right back I LOVE CHARIOT
·      Love when she jumps on falling debris in the air
·      Croix trying to shoot her at close range what the hell Croix
·      Chariot just falling on top of Croix with the magic lightsaber lol
·      Oh that is a cool shot of Chariot with her sword and Croix with her iphone just meeting in the middle lmao
·      “Goodbye Professor.” CROIX WHAT WAS YOUR CAGE GONNA DO KILL HER???
·      Oh hey it’s Finneran!
·      Probably just walked in like “what the fuck is going on here”
·      Okay but imagine: She just walked in on her former star student/current fellow teacher and she’s fighting other former student/apparently other current fellow teacher CHARIOT and she’s probably just like “what the hell I thought you two were friends Chariot where did you even come from you disappeared for 10 years what do you MEAN you’ve been PROFESSOR URSULA this entire time what the hell is happening does Holbrook know”
·      Oh Holbrook is there too
·      Holbrook: I hope there’s a good explanation. SIS what could possibly explain what you just walked in on
·      Okay the rod is doing something on its own, guess there was an energy spike?
·      Oh yup the riots are getting worse
·      Roombas just blowing up cuz they can’t take it CROIX THOSE ARE YOUR FRIENDS
·      OOp the kids are seeing those damn cubes again
·      Croix: human stupidity is astounding isn’t it. She ain’t wrong
·      Why does she still have Chariot in that cage lmao
·      Oh fuck Croix just let her out of the cage and let Chariot fall hard on some metal
·      Croix’s blocking the magic too
·      Sorcerer’s stone just went out
·      Leyline is vanishing while the gang is flying back to Luna Nova
·      Oh they’re falling
·      OOOO Chariot jumping at the last second to get transported to the forest of Arcturus too
·      The rod is a plane now lmao
·      Well there’s the seal
·      Chariot just on the plane too lmao
·      “Feel free to stay and watch as I accomplish something that you were never able to.” Croix give it a couple minutes then lets see
·      Lmao Akko knowing exactly where they are cuz she’s been to the FORBIDDEN forest like 18 times at this point
·      Oop she’s trapped Chariot onto the Rod
·      Well something’s happening, it is opening
·      There’s a twig
·      She waved the twig and illusion magic came out of it like she was Chariot lmao how much you wanna bet that really pissed Croix off
·      Riots about to get deadly
·      How is Andrew getting this information about the coup, isn’t he 16?
·      We’re back to Croix, it’s literally acting like she’s Shiny Chariot. The spotlight, the stars, the sound effects
·      Chariot feeling bad for Croix because that’s her Croix and she has the biggest heart in the world
·      Woodward’s here
·      Speaking of, I wanna know how Woodward was a mentor to Chariot
·      “The Grand Triskelion is already in your possession.” It is?
·      Aww Chariot’s heart is breaking because she knows how much this meant to Croix
·      “Why? Why do you always push me aside? Why won’t you give me guidance? If you’re never going to choose me, then just leave me alone! Go away!”
·      Not being chosen has haunted Croix so much that she just wants Woodward to leave her alone at this point
·      Oof the Rod has a mind of it’s own now because it’s too damn powerful
·      I do like how now, after this breakdown, Chariot and Croix are communicating a little better lmao
·      Croix you gotta get it to stop, Chariot’s still trapped on that thing!
·      “Even you are gonna betray me in the end?!” Okay I chuckled at that
·      Okay I’m hoping Chariot at least got out of that thing before it collapsed
·      Oh it’s attacking Croix
·      This fucking thing looks like the distant cousin of the red eyes black dragon from yugioh, just saying
·      Okay yall I just watched the rest of the episode without stopping cuz it was so good, imma backup now
·      CHARIOT
·      She just fucking jumps on that thing’s head to save Croix
·      “Why are you-“ Yup Croix doesn’t get why Chariot is trying to help her
·      She just piggybacked Croix and jumped 100 feet in the air to get away from that thing, who is this woman and how do I propose
·      “Chariot, why? I’m the one it’s after. Leave me and run.” Now that Croix has nothing left to lose, she’s not gonna bother pretending that she doesn’t care about Chariot apparently. But Chariot protects those she loves so she’s not going anywhere
·      “No, I won’t abandon you!” Chariot is the sun, moon, stars and oceans of my life
·      “But if you don’t, you’ll die!” The monster proceeds to whack the shit out of them lmao
·      After all the horrible things she did, god Croix just can’t fathom why Chariot is still there
·      “I won’t let you take her!” Croix just watching in disbelief. She forgot how big Chariot’s heart was didn’t she
·      Quietly “Chariot, please. Just run. You’ve already done enough!” Oof I’m in pain
·      “It’s not enough! I’m the one who stole your dream, Croix! Then I stole Akko’s magic! So I won’t let anything else be stolen.” BABY GIRL god the guilt and self loathing she must carry around with her
·      With the way Croix’s looking at her, she must be realizing this too
·      And both of those things weren’t even her fault!!!!!! But she’s so guilty!
·      Aww the way Croix yelled her name when the monster grabbed Chariot cuute
·      The kids are here!!!!! Akko and Diana used the Shiny Rod to save Chariot!
·      I like that they both cast the spell, just like they will next episode
·      Aww Akko called out “Professor!”
·      Chariot’s just like “AKKO” like hun I’m so glad they found you and you’re safe BUT GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE IT’S DANGEROUS
·      Their comments lmfao “what a mess” “well this doesn’t look good”
·      Oop the monster’s about to eat Croix
·      CHARIOT
·      The slow mo of Chariot lingering in the air before she gets eaten tho
·      Akko yelling “Professor” while Lotte and Sucy are both shocked and Croix’s just staring like ‘no no no’
·      Akko knowing exactly what she has to do because she hears Ursula’s voice in her head THOSE ARE MY GIRLS
·      Chariot just frozen, floating inside the monster yikes
·      Akko “You eat my mom, I shoot you through the head” Kagari ladies and gentlemen
·      The Sorcerer’s Stone is back online
·      H&B clutching each other in the dark
·      The other teachers were just having tea by candlelight lmao like not even concerned where the rest of the staff is
·      Chariot just sitting there in the middle of the seal with her head down, my heart
·      Yall here? Here is where I cry
·      Akko’s determined walk up to Chariot
·      She gets on her knees in front of her to match Chariot and does a small little head bow oh lord
·      So this is the same night as Akko finding out the truth, this is a long fucking night
·      But they’re back together now
·      Chariot saying “Akko” like she truly never thought she’d see Akko again
·      The way Akko says “Chariot” oh god yall I can’t I literally just watched this scene and it’s still hurting me
·      She’s so happy to finally meet her hero
·      “This Rod isn’t mine.” “I made up my mind, to give this to you once I found you!” Oh god all the times Ursula tried to hand over ownership of the Shiny Rod to Akko over the season and Akko still wants to return it to her
·      “I saw one of your shows when I was a kid. It was so beautiful and cool! It felt just like a dream. Seeing it really moved me. It was then that I decided to become a witch. I thought that if I became one, I’d be able to see Chariot again. Doing so was my biggest dream. And now that I’ve finally met you, my dream? It came true.”
·      This is so fucking sweet
·      Akko is finally meeting her hero. She’s finally meeting Chariot
·      Her dream came true, she’s so pure and she wants Chariot to know that her show changed Akko’s life
·      Regardless of what happened earlier tonight, the first thing Akko did was go and formally meet her and it’s not even just Chariot, it’s URSULA
·      She’s just always wanted to tell Chariot how much she inspired her and even though she knows Chariot knows, she needs to tell her for real this time
·      And Chariot, god, Chariot? I can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now because oh lord
·      This is her Akko, she adores this girl and earlier that night both of their hearts broke when her identity and the loss of Akko’s magic was revealed. She was so worried about her and here’s AKKO IN FRONT OF HER, so excited to meet her and wanting to give her back the Shiny Rod and talking about how inspiring she is AND IT HURTS
·      Plus with how people talk about Shiny Chariot, imagine how much this moment was needed for her. Someone telling her, to her face, how happy her shows made them and that she made them smile!!!
·      Chariot sounds like she’s about to cry my baby
·      And then Akko moves on to thanking her friends!!!!!!!! While they all look at her in surprise!!!!!!
·      “I’ve caused lots of trouble but they’ve always helped me.” Lmao baby angel
·      “I’m so grateful to them and well, to you too.” Chariot’s FACE
·      They’re both sitting on the seal, the former chosen and the current chosen, the shiny rod between them and it starts glowing AND NEITHER OF THEM NOTICE BECAUSE THIS MOTHER AND DAUGHTER ARE FOCUSED ON EACH OTHER
·      “You know, it’s still strange to think that you’re actually Chariot. Because to me, you’ve always been my teacher. That’s why, I was hoping you could keep being my professor instead.” I AM IN TEARS STOP THIS IS SO POWERFUL
·      “Professor, I get it now! I know I’ll never actually be Chariot. I wanted to be like her so I could gracefully soar the sky and use beautiful transformation magic. But Chariot is Chariot and I’m just me. All I can do is be myself, even if being myself means I can’t fly and I always mess everything up.” BABY GIRL OH MY BABY GIRL POOR THING
·      Chariot’s sweet little “Akko” after her self deprecation
·      “Professor, just wait! I will work hard and then I’ll be a witch who makes everyone smile! Because magic will always be the most wonderful thing in the whole world to me. I want to learn more! So keep teaching me magic, please?” Akko’s adorable smile I’m gonna throw up this is so cute
·      Chariot’s about to burst into tears y’all I can’t
·      She’s just looking at this little girl with so much fondness good god
·      “You still want me as your teacher?” HER VOICE SHE’S CHOKING BACK TEARS
·      “You’re the best one there is!” THEY’RE HUGGING THIS IS SO CUTE AND SWEET IM MELTING
·      “Akko, you helped me make my dream come true.” ALL CHARIOT EVER WANTED WAS TO MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY I CAN’T DO THIS
·      ALSO have the other kids just been looking on like “so if I’m hearing this right is PROFESSOR URSULA ACTUALLY CHARIOT WHAT THE FUCK” but also like Diana and Sucy are both smiling and precious Lotte has tears in her eyes
·      SHE DID IT
·      Amanda and Sucy lmfao “so that’s it huh?” “wow it’s really just a twig”
·      Lmfao Akko calling out “Diana!” to explain about the twig, so funny
·      Diana: I’m sorry but I have no idea lmao
·      Akko: okie dokie! Chariot: fond smile at her dorky daughter
·      Did Akko just make it daytime lmao
·      Croix just looking at her like I guess it was the twig all along
·      THE GROUP HUG SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
·      Diana not going down with them but still smiling lmao
·      Even Sucy running in for the hug
·      God yall what an emotional episode
·      Only one left!!!!!!
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mybg3notebook · 3 years
Lore: Well-known Characters in Faerûn
Here I'm going to explain some interesting characters worth knowing in detail that some groups in the fandom keep saying are Gale's true identity.
Disclaimer Game Version: All these analyses were written up to the game version v4.1.104.3536 (Early access). As long as new content is added, and as long as I have free time for that, I will try to keep updating this information. Written in June 2021.
Additional disclaimers about meta-knowledge and interpretations in this (post)while disclaimers about Context and the popularisation and misuses of professional words in "Context, persuasion, and manipulation".
He is the Patron of Wizards, his personal preference is toward wizardry rather than sorcery, and his philosophy fits better with the studious life of a wizard than the more haphazard practices of a sorcerer. Wizards invoke Azuth when they scribe scrolls, inscribe magic circles, attempt to memorise spells, and even when they cast spells. Often this acknowledgement comes in the form of silently forming Azuth's holy symbol, pointing the index finger of the left hand to the sky.For many wizards, the gesture is so commonplace in their lives that it becomes an unconscious habit. Azuth is represented at such sites as a hooded and bearded figure with his left hand held high, finger pointed up. Sometimes he is represented by merely the hand. 
When he was a mortal, he was a wizard who showed prowess with spells and magical lore that attracted Mystryl’s attention, and after completing several quests to prove his worth, she named him Magister (old title in 1e and 2e, different to Chosen, related to a more bureaucratic role of Magic). With the new title, he taught magic to many people across Faerûn. 
Azuth came into conflict with a minor southern deity: Savras the All-Seeing. Both were powerful spellcasters and Mystryl favoured both. They began a battle that lasted several years, using agents, magic traps, and personal spell-battles. Azuth managed to defeat the young deity and imprison him. With this victory Azuth ascended to godhood, became Mystryl's lover, and pledged to serve her. 
During the Spellplague, Azuth fell to the Hells and Asmodeus consumed his divine spark to achieve godhood. It was thought that this had destroyed Azuth, but instead he ended up inhabiting Asmodeus' body together. Most of the time Asmodeus had control over the dormant Azuth. In 1486, Azuth managed to have a Cormyrian war wizard as a Chosen, and began to struggle with Asmodeus for dominion over their shared body. As a consequence, the hierarchy of the Nine Hells is jeopardized due to the unbalanced Asmodeus. After a while, The Chosen of Azuth sacrifices his life to be a vessel for the god and let him escape from the Hells. After the Second Sundering, Azuth returned to the faerunian pantheon.
Where is he in 1492?
Now, he has returned to the Faerunian pantheon, and considering Ao's ban, he can't be walking around Faerûn. 
Can Gale be Azuth? I certainly can't see it. Azuth has been trapped in the Hells for most of Gale's life, returning to the pantheon recently. And we can't forget Ao's ban of direct contact: no god can have direct contact with mortals anymore, with the strange exception of Mystra (see the post about "Mystra and her Chosen ones" for more details). Besides, if Gale were to be Azuth's avatar, we are usually talking about characters over lvl 40. 
The only link we can agree with Gale is that Azuth also has storm motif concepts in his design. Gale tends to explain with his pointing finger extended, but as it's said in the lore books, this is basically an unconscious common body language in most wizards. I cannot see any resemblance to make us infer “Gale is Azuth”. 
What we can see by reading Azuth's story is why the Hells are so convoluted at this point. The blood war is unbalanced, since powerful figures such as Asmodeus had been having weak periods of leadership due to the inner fight with Azuth in his own body. For this detail alone, it is so important to give context to BG3 I considered worthy to mention.
Sources: 3e : Magic of Faerûn 5e: Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Novels: Fire in the Blood. The devil you Know
Myrkul had a cold, malignant intelligence, and spoke in a high whisper. He was always alert, never slept, and was never surprised. He was never known to lose his temper or be anything other than coldly amused when a mortal succeeded in avoiding his directives or chosen fates. His influence in Faerûn was imposed through fear, and he was a master of making mortals terrified of him through his words and deeds. He was the one deity that almost all human mortals could picture clearly. 
As a mortal, Myrkul's full name and title is said to have been Myrkul Bey al-Kursi. He was a powerful adventuring necromancer who travelled with Bane and Bhaal in order to acquire divinity for themselves. In -375 DR, they slayed one of the Seven Lost Gods, gaining a bit of divine power. Using it to go further, they embarked to Jergal's realm with the intention to slay him as well. 
However, Jergal—tired of his godhood—freely agreed to hand over his dominion of the underworld. As the three could not decide who among them would sit upon the throne of the dead, they left the decision to chance with a game. More details and stories of several deaths and coming backs can be briefly read in the wiki. It makes no sense to add them here since they provide nothing interesting related to Gale.
Most of Myrkul's “recent” story can be seen/read in the game Neverwinter Nights 2, the Mask of the Betrayer. The game explains how Myrkul created the Wall of the Faithless (non existent anymore in 5e and nobody knows how it was destroyed) where the souls of the faithless or those abandoned by their gods got stuck in eternal pain. The main goal of the Wall was to use all that energy to feed Myrkul. The main character of Neverwinter 2 can visit the agonising God in the Astral Plane and kill him or leave him in a slow death.
Myrkul, with Bane and Bhaal, tried to seize the Tablets of Fate from the overgod Ao and use them to rule over Faerûn and its gods. They failed and were slain during the Time of Troubles. Since then, a variety of contingency plans they had in place allowed them to be reborn afterwards.
A small group of followers across Faerûn kept Myrkul's worshipping alive despite the dire events of the Spellplague and the Second Sundering. In the 1400’s, he is considered to have returned with the three dead in a quasi-deity condition. 
While the Sundering forced the other gods to withdraw their direct influence from the mortal world, the Dead Three remained behind in mortal form as quasi-divine beings. While their power has diminished, they remain a formidable trio and play a malevolent role in influencing events on Faerûn.
Where is he in 1492?
He is clearly somewhere in Faerûn, with Bhaal and Bane most probably (we have strong leads to assume that the Absolute is them, getting as many worshippers as they can to recover their deity status, since now they are only quasi-deities)
Can Gale be Myrkul? I honestly can't see anything that we can use to link him to Myrkul without making it look like an absurdity. The easiest argument to revoke that nonsense is that Gale clearly is not a quasi-deity. 
A quasi-deity is immune to every attempt to tamper with their mind (which would nullify the tadpole effect, and would make Gale immune to any tadpole intrusion, which is not the case as we saw in the post of "The Tadpole"). A quasi-deity is also immune to sap its vitality, or to force it into a different form. It has a strong defence against magic and a limited defence against heat. Weapons not enchanted with magic of an epic scope could not hurt a quasi-deity without problems. These defences against magic, heat, and non-magical physical attacks grew stronger as a deity rose in rank. It is crystal clear that none of this applies to Gale, the squishy wizard of the group. 
This comparison is nonsense, especially if we think that some people supported it because “Gale's robes have clasps in the shape of triangles”, which was considered an incomplete symbol of Myrkul. So... I really won't waste time in this comparison. I just did it because I wanted to offer a summary to compare Myrkul (the three dead more precisely) with The Absolute. This idea is very strong when we think that in 5e DM book is explaining that a quasi-deity can recover their godhood condition if they amassed a sufficiently high number of followers (which is what The Absolute is doing). But this should be done in another post related to the Absolute. 
Source:  2e: Faith and pantheon, 5e: Descent to Avernus, Dungeon Master's guide
Karsus was born in Netheril in -696 DR. He was able to cast his first spell at the age of two, and by the age of twenty-two created his own floating city. He also founded a magic school encouraging radical thinking to keep pushing magical discoveries. A seer warned Karsus that soon Mystryl would face the greatest challenge of her divine life, so worried about the consequences of this, Karsus created his spell Karsus' Avatar with the objective to protect the Netheril civilization. This spell would steal the power of a deity and transfer it to him, giving him divine power to protect his people from Mystryl's challenge and destroy the magical aberrations that had been attacking Netheril (phaerimms) for years. He was very aware that the feat could cost him his life, but he accepted it as a worthy sacrifice to protect his people as well as remain in the History as an iconic figure.
In -339 DR, Karsus chose Mystryl, the goddess of magic, as his target, feeling that she was the most powerful deity and the most appropriate choice for his purposes. However, this was a mistake. The responsibilities of the deity of magic are to regulate the flow of magic to and from all beings, spells, and magic items in the world. Unable to fulfil Mystryl's function with the Weave, Karsus causes a surge of magic and violent fluctuations. 
In an attempt to save the Weave, Mystryl sacrificed herself to block Karsus's access to the Weave, causing all magic to cease for several minutes. The flying cities of Netheril (fuelled by magic) fell to the ground. The severing of the link also killed Karsus, who turned into stone and fell to the ground, seeing his entire civilisation being destroyed because of his actions. This is known as Karsus's Folly. 
The stone form of Karsus eventually landed in a part of the High Forest, now called the Dire Wood. Karsus was never accepted as a petitioner by any god, nor did he go to the Fugue Plane when he died. Instead, his soul was bound to the Material Plane. Those with experience in pact magic could call up his vestige, where he appeared as a giant blood-red boulder, like the one found in the High Forest where his petrified form landed. Blood burbles up from the top of the stone, trickling down the side facing the summoner, pooling at the base. Karsus granted the summoner a boost in magical ability, though he also imparted some of the arrogance he was renowned for. 
Where is he in 1492?
Even in death, Karsus' undying spirit persists in the chaotic magic of the Dire Wood. His essence is ensnared in a single point of time by the magic of the lich Wulgreth, and it manifests in three separate pieces. Each manifestation contains one portion of Karsus' tripartite spirit. It is believed that Karsus cannot depart from the Realms until his sundered spirit is reforged into one. 
Karsus' mortal body survives as a tall butte of red stone embedded in the ground and eroded by the elements. This manifestation radiates heavy magic (read the post about the "Orb" for more details)
Karsus' gigantic, ever bleeding heart beats within the butte itself. This manifestation is essentially powerless, but it cannot be destroyed. Karsus' heart continuously radiates an enchantment similar to the sadness effect produced by the 4th level wizard spell Emotion.
The final third piece is inside an animated golem created by Wulgreth. This manifestation bleeds an ever-flowing stream of blood like liquid which mingles with the Heartblood River, giving it its characteristic colour.
So, can Gale be Karsus? Hardly. Karsus' spirit is not even complete. One could ask if Gale is a part of Karsus? I don't see it either: each of these parts are stuck in the different stones across the Dire Wood, and since it was a lich who made the binding I see little reason to suspect how a piece of Karsus' spirit stuck in the middle of the continent reached a baby in Waterdeep. 
Sources: 2e: Magic of Faerun, Powers and Pantheons 3e: Lords of Darkness
Elminster was born in 212 DR, son of a prince of Athalantar. His parents were killed by mages and at the age of 12 he became a brigand and thief. With a friend thief, Elminster committed many acts of thievery together and lived life fully, creating the gang the Velvet Hands after a number of adventures. 
Elminster tried to desecrate a temple of Mystra as a gesture of vengeance for the goddess having not defended his parents when they were killed by mages. Mystra appeared before him, and despite Elminster's defiance, she offered him the power to take revenge for his dead parents. Elminster accepted, and Mystra turned him into a woman to see “the world with female eyes” and to strengthen his bond with magic before being a proper Chosen. This transformation also helped Elminster to pass unnoticed among his enemies. He spent a long time learning magic in this shape, taught by Mystra's avatar in disguise. When her disguise was uncovered, she and Elminster slept together and she offered him to become her Chosen. By that time, Elminster accepted any command from the Goddess, his defiance was completely gone. 
In 241DR he travelled to the city of Cormanthor and continued his magical studies.
Somewhere around the mid–7th century DR, Elminster entered a tomb and became trapped there in stasis for roughly a century. He emerged from the dusty tomb in 759 DR. By that time Magic was unreliable (Mystra was possessing Elué's body to conceive her daughters). The god Azuth told him that he couldn't rely on Mystra or magic for aid. Soon he had to learn how to survive without magic. He later underwent further magical training under the tutelage of a wicked sorceress who sought to tempt him away from Mystra's path. During a fake ritual for Bane, she revealed herself to be the goddess Mystra herself, once again testing him. 
In 767 DR, Elminster became a foster parent to three other of Mystra's Chosen: Laeral Silverhand, Storm Silverhand, and Dove Falconhand. 
In 851 DR, Elminster mentored the newly-appointed Chosen of Mystra, Sammaster, in how to use his new powers. 
During the Harpstar Wars in 1222 DR, Elminster defeated the Zulkir of Necromancy, Szass Tam, and earned himself (and the Harpers) the enmity of Thay. 
In 1358 DR, just before the Time of Troubles, Mystra gained some foreknowledge and backed up her power into Midnight, the human wizard, so it would not be lost. During this time, Elminster, like most wizards who received his power from Mystra/the Weave, was left powerless once more. 
In 1371 DR, the new Mystra stripped away many of Elminster's memories of her former incarnation's secrets. By the end of that year, he was called to Blackstaff Tower to discuss the phaerimm attack. The whole event ended up being related to a planificated attack from the Shadovars. Since shadovar were living shadow magic, and silver fire was raw magic, the collision between the two tore at the fabric of reality, creating a rift to the Nine Hells. Elminster realized that the only way to close the portal before legions of devils spilled forth into Toril was to close it from the other side. He did it, being trapped on the other side and at the expense of much of his magical strength. 
Once in Hell, he was abducted and enslaved by an outcast archdevil known as Nergal, who wished to discover the secret of Mystra's silver fire. Elminster was subject to brutal tortures, surviving only because of his exceptional endurance and ability to heal himself with silver fire. Mystra tried to save him herself, but ended up sending several Chosen ones instead. Only The Simbul was successful in his rescue.
In 1373 DR, Elminster discovered a daughter he had never known, conceived against his will with a dragon thanks to Mystra's intervention.
Following the death of Mystra in 1385 DR and the collapse of the Weave during the Spellplague, Elminster was stripped of many of his abilities as one of the Chosen, though he still aged as slowly as he had for the previous millennium and was still quite powerful magically. However, every use of his magic drove him insane. When this happened, only Storm was able to bring his mind back, giving off her own essence to soothe Elminster's mind. Despite these setbacks, Elminster and Storm continued with their campaign to save Faerûn, battling evil and fixing the Weave where they could.
In 1479 DR, Elminster sought to gain access to artifacts known to contain the spirits of the Nine—objects powerful enough to permanently restore the Simbul's sanity.
During one of his excursions for these artefacts, Elminster's body was destroyed by Manshoon, who had secretly been peeling away the Old Mage's contingency spells over several years. However, Manshoon departed before he realized that Elminster had survived his body's destruction in a near-undead state. With the agreement of Amarune and the aid of Storm, Elminster's essence was placed in Amarune's body with the aid of a spell the ex-Chosen had discovered in a cache once belonging to Azuth. Later, thanks to the sacrifice of the Simbul, he regained his former body again and ruined for good Manshoon's claim to the throne of Suzail.
In 1487 DR, Elminster (with the help of the Srinshee, Alustriel, and Laeral Silverhand) stopped Shar as well as Larloch from becoming the new deity of magic. He killed Telamont Tanthul and let Thultanthar fall upon Myth Drannor. Along the way, Mystra was completely restored. 
In 1491 DR, Elminster returned to the city of Waterdeep, aiding the newly appointed Open Lord of Waterdeep, Laeral Silverhand, to uncover the culprits behind a string of murders of Masked Lords. 
Sincerely, there is a lot of content left outside this summary because Elminster’s material is a lot. A LOT.
Where is he in 1492?
The last time we know about Elminster’s whereabouts is during the book Dead Masks, a year before BG3. He has been working in Mystra’s name in Waterdeep when Hidden Lords have been assassinated. It’s very hard to conceive Gale as Elminster in disguise. Elminster has a different personality and a very obvious pattern of speech, sounding more like a mixture of a scholar and a farmer, and using expressions like Nay, aye, and so on. Elminster being abandoned by Mystra is also a strange concept because if there is something very clear from all the material we can read about his adventures is that Mystra loves him with a particular and exceptional love. He was the only Chosen that, when he was being tortured in the Hells, she attempted to save him by herself, risking her life (obviously, then she changed her mind and sent several Chosen ones that died in the process). 
Also, if Gale were Elminster, he should sustain a spell of disguise constantly (many people know Elminster, an old man of white hair and beard), which is also very unlikely for a lvl1 wizard to do. 
Source: 3e: Elminster: The Making of a Mage. The Temptation of Elminster. Dead Masks
He was born in 800 DR, probably in Sembia, the Dalelands, or the North. At age of 17, fascinated by the theory of the Arts and how magic works, Sammaster became a follower of Mystra. He was a gaunt man of poor health, full of eccentricities: he never remained in one place for too long, he skipped his meals and sleep in favour of learning, and it's suspected to have fathered a countless number of children. 
Before being 40 y/o he acquired the skills of an archmage and he discovered, rediscovered, or improved numerous spells in the advanced theory of magic known as "metamagic". All this discovery of knowledge and magic (so favoured by Mystra as we can see in the post about "Mystra and her Chosen ones") granted him the attention of the Goddess, who appeared before him. 
At his 50 y/o Sammaster saw his most fervent dream appear before his very eyes. He was both awestruck and smitten with passion as he fell to his knees and wept upon Mystra’s feet. Raising him to meet her gaze, Mystra responded to his unspoken question and swept him into her embrace. They spent a tenday together, and at the end of that period, Mystra asked him if he thought he was worthy and strong enough to carry a part of her divine power within him. Despite not knowing what she meant, Sammaster accepted anyway, becoming the first Chosen after she conceived her seven daughters. Mystra explained that she had chosen him for his development in metamagic but also because she had foreseen the death of an already Chosen one (Syluné) whose place she wanted immediately filled with Sammaster.
Sammaster was ordered to be in contact with Elminster to learn more about his new condition of Chosen. Sammaster and Elminster developed a tense situation mostly because Sammaster's obsessive love for the Goddess deepened while Elminster kept reminding him that her only consort was Azuth.
Dejected for the truth that he would never have a personal long-lasting relationship with Mystra, Sammaster focused on understanding the powers of the Chosen and the mysteries of the Lady in himself and in Toril. However, a seed of resentment started to grow.
In 855 Sammaster found a Zhentarin slave caravan resting in a camp. In it, he found three large cage carts full of peasants taken from the farmlands in the surrounding area. Enraged, Sammaster attacked the Zhentarin using his spells and Silver Fire, but in the process he killed many innocents he wanted to save. His mind snapped that day. Despite trying to convince himself that the Zhentarins were to blame, this episode was—without any doubt—the seminal event that irrevocably turned Sammaster down the path to madness and, eventually, evil.
Years later he started to develop his interest in necromancy in an attempt to return those innocents he had killed, trying to find a way to revive the dead. During this time his interest was focused on the undead, and forged relationships with some liches. How did Mystra allow this? At that time, Mystra was a much more neutral deity. Her primary interest was the use and development of magic; she cared little about how it was used or by whom. As long as Sammaster continued to advance the theories of magic and push forward its frontiers for all mortals, Mystra turned a blind eye to his necromancy interests.
In 861 DR Sammaster met Alustriel, Chosen of Mystra, and fell in love with her. His unbalanced mind seemed to finally find some peace and stability, but his obsession —at first focused on Mystra—now turned upon Alustriel, wanting to master her, to make her entirely his, and to make her world revolve around him. Disturbed with Sammaster's necromancy research and his increasing need for control over her, Alustriel broke up with him.
Afterwards, while deepening in his experiments with necromancy, Sammaster befriended Algashon Nathaire, a priest of Bane who had formerly been a mage. In the unstable Sammaster, Algashon saw the chance to create a formidable tyrant. Bane must also have seen the chance to rob one of his most powerful enemy’s Chosen of his last vestiges of sanity and perhaps his powers or even his life. 
Presented as a friend, Algashon manipulated Sammaster into thinking that all his failures and problems were the fault of that uncaring goddess and her equally inconsiderate servants, her so-called "Chosen". Sammaster resisted this subtle indoctrination at first, only to be painfully reminded of the events at the slavers' camp (the Zhents' fault, of course), his uneasy relationship with Elminster, his failure to win the love of Mystra (Azuth's fault and Elminster's for pointing it out so hard-heartedly), and his failure to win Alustriel (her fault and that of her Goddess). As time went on, Sammaster argued against these superficial, easy excuses less and less, and Algashon's lies wove their way deeper into the unhappy and unstable mage's mind. The next step of Algashon was to steal the secrets of the power of the Chosen. To do that, he encouraged Sammaster to use his Chosen power at every opportunity.
Rather than risking their pawn's life (yet) by attempting to strip the silver fire from Sammaster outright, Bane and Algashon decided to try and arrange to steal another Chosen's silver fire: given her past with Sammaster, Algashon chose Alturiel. This way Sammster fought Alturiel, aiming silver fire against her. Losing the battle against a maniacal Sammaster, Alustriel called for help from Laeral Silverhand and Khelben Arunsun. The three of them won the combat against Sammaster.
Azuth presented himself on Mystra's behalf and removed Sammaster's Chosen condition. When the other Chosen left the place, Algashon helped Sammaster, affixing the immortality of the Chosen ones in his body despite having lost his powers. While he could be destroyed, Sammaster continued to remain ageless and to heal from wounds very quickly. However, as a side-effect of this spell, Sammaster lost his last vestige of sanity and morality that may have remained in his clouded mind. 
In 887 DR Sammaster retranslated old texts of a prophecy, highlighting the importance of undead dragons and creating soon afterward his own Cult. In his insanity, he kept doing more necromancy research focused on turning dragons into draconlich to follow this prophecy. His first success in turning a dragon (Shargrailar) into an undead made his cult famous. In this way, Sammaster earned a powerful weapon with which threatened many across Faerun and obtained an enormous amount of money. Even the rich nobles paid tribute when the Cult threatened to send Shargrailar to burn their farmlands and villages to ash. Sammaster did not think to oppress the peasants for their coppers, but the noble powerful ones.
In 960 DR, his cult finally adopted the name “Cult of the Dragon”, even though “Cult of the Dracolich” could be more appropriate, even though Shargrailar still looked like a normal dragon. By that time the cult increased too much for Sammaster and Algoshon to control, so Sammaster wrote all his wisdom in a book called Tome of the Dragon that would turn into the core of the cult, helping them to spread Sammaster's ideas beyond their limitations. 
The popularity of the cult was not missed by several groups. The Harpers tried to destroy it, but they failed. The Zhentarims are also against Sammaster's cult since their activities are limited with the constant threat of the Dragon Shargrailar. More groups were added to the cult's list of foes, but Sammaster ignored them or sent them a dragon to destroy them. Not merely mad now, Sammaster was becoming drunk with a level of power he had not felt since before he had been stripped of his powers as one of the Chosen. Algashor suggested that he keep a low profile in order to protect the cult, but his advice was ignored.
In 916 DR, The Harpers developed a plan to eliminate Sammaster and weaken the cult itself. The battle was brutal and Sammaster seemed to win by the end of it, commanding an army of undead and experimental creatures. Sammaster would have won had not Lathander sent a battle avatar, enraged by the undead abominations that Sammaster created. After an intense battle, Lathander incinerated Sammaster. However, Sammaster had planned ahead: he had sent his mind to a phylactery before being killed.
With the phylactery and a special book of the Tome of the Dragon, a loyal cultist called Zotulla had been ordered by Sammaster to create a new cell of the cult in the Northwest. However, Zotulla failed and died at the hands of an orc war party who discarded the phylactery and the book. Both items were lost for more than 300 years, until a shaman may have deciphered the instructions in the book and raised Sammaster as a lich.
In 1282 Sammaster rose as a lich and began to gather the remnants of his cult once more. Harpers and some countries began to plan to defend themselves from this danger again. In 1285 a group of adventuring paladins known as the Company of Twelve supported by the Harpers, attacked the lich and killed him at a great cost. However, neither the phylactery nor the book were found. The possibility for him to return is high. 
In 1373DR Sammaster completed the transformation of the Dracorage Mythal. This was a Mythal created by elves around -25.000DR which had a maddening effect on dragons, making them lose their minds for several tendays. This effect used to be linked to the appearance of the comet King-Killer Star in the sky. When Sammaster transformed this mythal by binding his phylactery to it, its maddening effect was no longer constrained by the appearance of the comet but linked instead to his own life force. Only Dracoliches remained unaffected by Sammaster’s endless, ever-intensifying Dracorage effect. This fact forced wyrms to join his Cult and accept to be transformed into dracoliches or suffer permanent madness. By manipulating this effect, Sammaster tried to retake control over his Cult. However, a group of adventurers destroyed the mythal—thus Sammaster’s phylactery—and put an end to this effect. 
Where is he in 1492?
So, is Gale Sammaster? Lore-wise, to destroy a lich for good you need to destroy their phylactery. This has been done in 1373DR, therefore, I hardly see any potential for Sammaster to raise again. And here is where any possible argument ends. 
What Sammaster's story shows us is that Mystra's sudden abandonment is not uncommon once she gave them their Chosen powers. In the report of the Harpers that narrate Sammaster's life in the book Cult of the dragon (2e), there are some comments pointing out how Mystra, despite noticing Sammaster's madness, allowed him to follow his dark path. One may speculate that maybe Mystra uses the obsession that she may cause in some of her Chosen ones, in order to make them eager to explore beyond their limits so she can acquire knowledge or control of new magic. 
Certainly, what Sammaster and Gale share in common is how they were favoured by Mystra, had a affair with her, and soon afterwards she stopped “whispering” in their ears. Their condition as Chosen had been kept intact, but their madness in one case, or their devotion in the other, made them go too far. Sammaster ended up being a toy of a priest of Bane, while Gale simply made the mistake of thinking himself capable of controlling an unknown magic to impress Mystra in order to have once more her attention on him. More than this is walking on the headcanon terrain since the game in EA can't provide more information. 
Source book: Cult of the dragon (2e), Dragons of Faerun (3.5e)
The truth is that Gale is Kirby. He doesn't only eat artefacts but also Faerûn iconic characters as well (joke done by a reddit user)
In my personal interpretation, I hardly see Gale as the incarnation of anyone. First, it would be very, very lazy writing. Characters such as Sammaster, Elminster, or Azuth tend to be NPCs. We found some of them in games such as previous Baldur’s Gate games or Neverwinter nights.
But the main and strongest argument against secretly being any of these characters is that he is an origin character. All companions are potential players in their origins. Anyone who played DOS2 AND played an origin character would understand this: there is no plot twist of that magnitude in their personal backstories that would erase completely the essence and the personality of the character. All that sensitive information is previously stated. 
All what we need to know about the origin char is basically said in the BG3 webpage. Those descriptions are the same ones found in the game, which changed after EA was released in Astarion’s and Gale’s case, showing—in my opinion—that Larian changed them a bit at the last stage of development. These descriptions spoil every secret that the characters have. This doesn’t mean their more complex background should not be part of a plot twist later in the game, but it would not have the impact of erasing completely the RPG characters you were playing for a while. 
Every companion has a secret spoiled in their descriptions: Astarion, his vampire condition; Shadowheart, her Shar faith and he mission; Wyll, Mizora; Lae’zel, the tadpole (not for the group, but for her people); Gale, the “orb”. All these secrets are informed beforehand to the player for them to pick an Origin if they want to play it and make it their own. As companions, we learn these secrets early (act 1). This happens in act 1 of DOS2 too.
A player choosing an origin has to be informed of the character’s secrets and motivations at the moment they pick it. Otherwise, it would ruin their RPG experience, making the player unaware of their own character’s true nature. This doesn’t mean that deepening their backgrounds would not make us discover information we don’t know. My point is, it won't remove the character’s persona turning him into a character very well known in lore. 
Gale, so far, seems to be a pretty fair standard wizard who had a young obsession over Mystra (quite common in terms of lore for those who stand before her), which brought him troubles and made him prone to mistakes (as, once more, we know it tends to happen in lore). The justification why he was Chosen is also clear from a lore point of view: we have a context post-Spellplague that made Gale's skills more than useful for Mystra. In my opinion, there is nothing else abysmally suspicious beyond these points, and if there are more secrets, it seems fair to think that not even Gale is aware of them. 
This post was written in June2021. → For more Gale: Analysis Series Index
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