#Mah Jongg
nicomrade · 7 months
the mahjong grind stops for nothing
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dancyrilkingston · 10 months
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Vintage photographs depicting mahjong players.
Fun fact: the first mahjong sets in America were imported and sold by Abercrombie & Fitch (not exactly something one would associate A&F with these days).
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speedmahjongg · 2 years
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American Mah Jongg has been played the same for 100 years, UNTIL NOW...www.speedmahjongg.org. More games. More FUN.
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schwimmtagebuch · 1 year
Adam hat einmal den Arm ausgestreckt, als ich vorbei schwamm, so dass er mich berührt hat, wollte er mich aufhalten? Heute lag etwas in der Luft. Bin nur 50 Längen geschwommen, dann habe ich mir die Haare gewaschen, es war kurz vor zwei. Ich hatte keine Zeit mehr, um nach Hause zu fahren, habe mir in der Bäckerei bei der U-Bahn etwas zum Essen gekauft, als ich bei der Spittelau umstieg, habe ich einen Kaffee getrunken und bin trotzdem noch rechtzeitig in die Arbeit gekommen, ich möchte wissen, wo Adam arbeitet.
Anna hat Manfred gefragt, ob er Klaus oder Roman anrufe, weil sie morgen nicht arbeiten wolle und er hat gesagt: Warum nicht, das sind zwei charmante junge Männer! Ist er jetzt auch schwul geworden? Ich habe ihn gefragt, ob er auch Ben anrufe und ihm sage, dass er meine Bücher zurückbringen solle, habe noch Adams Stimme im Ohr, Schwimmen macht viel mehr Spaß. Später habe ich draußen geraucht, Ben ist gekommen, Manfred hat sich zu uns gestellt und nichts gesagt, Rebecca ist gekommen, niemand hat etwas gesagt, ich auch nicht, obwohl ich sonst immer so vorlaut bin, Ben hat angefangen, herumzuturnen und gesagt, dass das Verspannungen lockere oder so ähnlich. Sie haben angefangen, über Gehaltserhöhungen zu reden, ich bin gegangen. Nachher waren wir noch im Café Prückel, Ben hat mir verraten, dass es keine Gehaltserhöhung gibt. Nach dem Prückel war ich bei Pei-Ying Mah-Jongg spielen lernen. Ich liebe das Geräusch, das die Steine machen, wenn sie aufeinander treffen und außerdem hat es Derek Jarman immer mit seiner Mutter gespielt, als sie noch in Indien waren. Es ist auch in dem Wort Mah-Jongg, derselbe Laut, wie wenn zwei Steine zusammen stoßen, wegen diesem Klang wollte ich es immer lernen.
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terrasu · 11 months
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It's way too early for it to be this hot
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anonymousewrites · 28 days
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Twenty-One
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Twenty-One: Adventures in London
Summary: Kusuke uses Saiki's one weakness against him: (Y/N).
            “Kusuo, come to my research lab,” said Kusuke, smiling at Saiki. “I want to show you something.”
            After being dragged around London and losing the pieces of his receiver (because of his father, unsurprisingly), Saiki finally had his dampener fixed and could control himself and his abilities once more. Unfortunately, Kusuke’s mind still couldn’t be read due to the new device he’d created (which was frustrating for Saiki since his brother was always cooking up some new scheme).
            “Why can’t we go with you?” asked Mr. Saiki.
            “I want to see where you spend your days,” said Mrs. Saiki.
            “You can enjoy London by yourselves now,” said Kusuke. “I got you a reservation at a restaurant with great roast beef.”
            Mr. Saiki looked away nervously and addressed his wife. “Do you want to go on a date? I wouldn’t mind.”
            “Me? I wouldn’t mind, either,” said Mrs. Saiki shyly.
            “This isn’t your first date.”
            Still, Kusuke’s suggestion won, and Mr. and Mrs. Saiki disappeared for a nice date in London. That left Saiki and Kusuke together.
            “Those two never change,” said Kusuke as he started leading Saiki into the city.
            “What is your intention?” questioned Saiki instantly. “I have no interest in your lab.”
            “Let’s play rock-paper-scissors,” said Kusuke instead.
            “Don’t ignore me,” said Saiki.
            “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” said Kusuke. He played scissors, which lost against Saiki’s rock. “I lost,” said Kusuke, an awkward smile on his face.
            “Are you happy now? I’m going,” said Kusuo, turning to head away.
            “My record against you is zero wins and 725 losses now,” said Kusuke. “Your winning percentage is the lowest when you play rock. Well, I guess that’s because I chose to play scissors only 104 times. I have lost the word games thirty-1 times. I have also lost shogi fifty-nine times, chess ten times, and video games 189 times. I have also lost mah-jongg four times and the memory game seven times.”
            If (Y/N) was here, they’d comment on his obsession. That thought lightened Saiki’s mood.
            “There are others, too. Altogether, how many times have I lose against you?” continued Kusuke. “My total record against you is zero wins and 4,254 losses.”
            (Y/N) would call this creepy, decided Saiki fondly. Still, what is he scheming this time?
            “Hey, Kusuo, will you teleport us to this address and room?” asked Kusuke, holding out a paper.
            Saiki narrowed his eyes. “No.”
            “I’ll tell Mom and Dad if you don’t,” said Kusuke, smiling. “Don’t you want them to have a good time and know we’re having a good time?’
            Weaponizing Mom being upset at us. What a dirty trick, thought Saiki. “Whatever.” He took the paper, Kusuke put his hand on Saiki’s shoulder, and the pair disappeared and reappeared.
            “Wow, teleportation really is amazing,” said Kusuke.
            “Where are we? A hotel room? Are we in London—” His eyes widened in alarm as his heightened senses heard voices in the next room over—all very familiar. “That can’t be. I must have misheard.” A sweat drop appeared behind his head.
            “Did you figure it out already? Correct!” said Kusuke. He grinned creepily. “They are in the next room.”
            In the next room over, Nendou leaned out the window. “Wow, runt, pinky, look at this! The buildings look like drawings!”
            “Why did we have to come here for a surprise?” wondered Kaidou.
            “It’s for Kusuo,” said (Y/N). “But I’m just hoping he feels well. He wasn’t in school because he was sick…” They knew the real reason, but their concern was immense either way.
            In the other room, Saiki glared at Kusuke. “Why are they here!?”
            He was torn between annoyance and suspicion. Not only were Nendou and Kaidou troublesome at the best of times (though he was friends with them even if he would never admit it), but Saiki hadn’t expected Kusuke to involve (Y/N), and yet there they were, still worried about him. Saiki didn’t want Kusuke to pull (Y/N) into any of his schemes, and that irritated him immensely. (Still, the inkling of relief to have a person he cared about so deeply there with him still made an appearance).
            “I summoned them,” said Kusuke, smiling innocently. “I called them a day before your arrival. I asked them to come to London to surprise you. I sent them plane tickets.”
            “You’re kidding, they wouldn’t have—” Saiki interrupted himself. “Well, they—” Nendou and Kaidou, dumb as they were at times “—would. But (Y/N) should’ve known better.”
            “Really? They were the most worried about you.” Kusuke grinned. “ ‘Is Kusuo alright?’ They really seem to care.”
            Saiki glared at Kusuke. The last thing he needed was his brother figuring out anything about his feelings and interfering in his (nonexistent) love life.
            “Why did you bring them here?” demanded Saiki.
            “Let’s play a game, Kusuo,” said Kusuke.
            “A game?” Saiki curled one hand into a fist and punched it into the other.
            Not intimidated, Kusuke continued, “Let’s play tag in London.”
            “…What?” Saiki deadpanned even more than normal.
            “I lost rock-paper-scissors. I will be it,” said Kusuke. “The time limit is three hours. As long as you don’t leave London, you can take buses, taxis, or subways. Well, sounds like fun, right?”
            “What is the point? London is larger than the twenty-three wards of Tokyo,” said Saiki.
            “You will play with Kaidou and Nendou as well as (L/N) so that you can’t use your powers,” said Kusuke.
            “I don’t want to play,” said Saiki.
            “You don’t care what happens to those three? With one signal, I can make those two explore London and return to Japan,” said Kusuke.
            “(Y/N) would want to see me,” said Saiki. “They wouldn’t go along with it.”
            “If you win, I’ll treat you to afternoon tea in this hotel,” said Kusuke, knowing Saiki’s sweet tooth was his biggest weakness. Or, almost.
            “…What happens if you win?” said Saiki. He really wanted afternoon tea and the confections that came with it, but first he needed to understand Kusuke’s angle on top of just getting a win on the board.
            Kusuke smiled brightly. “If I win, I’ll tell (L/N) you have a crush on them.”
            Saiki’s jaw dropped open. What a brutal blow from Kusuke.
            “Did you think it was hidden? It’s obvious,” said Kusuke, waving a hand. “As soon as they said your first name and mentioned your receiver, I knew you were open with them. The pieces were simple to put together.” He grinned. “So, what do you say?”
            “We’re playing tag.” Saiki could not let Kusuke win—not if he wanted sweets and for his feelings to remain hidden. He wasn’t ready to admit anything, and he wouldn’t let Kusuke of all people do it for him.
            Saiki and Kusuke opened the door to the room (Y/N), Kaidou, and Nendou had been stuck in.
            “Hey, pal!” cried Nendou excitedly.
            “Did we surprise you?” said Kaidou, grinning. “We’re in London.”
            “How are you feeling, Saiki?” asked (Y/N), frowning.
            “I’m fine,” said Saiki, nodding and pointing to the repaired receiver.
            (Y/N) visibly relaxed and smiled. “I’m glad.”
            “Now come on, we have to get going,” said Saiki.
            “Huh?” said (Y/N), tilting their head.
            “We’re playing tag,” said Kusuke with a wide grin.
            “Tag?” asked (Y/N), Kaidou, and Nendou.
            “I will be it, and Kusuo will hide. You three need to help him,” said Kusuke.
            “What about the surprise?” asked Kaidou in confusion.
            “He was surprised! We did it!” said Kusuke.
            “That was it?” said Kaidou.
            Knowing Saiki wouldn’t get involved with this of his own volition, (Y/N) looked at him. “You got bribed with sweets, didn’t you, Kusuo?”
            “Afternoon tea,” admitted Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled but smiled. “Alright, I’ll help. What are the rules?”
            “The time limit is three hours,” said Kusuke. “You can go anywhere within the borders of London. You can take buses, taxis, and subways. Get ready, start!” He pressed the start of a timer. “I will begin searching in thirty minutes. Run!”
            “Let’s go,” said Saiki, immediately grabbing (Y/N)’s wrist and hurrying to the street below.
            “What is this, Saiki? I don’t understand,” said Kaidou.
            Saiki took a map from a stand and glanced over it. “I’m sorry to involve you, but just shut up and follow me. This is a serious game.” Too much was on the line to mess around (sweets and his feelings).
            “Don’t worry, Kusuo, we have your back,” said (Y/N) brightly.
            “Isn’t this too easy? London is larger than Tokyo’s twenty-third ward,” said Kaidou.
            “There are cameras in the subway like on the street,” mused Saiki, focused on the game. “Well, we could put some distance between us.” He led them down towards the underground.
            “Your brother probably has a trick up his sleeve, doesn’t he?” said (Y/N).
            Saiki nodded (he actually responded to them).
            Sure enough, as they reached the bottom of the stairs, the shutter was down. The sign read “Tube Strike” in English.
            “Yare yare. There it is,” said Saiki.
            “He knew that the subways would be closed, which would make the lines for buses long,” said (Y/N). “Wow. He’s a genius.”
            “Don’t praise him, he’s as weird as everyone else in my family,” said Saiki.
            “We need to move fast!” said Kaidou, panicking. “He’ll be coming soon.”
            If he’s watching us, I’ll watch him. Saiki crossed his eyes. Clairvoyance. He saw his brother on a hang glider. He’s coming this way. He’s close. He can reach this place in five minutes.
            “What should we do?” said Nendou.
            “There!” said (Y/N), pointing. “Bikes for rent.”
            “Good idea.” Another reason Saiki liked (Y/N): they were actually helpful in these situations.
            “But there are only three, and there are four of us,” said Kaidou worriedly.
            “I can stand on the spokes on the back of one. I’ve done it a ton with Mera,” said (Y/N).
            Saiki pulled out a bike. “Get on.”
            “Are you su—”
            “We don’t have time.”
            Saiki didn’t want to admit this was nerve-wracking since he wasn’t a fan of touch usually, but he was choosing this. And it was (Y/N). He was comfortable with them. Of course, he also just didn’t want them to be so close to someone else, and with the other idiots with them, Saiki only trusted himself to keep them safe from Kusuke (not that there was really any danger, but Saiki had to justify this to himself without just getting to the point that he had a crush on (Y/N) and wanted to be close).
            “Alright,” said (Y/N), getting onto the back and holding onto Saiki’s shoulders as he began pedaling.
            Their cheeks warmed as they held onto him, and they fought to remain composed and focused. Their feelings were strong, but that didn’t mean they could lose focus and mess this up for Saiki. That would ruin any of (Y/N)’s chances to be close with Saiki.
            On his part, Saiki kept a straight face as usual, but he kept his eyes carefully ahead instead of glancing at (Y/N)’s hands on him. They were warm even through his clothes, and his heartbeat quickened as their proximity.
            Still, they all managed to remain focused on the task at hand and turned through a few streets and alleys to escape Kusuke. The bicycles were working. Unfortunately, not everyone riding them was working. Kaidou’s terrible stamina caught up, and he collapsed to the side.
            “Let’s take a break,” he gasped.
            “We’ve been biking for fifteen minutes,” said Saiki. “But we did try to avoid cameras. We should be alright. If we move around too much, he’ll detect our location. Perhaps we should’ve move location.”
            “That’s what you think!”
            From above, Kusuke dropped in with a motorcycle. Saiki and (Y/N) threw themselves out of the way.
            “Seriously?! Why is he here?!” cried Kaidou.
            “Are you alright?” asked Saiki, helping (Y/N) stand, and they nodded.
            “So cool!” said Nendou.
            “This isn’t the time for that!” cried Kaidou.
            (Y/N) and Saiki jumped back onto their bicycle, and all four sped out of the alley with Kusuke on their heels.
            “How did he find us?!” said (Y/N) over the rush of wind. “We avoided cameras!”
            “Maybe he has psychic powers,” joked Nendou.
            “It would run in the family,” said (Y/N) quietly, chuckling.
            “If he did, that would be terrible,” said Saiki. Luckily, his brother was just a genius, not a psychic.
            “Does he have a tracking device?” said Kaidou, giving a much more plausible idea.
            Saiki’s eyes widened. “My control device.”
            “He put a tracking device in it,” groaned (Y/N).
            “That jerk.” Saiki looked back, his eyes glowed, and a piece of Kusuke’s motorcycle broke to stop him in his tracks. He biked on, leaving his brother behind.
            They only stopped once they reached a giant department store, and Saiki led them in to try to lose Kusuke in the crowds.
            “As long as he knows our location, this is better than walking around,” said Saiki. “We need to avoid standing out.”
            (Y/N) coughed to avoid laughing. “Good luck with that.”
            Nendou was already driving a tiny kid toy car around the store, and Kaidou was examining all of the gaming equipment.
            “We have an announcement,” said the PA system, except it spoke with Kusuke’s voice. He was up to something again.
            “That voice?”
            “Uh-oh, he’s trying another tactic,” said (Y/N).
            “Please look for three young Japanese teenagers,” said Kusuke. “One has pink hair and has climbed Big Ben. Another has (H/C) hair and dressed up as a Grenadier Guard. A third is a bad child with shifty eyes who calls football ‘soccer.’ Another is a serial killer gorilla.”
            “Is the gorilla Nendou?” said (Y/N), not really fazed by the strangeness of Kusuke’s strategy. They had heard stranger things.
            “Definitely,” said Saiki.
            “It’s them!” cried an English man, pointing at the group. “Get them!”
            Instantly, a crowd converged on them, and they took off running. Saiki led them into a bathroom and a stall. People began to bang on the door, and (Y/N)’s eyes widened. They were pinned, and with the tracking device and the crowd, Kusuke would find them in an instant.
            “Okay, everyone, don’t worry,” said Kusuke’s voice in the bathroom.
            “He’s almost here!” whispered (Y/N) urgently.
            “That was a false announcement,” said Kusuke.
            “Oh, really?” murmured the crowd, slowly dispersing.
            “Up,” whispered (Y/N) to Saiki.
            He looked at them, and (Y/N) pointed up.
            “Up,” they repeated.
            Saiki’s eyes widened as he got the message, and he mentally thanked the world for giving him a friend like (Y/N). For all the trouble they got into and their air-headedness, they came through at all the rights moments.
            Saiki teleported them all a floor up. There was no change in the layout of the bathroom, so Kaidou and Nendou didn’t notice. Best of all, though? Kusuke’s tracker wouldn’t see the change in elevation. He would open the door of the stall below and find nothing.
            “Time’s up,” said Saiki.
            Kusuke had lost once more.
            “We won!” cheered Nendou.
            “Now do we get to really explore London?” said Kaidou excitedly.
            “Do whatever you want,” said Saiki. He opened the stall door and walked out. He had a prize to collect. “(Y/N), do you want to come to tea with me?” Kaidou and Nendou might tail after him, but what mattered was if (Y/N) came or not. They made any additional company so much more bearable.
            (Y/N) grinned. “Of course!”
            Saiki’s hearts warmed at their brightness.
            “So are Kusuo and Saiki always like that?” asked (Y/N), taking a sip of their tea and looking at Mr. and Mrs. Saiki.
            Saiki himself was glad that (Y/N) used his first name now since if they called him and Kusuke the same thing, he’d just get frustrated to be lumped in with him.
            Mrs. Saiki laughed. “Oh, yes, since they were small. They’re always competing. It’s so cute.”
            “Troublesome is more like it,” said Saiki. “He never stops challenging me.”
            “They’re brothers. Brothers are like that,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “No, he’s just a nuisance.”
            (Y/N) chuckled. “Well, it was kind of fun. I mean, I don’t have siblings of my own to compete with, so running around with Kaidou and Nendou and Kusuo was a real adventure.”
            Saiki looked at them and their shy smile. Okay, fine. So maybe the entire situation hadn’t been that bad since he got to spend time with them and it made them happy. Saiki would never admit it out loud, but he was thankful that Kusuke’s endless competitiveness led to more bonding with (Y/N) and their joy.
            “Morning, Kusuo! Where are your parents?” asked (Y/N).
            “On another date,” said Saiki. It was the following day, and there was still time until they were scheduled to return to Japan, so his parents were taking advantage of the time.
            “That’s cute,” said (Y/N), smiling. They liked how in-love Saiki’s parents were. It was how married couples should be.
            “Where are Nendou and Kaidou?” asked Saiki.
            “They went back to the department store to buy souvenirs,” said (Y/N).
            “Of course they did,” said Saiki.
            “Do you have anything you want to do?” asked (Y/N).
            “Not particularly,” said Saiki.
            “Well, I was thinking of going for a walk to find a bookstore and then head to a café to read,” said (Y/N). They shifted nervously. “Do you want to go together?”
            “Yes.” The answer was instant, unusual for Saiki.
            (Y/N) brightened. “Really?”
            Saiki nodded.
            “Awesome,” said (Y/N), grinning ear-to-ear.
            Soon enough, Saiki and (Y/N) ended up in a bookstore off the trodden main roads of London. It was quaint and lovely, quiet and private.
            “They have so many books,” said (Y/N), looking at each excitedly.
            “Can you read English?” asked Saiki.
            “Not perfectly, but I’m trying to improve,” said (Y/N), laughing sheepishly. “That’s why I’m trying to find a book that interests me. Then I can improve my vocabulary outside of just what school assigns.”
            Saiki nodded, understanding. “How about this one?” He handed over a book.
            “Pride…and…Prej-Prejudiice,” said (Y/N), trying to sound out the words. They brightened. “Oh, I’ve seen the movie for this. I love it!”
            “What type of story is it?” asked Saiki.
            “A romance between a headstrong woman and a man who doesn’t know how to show his feelings,” said (Y/N). “It’s so cute.”
            “Would you watch the movie again with me? Maybe over break?” said Saiki, daring to ask (Y/N) for a private moment with them that wasn’t their usual homework or cooking. This was something more akin to what many considered a date. It was a risk to ask, but Saiki wanted to be closer to (Y/N). He wanted to show that he cared.
            (Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and their smile softened. “I’d love to, Kusuo, but are you sure you want to interrupt your time alone?”
            “I don’t mind spending time with someone when it’s you,” said Saiki. “You’re my…you’re my best friend.” He avoided eye-contact, unused to his own honesty.
            (Y/N)’s heart nearly burst, and, overwhelmed with their own emotions, they dared to reach out and touch Saiki’s hand. “I’m glad you like spending time with me, Kuso. I really like i. You’re my…well, you’re my best friend, too.”
            Saiki looked down at the hand touching his own, and he let himself take their hand and give it a gentle squeeze. Neither had spoken the complete truth of their feelings, but it was enough. They both cared about the other. That was all their hearts needed to know for now.
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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Leonard Campbell Taylor - Stephen and Virginia Courtauld with their pet ring-tailed lemur Mah-Jongg (1934)
Virginia Peirano and Stephen Courtauld met in the Alps. She was impulsive, creative and unconventional, with the title of marchioness from her first, unhappy marriage. Stephen, scion of the Courtauld textile empire and a keen mountaineer, was quiet and ‘unflappable’, according to a former colleague. He had received the Military Cross in 1918, fighting with the Artists’ Rifles. They were married in 1923 in Fiume (now Rijeka, Croatia). They were both in their early forties, and childless. On their return to England, they bought a ring-tailed lemur from the Harrods pet department. They christened him Mah-Jongg, although he was soon affectionately known simply as ‘Jongy’. With a large disposable income, the Courtaulds were at the centre of interwar London society, and were noted patrons of the arts. They also loved sailing. With the help of his brother-in-law, Stephen designed a motor yacht he named the Virginia. Over the winter of 1936, the couple sailed her from Cape Town to Egypt; other voyages saw them collecting orchids and making films around the South China Sea. Mah-Jongg, lounging in a specially designed deckchair, brought a certain tropical cachet to these trips. But he disgraced himself at a farewell lunch for the British Arctic Air Route Expedition on board the Virginia when he bit the expedition’s wireless operator, Percy Lemon, so viciously that he severed an artery. Lemon did not fully recover for three months. Looking for a new home close to London, the Courtaulds bought the site of Eltham Palace in 1933. Jongy’s spacious living quarters were on the first floor at the centre of the new house, where its two wings met. From a trapdoor in the floor, a bamboo ladder led to the Flower Room, adjacent to the entrance hall. His quarters were, like the rest of the house, centrally heated, providing a tropical climate. The cage’s décor of Madagascan rainforests, by Gertrude Whinfield, must have made Jongy feel quite at home. Exoticism of all kinds is reflected elsewhere in Eltham’s décor: the door reliefs in the dining room, for example, combine Classical Greek motifs with depictions of animals and birds from London Zoo. Mah-Jongg died in 1938, after 15 years spent sharing the Courtaulds’ glamorous lifestyle. Although he only lived at Eltham for four years, his enduring influence on one of the most beautiful 1930s buildings in England can still be seen there today. (source)
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the-unrelated-theorist · 10 months
Some Undertale gamer headcanons:
Someone said that Toriel would be the world Tetris champion, and I'm not sure why, but I agree with that. And not just Tetris, but bubble-poppers, match 3, marble-shooters, all of those kinds of games. She's the new Candy Crush mascot.
I've also seen people say sans would be into rhythm games, and... no. Why would you think he would be into something that takes that much effort? Seriously, come on. What sans is into is farming sim games. He's written dozens of online strategy guides for Stardew Valley, all of them under different pseudonyms.
Papyrus is into online multiplayers. All of them, any genre- Fortnite, Apex Legends, Fall Guys, Elder Scrolls Online, Runescape, you name it. He sucks at all of them, but none of his online friends is willing to tell him how bad he is because he's so darned innocent and nice. Nobody really wants him on their team because he'll always make them fail the mission, but he's so upbeat and uplifting that no one has the heart to tell him they don't want him.
Undyne loves Souls-like and dungeon crawlers, but she struggles with anything that requires stealth, she just doesn't. do. stealth. She says it's stupid to have to sneak up on enemies, she should just be able to barge in with guns or swords or spears blazing in any and all circumstances. Don't ever even suggest Metal Gear to her. Or Breath of the Wild- she rage-quit after the Yiga Clan Hideout quest (although it did leave her with the impression that bananas give you strength in battle, so she now always keeps a bunch of bananas on hand).
Blooky plays solitaire and Mah Jongg, and even those stress them out.
Maddie plays casino and slots games. On an unrelated note, she's always broke.
Mettaton is the rhythm games master. You will not change my mind on this.
Alphys is HEAVY into JRPG's. The more anime it looks, the more she loves it.
Asgore has no idea what a video game is. Well, ok, he has some idea, his kids both played games, but he never could figure them out. He thinks Sonic and Crash are both Mario characters and that Link is a girl- you get the idea. But he did used to play card and board games with Toriel. Especially chess (she totally owned his ass in every match). Ever since Toriel left, he can't bring himself to play chess. He plays checkers a lot, tho. He usually loses (he plays against himself).
Asriel and Chara were into action/adventure games. Asriel's favorite characters were Yoshi and Link, while Chara's favorites were Samus and Shadow the Hedgehog. What? No, I'm not projecting my favorite games onto the Dreemurr kids. What are you talking about?
Frisk has only ever played the hit indie game Undertale. About 500 times. Always Pacifist, they've never even tried a Geno run. They've been thinking about playing that Deltarune game, too, but they kinda wanna wait until the whole thing is released.
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jungle-angel · 4 days
Sex On Fire (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: Calvin has had A DAY, but that doesn't mean the sex is no less amazing
Warnings: Angry hate sex, mentions of parenthood etc. SMUT!!!! (no minors allowed in this treehouse)
Tagging: @floydsmuse @ateliefloresdaprimavera
Calvin stormed through the door, his lips pressed together in a tight frown and his eyebrows pinched together in a frightening scowl. He tossed his keys into the dish on the living room endtable and marched himself into the kitchen where you had been making lunch.
"Dare I ask?" you chuckled a little, putting together the last of the sandwich you had made him with some of the baked ham and coleslaw from the night before.
"I swear to God if D'Nadi makes one more remark in front of the college board, MY FOOT IS GOING INSIDE HIM!!!!"
You choked back a laugh that had caught in your throat. You pushed the plate back a little further near the toaster, hoping it wouldn't knock over. "You um........"
"Don't even dear," he warned you. "I am in the foulest of moods and the next person that crosses me might just be the next victim of radium poisoning."
You turned your lip down and feigned a pouty look.
"Not you," Calvin finally said.
You chuckled a little but yelped when he pinned you against the edge of the counter, attacking your neck. "Oh ok," you moaned between his heated, fervent kissing. "I......I see how this is gonna go."
Calvin groaned, rutting his hips against yours, needily and angrily all at once, hiking your thigh across his hip. You could feel him growing hard as he rubbed himself against you, you yourself desperate for any kind of friction.
"Wait, wait," you pleaded.
"Ain't gonna wait," he growled.
"Calvin......upstairs.......better than here......."
Calvin let go long enough to give you that familiar look, his eyes darting back and forth a little. "Yeah good point," he concluded.
You tiptoed across the floor to the kitchen stairs before he delivered a sound, hard smack to your behind, causing you to yelp and dart right up the stairs that led into the upstairs halls. You thanked high heaven that Henry and Pat had Ellen and the dogs for the day. None of them needed to hear anything that might ensue.
Calvin jumped right on you and pinned you to the bed, manhandling you just enough to line you up perfectly with his aching cock. "Gonna fuck you senseless......" he growled. "Won't be able to walk for a week....."
The moan that escaped you was unholy as he inserted himself right into your already wet pussy. Calvin's lips attached right to yours, sucking, biting and nipping as he pushed your hair from your face, thrusting fiercely in and out of you.
"Oh God Calvin.......Calvin!!"
"Take it!!!" he growled. "Fuckin take it!! Take it like a good little wifey!"
Every thrust threw you further and further into that glorious high, the bed clattering against the wall before yours and Calvin's release finally hit full force. His head fell right onto your chest, his brow sweaty as his hair clung to him, panting heavily as you both tried to catch your breath.
"Holy fuck," he groaned.
"You ok?" you laughed.
"Yeah I just needed to get that outta my system," he said, never once lifting his head.
You laughed as his arms circled tighter around your waist, not wanting to pull out of you just yet. You listened as he explained everything that happened that day in that dratted meeting with the college board members about the grant the chemistry department was supposed to be working on.
"Ya know, I'm thinking we should train the pups to leave a little dog dirt on the lawn," Calvin chuckled. "They say it's good for grass growth."
"Nah, I'm sure your mother and her mah-jongg group have something worse planed," you laughed.
You and Calvin both laughed at the thought, hoping the opportunity would come when Six-Thirty and Rosie's puppies would need to be house-broken. But until then, you two let your imaginations run wild.
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thebardisabird · 1 year
Here’s some headcanons to play with, if you’d have fun with them: how the brothers would each share a bed with their s/o? What position do they sleep in? How do they cuddle? DO they even cuddle, or are they just ragdolling in the bed? Do they talk? Do they SLEEPtalk? Do they watch over their sleeping s/o? Out of them and their s/o, who’s the first to wake? Who’s the last to get out of bed? 👀
Ooooh okay, yeah lemme play around with these. So here's how I'd like to think that would go: Osomatsu He is all over the place. Doesn't matter who he's sleeping next to, he's tossing & turning, spread out all over the bed. If you're laying next to him he may be a little more conscious of you being in the space with him, but honestly not by much lol. He always wakes up last and is out of bed last, no doubt about it. Even if you're scheduled to get up after him for whatever reason, he somehow ends up waking up after you. He's a back sleeper for the most part, but flips side to side throughout the night.
Karamatsu Is a cuddler, for sure. He loves wrapping you up in warm embraces, especially when it's your back to his chest - he feels protective over you in this way. When he's laying you with you, sometimes he does like to watch you sleep. Not in any creepy way, but rather the kind where he smiles at your peaceful face and may tuck some hair behind your ear so he can see you better. He tends to get be out of bed first. More often than not so it's to get breakfast started - a habit he picked up from his mother. He's a side sleeper, it's most comfortable for him.
Choromatsu At first sharing the space with you made him rather rigid (out of nervousness) so slept a little on the corpse-y side, hands at his sides and straight as a board. But with some time, he's learned to relax quite a bit. He mumbles a bit in his sleep on just about anything. From nightmares to good dreams to even just reenacting a concert he may have recently went to. He's not big on cuddling (he's a warm sleeper), but he doesn't mind having your head on his chest while you lay in bed together. He's routine with his wake up time, so it will largely depend on when you wake up to see if he's up before you or not. He prefers to sleep on his back the whole night through.
Ichimatsu A very light sleeper. Bright lights and loud sounds keep him awake at night, so he may need earplugs or earbuds to help him stay asleep if by chance you are a snorer or need an auditory sleep-aid. He loves cuddling in bed, but rarely initiates it himself so you'll most likely have to do it - which isn't a problem because the warmth he gives you keeps you stuck to him like glue. He wears the comfiest sleeping clothes and he holds you close when he cuddles, his head often tucking on top of yours with his arms fully around you. His wake up schedule is very hit or miss. Some days he'll be hours ahead of you as to when he's up, others he'll be still asleep when you wake. He's another where he can either sleep on his back or on his sides, depending on what feels most comfortable, and whether or not he wants to fall asleep cuddling with you.
Jyushimatsu Absolute wild child in the bedroom. He sleeps in just about any position and if you do end up cuddling, you're basically wrapped in his noodle-y hold until he either releases you or you tickle him to get him off you. He likes to squish your cheeks together when you sleep, something about you being soft against him that he enjoys. Jyushimatsu can and will have full conversations in his sleep. You've been woken up by baseball calls, random animal sounds, even bouts of him having full play recaps of his mah-jongg games with his brothers - all while he's fully asleep. It used to scare you at first, but now you can't help but be fascinated. He's the first one up, always always always, and it's very sudden and very loud.
Todomatsu He's a stomach sleeper about 98% of the time. Prefers the comfortable pillows and interchanges between a big fluffy comforter or a cozy weighted blanket to sleep with. He's not a fan of cuddling at night, but he does have a habit when there's a bad storm or if he's had a very off day, of holding your hand while sleeping as it brings him comfort. Not a sleep talker exactly, but he does giggle or softly moan to himself in his sleep and it always makes you wonder what goes on in his head. He's another sleeper who is hit or miss with his wake up times, all depends on what he did the day before and if he has something to do the next day.
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nicomrade · 7 months
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when your 4th player finds out youve been playing without them
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wildbeautifuldamned · 3 months
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Vintage French Ivory Celluloid Mah Jongg Set Piroxloid Mahjong 144pcs wWood Box ebay Retro_VintageCAC
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speedmahjongg · 2 years
WIN an Americam Mah Jongg Set. Don't miss your opportunity to WIN an American Mah Jongg Set. See details at www.speedmahjongg.org....and see the 2022 SPEED Mah Jongg Winning Hands Card.
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penig · 1 month
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Bunting went an outing with her friend Idun and they mostly played mah jongg with older women. Meanwhile Bran was having a breakdown on the danced floor due to Medb's death, and not the fun kind, either!
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kiefbowl · 1 year
how normiecore is this: i just played mah jongg on the aarp website and i'm about to go pull weeds from my raspberries 😎
girl that’s so sexy of you fr
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apersonwholikeslotus · 4 months
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i love silent films, the 1924 brag of being able to say mah jongg
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