#Malleus Maleficarum
Ok so you know how in the Malleus Maleficarum (the book where the Catholic Church wanted to record everything they knew about witchcraft for their own records), they had a segment where they discussed all the "non-witchcraft magic" in the world to try to separate that out? The part where they are explaining "Well, we all know that throwing rotten rosemary into a flowing river can cause a storm, but that is just normal nature magic. Also, sometimes when someone is murdered, the last thing they saw in life is imprinted on the eye, and since this mechanism is unknown to science, we assume that to be magic as well, but since this can be done without anyone having stolen Christian semen on behalf of the Devil, this isn't witchcraft and is just Other Magic"? Well, in Naruto, when we find out that Kaguya is the "source of all chakra/ninjitsu" and then we go "right so that toad dimension where the toads can water that can destroy a mountain, and make scrolls that can heal people, and also if you collect to much of the energy you turn into a toad (unless you collect even more than that in which case you turn into a statue) and also one of the toads had multiple prophesies including one that is making accurate predictions about the relevance of a porn book thousands of years in the future? Yeah, that's just how frogs work. That's not magic, that's nature, babey!" It really has that same vibe
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idjits-areus · 27 days
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"Fistfight" by The Ballroom Thieves // Dean x Castiel
Images from episodes 3x9 | Malleus Maleficarum, 3x16 | No Rest for the Wicked and 4x1 | Lazarus Rising.
"Fistfight" by The Ballroom Thieves
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hexedwinchester · 22 days
Supernatural S03E09 Malleus Maleficarum
Bloody teeth falling off! The stuff from nightmares. That's what I'm talking about.
Ahh! I had forgotten this is the first time Sam stops Dean from killing Ruby
Everytime Sam says "what?" In that squeaky voice, I just love it!
Dean: you're the short bus
ok but I love how Sammy gets all Sherlocky on the bad guys! His deductions are so on point
i found the conversation between Dean and Ruby at the end of the episode to be quite interesting. Ruby is trying to manipulate Dean here, sowing the seeds of doubt, telling him that even he would turn into Hell, become something he is not and we know how that turned out. She also tries to sway him by telling him that she remembers being human because Dean literally sees the world in black and white. She is manipulating Dean to make him believe she is more human than she is a demon
also early season demons were scary gooood: Azazel, Ruby, Lilith, Alastair, this coven demon. Seriously wtf happened to demons in later seasons??
I was right. Ben Edlund writes for Dean
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shirtlesssammy · 6 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 53/326
Supernatural 3x09//Malleus Maleficarum
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empty-styrofoam · 5 months
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Ashes fall and I’m rising up again.
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rwpohl · 6 months
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codex gigas, bohemia 13th century
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nickysfacts · 1 month
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Ozzie: the sympathetic demon that embodies the spirit of lust!💋
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spurgie-cousin · 3 months
Can I send your google history further into the grave and ask what medieval christians thought about sex with Jesus? Does that come up at all as being a thing does any kind of “I had this vivid sexual dream/hallucination(?)” fall into witchcraft by default
I can probably answer this without too much research, although I did Google "medieval Christians sex Jesus" just in case there was some wild bit of trivia I wasn't aware of (all of the results were just people debating whether or not Jesus was a sex haver, which if you don't know is a huge argument amongst some theologians lol).
The reason medieval Christians were so hung up on the devil gettin' it on with human women is essentially the same reason many still want Jesus to be a virgin now, and that's just because Christianity has demonized sexuality (particularly female and queer sexuality) for centuries as a means of control. In these kinds of stories, the devil is always presented as masculine, and the victim/sinful willing participant is always a woman, and that's not an accident.
The stories from the Malleus Maleficarum (handbook on witches/how to identify and prosecute them from the 1400s) and the book below (too long of a title to type lol, 1697) present themselves as true accounts but really they read more like morality tales, warning women that any exploration of sexuality outside of reproduction with a husband will land them in some kind of eternal suffering. For example, a popular archetype is the devil donning some sort of human man disguise and seducing an unsuspecting woman, after which she is damned to hell for the sin of being deceived/being horny.
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So all of that to say, sex = evil and bad, and therefore it was not associated with Jesus. The fact that Jesus was basically asexual was held up as a sign of his perfection and purity, so saying you had some kind of dream or vision about boning God's son would 1. be taboo because as a woman you weren't supposed to be talking about sex period and 2. probably get you suspected of some kind of witchcraft because the only people allowed to have any direct communication with God/Jesus, including visions of their plans, were the men who ran your church.
It's a notion that's carried over to the present day as we know, since there's still a stigma around anything sexual within the greater Christian culture, especially when it comes to female Christians.
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deanstudies101 · 4 months
3x09, Malleus Maleficarum
Critical theory: A very specific, very personal kind of hell. Corruption of the self, and what makes someone “evil”? 
Discussion question(s): How is this presentation of hell a hell for Dean personally? 
Further reading: They just flimed him bent over on his hands and knees. (@bloodydeanwinchester) 
Liked this episode, opened up some things about the lore. If all/most demons were human beings that went to hell and got driven to insanity and lost their humanity, what happens to the ones that don’t go to hell? Do they find peace? Do they become angels? The concept of humanity is being thrown around. We’ve discussed a lot “what makes a monster”, and now we’re getting into “what makes a human." A lot of the “monsters” have been human, ie. witches here. 
Interesting the focus on making Sam “more like Dean” to survive when he’s gone/win the war. Especially the framing of this as him becoming… almost less human? Giving up his humanity? 1) the implication that Dean is like that (ruthless, perhaps?) 2) dangerous for Sam to be giving up his humanity huh
The witches in this weren’t exactly evil. They were getting lower mortgage rates. The demon was the one doing evil stuff, the witches were just vibing. They sold their souls, sure, but that's their business. Dean is on their level. 
When you sell your soul to a demon, you become a demon under them, you serve them [ :) ] 
It’s giving pyramid scheme. 
What is so special about Sam? Why do they want him to lead them? What is his special power, going in and out of hell at will or something? Related to Lucifer? Demon Jesus style? 
Iga, “No matter what, Dean is going to hell.” 
Notes: Iga, “Dean would make a great demon, and I think he should do it.” Kai, “He would look really hot with the black eyes.” (there was a long discussion about this involving test tubes and cloning and Sam ruling hell with Dean as his right hand man) Iga, “Dean would be so hot as this, like, demon guard dog.” 
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magic-study · 26 days
Okay, I don't know how well this will work out, and I know it's going to take me a long time to get anything substantial done. HOWEVER. This is one of my attempts at making occult information more accessible. Wish me luck!
(If you want to find this on the site, go to www.magicstudy.net and click "study tools," then "simplified texts.")
(Editing to point out that I am not cool enough to do this entirely on my own. I got my assistant Meg to simplify each part and then I did all the boring "put it on the website and make it easy to navigate and format it properly" stuff. I also plan on going through to add links and more information that I think will be helpful.)
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“You know, with our usual playmates, there’s rules, there’s patterns. But with people, they’re just crazy.”
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ehgood-enough · 17 days
I am rewatching supernatural (yeah again) up to season 3 episode 9 malleus maleficarum
I always forget how NASTY this episode is. So disgusting. I may skip it next rewatch. I’m already halfway through it right now so might as well finish
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arcanespillo · 9 months
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Hungry, The X-Files S7E03 Malleus Maleficarum, Supernatural S3E09
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ichikun · 1 year
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doing some light summer reading and this excerpt from the malleus maleficarum always get me
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carica-ficus · 10 months
"Sva mi je duša bolesna. Ali, na žalost, od bolesne duše nitko ne umire."
- Marija Jurić Zagorka, "Grička Vještica II: Maleus Malleficarum"
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Malleus Maleficarum - Corax Familiar Spirit by Luca Grieco
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