#Man fanfics in big fandoms can be awful
Like a part of me is baffled by those weird ass pro-imperialism /the fire nation is superior fanfics because…not only because it goes against the grain of what the show was about?
But the Fire Nation is stupid sometimes. So very stupid. Only those who have some sort of respect for the spirits tend to have any kind of deep wisdom or foresight at all.
They not only try to kill the moon when they seem to be making a lot of their initial advances using their damn NAVY** but the FN isn’t even responsible it seems for a lot of their more recent technological advantages in the war. It’s possible they got said boats up and running themselves at the start of the war…but I have to wonder if they did anything themselves in the hundred years since. Like at all. Besides kidnapping people and forcing them into slavery.
They threatened an Earth Kingdom man who offered his services and honestly? The fact they did that kind of makes it seem like they’re incapable as it stands of that kind of creativity even if it’s geared towards murder. The FN isn’t your Randian anti-religion pro-scepticism utopia you weirdos.
I mean it gets especially stupid given that this is a world where spirits and divine powers are VERY OBVIOUSLY REAL but even if we somehow discounted that the fN doesn’t seem to have any kind of scientific genius to name. As @greatcolorfan I believe said on a reblog of a related post I made a long while back perhaps it’s the whole blind obedience thing has screwed them over.
**That post where Azula was actually ignorant for going against the tides/got lucky it didn’t blow up in her face starts to make a lot of sense too.
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what do you think of this post? i found it kind of.. weird, in the way it talked about her relationship with team avatar compared to her relationship with zuko
It started out okay, turned into a train-wreck REAL fast.
I can understand being annoyed at how people will make fun of something like Katara bringing up her mom a lot, especially if these people don't do that for any other character when they ALL bring up their traumas a lot, but the way it quickly escalated into "Actually, Katara was right in telling her brother he didn't love their mom like she did" was honestly one of the most disgusting things I've read by anyone in this fandom - which is saying a lot.
Also, once again the complete bullshit claims of "The Gaang and Aang in particular never try to be there for Katara, emotionally, like she was for them."
Considering this person mentioned disliking videos that frame the entire show as just Katara being a bitch towards poor, friendzoned nice guy Aang, I would not be surprised if they let this dumb edits drastically affect how they see completely innocent Kataang moments as being something they weren't OR that they had already read Zutara "metas" (aka wildly out of character fanfic) and formed their opinion on these dynamics looooong before they actually watched the show.
People really gotta stop focusing on what the FANDOM does when they are talking about how CHARACTERS behave towards each other. Yes, some fans are sexist and hate Katara for the "crime" of being a female character - that does not mean the Gaang forced her into the role of being their mom/caretaker/therapist.
Sokka is CONSTANTLY trying to be useful the group. Toph learned to open up and clearly enjoyed spending time with Katara, even if it was to do things she did not want to do at first (you TRY dragging Toph to a spa and have people touch her feet after she explicitly said that was the one thing they were not allowed to do. See how fast you get crushed by a rock).
And Aang - oh my God, AANG. That boy was all about trying to make Katara happy from day one. They played together, he offered to go with her to the Northern Water Tribe so she could become a pro-waterbender, would always apologize to her whenever he did something wrong, explicitly told her she gave him hope (mirroring how she had hope the Avatar would save the world), was in complete awe after she literally brought him back to life, fucking blew up a factory with her, and tried to stop her from making a big mistake and sacrificing what was left of her innocence by killing a (admitedly AWFUL) man - yes, Zutarians, NOT letting your friend do something they'll regret IS being a good friend and thinking of what's best for them, sorry not sorry.
THE WHOLE REASON Katara is so emotionally attached to Aang and wants to be there for him whenever he needs anything is because HE ALLOWED HER TO BE A KID AND HAVE FUN AGAIN.
You'd think so called "Katara fans" would be able to understand such a simple concept that she verbally explains to us IN THE FIRST DAMN EPISODE!
Anyone that claims Aang didn't love and support Katara just as much as she did him is either misremembering the show, in deep denial, or just flat out lying to you.
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Would you be willing to do the most recent headcanon list you reblogged for each of the colors?
I already did Red but I'll do the other four here
Sexuality Headcanon:
Green - Bisexual & Polyamorous (this will be a trend)
Blue - Pansexual & Polyamorous
Vio - Bisexual & Demi-romantic/Polyamorous
Shadow - Pansexual & Polyamorous
Gender Headcanon:
Green - Cis male
Blue - Cis male
Vio - Genderfluid, sometimes trans (again, modern AUs)
Shadow - Genderfluid/nonbinary what is a gender he doesn't care to know
A ship I have with said character:
Green/Vaati i LOVE hero/villain dynamics, they are golden retriever/grumpy drama king to me, their relationship is "me + the bad bitch i pulled by being effortlessly kind/charming/funny/humble/gay" instagram captions.
Blue/Everyone. The secret to Blue is that he actually cares SO MUCH, but if anyone calls him out on it he will die on the spot. This is tragic and inevitable (he is bad at hiding it)
Vidow is my ultimate OTP, they are so fascinating to me i want to put them in a blender set it to high and then watch it go nuts. They are toxic and co dependent and would kill for each other and also kill each other too. 100/10 ship I'm a Vidow apologist and i will die on this hill
Is it cheating to say i ship all of them together? They can be one big polycule as a treat
A BROTP I have with said character:
Green and Shadow. Unstoppable force (Shadow) meets immovable object (Green). They have oldest sibling/youngest sibling energy
Blue and Green is also good, they have a bromance unlike anything the world has ever seen. They are always pushing each other to be better and also doing the dumbest stunts for the vine
Vio and Vaati would be infodump pals. They started talking about magic theory at 10 in the morning over breakfast and are still talking about it at 1 am the next day
A NOTP I have with said character:
Literally the only character i can think of is Tingle.
A random headcanon:
Green - my most consistent hc across all AUs/canon is that he has head to toe freckles.
Blue - given a modern AU, Blue joins theater as a way to deal with his anger issues. Not only does it work, but he ends up with a passion for the performing arts as a result
Vio - he has crippling anxiety and is a chronic over thinker. He needs Xanax and a nap.
Shadow - given a modern AU, Shadow is the lead guitar/singer/screamer in a rock band (Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, AS IT IS aesthetic/sound), and he can also play almost any instrument that he picks up. He has a huge collection of instruments.
General Opinion over said character:
Green - the funniest thing I've ever seen is people saying that Green wouldn't cheat in a fight RE: my "who would win in a fight" polls and like you're all valid and all OBJECTIVELY wrong, he cheats in the fight against Vio at Death Mountain. He may have morals but he is not lawful good
Blue - I miss him. Where are the blue centric fanfics. Come back from the war please. Someone put this idiot in situations
Vio - perfect amzing beautiful showstopping spectacular always original awful awful man his veins are filled with anxiety instead of blood and i want him dissected by the fandom immediately
Shadow - scrunkly. Shaped. I want to hug him and never let go
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Not sure how to view Chris anymore and it’s sad. At this point whatever the “truth” is, it doesn’t matter.
I’m just floored at how someone could be so weak to get into this mess and not “be able to get out”and it’s easy to say oh it’s hard for him to get out but he’s at least trying to show this is fake, yet he was bold enough to lie to the world about being married?
Make that make sense?
Like how the fuck do they clean this up at all?
It’s like reality and illusions are morphing together and I honestly don’t know who the fuck this man truly is and maybe that’s the way it should’ve always been.
We get wrapped up in this shit mainly due to the way of the world and due to Hollywood and capitalism, etc, but we have to take accountability by finally choosing to not fall for seeing other mere mortals as anything but human.
If you take any random person off the street, clean them up, give them a great marketing team, BOOM you have a new celebrity. It’s all a big awful joke of illusion.
No more rose colored glasses. It’s to the point fandoms and celebrity today is seeing a blue sky but being duped into believing it’s green.
Unfortunately most will never understand the above and never take those glasses off.
This applies to fans, non fans and just the overall population of the world who are willing and unwilling and unaware at how impacted we all are by celebrity culture. A headline makes waves or something goes viral and we ALL stop our lives to read or listen about it and many hop online to discuss and argue with others over various things, not once seeing the reality……you’re taking time out of YOUR life to focus on someone who doesn’t even know you exist, wasting YOUR time discussing crap about someone else who is living their life and getting rich off of you and someone who uses media to stay relevant through…..Y-O-U!
*breaks rose colored glasses* for good.
Same, An🫶n. Honestly before I was sucked in here, Chris was the ideal guy for me... Ofcourse, Papa was right. He told me once that "I shouldn't place anyone on a pedestal, because anything placed that high, is meant to break."
I've got nothing but love for Chris and his work. But the way this is all spun, real or not, I'm not sure if I can keep adoring him as a person.
Like I've said before, we can't exactly blame Chris, alone for getting into this mess in the first place. But if those breadcrumbing and hinting on his end isn't true (the hope and rumor that he's telling us that anything about the wedding is fake, etc.), An🫶n is right.
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He's not a saint, but he's not a demon either. But the thing is, he isn't going to be just Chris Evans, the actor we all love and adore. The actor we'll be happy for when he gets his small victories. Whose dog is one of the best things on the internet during this whole mess right now.
He's also going to be Chris Evans, the guy who "married" a racist, who's friends have baited the entire Fandom. The guy who couldn't save his fans from tearing at each other. The guy who let this get so out of hand, that the one place that should've been safe for us to escape to, and enjoy everything, disappeared in mere months.
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I'm planning to stick around, because I know for a fact, a ton of you were here for the fan-made stuff. The fanfics, fanarts, discussions about characters, etc.
I came here for that too. Doesn't mean I'm giving up this whole thing. But I'm going to take time to go back to the fun part. Because honestly, my page has turned into an analysis page😅 it's 70% rant posts about the bullshit pr, and 30% me and my fics...
Bro! I intended to make fucking fics before 250 Followers Celebration comes... But I'm way behind... Partly, because of life. And partly because the second something goes down, I drop nearly everything, and focus so much time and energy on this.
So, I'm not saying drop him or any celeb completely. I'm saying we need to tone down our idolization, because it may have gotten to the point where it isn't healthy.
For the sake of your health, mental and otherwise, Fandom. Take time to enjoy what you love about this Fandom. And please don't say anything about tearing the PR Narrative, because even I have to admit, it takes it's toll.
Again, not backing down, or stepping down. Just giving myself time to take care of me, and spend time with my family while they're still alive.
I don't know if this Christmas season will be the last that I get to spend time with any of them, so I'm going to make sure I live every minute with them. And not stuck in this hole I've dug myself for months, since the wedding announcement.
And you should all do that for yourselves, guys. Take the time, and make it count.
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scaredycatqlt · 22 days
HII idk if your requests are still open but PLEASE can you do bojack/ mr peanutbutter dating head canons or any of your choice, the fandom needs more fanfics 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
awwWWW YEAH BABYYY. You already KNOW it’s gonna be toxic.
WARNING: Potentially triggering content. Nothing graphic, but talk of toxic/unhealthy relationships, questionable shit, BoJack being BoJack. SUPER MEGA FUCKING ANGST WARNING!!!
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BoJack X Reader! Headcanons [ROMANTIC💔]
woah boy.
where do I even start with this guy?
okay, so, first things first; bad idea. What the absolute fuck were you thinking.
You probably have a fix-it mentality don’t you?
You’re probably the first person to talk to him. He either doesn’t care about you at first, or absolutely despises you.
chances are you are/were a fan of the show. (Eughhh,,,,)
If you weren’t he’s like ‘>:0’
It’s not really explicitly labeled as a romantic relationship. You guys probably hooked up before you even knew each other.
So being in this (more so situation-ship than anything) is toxic, to say the least.
He’s got a whole bunch of problems and he doesn’t want to ruin you to. But he ends up doing just that anyways.
He guilt trips you. I don’t even need to say that.
He rants to you about silly things that don’t even matter. It’s kind of endearing (if he weren’t a total piece of shit.)
He’s actually really good at making conversation. You two always have something to talk about.
He can’t believe someone as ‘not-him’ as you would ever waste your time with him. He explicitly tells you this at one point.
The red flags are BLARING GIRL.
In your defense, you really didn’t know how awful he was. You just thought he was a deeply flawed man. And he is, but he’s also just an ass.
*a horse
The relationship doesn’t last. It never does with him. Either you decide to cut it off because it’s too toxic, or he cuts it off. Probably in some drunken stupor.
typical BoJack.
Mr. Peanut butter X Reader! [ROMANTIC]
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I’d like to start off by saying it would be much less toxic than a relationship with BoJack.
But still problematic…
Mr. Peanut butter and you knew eachother before you were dating, probably friends for a little while.
You two end up dating and the beginning of the relationship is idealistic and perfect!
But problems quickly arise.
like for example, Mr. Peanut butter is kind and friendly but he isn’t exactly considerate or caring. He may care about you, but he ignores your needs sometimes. More often by accident.
For example, if you don’t like people-you’re still not getting left out of parties. Mr PB is more sympathetic and much less empathetic.
His love language is gift giving and words of affirmation. I think this is made very clear throughout the show.
Whether you like it or not….
He’s very open with people about your two’s relationship and how he feels about you. He’s quick to praise you.
aside from some of the inconsiderate mess he is literally a golden retriever boyfriend <3
he is VERY quick to ask you to marry him. But I feel like if you told him you’d think about it or ‘no’ he’d understand. It’s a big decision HE might be ready for, but you’re not.
Scratch his ears.
I feel like you’d date him at a point in time where Diane isn’t a problem anymore. He learned after the first time…,,,
Sometimes he puts his needs infront of yours-without realizing it.
If you want to have a serious conversation-you’re going to have to initiate it. He HATES those, and prefers to pretend like it never happened.
I feel like there’s honestly a chance of a long term relationship with him! Or you two break up like, maybe a year or so into the relationship.
sorry I haven’t responded to requests in, like, over a month. I’ve been kinda busyyyyfhhjjjgjg 😭
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total-feminism-takes · 2 months
Lesbian Courtney anon here I like to think we don't sexualize cartoons but sadly we do. (Not all of us do!)
Courtney I love her... but I am not ignoring her hatred and sexualization in the fandom.
I love myself now, well I am working it out, ok?
But I am Latina and was hypersexualize growing up by grown men as well as harassed sexually a lot times.
I know this bad take or awful thing to say but sometimes we writers use our favorite characters from TD (Me it's just me as a fanfic writer) I make Courtney seem so goddess like status with describing her body type but sometimes the way people expect Latinas to be wide hips, big butt, and etc.
But it's not because I believe all girls that love Courtney needs to be like that because that's bullshit.
You don't need be anything but yourself because you are killing it girl and you don't need to do much but exist is my opinion.
Oh yeah. The point is I need to make is women bodies are sexualized throughout history most our cartoons aren't made by women for women only. Society has failed us in many ways and forms along with sexualizing out cartoons for young and growing minds.
I am at fault too because I describe TD girls like goddess or from 'perfect' women yet it actually something I am unlearning through age and writing. I want them to be pretty but how I write them it sounds like shitty 80's heated romance book!
Looks aren't all that, it's a plus.
We shouldn't sexualize. We should learn to appreciate people how they are.
ALSO... Bimbos are needed and goth girl as well. Lindsay is beautiful and she can be a bimbo and still wear whatever she wants! Some bimbos, gothic, cheerleader, nerdy cosplaying girls, and etc, have been sexualize not because of their soul or maybe they shouldn't be dress like that in the first place. It's because some people are just awful seeing little girls to teens to women as objects/ to conquer and use. (Not all people but too much of them that causes feminine bodies feel awful of existing)
All these girls of TD could be more.
But now it's our jobs to do if we choose to, yes, we need to make safety place for children in the fandom too but a lot of children are curious about the world.
We can tag 18 plus all we want, fanfics of M and Up, and put not for child or minors yet it will take a community to raise these children in said community of TD Fandom. But we aren't their parents who control their search history, can delete their A03 accounts, and take away their Tumblrs.
So the question is how can we do better?
and etc.
Need better representation, so then write it, create it yourselves or ask someone to create for you, call us out when we fail you too.
Women are more than beauty and their bodies.
But remember not all think like that, I am a Latina who writes of her trauma onto Courtney.
I know that Leshawna is more than we got her hoops, her loudness, and mistreatment is overwhelming to someone to rewrite especially if you don't family members or 3D black teens representation in media. She should never needed be called gh*tto or all that stuff by anyone. I like her loud and proud, her dancing should be more in fanfics, and sometimes sadly some people in your community seem like a stereotype. I love Leshawna she reminds me of my older cousin growing up and she still has the hoops too! Guess what, she is married to a white man with two kids- she was stereotyped and treated awful by many even my own family. In end the day she loved herself still proud her but struggled with outside because people judge her on everything mostly them hoops, nails, speaks, and way she was.
I know that Lindsay is big chested and she can breath, everyone let her breath maybe make her love interest fall for her blonde hair or her eyes. We get it she's big chested... I am pretty sure her back is killing her doesn't need more the fandom trying make her uncomfy. Like if she was real person she would block half of us already! Also I love bimbo Lindsay and stupid act. Yeah I am say it she acting stupid because she was emotional wise, good friend, and even more.
(You don't need post this lol)
But Bimbo Lindsays! RISE UP!
Gwen transfem rise up too. (I feel like I have a whole rant gothic girlfriend trend that start years ago and in anger with bloodlust too. Because you don't actually see them as a person but to sexzaile them and sexual thing to flex on people on online like gross and I will end up in FBI custody for explaining I want fight men for only dating them for I just wanted gothic baddie toy but alive to date to fuck with not a person that actually is person with a soul)
I am sorry for cussing in my rant but I think fandom tends to sexualize these girls maybe too much and I am also at fault sometimes I have to put warnings don't copy this or this not how to treat teens and it's just my trauma hopping out again in writing... make them TD girls eat a sandwich and giggle about baby duck funny videos!
Where are you writer of TD fandom have more representation for the fandom?
I am she/them queer Latina girl I struggle with representation better for my girl Leshawna but goddamn someone save me not her!
You know why? Leshawna deserves the best and better than the stereotype and only being that stereotype. She can be more still wear them hoops!
Also, I am not like full black? I am mixed race to the point I don't what I am anymore. I wasn't raised in black experience, but I have acknowledged most people look at skin tone before meeting you which I don't like that but :/ it happens. Black experience in America is different for everyone but I didn't even grow up in it and that. Some my friends didn't tell half their experiences, but I been there in awkward moments where I was like you know what I am step for my girl and yell this fellow classmate for stereotyping her and fight if I have to.
Point is representation matter a lot and I hate sometimes use of gh*tto because links back to Jewish people centuries ago and people ahhha we need to learn history more stop using words that harmful to Jewish and Black community without least tagging harmful words are at use but writer doesn't support it like such.
That's it for now.
I am sorry and I understand if you ban me for the blog too for cussing and having awful take, I understand and will be respectful leave the blog alone. Love y'all peace out!
- 🧡
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blacknifealecto · 6 months
Top 5 Favorite creations of 2023
my darling @nameslikeguns tagged me and this is so fun
Rules: list your top 5 creations you made for this year. Creations can include any type of fic, any type of art, webweaves/comparatives, meta/headcanon posts, gifsets/edits, fanvids, playlists - anything that contributed to the fandom. These don't have to be your most popular - just the ones you love best.
the night does not belong to god - samdean necrophilia (9k) it was my first finished fanfic in like.....a decade after i kinda dropped off fandom and is to date the longest thing i've written and i go back and read it and go "man, i was on some real shit here"
curse of blood - winchester family wreath/bloodborne comparative i'm sick proud of how good this one came out, it rotated in my head for like a solid month and came out exactly how i wanted it to
my weapon of choosing - johndean, 2nd person pov from inside dean's head (6.5k) unquestionably my favorite fic i've written possibly ever. playing with second person was SO fun, and it resulted in my favorite paragraph i've written ever
lothric odollam: the dark urge - intro to my baby my awful wrech we know baldur gate did a number on me but my god i was not expecting to create an oc that i love so deeply and have so much FUN creating for
orange cassidy v jon moxley - wrestling caps edit i go back and look at these sometimes and am totally blown away bc like....something fundamentally changed in how i edit things in this one and i am OBSESSED with the result i got. thank u luminosity mask you are my lover
ok my beautiful big brained creative sluts its tag time:
@lucy-stillman @mandymovie @deanwinchesterpregnant @ahfolart @theangiediary @saltbind @arcanespillo
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lady-lostmind · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you @emryses for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've only written Stranger Things so far.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Steve Harrington. Are you kidding me? Temptation Heat, Beats Like a Drum. Happy Valentine's Day, Big Boy. This is the coin I had in my pocket the first time we kissed and I always have it. And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I try to at least reply with something so people know I saw their comment and appreciate it.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a happy ending girlie, honestly. (I also have a lot of WIPs so they don't have an ending yet.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
As far as actually finished fics goes, probably Steve Harrington Are you kidding me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a few comments here and there that weren't the nicest or could have probably been left off. But mostly I've gotten good feedback.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! I always convince myself it's not very good but it's fun to write! And I really just write whatever fits the story? I don't think I really have anything I particularly favor.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not. I don't usually read crossovers either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I haven't!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No I haven't but I am in awe of people who can do that. That seems so difficult to me.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I think Steddie is always going to be top dog for me, honestly. I've read fics for such a long time but Steddie is the first that got to me enough that I actually started creating things for it as well. And the brainrot is still going strong.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I honestly plan on finishing all my abandoned WIPs at this time!! I guess if I had to pick it would probably be Coin just because it's the one I've struggled the most with. But I'm hoping to come back to it still!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oh man. That's a tough one. I think...character voice. I think I do a pretty good job of grasping a character and sticking as closely to what feels most like them at least, in my mind.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Honestly I think just my own confidence and need for external validation. I wish I could just write for myself and enjoy it regardless of how well something does. I also just really struggle with writing in longer bits. I tend to write in little snippets and pieces ad it takes so long to get anywhere that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I would ever try. I don't speak any other language and trying to master the nuance of speaking in one while relying on like...google translate just doesn't sound like it would go well.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stranger Things! Steddie was my first dive into writing fanfic at all.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I am so incredibly proud of And You May Find Yourself. I stepped outside my comfort zone a lot for this fic all the way from the themes to just actually reaching out and being more a part of the Steddie community. I've made some great friends through the process and have signed up to be a part of way more than I originally planned on when I decided to so the Steddie Big Bang. I still have two chapters to write for this one and although I'm really looking forward to it finally being done I'll absolutely miss the version of these characters I created for this go around. I hope people love them as much as I do.
zero pressure tags: @oh-stars, @karadanverss, @rindecision, @lihhelsing, @starryeyedjanai, @azrielgreen, @eddywoww, @lexirosewrites, @thefreakandthehair, @thorniest-rose
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constantcompanion · 1 year
Committing my once-a-fandom crime of attempting fanfic.
The summary for next week’s episode mentions Buck developing some new abilities as a result of being struck by lightning. I’m sure it will be something like doing math (or, based on the preview, card playing), but wouldn’t be more fun if he developed some form of ESP? Or Eddie Sensory Perception?
Also, this is @darriness 's fault.
On AO3.
I Bet You Think About Me
It’s his first day back at the firehouse, and Buck is feeling fine. Great, even. Well, physically, anyway. If things in his brain are feeling, well, louder, that’s something he can deal with. He figures as he continues dealing mentally with everything that’s happened, that will get better too.
But walking back into work after those weeks away brings a sense of relief and calm he hasn’t felt in a while. This is where he is supposed to be, these are the people who he’s supposed to be with.
The calm is shattered quickly.
Buck opens the door to his locker, putting away his things, Eddie’s familiar voice behind him calling out, “welcome back!”
Buck turns and grins. “It’s good to be back.” He turns back to his locker.
*well, the time away hasn’t done any harm to that backside.*
Buck jumps, hits his head on the top of his locker, and yelps. What did Eddie say?
“You okay, there, Buck?”
“Yeah, um, I thought I heard you say something.”
“Nope. Just waiting for you so we can head upstairs.”
Buck pulls his shirt over his head to change into his uniform shirt, pausing for a second to catch his breath. No, Eddie didn’t say anything like that. He must have been imagining things.
*I’d like to trace that tattoo with my tongue.*
Buck chokes on his own saliva, hurriedly pulling his uniform shirt on, feeling his cheeks heat up. This is not happening.
“You sure you’re okay? You’re looking a little flushed.”
“Yeah. …I’m fine.”
The two men head up the stairs, Buck leading the way.
*yep, still looking good.*
Buck stumbles on the step. Okay, not again. He did not hear that, nope. Maybe being dead really did hurt his brain.
Eddie catches him by the arm. “Excited to be back, huh?  You’re practically tripping over yourself.”
“Yeah, that’s it. Totally. Just missed this place.”
Not so surprisingly, the pair are greeted at the top of the stairs with a loud “SURPRISE”. A large cake waits on the table, and Hen runs forward, arms outstretched to give Buck a big, long hug, followed by hugs and back slaps from the rest of the team.
Chim chuckles. “Welcome back, kid. Missed making fun of you.”
*oh I’ve missed that beautiful smile*
Buck closes his eyes. No, this can’t be happening.
Hen laughs. “Aw, look how touched he is! We’re so glad to have you back!”
Buck glances at Eddie, who is smiling fondly at the scene unfolding. What is going on? It’s clearly Eddie’s voice he’s hearing. But Eddie has never said things like this to him, and no one else seems to hear it. This is messed up.
Buck tries to act normal, hugging Bobby, joking around with Ravi, asking questions about thing he might have missed. But in the background his mind keeps turning over the things he’s been hearing. Or not hearing. And he watches Eddie and wonders. Is he imagining things he wants to hear Eddie say? Or could he be hearing Eddie’s thoughts? No, that’s not possible.
The alarm goes off, and the team heads out to their first call of the shift.
As the day goes on, and they respond to emergencies, things seem to be normal. The scenes are loud, and Buck is too occupied to notice much other than what he is focused on doing, and he calms down. None of that earlier happened, he’ll just put it behind him.
They return to the firehouse after their last call, each member of the team tired and ready to be done. Buck begins to pull off his turn-outs.
*apparently I do have a thing for a man in uniform.*
Buck’s face turns red.
*I wonder how far that blush goes.*
Buck leans his forehead against the wall, desperately trying to cool down.
Eddie looks a bit concerned. “I know I’ve asked this already, but you still doing okay? It’s been a long shift.”
“Yeah. Uh, yeah.”  Buck pauses, deciding whether to test his hypothesis. “What would you say if I decided to kiss you right now?”
“I would say you’ve been reading my mind.”
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longeyelashedtragedy · 3 months
tag ppl you want to know better game - tagged by @heffer-wen many many days ago! (i had so much fun reading your answers!)
last song: "shrike" by hozier. i liked this song fine when the album first came out, but 5 years later all of a sudden it's everything my brain needs to hear. something about how his voice sounds when it gets Loud--it's just filling all the spaces that are empty and expanding my lungs and i can breathe. yknow?
currently watching: nothing, sincerely. i've got a pandemic era frank interview queued up, but that requires actually staring at a video and paying attention, and i'm not very good at that. i mean i guess i've poked around a couple old youtube videos that are too incriminating to discuss. but!
in seriousness...i'm trash at watching anything most of the time. tv/movies were on a near-total ban in my house as a kid and i think i'm a product of this parenting choice (recommend!)
three ships: frank x mason, big gabi x willo, XHAKARTETA. hard to pick a favorite frank ship though...that could go in a lot of directions.
favorite color: Heff did i see hot pink and black? YES! my favorite colors are pink and black. runners-up: red and purple, though some reds and purples are better than others.
first ship: gosh...honestly, i think it was McLennon, hahah. that was the first ship i realized was a ship, though, because my friend introduced me to ff.n via that ship the summer after 8th grade. before that, i was informally shipping katarina witt with a whole bunch of people myself included. but yes, John & Paul. i didn't really have headcanons or anything though, i just read some stuff. the first ship where i was like I SHIP IT and went to read fanfic on LJ for it was *sigh* bellatrix/narcissa from harry potter. say what we will about JKR now, and i'm sure we all have, but some of the fanfic on livejournal went HARD. as a mere teenager, i was in awe of the adults writing all this stuff, and felt so privileged to lurk amongst them and occasionally comment. Would that fandoms were still like this!!!
place of birth: new york, ny in a hospital that's about to close. i was six days late because i was destined to be a sag and not a scorpio. i knew even then!
current location: just across the river and a little bit southeast.
relationship status: hardcore in my aromantic era. i used to be obsessed with love and having a special person and all that, but i don't know...the idea of having to have someone up in my business, entitled to knowledge about me, sharing a space with me all the time...it all just feels like a big NO these days. it actively makes my skin feel crawly. of course, life is designed for you to have a partner which is pretty frustrating. sincerely i'd rather just have a bunch of loving and interesting friends who all live near me. now, am i down for a hookup? sure, but the only part of me worth seeing is my head, so we move!
last movie: "encounter in the air," it's a movie directed by this albanian director whose stuff i love. he doesn't use music in his films, and films on location in/near his hometown in northern albania, and the...soundscape? is so rich and bountiful and gorgeous. you don't realize how noisy movies are till you watch one of these. (this was one of the very rare times when i watch something)
currently working on: reading my way through my library book pile, decluttering my leggings shelf, thinking of how i want to structure a potential fic about a ~75 year-old man having a drunk fuck with his son's wife (with motivations currently unknown to me--and what tone it should have? not my usual pedestrian tone, but how to do it differently? i do have some interesting sentences written down in the draft. i like the sight and then the memory of wet footprints on the hallway floor & mud from the football pitch and carelessly worn boots tracked through the house). also how i'd write some frank/anthony gordon england NT callup dubcon phone sex. now that was a whole serving of word salad. shit, imagine if i was writing TAA/szoboszlai or pedri/gavi.
tagging: @thatbrightblueshine @kvaradonaa @protect-daniel-james @medicalwastebouquet @thundercrack (answer on whichever of your blogs hahaha) and i KNOW i'm leaving people out so...YOU. if you want!!!! no pressure at all.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
hi! i just read some of your ask responses about chan while I love the take some people have in fanfic with Chan being like a father figure to the Theerapanyakul boys, i definitely agree with you more. he's korns right hand man, and likely the person that oversaw the boys' training as well. I mostly write kim-fic and ive thought a lot about his training and his "leaving the family" and personally hc that he hates Chan almost as much as he hates Korn, and probably has a good deal of trauma relating to him and his training! do you have any headcanons on a scenario where he survives the coup, and his role in the family later on (even after Korns death?)? I'd love to hear your thoughts !
(prev: 1, 2)
this isn't quite what you asked nonny, but i have a lot of thoughts about Chan's canon relationships and won't know where to go for post-canon Chan thoughts without talking about them first. so! post-canon thoughts towards the end, but first i will annoy you all with a mini rant on why i Do Not Like the "Chan is close to the Theerapanyakul boys" headcanon* 😂
(*this is not shade on that fanon or people who like it, this is just why i personally back out at the speed of light for anything that has them on good terms)
my first problem with this particular premise is that it makes zero sense to me. Korn would never in a billion years allow his sons to cultivate a close father-like relationship with anyone besides him. if Chan was close to any of his sons in a parental way, he'd shoot him and tell his son(s) it was their fault. Korn wants complete control over his kids, he wouldn't let them cultivate that sort of loyalty outside of family.
but also i just...why the fuck would Khun, Kinn, or Kim WANT a good fatherly relationship? they don't know good fathers. Korn is terrible, Gun is awful, Granddad is worse. there is one (1) good father in all of kp and he got killed in front of his son.
i get that people want these boys to have a good parent relationship. so do i! that's half the basis of my mama theerapanyakul characterization! but why do they have to have a good father relationship with anyone? this just screams of fandom forcing found-family dynamics into het nuclear roles again. why is it so prevalent that the true sign of a good relationship between these boys and any older man is a fatherly nature. ugh.
it's also just very OOC to me. Chan responds to the bodyguards bickering with Extreme Irritation. he looks so fucking annoyed when Big's upset during episode 6. any time someone brings him an emotion, Chan's mentally running through his escape route options. and that's with adults! Chan doesn't want to deal with kids, he'd be awful at it!
anyways, with that ~spicy~ pre-rant preramble out of the way, i don't actually have any headcanons about Chan and the boys specifically in regards to him training them. because with the exception of Khun, i don't think any of the boys' trauma comes specifically from violence.
Khun is personally very affected by violence i think, and i don't think he can overcome his aversion to it without a lot of distance from it and it being in the name of protection (see: his big reaction to Ken, but his ability to send out motorized cars with bombs) (tho i also point to how those bombs were distraction, and any kills from them were mostly by coincidence). but other than him, Kinn doesn't like violence but he doesn't have any issue with it and Kim almost relishes in it.
like, this is personal preferences, but i don't think the boys ever had physical training that was bad enough to give them trauma. 1) that is a terrible message for Korn to send to anyone, and Korn cares a lot about images. 2) in show, Korn never physically punishes Kinn when he's upset with him. he punishes Kinn's guards. Porsche's punishment in episode 5 was 100% directed at Kinn, and it fucks him up worse than any physical punishment Korn could've inflicted directly onto him, and Korn knows this.
for Kim specifically, Kim likes violence. and given how good he is at it, he's the driving force behind his own training and likely always has been, especially since Khun was likely kidnapped when Kim was very young. i don't think Korn ever had to 'encourage' Kim to violence.
Kim ran away from Korn's control, not the family violence. i think Kim looked at the role his uncle had forced Vegas into and realized that it, or something very similar, was his destination if he didn't run as fast as he could. he loves his brothers dearly and while he probably does fear them reacting to his love of violence the way they do to Vegas, i think his bigger concern was Korn turning him into a weapon against Kinn. because Korn certainly tries to. and with someone like Korn, who sees the world in terms of things (including people) that are and are not beneficial to him, there's no playing against his games. the only win is leaving the game completely.
this wound up being all about the boys ajfjf, back to Chan! i think all three brothers see Chan as an extension of Korn's control. they trust him...kind of. it's less of "we feel safe around you" and more of "you're familiar." in a turbulent time (like Korn's fake death), having Chan around at least feels safer because it's one less unknown to juggle. but there's not really space for him if Korn's gone. i think in any situation where Chan lives past the finale's fight, he's right back to being Korn's shadow and right-hand man, and if he can take a bullet for Korn, he will. but in a situation where Korn dies first...Chan wouldn't act out against the brothers. it's not advantageous to him. but there's nowhere for him to go. Kinn would keep him around, because of the above reasons and Kinn is extremely loyal to anyone he sees as 'his', even the ones that don't deserve it, but Chan's duties would still slowly siphon away to other people Kinn trusts more imo. Chan's still there, but he just...has nothing. Korn is his everything, and without Korn, he has nothing.
(personally, i'd have Kim kill Chan in any post-Korn survival situations. not because Kim has it out for Chan, i just really like the idea of Kim running a risk probability on him and deciding he doesn't like those risks for Kinn.)
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queen-susans-revenge · 4 months
Writer 20 Questions
seen via @findswoman!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Dragon Age, fairy tale retellings, and one fic each for Sherlock Holmes and Batman
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
so Fade to Black and Fade to Black and Back, my two multi-chapter smut series for Star Wars Rebels, are I guess going to be my enduring fandom legacy lol. 637 kudos for the first and 452 for the second.
After that it's...more smut, but Talk About It is Dragon Age smut, and I guess my most popular stand-alone story at 399 kudos.
Then it's back to Star Wars Rebels, but Wedding Dance (377 kudos) is a gen fic, so that's my most popular non-smut piece. Braided at 320 kudos is another explicit one.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always mean to, but sometimes when a bunch come in at once I get overwhelmed. I try and go back and respond to unanswered comments every time I revisit an old fic. Just this week I answered a couple that were seven years old *wince*. It's never too late, right?
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That's Scenes From Rivendell, no question. I can still make myself cry re-reading that fic. Poor Celebcarch.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings really, but I'll say the happiest is Marriage of Convenience, because it was written to provide a happy ending for Alistair and Anora--and that's a pairing that only arises out of some pretty grief-laden circumstances in Dragon Age: Origins. So that's the fic that takes something sad and makes it better.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
A couple times people have tried to chide me for writing smut, which is like ??? Did you not see ALL the warnings? My sister what were you even doing at the devil's sacrament?
9. Do you write smut?
I doooooo. Yes I do. I don't feel even a little bit bad about it, either.
Sex is important! It's one of the most intense, emotion-rich experiences in life! Especially in a love story--there is nothing that will tell you more about the dynamic between two people than showing how they have sex. And the smut is the part that's usually left out in mainstream media, so it's the big "missing piece" that I am often drawn to want to fill in, creatively.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't, but it would be a fun challenge.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes and it's the best feeling every time. Same for getting podfic made of my stories, or fanart. Just the best.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but from rp experiences, I think collabs are absolutely the way to go if possible. It just gets lonely writing on your own, and having a partner keeps the energy up.
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
Space pirate OCs. But excluding my own characters... man, I've had poor luck with my ships, honestly. Looking back through the characters I was really passionate about, canon screwed me one way or another on all of them. I loved Mulder/Scully, Xena/Gabrielle, and Kanan/Hera, and all of their shows went off the rails at the end, so I think about them all with a tinge of sadness now.
It's better to love your own characters, because then at least when you make awful things happen to them, it doesn't come as a surprise.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My only current WIP is a kid's book, and I hope I do finish it!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialog, and also there's a sort of lyrical register that I can shift into pretty easily (it's a trick I often use for endings).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, self-indulgence. Things like writing about Kanan's seaglass eyes, or people "growling" their dialog. Cheese, basically. I don't rein myself in too much for fanfic, but in original writing I have to be strict with edits because if I don't force myself to stay spare and restrained, I'm probably getting cheesy with it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Tricksy, very tricksy! It's certainly not something you can just hand off to Google Translate. I personally wouldn't do it unless I had some first hand experience with the language, or could consult with native speakers.
Funny story on that, for the space pirate novel, I had a bit where I needed an automated warning looping in various languages. The English was "Warning! Please evacuate the building!"
I asked my Russian friend to give me a translation, and he said I'd need to do some cultural translation first, because the Russian "would be a lot more direct. And they wouldn't say 'please.'" So he gave me Vnimaniye! Vyhodi zdaniye! which apparently translates more directly to "Attention! Exit building."
That's the kind of thing Google Translate can't do for you.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
X-Files. This was Usenet days. Alt.tv.x-files. Many many memories. At one point there was a spinoff group so we could roleplay, but not roleplay being in the show, exactly. Just like all living in a town. It was almost a proto-Tumblr.
I miss Usenet.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
It might be The Last of the Rebel Angels: that one's not the best, I don't think, but it's the weirdest and most ambitious. I had something to say, and even if I only managed to sketch it out or gesture at it, there's still a really tender place in my heart for that fic.
Any fic writers who'd like to fill out the questions, please consider yourselves tagged!
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
Fanfic asks! 28, 36, 43, 58 anddddd 74!
28. What area of writing do you want to improve in?
I find my dialogue generally kind of clunky, and very rarely can hear the characters/actors saying it (I legitimately teared up when @theonlyredcar said she could hear a specific line of dialogue in Customs about three chapters back) - which is especially awful, because I'm surrounded by writers with perfect pitch for character voices! It's maddening, but at least I have a good mark to measure up to.
36. What fic are you proudest of?
Answered here, but I'll also chuck "a little more comprehension than a machine, and still feeling like a lost soul" into the mix. I have a couple quibbles with some of the details (having thought far too much about the plot of 1899 and what happened before episode one) but I like the dialogue, I like the characterization of Maura (& Eyk, when he's sober enough to show up), particularly, I like the sense of inescapable dread, and it has me shamelessly abusing one of my favorite devices - Character A referring to something as "your (Character B's) something" as an indicator that Character B is taking up far greater real estate in Character A's thoughts than either of them could have anticipated.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I know I've talked about this to you (& @fatherramiro has also been really kindly encouraging!) but I have the bare bones of a 2099!Maura gets marooned For Reasons in 1899 post S1, and I've been sort of picking at the big character beats I want/how the world actually works but it's been so sincerely daunting that it's just notes on an envelop right now.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
If you take a shot every time I describe a character as "more marble than man" you might get liver damage. I don't have a blorbo type I swear.
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
I know drabbles (and drabble-adjacent fic) tend not to get much love, and it's for the least popular characters in the fandom, but I genuinely loved "bear your neighbor's burden" for a missing scene from the starting section of FO4 and while I got a very kind note from a friend, from the fandom at large ... pretty much nothing. Well, I got kudos-botted, which felt actively insulting.
Fanfiction Writing Asks!
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simp-ly-marvelous · 2 years
Rant Ahead-
The dudebros complaining about the most recent She Hulk post credit scene is so fucking hilarious to me because these guys are the densest motherfuckers out there.
Like, on one hand you’ve got all these grown ass men whining and crying over a POST CREDIT scene for a fun character from COMIC BOOKS in a FICTIONAL world throwing it back with Megan Thee Stallion. Like,, everything else that has happened thus far within the MCU was fine and excusable but god forbid that She Hulk twerks, like what??? “But it’s cringy” man shut the hell up, what’s cringy is you being a bitch baby over something as harmless as this.
Which bring me to my next point, it’s the M FUCKING C U. It’s GOING TO BE CRINGY. She Hulk dancing is the least of your worries you dumb fucking bitch. Look, I enjoy MCU movies, I do, but I’m not going around pretending like it’s peak cinema. They’re entertainment, they’re movies to just watch and enjoy and to provide you with an escape to a more marvelous universe than our own. It’s YOUR own fault that you have this ideology that MCU movies are on some pedestal and therefore things like women dancing in one single scene brings it off that high and mighty pedestal. Get a life!
Then on another hand they show what little comprehension and critical thinking skills they have (big surprise there) by comparing this post credit scene to a comedy lawyer show to big climatic events that took YEARS in the making, such as Tony’s sacrifice and whatnot and say shit like, “Oh, what a downgrade.” Like no? That’s not how this works? The end credit scene where Captain America stood in front of a white screen and talked for like two minutes was fine but She Hulk can’t dance with Megan Thee Stallion?? We have She Hulk throwing it back on screen with MEGAN THEE STALLION and you want to COMPLAIN???
Am I saying that She Hulk is perfect? No, I’m not. However, this ongoing pattern of the dudebros continuously complaining about Phase Four projects is so frustrating and hilarious at certain times. Like if these fictional shows about made up characters from comic books you most likely don’t read really bothers you, then do everyone a favor and actually commit to your comments of, “I’m not watching another MCU thing again.” They keep saying shit like that yet they keep coming back. “Mid. I’m not watching this shit.” Okay?? So don’t?? How about you go get a hobby or something? Or if you don’t like canon take to fanfic like everyone else you privileged bitch.
One day I just hope that stuff like Marvel and Star Wars becomes so diversified that it gets rid of dudebros as a whole.
I hope that there is just so much queerness and color in mainstream media that all these cishet (mainly white) men just leave their toxic selves out of the fandom and its space. Man, I WISH the MCU was as diverse as they’re making it out to be. Boohoo there’s a woman on the screen, aw waa-waa someone who isn’t European looking, oh no a two second clip of something gay that can be easily edited out for other countries? Goddamn.
Anywho, that’s just a little rant because I can’t believe people were upset over seeing She Hulk twerk. I thought it was great, I loved it. If they had her being her muscular comic book self I think I would’ve physically swooned, but nothing’s perfect.
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wyverncult · 1 year
copying u. 001 matel gear 002 otasune or whoever else u want to talk about. 003 SNAKE !! or strangelove <3
this took so long to do
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: basic as hell i love SOLID SNAKE though, i love his writing soo much. i also like miller strangelove & otacon. shoutout to amanda for being the only helpful bitch in all of PW though & mantis for looking like that
Least Favorite character: ROSEMARY. sorry. their relationship in 2 made me feel insane
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): IM BASIC... otasune, bbkaz, strangeboss. not favs but i also like fox/gustava & maybe bosselot
Character I find most attractive: genuinely this is hard. probably big mama she's cool as fuck
Character I would marry: raiden should ditch rose and get with a man like me. i don't want to marry him i just think i could treat him better
Character I would be best friends with: let's be real it's probably otacon
A random thought: ^ spent 3 minutes wondering about otacon's love for anime and whether he really liked it or if it was a thing fandom took and ran. i think he does like anime i just also think the whole terrorism thing took over his life for a minute
An unpopular opinion: i dont think rising is bad but i dont think its a masterpiece either. i think its moral is just currently relevant rn 👍
My Canon OTP: strangeboss OF COURSE
My Non-canon OTP: otasune & bbkaz ofc. bbkaz is dubiously canon though so... Schrödinger's canoninity
Most Badass Character: PROBABLY EVA she's just off the shits 99% of the time honestly
Most Epic Villain: i'll be honest even though she didn't get much screentime the boss is the most iconic & her battle was difficult. also made me cry
Pairing I am not a fan of: ......snox, so sorry LOL
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): MGS4 NAOMI. FUCK.
Favourite Friendship: otasune 100% no matter whether what they intended was platonic or romantic i love their partnership the most
Character I most identify with: i mean ill use miller as my icon but i do not identify with or agree with him at all LMAO
Character I wish I could be: UM. NONE. HELP. i WOULD dress like mantis in a heartbeat though.
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: i'd heard about them beforehand but i didnt know who they were until i started playing the game. probably when i got to the Do you think love can bloom? line i was like. was that necessary LOL and thats about when it cemented
My thoughts: GRRR they compliment the other so well. also they seem like pretty bad parents in 4 but i wanted to see more of that and whether it was just everything coming to a crux
What makes me happy about them: i just really appreciate the amount of trust one puts into the other & keeping the one's life in the other's hands. sooo good.
What makes me sad about them: all of mgs4 GRR. i love it it just makes me sad
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: wish there was more than just fluff or philanthropy-era fics
Things I look for in fanfic: post mgs2-era & longer or more seriously-toned fics :]
My wishlist: i wish we got to see between mgs2 and mgs4! that & i wish we got to see more of sunny, maybe in side content, or see otacon post-mgs4 (mgs4 novel is written in past tense but it doesn't exactly count). also someone drew concepts of a co-op game with otacon and snake and i need that in my life
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Mmmmmmm. no clue. i ship snake with weasel sort-of jokingly LMAO
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: HES MY BEST FRIEND HES AWFUL AND I LOVE HIM
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: see above ^ otacon & to an extent weasel
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: OOH. i love his seniorship to raiden & of course i have to mention sunny. thinking about his relationship (or lack of) to big boss and liquid also makes me feel insane though
My unpopular opinion about this character: none off the top of my head!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: normally id want them to put the main protagonist to rest but I'll be honest i DO want another game with snake. that or books about things we havent seen happen. a book written from his pov would be really interesting
Favorite friendship for this character: YOU ALREADY KNOW IT !!! otacon is his lover and best friend
My crossover ship: i don't do crossovers, can't think of any!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: SHE MAKES ME REALLY SAD id really like to see more of her. ellie you and me lets listen to her tapes sometime i haven't finished them
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: need you ask
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: we didn't really see much of it but her relationship with big boss is extremely interesting just by association of the woman they both lost
My unpopular opinion about this character: i can't believe this is an unpopular opinion.. she's a lesbian 🤯 Also i think that her having a child w huey is fucked up on her part but also extremely funny. sorry you got involved strangelove
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: UGH. we should've seen more of her. shes such a background character it is genuinely sad
Favorite friendship for this character: ... this girl has friends? so sorry..
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Hooked (Jerome X Reader)
Ok, so this is a thing. I was kinda surprised nobody had used this scene yet, because the Gotham fandom seem to collectively agree that Jerome is BIG KINKY and yet the one scene where he canonically has people cuffed up and hung from the ceiling... nobody has touched??? Y'all have been sleeping on that scene! It's fanfic gold! Anyway, enjoy the hedonism. Much love xxx
Warning: SMUT, 18+, GRAPHIC SEXUAL CONTENT, BDSM, bondage, cuffs, dom/sub, vaginal fingering, oral sex, biting, spanking, slapping, pussy slapping, light choking, spitting, belt whipping, praise/degradation, marking, mention of scratching, Jerome is big meanie pants mean man
The new mayor of Gotham is having a meeting with his council members, but things take a turn when the Legion of Horribles show up to kidnap them and reader. When the victims are being unloaded from the truck, Jerome Valeska notices reader, because she isn't exactly on the guest list.
Tag list of lovelies: @gabile18 @valeskaduh @fangirl--writes @persephoneblck
I had been working as a housekeeper for the new mayor. It was a good job, but I wasn't appreciated. I was just there to clean and serve when needed. I don't think he even knew my name. I was just hired help to him. To all of them.
He was hosting a dinner for his council that day. I had been placed in the corner of the room with a bottle of expensive wine where I was to wait until wanted. He gestured for me to come forwards and fill their glasses while they started talking about their displeasure with the rising foul play in the city, like it was anything new for Gotham. The chairwoman wanted to know what he was going to do about it. Very little in my opinion. He was just coasting. In too deep over his head. He had been appointed far too fast and everyone knew it. He wasn't going to last.
He made an attempt to save face and talk about how he too was disturbed by the recent goings on and was doing everything he could. Trash, utter trash. As he rose from his seat, the lights fizzled out. I stopped pouring. Had this been any other city I would have assumed it was a simple power outage, but nothing was that simple in Gotham. The security guard closed us in and went to see what was happening. The air turned icy. No, this was not good. Gunshots and screams came from the hallway and everyone rose from the table terrified. We quickly started walking towards a door hoping to make an escape, but there was something about the windows. They were freezing over.
The doors burst open and I dropped the wine. It smashed into pieces as a blueish man in some kind of robotic suit and a weird looking, but huge gun stepped into the room. Was that Victor Fries? Then through the second set of doors another man in a top hat who I recognised as Jervis Tetch burst in with some other strange looking friends.
Before I could comprehend the situation, we were all being cuffed and taken outside. Our kidnappers pushed and pulled us towards a huge truck, all the while the mayor tried to buy his way free. He was showing just how little he really knew about the underbelly of Gotham. I knew just by looking at them that they were probably Arkham escapees and couldn't be bought like a sane man could. They had their own plans and you can't bargain with crazies.
We got to the truck and they opened the back door. My blood ran cold when I saw that standing there waiting for us was Jerome Valeska. Of all the criminals Gotham had seen he had been the only one that had scared me, truly and thoroughly. He didn't have any kind of reason for what he did. He just enjoyed death and chaos. And after his last escapade he looked like madness personified, his scars circling his face and eyes and giving him a permanent evil smile. Dread consumed me as I realized that he was no doubt the leader of this operation and if that was true, we were already dead.
I felt myself jolted forwards. The mayor had pushed me in front of the rest of the council to get whatever was coming first. If I wasn't cuffed, I would have turned around and broke his nose. I was lifted into the truck, my hands were pulled above my head and fixed to two hooks. I had to stand on my toes to keep standing which made it awkward and difficult as they pushed me to the back of the truck.
Was that Penguin? What was he doing here? He didn't belong here. I had gone to Penguin looking for a job in his club when I was 16. He was impressed with my audition, but when he asked my age, he rejected me.
"This establishment is not a playground for children. It's a nightclub." He had told me. At the time I had been steaming mad, but in hindsight he was probably right. Even if he was rude. So, after that, I found it hard to understand why he was here and working with Valeska. Maybe he had been kidnapped too?
The rest of the council were loaded on and hooked. The mayor was still trying to offer them money and pardons. When he saw it wasn't working, he resorted to empty, unintimidating threats. Jerome was completely unfazed and even a little disappointed in the lack of smiles.
"Nobody knows how to have fun anymore, right?" He said putting his arm around Penguin. So, he was a part of this.
Jerome pointed to a scary looking figure dressed like a scarecrow. Johnathan Crane? Crane released some kind of purple gas in the face of a member of a council. She started laughing and convulsing violently.
"What have you got to lose? Except your sanity?" Jerome joined in the crazy laughter. So, this was his plan. He'd figured out a way to forcefully drive everyone insane. With a gas.
I silently prayed to God in my mind for any kind of help.
After sufficiently terrifying us half to death, they left us in the back of truck. None of us could say anything and after a few minutes the truck started moving.
"Is she ok?" I asked looking towards the victim of the insanity gas.
"Who cares?! We have to figure out what they want and get out of here." Replied the mayor.
"Maybe they want publicity for whatever that gas is. Offer them some TV time." Guessed the chairwoman.
"Don't you get it?! This isn't a situation you can buy your way out of!" I snapped, frustrated with their idiocy.
"These aren't normal criminals. They don't want your money. They want chaos and madness." They stood there silently stunned. They had never heard me speak with such confidence, but in that moment, they knew I was right.
After what felt like hours the truck finally stopped.
"What's going on?" The mayor whispered.
Everything was quiet. We listened for any noise or sign of life. All we could hear was our own breath.
Then suddenly the doors flung open once again and in hopped Valeska, Tetch and Crane.
"We're here!" Jerome grinned.
The other two started to pull the council one by one off the hooks and walk them out of the truck, closely watched by Jerome. Until they got to me.
"Wait..." He stuck an arm out to stop Tetch from unhooking me.
"Who's she? She wasn't on the party list." He took a few steps closer to me.
"This poor young girl is an unlucky maid. Wrong place, wrong time. Very bad day." Jervis explained looking at me.
"Would you like me to... dispose of her?" Asked Crane, stalking close to me and lifting needle covered fingers to my throat.
"Not so fast, Mr Potato Head." Jerome said pulling him away from me.
He came so close that we were only inches apart. He looked down at me as if he was thinking for a few seconds then smirked and turned around to the others.
"Guys, go and see that our guests are comfortable, will ya? Get everything ready." He ushered them out of the truck. Fear travelled up and down my body. This had all been a bad situation, but being alone with Valeska scared the hell out of me.
"You're lucky I have a soft spot for pretty little girls." He closed the truck doors and turned to look at me.
"Freddy Krueger there... not so much." He relaxed, leaning back against the doors with his hands in his pockets. "You got a name?"
I stayed silent, more out of fear than defiance. He sucked his teeth and stood up straight.
"I get it. You're scared. Who wouldn't be, right?" He started slowly walking closer. "But things will go a lot smoother if you just play nice."
I still couldn't find any words.
"Aw, come on, doll! I'm getting awful lonely over here." He brought his hands up out of his pockets and leaned against a wall of the truck.
He was quiet for a few seconds and I noticed that his eyes were making their way up my legs. Being held up by my wrists on my tip toes had pulled my uniform skirt up and almost all of my thighs were exposed. I blurted out my name in an attempt to distract him from my bare legs. He smiled.
"What a pretty name. Now, was that so hard?" He pushed himself off the wall and came a little closer.
"So, you're the mayor's dust bunny, huh? I gotta say, doll, I can see why he keeps you around." He chuckled, eyeing me.
My whole body flushed and my face turned hot and red.
“But, uh, the thing about mayors in this town, they don’t last very long.”
"Please let me go." I whimpered.
"Oh, but we're having such a good time! Plus, if I did that, you'd scamper off to the GCPD and I can't have good ol' Gordon crashing the party early."
I scoffed at his suggestion. Not likely. I had a distinct distaste for the GCPD. They hadn't helped me when I needed them. I would never need them again.
"What's the matter? He book ya before or something?" Jerome smiled with intrigue.
"My parents... they... did things to us. When I ended up in the hospital one too many times..." Tears stung my eyes as I remembered. "They left me there and disappeared with my little brother. No one ever managed to track them down."
I didn’t fully understand why I was opening up to Jerome, but for a second, I saw a spark of humanity in his eyes. Like he understood my pain. I'd heard his first kill had been his mother, so maybe he did?
"I'd give anything to see him again." I sniffed and a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Yeah, I had shitty parents too." He sighed. "I killed them both."
I had thought about what I would do if I ever saw my parents again. What I would say, what I would ask. I could never think of the right words. But the thought of killing them, well that made me smile.
"What was it like?" I asked.
Jerome grinned from ear to ear and stepped closer so that we were toe to toe.
“Have you ever stood at the edge of a really tall building? You know that little voice in the back of your head that says ‘Jump! You can fly!’ even though every other part of you is screaming ‘No you can’t! You’re gonna kill us!’”
I nodded shakily.
“It’s like finally giving in to that voice. Like jumping off Gotham Bridge and finding out you can fly. And realising you never have to walk again.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat and my heart felt like it was going a million beats per minute. His eyes were locked on mine and it felt like he was looking straight into my soul.
“You wanna fly, doll?” He brought his hand up to cup my jaw and ran his thumb along my bottom lip.
It wasn’t humanity I saw in Jerome Valeskas eyes. It was freedom. A freedom that I had wanted for as long as I could remember. And I could have it right now. He was offering it to me. The only thing standing in my way was myself.
“Yes.” I breathed. “Yes, I do.”
The next thing I knew, his lips were crashing into mine and he had hooked his hands under my thighs and was holding them around his waist. His kiss was desperate and hungry, like he had been starved for days and his grip on the bare flesh of my thighs was rough enough to leave bruises. I locked my ankles together behind him to steady myself from swaying underneath the cuffs. When I did, he drove his crotch forwards, grinding into my centre, a quiet moan escaping me as I felt him.
He slowly trailed a hand from my thigh, up my back and to the nape of my neck, before balling my hair in his fist. I gasped as I felt the sudden, sharp tug of him pulling my head back.
His eyes wandered down to settle on my exposed throat, before yanking my head to the side and nestling in the crook of my neck. He must’ve left a hundred open mouth kisses, but as he started to suck, I felt his teeth sink into my skin. I pulled back with a hiss at the sting, but he wouldn’t let go. He just kept on leaving harsh, red bitemarks and pulling my hair, all the time grinding harder into me.
He licked over the bruises he’d left and gently kissed them, before trailing his tongue up my neck to nip at my ear. He smiled darkly and pulled back away from me, dropping my legs back to the floor. He stalked around me, eyeing me up and down like a predator. I felt him behind me, his hands softly holding onto my waist, pulling me close to his chest.
“You know what’s great about this?” He cooed. “You’re already pre-cuffed.”
I flushed and my core swelled hot, his breath so close to me made my skin tingle all over. He pulled at the top of my skirt and dragged it down my hips, letting it fall down around my feet. He caressed my thighs and then stepped back, tugging at my underwear, playfully letting the elastic snap back to me.
“Y’know...” He said, before the familiar sound of a belt unbuckling. “Marquis de Sade said ‘sex without pain is like food without taste’...”
My eyes widened at his words and my heartbeat quickened.
“So, let’s make this... delicious.”
A million thoughts raced through my mind, but before I could process any, I felt the sharp snap of leather against my ass. I jolted forwards and let out a high pitch yelp.
Even though I couldn’t see him, I could tell he was smirking. I could hear it in his voice. I bit my lip in an attempt to brace myself and he landed the belt across me again.
“Please, Jerome...” I whimpered at the sting, closing my eyes.
He brought it down again, making me arch my back in a gasp. A couple of tears rolled down my cheeks and I realised there was little point in resisting the torment. So, I gritted my teeth and prepared for another lick of the belt.
He whipped me once more, harder this time and a small scream escaped me.
“Please!” I begged.
I heard him chuckle with dark delight. The bastard was enjoying this. Of course he was. What else had I expected from someone like him? I tightened all my muscles for the next sting...
But it didn’t come. Instead, I felt him pulling my underwear down. Relief washed over me when I heard the belt drop to the floor and I realised Jerome was finished and was now crouched, ready to inspect his work. He ran his fingers over my burning flesh, taking in the bright red lashes he had left on me.
“What a pretty picture?” He said, landing a spank. “I wish you could see too doll, but having you cuffed is half the fun.”
His voice was dripping with venom and arousal and I could practically feel his grin in the air. He traced the marks with his fingers a little longer, before grabbing my flesh in fistfuls and sinking his teeth in. I gasped loudly at the hard bite. I wasn’t sure how many more of Jerome's surprises I could take. He laughed and ran his tongue over the new bruise.
“Yep. Definitely a pretty picture.” He smiled, giving me another spank. “I like those little noises you make, doll. Why don’t you make some more for me?”
He snaked his hand up my inner thigh and began stroking along my slit, relighting the fire in my stomach. I moaned, biting hard on my lip and tried to bring my thighs together, wanting friction.
“Naughty.” He said, landing a swift slap on my entrance causing me to let out a little yelp. “I need you to keep those legs open for me.”
It wasn’t as bad as the belt. In fact, it felt quite good. The heat inside me swelled as Jerome returned to running his fingers back and forth in my slickness. I hummed softly in my throat, fighting the urge to close my thighs again, my knees starting to shudder underneath me.
“Look how wet you are and I’m barely touching you.” Jerome chuckled darkly. “I wonder what happens if I do this?”
Jerome plunged two fingers deep inside me and slowly started pumping them. I let the warmth roll through me, moaning blissfully. He gently started to pick up speed, making it nearly impossible for me to keep my thighs apart. The faster he got, the deeper he dove, making me tighten around his talented fingers and struggle to keep steady on my toes.
My legs were shaking and despite my best efforts I just had to squeeze them together. As soon as I did, Jerome removed his fingers from me, leaving me feeling empty and spanked me hard.
“What did I say about that?” He barked, laying down another spank.
His spanking felt different this time. It felt pleasurable and sent a thrill up my spine.
“Sorry.” I whimpered.
“Sorry for what?” He spanked me again. “For being a needy little whore? Hm?” Another spank.
“Yes!” I gasped. “I’m a needy little whore! I just...”
“What? You just what?”
Jerome landed another slap at my core. It made my muscles clench, but it also aroused me so much more in a way I’d never thought I’d experience.
“What? What do you want, whore?”
“Big words, princess. What...” Spank. “Do you...” Another spank. “Want?”
“I want... I want you...” I forced, breathlessly.
“You want me? What do you want me to do, princess?” Jerome teased, tracing a finger along my burning entrance, just barely touching me.
“Please... Make me feel good, Jerome... Make me cum.”
“Are you gonna be a good girl?”
“Are you gonna do as I say?”
“Yes, I will.”
“Exactly as I say?”
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Just please...Jerome.”
I couldn’t take it any longer. I felt so pathetic and needy. I needed him to touch me.
“So desperate.” He giggled sadistically. I supposed he loved seeing me beg.
Then, finally, he spread me open and dove his tongue deep into my wanting warmth. I closed my eyes and bit down hard on my lip as he swirled his tongue around inside me. I wanted to grab his hair and feel it in my fingers, but all I could do was squeeze my fists together in empty frustration.
Jerome grabbed a hand full of my ass, gripping it tightly, digging his nails in and rose his other hand to my pelvis front, pulling me down further onto his tongue. I squealed, a delightful mixture of pleasure and also pain from the tugging on my aching forearms. He ran his front hand down to play with my swollen clit, circling his fingers around beautifully.
He grinded his face deeply into me, sliding his tongue up, down, around and around inside me. He pressed his fingers down harder on my clit, forcing a loud moan out of me. I felt the pressure inside me build, coiling and tightening like a burning spring. I squeezed my thighs around his head in a desperate attempt to pull him deeper, his tongue nestling inside finding all of my sweet spots and lighting them on fire.
I could feel myself ready, ready to burst. He was pulling an amazing orgasm out of me and I wanted nothing more than to just let it go. All it took was one more upward jolt of his head, pushing his tongue that last little bit deep enough to push me over. I screamed out in erotic pleasure, letting the feeling flood me like warm water. My back arched and my legs convulsed until I withered, letting myself dangle from my cuffs in a breathless defeat.
Jerome slid his tongue out of me and pulled his face back away.
“You sing so pretty, dollface. Like a little birdie.” He said, squeezing the flesh off my ass.
He gave me one more light bite and a spank, before he rose back up to stand, snaking his hands along my sides all the way. He let his hands wander up to cup my breasts, massaging them softly. He leaned in close and began leaving wet kisses in the crook of my neck. I shuddered, his touch sending a cool tingle down my spine. He let his hands squeeze my breasts slightly harder, then pulled away and crept back around in front of me.
He stood facing me, his eyes locked on mine. They seemed to burn holes right into my flesh, creating a sense of fear in me. I was scared of Jerome Valeska, I truly was. But everything he was doing to me right now... The way he touched me, kissed me. I wondered how he managed it. How he was able to both terrify and arouse me in equal amounts.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t register his hand rising until it was firmly wrapped around my throat. He leaned down to kiss me, dominating my mouth with his tongue, making me taste myself. Once again, I felt the familiar warmth build in my core as I sensed we were not quite done here. He finished the kiss with a little nip to my bottom lip.
“Are you scared of me, doll?” He purred.
I swallowed hard, unsure if truth was wise here. Then I felt him increase the pressure around my throat, not wanting to wait for an answer.
“Yes.” I breathed.
“Good.” He said through an evil smirk.
He crashed his lips to mine once again, his free hand picking up my thigh to wrap around him. I locked both my legs around his waist, wanting to feel him close against me. I felt his erection hard, under his clothes, grinding into me and I wanted it. Badly. He pulled away from the kiss, leaving his taste on my tongue and raised his hand from my throat to grab hold of my face. He took his other hand away from my thigh and pulled at his tie. I didn’t drop my legs this time, instead I gripped tighter as he slid his tie from around his neck and scrunched it in his fist.
“Open your mouth.” He ordered.
I did as he said and he smiled, before spitting into my open lips and gagging me with his tie. I’d never had anyone do that before and it shocked me a little, but then again, I’d never had anyone like Jerome Valeska before.
He backed up slightly, just enough for him to reach down and unzip his trousers and pull down his underwear, freeing his erection. I couldn’t help but look down at it. It was bigger than any I’d taken before and I wasn’t sure how prepared I was. He started to slowly stroke himself, lifting up my chin to look at me.
He gently stroked a single finger across my jaw and then, suddenly, landed a harsh slap across my cheek. I yelped at the slap, causing a dangerous smile to form on Jeromes mouth. I should’ve been repulsed by him. He killed people and was aroused by my pain and fear, so why was I so attracted to him?
He angled himself underneath me so he was lined up and ready. He wrapped his hand back around my throat and then pushed forwards into me, causing us both to let out deep moans.
“You like that?”
I nodded and whimpered through the material of the tie. Jerome giggled darkly and with his free hand, gripped onto my waist.
“Brace yourself, princess.” He warned, through a poisonous smile.
He pulled back slowly, until he was almost completely out of me and then, like a bullet, ploughed himself right back in, jolting me backwards with force. He continued his thrusting rough and fast, making me whimper and bite down hard on the tie. I closed my legs tightly around him, pulling him closer and forcing him in deeper.
He let out a low, guttural groan and moved his hand upwards from my waist to slap me again, spitting at my face as he did so. I closed my eyes to endure the onslaught of him pounding inside me like a raging animal. I felt like a toy, dangling there for him to use as he liked, but still the searing pleasure of it all made me moan lustfully.
“Open those peepers, princess.” He commanded. “I want you to see exactly who’s in charge here.”
I opened my eyes and saw him grinning at me like a man possessed.
“You like this? You like me fucking you?” He growled, gripping my throat tighter.
All I could do was whimper and moan in response.
“I cuffed you and hung you up, hurt you, spat on you... even made you cry! And you still let me fuck you?” He laughed through shallow breaths. “You’re pathetic, you know that? A pathetic little whore.”
Jerome threw another slap at me and I felt myself tighten around his considerable length, taking him all deep inside me. He drove up into me like he was trying to break me open with his girth and I welcomed every inch of it.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He moaned.
I clenched my walls around him, the feeling of being filled by him sending flutters through me as he pushed in deeper and laughed.
“I don’t think your pussy ever wants to let me go, doll!” He grinned. “But I already know you like taking my cock like this, cause you’re such a good girl for me... I like that.”
I flushed at his words. I didn’t know why, but it made me feel good to please him and, in that moment, I would have done anything for him. I could feel my ecstasy creeping up on me, like magma rising inside a volcano. I cried out wantonly, the heat rising as he worked me, exploring every detail of my canal with his thick shaft.
He let go of my throat and moved both his hands to grab onto my ass and squeezed, steadying me so he could pound me harder and climb to release. His thrusts became erratic and sloppy and I could tell he was just as close as I was. I moaned loudly as he rammed into me harder and faster, burying himself deeper and making my arousal burn.
I could feel it coming, so close. I was about to boil over and all I needed was him. Just him. He continued thrusting like a raging animal, digging his nails into my flesh and scraping them along my ass, stinging sweetly. I whimpered at the sensation and tightened my legs.
“Cum for me, doll.” He panted. “I wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
He plunged into me, pushing the magma higher and just so close to bursting. It was coming. I could feel it.
He pounded again. So close. Again and again, so hard inside me. Just a little more...
I screamed out, closing my eyes and letting everything go. The feeling of my orgasm washed over me like a tidal wave of pure elation. My whole body shook from the force of it and I trembled like a leaf. Jerome continued to thrust into me until he too reached his climax. He growled like a beast and I felt him throb, releasing his hot load of sticky lust deep inside me.
We both relaxed, catching our breath and he stared down into my eyes. He unlatched his hands from the flesh of my ass and brought one round to gently stroke my cheek with his fingertips. It was quiet, but only for a minute.
He threw his head back and laughed like the madman he was, before pulling out of me and stepping back. My legs dropped to the floor and he began to put himself away and zip his trousers back up.
“Well, that was fantastic, dollface. Thanks for playing nice with me.” He said, throwing me a wink.
There was a loud metallic knock at the truck doors and I guessed whoever it was, was trying to get Jeromes attention.
“It’s been fun princess, really. But time waits for no man and I’ve got a party to attend” He said, smiling at me. “Well, more like crash.”
When he turned to leave, I tried to speak, but all that came out was intelligible muttering. He wasn’t going to leave me here, dangling, half naked and gagged like this? Was he? He began walking to the truck doors and I tried to call out.
“Oh! Wait, almost forgot.”
I felt a flood of relief when he began walking back to me.
“I’m gonna need this back.” He said and pulled the tie out of my mouth.
I was glad to finally be rid of it, but my joy was short lived, because he was starting to leave again.
“Hey...” I croaked; my mouth dry.
“Yeah, I’ll have someone come get you later.” He said, too nonchalantly for my liking. “For now, you can just... well, why don’t you just hang out?”
He laughed at his joke and opened the doors.
“Hey! You can’t leave me here!” I tried to shout, but my throat was too dry.
And then... he was gone. He really did just leave me alone, half naked in the back of a truck. How long would it be before someone found me? An hour? Two? The rest of the day?
All alone with my thoughts now, I decided the only thing to do now was wait. Wait and try and go over what the hell just happened between me and Jerome Valeska.
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