#Managing anemia
fishoutoflovebeach · 14 hours
every time i talk to someone about my legs not working correctly or that im having pain in my knees, ankles or hips, i feel gaslit to believe they’re fine and im just overreacting. that my ‘temporary pain’ is just another way to stuff my face with painkillers so id shut up and be an able-bodied, working class citizen. that im crazy to think im ill because im as healthy as a horse [hehe michael rutherford reference] or it’s just something to do with my ever changing stressful situations [which is a whole other can of worms oh. my gods] or its my diet [this has actually been said to me before.]
when i know it isnt. i dont know what’s wrong with me, and i cant afford to know due to the damn usamerican health system. and i dont know if it would be forward for me to buy a mobility aid just so i can go on a walk without feeling sick halfway through [because morning walks are part of my everyday routine. if i dont something will go wrong, for me.] i was gutted out of money just because i went to get new glasses, getting a wellness check PLUS asking if i have POTS or a hypermobile disorder [which ive done research on, im not self-diagnosing myself] would put me in so much debt. [and im not counting the gender affirming care, which again is another can of worms that i would probably discuss more than my stress and trauma] when explaining my leg pains, i also bring up the fact that ive ran several small motor vehicles [go-karts and golf carts] into trees and fence posts respectively. could that be a reason for my pain? sure. but take it as a grain of salt. whether inflicted or not, pain is pain.
i feel like i whined a bit here, but after whatever happened today, i just want to reflect a little bit. maybe put an opinion in or something, i don’t mind. hearing from other people helps :>
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genderfluidgothwitch · 7 months
Fucking got my period right after I got home from work, not thrilled to say the least
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mooneln0ne · 1 year
hey idk if it's sensitive to ask, but how did you exactly almost die? (you can ignore this question)
It's ok Anon, I don't mind answering!! This week was my exam week and I'd been studying, sleeping, and drawing and I think it tired out my body to the point where I accidentally dropped to the ground and started twitching. I think it was because of my anemia? idk I'm fine now, that's really what matters to me My little brother told me that I looked like I died because I stopped moving after the twitching, so there's that
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edgepunk · 3 months
I wanna drawwww but I have no energy
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anavar-immela · 7 months
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2023 February-November books read.
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uswe · 1 year
Oh hey did u kno a1c (the way blood sugar over time is measured and a diabetes diagnostic) isn’t a number in isolation, it’s specifically in relation to hemoglobin (which is why it’s also called hba1c) and the numbers can be fucked up by anemia?
Anyway I’m going to try to put together an actual for reals study because I am mad as all hell, but poll time!!
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insomtiny · 2 years
but like i was fully cognitive the whole time i just got super dizzy and my vision was blurry and the right side of my body had like a light numbness/tingling sensation, but i was still walking and talking fine
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pentanguine · 1 year
I’ve been feeling extremely tired and run down lately no matter how much sleep I get, and I run out of energy in the middle of the day like someone’s pulled a plug on a bathtub.
“How unfortunate,” I said to myself, “this is just like I used to feel before I started taking multivitamins for the iron supplement. Too bad I’m already—”
Guess who hasn’t been taking their multivitamins
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medicaregate · 2 years
Iron Deficiency Without Anemia
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The most prevalent mineral deficiency is iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia affects 20% of the world's population. Iron deficiency without anemia is even more common.
Anemia is the most well-known consequence of iron deficiency because hemoglobin, a component of red blood cells, contains about 70% of the iron in adults.
Iron deficiency without anemia has been associated with:
Reduced exercise performance.
Difficulty in concentrating.
Poor work productivity.
Neurocognitive dysfunction including irritability.
Fibromyalgia syndrome.
Restless legs syndrome.
Symptom persistence in patients treated for hypothyroidism.
Poor neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants born to mothers with iron deficiency.
Iron deficiency can occur secondary to: -
Inadequate dietary intake.
Increased requirements (e.g., pregnancy and breastfeeding).
Impaired absorption (e.g., coeliac disease, bariatric surgery).
Blood loss (e.g., menstrual, blood donation, gastrointestinal).
The most precise and sensitive biomarker for determining ID is ferritin, which is a measure of iron stores.
Low ferritin is defined by the WHO as levels below 15 μg/L for adults and <12 μg/L for children.
In clinical practice, ID can be determined when ferritin levels fall below 30 μg/L.
A full blood count may indicate changes in iron status before the onset of anemia by falling values for mean corpuscular volume and mean cell hemoglobin as well as increasing red cell distribution width.
The first-line and safest treatment for symptomatic patients or those who are at risk of developing anemia is oral iron therapy. It is convenient and cost-effective.
Although there are many different types of iron supplements, ferrous salts (fumarate, sulfate, and gluconate) are preferred because they are most readily absorbed.
Read more at: https://medicaregate.com/iron-deficiency-without-anemia/
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
just fully collapsed bc of a dizzy spell but didn't spill my water at all 😎
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aria0fgold · 1 month
Honestly the thing I'm feeling is so messy that even I have no idea what it is cuz google is never as helpful with these things. I felt something like heartburn after eating corn on a cob, and then minutes later I felt a squeezing pain at the centre of my torso all while heartburn symptoms persists.
I went to eat marshmallow after awhile and then went to get chewing gum, both of them helped alleviate the heartburn symptoms for a few minutes where the burning sensation went away and I didn't feel any sour taste on my mouth anymore but the dull pain continued. And then by 12 am I felt the sour taste again and can even feel the pain and burning sensation from the centre of my torso travel upward to my chest.
By 1 am while I was focusing on my chest to see if it went away enough for me to sleep. My body temperature suddenly DROPPED! and it also felt like a small ball burst at the centre of my torso where the pain mainly happened and my heart started palpitating like CRAZY. My entire body even started to shake too and I couldn't steady my hands at all. Panicked, hurriedly got up from the pc to tell my mom bout it. And it took until 2:30 am for my body to stabilize in which I just sat and took deep breaths as advised by Aly during then (the heart palpitations stopped quickly though, I think it hasn't even been 5 minutes? the thing that my body took time to recover from was the shaking and just my heart generally not seeming stable anyway? It wasn't palpitating anymore but it felt weak as if it'll start palpitatin again any minute).
The pain at the centre of my torso vanished only to be replaced with a pain by the left side of my chest (which I suspected it being a pulled muscle from my sudden movements) and I also ended up having a dull squeezing headache after the whole heart ordeal passed (at first I thought it was just cuz I was holding back from crying that I don't even know why I felt like crying but even after that one passed, the headache stayed so not that ig). It took me until 6 am to feel assured enough to sleep, and now I'm experiencing what I think was heartburn, and then switched to acid reflux, and then back to heartburn, and I've never been confused my entire life. I just know that my main problem is: Stomach Acid.
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anftherapy · 2 months
Feeling the urgency? Our guide to bladder inflammation tackles symptoms, diagnosis, and effective treatments to get you back to feeling your best. 
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nutripyramid · 7 months
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idk-something-spicy · 9 months
Unsexy rant time
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northwestofinsanity · 10 months
Having a pet cat in the family with chronic illness, as a veterinary worker and student, is lots of nights studying CBC trends, and lots of phone calls between family and the hospital back home. It’s a tense mission, but an interesting one at that.
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icarusisbabygirl · 1 year
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